The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 15, 1893, Image 4

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1 1
r 1
gmiblAntslf lost
Published every Thursilny.
T-H. BARTER Editor and Proprietor.
Subscript ion $1.50 per year.
(which must be paid In rnlrsnon whrn sent out
utile tlierminty.)
All tr,inelent advertisements tint ntherwl
rotitr.-v'iivi fur will tx rlmrifeil nt th rule f 1
cents lT Hue (nonpiirli'l measure) tor fir! Inser
tion ami 10 cciila ht line fur every aiibscnuetit
Thursday, .June l., 1S1KJ.
Republican Ticket.
As-n';Ii' .lllilk'l',
r. r. M KIlnl.l).
Tii im iiKitn-ri:u.
.IAMI Klil'l.KY,
.1. '. I'.iiWI'ltsdX,
C. 1'. Vn'l 1.11
'' iMInT,
Hit. M 1( M 1!TI1K''K.
.l ini .1. 1. M I I!. -u:trt!i..l. K. V. Il.'r..:t.
1 ii'ii . r N I'h.i 11 l'i' 1.1 m Kin Hi' v.
It.-.l - T ' l W 111. lit fl. T. It. ! ! !l.iT.
i ni nt II. '. s.i nip -'ll. Win. Il.n ' in in.
ll.iplll.lll -tlt.lill Ml. I. A. W. K "!m V
Kriuiklln-.l. l.Mir I llti'l-.-. .run. -I i;.ii illii.'.
tlni'kiii 111. Miirflii. I't 1. r Kiliui. 1.
MI.Mflnin;li .Ini. Ii.i.p.i. . W. Herman.
Mltl.ll.'. i. i li-I'. I.. Ili.w. M I'. II. tlU.u.-r.
Mit nine A. kii'illni.iti, Win r. K il lis.
I'l'tin I. N. .Iiint'll, N r. ( rniitf.
I'errv --W. I. Illl-.T. II. I ArN.- il.
I'l irt Wi-M T. 1;. lir.iMilll. T. V rl.ifj.i-t.
rlt-tiiir A. M. A iir.uitl.' I i.i 11 Mi..lli inili.
t'lltl-l.THf-l:tl. M. Illlllllllt'l. A. MilllHTiJiT.
I HI "M Al'-tiiS.-. ,rM. .1. s. M.ihl.
w n - Mu. t . Ilili i-li K liii'll. Mitjrr
What Dr. Lemon Will Do.
.u want ti Inow tli-. ii.inip of
UK' of tin' ln -4 all 1'iniinl liMiisclioM
doctors, ami certainly tlic cheapest
tliat can 1 found in nny country T
It is l)r. Lemon. Yes, an ordinary,
sour, yellow K inon, which you can
buy at any grocery for a few cents.
Hero are some of the things Dr.
Lemon w ill do for you if vou pive him
the chance.
Squeeze liim into n plus of water
every morning and drink him with
very little sugar. Ho w ill keen your
f-tomiich in the beat of order, and nev
er let .Mr. Dyspepsia, w hom he hates
cordially, pet into it.
If you Lave dark hair, and it Keems
lo be fulling out, cut off ft slice of the
doctor and rub him on your scalp.
He will stop that little trouble
r-" ntlv f'"'
' -' ii' - ..Jr J l;
aji.ueezu mm luto a quart bt ionic,
and he will give you mixture to rub
on your face night and morning and
get a complexion like a princess.
Tour him into an equal quantity of
glycerine, and rub your hands with
the mixture before going to bed. If
you don't mind sleeping with gloves
on, that is better still, and helps the
doctor considerably in his task of liiiigymir hands. In the morn
ing wash your hands thoroughly in
warm water and apply the doctor
again pure, but only a few drops of
him this time. You must not keep
this up to lm.g, ,, your hands will
show Mich ft daz'ing whiteness us to
make all tin juiu.g la lies in the vi
cinity jea'uUs.
If you huve a bad head ache cut Dr.
Lemon into slices and rub these alone
your temples. The pain will nut be
lung disappearing, or. at leu-t, in
growing easier to bear.
If a bee or insect stings you, clap a
few drops of the doctor on the spot,
and you will liud yourself the better
for it.
If you have a troublesome corn the
doctor can again bo put to good ac
count by rubbing him on the toe after
you have taken a hot bath and cut
away as much us possible of the in
truder. Besides all this the doctor is always
ready to sacrifice himself in the cause
of Lussian tea slice him in without
sugar or in the preparation of old-
fashioned lemonade, than which no
uriiik is more wholesome,
Altogether, Dr. Lemon is an indi
vidual few people can afford to get
along without.
-Mr. Cleveland calls the financial
condition "the only menace to the
country s welfare and prosperity
1 . 1. ; . . t 1 1 . r .
riiiiiJH'iii ne remits every
public declaration made in the last
campaign. What has become of
the robber tariff V Where is the
bogey of the Chicago platform, "un
constitutional prote ction V In what
recess of his cavi rnous intellect has
Mr. Cleveland concealed these dire
evils by abolishing which l.e and
his allies told the people, live months
ago, the nation alone could be re
deimed fiom their distress and res
cued from future disaster? 'J'hlt,
one admission by ihe l'ic;-M nt
that protection to American indus
try is not a menace to American
welfare and prosperity reveal the
mockery and the false pretense by
which the voters were mibled last
" Swmr.X. Y. J'rai.
Get Away from the Crowd.
The advice which Robert Burdette
gives to boys may well betaken, not
ouly lo them, but by older persons
"Got. away from the crowd," he says,
for a little w hile every day and think.
Stand on one side and let the world
run by, while you get acquainted
with yourself, and see what kind of a
fellow you are. Ask yourself hard
questions about yourself. Ascertain,
from original sources, if you nro
really the manner of man you say
you are ; and if you are always hon
est ; if you always tell the square,
perfect truth in business details i if
your life is as good and upright at 11
o'clock at night as it is at noon i if
you are ns good a temperance man
on a fishing excursion as you arc at
a Sunday school picnic j if you are
as good when you go to the city ns
you are at homo ; if, in short, you
are at home ; if, in short you are
really the sort of man your father
hopes you are, and your sweetheart
believes you are. (let on intimate
terms with yourself, my boy, and
believe nie every time you come out
from one of these private inte rviews,
you will be a stronger, better, purer
man. Don't forget this, and it will
do you good."
Summer Excursion Routes.
The Ism edition of the Pennsyl
vania Kailroad Company's annual
book of Summer Excursion lloutes
hasjust been issued. It is tastefully
gotten up and presents iu a most
practical and comprehensive manner
four hundred popular summer re
sorts, from which excellent st lections
may be made for e ither limited trips
or exteiih-d sojourns during the
summer and early fall months.
The great variety of routes sug
gested, the complete schedules of
rates, the graphic and exhaustive
description of the dillercnt places,
the explanatory maps and the illus
trations, mako this volume a most
valuable guide.
Copies of the bonk may be obtained
at any ticket office of the Pennsyl
vania liailroad on payment of teu
cents, or upon application to the
General Passenger Agent. Pennsyl
vania liailroad, Philadelphia, it will
be forwarded upon the receipt of
twenty cents.
A Sunday school was organized at
attendance was small. . . .Mr. Deck
er, of lUchfiehl, is erecting a new
barn.... The corn in this section
looks promising Mr. Sheaffer aud
wife, of Allentown, were the guests
of his brother, How George Sheaffer,
last week Agents seem to be very
plenty in this section. They run
from insurance down to washing
machines The straw-berry crop
w ill be large There w ill bo sing
ing at Zion's church next Sunday
The new is under roof
. ..The school directors of this
township have elected the following
officers : Anis Gross, president ; Win.
Mitchell, treasurer; H. Arbogast,
secretary The plasterers have
given Mrs. lloleuder's new house its
first coat The Lutheran congre
gat ion will hold a festival on Satur
day, Juno 17th, for the purpose of
defraying the expenses of the new
parsonage The M. K. Church has
purchased the G. A. R. Hall and will
repair it Quite a number of chil
dren are alMicted with the measles. .
Miss Lizzie Middleswarth is on the
sick list.
Isaiah IJowersox and family visited
friends in Union County over Sun
day Miss Lydia Prutzman left
for Lt-w istow n on Monday to remain
there for a while Mrs. John
Sterner of Sunbury visited her pa
rent 8 (Austin Gifts i.'over Sunday. . . .
Miss Alice Weidenmoyer of Lewis
town is home on a visit. .. .Poster
Gift who is attending school at
Gettysburg is spending his vacation
All .
hi nome juss Jieme Allig is
visiting friends in Potato Valley at
present Miss Edith Wertz, who
was attending Millersville Normal
School (being unable to remain any
longer on account of sickness) re
turned home last week Mother
Weirick is treating her front fence
to a coat of paint which is quite an
improvement J. H. Martin and
wife visited his sou at Danville a few
days last week. Dome.
The Globe Mills Sunday nhool
will hold a festival at the church at
that place on Saturday evening,
June 17. All the delicacies of the
season will be served. Music will
be furnished by the Smith Grove
cornet band. The oublic is cordiull v
The following were Among the
ministers who were brought here to
attend the Annual Commencnient of
Missionary Institute last week :
Rev. Dr. Holman of Philadelphia.
Dr. Weber of Sunbury, Row Fort
hoy of Rhinobaek N. Y. Rev. I. P.
Zimmerman of Mahanoy City, Rev.
S. E. Batcman, of Philadelphia, Rev.
M. L. Shindel of Danville, Pa., Rev.
McCool of Sioux City, Iowa, nnd
Rev. Hilbish of Lairdsvillo. Pa.,. . . .
Rev. J. W. Swartz D. D. of Worth-
ngton Pa., is visiting his father-in-
law Mr. Samuel Gomberling, Sr., on
South Market St. this week Rev.
Guincy of tho Theological Seminary
nt Gettysburg, preached for Rev
Yutzy last Sunday evening Chil
drens day was observed by both tho
Methodist and Second Lutheran
Churches last Sunday. . . .Miss Katie
Erhart and Miss Evangelino Dimm
are becoming quite experts on their
bicycles. .. .Miss Stonecypher, a
pretty and accomplished young lady
of Montoursville, is visiting friends
in town....Kw H. C. Salem was
away over Sunday prenihiug iu
Rucks county Pa .Dentist M.
Kantncr made ii visit to Herndon
this week.... Mrs John Lenker of
Wiconisco Pa., who was visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Esq'uiro Burns
has returned home Mrs. Rev.
Dale of IJlair Pa., her sister accom
panied her. Mf.ntoii.
To the Public, Generally.
A Congress did not pans the extra
revenue on whiskey.the Marks brand
of whiskey all of my own make
remain tln siuue price. New wlilto
whiskey, $'..7" ; 10 to 13 months old,
f.'.K) ; 2S to ISO months old, i.5o ; HI
to months old. fJ.(K). Hi to 4-.'
months old, ItM) ; These are all fine
goods. IJ not forget tho old fctund.
Kinpty whiskey barrels (l.."0.
J. L. Marks,
Near It. It. Station. Mlddlebugli, Pa.
These figures represent th number
of bottles of I'r. King's New Discovery
lor consumption, (Jougtis aim l olds,
which were sold in the United States
from March, HI, to March. 1'J. Two
Million. Two Hundred and Twenty
Kiglit Thousand, Six Hundred And
and Seventy-Two bottles sold in one
year' and each and every bottle was
sold on n positive guarantee that
luouey would be refunded If satis
factory results did not follow its use.
The secret of its success is plain. It
never disappoints mid can Always be
depended on as tnL.jfy best remedy
tor i;ougen, v.ouis. eio. rneeouc. anil
1.00. At D. V.. Kepler's Drug Store.
Paxtonville Pu., June
Are you Insured ? If uot, now is the
time to provide vourself and family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera ami Diarrhoea llt'inedy as an
insurance against any Strious results
from an attack of bowel complaint
during the summer inuuths. It is al
most certain to be needed and should
be procured at once. J(o other
remedy can take its place or do its
work. S."iaini r0 cent bottles for sale
by (i. M. Shindel Middleburgh, and
Dr. .1. M. Sampsel l'enus Creek Pa.,
Fair Accommoaa
Are vim K"lruJ to ili World' Fair' Poynu
Willi! lllt rlus .l.vulllllllttliinulihf We i'at
wiiiii' iifw rwn-Mory HhIh, uni mill-hiiiiiIi of fiijr
KMiiihIs, iiwh.v truiu imlsy HintiK hiii u crowd
inn-tiltirk fruin twoi-lit-trlc Ktrtfl rum wlilili
t:ikf you to tin' iiiiili)iinrHiif liili fnlr K'riinili.
'1 In-' uri lint uiinali'. t(-nimriiry IhiMiIIiik'h. lint
MltlollllltlUl llllllll-H llllttl ll Wltll Kill"! I'lltll-
roulu i Hint cl.m'ls on i-iu'li lltair. Koolim
fiiriilliil. kiukJ ttt'tlM. - frvt htnir ui'W. OimkI
tni'rtlH tii-iir liy Irom twenty-tut lo tlilrty-tlve
( in i'r iih'iii. iiiin'h iroin eik'in to twelve noi
lur xr w.flc fur two toiik Iu a room. Extra
cut In room at sniitll v.t t iiltflit.
Take lllllioN ii-mral Uutlmiu nt ClmlU'li
liain. Aioy ut uiice. Kur further rtlcillars,
inl'lreo. I. M. II ESS.
hi-.1 Edward Ave., I lielteiiliiun, liiluuip). 111.
Ms Fair Loft.
Toootniily with the li"ir of innnv eastern
frii'iul l'i "ire thein nulx Worlil'H lair IixU'Iiilh
we nave o.i nieii to m tuiiiixiaie a iiuiII.mI num.
IxT tin. I have fflitoil the Uew building, Ml Oak
ley avenue, wllU
All Modern Conveniences.
It I the M diior from the Wth street ItouleiHrrt
ami 1m our pretu'iit (ilaee of rel.eiire. U Is Imt
it minute wulk from the Will mrei-t, Tavlor
ir-et or OiIk'i ii HVenue itin-et cumunil two full
rotul tleHiiK, all of which run to the ct-iil re of I he
city, where all viMiorx will lmiil un.l from which
the World l-'alr l eunlly Hecitwilile iy mil ,,r
ImI. Hale Mi cent lolJ ) ier day. Kewtoii.
uhle Uiaid near I y. Write for partlculHrs.
.Uii,'itiirt n-M-rved for r'ijonjillilo jiartles
when eiitfayod lu ndvaiice,
After May lt, uddreM Ml Oukhmd Avenue
ChtcuK'j. June l. lv.1
Kirt class accouimodatious to the
traveling public. iood stabling for
the horses. Kverytliing new.
U miles toutl! of Middlubiirgb on
the road to Freeburg. S.i IH'J'.i.
li mII our choice und hardv nurw-rv Mock.
Many 1 d mrlelii u oftcrWh In Inilu uicj
orijahii'Malx, ulcl i"H:liollcd l.y u. V, e
iy t'oinuiUilou or halurv. jtivh eciuHU U-r-rltory
my weekly. Wrllu Uj u at quim and
kecuiv. ch'jl. e teirliorv.
WAV lilioI'HEIW, Nuw ryiiti-h.
Oct, mi, ll.M-hcior, .N, V.
' . - ' '" l-v v-' u. A. ..I froM btMlb.
A l.T'llTrnD WASTED n ennrsMi fnr the
iXJXJL X SJile of our HnniMirowD
TFM. Sftlnry nnd expTiw ptld.
W. & T- Smith Co-VS-TGl
XKVA, N. Y. hxiiililiHiitHl IMS. One or the
l.rsrt, Oldest, Kt llillshed. Slid ltet Known
Nurseries In the Lolteil suites. June IT, 1W8.
Treating, filling, artificial teeth, bridge
and crown work. Nitrous oxide fan
for pn I n lees extractions. Everything
pertaining to dentistry.
Van Iioskirk's old stand.
Selfnsgrcve, Fa.
Teeth cleaned, extrneted. Implanted, regulat
ed. plNeaMti nnd Inlurle n the teeth nnd
month treated. Artificial ct, rrown. tirldvrcs
nnd olNlurntors luwrted. All klmlnof filling.
Oold work a hh'CUIIv.
OKO. R t t.IIIH!, n. t, H.
tmieeln Wei' divcllinn, noulU ldt) inlrance,
iiiwlle Nallimal Hold.
Insurance Agent and Ilroker,
l'enns Creek, P. t). Pa.
Only flrrt cla Stnck tlimmnlni rnn'ntt!il.
You pIvu nn ireiiiluiii not', heure juu 'ino
Imtiirniire iaeed on nil kind of irmid Inrm
.rtii'rlv, .Ixfllin.. inre nd rliurclif ny.
wliere Iu Snvtlfir and l iilun ronniln.
OHIce in f. .M. hnwer Store.Ontrevllla, fa
crown Acme.
The lu st Duriiing Oil that can ho
iiiiulo from Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not nmKt (he chimney.
It will not char tho wick.
It has a high lire test.
It will not explore.
It is without n comparison as a per
fection Family Safety Oil.
It is nianufactureil from tho finest
Crinlo in the most perfectly equip
ped lelineries in tho worM
It is the P.est.
Ask your dealer for Crown Acme.
Trade orders filled by
Yours truly,
Sunhury Station, Sunbury, Pa.
An Invigorating Tonlo for itrenirtbeiiln th
waak, imiifylng the blood, clearing the com
plexion and imparting the roay bloom of health
to the cheek, l'lvasant to the taste and a fa
vorite with ladies. 1 CO per bottle.
Ir. J. H . Mclean'i Almanae for 111 with
Ptorm Calendar and Weather KorecaU by Uev.
)rl It. liickawlll lie ready Sept. 1, liu. Kurn
hi free to all dnalera w ho t-ll our ineilluine.
Ak ynur dniKglut for oua or aeud twu-oeut
tamp to
Th$ Dr. J. ft. McLean Med. Co., St. Louis, Mo
St: -jrg
im i
c l
Wy it.rtnr r. p. ni on llio m..i.irvi t, lirrr
an I kMii.fK a, .1 i. , , r-,. u ,1,1,1k i.
ratUri.,in In ( i.,f ,j .., .., ,. ,. r ii-m ,uif iwty m
All druiniiitiaW'll i' nt Un. and 1.1.1a in,cini(e. If
Ioucniit'..! c.i "uru.itlai f r (icei,iii,,l.
' I'nuillr Mittlt'lnn llir b,i r hb1
4. In t rti. i' Ui Ih l r ct r, liumt. tire, .,rv. Atl.litMa.
. tlUAlOU J. OlIV. AUU, UiiUV, .N. i.
roaltlrely rcmovea
IUngbnne, HplUit,
or Curb,
wuuoui 1'ain.
S500 Reward
For Pnllure or
t)llc,ulcl injury.
Ttil Uthe Creitril
Wonder pf thelsih
Cantury. antoui.b
Inif, aa It dtH-a, the
cniiro Voter luary
ClreuUrl and
Sworn front. Mail
ed rrae.
It. Gay Chocid,
Ho. DTK Canal bt.,
Ntiw Yurk.
f V
Iv remits Aits rtsnkis
niealroncval anil nrra l.ya
IrilKln. I llllktt tttlier I )e l U-1,,11
a r)iu 1- 'I. r ami pai In a tun
wlili niiiuialtle lid, ila c.,i,i.-m
am alwaa inuly fr nw. Mill
make llir lerai elfiiiited llurd h,w,j
III W lllllllltea wllliuut I.UlllHkT,
II la ! Iiral ..f i i.ui.mhk w. iu
I'll-, lll.llilttt'llhy aliikt,,
WOalilllR l-tlU.-a, ( alllla, tluea, l ie,
Ocu. Agt., 1'Ulla., 1'a.
The Post ,SI,50 per y
Fashionable clotb
ing, Hats, caps,
Neckties, Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Summer Under
wear, and Cclcloid
goods, Men's shirts, JJJ
nnd everytliing
make a man In.!
1 VJ t
1T alPJ t rrk
that discount
JJJ imitation st..
Clothing for prince I Pauper
Clothing that looks like silk and wears like leather. CV
to tlio old Keliahlo where you got what you pay lor.
ncwKtock is just in, is entirely new and comprises all'
latestsfyles. Too lmsy waiting on customers to tell',
more. :ome aud sco for yourself.
hean Oesfi Store!
I'oino ninl see our new t-tovW of Spriutr nml Summer (Sooils. We tin
stiek i i -i. auj'thiiijr you cuii ak fur. OiitkooiIs tiro nil good ami
Wu t un ullord to sell ten per cent cheaper fur
lionet ni!toinprs linve tlio benefit of that system. We luive ft grent
lust now on Notions, I'urtains, Curtain Poles, ami Jewelry, although
cannot cotuo auilss for nny tiling in the line of General Merchandise,
also have a full liue of lioys' Suits anil Alen't C'lothine. ami we wl
plensetlto show you gooils whether you buy or not. Jft We also sell the
liyerCriilleu r lows & Repair
tlir Note Mere ia tha ulunn tn pot tin inniit nml haaf nn,l. fn. i..
money, and don't you forget it I
David Wete
1Mb Mi Mi Tie 1
but they t'o a Kreat ways in thatdireittion. Tlien.why send to th
City for ready-made clothing and then take them to iiNk'Hed U
A. -II A . I- - .1 t . a
tuuor 10 improve ine m, vvlien you fun get a
at ouue by voingto
MERCHANT TAILOIt, Solir.sfrove, Ta., where your work IsrIwii;'
Kuaranieeu or you nave recourse. This is a question that Inters
every umii and boy .A neat-llttliiK matter what tlie'matcri.
is it always looks better than an ill-llttin- suit no matter how fie
the goods. Then come at ouce and Ket llts.
Late Foreman for E. E. BUCK, four doors west of Iiauk. Seliuf.
Tho undersigned will offer to tho public his entire
of Furniture and Ueddinglor tho next three moiit!
tho greatest saerilico ever known in tho Furnituo T
in intial Tenna. Having decided to change my 1
ness in doing no must mako some alterations "in
buildings I am compelled to offer my entire stoe
1 .a
prices never neani ot heloro. Chamber Suits, J
Suits, Sideboards, C upboards, ICxtension Tables, l!i
fast Tables, Centre Tables, Marblo Top Tables, Y
Tables, Fancy Coekeis, Common Uockers. Willow i-
ers, Ibiby coaches, High chairs, Small Rockers, V
esat, Chairs, uano heat lians, i)oughtrays, Beds,
reaus, Wr shstands, Sofas, Loimgos, couches, Maltr
Ulankcts, Haps, Tillows, JJolsters, Springs, &o.,&c
Thoabovo goods must bo sold without restrvt'.
will bo delivered to all points along tho main line
branches of. JJ. it. Iy Cstoek of Carpets is the 1;
in Lewistown, and will bo offered at a great reiln
during tho above sale.
J Lowistow
tmit IM. ilj Iwf "frvl