k I LlNNSMHAtSKTT ISLAND. i. i i a BlitorU Wklrh Will Tkla af raat. Thb!ttorto OlenoerhMMtt Island In the Ohio Hirer it gradually beloi mhe4 away, and lately the watei ha fouid a channel through the cen. ter, which ! rapidly aiding the worl of destrn:tion. It will eoon be; $ thing oft he past. I'erhipi no pot along the Ohio hal luch an Interesting history a. Wen nerliassett's Inland. It lore Is thai, jf the nation Itself. It wai her ih.t iatv.n Ttnrr'a treachery ' Dractlcally checked, and the mumpli I Of that fTCM IS piruvweu 117 mo au- new of the fall of poor old Llenner naMi'tt the dnpe of Burr. Orer a rantury ao this gentleman settled an the Island, building himself a de IlKhtful residence, and ever afterward Jispermlni? most elegant hospitality. Here It was that Aaron Burr Inter ested him In Ms chcme for aelilng Mexico, where, In rase of success, Kurr was to I Emperor. Thcodosla Alston. Hurr's daughter, wa to b rinpress, nui llcnncrhassett was to receive tin; title of Iuke nnd appoint oient ns Ambassador to England. Hlrnnerliastt expended large sum in fitting mt an expedition, and, Ihoutfli rMsiouruged when he learned jf Murr's rual designs, the Intriguer bad such Influence with IUennerhaa lottV wife Oat the old man atlll ad. tiered to lido. After becoming thor-Uij-'hly Interested In Hurr's visionary enterprise, Itlrnncrlia.wtt took him aver to the town of Marietta. Ohio, for the purM of purebaslng supplies for the vyagc. I'rovlsions were bought and firders given for building flftern iMiati. Further work was In U'rrupteri la December, 1H0. by th niilltia, who. discovering Hurr's plans (iKik poHfsion of the iKiats. Tht Jays follow. ng were lively times or Hlennerliaett' Island, Uurr and ltleiinerhat'tt both having to go heavily nniieil to protect theniselvcj uaitiM su-pleliHis citizens. When, ateron. they fie l to Cincinnati and the South. Mrs. Itienncrhassctt show rd her loyalty to her husband by lending lii i trustworth servant, I'et-r Taylor, after the old gentleman tc (ring hi in back. Hlennrrhassett was arrested In ISO? and held for trial ns a traitor, but liurr s ae.qi.lttal set all suspected jieo iK free. Ills beautiful Island and home biid been MTiflril to creditors, mul he weit to Natchez a bankrupt, lie undertook a cotton plantation, hut the var with England ruined rommercc aud he then removed tc Montreal, whore he practiced law. In W1 he went to Ireland, but here be failed to s-eure. certain property, and rontlued 'j fall In every project he undertook In the last years of tilt iife ho warMiipported by his sister, who bad a small estate to hlf wife and cfildren. 'It Is noltrouble to gc,t a striking jilctiire of X pugilist. Children of Mr. anil Mr. M. M. Boiler Altoonn, 1'a. Both Had Eczema In Its Worst Form ijtrr rii iislcla iih failed, "oil's Stirnayarllla 1'ervvtly Curvil. (rent mental agony is indnrcil ly pa rents who see tlicir children sulTiTing Irom disi-ncs caused by linnuro blood, and for which there seems no cure. This i 'turned tu joy when Hood's S.irsuparilli' is resorted to, for it expels tho foul hu mors from the blood, an 1 rcit'ic tho (liseused skin to fredi, healthy bright nes. Itead the follow in" i "We think HiuhI'h KitrxuimrllU Is the nm-t v'ual)lf ii.e on the inm kit fir IiIihhI hii1 kin ilixehj.cn. Uiirt.su thllurtu hjIIl-iuJ ter ribly nltU tbo Worst Form of Eczema for two j-rnr. V) hud three pliynieiunii ill Hint limr. Inn nrlllirror tliuu mu- vilreU in curing Itirin ntfitti In iciviifc tlivni In Hp wlief. At Iwt w triml IIikuI'k KarHaiwrilla Mini in a iiiiiniii both iiiiiiirpii irr perfectly cured. We rwuiiuni-ud r ' Hood's Sarsaparilla k a rtnniUrd family ni-illclne, nml woulil nut w wlllioiu II." tlH. mill Mhm. M. M. hoi.l.m 1411 econil Avrinii. AIKmiiim, Head' Plll lllr llrrr Ilia, lon0wlliiD, tiU Iouucm, jmuutluw, lck lirwtai -tw. Iuitlriuuu. m mi I Mai I rnrr i. nm- ..t ir. nnir 1 IllrtlU rnbl. uon, Knuwly tui f'lSPf f-f AXU f.VIftTO.VtaUvt U tmnl. sikI lul iid la CIIARI.MS. IIOIIXKII, Ilns ill, flll.l.urth fa, Habit Cared In IO No till rami. PHEN8, Ltbsnon.Ohie, LESSENS PAIN INSURES SAFETY te LIFE of MOTHER and CHILD. My wife, after haviug ed Mother'a Friend, pashed through the ordeal with lit tlo pain, was stronger In one hour than in a week after th birth of her (-rmer child. J. J. McGoldrick, Beuns Bta., Teen Mother FrlM roblieil pain of lit terror ihI huneiMHl llof. i bava tue healtbleet thilU lever r. lu. I M. Aarax, Cocbraa, Ua. rKHlHrBprt, rha,r Memid.ii r. tlp4fpkt,i.s atvb4ll. Uvoh "T M.lh,-- HMlli lit. BHAOrtCLO PtQULATOH CO., Mlkytll Uiw u. A1LAN1A.OA, VA'TJfjrS'::''-' ! iimii ""nV " 1 11 r"m" A MVIEW Or TBADK. Tkla thowa the Beat and Worat ef Buel nraa Wheat Lower Than Iver Before Other Lint a Good. It. O, Dun Co. In their weekly review ot trade toy: There la a car famine from Pitt, burg to the Ilockj Motintnina. This tingle fact sbowt the best and the worst of busi ness. The West It marketing enorrnotif crnpK, probably exceeding in quantity all ofllclal or unolflcial estima'es, but Europe ii buying only moderately, the demand nf the Kat are not greater than usual and all die elevators both east and west are cram med with grain and the yards full of loadu) cars. Wheat is selling at the lowest price ever known In New York, Many years ago it touched 70 in one dny, but the quotation is now "."I for Octot.er delivery, llccelptt at western port have been fl..TO0,. 000 liu'liel in four days ami more thnti W, UtKI.(SN) bushels in four weeks, while iheex ports I nmi Atlniuic tort in four days have lieen 1. ."). ooJ bimhels. i lie price lere has declined He, and the opinion ateadily sains r round that nil estimales ot the ciop iinvo i pen below the truth. Corn has advanced 14c and oata lc. The belief is that the yield of corn, though Inruer than was recently ei ected, will not quite eqnul the year's lr maud. Oil has declined o. while coflee has rii-en ic, but the price of cotton Is the ennie as a week ajjo. At Host on money l slim and collections satisfactory. Woolen iiiaiiul'actiirers are busy with prices un tmiii;il and the shoe manufacturers nre lirwed with orders. At l'hihidelihin the iron trnde improves. The demands fur worsteds Is satisfactory and carpet and knit goods wo;ks fairly employed. A Jump in prices ot soft steel Is n nt l'iltstiiiru, but the in trade is not in condition. At ( im inniiti whisky lJt rn the demand im reasinx and tho nieilnun nt lower u'ades of loliburo In strong, licnernl trade is poisl at t levelund. with rolled iron in active demand. At Indianapolis trade i unusiiully Kood. and at l'ctroit nctive, with money in lair di niuinl. The celclraiinn nt t'hii uito has nduci-ii business; linht r-eipl in corn, increuseil larnely of w heat, in pi I cent of Hour, cheese isi pi-r cent and ol but ter 7 ercent in comparison with lust venr. but u defease in iats, rye barley, drrssed lieef. cattle and hogs. At Milwaukee tradv is larger and at St. Paul good, though col lections are only fair, but MinncHpolir wheat receipts are tKl,iS0 bushels. I he IninlHT trade is excellent. Iliiiiic; at St. I.o.iis is Mrmur, (.tjiu receipts iieinv rrmarkubly large nl Kansas t'ily; reitipt 01 cattle and hogs tire heavy, though tlx cur blockmle checks transactions time. At in a t in triule Is heavy in groceries, in dry goods and hardware, and ut lVnvcr gmxl in all Inns. At l.iitle Hock the outlook j. gloomy. (but ut l.ouiville trade is s.iiisfa1 tory. anil sleady at Memphis, thouuli nelow the normal, liiisiness is tatr at Nashville, but somew hat quiet at New 'rlcans on inj to labor troubles. 'I hough it i not the season for i ms'cIii activity in b.mts and slioes it is stated thic not for years has there been such a demand The demand for paper is so large that price! ol line quality have riM'ti 1 cent and lioei )apT f rom Jc to Jc. Textile inaiiiif.i. turai arc htiy ns usual. l')xpirtsof domestic products contiutit much below las', year s in value as is nam nil. the lecreue in New York for fi.ur week being JO per cent. Imports continue re markubly large und treasurv receipts s hcavv tli.it thestock of gold increavd 1, :HH(,no( and of silver J. aM.isst.w hite ; Mo, uoo more poer as put out. The stock mark et bus been Wronger, but speculation is std! unsupported by any public demand. The business failures occurring through out the country the past seven days uuuihei IS?, as compared with a total of -') for I hi ccrres nonditu wei-k of last year. ,. AjfjiiicaB crrr.npsi-Vv i iiArs Mrx Kiti.rt). rrvr rATsi.i.v tsjcKKf ..Ml SIX SCIltOl'hl.V IN.HHFI'. An appalling accident occurred to a gang pf track-layers on the line of the Ureal Northern railroad, resulting In the death ol love n me: and the tc-ious Injury vf six others. The dead are: John Leonard, conductor, of S'. Paul; John JnhiiMm, J.inirs Wright, I'aniel Wakl.ux, X. Ncli-on. J. llnaly, a. Olsen. The hot fix were all lahornrs. The fatally injured are: J. (iiliuer, J. l!o! ert ion, XeUon, J.J. t'ainj I ell, S. I.. !t: ville. The. seriously injured tire: tieorge Nelson, Cliarles .'.n lcrs in. Kohert Ander son. A. Maxwell, '. James, Henry Payne. The men had finished the tr.u k to ths eVetiiilehce river, mid tarle I to lav r.iil across the stream. When the middle of !li' sec.mil riiu was reji he.i. the hi!-e work under the bridge collapsed, and the truck machine together with two car 1 uds of ruils, fell to the river, Ot) feet below. The workmen were thrown in every direction, and Mime of them Wire burie 1 underlie and ruils. The accident was due to the un dermining of the false wurk of the bridge by ti e water. WORLD'S FAIR RULES. The general rules governing tho Condon Of the ("oliimhi iu exposiiioti have liven i" sued. The gates w ill he open to the em ployes at ti n. in. and t ) the puMic at S a. m. They will be ci sed ut 7 p. tu. utiles in case of some special exhibition or event, w hen they will be closed not later than 11 p. m. Admission w ill be in all cases W) ceuls per head, except in that of childre,; under 0 year', accompanied by a parent or guardian. These will bu admitted free. A limited amount of power v ill he furnished, griituitous'y to exhibitor, hut where u large amount of ower is required a charge will be luad'. The exposition will exert reasonable ore in the protection of exhibits, but will not stum! responsible for any loss or dutuuge. Xo patent m"dii iiu or nos" Hums whose ingredient me concealed will be acrepled for exhibition. Catalogues will bo printed in Muglish. Trench and Spanish and will be published by the ex position exclusively. FROM A LIVING TOMB A Miner Released Af er Hours of Hard Work From a 3x5 Feet Csvity- After having been imprisoned 1M pours by a full of coal ut Indian Kidgo colliery, of the rhiludelphiii and Heading Coin puny, at Shenandoah, I'u., Htlney Klemevitcb, a I'olish miner, was leleased from his prrllous position. Tue rescue hus been carrieil on since the accident occurred at 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon. The man was con lined, as it were, in a livinif tomb. lie was forced by the falling caul into an almost recum bent position In atuvlty 3 feet high by S feet long. On reaching the main part of tho mine lit wot to delirious with joy at bit escape that ha kissed and bugged bis deliverers. He was given stimulants and in half an hour was able to walk to his borne, During his imprisonment be directed with bit voice the movements of tut rescuers. Tc thousand grain cart are blockaded in Chicago because there it no place for than to unload. OUR BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INOS HERB AND THERE. Jeka'eta that Art) Sovpasasl to Have Bets Reeealty Here- Saylag-s ttad Dalnft I at Are Oil Cariaue tad L-aagbaMa. Sprinkles of Spice. A campaiom lie may be nailed, but caucuses are ujltcJ. Sotnerville Jour nal. Wisiw may come nntl winds may to, but G'ouecster races go on for ever. A exploded tbeory I didn't know It was loaded. I'n Ion County Standard. Is thn nature of things two lovers must fall In love before tliey can fall out. -Dallas News. The sculptor Isn't the kind of man tbat cut no figure In the world. lilnifhamtcn Leader. A man's Ideaof practicing economy Is to preach it three times a day to bis wife. Atchison Globe. "Anotiif.ii cherished link pone," sild the young man who lost his cuff bttttot.. Washington Star. Soft gloves nre worn by pugilists to prevent h.ird feeling In ti friendly light New Orleans Picayune. Jaosos says there arc lots of men who start for heaven too late to get past quarantine. Klmlni (iaette. The man who is stuck on himself Is one who backed his Judgment and bet on the wrong man. rieiiyunc. Tub man who has ".something which can beat Nancy Hanks" wants to trot it out. Yonkers Statesman. It Is a queer thing that after n girl has consented to fly with a man sh tininlly has to walk. Chiistiau Union. Wiiks a wife hears a dull thud on the doorstep she knows that the lodge has adjourned. --Hinghamtoti Kcpublican. A ioi.itk tramp: Judge "What Is your name?" Tramp "Allow mo to exchange cards with your Honor." Texas Sifting. Fathkk No appetite this evening, rh? What Is tho mattery Late lunch? Little loy No, sit. Marly apples. tiootl News. TiiK.itK isn't lunch lifting power to your religion If it doesn't make you :lo your tiest to pay 100 cents on tht Jollar. Ham's Morn. Tiiky have "potato socials" In Kan as The name may bo from the fact that tho young people go there U pare. Texas Slftings. "Oh, dry up!" as autumn said to the leaf. "I'm not as green as 1 wns," replied the leaf, "so I'll tako your ad vice." Texas Slftings. 1'oiNTiNO at the caudal appendage tif the hand-organ monkey, Quibble remarked: "The tall of a wayside VUn "-!" ypn Trans- ' Waev the devil sees church mem bers wrangling with one another he knows it will be safe for him to sit down and rest rl u's Horn. "Jack told me last night that he had given me his heait." "Well, It's damaged goods. He told me last week that I had broken It." Life. The corn-salve that Is not a pure preventive of cholera Is made by a man who doesn't understand tJie art uf advertising. llingliaiuton Kcpub lican. Titos k who would read Nature's open book iti meadow and woods have an extra facility at present. She Is herself turning tlio leaves Phila delphia Ledger. Tut: llrst Is called th Index fl tiger, but when a man takes t lircc or so it's an Index of his opinion that the sea sou has grown too cold for beer. Philadelphia Times. Cohiiktt has sold thr? right to fv whisky tl rm to name a new brand after him. No doubt it will be a good liquor t make strong punches with. Philadelphia Hccord. Mit. Tootiiamjxaii. "I can't imag ine what wo ever got married for: we're totally ditTe rent at every single point." Mrs. Toothaiidnall "Oh, you flatterer. "-Hoston Courier. Son "Ptl" I'ather "Well?" "Is A vessel a lHat?" "Yes." "Pa!" "What Is It?" "What kind of a boat Is a blood-vessel?" "It's a life lKiat Now run away to bed." TTd-ltits. "How did they like you in Serag Bleville?" asked one actor of another. "Very much. Indeed. It appeared. It, was all I could do to Induce the land lord to let mo leave." Washington Star. TiiK.itK Is a great difference be tween military engagements and love engagements. In one there's a good of falling In, and In the other there's a good deal of falling out Yonkers Statesman. The common Impression Is that thero Is very little poetry in matri mony. When people take out their marrlago licenses they are tiupjioscd to surrender their poetic license. Washington Star. "I sice thatO'Grogan has got hi in a ooat of ur-r-ms sinee. lie was app'lnted dep'ty sheriff. " "Tho dirty aristo crat! Wance ho was glad enough to go out In his shirt sleeves wld tuo rest of us." Chicago News. "Yon kaln't alias Jedge a man's, achievements," said Undo Lben, "by do 'mount ob noiso ho makes erbout 'etn. De cannon ain't makln' er soun' now, but do bass drum am Jcs' ei talkative as eber." Washington Star. First Country Hoy "Your sis ter is plckln' up lots o' city manners from them summer boarders of yours." Second Country Jky "Yes, indeed. SbVgot to sayln' 'not in It' and seel" and las' night she let a filler kit her In tho hammock." Good i,'tws. CHOLERA BULLETIN. airoicrs run am, tiir nrriTrD tnvrt or Tiir oi.n roni.t. CoxsTsMTixnri.r. Two cases of cholera have deteloiied in flinope, a llltck Pea port of Asiatic Turkey. Ikitli Hie afflicted i-er-tons came from Odessa. I'Morc Monday's cholera record for the w hole of Holland shows four new cases and one death, VirNMv. One death from cholera and nin? fresh suspicious ruses were reported in this city Monday. Htringnt precustioiuiry measures have been taken to prevent the disease from spreading. Bum 1'i stii. Nineteen new cncs of chol era, and live deaths were reported to the health otithorities in this city Monduy. IUmhuki. Seven new cases of choli-m and two draths wete reported here Monday. Sr. Pi ii ssiii iio. Two new cases of ehol era occurred here Monday. Cholera has ,,. ptarcd In Winnllzu, ntown In I'odolia, and owing to the lack of sanitary arrangements the disease is rapidly spreading. The ill habitants are panic stricken. FOUND HANOINU TO A THICK. votMim t, nin or lovins Kti.trn Asn sim Ml I I' HV lllk tt IIIU tit lis. A girl of about 17 and a youth of about 10 years were found hanging to a tree in the park wood near Dessau, tiermany. The couple were strolling in the wood wlien they were atla. ked and robbed, and tint girl, assaulted. '1 be youth perished in en deavoring to defend Ins companion, li s skull was crushed, as if by a blow from n chin. The murderers tben hanged the bodies in order to created un impression of suicide. Oio-1 III i M onMr I'M s. L. II. Driscoll, ail aeronaut, was fatally injured wliile making an n-.enion at llariiT. Kun., yesterday uftertio'iu. When the ballcMiu had reaehed u considerable he ght it suddenly collapsed.. Then Drinoll stalled to come down in his paraebnte. At a height of S I feet the balloon struck the parachute, knocking it sideways and cans, the balloonist to fall to the earth. When picked up Drisioll was insensible, i,, ,iH injuries acre pronounced fatal. M auk ivrs. cirr-nt no. 1 1 s 1 1 i-iiii i vi: .IVI N OP IIM.. I lot V M I I I P wiii:.v r-No. j lied rs ci l :u No I! lied ' ' ('UN Vo J Yellow ear... .' ' I lli'-'li Mixed ear Mied ea' .'iO M Shelled Mixed ! -Hi ti is-No i w hue : No. i wintc :;s No. .1 Wliite :.u -17 'Mixed .v, :i(! i:yi:-no. i r a ki.io ... m No. 'J Western. New l l.ol'i: - Fancy winter pat '! " l aucy Spring p.itent 4 ti-' 4 f"1 FancV Stra'ght inter. .. . 4 tin 4 'Si X.W'r.akeiN :i .'"i 't 7- live Flour T' 4 no II A V Haled No. 1 I'iui v.. l:i in hi -" Hahsl No. '.' Tiiuolhv..'. .. II no 1' Mixed t "lover. ' 1J OO 1J -Vl 'I'liiiothv from cuuiiirv... 1'" I 8 IK A W V hwit '. . . . ! :s 7 ts tts 7.'s KKKD No. 1 Wli.MdV r 1 ... - - Prown Middlings l.i '" '- Itran 1 1 .VI 1 T w fho II .VI 17 (l IM1KV I'llopl I . PI'TTFH F.lgin Creamery ."12 Fancy Creamery 'S l iincv country toll LM 'JS Choice country toll I'J 14 low (.-niilc .V cooking .. . s J ("II FIi:- New cr in mild I " II New York liiislien II 1J Wivonsr.l Swiss Links.. II l.'i VVi-consin Swe.ter l.'t 14 l.imburger I" II 11:1 II' M' V I'-l t Mil. I s. AI'l'I.Ii-l am v. ' bid... -J o,i -j M Fair to choice. ' hid.... I t -J ml li;. N-Select, f' bu 1 !l 'J l I .1 A ( Means, f I, Id 1 ti l 1 70 I. tin t beans 4 (iNluNS Yellow danvcri V bu Yellow onion, ' bid . , Spanish. ' crate C.ltt.l.i:-New bid. FuTAToFS- l ani y While per bu . , I hoi, e lied per bu... . Pit i n.v )1:isi:dcii:ckf.ns- ii' 1 lr,.Mwr, du ks ' It- ... . I McM-d I im kev-. (' Hi. . l.i vi-: ills hi n - Live Spring hickeoH 1 nc 1 V) o on 1 .' I to 1 .' 1 ..J I..", To i.i i I..', in n u i:t i; is. !( M ;io ii To T.'i I) II Ml IO 4S Ml J."i M.'i 4 7 Ml 7 7.1 1 !l 1 h.i ki oo 2 I 7 ". 1 ll 1 40 1 ot I 17 V I.' 1" I.' .vim f:i v. ii'i 7; .',7 44 'Al Iti 1 '.tl 'it t i 4lli l CO 71 71 4M M :s :iti ii :ti -'i 4 Ml 0 on 77 77 f.s tm 4' l :i Ml 'ill I'M il 'ii r. IN K YAM'S. 4 .VI to 4 'ft 3 7 V to 4 'Mi 3 ' to 3 T.'i 1 Ml to '1 M ft Ml to (I 'JS i Ml to 3 00 20 00 tu 4.') 00 4 40 to 4 Ml 8 00 to 3 tW 4 Ml to ft 00 A 00 to 0 00 ft 6AIO tU I IC. I'f 1 le Itucks pr l ive tiei-se i' pr Live Turkeys p. II, I'.i.iiS--I'u A- Mhi., tnsli FKATIIFUS- I'xtra live t in se tl .... No 1 l.xtr.l live gce.e ' It, Mixed VIM I I I IMiiH. TALLOW Country, ' tli... it v Ki:i:i'S -Wi-t Med in do er Maiiimolh I lover 'liliinthy prime 'I iniolhy choice Mine grass orehanl grass Millet litickwheat MAtiS Coimtrv mixed ... IH INKY- White clover.... Iliick vv In Ml tixii.xNin. Fl.ol'lt- WIIKAl- No. 2 Ked LYK-No L' I'OIIN Mixed OATS !: ii is HUTTKIU ... I'llll.VI'l I I'llU. Fi.orn- WIIKAT-Ncw No. l'. Led.. COIIN No. 1'. Mixed OATS No. 2, White Hl'TTKU Creamery Kxlia. i;(i(iS I'u., Firsts M w oi:k. FLOI' It Patents WHKAT- No, .' Kt., ItYK Western COHN- I ngraded Mixed I tA i'S Mixed Western lU'lTKU Creamery KUtiS stale and I'eiin I.IVS-hliH K t'.mi.ic. I'rlme Steers t Fair Oxiood Common Hulls and dry cows Veal Calves Ileu;'y rough calves r resh cows, jier head .j siiK:e. Prime d.'i to 1 00-II, sheep. ...f Common 7U to 73 th sheep... Lambs Iloos. rhiladelphia bogs t Corn Yorkers Houghs Hosit-HITH. An attempt Is being made In Kdln fiurgh to teach young women to lx food housewives. A diploma Is given to those who pass satisfactory exami nations In "practical housekeeping nd management''' la Olrfea Times People errrlooked the Importance ef per. maoentlv UnrflcUl effects and were satisfied with ttaetient a tlun. bat now I list It Is eo rrallr know ttiat Syrup of Kls will prrroa neatly rur Iik'iiiih mint lotion, well In. fnrnit pr.; lr will not buy otlirr Iniatlves, which ail f .r a time, but Dually Injurs tut trttrui. In t;ei:ec. ci iintv, N. V., tbi te are l.Vi famil.es wl,,, have never stru even the cover of a llilile. W. It. tinillTi. Jackson. Mich., writes- -Snf. ri reil Willi ( iiiiurh for llttccn trnr,. lluU i n urrli Cure , iiieil im ," s,., i,'v irivui.i,, IShislodcmlr iti has been declared bv vote the stale II wer of iislnngioti. Dos'T f.K.'i with Imligesllnn tmr with a dltnrdrml Im r, l ull Ink- Hrri l r I'l l tut luitueil.ate rrliel. iii ruts a I n. Kilty tho ; mil people on the l inerald Isle fpeak Invli only. .Insi Thlnh III What sc" . o.' Tu. . nrc ., .1 iv npin's In. Ihx fi.-.,i , I, unit croi,, Mrm- Ih ff fmhni ii I,,.. , , il,, ,i.,hl,nr fm tlviit nr. lesi, I , I nin 'i,,ii 'nre ili- not i niitniii miliini in ,v rn., I roup. I i(.,t lier n. "."'"" "' btotii lot s i.r.'ini'llv V ""'d bv ilnmeUla. Us.-. Aibircai A. I'. Iluai, , p.iiHi,!,,, N. v. Vuiiilcrl t I, a- a I. "si i lop. S Cnnil'lrlr i-n,n,rr I or One n'. 7 i I'lll'l i th I lo, .mi ii. , i, ,, - -,,, In sll Ni "i, .i n t and ile iei. I hv i .irui'n evei u iii-ti , tr Mm 1 1 uf ii coiv or t i i , a ei-k. Il ...i.I.hii- ilih, II,.- ni,,, nf !l,.i world, rec. n ; in it ... tl,.- repot! nt h.it'i tin. ,-m t 1 I 'l . anil I In- I ' Ii il.-I I r o other p.-ip .' w In, I, f,,r H i. I ' il' reeeite, Otll ii till-.- 11-piltS. 1' i,rl .te.', Koi '',:,. 1 sl,l,,n, ,Hi Iioiihi-IiuIiI ,., it tine it-, n ro il l riiinl 'I. i t .l.-i- it from u.ir s Aent. If sniu-lt.,1 u th sore eye. inn I r. Uiac 'riiomp en's I )!-. mr. 1 iruiii sull at J k per lio'.tie. nil knr rf nFnrtvm oiil, i i-t. . r.iiiiiiiels, suit I'nlMts whh U t a ill 111.- I, n.,1-,, lii line Hie Iriie. Hii'l t'itt ii ett 1 1 ... Kl-ll Sun roe 'llll Is lit III. nut. Oit,,r. ll.ii.il,'. . mill tl' c,..iin.rr pa,-, Ittl l,i lilt nr V ..I-., pa- i;e Hh even pill- tla-e. August Flower' "What is August Flower f-r " As easily .itiswcrcd as asknl. It is for Dyspepsia. It is a sjm ial n til ed y for the Stomach and I.ivir. Nolhiug more than this. 'i la lit c August Flower cures Dvjuim,,, We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. To-tlay it has un ' . t " tverv t ;nd V -. .s ri possesses one ct the '. '.ft '':"tifjcturing plants in the country, and veils everywhere. The icusoti issimjile. It does one thm;, and does it ritjht. ItcurcsdyspepsiaM DR. Kit. TVER'S Kidney, Liverana BladderCure. ISIioiiiitatisiii. Loml.iiiio. pain in .tolnlsorl'acllirii U oust lit Urine, lreilll'lll cull.. Ill It lit ion, lllllllllilltlol irrsM'i, uleernt n.n in huh 1 1: ! l iiulOei . Disorilerctl Liver, ltnpfllrr-d HaeslioTI, Ifool. lillHolls lii-il'.ln h KM A 1 l-IIIHH eiiis-s khlnev ilillp-iilt les, 1 1'(", i.rumiy trim hie, In ight iliM-aso. I sii M i re i;ioo!, Bcrofuia, uiaiiirm,neiri wi'iiknesr orm MiltT. tiumrnml Car ritiilN of I Mir H'.ltlf. 11 l," Im-H, Dlr.1. I 'I i,fnUtfl will l,-luli,l te i Hit-pilcr IMiKl. At DrtiKKlMs. SOc. Mar, 1.00 Mae, InrnlLH OuliU tc II. tltli fn r Ci,r..iiltllcn OXk Liu Kli.nsiii. Co., Himjiiautom.N. V. Tlie EcEt Waterproof Coat in the WORLD I T.,( I IS II lilt AMI M UK Kit Is wnrrunliit wslrt i r,.i,(. si.il will kis-u X'ltnlrv In II, u lni.l, o.h.nn. 1 1n n.'W I'liMMI I. hi. I' KMC la -rli 1 1 riilinil i.l. Slut tiivrrKll.i'iiilirituil,l:c. lli-wuifel iiiiiimii'im. pen i l,U -seal it HP "lull Ill.HI.I ' l llel "11 It. IMll-ll lr.ll MI-,rurlr,e. A. .1 loWKK. II..-.I .II, CURES .SCROFULA sVVS Mrs. F.. J. Rowell, Medford, Mass., says her mother has been cured of Bcrufula by tin ut-e of four buttles of PJJf-M after bavlnic had muehothertrtsu kSh8 merit, and Is lug reduced to quite a low eo'iditlon uf licAhb.ss it was tbought the could not live. Cured my little boy ofberedW tary scrofula whlcbap. peared all uver bis i F"r a year I bad vf?l givtn up all hoie .of bis ?V.iJ rocoery, when Anally I was WJJJ Induced U use A few bo 'ttlescurtdblru.amlno f yniptums ot the disease remain. Mas. T. L. MATHras, Matherrflle, Ml. Oyiiiecksa BUioiSB'i sm iiia Illf S. t H'mh Bit SCIATICA. i si r 44 'nt , Vc pay the printer to give you pood advice about health and to lead you to careful living. Oi r reason is that Scott's I'tnulsion of tod-liver oil is :so often a part of careful living. If you would o to your doctor whenever you need !his advice, we might save our .money. H e k no ws what you need. Let us send yoc a book on c arkfi i. living; free. Sl or T h llowN, lirnuo, l , Scull, ;'t, vm r, rw nrk enr ,!ri, g,l krr . V, r it', f mul-inn ,l loj-liveff Oil all ilmi'tiMi e, , r y m hrrr He. f i , ?7 WORN NICHT AND DAY I tlolil ih Wiiri rup ture w ii ii rii tin tier All iltt ummn, fM rerfect ,;;-;; Nrw I At hiiH' n-rn '1mb rnir i I xt tit 4 t"l If liesiaiir Mi' III fit II sAlit 4. .!! Bt IsajMMl, :4 I f tMMaV ay, M ir t lljf. FRAZERIe iir.vr in Tin. wok i. ii. Un wratntik UnMMr nr tin ur pns 1, ftrturttt? fii'iHtHi( tltrrr 1mh r nn ilir ltirii. i nst(i ! i... tt t-r-i.y.v Tin: INK. Garfield Tea tsMit t-etlmr. I Ults.s,, h . SKllU'lM' . IHfili ullipit Hull IflTIH HN'II' I't.la. Hitiupl Iftt, i ii lM.i I k A ( i . .MV W ' thhl ,h.. Cures Constipation rw'r tintiiMly for mtnrrh h tb rniiU hv ill u ia; loin ir t iit by mail, buc l- I. llHflihie. V4rreu, I'a. 1tTV.T't rKNllls ! -S..11I f.,r In.nl ,11 - l,il,l,- nr ll,, In li uln 11 I'. ,11-111. s-.-mlfor iiki--i,.f ri.-ioN ii h.i 1101 vrv i,ns I'A I III' n. r Mihl I. , sN.,uN, ll. O. I U"l II nil- nl hm Ihlldil. No. llsl 1 ilili ..leniii-. rilll'iirii, I "a. (irn. ham and I'IIiiihii hysirms. I'i ivnii-nml mini insiriii-lii'ti.. "-s-rim -. i-d 1 lu-.i-s fur hi I writ ers. I.immI misiIioiis (it , iiiiii'U-iiI studiita. Pnrmnslli' tTIIFrl.sifi'r I BICYCLE SULKY S4II I'er I'mI U II KI ,M Ml . JOHN f. I.KM.'ss mSi l .,ewjira. VANTH-l.aillrBnil Vimiis Me lotrnrS S A I llllll-.. I'liN.MIil l-MllilHlllll-Ul Ut H.HNl f I li-rm. ,u , Mil, ti,. iliv. Ailillr.s, H 1 Ii M III, MummM 1 ii., 1. Ii' 11 '. Ss.. l-ruMiiliulisiii.Mm rt CoMtint CoHavfX",1 r Kmhr.li-i M,i,r l'l-l lliilu(Vl ,it ihr liifl. Wntr Im priHils unit i rs. irilrl Itt-inrs.li nriKtilKiihii.il n,ltrl ..lr un-l rnir. Mil nrn-v ROCMlSn R RAOJATOR CO., RoMitr, N Y. MEN AND BOYS! Want to I nni all nliit s . II. ri- ' Una I" l'lS 1 nil u 1 H'l.r - Kii" lc rl'- ' l!i 11. nml .-I i.mrl iikhIii-i I l.tli.t ' I'i tl . t ll'si ;,--i- jili'l I fl- I U li'l V, I'I II ,111111' IH I ' Ill' ' 'I I.I till ,(i' I V II I' 1 1i III ' Win. I III , il l Mil- I Ann, hi - II"" i- si.. 11 it,. iii.! ,.ll r u ti .l-.i- 'nt..' I'ihii I. .. Ill ,- imr lllll-I'VI.K in. ri hi I'urts nf tli.i I r. iljr - All this ti ,111 I Iilitllil- I iiv I I I I sTI4 TI l llilltl. lllllllt, Mhl'li ui m.ii I,,riii4. i'i. I I ik !. I'U ii',,'ii'i ii' i.iii) 1'i'nm In lumps. BOOK TUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St., No w York City IF YOU CHICKENS VOU WANT 1 , X r r II K l ll Til KM in - -v . WAY 1 -V 1. rri'ii If yriu nifrrly krt (lit rn h illviiti. Iu or ilr In littii'lt" ril Juilu U ul , ynii miit kut-w Miiiit'ililiiH mIhiui tiifin. In inrri itil want writr Mlhllal K'll'lt Hif I' I "'f H'IM'1 I A-,1- C- of m "-t.fi..ii H)iiltrv nilt-r IitIUImJ AUbi iwriitv-nti wi.m. It ritu d l ainasii wlm ut fell III, in III I,' NIkI Mm, "ii ti 1 Ii ItmHllitr au r of rhit-hi-u miNiim m'l u ihhMum, iui m Ini.lnep-v-ennl II imIII Mnt I f hi Mnl nvt f w.uk, u can u m hu t'hl' ftuuually. flatting Oi44aVna." pmA inak Tour 1-uwis ruru dollwi f-r yon, Tb rilDl (but you diukI Im bl Ui OfitN-c tnMitl in ha I'uuluy r4 mm m It wpj'iri, uuU koow kuw lorrmtMtr tl. iuok will Ufb )u. It lfli kuw lo tltM-l aU iur dn ; tu fred fiif ffffti ti im for laiuoiugj bUhfowi touvvittr irtuit) pit ; ftal nvprytulnif, ltdu, ou AiMiu U kuow on ibla u lo tik it I'maiitblv, Hrui utiLil Icr lul M iy lu tc. tr te 9UaJU'A- Book Publishing Koueo, 13s) Lw4 MM . Y. Vtt. saons WM AIIHaSM bOB LA.8T10 IH. " triTiri tifk ra. 5C M A A A Ki'V. I 4 If 'f LW -J. 7V . Ci 1