The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 23, 1893, Image 5

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    An Act.
EriofFum Ilausa Earrick
Lieveii Kehsai. IIaideu.
So sawga mere en gebt widdr iv
verouso feci uio laws den winder,
un far da Semleymenner mit hclfa
Leu iner am Sonishdawg owet en
meeting g'holda ons Hulleihecka
far nia lawn suggesta.
Der Johnny Lawbuck is bresidont
fun der meeting elect warra, der
Uilly Dixler secretary, un der oMt
Sammy Sendapetzer dreshrcr.
Ich hob doarshtshpeech g'inaucht
un hob eua ous-galiiikcd was do ob
ject fun der met ting wore, un derno
hov ieli en wexel suggest in der Uro
hibition law, un grawd
oh wKo der licker licit zadawgs no
farmixed is mit rhoder pell'er. m gn
wasser uu onuer gift don Met en in
hhpet'ter appoint si on yadeiu barr
far do lickers sampla t b bc farkawft
wara, un hob derno aw gruwd
g'shtate. os wile ieh do law suggest
Let don wars in order far de associ
ation my miwma ni nhicka far in
hhjieeter appoint, warm on deni baar.
So hens farmoodlieh aw grawd oil
uniiershtited un wons en law gebt
don hut der Uoouastcil -ti ollice os
are net farhondla daid far 1'resideiit
fun da United Shtates.
Der Sam Seesluds hut (L ino en
wexel suggest in der waik law. Are
het gai n Superintendents appoint os
de waiga ivversiena so we do ligel
wako iuslipecter. Are het gain os
seen Titato superintendent uppcintu
daidn on about fooftio dowsenJ i
dawler'H yohr, un emo derno ler
power gevva far eu county Hupeiin
tendent nppointa, uu derno em
county BuperintcnieuT power gevva
far der township superintendent ap-
pointa. Derno hut aro suggest oil
do superintendents uniforma mit
hlit it na beet un kit henshing, un en
cairiagoun tswa browna gile kawfa
in yadem township un holda usht
far do superintendents room fora
won do w;ega him; un drooka sin.
Der Uilly Dixler hut object tsu der
law. Aro hut bahawbt do bowcia
keiita era ageny wa ga maueha won
se's geld hotla, un are ware
ufV general brincibles wile ulLwilV
shunt gaiiunk 1'awleiiser, luulVrs un
bumins u IV der oilico pay-mil sin.
Mer hen oil agreed mit. em Uilly uu
1' mosion is uiiieh der dih g.nura.
jpVvv Pit Dlotner is d rn
g'shtonna un Imt g'sawd are het ei:
law tsu suggesta os mis oil eoncerna
daid. Es ware tsu der elVcct dos
widl'raw nue hira darefV inera nuch
bershoft woo niiicho oldte maid da
hamo sin. "Doli," hut are g'sawd,
"hov ich siwa diu htera os reihly sin
far nnich ebbes hira os hussa wii-red.
un ieh un de fraw hi u eena hell'a
leckshoneeia far meuuer shunt do
tswonsich yohr un d-iu do one hen
mer nuch greekeed far so." "Un
sellis net oil," hut aro g'sawd, '"de
weipslcit os shunt ainohl g'hirod
wora un setta ganunk hovvu sin do
oiler shlinishta far widder menner
greega un schnappa do boova aweck
os wo en oldto shilgrut yungo gens
fongt, un do mnid woo shunt tswon
sich yohr gawanlt hen huckautVem
bock-utla uu hila ruts un wasser.
Icli bin in faver fun homo brotection,
un so long os mer bloody 'raw ma
terial' dahamo hen set do importing
bisniss g'shtupped si." Mer hen oil
ei-g'shtiminod mit em Pit, awer ieh
glawb net os aro oni end en sale limit
far si maid. So sin gor hesslich
weesht uu ich daid, begosh, heit net
my older seventy-sixer govva far do
besht fun eeua.
Der Bench Hess hut suggest os
ken mon mie os ic hoond holda dar
eft'tsu olla ocker lond os aro agend,
un dor oldt Sammy Sondapetzer hut
en law suggest os kie boo unner aue-un-tswonsich
yohr tsu da maid g;u
dareff mitous are but eu county li
cense un en shrives fun sinera mom
my os Be es arlawbed.
Der Uilly Dixler uu dor Johnny
Lnwbuck sin appoint warra far de
bills uiV tzoega uu so brosenta tsu 'in
'fcJeinley, un won se passu don wella
mere nuch en law uff greega on der
naixt meeting far g'hireda menner
toll charga won se ue alleys travela
noach tswelf uhr in der nocht.
Ola Widder,
To encourage the raising of horses,
muloR, cuttlo, sheep and swine, and
to reguluto fences in the County of
Section 1. T-it etmcted by the
Senate and House of Representa
tives or the i;o nun on wealth of l'enn
sylvnnia in general assembly met,
and it is heit-by enacted by the au
thoi ity of the same, t lint from and
after tho passnfro of this act there
shall ho no recovery for damn sen
done by any horse, mule, euttle,
sheep or nwiue trespassing upon
any real esfulo within tlie County of
Snyder mi less tlie real estate bo en
closed with a good and substantial
fenee at leant four and a half feet in
height. E. AV. Tool.
How to Save Doctor Bills.
l'roui (liti'sign n.illy I'.ilium't.
Jinny a doctor's bill has been sav
ed Ly t iio use oi Lli unbei lain s
Cough Itemedy. The name is a
household word in many pails of
the country. Chamberlain's medi
cines have uu extensive side in the
World's Fair City and many peo
ple testify to tho merits of their
different remedies. Tor sale by O.
Jr. Sliindol, Middloburgh, Pa., and
Dr. Sampsel, Ponns Creek, Pa.,
Druggist . Feb.
rm nmm
It Tool: Troublo.But He Got It
About three mouths ago I pur
based from you a bottle of Cham
i;'i Liiii's Cough Kemedy, put up in
Des Moines, Iowa. Such good re
sults were obtained from its use
that I enclose one d llar and ask
that, you send mo two bottles by ex
press J. A. Scrivt ii, is K. lTith St.,
New York City. To 1. . Lane,
Druggist. Peel-skill, X. Y. Mr.
St'iiven is president of one of the
nge-t shirt factories in New York,
and widely known in business cir-
le. When troubled with a cold
give this remedy a trial and, like Mr.
Seriven, you will want it when again
in need of snob a medicine. TiDeent
utiles fur sal.i by (!. M. Shimlel,
Miihlleburgh, Pa., and Dr. S unpsel.
l eiins i ro eu, ra., 1 M'lig'.s'.s.
.Sale Register.
I'. ! d:is V'l'f rill' flier Mils i!'llil.,l ill MiU ,.i.l...,
Will luvl llielr K. ,t , H I'I In Hie ..r I I...
:ile In I Ills minimi Hi e ni el! , ivi.
' "" ' I III'' lull' Knl lev H ill
Ii... Ih . u.,-i. .Ill I ;1 Hllhu lliilili.m i.iu I
(ihl!i" i,v:nl-,.s In Ml.liile ic k lm 1111,1, 1
nillo r.isl (if Knlley'tt i Iiuil'.l ' '
TiK-ulny. Miin-li u. .luc'.ili IInMMi):,.r ninl J.ienti
"".""i "in -"ii ,V1. hi'm'kuiiiI in i-rulii'r I in-
. uitintuii. 11. 1 1IIIJ.I UIM-i.lllK 1
01 ci.'Uiravniu.
Tili'N'liiy. Miin'li 7. Il.iwnnl Kurt innn vlll II
tlirei' li'iisrx, live stuck, ninl liii'iiilnvr linili;
IiieiilH '.''v mill's In HI Ii ir Ml.tillt liiiili.
ril'lnv. Miin li M. Willis I'lMley will w ll l.lw
Slliek llllll l'lillll llnp'i'lllrllts III .1:11 .SUN
'l ow nslilp, 1 i,j iiiIIcm Sui'l n of N-w ll'Tlln.
Tile '!:!. M ivli '.'I. .T. ii-1I1 1 : i-l '.vlll v..i Ii mi ...
lull. I 1 iiille Mini li-e.l ni Mlilillcl. ix.
Wi'ilni's I. iv, 'I. ii- h s. DivlJ I'.l. Kliarl will Hell
l,ie '.i..i. i 1, 1 I..1111 I : . j ' -1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 s . mill.
Nurlll uf l';
Mi.lrln.v. . Ii I.I. 1','I.t M.hhv:-. will ?;e!l llw
1 ' . l 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 I : 1 1 1 1 1 1 s '.. mill' v . , 1 1,1
lll'V Mllev I I -. un Ihe I 1,1! J.-. . (I I , -rnnii
New llei lln in WlalnM.
S.iiur.l.i.v, M;i:vli II, Win. M.'ir r im, . hn '.
Wa .... r w III ' II I. . . -1.1. I. ..Ml 1.11111 i.ii...
lei ii'- I mil.' e . 1 ! 1.1 :;.., 1;. 1 Uu 1,1, 1
I" ni Lei vvei'ii N.-w ll'Tlln iiiiiI Mauler's Mill.
Tt:ir- I iv. March A. WI'lls!i wll! i:
II' e Sleek llllil 1 ". I ITU lllli;i'llill . i l:ii' .
. .1 ill l elitli III''.
Wi'ilin -I iv,
!-.. !!
.M h'i '1 s, r.iUtn u. lun -11. 1. in will
''; . I c. "i li!i'l''in.'iii s mil
"l-l 1 '.. lullel I-.! .1 i, (V, 1 , .
Tnc 'l-:'.". March 7. I'.. 'i I.1111I11 Miiiiiiih t will - I
lUi'Mm'k alnl Mini lllll lelnelil I1. lull's
11. Hill nil. lull.' M.IK
Tllesil-iy. March '.'I. S. .1. Welel will Mil lll.
an I r ii-ni liii;i!.--iu-ais i'j miles u.ui Ii
we. I nl s. ileiii iiiiiI 'i lull s 11. .11 u e. 1-1 1. 1
K l al.ervllle.
I II. lav, l''.'ll. 11, II. Hull-lull r. SIliTiir, Will
Ileal I.Male ul llu Culirl llullse.
Vhiii'-ilay, March tt, .liihn W ei. mil, will wll Im
sin. '. ami firm Implements' un .l.iim ,,
Mini li s I ll'l'l miles nl PuaViTluw 11, un
I Ik- I'm. I in. 111 Ml. I. lie 1. 111 ;h I.) II. .ni rliiw 11.
TIimi silnv. Ma-ell !.. II. i.i-In.-II will m-1 In',,
i-'.i. k an.; Iiil iu Iiuii liii-lils .n,' lull,. , ,,
i .-!', ill.-, ..11 1 ic r.i.ui 1. ..iiliii iit'in .Meisi'i-.
Mile 1.1 Ullellllll.
I'rlil '.. " hi Ii in, Peters, lli.l.harl will :,,-n
Use -1. .1: anil farm Implements In W ashln-'-I.
m tie. : ship, ni',. mil,. ri,, ,,f mi ',.a,?i
Wi il'ii " iv, Miin'li ir, I. !. llannnii Ailmr. nf
Ihe estate nl li.-uree . S.-llliee. Ci..'(, will
sell -.-1 ami iersiinal iriiie-y un 1 iirciii.
I es lii rli iiman lnwnshlp,
l-'ltl.i . Mai-'hll. Ileniv K. I.'.arlrh will sell h,,.
Hl.H'k, l lllll lllll'h'luelils lilal ,iil, I,,,;, I
tflMltln 3 IlllleS HI nl III Mlll.ll.-lllll -h.
Tu. -.l,y, Mai.-h II. P. s. icit. r, Ailmr. of .l..lm
uiiii;,-, ih i-.1, w III aell llc si. irk, rutin Im
plements mill k't-iilii on (ho premises in Mun
rc inwnslilp.
Wcdlies.lsv, Marell ,. Knhler pei k w ill n il
iil.nxll' l "i I I. ....I.-. I i. k. farm lniih
lueii! s, etc., iini' hiIIm .ailli ur M. K. . -,
1-all ., near t he mail Icniliii tu ,ivcrKsi,
ThlirHilay. March 9, K. S. Struilli, will hell live
NtiN-k nml fn nil Implements un tin. premises
In si idiilihiw 11, Perry TuwumIiIji sia.ler
Cwlllit, pu.
Court Proclamation,
TIIKHKA Iho linn, lliirol.l M. Mot.'luro
" rrt'Chli-nl .linlijo ol .lhn .In. II,. it I)itrli'l,
rnnii.iiM'il nl tlm I'ounlli'i ol Sny.U'r, I'linui m,,
Miltlin, ami Jereiululi ('riiunu ami lleury
llniwn IiH., AKivhittt JuiIkuii In nml fur Snv.
ilirronnty, linvnlnmii'il Ih.-lr .iire.t beiirln'if
1I11I0 Iho I'llli.lay ol Del. A. II., Ink;, in me
illrci'U'il i'nr Urn IiuI.IIiik uiuii iirpliium' t'uurt a
isinit ol Cuiiitiinii I'li'im, court nil Jyur ami lir
inliu r nml Omicriil -nurt ol t(niirlnr 8emiloii ol
tliol'i'ii.p, at MliMli'luiruh, lor Iho oounty nl
Snyler, im (he 4 1 It Moinluy, (liolnn Hie SITtli
ilHy ol K.h. luiiaj, ami to rrimiiiuu one wuck.
Noth'iil tliurshire hcrul.y Ivon to the Cnr.'ii
er, .limtli'i oflho I't-ni'S ami t)ontiilihn la Mini
lor the county ol Xnyiler. to ani.mirlii thulr
iimpur pormm wlih tliulr rolln, rueurl, Imiulal
tloiin, examination!!, ami otlmr roineiiihranrot
to do UioNe IIiIiik' which ol Itn-lr oltluan ami lu
their hehull parluln lu he itnna ami wltnrxe,
and erion iroMH'iitiiiK In helm 1 1 of the l'0m
ninnweitltli UKalimt any peritouor peraon are re
quired to he thou and there aileinlliiir and do
purlltiK without loave ut their peril. Juntlcoa
are reueted to he punotunl In thelrattundiuee
at the appointed time airreeiibly to notlne
,'v,.n u".1rr,"ly h.nJ V"' ,elt th lirlir.
win. i U.l.llll.lllllllll
HlddlehurKli, the loth day ol .lanuurr
1 thoiuand elvbt hundred and ninety
I. UOLENDKK, Bherirf.
I Ui'raa?
A. unona
We want your trade, and bv
nieans of our advertisement we are
seeking to get your attention and
attract you to our store. If you are
a! customer of ours, we are anxious
to increase our business with you ;
if you aro not we hope you soon will
fce, as no honorable means will be
spared to attain this end. That we
keep the best qualities of everv-.
J.1 n i i j i
uimg an wno aeai wiui us wi cu
test. We guarantee you the low
est possible figures.
O TTT nmnflTT T
most varied we have ever shown,
we keep constantly on hand a full
line of of goods pertaining to the
thorough furnishing of a home in the
most modern sense,
of every description, Carpets.Rugs,
.Draporio3, Pianos, Organs, Music
al Instruments (send for catalogue)
feheet music, &c. Write us if vou
pood anything
laomo ormano n more coinior table,
or better come and see us. will at
least make your
'i w rr
it ij u n y ft
Front BSrdt
n 1
II J l i II (l e;,, (,,,( ,,f linii,
I '!!. 1', I ., -.'II i,;it my rill il:' Sim
(MM lli(i, iii:
i'i i:m iiinu
c.!'s, iui.11 tv
.: i:v::i.uv,
'I'1 ; ''- llu.
nil'! Ii -in-.' v, ill 1 i.f.
ll'illl T-il prices, yj(;
ui ill. umiin Ul 1
m Bl m V J
TITS, tegular price s-.',
All W'u.,1 .suits, I), , nl. I.-
: ciiia iui
CI ,V ''. .'ill.
(iliKV llo.MI
now ij -t.
si I A M 1 1 s, Sin-lc
JiUVS' SI! ITS, lamj,' Pauls, fi-piilur
CMir.nUKVS SI ITS, K, Vnutx,
i?l to ..
Ami nil nllicr fionils In proportion. Tln-wj uro ..t rnonlimiry ImrjiiiiiH -micIi
us will nut I..' oiVrcil hiimi fi-uin. (1. in.-now. Tliohtui-U IxMill H'KU
K. (iI'XC!5KIl(JEK, Mi.l.llclmr-l, p;l
Busy As A Bee !
"l V
'if -
.V ve-;lT IV
Yon; biiHy ixh a boo in clover tinio.
Such lmu been tho cuho thin full with
whose superior lino of Booln&iSlioeH
and low prices have brought him
such an immense trade that he is
kept buBy day aud night wuiting on
Inn cuBtomerfl. Juut come and see
his stock and learn his prices and
you will appreciate the aptness of
the comparison between lain and
the busy bee.
n rriTTn riTHTTi nt m
to beautify your
visit wleasant.
1 k
!U JJllllllU
Milton, Ta.
uf I'd 1 r 1 1 ; 1 i v , I 11 111 c
tii mi is,
mia 1:1: WA'iciir.s,
ti.i nk, .-at iii:i.s, v a licks, tVc.
,,. IlialU. t at t,,. f.iH.iwiiu; K'-,.(v
ifl.'i, ami si",
liicnsl eil, r,
now .y.i, ijlil ik'
C n t j 1 1- price .il'.'.riii,
nml Dmilil,. luciihted, ii-eular j, , (
pi le fmiu si to !:!, luw f,,,,,, ,,
regular i.ric.
fnuii si to sT, now from
ps. !. citoi si:,
elllUU.KI.l Itll, 'A.
All illsilli'SM (Till ll.slcl to Ills fare
will ri'iicive prompt attention. Con
hiiltatloti In Knlihh itn.l (I'crmitn.
M, Wboopinff Gougb, Bronohltia aad Ailhma. A
tertala cur. for Con.umptioa in tret "tag., and
a aure ralief In adand itl. ae at ene..
You will ate the esMlUnt ett.a afUr Uainc the
Irat aoM. Bold by dralart rr.tjwUfe. targe
CsUlee M ataU aaill.UO.
11 V
Vy.i'lv.':!-, 1 1 1
OentreS OryoodsSf ore
As a leader we call your atten
tion to our extraordinary line of
Superior in quality, and cheap in
price. s. WEIS.
Great Reduction Sale of
F 11 1 H 1 T II P E
1 II es M 1 I i lit L
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Thnir EN
at Tin: (; i: 1:; hnhwn in iatku. i'kn.v.
Vl' (in- llut si'llinj; (, l,. t W(. i.l lis (.1 il, .,- Mil. . v . illlV l,IV
vluiis yi'tir. We five a lew uf I lie nii ,-s u , 1, ,. .us:
Silt Wlldll ( ll'lllllMT Sllits 1; I J.ll'l I '..H.. 11 Till M iflns
lliu-'l Wtwiil ( 'lift Hitter Suit- l'illi Wuv.-n Wit.. MnMr.'ss t
Atlliillc ilU Sllils, S I'leces II' (I.I 11, .J S,ri.,s 1 '1 '
rin-li I'lirlur Suits laitiii ,-, j, r.,i,!,t .,. f(
Winnlcli Chairs per M-t '-'.'.'I I' .. in ,',mt,,. v '
Ill ftcck, imt tiling in tin- fnniilme 'Tie, it., f n, ! : t , M im.i-s, !' u, riis,.M
I'esl.s, Siilu-t', im-il-i. iilM),r.l-. Centre T.ili).. rai,cv":. .,., . 'j ;,, , v ( u,trH'
IVutlier J'ill'iws, l,iiiii!.'i's, t ..uuli. s, Mniielitu'.s, Ninl,.., ,n ; ,,., 'im,'.
Scut ( 'liilil s line, Ineiliinii ninl clieai I n 1 11 il 11 r , t . 1 s tt i t at (- ,s..,.,.
I'liccs rmliUT'il all ( !iroti;.:li. Cult a r! y a 11 I - - ,iir -:'.,!v i,',i,. ejvin"
your unli-r, i inl thus mvi- l"i t 'Jo i-i-ni, ,., ( . 1 v "
Special Alli'iilidii (iiven to I : ! i i' v- F.iiilnilniiiijr,
'lls ' V
y y a Um Uil
I-. .,
r 1 b-'i.h., 1
1 :lufeWg;:-'r::
y .i'1 Ue'
We are all going and nust have
Trunks, Satchels & Valises,
and the place to get them is at Op
penheimer's Cttothinr? Store, Selins
grove where you will mid them in
all sizes from the largest Saratoga
down to the cutest hand-satchels.
Now is the time to buy. We al
so have a large line of WINTER
GOODS which must be sold before
the Spring Goods arrives and it
goes almost at
Uall now and get
& HARTNyN, Limited,
Min-r '!:'i:.:ii, jm.
m m t!l
-4 Ii fit
' -i& s ca
your own figure.
I. . . '
7 .V) t() 7 T