The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 03, 1892, Image 4

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It gJlWbMrargft lost.
Published every Thursday.
T. H. EaRTER. Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
(whlcb mnxtb nniil In (vnno when sent tmt
lili the county.)
All trnn-o-tcnt, aiKi-rll-M'tni'tit n4 otherwise
(Miilrartcl for III l cliiiivi'il at Hit' rale nf 11
O'nta r Din- (ii'iiip:irli'l in'' i.Hiiri't fT flrt Inser
tion nnl 10 cent wr line fur every sulm'u'it
Thursday, November 3, 1S!)2.
Republican National Ticket.
Vr IT-'viilfiit.
I1KS.IAMIN li Ull!iN. of Imlhma.
t Vri 1'rtKlilnilf .
Will I'LI.AW IlKMI. nf N. w Y'Tk.
Republican State Ticket. t
tur i'(iiiLrr"in:iii- it-l, ir'e.
At.KN WIU'.H MclMiWKI.I.. Mercer,
I.KN. W M.I.I M 1 .11.1 . iil-iii.
Tnr npri'iiif .I'l'lt.
.lnil.N liKAN, HI nr.
K"T Klcclnr. ir-rkT".
.1. I'll N' I 1I M.M' I. in l
w vi w i in-'. riiit.ii'iiiiu.
II K. JuNK. AH' Vl .
VM. II. SAY N K. II. I".
l'..r Hl-trlc-i I'li'i tni'-i.
1. .Mm I.. I.HH-oll. I'i '. Iturl.iiHl.
4. .I.ili'i M itf
'I. .t ill II llllllHT.
1. Alex. iii''. .Ir..
V ( Imrli-i It Mm r.
h. VlXWcll t'lmver.
T. W III. II lirUllll.'. .
. Trmll r.-rii.
i. .I.mi" K M"--' r.
M. .1 W. M. ;. i-t.
ri' ii a. Mi'i.tiiii",
i;. I.. T. lt'i.irKi. li,
!. S. . ll'M li.
in. .1. sciiall Wlllh' lm.
VII. -
J I. .In. II. I..H1X,
si. II'.U rl I'llcalrti,
.'I. .1 V. l.ln.
.'I. I!. I.. I, III' 'tin,
:.. s. i. ii. il.
M. II.'.r,
. K. Il.ii.'l''.
Jl"M' I'., Ililll'.
ll. Il.'tirv A. kn.ii'i'.
! .'. Win. .1. II mi l .
i. .l.lllli i Mill I.
J I. ,l;lllli -l II. NIli'll'I'V, .'
lor niiT r"".
TIIAI. M V AIK'N. i f i li.viil rl'iirtf
Km Mill.- ti nt
W. II. IIUKKNUKIKi. "I Mlltiin.
I nl S I .
111!. I-:. W. Tun',, 1 r.'.'I'Hi-
Kit Aicliitc Jil'lif i".
.IKKKMI All liiil K. s. IHKr.iM'.
I'..r i '..nut v Snrii'iiT.
t'.IAI.I.I.s l w hl.hl.. I'.Mw r.
.1 .III. V. KrllTi.lf.
',', I'll.- . .1 V W.llk'T.
- V in. I . Mil 1 1 ll , 'I liolllllw HiTl.strr
. II ii I li. ili. II I '. S.iluiv'l.
'..-,..- I
ll in.-i-
I U.ijih, (U .lt. .. 1."!.,' III. II!" ''.
Kr.iiiMiu - A'l mi It'-niili.v. r. .r.liii II. Martin.
.1 i, m - .1. s. s ..hi. ... I'I. M.I I'I I II.
.Ml. I. II' I.Mik'li- .I nn'- li'.n. r-...l. M. MHiiIii'it.
M i.t."'T. '-l. - I ' I AHl ili'l, I'. I.. .
M.'iirii'- IV . Itlti' :' II. H. I: nlin-r.
I'. :. I. I .I'llll'.'l IHl ,- 1. 1' . i."l.l'llllllf"T.
- II. K. All. "I'Mil. ItllM lllllt.T.
''si c. m. Arii'.u'.'. i. ii' iiiiiiiuii.
. .iii-KinM' -A. II. I'i'k. l.i'l Kl-ln r.
-.rliik'-K. K. liiwi. Wtu. ,1. Kliw'.
: ' i 'ii -All. il Sri-iirM. .'. i -'.' I'''r-.
A .,-!I!II"Ii -.ImIiII l!ll. .I.llll'" 1'. M'l.MT.
The Presidential Struggle.
Thy' eut iiresi'leiiiiid Ktruirglo of
H.i'V Iraw ing to It has
I "'i n, in many nsoctH, the most re
markable campaign ever conducted
lift wc ii the two ureal parlies in the
L'nited States. Two yearn nt,'o, im
mediately utter the enactment of
tlie McKinley Tari!V Law, the result
of the elect iciis throughout, the
c 'lint iv, tn-ui rally, iiitet('l th.) feel
inir f iiliiinst universal I i 1 1 K uinl
liitriist lit' that net and t lie fluliiers
thereol', together with tho party
tliat ha l li 'cii iiistruuii'iital in en
.rriit't w; i! up. in the Nitimial Stat-ii:i--,
w.'iv, f. r a t -: i ; umi.v time, I. .nil t In ir p.iitiuii and w re
luiri 1 t i await the natural and nor
mal workings of the Act.
The i'l-piililicaii party was ripoii--;M.'
for the passage olt he MrKiiili y
Hill and it came immediately after
the downfall of the attempted pas
mil.'!' of the notorious Mill-, Jlill,
which was, in form and substance,
its almost exact counterpart. The
Vote of the people lit t he polls, olio
m.'iilli after the Hill became a law,
was not a repudiation of it, but a
waruiuv; to Congress to yoslow in
deulin with so technical and intri
cate a problem as one which iifl'ects
directly the business interests of
every win 'Kingman in the land. As
a piece of l'ederal legislation it was
and is without a parallel in tho Leg
islative history of cither America or
Kuiope. Hut the framers of the
McKinli'.v Jlill were not dismayed
by the r suit of the election in Ih'.MI.
They had full confidence in tho Act
and well Knew that time would rat
ify the wisduiu of tho protective
policy as enunciated in tho Uill. and
that its adaptation to the needs and
conditions of the business of the
American Nation would enforce
what nil the cininent American
statesmen and 1'residentH, from
Cioorge Washington on down to
l!enjiunin Harrison, (trover Cleve-
land excepted, had declared on the
iloov of Congress or in their State
papers, on tho subject of Protective
Madison, Jefferson, Jackson, Cal
houn and Lincoln wero unmistako-
ably fixed in their notions that tho
Protect ivo policy wan tho ouly good
and Hafo ono for tho United .States.
A critical review of tho public ner-
vices of these illustrious men will
verify hucIi Htatcment. It in need'
less to Hay that Republican states
men in tho past all favored tho pro
tective uystcu), and the moat distiu
guiHhoil Democrats did likewise.
Tho volume of commercial trade
with foreign nation: in two years
past dcmonHtratcH that at no time
in uur History uavo ngurcs to wen
and forcibly proved tbo direct Rains
financially accruing to every depart
ment of American industry. The
gains, aro of such a marked and sat
isfactory character thai we noek for
tho cause. That raiino ii4 the Mc
Kinley Act. Tho people are about
to decide which party shall dominate
the Nation for four yearn to come.
It Matter little which political
party reigns ho fur as tho Bupreniacy
of a political party in concerned, but
it niattcra much what bunineni pol
icy pervades tho country. The
theory of Tice Trade which U liber-
nl ,u,d excellent.!, theory only, has
never iouini iavor wmi practical
men. l.ismark, the greatest living
statesman of tho age, has told hin
fellow countrymen that tho Amer
ican protective system has enriched
Li hat. Nation, and that Germany, if
she would prosper, must follow in
our track. jjoni rmuisiMiry, lino
Premier of England, ban told his
fellow countrymen that America is
on the highway to National happi
ness and industrial dcvelopoinetit
and financial enrichment and that
England if slio would prosper must
follow in our track.
Foreign statesmen view un an we
are . American people vote for us as
it all'ects our business, whatever
that business may be. Two years
of McKinlcyinm havo proven that
the protective policy in not only
good, but that it in well settled. Will
tho American people vote them
selves a change now and thus con
vulse business or will they accept
the American policy for America as
against tho !ritish policy for Eng
land ?
Every voter who has supported
the KepuUican party should stand
by that party on Tuesday next. He
should vote for Harrison and every
Republican candidate down to the
end of tho ticket. It is of the most
urgent importance t hat the l'nited
States Senate and Congress be Re
publican. It then becomes a matter
of the most significant and vital im
portance that we send to the Senate
and House at Harrisburg Republi
can representatives, who will take
care that Republican voles aro regis
tered for a Republican for tho Unit
ed States Semite from Pennsylvania
foi the next six yearn.
Advices direct from tho centren of
ancca that tho Stato ofV - - sA-.
safely settled for Harrison that
West Virginia will surely detach
herself in tho present contest from
her old democratic mooringn and
join tho Republican column ; that
Indiana, tho President's native
State, will return her electoral vote
for him ; that Alabama is safely and
certainly Republican, unless D.-ino-cralic
frauds smother tho legitimate
Republican vote, thus frustrating
the rights of the pcoplo of thaf
State; that Connecticut hitherto
lcmocratic is being shaken from
stem to stern by the aggressive light
the Republicans arc conducting for
it irnsoii mere ; mat .ew jersey,
since ( ieiieral Grant's lirst election
a hopelessly ami inexcusably ten
acious Democratic State, will on
Tuesday next elect John Kenn, Re
publican, for Governor, and mater
ially shake the old time Democratic
majority for President, and that
every indication points to the trium
phant and glorious re-election of
le'iijamin Harrison as President by
a large electoral vote at the polls on
Tuesday next.
Be Careful of Your Votes.
In our supplement this week we
give an ap proved form of tho Sny
der county ticket to be voted next
Tuesday. You cannot voto this
ticket but you can experiment with
it in making out your ticket. To
voto tho straight Republican ticket
it is only necessary that you make a
cross (X) in the right hand corner
at the head of each candidate or
group of candidates opposito the
word Republican. There are it groups
and hence it will require six crosses,
viz : (1) Presidential Electors, Con-gresn-at-Large,
and Supreme Judge,
which are in ono group, CM Con
gress, CJj Stato Senator, (4 Repre
sentative, (5) Associate Judge, (Co
County Surveyor. If you want to
vote a split ticket you must make
crosses after the namo of each of
tho candidates in tho group except
tho ouo you desiro to "scratch,"
and then make a cross after the
name of tho opposing candidate for
whom you wish to voto which you
will find in tho proper column. It
is a dangerous busineB, however,
and uuloss you aro fully conversant
with tho process you had better
"go'cr straight" this year, for a
single error may throw out your
whole ballot.
Up and at 'em, Guards.
But few days remain until the to-
leM of lhfl UnUetl gulM bfl
called upon to decide the issues of
one of the most important cam
paigns ever known in the history of
our country. The question of pro
tection to American industry by a
protective tariff, or the question of
protection to foreign capital by a
tariff or revenuo only, or in other
words free trade to foreign countries,
is to bo decided by tho voters of
thin nation. Never, possibly, -has
such an important question con
fronted tho American citizen. Still
thin in tho situation, an proclaimed
)y thJ Uo t n u (
CftHJ for ftml tl(,,ibcr
thought aud tho responsibility rest
iug upon tho voter is something
that cannot bo considered lightly.
Tho American voter, fortunately,
has not been ignorant of thin great
question. Ho has read, studied it
in all its important phases. While
there is a wido difference of opinion,
w hich we w ill not attempt to argue(
now as we have done so frequently
the voter, if a truo American citizen,
cannot refuse to attend tho polls
this year and vote as his judgment
dictates. It is too vital a question
for any man to deliberately refuse
to participate in and no one, who
has any love for his country will dc
clinetodo so. It is thought that
many may refuse to attend tho polln
on account of ignorance of tho new
ballot law. Thin would truly boa
pom excuse' The new law in not
difficult to understand and with the
sample tickets an a guide ho must
be an exceedingly stuphl man who
cannot prepare his tickets an ho dc
sires to vote it. No voter should al
low such a trivial reason to absent
him from tho polln when such an
important question in at stake as
confronts the voter thin year.
The importance of active work
front now until election day cannot
be too fully impressed upon the
minds of the Republican workers of
Snyder county. They should min
gle with the voters of their district
and persuade tho weak kneed of
their party of the importance of
voting this year. Let them seo that
not a vote is lost and above all sec
that each Republican in brought to
the polls early in tho day. A rush
in tho evening may prevent many
from having their votes polled. It
should also bo seen to that convey
.. '-vniwbcd for bringing out
' -2 i . and infirm. Every voto
w ill but assist in making our ma
jority that much greater. We can
not afford to loso a single Republi
can. Tho Democrats are working
night and day. If tho full Republi
can vote is polled success is assured
without doubt. We have tho num
ber to give ns a good majority. All
that is needed is to get it to the
polls. The workers throughout tho
county should make a special effort
for the county ticket, but above all
should they see that our candidate
for Congress and State Senate. See
that they get the full party Vote,
and if they do, a grand Republican
victory will be announced on the
morning of Nowmlier nth.
The defection of Mr. Wayne Mac
Vcngh does not seem to have drawn
a third part of tho Pennsylvania lie
publican h aven after him, nor, in
fact, any other appieciablo fraction.
Like the tilial irtid forever farewells
of leading actors, it was simply a
repetition of former bolts to Cleve-
I..1 'IM ' ,' 1 1 f..i
mini, -i ii is nine mi ma. if a mile
more fuss about it than usual, by
taking more space in the newspapers
to tell about it. This is no new tlop
to Cleveland. Ho has never llop
ped back from his second one.
Valuable Ileal Kstato at
Privale Sale !
The uiidei-slifiieil offers at private sale the fo.
lonlm; leal cs ate sliuate In Paxlonv llle, Snyder
liny, i n., ) nines vt esi ur l lie I ount -seat, on
Hie suhbuiy l.i'Wblow u It. H. :
TIIA'T' NO. I.- pour llwi'lllinr Houses, wlili
from -J to ,'i Acres of laud w nh each, and coiisld-
eraoie nun. k'O1"! waier, ac.
TIIACT No.i.-Tho old pnrn.ue storu hliuid
aim i a. ir oi iiiiiii.
Tlt.UT No. Iiliirk-sinlili shop and stand
and one-fourth Acre uf land.
TltAlT No. 4 A flnu Water Power, S.n feet
fall, with Home land. iniikliiK- u luosl valiialile
I." all. Hi lor mauufactlirlui; pitrpusel.
l-' Mi. .v i-ireuiar Saw - mill, with
lllllK'e .inn, lie .inn anil I Toss rill, and liy.
druulle Cider Press ill tached-ull driven by wa
ter iwer under VI feet of full,
TltAlT So. -Seven Hundred Acrea of Tim-UT-lulid
ulolig Shudu Moiuilulu.
TIlAt 'T No. T. six Aeri'H of Timber-land ad.
joining Mlddlocrts'k, 1 mllu Eiiat ol I'axionvlliu,
TltAt-r o. Kloiinng Mill, eiiparlty i
111. Is., Holler process, with Improved machinery
driven by wuler-Hjwer under V4 feci fall Hood
Dwelling House, outbuildings, and choice, trull
containing I Acres uf lima which Is In a hhrli ... J.llllt'llllj.l. J ',..,. ..Ml.. I.t I. .. '
TH ACT NO. . My New Mansion II, , use ,.,.
tulnlug 1 1 Itooma und all conveiileiieea, ull ikh'ph-
sary tun oiiieiinun t iu Acres oi jiiki m a 111
Hlaie ol euiUMtiion, un iiiaimiiuiee of e nuli e fmo
of llw U'Hl vurlellea. Well of gorsl water near
the door i Hie Saw-mill Dam U on the premlwH
which coiituliia a great number of Ocrmun Cam
The ulsjvn Tracts are Kltuateln the heart of
MKiiiieereva v auey, eonvenieni uienurcli, school
mid more. Will be Hold on easy lerins. h'orlur
ther lulorinatlon addreaN or call on
CUAli. P. HWKNliEL, luxlonvlllu, V.
Office No. 81rt E. Market St. York.ra.
Home Office, Nov. 1 to 14
Eagle Hotel, Mid.llcburgh, Pa.,
from Friday, Nov. 18, at 10 o'clock
a. m. to Saturday noon.
Ir. simnwin will pxnmtne nny on who mT
mil UKin liltn frconrcliftrirp. Knowing thntliim-
(ln-iH urn living out. ft miMTniiiP ruinicnre wmi,
nut niiHllcnl nlil, witim Ntiiiisp t hey hnve pmwrd
thniiiKh llm "olil tinleaj'' wll limit ri'lli'f, unit
wmie iierlmn, lx'ntim tliry may not, know
wlii'tvlo pplv, he fwlfi liiMtifipil n mklng
IIh-w fin In pulill( SiitMiprf that a limnlxT will
wli upon llit-m- plain truths aud be fully rt
wnrrtrd liy aonri1.
our nvHd'iii of priH'tloo mny tirort Mtno px
pliinnlli'ii. Tlit rt'ini'illi'M nro principally vpgiv
IiiIiIp, illwnrillntf rntlrrly the tiipof Oilomrl or
Mi'n iiry, Turlnr, Kini'tlc, Ampnlc anil Antimony
Ixratisp tlioy nrp dlMi'iisprrciitlnif apnt of Hip
worst illwrlptl'in. Wo are opixiwil to Hip up of
ifi'iiiTuI lil'HHlli'ilnir In any rasp, tielli'vlni? It to
op Injurious tollio coiikU'iiiIIuii and ofli u dan
KiToii lo lire.
Ir. summon fronts aiiropfnlly rhronlo or
long Nliuiidnx dlwiin'H of Hip IIpimI. and
l.tihin. Kidney and IP-art roinplulnta ; Inveter
ate dleiieof the Sloiniu li thai have delled all
oilier nictli.Mli j thiPMi fearful itlwnapn of the
herwin nystein arwu.if from Whatever ciinani
Scrofula. I)roy, Kit.-., Fever. Sores, Ulii'inim
Usui, Neuralgia, Neliitlen. Ill Conditioned I'lcer,
( 'Mirers removi-d without tun nm of the knife
and rured. Ahthm. Hay Keer, Homo Cold,
Winter limirh. t tir.inle Diarrhoea, ete. All
lii.iv lieriirrd by I bis womlrrfu S; " not loo
taradvaiired. Iloiie and blood dHeiif'H cured
hen all ot her met hodi have fulled.
Ladlei w ho are mirferliiK II Ii diseases attlrt
ly rontlni'd lo I heir sex ran eonnult the Dorter
with Hip insurance of a uperrt.v euro without Milf
ferlnir HieniKelve to Hip very often Himorpi.Mnr.Y
examination, 'i im . tr iiartlrulurly Invites
all r,i' that lnoe been given up by otuerphy
Mr. Iteulx'u (Iriibli. o Mm-iimniI, Perrv eontitv,
I'll., had a cancer on lower lie for several month.
and wan iiiinplelely cured by the treatment of
or. k. A. Simpson, or mrk. ru.
Ml. Annie Koch, of MmtimniI, I'erry pontity
Ph.. had lor may ye.irsii mallirnanl ulcer on her
llinii he ir ni" n ii s H'. ami iiitnouitii unner oie
In atiiii tit ot dirfi rent doctor, the wire irrew
ivnixe. It wa cured liv Dr. If. A. Slmp"n, of
York. Pa.. In f."ir months. No wraplng of the
bone or cut I liof.
Kr ii.miv year Mr. I'hntlea Alllxon, of ;len
It. "k. Yoik county. Pa., had a cancer on Ills face
Im'Imw II vi'. Hr. K. A. Simpson, of Y ork, Ph.,
riniovd II liy lib chemical process. Dels now
. Dr. Simpson Invites anv one who doubt
atn ol these xlatcment lo write to Hie parties
and asci'italii for themselve. The.' are only a
few of the loanr lesiimonlab obtained. The
Dm lor liivlies' "rn'sHinieiice from a distance.
II vou lie enclose i reniN in siamps.
tlememlHT the dales and cull early.
Jan. :il. ls'i-j.
lecutor's Hale of
The uii.Ici signed, Ki.'i utor of the Ksfiife ef
M irv Krenier. late of i hapmaii tonnslilp, Snv.
ib-r i oiinty. Pa., deed, will nll'T al Public Sale
on Hie premises, on
Saturday, November .1,
Th" followliiif .l.-. tIIm iI I'imI INtalo to wll :
A V A l.t'AKI.i: IIOMK. with :i.'lli:s of lln'b.l
ipialltv nl Ian. I. boun.''. bv lands of .1. II. Hall.
I al lieiine Ibilirer. and Pul.ll.' K.ia.l.ou whli li I-.
.re. i.dn no". I Wos'iiiiiy K.wiK llol-:,
Willi II. i-. in. 'HI. a v'.s., sprlin; an. I Ice Ibai-i ,
iiiuiiier Klti lien, a l.ii.-c Hank I'. o n -all In III-.!
i I ivs nii'lil Ion. I lii t'.' Is al.. a line on hard "M
the premises and ii s;ood well of water. This
iir" rM Is iii'iir MrKees 1 halls, on the llUer
lload. Icidltiv,' from I.Herpiil to Sellns'rove.
and w 11 liln one-cliil h of a lull" lo 1 li'in li and
Si'hool llollsi'.
sale to rommctn t It) n.rloek. A. M., w hen
due atteiiiioii w ill be 'Im'ii mid terms made
know ii by
.1. Kolll.KK PKt K,
Mi Ur.'s Tails, Pa., Oct, IN, .'. Kxeculor.
Nebraska Farm Lands.
Send your address, nnd that of your frteniH to
I'.S. KI'ntik, (I' lll Tiil PasjM'ngi'r Agent V. II. A
. II., for a 'nphlet iieserl"ic nl the
faK.l-'. .. Vl ;.. "
Ill Ih hi alp prist need in one year thrisi Hundred
million bushels of corn, Is'slilcs other grain.
fruit and live sl.x k. July is, If.
SslinsgravE, Pat
Tis-th cleaned, extracted. Imnlatileil, reirtllnf.
Od. Iilsi .ises nnd liiliirlcs lo the lis'th and
III. i. Ull tleatcil. Aft 111. I.ll sets. I'MW'IIS, brld 'es
and "1..1. us In-, ii.-. I. All klmlsof llllliig.
"il.l Win I. a sjui'ialiN.
i.i:o. u. ri.nieii. i. d. s.
I mice in Wels' ilweline;. south sld'i entrance,
l'posiieNatloii.,1 i I .1 . I
s. r. suhav,
Insiiraiic.' Agent ami l!nkcr,
IVlills Creek, 1'. O. Pa.
Ilnly lirt cl.i" Stock ('..ivi.oitrs r''rienlel.
Vou iiii ni pri'inlieii not?-, lienee y.'ii pay no
lii-iiraui'" i'lai'i'1 on nil kln.lni'1 u'm.l tnriii
pmpirty, d w ell inu s. stores and I'liun hia any
wliere In Snv.lnr and 1'iilon I'litiutli ...
illlii' 111 t'. M. Slinwer'K Slorcl'i'Dlrevlll, I'a
Harvest Excursions Half
A I -of ST .mm AMI sKPTKMIIl.ll UTi ll.
The lliirlltik'tou lloitte will sell round trlpll' k
ets at hall rates, g. ml i days, to the cities unit
farinlni.' regions of the West, Northwest and
Southwest. Kasti'lll 'I'lckcl AvTl'lilS Will sell
IhroiiL'h tickets on the same plan. See that they
lead mor the llul lllit' lloiile, the best Hue
from chi. ii'.-.i. I'e.irla. i.nnii. v and St. I.ouls. I'.ir
liirlhi r liiliirmalloii write P. S. Kl Hits, lieiif'ral
l'.ls.selli;cr Agenl, Chicago. July 15, If,
A recent illiM'nvery by an old
phyiili'laii. SHfcMfilUt writ
IHHUthltt Int tlttiUtillHtll nf I'ltUrn.
Ik tho i.lily perluclly Mia and
rellablu iiietlieinudliM'uvi'red.
liewure ol unprincipled drine
K iMla whu oIIit Interior ineil I -
clues In pia.o ol thin. Ak lur (lisiK'a Con on
Kihit I'oMi'oi'NO, fait mi nuhttitute. or tnrlimflfl
and 6 1'i'iiu In piiKtiiK" l li ller, uinl wo will netul.
nualnd, by return mull, Pull naif, I particular.
In plain vuvelnpv, to'. only, 'I "lamp. Ad
dram I'oml Lilly fiiiiiiuiay,
No. 3 Plfhnr lllork, lsjln.ll, Mich.
-S..1.1 In Ml.l.lli'l'iirKli by H. '. Kapler, U.
M. Miimlel aud drugKiMii vverywhvro. 'i P'n.l
Having on hand a lare 'stock of
to select from, I am hcIIIdk lower than
any other estabtiHtiiiient In Central
leiiH Ivanla. It will pay you to oall
and see the workas I employ no
R. H. LAN0E, Prop'r.
hereby tdvcii that Letter Testa-
uiuntary on in i'lalu in rrtuuriu usiiiidii.ul'o a,
lata ol I riinklin lowudilp, SnyiUr ouunty, I'a.,
Imve liuoii latueil to tha unilaralKuad reniiliiiK In
t 'entre Twp. All per.un". Ihoreluru, lodoblvd
to (aid eftuta will pluano inku liiiunnlluto pay
mailt, and tho having clilun aguln.t It will
pro.ant llieiu (or fttllmneiit to
Nuv, 3, 'Vi. EiaouUira.
Fashionable cloth
ing, Hats, caps,
Neckties, Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Summer Under
wear, and Celeloid
goods, Men's shirts,
Clohing for prince! Pauper!
Clothing that looks like silk and wears like- leather. Come
to tho old Keliahlo where you get what you pay for. IIy
new stock is just in, is entirely new and comprises nil the
latcststylcs. Too busy waiting on customers to tell yon
inoro. ?omc and sco for yourself. ' i
Middiehurgh, Pa
1 MONO th' nioht important points o
iJrS J' ll f"l""'lorlt v of thi'Ho inncnitlceiit I'i-
.yrl , N t "H0" lllt longer than thone ol
. .4 r, ..--h 1 1 otl"'r. niakea they remain in tone,
. 1' that, whilo many iiihtrumeutH,
y'4 , ?"--"'U xvhl. li nt Htt bIvp mitlMfaetion, heeome
i"'-N'wr3&. "rt'7- "'.
F- i-' -iETZIy..V 3 till
" overcftiiiiiite the utlvantuffemleriTeil from
ViiViVi 9 ' uae of the :EtectroOoUI Strinira. The
. II ,v lliri ilMlll
wr.'' ately alTc
lMnt'f,;l tially den
to n
them Ihiblo to easily Btii'p and break. The remeilyof this lins been 1-diccPMH-fully
Hocouiplialied by the iihu of tho ELEUTIIO-OOLDSTKINOS, '(lich are
proof iiKaitixt rust and omit a superior ipiality of tone. j
I do not pri'Metit thrt fShoemacker iiiKtriimet in competition Ali the
low-priced and absurdly iiiisuamed "cheap" PianoN, tills county Hid ad
(oiniuif ones have been Hooded with ; but to those who approiate i l'iano'
nstiHcept ibl-f of furtlier Improvement. an ItiNtrnmi'rit to do credit v their
.'abte-rtoontl.'.- -My oir.i.rUitvfcaiOrAAUOaiJilAiojui
In the world aud at the west prices, which w'li yield uie a just pkillt.'
Middleburgh P. O. , j
sties On i w
but they tfo a tfreat wayn In thatdireetlon. Tlionjwhy semi to tin?
City for ready-made clothing and then take them to a'skilled heal
tailor to improve the lit, when you can pet a
U once
MKKfllANT TAIhoit, Solir.sijrove, Pa., where your work is always
guaranteed or you have recourse. Thin Ih a question that interests
every until and boy .A ueaf-IUtlng matter what thoiaterlal
is it always looks better than an lll-lltting suit'no matter ho tine
the goods. Then come at once and get tits.
Late Foreman for E. E. Hl'CK, four doors west of Hank. Sellngrove.
I have lust retiirni'd from Hie Eastern Markets with a large assortment
of hall and W inter stock. We are now prepared to exhibit the lluebt assort
ment of Dress Uood in town, also Dress I i liumlngs and (iluips of all kinds
aud colors the largest assortment ever brought to town
Largest line of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, all the latest styles, ever bromdit
to town. "
pecial IPHces.
We will give special prices on Ladles' Coats to establish a large cloak
trade on Ladies' and Misses Coats. Call and see our stock and trot mi.
i ...i,i..i. ...i.,i.
IUW iTIr", mil aDiuiumi uu.
We call vour attention to our line of Clothing which consists of Men's
Hoys' and Children's Huits, also Men's and Hoys' Overcoats.
We have a large line of Carpet. Call and see them before purchasing
elsewhere. Also a full Hue of BOOTS L SllOKS. We also have a tine
line of WALL PAPKU.
Poultry and Potatoes taken in trade highest prices paid. Cash paid ton
good Butter aud Kggs.
F. H. MAURER, New Berlin, Pa.
Children Jsnita
and everything to
mako a man look
happy, at prices
that discount all
imitation storcst
String Pianos.
" '. "if Mioeiimckcr IMiihoIm
htiuuieli ami true. It (x iinonNHil.1 k.
orilinury iroii-wrappftl or no-caMcil white
- plati'd atnnu, which ull ot Her innk-
Ktill compelled to nse, are fminedi-
lecteti DyatniosHliericaetidii, vrad
L'Ntroyinir tho power of tin! strlm.-
olon and giiMtaiuthe tone, riindurinj;
Tie ii
uv itoingto
13 li't
mm fit
.tiuu 111
.... I
.bUlttln wtcr todriuk.