The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 14, 1893, Image 4

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i va
Published" every Thursday.
T- II. BARTER EJitcr an! Projnctcr.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
(which must to p.tM In ft.lvsnre when sent out-Mill-
the comity.)
All t i!i ti -i-l.-ii ii1 i-rtsemeiiM ii'i ntlinrwl"
iMi.'rarl.- l ViT V lil l" clinr,"'"! ill tin' :' "f U
e.-nis t llni- .iip.-i iiK .i-iii t'ir tir-i Uiht imI IimviiSi i r ll'ic f'ir rwry u'- 'i',''
Thursday,rcpt ember 1 l,iyJ3.
Republican State Ticket.
Y"X supreme .lii'lai".
lti'N. HAVIli NKWI.IN .KM.,
i I'Ml.i'I'-ll'lil '..
l'..r t.ite Tr'a-nr'T.
iKM'.ll M. s AMI KI. MitAK'IM.V .l. listi.V
f Ariii-tr'tiis.
Republican County Ticket.
; i i.i.h i'i.' n r.
. I- -.
.. -v ' ' 1 1 1 i.'.viii:i.i.:N'..
Tl" -t. i4.
.(. m:i:h '!.!.
1 4 iiiitnl"l"li,,r.
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.'.v,i. i.i;ii.i..
A 'I' I It "IS.
i i . r.nw 1
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A I Hi I
r. ,i n
1 11' i i'i w
!V1,!V II
i.. Ml I
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;. .v,.. 1. 1:. r.-'
. .1. I. i'.:i Kin. I 1
. 'r, I .' " i, !. Miy
, ,1. V. in. II in
rliapm ili -.l.ilin sil'-r. A. W . le'iii'i .
Ki.iiiKIIii-.I. 11"4.!.'. . t f i l.nlerllii'-.
.1 1. k-.ii W in. Mutn. t ' - f Kllii-'I'-r.
MM.llelnir.rli - .1 i. li"'T-'4vt'. W. II. t in. in.
MM. Ilii ii. K-l'. I.. Il". M. I'4. Il illnu' l4.
V . K I'Hl III l'l. W III. I4. 1. II ll;.
1 It I . N. .I.ll'l'-M. N IV TiiM-l'.
I'.TI V -'A . I. Ili:-'T II. 1' Ar!.'".M-'.
I', in W. -i I4. I:. e ''lil. ' M. -''"'-. -'.
-prli'i -. M. A'in;nl. H Hi.
-Iln- f.'' - I'A. l. ll'imiii' I. A- M uli"i, 4i.
I ill. Hi - -All. Mi S . '.ii.-l. .1. -. -ln'il.
W.vhltu'l'iii -Win. i4. llili'l-li.M".er.
Many of our people attended tho
funeral of Calvin Erdlcy at Salem
on last Saturday, Sept. '.. Tho Re
furmed choir of thin placo tang at
t ho funeral .... Philip Dickel. of Dun
cannon, was called here to attend
tho funeral of his uncle, Mr. Andrew
llickcl, who died on Friday evening,
Sept. 8. of apoplexy, and was buried
on Monday forenoon at 10 o'clock.
Row Schavly officiated Jaeknou
l'.ickel, of Bloom sburg, was called
home to attend the funeral of bin
' " i TLuiuiu4 lleirdl-lfil'
v iiear town left on Sunday for Nor
thumberland whore she will make
her future home Our post-office an assistant who is of Republi
can blood. That is against the
Libber ruling Tho earliest caller
iu our town in ft man of tho law. Ho
walks for exercise. . . .Mr. Frank Ses
singer visited his children at Uncle
Wm. Movers' over Sunday. .. I. S.
Rover and wife spent Saturday at
Mct'lurc. The Professor is a great
friend to picnic dinners. Sumo per
, 4 son said bo was aided by Prof. A. M.
Wonder, who is abo never left if
there is an j thing within his reach
Mrs. Jr. Clark Nipple and her
little daughter are spending a few
days with her mother, Mrs. Francis
Royer... .Dr. Ulsb of Mt. Pleasant
Mills, has a patient in out town, but
tho case is not serious. .. ,1'rank
Hurley of Adanisburg took one of
our fair girls to tho Port Royal fair
last week. Frank is a fair youuu
man. Ho says theso hard tiims
keep him in single blessedness
Dr. Tool has applied for two Fann
ers' Institutes to bo held in Snyder
couuty during the coming winter.
Tho doctor knows how to apply. At
tho coming court on Tuesday the
Dr. proposes to organize nn Agri
cultural society for Snyder county,
in order to get tho county's share of
tho appropriation. Hope all the
farmers w ill turn out and give him a
helping hand.... J. W. C. Rassler
and Miss Mary Wcist are starting
for tho World's fair on Vednesday
... .Isaac doodling will move back
to our town next w ee k. The chil
dren are all so glad to hear it. They
say he makes such good (sausage. In
fact our people all feci glad....E.
W. Tool and John Houtz were at
Ijillyilh on Saturday to the I. f).
jf O. F. picnic. They report a good
.ime, ulso that they found a very
generous set of people up there. . . .
Samuel C. Moyerand his daughter
Maggie, took in Fort Uoyal fair last
week. Sin -ir.
Fiiiiik Class, Kstj.. of Frcidnirg,
niadr-f. business trip to this jlai-e
on Monday evening ...Win.
and Ja.ncs Ailky of l'uibaig, wtic
in town tm Sunday John J. Xace
is daiij.'erously ill. . . .Mrs. X. Rrosius
is visiting at lluht s Ille. . .John A.
Schucc bold hl.-i hotel btauil to Mr.
riii.'rmmn of P'.Todr.', for s2,niw
S. P. .StoHon enjoyc-il to bin great
est capacity tho turtle supper given
ly tlii Epieurian Club. . . .Some 're
ally benevolent pernon bus been try
ins; to relieve the financial stringen
cy in this section through tho me
dium of counterfeit money. If the
identity of the man iunl his business
are once established, bo will un
doubtedly become popular, iunl no
d ubt, Undo Sam will reward him
with a temporary roideneo in
".Stotn y Lonesome." An elevated
doc tax does not civilize tho -.log;
neither doex it prevent him from
killing fowls, which are. not sheep,
but seems rather to enlarge' bis
sphere of depredation and to gague
his rapm-ii y acc -lilir.g to the increas
ed limit of the tax. It was but hist
week that ne of those privileged
canines destroyed upwards of lift-en
duller' Worth of chicken,
geese, and turkeys, inchi-Iing our
prospective, though embryonic
Thank-giving dinner. And the evil
teat II is I lint l e.ll e-s. otiiel4 tli.lli
-lnt gun l e'.i iige, is nut foiirthcom
iches mo very prenty through
this MTtinn... A small portion
of l.i-t Thursday evening's hail storm
pa-scd over this section but didn't
do lunch dainiiLTe. . . ..f. 15. Dieim r
arrived safely at the World's Fair,
and it-port-bavin-.' a nice time ...
Mrs. I'.iuiiia Yeart r and child of Ros
An-:eh s. Cal., r.udhcr sister Ada and
children ( (Jh-n Falls, N. Y., are
spending several days with relatives
at this place.. .A very quiet wed
ding took place last Tuesday at the
hou-' of the bride's parent, J. F.
Walters, when Miss Can it- w as mar
ried to James Row of Selinsgrove.
A number of relatives were present
to witness the ceremony which was
performed by Rev. Ochciiford. The
bridal party left on the :i:"7 train for
Johnstow n and other w estern points
in tho state Many friends ami
relatives from here attended tho fun
eral of Cabin Erdh-y at Salem on
Saturday, all of whom deeply regret
his loss as he was a most esteemed
young man Miss Minnie Row of
Salem, attended tho Walter wedding
. . . .The foundation is being dug for
the erection of tho sash factory.. . .
Juirus Roush bought the corner lot
opposite bis dwelling, occupied by
his son, Xcou J. A- Sru AJid
Blowiy our' city improves.. .A. C.
Smith, wifo and child Sundayed
with relatives in Selinsgrove. .. .A.
D. Kramer and N. C. Outelius made
a business trip to Lewisburg on
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing antl will
surely do you good, if you have a
i'iiiikIi, ("did, or any trouble with
Throat. 'best or bungs. lr. KiugV
New IMscovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Coids is guaranteed to
give relief, or niotiey will lie paid buck.
-iilTei-ers from I. a Crippe foutitl it ju-t
the thing iunl iniilei- its use butt a
speedy and perfect recovery. Try a
sample buttle at oUlf expense and
learn for yourself just how good a
thing ir is. Trial bottles tree at 1. C.
Kepler's Drug Stoic, Paxton ville. Pa.
barge i.efiiic. and $1.00.
Specimen Oases.
S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., wat
troubled with Neuralgia ami Klietiina
tisin, his Stomach was tlisonleretl, his
Liver was alTccted to an alarming de
gree, appetite, fell away, anil he was
terribly reduced in llesh and strength.
Three bottles of I'.lcct ric Hitters cured
I'M ward Shepherd, llarrisburg. III.,
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles
of F.lectric Hitters and seven boxes of
Hueklin's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound ami well. John Speaker, Ca
tawba, (., had live large Fever sores
on his leg, doctors said he was incur
able. Kin. bottle Klcctrio Hitters ami
one box Kncklin's Arnica Salve cured
him entirely. Sold by 1. C. Kepler.
Paxtouvillc, Pa.
I9VHBI9 akb runms
TIiatroicrat nd purril f .ya
nixdi. I llllko oilier I ye. II iKllig
x duo p Kili-r ami in k"! In ann
wiih ri'iimxalile hit, Him riiiil.'iiii
an- ! n-.1jr fur no. will
luakit tlie lkl rfiiiiiil 1 1 mti4! S.p
la JO mlinii. wlitiom IxiIIIiik.
II la lli lrl f..rt ).aiiiliiK warn
pll-A it..",'tjlii Hik. rl'.M'ta,
walilnK LmllliA ..iliits trnen, nr.
Gt'O. Auk., I'lilia., l'a.
Sk n.l 1 0 rents In atiimpa to
x i i.i.i -ui.i.MK,
1(193 I'lii hi.. I'lilia.. Pat.
(., (.ar l""-1:'4. brwlll ai-iid luu Sain
I ii , l.i.i -l t )U 1 1 wall 'i-r, ami
Ml'l.'te lii'.rin linn DLL
now id i'rnt,.rrlLL
i ur I rli . nitre ihiu UI. m than titlirit.
'! I' M- r .'''
lu l l raia r iia'i'ivuiie i.w
. .-!-. i . . t . --. i i i." i. Aitvur i'3"-ra
luvu witli.' Ul,Kl a and
uid li lUlii
una w lualch.
I'Tiil'S' NU'I'ICK.-Notice is
by given that Letters Testa
i i .itart ' :i i l.c l ie, lit- i.l .1, c. I ' li '11. doe'il
hue el .la. a -i n toun-liip, Suy U-r 1'nuuty, l'4.
liuvc I., in l-kucd to I In. null li mi id ii.-i lin in
-.ill t.t' ii Mp. All pifniii', Ii.lelite.l
( .m t -' t wl'l l it. ,0 in .at! iininit'll.ili) i av-
ii '-i I ... I. o li. a 4l.t'i.e aiiluat It will
prt'-t-iil Ii i-iu ii.r titili-ihni to
li I . ::i.iial.VN, l livut. r.
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand
Fruin tho Troy (Kan) "Chief."'
Some yftr nto we were very mnch
subject to severe nellg of cholera
morbus ; antl now when we reel any
of tlie nytiiptoius thitt usually preced
that ailment, cuoti nn iilcknees at the
( diurrlnea, etc., we become
wary. We have fontut Chamberlain's
l "one, Iholern antl Dlarrlin'a Kemetiy
the very thing to utraigliten one out
in Mit-li casts, ami always keep it
about. We nre not writing this for a
piy testimonial, but to let our re'lrs
know what Is a good thing to keep
hnmly in the lious
For hale by O. M. Sliimlel. Ml-hlle
burgh, ninl .1. V. Sauip.sell, Punns
Among t lie Incident of childhood
that Maud out in bold relief, as our
memory reverts to tiie days when we
were young, none nri more prominent
than severe sicklies. Tlie young
mother vividly remembers tliat it was
( haiiiberlaln's Cough Remedy cured
her of croup, and In turn administers
it to he own offspring antl always
w ith the best results
For oalo by O. M. Milndel, Middle,
burgh, and J. W. y.-unpsell, IVnns
For a lame back or for a pain in tlie
side nr chest, try siiturnting a piece of
ilnnnel with Chamberlain' Paiu linliu
ntid binding It oiitotlie iitTectetl tmrts.
This treatment will cure any ordinary
cue in one or twoilHV". 1'aiti Malm
alro cures I litiiinut i.-in. ."i0 cent bottles
for side by t. M. Shindel, Middle
bnrurli, and .1. W. Sumpsell, Peims
llv Minii'iif ft writ n( KI. Kii. Issttcil out of tlie
i! "i t iiiii'iimi I'Iim- ..I sh.mIi r cum v nii't i"
III.' lllp'. N il I Will ."ill....1 I I ptllllk-" III tlie
e.iiir! llniiM- lii Ml.lilli i'i. ruli, on
Saturd.iy, Sept. h, Is'.i.'.,
.ti n .i. k. . M., Hi - t'lll'iHiiit4: r-:i1 estnf. :
All III il r.-ll:illi Min t nl li.lnl sllllali- III I'.TI.v
ii. n-lii', si,Mi r -. . i 1 1 , Cn.. IhiiiuiIi'iI N'irtii
In- l i tnl nf ll. iirv I'iMiiy.-r, Ku-t ly litml nf Witt
o ll. iirv, Sii'.iii . I. mil i. t lirl-tlitii Kniii-e.
Mini W . -i l. 1 1 n. I i.f ,l"hii rnilereiiM-r. t niiiiiln
Hit: l .i l(ks, nr .". -Aher.-tui tire cr'i'i
til a ir'l l4.i.i.irv n KI.I.IMi llol SK, Sl.tlilc
ami nllii-r eiitli'lllilltii.'s.
s. I. .I. tiiki'ii iiiin t'M-i'iiiliii iunl to lie sultl us
tin- irni riv nf (itsi. s. Ovlneo.
1. llol.KNDKH, ShcrllT.
llv Mil Me i if n writ nf Pi. K.i. IksiiciI nut of the
milt '.11111111 in I'lc. is i.f Sn tier county iunl In
in.- illrei ie.l, 1 will xiNi-rf. tn pulillc Half ill the
i .nut II. HIM.' Ill Mllltll' lOirgll. mi
Saturday, Sept. Pi, lS'.lIl,
al in hi luck, A. V.. the follow-lot; real est.-ite :
TIIM'T No. 1 All that oerinln tract nf limit
1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' - In Kraiiklm tun n-hli, Snyder cuuiity.
Ii'iuii'leil hy lumls nt Aimis tiilt. Kl'hriilin Iln-ln-liik'er,
M..f. Cuiirtliey iunl K.i.'llael KlscnllowiT,
t oiilalnlinf 1'.' At'UKS ami K.'i I'en lies.
TH M T N'O. . Sllmite In towiililp, county
ami male nturi-salil. In.iiii.1isI by liimlnut Kiliralm
ilreliiliik'i r. Alms old, ll.ielntel Klsenliowcr unit
pulillc nail, ciiiitalnlnif S AC'KKS and M Perches.
in wlili'li are erts-teil n iriMHl HW KI.L1.NO IIOl'SK.
Ilarn iunl other outbullilliiirs.
SelM-tl, taken Into execiil Ion anil to be Willi an
tho property of Alexander n. Knepp.
I). lloLK.NhKH, -sheriff.
RE!Dau2i8TATE !
llv virtue nf a writ or KI. Va. Issuetl out. or the
Court nf t 'miiinmi l'leas and to me (lins led,
will expose to public sale at the Court House In
Mld.llflinrKli, on
Saturday, September Kith, lHtl.'),
lit 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow lug real estate i
TKACT NO. 1. Situate In Atlams township,
Snyder county, I'u., l-oumlcit north by la nil of
Nathan pel terulf, east by Isaac Swart., h, hI.,
w mill by A. ti. Miiyer. et. al., initl West by Troxi-1
a Pro.. i iiiiiiiliiltiK' nil Ai res.
TKACT NO. 4. situate same as Tract No, 1,
liiiiiieil in. nil by lands of Arlo Pardee, cast by
Troxell Winriier. sonih by llenrell Krelibset.
nl., west by ,. V. II. Muter, ct. ul., i-oljliilulii J7
. . .i ml s- Per. lii".
T II AT N't). 3. siiiia'e same as former tracts,
boii' in. nil by I rael Nn. j, east by l.mdiif
llel.rell Klebbs. Mllllll lit S.ll'.lll .1 .III llll'll.-r II llll
ttel by Mary K. Mldillesw.illli, tiuitaliiliig 111
A 1 1'. . in. .re or li--s.
TIlVTSiU, situate same ns former trails,
1 ! d lion II bv I. ill. I of Nai n.iu Kelleinlf, cast
I.' I', i.j unali Smith. W.-.I by Kllas Kiiriiiim,
a. ul si. mil b) .lame-K. Klliu'-lt lieinif u Oood
I.iiii. -i . nn- I. .'I wiih Kiln In i;ikk1 repair.
s. I, . .I. taken Into execution mnl to be si.lil as
lie-1 . ji. rl v t.l Jacob .Nei I I.
1., sheriff.
V1I'.'S '' At'l'lt s:Ii: I'S.-Nollee N liero.
tiv k'leii that the followliiL' Widows' An-
pralsemeiii s under I lie f.lmi law, have Is-cn tiled
with the I 'lerk of I lie Orphans' Ciiiirt of Snvder
eniinlt for t'oiillrinalliiii un Mi.iiil.i- l Ii.. '.i-.ih
day of Septehilie r, s'.i;l.
1. Appraisement of DaNy M., .tames T., Isaac,
-. ti, ainl Kiiiuiii S. llaltey. Iiillmr chlldreil of
l I'. Ilall'-y, l.ito of .sclliisjjrovo llorniijfli,
I'll., dec il.
t. Annr.ilseuietit of Susan AiuU-li. widow of
loli n Atideli, lute of West Perry Tw p 'a dco'd.
s. APiiriilsemeiit of Hannah Auekcr. widow of
Kmaiiii.'l Am ker, lale ol l iilnii 'I'tvii., huyd'-r
count v, I'u., tlifd.
, Alipralsement of S.u-ili J, Tl-easter. widow
of Win. II. Tn'iister, lute of West H.'aver Twp.,
hnyder county, I'u., dec tl.
J. C ALVIN St llOCH, Clerk O. C.
Monday. Am,, Ss. lssis.
UKtilsTKIt'S M (TICKS. Nut tco Is aerehy iflv
en that l lie follnwlmr iiimietl persons have
tiled I heir Adiuliilsirattirs', Ollal dl.tll. and Kx-
utoi-s- iitvoilliis in the Itetrlster a onlee of Hnv.
derl'ouiilv, mid the Millie will Is' presented for
continual Ion ami allowance at thr Court Uouso
In Mlildli'i'iirKli, .Moiniay, epi. Ki3.
1. Account of Jesse I', and Kmanue) II. H. is
let, tidiiiliiNi raters of the estate of Joliu ll.tslol,
late of Jackson Twp., dis-eiLsed.
S. l'lrst and anal account of W. II. (Jill, ad
ministrator i.f the c-ttalo of UjvI oui. I.iU) of
Centre Twp., deceased.
.1. Klrnt mnl lliial itci-oiiiit of S. W els, adminis
trator of the ctate of II., Into of Sellus
gro e, tits-cased.
4. Third iunl tlnul account of David Winner,
IMardlati of Foster Klsher, a minor child of Cul
lu L. l-'lsher, Into of MlddltsTeek Twp., Utsj'd.
r. l'lrst mid flint! account of liarlcs lluwer,
iiilmliitsl rater of t Ue estate of Klla Ewlif, dec ..
il. First iunl Un tl account of Kllals-lli Wellnr,
uliiiliilslriilrU of the estate ol 1'eler WclK-r, l.ito
of SVitshlmttou Twp., deceastsl.
T. First ami II n ul account of Charles Del,nii)r,
executor of the estate ofjainea lK'l.onn, Into of
Centre Twp., deccaiteil.
s. First iunl tlmil account of Mary ('. Klstncr, rlx C. T. A. ol Die estute ot lleiijamlii
Klstner, tlii'eiised,
y. Fir.t ami iliml iiei'tiiint of J, (', Nhamliocli
mid N. W. Altfler, executors of tho estaoj ol bus
nun, ill Alifler, late of Spring Twp., deceased.
la. Account of diaries Aurand. administrator
of tlie estate of Otorfu .Moycr, lato of Jackson
Tw p.i ueceaacil.
11. Account of James K. D ivlsnnil Calvin 11.
Xorih, exe.-iitors ol I lie last. Will and Testament
of denl'k'e S. hliui'e, laleol ScllUsrove lloluU'U, ti,
MUldlcbiireli, IM.. .Ml;,', is iw. ItetflHtur,
AS. l. t'HOL SK,
.MlliKLKUriUI, PA.
All business enirustej to ins cure
will receive prompt attention. Cons
eultatlou in Lnglltih and (Jeriuan.
Lewistown Academy.
A college preparatory and finishing
school for both sexes. Foreign lang
uages taught by natives. Music de
partment, vocal and inntrnmentat,
unsurpassed. Terms moderate. Send
for catalogue. J. C. Tla. H. S.
Lewlntown. Vix. Principal.
crown Acme.
The best Burning Oil that can be
made from I'etrolcuin.
It gives n brilliant light.
It will not Biuoko the chimney.
It w ill not char tho w ick.
It has a high fire test.
It w ill not explode.
It is without n comparison as a per
fection Family Safety Oil.
It is manufactured from the finest
Crude in the most perfectly equip
ped refineries in tho world
It is the Best.
Ask your dealer for Crow n Acme.
Trade order tilled hy
Yours truly,
Sunbuiy Station, Sunbury,
Si!n?3rcvsi Pa
Teeth cleaned, cxlraelisl. Implanted, regulat
ed. IiKea-cs and Inpirles to the ti-ctli unit
moiilli treated Artltlelal set". CMWIis. brl'U'es
anil olnltiiatiir lii-i-lted. All kinds of lllllin,-.
In 'Id work a sis-clally. u. t i. nit ii, l). n. s.
oniee In Wets' flivellliiir. soul li side entrance,
oplsislte Natlotiiil llolel.
Treating, tilling, artificial teeth, bridge
and crown work. -Mtrons oxnle gas
for painless extractions. Everything
pertaining to dentistry.
Van Piosklrk's old stand. '
To the Public, Generally.
As Congress did not pass the extra
revenue on whiskey.the Marks brands
of whiskey all of uiy own make
remain the same price. New white;
whiskey, '..75 ; 10 to 18 months old.
j.00 ; 28 to 30 months old, $2.5o ; 34
to 80 months old. $3.00. 38 to 42
months old, 3 50 ; These are all flue
j-oo-is. Do not toryev the old stand.
Empty whiskey barrels $1.00.
J. L. Marks,
Near U. R. Station. Mlddlebugli, Ta.
0. 0. SEEBOLD,
tho well-known dealer in Fi
nnos, Organs and Sewing
Machines, has now the larg
est stock of instruments on
hand ever brought to Mid
dlelmrgli, and from now to
January 1, 1S!)1, cash buyers
can havo tho same advan
tages in buying from him as
they havo in buying from tho
0. 0. SKKHOL3),
Middleburgh, l'a.
Ily virtue of a t-ertaln writ of KI. Fa. Issued out
ol die Court ul Common Pleas i.f Kuiler t tii.iii
iunl to me dlr i'tfil, I will ejse.t to public sail'
lit the Court House In MtdtlN-ouiyh, on
Saturday, September ls'.m,
ut lnii'i-Us-k, a. III., the Mlowlntf real estate:
All Hull eertulu traet (it l.ili l, Ml llitle III Ail. nils
In wnslili, Hiiytlt r I'oiini;, , Pa,,".! i.oi iii
hy land of Klleu tillls i t , el . ,il. liy,
It. Hi'lis'le. 11. A. Kuhrm i'i,"!. nl. liy l'uvett
Kutlerolf. ninl west l.y I i.inli'l Went , r, coiii'nln
llitf Ms ACKKS, more or 1 -s. w heivun tiro el n ted
Kuott. larifH luvellin,: lloiiso, Lariu ilank llani,
ii n J oilier oiiiliiillilliis.
Kel.eil, taken Inlo eM einlnn (mil to lie sold us
tln plop, rl ofl9arh A. 'I'Mus .ii.d Ilunry It.
1). iJOLKSDrK. fcUOHil.
Won du net consht tlon dahlsht du beser l.rrna, far Ich will dere ebbes
doh shrelva os dere feel geld In dl sock brlngt. Ks arht will Ich tllch froga :
Un en in ml mm ?
Won du doosht don Ius nileh tlere ebbes In dl link ore plshpera- E is en
gl-eder nhtore In Selinsgrove os stinnt feel yohra biauls ga-doo htit un olla
yohr doot are uwp. Vnrwn ?
e . wff.K m mm wm unnT
F.s Is net tier inori woo es grone gablose doot on en feela goods farkawft.
"I't-t shtill sow frest do slilop." Won du tie oldta rtistotueis oil sa-ht tzu
ric!; eooiiiii don corn-lit ill mind u!l uidiieha
Per D.-iwler Is der Diwdy ! D Ci'tid.i sin si Kinner. Won du tie fa
niillin by-iuitinner lmldtn wld don kawf ill gheder on dem hhtore. Du
wnlslit woll ware Ich inane. I'.s kent net oui-hter si. Is d r
IB ill t Ml
but they go a great wny in Tlieujwliy sendjto the
City for ready-made clothing ntul then take them to h-s lied
tailor to improve the lit. when von can get it
at once by going to
MLUCIIANT TAILOR, Selinsgrove, Pa., where your work is always
guaranteed or you have ret-ourae. This In a question that Interest
every man ami boy .A neat-fitting matter what thelniatrrial
is it always looks better than an ill-fitting nult no matter how line
the goods. Then conn- at once antl get fits.
Late Foreman for E. E. BUCK, four doors west of Bank. FelIngrove.
Newly Established.
o o
Having just completed the stock for my new store In Pprlngman's Build
ing, SELINStJKoVE, 1'A., 1 am ready to satisfy the wants of all
patrons. I carry
of every
Notions, Gents' Neckwear & Jewelry
for both Ladies and (Jentlemeu.
a Specialty. I havo also received a new line of
Fall Goods, Underwear, etc.
Come anil try our new face wash, lilooni of Hoses, for purifying and
beautifying the complexion, speedily and permanently removes iiimnles
freckles anil all other diseases of tlie face. '
Fashionable cloth
ing, Hats, caps,
Neckties, Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Slimmer Under
wear, and Ccleloid
goodSjMcn's shirts, JJ
II. Ill
Clothing for prince I Pauper!
Clothing that looks like silk and "wears like leather. Come
to the old Reliable where you get what you A ay for. My
now stock is just in. is enfire'y new and comprises all the
'latest styles Too busy waiting on customers to tell you
moro. ;iuiio and see for yourself.
itfiddleburgh, V.
Children .suits
and everything to
mako a man look
handsome and feel
happy, at prices
that discount all
imitation sloresj
i ''l-i
v. - .