The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 02, 1893, Image 3

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es a---
Like Brood Hen God Want to Grther
Men to Htm. The Perilt of You'.b,
f TrxTJ 4 a tint WHutVi hr rhtcfon
mnarr nr wtnp. ana ye woMa nol."
Matthew xxili 37.
Jerusalem wm In alht m Christ earn to
in cress 01 Mount uuvat, height or 7.X)
if f Tha inliitiifnM nf tka rl !.(,-. . A.nlul
jot the whole earth Irradlatad tbe landscap.
Tbera It the tempt-. Yonde- la the klnc't
paiace. rsprean out oeiore his eye are the
jximn, tha wealth, tha wiciedne and tha
s-omlnc destruction of Jerusalem, and Ha
jtiurst into tsars at n thoiiTht or tha ob
duracy of a place that Ha would rladly have
e-aved, and r-ostroph'tea, ayinjr, "Ob.
Jerusalem. Jermalem. how often would I
bare fathered thv children tonother. even
a ban Rnthereth her rhickena under her
avinv. and ye would not."
Whv did i?hrist mlect ben an! chicken a
A lmll Next to tha nppositanm of tha
otnnrion I tnlnk It was to hnlp nil public
teacher in tha matter of Illustration tn ret
down oft their stilt and iia comparison
that all can understand. The plainest bird
on earth la the barnyard fowl. IUonlr
ndornmenta ara the re I m-nh In Ita hea 1
dreaa and tha writ He under tba throat. It
Jiaa no grandeur of Renealotjr. All wa know
Ja that it auoestor came frim India, soma
of them from a height o 4000 feet on the
aidea of tha Hlmalav. It ha no pretention
of nest like the ease's eyrie. It ha no luster
of plumaia like tha pnldflnch. Pnaaealn
anatomy that allow (light, yet about tin
last thin that It wanta to do la to fly. and
in rtreat naea foot almost aa much as win?.
Musciana have written out in musical
teal the son; of lark and robin red
and tiizhtintrele, yet tha hen of my tout
hath nothing that rould he taken fo a aonr,
but only clunk and i-nokie. t ('hirst In
the trxt uttered, while looking; upon doomed
Jerusalem, declares that what He hail
wished for that city was like what tha hen
loea for her chicken. Christ wai thus aim
plain His teaching, and yet how harj it Is
for u. who ara Sunday-school instructors
sind editors and preachers and reformer',
and tho who would gain the eara of audi
nce. to attain that heavenly and divine
art of simplicity.
Wa bav to run a ciurse of literary ilia
crilera as children a courne of physical dis
ordere. We came out of school an I colleen
JiMle:l down witii (Jriek niythololei and
out of the theolosical aeminarr wo(ghe.t
down with what the learned fathers sai I,
and we fly with wingsof eagles an1 (Itmin
poesand alhatross-v, and it tAkes a goo I
while before we can come down to Christ's
aimililudes, the candle under tha bmhel. the
alt that bas lost its sivor, tha net thrown
Into tha sea, the spittle on the eves of the
tdind man and tha hen and cliickens.
I There is not much poetry about this
winded creature of (lod mentioned in mv
tex but she is mora practical and mora
motlierly nnd nior siiijgestiv 0f eKKJI
things than many that (ly highor and wear
brighter colors. She is not a prim donn
of tha skies nor a strut of beauty la the
aisle of tha forest. She does not cut a circle
under the sun like tha Kocky Mountain
eagle, but stays at home to look nfter family
affair. She does not swoop like the conlor
of the Cordilleras to transport a rabbit fron
the ralley to the top of the crag, but just
cratches for a living. How vigorotMly
-with bcr claws tha pulls away the grona'l
to bring up what is hiddsn beneath ! When
tba breakfast or dining hour arrive, she
begins to prepare the repast and calls all her
young to partake.
i I am in sympathy witli the unprotint!oin
Oi l fashioned hen, because, like moit of us,
aha has to aorntch for a living. Hbe knows
at the atart the lea-on which most pjoule of
Kood aensa ara slow to learn -that tba gain
ing of a livelihood Imolleawork, an I that
4iirnALA710 llOt lie On tllA Hlirfaa hi, -
im apt J.-r.ea fcttiositive ; and continuous
affort. Tha raaton that aociety, and tha
church, nnd tha world ara to full of failures
o full of loafers, to full of dead beats, is be
cause people are not wise enough to take tba
lesson on which any hen would teach them
that it! hey would rind for themselves and
for those dependent upon them anything
worth having they must scratch for It.
I "Solomon said. "Uo totho ant, thou slui
garl" I atv, '"Go to the hen, tbon alui
tard." In the Old Testament Oo J compares
liiuiself to an eagle stirring up her nest, and
in the New Testament the Holy Spirit It
compared to a descending dove, bntCurisf
in a sermon that begins with cutting sar
casm for hypocrites an 1 en. Is with tin
paroxysm of pathos in the Wxt, coinnirei
llmself to a hin. ooijcffl
One day in the country wa taw n lden
consternation lu the behavior or old Dom
iuick. Why the ben should Imj so disturUei
we cauld not understand. W9 looked a'out
to see if a neighbor's dog were Invading tha
farm. e looked up to s?n if a stormnlou 1
were hovering. We cjuld nothiu on
the ground that ctuld tei rorii!', nnd wo
could sea nothing in the air to rultW tha
feathers of the ben. but tlii Ion I, wild af
frighted cluck whio'j hroujlit all 'hor brood
nt lull run under her fe4thers made us loo!;
again around us and abovti us, when wessw
that high up and fur away t!in was a n
iacious bird wheeling round and ruun-J, an I
down and down, and not seeing us as w
stool in tha shalo it cam j nearer an I
lower until we saw its beak wai curved from
baie to tip, and it bad two fltiuv.-t ol Ur for
eye?, and it was a hawk.
But all the chickens were under old
Inick s wing, and either the bird of prey
caught a glimpse of u, or not able to llnd
tba brood LutiJlod under wing dortel buct
Into the clouds. So Christ calls with great
earnestness to tba young. Why. wnat 1 the
matter? It is bright sunlight, and there can
bono danger. .Health is there. A cool
liome Is theirs. I'lenty of fool It their.
Prospect of long life is theirs. But Christ
contmuas to cal', calls .with mora em
pbasit and urges haste aud tavt not a
second ought to he loit. Oh, do toll us what
is tha matter I Ah, now I see. There are
bawks of tenipthtiou in tue air; there ara
vultures wheeling for their prey; there art
takt of death ready to plunge; there ara
claws of allurement reviy to clutuh. Now
I tea the peril. Now I understand the
urgency. Now I tee the only safety. Would
that Christ might this day take our tons and
daughters into His sheltsr, "as a ben gath
er tu her chickens unilor her whig."
The fact is that tae most of them will
tibver liud tha shelter unless while tbey are
chickens. It is a simple matter of inexor
able statistics that mort of thos9 who do not
come t? Christ in youth naver oorae at all.
What chance is there for the young without
divine protection There ara the grog
ehops. 1'bere are the gambling bells. There
are tha infidelities aud Immoralities of
tplritualis'u. There ara bad books. There
are impurities. Ther are the business ras
calitieii. And u numerous are theas assail
menu that it is a wondor that houesty aud
virtu are not lost arts.
1 't he birds of prey, diurnal and nocturnal,
et tue natural world araeveF on th alert.
1 hey are the ossasiinsof tut sky.ey have
J'riet',".K0'.,U-",t- Tue prefers tue
flash of the living animal. The vulture ore
lers the uarciaa. The falcon kills with out
jU-oke, while other styles of beaks give pro
longation of torture. And to the tempta
tiousof this life are various. Some make
quick work of death, and others agonise the
pund and body for many years, nd soma
like the living blood -of great toul, and
other prefer those already gangrened. But
for every style of youth there is a twoopinr
wins; and a sharp beak and a cruel aw
and what the rising generation needs ia a
aringof proUcUon.
i Fathe mothers, older brothert and tli.
tars and Babbath-toaool teaoher. be quick
"2 1Pr,'r'ul' Importunate
and ot the chicken, under the wj. May
he bbathbool of America aud Great
(ritain within the next tbree months awLmi
11 their into" the K'wiZ
sey have now under uiiargeU unowuin
auceraing that ecrawar. Luny chiU that
lay In tha oradle many y ar tha fathef
o-eao, many remarked, "What a msrey If
me Lur.i wouin take the olildr an t th
mother really thotuht to too. Bui what a
gaol thing that God spared that child, for
t boam world renowned la Christian
literature and one of Ood't moat illustrious
servants John Todd.
Ksmember. yonr children will remain
children only little while. What you do for
them as children von must do quickly or
naver do at all. '-Why have you never
written a bookr said soma one to a taleatel
women. She replied; "I am writing two
and have been engaged on one work ten
years and on tha other A
children. They are "iv life work." When
tha house of John Wesley's father burned
and they got the eight children out, John
Wesley the lait btf or i the iwr fall i.. th.
,thrJ"ld: "Let us kneel down and thank
Uoi. The children are all saved: let the rest
of the place go."
My hearers, if we se"ur tha nrwrnt I
everlasting welfare of our children, moit
oiuer tuings belonging to ut nra of but littln
comparative importance. Alexander tae
Jireat allowed hit soldiers to take tneirfa ni.
lies with them to war, and he accounted for
the bravery of his men by the fact that
miny of them were born In camp and were
ud to w.trlika scenes from tin r,o-i
Would Odd that all the child ren nf nur ilav
might ba born Into the army of the I.inl !
No need of lotting them iroa Ion? mw m.
the wrangrosd before they turn around and
goon the right roi l. Tha onlv time to
chickens umler wing li while taay are
Hannah VV nitall Rmith. ths evsnntuf
tookb'r little child at two vears of ace
when ill out of till crib and told hte tilnlniV
of Christ, nnd the child believed and gave
evidence of joyful trust, which grew with
her growth to womanhood. Two years are
not too younz. The time will enne when
by the faith of parents children will te born
Into this world and horn Into the bosom of
Christ at tha same time. Soon we parents
will have to go an 1 leav our children. V'o
fl ht their bsttlet now, and we stind be
tween them and harm, but our arm will af
ter a while get weak, and we cannot tight
for them, and our tongue will be palsied,
and wecmnot speak for them. Are we go
ing to leave them out in the cold world to
take their chances, or ara wa doing all we
can to got tbtin under the wine oi ct.trual
But we all nee I the protcctinr winr. If
t ua.i Known wneii you ent'lel upon
manhood an I womanUool what was ahead
' you, would you hava dared ti undertake
li' How much you have bej.i ihnn.hi
With most life has been a dinmint nm.t
they t-dl me so. They hava not attaiuwi
that which f,hy expected to attain. They
have not bail tha physical and mental vijor
thev expected, or they hive met with re
buffs which thev did not anticipate. You
are not at 40 or ) or (I ) or 7J or .s) year of
age whore you thought you would be. I do
not know anyone excjpt mysjlf to whom
life has ba a happy surprise I never ex
ported anything, and so when anvihin?
came in tha inape of human favor or com-
loriADia position or wUeuiU Hold of wori it
was to ma a surpi'is.
I was tolil In theological semin.arv hr
tome of my fellow students that I never
would get anybody tj hear tne prmch uiilm
I changed myatyK to that when I f.mri I
that some peopls did cojie to hear ma it
a happy surprise. But tuott paoplu, ac-ortl-Ing
to their own statement, have found life
a disappointment. Indeed we all need she!-
tjr from its tempests. About 3 o clock on a
hot August afternoon you have heard a rum
ble that you first too, for a wa?ou croMlnr
a bridze, but afterward thee was a louder
rumhlin;, and you said, Wuy. that is thun
der !" Aud sure euoiuh the ulouda were b i
ing convoke! for a full diapason. A whole
park of artillery went rolling down tho
heavens, and the blind of the windows in
the sky were close 1 But the sounds absve
were not wore csrtaln tuaa the sounds bu
nenth. The cattle cams to the bars an I moaned
for them to be lit down that thev mlzht
coins home to sholtnr, and the fowl, whotuer
v.v:i oi' lli.uliuri or Vwgooi ii or
Dominlck, Itogan to call to its young,
"Cluck!" "Cluck!' "Cluck I", an I tike them
under the wagon house or shed, and had
them all bill under tha soft feather by th?
time that ths tirst plasu of rain stru-'U the
So there are tu Men tamptaett for our
souls, nnd, ob! how dark it get, and threat
ening clou Is of bankruptcy or sicknei or
persecutiou or bereavmeut gather and
thicken and blacken, and tome run for shel
ter to a bank, but it it poor ibolur, and
other run to frieudly adviser, and thay fail
ts help, and other fly nowhere simply be
cause I hey know not -. here to go, and they
perish In the blait, but otlurs hear a divine
call saving, "C'oaie, for all things are now
ready." "The spirit aud the brida say
come." Aud while tha heavens are thunder
ing terror the divine volca proffer mercy,
and the soul co.nes uu lor the brooding c ire
of tha Almighty "as a una gatb'jrut.1 her
chickens under her winj.''
The wings of my text suggest warmth,
and that is what most folks want. The laci
is that this is a old world watlier you taka
it literally or figuratively. We liuva a big
llreplaca called suu, aud it ha n very
hot lire, and the stokers l;ee;i tha coils wt-ll
stirred up, but much of tho year we cannot
get near en mjli to tlm hreplace to got
warmed. 1 be world extremities are cold
all the time. Forget not taat it is col lor at
the south pole than at the north pole, and
that the Arctio is not so diMtructiva as the
Antjrae. Once in awhile tho Arctic will
let explorer co ne bsci. but the Autartio
hardly ever. Wben at the south poie a ship
sails iu, the door of ice is almost sure to bj
shut against its return.
So life to many millions of peopla at the
south and msny million of people at the
north is a prolonged shiver, but when I aay
this is a cold world I chiefly mean figura
tively. If you want to kuow what is the
meaning of the ordinary term of receiving
the "cold shoulder," get out of money and
try to borrow. The conversation may have
be.'n almost tropical for luxuriance of
thought and speecn, but tu fgesc your neces
sities aud sea the thermometer "diop to 60
degree Delow ctro, and tutUit whicu till a
moment before bad been a warm room.
Take what is an unpopular position on some
publia question, and see your friends fly a
aiian before a windmill.
At fur as myself it concerned, I have no
word of complaint, but I look off day by
day and tea communities freezing out men
and women of whom thj world is not
worthy. Now it takes alter one aud now
after another. It become popular to de
preciate and defame and execrate and lie
about tome people. This is the best world 1
ever got into, but It is tha meanest world
that some prople ever got roto. The worst
thing teat ever nappeuej to tuem was their
cradle, and the bnst thing that will ever
happeu to theiu will be tuelr grave. hat
(.eoiile waut is warmth.
Many years ago a in an was floating down
on the ice of the Merritnac, and great efforts
were made to rescue him. I wiue he got hold
of a plank thrown to bun and twice he
slipped away from it, because that end of tin
plank was covered witu ice, ami lie criea out,
"Kor Uod't sake, giva me the wooden end of
the plnuk this time," and this done 'be was
hauled to shore. '1 he trouble is that iu our
effort to save the soul there is too muca
nolduestand Icy formality, and so the lm-
wiled one slip on: and Hosts uowa. uiva
t the other end of th plank warmth of
sympathy, warmth of kindly association,
warmth or genial turrouuaingt.
The world decline to give iL and in many
cases bat no power to give it, aud here i
where Christ comes in, and, as on a com day,
the rain beatiug and tae atmosphere full o(
sleet, the hen clucks her eblckent under her
wings, and the warmth oc uer owa breast
put warmth into the wet feathers and the
chilled feet of the infant group of the barn
yard, to Christ tayt to those tick and frosted
and disgusted and frosanof the world. Come
in out of tbeldaroh winda af the world's
criticism; come in out of the elect f tbt
world' assault; corns in out of a way-Id that
doee not underttandyou and doea not want
to understand you; I will comfort and I
will tooth aud i will be your warmth, "a
a hen rathareth kef chickens under a
win-.r ..ob( w,rm n,rt of God Is ready
for all those to whom the world baa given
the cold shoulder.
But notion that some one nut take ths
storm for the chickens. Ah ! the hen lakes
tha storm. I have watched her under the
pelting rain. I hav se?n ber in the pinch
ing frost almost froam to death or almost
strangled in ths wauwi, an t what a fight
she makes foe the young under wing if a
dog or hawk or a man comes tort near! And
so the i brooding Christ takes the storat for
. V hat floo I of anguish and tear that
did not dash unon His holy soul! What
h-akof torture did not Pierre HI vita!!
What barking Cerberus nf hell wa. ,nr i...
out upon Him from the kennls!
Whstlle endnreil. oti, whoesn tell,
Ta ssvs out tools from death and hsl!!
Ye, the hn took the etnrm try k. klV
ens, and Christ takes the storm for tts. One
the temnest rose so suddenly the hen could
not get with bar young back from the new
ground to the barn, and there the is under
the fence half dad. And now the rain torn.
to snow, and it Is an awful nitrhf n.i ..
morning the whiteness about the gills and
th beak down in the mud show that th.
mother la dead, and the vmimr
out and cannot understand whv tha Hint It ai
doe not scratch for them something to eat.
anil Ik. w H- L i . . . . .
, "'7 wing ami ijbii with
their tiny voice, but there i. no a,,.,..,.,.,,.
ClUCk. She tOOk the atlW-m tnr nlh.. .!
perished, l'oor thing! Self tacrillciug even
unto death!
Auddnei it not make too MnL f tti...
who endured all for us So the wine-a nmlec
which we come for spiritual snfety iu e bloo.1
spattered wings, nre night shatterod win....
are temnent torn wlnc-4. n k.. i.i ...
Wight I saw the m nf ffinn vit..
beth, who die I while n prlsaner nt Cans
brook catle. her linger nn m,..n u.i.i.
and pointing to tho words "Come unto Me
nil ye mat iaior ani are heavy ladn. and I
wdl give you re.-tt." Oh, came under the
wings I
Hut now the summer dar i ilmn.1 ...... i
an I the shndovr of the hVuw and barn nn I
wagon sne t Hava lencthene I Tha r
with scythe or bos n slKiulder, Is returning
from the fields The ox on are invoked.
The hordes nre criinchlii the oaU at tho lud
tun. Iheniris Imwiri-liul nf h.,n.......i.i..
aud wild brier. The milkman, pail in bahd.
s approaching tha barnyard. 'the fowl.
Keeping oar.y nour ae collecting their
young. "Cluck!" Cluok'" "Cluck!' and
soon all tha eyes of that feathered uursery
ut 7 i iimu i,
The bac.'iolora of the winge I trll have
ntoended to their perch, but th ben, in a
motherhood divinely appoiuUvl, tak all tie
rlk of a slumber on the ground, and nil
ulght Ion the wings will stay outspread,
and tin little onoi will not uttor a sound.
Thu at sundown, lovingly, safely, com.
plotely, tha hen brand her youti (. So. if
we are ths L rd's, the evening id our lifo
will come. I lia heat of tho day will bnvo
passed. There will be shadows, and we can
not so far. The work oC life will ba u'jout
Tho hawks of temptation that hovered in
the sky will hive gone to the woo Is and
foldol their Willi;. Sweet silences will vvno
down. The air will u redolent with t in
breath of whole arbors of promise sweeter
than Jasmine or evening primrose. The air
may oe a little chill, but Cirist will call us,
and we will know tho voicj and heel tlm
call, an I we will come under the wing for
the nuht :he strong wing, tho solt wms,
the warm win and without f oar nnd in
full tense of safety, an t then we will n.t
iroui sundown to sum-is-, "as a hen gather,
cth her cbicsens under her wing." llear
me, how many souls tne Ir I hath thus
brooded !
Mother, after watching over sick cradles
nnd then watching af t-rwar I over wayward
sous and daughters, nt last themnivei taken
care of by a motherly lio I. Binlnes men,
after a lifetime struggling with the iiiicur
tiiintiea of money niarsef, and the change
of tariff;, and the uuderjeiling of men who
lecaiisn of their dishonesties can afford to
undersell, and ye irs of disappointment aud
strugrle, at Inst undar wing whera nothing
can perturb them any more than a bird of
prey which is ten miles off disturbs a chic'
at midnight brooded in a bnrnyar.1.
Stj text has its ttrougest application for
people who were born in the country,
wherever you may now live, and that is tho
majority of you. You cannot hear my text
without having all the rustic scenes of Vie
old farmhouse come hack to you. Cood old
dnyi tbev were. You know nothing iihk-Ii
of the world, for you bid not teeu tho
Bv law of association you cannot ricxll
the brooding hen and her chiukons without
seeing also thu barn, and the haymow, ami
the wagou shed, aud the hous., and tha
room where you played, aud tho llrasida
with tha big backlog before which you nit,
end tho neighbors, nnd tho burin, anil the
wedding, and the deep snowbanks, and hear
the village bell that called you to worship,
and sofin the horse which, alter pulling
vou 10 cuiircu, stood nrouud the old clap
boarded meeting liouto, and those who sat nt
eitbsr end of tho church po-.v, an I indued all
the seeno of tho tlrst 14 years, an I you
tiiiuk of what you were then and of
you are now, au I all the thought! ara
urouaed by thssihtof thiol I houoooii.
Soint of you hn i bitter go Imr.'i ami start
again, lu thou ;ht return t i thut pla'-e an I
hear tho cluck uu I sji the outMpreal fa.itii
ers and emia un ler the wbtg and ma te tha
Lord your iiortion and shelter and WAi-mtu,
proiiaring for everything that limy come,
and to avoid beiug classed among those do
ribad by the closing wor Is of my t)xt, "a
a hen giithereth her c'lickiua mi 1 ai- her
wing, audya would no'." Ah, that throw
the responsibility unon us! "Ye would
not." Alas for the "would noU!" If the
wandering broods of the farm hood not their
Mother's call nud risk the hawk aud dure thu
freshet end expoio thom.selve to the frot
and storm, surely their calamities ara not
their mother's fau't. "Ye would nut!" God
would, but how many would not!
When a good man asked a young woman
who had abandoned ber home an 1 who was
deploring hor wrotchednes why she did not
return, tue reply was: "1 dare not go home.
My father i so provoked he would not re
civame home." "I'Iihii," aaid the Christ aiii
man, "I wdl tost this." And so ho wroto to
the father, and the replv sain back an I in a
letter iiiarKad outside "lurnsdiate," aud In
sidu laying, "ivt her come at ono; all is
forgiven." S i God's invitation for you is
marked ''Immediate" on the outside, and
inside it is written, "lie will ubuudnntly
Oh, ye wanderer from Go I ant happi
ness ami home und heaven, come under the
trie! taring tring. Under tuis call 1 saa you
turuiug from your old way to th new way,
tba living way, the gospel way. Avessolm
the Bristol channel was Hearing the rock
called the "Steep 11 alines." Under the torn
peit the vesaol wa unmanageable, and t ia
only hope wa that the tide would change
beiore alio struck tho rockt and went dowa,
nnd so the captain stood on the dock, watch
In baud. Captain nnd crew and posnenger
were pallid with terror. Taking auolusr
look at his watc i and another look at the
sea he shouted: "Thank God, wa ure saved I
The tide ha turned ! Una uiinut more an I
wa would have struck the rock."
Some of you have bjeu a loiij while drift
ing in the tempest of sin aud sorrow and
have been making for tha breakers. ThauK
Gjd, the tide ba turned. Uo you not feel
thelifiof the billoiV" The gracj of God
that bringeth salvation his appeared to your
soul, and iu the word of U mi to Hutu I
commend you to "the Ird God of Israel,
uu'ler whose wings thou hatt came to
Mn. Emma P. Ewing, of a New York
sanitarium, claim i tbat the bat fed fifty
itudeoU at tue rate of Dine cents a meal,
nn4 furthermore aver that tbe meal
were good a ad tbe atudoaU grew fat oo
The plan of utiog teparate tire for
carriage wheel ii regarded by many rail
road men at representing the correct
principle of coostructioa.
LESSON roa BONDAY, mabch .8
'Keeping the Sabbath." Neh. kill., 15
82. Golden Text: Kxodua tx., 3.
Thit rhant-f gives an amount n' th dl
flpdueof Nrhemiahlii separating from Is
rael tbe mise I multitude, and In cleansing
Israel from all stranger alrh whom they
had become entangled by marriage (verse
lil"l. It tell a bo of the discipline in ref
erence to Snhhnth dew-oration, which is out
special bs-oii for the day; but bfore takin
this up consMer the dangers of being en.
tangled kn.i hindered by a ndtI multitude.
Wbn Israel left Egypt a cimpnnv id that
kind wtntuiih them. en. I caused thm much
trouble 1K1. til.. .-; u,n. x.. ). Much
trouble in the church to-day nn from tha
people who are huff an I hall the worl liy
church piemU-rs who are iieith.r on thiiu
ur tbeorlier.
If any thin that th reforliw tin ler
7. -runt abn n, the relormation of Kz.-a and
.ehendsh fulfilled tho prophecies oon-rii-I
ig resioration. let th" ti co.npira la. xiv
I -J. with Neh. it , lit'., :ir. If any thi'iK toat
e are now In the m Ih nnial eg, or that th t
r.iuroh with her present til win bring time
ace, let them be honest enough to Iwlieva
what is written, an I they will surely .
Iliat the I.or, hime!f mtistcome Jor Isrea.'s
ustoraii in and to introduo the millennial
O).' lI'Mil , If, Aetslii., I'.l-Jl,.
!. "in t iiimi uays sav i in Julali some
treading wme presne on the Sabbath. '
Ihen lio eiiuuurate their other dee-Is of
Sabbath breaking nnd sivs t.iat ho ti-stille I
nceitint tlvm. Tin. Sabbath wa Institute I
In Kden before i ver sill enlere l this worl I,
anil when U-d wrole with Hi Unfertile
i en C.iiiiniaii lin.-uts on two lah'ets of ston
Jle said, "Kememher the Sabbath day."
'Jhnt iiian should Biva unto (i I one-sevenih
of his tune Is a law Ironi the Ix'giiining an 1
of txTiM-ttial nbiistiou.
bi. "1 'lii-re dwelt turn of Tyre. also, win
told on the Sabbath unto tho iliil-lren of
Jii'lah, and in .leru-ali-m. ' (.o l ((ives His
lat Ills eluMrni brriiiisn they nre Hi
rhildr.-n. He gave no Inws to Israel until redeemc I them Irorn Kgypt. N-
mnnran lie savetl by the dee Is of " the law
l-ut oa y l.y the grm-e of Go I, but beiii'
save.l ti-niuh Jius Christ, who is the i-n-l
f fie lav lor il-ht.-,u,nes lor very ouo
tl at lit-heveth, it is Men. sod onlv "then,
that the rtlit. oii-m- nf tin- law can' be tu:-tllle-l
lu us who walk' n-t lifter the tlaii but
nfter the Spirit (K-mi. id., i , '.M, x., 4;
viil., 4i. Tlaie wiioknow not i.od know n-'i
SubliHfb, but the people nf .hi lah s'loiil-l
lio nl.ottu tile men ol Tvre that they kejil
holy the S ibl ulh b.-cnuse of their Go I
'i'h-r-an vo no trad- with no leaver.', md
uiiles the people of Ji-ru-n!ei-.i li t I Louuht
the iiin of i'vi e ha I n t Mil I.
IT. " i hen 1 i'oiiI -h ied with the n ib'es o?
Jn-lali nnd haul iiiit-i Ih -in, What ev. I thing ye do nn I proinne tin .Sabnat i
tiav" lu v.-r.e 1 1 wa r at I that h i o mien l
ed with them le-e-iu-e thy had lorsakeu to
hi-u-e ot God. The In u -i.f lm I was l-riel'
center, find th ln-s ot (i , their, c-pecml
'light, ir tht-y vtei-ii Israelites m t, ims
fley were vrone to forsake Mis In u- mil
rtespist His word ill Chron. vtxvi . . an I
lor this they went to Babylon. .N.or tnat.
tiny have lotiii-ued Ironi captiviiy and lelt
their Mols their hearts tiil w.uidir Ir.ioi
Godaud ili.s Inns. And s.- it was Imi; nlb-r,
III the days oi Maini'iii, whin til -V loliho I
iod in lit Ik and olTeriii; and sail that il
was vain to s-rve Holt ul., , 1 Ii
I. "Di-I not our fiuiiers tmiv' Vet -
I. ring more wrath I,r.n-i by pr llsiuiij
the .Siibbatii." Althmigli ju igm -nt hat
overtaken their father-, yet they i-ont mil
Hi the Mime sin I-ir iiiaiinlll the Klhio;i:au
ran changi) hi skin an-1 tin loiptrl Ins
i-potsi-nu inose do good who are ncvust lined
to do evil (.ler. xiii.. 'J:i . "n en.nv nun
will gtt un it-rjtuiidin wiieu a wild axs's
colt is born a in in" i.f jb. x ., I .', It. V.,
"riii ii.tlitug t ; sjace mau watt ne
Hi-' ml el it, a tilri-
- .s a new acoai-
I'll-. n m r vor. and tha stunt of G I.
It is the gfit of G .l (lis-k. xtxvi., -ii, an I
notliing can una oi it bat retinal la
receive it.
l'J. "And Mime of my n-rvAiitss-t I at th
gntei', that there should be no burden
biouichtln on tne Saubsth -lav." 1'lu-ra i
iui-Ii a thing as coiiij eiling law breaker t'i
1-e oliedient. and it ouri-ity ruler Inl tie
spirit of Nelieminh tin-re w.i il I no, bo tne
Sabbath ls. -ciat ion whn-n is iiii'ri.nmgly
nnd iiliirmiugly ireval--iil in all our i-ities.
Gml will bolii nur rul-rs reponi.ile for all
that they can prevent n evil an I do uoi.
Dot. to be personal, ih.-re mik -It i-im-iiiaudb
as tln- lur n.-iievers, ' l.-i. us lay
u-ide every weight uu I t.i- -m in--i dot i
o easily iMin't us." "I.e. u. il-aus our
helve Ironi all llltluuess of I ho ;l'.:i au-l
hpirlt." ' I'ut off the --Id man, Willi in
lli-e-ls" iMeb. Ml., 1; vi-., I , f '. III.,
III. All I llic-i! we are boim I to obey It iv i
would know in our daily lil- any tiling of
the innanini; Cil true S ibliath ra-t.
'.tl. "."otne inen liaiits an I viler of nil
kind of war 1)1 -el without Jerusalem
once or tivio .' i'hn ier.vvfi-.iu I Imi
Cix-rs or evil onht l-i put to s'l-a-ne I II f 'l
lowersot Ji-su-, 1'Iicimi who desire ti do
uwuy with the .-oblialh are nl'uime ni-ira
uuited ii' I pel --e'Vei'iug than th-xa wlio b -ai'
tne inline in Jesus and oirnt ti stinl tm
His hoiy day. ii, to ii till ' I i.'.ia tli i
Spirit oi (ioianl h iva ut ne.iri the inter
ests of Ills kiii;;d iui !
ZL "l'Vum inut Line forth i-am-i they no
more on the S.-ilibnth." I!n test, lie I n:;
them und threat -ue I t i lav hands on theui;
tln-ll thev -nw that he meant it, and de
slstisl. We live lu the Niuob cnth t'cutiirv,
in tho mi st ii. I vanee I p-rio I of the worl-l's
history, but wlu-re are the Ni-hemiahs ami
the I 'anii-ls, and the nu n who have et heart
above all things the honor and cioryof God?
i o ciinie a.-ain to the topic of a little while
ago the Sabbath i th koiiI of a believer
we will not know it until we s!an I as der-id-wily
aiiainst everv beiettin-r sin and every
phase of the self life as lid Nehemi.ah ujaiu.-t
tliesa Sabbath breaki-iv.
if!, "itomoinbcr hie. Oil mv Got, coneern.
ing this also, and spare me acenrdui; to the
greatmss of i'hv mercy." The proper men
were set apart lo we that the Sii'ibalh should
lie santillad, an I they were mmi ceremoni
ally clean. We inu-t bo cleuii iu heart an I
life if we would be of use to our I .or I aain-t
evil and evildoers. As to keeping His holy
day, la sure that our own ways or pleasure
or worJs are nol iu order on thut duy, but
tne wnoie nay is (or linn and linn only (Ian,
Iviii., I I, Mi. Sae how, niter nil
bis efforts in the service of Go I, take refug a
In the mercy of God. liy trace are wo
saved, in greoa we stand, and it is gracs
that snail be br.)u-lit unto u at tha rev. -la.
tioii of Jems Christ. Salvation from I gm
niug to end is all of grace, but tor our wor
we shall be rewar ie I if done unto llim
(Kph. il.. (j, 111; Koui. iv ft; xiv., 1 1; I Car.
lit.. ll-l.r. lesou Helper.
A Man on Trial for M nr. lor Calls on God
to Strike Him Dead and Is Taken
at Ills Word.
Harvey Wiikeley, on trial nt Nashville,
l'ei'.ii.,for tiiurdcr.was usked if lio hud killed
the victim. Ho replied: ' J li.ipe Gml
will strike me dead, now, if I did." 'ilie words
were scarcely out of his luoutli when he
rose front bit ibalr, clinched his liuiul a if
in great agony. and fell motionless. The jury
Jumped to their feet and rushed to him but
when then picked liini up, life was extinct.
Tbe Judge at once dismissed the cae, say
ing the case bad been uppealed to a liicher
A rhkprird dog belonging to Jams
Webb, of Shawnee Mound, Mo., who died
the other day, lay upon bi master1 grave
for three day, ret using food and water.
A arrrtvot'a m ?i roi. o it i
Archbishop Ireland ttates tiisllgur bts
When hesays '-iJiat an average of II A per
(lay isbrno means an unreasonable esti
mate nf the sunt paid to each saloon in h
jountry for onus. " Multiply this bv.'.'.i,
TM the number rif wiIihiiis, and w harethe
rfand total of .,;vv"i er day. or for :W
.iay (Sumlay being the best ,,r ih tu.
endous u u of II.H'ts.Tvi.isj) in out )ear,
rRAIItMl OSf Tana WKttlVKsS.
IVimetuing -houl I be done to punish the
men who tm. leon the weskneo for s iron g
drink ol th Mojave Indians All alnn ( the
des-rt ar. white men who are xiMpected of
telling li-iuoi-ta the Indians, ani It is tha
i uiy of tne Mi-tioritie to ti--t to It that tm
vi e traflh! Is n.l. Tn t Indian agents ara
grnrinllv at l.ault, but un ler t-ie present
systi m .' appointment it. is dilllciill t k-et
any elllcirii. work dona b- tiiee olh -iais,
who u-ii (liy tint aim p siion f u- the cli hid -a
of making money an I nor tor the
helping t-ie ludi.ius. r'laa.-.j.-a
.!e. it Nonrii PAtr )T.
T'l'otliliit inn . U .. . ....... .1.. - ....
' ... .w. ,t pin irisiil f sn-s
vs in North Uskotn, front the li.pior dea'
oi's' vlen point. Ilishop J ihn Stanley of
I liaf SI.... it it-i. i . . . ' '.
""")' in'iesaie n.pi ar (leali-r
have iiifnrmp.1 m. ili.t ti..;.. ..t... ... .t...
- -..i.- -nun
Mate are nearly tliitv. turn- gte-iter now
than formni-li-. i ... i
liear testi-n.Miv to tae trutli of th li.pior
"- ' p-inieiiiem. i omm.-rcial irav- ler
te 1 the Riima iinpv 1l..,..i.....
, , : , " - n"ii, ..ii nivrt
no blind pig annex, scircelv kn i wiia'.
Ill ill! M itll tint ...... .1 .. !........ .. I . I . .
the rooms bv guest.. K.u-,ner., h formi-r-Iv
took a dritiU or two win. a in town, now
keep a j ig or live gallon ke; at Incur- nil I
tipnle i-ontinnaliv." This ha a fa-ndnr
nnd, as of an echo from tin- pm , -,. , , of
Msinu uml t 10 prairii' o; l'opulist U'invis
iiiK lion's I'ti atr.-ir.
I feel in. Imi, ant, sir, because 1 am mala
rn iihj-vl ot ciiopinson with sundry de
piaven Hpi'ciiiieus oi the genus homo. Tha
lured man cam home Ironi toivu u:is day "
ilrun!; lie ci.uld scarcely move. When he
attemt t-.l to fee I me he tumbled into mv
sue, and I had to root him out of the way
lo ti t mv corn Now, I iixv-r in my life
ecleil in anv such dismc if ul wv, so what
on earth ilia mv mastr meiii woeu b told
Ilie lined liini t.iat. be m-l I like u li.-;'
U In. I w.n si ma I at. the niMi't to mv kind
Hint I Ki unte.) a nard an 1 veneim-utlv' us 1
sunt. Hi coitr-e, beui; only alio, I Ii.'t .swear, as a man ' t:l I nave iliun:
bill th- lnei of mv getting druiik as that. i-f a iiT'd in iii Oi-i I 'ii, wneii h i
tumble I into my p.-.i lis bottle of
wlil-kv fell out of Ins ioi'et and g it broi;-n,
(lo Vi'll 'linpn-e 1 w iul I ton. -a Hie ll.lsl
-lull ' Not n-ii.-h. I pr-l-r ooJ, wuoieau.ti
in, 1 ai 'mi r llcv.en
'i i tn Tr Itl'KKSNri: r. ..;l'.es.
.1. N. "te ii ii-, ol New York, S.H-1'.-t ii -y of
Ilie .Na' TriiiM-raiu' S.ici-'tv, has i---ii
in I'lii.'j;.! iiuikinit llnal arr iirpi.iie-it s lo
th V oi i i's I i io 'it mi.'" I oiir -i i
ill, c.t y iiiiruig the eei; c i inicn. -m;
-I-iii" .. iin.:cr the aiipic.soi tu Wor.n ,
I'on.r s Auxiliary. In Mibiuilting hn re-IM-rte!;.
Strains nives s-'ira in- I lui; t!i
coiu-ie-s will be the large-.! ol th kind ev. -
ooi.v.'ii ,. 1!,, sy that papers have I u
invite I In-Mi some of tue iiiom ciiiim'-iii
riters ol th " world, These paper e ndra e
tile Mieiiii '. re.iiou-. i-m'l-ll, p latu.-.l ,
1 1 1. .1 1 . l.-l-lsti ve un I re hi miic ,'ispt ct s o,
the lenr ii ranee . i -itloii, lo;; .tner
hours ol woiv, ctnr-'t-hous.'s, iue aliia ,
t hai abstinence an I other phases of to-ipie-tion.
V riter hsve been invited tro u
tvery greni l-"iip-ian. o ,ui.. H ion mi til
C-oiie, and Ironi every (ol itrv a slide. i uf
tho teiiiH-riiii.-e luove nent within its -
ler-. 'I lie I .part nent ol State was as.;-) I
to send out ii -e.-i - o. ipi-tstlo is r 'latin ; to
the (i'iiiii i an. causa a i l its i rl.-nt nn I
ini "aa t-i all Americiu ' in-uN. a id i-in-i-i-
'' .1 t I f IIU .-. ...I. v .
i . " a
' ' . A.s-ii. :.. Aon o. in i -at i rit iii."
has appoiiitw I :-isl V ile e ;ali"s, vui nl ai- i
rive in rlncajo, June 1, and are I. l. I la !
Mop lit the Moody Institute. The Nation il j
TeniperaiiceS n-ii-ty has ailted t-v-ry cnuich
In I lilcat;o to set apart Sun lav, Jnue II, lo
lie known as 'i' liiipeiaiice Su Hav, wm-u a
lal e liuiul i.-r of the leadiii' .uu ocalv ul
the cau.-e mil La tu th- c.ty.
Mpi'ki'.h. n:w mu:.
The "Hospital," a in;' lie il peril licit n t
Sa-i inlly incline i lo Icaiperanc -, sa; " Ii -cn-t
nn of tailing wme, or siurit or I - ri
bel wton I; is a is on uu empty lo nae i in on
wont, the pci'iiii-ii.iis h ibit of "nippiii " -- s
Inn lily injurious. The morning nip, be, -e.i
bir.'ikfasi mi l ilie mid lay in-iwn -i I.
Iri'iii ii(ly taken by ilo nesti,- , -, v.i it -.
nut-so-, Yinrli ii-opie uu I "citv iiici,'' r.-n
dels the taker b-s lit b.f ins il ulv won: tha I
Il " millld otherwise -, ail lls lllteii I . 1 1 . -w
latnl step inward diem iIiiiikiii; and Ilii
hiuiietiil lite ot th-i'1-i .h i ii'., i I, . r
winch we are h 'iirun; so mm h at In pr. - -n .
tune. The flusliui, of the lac, c ni-e I I-
the diht ill iu of I'.ie sinall bio i l-vcs., ls ii.ii
ully by ulcoliol wli -n t'i,..-:i ii:iim -. I.
f Vuiptouulic of iht!. t i'.ei pis" in !'
Momich. The niiect a- li ia ... nc.i,i n
on thu uin.-us inciubian.' is I i j r i Pi i ...
I iiiary coimestioa or lilu-h ii of t ie uri-i
linl kurlace of Hie st.omacii . i'o .- con :'-' i m
Ultimately becomes curoiii-' if nips m- drains
if hinrits are iuiul;l m, witnlh i n't.
tlllll tile lUIICUS millllb.'a'le b' cones till.'.-
ened an 1 in.lur.ite f. h iaant.ts- ol' t -I'-ai-nnis
luucils Is secreted, the ili.'.-.iV'i I.-imiciil h
paralyse I or ilestroye I, an I -ilc ill in: n,-.
pephi i establish i."l."
Whi'ii wnisiiy w i mv Mtled tua dev-il Lo
gan lo hops.
Whisiiy and i l!mis an two nf the inula
pillnm uooii which tue tnroiia ut I no devil
It is a wron impression a man ijet when
lie tluiiiis he can nu,i ui.u-. -li out . troutile
Mith itcin'Ksi-rutv,
Women are employed at railway switclu-
and crossings in Italy liecause they do nol
get ilitox c lied so iill.'ll.
Gne million two bun Ire I thousand mem.
bm-H of the Salvation Army have dectaiv-1
that they will mot nor taste, lju.'n un- bun
dle Inioxicitiii beveraei)-.
".Many thieves go down r?d lane" is tl,
old proverb, incuiiu licit HeHwallu-v many
things that. our coinforl and hiinp.-uei-s.
K ii lane is a ko I name for laa thro ii.
Hailroad men who driiiK will no lonjer be
eniployoi by 1'iesi lut.t Aiikbii (,'jrlnn. Men
already emjilnye I wno are louul drinking
in biisines nuip's will bo (liM'linre l. 1 Imi
action will boon. 101 tho most po-vcr-iil t.-ui-a-rauc
luasons ever ilolivereii.
There ure s iid to be three countries in
Atrica ill which the lupin- tin Hi: has been
practically anniuilat j.l. These are the
lira 11 g Kree Stat, the HrltUh terriuary In
liasuui Land, 11 nicr the government ol Sir
Marshall I'l u'e, nil i the .North l! -ciin inii
lull. I, under lk.1u.11u, tho native Llinstiuu
An In ttroslinj mn is meiitione)
by a Kreuou iue lical journal, lu t.10 parish
of Fauburn. J'riissm, ara several distillei aes
nf alcohol, and tue innaliitauW of tu pluc
are very largely idiots and ull sort of im
beciles, which is iu striking contrast to the
heulttitulneiis of tba popu aiiou 111 neiubor
lug villages, wiiicU have 110 distilleries.
Last year a saloon keope.' mado the at
tempt 10 import bar maids Irani Loudau,
Twenty-four hour attar tin amiouu -smout
was made, telegrams and letter ha I gone
to the white riuixmert urgiu t hem to con
centrate against this new outrage upon wo
man. Their petitions ware immediately
drawn up aud issue 1 by Mr. Mary T. Man,
f resident ot the New or Stat iW. C.T.
V., ami ber tturjy cUn j.'.OJfi woman
the Empire Stale concentrate I their ef
forts upon Albany au i a law wa pas.ed
prohibiting tin hire of woman ia trot ui':u
hop ol that oamiu(awalta.
While th Besding Trtnaaction Caused
a F.urry in t peci tstlon. Other
Lines are in l ine ConAition,
II. 'i. Iblil X to 'l.Wiek.y Review of
Trat. nay
The ro';.--p of the ion) r 111; sinaiion.
formed n yer mn by Ilie lN-eding flail way.
and slintpdei r-ssioiis 111 Siit.-nr stocks, and
a few raihray e'urks have lu.ule the week
otif uf iii iisihI 1 i ib'tni'i.l iii s iriilative
circle. Wliile 't.iti,i) olil lm gine
abroad tins wrel, . end l;all' 11 millioii more
Is c'pcc'ed to no In ihete is tl i Increase
of appielieosiim nliotit tl-e inoneinty future,
nnd the biisine- word pays little attention
to f "oiii;re-. tn ii.:h tl.o haiicit of un extra
se.ioii me n-i:.arili-il witSs- lne interest.
Ss-iil,it -on 111 pr-Hlme ha ii--t Ixen vera
I i-,iv.- Win' i' is a is nl knii-r with ales of
lily pi. im is-i i,ns,ei. i.-rn nnd p,,rk ,r,.
duels s.iiiclv urn nen i d m ton i
liiirhei. Ii 1 1. - cipts .ue sm.ill nnd ibe pnb
n I lie 1 a ii '1 . .- nt lie. A nt ; 1 i 1 'en lull mINi I
Ilie II I. te in. ie t Ii 111 1 nn I I mis n mipply
iiii-I dim I'nl 1 at ' jt- -itve ,-it ( lihaiito.
business in in :i 1. itn-..t i-s-,ii-n.rv. plate
ni.-vi-iy ni'.n a-,. 1 t,.i' i 11. 1 works
mi' In I of or iers c 11 1 1 : .n i- so ia' p that
prices ban- Itllie ("1 ui- e io unprove. l'-iv.
i-- r and tin n i.i i -i -pi et an-i le.i is dull,
l-i Ilie lio..t mid Mi-'i-ir -il ibe hither iirst
ol icntln r iiuiscs in nm :i. 1 nri-ts to nr:e
better pti'i's their pniPnts. (niton
in inii:.ict :rini is In :iph , dividend at Kail
liner beiiii; t he l u -1 l-.r l-mr rears, and
siuiii-a-l un e oe 1..1 e. in 1 i '-( goods
h tic pi ml c n' hs i-i v dim.
Hit-ill.-. I 1 .pes or."it-l. in tile 1 . ovi
the p. 1-1 .''.';i .1 1, s in,,ili. r lor Ice 1 1. ie
"talcs in '. mi I I 11 I ,n id 1 a tut il .c -.' j
lis conipaie.i it 1 . ; i.i-t a eel. nnd : . -!-.
11 cel. I -1 1 - lO'is I . 1 ,,, . 01 :e-pond.ll ' i " s
of lasi year tin- li;pirc, wen- JTn.
I I st I - 11 o'll.l I l:. I
The batik iVii'i t- 'ats ,.r , we
tided I 1 Prnn v . 1. Is.;, smiii ,iini., is,.:,,.
s b'li'taplii '1 to (.'. .mi a-. . 1. ar--
Nc York t.' 1 11:, :
liostiui lur: Ti.j ,.v ; .1. 1
hica-o si, I k i)oS I '
I'hl lib dp ma Tii, 1 i.l.ln't t j.i
-l l.i-u .s t I'l II I. :iil
i i m ill 1 1 i.Tp.'.T hi I 5 I
H;i It i in-: . . I.',. '..l!.'u H
I'lllsbiiru I:', II.' T.ii L -'.!
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The di-nntie. n 7s litres ucrrtvate
1 'Jl.'.!i .'.s nV.'i. an incrceve ., '..' pr cent.
i:clu-iie o New Yi.'k tbe cleai. ue Mlllolllil
10 -iil,iK!.i,Hl7, un in' reus" el lo :i ht vent.
MAKK ll's.
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Mi. died V " 1
I OA I.- - No 1 iVIiin-
No. V II!'.-
No. e Willie
I: V I ' Nn I I'a A oliio ...
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l atn v Sprnii! patents
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X.W linkers
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4 U)
3 MJ
live I- lour.
3 N.I
liiil.d No. I Tiiu'y.. 14 fkl J lVUd
I No -1 liinothv ' 1.1 IW. II; (W
Mixed I lowr. .
1 '
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liionu M . i -! : .
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amp ,
.I'!Y I'l "' I M i
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I I' amy 'ri- nu-rv
j I -'aticy count ry mil
I Inure count ry mil
I l ow er.lde ,V 'I'llnklll.'
! 1 iikii: -11 N.-w 1 1 in mild
v ... V .-1 , - 1
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i'M'.i; v.i: n.'.v .- bid .
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lloS'l'.Y Wiiiie ... ,-r. ...
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1 t.ori: --
WIIKA I' - v.,. j !;, ,
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I :i..s
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I'lorj: --
wiu: r- No. .. I., .1
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oyrs.-N,, J. Wl.iti.....: ..
HI ' I' I'l-: I! 1 ..- .men- K.ira.
!:; is- i';i . i' irsts. .'
I H V.. I K.
H.Ot'l:- I'lilenls
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I OlIN I 11 ;i' dill Mixed
0 IN--Mi,-d W'cs-crrl-
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rfi.K. '
I'riiuc Steer - t ft ftd to 8 75
l-'iur to (bind 4 Ti to 5 25
t '(million 4 IK) hi 4 ftO
Hulls and dry un a 'J Pi) to 4 00
Veul Calves li wi o 7 Ot)
Heavy rinu;li calves .1 Unto 4 00
r'ro.sli coiVH, per bead St) onto 15 IX)
1111:11-. "
rrinielioto inn It. slicop....$ ft'.'Sba 5 S3
I'ohiinon 70 lo 7-i ft. sheep.. . 8."dlo 4 Oil
l.ttiubt 6 IX) Ul tt 10
riiilailelpliln lios t R.V)to g an
i urn orkeri ,
7 .') id 7 7
irr ':
iif. 1
4 73
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