THE POST I not n "Onrun " i Frank Bowcrnoxjan 1, M, L. 13 of L00A1. INTEREST i -i aiaaaawaiaaw ' Vt next weok. Como and see ie follow never seem to have 1 ground until they are buried. ''and water woman and a se- are hostile properties. i F. E. Bower visited her er, Dr, Harris, at Lewisburg eek. X Tobia,of Hwinford, is con to bis bod with neuralgia of Bart. Irinking song, to be popular, J be written with a rent at I bar. It. Paul Billhardt has been suf- j from an attack of quincy, but iter now. ntzborzer soil Boys suits from xb up to 13 for $1 per Buit, and jr ones (brown cheviot) at f i.oii. n't suffer with indigestion, use Bs Mandrake Bitters. For by W. H. Beaver, Middleburgh, J. W. Sanipsell, CeutrevuUelJec, . J. C. Schoch, who has been I for several months, left for delphia yesterday for medical jient. She was accompanied jr husband. protracted meeting is iu prog t Zion'sU. B. church, conduct s' Rev. F. List, their pastor, uunion service was held at the (place by the pastor. it Notice. I am offering new key of my own manufacture at I ft gallon, and my old goods at i, 2.60 ami $3.00 per gallon. Sales f J. L. Marks. II. Uhsh & Son, of Swineford. received a car-load of hogs,co.i s of shoats and breeders, which are now selling at private Bale, y prices are certainly low, and inimals go like hot cakes. je Ladies' Mito Society of the Jloburgh Lutheran congregation hold a festival in Hon. G. Alfred jch's store room, on Saturday ing, Dec. 10, and Monday even Sec. 12, for the benefit of the church. je Bcavertown hunting party jh camped in New Lancaster ;week, returned Saturday with , deer a four-prong buck and a The doe was shot by James r and the buck by Oscar Biug . se Notice. All persons holding purchase cards for eugraved ; aits will please present them r . ' photographs by Dec. loth. 'Respectfully, l! I. E. Ulbh, Swineford. i. I lot rick, of Shamokin Dam, -.ken charge of the Park Hotel k place. Mr. Hetrick is a first man and we fool assured that ! .11 mako the Park Hotel one of ladinginus along the Susiiue v. $tlinsrove 1 hues. mebody must take care of r," and II. J. Buffingtou will ue in the undertaking bust i 'J successfully .conducted by l . ;easoa lamer. Jtarvoy is an "r meed eubulmer, and he ho lit 1 . v continuance of his father's putr age, A C -patch from Norwich, Pa., to this New York Nun records that by Let feLilh marriage, which occurred oti last Wednesday, the widow Gcdds had become the step-mother of forty-Heven children, the stop gram! nother of fifty-two, tho ,fitep j.;reat tbi' four. 'Tandmother of eleven, and p-great-great-graudmothor of t, is rcpoi ted that the Canada is fast gaining a foothold in I sections of the State, atten- canukt me oxisiouce oi a ut law imposing ponaltios he man who allows this nox- eed to grow on his property ought to be strictly enforc he Canada thUllo is as threat- to laud interests as plouro- jiua to cattle interests. WW Iff .31 IU II tfSsM ""III: I 1 I Sm X ! I W&,:im MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., DECEMBER 8,i 1892. A Salary With expenses paid, wITl come handy to anyone who is now out of employment, especially where no previous expense is required to get a position, see advertisement on page 8, headed, "A Chance to Make Money. The reason why Arnica & Oil Lin iment is so popular with the ladies is because it not only is very heal ing and soothing but its odor is not at all offensive. For salo bj W. II. Beaver, Middleburgh, and J. W. Sampsell, Ccntreville. Deo, The capital 'C" has been foremost this rear in the leading events. It alarmed us in Cholora, wa"s cham pion, in the Corbctt-Sullivan fight, ' i i i i : .. w as cmpunsizeu iiiki iwimi. m wir name of Columbus and more recent ly engaged the attention in the elec tion of Cleveland. See T Prof. Barrett of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., speaking of pulmon arv diseases, says : not one death occurs now where twenty uiea ie fore Downs' Elixir was known. Or er fifty years ol constant success places Downs' Elixir at the head Of the loug list of cough remedies. For sale by V. H. Beaver, Middleburgh, and J. W. Sampsell, Centreville.Dee, The carpenters will finish work on the new Lutheran church this week when the painters will start in Their work will require about throe weeks. Tho 1017 pound bell from the McShaneBell Foundry, Baltimore, has arrived and is ready to be placed in the tower. The two furnaces placed in tho building by J. II. Rhoads are giving first class satis faction and keep the three larTo.l TSKJXX J.Wt . )Y 1,11 l?l COJlClI- lion. Wishing to close out my entire line of Millinery Goods, Ladies' and Children's Felt Hats, Baby Caps Tarn O'Shanter Hats, Tips, Fancy Wings.Ribbous, Velvets, Velveteens, etc.i I invito you to call and acquaint yourselves with these goods which I now oiler at and below cost. If you wish to secure a bargain do not fail to give me a call. Libdie Dunkleueikieh'h Millinery. Opposite express oflice, Middle burgh. ( lit. An Indianapolis man, intending to visit tho World's Fair and wish ing to ongago a modestly furnished house for the summer months, re cently applied to a rental agent in Chicago and received tho following response : "Wo have to rent on the south side the following : House, twenty-five feet wide, six bedrooms, $300 per month j houso twenty-two foet wide, soven bedrooms, 300 per month (both of those houses can ho rented for a period of live months) j house, twelve rooms, 000 per month." The Troxelvillo hunting party, which was accompanied by the editor of the Post, returned from their deer hunt in "Camp Allen Moyer" on Saturday, having killed three of tho tloet-footod animals tho one. a fine, fat, four-prong buck. The lucky fellows who got tho shots and did the killing wore Phures Fetter- olf and Ner M. Middloswarth, of Troxelvillo, and A. D. Krnamer, of Kroanier. The party on joyed the hospitalities of Allen Moyer, in New Lancaster, who contributed much to their succohs. Simple common seuso is often at a premium, and it has taken mi ap peal to tho Supremo court of Penn sylvania to secure it iu a very plain question. A Lawrence county man gave wine to his guests and was iu consequence thoroof convicted by the court of quarter sossious of his county for the violation of the Brooks law. Ho appealed, and the Supremo court reversed tho court below, saying "There is notlfing iu the Brooks law to restrain and reg ulate the use of liquors by privato citizens in thoir own dwellings. The criminal law of this stato does not make it a misdemeanor for a citizen to think intoxicating liquor in hU own house- or to furnish it to guests." . ABitfilaul. Fmm Hut Cuntre (Bnllcfonlfl) Iiomoorat, Last Saturday evening there was quite an attraction at the depot. when the Snow Shoo train arrived. The presence of bo many old hun ters, anxiously waiting for tho train, explained all when tho eugine steam ed into the town. In a freight car was the prize. It was soon opened and from it were taken eight as fino deer as were ever brought from tho woods A large crowd gathered around, to hoo tho show. There were two five-prong bucks, two four prong bucks, 6ne throo-prong .buck, one spike buck and two does, all very large. The hunting party that was successful in making this, tho largest haul that has been heard of this season, was composed of the following men from Pleasant Gap and Nittany Valley : Benjamin Gentzcl, John Brown, John and Ellis Horner, Lute and Newton Schreckengast, Win. and George Rossman, Emanuel Houser, Dave Moyer, A. M. Groningor am Siguiund Shindle. 4 The party were gone about two weoks and woro able to hunt about eight days in the Green Woods in Cameron county. Thero wero some old hunters in the 'party and when they go to the woods they are sure to bring something home! Tho next Legislature will improve the present ballot law. Jesse P. and E. II. Haslet, ad miniBtrators of John Haslet, dee'd, will sell 'personal property of said deo'd, on the premises in Jackson Apvuwd.n- Patard.t.5 : JVff- -Jt') See bills. "Mistaken Sodls Wuo Dueam ok Bliss." The following niarriago li censes have been grunted since our last publication : ) Howard S. Zechman, Beavcrtown, Ellen J. Bowersox, Centro Twp. J Edward B. Kline, Lewist own, Pa, ( Mary Weader, McClurn. 1 Elmer C. Witmer, Meiserville, (Lottie Dinger, Aline- John P. Long, Monroe, Twp. (Rosie I. Stetler, Monroe, " SC. W. Dunkelborger, Mid.llccreek, Verdilla Leitner, Juckabn Twp. 18. O. Stroub. West Perry, KM. J. Mitterling Every lino in tho newspaper costs something. If it -is for the benefit of an individual it should l paid for. If a grocer was askod to donate groceries to ono abundantly able to pay for them ho would refuse. Tho proprietor of tho newspaper must pay for tho free advertising if the beneficiary does not, and yet it is one of the 'hardest things to bo learned by many that a newspaper has space iu its columns, to rent, and must rent to livo. To givo away or rent for anything loss than living rates would bo as certainly fatal an for u landlord to furnish rent free. On Thursday last wo entered Du cember, tho last month of tho year. Although the 12th mouth it retains its old Roman name of tho 10th. It is tho dullest and dreasiest of tho twelve. It is a month given up to snow and ice, to frost and cold, to thick furs aud rosy eheeks, ami tho music of sleigh bells. It brings Christmas, tho greatest holiday of tho year, with all its mirth, and dur ing tho few short, bright, crisp dnyn that it usuallylias tho healthy podes traiu' enjoys .tn amount of exhilara tion which ho is stranger to in warmer days. Tho Scientific American says the following is tho bost known remedy for diphtheiria : At tho first indica tion of tho disease in tho throat of a person, mako tho room close, then take a tin cup and pour into it a quautity of tar and turpentine, equal parts. Then hold tho cup ov er the fire so as to till the room with fumes. The patient on inhaliugtho fumes will cough ip aud spit out all the membraneous matter, and tho diphthoria will soon pass off. The funibs of tho tar and turpentine will soon loosen the matter iu tho throat, and thus afford relief that has baf fled the skill of the physicians. Killed A Monster Bear. Amos Snook, of the "West end," shot a bear on Friday morning of ast week that dressed 303 pounds. There were three other hunters, be sides Mr. Snook (whose names we have not learned) and they had trail ed tlioauimal ou horse back in tho "Kettle," north of McClure, all day Thursday. Mr. Snook' had twice got Hight of bruin on Friday, and euch time sent his contribution of ead into his carcass b'ut failed to stop hitn. Thursd.iy evening they eft him on tho suu-sido of Jacks mountain, and tho next morning Mr. Snook stationed himself on the little low place" between Krebs' and Kiicpp'g gaps, and tho balance of tho party started in to rout bruin They succeed so well that Mr. Snook soon obeorved his bcatship coining up tho steep grade, laboring like an overtaxed freight engine. When within a fow rods, Mr. Snook fired aud Bent a ball into his neck, and the animal rollod over and over down the inountain. Tho dogs, embolden ed by the apparent helpless condi tion of their foe, pitched into him tooth and toe-nail. Ono of them moro bold than tho rest, attaekoi tho (lviug animal in front and a sincla bite from tho boar laid him out dead as a door-nail. Tho animal carried a number of balls aud buck shot in his carcass, wliicJi had caus ed no apparent effect upon his goo health, whilo one of Ins ears was completely torn from his head the probable result of a disputo with a brother in tho junurlo. iho pelt is said to be a very fino ono and wil bring the hunters a rich reward fi; ineir (taring. ' Ranting Jo-Jo. Tom Harter of tho Post, is saying lots of good things about tho Demo crats now, but before tho election, lie was as rampant as any of the Republicans iu the defence of the McKinley bill and Harrison's pen sion robbery. It may bo that Tom thinks tho next board of County Commissioners, will be Democratic, and it is high t imo to get iu line. SW si rove '1 'tin?. No, no, no, Brother Lesher. The principles of the Republican party aro still dear to us, and will remain bo until they aro proven false. We will continue to eneourugn tho vic torious party iu its attempt for do ing good. So far we have lnul only promises. To oppose a party in its honest efforts would bo too much like that element iu tho Democratic party (yourself iucludod) which sympathized with Secession in 1H01, turned in with Great Britiun in the Chilian contorversy iu lN'.M, and be came Anarchists with the Anarchists at Homestead in IH'.ij. Chicago California. The Atchison, Topeka & S inta Fe Rairload has just placed a new and improved train service between Chi cago aud California. It is an entire now train composed exclusively of Pullman's nowest cars.togother with tho free reclining chair car, dining car, &c. It was put on at tho re quest of aud to accommodate their largo and growing Southern Cali fornia trallic. Our recent trip to tho interesting South-West enables us to speak authoritatively of tho beauties of that region and tho advantages ofl'er ered by tho Santa Fo Route, and it affords us pleasure to recommend tho sanio to those of our readers who contemplato a trip toward tho setting sun. tf. Card of Thanks. We, tho undorsiguod, wish to ex press our sincere thanks to tho friends, neighbors, and especially to tho G. A. R. for their kindness to us during tho sickness and death of our dear father and husband, also to the young ladies w ho mado tho floral decorations., E. L. Bi't'FisoroN & Childiiex. The game of courtship nearly al ways ends in a tie. V: WSr Til I LI Hhi III If ' Consolation. i l. Hami.ih, lit ItloomtnKton. (111.) "Lciuli-r." IiU" Imltit no ti-v nil rryln' Ohrr milk ut ha bwn apllliMl. An' (tar halm noutetn klckiii When your lomlott hup." n kllli'il, Kf briny aVriouiU halt k!'rtil All dimu I H In tin nky, Kp your " tklntiftl for to-morrow. When t h c nti'l hull ill rolled ly. For do silver linln' pm'pln' Kroin boM-i'l ,1p rioiiil mlt hIiow machine h itj,vt kcrnumlxiM l.tkft "lie til I four yean ajo. Oil. wld nil ii ir ilKipimlnlmt'iiK TlAnn hon ir jet 1 1, iii A true nnrt nun in-ilevor ludeO.O p. MotimiMyU .vanii inriiT MiiH uk., ie flKlit din year. An' otlor v jo purty Tuk tie in i .ii ilvr by do ear. Who fer tuk.' oh tiMli'titlou , iTtiwiMl In Uw toomiirli, An' ralHMl it- herry delilill Wld de ti mi nil' de Dtilcli. An' oilcrasty ilt Ailulln An' Orovrr, Ixilli, luul put In dere liM Ir lireot'hru pocket Kiu'h de lu red rnblilt' loot. Hut do lieM ini;nuitlCiUort 8:iy iflierytlilnif denote Pe re.ion ch defent wns Jeil lie luck Is i ll devute. Ho wld nil our trlhututlonn How enjMillir 'tin to think Hut we'll m he wenrln'dlitmotuK An' de Jlnle imi do chink ' oh de trohl mul ullhcr dollim lint we'll pick upon do ntreet Will put de miille ob pleusuro on tie race ii nil we meet. No mor do mhlier turlll Will be it ui its hh a tax. No luorrt we'll pay do duty On do slilit Umn our liackx. OH, we'll all he rich iw hunkers For the illmoemtH Imvo Hworn Ihit de hM I linen dey are nln-r An' we know It In a horn. What the Odd Fellows Said irtVll wot Chicago to l'orlland by the great Union Pi.cific System, has been ono tilled with delight, one that has fur nishod for tho memory tralleries of nearly fiiXI people, gathered from ov cry tiuai'tcr of ' tho United States and of the provinces of tho English ciown, vith a series of marvelous iiicturrs, among which are those from tho wondrous trip from Den ver to Silver Flume and around the great 'Loop,' the exquisite organ recital in the great tabernacle at Salt Lake City : the never to-bo-forgotten delights of tint plunge in to tho waters of the Great Salt Lake at Garfield Bench, ami the glorious scenery of this majestic trip down tho noble Columbia, can never be effaced from our minds." Pcnn'a Tours to Florida. The Pennsylvania llaihoad Com pany announces its series of personally-conducted tours to Florida for January 31st, February 1 Ith and 'JSth, .March ltth and 2stli. Tl'e party will travel by special train of Pullman sleeping and dining cars, and they will go through via tho At lantic Coast Lino on fast schedule. The Tourist Agent and Chaperon will conduct each tour in both direc tions, except that passengers on last tour will return independently by regular trains, and all tho details will bo carried out in that superior style for which these trips have be come celebrated. Excursion- tickets, including rail way transportation, Pullman accom modations and meals en route iu both directions, will bo sold from all principal stations on tho system. They will bo good only on the special trains, or on regular trains to the nearest point of connection with the special trains, and will only bo ac cepted for tho return trip on the regular returning train of that tour, except for tho fifth tour returning, which will bo good by regular trains. They will admit of a stay of two weeks in Florida, except iu tho case of tho fifth tour, which has a longer return limit, tickets being good for return passage until May !10tli, iH'.t;!. For information detailing tho tours application should bo mado to Mr. Geo. W. Boyd, A. G. P. A, Phila delphia. Next week is court and we hove reserved a whole column for a "roll of honor." Let it bo filled. " mm nt'Vrt Rulit nut. (liinritiitocil cln-nliicn Mno Huiwcriptionli.w a year. NO. 47 A Bit of History. On tho (ith day of December, IHH'J, the first issue of tho Post was sent out under its present management. It seems hardly possiblo thut ten years have elapsed since wo came into this countya stranger among strangers with nothing to recom mend us but a light heart and a pair of willing hands. These ten years have been tho shortest ami happiest of our life. We have not had sunshine all these years, and the waters at times have been troubled aud tho heavens dark, but we Lent -our eyo tin tho sunnv sido and steered straight ahead. Our subscription lint which num bered one thousand when wo look tho paper from our predecessor's hands, soon fell to six hundred due we tho prejudices on the part of tho peoplo against a now man. But, thoso prejudices did not last forever, and soon wo had all the old names on our list and many new ouch and now we modestly claim a circulation of l.fion with the Hiib scription books always open for in spection. Our course has not at nil times been fully endorsed by nil of the people a blessing no ono oould ex pectbut we havo eudeavored to do right as wo saw it and depended upon the safety of oar own judg ment which is the only criterion left tho individual who has learned by tough experience that ho must take care of himself or nobody olso will. We have endeavored to issuu a paper that sells on its merits and not on its political proclivities, aud as a result tho I'osi is m -- "or gan as the term is upp!n"l, tor it has always considered "publa; oflice a public trust" and has been as ready to condemn! otlieial abuses in the Republican party as iu the Dem ocratic. Neither is it as "rank" as some would have it, but wo recog nize no higher authority than the Golden llule, which should exist in politics as. well as in religion, and wherever merit exists we recognize it regardless of party distinction. Wo consider tho time past when men should bo pilloried on account of their political convictions. Wo can not all see things as wo would like,, to. Tho father of tho writer of this article was a democrat, iiJ m . ni lomnf num. Friendship and true worth havo always shown their lie ft in our political balance, and they shall continue to do so, so Imigas the present editor owns ami controls (lie paper. That this course lias received the endorsement of public sentiment is self-evident from the liberal and continually in creasing pittrouae it. is receiving. NKL1NSGKOYK. Miss Anna Buyer, of lliih St. and Miss Mary Noetlinjr, of Market St. were delegates from this place to the Young People's Society of Christian Convention at Milton last week. ..George Haas, sou of Kev. W. A. Haas who has been attending State Collcgo iu Centro county (nine home sick last week. .. .Mrs. Horraco Allemau mado a visit to Sunbury last week.... Mrs. Kate Kantncr ami Miss Clara Moore vis ited friends in Wiliiamsport last week A. W. Potter aud District Attorney Harvey E. Miller mado a business trip to Sunbury last week. Mrs. Hartinan, wife of Ellis Hai tinan on the Isle of (juedicd this morning. Mrs. H. had boon sutler ing fr a long timo and had lost her reason from a stroke of appoplexy she had received about a year ago ... .S. Wells Goniberling was home on a visit to his parents last week. ....Miko Bingamau made Selins grovo a visit last week. Mr. B. formerly resided in town but now hails from MitHinhurg...,It is re ported that Bov. J. Wesley Glover, of Stato College, Pa., is to bo wed ded to an accomplished young lady, of Carlisle, Pa., on or uhout Christ mas. .. .Missionary Institute has now about 100 students tho largest number hinco its beginning. Tho great need of this school is an addi tional building. Mt.NToii.