The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 11, 1893, Image 1

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Vnllr A NEW
fihreoplenl ( t4 !!( Of
Ih run by the editor.
It Ik mil rii OrifHIi."
It wear no'follnr."
II ni'ViTdcnlirnl ll I.HRur,
Ami ni'Vfr mild nut.
(limritiilfrdi'liTuliirn 10
Co. CQnimiMioncra.
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w-' till iin Wi'iiin v-'ix -v i -' -a. . rir-c-rt-ir v . . m . t: -i-j;ir l. r i , a. v. i ikha r
spring needs a done of
i linn of wliito vesta ami straw
just received at Oppenheimor's
highest prices paid for wocl
kange for clothing atDroifusB,
Jiad a rattling frost on Monday
jng but no noticeable dauiago
hue the fruit.
jenhoimer, Selinsgrovo, is pay
ho highest prico for wool in
tige for clothing,
jo. 1 grade of Contro County 21
line Shingles for sale at Ruuklo
Itors, Middleburgh.
I and boo the magnificent new
f millinery and fancy goods at
L Shell's, Beavertown, Pa.
Reformod Sunday School has
organized iu tho old Church
O. C. Outotius Superintendent.
a'b axe factory at Bollofonto
. hut down for keeps, and the
i car-load of axes won shipped on a week.
O. T. Coopor was elected super
' idont of publio schools of Mif
ounty, and B. R. Johnson was
i tcted in Union.
1 M. Hassinger and family of
T ' iburg, Union County, visited re
ts and friends iu and around
jlloburgh over Sunday. .
jose who are most distrustful of
selves aro tho most envious of
in ; as the most weak aud cow
J are the most revengeful
iI-hous visiting the World's Tuir
And the Post on file in the news
)r room where they can get tho
direct from homo during their
rayton Millhonsc, after serving
clerk in Wetzel s Cash Store
ineford. for several months, rc-
. ijed to Reading on Wednesday
t. rning.
I on Sale at a Sacrifice. 1 5-ton
vrriron scales comnleto ! 1 new
; "V,"ierd side-hill plow 5 1 new Gale
c-lky cultivator. Cull at once, will
t .J cheap. A. II. Ulbh & Son.
Rev. A. II. Spanglor, formerly
I ?tor of the Middleburgh Lutheran
rge, has resigned his charge at
Tt Royal and accepted a call from
ldock, (near Pittsburg) Pa.
He bill to reiinburso counties in
js Stato for bridges swept away by
j big flood of June, 188!), has pass
I mo House nnaily ana will no
iubt becomo a law, as it should.
Lobt A brass . door key on tho
aeets in Middloburgh Friday
lorning of last week. The finder
Hll oblige by leaving same with
Sheriff Bolendo.r
I A concert of vocal and instrumen
ts musio will be given by the Musical
Lspiration at S wengeL Pa.. Saturday
jvcing May 13th. Admission 15cts.
I Wm. hover Instructor.
! T. II. Shively of Miillinburg.sensd
Is 1.50 for the renewal of tho Post
nd encloses u note, saying : "Give
)ue the paper that 'wears no collar'
very time." Just so, friend Shively.
ou shall have it.
A conductor ou nn Ohio railroad
jtook in a ticket 37 years old tho
ctliur day. It was bought by a man
5who missed tho train iu 185(5, and
liudu't hud occasion to go over tho
Hunid road again until now.
j Out of tho 40,000 ponsionors paid
from tho Pittsburg agoucy, from
pension day throo month's ago to
last pension day, April 4, 500 died.
At that rate it can't bo vory long be
fore all will be "mustered out."
It is said that danincg makes
girls' feet large. It is also said ice
cream produces freckles. Doctors
are of tho opinion that hanging on
the front gate produces rheumatism
Tho girls are truly grateful that if
these little pleasures are denied them
they are still allowed to chow gum
and wash dishes.
Jero Crousp, Selinsgrovo, is seeing
all kinds of fence wire at bot, u
prices and delivers it free of freight
charges at any station in t he county.
The Sunbury Daily comes out
with a picture of its two reporters at
the head of its local column. It
means "before and after taking,"
and Billy Dowart represents tho
fellow that Las taken it.
"Mistakes Socls Who Dream or
Buss." Tho following marriage li
censes have been granted sinco our
last publication :
J Franklin Ileimbacli, Contro tWp.
( Catherine Hackouborg, .
4 Christian Dershnm, Union Oo.
(Rose Kreamer, Muldlocreektwp.
His honor, Judgo McClure, amus
ed tho boys on tho collogo cam
pus, this week, batting "llic3" bo
youd tho walk. Tho Judgo is nu
old baso-ballist, and occasionally in
dulges playing for exerciso. Lew-
iaburg Chronicle.
A man who is blind to his own
faults is blind to his own interests.
He who thinks that ho never was a
fool is a fool now. Ho who never
owns that ho is wrong will never get
right. How can a man tako tho
blemishes off his faco if he will not
look in tho glass.
have just received 100,000 Michigan
Whito Pino Shingles. If in neod of
any please call aud examine. Prices
aro as follows : No. 1 $3.00 per M.,
No. !2 tf $3.00 per M.
A. H. Ulsb & Son,
Swinoford, Pa.
'Squiro Wells O. Holmes of He-
linsgrove, on Monday received Ivp
commission as Justice of the Peovf
and is now ready to attund to tht
duties devolving upon that office.
He is a most intelligent old gentle
man and will weigh out justieo with
an even balance
Tho semi-annual encampment of
the Department of Pennsylvania,
G. A. R.. will bo held at Gettysburg
from July 15 to 21. This encamp
ment promises to bo tho largest ono
held in tho Stato for many years,
aud groat preparations aro being
made for a largo turnout of members
and visitors.
World's Fair visitors should not
forget that J. G. Chesnutt, formerly
of Lowistown, is prepared to accom
modate lodgers at 531 Oakley ave
nue, Chicago, a most dosirablo lo
cation in the city, at roasouablo
rates. Desirable boarding can bo
secured iu tho vicinity. Convenient
to steam and street railways run
ning direct to the exposition.
S. Grant Schock of Sunbury spent
Sunday in Middleburgh. He is
agent for tho extensive glove man
ufactory of Peckham, Powell it Co.,
of Johnstown N.Y., and has taken
tho place of Mr. Peckham, who
traveled thirteen years for the com
pany. Grant is meeting with bril
liaut success on the road.
A promiuent horse journal recom
mends tho following remedy for lice
on oolts. At this season of tho year
many of tho colts becomo lousy, and
for such as do tho following is said
to be found excellent : Tako two
pounds of quassia bark, steep it in
water, and wash tho colt thoroughly
from the top of his noso to the roots
of his tail. If ono application does
not kill all tho lice, but it acts as a
stimulant to tho colt. Thero is said
to be no danger from tho cult taking
cold from this treatment, even iu
cold weather.
Just now disappointed appli
cants f or postolliceB and their friends
aro sharpening their knives prepara
tory carving into everlasting smith
ereeus the political aspirations of
congressmen who have incurred
theirdispleasuro. Unfortunately one
Jittlo postoflico cannot bo divided
like an applo so as givo all applicants
a slice, and as thoso applicants
neither dio nor down, tho political
future of congressmen, who aro call
upon to mako postoflico appoint
ments, looks about as bright as day
in tho infernal regions.
The melancholy riuyi have conip.
The MddKnt of the year ;
The boiinewtfo's busy cleaning home,
And huhhy lives In tear.
Ilo drnnn of Cftrpet, teRK and dint.
Ills knees are raw and mire.
Me him no dinner !U to ent.
Ills llfe'n an awful txire.
Miss Mollio Ulsh of Franklin is
.lown with sore throat.
Ladies spring capes and coats now
offered at first cost at Aurands fancy
and millinery store.
A. H. Ulsh is building a magnifi
cent resideuco on tho lot aside of tho
old hotel stand in Franklin.. He is
supplying every room with water by
means of a hydraulic ram placed in
tho mill cellar where ho has over six
feet of fall which will givo him over
ono hundred feet of risu if needed.
Tho twenty-fourth annual reunion
of tho Ninth Pennsylvania Veteran
Volunteer Cavalry Association will
bo held at Hollidaysburg, Blair
couuty, on Thursday, Juno 8. Ex
cursion tickets will bo issued on th
7th and 8th, good to return until tho
15th, and can bo had by applying to
tho secretary, A. F. Shonck, Esq.,
of Lancaster.
Opening. "Opening of tho Chest
nut Burr" is the title of ono of E. P.
Roo's best novels. It is most inter
esting to ladies, but not so much so
as the opening of a first class millin
ery store, which will tako placo at
Miss Libbie Dunkelberger's, Middlo
burgh, on Friday of this week whero
all tho latest styles of Lube's head
wear, direct from Philadelphia, will
be on exhibition All invited.
Sidney Ockor, who was struck by
a train on tho Mahonoy Plaii rail
road at Ashland about two weeks
ko and hurWr;t,nctf.rrver a fort
iooi onoannmeui, reiurneu u 4
Wednesday of last week. He has
entirely recovered from his injuries.
Ho is tho eloveuth person that
went down over the oubaukment
aud tho first ono that escape I instant
Some of our readers who take a
daily paper don't look at tho inside
pages of tho Post. They miss a rare
treat. Wo have a summary of tho
world's news up to Tuesday eveniug
of each week, Talmago's sermon of
the same week tho paper is printed,
tho best comment on tho Sunday
school lesson that is printed, a col
umn of temperunco, ono of religion
and lots of good miscellaneous read
Owing to tho crowded condition
of the Danville insane asylum the
trustees have issued tho following
order : "And now, April, 13 1803, in
consideration of tho crowded con
dition of tho hospital an 1 tho im
possibility of furnishing suitablo
accomodations, it is ordered by tho
board of trustees that no moro pa
tients bo rooieved, and this order is
to apply to patients sent by thoir
friends and to patients sont by over
seers of tho poor uud by order of
the court."
J. R. Smith Sc Co of Milton, have
on exhibition and for sale a Hallo t &
Davis Piano that is ati exact dupli
cate of one ou exhibition at tho
World's Fair. Tho caso is of tho
very hnost curled walnut, and ror
volume and tune it is unsurpassed
by any instrument of its kind now
in the market a fact which no one
will disputo after hearing Mrs. Flo
rence Burg, of Danville, perform on
it. This precious marvel of mech
anism is valued at $000, aud Mr. Max
well, tho company's special agent, is
very proud of it. J
Wilson Loader, a 1'2-year-old soil
of Elias Loader, of Herndou, wu
killod at that placo Tuesday of la
wook. His brother was employed i
tho planing mill, and was packiif
shingles 111 tho lower part of them
Tho boy caught in some manner
tho machinery and boforo ho coi
bo rescued was whirling aroun j
shaft, hold by his clothing.
horror-stricken brother atteuu
to rescue him, but without 11.
Round" and round he was das
his head striking the beams. M
extrioated life was almost ej
and ho lived but a fow hours.
Rev. I. Irvine Dead.
Re. I. Irvine, formerly pastor of
the Middleburgh Lutheran charge,
but of late pastor of tho St. John's
Lutheran Church, Williauisport, Pa.,
died at his residence in that city 011
Sunday after-noon, May 7, of peri
tonitus, after nu illness of a week's
duration. He had occupied his pul
pit tho Sunday evening before and
seemed to bo in usual good health.
At 4 o'clock the next morning he
becamo ill. Later iu tho week it be
came necessary to perform tin opera
tion, from which ho never rallied.
Tho Williamsport ft.':vttc & K'il
It tin of Monday says of him :
"Rev. Irvine was 1 1 years of au'
having been born at T'owlersvilh-,
Columbia count v, in 1M'.. IIi is
survived by a wile, but nu children.
Both his parents aro still alive and
reside in l'owlersvillo. For tho past
two years ho has presided in the
pulpit at St. John's Lutheran church,
this city. When ho camo here he
found tho ci'nimgatioii lividod and
it was through Wis efforts that they
were again united. His work hero
has been useful and energetic and
has boon crownod with success. Ho
has built up his church and has gain
ed many friends and admirers, all
of whom will siucorely regret to hear
of his death."
Tho funeral services wero hold at
Kt John's Church, Monday evening,
Hth, and wero conducted by Rev.
Yutzy of Selinsgrove, president of
tho Lutheran Synod, ussistd by
Rev. Anspach of Williaiuspot. On
Tuesday the remains wero taken to
Berwick for interment.
Rev. Irvine assisted in thl Luth
eran church dedication her on tho
23d day of April and seemed a pic-
tura of bealLh. H Jr" nmr ft.
1 .
1 CI,'..'
I .
11 ri i
1 1 f i , 1
a faithful sen
,al 01 inn ,-'yer, an
his successful' work inlhis field is
still felt, and r.ll sincerely regret h:s
untimely tak'ug off.
Brother Allison, of tho Juniata
Herald, in speaking of tho "three
year door la:?" says :
There is sjn h u bill in tho House,
but it is norfeven passed yet. That
ought to relieve the mind of our Harter, of tho
Middleburgh lVr,who has not onlv
torn his shirt but. his hair nearly all
out by tho roots at such an unprece
dented curtailment of his privileges.
Begyoui pardon. Brother Bill.but
you are off yom eggs and hatching
on an old jfiini shoo. There is no
such bill in the Houo any more.
It has pasi d tho House jin ill; and
is in the H'tiato. Look up your Leg
islative Ricord. If you don't tako
it, now ii tho tim to subscribe.
On Saturday t man with tho
Scotch bag-pipe vas iu town and
Bovcr.'J yags pooled their issues and
hired 1 10 "Scotch lad ly" to play
iur-rn ra-juoom-uo-aye lor ono
plum hour in front of tho First Na
tional Bank. At first tho strains
werJquito inviting to tho bovs, but
low li as me lasi assistant uasnicr
Krifcer added up whole colmns of
figif-os announcing products that
wokdn't bear printing, and by tho
tinl the ono-hundrodth chorus was
reiAied Cashior Thompson cancel
ed J bunch of chocks with such vig
or lhat he split in twain the eighteen
i nil gum-tree block used for that
Tho country needs them, and it
Jl pay both in looks aud iu money
fue. Plant a tree wherever you
live & place for it, and as you grow
yu will bo vory glad you did it.
lory fnrmor should plant a few
fwJnuts, butternuts and hickory
nuts, and ruiso somo nut bearing
trees. They will become valuable
after a while, and aro valuable now.
Any man who wants to buy n faun
would give more for it if it had
plenty of Bhado trees on it. No man
knows wheu he may want to sell his
farm, and hence a good supply of
Bhado trees proves a profitable in
vestment. Every farmer should
plant somo tree seed in his gard n
and raise his own shade trees. Then
he can set them out whon and whero
he ploases without trouble. It is
tho speediest and best way to get
shade trees,"
Little Things In Married Life.
Why should not a girl "don her
prettiest gown and curl her hair to
prefection" on tho evening sho ex
poets her lover? It is a wish to do
cievo that moves us to put our best
feet forward when we are, as it were,
to bo weighed iu tho balance t I
think not, but merely a natural and
right wish to bo judged at our best
and not our worst.
However, if a girl will put on a
smart gown and curl her hair when
she expects her lover, is there any
reason why she should not do tho
same when she expects her husband .
And if a man notices that his sweet
heart has 011 a now frock and tells
her how becoming it is and how
much ho likes her h lir arranged in
that Huffy way is there any reason
why ho should not tell his wife the
samo thing ?
If every enga god man and girl
would study tho subject of marriage
thoughtfully, with a view to playing
tho parts of husband and wife care
fully aud well, there would bo fewer
cases for tho divorce courts.
It is hard for us to realize that
tritles make life. Nevertheless a
bright looking woman iu a pretty
gown, standing in tho door with a
warm welcome homo for hun, may
make a man feel that it is worth
while to sit at a desk all day long,
and a rose brought homo and pre
sented with a loving word will bo a
tonic indeed to tho woman who has
boon stiching all day in order to
save and add her share to tho nest
egg. ( (( JInHHukneinnij.
.-.Hick8 for May.
give place to '..armor stormy weathor
about tho 2d and 3rd. Sharp, frosty
nights need not surprise two ar three
days before tho 7th or 8th, about
which days it will turn very warm,
and active storms aro liable about
8th, Uth and lOlh. Temperature will
fall to tho frost lino after tho distur
bances of this period. Tho 1 1th and
l")th will bring sudden mid extreme
warmth, with such tendency to
cyclonic storms 011 an. 1 about those
dates. Watch them ! Cooler from
1 8th to2Jd. About th so days ex
pect very warm weather to end iu
h ud storms. This is true, also, for
J'ltli and 27th and dites touching
them. .May will end growing warm
er, with storms brewing and moving
trom tho west. Wutch and
Isaac Erdly of lYnns, Philip Amig
of Franklin, H. S. Schnee of Free
burg, Pharos Herman of Putins, and
Peter Ranch of Perry have entered
tho race for tho Democratic Com
mission ership of Snyder couuty.
The tirst named gentleman, Mr.
Erdly. pledges himself to "pay his
own exposes while in otlico and will
ser ve at tho old salary." Wo do not
think that the public will ask or expect
this of Mr. Erdly or auy other faith
ful officer. "Tho baborer is worthy
of his hire." Tho law has specified
tho "hire,' and it is hardly just to
ask tho only Democratic ofticur iu
il... 1.. A. I 1 1 1 .
iuo I'uuuiy 10 woik at nail pay
while nil tho other otlicers filled by
Republicans draw all tho law allows
A New York paper states that a
clergy mau named Kinsman, who
boasts that ho has married nearly
O.inki couples, is now lecturing on
the choice of a wife, and draws up
an inventory of requisite accomplish
ments. According to his teachings,
tho ideal swoetheiirt "should delight
to attend church every Sunday,
should bo dutiful to her parents,
kind to dumb animals, rise early iu
tho morning, wash mid dress her
little brothers aud sisters without
being cross, sow on their buttons
and strings, havo her hair always
tidy, her stockings neat, and neatly
darned, and should bo a good cook."
Tho Rev. Mr. Kinsman demands so
many Good qualities for tho pros
pective wife, that such paragons
must bo scarce, aud his lectures aro
calculated rather to discourage than
to promoto matrimony.
Pennsylvania at Chicago.
Home Shioestionh to Citi.kss op tiik
State Who Visit the Woiii.d's Faik.
First. All Pennsylvanians who at
tend tho Worlds Fair aro advised to
first visit tho State Building. This
they can readily accomplish by fil
tering tho grounds atthoFifty-sev-enlh
street ent raiice.iieur which. nod
just opposite the great Art Palace,
our Building is located. All of the
railroads, electric, cable and horse
ear lines leading from tho centre i.f
city, have stations at or within a
short distance of tho Fifty-seventh
street ciitoraneo.
Second. The Stnto Building is
specially designed and arranged for
the comfort and convenience of the
citizens of Pennsylvania. It is pro-
vided with general 1 ption room,
seperat.i parlors for women and men,
ladie'sdressingrooin, smoking room,
writingroom, newspaper room, press
corropon h uts' 1 u, and ample
toilet facilities, etc., etc. Conven
ient cloak an I parcel rooms have
been provided upon the first tloor of
the Building, where all citizens of
the State are at liberty to leave such
articles as they may not wish to
carry around ou the grounds.
Third. Tho Building contains a
Post Otlico to be open during the Ex
position hours. Arrangements have
been made to collect the mails hourly
and Pennsylvanians who have their
mail adrossod to Pennsylvania Stato
Building, World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,
will bo issued prompt delivery.
Fourth. Tho newspaper room will
contain lilos of all tho Stato iouniHl-
.that will be sent to the Building. -
compoiei,;8uponiiltmaiut, wLo will
U pleased to aid our citizens win,
advice or suggestions us to how to
soo the Exposition to tho best advan
tage. Sixth. A register of Pennsylvan
ians who attend the Exposition will
bo kept, with their names and the
location of their stopping place, with
the probable time of their stav, etc.,
Seventh. No fee, unless it be for
blacking shoes, will be charged for
any service in or about tho Building.
Eight. A cordial invitation is
tended to all Pennsylvanians,
gardless of race, color or nativity
makotho buil lingtheir headquarter
and resting place while at tho
position, and to avail themselves
tho facihtiesthat have been provided.
They will lind a homo and a warm
A. B. Fit .rinu,
Executive Commissioner.
Wall Paper.
Wo havo just received 11 largo num
ber of samples of wall paper from Al
fred Peats, the wall paper merchant.
Chicago together with a small
pamphlet on Economy iu Homo Dec
oratijn with advice how to hang
These samples are much finer than
anything wo have ever seen before
for the price, somo of the gilt papers
being as low as 5c per roll, aud heavy
embossed gold papers as low as Pc
per roll, all arranged with wide bord
ers and ceiling papers to match ac
cording to tho latest stylo.
These samples are sent five to any
one who will write to Alfred Peats,
Department D, l.lsW. Ma lison
St., Chicago, or to U0-3JW. l:iih St.,
New York, and will enable anyone
desiring to re-decorfito their house
to buy tho latest stylo papers at
about wholesale prices.
A Milkmaids' Festival will bo held
on tho farm of Jeremiah Saboldt,
near Mechaniesburg, Pa., some
time in Juno when a milking contest
will tako place. The contestants are
a bevy of handsome voung girls.
Tho prizes aro a gold watch, silk
dress and a pair of gold bracelets.
Tho judges aro to bo old and experi
enced farmers whoso judgment will
bo swayed by merit only, mid not
by beauty or favoritism.
a Ikii.