The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 05, 1893, Image 4

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Sfet pVDlelmrgli lost
Publinhoil every Thursday.
T- H. BARTER Editur and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year.
(which mint Ik nnlil In Rc1vnon when urnt out-
sMo tlic county.)
All trnnsetent n.lvertlsomeMs not fitliorwl""
intr;.le. f..r W III he elnii'-'l nt tin-Pile of 11
ills mt line (inpi irlel iin'ii.nir'O fur first Insi-r-
CVlll Hil l 10 Cents JT lllir f"r I'Very ttlseillent
insertion. .
Thursday, .Jntiuaiy 5, ISM.
Tho New-Born Year.
Wrlt'en f'ir Hi-' I'mr.
Another niile-stono on our life'tt
journt y linn been passeil, ami wo bc
:iii the journey of another year.
KiKlitct ii lltimlrt-1 iiiul Ninety-Two
is now lniinlii'rcil muonj tho yearn
of tin hoary p A nnl it reoonlrt mo
liU-il away in tho an-hives of eter
nity, mul wo w li-onio with ili liht
tho new-born nn of Time. Kiuhteen
lluiiilrt'il ami Ninety-Two has cluon
iel.'.l impoi events, ntnl lias
wrnjiped up in its foMn ileitis that
will lrin kj us a harvest of rejoicing
or of silliness. We are niiiknialily
ami inseparably eonnci toil with tho
past ami the future. Tiiii'1 has lioeii
detiiuHl us a fii'inont f eternity,
hut thcsi il.-claration mo too am
bigum! mul ilo not stein to be BUlli
eieiitly elear for a correct compre
hension of tho silllject. Thereon
f.)iinl time with eternity, in a meas
ure at least. Time is a measure of
duration vi ctiatiil things, or tho
mea-uro of snoot ssivo changes of
changeable things. Our idea of it is
din.ed from tie! movtmniU or
ell in.;" of mat l i J extoii'le 1 tiling.
Without those muveinents and
changes wo ooul 1 nopiiro no idea
whatever of time. Time is divided
int a p i f , . oreeiit and future.
Tin s diviM.ij' nv essential to tho
id a of i. th.-m away mid tho
i le i i f : i- t i!;eti away, nnd is re
p'..u I oy that of eternity. Eternity
is m o i:!:p.iM d and impassable
luoiaen. mm i-it .!'- having neither
pa1-! nor future, ll is tho inconi
mutible, real, actual now. A per
sou's lifetime on earth is divided ill'
to d i.v-, i.vmths mul years for eon.
venieiioo of reckoning and remem
bering the dates of events, as wt 11 as
to measure our earthly lii'e. Our in
dividual career on taith may end
with this New Year. Tt w a truism
known to all thinking "Deiiigs that
"Time rolls his ceaseless course and
waits for no man.'' It is impartial,
being no respecter of persons. Like
the wind it tlios between birth and
death like k weaver's shuttle runs
through tho loom, leaving its im
press le hind. Human life on earth,
oo:.:p u a'lVeiy sp.-;i!king, covers but
few years. Those who are upon the
stag'.- '.'faction now will soon give
way to tin oncoming generation,
even as the loaves ef the tloe which
fell li-t f.i'.l Ueie el "V, did out by tho
bads of the oncoming leaves. There
.iro :m l ; "'.. 1 years for m.iny uf
US t li::i(I:t over. Who l.;n not
:i,-'..' !: '(ii'.e i:ie baeli my wasted
years :" Let us not repeat the fully
bv ;;11.::lt otlu-r vasted rears to
tl: v, :.; '. u're i ly stun ling on
I'e. 1 1 u,'ai!ist lis. l'ol- S me cf US
the pa-t and the future carries in its
b so;:i many yers. The
pit years jTovuke tu thankfulness
a'i l rejo-eing as well as to 1 uuenta
ti'ji:. What joy wo did realize in
the luxury of doing good ? What do-cisi-.o
i a:;l. wt ro fought i.ud what
c'orious vietories were achieved?
What ,-. Is of low and philan
thropy have been crowded into those
years? To some, of us this m ay bo
our last ye. ir o:i a tl., an I it may
brir.g with it -.p--o;:d opp rtunities
ar. 1 c-iperieti'.-es.
I:;.: J.- l.i.i !.. I.:.. ;,!:, M'i, .1 ,t :, l.i,t :
Y t i.l Li !.-, :;;, ..'-a t:.- i- t;ail."
We f-hvull this year live, think,
sfx-'ik an 1 work as though we real
ized that it may be our last year on
f.irtL. is hhort, eternity i
!r.-, yet the ti.; oyment f eternity
1; l1s up.'Ti the improvement of
ti:..c. Come, let us anew our jour
:. y j ursue. Uoll 'rout, l with the
jeirs ad never fctan l fctill, till the
Mister appear.
Dr. ('. M. Martin, a prominent
I'LjakUa at 1 citizen of .Sunbury
-Ltd Dec. 2:tL, of tyj'hoid Plu
ii.oj ...Wra. I'rouiie, a former
S .lir.tigrove lxy, VxA unto himself
a !.': in the rvju of a Miss Iiornig
frori tear town Mr. Irwin IJoinig
of tL Ib!j of Que was on a visit to
frnnl ia New York City during
tL LoIidy week Lat week one
dy wlil Uttle Marion Kchocb,
youLi't fcon of Mr. II- Harvey
hcLoch, wu pUying on tho ice near
.S'.Ltur' Mill he fell ixito the creek
through an openitf in tie ice and
wet,t to tho Lot to to. Tie ice-men
lu.g Lfcax hurriedly Led Liu out
with a book. The little fellow had a
narrow escape fron) drowning....
Christ man exercised were held in
three of our Churches : The Evan
gelical Lutheral, the .1st Lutheran
and the Methodist Churches. Of
course all thoso Sunday Schools
were well attended for the Jast three
Sundays. They always are . . .Tho
week of prayer will be observed
this week by the Evangelical Luth
eran Church of this place. .. .The
following were some of the visitors
to town during Christmas week : 1$.
Meado Wiigenseller at his parents ;
Samuel (loarhart, of Sunbury at his
mother-in law's, Mrs. Uenj. SehoohV;
Mrs. IIcv. Manhart and children, of
Philadelphia at her fathers, llev. 1'.
JJorn's ; Win. Mclick and wife at
Mrs. Kate Kantner's who is Mr. M s
sister. .. .Your correspondent adds
a happy New Year to all your sub
scribers. Mentoi:.
Card of Thanks., Jan. 2, lHii.'l. Ei'tTon. hy your kindness,
I wish to thank Mr. Ijawrenco Law
ver and the young men in his class
in tho Lawver Sunday school for
tho elegant gift in tho sliapo of u
lino Spring Hocking Chair which
they bestowed upon me on the night
of Doc. 'JCtli, lS'.U.
LlZZU A. '
A Cure for Croup.
If your children are subject to
croup, always keep a bottlo of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at
hand. It is a prompt and certain
cure. If given as soon as tho croupy
cough appears it will prevent the
attack. For s do by (!. M. Shindol,
Middleburg and Dr. S impsel, l'enns
Creek. Jan.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I have sold and used in my fam
ily for several years, Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy mul have found it ono of tho
most useful and atisfactory rem
edies I ever handlol. C. II. Lewis,
Druggist, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Tor sale by (1. M. Khindel, Middle
burgh and Dr. Sainpsel, Pcuus
Creek. ( Jan.
The Odd Fellows at Portland.
'r"": v. v v-
"Trainloads an trainloads rap
idly whirled their precious burdens
through tho vast wheatfields of
Eastern Oregm, along tho pictur
esque bluff in tho shadow of the
towering domes of the Cascado
mountains, and into tho wide, roll
ing valley of the 'Willatnetta till they
reached I'ortland. Tho magnificent
btoamer 'Potter,' of tho Union Pa
cific llott, laden from stem to stern
with its crowds of human souls,
swiftly ploughed tho waters of the
grandest river in tho world, bearing
its i nthusiastic and admiring pass
engers through the soenio grandeur
of tho gorge of tho Columbia and
up the placid waters of tho Willa
metta." MA11H1KD
On the morning of tho 1st. inst..
in ISeavertown, by llev. J. N. Wotz-
ler. .Mr. ( harks H;Iger to Miss Mm
uio E. Mover, both of Middleburgh.
At tho residence of tho bride's
pareuts, C. II. Steininger, in Mid
dleburgh, by llev. I. P. Neff, A. M.
(iai mau, of Fremont and Miss Annie
Meining r, of Middleburgh.
SVli ItMlrhan't rUe all U trouble loci
nt to tiiiout ttt cf tli yttam. tiicli u
.ttnm. N'im-. Irowwuu. I'nirm afu-r
-t.ii(T. i'aiD in in Ri'1. to. Wbil thir mixt
nuiArkii tuuctM baa Lmn tbowo in ruru.;
!I.1rbK. yt Cinm I.rrn. I.iveh Pill
r jiiAlijr lnal.l in (Vntiration. cunrg
r.J f;rintlr, f U.l winoylnf corniilaint. whli
nT also corrtot all diardar of lha stomach,
lunulai U, livbr and nfulai lb bowaia.
.a If thay onir urc4
Atb thr would b almaat pririlii to thna
&o auffar from Uila dlatrMinf complaint;
l-rit fortunatalf thir goodnaa doaa m,t rtvi
Kara, tA tn who onra try ibam will fln l
Uifaa littl pit la valuahl la manr waya thai
wili not f, wlliinj to do vnbout Utaio.
liu'. aVar ail sick ba4
t ha baa of so maar Utm that bar Is har
a run our fraot boaM. Our ptlia cur I
vhlla othara do not.
tiTt Irru Ijtu Piua art vary smaD
ad ar aaaf to laaa. Oa or two pill mak
a Tby ar atrMy cail and do
B'4(rtpor parr, but by thwr praati actkm
I lata ail wbo ua tbm. Ia rlaia at HawU:
fir tut l . BVbkl varywboro, or Mat by BtalL
U1TU KXSUOn &, Vr Tark.
blM blla ablfra
g PIUS. Hii
Thp annual mi-otlnif of th atek holders of th
Firm Nntlnnl Hunk of Mlililleburifh, for tho eloe
Hon of aeven ill llnetor fur the rimuln? yenr.
will lw held on Tuosdnv, th 17th dnv of .lunimry
next, lietween the hours of 10 and li A. M.
.1. N. TIlOMl'SON. Cnstller.
VlilrtlcniirRh, Pee, lit, isw.
Caution Notice.
N'itlM t licfliT trlvpn Unit I hiivo firi'luiw"1
Hi t'llimtnlilM "n n;iii- nil H I'lllllIT vt. JW. till1 fel
lnwlnif frixiN of ure W. Trcvim. mul i-fl llm
kiiiiii' In tils piism'tMicin. All person urn cnutluii'
cil not loineil'lli' or IntrrfiTi, Willi tlnnuni :
oni't lmpM. wnifon. 1 How. 1 HMtrh. 1 l'rlll. 1
stirinir inirrow, Duniiio-Trii'. V Cohh. J norm's,
Kl.v-in'tH. linuy lliirni sM. Ilorw imn, t'ulilvit
lor, 75 C'llleki-Iis Hllll S SllimlS.
John fiiu.p.
Krraini'r, I'., I)it. tl. lsii-j.
TI10 iinilfrli,'nfil. who witu nppiilntcil niMltor
by llm orliinis' 'mirl ef Snviler t'niiiitv to ri'
sirl on tlii' I'Ti'i'iillipiis tiled to nml to illstrllmlo
tin-fmids In tln liniiilsof Aliniliiim H irniT. poi'
111. ir 1 if tin- 1. 1st w in nml Ti'iinni'ii' of rhristiii
Sini'li. di'i i'il, as npiwnrs on his first nnd Un
til iiivmint. ti,;, to nml ntii"tn; thi purtifs en
IIUi'il tlnTi'lo, will nlU'liil to llm ilntl'- of hit Hv
ixilnlmi'iit ill tlii- hotel of.lnlin II. KoekliT, III thn
li'irinntli of Si iinsirmv,', 'n., mi Hip ifiitii il.iv of
.Intel. in . IH'i i. nt in orlm k In tin- fnri'tiomi. hmi
mi l lii'ii) nil mrlli's mt.Ti'-li'.l lire ri'iiU"sli'i
to iri's,.ii their rl iIiiih. Ar , iH'fnri' thn iimli-r-NU'iii'il.
t I"1 forever l"lnirrel from cornliiij In
iixn sal. I fun. I. .IAS. (). elltil sK.
Inn. 'J. Auditor.
Election Notice.
Till' lllltltlill IlllS't Ittvf of till- sto kliiil'I'Ts I'f 111"
lli'av.'rtnwii Mutual Kin' Itisiirnin-i' t'otnptinv of
llcavi-rloM 11. Til., tor the i leriloii nt Hr.-rtor
mul one M'ron fur AiHtltnr, will Ih' In M on
Saturday, Januaiy li.slh, Is.cj,
iH'tni'i'ti tho hiiiirs of I nml n I" M.
A. II. noWKIisoX. Sis p'tan-.
Ileavetlown. I'll., Jan, , ssj.
Tin' iimhTsliWil AilinlnlstratrU of tin- eslate
of I' r Wi'llir. 1. ft In' lon,slil, of Wash-
Inifton, -utility of sni, f, state of Penii'n. ih'
i i'aseil. hv virt tie ot nn order Isnin-il out of Hie
orphans' mnrl of Hi,' Maid eotintv o Stmh r,
i!'l i-xpnise to I'ltlilli-Sale on Trai-I No. t. liere-linifliTdi-serllMil.
alxiiit K'v mill's Southeast ol
M t,. 11,-1 nirvrli, on th roads leaillnir tli- rrfiuin In
I- reeiinrx ami i n-i'iiioni, i.ti
Tuesday, January .Tl, iH'X,
al 10 A. M.. tin- l.-llonli, il.sirlhe.l liial V.-
late to u n :
I It AiT NO. 1.- Ili ln,' a ci-rtaln l.lm. sintii'
l.ot sllu iie III Mlilill.'iTi'i k Township, snvdi-r
i-outily. I'. e, Iouiii"i h lands ot William llinn-lm-1.
.Ili'i'li llil.'llil.r. .)..! 1 1 Slrollli, Mlrllai-I
s. li. h. et al.. e.uilaliiliii,' At'llK. inon'or h-s.
wuli the apimrii-tiiiiiri-s.
THAi T No. i Itt-i nir ii ei'rlaln plei-e or trai t
of laud situate In W asliltiirtoti touhshlp, stale
mid r.iiinlv afiip'sald, lioiind'-d on tin- Norl!i l.
luids ot .li'hn Mi'iiu'l". I'.ast In land of .lohii
I'l'.'.-d. Suiilli liv lainlot .I n . ill naekehl'i rL' s es
tate, and Wesl liy lamlol Henry Leister, et. nl .
-"!. .i I u in tr -j; Ai'lJKs. tin ire or less. Almut is
neres of this Trai l Is well set wltli'l'linls-r.
TKAi T No. Il. lii- aiiotlii-r eeiialii im-ss.
tla-.'i" or pl. i f land Miniate lis Tr.iet Mo.
iKiniid.-d en tin- North hv l iai I No. I hen-liial-t.-r
i. s, rlle'l. ty land or .la. kson Well, r
ami John Weller, smith liy land of John Mi-Uk'li'.
and West I . 1 1 . of liarlliik'ton II. hiilp. eoti-
taltilnir .HI AOII1-.S. tnoro or less. Aeres of this
triiel Is In line youn 'I IiiiImt : and nlmiit 7
Ai-n-s are umlerlal I with a II lneh v. -In of Mini's
eve ore.
TUAt'T No. 4. This Is nn old lintel Stand
and whs the Mansion Kami of the ileeedeiii,
situate iih und ml loltilnir 'I'raet No. H nlmve ile-
Kt'rllMl, lioui, ; il u'r--s ' by liiidnl I'i'ter
Last nv tin! saTilo linrl I'liiin
Soillll by land of John Weller nnd Traet No. 3,
and Wesl liy land of Peter Krnler, Jaekson
Weller and Nathaniel Arloifant,t'miialuliii on k
lir.MiltKlluiid NINE At l;i:s, more or less.
Almut IIS A.-ri'S of this Traet Is well Het w ith
Timber, nml the Imlatu-e Is In u hteh state of
eullUalloti. A Well nt lienr-falllinf water In
nar I he diNir. mill an iiluiuilaiK'e nf eliolee fruit
on the premise. Terms will bo Hindu known
on day of sale.
hl.IZAItrni WKM.KIt.
Jan. 5, lia Ailiniiilstr.iirlx.
The Neverslsp Horseshoe,
It never silpi In nnv illns-tlon. If Is safely nnd
iinfiri for both hors" and driver.
p.s:::vaele cales.
steel ceiitere.l nnd s. ll-.sliarnetiinir. Wears
sharp until t'AI.K Is worn nut. Applied by all
blacksmiths. Catalogue lice.
Ashland, Pa.
Sole aereiit for Schuylkill, Lvciimlm:. Clinton,
Nortli'iiulsTlaml. I loi;a snv ip r and l nlou coun
ties. Iron ami steel Warehouse, lllacksinlt h
nml Cln'arm iker'.s siijipPi-s. .I.iii.l-lm.
every mm
ll elly i arnr.l by anv one of cither n-x In uy
part ol the country, wiio l Hilling In work lielu, at tint uiiloyuient whnb we furuiih.
1 lie iaiiir i. light and ph-u-ant, and vou run mi
rule wiiateter. Wr lit )oii out comiilete, in that
you can irive the bu.iiii-N. a triul witlmul i-xM-nsi
to youni-lf. For iIiom- illiui.rlo do a little work,
this L the ftraiident ollrr inuile. Yuu can wurlt
ail day, or in thr rvrniug only. If you are em.
ployed, and have a few pare hiiur. ut your Ul, utilue tin-in, uud add to your incmne,
our bu.iuex will not Interfere at all. You Kill
be on the utart at the rapidity and t-ane
by which you ainax dollar um dollar, dayinand
duy out. ten lviunrr are luorulul from the
flr.t hour. Auy one can run the buiim-ia none
fail. You nlmuld try ni.lhlnjt clue until you n e
for your.elf what you ran do at the biiftineat
whl.'h wc utfer. No rat.itul ri-ke,l. Wniucu are
rran l wmkeri; noiea lav. they make a. much
a men. I hey .h .uld tr. tlil bunineii, at it ! o
well adaptisl to ihein. Write at nnce and at- fur
Tourielf. Addre.a 11. II AI.I.KTT CO.,
Horn 0, 1-ortland, Ma.
Hromiitly and mruiii-
nently curei all forim ot
moul Wtakntil, mil
ium; SptrtKulnrrhm. Jm-
yitrnry and all tfcrti 0
Avutm ar i.zmttt. Jleen
,ira.l-.ll.t r AKfmmmM Ih
iiiuanil of ciuMit ; It the
Ilafora - '""w and llnmtt
JUrdnru known. A drug
Klal for Wood'l FhonpliMdine : If ha o flora aoiue
worth l oiaiilclna to. ,lae of thia, leara hli
diahouaat atora, Incloaa prlca In letur, and we
wlllaendbjp return mail. I'rlee, one packava,
I I all A. Om vM pUait, it will rur Faiu
fyblet III plain aealed aavehina.l aUuiiia Addraaa
l:il Woodward avenue, Lwtroll, Mich
Wolil In Mlddibburyh by V. C. Kepiar, t
X. bhlodel Md dm((lit every w bait. iay
. Jk T k tJLJIr
aT I saW 11 . V W
Office No. 840 E. Mai ket St. York.Pa,
Home Office, Jan. 1 to 16, 1893.
Ilagle Hotel, Middleburgh, Pa.,
from Fridnj, Jan. 20, at 10 o'clock
a. in. to Saturday noon.
lr. Simpson will exnmtne nny ona who ttinJ
cnll UKin him free of rhnrife. Knowlrit that liuii
dreils are llvlnit out a inlwrnhle ejlstenee Willi,
out tneoienl am, iwnne iwH-nuse inev nnvr nwn
thmilKll the "old nrdeiir' wllhout relief, and
Homo perhaps. Ixs-ause they may not know
whereto apple, lie feels Instllleil n mfiklns
these fneta puhlle. H it Istlel that number will
orize uiMin these plain truths anil be fully re-
wariled by a cure.
our Nsti-m nf praetleo may need some, fx
nlaiiatlon. 'I he remedies nro prlnelnnlly vein.
talil". illsennllnir I'liMrely thn Usenf I'alotnel er
.Merriir)', I iirlnr, Kinetic, Arsenio aim Aiiiimnny
li-aiise Ihev nre UlseiiHecroatlmr itiiita of the
worst illserlpHon. Wo nni opprfd to the ue of
ifeneral bliHMllellurf In liny eae, liellevlnif It to
lie Injurious to lie cohslllutloii nnu oriec fab
iferoim to lit", I
Iir. Simpson treat siiei-essfully chronic or
Imnf KtiiMllnv ills.-isi-s nt tin' ll. an. 1 nrnai.iinii
Lntnis, Kidney nml Heart, eotuplalnta j Invfler
a tc diseases nf the stmnni'h 'hat have deili tl all
oilier melhiHls: thosi leiirful diseases nl tin)
nervous svstetn arlsltiK frmn whatever catise;
Serotiiln. 'liropsy. Kits, K-ver. Sores, Klii-Jtnie
tism. Nenralirla. Seliiilen. Ill I otidltloned lleer,
Ciiiieersrefuoveil wit hunt, the use of the Inlfu
nnd cured. Asthtim. Hay Kever. nose coin.
Winter I'mijh. ( hrmile lilarrlnsn, eti I Ad
may U-ciireil by this womlertu not tsj
lara.lvams'd. Hone nnd Mikhi iiiscum'S tinu
w hen all other met boils have fallen. I
I .miles who are sulTi'iinif wit ll Olsenses slrlct
Iv eonllned lo their sex can consult the lif ter
Uli the assurance ol n s; ly cunt w ithout suf.
f.-rlinf tlieiiiseiM's to the verv often nnms'cjsary
ex.iinlnal Ion. 'Ih' ilnelor p.e.tuulurly lia'l-8
nil eases thai have been (Iveii up by uluerjili
tfstimoniai.s. I
Mr. Iteubeti lirubli. i f LIm iii."'!. I'ernr eofi'i'V.
I'a., had 11 catieer en lower lip lor several mtid'is
I'lidwas completely cured bv tin) treallli'lit Of
lir. H. A. situpsnii. of ork. I'a.
Miss Annie KiK h. of l.leriHKil. l'erry ctititv.
I'a., had for may w-arsa mall 'lialit ulcer her
lll'i'.i m ar th" ankle, nml nil hnnirli nml'
treatment nf ilirtcrcnf ilocturs. the sure
wnr-c. It was cured bv Dr. It. A. SltnpsJ.ti, of
Yni k, I'a.. In lour moiillis. No seraplnrf tf l.ic
Ihiih' or cm 1 tier.
Kor li.anv ears Vr. Charles Allls-in. nflll"n
It.M-l;. Vmk iiiuniv, I'a., Inula raneeroti hlUnce
In-low the eve. Ir. II. A. Slmiison. of Yorti I' t.
retnoM'il II liy his chemical process, lie III bow
I)r. S"nisnn Invites nnv mie who -milils
hiiv nl these statements to write to the Biriies
mii. I asi i rtaln for t hi -insetves. These are
nlv a
few ot die many testimonials olilalned
Dm tor In lies .-orresixitideiice from a ulil.ince.
II Mm He cueliMe t cents In stamps.
lii'tneiiiiHT the ilutcs nnd call early
.Inn. HI. lsi.r.'.
Valuable Heal I'stato at
Private Sale !
The nml. M.'iii'd otTeix at prlvale sale jlie fol
o ma p-il estate situate In I'axlonvll'e.k'inlcr
c. m ni. . I'a., :i in lies W est ot tin i nutity-ii at, mi
I he suulairy .v l.ewlslouu H. II. :
'I'll M T NO. 1. four llucllln.; Ilnusi-p. v ltd
from l to Aeres ot laud vMth each, nml
eralile H ull. pknI water, Ac.
TKAiT No.'.'.-Tlie I'l l Furnace St.irij
anil 1 A'Te ol land.
TUAiT No. M. Ulaek-stultli shop nml KUml,
and I Uii'-l' mi l .1 Ai re ot laud .
TUAt'T No 4 A Pi" Water Power.
fall. Mlth some land, miiKlii;; n lii'ixl vihinhlc
m -,ii Inn lor li.lliul.ii t tu t tit; piu-jx i.-et.
TltVl'l' No. 5. t'lrcular Saw-nillll
y wa-
f Tim-
Sliln.'ic Mill, Lathe Mill and Cries cut. 11
ilraiillc I'lder Press iiitacheilull driven
ter Hivver under SH feet of fall. , or
TU ACT NO. fl - Seven Illllidr'W Jul'i-bcr-laiul
al.uik shade Moiii.tiilry in tre
TIIA T No. T.- SIX . llsli
lulnliivr Mldahs-rccU.fluiips-. , 111k.
L TUAirr n ii"iis .t.sisifpr.i! i
1 . . . . -. k llh.i 1 l m..
urns., inn ium ... . ; I vimi.1)"
driven by wu(er-Mivi r I' aili r K stn' . I uou
IlivellliiK House, oiitliullilliiK's, nnd cholct. lilt,
cmitnlnliiK- T Acres of hind which Is In n 11ki
male of culivaUon, t'oiivciilctit to the H, It... Ac.
TUAt'T NO. . My New Mansion House, roil-
lain No.' 11 KisiuiH and all couveulenceH, uil iiik-ch-sarv
ouibullilunfs ; In Acres ot ljind 111 it lilk'li
slate of cult Ival Ion. an aiiiiii lan.s- nl choice trull
of the Is-sl varieties. Well nf i;ood waU-r lienr
the il'Hir ; the Satv-inlll Ham Is on lite premises
lilt h emit . Ins si peal iiuuii'cr of tiermiin t'aip.
'I'll" iiIk i" Tracts are sllilal" III I he heal t of
Mid llei leek Valley.c.nivelilelit lochllreh, w'lnsil,
and store. H id In' sold on easy terms. For tur
lli' r iiiioi in ii Lai ad-he-1 or call on
t HAS. I'. s, l-.NUKL. ra.xtmiv llle. I'll.
n. l. ii. voi-:lklkk.
rreatiiij;, lining, artilieial tet'lli. lirMu'B
ami crow ii work. Nitrous oxiiJt jrait
fur i iiiiless e.M nu t ions. Kverv tiling
in-i-iaiiiiii' to di'iiiietry.
an Los Kirk s uhl etaiid,
: ;i Pai
Teeth clianed, cMrai, Implanted, ret'tilat-
cd. Ihscases and Inlurles to the leelh iihd
icimOi tie.ii. il. Artlii'-lal sets, crowns. lirhK'es
ah. I ol..luiMt..-s l-i-i i tel. Ail kinds nf lillllij,'.
Oold u m a s;iei I. ill v.
i.Co. It. I I.liK 11, II. ll. H.
onh-eln W.-is' ilwi-llinif, iv m ill lde fiilraiico,
opNlti. .Nallomd lintel.
S. 1 SHKAliV,
Iiistirani'p A'ent ami Hroker,
lVntis Creek, P. O. Pa.
Duly tlr.-t cliten Slack thiispiinlrii reprcnenteil.
Y'iui i.ivtu mi prcuituui noty, ham-e yuu pay uo
I imuraiii i' phici'il nn nil klmUol itond hirin
pro.irt.v, dw.-lIinK', rlor.-i und cliiinln-i auy
Hiirrc Iti Knvder and I'aiou ciinutleH.
I Min e in ('. M. iShnntrr'a .Sliire.t'cntrcvllla, I'a
Harvest Excursions Half
Ait.rsr :mni ANnsi:iTKMHi:H2Ttu.
The lliirllnu'lon Itmile will Ki ll round trtptl"k
i ts at ball rale,, tf.-ml '.mi dav s, to the cities und
fai'iinm; re.'iiiis ol the West, .Norihwest nml
SolllllVVest. 1,.1-lelll Ticket Ai,'elllS Will Hell
through Hi ki ts on I he same plan. See Hint they
rend over the llurlliik'lon lloute, the liesi line
from chlcauo, I'enrla. (uiiicy nnd St. Louis. For
further liif.iruintlon write Is. H. Kihtim, tieneral
l'assehi,'er An'-nt, Chicago. July 11, If.
tern of luliniiilstriitloii In pstnte of
.1 Hi-nil 1 1 urn iiiil. id Monroe towmdilp Snyder
( 'n. I'a. ili .- ii, luivli u m i n k raided to lha uii.h-r-ilitiiL-d,
nil periMim- W ti,, w i ii at llieiiii.elven Indubteil
to .aid -Hutu are riiiin "led to make In int-dlitte
pnyiueiit. while tin. .- hu vlnv cluluia will pruaeut
ineui uuiy auiiiuiilicui" i" me iimii'ri.iHueu.
Dec. I, 'Vi. Aduilnlntratora
- ,
The unilerslk'neil lias always on hnnd a nn
iwrlor llm) ol hluie for rootlni?. anil In reirnrd lo
lila work he respectfully n It m to tlio lolluwIiiK
ThlM l lo certify that the Hlato roof which II.
II. ItetinliiH-er, placed upon niy house I ant aum
mer to idvuiir M.rieci Hiiikslucllou.
The (date rotrf on my house placed, there bv
II. 11. Itctiulnifcr la all that 1 expected. I would
have none other. J, W. Oawiu.
I take pleatture In recommenrllng Mr, Ken
nlnifer Hhlaterisifltiif to the public Ilia Work
baa Klvt'U perfect ttattlkfacUon.
I will ba pleaded to (five many more recoro
mendaUoba and rcapec' fully a-iliclt your patron
aue. 11. U. lUNNiHoaa,
MlddlcburifQ, Pa.
Fashionable cloth
ing, Hats, caps,
Neckties, Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Summer Under
wear, and Celeloid
goods, Men's shirts,
Slohing for prince Pauper!
Clothing that looks like silk and wears like leather. Come
to the old KfliaMo where you get what you pay for. My
newstock in just in, is entirely new and comprises all the
latest styles Too busy waiting on customers to tell you
more. ?ome and see lor yourself.
Middleburgh, Pa
wmm s
. .yi-'.-.- m . r'
i it r
I 'Xtl Ii
them liable' to easily sni p uml break. The reitieilynf this has been nucoeus
ftilly tiocomplished by the use of the ELIOCTKO-GOLDHTHIN'OS, which are
proof against rust nml emit a superior quality of tone.
I do not preseut the Blioemacker iiistruinet in competition w')jw,tjie
low-priced lam absurdly misnamed 'cheap" Piano", thin oountR. i
lr3l,,l.luK om?s have bf " " with but to ihoBe'wtio-ppreiffi' fi'l'
iir..u8ceptioM oi iiirij. ,.,,r imvemeiirnn inntrnment to do credit to tt,
taste I conlldei)tlyoi..-rthe tSClIOKMACKKIt PIANO as unexcelled by no
In tl,A wl.l u l.n uuul iinu. ...111 ..I..1.1 i . ... ,
u runu uu i, inn " -"s i- ... -
Middleburgh P. O.
Cite Ell'! IE
but they ro it great ways in tliatdirectlon. Tlien.why neml to the
City for ready. made clothing ,,tid thon take them to a'skillt-d local
tailor to improve the lit, when you can (jet a
i ouutt
MKHC'IIAXT TAII.OIJ, So!ii:nij;rove, p,t., where your work isalwayfc
KUaranteed or you have recourse. This Ih a qtir-stion that Interests
every man nml boy.A neat-ittin suit, no mutter what tliejmaterial
is it alwayn looks better than an ilMlttiiu? suit no matter how fine
the jioods. . Then come ut once und ;et fits.
Late Foreuiaii for E. E. I51TK,
it 1 1 i i . i
o I
i.ient of Dress Uood In town, ulso Dres Trimmings and Ulmpn of all kin r 7
und colors the largest assortmeut ever broui,'ht to town 1
Largest line of Ladies' und Misses'
to town.
"We will prlve cpeolal pricca on Lndlt'8' Coats to establish a larite cluif
.uuo ...... " ui,
low prices, which will astonish you.
AVe call your attention to our line
iioys' and Children s Huits, also Men
We have a larue line of Carnet.
fi'ne of WALL PAPEli"" ,lDa f WT8 & 81I0ES- We ttl8 ftve
Poultry and Potatoes taken In trade
111 a .i
Children 'suits
and everything to
make t man look
handsome and feol
happy, nt prices
that discount all
yp imitation fitorcsj
MONO the most important points ol
Minrioruv ti menu tiintrnillcpnt
anon Is, that lotit-r than those ot
other inaki'N they remain In tone,
ami that, while iniiiiv Instruments
wmg v
which dt Hist trive natisfactloti, Ih'coiih
Hat mul wiry, thn MioiMiiacker l'iano is
still staunch nml trim. It Is InipoHsililn tr
ovfrestituati' ilu iiilvniitn(rrtlfrivpil from
tin use of th ;Elcftro-Oold Strlnps. The.
tiriliiiary iron-w ri iital or so-mUt-i v-.'XfJc
in'tiiVv.i.iti ti ptriiit.-,-nf.'.VtVi all other mak-
ers arc still -omit'llt(l to use, are imiued!
) Htely allectetl by at nioNiiheric act ion, prad
ually di'stroyiiio; tho power of tlie strings
to prolong; ami 8tistaiu the tone, rendering
f n ii iniiu Hie u JUKI prollt, yl
oy uoinjf to
four doom west of Hank. Selinagrove
Coats, all the latent uf-i-L.a o,.. i..,, . f '
ui llll,
vnu nun seoourstocK undcetofc-"
of Clothing which coiuhttii of M
8 ami lioya' Overcoats.
Call ami 1 1,... k.i... ....-nine
hlo-het. nriu. h.i.i r -.u iM
r avvej I'Hiu, VMU
m Mi
New Berlin, P
! I.
: i
- foi
or tl