I .1 r .ro il te iur ed, i). ' "1 :' l.e ) '" tm 1 M tii.t j II t : ..(it ll S ' l' " lv-:.l, .fill, k ta; I . tin J llli! 1' , tllllH , ml t k id Ooi'i 1 iivtii larlrl 1 I.." 1. :;!' of til' ,. met 1.11 1' I tlifc i;a..: 1: -l Jin il i.h't '' : man - j , lc"r" v il.--.' I .' nni'M i.'ii'-,! -tt i if ; , icll :ioiigl-!' Tl.in' :b ' . In ',;' I try k . tiiat r 1 otii'1'', , VllllP ldl.lt"' fiiiur, id vies rrt" al use w J. HOMESTEAD. BIS BEVIEW OF THE AFFAIR FBOM A MILITARY STAND POINT. Complimentary Reference lo th Work of the National Guard With Rome Plain Talk About the Iimi Cane. Adjutant (ienernl lirwnlanil ha just ra-n-itetl the minimi report uf Major Oneral Snowden, uf the National uanl of 1'enn lylvania. After giving a history of the par tial movement of troop lo support thf Sheriff of Allegheny county In Hurt to tflpprew the disturbance at Homestead, and referring in a complimentary manner to tlx tiprditioiia transportation of troopt by Quartermaster (ietieral McClellan and the trratipnneiits made for utli on reach ing their declination by Adjutant General tireenland, ieneral Hnowden says : "It win at dft thought that It wan better to com-etitrate the troip at Urmton, and artier were sent out 10 thut effrt but as it , quite near lo llmie.tend, and the point ol assembly having become known, it was changed to ItiKleliatiph, which altered letter lainli'ies. limtrlie were also sent cut for gmxi reHolis to roin-eiitra'.e the tvennd hrigade at lllaimvilln Junction, and it wo. lid bsve been ailvlsabie, il possible, to tend the Kift'Ttilli n-'d M.vteentb Kcjti Minit" up lb" Ki'keniinilns. ferrety as lo Hie real and linal pn.lit ol lui.biiiration was isieiit.al in uil lespecta and was strictly til l ' 1 1 : I 1 . ll.e fetond and Third lirigudes. with full riinks. .VT.'W itroinr, ariived at their ties tinatuni. a '.'Mailt wlnt for many of them, within hours after the liovernor issued his enter. It is Iwlieved I hut this is the lirst time inps hove ever lien maneuvred intu position by ta I. Of Major Kay. of Ihe Kiyhteciith hegi infill, iiciieral Niomlcn says he "manlied le-oliitelv through the street-, but. contrary to i it.i itHtioti, met with no opposition or tine vil behavior. I ! bus." add Hcneral "iiiumIcii. "ihe portions covering Home i'end anil the town itself were occupied iritiii nt d sturl.iiiiee. nnd. a a rioter, since inputted of murder inluriiieil the Major beiirr.il :it nn cnrl er hour and from anulh rr il;!ct!oii III. in were cxpecied." t '(it-.tiiiunif. (jetieral Snuwden snys. "Aleut U'o clock on the li.Hi. the celebra ted ;t.!i rvirxv with t'o.iii. ' lUmiiel and (.tl.ers look place. 'Jo t nc oiler of u recep tion I v ti.c citieii" and co-operation bv t tie A nuV iiiuit'-d Asxocintion to keep the peace f -Jl:c Ma'-T t.eneriu repnen mat lie ci.u..i ni.i I I.1I11I I ; a 1 not recognize I tic Association. Mid 1 1 ,t'i t!ie ainti u f r.r at hisbtck he ilid 1 lu.l need llie eo-opi ration of any other ' iimiy. social, political or 'religions; tliHt be I l,d i:i!,i icnt trooiis to enforce order, ptci rve tin! Iiv, mid supi ort the Mierilf, anil as l,e was ordereil l.e proposed to do so. I he o.m faith of the Aina gamiiteci As .c ilium uiif-'lit well be do tinted. While nil 1 pen resistance reused, their scouts and Ion es draw 11 ill. t he censorship of the pres CoppMil, mid the false government erected bv tiiem come to an en I. vet for some time tl'uv kept up their system of intimidation.'' l'l;e Major ln-tiend does not discuss events pr.01 to hi arrival nt Homestead, but doubts il the Sheriff could have raised a posse etial 111 numbers and physique 10 the op positn n. There did not seem to be thut w holeonie respect for the law fn Allegheny couiitv andvL'S'ff Trfitui on the part of all ,.jt .a,iIC or ilU,u ig ei.nolltin to Oa Monday i u" otuer an "J , . , , J.rce sent there would HbOllt four UlCit and ended In that fVi. tiitmwn.sJ.lJ id iii the first place, Tnlim; ovcrwhelmltiK numbers. 'The admirable military spirit displayed l y all the troops, B,ld!jln number,'' says the eport, "was kejil up tiirougnoin, except oy lineman, lams, of t lie tenth. ne attempt ed Mi'avmiimtior "it Mr. Krick !e I to great ex titeicetit mid tumuli in l'itftjiirn and some ipprvhension in camp, (iijaidi were dou lied, and Colonel Hawkins, in particular, m i.otitied to he on the alert. lams jump d iipand called for "three cheers for the nun who tilled Frick.' Mr. h rick was no nore to the troops than any other reputable iiueii, but the act was done 111 sympathy i.th not and ntiarcliy. In the state of war hen prevailing, ns since laid down by the h i I Justice, Iain's net was mutiny and ti an.n. and l.ie'.ileuaut t'olonel Stre.itor 1 i.i.l.l liuve lieen justilied in using extreme utaures. if neces-ury, upon the sjmt; in mt. nn officer fuiltng to repress mutiny is 1 i..Ut to a severe penalty. lams would not explain or apologize lor his conduct. In fucu of imperative necessity to enfotce discipline ytl.c 1 sertned to admit of 110 delay fur a nrurt martial, which might have put on Utus the 1111 st extreme sentence, anil after cpnsuilation Willi t'o onel Hawkins, Lieu tenant Colonel Stieator iintioseil upon the man u penult v ot which ilia severity has been giealiv overstated. If the punishment. tttlHiiH.li often i11Hrt tt.nl in war, may be said 19 I e unusual, the circumstances were ex-li-r.l.i ury. Af erwiidi theVaior (leneral was in f Himd el ihe 1 ae uiui rpu stcd to give di r -C ion ms to lunliT piitiisliineni. I tie dis f ulint- ot u reninn nt is in the bunds ot its Uj1 1 el, und Hint ol the bngaile and the trial and punishment of enlisted men in those of the brigade ctiuuiaiider; in thit caae I, eiitenaiil 1 ol met Mreator and Colo lie) Hawkins, respectively. He was not t sailed on, tlierelorc. to uiinrove tir disau- SNOWDEN ON unit prove ot action so far laken'.und has ret tain- u worn uoinif so olllcialiy until now, tor Lieutenant Colonel Strtator might liave eked tor ucJiirt of inquiry, or oil the charges a court martial mitht hove leen called for, both in the discretion ol the di wii n coiiiin.o d'r. Now thai it is proptrto express an opin on. be bag no litsitation in Mv'n.ii that lams Was punished according to the customs 01 w. r and no more lliun be do eorved. 'A lire brutid i no more ilnn-rrois In a - 1 nwtler iiinii.iiie than a mutineer or a trat i r In the ranks. It was necessary to get - him out of camp ut once, lor h t reience might lead to open syniUtliy or rhpi opposition to his coiifinuneiit Hence the division coniuiuiider actiuu on the commun ication reterred lo, ordered, as written by I. lenteuunt Colonel North: 'Hifcharge him in disgrace, drum him out of camp and ; f-n4 him home.' Lieutenant Critchlield, acting uid de camp to Colonel Hawkins, reported lo him as an order or intimation us to the method of carrying out the command and tint ollicer was justilied in so consider ing Il and aciing accordingly. It is a source td great gratification to know that the course pursued by ColoneU Hawkins and fclreator bus been fully vindicated in a court oi law and that the legality of the chvtaon commanders order was sustained by the honorable Judge who tried the cause the case, strangely enough, being th flrtt one tried out of all those rt suiting from an eent w hich involved riot, murder and liaoii. Homestead was In a very bad sanitary c edition end in spite of cleaning and hs II, IncliliL'.lh authorities retimim. i.h .. thing, a number of typhoid cases develop jwalting iu several deaths, notsblv that n tjeoisnant ( olonel Horton. Sixteenth In laotir. A Judicious nention mm !.,... .. of abuse, to he administered I iliiary hoard, in nmrh t.(f.wi J...., ie . at. be campaign la not without valuable ui and information. It showed the staff intelligent, and efficient, an orgauiza f which the State may be proud. It 0 ihattheclaim so confidently put forth he division could be assembled in a ours In any part of the Htate was well II spidity and strength it has been et, jaled. )n the lllh of Joly the " Percentage present for "' tsj.O. and 011 the 12th the whole divi. er centum. In the Kin In ' every pin, was filled except one, r t t "A concentration ntmet Itrira & fnnw frnm far distant parts, with ranks so f nil, without previous notice, was never before accom plished. Officers and men came from all directions and from long distances Maine, Texas, Montana, etc. The success of the movement snows the snindness of tbe prin cii.lea noon which the fJuard was re"Tganir. ed and has since been conducted. It would be an act of great risk to depart from the wavs now long trodden which have led to such splendid results. "It showed also that regimen's of two bat talions are not adapted to our service, anil those of three battalions are recommended. The 10 company formations is antitiatel and ought to be increased to 12 The three battalion system it urged by the President, Secretaries of War, commanding generals and regular officers generally. Majors ought o be elected sufficient to command all bat talions. Should 12 regiments of lit com psnies each be formed M new companies would be required, tine company of en gineers, st lent. is needed, as also a signsl corps. The admirable services of the caval ry confirm views heretofore expressed of the va'tte of a full squadron, and another troop oueht to be raised, as well as another bat tery, to compote a battalion. An addition of the companies mentioned would raise the tlnard to alwmt 0,.VW, none too large for Pennsylvania at'rt less in promrtlon than New York. New Jerey. etc. It is obvinisly necessary to Increase the annual appropria tion, to provide for Ihe increased stremith and camps for II) days. Selfish opposition arising I mm certain quarter" ought to be disregarded, at the events of the summer show the security of our liberties and the stability of our iiotitutiont It dependent up on theetlicieucy of Ihetitinrd. liv a change of the law regulating Ihe li-cal year or bv a mistaken interpretation of it, ll.'SMlOO Cias been lost to the great detriment of many companies. New equipments, especially greatcoats and blankets, are much needed and in view of the probable siearance tf theliuard at Chicago and Washington, as now contemplated, an early issue it advis able." OAS A PROSPEROUS YEAR. - THE END OF lsna FINDS Business Unusually Oood. A Concise Hi-view ol the Condition of Trade All Over the Country. P.. (i. Hun Cos H'eeAi Rteirw of 7V.il?.' says; The mint .rosMTOiis year ever known in business: doses to day with strongly favorableiiidications for the future, 1'rniii iici.rly uil (Kiints coitus the rejiort thai the hnlidiiy Hade has been the largest ever known and wholesale trade is re marKaljly large. Settlements through clear ing I onset, outside of New York, in Decern- - were up iiiently tlin largest ever made ' .itiy nioiitli.exi ceding last year's by more ..in in er cent. Lor t he year I he volume s :ilso uhoiit In per i-etit. larger tliutl last year, and the lar.ct iver known. Kuitroad e.imiiigt in iVceiuhcr show nn inrrcise of about t-r lent, over last year, ami for the vearan increase of ubout .')..ri iht cent. Kor ign trade has been so uller than lust year "mVolu'lne of esjor!' utNe York by 17, 8 si.tsrl iu value and co-.ton eiprls about lO.fu'VJOO less, but imp 'tis ut NVw York huve been not far from 7().isi0 1100 fof the past four weeks, with the largest inp?rta und the lurgcst total of exjiorts a" "mjiorr' ever known in any year. 'I'v' riipreccdonied pnrchiises for cimsitnip Uoti have resulted in Uittt from theuneqiiul ed crops of Is1.)), sotliut manufacturers have made extraordinary progress. The yeur closes witli all woolen, cotton and silk inn fhinery tuily employed, and unsold shw ks ot gooils mu. h lighter than usual, while the ilemund In' the cumin season already ex ceeds t lie capacity of many mills. The o:ders booKnl lor tlie st-asoti in dry goods ure ex traordinary, while cotton go ids are strong, wiih a tendency to higher ptiires. Sa'es ol wool at the chief markets have been :fi'.- 0 jo.o 1 oiindt, against .MH.issi.ishi last year. n:ii ft rexti imports have been the lurge-l 1 ver ktiov. 11. i he tnunc'iiry conference has passed fi t the j.resi nt and enormous disburse 11:1 tils for interests and dividends alio . I January 1 are likelv to make tlui markets easier lor n lime. Hut is thought that fur ther exports of gold tuny shortly follow tl. a tiew year's ettlements. 1 In; year Xr was remarkable lor "ewer failures than have oc curred in any u licr year since lNsii. the number rcpn'rtcd bem' ID.IIH, or '.'.OJI ler-s thun 1 91. '1 he iiidi t'teilness of linns fa.l ing was but 1 1 l.'H) i.issi in Isfci i,i:uiu-t lh -,o 1 iu l:il. and the same in si i. 'I he average ii lilitie of firms failing in IsteJ lias been only ll.noO, the lowest aver iig.-repornd s lice' l7M. The hi geiy in 1T1 us si numiier of trmlers and the em r 11101 is increase of traii-a tio is for the year tender the-e figures most significant. In s"l' nn'y one in every HO traders failed, againl one in every 'Hi in lst'l, anil one in every 1".' in IMS 1. Jtiudttnet ays:'Tiere have been no strik ing changes in I i iu 1 ) ion trade circles TruveletB liavu not nine out yet and bnsine j is quiet. The Nova Scolta coal miners' strike is off. fiude of late, ut l. Johns. N. li., has been good. Ill SIM.ss It II"" V I TKIt. The bunk clearing toiuls for the week ended December Lit, IMC. with coinliurisons. us telegraphed 10 HraUstrrrtH, ure: New York f til.!sis,K.-,s t hicugo. M!I,I4!I.I.I." psi MiLroi , t;-.'.44ti.iij , 1'1.1!IH,.11S l3.iiT7.ii-.': IJ,til7.'Jsi liL'.'i2.7M ' J I. o;.'. .MM !i.igiJ.:T7 7.-P.I7..VH C.Vdi .'niM Il.4bi,i(."i-I 7 . 4 7 -t , .'." 1 t:,-Pi.'i,J.lJ D deciease. ) I IU: I :t; i I bi 1 11.;' D 17 r I SM I V H'. i I t .M I I :Mu l ..: lioston 1'hitadeiptiiu St. Louis San Kraneisco .... incinnatt i'utsburg H iltituore Kansas Cny Hilflaio Louisville Detroit Milwaukee eve land ( I is for increase: Tbe grand total of 7-' cities shows clear ings o. tl iMi..pl!i,t;!0 and a net iin tease ol .. In the cities outside of New York the totul clearings were flh lil'l,.. Si, Willi U he1 increase of IU.'.'. BOMB THROWING IN MILWAU KEE. Over Half a Million of Property Lost in Another Fire. Rewards Offered tor the Incendiaries. At 2 o'clock Wednesduy morning a dyna mite bomb was thrown into tbe main build ing of the South Side plunt of the Milwau kee Street Itailwuy Company.' There wus tremendous explosion, and the next mo ment the fire had such a sturt that It was soon beyond control. The plant was del troyed, entailing a loss of about 510,(X"0. YYhe threwjthe bomb is not known. The miscreant is supposed to he the tire-bug who has started fully a doxen other disastrous fires within month. Night Watchman Warden says be beard a whizzing sound in tbe air, and then t-ame the explosion. Mayor Somert has Issued proclamation Offering 1,51X1 reward for evidence that w lead to the detection of tbe Itiq-yidla' and put 100 extra police ou duty. Lag-Wtad4 Foeiee. "The Scjrthlarjs,"aldSdnej Smith, "U tbelr grandparents when the became troublesome and told long itorles." Who knows whether the Eumedidas may not suffer a remnant of these useful Scythian to surrlTi even unto our day, to be a terror U long-wltded fogies, male and female. I met at dinner recently an old fogy who 1 am sure ha his Scythian waiting for him. lie had been har rying the company with stupid re narks about natural history, asking questions, too, that would turn tbe stomach of a srhool Inspector. At length, lo that peculiar tone of Tolce In which theological questlonsare ut tered In the pulpit, our fogy said: lias an oyster brains?" "Certainly," replied our host, "for an oyster knows when to shut up." This reminds me of another rep artee. I did nut hear It myself; I wish I had for, in years past I often met the hero or the story, Mr. llona my Trice, and could well appreciate his peculiar power of leadership in talk, a power suugontive of tin-Hound of Scotch bagpipes over aud above other musical instruments. On this occasion the leader of talk some wished he were LiederOhne Worte hturted the subject of Ihe generally prevailing ideas about heaven. After the usual hit at the materialistic view of the Mohammedan, he turned to an American gentleman at the table and asked what were his notions on the subject? The Yankee, with his alow, nasal accent and ciol manner, com manding attention, replied: "Wa al, my notlou of heaven is that of a quiet, green place, without money and without price. " Tern pel Bar. noiisekeppvr's Itnn'ts. lion't let a-f-tlirtlclufii overwhelm com mon sense to that degree that your windows are ho profusely "got up" as to make ventilation or the wuahing ol them a difficult ob. I on't dut your furniture with leainiT (Ulster, ire into 1 leaning an egg-cup by Mirring the epn around. t ee a cloth. If it in slightly oiled so much the better for the woodwork. lon't be Mig ic in your fui-nishltig 11 'id gel thri mid that mid the other thing bocuiiso en-.-h by Itself In pretty. Mil tane the oi.ject ot a room ktut lull consideration and live u) to it, then take one color n. 11 guide and .select all t'lai-ra ,n hnrnionv with il. holl't ptlt fllllll.-llillgM V. l.jjj dcln 111 a moan n 0111 it will iimki- ti e rooii look the l-11111 1 er. heep Ml the lllle ol proportion. 11 m ime a iitu,- -voninn with a ekiniiy fa wearing a l !: foot bull of u hat. which only ueccnMiute her eluiip fi nluio- the moro. floiV ami Initio," Dr. Murray lias been puzlcd nNnit the origin of elolh'' ami the pl.iral vlolhcs-' for gariiiont.s, a-i distinct from "cluilis.'' The et) molngy ..nd even tlie primary suse of the old Teutonic kioth arc tiiicertaln. Tho f "-,''r vni'My-Ut Lrvmht in trva X-VUI.OUIC icrotii siteiii mi, Ktai, 10 rBtlck; but whether the name was :;n- juicii 10 ciotii as a KUiisiance- ictt-etl - it- .,:.. I . ..t . , , a ... . made to stick together, or to a clo.Mi as a thing to be littached or made a cling to t lie Ik .. is dnulitfuL T:ie distinct ion of "clothes" Irotn "el.d li Is iliiiliy of the present century. The Ciiuinon eight et iitlicentury sjrlling was 'vlnallisi." He Il ls (intlira for a Lifetime. If the ! mpeior of Herman v bliould re tire from the li.liii- businesH to-tin riuw bo would have clo'hes en.iiinh to IumI him hlh li etin.e. It In hii.iI that he Iiiim a tliouMin I smth. liefideb twelve do. en nuts of iimlcic.'otliing und lllty doen eocka mid lmn ll.eichielH. Some of IiIh DuitH are uniforms) which would not be nvailiible If he bei lin e 11 private citieii, but there is 110 iloubl Hint he cmiKI keeji h MlocK of liiiderweai' replenished fron. the s.le of Iheee extra nhitortne, and retain a little j ocUel-iuoncy le fcldea. THREE TROUBLES. Three things which all workinjimen know give the most trouble in their hard-btrain work are: Sprains, Hruises, and Soreness. THREE AFFLICTIONS Three supreme afflic tions, which all the world knows afllict mankind the most with Aches and Tains are: Rheumatism, Nturalgiaand LuinLago. THREE THINGS to do are simply these 15 u y it, try it and ie promptly and permanent ly cured by the use ci Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OH O.her Chemicals Lflft ore used In tlia iSi i.reiuiruliuii III IV. 1IAK tit k C0.-S ;BreakfastCocoa uhich it ahlnlutrly pur aud mlulile. IJ It hatmortthanthrrttlm ' i (r i(i ut CiMioa luucit wiih hlarc-li, Arrowroot or 'Hiinvr, fcud la far mora oo Domical, totting iet than on eim a cup. It 1 delicious, iiourmlilrig, aud basil llIOUTEO. . bold bf trurrii riarjwfctr. W. BAKER &CO.,Dorcheiter, Mau. opiua Morphlna Habit Cmr4 tm 10 to ao darf ut'4ll minxl. D.j.t tHHiwaTi -s.oiiHh 3K fii I, Hi i foar Hlf Hflvwr-Tlpa. John Chapman of Wyomlnir relate a thrilling experience bin wife had re cently with four allver-tlp beam, a ihe bear and three cubs. John man away from home at the time. After eating an early nupper, Mra. Chapman stepped outalde the kitchen door, intending to plaeo a pan of milk in an outhouse. She had just closed the door of the kitchen when, looking up, she was confronted by four tiearo, all reeling upon their haunches and within a few feet ot ber. She screamed and runhed into the houe and told the hlrexl man the cause of her fright aod a.aiated In finding the cartridges for a rifle that itooi handy, and then sank Into a rhair exhausted aud holplesa, while the hired man made an attack on the beara, killing the old one aud two ot the cub. When Mr. Chapman returned he found his wife In an alarming condition, her nerves being at such tension that he feared she would go Into hysterics. That night she com plained of hearing the hear screaming outside, aud finally, to satisfy her, John got up, and taking his gun went to tbe door, where, sure enough, wot the remaining bear, standing nut in the t old. Tho cub made for thn lnish a iiti a lie lie-inl Jolin iuq ousn as scKiii as ne ne.iru jotin rotuiug, but in the morning tho dog? wi re turned loose on his trail, and foung I ruin was brought in t-o com plete the family. The cut's were ful ly half-grown silver-tips and averaged over 180 pouuds each. The she beat was a big one as large as a cow. Tbi Farmer. A farmer w ill get up at i o'clock. .'ean out the stalls, feed, milk, slrn dis ttiiiK iiaiiy (arid M.tid.iy, tun). tiuiko up the 1 1 as. and milk ami feed nuait,, with u late iirolM-. it he lia a dairy herd, but it is haul vu.fi; to even clean tut a pou.try l:oiisi ence a week. Thk volunteer Cabinet makers are bow having tlicii iiiiiin. y per ct. d if f erence. Royal Strongest, Forest, Most Economical. As to w l.t tin r any t f tl.e hakinp p wi'.ers are ctpial to the " Kcy.il," tl.c c-fficial tests clearly ilaermine. When samples ef various baking powders vyerc purchaseJ iroin the jjroceis, and analyzed Ly the United States (lovcrn mcnt Chemists and the Chemists cf State and City Hoards ef Health, the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent, to Co per cent, more leavening k Etrcnjiffr than the viUZ'TlX't'ttv that V."vi :' "orc ir" ' fectly combined, absolutely pure, and altojjtv.or wholesoinc. As most ef these powders are old to consumers at the same price as tl.c " Royal," by the us? of the Royal li.ils inj Powder there is an average raving f ever i.r.e third, be Mcks the advantage uf as;:red j :i:ity and wl:c lesomeness of fe e d, and of br..d, bis cuit and cake- made perfectly li;,ht, sweet, and palatable. 'I he oft'.cial nptrts al: o icveal ti e j res ence, in ether pou-'crs f alutn, lime or sulphuric acid, by w hich th ir use is made a matter of grave danger to the consumer. HV.rin; rr (i I tiling fpivtcr is nld at a Awr nr than the" ir ui.'i a rift, it is a mtiiu iiniuation that it is '.'..'.. in uiuni, ana is to ii a;vuo .inJ.r all i, uwstaiuss. KING OF THE V orster's Patent ROCK BREAKER FOR MACADAM properly eul.eil. ,i. n.'itr tied tu I'reuk . I'ri.iliu I 10 lo vuu tens prr itHy .uci'iiriiiLif io le. Hire I. ',:,! in ,, . ti'K I'OAHHK OU r INK t'kl'MI INli. lie en tlie wurfc el nnr ntlier hreuker U'ltti s lite in.wer anil x Hie t-iicii-lur eeuiiR In repair Mniuileil mi iii iitrui Im. only iin.iuifiii lur m. I iirri.spouileiice Mill, il e.l. it' J0TTKN it IUHM F l'hV ( .. Mfr'. illiSisi Wa L DOUGLAS -LHfJS SIS-30E ?SrtftV?s A Hewed shoe that will i jti&ft Vry m eettnlets, rinocth inr.ide, itior o"ld.t ITJW xnude iV''. Tte V V.v''i "s.'. X9-i J J Iftt TV. If. -53 m. r i rr KTHI5 1STHE SsW -- -ii. tiitta WILL Will le exrlaaW aale laabea dealrraaad grnrral inri. liui-is tttr I ua nm aaeata, Write for raialaaue. If not lur ls lb rnr alace tnud illrei I is r actor r.alalUS Mad, aUaaad wiiiih waulwl Nuti t rc. W. Im iiula Jirvckloa, Uui. One Year Borrows Another Year's Fool." You Didn't Use SAPOLIO Last Ye4 ParhipsYca Will Wot Th's Ycor. Rwa Thla f Wa rn Ilondrl Dollara rtrarr) r W!'."!, ' aiarrb tht raouut U curd bf toJiilif Hair. aiarrb ur.N . J. t'HKsKT Co.. Pmpa-. TolH)o.a tbf iindprnlKiied, hmv known I, I. Cbmerlor thcltuii IA and ImlieTt hlrn perfei llv l i.Li.rl,r u a biiKlnes trumc In. lift, aud rliiiiiiciallr aide to carry out any ub llyntii t.s in.rt. bv their Sriii. VN ur A Vai , Wbolemsle Uriiglt, Toledo, Wali i ino. Kinsin A Mahvin, WbuleaaU liri)o(i-ts. i uledii, . ilall t K.i.n b l are i taken Interuallr, act lt.n liretlv ,.n tht MismI ami 11,11, i.u'. ,ur. fineif tl sistrtii. 'I'lstluiiiiilalu lit frra. PntalK.. n tvtlla. fiuld P) all diunl. Tl.f fitft it propriiinir ateam lire engine fhown in New York in 17:1. Nartabitlii. tnriner-bar. Kverr Siharras. flirfss a li u int. 1-i.rl tines In tin-. south, s. nd k. for i-nmls tun. A.J. Mi Bride. Atlanta, Ua. Adertiii inetit" in tiewspiirs made their I'.rst pi-aia-.ee in lt."c'. Tocca l hf beatiet drtnK fur tlif iirrii ilnw. I 'r. I.ntiliister nv: "Cim mi i hiiIbiiisrii nun b Pih f. iinii.ir mailer a beef." Walter I'uker Co. s Hn aVtiisI Cmw has ttie lnKtirt r i-iitatii'ti tue Hiiild over, and cnsin less tlinn 1 1 ent a 1 ill'. For mere 1 linn "lie liuiid r,-il ) 1 art AVn'ter liak-r A In. bine Ininle their 1 m 1 a I reparation alisnliitelv ili'. ii-ii.u lu 'nit I ru citstr.alli.iiiiM r .1) .s III their luniiulacturc. The frst featn saw null wna crei ted in iKM in I f H isvl vnnln 1 t eat if mm h an-1 tii liio little out .ilix.r tl,rr)M, .j,,, , ,lf rl !,.,,.. 1 i.irKiun.. it 1. , iH.m-'i timt (.nui.'i.i 1-, :"'i'le erl. red,, hrlj., N.tui. to ovrnou.. l Lett a lu tea. Covered 1 .irrnitte were lirM used in Hue land ill the vear .'Wl. I iukvim. l'iiriui.M y. 'I'licre In no artl OWlilcliM. rillil ilr r e. tl.e eld ire cil.ll. 1le1.ee of the itiii.iiiniilly lis hutiws't. Piiun. I III AL TlO't ll- . 'I hliM-siitf, rllik' fllilh A 1 1 1 - u.atii and Krnmlilal In-cisci. Ciiiiha and I 0 d rbt.ulil U ) tin ill. I'rlce ceiitn. The fitsi team laundry in Aiuerii n. ; I'iicIhihI. imi. I A t'ampleir "ewaiarr 'r One frn'. I '".'. r I'i'r "i i;lt 1 lo 101 11 ti - 7 li' "l-'i s snlil hp : all -n Ati'i.ts and ile'.lvei-ed by I'lirili-ri ei ei vwhirt-. tnr Inir, 1 fiif a ci.y t.r r 1 n .1 , week. t! miliums ilily, I In- li s i.f llii. ! IV 1 I il, ri ci' : . 1 1 1; 11 a It ltiM-. I lie le(mr . nt hut i the Assi-i.t'eii l resi and I lie I iiiie.l I r."--.. Nu ell er pije i lin hs,.i; f,,r 111..' i i.it i.- u-i 1 1 'It i.t tl.i ... 1 1 . nits. lis si ,,,,1-t t ("in .in 1 il, I ItsMnti, 111 I li ...tsehiilll I lei-ll I lliei'ls nr. 1111- leirinlnt. 1 nli r it lit. to vintr N.-.t , :,..it. Baking Powder mm ROAD MAKERS. rTiKi Virn.i lUillinc Mill Machinery. I'ittsliurrli. I'a. FOR GENTLEMEN. not rip; Calf. lVl t 6etn'e;;9i f niocth inr.ide, wore eomloi table, 1. 4' stvlitb ai:d durable thua any other shoe ever tbe price. Eicryriyle. llijualti custom- tboes cotUBjj Jroiu 14 to foUowhir are cf tlie ruuie I'u'-i UaJarJ of 'iV - oo orj s.oo Hue Ctlf. Hand PeweJ. f.i sa Jc!ki, 1 urmrtn anil Lcitrr-Cuniera. 2 JO, f a. 35 iiLd fa.ou lur Workuu; .lia. il.ca i.til it.tm i. r Viiiithj uud lluvj. W 11.51 !fl 1 WU! XT IO A DOTT Too out vooiaalt to (ot ILo btl value tot ysar Donty feCOBOwiB iu jour loovv.-oar vj puruunaiug ss . It. UcUEla bbore, trblcti ItpreLaot lt ccai tbiuo CI VuC pncBD ccvariiavci ca iLouiocQO out: ica- r'IVrt 1 Uly. Uo you weur YipjRt!S ONK UXJOYS Both tlie metliod and result wbeo ryrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to tho tasto, and acta renily yet promptly on the Kidneys, 1iver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys tem e fleet tmlly, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nod cures habitual constipation. Pvrtip of Fijjt ia tba only remedy ol' its kind ovor pro duced, pleitxiiijr ti tho tssto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt io its action nnd truly heneficinl in ita rflects, prepared only from thn most healthy nnd arecnldo auhstarnHM, iu? runny excellent ipmlitit commend it to all nnd linve it-.ado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of F'ipi U fr snTo ia COc and f I buttles by nil l.a.linK drug gifts. Any reliahlo drttcjejint who may lint have it on hand will pro cure it promptly fur any omi who wishes to try it. lh not aota-pt auy (substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. LOUiHViut. nr. m iv f. ; . t.i 0 ' Do Nnt Be PrcriTrd oibzSici .ti, : ..t,.,. i ,,. in n., t I .,,,,(. ,, h uu lh Il . III .tt. Mi-- 11, 11 ,,1, 1 1, 1 " r, , . 1 "' ' v"" '' " I'.il: li is eriin..n .1.1.... - ' 1 -. 11 mi -ii, -r nr i:ln-- i-i.-k.u . ttti 1 ,,- .uf., I l.-I (.., tiile. - uti J. (uitftiiikit I wm iii.tl l .MijMti iAM win' IiAi wi-uii imiic r AtU mi, flu 'U hi um t'tf'i a t1ur Ut t'iifintrt'tifti, ll hit tarrrf thiusHurlt, It hit twt injwr f l lif II ! iHit t tVl t(l tiV It t tlie tn'M rMiih frrni. Hold t'Vi ri whnrn l".1. 5; Garfield Tea I una. ni1lii mu, II tin firing! t lioia, .-m tilt Kajupiatli ..AMUKi t, 11 s tv U W orisTnns lsaliUa ttl Mbnr. a, .-msm lKirli' m" 1W W Hb V r Cures Sick glv.vidacne' AGENTS WANTED 0 N SALARY tr i i II i tit IV ) 'll ! I i.i liii If I In Nt' I '(til III ' ll'Mili'it Ink 1 tn. nt i t in ll i-ti I- tM..kititr 0 itrr nk Ui'NKct- l ll.l It Alt-ii t. hW, U, frnm; M, nENSION-UtVm B- Successful Iv FroHecutes Ct.ims. M I 1. 1.' 1 I nil .1-11 : tun. .1 . i I ' I'.-i t ,tn II t-mj. 9 .. I l - I l. l.t -I ' .. i . ' , dl-l 1.1 ...,' t l.um ., A. . A.UIU 1)ti.m! ri'.io r - i r.- t"i,. ,n ti'ii't.- ir tl.., In i mm ii in . -I -.,tf.i, -wn'l.' m I'lue.l i l l'l.llN mill I. Ill' S'l' l. -. I A I I It K .'IU..II. k A.-.US . I ir. ,i. X 11 TTIIT0 I lit "M- I- M M I N A ,.l,ii. -ii. ii, rA 1 1 It I u I...H..1 " i.'V ti I'll '.-!,!. Sunn I il imi li tl ti i,. 1. 1 . -i ,i. fc. -i i.. 1 1. 1. 1 -i n. , it., i ..it i ... M...I..I ' . ii. i' I ;'itv THU-.'lit , .. il.li.lrr M, . I. I'l i i It V ' r 1 1. . T. Vtt 9 jrl'iilit I' 1 !'.. 1 ll. lllll.-ll.il. !. I-. lll-iuii. lit U lie WANTED .U .tl. la M Niir-o ! "lai k "H III I V t V tnitntli til l t" ' I It iMI-' t. l-l.t.l ,.i ii ii i t n s i I fruMiaiini, m turn r-;i kikituiy ' i-tit I aiiuii tl.tM, t tt4Mi im- ll " ton tuia wit nnHy iiiuii iifH uf rlt ; lt aiitiit tail htMi 1 TMfW't fl arMlal.l twill I ill I at a. tflM V.t$U.U woi.t wit. i ltt 'iiriuri , r)uivialftl i 1 i jtiiini t'iTl.ni, fcii I , itriii&Ji nvMt wi(U Kiu''f lrtni(tor It i mvliitii t .luiti.tnn wltn larw n UtUluiiluy ThiiiIIiai with r iitflLui, tt bt Amrriraiiw Mb wtaii Iu 11 B lirnui Cu. aunt. Ill Uaurttk. mm hriJl' YOU OWN CHICKENS ror want i , T M K 1 It W A Y i t ii i: m id - I rn ',n tnr ly kvt p tin m a 4jirfMa. la tm , di r i.Mri'ilt K.rrli ju(Ji'i iiikly, u uut fcuor ciiifllditu htutul I t.rin. Itt inrl lltU wui r n I M-.ln. " ' rxi'-rifiic-1 Otw - i.f h r""'" -'"tt(v i . r.f i,,r Ual J XU im f iii ni' . t .M il il rlllrii by a mttit wh ! 'l ht. nun I ! fcful llmr, ii.t'Or.. i mkirK uv (i f ( hli-ariii'niiit"bi tiiiii ruMim. ut Ltikiirn-o.l If 3 u -1 1 1 I'M'lil l In lln ' ft h i Miik,;i U tvfcO iMta wtkuy Cbl3t muuumujt " KmUtH Chtcknn and mk your KowU r rfoliM I Tim poial Mk imm iuu mutt mm mviw a tw punm Utm 1'ouMrv lird aouii H tttr mm Iwmw muw tor-.tfv ll. Ula lKMll wilt trmM mfam. it tell bow lo 4 rlMl mud cur mum-, ft ftf tm Mli Bd dm furrltnlf ; which fi iMt t twtrgiuf pur and everything. In(h4l. yHt ahou tl hu ou thla mi-Jari to tnah M urutufth, ht k4Mipui inrriity Aa t-anta ia la ar So. IPook Publlkhlng Htuw, 133 iQmu ar. m. i. .1. -Mi " - ...... .J. . v.wv L w