The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 08, 1892, Image 3

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r Tiimm From a
XyplCSl moiuor
I, look sirrveiori ana pran u jar mrr
L tut mrlf. from thr hralnnxna of nar-
F until iriVr rfrnpiwif upon them out of
k-n. nnd svfrrfn ntitntr inr oimt or mm
In rrt on f Aeni f'l nnu nor tht Deist or
ftd by m'pAf." 11 Samuel xxu, 117. .
Vagal "" nti anything Stiake
Srmn or V.otnr Hu rolnn. After return-
tfrorti th Holy land I briefly touched
i i, I ut I must have a whole rrawn for
scene. The explosion and IWsh of sun
.lr haro driven nenrly all the beasts
Llrl of prev trom t':ose reeiona. and
the shriek of the locomotive whistle
h i;ni! heard nt Jm-usnlern will for
iiv miles arnun I cir Palestine nf cruel
jw'and I enk. Hut in the time of the tent
n reaions were populous wun multitude
fknls aii'l linns, Heron ton of Hsul
b-en rrucioel on n hill. Kimn win
lier to two mi l a relative to five of the
What h I tli hoys dona that tnev
iM l mi'-ille 1? Nothing except to have
n't istti-r n I ctnndfnthT. Hut now
t the boys were dearf, wbv not take them
n liom mo rioiww io. lury are
st tie i to bang Hn-r.
ho P.izttnh ink. a the sackcloth i rough
awl with wlv.r'i in ni.mrninz for her ilwd
a lad wr.nm I herel' nnl spreads that
c'.cloth luwrn t!m r.ick-s nn r tbe gibbet,
Irt nets tin) port or asn'in"l, watching
ul rioteniint the dead Yt 'ev.-rv other
blinet is r-;levn', nil I after Iteing n
wtd f r n (' hours somj one else take
. i pirn-. . Hut K'nanii i o:i gutrl both
i ij- nn l rlflit nnl for lulf n yvnr. Una
aii'lrcl nn I oihty nn'l nla'itn of
. .(iili f. H lm iiiTVen lio mm, hnva had
.nlniul Hint 1 All. lo you not know that a
Other run itnn'l iinrtlilnv?
Oh, if n liiW'nt l)"Bllo.t to hollow n
H'inlhn i-iil.Mif t'B hill nnJ lny ttio
Mlic.of hir fhil iivn to tiiit rout! If In
Hn cnwrli of tho nicniitalni nhn miht
lil for tlip'ii t'iiri -ti-iri n-imiture! Oil. if
nilit t. th"ii fro n tje cil't-t of di
tod rn I c irry thm still lnrthr away
Cm h hnunt of u.uc. ni. l tlmn lie lxilo
ifin in tha Inst Iouk fUf p! K7.hnit(l na
r ever mrl nnon IhIN into slutnbr, lint in
mortirnt n'.ie lr t'm innra nn l cbhloi
:!.( though iio hni len rrue', nn'l
M up on tlin ro U liouli::(C nt wild hcait
arms from tho tlii'krt ana nt vulturou
o.ii w;inpin ill t'ln rky. Thn ttinllini?
ory of Is.mli rpichc Duvll nn l ha coma
-tn to htdt-the In trc Miry Tha corpw
. K1 lie-nchninml to t ie trcra. Tha chain
. ru nnlocfl with borriil ciantc, and the
trli-tonn oro ! t (town. All tbe aeran are
v Brim), and tJioKtorv imiiIs
luitit barilW ti!n l-tora you cry out,
"Whatahanl tiling that tlione BOn Iwyii
thnuld mlTrr for tlm cruiipi of a father and
rramlfathrrr' Yey, but It I alwaya mx
Iset evrry one who iIom wronknow tout he
wan not only, nx in tliia case, ma I nut two
"neratiotii,i'iiillrtiiniid grandchildren, but
tainut all thu Kciu'rutl'nii o( coming time,
tint 1 what inakf iliiwipation and unclean
m io awful. It reverberates In other
lutes. It may nkin on. veneration, but it in
pt to roma up in the third generation, a is
Uiijutcd in the Ten CommindmeoU,
rlni'h car, "VmitlnK tha iniquities of tho
at her upon ttiochildrea unto tu third and
Aiurth genemtion.''
v Mind you, it nays nothing about the tec
wid enrralion. but mentioui the third and
the fourth. That nccounU for what you
sometime sco very cood parenU with very
toad children. 'o far enough back. In the
MH-ettral line and youlnd the source of all
ho turpitude. "Vihiting; tha Iniquities of
ilia fathers upon tho children unto the third
ud fo-irth generation." If whin Saul died
tied with biro it would not have been so
id. Alas, noiu Lo'jk on that hill a few
tulles out irom Jcrunuietu ami sea ma
haatly burdens of those seven gibbets and
he wan anil watttcu nn.vna waicuing tneui.
Cio to-day through tbe wards and alms-
bouses and tho reformatory luaututtoos
where uuforlunato children ara kept and you
Will find that n neout of tn had drunken or
fricious iNirents. Yea, day by day on the
streets of our citiosyou Aud man and women
wrecked of evil parentage. Thoy are moral
corpses Like the seven sons of haul, though
deal, unburied! Alan for lVzpah, who, not
for six month, liut fur years and years, bas
watcbed thorol She cannot keep ttio vul
tures and tho jackals olf.
Furthermore, this htrunge Incident in the
Bible story shows thnt uttractiveness of
i person and elevation of position ara no so
urity agHint trouble.
' Who is this Kiziah sittln? In desolation?
One of Haul's favorites. Her personal at
tractions had won bis heart. Sue had bsen
caressed of iortuue. With a mother's pride
he looked on ber piincelr childron. Hut
tha scene clmuRes. iljboUl ber in banish
ment and bereavement Hizpah on the rock !
Home of the worst distresses have coma to
sceuesof royalty and wealth. What por
tor at the mansion's gate bas not let iu
champiuic and intheroi stead bringing evil
rtispatcbr On what teKsellated bull has
thvra not stood tha solemn biorf Un
der what tzquisila fresco has there
Hot been inucted A traxody of ilLs-
sterr What curtained couch hath hoard
ocry of paiiil1 VV lint burp bath never thrilled
wnu sorrow r Wbat lordly nature bath
never leaned against carved pillar and made
vtteranco of woe!' tin 1 1 Is not less bitter
'when quaffed from a golden cbalica than
when taken from a pewier mug. borrow Is
often attendod by tunn'ng lootmen and
)aced lackeys mounted behind. Queen Auua
ltoleyn is desolate la tha palacj of Henry
Adolphus went in Herman castles over
-ino uypoensy oi irienos. l'alro I. anionj
oirsuiiau uianiunus sniverod With tear Of
auiizacrr. ninpnen oi cnginni sat on a
rocnuig tnrour. And every uiat of pride bas
. been bent in the stor.ii. and tbe blghent
tnotintaiua of honor an J fame nre covered
with pnrprtuul snow. Ulcknens will frost the
rosiest cnoeic, wriiuio l Ho suioothuit brow
': and stiffen tho spriKhtlicst stop. Ilizpah
juiib mo couruy circle ami nis on toe rock.
Perhaps you look buck upon sceues ditfvr.
out from thosn in which now from day to
day you minute. You have exchanged tha
plenty ami luxuriance of vour father's himu
for privation and triul known totiod ami your
wn heart. Tne in.iniiiirf of life was rlulie
witn proinis.'. 'l loops of calamities since
tnen have iimiloufHpci ato charno upon you.
Darkness has come. Sorrows have swooped
like carrier birds from tho sky and barbed
jucsais iroui iat mickdt. xou Stan I
amia your main anguished aud woe struck,
HizpaU on tiio roc.
Holt basb?cnin all aces. Vahti must
doff tha spunglud ro!ics of the IV-rsim coQrt
and iro forth Ulastod fro n tue
liaiiar exchanges oriental nomtort for tho
wiiiiern-ms oi iieei'stieua. Mary, queen of
Boots, must fnss out from Hatury und
pomp to suitor ignominious death in the-
tusiieoi rotnLTinga:'. The wheoi of fortune
vreps iurniii(r, an I maiuious and huts ex-
1 -nau;e, nnu no wno ro lo the chariot pushes
too tarrow, und instead of tha glare of
festal lights is the simmering of tha peat
lire, ana in place ot Hau.'s palace is tha
. roc rue coin rocK, tun clt jlu rook.
Hut that Is the phioe to whica Ood comm.
, vacoii, wan ins nnna on a stone, saw tha
shining ladder, hraul in tha desert toheld
tha marshaling ot the tlery baton John on
barren 1'atmos beard truinpetiug, and tha
Clapping oi wings, ana tue stroke of aura
1.hio Uugors ou golden harps, and nothing
iuI heavenly strength nerved Rixaah for ber
appalling mission aiuid tue scream ot wild
birds ana the stealthy tread of hungry uion
stem. Ihe grandest visions of glory, tha
most rapturous txoorlenoss o! Christian
love, tbe greatest triumphs ot graoa bsva
coma to tha tried, and t ie hard praised, and
tha betrayed, nu tha crushed, Ood biood-
tngdowQ from bsaveu ta OQiM(ci IMio&a pn
tue rocs.
As-n.n. kh trsrdr of tha text dlonlays
the oonraga ot woman amid great amerven
der. What mother or iter or dnuihtr
won'd darn to to out to flcht tha rormorMit
and Jackal? Rlipah did it. And so woo d
yon if an emergency demanded. Womtn is
naturally timid ant shrinks from exposure
and depends on stronger arm for tho achieve
ment of great enterprises. And she Is often
trouble 1 let there migot lie occasions de
manding fortitn In when sht would fail. Not
so. Home ot those who ara afraid to look
out of the door after night-fall, and who
quake In tha darkness at the teat uncertain
soond , and who start at tha s'.am ot tha door
and turn pal In a thunderstorm. It tha dav
of trial came, would be faeroio and Invulner
Ood has arranged It so that that woman
needs the trumpet nt soma great contest of
principle or oft jetton to roue up her slum
bering courage, then she win stand under
the rroslire of opposln; hosts at Chalons to
give wins to the wounded. Then sba will
carry into prison and dark Una tha massage
of salvation. Then she will brava the pes
tilence. Dsborah poos out to sound terror
into tha hearts ot Ood's enemies. Abigail
throws herself between a raiding party of
infuriate I men and her husband's vineyards.
itixiah Hints bar too vultures irom the
. Anion z the Orkney Inlands an eagle
ntvimpad and lifle I a child to Us eyrie far up
on the ni-untsitis. With tha spring of n
panther tbo mother mounts hill after hill,
crag above c:ra7, height above height, tho
fire of hr own evo outflaxhing thaglnrjor
tnn eagle's, nnd with unmailed tun I trongr
than th ii iron l-ak an I tue twrilri-t clnw slm
burls thn wild bird down tin races, In tlvi
French rivol-itioi Cantte was brought out
to Ixi executed, when bis 'laughter threw
bersolf on tii.i bo iy of hr father and sai I ;
"Strike,;riaiis! Y'oucnnnot reach my
fnth-r but tlirougti my heart T' Tho crow i
part il, nnd l.nkm : nrms lather and duugli
ter wnike I nut fres
Durius t!io sieze of Karaiosi, Aniustini
cnrri'vl refreshments to the gatia. Arriv
ing nt tli3 Imtt-irr o: r.irtillo she fouul tb n
nil thf g.irion ha 1 been killod. ISUesnatciic 1
a mntoli trjm tli iiau I of a (load nrtill rv
man and ilrod o!Ta twenty-six p mi lor, then
leaped ou it nu 1 vowed she w.iuld not leav.t
It alivj. The wil Hers lonkad in and saw h t
dar.ii r nnd rmlie 1 un and on on ml anoth r
tremendous lirn on thaenemy.
Too life of J i iii -s L of H-otlnn l w.ih
threnteno.1. Toets hnv sung tho timen
and ntile p?ns hava linere I uuon thn ntnrv
of in nil v endur.ince, hut hoiv few tj t ll th
story of Cath irluo D.mtas ono of th
qii mil's mni N, who ran to holt ths door.but
loun I tho lir nn I bom ttken awiv so as to
facilitate the etitranc i of the ana"iu! Sue
thrust ber arm into the sUole. Tne mur
derers ru-lmi-: ngninst it, ber arm was shat
tered. Yet hov many hive sine live 1 an I
diod who never boara the torching, soil
sacrificing, heroic story of Catharine Uouk
las nnd her poor, '.itttnrj.i arm'
You know how calmly Mme. l'.oland went
to execution and how ciieertudy Joanna of
Naples walke I to tha castlo of Muro, an I
how fe-irlesdy Mme. Orimsldi liHten-tl t i
her condemnation, an 1 how Cbariottn Cor
day smiled upon tu3 Irantlo mob that pur
iuo.1 her to the gu Untitle. And tur
would ha no end to the recital if I attempt.! i
to present all ths historic il incidents wnici
show that woman's oouraga would rouu it
self for great euiergenoy.
Hut F need not go ao far. You hav.i
known some one who was oousidered a mere
buttorlly in soc.ety. Her hand had known
no toil. Her oya hal wept no tear over
misfortune. Hha moved among obsequious
admirers as cireless as an insect In a Held of
blossoming buckwhnat. Hut la W flniu
cial tempest struck the busbsnd's est at".
1 In tore he bad time to reef sail and utdke
things snuj the ship oapsixsl and went
down. Enemies ohoered at tne misfortune
nnd wondered what would bttoms of the
butterfly. OjoI men pitied and said she
would die of a broken heart.
Vibe will not work." Jiy they, ''and she
is too proud to laz But the prophecies
have failed. Uisaster his tnrsforme.tlia
happy as a princes', iqouu o nupciion iu
huih tier own ohild to sleep ani spread her
own table aud answer the ringing of lur
cwn doorbell. Her arm had besn inuiclod
for t ie conflict azalnst misfortune, hunger
and poverty an 1 want, and all t jo other
jackals Itixiiah scares from t ie rqf k.
1 saw ouu in a desolate ban '. Her mer
ciless companion bad pawned oven the
children's shoos for rum. From honorable
ancestry she had come down to this, ins
crune of oil was empty and the last cin.iH
gone out. her faded froatc was patciio I witti
Iragments ot antique silk thnt sho h 1 1 worn
on the bright marriage day. ConllJ"iit In
iod, sba bad a strong lioirt, t whicn ner
children ran when tuey tr-nibled at the
staggering stsp an I quailed un lor a fnthor's
curse. Thiuh the hjivens wara flllu I with
fierce wings an 1 the thic lots gnisu il with
rage, Hiz mil watc'ji I faithfully day nf tor
day and yeir after yetr, and wolf an 1 oom
nrant by ber Ood strengthen 1 arm were
burled down tbe rocKs.
You pass day by day along streets where
there are heroines greater than Joan of Arc.
Upou that o -liar no r there are emmets as
fierce as he lan, and heaven and hell min
gle in the 11 lit. Lifted in that there
ara tribunals whore mora fortitu lu is de
manded than was exhibitel by La ly J ana
Orey or Mary. Queen of rlcjts.
now i ail-, it mere natural courage, cm
do so niuca, what may wo no; ex jeel of wo
men who have gaznl on too great sacrince,
and who arourl fornnr I by nil the voices
of grace that sound from the B ble u I all
the notes of victory Unit speak from thasky
Many years bjo the Kortarshire sljamoi'
started from Hull bound for Dun lee. After
the vessel bad been out a little wliilo tha
winds be;an t rave nn 1 billows risi until a
tempest was upon them. Tbe vessel leaked, ,
and tho tires went out, and thou jh the Mils
were hoisted fore and aft suo went soveuing
toward the breukers. Hlu strujk with her
bows foremost on tho rock. I lie vessel
parted. Amid tbe wnirlwiirl and tho dark
ness all were lost but nine. The dun to
tha wreck on the beach.
Hleeuinz that uicht in Lonzstone light
house was a girl of geutle spirit and miely
oouutimntica. As the morning dawns l Bee
that girl kt-iudtng amid the spray aud turn
tilt of cmt.eti linn elemuuts looking through
a glass upon the wrec's and tho tiin.i wretch
ed sulferers. Hhe proposes to her father to
take boat and put out across ths wilil sea to
rescue them. The fattier says: "it cannot
badoub! Just look ut tho tumbliiu surf:"
Hut slie persisted, an 1 with ber miner
boumis into thu boat. Though never ucom-
to uie.1 to plying tha oar. sho takits one nn I
lot lamer tue otuer Rioajy non ; uu
away ! 1'ull away 1
Tha sea tossed up tb boat as thou ;h it
were a bubble, but amid tue foam ana tne
wrath of tho sea I hi wreot was rsacaoJ.
tbo exhauitet people picked up oui saved.
Humane soci:v tenJurel timir umnss.
W oalth poured hito the luu of tiie poor grl.
Visitors from all lands caiua to look on her
sweet lac;, nnd when soon nttor she
luuuc.ied forth on a dark son, aud J-'eath
was the oarsmnn, dukes aud duclienes aud
mighty nnjn sut down in tears in Aluwicic
caatlo to tliink they never aaiu uiiuht sue
tiie face of urnce Uarluif
No such dee U of daring will nro'.ably be
asked of you, but hear yuu not the howl ot
that awful storm of tl Oihle ana sin mat
bath tossed ten thoutt w shivered hulks Into
the breakers? Know 1 J not that the whole
earth is strewn with til 5 shipwrecked that
there ara wounds to bswiealod un 1 broken
heart t be hound ani frowning souls to
tie retcuedf Ho ua havL one down, and you
coma too lute, but others ara olimjiug to the
wreck, are shivering with the cold, ara
strangling In the wave, ara ory Ing to you for
deliveianoe. Will you not, oar lu baud, put
out to-day from tbe lighthouse
-When tha last ship's timber shall have
been ramfc. anil tlia lust Iximrstoao beacon
shall have been thundered down in tba hurri
cane, aud tha last tempest shall have folded
iu wings, and tha sea Itself shall have been
liofcad uu bv tha tonirua of ail OODSUiniuZ
fire, tha crowns ot oUrnal reward shall bs
kindling into brighter glory on tba brow of
tha faiiiful, ' And Christ, pointing to tba
inebriate that you reformed, and tM trial
sinner whom you tenths to tmr, and tha
outcast whom rou pointed to Ood for hal
ter, will mvi "You did It to the n I You
did it to Mar
Again, theVvil of the Uxl Imnresses up
on us the atr nwtti nf mtrnl nttsc'inint.
Not mnnv mn would hva had cou-nna or
en liirann to tha awful mission ot IVnah.
To dare the raje ot w 1 1 beasts, an I sit from
May to Octsher unsltere'. and to watch
ths corpses of unsheltered children, was a
work that nothing but tha maternal heart
could have accompiisha I. It nee led mora
strength than to stand before opned batter
ies or to walk in calmness tbe deck ot a
foundering steamer.
There Is no emotion so completely unsel
fish as maternal affection. Conjugal love
exnects the return of many klndna?s nnd
attentions. Filial love exncts paternal care
or Is helpel br the memory of pat wnn!i
fulnea. But tha strength ot a mother's lov
Is entirely independent of the pnt and tiie
future, and is, of all emotions, 1hi purest.
The child has dona notbinx in tha past to
earn kindness and In tbe future it may
grow an to nialfeat its psrent, but still
from tha mother's bwtrt there goee forth
Inconsumable affection.
Abuse cannot offjnd It; neglct cannot
r'lill it; time cannot efTvn it; death c.mnot
destroy It. Por harsh words it Ins gentle
chiding; lor tho blow It Ins benefleent min
istry, for negloit It has increasing watch
fulness. It weeps nt the prl-in door over tha
lncarcoratd prodigal, and pleads lor p:ir :nn
at tha governor's ft, and Is forced nwnv
Iiv comnnssionatM friends from witn nng
the stmsles ot the gallows. Oilier livbis
go out, liut this burns on without iMi iuis i
ment, ns in a gloom-trnek night you may
i single star, o.i of Ood'n pickets, witn
g'ipniniiig bnvnnet of liht guar ling tne out
posts of heaven.
The Maronionoss of Spa I ir.i. wmn thn
oarthouake nt M'"m i (Kcurrel, was rar-
ne I out inseiisibi.i iro n the i sliiii f hou'ei.
t) i coming to her sunns sho found tint her
nil, nit hid not heeu rwu d. She went
hack an I perished in tli rums. IlliKtr.itiou
of tn thousand mothers wno in .n many
h:T -rant weys have sncilo'l tVmsolvca
for tlnir children.
On, daspis i not a motlir's :ovel If here
tofore you havo b n nulient of such a
one, mm you nave sun oimon unity n.r
rennration, mn'.i lmtj. If vou could onlv
jut look in for nn hour's viit to her, you
wniil'l r iie up in inn u .e i one a wiioio
world of Miful memori"". Whit if slm
does sit without talking much? Sho
wntchad you for many months when you
knew not bow to talk at nil. U'lmt if sun
Ims mnnv ailments t tell nlxiin' During
tliteen years you ran to her with ever lit -tin
scratch and bruis.-, and she doctored
your little lln jer ns carniully as a surgeon
wonia tlua tiirf sum iraciure.
You sav she is childish now; I wonder if
she ever saw yon when you were childish.
You have no patience 1 1 wait wun ia r on
thn street, she moves so slowly; I woiller If
sho remembers thn time when you were glad
onough to r: slowly. You coniplnln at the
exneiise of providing for her now; I won lor
wont your tlnanc a! income was from one
yejr to ten yenrs of age. I o not begrudge
wont you Uo or tun on ioiks. i care not
bow much you did for them; they have dona
mora for vou.
Hut irom tue weird text of tho morning
comes the rushing in upon my soul a thought
that overpowers mo. mis w.iicuing nv
Uispah was an alter deat.i wat-lilinf. I
wouder If now there Is nu after death watch
ing. I think thrra Is. There are Uin.nihs
who have passe I death and are still waton
ins. Tbey look down from their supernal
nnd glorified sUte upon us, and is uot that
an after death watching? I cannot believe
that thosj who before tnelr death were in
tereatad in us have since their death become
indifferent as to what happens to us.
Hot one hour of the sis months during
which Hixpah watched, seated upon the
rocks, was sho mora alert or diligent or
armed for us than our mother, if gluritlod,
is alert and dillxent and armed for us. It
is not now Rizoati on a rock, but Kixjab on
a throne. How long has your mother bean
XtN J sn viu l.buu she has been nead long
enoujll to loroi your my uiorasr iim uwu
dead twtnty-nino years. I believe she
knows mora about ma now than she did
when I stood in her presence, and 1 am no
Hpiritualist either. 1'ue Bible says, "Are
they not all ministering spirits sent lorth to
minister to them that shall bj heirs of sal
v.aton. Y'oung man, bettor looi out what you do
and whore you go, for your glorilled mother
is looking at you. You sometimes say to
yoursslf. What would mother sy if she
knew thU?" Hhe does know. You might
cheat hr one., but you cannot chsat her
now. Does it embarrass us to think she
knows all about us uow? If she had to put
up with so much when she was here, surely
she wilt uot bo tbo loss patient or excusatory
O j, this trom-n lous thou h of my text
-this af tor (loath watching ! What an up
lining consider ition, and w!iat a comfort
ing thought! Young mother, you who Just lot your babe, and who feel that
nsei of a nearer solace than that which
conies from ordinsry sympathy, your
mother knows ad about it. You ennnot run
in nn l talk it all over with her as jou would
if she were still a terrestial resident, but it
will comfort you some, I think yea, It will
comfort you u goo 1 deal to know that she
uii'lcrsUnds it nil. You sea that the
velocities or the heavenly ooiMinons art.
irruttt tnat it woul 1 not tako her a half
sMOind to come to your berelt heart.
Oil, thesi mothers in heaven! They can
do more lor us now than belore they went
away. Thi bridge between this worl I and
the next is not broken down. Thev approach
ths tirUle from both way. departing spir
its nud coming spirits, (iisiinprisonoa spinu
anl sympathizing spirits. And so lot us
walk as to be wortuy of the supernal cham
pionships, nnd if ti any of us life ou earth is
a bard grind, Nt us uudersUnd tnat if wo
warcli taltniuiiy ani ira iuu um u.i
I rd thur w.ll be a corrospou una
in the lan 1 of psc, anl that Kiis.jah, wuo
oucj wept ou a roc-, uow reigus, ou a
Wtsluiltistir AbUrj ii Only Mrchunlc.
GoorLjo Orahnm, tha only tncchunic
buried iu Wcntiuinstor Abbey, wns tbo
ou of William Orilmm, of lllackstouc,
In the County ot Cumberland, hnIana.
At the ao of thirteen ho went to Lon-
ilou and apprenticed bimisell to luomai
Tompion, a notol ciocn ana wutcu
mnktr, ami later was taken into partner
ship, and became famous for the excel-
... sr. 1
leuco of bis worK. it was, uowover, uis
scientiflo itivestixutions tlmt ave linn
(reiit prominence. Ho corrected thu
variation ol the pcnauium uuu io iuu
changes of temperature, by inventing tho
tnnreur ml bob. luo ureal cioca ai
Grcenwicli which regulate tho timo nf
tho world, was made by liitu in llJ,
and, although it hat douo fluty for near
ly a century and tnrea-quariers, it is
still in use uml now couUl scarcely be
surpassed iu its mechanical excellence.
U is sam, tiouviiniiiuuiu( iuo iuuj in
terval sincn it was, thnt it does
not MiliTire attention oftenor thou onco
a year. The mural arch at Greenwich
used by tho English Government for tha
testing of quadraut and other instru
ments, was tho work of his bauds, 83
great was his reputation that when tho
French Government despatched Mauper
ttus to tho polar circlo to ascertain tho
exact figure of tho earth, tho Instruments
tho Dsviflator used during that Toyago
were made by Qeorga Graham. Uo
died In 171, gl oeyenty-iix, and it
was not until four years thereafter that
his remains were interred in Weslininster
Abbey. Boston Trsnscrlpt.
rrAit Kirr.
Why should I fear tomorrow?
The I.011I directs my wsv.
Why hutild I trouble borrow?
I live but for today.
Whenever I am weary
In Ood 1 find my test.
And win n my past si ems dreary
I know it's for the best.
Why should I frar tomorrow?
I have a gracious Iriend
Who knows my everr sorrow
And will my cnue defend.
I see Him near me smiling,
In Irhil ami in Joy,
Jly wrnry hours bi'Ktilllng
In lllon best employ.
1 will not trouli'e borrow,
There is a In iter way.
For w ben it comes, tomorrow
M III be another (lav.
(h give me grace, dear f iviour,
'ihy constant love to iiel
Today I seek Tby favor,
Tiuiiorruw leave with Tlire.
I New York Observer.
w.ii kimi i.n tup. w.i i ru.
Tiie rrnl error lib II I'fli r ei inuiitted In
stti ni tint' to Walk on the water IPs ill Hint
lie lilnlcll.'ok w bat the l.oid did Hot reiplire
l liiln. Noilinilil lie nki"l ami nbtnlued
bis permission, but even Ibis show bow the
Lord inny permit Ills si rvants to liud the
bottom nf i heir own resolution, nnd in His
W i-e love Ii m il tin in deep and useful lessons
by their own fmluies Peter nsnved love
lo do bv fiulb vv hi'l f -si t It was quite coti'pe
lent to do, bud the Master liiedcd it nnd
sskeil II. lint, tiikinc It lip of lili.vvninn.
UMii.eveli witn Hie I or. I s pet mission, the
dixi lple ibrnv hlin-elf into elrt iimstni.ces of
d-iPin r :,ii. dlllli ult) In hUi Ii Ins measure
of faith proved un.).jiinl.
To nun nt bring lor I hri-t. to expect to do
for lirist w liul l.rlsi Iim neither enjoined
nor promised. I really not faith, but
biniilK Tloie i ii'tisiilvriilile resi'tn
h am e b. lnrui the two, nn the -urlnec.
The one In s boi n eeali. nnd slviIii ini-takcti
lortbeother There Is a likeness in their
lone. In tin ir itirnesiness, in their ardor,
si'ii et inc., f.,r n while, in tlii ir i iln I-: but
tin y aie entirely ilill'i ti id in their source,
their prme pie. "their rc-ull. Kiiltli irises
mil f grace, I'iiiiiiIicimii bus lis source 111
ill I :iil h Is rub il lytbc Word nt the Lord;
tiiliiilii'tln by the wish, will atl.d luipuliMit
:l e en uture. Knilb re-ults in solid fruits
u. d works lor brisl. 1'niiHtii l-tu burns It
sell out In fruitlos icrvor, or dalu s Itself
lo pieces III a terrible fall.
The dangers nf our limo He, bovvever. for
(be inosi purl, in quite another iliieciion.
1 be iniili rial mid the "n iilar have, iu tin sc.
ibivs, the most poerrltil swny over the
munis of men. The piriliiul is i temed as if
It il'il Pot exist nt nil. I'or. more frequently
than fanaticism Is ini-inken for lull II. is
luilli ililiiiiled Hint tun tloun as fulialli nt.
Ami. in truth, nil rim living and working
lr i I ris Ims in II an s-Is nn nt of paradox,
Ii ich the w orld Is very npt to mi-take for
riiilnisia-in. It Is hIiuiiu i.i le-ults ami ex
peiliig r suit which lieipilte beyond I lie
i limn 1 1 nf nr.iliiiiry, ratiniinl life.
'J'l.i re is no i en I success in the workrf
t lirlst's kinilt in vvbu ti Is not to man's
lii'ltn.ei I as linpossili'e ns to triad Hie
slave-. When Paul went to convert the
until n of l.tiMt Hiitl Ki. me to the fultli of
l be I tucilicd Niiarciif, be wi lit to walk oil
ilu wiuirs. All reason was ngnlii.t (he
1 lobnliility nf bis micciss. M inn I.ulher
rtviied li e liospel of free gince In the fare
of tbe Poiiuiii blernrcliy nnd the empire, he
inl to walk on the' waters. Pope, rm
I't tor. princes mi'i t liiircl nn n were ready
lo ssi aiinw him up. 'I here is tint a true
imssioi'iiry ubrosd or true n ifslon worker
it I onie but goes to seek results above
inMiifi Jjst neiV' ,sji. Vj.i!- .It-Mm.i...
'on. If wo would truly serve Jesus and
Ills kingdom, walk on the waves we must;
fir we walk by Intth. not by sight. Only
l t ij. pitht r from tbe tin blent In Peter's ex
1'Hiein e tint we me to take up our motto
tn in 1-iiuih railier Hint, from Peter. In--It
id o. i boosing lor one's self the path ot
i lily, slid saving, "I.oM. bid Hie tome. 'let
un put ouru'lvi. nml our service Mwuis into
lis 1 1 is 1 1 I -. s. yii'g. in n ns w er to bis question,
W ho will go It r us?" Hi re inn 1 ; send
in..." 'lie tnitsces of nut John
l.nidhv.', I . I).
If an inti -lilgent bcinv. ignorant nf liuinaii
history but tjualilicd to s t inly it cainlldlv and
can fu'lv. in re lo eoinc into our world from
s in.- oilier, there run be no doubt that to
bun the kiii lenie tact nmonM' nil rccoriied
em cernlliL' It woii'd be tin- career of Je-us
I Itri-t nini ng tin n. Whet her ho ever
bad beanl cl.twhtre ( f i brist or not,
win Un r be til lirst flu u lil believe Christ
lo l.e llie s.. n of (iod or trot, nothing else
. io::!d pi.siily sei in to l i ill to have so in
Unci. ce.l the ilevi lopuii t,t of tin- human
late lis tbe fsi t Bi d Hie i luinn icr of Ihe
li'e of t-kiis. The w bole coursi-of llieaies
I'ls ft tlln. the Chi isti. n era would be er
i s i itl to have I eeu preparing the v oiM lor
Hie coining of ( liriet, and the history of the
subsi qui tit ci lit lit i si would be discovered to
exhibit, in spile of everything of a hostile
I I drill b r, tin' slow hlH l'i'l I 'ill dcvellipmcllt
Hinl victory of the principles w hidi He tit -rlun
tl und illiislinted. To such un impartial
student nf our pant nnd present these tin ts
woul. I be Hit xpressibly iiiipn s-le. Tiu v
would be to us were tbey pot so fannl
inr. They plight to I"! far more tbun tbey
si a
It wns distinctly in the immo nf Christ
ihst Mis disciples, during Hie period of life
wliieli remained to tlicin after His luidlly
departure Irom this world, rarrled on tba
work which He hail bequeathed to them. It
was pre-i iniiiently in His name that they ac
complished their most remarkable did,
w hether liiirieuloiis or normal, v. helher
phvsical, social or Hplrlliial. Tbey took Pains
to h ave no one In any reasonable doubt
about this. Christ represetiietl the holy Ood
to them. He wns Hie central, supreme being
In the universe. He, although no longer
vbiblc to the bodily eye, was the source of
their power and tbe inspiration of their
energy. To become like Hun in character
was their noblest slm. They could accom
plish nothing worth the doing, they sought
to accomplish nothing, except in His nnine.
As the Christmas season draws near once
more we shall do well to remind ourselves,
whether we belli ve ourselves Cbrlstinns or
not, of these tilings. "In His Name" may
be, should be, our pcis.inu! motto us
truly as it was that of the earliest
illwlplcs. It wa are unwilling to lake
It for ours wo choose to swim nuuiiist
Hie current of history tnsteud of Willi
il, to oppose the moral tendency of the ne
Instead of taking mtvanlngit of it, to ill
rogurd the most etlm-live assistance to suc
cessful living Instead of n-lng it. Tlm-e
w hom the consecrated enthusiasm, the prac
tical philanthropy, the Inlinitc love, tin.'
compa-slnnale si il'-snt rilb e of our Lord liitu
erlo have failed to persuade, those to whom
His atoning, rcdeeiiiiiiK mercy has Iiih-ii only
a phrase instead of a fact, those w ho, for
any rcii-ou, have neglected or refused to ac
know Irdg His llrst clttline upon thctii all
l hose should consider seriously, anil with
honest petition for divine euli'liteiiinenl,
w hut it really menus not to be ut leust trying
to live In His name.
A Meteorio Btone. '
At New Castle, C'ol.,uboutO o'clock Thurs
day morning a stone, weighing probably 10
Ions, fell from the sky, striking tho earth a
mile northeast of the town. H sunk deep
Into the earth and was lu abeuted condition
when discovered. Tha stone is shite-colored
and tbo people are ronvincad that il drop
trad from tbo much-talked -of comet.
who's .rRt
'Who Is afral i?' the young man sai 1,
And ha laujlitnt anl tossed his hau lsom
And the mhy wine from the cup he drained.
And with many an oath his young lips
'Who Isafrai If Not P' h sat '.
Aud laurheJ, aud tossed his thoughtless
"Olva maa draught that U stringer yet.
There ara fearful tboujhtn that 1 must
There Is dentil In the cup, I know full well,
I've tasted alr.-a ly the fires of hell.
Yet give oi n draught th-it isitroiljnr yet,"
Ua said, "I have thoughts that I inu.t
"I nm afraid :" tho you-ig man sai l.
'Visions of horror are round my be It
Mercy's hour t have siiinl awav.
lentil is onmitij to clnim his prey.
1 nma'ral ll nfraidi'' hti cried.
AVith Ihei'iti.ul words on his bps tin die I.
J.y Allison.
(lenernl H . vai .l. Iii his nillc nl r.-o irt t
Ihe Wicretnrvnr War. gives t ie fiilioviux
impnrtnnt t-stimons conu ?rniu tin "iKi-t
rxehiiluc, or ' ant "ii:
"i'he o(t T'-hati -n proients thn ap-i -ir-anceof
a am ill cumtry store oi- refres.i
metit room in nil thi ireinise ex ;t lu t i
room where b.. j, M ,rv , (,, i ,, ,.,,,.,
Is Irresistab!.. that U-i-r is e-iilv nn 1 c ie-i ly
procured, so tlmr it isc uistautlv forc I tit. mi
thn attention m Hie etilit.t man. Iln is
.ll..., tAki. '.II.... '..I .
....., , i , ni on - iu i is Use. I mi.
mnnuin; nib
me that it .
of Ikit enl n
ers have g rally are.-. with
til I tm we I to nbohsll tiie siln
lv nud In su'isiitutti tor it other
I evnrnges.
I nern s ems n bit- 4 of pronri uy
-ni'lier in t!ie 'inir.ifiii ..r i ' ..
In having i
cnlftl rstnt. s U'liml n c miinr .leilin out
ber like a b.u-eeper in n cuuinoti r-sort.
The o.miiua i lm oilhvri without. i.k,-..i.i
object to lb
ill thn set vi.
If t Hunt be bar keepet-,
tiiey I.,) hired for tin
"Linler t ,. present system s ildiers np:irar
to be more ,:. ii, r.i !v p .Irink aii.l m
r.ll'ences tint no with drinking than irt ..
the old sut: r nud pot trailo system. I ti n
strongly cnviiuvd by nciuil i-xpnrimeut
that while a I, w drunks urn iuo icnitn pi
tlwir apple- it lv il'iin beer thn rem lin
ing soldiers ho tall iiu.ler thn teitiptatio-i
are worrn il' ails' thnt military ollence his
rather inciv is,..i in number."
lu view ..t this significant testimony, frotr,
the ilistiiunistii. I head of thn fluted rtlnl"!
Army, thnt I r selling is injurious to tin
men Uiidei Ins comiiiiinil. It. is to be hope:
that the requisite steps inny b taken for in
abolition -it nu early day. National Teiu
pot snco A ivucate.
m.non VOsj::t,
N'ot Ion; rg.i, in thn beautiful city of
K liimurli, the capital of No itian I, n ilu i
uuiversit.- hull was limit entirely out of tin
tirullts from th saie of a c rtniii kin I of ale.
Il iu .ties it wis a gen .rum thitu for tnu
mnkef nl tlin alo to ilev.ite a sh u-n of his
prollis Pi a uieiul public purp iu. but thi
teniieranie pc Mile of Sen lan I iinug tne in
Muiolimeut ngninst tun had that it Is a moiiu
limit to I. Iiiilnirgh's drimk'-iiiiess.
Terrible n-turns of thn (hvru lutlon of tha
lower ula.s ot K linluirgli, due t.i thn uv
of drink, urn olten drawn by re-i buits of
that citv.
On n r'vetit Satur lay night," onn sueii
fesitb n'. nt 'S t a Me Jtti I uespiir, "i
had occiioii to pass through 0'iwgate,
Ciinouate and liig.i str.vtr,. 1 h scene I w is
co'iijielici tu witness ill i In m i sluvnr.
"Druiii.'ii w un n, many of tli-mwit'i
bairns iu Hieic nrms, j Hti t mn every tew
slops. iiray-'.iairel oil in -n tilled the air
witn tlru iketi yells nnd vulgar lanjua;u. H
grieve.1 iim oeon I description to sw n
' ."'s,'4iir-'iHir'l 1 issit .amltng bopei.. Ij
(IruiisL nt a ,Xt inoiitii, t "in bull ut lau re id
jeter w.i.v passu 1 '.mr by."
Su -li seems may bo sn-ii in many anothtsr
Hciiou U'Hl Kritis.i city, n il to sunn ex:eut
in American cili'M ns well. While they ncn
to be s vn, s i iul l iu iu imi nccepte I, ev ni
lor lieun .c nit pii'ilie p'.p-pos.1, w.iicli is de
rive I Ir. i.n a liailb' wai. 'U iiiiii, m - tin.
grace to our civil a it in i?
There aiM "inny pnv.iln "iiioiiuuiieits t i
'truu (eniin-s' sciittt-rel thiMUg.i ihn in i 1.
'i he Hull w.ll c i. in, beyoii I a iloulc, w
th.rj will nn sc mi enn to w.ioni tn t si;; it
of tneui does ii it b'.-iii n pnm; of son ow,
ill I very few iti'ti-e I to ,vli. u th -y will eve.'
cans.' u tnrill o: pn l. i'oul.i s C j.ii aa
A rather curious etpuritiinut was ma In In
Belgium the ether day. Tue manufacturer,
hofore paying his workmen, marked 701
llve-frauo piucos with a iiunch, ami ills
tnbiib'd the coins in e.pisl nuuilier among
bis hands. At Uiu same time hn risunted
the keeiKtrso.' the grog-shops ad juexut to his
works to hand over to him the fivi-frant!
pieces marked in the way described. Two
days after the wu;es weru paid muru than
three huudred of his silver coins were re
ceived by the employer. The statistician
buve worked out the result, showing that in
lists than two days encli workman hail spent
nn .ru than half his s ilury ut ths pubbi
house. La Mali.
DniMIt AMI P11INK SKI. Lien.
The War Cry, organ of tU Kalvation
Army, prints the followiu;
1 huve henrd all the iiriitujnts which hm
brought agaiiiat r snect itile in mi for iniitiu
facturiiig ami scllin.; rum, 1 h ive lixtir l
them violently il'tnouucjil Irom tno pulpit,
nnl warmly tlefelilud elsnwne:, but n
H'enti to which I was onco a witness deci.lil
my oninioii us to my own duty o i tiiis po ut
Hid that Is about as far, in n matter ol
opinion, as any man can wisely press lm
ttccuinculs i. e., to Ins own cou-ciencu.
I lin ing an oc.-inional stroll in an o Mcurn
part of tho town, my attention was once at.
I rattle I by thu preparations for a fim-rul in
n small liouso by the roidsitle. Wnnt in
ibiiv.l nie t enter a hmiu of mourning,
u iu-, I was alike utikuowiii j and unknown,
is not at present in itertal.
The room that I entered betrnvel at a
glance the nbje'-t poverty of lu o.tcupants.
There was neither car nit nor (Ire, the b-.l
was a heap of strow, four or live old i.mke i
chairs constituted nil tint furniture, util lb
windows werustulte I with rais.
A plain Isiard collin vslucli, from Its siz
must be that of a ctnld 1 iy on two cliuiri
iu the emtei' of the roim; a woman, sobbing
aloud, was bun ling over it; tenor twelve
nieii st'K) 1 iiroun I m silence, und Iiv a
tier of the fireplace, seated on thu tlo tr, wn
a man ill a beastly stale of ihtoxicsti iu.
Tins muii, us 1 nftt-rwiird leuriied, was ths
father of thu child, whom, on the pro
ceding day, lu another lit ol drunk
en ut', be hnd accidentally iu lie I against
a teakettle over the Urn, Mil l the little crea
ture was so seal. lei by the water flint itdiej
during the nUtit .
Altera few ininut's' sib-nee, broken only
by the sobs of tlm lieui-t-lirolieu mother, one
of the men, appnreully witn tho intention of
olTering to the poor woman thu consolation
of sympathy, npproachu 1 and sai I tn bur;
"Mrs. , this is a great allliction."
"las," said tha woman, raising tiff
streuiqiing ayes from the collin ami tiling
them Oil tho speaker with ail tha sternness
she conld command at tho moment, "it is a
great allliction a (Ilea. II ul sftliction; but it
is not for you, who give him (pointing to
ber drunken hushuud) his daily liiUor, und
take from him the muuiis of buying our
dally bread; you who knew his weakness
aud our poverty, you who yesterday sold
blin a dram wbiah ma la biiu murder our
darling child, an I to-day, knowing what lis
bad done, tempted bim to drink what makea
blin sit there like a brute beast, and tha
baby dead by the side of him. It Is not for
you to offer ms oousolation that can come
only from Ood above, who will ona day
judge bat ween tba rich man who sells tlia
Uquur aaa tha poor man who drinks lb"
l.sMl OWNUR AS Attl'i n t'VMV.llts roR tNJCR-
iks rirrii by ir.
An inixittant rase was decided by a Dau
phin county Jti.l,-P. The I.ykens Valley
Coal Company the course of a
stream on Its properly and .lumped a largo
quantity of dust into thechamiel ofthe
old stream. A leg it no. I cause! nn overflow
oftlie stream u:i I Lie t u in was carried on
llio land of P u id S. Pl.ler. doing niuch
damage to it. I'.Mer iiw itntcd suit for tl. a
recovery of ;,.vi i, and tho Jury award. I
him fl.ysl. If a new trial is not granted
t!ieci-e wi:i bo nppea:...! p. the upieuio
Voiirt by tiie Corp' rutioti.
mimiis ii .est r u fi v. ot i n.
At tin early h mr Miud.iy iii irniri fin
ground liciMii In s.'tt over Hie workings of
Hie I.nugcliir Ciilltcry a! Aw-cn, niii-c.l by a
cave in that toils place in ihe tnine tl.iriug
the ni'it, tl iite; i tn.i Icr.i'i.e il imiee tu
i pruptrty . I be pla i-win re the siitf.n e is
. seltled is l;n..Mi .is "P.r.iwn's Patch"' and
! to day it is repurti-d t several acres buvn
, gone il.irtii (-,i;n two to six chiimii' a
few of tho mi
' li t i-cs to . .j.;,- over,
um sustain Inure or le-i
j while many
t Jam i
lot i v i -The
juty in the
I'iUsiiun:, naiti
Oreeiisbur; .Im"
' - ii. i n t i
e: r.
t n-c nf I'.it -1. I. I'.. Icy, ot
t I ". 1 . r I a i I. of the
'. for it. initial libel, to-
turtle In v. r I ..f ud gu.lly. Two (birds
ofllie cost were ii.ce I on Hie ilefetpliitit
nn. I out -ilnr.l on the'.tilT. Tbe .l:;s
inn political article referred to Foley as u
''toiin ler, bet Icr nn ! r illian."'
o"l lilt: I" o IX for fir.
Frank II n! : ami William Murphy,
ptioncrs in the P.lair county Jail ut Holli
il iysl.tir:; on sti-pi. ion of bi-lu Hie allcmpt
e I tuiitderers nf n mail in Altootia. escaped
l ii lny ni(;lit by di;:gin through thn walis
i Willi tiMi.s their irn'ti ls on the oiitsi.ln s.Mit
tin-in com ca'.e I in a tmimniolh pot pie.
j AMWIX'. I'll! I I NsloX Al-l-ltt VMS.
Adjutant licnern! i irceiilund says appli
cants for .en-ii'ii, win) have lust their
Ipapets, go t i iiuneiTssary expense iu pay
iiM I it si. ns to sci ure fnun the depariiueiit
ci rtilic.itcs showing tlicir scrvim in tlia
, 1 " ti ion army. 'Mice can be secured by
Silnpiv iiakiti;; the departiueut for them.
- .
AN r.Wtl Y SK.VTIN'I At l J PR NT.
Will nini Poleski, of lllackwoitl, aged 9
years, while sliding ou tho ire at lllack
wood reservoir, near Trenioiit, iu company
with several young companions, broke
through uinl was drowned.
Josiaii I.Yim K, a merchant of Oreenvllle,
while crossing the si reel from his store to
lit,. dwelling, cairyiug u'lurge i nu t f money
, '" ' iv ihkIi yn atiiu n robber -
Ulled Mr. i. vibes to in.
bag and after rilling bis
i ..rt.4-
i. pin si ts, e
cspe 1.
Wn.i i im Wiiai.rm wax crushed l.y rock
falling on biiu nt the South Wet Connells
villcCoke Company's up ties, near Mt. I '':
sut. Ho die I seveial hours aiterwartl
Tiik business tnen of ltellefontn tire in
cited over the fuel thai the town will likely
lose its free inai delivery service, lu IS K)
tbe postnltlie receints were o.ishj but lust
yeur tbey were only about 7.0ij.
Sitikuiy night ami Sunday the Phi In?
dephiuaml Kcadiug moved lu con,
trains from the mines in tho Schuylkill re"
gioii down their main line to si. lew liter.
Much of tlin trains iivcragetl Uu itondola cars
or in all .'l.lttNi. I'.nch car curried uu uveritge
of '.'s tons, milking a tolul of lo i.'JoM tons
for each toll I lis- coinpnnv gels fl.'si main
line toils, or iu all f JoT, Pin, which the pur
chaser pays.
I". mm., u 7 inoiillis old child nf Mr. nml
Mrs. A. Ciiitip, ol llarrisbui'i;, us fatally
burned by the explosion of uu oil lump.
A 2 vrvu oi, n daughter of Pobcrt Median,
of i'lllsliurg. was fatally burned. I he child
was playing about a lirn wh'-n ber clothes
ignited, literally conking the ilesh. Lr,
liruliaiu pronotitiicd the cbild's injuries
Iti vcK iliphllieri has broken out with
great virulence at Mammoth, a mining tow n
in Westmoreland county near Unvnshurg,
and a bu f do.en deiilhs liuve occurred.
A L u Ki-'Ucr t W. stinoreluiul county) farm
er discovered ii broken Imgonnne of tho
main tracks of Ihe I'euusy Ivania railroad on
Ttus'lay inoriiing just in lime to Mop the
southwestern evpn . tlieteby saving it from
being ibrown Irom thu truck.
A I.i iiii.ii Valley ingine exploded pour
Slicnnti'lo di Wcilneslayiiig it, killing lln
ginecr William Harry, of shoemakers, till I
ferioiisly iiijurit g u liremau und a bruLsf
A I mi r. child of Andrew .Johnson at
prady's Pun. wa burned to death win In
pl.ivi'ng about a 1 1 re in u room with other
At Heaver Falls Saturday afternoon dur
lug a foot-bull game -lolin Mitchell ot New
jtrighlon was severely injii'ed. Little hopes
are entertuined for bis recovery.
A i'iKiiKi(i.M couniv jury yesterday
remleted a verdict in I X"i agstnsi Hie
Plnladelpliia an. I Heading railroad, for tha
killing of Charles l.viihui k, near Carlisle,
Pu , ill April IM'l.
1. aw iikm k county school directors favor
frca text books.
Mrs. Mvky Wiikis, an aged crippled
lady, was ut t at ketl by two unknown men.
Hear New Foireute Sunday, and roubtd of
I.I. 10.
A r St linylkillliiiven, Mrs. Ann Davio
died at tbe ulinsbouse. iiged 101 years. Hlie
wns boi u in Wales in 17U1, und bus been a
XYidow for til ty ycurs.
Aim kt Tanm it. n lumber merchant, of
Fumly l ake, full u-leep in a trum returning
from itulbtlo und wms robbed of ll.ii.
TiiKtnasury of Mercer county, Is iu
straightened circuissiani es bciause of un
collected taxes during the put three years,
aggregating about iO.WX).
A rtur thut brol-e out in J. 1). Hepburn's
restaurant, Mididlley, destroyed nil 'lio
buildings from the river to .Mahiiflcy Ho
tel. The loss which amounts to Uioussnds
of dollars, fulls heaviest on A. I). I.ydick,
who owned live of the burned buildings.
A. Spencer and J. V. Hepburn are also
heavy losrrs.
Josiril, the lire year old son of John
Henry, of Canoe creek, near Hollldaysburg,
applied a lisbtod match to bis tlotbuig and
was burned beyond racovory.
i. , -ivt-y-.j j.-