The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 31, 1893, Image 4

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    Published every Thursday,
T- E. BARTER Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year.
(which mut bp rmM In wlTanre when sont out-nlili-1
lie county.)
All trhnwli'iit nJrcriiHrtnotiis not otherwlw
mil rncn-H ir will lx' rlmrifi'il itt Hip ThIp of 1.1
tfMita ir IIiip (nniimrl'l iii'MHir.') for flrt Inwr
tlon hwI iu iH-iiU) (mt tlnu lur evt-ry Miiwuui'iit
Thursday,, 1893.
Republican Ticket.
A H'l:li' .I'lili'.
V. V.
i 'iiiiiTnlsotiiiipp,
.!. '. limvi "IMX.
'. V. M' I K
republican Standing Ccnmittco
A l.niix .1. ). VlMli-mnrth..l. K. F.-U.ToIf.
IWMMT- Villi. Ill Ki I. Inlll KlllliPV.
IL'.ivi r V kI - in. lltN-iiT, . Miydi r.
i i niri'- II. '. N,un-i';l. in. ll.iiii i ih.
li.ipm.ili - John MI' T. A. V. I..Iii. t.
Kritnk Iiii .1. Ilnwiinl lio:iif. .1 . i it Ditrrllii''.
.' irk'tciii win. Marlln, Ti ler hlliiirliT.
NM'IIHinrKli .f it.x. IIoivithox. '. W. ll'Tinun.
Ml l'll.i ri i k-1'. I.. How. M. I'. IMIiitf. r.
Motirix- . A. K H'ltTiDim, Win. C. l)'nriiK.
Ivnn I. V .I.irri'll. N I'. rroun
frrrv-W. I. Iiilt. r. II. K. rlK.i::i.Mt.
IVrry West - T. It. t.ravlilll. T. M. ArtmKiixr.
-prlin' -A. M. ut:iii'l. I v 11 MI'Mlf-wnrtli.
"i'llii.'irvr--Ki. M. Ilunimi l. A. MuiiKM'rf.T.
I lili'ii -All.'ti H.i'lirini . .1. n. Slahl.
Wnsiiuu:ii -Win. . II unuii. Mowr.
Newspapers as Necessities.
Tin- St. P.uil l ..f Control
lately linked tin- Corporation At
torney for his opinion ns to whether
they eouhl lawfully furnish the coun
ty almshouse niiil eity hopitul with
newspapers ; and the Corporation
Attorney's opinion is thnt they mny,
for ho holds that newspapers are
necessities of life. The opinion is a
houiul Htatenient of fact. The news,
paper hus become a necessity to
Americans, ami to lo shut out from
a knowledge of what is going on iu
the world wouhl be as great a
hardship to them as any other except
lack of food, clothing, or shelter.
The life in more than meat, and the
body than raiment ; and tho satis
faction of the mind is as legitimate
aa the satisfaction of the bodily
", and of a higher order. The
pers iu the almshouses mayhare in
the common privilege of Americans.
The newspaper is the university
an 1 tho library of the people, the
common school of manhood. It is
the great debating club of politics,
the exchange of business, the record
i f i ach day of human experience. It
i- i ecessary to the proper discharge
'' 'he jxjlitieal duties of the citizen.
Rut a newspaper, at h ast a good
newspaper, is more than a necessity.
It brings into the narrowest life
some sense of tho vast life of the
world, it is full of tragedy and
comedy, wit and passion, the heroic
and the humble, the crime and the
merriment of nations. It is a great
realist history. It is a daily com
mentary upon humau nature.
Writing items in the heat i:i labor
ious. The days are warm and
thoughts or ideas do not come with
the bidding This is the least pleas
ant part of the year, the dog days.
Heat, fumid and stilling, the dust of
the wayside chokes the passer by,
and the parched fields quiver, the
corn alone stands the last living
green waiting for a refreshing show
er. Insects burden the air, and the
half mournful note of the katy-did
and cricket speaks of the soon com
ing frost and fall of tho year. Such
:time. l'enns Creek even is get
ting too low for tho fish to keep
their back from being roasted by
the rays of the sun The Ladies
Aid Society of tho Lutheran and
Reformed church will hold a festival
on Saturday evening of this week in
the yard adjoining the church on
Market Street. Give this worthy
cause a liberal patronage. Ice cream
and all the dainties of the t-en sou
will be served Charles A. Walter
of Williainsport was hero last week
visiting parents and friends I'rof.
J. H. Willis of Kelinsgrove wa- in
town on business, .Saturday Will-
iani Sliolly, un ex-soldier an 1 promi
nent citizen of Jackson towi.hhip
visited old cou.rado and friends
hero n Sunday W. II. SiiU.kel
and wife f M.f:2.nburg vi;ted par
ents arid friends here i,u Sur-day. . . .
Miss Ella Spungb-r v.u.zh 1 atitotig
friends in New J; thn on bun-lay
Miss Elva'j wa an,orjg
friends in Mi I lleh'irgh on Sunday
....11. C. HanipMl. OULty Chair
man of the JUpubLean Standing
Committee, attanded the State Con
vention iu fctbtion at llarmhurg
this week. i
Daniel Smith Las purchased a new
threshing machine complete with
an automatic duster, and is now pre
pared to do as quick and good work
as any party in the county. . . .Chan.
Kane, of Riverside, was in this place
on business last week.... An infant
daughter of Charles and Dilla Stet
lcr was buried last week.... The
Chestnut Ridge cornet band has
purchased a handsome band wagon
. . . .Messrs. A. W. Tontius and Sam
uel Reichley are attending the
World's Fair....Adnm Smeltz and
Cyrus Smith made a business trip
to Centrevillo last week. . . .Simou
Hummel and Ira Sunders met with
an accidont last week while passing
Daniel Smith's engine, with a horse
ami buggy. The horso became
frightened at tho engine and ran
away, throwing the occupants out of
tho vehicle. They were badly
bruised but are all right again. The
horse ran several miles before he
was captured Vlfred Good, of
Northumberland county, made a
business trip to this place last week
Chestnut Ridgo was well repre
sented at the R. R. Y. M. C A. pic
nic at Mountain Grove Jas. G.
Crousc, Esq., of Middle burgh, was
in this place on Saturday on business
loo Lesher, of Selinsgrove, was
in this place last week. Joo has
nothing to say concerning the !l.r0
wheat which ho promised our farm
ers if Cleveland would be elected. . .
The property of John Young, do
ceased, which was sold on Saturday,
was purchased by the following par
ties : Edward Young bought tract
No. 1, valuation . l,7S.) Alfred
Young bought tract No. 2, valuation
Isaac Roust, our enter
prising phosphate iikreut, has re
ceived two car-loads of goods, which
ho has sol 1 to farmers in this vicin
ity Everybody is pleased to learn
that our old school-teacher. A. J.
Herman, is coming back again.
The Globe Mills and Kreamer
Sunday schools will hold their an
nual picnic on Yoder's island Sept.
2nd. All are invited to attend.
There will be a festival in the even
ing at Meiser station The G. A.
R. intends holding its annual bean
soup on Yoder's island Sept. 13....
Our post-master has embarked in
the confectionery business. . . .Frank
Seaman, of Williamsport, will teach
Our neigh"boring fanner, Levi Has-
singer, will move on Sheriff Bolen
uers i arm in tne spring. We are
very fcorry to lose him J.O. Yoder
has started for old Missionary Insti
tute and will finish his course in the
spring.... Prof. A. A. O. Yoder,
graduate of the Delaware (Ohio
Business College, will teach in Cen
trevillo this winter. .. .Take a dead
in-earnest politician and he will talk
about his party and its platform
every chance he gets. Why should
a dead in-earnest christian do anv
less for his church T
On the 24th inst. at the home of
the bridegroom s parents in Beaver
town, by Rev. .1. N. Wetzler, Cha.
W. Boush. M. D.. to Miss Lizzie M.
Smith, both of McClure.
At Mi.M1..1miv.l. 1n k,,.. ! 1 ...
Rev. I. 1 Netr, W. E.' Stal'lnecke'r
and Annie J. Moyer, both of Middle
burgh. Ou Aug. 2.", in Middleburgh. bv
Rev. I. V. Neir, I E. Hackenberg
and Clemraie Moyer, both of Beaver
hereby given that Letters Teota
ucDUrv on lh huk el J. '. I'LtHIOi, dwM
UitolJulmm tuwmhip, Knyder County,
bare tn lMue-1 to the under. iicd'sI rrltin in
Mi'l torliip. All eixjni, therefore, Irnlehtcd
UmIiI ett will .U. tnak lminellts v.
tiiiat. aol thiw harlntf rliioi jrsiol It wi'll
I'TtK-Lt thcui lur Mlilemcut !
. t. 111. KM AN, tiecutor.
tern of ailiuiijlntrntloii in estate of
H'h;ioin Herman. l,t ol Krizervll!-, hny.ler
'...'.,dT'., hailrK ten uranle. to th un.ler
nntif.J, all ru knowing theuMlT loilehiei
tu mate are reiue.l.! to uiake In mediate
lkjuient. anile lh- Ijitiuk rlaiioi alll present
them dulj aulliebtlcate.! to the nn.1 r.ix'iel.
l.VI'IA M I. KM A N.
1 l.Kl I.NA1. llKMAN.
Aoir. Sr,'v3 A ltuiDiru-aturi.
. ! .
l!lln will ! r"-hwl l.y the MlitiHi-lmrf.t
h'.l l'ur 1 una saOjr'lkj-, .-i,u-ijli)er . nv.'i
l'r tin t'Hi'iviux i"iiw . To lav down rl'xirx
III , -lfi filli !! 4I- IUi0rr IwtJ HiUl.-rliil
Uitjf i,l ynnl j-i;.jw win,oiit kii'i, to ly
Laid ou t.jv ol tin; old floor. Alvi Ui put a -ijrro-a'-d
lrrj t4 un Hit- iwiith mdp ol tljp w hl
i'i.:M:- ' ! ,l t,'jar- r-t ,. all U, I itai--4
ihe:".u"f s pi. Jim, K j,j,iieyi i,',
re-H i' ht nt iM-. iHi:iry, uji Ui Ihe aljote time
v:il ije 4n-d a;i
. ( .'TEI.ll S, 'r-nl ) ht.
J. V. sHJMjJX s.xf..-(4rv.
Trial List-Sept. Term, 1893.
T:.f M'J oru,V k l.'um-kUi.j; Uu Iliuv'J'j . W'
V a I 'i.
7'L.i- iwil.'ijlJ I'l'wl'o. va. Waltjii Whai.ii
T'.c y.u.flr Jtr.U I . Walfjn a i
7 ! "li.iiiwjr.'-raol I'blob . Uj liar.) I'.ijdd
. 'low K'ln. 1.1, v. ,. I'. Hwiuruijiv-U.
ielsir H. UniuOi . Il-nry at. Mpjl,
lit istr i. ti a ntu
i. . :iyiK .a. A'jfiwi r.ifjjrriau,
J. II. Iili vk. Win. IL Noll. rt. al.
vi-'t fw'nt im. nnjtiitx ii y ii, et, kL
Hjr Tlriue of t writ ol KI. Kb. HM out of rh
t'ourt of ( ciinmon I'Ipha of BnjdiT county nd to
mn dliwl, will eiio to public sale at the
Ouurt limine In Middleburgh, on
Saturd.iy, Sept. lrt, 1S03,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the followlnn real mtnte i
All thnt certain trsct of Innd ulttiatfl In IvrTy
tnwiiNhlp, Hnvrler count v, P., bounded Nortli
by bind of Henry Krvmver, Kam by Innd of Wid
ow Henry, South by land of ('lirlHtlun Knnimn,
nc Wml bv land of John t'nderrover, contnln
Intf 11 AcUfcs. inorw or le-.. whereon are erect
ed a Tkh1 Two-xtorv DWK1.L1NH HOI SK, Sliible
and other outbuilding-.
Nelred. titken Into execution and to be sold
the prorty of tieo. tt. t-lnett,
U. BOLEXDKK. Sheriff.
lly virtue of n writ of KI. Kit. Inuei out of the
Court of i .minion 1'lean of Snyner i-oiinly and to
Iiih illnvled. I will exiwme to public aalo at tho
Court House in MlddleburKh, on
Saturday, Sept. in, 1H03,
fit in o'clock. A, M., the followlnK real entitle i
Til ACT No. 1 All thnt. cerlnln tract of litnd
mtiiiiie In Knuikllii township, Hnvder county,
iHiunded by lands of Anion tittt, Kpliraltn lln-lii-InifiT.
M.J. Courtney ami Itiu'hael Klnelihower,
contiiliiliiu IU Al IIKH mid V IVrclioH.
TI1ACT No. . Miniate m township, county
and state aforesaid, tmiirided br lands of Kpliriilm
MrelnlhpT, Amos nift. Itarlmel Klwnhower and
pulille roail. eoiitalnllitt n Al UKS and M I'eri hes,
on which are erected aifmsl DWKI.I.I.NU HOlli
Ham and other oiilliulldliikri
r'lel. taken Into cxii-niion and to he Bold as
the property of Alexander II Km-pp.
Klt. SherlfT.
lly virtue of a writ of KI. Kit. Issued out, of the
t'nint of i iitmiioii I'I'-.vs and to tne directed, I
will expose to publle hale nt thu Culirt House 111
MiihlleliurKh, on
Saturday, September UUh, 1SU,
at ID o'clock, A. M., the following rcij eslato :
TH.M'T No. I. Mtua'e In Adam township.
Htiyder iiMii,ty, l'a In, unci. . I north bv land of
Nathan 1'ettepilt, east bv Isaac SwiirtC, el. nl.,
south l.j A. i. Mi'r. et. al., and west by Troxei
A' llni., contaliiliig Mil Acres.
THAI 'T No. i. Situate mhiiic as Tract No. 1.
bounded north by lauds of Arlo l'anlis, enst by
Troxell A Wairtier, wmtli bv llcnrclt Kivbl.sel.
al est by .1. v. II. .Moyer, et. ill., containing J7
Acres mid ss pen lies.
TUAt'T NO. a. situate satup as former tractn,
Niundist north by Tract No. i. east by land of
Henn it Ki-ebbs, south bv Sarah l.ltrltilngerund
west by Mary K. Mlddlcswarth, contaliiliiif 10
Acres, more or less.
TH.M'T NO. 4. Minnie same ns former tracta,
liunded north bv laml of Nalliitu Ketlepilf, east
by lllimanian A Sinlth, west bv Klliot Kunnaii,
and Ninth by .lames K. Kline-It N-Ing a Uootl
l.llnestone Lot with K II Ii In if"sl repair.
Keled. taken Into execution Hlld to tie Mild as
I he property ol Jacob Nerhixal.
I. Hol.KNIKH, SherltT.
Jury List.
T.lst of Petit Jurors drawn for the t'ourt of
oyer and Terminer and ietiernl .lall Delivery
andonirtof quarter s'!slons of tlie peace of
Snyder county held nnscpt. Term, comuittnclnir
Monday. Sept , lw.
Adams Wm. II. Hcrmun, Isaac C. Smith, Oarrt-
eon ThomuN.
Heaver U. H. spoi'ht. Ner Feme, Oeotve A.
Kline. Isaac Ilreese.
Beaver West 1), H. Ilaaetnirer, Hamnel PtumpIT.
Perry Treaster. Jacob Krb, t'harlea Hmith.
Outre IVrrlval llartinan. Know. Herman,
Kllaa HarUiian.H. Il.biroub. a. C.BIninuuao,
Elmer O. Zerbroan.
Chapman Ihtnlel L KelchODtiach. Joacph ljona,
Aug. H. Miroub. JonailiKU Btroub.
KnuikllD M. K. Uaitnlnirer. . t . N.'fex , SVfl.'U IUuM, 40f4&
u'igniner, ( naa. 4. Heaver.
Mldilleburvh Alexander Howeraox.
Monroe W. T. Deltrtch. Jacob Brown, laaao N,
Klshrr. Jonaa Corvell. Awmh Ptsher.
Pt-on C'ornellua Wetzel. Illrain F. Llrlcb, Jacob
Ferry-Christ Knouse, Klley Kepler. 8. D. Sanfo.
Aiii'ii iitu aenu-rif.
Perry West '. M. Dunn.
SelliiKgrove Win. II. Winner.
spring Jaa.'c. Hchambacu, ItoeweU Blngamun,
n ill. l. linger.
I'nloti-jai-ob llitiitx, titsi. p. Michael,
Washington Jerome (.arinan.
Adams t-liiiK, K. KcttenilT,
Beater West t han. Ikvkard.
Centre Sephnrus sehiitnbach.
( li.ipinaii iieo. W. Muter.
Kraiiklln-S. M. Walter,' Henry II. Hauoh, CUaa.
.1 ackson Jai kson Kllngler, ieo. Kiltie.
Mlddli-biirgh Win. I. i.armaii.
Mulillw re-k tieo. W. Haie h.
Muiiivs- .lames Ix slu-r, Win. II. U.illev, Noah
I'enii-sepharuM Herman. Francis Miller,
ivrry cl Thus. P. Intt.
-liiisgr -Isaac liomlg. .1. H. Miller, Win.
spring I rlali
I nioii .iHd llemlre ks. I-a.ic S. Ihgacre.
Washiiiion t inus. sprunkle.
Al'IIMWV API'IMIsKMKN rs.-N'otli-els here
" by given that the folluwlmr Wldowa'An.
pnilseineiila under the fXi law. have lieen llled
wiiiiinei lerkoithe tirnhuim' Court of Hnvder
county for Continuation on Mondaf. tho Vvth
day of September, lWI.
1. Appraisement of Daisy M., James T., Isaac.
i. and Kliilna S. Hallev. minor elillilt-en or
I'rlali P. llalley. Lite of helnsk'ruve BoruiiBh,
Fa., d's; d.
t. Appraisement of Susan Ainlch. widow of
John Auilch. lato of West perry Twp., Fa., dee d.
)). Appraisement of Hannah Aucker. widow of
Emanuel Aurker. late ol I nlon Two.. Mnvder
county, Fa., ds;'d.
4. Appraisement of arah J. Treanter. widow
of Wm. II. Tn-aeter, late of Weat Beaver Twp.,
Miydcr county, J'a., Utv d.
Monday. Aui;. Iskj,
1 EUISTKH K NOTICES. Notice la hereby Klv.
1VU thai the following named persons hum
fllisl their Aduilnlslral.iiV, tiuardlan. and ki.
o utors' a'oiliila Iu the KeglMer'i Ofllce of Kny.
der Count v. and the aamv will be pnwuted fur
roiifinnatloti and allowauee at the Court Ilouae
iu juieucourKii, .-ninua,v, rtept. ao, IFtwa,
1. Account of Jinse F. and Emanuel II. Han.
let, administrators of the estate ol John iiusi.t
late of Jackson Twp., dir eam-d.
. First an I final account of W. If. tll. aA.
minlstrator of the estate of Levi till, lam .r
t'eiitre Twp., deceased.
S. First and final aceount of S. Wela. admlnls.
tratorof the eniuto of U. lieymaD, tale of Selloa
grute, (liveaneij.
4. Third and final acxiunt of David Winner
guardian of Foster Fisher, a minor child of Cai
tlu L. Fbiiier, lat of Mlddlocreek 'I'wp., dee'd.
. First and niial account of Charles I lower
administrator of the rslat of Kluta Elg, de- ,.
. t Irsl and final a- count of Kllzalteth Weller
admlnlstrainx of llieesl il.t ol Peter Weller. Ul.
of VS ajthlngUjii 1'vt p., duceoaed.
T. First fend final account of Itinrlea Ielnn
i iK-uior of the estate of Jumea Ih-Umg, late of
Centre Twp.. Ueoeaaed.
. First and nnul accaint of Marvf. nx C. T. A. of UieestaU: of Benjamin
. First and final account or J. .'. Shamlo ii
and N. W. a hier. ex uton of thu etai ol suh
annah Alfler, lute of spring Twp., deceaaed.
A'-:ount. of ( harles Aurand. administrator
of theesiate lit (.e.,r,'-5 Moyer, lale of Jai kvill
Ta p., d's eiiw d.
11. A i 0Uiit ofj.iriii-s K. flit la and Calvin H
N-rfiJi, exei-ulorsof tne Lnl wi.i and 'l iwlumeiit
of i.. ore ) iiiiUie, lute of h..liiurove Uorough,
(1. M. hill VIIIT
Mlddleburi'li. pa., Aujf. w. JiegUtler,
a aw v.w.iato, ift.,.. - - - -
t liin..n.. kn .m I- , M.4 altars.
a4 - . aou iisosw . km.t ,i C
,--.i.i,,.,,al. k, uHiks r.
ai,s. '4 tt;j.f O., 4lI,aU4,
I mm iMll lii.r. '
Lewistown Academy.
A college preparatory and finishing
school for both texee. Foreign Ung
nages taught by natives. Music de
partment, vocal and Instrumental,
unsurpassed. Terms moderate. Send
for catalogue. J. C. PtA. 11. S.
Lewistown. Pa. Principal.
crown Acme.
The best Burning Oil that can be
made from Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not mnoke the chimney.
It will not rlmr tho wick.
It has a high fire teat.
It will not explode.
It is without a comparison as a per
fection Family Safety Oil,
It is manufactured from tho finest
Crude in the most perfectly equip
ped refineries' in tho world
It is tho Best.
Ask your denier for Crown Acme.
Trado orders filled by
Yours truly,
Sunbury Station, Jjunbury, Pa.
SEllnsgrcvsi Fa.
Teeth cleaned, extracted. Implanted, regulat
ed. IMseases and Inlurlea to the teeth and
mouth treated. Art lllclal nets, crowns, bridges
and oMurator Inserted. All kinds of lining,
Oold work a sH'Clalty.
iKo. n. n.nicii. n. i. .
office In Wels' dwelling, south side, entrance,
opixmlte National Hotel.
Treating, filling, artirtclal teeth, bridge
anil crown work. Nitrous oxide gus
for painless extractions. Everything
pertaining to dentlntry.
Vau llohkirk's old etaiul,
To the Public, Generally.
As Congress did not pans the extra
revenue on whiskey, tlie;Marks brands
of whiskey all of my own make
remaiu the same price. New white
whiskey, $'..75 ; 10 to 18 months old,
13.00 ; 38 to 80 months old, 2.5o ; 84
to 8(1 months old. 3.00. 88 to 42
mouths old, 3.50 ; These are all fine
goods. . Do not forget the old stand.
Empty whiskey barrels 1. 60.
J. L. Marks,
Near R. 11 Station. Mlddlebugb, Pa
SiLv-'f!- i
tho Mcll-known dealer in Ti
anoH, Organs ami Sewing
Machines, has now tbo larg
est stock of instruments on
hand ever brought to Mid
dleburgh, and from now to
January 1, 1S!)1, cash buyers
can have tho same advan
tages iu buying from him as
they havo in buying from tho
0. 0. SHE HOLD,
Middlcburgli, Va.
IK' vfrlm. rf 'i.i-fiilii u.'u li l... ....
of ihn 4 ourl ol CoiuNion 'liaH t,t hhyilvr nniuiy
Uh'l lO HIM llr.Tl.-.l, HIU I'IMM to MlljlC huli)
latv IIIU I XI UUp. Ill .ltiltlsllfliri,ll. ou
Saturday. Setitemher Ih'CI
at I'l o'clock, U. in.. !li following real eslale:
mi . ).,v o-ii,iiii nt'" i in I. lie I, an iiaie At lams
township, hntd'-r 'dmiy, I'.i., Imiiniled n.irtli
hy 'uml ol Klleu .ll' rt, ft. lit. aolllll by ,Ui o,
II. Ilelle, H. a. I- ilium hi, el. al.. e.iht l,v KatAt,.rolf mirf l.u I. ...I.. I u' ' .
. ..... ..... ...... ...... ,v , ,:niT, COIIIalll-
InifHs At UKH, luore or less, vt li. reon ara ere led
u 1o.mI. liirLe Ii.... lilt," lli.iik.. I o ,
iiol oiiie7 oiifoulldinS.V - ,w""
Kl'ljsl. til ki'li ll.lo i. .i-i'lll I, ,n ui.,1 l,.l.....i. ...
yjH 'K'i'yoIbaraU A. 'JoMua aud Henry 11.
a, fiai ,,.n v.
i m- jk-h
Fashionable cloth
ing, llats, caps
Neckties, Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Summer Under
wear, and Cclcloid
goodSjMcn's shirts, JJJ
Clothing for prince Pauper
Clothing that looks liko silk
iu in om itcnaoio wncro you get wnat you pay lor.
new stock is just in, is entirely new and comprises all tt
laicststyics. loo busy watting on customers to telly
more. :omo and sco for yourself.
Coino mid. see our new ntock of
iltjwttl l.i.iut n.lTtlllnV ... Ma... n I r
r...... ... uu j iuiuk j v... i mi ,nix
tyo run auoru to sen ten per cenc
liPtir.t niiHrnnipri linvp Mw hp no fit
Gbeap Sash S
. . --..s..m. .... v rj01Vll W V f fa, I rtll I J . .
lUHtnow on Notloua, Curtain. Curtain Pole, antl Jewelry, although
. I S t 11.. II . . . . - . . . . "
tnunui, cume nuniyr niijiinuK 111 ins line oi uenerai uerciianuits?. W
also have a full line of Hoys' Buitu and Meu'a Clothimr, and we will
pleaed,to ehow yon goods whether you buy or not. We also sell tlie j
liver Chilled
ttf" Note Here is the place to get
money, ana uon t you rorget it I
David W etzei
but they go a great ways in tliatdlreotlon. Then why sendjto the
City for readynmde clothlnp; and then take them to aMci lied local
tailor to improve the fit, when you can get a
at once
MERCHANT TAILOIt, Selir.sgrove, Ph., where your work Is always
guaranteed or you have recourse. This is a question that Interesti
every man and boy.A neat-fitting matter what the.materiil
is it always looks better than an Ill-IItting suit no matter how fin
the goods. Then come at once and get fits.
Late Foreman for E. E. DUCK, four doors west of Bank. Seliimtw
elinsgrove azaar
Newly Established.
o o o
Having jiiHt completed the stock for my new store In SprinRmau'ii Hi
ing, M-.LlMSMiOVE, PA., 1 am ready to satisfy the wants of sll
patrons. I carry
of every description,
Notions, Gents'
for both Ladies aud (ieutleineu.
t u cm
and everything
make- a man 10(,
happy, at priC(i
that discount
imitation store.
and wears like leather. Coin
Spring uml Suminer Oootln. We hav?
f .. mm . . . 1 1 . 1 .
in. iiur kuuiis un; nu UOtl mill i
cneaper for
nt ttmf uvutam 7a l.aA M k.
Plows 8c Repairs
the most and best goods' for the i
oy itoing to
Don t Mi Tie 1
(limn mi
.uuu 1 11
Neckwear & Jeveln
Uexpertfully, '
Nettie Cohen,
Solinsgrovo, P
U. LOLtNUt'H, bUtrlff.