Published every Thursday. T- H. BARTER Editor and Proprietor. Subscription 1.50 per year. (which tnuat be paid In advnnoe when sent tmt xlile the rnuntjr.) RATES OF AOVIBTISINO. All trnniwlont advertisement rmf oMierwle ennlriieteit lor will lie i h.inreil nt the rate of n rent per II iip (nonpnrl'l tne.isiire) fur flrt Inner. ion hihI in cent per line fnr every ui)H(!ifnt Insertion. Thursday, July 13, 1893. Republican Ticket. sheriff, AI.KIiKI) Sl'KfllT. Ass.n I. Ill' .tU'li.'". Z. TAVI-Olt OKMKKIii.SN... Treasurer. . I . MKIU'!.I. "iiiiiil-l'tn.-r-. TiiuM ii i i,i; r::i:. JAMKH hlliU.hV. Auditor. .1. C. I low Kllu, r. 1'. Moyr.l! or. iiir. nil. l Ml AM) li'll llliiM li. Rcpublicaa Ctaniiar; C Mi AM ...... 1a. '.U Aiium -.!. i. Mlt1.ll.--w.irth. .1. K. V'etternlf. II. .hi r Villi. m Kri'.-'l. lrMn kitne-v. Ilea'-r Wi ll - Win. Heeler I.. .I. - Miyili r. Centre - II. '. S;iiiiik'II. Win. ll.iriin.tii. I'll:i.ll III -.Mill MI'T. A. W. Iti.hrer. I-1 1 1 . h 1 1 1 1 - .1 . Il.iu.ii.l Ii. .1 . . t . i . - i:i I -! llii'. .I n ks., l -Will. M;irllll. I'rli r KIIII'.'liT. Ml.lilli liur.'li -.las. II ih. i -... i . W. II. Tin. in. M I. I.C-. in k-l'. I,. !(,,. M. 1'. Ilnllinier. M..tlllie I,. . KlIIIITlll.ltl. Will.!'. Kl'lllllH. I'. iiii I. N. .I nn H N I'. ivisi.. IVrrv-W. II. Illlu.'f. II. K. AiU.--.isi. vtr West T. II. I.r c MM. T. M rlMiirn. -I'rlinr A. M. Anr m l I" i. M Mi.M''h. xlli.swT i.- l:.. M. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 . A. l .il'iK r. I ill.. n Allan lirlit. .1. Mahl. v, i:,,-i. , ii -Win. . li:!M-'.i... Cleveland, Smith, and The Soldier. in lvl, when drover Cleveland was elected President of the I'liited States, tlu uncovering of great frauds in the Republican party was promised. The people waited long and patiently for the evidence of fraud, hut none caino. In 1SSS, Mr. Cleveland, having failed to find any of the. frauds that were reported to exist under the Republican adminis tration, was defeated by Benjamin Harrison. In IfW!, the same cry of mismanagement was raised. It had iU effects and Grovr,Cleveland was "The American Soldier" Is the name of anew monthly pub lication from the press of the Nation Publishing Company, Mailand Jk pres -Building, New York. It is bound in an artistic lithographed cover, upon which is a Continental Soldier, 177(1, and Union Sohiier, claoping hands, surrounded by the pictures of the heroes of Atueiica's four great wars, Washing- ton, 1776 1 Andrew Jackson, 181'J ; Scott, 181(1, and Grant, 1W55. The significant sentenco on the cover is 'Tensions are not alms." The tirst number contains a most remarkably natural, home-like pic ture of Abraham Lincoln, done by some newly discovered colored photograph the picture is 10 x 133 inches, and is so excellent as to merit an expensive frame. Each month a similar portrait of one of the Heroes of the Civil War will be triven. Th publication is most beautiful. The contents will delight every pensioner, honest veteran and Republican. Cleveland and his as sociates in the Cabinet are unhesi tatingly nrrainged for the evident malice exhibited toward the loyal soldiers of the Union. The charge of fraud in the pensions of the vet erans is repudiated with a degree of vigor which is absolutely astonish ing in force. War is carried with no faltering footsteps in the camp of the enemy. "Tin; proof is the thing," nay "The American Soldier." The pensioners and veterans huve in this publication a champion of no doubtful ability or devotion. The publication contains much of inter est for all, and w ill arouse a deMic in the public to hear the pensioners' side of this much advertised subject of pensions, and alleged frauds, nnd as "The American Soldier" proposes to give that side of the case, and break a lance for the Union Veteran, we predict a large circulation for the new journal, especially as the price is so reasonable, only sl.ih) per annum M cents per copy. Pension Payments Stopped. Washington, July 10. The Pen sion Bureau has not i lied a great many pensioners throughout the country who are drawing pensions under the aetof June 27, 18'JO, known as the Dependent Pension set. that payment of their pensions will be suspended for sixty days, during which time they are required to show cause why they should con ti'.ue to draw pensions. The test- j nr idinvOnvmnhintl Muila.1 (win I f -.uv. v tie people looked for the predicted1 1"? - 'J revelations. They are looking for them now. None have come as yet, itud none will come save the cry of fraudulent pensions. Mr. Cleveland never was a friend of the American soldier. He thought more of his own safety than he did of the safety of the Nation. He eared little so long as he was out of bulh t range. He did not enlist, as did our boys, and wju n drafted he sent a substitute. When he became President he seemed to have it in for the soldier from the start, and his last crowniugact was the selec tion of a licbeliu the person of Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, deorgia, to mis- iutcrprct our pension laws, having n host of honorably discharged un ion soldier Democrats in the North to btand back and witness the dis mantling of our Nation's honor. Tluro are frauds on the pension list, that is a fact no one will dis pute, but is it just and right to have the horizontal reduction made in pensions that was promised us on the tariff? Is the union soldier the only barnacle that is clinging to our Ship of State How many of the men who denounce the pensioner would to-day take the risk of the "Death Anglo" at Spottsylvania, the "Bloody Lane" at Antietam. or the perils of a campaign in the Wilder ness for all the millions that have been paid out to the Union soldiers iu pensions '.' Not one in ten thous and. It is time to call a halt. Let us not forget the Union soldier so soon. Let Mr. Cleveland and his adminis tration purge the pension list of frauds, but let us not stand back and give our word of consent ton horizontal reduction, regardless of I merit, as Hoke Smith has commenc ed undtr the sanction of Mr. Cleve land because of the wish of the Democrats in the South who placed him in position to do so. certificate of a reputable physician, attested by two witnesses, that the pensioner is precluded from ac tive labor owing to injuries or dis ability not the result of his own vie ious habits. In case no attention is paid to the department notification within sixty days the pensioner will be dropped from the roll. On the other hand, should the necessary certificate, properly drawn up and signed, be forwarded to the Pension Bui can the pensioner will be re- piested to appear before the local board of medical examiners. This action is pursuant to the re cent ruling of Secretary Smith The board of review appointed to carry into effect the decision is now going over all of the cases of June 27, 1S!)0, probably 100,000 in number, and selecting those cases which show in the record that the pensioner may not be incapacitated for man ual labor. Under Secretary Smith's ruling the Department holds that a man who can work should not draw a pension for total disability. It is estimated at the Pension Of fice, although the work has but re cently been 'begun, that over one thousand suspensions have already been made. New School Sooks. The state having adopted the free text book system the country as well as the town nnd city schools will bo soon over-run by book agents soliciting directors to purchase their books. Among these book agents there will be many sharpers for whom the director must bo on his guard. Already a number of these oily-tougued indiwduals have been circuiting through the various towu ships seeking to securo orders by misrepresenting facts. To be on the safe side, all improb able storieB should bo ignored and a determined ottbrt should bo made to adopt none but the best books as presented by reliable firms and re sponsible agents. This will require a careful consideration and a little delay, but iu view , of the object to be attained, that of adopting a lino of books that will best instruct the pupils, the study and time will be well spent. McCLURE. Farmers have about finished mak ing hay and have commenced cut ting wheat. . . .We are badly in need of rain.... Benjamin Hoffman and A. Holshue made a business trip to the State capitol last week. . . .Cher ries are very plenty... -.Everybody is busy nowadays. All of our men and boys find employment. Marcy 1 & Co. employ quite a number of hands.... On Saturday, Aug. 19, Capt. Michael Smith Post intends holding its annual bean soup in Howell's grove at this place. Able speakers from home and abroad will address the old vets. All are invit ed to come. . . .The fourth new house for this summer will go up this week ot this place. BEPonTtn. CHESTNUT BIDGE. The farmers are busy harvesting their grain which lies flat on the ground, caused by the heavy rain and wind. . . .C. H. Van Devender of Steelton. is home visitinghis parents for a few weeks. . . .V. A. Koble, and Harry Good and wife of Sunbuy visited in this place on Sunday.... Joe Van Devender and sister Emma Long, of Northumberland, visited in this place last week. .. .Grand mother Keiser, w ho has been an in valid for almost a year, had the mis fortune to fall nnd break one of her legs Miss Clara Kreisher fell from n cherry tree and dislocated her ankle. . . .Miss Izora Hummel, while picking cherries, fell from the tree upon a pale fence and ran a pailing into her leg from which she sus tained very painful injuries. .. .The Chestnut Ridge Band will hold a festival iu Hummel's ('rove, J mile north of Shamokin Dam on July '22. Grand-mother Mock is still on the sick list. . . .Rev. P. T. Jarrett of Logan ton, Clinton Co., is visiting in this place Children's Day Ser vices will be held in Shriuers Church on Sunday evening, July 2:1. Elder S. S. Heaver, of McAIKsterville, .Iu n I lit a Co., l'u., rays Ills wife In subject to cramp in the stomach. I,nt milliner sin trii'il (.'hiimbprlain's Colic, Cholera Hint Diarrhoef 'f , uedy for it. ami wan much i)l' "''."th the speedy relief it'PHMin has since used it whenever necessary ami found that It never fails. For sale by (i. M. Shin. lei Middleburgh and Dr. J. M. Sampsel IV mm Creek Pa. "My little boy ws very bad oft" for two months with diarrhoea. We used various medicines, also called in two doctors, but nothing done hiiu any good until we lined Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy, Ms'iJch- zav.. liuuiedbito . releif jiu' cured him. I consider it the medicine made and can conscientious ly recommend it to all who need a diarrhoea or collo uidlclne. J. h. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 2i and 00 cent bottles for sale by U. M. Nhlndel Middleburgh, nnd Dr. J. M. Sauipsel reuus v. reek l a. I.ast fall I whs taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhoea, boon after mv wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken in the same wav. We used almost evervthing without ben- elit. Then I said, let us trv hamber lains Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea ItfMiieil v. which we did. and that cured us riirlit away. 1 tnlnk much of it, as it did for me what it was rec ommended to do. .lohn Hertzler, liethel, lierks Co., Pa. '.'. and .VI rent bottles for salt bv . M. Shindel Mid- illt'lui-:!i ami Dr. .1. M. Sampsel Pelllis ( 'reek I'll. DR. i. H. MCLEAN'S SHIHENi CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER. An Invigorating Tools for trrairthenln( tht wk, pnrirying the blood, clearing th com plexion and Imparting the rof bloom of health to the cheek. riesMnt to the Uute nd a fa vorite with ladle. $1.00 per bottle. It. J. It. McLean' Almanae for 1WS with Storm Calendar and Weather Forecaata by Her. Irf It. Illrkswlll 1 realTSeit. 1, 14. Kura-l-hed free to all dealer who aril our medicine. Ak ynnrdmgglat for on or end two-mot stamp to Tht Dr. J. H. McLtan Md. Co., St. Louit, Ma AT A PLEASANT THE NEXT M0RNIN3 I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 13 BETTER. My A'tHnr r l n't pr-ntly on lh ftomnrh, Mwp mni kid tie n. ftnl ft inr.-Fimi Ui.tti. I hi rirlnk in rmls fmiii d'Ti, anil i Lrviriti .rUMat?MiIjr m liAHE'S MEDICINE All druKKimseell it nt KVi. nnd ft on mrkaff. If I oucn n ii.. t ki'I It .Hn.l v.nir a.ilrrM f-.r irMnnmple. nr'i Ksmlly MrrflHn mivr femwa-Lrarll 4ej. In i.r.l. r to U' li. illl.. Iln. i. n.-...-rT. A.hlt.-uu VI1A IOU WuoiMVAItfl, L.UOV..V V. a t'C'Wrnfj WANTKll I" cnnvnss fur the XlUJlll Ao-'ili' 1.1 nur lliiiiii'-onm n Nuisei.v Mm K. NhW I'lltiKIT s. KINK SVS 1 KM. Siiliirv anil cxpenseM :ilil. W. vv T- Smith Co-TO NKVA, N. V. hiiiliiKln-t llil. Ol I the I.iiriri vl, iiMi.Mt Kiaiillli.'il. iiml IIi nI Kiihwii Nhi m i Iim In the I'Mli-il stales. ,Iiiiii! It. is.,1'1. D U. L. II. VOKbKbKK. DK XT 1ST. Treating, lllling, artillclal teeth, bridge ami crown work. Nitrous oxide gas for piu'iilt'sH extractions. Kverything pertaining to dentistry. Van Iloskirk's old Htaud, si;linsji()VE. pa. ULSICn'S DENTAL ROOMS, SEltnsgrove, Pa( Tei-th rli'itned, extmctM. Inipliinlod, retjiiliit. l. bineaMn nml Inliirli's t. the t-ih ami in. ml It treated. Arutirliil nets, rniwnH. hrldtrea hihI nlHlui' liix rteil. All kinds or lllllnif. (ulil work a SHvUltv. iKo. a n.iarii, n. n. s. onieeln WeU'dwellitiK, bniitU sldu eiitranre, opMwlto National Hotel. A Million Friends. A friend in need is n. friend Indeed. and not less than one million people have found jut such a friend in Dr. Kin.'' New l)iienverv fnr i.nnniiiimk tion, Coughs, and Coldn.-If von have never used this (treat Cough Med iciue, one trail will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat. Chest and Luugs. Kach bottle is guarnteed to lo nil that Is claimed or monev will be refunded. Trail bottle free at 1). Kenlers's Drug Store Paxtonville Ia. Large size &ic. and 1. 00. J uly. Deserving Praise. ' tlcsire to sav to our citizens. that for years we have been selling l'r. him: New lJiseoverv for Con sumption. Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, imcklen s Arnica ralve Bnd Llectrie Hitters, and have never handled rem edies that eell as well, or that have given such universal sstinfaction. We lo not hesitate to truarntee them every time, and we stand ready to return! the purchase price, if satis factory results do not 'follow their use. These remedies have won their urent pnpnlarty purely on tlieir merits. For sale at D. C. Kepler's Drug Store Paxtonville Pa. July. To the Public, Generally. As Congress did not pass the extra revenue on whiskey, the Marks brands of whiskey all of my own make remain the same price. New white whiskey, '.75 ; 10 to IS mouths old, fj.oo ; -,s to 30 months old, 2..'5o ; 34 to 30 months old, $:).0O. 33 to 4'.' months old, 3.50 ; These are all flue goods. Do not forget the old stand. Empty whiskey barrels $1..V). J. L. Marks, Near R. H. Station. Middlebugh, Pa. S. Y. SI LEAKY, Insurance Agent and Broker, IVnns Creek, P. O. Pa, Ontjflrrt .rlp'-lf stock Oonpanln repreentd. 5.)U iln no uraoiluui ta)M. hne job pay no awcMoienui. . . Inaurancaplneed on all klmliol good farm .n.irxy, aweutDK, store end oliurulio an, where In Snvder ami I'nlnn ponnt1r. KrBre In C. M. Shower'i Mtore.lentrorlll, Pa crown Acme. The best Bur ning Oil that can bo made from Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not sinoko tho chimney. It will not char tho wick. It has a high lire test. It will not explode. It is without a comparison as n per- Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from tho finest Crude in the most perfectly equip ped refineries in tho world It is tho Best. Ask your-dealer for Crown Acme. Trade orders filled by Yours truly, THE ATLANTIC F.SFININQ CO. Sunbury Station, Sunbury, Pa. ft 1 EWIS 98 LYE (1-AllKTlU) Tlieatrongrat ami inr-n I. ye nimle. I nliku uilu'r l ... It living a (In.) Hiil. r ami parKcl In M ran w till ri.iiiialili. Hit, the ront.nn an- ala naily fur -.. Will inako tin. Iel iHTfuiiitNl Haul Soup In '.ii lulniil-" witliuui ImiUIuk. t I (lie lies! l..r rl.'.uisliiK l., ilMnt.vilim (.Inks il.'M'ia, WaslilllK l-.ltl.-. ill 1:1 1 1, OS, it., PEN HA. 8 ALT MTO CO. lieu, Aul.. I'lillit., 1'. ills Fair IMfc Toroiiiplv with the rti-lre of mnnv rntctn rrlendn to si riiiv thetn mt- WorM's lull' lii'lirii.'.-s we haM' llis MimI to Itri'iiliilliiHliileil lllnlli'il lllllil Iktiiii I lime r-'iiteil tin' new ImiiMHiu, Ml Oak ley meliue, with All Modern Oonveniences. I! Is the :iil diHirlmtil the l'.'Ml hlreet lln'ilevard nil 1 Is i. ur present ihii e ul ii.-l.l....t. n (,( it minute's walk rruin Ih- ) -t ii sheet. TaWor Mle.-t nr Odlfell llVenne htreel cum ami two rnll (lelMilh. Illl n( wlili-h rati In the eenirenr I lie e!i. wnere an k'i.,is will laiiil imil n,,ni w Mi ll the U orlil's Fair Is easily u -.vanillin l.v rail i.r i-i:it. liales.Hi.-eiitntnl.ini .- ,.,v.' (,:i,i,n. hhle l.n ii.l tiear hy. Vi'ri ; fnr p iriieuhits, r. .I.ikIiih.s r rved Inr res;nniKilii tiutles wln-ii Hifdfil la a haiiee, .i. riii'sixrr, After .May: l,t, tai O.iklilnJ AM -line '-'1,ll'1'fc'"- June 1,1 m The Post,S1.50 pory G. C. GUTELIUS THE ONE-PRICE GLOTHlEi DKALKlt IN Fasliionablo clotli ing, lLat8, caps, Keckties, Gents Furnishing Goods, Summer Under wear, and Cclcloid goods, Men's aliirts, Children and everything make a man I handsome andf, happy, at prf that discount i jJJJp imitation sto-, Clothing for prince! Pauper Clothing that looks like silk and wears like leather. C to tho old Keliable where you get what you pay for. ; 1 1 1 w ! . ....l! 1.. 1 . . nmvn. ia juft in, m iiiiui'i huw una comprises air laicststyies. iot) busy Minting on customers to tell, moro. pome and see lor yourself. G. C. GUTELIUS, MMdlclmrglj, WETZEL'Sg- Cheap Oasb Store! SWINEFOM Come and see our new Ktock if ."spring and Summer Uools. We In,, hU,vM i niht anything you can ask for. Our good are all good Hinl t We can ullord to sell ten per cent cheaper for -T!AQTT n"D T3 "D r.T. TTnTTi hence cllstoiners have the lieneflr nt thnt avttnn, Wu t... n ....... . . ------ - . . v . i a . k, l rui I B ItiHt now on otloiiH, ( nrtalim, Curtain Poles, and Jewelry, although I vnuiiui. cumr nunns mr nuj iinii iu me one oi uenerai Alercnanulfe alno have a full line of llovs' Suits nnd Men's Clothimr, and we il show you goods whether you buy or not.ftWe also sell tli liver Chilled PlnwB&RenmrJ WNote Mere is the place to get the most and best goods'for tht I on3. RP 4 donX y ou f orgejt itj JDavid Wetzel CIlIICS Dtft HUE TUB I but they go a great ways in thatdireotion. Then why send'to tin City for ready-made clothing and then tako them to uTsk lied Ion tailor to improve the lit, when you can get a SUBSTANTIAL MAKE AP 60QD FI1 Tl .Ulf u at once uy going to HENRY L. PHILLIPS MERCHANT TA1LOK, Selir.sgrove, Pa., where your work is alwav, guaranteed or you have recourse. This is r question that interest every man aud boy .A neat-fitting matter what the'materia: is It always looks better than an iil-littiug suit no matter how (In the goods. Then come at once nnd get fits. HENRY L. PHILLIPS. Late Foreman for E. E. BUCK, four doors west of Hank. Selin, Tho undersigned will offer to the public his entire of Eurnituro and ISedding for the next three moutb tho greatest sacrilico ever known in tho Eurnituo Tr. in entinl Penna. Having decided to ehaniro mv I ncss in doing so must make some alterations "in i lm ild 1 iiiru T iiii win, i wl li.l 4 ..IV.,.. ... j! i ll ...... v.. . ..... imiijiviim n uitui mv CIllllO SlOlili prices never heard of before. Chamber Suits, Vxh Suits, Sideboards, C upboards, Extension Tables, fast Tables, Oentro Tables, rarblo Ton Tables, l'wj AiiuiuM, j .tiiuy vockcis, common Jtoekers, Willow iw ers, Itaby coaches, High chairs, Small iiockers, Ui esat chairs. Cano Seat hairs. Dninrbtvoi-a itwi I reaus, Wrshstands, Sofas, Lounges, couches, Mnttre juanKCis, j iaps, j'liiows, Jlolsters, Springs, &o.,&c. Thoabovo goods must bo sold without reserve, s will bo delivered to all points along tho main lino a branches of. k.h. Ily Cstock of Carpets is tho larg in LeAvistown, and will bo ottered at a great rciliut during tho above sale. W. II. FELIX. Lewistovn,f