HE POST THE POST ( if J ',h pl. I" "'- h,m .yoprnf.r ,esis. f KT''1 ' lOL.: EMS of LOCAL INTEREST Cashier Thompson Ppont Sunday Harrisburg. Iver'-nan in n brass band thinks f horn uiakcH the best music. the easiest thing for a loafer to Jo io find fault with busy people. ill Sadie Forrestpr, nf SelinH bvo, visited friends in Swineford wpok. rs. Dr. Pipor, of Philadelphia, tho guest of Dr. Dibighaus nml lily, Inst week. co iipw "ads." of F. H. Maurer, v Ilerlin, and H. Drcifuss, Selins Ivp, in thin issue. Flipy know in heaven how much Lion the rich have by the way V treat poor folks. lhave jiiHt received n full lino of Bios, Misses and chidrcit spring J J Bumnipr lints. J (Liiime DuNKKUititotu'i Millinery. YV Crayton Millhousp, who watt om- I f ed at Rending for the litHt few l is, rt'turnpil homo and has ac- i jtedn clerkship in Wetzel's rash JL. II. Keck, county chairman, nu- jjnizes us to uuuouuco thut tho I publican primary election will be r leld under tho Hame rules as hint year. .7 V Chas. Specht, the obliging clerk in Vetzcl'H cash store, Kwineford, has signed his position and has ac- pted a clerkship in tho store of pey Bros., Boavertowu. 'Jere Schrawder, mail carrier be- in-ecu this place and MifQiaburg, rcouilTli'orijiHltTTinr HAlly-tfiiT tm. (f'ThtirHday and Friday of last week priiccouut of the drifted roads. I Ii'sicAL Coi.leoe. The Spring Jjn opens May 1st, in vocal and ,truniental music. For catalogues it it- it -r. l.' i U1CBB IR'lUUll,', I'ho State Fence Bill is defeated 1 we are informed by good author- that tho Snyder county special Ico bill is also dead. Hence all muuuications sent to tho Post Xing on that issue are withheld. Schrawder I14S been assigued ontract for carrying the mail ecu iliddleburgh and Milllin ifor another year and tho poo Jong tho route are happy as he t lirst-class liuo and is a Xo. 1 a Wraps. I have received a assortment of the latest nf spring wraps which I sell ) enable prices. Produco taken tinge. The ladies are cordial Aed to call, j Ida M. Shell, Beuvertown. '( nldn't tho followincr which wo jtfjloat illg around in thn nnui. Iliako a Cllllitfil nn.l frntlifnl h.4 for Jay Gould's mausoleum: tali Mi. now (l')iio wltli woi-Mlv Klrlff. UilljtroVt Tir U'c.lltll ailll W.lallli ani-i,. .1 curth lu n uutcU nil Ins lit,' knil gained hU lift uf It ut List." Mistakes Socls Who Dream ok I. Tho following marriago li hsus have been granted biuco our '1 it publication : aan.b (1 Shotzberger, Verdilla. (Alice H. LoiiKacre, " J Calvin Walter Centre Twp. tannic . Stahhu'cker " 4ust a lit tie sunshine, a little loss of -tuow, then tho tireless housewife brings forth her spado tuul hoe whilo the old man shiftless, at the village store, "chaws" his foul tobac co, and squii ting o'er tho Hour, deals out chunks of w isdom (?), ou wm.y topic sprung, till everybody round Lim w ould gladly se0 him hung. (leneral Bissel, Clevulaud's Post master (lenenil, is reported to have id that be will not ro-uppoiut any Wht masters w ho had hold the oflico Ufore, neither will he appoint any country editor a postmasters for the reason that what they may have aid and done for the administration Uudl b interpreted as patriotio zeal tud uot prompted by hope, of re gard. ' Tho editor, accompanied by Mn Harter, left on Tuesday to apeni week with his mother at Aaroift burg. ! Whiskey and Tobacco Habit curj or no pay. Don't fail to correspond J. L. CoCltRAMK, Lock box 1217. GrceuHburg, V The largest invoice of geulloine.i shirts ever opened in thiscountyjiW$J received at Oppenheimer'it, Selinw grove. j tf3 Jliss Carrie !:u-hm:in, after a Vis weeks' visit to relative iu NoilhuiaJ borhuid mid Union counties, n turTli ..l 1..... .... C 1.... I i :vi llriliU Kill OUtllldilJ. j A line line of lmfs jnKt rect jvedrfvt H. Opptiheimer's, Hclinsgrovp.cojj- prising nil tho litest stvles. 'Cor and see them. spring lias miparenlly come io to stay ainl the robins and bluobint sing their morning ctiols from tl9 house-tops. Wt hope they iniy no bo mistaken us was the ground-ho'T. Notice. Persons having sa o thy Spring cm make iirrangenie its tj Imvotlieir notes disconnted it tl First Nalional Hank, Middle lurgli Tho Bank will furnish the nod s frjA) of charge. V I will have more trimmed li its 09 exhibition next Thursday fAm evr heore, do not fail to come, you are welcome whether you buy or 'jot.i. LlUllIE Dl'SKF.MIKHOEn's MiUinpp, One door east of Hotel CentrjjL fr Ciitu or X hanks. Xhrougn tlfij columns of the I'ost I wisli o wj press my sincere thanks t i .tV? friends who so kindlr atsistd L- duriug tho illness and funeril of myfojdd and ao PaxtouTiUe, Va. The largest land locked salmon ev er taken with hook and line was caughtbyW.fi. Henshaw of Chic ago at Kidea hike, Canada, lately. The tisii weighed twenty-four and one-hulf pounds, and was caught with a luminous trolling t;poou. Have you lost a tooth, or perhaps several, where the loss shows, and prefer to have the ill looking spaco rather than wear u plate ? Do you know that Dr. Voilkkr, of Selius grove can insert substitutes to your satisfaction without obliging you to wear a plate, whether you have the roots left or not ? Ask him about it. John Hummel, an aged and re spected citizen of Fraukliu town ship, and father of our townsman, Siiuiro Hummel, died at his home on lucsauy morning, liis death was duo to heart failure superinduc ed by dropsy. Ho was aged about ' years. Tho funeral will take place on Frid ly morning at 10 o'clock aud his remains will be in terred ut Kullcy's church. For Sale. new two-story dwell ing house, good stable, and all other necessary outbuildings, good water, good fruit, on about 1 aero of land situate two miles west of Middle burgh, on the public road to Troxcl ville. Will bo sold reasonable and on easy terms. For particulars ad- lress John Walter, lw pd. Middle-burgh, Pa. Tho Lancaster A't" AVi cites tin instance of a fanner in that county who cultivated a patch of ground .1 i .i 1 ir -.ixio yams in size in lonaeco. no carefully attended to the patch and sold tho tobacco ou it for 5l;l.t!t, or at tho rate of very nearly l,t0n au acre. This should set tlie men who are planting wheat to thinking very hard. Docs anybody remember to have hoatdof any farmer clearing $1,000 from an aero of w heat f More than half a handled auditors from tho townships aud boroughs iu Schuylkill county asstnubled iu Shen andoah tho other day to discuss what price they will charge- the county commissioners for thoir la bors iu connection with tho election. After much discussion it was decid ed to ohargo $15 for each polliug place. Teams used for hauliug Inioths shall bo extra. A resolution was adopted to ask all auditors iu the state to make a similar charge. MIDDtEBUltGH, SNYDER CO., PA., iMAHCIl 10, 18!);. Have you an invito T Certainly you have to romo to Miss Libbie Dunkelbergor'n grand spring open ing of millinpry goods, Thursday, March 2.1. Slio ix my xaiiilwli. li. I'm Iht liHtn. shr my I.IIIIm, I'm Iht sum. Smiti I'll mini'x Iht. V011 miiy iM-t. I.lttlo llHWltll Will lie my pt. At the annual election of the L"w isburg and Mifllinburg Turnpike Co. held at the Loehiel Hotel Mon day last, the Treasurer an 1 Clerk, Mr. W. L. Harris, had tho honor of carving another turkey, which inakes the 4sih he has sliced on oc casions of this kind. Ha wants to carve his Mth, but ly that time the leccipts of the Company will hardly warrant the luxury of a tiukev. I fji'irinfnn'! 7i 'mi '. 1 Mrs. Dorothy, wifo of W. D. liar !ier, of Sltamokin dir-d on Friday of ast week and was interred at Pax ouvillo on Monday. The dcce.i,o'l as a daughter of H. H. Attig, of I'axtonville. Mr. Ilunu r is employ. d in the Shainokin mines and about three weeks ago had a piece of coal full upon his arm, cutting tho mus cles ho badly that lie is laid up ever since. It is an old saying that trouble never comes single, and we deeply sympathize with the bereav ed husband, it J . ."Better late than NEvr.it." Week before last in naming the counsel t to ployed in the case of tho Lewis town National Bank, vs. Jacob Mil j.rt we failed to give tho very im portant name of A. NV. Potter, E., $i-Jv wbo .though only the plaintiff, distinguished himself by taking tho bull by tho horns, leading for the prosecution and by his efforts virtually w inning the case. It was an oversight we meant to correct last week, but forgot it, and it now affords us pleasure to make tho unfn'le lionornlil,:. A. J. Welch, of Carthage, New York, has invented a most ingenious trolling apparatus for catching bass, pike, salmon and other game fish. It consists of a small glass magni fying tube in which a live minnow is placed and may bo kept alive for a whole day. On the outside of the tube are three gangs of hooks three hooks to the gang, with a revolving swivel to keep the miuuow moving. It has been patented and promises to be a most catching bait. Progres sive fishermen w ill do well to send for descriptive circular to Welch Graves, Natural Bridge, N. Y. A oixteon year old girl rea l a lec ture to the young men in a 51 line paper. She exclaims: "Why do tho young men or hugecomu do so much loafing ! push ahead ! lata but a young girl : I have clothed myself aud got money iu batik, an I onlv sixteen years old. I lay up more mon ey every year of my life than any boy or young man with a radius of three miles of my home. When they get a dollar they go to a dauco and go home a dollar out. My father is able tosupport mo, but 1 choose to sup port myself. 1 a Iviso all girls to cut clear of those loafing boys, (live them a wide birth, and never marry a man unless he is able to support you. And never put your arm through the handle of a rum jug." Tho Chicago Tini..i gives away a big hcheme that is being worked by Chicago parties who are sending out circulars advertising their hotels for tho World's fair visitors. Tho Times says many of these hotels havo not as yet been built nor will they bo ; that irresponsible hotel schemes ure doing it, aud their in tention is to collect a big iiilo of money iu advance and put it iu their pockets. When people arrive in Chicago next summer w ho have en gaged room tho schemers will meet them at the trains and take them to routed rooms scattered about tho city, claiuiiug that their' hotels are already crowded aud that no accom odation can bo giveu them. I Wrlltrti fur the I'ntr. On the Death of Gen. Grant. Vi',-Iip li.ntoiiKlit Ills liiit linlMi' Willi (lo.it h. (Ifc'Hih th" imiiiiiiinT;t)l, Ik-ntli ?rlin ami Ml) I. il'l ilun ri lil in uh ,0 lust. - Irlil.'it his I. r.Mlh, Tlio" In- fniiiflit !t'nllly,lir:iv.'lv nml m wi. hlt . p, h. ,, it.-t), n.'.iiu tin- II. i,' wliii ivliiti i ii rs TIl'MI tl.Kl kl'pt !ltHlllli"S tlirOMtl ll fl'Ti i" w iiri. SI'-' P ll'M. W MlMMl III U .lvf ITIIIH MI tun. SI '"'P, llrl'l. l'i-p I ) i tint I ' ik ;i lh- iixin In I. ir f -f . 'I ll I - 11-- lll l'l lllli . piKlil iPiiii''. Tii'i hi-. rlu li.niiN lie it '--.-! 1 i T li1 " i'i i l..'.M-t. fP'Nir li iii-N, o i'-( !ii ! !i I -r uti'l nuiiit' !ir. )f ll'l li'.ir fur tll.ll .il III l' II. .;,,! I'MU'l :lll'l Hi liirlnlM. In r.'illlin nf lU'lil WIhti' li.- li.ill r'"t iif'-r f.lf-'s w.ir-. n,-'!'. Sli'i'p. In-rn. ji : - I: i uh. i: i. Cholerine in Pennsylvania. Swickl y. Penn.: We Li 1 an epi demic if eholi'i ine, as our phyici iiis called it. in tliis place 1 idly anil made a gn at hit with Chamberlain's Colic, (.'le ilei a and Diarrhoea l!"iu edy. I sold four doeii boitl.-s o;" it iu one week an ! have since s.ill nearly a gross. This Remedy .h l the work and was a big a lwrtisi . ment for me. Several per.-ins t had been troubled with ill lll li i' ;' for two or three weeks wvi'e. cured by a few doses of this medicine. P. P. KSAIII'. Ph. (,. 25 and .'() cent bottles f,r sale by (K M. Shindel, Middleburgii. and Dr. Sampsel, Penns Creek, drug gists. March. That old established cough rem edy, DowT'-j;iiy'a dfjU, more than kl. If, ! f 4DJ tB,u.(..' tion, despite ithai and activw com- potition. It is a "home remedy," and in this locality needs no words of praise from in, so well and t'lvor ably known is it. It is the standard remedy for coughs, colds aud all throat troubles, with great nuni bers of our people, and their con tinued use uud unsolicited recom mendation of it speaks volumes in iis t;ivor. f!tirlin:t.ui, J'., f-W? 'v.., Junu.tr 'if,, ls.s'J, l',r s;ile by W. H. Beaver. .Middleburgii, and J. W. Sampsel, Ceutreville. March. The Munfntri ,n'lj says an elec tric mad will b. built from Shaino kin to Locust Gap. where it will connect with tho Schuylkill Traction road, making a continuous hno from the coal metropolis to pott.svihV A charter has also been granted for a road from Clement Station, across the river from this city, to Milllui towu, Juniata county. Ivx U. S. Senator John J. Patterson, of Miff lintown, Major l). C. Himikou and Martin Markl, of Shamokin, .unl Charles M. Clement, of tins city, are the principal men interested in both roads. It won't bo long uut.il tho mauy electric roads will till th.. air with electricity to such a.i extent that it w ill bo necessary to wear non Conducting clothing au I live in gl:iss houses. No stone throwing, plea.-e. Juniu'u II' ril, " country girl" gives credit, to "a celebrated doctor" for tin follow ing very prudent advice to the young ladies of his dock ; "Tho buxom, bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked lass, who can darn a stocking, make her own frock, command a regiment of pots and kettles, chop wood, milk cows and be a lady withal iu "company," is just the sort of a girl for mo or any other worthy man to marry. I'.ut you, yo pining, moping, lolling, screwed up, wasp-waisted, putty faced, consumption-mortgaged, music-murdering, notl-d o v o u r i n g daughters of idleness, you are no uioiu lit for matrimony than a pul let i.s to look after a family of four teen chickens. The truth i.s, my dear girls, you want more, liberty and less parlor, exerciso and less sofa, more pudding and less piano, more frankness and less mock-modesty, more food and less fashion. Loose yourselves a littlo ; enjoy more liberty and loss restraint, and become something as lovely and beautiful as tho God of nature designed." Communicated. In an recent issuo of thp linn there appeared a brief article by "an observer" in which there were some things said concerning the or ganization of tho C. V.. Society at . ..,,.., , , . i.iirisi ViY. i.uineriin cimrcii, wit li results showing improved conduct llllii ClTlClelli'V III t in vouni lieon ------ i - i 1 who belong to it and take part in mi' i'ni iii s. 1 lie wilier OI llus is greatly inter.., te.l iu th- moral mi l spiritual w. llln ing of tlie'voimg p.... - pl', and is ever ready to make saeri- tice for then- g 1 as well as co op. erafe with ti." (. K. movement, be-j cans!, of is ennobling char iet r I W lien t lie e . . i,cv al e sinci l'i I S' en . gaged in ; in 1 as inini-tcrs of the' gospel lip! ."1 1 the Work of the ' churehas being paramount iu spread ing the go p. 1 and planting I'.n:i,i I I ... . ui.'i s iianrn r in every fu l.l ot oil- uest, then is l.o ipiest ion but t heir 'ill led on flu, r Il k of if nii-nt. for tin' M.wter ! lews tire i ( tod's app.' eiuphatic i! says, "go preach My I gospel t . very creature." K g niing an I In lieving this view to be j the correct one, let it be reiii.-mber-; ed however that then.' are many I auxiliaries by which h. lp can be given to 'Uiig and oil to m ike i strides intellectual, i.ioral and ndig- imis, one of these is the debating or j perhaps better known as "literary" society, which should be properly j engaged in auring tho winter, and j possibly in tho summe. evenings. whore elderly nu n. young men. bovs aud ladies could unite in profitably entertaining a community and greatly benefit each other. There ar numerous potions, scimitlic, ...l monl ani ' .is., . . ft .. ...'.. .ffl-iuiU' umrrnrri'i Dfl DPUer uti derstood by proppr discussion, and if mat ure r thinkers would lead in this us. ful worn. Could not Un voting people be induced to take ac tive part in tho exercises, uch as debating, recitations, select read ing, essays, and would it not, be profitable to all ' It has been relat ed of Charles S'lrnier. formerly of I'uion county. Pa., that ui on. casioii In- went into a debating so- i ciety to take part iu discussing tint j 'lUestiou before it, and his lii'st at- temjit. wa.s a failure i.i t.,t,,, but at thi' second niei'ting h:.s tongue lu-ok" 1 i i if .1 . ,. , , . i diHicultv ; nn.l n,a.. ivl,., ii ,., l loose ami iroui mat, uiu no nail no mind Mr. Shnuer as a )ul)ln: speak er, will remember ho y witty, enter taining and instructive In. was. . SELINSGliOVK. This week your scribbler has to report another death. The death roll is still swelling Mrs. Oliver, an old lady on tlm I,l. of (juc, died last Sunday morning. Funeral Wed nesday afternoon ... .Thero is con siderable talk about a prospective electric railroad being built, this summer from (.'lenient station to this place. Whether it, is all "wind" or not, we are not able to say Missionary Institute's spring term opened last week, and received ,e . eral new students. This institution is in a very llouriu diing eondil mn at the pi', tut, time Kev. ' Piergst 1 1 ser, Lutheran unnistei at Tyrone, L'a., stopped over a lew davs Willi his parents in this place la.it. week. The b'ev. gentleman was on hi "viy buck from 1 1 1 inaii;;ui ..i tion of inner. lb) also slopped oil' at 11 u ri.,burg with his father-in-law .... Kev. .J. Yutz.v w as at l iole, l'a., over Sun. lay to install Kev. Heck. Dr. I'loin prt;ache.l for Inm in tint :uoi uiiig and Kev. Momcs (.irossman iu the evening. . . Mrs. Oscar Shult , of Miihllecieck, Snyder county. Pa., visited a number of families in town this week and last week. . . .There is at thin writing, still a great deal of ico in the North and West Uihih Ii of the Siis.pjehaiina river, but no fears of high wafer are entertained below Northumberland. Mkntou. Fou Sale. A six-year-old Jack and '2 Whito Horses, 7 aud 8 years old. For particulars call on or address lw. L C. Smita, Beaver Springs. Is not nit "Orifn." II 'Hrn nivoillur." It II.-V.T rt'xICU'' " ' Anil"'' . -T. ,.Cotnr' NO. 11. DANK STATEMENT. ttrpnrtnf Oil- f , II r I . in .f ft,,, eif X.ifli.n t It.llik nf I.i, I,iih;Ii. ill V..l. I.nrv'll. In iu.- i ,iii. nf 'i nim .mn. , ih,. ' "f llttl."is Ililtvll I). Ivj.l : i:i:son;ci:s. I I "in' iitnl 1 1 iniiitt. nrr.m i. ii 111 III . I'llllllll li Vlt, INI 1 1 !.. 1 1 o. r,r i(lH , r,., ,,n, .,.,ir r...H,v,i;:!,K':::v::.'.,:.,iu'1;:':;;; ' '"'I'l "V"1 r"' '! ' inim ,i'n, r :!.""' '"""" " " ihh - .in I 1. 1 i.r. t- . irnti iir". in, I n o in-' !. HI . III J IMI , . ; t i, hi , urr-'ni , . i iii, i.i . pitta !. m'"'! .!!', r 1 !1'IN,;,,,"',l"r '"" ;''- !. . u i.'-:'. r.' iii'i . i-li li , tin .1,1, Ul,'v .111.1 . I 1 1 . i.r , ,r. I"IM r.r.i;n,mr e ii-i . -.I I'll . Ill.'.t ,'l .1,!. 'j, ! "' t.. ! ), It: i 1..1I i: ' iIm.i: i. i. i ' li. i k ;.! ' .--.- e -HI . "I :. ToTW. - 1 VI' "K CI- sn t ni.ii i in m -i. I .1. N I II, . t i . . n ii.iiii. 'I ".. .i, . 1-. . .. i, . -I ll.'lll"l. '.'(.. , l.l'l 1,1 'ill. . ll"l, .i "Hi,-, r" , 'I '1.1. "I M'l :i I 1 1 It it Ki T ' I I I I '. '.V , I -i It S..I ir I'lliOl V- .1 M1 I'll ivM.l.i.l'.K. Rheumatism Qaieldy Cured. Tin '!.n i - . v. i v .i'l. ! mie in which to cure a bad ca.-e of ; l.eii:ua- tisui ; lull it call be done, if the proper treatment is adopted, as will be seen by the following from J unes Lambert, of New Liruuswick. 111.: . i,., " a:V:.o..,l vil li rhi'iinui .isia . .. irps ,.. .Kn, a . bought a bottle of Chamberlain'. Pain Il.ilm. It cured me in three days. I am all right to-day : and would insist mi every one who i aillicted w.ih that, terrible disease to use I'hainbei ia.n' i I'-uu ;ahu and get. well at once. " .-,.1 cut. ,i ties for sale by ( 1. M. Shindel, Mid dleburg. and lr. Saiupsel. Penns 1 ( 'reek, druggists. .M.u'cti. A Card. Kii Post. Allow me the oppur tunit.y of expreMsiug m your valuable - ' - 'luinns. my highest regard and sin I cere t hank s I o all friends who haw aided me by their support, to the oilice of (.'ount y ( 'oiuiiiissioui.r t W" years ago, and il-.o my highest ap preciation I o i hose w ho have urged nil' t o become t ."tndidatc for re-eh'c-ti hi. Uusiuess cai es, entirely private in their character, compel me io re nounce t he pleasure of meel ing my many 1'neiiilsand fellow republicitiis. Hence I feel t my jiist dun to with draw from th uididucy for County Commissioner I hanking. ail who by their words "i eh n r encouraged nie in the admiuiht rat ion o public at fairs ;.n the pa, (wo vimis, and with a keen .' in .(-..I iieoies, of having don., my w hole duly w i; hout tear or favor to the l)f. , , ni.v ability, I I eli.i I m i , I fully . . ul , Ai.ia. A. Kioin,. l' VT(N II.LK. ' lh h i'i', ,1 rum In.-1 , , . ' John Warner moved to !'i ovlv die last 'l'h 1 1 1 --.liiy. 'e b it ,oi i y ;,, sen him go, How we He mom oln law v .-r in our mock eoiirl . . I i . I Wathion hi iri i.i-e. 1 a hoise of lb m . Wauch I he oliier w ei k. lie is bo u ii i to have sic mh i i.les. . . . (t'uilti a n um bel' of otir oung folks attended a surpi ise pa. ly at Coon Hunter on Friday evening. Tin y all ,( . nu d to olijo.v t heiu.si 1 es t i y much, es pecially those who were left back and hail to walk home. ISoys after this you would bitter gi t some one to take you that will stay till the party is over H. H. Attig spent Sunday at Milleistown visiting his sick uncle. ... Mi s. Attig went to Shamokin to speiid a week with her daughter, Mrs. lfr.rncr, who is sick. Doit. rluht d ii box. ijaf I .