The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 10, 1893, Image 4

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! I
She StfoWefanjIi hsl
Published every Thursday.
ThTharTER Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year.
(which must bo pl1 In Bi1tnrn when unit otit
Rldii tlw county.)
All trun'i"'!it uriviTHsi-mTitu not ntiiorwiw
I'oiitrurli'il fur will Ik- cniirif'rt at lh rule of I A
ri'iiin T II it- (iinnpurli'l rm'nuin-l fur tlrM Irn'cr
turn mill Miviils it 11 lit for every mihwuciit
Inwrt loll.
Thursday, August 10, 1893.
Republican Ticket.
Ahwh-IiIK' .lndv",
Z. TAYl.OH tmiilKKUNU.
f. f. KKKIII I.I).
J AMI-." KltlH.KV,
.1. 1'. IHIVI I(XO,
'. I". SU
lU. MA KAMI ItiU'llltorK.
Xlcpsttican Standing Ccnmittco
.Vl.ilin -.1. li. MI.Hl'"tt;iitll,.l. K. ri'ttrrnlf.
Il. iv. r Villi in rri'i'', Irvln KIiiih'V.
lu-nver Wi-M Win. H.-.-i. r. (Jen. s. siivdrr.
flit r' -II. !:iiiiiim. Win. Iliirttiiiui.
tiiinii;iit - .lolin Mil.-p. A. . Umin r.
Kmnkllii I. Il'.n.n l 1'-'! .i.iiip - i:iit" riiii'.
larkHiiii W in. Miuilii, I'rli'r Klllik'I' l .
MMillrlltlri.'ll-.I.IM. llowcr-iX. C. W. lliTlllilll.
MliMI'MTiM-k I'. I.. Iliiw. .M. K. l(.lliiir.-r.
Moiine' ii. A. KmhIIiiiiiii, Win.)'. hcil us.
1'i liti I. N. .Iirrvtt. N I". t'roiixi'.
ivrrv- W. Ii. IUI..-.T. II. K. AiIk".'.ixI.
IVii) Wi-xl I'. K. l.riW.tll. T. M. ArlMi:isl.
Iiriiii' A. M. Aimuiil. I ll MldillcniMiri Ii.
'-llii-'ifr; K-l. M. II niiiiiH'l. A. .M.iilm i;rr.
I 'nil in AlU'ii .-..vliiM, .1. . Sl.ilil.
n-litti't..i Win. '. II Mover.
The Coming Struggle with
l.cfoll' SHOW f.'llls in CllUM'), !!15'S
tlio AYHsliington Slur, tlio people of
t ho United Stiito and of several
other deeply interested t'ouiitriuH
will have tin opportunity to gauge
t ho pow er of anarchy in the Lako
hidc City. A month nio and there
wan no appearaiu'o of anti-peaceful
influences, but sineo (iovernor Alt
geld gavo liberty to threo rabid
"reds," tlio unkempt head has conio
into full public view, proud of the
distinction conferred upon it by tlio
openly expressed friendship of the
Governor of Illinois. But anarchy
iu Chicago is ntill an unmeasured
ipiautity, and it wtll continue to be
until after the election, nt which
either Judge Gary or his succensor
will be chosen. Now, Judge Gary,
brave enough to do his whole duty
at that momentous period, has been
vituperously assailed as an assassin
and several other equally undesir
able things. Ilis term has almost
expired, and ho will bo beforo the
voters of Chicago to secure connuo
dation or condemnation. His op
ponent is to bo a personal friend of
Governor Altgeld, and believed in
many of the disturbing doctrines
with which the Governor fully syni
pathizcs.The struggle will be watch
ed chisel v, for the result is going to
give us an accurate index to Chica
go's character. The defeat of Judge
Gary, should it bo accomplished,
will not damage his judicial reputa
tion, mr will it prove that the con
demned anarchists were innocent
martyrs, but it will reveal to man
kind the precise number of people
in Chicago whoso preference is for
How Uncle Sam Buys Gold.
This is from the .St. Louis Ulohe :
A place seldom visited by the public
is the Assay oflico of tho United
states, where gold is bought for the
Government. There are but four
such ollices iu the United States,
one in St. Louis, one in Helena,
Mon., one in lloiso City, Idaho, a
fourth at Ckirlotto, N. C, and the
Jilth at tho branch mint in Denver.
The oflico here is in charge of Sir.
Klliot Jewett, with two assistants.
It is as completo an ollico as can be
found iu tho world, being equipped
entirely new hince its location iu the
Old Custom House. As tho agent
of tho government, Mr.Jewett, buys
.ill gold ottered iu amouuts above
loi), paying for tho same as soon as
t can bo melted and assayed. A
great many people are ignorant of
the fact that tho Government buys
gold outside of tho mints. The mo
ment the assayer begins to drum
trade, too, that moment ho drives it
away. 15y such action lie causes
the public to believe that he repre
seats a private company, speculat
ing ('ii its purchases. This idea is
encouraged by tho told buyers, jew
elers, pawnbrokers and others who
would prefer u full clear of the
United States. As a matter of fact,
it makes no difference to the assay
er whether ho receives one ounce or
1,(00,000 ounces, as he is paid a cer
tain fixed Bulary. Ho receives any-
thing in the nhapo of gold, whether
it be tho net called retorts burs, dust
or jewelers' scraps. Whatever shapo
it is in, he takes it for what it is
worth. Tho Government pays the
expenses of ascertaining this worth.
Tho process of receiving and de
positing of the gold is of consider
able interest. On delivery it is de
posited on scales capable of weigh
ing fl.OOO ounces Troy, though ho
delicately balanced that Mr. Jewett
uses them to weigh letter mail Gold
brought in early in the morning can
bo disposed of so the Roller may re
ceive his check in the afternoon.
On being weighed a check is made
of each separate lot, designating the
weight, name of seller, origin, etc.
When tho melting is completed and
tho gold turned out in bars and as
say made, a complete record is
made, showing tho origin, where it
is possible to learn it, and the do
greo of fineness of the metal. Tho
bar is then stamped ready for ship
ment to tho mint at Philadelphia.
This stamp is protected from coun
terfeiting by tho tho same penalities
provided against counterfeiting coin.
Wanted a Change.
Previous to the chango in the ad
ministration tho Democrats continu
ally ossf rted that the country was
going to the dogs, tho only way to
remedy matters was to have a chango
They harped on this so long and
loud that a misguided majority be
lieved them and voted for a change.
And what do we see as tho ell vet of
this change. This :
Depreciation of !4J,(HMi,(K)tl,iH0 in
the value of American securities.
All the plate glass factories in
America shut down for an indefmate
P.last furnaces banking lires every
day iu the week, curtailing tho out
put of pig iron enormously.
Textile mills of all sorts in New
Knglaud either shutting down or
preparing to do so.
All the largo iron mines in the
Michigan districts shut down or run
ning with n short force.
Wool at tho lowest figure ever
Wheat at tho lowest price iu two
Balance of foreign trade heavily
against us.
Money tied up in vaults and banks
with no acconimodr'ns to any but
regular custom'' ' l' few new
loans of an v ki'
j men out of work tlEhfct ar J
jc the panic of'73. J,
Our farmers are patiently waiting
for the refreshing rain to do their
plowing for seeding. . . .Potatoes will
bo a scarcity in this place on ac
couut of tho dry spell The Wit
mer'B Sunday school held their pic
nic on Saturday and has been re
ported a failure. It's supposed it
was played to death by tho Port
Trevortou band which furnished
tho music Politics have been quite
hot hero this week and unbecoming
language has been used by sonio of
our people who propose to bo civil
ized There are a few ottscourer-
iiii?s from Selinsgrove who como to
our town t very Saturday evening and
are on the streets all night yelling
and running their horses up and
down the road disturbing the peo
ple in their rest. They would bet
ter stav at homo or they will find
themselves in tho hands of tho law. '
If this is not plain enough, tho next
time I will give the names of the
parties. .. .The ferries at this pluce
will have half rates on Sunday to
Colored campmeeting was well pa
tronized yesterday (Sunday) by the
good people of this end of town. . . .
L. C. Wagner of Siglerville, was
visiting over Sunday with his many
friends of Snyder county, ho also
took iu campmeeting. .. .Somo of
our -twenty-four hour soldiers, who
are drawing pension and are never
satisfied, made tho remark "it would
bo right enough to take somo of the
old soldier's pension," no doubt
they are alluding to somo of tho four
year men.... Some of our farmers
have threshed and report 'J'J bushels
of oats from almost livo acres of
ground Our jolly Irish tablo
cloth man C. Hower says ho would
take a job of wheeling a keg of beer
to Chicago, but would not iusuro tho
keg to bo full when ho arrives. Ho
says ho could wheel a hundred lbs.
forty miles a day easily. .. .It will
not bo long until you can hear tho
toot at tho cider mill as every thing
is being put in good order and will
bo ready for work bhortly.
U. No.
Sunbury ft Lewistown Division.
Time Table, In effect May 21, 1893.
tn ft m i I A . i in cm
-it li.ot I Leltoa J. Mo i.oo
t fl li.ot j Mln Strt Ms I.M
41 illiwi, ' I,witowp T.46 I. Hi
4.1" II 1 ' MltlOil " 7 64 S.I4
4.0! ;u.4t I Fiinl.r 1.01 8 31
a st 'it. 40 u , shindi . i.n
3M ti..Ki U wmtfttr t u .w
3.41 ll.iA 17 ; Moolur g I.4H
37 ,11. W, 1" I JUab'i Allll 1.17 1.4
3. an n 1'i 11 I .y .M
.1.14 11 M' St prTrtnwn H.4'1 4 W
1.14 MH.M M Hntr .0 4.11
.m nii lit it lrtl llr(k li.M 4 1"
S.01 110.4.1' BS MUNI V.0-J 4 US
S.67 ,10 an 17 Kritnir , 4.14
uti ay u Pawiln .iu .t
'244 ,10.23 41 RollDKroT .;1 i ft
V.37 in. If 4 StllO'KroT J, 9:i 4.4
K it I0.o to so ii lnrf I .& I to
rlliiftgrove Accommodation
(Oonnectlnir with tnlnl on N. U. Ry.)
I.r Selnnror. Jo. Arrlv at Helln-uroT
5 4. P.M. Mir, H
fralns Leave Le wlstown Janotlon t
III), in, lo 40 m. 1 ll p m, I ol p m, 7 18 p m
Inr A Iti.n i.l'ltl.biirii n. ilia Went.
1 &mm, nbum, 1 7i7im.l 41pm. 4 lpm, S Wnm
II II p m. For PnlU11phl, New York, Haiti
more mill W'a.hliiiilon.
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division,
Tnlnn I.inve Snnlmry .lully Similar :
"i 4 a., m. Inr Wllllmiiaport'iinil tUmndniunii.
6 1 1 m, t or KnllaliiDlr, Krl, nl t'nmmlUa
m, Kur Ikh Huren,
1 at p iu, Fur llolicf.inte, Kan anj Ciinanilnl
Kim. ! alp in, Knr llonnvo and Klinlr.
vui in fur WllllnraKpnrl.
Miiiiiiny . t :uin, inr Kri ml l'nn.1iilirni,
li Mm. Inr I.ok lUvcn, and u vtpm lur Will
UiiiHrt. 1 'it in, Knr CatnwlMn an.t Hutcltnn.
S vt a in, 10 iki mn im'l l.'lt p in, Knr WtlkraharT.
t lb n, 10 i im,!6i piu 1 4'i p m, KorShaino
klnkBil .Mount Carinal.
Trillin l..'av Si Vn.nruvn Junction
Ut'inni. nrrlvln n I'll 1 1 I In 3 OU li in,
Nw York t bo p m, ll illlumr 8 In p in. Wanli
liutnn 4 .m p in, H.nljr nx.'rpt Snii.lsv.
6.JT l. M. nrrUliiK nl li 1 1 .. 1 1, , rn 10.61 1'.M.
Ni-w Ynrk n tnnni. Iliilllninre I'l.ln I. M., Waah
Intitnti 4 nin. I mlly I'toppt Slln.lar;
Ii m, arrlvinic lit riiilmltlphi4iltit m,
Nnw York 7 lo i in, Hllluiur f.M i m Wu
lDt"H 7 3'i a in. 1'nlly.
l' ii nln l.i'iivr Snnliury !
1 to a ni. arrirltiR at I''li.Mn (Main,
Htm Ynrk MOi in. Univ.
4 :in in. nrrivlinc at I'hil.i li-lphla 10 fam..
Nw York I III pin., Kiiltlmnro S 64 in., Waili
Iniflnn lu 19 am. lially,
IMnin. iirrlvlnn nt I'hIUilrlplila JO p m,
Nvw Y'irk u.ii p in., Italtliiinrc dip ra., Wash
Inulon x lli p iii. lull)- rmvpt Sumlay.
I'nr rnti', inapa nc, rnll nn I'lrlint Auxnt or
n..r.-ar Tlma. W'il, I'. A. W. I. 11(1 Killh A
I'ltfuliurv, I'a.
.1 . K, W( ii m, "nTl !' Axant.
i. .it. rni.1 us r, an I .lnnKir.
Tim iiiiilnrMiifiicii Mini wim nppnlntnd aiulimr
liy llii-oi pliiun, l onrt o snvili-r iinuitv lori'mrt
ni tin' t-xivpiiniiM lllt il lo mill to ilistflliiil4t the
fittnlH In in.- IiiiiiiN nf Kliiu-r K. tmil fHlvIn s.
Wiillnr iKlinliilHiruliirHiil the pMati'nf NhMihiiIcI
WnlliT, lull' (it I'rntiv tnwimlilp, Snvdi-r l'(inty,
I'a.. ilnt'i-aimd. an HpiM-Hm on tliclr llml and nmU
ni'i iniiit, to unit niiHXiK tlm pari I.n nntlilcil
iln rclo. iMUaiii'iid (o ilindutli'S of Ii In apixilni
incut ut tl nice of Juuicm (l, crouw, In tli
iKirniik'li f Mlildlpliurvh. uii Saturday. Heptenv
U-rlNUiitll o'clm lc A. M. wlirn and wliurn all
pni lli'H tiitn-stHd arc rminal.'d U) present, their
clitlniH, iM'tnm tJit iinilomltfiied, ir be lor
ever utiUttiTi'd rrumcuinliii; In upon anld fund.
Aug. 10, IHJ3. Auditor)
' Lewistown Academy.
4 .
A college preparatory and flnishlog
school for both sexe. Forelitn lang
uage taught by natives. Muslo de
partment, vocal and instrumental,
UDttirpassed. Terms moderate. Send
for catalogue. J. 0. Pla. B. S.
LewlntowD, Pn. Principal.
Estray Notice-
Notlro lahomliv (fivon tlint, nn or nioiit tlii
lltli nf Mnr, a hciriT almiit IV Vfara old, and
strawberry rtion In color, rntn to my prumlseH,
The owner Is rmiieated to mma forward, pnive
bis pmperty. rmyfnrthls notice andlakellawav,
otta'TWIw) it will bodi ll with aminllnir to law.
Nkh M. Miuih-ithwaktii.
Troxi'lvllln, I'a.
crown Acme.
The best Burning Oil that can be
made from Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not smoke tho rhimncy.
It will not char tho wick.
It has a high fire test.
It will not explode.
It is without a comparison as a per
fection Family Safety Oil.
It is manufactured from tho finest
Cm do in tho most perfectly equip
ped refineries in tho world
It is tho Best.
Ask your deah-r for Crown Acme.
Trade orders filled by
Yours truly,
Sunbury Station, Sunbury, I'a.
SElinsgrnvE, Fa.
Ti'ctli rlrftticd, PXtrai ted. Implanted, regulat
ed. Ihwiiiih mid injuries lo tlie teem mid
montli In ali'd. Arlllliial win, rmwns, lirldk'cs
Htid (ilMltiralotn Inserted. All kinds of lllllii.
(told work a himtUII.v.
uko. it. n.iin ii. p. n. s.
tifllce In Wels' dwelllnif, HOtitli Midi! en trance,
opMMlto Niilloual lintel.
Insurance Agent and llroker,
l'enns Creek, P. O. Pa.
Onlv flrnt cine Stnolt Onnpanlm rvpreacntad.
You in no premium tiottn, lianc you pay no
lnnunince placr.I on all klnriant good (arm
pmperty, dwelling, atorei and eliurcliei any.
where In Snvdar and t ninii ennntlvs.
Ulrica In C. M. Sliower'i Stnre.t'tDtrorllla, I'a
if flUP rtTrt!oe, R)licg, t rtlflcl.
- T' ' J and erowa work. (i!t
4 1 DP' ' I 'or palnleo eitrac
ti ' XfrgT " 1" lpertalnlnir to ctentfi.
1 "PM
1 - ,
Vy dwf nr wt It rt rntlr on Ihe itomwh, Mrr
ami kiitiii?, mill tM ptMiijiatMt laiatlvt. Thifl drink !
Hi4vlt fioin IhtIi, tanX in ltviuvkX lor Um mi etaUijr as
If, It'.vratUwl
All drurKlit(k'llit nt 60c. and Vl.tKln nrkait. if
1u enn n if tft It.Moinl ynuriuldrciiifiir rrvwiutU'ple.
Hir't Kaatlly .Mrll-ln mv ih nrlarell
4tt. Ill i't-l" r to U l tlll'V,1liliiii'i-ainrv. ArlillcM.
OKAIOU F. V001VV AU1, LrltO V S, T
- an i-aay i
An Inrlgoratlng Tonic for atreDgtbenlnfj tb
wak, purirylng the blood, clearing the com
plexion and Imparting the toty bloom of health
to the cheuk. rieaaant to the last and fa
voriwwlthladlai. $1 00 per botUe.
Pr. J II. MoTan' Almanau for IftiS with
Ftnrni Calendar and Weather ForecaaU by Ucv.
lrl It HU'ka will be ready Sept. 1, Inr. rura-l-hl
fn to all dealer who Mil oar luediolnea.
Afk yourdruggUt for on or Mod two-cent
euuup to
The Or. J. H. McLean Med. Co., St. Louie, Ma
(;',. V160R.
.'. S .N i .I'D ! K 1 Oil
lMia 1."-. "f Apt" Low PplrlU,
i..:n -I. itlihf. ttlld IJlM'pla.
r an'. '.! ih :u. f f"vnrlt tonlowlth
lin-l.: ii. , I'ivj n. fcy.,1 Ly ttUdiuj.'j(UU.
th Dr.. j. u. rr.cLTA:; r.'
t:. V. l.O I:;.. iVl o.
l-..l.ll.- i.. ,l
Vftll PUnaira FUIII IWIHI,
To the Public, Generally.
As Ccuinrecg did not ians tlio extra
revenue on wliihkey,tlie;Marks brands
of whinkey all of my own make
remain the khiii jirioe. New white
whit-key, J.,7) ; 10 to 18 moiitlis old,
f'J.iK) ; to ltd niontliH old, fJ.'o ; 34
to :;ii moiitlis old. ifioo. as to 42
months old, :l..r)0 ; Tlieise tire all tine
good. Do not forget the olil httintl.
Knijity whibkey Imrrels 1.50.
J. I,. Makkh,
Near It. H. Station, Jli.hllebiiKh, Pa.
S4nil 1 o rent in atainp to
HILI.UM ntl.utli,
inn IMh. hi.. I'hlla.. ra.
Ui Pr Mawis lie will wild ! bam
plea, lait tiylra of wall paper, aiid
rnmplaie InMnn'ttnn ImioK, rDLL
now to MHtB,,. r ntt
our price are niui'U l than olliunt.
I..l I'aiwr OnU Iln'i'in "
I'arL.r I'aiwr-. lnlo!'. iierple. Allwur pana
bivo wlilo Ucir.ur.auu x'iuun w iuv.u.
Flrk Headache and relieve all Ilia troublua Inci
dent to a biliona atata of tlia ayatain, tuck aa
liltiineaa, Naiuca. Iironaiueaa. lUatreu after
eat nir. l ain In Ilia tilde, Ac. While their moat
remarkable aucctaa ha been ahowo la lurin;
ITeadarlie. yet PAHTia'a I.itti.i l.ivia Pit.u
are equally valui.l.le In ('nnatipatlon. curing
and pruveiitliiK tin niinnrlriir comiilalnt, while
tney alao mrrert all dnmnler of (lie alomarli,
atlinuluts the ller and regulula Uie bowela.
li "n If they only eurod
Arlie they would he almoat prleeleaa to thnae
who aufTer fnnn Uita Ulntreimlnf complulnt;
I'Ut fortunately their K'naltieaa d1 n"t end
here, nnil thnxe who once try tlivni will llnd
these littUt pIllaTalimhle III many way t hut
they will nnt he willing to do MiUiout thciu.
liu. of Wr all sick head
t the of no niune Uvea that here Ii whert
Vh makn our invent boual. Our 'I1U cuid it
ulilln (ilhi-rx do nt
I'AiiTr.a'a I.ii-ri.ts l.ivrn rif.ia are very amal1
tnl very cany to tuluv i nie r two pill intt
a d ine. They Mrs Mrlotly veiretnlile and do
n"t K"ie or purine, hut by their p-rille uetinn
pleom all who uhu i.hem. In vim at C"i centi;
live for fl . Hold isary where, or ac-ut by mull
cas:is tiricms co tl .
UHL Email Sen SmllPrks,
Children kRn;,J
nnd everything.,
mako t man
handsome andf(f
happy, at pricJ
that discount i
Imitation stort
Clothing for prince I Pauper!
Clothing that looks like silk and wears like leather. Cim
to tho old Reliable where you get what you pay for. j
new stock is just in, is entirely now and comprises nil tl
latest stylos. Too busy waiting on customers to tell y
more. 201110 and see lor yourself.
Fashionable cloth
ing, Hats, caps,
Neckties, Gent9
Furnishing floods,
Summer Under
wear, and Celcloid
goods, Men's shirts,
1 1. . r 1 1 W
ami wimw
v iiiiii r 1 11 nnn ai n a am ww hiim n in mil nil' iiiiii .iiiiiiiii'raaiiiiiiM 11 ii linn
KtrieK i i anything you cun uk Tor. (Inr goods ro all gooil find
We can utlord to Bell ten per cent cheaper for
hence ctiatomera have the benefit of that nyHteiu. We have a great run
1ut now on .Notion, Curtaina, Curtain Polos, anil Jewelry, although you
cannot come amies for anything in the line of General MerohaoUine. t
also have a full line of Hoys1 is u ltd and Men's Clothing, and we will he show you guodB whether you buy or not.4We also tell tin-;
liver Chilled PlnwaSc Repairs,
urvi. i-r,. 1. k . . iu .... 1 1 . 1 . .1.
Clles Don't lit Tin 1
but they go a great ways iu that Jlrection. Then', why eend.'to the I
City for rendy-nmile clothing and then take theiu to ukMled local I
tailor to improve the lit, v heu you cuu get a v
at once by going to
MERCHANT TAILOK, Mlr.Bgrove, Ph., where your work Ualway
guaranteed or you have recourse. This Is a question that Interest,
every man and boy .A neat-fitting matter what the'matorial
is it alwnys looks better than an lll-Mtting suit no matter how fine
the goods. Then come at once and get fits.
Late Foreman for E. E. MUCK, four doors west of Bank. Seliigrov
prdVae ale
Tho undersigned wrf. offer to tho public his entire stod
ot furniture aim jsctumg lor tho next three months a
tho greatest sacritice er known in tho Fumitue Trad
in tntial renna. 1'aving decided to change my bnsi
ness in doing so mist mako omo alterations m m
buildings I am conpelld to offer my entire stock a
prices never iicam 01 riorc. Chamber Suits, Tarlo
Suits, Sideboards, C lpboardji, Kxtcnsion Tables, Jrca.
fast Tables, Centre Tables, Vblo Top Tables, Polk!
Tables. Fancv Cockis. Com icon ltorkors. AVTiiii,.r
ers, Baby coachesIigh ch ,is, Small Rockers, "Wood
csat chairs, CancJ Scat haU-s, Doughtrays. Bods. 5u
reaus, "Wrshstand , iSofas, Lpunges, couches, Mattrcsse
- & a -a if 'kill 1 V '
Tlie Post, SI, 50 pery
y , ' X " 'U llll'
in Lewistown, will l;o offered at a great reductioi
auring tno auovsuio. r'
v. u. fi;lix,
Lewistown, Vt
i '
r e-T v