I To riea t Uratot. lnallr ret tontly, wbo roatlva or blllcra. ma tb blood ti Impora or luUh,to per sHlr cor babltoal rwnstipattoo. to awak- kidneys an llvor to a liaalthr activity, ut Imtatlos of wBln thrro, todla tvadacboa, voids or fevers, nai Hjrrnp of r ars vsrletles of ths common Profoundly Grateful or Help oerivea rrom Hood's Sar I am pmfo'inrtljr impn Hood's Sarsaparuia . . Ay. I..-J with 111 mrxll- U virtue f Ht' Wamapanlia. I a Irt-trt M-tlh rnnrrr. .and dlaaffre.- M eruptions on my na s bum in-r fce i nr w apifarlns o.i mv lip. 1 rovi lii'lally I ntilainc-l tiollle if llixxt .hr": 4riia.arnl bytlieOme tl t itw. the o I fniiitoni baM nearly all il lanpprarwl. 1 have led four hultlca, unil I belleva it ha aved Me rrom Premature Doath. tin now almimt 7A years f arc and aT iror-sj Ac -. And I JknM that Hood's krnaiwrllla liaK had much to ilowllU my lir (id .tretnilli." Hrv. O. li. 1'owrn, IWI Hun r Mrrcl. C'lilcjuto, III. ROOD'S Sarsaparilla CUKES ("a Pill art- the Ihi after-liuoer 1'llla.a- Wi uibIiou. c-urv bead ba. UA i-yuU. 4 . rKl' it y A '.'03 r. Kilmer's '1 riKKimn nnrvr i ovvHmr'nuui y. jr. mccot. Van Wert, Ohio. Acted like Magic! -Suffered Years with Kidneys and Liver. LIFE WAS A BURDEN! Mr. McCoy Is u wealthy ntul Influent iul cltl rcn of Van Wort, nnd a muu Knowu for uiilcs Hi-ouud. cc vrluit he rays: "Kor year I vu n terrible sufferer with Kid ney and Liver trouble, ulw nervous) pro iratlon and poor lieiillli in K'nciiil. I wiu nil run down and life n liurden. I tried pli)klrinn and i-veiy UMiiliiMo n uirdy, lint lountl no rellrf. Wiia Indiii'ed to Kivu Mvuui-U't a triul. wlileh ni'tel like inat'ic, und to-duy I am entirely cured uik! iw a man m ever. It in without ii(nti(iii thu icrralckt remedy In the world. Any one iu Ooubt of thiKKtiitement ennuildrefw me." M. II. McC'OY, Vun Wert, Ohio. m contemn i-f n (ttii. It you mrr l ' lflK U1 nfuuil to net IwimIiihI. I'ruir yuu Uiv rlre pull. 'iBTaiid' liuKifi la nenlltt- ana ftjjl i'vaauttatloa t rvc. J'Q'Ji'l At UruclMa,60r,ar ai.OO Slip, Dr. jwiimerH Parilla Liver Pills AP.E THE IJKST ! 4a M!!n. tii ccuta. . TllQ Best Waterproof Coat In tho WORLD I IfCD f t HMI IHIAS-n M.( KKIt li w.rr.nlfd wutir froof. ami willkn D vnuilrv In lliu lurilrhLAlunn. ll.t Iww IDM.MI.L, Kl.li KtU l.aHTtilriJ:in(ijt.iiHl cuvf rilicrnnretj.itUlv, Uwrtif inituiluua. l)ii I wjv km ir i i.o "run liran.l ' It nut uu li. inu.tr Inn uli rut Itr. A. J. ToVVl.H. Ilixton. Muu. "9 Nature shoo Id be assisted to throw ofrininuTv CURES tie of the blood. III ri a Nothing does it ro well, bo safely i MALAm AL POISON or ho promptly on KwlfVu Sneelflc. UFE HAD NO CHARMS. ' I--..- n v -uq any ilk-im u Kil,r.( I Wat i ally Uu'MlrtlA -.h.And lilt l t all li htii.t. 1 tticil mtf i.rnct.1. I touiili'ei I A tw tottleu( tiki n'rrnr, t uirn tttt ! I tttUrlul tiia-.lirin I mstls ft curu ti it d 1 hum ctiU'if rami t utartcitt Ci.r, i . " - I baUUt lUkm Cttl. J. A. IvlCli, Otuwa, Kiu Our bo-k o tlloo! end fcfc.o DitroM ftialUU bt. SPtClFlO CO.. AT LAM T A. 0A Hz, liiKl-i'li-i-c: vholiaTaaaat lunitor Asia- .. nioiiam ruo ly'ara lor Coo.uaipiloa. li kas earaa tbaaMkaai. It b not io)gr 4 una. li it not ! u, lata. U l lb cvjfU yrna. bum 'rrwkara. IM. NEWSY GLEANINGS. Jaactixt rr porta a rml rtat boom. OMAit, Keb., ia to baB achool tor &ro turn. Ijorrwra art ravaging the TrOTlDce of Para tofl, Ruaaia. Kaw Tori mlntatera denounorU the Cbl arao eiclurlon act. CAat.a oars have atarted running oo Broad way, Mow York City. Ah rpldrtnlo of auleidea It raging In and about New York City., Gaoanu'a yield of' watermelon! tola year WIH amount to 80,000 acres. Tub flmt t earn boat from OaWeaton via Trinity River baa arrived at Dalian, Tetaa. Tarn ia not alngle country in Europe actually without Interior or external turmoil. Rratw and Portucal have flnanelaj eriera which are leading them aurely and quickly to bankruptcy. Taa boy Kln of Bertrla la to have hla Uke neaa In a irenrral'a uniform on Servla'a new postage atamp. Don(mAia plaoed a hangman 'a rope round the atntun of tha Austrian Emperor, r'rau ela I. at Trague. Taa aevera atorma of the winter have con siderably damaged the battle monument at Bennington, Vt. A PoLtaH paper declarca that the Caar of Ruaaia la ill and that rumor anyt be la auffnr lug from a cancer. Taa Bouthern rrnnbyterlan Aaaemtdy nX Macon, (K, Pboae Naebville, Tenn., aa the next place of meeting. Taa flullhloode in the Choctaw country are reported on the verge o etarvation on no oou.it of the withholding of luuda from them. Tna ofDoial estimate of the Itengal (India) Wheat crepe for the axaeon JuM cloeed la 443.. 343 tona, agaimit 349.V30 tone In the prevloua year. iHrirxxi of a vlmh-nt type la rpriadlng rapidly in the tirand luchy of liaden. The aame diaoaae In a milder form la vpldomiu In various parta of Hwitzcrlnnd. Taa drowvht In flermany remain un broken. Official rtatiFtlcs conccrulng Pnia elnn crop ahow that the klnvdora baa ouf fercd heavy losvs. Tho crop Is a complete failure. The repcrt regarding the crop of winter wheat in European KuiU ehowa that In 14 dlHtrict it li ei'wlient . In :S dUtn t good, and in ten dintriets bad. Hummer wheat In the southern provinces is generally promis ing. Tnt prolonged draucht continue In Switz erland. There hue been no ruin siuno March IX Cottle are reduced to ukrletoiui and arn dying by thoiutaml. In confluence of the foilder famine tliu duty on muuo luis bovu SUSptfided. THE NATIONAL GAME. At. I.oriK ha Muvied Catcher Ounon. Kwuci, of Cleveland, leads the Leuguc In l'ft.o running. Rt'hRR. of the New York", leads his elnl iu tiaxe runnini;. AnsoM.t'hli'airo'i CnpUtln, linabecntwer'y flvi years In lmrni rx. llIK New lnrka lot eleven out of the twelve gninc they played away from home, t.ARrTHKn ninl Im.-I.y, n young plt"her irom riiiianu.piiiu, nave ln'cu releantvl by vinciuur.il. Ct.cvRi.Axn hn strong hope thnt n little mor practice will tnnke HiiHtiiis oue of tho le.iiiiiiK piicnera oi tuo L,enguc, Ca rtfb, of Yale, lias tho ''strike-out' record for the scuhou. He rotinvl sixteen I'rineetoii lintsuieii. Ho hax (struck out 137 men already till season. Thr best base runnlnir ninn In the Lenirue woiiki ho I loyle, catcher; M ration, pitcher Jieek-iey, Want nnd Latham, bosetneii ; Jiiuileu. siiortstop: Erown, Hamilton utid .wiug in tlie llciii. Tikrmam. of New York. Is maklnir nuite a record na a homo run batter, ho hnviiig made four In three KtimcF. Ilia batting record In those, three gauivs was seven hits, wiiii a luini oi nineteen. Xo matter how strouir the niteher. mmt of them feel the disadvantages of the new rules and lose their vfTm-tlveneaa In some part of iur irouis. a ne iarre numimr oi gamea being jvm or won iu onu inning snows iuih. Onr of thesrentest dunvers tn ball nlnvar. Is In sliding to the home Plate, where the caiciiein urn allowed to deliberately block the runner off. The base runne r should be entitled to n chance to reach thu huso. Thk old timers this venr ilntimr rai-Kin it(.i are itcnnett, H- i.itlicrx. Halley juciiariisoii, Movev. Mriciier. Kwinir. Ai.son. .vtullaiie. ( umihkey. Mi l'li.-c. I.atlmin. Keefe. i 'lemeiits, Thompson, Connor, Ward, Kelly, j-ieuiT. vteicn. iiiasscocii, j.aruiu, Had ford, V llOlirKO IIIKI ISC. Kt Krookiyn H02I persons paid forndmis- Sion to the hllll'lllV uatUH nluved between tho Dt w loriis iiiki urooklyiiH lor tlio benedt of JUirtiy t) llri. u, the player who is ill with consumption. Slor. than tHooo will go to O'llrieu. The llrooklyns won by thirteen to neveu. 1 lie clubs exchanged batteries. Captain Ti.iikac Is well ploaned wit ha new r levelaml catclier. lloyd. Ho is u marvtil- ously speedy and accurate thrower, nml backs up a pitcher with it iierveaml certainty that glvo eouPilcnce not only to tho pitcher but to all the nine. Tins gives Tchcaii plenty of catchers for ulmost any contingency lu kiuiiui I, ii4 wiumi j k oiiiiifr illlil lioyu. THE LABOR WORLD. FwiT7.Kin.Asn tins l:0,iXH) union nien. Omaha (Neb.) policemen get M a day. riTrsnrmi, Penn.. has H00 union sulesmcn, Womkn hotid employes arc to lie organized, llki risu truding vessels employ Chinese firemen. Ciiicaoo hoi carriers get $3 to 3.25 for eight hours. Homk Doston street car hands work eight ecn hours a day. Thk Ohio State Labor lliircau bus secured situations for as.&UO persons. Ciiii'aoo mai'liinihts Inn locomotivo works refuse to run two machines. The Lancashire) (I'mrland) cotton strike Cost tlO.nou.CKJO in wages alone. Ba FiiAsci u-o (Cut.) union men lire fined (5 for soiokiug uon-iiuiou cigars. Nkw Youk union frumers get a minimum wage of forty-llvo cents un hour. 8t. I.ons clerks held a parade to celebrate I lie victory lor early closing of sturds. A Bt. Lorts barber makes 15 a week by working at the homes or his ciihtotin-rs. India a poms (Ind.1 pluslerers want to do their own lutuuig, ana dcmiind forty cents au hour. Cleveland union bootblacks will establish a clubhouse, and the Secretary must furnish a bond lor ?13. Home Doston furniture workers were offered nine hours and uine and a half hours pay, Others wish to continue the tun hour day. Helena (Montana) printers will establish a paper. The union's Secretary will receive 1U) a year and other officers win serve witn out pay. The K. of L. In the Pittsburg district re. ports a boom in union men ami has 3000 members. At one time the organisation numbered 9000. Th Cambria Iron Company has fulled in Its attempt to colon! colored men from the Houtu at tha big Johnstown plant. Carnegie bad a similar experience. Prime Ministeb Gladstone at Ilitwarden addressed a deputation of workiUKmeu, uon grutulttting them on tha advances made by the labor party iu buglond. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers waa formed in 1H6S with a dosen member. To-day there are 516 divisions with 86,000 men, and 4,(K0,o0u has been paidiaUwux- an o lb past tweuty-nv year. ino renr-Aero raraer. Mr father tied to t-U rne abottt tb richest tcan he ever anew," said a steady -onn? fellow a few dare ago, ray a the I Detroit Free I res-. "That man had o wife aad three children on a cozy little forty-acre farm. lie bad a fow hun dred dolli.r in tho bank and waa tJ waye adding to it, for hia expenses were far below the.tronte of hia little place. That man had sickneae in hie family. Ha waa LoptA t Ha had ertrrthint that he wanted and waa independent Fo he waa the richeat man my father ever knew. I cannot any that 1 agree with my respectod ancestor," continued the younff man, "for that man nerer kniw of. the modern luxunci of lue, thoee tbonaand and one little improre meuta and conveniences that go to make ease for man, the gradual work ing out of the theory of the eventful complete mastery of mind over mat ter." 'Ton are looklnp," said the older man, "to thnt time when tho mind will sit in an inert body and do nothing but command. True it is that the tendency ia in that direction ; but it is a matter of prave question whether the pood of the human race calls for the fulfillment of the plan. The mind of man is the toaMcr, but the mnn who looks forward to the hour when he can sit and by the reaaing of a button have tho world at his feet is not the man who will bring theso things about. We yearn for im provement that will make lifo easier ; yet with tho time-saving methods of to-day the race is busier and less rest Uking than ever. I agree with the old frcntlcman who thought tho forty acre farmer with happy surroundings tiie riclitat man he ever knew. Slaves That lo Not Work. Tlncliiilinii n urn apt to confound African slavery with tho forma of alavery known to European Nations. Ono vf tho curiosities of domestio alavery in dnrker-t Africa pointed out by tho rH. .lamea's f iazetto ia that, whilo tho native ahivo owner can, by custom, compel Lis alnves to fight for him and possesses other extensive power over them, ho eminot "logully" compel his Muvca tn work for luiu. On the Congo Htid its ulllnriits tintivo (not Molmmmcilnii) hIiivo owners pay wugea to their own eluves Ythetievrr the latter nro required to transport ivory and product to tho const. l'.veti Tippoo 'I'll) pays his numerous slave soldiers tinder such pinrcftil eirotir.i stance. Tho explanation of thin nnnnioly sceius to tuHt war in n far inoro ntictent r.nd primitive itp-titutiou than labor. v lien domestic alnvery wus "first in troduced" into Africa regulur labor whs unknown ; the right to monopol ize tho flavc'slnhor vtiisthcrcforo never incorporated mining tho alavcholder's privileges nml prerogatives. It is wliito men v. ho have really introduced nnd acclimatized tho idea of work or "lnbor" in Africa- When Pharaoh compelled the children of Israel to work for him ho waa considered a dangerous revolutionist by Egyptian conservatives. The Spaniards lirst in troduced 1 r slavery in tho weatern world. V Oderus havo completely forgotten' . , tho slave vns originally in the innit.'a fighting retainer, nor a Workintr muu. Tho largest church in tho world i St. Peter's, in Home; tbo siimlleft, n church U u feet squurc, ia tho Iblo of Muu. ,T. C. Simpson, Marque". W. Vs., av! " Hull' Catarrh Cure cured me of n very bad caw of eatarrh." I'iukkIhI' "ell it, 7,'n- Tortoises have been known to live 'M years. Mornings - Tecchum's IMIs wliha drink ot water. IwecliMiu'ii iioetlu-r. i tvula a box. Tor I'neiituoiiiii, no ot her eoutih syrup ecjU.li Hutch's 1'iiivcr-nl. i'i cents at dru-.-g.st-. A single tobacco plant w ill produce 3W,000 rci'ds. Ir.flllcteit with criri- use Dr. 1-ascThnmn- Kin's l.yc-watur. l)i'uui:itiitvll ut J.c per Uillla . ami An sgreenble T-arative anaNfim Toma Bold by Druggists or sent by Bail. Sic, 600. tnd tl.OOptr packnge. Pnmples free. Tft TT Tlie Pavonte TOOTH tOWTXl Lk.W JLsVW fortbeToethand Uruai,Uo. Looking Better feeling better better in every way. There's more consolation in that than well people stop to ponder. To ZetSj back flesh and spirits is every thine. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- fdiosphites is prescribed by lead ng physicians everywhere for ail ments that are causing rapid loss of flesh and vital strength. 5cott' Omulslon will do more than to atop a lingering Cough -It fortifies the aystem AGAISil coughs and colds. Prapar.il br Soot. Bawd. N. V. All truUt. OPIUM Merphlak Habit Carad Ira 10 liiiodaib No oar till cured. 0R.J.aTaHtNf.LBaaea,OhM. PI 1 X jll X k-7 aud all furrltiu eouo- ira, Ttu year' vxiivrlt-iH-e ia .-summer lo S. Fat-onina. l-aleul suarautiH-i ur lu fee. tUuuiaABa, US Hit at., WawAiUistua, p. a Seal Flffctlnt DtrrlahM It ia easier to torn a hungry titrrr aside from Lia prey than a thoroughly excited dervish front hi swoop on au au enemy, says a military correspon dent His half brother in fanoticiani and creed, the Indian or Afghan Ohasi, is terrible, but tbo African and Arab dervish is superlatively awful, with an incurable delirium for his opponent'! gore. Howling and whirling dervisher, such as travelers are "specially con ducted to see when visiting the Esst," are a comparatively harmless sort of lunatics compared with those types of Africau bigots who, "converted to Mahdism, burn to run amuck with tho rest of -auWieving humanity. Once fairly bitten with the tarantula of Mos lem sectarian real, tho proselyto is consumed with the belief that the do lights of tho seventh or any number of heavens await him if he can only en gage in sturdy, steady butchery of "infidels" of his own or any race. It is a matter of indifference to him if in the operation, whilo ho sheathes his sword in his and his prophet' enemy, tho latter is doing the samo to him. Quick and happy tranalotion ho holds as his euro reward. London Tele- grapu. . Tricked bj the Jolly Tan. A pretty good story is told of the way in which the ofliec rs of a certain eloop-of-war of tho North Atlantic squadron succeeded in getting their ship's slow and antiquated steam launch replaced by ono of a later and more fashfonnblo type. It happened that the vessel hauled into n navyysrd for its periodical repnirs. While there the launch was loudly complained of as too heavy and uuwicldly for n sloop-of-war to carry, nnd a careful weigh ing by tho yard authorities verified tho complaint. Thereupon n new and swift little craft which cost Uncle Sam ever so many hundreds of dollars whs sub stituted, and the tilnop-of-war steamed exultantly away. Hut when the old launch was sent to the boat tdiop for overhauling the workmen found Hittg ly stowed away out of Mght along the keelson nearly u thousand pounds of superfluous ballm-t iron. The appar ently unaccountable weight of the re jected boat waa reudily explained. Uohtoti Journal. Mrs. Albert rMimloviuit hi the City Weigher of Ihmlitirv. Conn. ir fights to Syrup" My acquaintance? with Fosehcc's German Syrup was made about four teen years ago. I contracted a cold which resulted in a hoarseness ami rough which disabled me frcr.i fill ing my pulpit for a number t.f Sab baths. After trying a physician, without obtaining relief I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received quick and permanent help. I never hesi tate tn tell my experience. Rev. V. II. llaggerty, Martinsville, N.J. Ci- ruxc Uo You deep Peacefully 1 IN THEC MAD STRUCCLES I for fllth, rto nof losr ntuht nf ih tn t tl.tiijj I NIK. V tH lift World till' I Hi i- id f--r li. if II I hC I 'U ohimiifil ut tin' piHiiM ft Mint- l.i-nllli i imimIi mt it'll ; ihlr.l, vH)ih. I. um- I.. n I ih vtniT IIIUMt hU't-fi, lu IlUVf ln p juu iii ut tl u-i PILCRim 'SPRING BED, wliM-h in Hit hlfthfat ttft1rntfnt af Wim wlsnr?p Itif N't! nmlf Uik. II ! niHilf fmrn MIkIiIv Ti'inpiTi'tl Hir WlrcvL I thf I'MUI ( TIUN f I- AM,. i it I H ill l.i'f asJ I.IHTI.MK. Hl-WHIf nf llliltp lnu.lt- C.HliI iS .wire I m it Ic lift, lor " lUvjf ut lit. I ttliul UuC Imiii." 2 KxhlHtrvt m n. 11 Wiirrcn Mrttt. New Vork U d iinmiiitii) i iiici', iiuoiuii. ror Mill l-y Hll rhuhli hniliTfi. Km UraKM 'l iiat tLfadali-itd 1 tudi'innrk un nil! i.euuiiif riiKriiitn. huil lr Mttmy huvlng rrlmcr, Fret. Alias Turk orporiillon. UtiHinn. a a hi N a urpitriiiiuii, itiininn. ininw- lliiaiuii, Sew York, l'lillUielilila.C igu, lialiiiniire. Sun i'rum-lftt-o, l.yiiu. p 1 MUlltnll, Iuk.; l-mi'liitveu, Maaa.:k iW.llhHH i Jilraiift t KcTOhla1 Wliitiuau, kuu.i iJU&bury, ftlabta.; I'i inouiii, C Muw. 2 rurruxixrrjxjrijxnnnnj MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS fHITU THOMSON'S gLOTTKI) CLINCH RIVETS. No tool! rrMU.rfd, Oniv a liftiiiiufr nerded t tlrlve inac'lmb Hum eiutly Mtiiiii(k.t , Kavhik it t-ittirh (( ulrljr tufxiltk. K iunlnf n i-i r in ! mttl in ih i-uiiir nui- i'urr t'f tb Kivcit. Tlmv ro ftiroui. IourIi and ! urn bit. JbIiUioim nuw lit us. AU wiH'tTia, nnlfunn r nvtMrtfl, put mi hi lxiBr. It tour drslr lor ikrm, vt wnd 40a. ia lUiuiM lot Isus ul luu, syrt i .uei. Muu Id Uy JUDS0N L. THOMSON MFQ. CO., WALT II AH, HAM. " 1,000,000 ACRES OP LAND for sale by the RaIst Paol 4 Dvlcth Kailboad CUHraSt la atiuneaoia. 6ud for Map and Circu lar. They will bnl to you AddraM HOPEWELL CLARKE, Iaa4 C imtitlomr, Bk rui. ttuui. aMfcuiaV-; ia ur,im iaA,-iv, AKm$ r"9 viy ij line .tv.i vv m m - w r "German iffl mm aekwara). Little reter It slow at school, apparently bright enough everywhere tdee. The other day at table bis mother alluded to him aa a "back ward boy." Tlie next morala? In dressing he but bts Jackei on by accident the wrong side before, and Instead of re. moving It and readjusting It, be bad his sister button It up at the back, and went down to breakfast thus. Why, Peter!" his mother ex claimed. "What do you mean by coming down In that way?" "Oh." he said. "I got It on that way, and as you said I was a back ward Uy,' I thought maybe that was the best way to go!" It is said that for the pieces of armor in tho (Hiitzer collection -the, most wonderful armor in the world -Herr tipiticr had frequently refused 81,250,-000. .n.".SKW.V1..r.l..a'.,: There are few who still follow antiquated methods cf raising bread, biscuit, cake and pastry with home-made mixtures of what they suppose to be cream of tartar and soda, compounded haphazard, but there are very few The best housekeepers use the Royal 1'aking Powder instead. Its scientific composition insures uniform results. Hy its use alone can the finest flavored, most wholesome food be produced. To any housekeeper who has not used the Royal Rak ing l'uwdcr wc would like to send our Cook Rook, free. Mark your rctuicst " For instriKtion." Royal Baking Powder Corcrany, 106 Wall Street, New-York. PPIrwii75it Do Not Be Deceived with l'atc, I'mimi-I. nnd I'.ilnts vrhlch t.ttn the tiici I-. Irilure On- Inni iitcl tiiiru rerl. The Hnamr MCI Mue I'.ill.li la llr llllu'it. i,j,,r. leaa, IHiriililc, uikI Oh-i-oiiMinicr puta t,-r ii liu or Klaaa packHue witti eti rv purt-tiuM. STHE KIND nni wwrifcaO"1 a a a xV? aw JILT - .V "w WINI.I'V SM'ltltV, l.rr -l-.w ii. N V m n Kidney TrunMo for 12 Years. j H Completely Cured. BIMii nr..r him en , 1 l..-.,ih J..r IV ri.r lifive brtn ail I r.-arTtxe-.l .it), li.tlii- 'l'riil,le, Twi v-ar. BW K" l-ail l.i, 1,-.,,.,' u 1,1,1, ..II,,, I uy liai h. At 1 1 im if au luinl Murk lor i a c tin. nml. I Atl -i li, liutl niiotlirr attm k f n4irllt,' WliMi Ii II mi- tw.l j CimiUI Ildltl tHWattl Hit .1-) a I. tile i, DANA'S aa unicint iittt a M I it"! nml tiavi taki-ii three iKlilracf N ft :M'UII.I. . cm,,, t.rttl, ,.f HAN A S hl.lJi. Hii,-ii.. eiiuci.i ri i.v i iti it. SI SulriNilili' Kllh klilni i.l iioltiM-k. i -liehel aiiml ii.m-I lie, anil I n. i r f-illi.t- BJfJ'i-r v lili'. V.-ii ii.v euliliali UiU If yuu wiali. a'-iaetrry wm-tl Uiiriic. " Vtiui, Inilv. n H Mortlati.wn, N. Y. WI.M.KV STI'IIHV. IX " CIKXTH- W. irr i rai-Mully irqiiaii ml i:li Mj B HStcxry, ami lanitw luaatat. im iifa an Irlii' - J ilutluil, A.t.aC.t. ! Si:il.L. Q Ssj Dana Sariaparllla Co., Bcttaat, Maine, ajst 1 -V 'I'l' V'I'C 'OtAlik MAIIKH. ltiiiMllinlh.il , I lii I l. mitt inl Ire ic- In , .ili lili.l.ll I v I 1 lnelilliili. Selul rnr liiM-Mi.ra l.ulile.i.r tn In U Ull III. I A I UU K O l AltHI I.I, WAklllkl.TiiN, II.C. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or fiiiiniiltasiton, to liuii'llr th iw t'Mt4nt r)n inW'al Ink Kmiiiiu I'riirll. A Kin is. hiitklii'' $ 4i r wick, 1IIII4 Kl.lMT hlf'X 1 It., All's!, 14 CnisM', WI. MURRAY'S CATALOG Tin frnnlrt Htirl niot riiinplrli I'mIuIou f rtilrl, llrnro, HiMify !lurP r4Mi it iul- ifclii'i. A n-Ktilur r.vflnprdin tut nnv mil' w In nwim i liitrnf. tnlcVw M m wisi.i'v sii ititv, WILBER H. MURRAY M'F'Q CO. iVJV Ki. CINCINNATI, 0. Do fou Know That There is Science in tleairiess. Be Wise and Use SAPOLIO Of lrtaaea All Win ! liaatasaa, tend a check or a poatal or stpreas money e tar for $S.T to To Trad Co., tn Devonahlre Bt., Boston, and yon will rarely by prrpaid aiprraa a copy of a handsomely printed and tecaroly bound book tailing ) tm bow to in crease buatnra i bow to decorat your store windows; bow to advertise In newspapers; sbout circulars, 'cards and posters tlie cost aadus of engravlnt of every class; tho at panso of lit horapb and tbelr valor; how Ut i produce effective billheads, ranla and other rommerrlal printing, with Informatloa on tb manaa-emrnt of rmployas and everything per talnlDK to bosinrto publicity-tbe only woik of Its class In the world; Indispensable to every baslaeas man whether b bean advertiser or not. Written by Nath'l C. FowUr. Jr.. theax- I pert at boaines and advrrtlsinir. 618 lara ; paarea, naniiaommy iiiunraieo. ion taae DO risk; If after receiving tbe bonk you dont want It you can return it and set your money lack. The average hncht ol the elephant is 6 fert. a J :.i 4 ;J ! :J $ a s people left 4 (IS 4 4 W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE IV y ii .( at t'-f n.7 Wtien nrl In need try a pair, Ihry kill rue y. u r.ce re fert jm) M-rviir fi r Itic monry ih.n uij ttm : Ar. Best In tho world. S3.00 $400 2.5B 3.50i S2.00 FOR LAOItt 12.00 l.75 fort B0Y9 4f $V rtn .(fan J (0: W. L. Douglas Shoes are made In all the latest Styles. If you wr.r u tnt DRESS SHOE don't pay $f. o t . t-y my 53.30, $4 rr5 Shoe. They will lit eqjal toim ti m nuCe ard !oi k and wear at well. If you with to rconomiic In y:jr f i twrar, you can do to by purt haslrg W. t. Dtupiiii Shnei, My name and price it stamped rn P c both m, I. ok fi r it nen ynu buy. Take no tub ttituti. I M ml iters ty mail upin receipt of price, pn't.il'i Irie, khrn Mue Ih-elers cannnt lupply you, V. 1.. Kt 111 . Irnetitun, Mass, bulii hv . N I J 1 " -Bj" r S W- , . arl lMi f , w..l I 1 '. II ) "-si r ra -ruir c a -j r- w i of" AS ANY OTMElM ..... -m .1 n,.-, 'iiii W 'P. . ..t-A. fwZ"if!il - .. . ,m,.iinraii WORN NIGHT AND, DAY. IT. I. la thf nurftt nifs 'iirv n li h niNP uu ut all 'iri'iiiii"i.iiii'st, i AM J I hiaklVT. Perfect ninHr, I tl UL o xT Ross Wi NYw I'm. In pmvi nirnt lei. t ai. iiini riiiiit ror If ini-urii . 'i i toi iirt ( Ma If. I. I. MitiiM MTk. I r"inlH,N.V,( uy. AN IDEAL FAMILY MEDICINE I 'nf iiill4xt'siliin. Illllttusjlir, : llt'llMIti III', "MSI lalitna IIBI C umulraltiii. lfrnalr ltrt-ttli( Iflll l Ull tllM'ltli IH Vl UiU bU'IlatV lla I RIPANS TARUL nrf I'i fit Iv t i.n iiint t . in thirt'-tnm I M we tin ir iim-. b-nl r hy iinitKi-at nr m nt I y inu jt'i TirtiK.,, s', i tm Nitir-i i in .. .), Si. Itll'ANK MM AI. 0., New YrV. J apt lii.eieli ,.m-ii I i... r.,.i HioitilM uy. New York, .u. r-r Hie le.l.li-ii Trie M.ill.im-ry I'lM-huKa -i.tk aliceli. IikIi- .uM'l'. alt en, i li.,-i, nlie IfiiuJ IN'iii-il. ninl niic iiiMKiillleent ile,-t. ut J-w-lry. I lu. H mil i,iui. -i.lj eeiu-. a DC II TO -t.M Kill TI.K.tl.H TO AULtl I 9 ETjMjjT i.M I I A III ll A. liliOtlllr.KS I t j IImm flera i el I'.. I'-l anil CUt ui-i-M CJriX 'err i . 1 1 i In 1 1-. H I'ri iiiliima. L UK' Ten I'l l, lilula. ISA M l. MM. Kit, tHi.ft fcri'utal'it. I AMhltUT), O, ANTI'll l-Al'Y i i in tin r rirni,fiiilltiij III lll'l llW II llClltl". UtM'll tXIICI-Si. I'lfMHlllll hiittii-i; iiii'oh -1 ii m 1 1 fur i.urlli-tiluia,. LW-lAM I.. I-H.HV, Niuih lUa.l, (nil. MUR,R"c,BUClES!"RAY"HARNESSS5.95 V ki.IiI mi. re Vrhlelra anil llarnraa Ihm yeitr, dira-l to Ilia- tM-uplr. II. mii any oilier Inc. I lery i-n earili. Wriie ai mice for 1 eur (iranrl I'mIsIuk n. ki, anil If lvi.il ilm.'t v U ll.e lineal ir innnt roaplctt ynu everHhW.iv.'ll I make ynu a irew nl nf Imi'iy, . . .. ViV., A ,i1htAJ ft-'. 9 I in li I .. ; .,4M.wl , ... ...... " ' - - "" " ... ' .