The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 28, 1893, Image 2

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TntTT-nonTii pst.
PrttATit. Aliersome routine bnslnes. Mr.
Will, of Texas. spoke, advocating repeal ol
of the Sherman ulrer bill. Mr. He art, of
vafa. then protested against any cloture
proposition, and after an executive session
(be Senate adjourned.
llm-sit There being no quorum present,
the majority again found themselves
powerless" to make nnr progress with the
bill to repeal the federal election lawl aud
adjournment lolloped.
Fr-isT!- The delmte on the silver bill wa
continued, but no action had w hen adjourn
ment ix-currcd.
Horn In the House an etritiug rebate
rrcirred on the Federal elect ion Ian-. In
Which the H nblicritis defended and the
Iiemocmts attiii ke I the law The ret ort ol
thef omniittie on l'.ules t as then ntretd li.
yeas 17i!. nays IK and the rsieukcr pro-rt-eded
to call the committee for rcjrt.
Mr. Tucker reported the fleml eictions
bill. It n plnc-d upon the Mouse calendar
and the House adjourned.
fohTlfTII PY.
Fxatf The lost hour of to-dav' session
of the senate n occupied in ediscn-sion of
the resolution of Mr. I'l.nt. Ilepuhlican. of
'onneciicut, for the establishment of a
rloture rule. After some debate the resolu
tion went over until to-morrow, when Mr.
Teller. Itepuhlicnn, of Colorado, will nruiM
against it. 1 lie re) eal hill was .lien tuken
up and an aruumciit niiint it made by Mr.
White, of aliforinn. who spoki
for over four hours. A lt-r he took Ins tt
motion waa made hv Mr. Vnorhees to In,
on the table Mr. IVffer's nun ndmctit t(
the bill. After un hour or an spent in fiij.
bulerinif Mr. Vonrhe.-withdrew his motion
but t tie discuis:on meiit on until 7 .;, when
the Senate adjourned.
II org i. Die 'ouimittee on Kulea report
esl a revolution providing fur the coiimdcr
ntion of the l-'edenil election bill on rcptem
ber it I. the delmte to continue until Model
lo, when a vote should ! taken. After c
brief discussion the n-olutioii was udopted.
After some routine business the House
tOf.TV fills- t'AY.
hr.NATK. Tin cloiu;e resolution which
was introduced in the sctinte yest -rdiiy by
Mr. I'liitt, Kepuhiican, of 'oniici t icut, wir
tsken up today lillil discussiil until lieurly
2 o'clock. when it wei.t over mini tomorrow
in order to irive Mr. 'lurpie, 1 (emocrat, of
Indians an opportunity to s-ak utou it.
T he real bill m then tuki-n up and
speeches against It were nnvlchv Mr.itenr.-e.
I 'cmo rut, of Mississippi ilunsboromtli,
l'epii'diciin of North I'aUota. nnd Mr.
Mcwort, Republican, of Nevada, The sentit.
tier n abort ex.-cuttve session adjourned.
JIiiisk. No husoes of liny importance
was transacted, end lifter u very bricl
aossion the house m i 1 1 r ; i . I .
rourv m i om. inv.
(iv.iik. A n solution loch clearly in
dicates that I'resi lent levchind mil I t
Hirui-iie l I n the I hited Mules senate to
liu rrow for violating the sp rit nl the Co.-i-slilution
in t-iidi-uvoring to drsirnv the in
h'ieiMlaiice ot t lie luu ni.ikiin; frmicli ol
the government by sci kim; to incree con
gress into the pusiti-e ol the rept-nl ti ll wn
introduced by fenntor .-tewiirt o! Nevada
This resolution declares that the ihilcpcti I
nice ol the co-otililiule departments of tli
.ovcrnuient inu-t he ma ntamed and that
the use of the ower and intl'iemv of oiif
U p.irliio nt to control the action o( another
ia hi v.olan. n of the constitution nnd de
tructivc of our I orm of i-oviniuient. 'Ih
introduction of the resoluiion created o
sensation. A d sciihshui ot the cloturo reso
lution occupied the lime of the hnlatice ol
the icsion. TTih resolution was tinally re i
ferred to the committee on rules, and the
acnaic aujoiirtieti.
Hot mt After a brief nnd important c
ton the bouae adjourn! until Monday.
object of prol-mfed perstmatatlack In the I
. " 1
senate to-dar on the part of senator Stewart
ailver Kep., of Nevada, who spoke for near
ly three hours on the resolution be offered
last Katurdny as to the relative independence
ot the three co-ordinate nrunches of the
tiovertmient. That inde-ndencu hcchnrn--d
the president with disregarding, (in not
causuiK the silver puri hase law and tin
ITiiimu exoliHion law to be fnithliilly exe
ruted. Hut worse I ban the tnm-cxecution
d these laws iipjs-ared to be. in Mr. Stowurl'i
pinion, the coutemptiioiis nllusioiis tc
t'onitri-ss whicli he fouml in some of Mr.
levelnud s letters and interviews. He was
nrlic-.ilarly t-nihitiercd at the President'!- 1
nljiision in one of his letters to "having
t'ongri -is on his hands." I bis wa nil lmll
inty bcyoini endtirHiice. Without concluii
ing his speeti. Mr. Stewart yielded lor an
executive session, nllcr which the s-enutu
Hoic The House held an j mi liferent
ession todav and devoted it utmost entirely
tothe consideration of the printing bill.
The only interesting matter in connection
with this bill were the efforts of Mr.
Meikoijolm. of Nebraska it new champion
of the printers, w ho lailed to secure un in
c reiu-e of the rates on conipoiitKn.
A Uummy Train I.oula 1 With t)t?lcsrs.
Two of the Danlits Are Kill-d and
tho others Captured.
The olllcials of the City. St. Jo-eph
onj Council lllufls road cleverly foiled an
attempt to rob one of its passenger tra-ns
at r runcis, nbotit two miles from St. Joseph,
Mo. Kred Koliler and Ihi'.'i Kngle, two
of the would be robbers, were kilie I, anil
N. A. Hurst, Charles I'rcdcricks, William
tiarver oii'l Henry (iltitr. thd otln r mem
lrs of the gang, were captured. tHiitre
escaped ut the time, but was taught l iter
The haiulits iiiteinbd lo rohtln; train due
at Si. Joseph from Knn-as in u .ij
o'clock Monday iiiornint;. I ho r nlro.i i
ollit ia.s learned ol the intend- . looiu -i-vutul
ent out a dummy train, an exact ilupm .no
of the one that Was t.) be robbed, on Iiil-Ii
was it lon e of 1 7 p,,!i,v. ,,. Hie diiiim.y
leiithcd a point two null s nor:i ot j
tph, the i-itMiin-ei's iitietitioii was inira.le l
by ii lighted lantern,; p, iu:d ;o be
tween the rails.
He obeyed ho ml-iibI and six masked men
Hurrouiidisl the engine. I ue mounted ih.-
ligine. and pre-eiiiiuj n levoiver at ti e
engineer a ni'd another at the I'.ie
ntaii s head. In-I I thtm in hiI.jk ii,,ii w h le
the other men bu t -lied to ron the t xpri-t
ear 1 hey ordi n d the messenger fo open
the door, wliu h le did. 'Jhiee of the
bandits at once i ntend the car and wi re
ornered to stirretnlcr.
'J l.e robbers were taUen completelv by
furprise. bu they opened t.r. The police
returned the lire and n general fusihnle l ii-
ltwcl. Ahoiit J.i shell were filed on b.
sides. None ot the miners wcio injured,
i lUK CAUBL.a 61,000,000 LOSS.
A Fearful Dlaze in thn Business Heart
cf Bt. Joseph, Mo,
Three solid blocks of thu lluest business
houses of St. Joseph, Mo., ure in ruin and
11,11.10.01X1 worth of property has been de
stroyed by a lire which sturted on the top
floor of tho eight story department house of
Townscnd fi Wyatt,
A strong wind carried the flumes across
the street to the ninguiliceut Commercial
Hunk siructureaml it was soon destroyed.
J'b Centrul Saviug Hank went next and
then fallowed the " enter block. The Keg
nier it Slump Crockery Company's new
liouu was text to succumb and I7S.U00
worth of goods dropped into the cellar. Th
'ortli of goods drooped into the cellar, l b
1 l... ..... .!.-
iirwerAtJoV Mthi. ttmi
was resorted and a number of building
blown up and th progrsst of th fir stay,
sL 1 wo lirmeu were fatally hurt .
ComcilMitiner Lochren'a Beport on It
Daal!na With Old Soldi, a.
Pension (' nimissloiier l.ocliren Submit
ted bit nnnunl re-oit to the secretary of the
Interior at Wii-hinKton. T ho number of
penslone's on the rolls of the bureau ta
("lu.Oli, with net Incrensa of Xil.Mll during
the pst year. HuriiiKthe year 24.71A claim
(or increase of i-ension nnd 81,lri lor addi
tional 1111011 under the act of Jan 37.IWIQ
wer allowed. In the same time ll.V.'Jl
claims for tensions and for increase a ere
rejected. 1 he claims pending consideration
on July 7 niimt ered I l.l'io. The amount
of money paid for pensions darinit the year
was l.Mi,74U 4i7 and 'he bit auce atthecioe
of th year waslZtl)7.:t71. The appropria
tion inr the next fiscal jcar. Lominiasioner
Ixx hren stales, will lie ample, and th esti
mates for th liscal year Ih'Ji amount to
The commissioner devote considerable
space to cases under the net of Jnua KT.lf'.ai,
in which he snys: "I' inter this act, aside
f mm t h re()tntite service aud honorable
discharge there Is one condition that can
(jive any riwht to pension vi.., "A mental or
physical disability of a permanent charact
er, not the result of their own vicious
nnl'iis, which incapucilaies them from the
(x-rlormunce of manual labor in such de
cree as to render them unable to earn a
support,' " Hut hy order Ibi isnied tktohcr
l. In), tl e iT.inmisioner, with the lip
i roval of th ase stant secretary, directed
that spcohc ilisabilitics should be rated. In
applications under this act, as thry would
have be n rate I under the schedule then in
fore e. if of service or-gin, up to tl'2 er
mouth It is M-rlectly clear thut under this
orh-r I'll, in trail. iiVpcn-ioiis t,,,.r t li ta
at t i f Jiii.c :'T. !H. iheact itelf was set
aside and ihsrenr :rtl. with the r-si,lt of
Urauliim nsii iis not autliori7cl by any
law. 'J lite was shown in the lien net t case,
which csllvd your attention to this order
nnd to the piactice under it. T here the
claimant Hpp.vihif under this art ot June '7,
I.sIsp, was pensioned lit 1 12 ier mouth lor
sliiiht deafness not of service origin. This
slittht iteaftie-s. could not' rfer
wiiu his c.ipacity to perlor n mantisi labor.
And such u pension Ims no warrant lo
BU-tain it in any law Jt is uos.ilutely void.
"The statement of the medical "referee
made it apar probable thsi under order Pit
many ( en-ion. weie IlieinilvBran'eil hiiiI r
silent to your order of Mavi'7, 1 !:, a board
of revision was foruiisl, of the ab.c-t utnl
iuost experieiii-eil no ii of the bureau, to
examine the ran allowed under that act,
but with liiftrnctioiis i.i disturb no case
where by the most liberal coii-truetion of
the evidence the ilsilil to the pension could
be sustained tinder any law. In cases where
it Was belitved that the p.-nsioti cotilij not
be sustained nnd another medical exaiuinii-
i : was thought iiei-ssary. the payment of
the iieii',oii was ordered to be suetiileit
I emiiin; inve-tiiration. ncconl nu to the i r:ic
lice ol the b'J" Mil fiom the bellillllii'. I'poti
your siu'tftaiioii ihatevi ti this teuiirHry
I'ti ln.l l in-initht work har.hhip where,
upon trie f ace ot the papers, it p?nrs It.o
pc:.a'.oiicr is entitled to -ouie es pension
i he practice has been modified slid chantted
us lo the cases under this a t o far that sus
pension of payment pendiin: the sixty davi
are only or.len d w hen on the f.e iif the
papcis II iij. peats prma lacie it, a' tin; pen
sioner is not entitled t) any pension. It Is
--riain that tln-re are maiiv ca-et like the
Iteiim f c i-e. w here petsons a-e not eiit;tlst
to auv pension will lie r.-in.ive, I irom the
rolls, but the work has ;iioi yet proceeded
far etiotieh to enable nic to forecu-t the re
result. I'ndoiilitedly mi h r the system of
adjudication which followed the promul
gation ol order It. I realty persons perled.y
able n perlorm nistnial liirb ir. tinder the
persuasion of claim litems Ismiliar with the
v fleet of that onler. upplie I lor ami received
pensions for speeilic dimbililies not of serv
ice or'nin nnd not proper iieusiomibli under
Iheact of June Is'"', Ilns also nccounts for
the lurire proHirtion of late ciitiiut tinnier
unit act. comprising the afiermatlu TJk the
.a.KIV vie,
cuts which y re 1
'r' 'T T 'Ne iixty-dav nonce in
aitkiiuhitillif I ntl uiara .... . u m ..
lUkpi-nciiiK tnm mer, the report aavs, was
not withdrawing tho leiisloti. fbut tenipur
arily withho dum it, wiieru it appeared to
he unlaw lul. petidini; iicnnrv.
The comiu mtier te oiumemls coipfl
ration of Huion laws, with n lew clunues,
that print o'mns bo mailu with regard In
in rit Miotic ami in utter disregard of in
ni er.c.-, mid lep ul of the act of congress
providing that no peusii u shall he pun! to n
n li-res,iieiii who is not u citizen of the
I'll tid Slates except for nelual dis.ibil'ties
incurred in I he M-rvice. He loin ludes ns
follows: "l rccVginzc to the Itillesi extent
"'"t my H'le duty is ineM-ciite and iitlniiiiis
fertile laws nslhey nre enacted tu.rly and
honestly interprete I.
Tho Itusslan Pousalks. With Ten CHl-cc-ra
and 150 benm-n, I'ounders
OfMlcl r.gsport.
I ragments of woodworm, coats m:d ollur
wreckage hnve lloati d ashore in the Hull of
l-'inlu td, showing that the Kiissiau war
lnp 1'oiisalku with ten utnl l.'si
aeatnen hud fouudend und thut all hands
are lust.
' The J'ousaik.-i sailed on Tuesday from
Kevcl, tiulfof l-'iiiliiml, for Hclingspnrt on
the same iu!f and but not b-e:i herd from
since. J he l'oina'ku ha 1 lour inches of
unnor, carried Jour nine inch guns va-i ol
ii,'JO displacetut tit, l.a l Tn; ind.cuted l.orso
power and wascliis-ed ns having; n sp-od of
ci;:hteen knots. Shu wasbuiit in lsti7.
The body of a sailor, who is supposed to
have belonged to the crew, has been washed
itshoro in the tiulf ot l-'iuluiitl, und p. ia
known thut severe gales swept over tho e
wateis soon alter she left port. Thee is ni
doubt, as the a Imiralty state, that t: e I'o i
falku has foundered.
(Suspended Pension Casos to Bo Disposed
ot by October 10.
At Washington an olliciul clement of
the Pet.sion ilureaii shows that tho total
number of pi-usio'ia cranted since March 4,
is .V..'i:n, Of these 4.1 i-t were issued
unco August Jtl, of which 1,71.' were ongi-Ii.ilunill.-r.i7
incieas'j. Of the original
I pensions granted AM wore for disutilities
I tontrac ed in the service and in the lino of
. duty and ."ltj uud-r the act of June 27.1SIKJ.
j The Hoard of Revision disposes each week
of about l.issi cucs of those suspended
under a recent order of the Hureaii. With
this average u week it is estimated tho. all
' cases hcretofoiu si;s emled will hedistd
of by October 10. Probably 7j per cent of
these ciuck will he relumed to the rolls,
( though in muny cases tho rates will Le
j huiiaej.
A Black Wast, as Far aa the Eye Can
Heach. Charred Uod es of Human
lleings and Animals Found.
J lie si cue of the recent terrible prairie
fires on tV I'uwnea reservation. O. T., i
one ofdcvostaiinti. Scatter, dull over the
praire are partly burned wagons, wrecked
camp out tils an I the charred remain of j
household good, and here aud there the
body of a horse.
J-'or mfles and miles as far as the ey can '
reucti. it is a black waste, an I to add ia tb
horror of it all, 111 a Mi i.ber of place ar
fo.i,l l.lMrkunH ,.,i h .11 . 1
N"r.y a dor.ei, of the. bodle. h.v, been '
tti"l and it is feared that many bav fr-
itbed. There ia no olue whatever to th Men. i
tl y of thM unfortuna'. I
And Ha y People MaoKled. Bom "Ta
telly. In U Worst Wreck 10
tb U.atory of th
Wabash Hoad.
In collision between th Toronto and
Montreal express and freight train on the
Wabash rail road nt Kins-sbary, Ind., Frt
lay morniiiR. 11 people were killed and
many more Injured, torn of whom will
The freight train was on a siding; west of
:he depot, and was bound east; th first aec
'.ion of tho west bound express train pissed
y on th main track at 5:23 a. m. Th
irnkeman supposed that th freight train
sxns about to move and ran back to open
.Ii switch. Just then the second section of
he west bound express came at th rat of
Vi miles an hour, 1 nd before tho brakeman,
Herbert Thompson, could turn th switch,
lashed into the side track anil collided with
he freight train. The smnslmp was some
hing apt a l ng. and nttended by all tb
tjfkeniuj ami heartrending of nil
iwful disaster to li and limb, the dead
J. If. McKenna, Hyde I'ark. Mim ; Harry
rrench. londoi). Knl.; t'hnrlc Karoo, Hsu
I rnnci-fo, Ahr A. Heed. Kasl Poston.Msss;
Nellie It. Tuckr. Newton. Mass; James
.'oiiiter, roiiiMic'or; John tireen, engineer,
Ash'fv. Ind: 'nrien U. Kider, Phonlx.
Ar 7.. I'. C. .eibt Iterlin. tier; lliivgagemast
rr l.yoti: James t. houndy, 1 .11 Maille. la.
The injured are: Mrs. K V. lltirbank.N'ew
Irlt Hiis, will tlie; William Adatus, IiiiUdIi,
wid tile; Miss lltitchins. I'lioenix, Arix., re
covery doubtful; l iretiian Harbeck, of Ash-,
ley. recovery doubtful; Albert Morton,
Ignition, llngland; KranK P. How. Fnir
I In vt n. Wasii., H. J. Vntkeny. may die;
William J Ilaskins. Imdoii. Kngliind, re
rovery iti'itlit 1 nl; lldwartl Hush, 1-ondon;
weiii Caiilield. IroiiwiMitl. Mich,; 11. W.
Hvder. I'liienix hut. ; . f. HiKlgson, Pov
cr N. H.: Mrs S. A Seavly, Somvrville, N
II : James 'i.Wooklv, l.ohdon, Knulaud;
llngmeer Whitman; Haltie Uogers. Phoenix.
Ariz ; Mrs. Ii.dbcr. I'.ronklyn; Olive Hill,
umnieisworih. and N. A. Kelly, 1 tost on
li whs the worst wreck the Wabash roud
ever had. lo add tothe horrors of the
Icrridle c i ision the boiler of thn passengni
t-mrine blew up. scattering human bodiet
and cur w reckage in all uirrctions.
A Gradual Hecovi ry in All Lines
llusincsa, W ith Exports Eaoted
lug Importa. Many Menu
fuctorioa Itesumiiia.
II. 0. Pun .t Co.' Weikly Ilcview
Trnde uys:
Some incrense is seen both in production
aud in distribution of products. True, it It
small ns yet, but after the wor-t financial
b'.i.zurd for 2d yuirs, it is not to be expected
that all roads can be cleared in a day. Ilul
nil conditions, except at Washington, favot
gradu il tccavcry. Business go on in an
ijtiestioiiab.e conthlence that the tjenentl
dedr of the Kopte wi I In some way pre
Money has become abundant and i ay -ni
3 per cent, hvie on call and stugnaut specti
laiion lortituaiely favors greater freedom in
commer. ial loans. Stocks and products art
du.l wl hout seribUi full in nr' t. and .'I t
'ndnstr es are rapidiy rullying t.i make good
he scaicity of -uipiies caused by weeks ot
nact'on. The vitality of the demand foi
tutu Is shows that the wonderful consuming
ower ot the people, if lessened for a time
bus not ceased, and the shrink -pe In tut
record of commercial disease aud ruorUlit)
snows progress toward health.
Kiporls of principal products in Aliens'
were 4 ,7:i7.."iJS,or H,l'.i4.MlJ more limit 1 111
year, which, with the known decrease ir.
imports here, i'.dican-s a small excess of ex
ports. For three weeks ol September the
incre.isc in ex.rts bus lieen t.NS'.o'JO aud
the li crease in Imports '.) ,ftiHI,tKH),promisin!
a larger excess of exports this month. Tht
reieipts of wheat full far behind last yeur't
being .''l i.'.sd bushels for the week, againsi
s..'iM. i;.'i for the same wek Lis: yeir. ami
in three weeks 1 . 1 70,5.53 bushe s, agoilibl
'J).iiJ7.7U' last yenr.
1 he nitliistri'es ure giving strong proof thai
consumption of goods whs not us inuct
urres'eil us miiny feared w hen the coIIunh
ot trade niiiuuf actures cariie. While man
ulacturers show eitieuiecHiniou und decliui
to start work without ' rd rs, improvec conditions ei ab e them to accc
many orders whicU wond have been 01
were refil l .1 weeks ago, and actual orden
rcinlered fret;Ueut by iho exhaustion of re
tail supplies 111 many directions. The nilin
ber of works resuming tins week have I beer
Id least ,'s w holly and Zi 111 part.
Tlie (allures for the week number 319 ir.
the I'm led States aguinst IsM lust year, am!
in Canada I'J against -'! last year. Only
five failures were for over $IO'1.00u euch.Thi
liubilitiesin failures f r the si-cjnd week in
September were but I,0I.',12U against
il J.oiift tbe first week.
W. B. Hornblower Llevated to th Unit
ed mates Hupreme Iiench.
Tho President appointed W. 1J Hornblow
er, of New York, to be associate Justice of
the Supreme Court.vice Samuel Illutchford,
W. II, HortMu.owtn, was formerly
Pif.sburer. His father was for a ion time
professor in the thsalogical emlnary on
liidge avenue Allegheny. Tor the past 10
yeurs he has acquired much eminence as a
lawyer in the courts of New York and New
Jersey. He is uhout 40 year orage aud tb
youngest Justice of the Supreme bench.
He was praduuted from Princeton with
the class of i71. About this time he enter
tuine I very serious thoughts of becoming a
clcrgyiiuin, but changed his miml about it
ami took up law as a profession. Oddly
enough, hi father had changed his iiiinil
the other way. becomine; a clergyman after
having studied law. it may be doubled
whether young Hornblower derived more
proiits from the lectures at the law school
than he ditl from tho discussion of legal
question with his uncle, Judge Woortriill
of whose family he wasa member. At the
sarno time another uncle Judjc Joseph P
Hradley, was Justice of the United State
Supreme Court ami from him also ho lm
hi bed much legal lor. His father, Kev.Dr.
W illiu 11 Henry Hornblower. was an end.
Iient divine; his itrundluther WHM ('hiiir
1 11 mice Of New JtTHev. nn.l litM fvrut an tul.
fai her served in 1 lie State Ix-glslature and
111 oiik'res und in the lutter years of bis
lite tilled the nosition of Ju,t.' r.rtl.n 1-......
j of Common Pleas of tsaei county.
I At Haatard, Neb., Kzra nnd Fred Dud
: ley n et death in a peculiar way. Th boy
lost his ball In a well and went down after
't. On bis way out hi hold on the rone
! t ipped and he fell. Hi father weut to th
' rescue. When raised nearly to th surfac
j 'he rope brok aud father aud on fell
- -
- - .
bitteo by moaquito Un day ago. ilo d
Pj'0D-u8 Mt " Irnk will loos Li -ty
ud pitly hi lif.
(imm ana rti.Ttrs,
fiamnct I.lghtler, aged H and wife, two
year younger, who lived alon on their
farm In Hampton tosrnthlp.nenr Newtown,
Ta,, wer foully murdered. Tb perpetra
tor afterward aot P. re to th hous to cover
up his crime. Nothing Is known as to tb
motive of the murderer, as tb old people
wer known to be In Indigent circumstance.
The Carlton county. Minn., bank wa en-'
tered Saturday afternoon by two men, who
held up th cashier aud took all th loo
Nelson Kinney, of Adrian, Mich., whl'e
out driving with lit wcet heart, Mis Maud
Kralnard, Sunday night, attempted to shoot
ber, and falling, he blew his own brain eut.
The girl dietl yesterday morning of th
Representativ Ixud, of California, hns
Introduced a bill In the bona appropriating
f.'iOO.OOO with which to enforce tb several
acts regulating and prohibiting Chinese
The weekly statement of lb Pension
Ofllc shows that the total number of claim!
now -tending I "If), 273. Th total number
of ensos rejected during th week wa 4,317.
nd those allowed 1,771.
Mr. Knlman. of Pennsylvania, introduced
In the house a bill to In. pose a lax on suc
cession to reil estate and legacies.
rariTAL akd la ana.
5I factories in Kokoino, Intl., working
1,200 peop'c, resumed o-terntion last week
after a long close down. Tuesday the Dia
mond plate g ass company, with plants in
Kokomo ami Klwood, started their tires,
giving work to 1,4)) operative ou hal'
The Knglish house of commons nnd the
bouse of lord udjournrd until November.
There have been severe snow storms in
Englund and Italy, and meteorologists pre
dict that Kuroe will buve an unusually
hard wintor. '
About an inch of snow fell early Sunday
morning at Devil luke, North Dakotu. and
melted away before noon.
At Hrnnswick, tin , (ivo new caes of
'ellow fever develoed on Monday, all
colored. Thore were no deaths.
Mi-cm AXtors.
A heavy gale nnd rain 1 torm struck Jnck
ton Park Thursday bight, broke in root's ol
the World's Fair buildings, tore away a
cctlon of the movable sidewalk und did
other like damages.
The limited express on the (juecn and
Crescent route was wrecked 10 miles nortn
of Hirir.lnghiiiii, Altt., by unknown persons,
who removed a mil. Several trainmen wets
hurt, but not fatally. llloodliouuiU have
been put on tb trail of the wrecker.
The coroner verdict at Kankakee, 11.,
overth cause of tt Mantcno disaitei
holds Thomas Ames, engineer ot th second
f Motion, at.. Orvill Dntican, flagman ot tb
first lection of th train.
to answer for un-
lawful killing.
A Brutal Husband Kllli III Wife by
Tearinx and Mut latin Ur With
Ufa B ire Hindi.
At Perth A 111 boy, N. J.. it horrible case of
niutilulioii. in which "Jajk Hie Kipper" ii
outdone, oicu red ti e other and .1
woman now lies dead from the eflect oj
the brutal deed. Michuel I-alley commit fed
the crime. His wife was frail ami dckly
weighing less than I'M p ninds.
Mrs. Kuhey wns chopping wiesl in her
yard when u neilihor ullered bis services.
Vpon h alley's return from work linn even
ing Mrs. l-'ahey itrorinel linn of wbit in,)
neighbor hail done. l-aliey iiu 1 e Palely
uccused his wile of lull lelity.
Aftersupper I'atiev visited several su'oons.
He returmsl home about 11 o'cioc.p ,uiH;, ,j
upon his wife with bis bare ban l. t-uriiu
and mutilating the po ;r, ho p, ess iro
in a brutal, a'ekei.iiig m-jmier. l ulu v nar
rowly escaped lynching.
Five Mon Killed and Five Berioualy In
jured by an Explosion ot Oas lu a
Coal Mine.
Ity an explosion of gas in the Lance Col
lery No. 11, of the Uhigli and Wilkcsborro
Coul Company ut Plymouth, Pa.. live men
were Instantly killed and live others sen
)ttsly injured. The names of the dead ure:
Ihivid M. Jones. William Jones, John
Hanugan, Owen P, Jouea, Joshua Golight-
Thn injured are; Owen L. KvanH.Thoma
tt'illiams, D II. Davis, John Cuinmlng
tud James Morgan.
The accident was roused by Josuha Oo
Iglitly, who entered a boly of gas with hi
inked lum p, when tho terrilic up osiota
The following are the olliciul llgure for
tho puld admissions to the fair:
May (n onth) l,V0.o.t7
June (month) 2.W5.1I"!
Inly (month) 2.7tii),,iiti
August t in on 1 Ii 1 :t,iVJI,2Md
N-pleiiiber (to date) 3.hOI,t(J5
Totul .13,812.310
Case Ball Iteoord.
The following table shows the standing of
tho different buse bull clubs up to dute ;
Poston.... 84 4ti (177 Clncln'tl.. id ill
P Ituburg. 76 sH .(HO HaltunoM to l,t
Philadel'a 71 f2 ,h77 Chicago... M 71
(devePnd. fit .Nil St. l.nis.. M 71
New "iork Oi r.'j ..U Iiuisv'le. 4S 7.1
Urooklyn. 01 l .ito Wash'n... 40 hi
-I! 12
.112 '
0-ii I Jury ofth- H imillon rir'iiit
oi-,, N isiviMe. TV1111.. ip'tiii j un,l ,r in.
s.i.i l.-itis fro ti wit Ivjn :l ,), litvu iudiet.t I
B-e-il vM'.'jjiuu o notv pwplu oa the
" 1 ir,-1 o g.i t;i!in.... a num'wrof la llos ur
in u 1)1 in t in list. Evju ini ilire plnyer
r.r. 'tin altir n"..t Ht Ju n Mjon ii aititule
l..u-U th'j pjpular parlor sinus.
At San Kranclsco Mr. Louis Worth
ington wa Mutenoed to 26 year In th
penitentiary for th murder of Uarry
Tm (own of Mochowa, Itussia, wa
destroy by fir Sunday. Eight persous
war burned to death. Hundred of fam
ilies ar homeless.
They Wer Reeking Tb Life of a Mur
derous Negro, and Who Waa
Lynched Laier,
At Rosnoke, V., Robert Smith, a neero.
on Wedne-wlav assaulted and nearly killed
Mr. Henry lliihop, wife of a well to do
farmer of Itotetoitit county. Mm Dishop
was at the market with a load of produce)
and Smith bought a box of grape. He ask
ed her to go with him to gt tb money, and
taking her to a house nearby locked th
door ami bound hor. Then, drawing a razor
he demanded her money. 8he gave it up
and while doing so jerked the razor from
hi band. The negro dinned ber, threw het
down and pounded her head with a brick,
leaving ber for dead. Mrs. Illshop shortly
afterward regain I consciousness, and
returning lo the market, told of the out race
Detective lialdwin soon arrested the negro.
The eicited crowd attempted to take Smith
away from the otllci-r and lynch Mm, bul
P.aldwin with the prisoner oil a horse dash
el at full seed In face of the crowd and
soon had hi mhehind the bars. An iintnensi
crowd gathered around the Jail and kep'
tier easing as night approached.
At l o'clock the iinanoke Mgbt Infantry
marched to the Jail by onler of Muvo'i
Trout. Wuards were posted and th streets
In the Immediate vicinity cleared. Ah-tut
dark the crowd increased hy a hundred
men from mar the woman's home, headed
bv Mr. Ill-Imp's son. n fireman on the Nor
folk and Western inProad. At 8 o'clock
portions of the r.iob haltered in the aids
door of the Jail, where the militia and
Mayor Trout had retired. Then sliontins
wa commerced by the mob. and the inuyoi
waa shirt in the foot. The mintiu were or
dered to return the tire mid a vo ley frorr
about 2"i rilles was poi r d into the niob
Might men were killed i.v tht lire and tnon
than that number wounded, torn of then
During the excitement e-uiseil hy the vol
ley 1 he negro was taken from the jail by
an nlllcer titi'l secreted.
Toe militia remain tinder the tumor's
orders although It is pri liable that thet
will not b calied out again. Mayor Trout ii
lirtii in the position he has taken and de
Clares that he wid Uphold the law.
't he following is u list of the dead and in
jured: Dead S. A. Vlck, Will S eetz. dins. W
Whitmire, J.H. Tyler. lieo. White. W.K.Hall
John Miiis, ivuiujtlj. Sin ill iiu.l (ieo. Set
tles. Injured Otto Kails W'll l'ddr. Oeo. O
Monroe Krank Wells, Tom Nelson, l-cru
White, .1. P. Met bee, A. Shcpnrd. K. .1
Suit I. J. K.Powell, J, II. CumpheP. HI
gar Waliling. C. W. Kigga't, P. North, O.
It. Tavlor, V. Hall, David Uuggles, N. K.
Snnrs", tieo. 14-igh, Waller !'. Hull", Muyoi
II. S. Trout, Siinn D.stley. Ktumet j Small
(. has. o'en, Win. llerry aud J . K. Nelnis.
Small. Kitils. Ivldy, Powell and Cumpbcli
Will probably die,
While J. Allen Wu ts. Judge WorxU anf
others were endeavoring to quiet thi
crowd, Sergr. Griflin nml two ollicers loos
the negro Irom the jail into the woods. To
wards daylight they were notified that
squuds of men were scouring the entire
adjacent country and ther thought it be'
to late their trlsoner back to jail. They wert
proceeding along the Kruuklin road, neat
i'enlh avenue, when a squad of men. about
20 In number rushed upon them and seized
the prisoner. Wlih shouts and yells th
determined men rushed the ircgTo to tht
nearest tree, where he was hanged to
hickory limb, hi body riddled with bulled
nnd horribly mangled. It was all over hj
ft o'clock and the stnull body of men who
hail done the work had disiH-rsed.
ith the bre:ik or d y crowds of peoplt
began to throng the streets leading to tlx
scene ot the lutest tragedy in this terribli
Tlie sight was horrible to behold. Dong
ling at the end ol'a small hemp ropo woi
thedead body of the negro His face was
Moody, distorted and swollen. A load ol
hjt bail been fired into his back, literally
tearing Ids coat to pieces. The ropes wen
tied in a regulation hangman's knot and
the negro's lei t were well above 'he ground
The corner's Jury renduted u T rdict that
the negro came to 'his ileum nt tho hands ol
persons unknown. Alter the inquest the
olllcets were ordered to take charge of the
body, but the surging muss or avenging mer.
which had hy that tunc, assembled wou d
not let them touch him. A coul curt nass
mg nenrny was pressed into service and the
hotly thrown into it. It was then hauled lo
Mavor Trout's resilience on l ampbell
livenue audit seemed t he Iheiutm
tion of. the mob lo bury it in his front yard.
At this critical moment Key. W. ('. Camp
bell appeared upon the scene nnd told the
mob Hint such I roceduie would never do.
He spoke kindly to them and at last dis
suaded them from cunying out their plan.
At the suggestion ol someone they took the
body to theedgo ol the river to burn it.
Fences were lorn down, store boxes picked
up. and someone with un ax cut down some
cellar trees neur by.
The dry wood was laid in n large pile, but
arranged so thut it would bum freely. On
Hi la neap the negro's body was laid. On top
of it the cedar hoimlis were thrown ond two
gallons of coal oil poure I on tho dry wood,
ihe match was lunched to it and the (lames
from the hurnltu oil shot rapidly up. It
was nil iiwlul sight. K.vei vono contributed
I something to tho blu.e by throwing a twig
orcinp on it. All thai whs remaining of
Hmith ut noon was a few nshes nnd here and
there a bone. but the lire was burning fierce
ly and those standing urouinl kind that it
thouid burn till there was no a vestige
left. h
The miiitnry claim thnt the mob was re
peatedly war 1 it'd that they would bu shot. but
received these wurnings w ith jeers ami final
ly replied witn n volley tlreil ut "apt. TSlrd
who then ordered the men to lire ut the mob
which was battering down the side door of
tho jail.
More trouble Is feared but every effort
being made to culm the excited crowd.
Work ia Bull Progressing on the Big
Utnttstioal Job.
The annual report of Supt Robert P.
Porter of tho census bureau was sunn ittod
lo the secretary of the interior at Washing
ton. Tbodi.l.urscment ofthe bureau dur
ing tho past year amounted to JO.-ltM ."i.s2.Thu
total nuinber of clerks now viiguged in the
ceii' us work is l.u'si. Kight reiifllur bulle
tins liuve been Issued and 14.&0U pagi-s of
mutter relating to the census primed. A
lecil report on irrigation has been com.
pleted and is being pr pared for publica
tion. The total number of mortgages in the
United States is shown to be s,bu:,4til.
SupL Porter concludes his report thus:
"While some of tho work bus not come
quite up to the standard we hail hope I 10
attain, lor reasons entirely out of the control
of those in charge of ean be truthlully
aid of the eleventh census that there bus
been no absolute failure in any particular.
Everything undertaken will he completed,
though in some case with leu detail than
originally plunned."
No xteusiou of tb fair.
Th world' far executive committee at
Chicago di vided that th fair shall b fin
uliy cloied October 30, Instead of being lield
opeu longer a but been proposed by wmt
Tub Wiaconsln forest Area have oovered an
area of about two 'hundred square mile, a
surface one-rHth a burg aa tthod Island.
A HISJT 0!t DfSTHfl.
In one of tbe. Ix-wt known p.Tniiri-nm-t
for women in thin country thi
resilient phvaician Raid in a recent in
terview; "Dutit in almost ont of inVi
hero aa it would be in the difsoctin:
roo:n. I am eagle-eyed for ita appear'
anee, and I itm troud to M.f tliat !,
furnitnre in hand-dusted that ir, with
a cloth. To tho best of my knowing,
and beliof, n feather dttsf pr has Jievei
found mitnissioa hero."- 3L Lou
rnr.Ar ad tioon vi-stoat.
To eiflit qnnria of e'enr rain wi'ri
afll three qnnrta of molasses. Ti:ry
tho mixture into n cican, tiglit rss:,
Hhakn it well two or thrco times nn.l
ftdtl tliren Bjxionf lis of p;ood yeast, ,,;
two Venst cttlii-s. l'liiee tho cask in n
wartn pUtto and in ten or tiftee 1 ,-,.,
tttld a aliut't of roTiinon wrappittir pan.-;
amenro'l wit'.i niolnsacs nu I torn iiitc
narrow lrip. Thitwill mnk t':;e,.;.
lent vine'a:. Tli" prsper ia nec-css.rj
to form t)it ".iintlip:" liTo oT
iacg:ir. Xcw York World.
UNocxiNa x:n: tiroTt or-.
Spots m toweln r.nd liosierr r.";
diK:ipear with littlo tr.r.tblo if 11 I tti.
niiiruoniti in put into f:iouli r.ste.- to
eoak tho article, mid they nr. lef; 1,
it an linttr tir tw.j iic.'orj wnshin; :m 1
if ri cupful iii put itit 1 thi water. 1
which v liito clotlio.H ur: hoako 1 ta,
night In-fore VHsliiu., t'.ui Mist' ,
w hich tiio iiriiclcH can lm wnslio 1 t,.
their -Trent w li!t :ic.s.'i rtn I rieiirtii-. 1
wht'ii drio I will bo wry j-r.ttifyi.i
I'enii-mbi'rin;; tlie btnnll Mini puid 1, (
thrue qit:irtt of nmiiotiit o.' coiium , ,
Ktrctt-tlt, 0:10 e.:i e-isily ci t!i i'. n ,
lileiicliiu pr.-ji init'oti etiti bo h:i r 1
chcijily obt iiucd. !,'v Yor.i Wur!!.
T- Tvr-.r.v v .: r t v::r".
Romo provinintiH s'.io'-.M tm' ., 1 1,;
on iec ; every li ii'koepcr n-.i'lii ;
know that nil tii-tat", l-.iw or en ..',
lose in juiciness and toinlcrni-ss 1 v j,
action. For instvnv, r. joint r..c
w.-m -.'xcellent when t-erve.l lm' wj I
often beeomo t.nmli aud .islcUss
ke;.t in tin.' rcfricf.ii c t v:i, ,.'., ,.
hoiim. I have .eon enftp'.i b.-i-.' I- -come
Ko h iv.l t'n-tt il chi ipc.l t .V I j
ice, thoiu'li it wiih not f;'..:eti.
TIutj i 11 ttiuiplo tre ituiviili.. l ie! 1
tnent which kecpi it .;intalile. 1 ..
ffinh to cut the. incut v.!p:i lmt :; ; r
dinner jilitu-o it iit-tin ' i:t lio l.n.
water irj hi tint v.ut.T iu wii'.t!s i' - 1,
cooked brn:f,'lit a,'.iitl t r. i 1 i :j ;
point mi l tin-re let it jv:n:iu '.
col l. Yon will tin I that it will tim
nbsnrli t'lioit-rU m.i'fttit-o t. t.'.' i -,;
tuud'-r and juicy. ' nui pl-tcj it ij
the refrir-cr.tto.' warai.
iUoloruii hu;is;i,-;i) or auy o" Ih j ;'r-;-.
arations in tci iKi'j .ski tin will 1110! I ''
imt into thi rcfri-jcrilor, or if mxi'. u
from the air. ,
Fish isb.ould not ba orot;-,'!it in '.: r'.,
couUcixvitijoe. un mnlt.-r uha lui
general market prjstieo niayljerfuT-j
tnoa loses its delicatj llavor n'n: ki
most comiilct.dy if l.ii I upon is-t. I.i
f.ict no fu.i.l n'n-jald evt-r rei diiv.'t'.
upon icj. Chic.ic-o liecord.
tt: c;- v
Koiliii-? c.iii b.i iu;T3 eotivi'iii' iit;;
ntnl r.'a lily ncompllalic I o:t ;t 1; r-e
none oil orrm KtJVe. tu in iu ri : 1 v t.'.a r
kind 0.' un oven. Inn'l s, car.Mti I
and nitMiiijis, a -'il ns other roi,:--, !
may 01) cook.t.l id 111'! uvjii fo. a i":
titan very tdoxly i.i v.'.-'n', s 1 .
jeetetl to the Minil'j ih'jr.-o of li ' U ! n
is rcit'.iiro.l in ruasiin ' input. Irom :!.')
d-'.Ti'cs to !5M dereert 1'. liivcti v .
otatile", lieas, tieatu; ntl'l Iikc, :if.'
verv ilelti'ioit.slv rooked in this
They fct:ii:i a very much tint i '.
lllllll lieu MllljCCl - l III L 12 ;
i 1 1 . 1 A . . I I
he it nf tin' iron htove in a.i 0111:1
nel, or wiien boiled. When the li-.1; ;
pr.iii:-rly r.'ahit.'d, ail kinds -n';
Hil l V"i'talilcu iiiuv lm 1:1
oven in -vt tiiiiie dit-'n -k .hum,
ci'liiiu or htoiii v.'iuv i.().';i o" c.ivc:
1 an watery kiadH re.piiro very iu
water. 1 lie ilrv .ilinb tnnv ti v.
little .vale" adde I. 'i"io flca'ii
ernted i:t tiiti hiiruer to v. nic : t
o'll.-iido nt til l Vesbt l is Ml'tji.vleil r.
thn tcmpfir.tnre v.itiiin t1'" cov
V'-'ms'I only to about tho bom 11 -
and whi!" lhj ve-,K. l tu-iv not lie mi'-
tiht, lost it burrit, vet it limy iu
liciciuly tiyht to ret tin the arom i'. I
rills, u inch Mninlii tint, lm i- it ' ii !
thus u.iH'iriiij hi full fi.tvor. Uj
fix ur.cii'KH ro:. eoits.
Kenti Sotm UhU cold boiK l
bakctl Ileitis. Mti-th them thro:tJi
colan lc:'. boiliti-' witU-r. koiuc i'
tcr and plenty of und pej
1. .111 until ot the proper coiisihtcih'
Corn Soap T.iko hi eur-t of v "
tttutler curii (s'.veL-t corn is b.-di,
iiown ciieU r.w o: trr.nns .-.ta a
theti K-r.ipe. l'.;t on to boil .vil!i p!-
of wat.'f. Wh .".1 nearly don.) 11 11
ciii'it't of uiiik. milt a:iJ netio.'r. mil
li tt lo Hour and butter to tiiijkeii.
'ectihl.i Sunt) Take tlu li'l'li'l-
v.'lueii vott have boiled hue.. 1111 I 1-
this put nonu (diced t'.trnips, n
lud. it. hi!. 11 verv mnull lien I of ivt.! '-1-!
iinely cUojipeJ, two or thr -.' t in '
an I a Ninail pepper. Jjct it
tuer nlov. ly unt.l done. Bardl
if liesireti.'la'-o over tu l'r'
attttiju'tit (itiatitity of mil!: to
luri) ilisli. Let it coiiij to a lmil' l
than pour inlj tho dish in whic!i.v
have prt'vtounly broken no eer.ii"
partially dry broad, with mi'ii
i)cii;)t-r mil milt to Hoason. L-t
atatid a few miuiitu before aurviu!-
Cabbage Soup -Select a eniiill I 1
cf cabhaifo. Chop or alice it vcr; !'(
Tnen nut on to boil in a little) e-1
iu which a Hinall piooe of meat
been conking, with 11 kaudful ol 1
nioal. Cook uutil cabbao in thorn
f done, then add a auflicient ft'J
of water, aalt aud pepper, lin)
meal will thicken it enough.