KREAMER. T Black-RinUliH ire now having their barren t. . . .Tuoinna Bickel, of Ohio, is tinitintf friend and relatives in this vicinity.... West. Keeler upon the holiday, among frioml and ac quaintances here. When ho return ed to bin home in Johnstown he found hin yoiinpcst sister dead ... West. Pawling, of Nebraska, in here and will spend the winter anions our people. . . .West. Wagner and family, of Nebniskn, are visiting their form er homo. West, is a man of plunk and in prospering on Nebraska soil We hear that John U. Deimer will soon sport a statTas he is grand pa.... Annie Mover, of Swincford, spent several days with C. A. Moid cm'. . . .The literary society is boom ing... As a result of our national election the Di-tmnies are expecting times under drover when the roast ed doves will fly into our mouths, while the 'Publics anticipate a time when there is no money here to buy any doves at all. BEAVER SPRINGS. HOFFER. Mr. Albert Snook, wife and son, of Spring City, visited friends nt this place Ira Smith 1. ft to d.iy for Buffalo, N. Y.. v!i ro he will take a business course 1). W. Klose in tends niovinjj to Illiimin in the Spring, where he will engage in farming On Sunday next the Lord's Supper will be celebrated in the Lutheran chinch. Preparatory services will be held on Saturday at 'J o'clock. . . .Tho days are growing a little longer. .. .Jacob Keiupfer, u htndent in the Pcnn'n College, spent Sunday w ith his parents. .. .Mrs. S, J. (lundrum has sold her stock of confectionuries to J. II. Kline, and the room occupied by Mis. Gun drum will be occupied by Middles warth, the butcher Daily meet ings of the stock-holders of the uu tomatic car-coupler are held at their oflice, .1. W. Kliugler inventor Stock is on the increase daily.... It is reported that P. Kelfrich has about completed a new car-coupler and will soon apply for a patent. . MisHes Ella Weidman ami Gertie Shannon are visiting friends in Al- tooua Prof. C. W. Herman visit cd our schools the fore-part of this week Kutio Ulsh is down with typhoid fever Hurley Romig, Jay operator at SeliiiHgrove, is upending u week with his parents at this place .... Rev. O. M. Aurand has acceptei a call from tho Susquehanna Synod to start a mission at Berwick. 1 ajoih a:Hr"iAiiaiMirtey spent' a week with friends in Juniata county. The Democratic primary election was held at Hoffer on Saturday. The followiug officers were nominated t School director, E. E. rlrner, Da vid Herrold Road Supervisors, S. A. Dengler, Frederick Kreitzer t Tax Collector, Win, II. Shelly Au ditor, F. A. Bingaman. Some dis pute nroso as to whether it was lawful to vote without a ballot or not. They voted without ballots. Will the editor of the Post please givo his opinion as to tho legality of the nomination. As the law does not specify the mode of voting it is op tional with the persons constituting the caucus, and the nomination may bo made viva vm or by ballot. Editor Post. W. A. Womor and 'ercival Rough spent the past week at Win. Wilt's. ..F. A. ShcafTer was the welcome guest of Jacob Newman's, on Sunday night.... Abraham Wilt left for Buchannan, Mich., on Tuesday, Jan. 10. . .Mrs. Lucy Ann Kcrstotter was very ill the past week, but is Blowly recov ciing Miss Emma Pomline is very sick at this writing. We hope sho may speedily recover. '.. .The protracted meeting at Paradise is a succes-i. They have 3 converts and 11 seekers Henry Rhonda, of Dakota, is visiting friends nnd rela tives at this place ...II. A. Straub paid a short visit to Shainokin last week Who was the young lady that was so embarrassed all on ac count of a wedding. Cheerup.young ady, there are Homo moro fish in sea.... The supposed wedding on Saturday night did not como off at least the calitlmrnpians never found it out... .Wm. H. Hocken- brocht was struck by a falling tree ono day last week and received dan gerous injuries Mrs. Dilhn llock- enbrocht, of Shainokin, is visiting her sick father at this place. Cal. Jack. PORT TREYOUTON. Honest Insurant; at Honest Rates. The Bent Good for the Least Money. GENERAL IIISURAIICF AGENCY. No Assessments Only the Oldest, barjeeot end Strongest CASH Companion. No Premium Notes. i.aiJ i tSkwsuj AT---7 T Hound, solid nnd True Indemnity. Representing every class of Insurance either Life. Fire, Accident, or Tornado. SEE DUR COMPANIES i JCAMB Aetna Homo Firo Association Fidelity and Casualty MCATI05t II art lord New York Philadelphia New York ASSF.TS 10,050,139.03 1),370,G40.00 5,007,851.74 1,587,007.40 130,198,518.38 Knuitablo Life Ins. 80c. New York AH bnslnexs entrusted to our Agency shall always receive the utmost care and attention. Entlro satisfaction guaranteed. We solicit a share of your patronage. H. HARVEY SOHOOH, Selinsgrove, Pa. Liberal Adjustment. Prompt Payments. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Sunbury & Lowistown Division. Time Tablo, In effect Dec. 19, 1892. riHTWilO I DIR. I STATIOH. tilTffllB n II 1 A, I, in 1 tn iM Ai.ui , Lwlion J. ; . in I i.ito i.W 1 14.03 Msla Street I 7.4 ' (OS 4 ) IIX.IM, Lwlitos 1 T.46 ' 4. 1U 'll.ftl MsltlsniJ 1 7.M I III .nl 11.45 I Pslnter 1.01 111 i 67 11.10 M Hhloul .i t.W 1 51 1 !.: II Wagner 11 I.M 3.41 II.-JV IT Mooiure 121 141 x.r. 11.14 " Feub't Mlllt .17 l 5i ill I'i S3 : AdsBiabarg l.:il S.M 3.-4 11.04 I HrsTertoira .4" 4.M 3.11 lo.l a i llnir n.iso 4.1a .1.(1 l'ii 3 Mllilletmr;ta .. Ill 3.01 .10.4.1 ' Meiaer 1 v."'J 4.t i.M 10 J7 Krumir ,i i.'Jt Ul 1S3.V Si PewlInK 4 S t 141 10. 'iS 43 1 "ellniieroTe 4 43 137 10.17 44 Sallniicrov J. .M 441 l':6 10.05 in i Nauiiorv t oo THE MIFFLINBURO MARBLE 1 GRANITE WORKS I Havlnir on hand a Urge stock of MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES to seleut from, I am selling lower than any other eKtabllnhment In Central l'eunylyiitila. It will pny you to call and see the work un I employ no MKCUti. R. H. LANOE, Prop'r. 1 E.C.Manbeck,McClure,Pa. has just returned from the east wit an Immense stock of FALL II MI GOODS, constating of Dry Goods, Notions. Grocrles, Queensware, Doots'and Bho, Hats, llosery, Neckwear, Hardware, Tobacco, In fact every thing needed in housekeeping. You will be nstonixheil to Ann the low prices. Everything was bousrht for cash and will bo eold at such a prlrce that the PURCHASER ML SHARE THE PROFITS. Come at once while the stock Is complete and we guarantee for you bargains never before offered in McClure. bertuma only I will rmd my leotrlo Halts and Wuum On G If.V'fh'!' Trial If rev With Health. Address DR. C. B. JUDD. Detrott. M Ich. ll:irvt y Sluhlnecki v nnd his sister Aintie. nf your bui e, wi-re the wel come guests if the liotheniii'l fum ily last Sunday. . . .While we write tho iitinusiiiit'L'e is rather l'uky mu' it really looks as thoiifjli we might have sleighing. Of courso the snow would spoil our skating, but as we have been enjoying that excellent hjiort for a fortnight, wo would most willingly Kaciil'u o it in preference to the merry parties that are originated only when the snow lies deep on the ground. .. .lleindou is a booming town, bill its hills are the source of great annoyance. It was only re cently that .Mrs. Wolf, the well known teainsti'i s, with a spin of mules and a wagon heavily laden, was tolling up the steep hill leading from the depot. It so happened that the portion of the load tilling the part of tho wagon consisted of a hogshead of molasses biljed to (tii. Williams and which was, by reason of the steep ascent, gravitated to the earth. It is med less to nay that tho barrel was de molished, that the saccharine stuff, seeking a lower level, Jloo.J.'d the railway, and that the immediate at mosphere tinged with profanity was of a cerulean line, while the urchin on the curb was singing out, "Oh, I'orat-Iap jack." .. On Sunday morn ing tho populace of the villago and vieinity had gathered to 'Squiro Ar nold's to witness the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Shafer. When the proce.'.siou was about ready to start intelligent1'.' was mvived that Jacob Ifoutz's house was on lire, immediately the crowd thronged in that direction, but after covering the distance wero glad to find tho thuiios already under control. How tho tire originated in not dctiuiatcly known, uud it seems all the more strange that u bed should bo found burning in broad daylight, when tho only stovo containing tire was in an adjoining room, and no trace of ignition found. At tho time of the tire there wore none of tho fam ily, about tho premises und a serious conflagration was averted only by tho timely discovery und the prompt action of neighbors. Jury List. rirriT jruoits. Mxt. of I'l-tlt .Jumm drawn for Ihn I'oiirt of Omti.ihI Ti-rmliitT tuul Oi'ihtiiI .lull urllvrry iu'mU'oiiiI of JimrlT Si'uslnnx of Uu- IViice of shout nnuiiy ih-iii hi ri'i'rimiv luiiu. vuih- liH'iiclnif M'nil:iy, lolrtl:iry 17. i.r). A'l:ilii-.!'ilm A. Ki'tterolf. !". t. KllllO. Ili'iivcr-lliMilii'ti lliilili, .lacvit) Krvt'd, Jr. Ucner Wi-t Amnion Smnik. John Slu'llniilMTif- er. .lolm lloiiiiii''!. Ni-r 11. .MMilli-Hwiirtli ivnlri' CliiKt, (I. SpniiKliir, .liM'oii II. Ilnrlimin, Cliitiitniin .liimt I'. Ilis kiiril, 4. Kolilor l' K. t'Miiklln Ailiiui Ueniilrik-er. :. A. Ilnli'iuli-r, Kl'eiJtTlek llm kcnlHTif. il'i. K. Sn''lil,. J.i( ks )ii . lo,'):i C. KliSlor, Wlllluiu .Martin, J K. Ki'lU'r. Miililli iiiiivli loiciiti Mnswr. Willi. mi cniuso. .MIOilli'iTi'i'K -W. A. KtM'liT, Mllloa ll.ltUM'l-lllull. s. o. I irii'ii. Monroe Frcili'rli'k lli'lcliloy. li'tianiln Hum. mi'l, John UIMor, Wi'Nlcy K. K.iurfnmn, Jolin A. C.M'lirun, (ii-o. It. SloilTiT. John l. Ki'hslcr. I ii it Henry W.ilNiru, Krunklln iioul. I'crry John Ivmnvr, W. U. llotu-lur. A. M. KrrsttMKT. 1 ri'-T-c'tt AnA.!1"':!!:" ' " - SiirliiK-,liini" V. KclliT, J"lin 1: II'iiiiIl'. I. I. Muiilx'.'k, Wlllliim snick. W. II Kline. Si'lliiHifHrtB JoniutS. .Miller. K t. Joiivh. l nlon-W. II. Ili'lni, 1. I.I (I, stahl, J. A. Iti'lgle. Wiislillijftvn Kd. 1), Moycr. (IIIANDJIKOIIS. V'latnM-Krminnol oiiihtI.. Ili'.ivrr i liarles 'unii, liairn ill I. II. II ill. Krunklln lilm llai ketitwr, llcnlicn Wclilck. .1 ii Krunklln Kllnsiler. 'iinlinior. Mill lli lnir'll Klla, .Mlnllllil. 'luiiiiii' O'M. sriilih. I'i on l lain ls Mull. Isaac Krill' V. i'. 'h'j -y.iiii.iu AiiMi.'to. Align-. u iwk!'. Si'iei- ri'c Jai'oli ll iiciii in, lli nrv .1. Iiccihlcr. i i ! mi -.1 1 . . .i . siiuilcr, W. J. Nimu. i.'ivi siuiit, M. i:. ii--t ...1. W.i'i.m -'li:is. Klsslic'er. I'lillii K. Her- i I. ,l"!in liie -i.', I', Haines, I raiieNI Mass. Nebraska Farm Lands. Scicl i.ur al ln' i. ami t'.at of your frlcii'K to I'. S. I.IVH-, lielieral I'.l ela-.T ACl'lll '. II. A I. I:. It., hi' u live . i i l 1 1, i i -ei lptic et the larin I mi, It nf S- la-k i. Tin- Mate jirojiuvil la nae veur three luiniheil niil' .'i li i.;,. !, ,.i ,-, rn, l,..,cs olh-r -rain, ti nit ami l;.e -t u k. JuU i:,, t(, .Xothing Oil Earth Will 04 8elluNcruve Arrommoilatlon (Uonosallnic with trnlnioa N.U. R.) I,it SllniroT .la. Arrl t Selln.nroT .: v. m. .M r. M frains Leave LewUtowu Junction : 4 (ft . in, in 40 m. 1 Xi tn, t u p tn, 7 SI p tn lor I'lttntiuric nnd th Went. Hum, V .144 in, I oTpm.l 45ni, 4 JHn, I '.'Itimi II 1 i tn. For P.ilUdotiihln, New York, Haiti tuor mid Waliinlon. Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AN1 NOKTHK.IIN UENTHAL H41LWAY. Trnlnt Umvt Hiinliury dally e srcpl Hnndny : 1 04 . tn. lor WllllaiinHirt and 4:nandiilK'iii. 4 10 sin, Kur llnlluhiiitn, Krte.snd CiiiiUhIku U.6 m. Knr lAM-k lliivnti. Mi ui, Kur UolloloiiU, Kat nd t-'unniidHl-n.. 34i in. Kor Konoro end Klmlr V2Su in fur Willlntn-ixitt. Siimiiijr 4 lom, tor Krle Sid ('niisndHlirnii, 0 TK)m, lor Uw ilsvcn, und 7 lop in lur Will Uinrport. 4-J4 m. Kur ('atwl.ii mid tliiteltnn. 4taui, 10 oo in slid 6;:6 t in, lor Wllkc.lmrce 4 64 in. 10 1W in, 1 IW tun 4 40 n in, KorShniuo- klutnd Muuut Cartuol, Trnlni I.onvSolnKrur.tanrtl(in 6o m. arriving at I'liihid. Ipl I ( 00 n in, ,-iew lorn u p m, iiaiitmnr in p rn. nam Invton 4 .10 n in. Iinlir exepul Similar. .7 P M. arrUlnirat Phllndi'lulila 10 66 P.M. Nm Yrk 3 40iim, linltlinnrs lo.iu I1. M., Wulli lUKlon 4 om, Dally rtvopt Sunday. SA4 n m, ritWiiik at Philadulphla 4 24 a ri, Xo VwDf ii? w. fc'','---7"rrs .ir.: logton 7 8n a in. Dally. Tr ilnt alHU f4nuliry i 140 a in, urnvlni at rhUadulpu'a ( (1 a ui, New York 9 30 a m. Da'lv. 4 .14 a in. arriving at Chil.idvlphla 10 taip New York 1 10 pin., Iliililiuuro Ida in.. Wn.ili- iiniinii in to a iii. Dally. W i AiiA EHIllNS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! U It alMnluirljr iun. Illnhlr cmireDtimtrd. tn (HmnlilT it r.i.l. Ii than a l. ntli ut a rrut a ilny. SliHtlv a ini'ilion... l'i,.vfhtNAiulfuifall iliM-ukC. IIihkI for Jtoiiiiif chirks Worth funra than U"M lnn Ih-iii Moult, "una larva can mivchI iii fi), fi-iul m fur 45 to iravi.iit nup," nava a customer. If yuu can't k-i't It m ail ill Mi runt, fur two .u li. , rl'c 41. IH pi.unil ran II mi ji..t ld , ran h, i inri iuiuil.l. "TH K llf.hT f'ol T.TK I I'AI Kit," wiin- Vm ciipy flvA I'uiiltiy HaimiiK lliiltla frmwlth II lOVuruwria L b. JOllNSUN Co., Uoatuu, tna Ihhllcbiir xllarket Xo.lWIi.'itt 75 Now " UO Vliiln or Mixed 00 Uye .tl) Corn 45 DlllH I)'.' no T otiitocs..." (15 Kntter 24 Kk'k's 2d Pitted cherries 10 Unpitted " 8 Him.1 0 Kusphcrrle 15 Onions GO T.anl 11 ThIIow 4 CliicWensper lb 7 Turkeys 10 Side 0 Bonlde 8 Hum 12 FARM FOR SALE! A film fnrm. riltitnlrd In Wit llenvor town ahlti, HiiviIit count v, l'a.,ono tulle north of Iv wnil. roiiliillilnir l.'ll acrea with ifood linllilltiira, CimmI liter, nearly all clear nnd In good comii. lion, will lie Bold un paHv KTtna. ('nil on or ad- (I reus iMK IIAKl, S. W KIANM. If. Lowell, Pft. Mmm m Deafl o SELIXSOKOVE MMBLErYARD M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r. I keep constantly on liaiidnnd iniiii iiftietiire to orl-r nil kinds of Marble and Granite I 6 in nrrlviiiK nl I'lillmli-lnlila 8 Ja i, e , New York It US p m.. Hilllinnra l 46 p m., WjhIi liifiton b 1 1 p in. Ilillc cx.'i it tain l.v. .1. I!, wm in, on'l l"a Akcnt, CIIA. V.. 1 Ul II, Urul Manuuor. Old Stonos Cleaned and Repaired. LOW 1MUCES I LOW l'KICES!! I have one of tlie liest Marble Out tern in the State ami consequently turn out tfoot. work. SuyCoiue nnd nee my work it prices. I nnnkrul for pant fuvora I niont re iRc.t fully nnk.ii Aoi'f lnunn'1" of .nun ! M, L. MILLER. M On G MoutlW Trial. Free Mcdlcni Advice and Trpntnient during alt montl. trim. My hew unproved K.loclrle Hells nr llntierlea m,. Ilnlta combined i Bi'tiirnti miniclent Kleclrlclly to produce a alna'k iMnniv.i.i... tn mi, aiu.iHi. 9i.- tan, wiiiM iiifaNiirt nun lull piinii'iiiuni. In orderlnir. irlvn price AuciiIm wanted. lltTTit t'lTV. Mont.. .Inn. 14. Ino Wllhlti Ihe hint eighteen inotitha we liiiretiikeii In over II. ( for .linld'a Klii'trli; llella undTrtiiwes, and hnve never hud a dingle complaint. Inn have hud nnm coinpllinenta pnied n xti them. I). M. NbSMIKO DltLti U. 1IK.C. H. Jl 111), Detroit. .Vil li. PMWVTE SALE I we ii ! HOUSE AND S.GX PAINTING, lWri'H IIAMiF.U & DEALER IN .i. t. 5 m MM -0- I'rompt ut ti'iitiou ivi'ii to nil or ders. None but the bent paiiitn uud oils tlMCll. All work (riiariinteed, Lowect pi iccH. Kent HiitihfiK-tion. J. 0. SWINEFORD, -MidJlcburli I'u. THE ST. ELMO HOTEL, Alien Sthkkt, I'iuia. Hntes re tluceil to sf'J 00 pt-r tlay. The travel ing publiii will t-it i 1 1 litnl ut this Hotel t lie HituiH llliernl provlrtlon for their coiufoi t. It In located in the liuiuedl nte cent reft of luiciiierii ami place of MtiiUMeinent nnd the dilTerent ItaiU Hoiul tit-pnte, us well. All parts of the city, ure daily attcehtiible by Street Cam constantly piiPHlni; the door. If oilers t-peclnl inducements to those visitinu' t he eity for biihiness or pleas ure. Your put roiui'e repeetfully solicited. Jos. M. Feer, Proprietor. Having purchased si Xcw and inproved "Well-Drilling outfit 1 am now prepared to contract for sinking wells of any dehth and as cheap as anybody. Having had sev eral years' experienco in the business I guarantee satisfac tion, (live mo a call and I will do tho work speedily and ellectuallv asanv linn in the state. W. II. WEAVER, Beavertown, Pa. AT VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR WILL CURB THAT 9 AND STOP THAT Cough. Tba boat remedy known for the cure of ' I Consumption, Coughs, Cold, Whooping Cough, and all Lung i 1 Plae&sea. boiu every wuor. I frlce tie., EOo., and $1.00 per bottle. ' BIHXT, mVtM t LOIS, tuft., BuUlftot, V. Kor siila by W. 11. JlHuver, MlddleUurifu, aud J. W. Muuipsell, renin crtH'k, I'u. THE Nt'XT M01N1N1 I F?CL URtOHT AND KtW AN 0 M r CJMi'LElOM U 6t. ttii. Vy rtivliir mvn It n-'i -Mi!r uii t'.tn rr-i-tT' ',, lirr aiul tldli'p. u.iil i-i a .' ri-. t .t.,at... r!,-.! ! mail- friun liHibM, ! iivi..;iU lortL-v.' lf 'bly AJ !. lt. .u: ..-.i N All druitulB' d wll II iitKK'. n;nl f t.(0api:kiiin. if Inuoitiniiitui't li.voml youi'it'lun ttMf.irrrHi.niiiiiiilti. .Mr'. K.i.illy ittHt-:i. Nn.Vti. Ihi but a'WfU jr. In ort. rlo Im- ln- i!i Ii r , llil.!.!,?.-,...;, r v. Ailill. M. v OUAiUU f. 0;LVl AMI, Lil.OV, . 1, Tho undersigned will offer to tho public his entire stool! of rurnituro and Bedding for tho next three months ui tho greatest sacrifice ever known in tho Eurnituo Tradrl in cntral renna. Having decided to chango my busi ncss in dome so must make somo alterations in iwf buildings I tun compelled to offer iny entire stock :ii prices never heard of before. h amber Suits, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, ( upboards, Extension Tables, Break fast Tables, Centre Tables, Marble Top Tables, Polish Tables, Fancy Cockers, Common KockerS, Willow Rock ers, Baby Coaches, High chairs, Small Rockers, "Wood csat. chairs, Cane Scat hairs, Doughtrays, Beds, Bu reaus, AVrshstands, Sofas, Lounges, couches, Mattresses, Blankets, Haps, Pillows, Bolsters, Springs, &c, fcc. The above goods must bo sold without reserve, aliiif will bo delivered to all points along tho mainline audi branches of . R. R. My Gstock of Carpets is the largesti -rn-LTrw.': rrTrrWKHr during tho above sale. W. II. FELIX, Lowistown, P:i i J. B. REED J SUNBUPv, PI 'fifth '- im n r . . a', f ' i GUNS, AMUNITION, AN? : FISHING TACKLE. Rofls3 Lines, Hooks, RBBls3Flies3&E If you WHtit to ciiteli lAx IMi you niunt he provided with 11 Kood rml RtronK Hue, h uliiirp hook, end plenty of Imfr. No imitter white K:u bait you use, just h you enteli the tHi. Tim wriu'u'lio:. worm U u t : In luiit, but the nrtitleiiil buit, though lesn pnliirulile to the tUli, U eiHi ly nlluriiii; uud oftltueH more fuicceHriful. 'I'll in In why wn keep jery''' tn the line ol Undertaking ! The undersigned having been plven the undertakintraudeubiiliiiini; outllt floriuerly beloriKintr to hln father, E. L. Hufllugto deo'd, will oontinue in buBlueBH at the old utand, end cordial ly iuvites a oontinuonee of the pub lie's patronage. lie i conrertiiint with the latent In enlmlinlntf and will give thin hU enpeeial attetion. Ilarvey J. Bufflngton, Swlneford.Pa, Henry Beaver. Asuiutant. The Post,SI.50 pery ARTIFICIAL BAIT. We keep everything used In llshlnK and hunting mud when you vee anythlnti and can't come for it just drop a note to J. B. HERD, Sunbury 1' VIGOR OF HEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. VfiktcH, KcnrMincM, lleellliy. anil sit tbe Irslu uf erllt fmiu uarly emirsurlsUir exoeMea, the reiulla of overwork, slcknees, worry, ete. Kull sueogiti, deTeluuiueot, sud tone etveo lo STery orusu ft ml piirtion of the body. Bimple, natursl nivlbod. luinimllste Iniprof oient seoa. rmllwre luiLHMMlble. f.uiu rfmiKH). Book. explsaatioDS sua proof Dialled opHledi free, Adilren KRIS NICOIOAL CO., BUFFALO. N. V. FOR .Hi ONLY! h In 1" Pi nr. I .-J EU UAItfl nKBlLl11 Ti T"M w"' : -msa I ' WakBw of Bod sad Bini.i"-. i. iiil.i- c i.nijn.Tir lUtaM, k.kl. B1KUIMID tallr IU.Irr4. H. U 'UJ I .rMtMeWB,,UT4il,BDOHII1IH Hni"' I Ikwlnl.lf falllM IIOSK THUTBIIIIT Bratdn M M u.llf, Irm HUM mm tmrtm ulrl- ""' 71 i ' -i. ' ' ulhilMtf.'" 1 U4nm KRIS MKOICAk CO., BUFFALO.'