SELINSOROVE. Mrs. Hurah Haas, who took sick whilo on a visit to hov daughter nt Elizabeth villo, wa brought homo last week by Mr. P. Nerhood. ,Slw m xt ill in n critical condition. iliss Kate llostrrmnn.we nro sorry to repot t, bus h:id n nlifcht attack of rai'ftlysis. Mrs. lliinin I'lrieh is uNo on the fick list. Mrs. II. L. Philips win) sometime uu'o went to Walts to visit her par ents returned lionio again Int week. Hov. Samuel J. I'lrichrnu up from Mt. Airy S 'miliary list Saturday to the town of Catawissa where lie preached on Sunday. On Monday morning ho ciinio down homo, stay ed over night with his parents mid on Tuesday morning returned nuiii to the Seminary nt riiiladolphia. Mr. rind Mrs. Vid. Jlurns wore visitors to town last Saturday. Mrs. T. M. Campbell, of Sunhury, made n btiinesi hip to town lust Friday. Landlord Keiser caught n gerinnn carp lust week that weighed 11 pounds, Mrs. Ito-K'ttc Wallace is now hup ly she gt her long expected pen sion. One f t ho Chi ist inn Kndcavor Societies of the 'Jnd Lutheran Church will give mi entertainiiiciit in tin Town Hall, Thursday eve niiur, Octuhcr . Tin' 2nd Lutheran church had Holy Communion last Sunday morn it)!,'. Harvest Home Service will be held by the name church next .Sunday morning. Iti v. Ceo. ". Styer, a student nt the Theological S miliary here, has nccepted a call in Clearfield county, Pa., for one year. He wan hero last week and bid his friends good bye. Mkstou. i A Million Friends. A friend in need In a friend Indeed, and tint less tnnn one million people have found just such a friend In lr. King's New Discovery for C'onmiinp tion, Conghs, and Colds. If you have never used this Oreat Cough Medicine one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative power In all disease of Throat, Chest and Lung. Knrh liottl" lit guaranteed to do all that is claimed or llioiiev will lie re funded. Trial hot ties free at 1). C, Kepler's Drug Store, Pavtoti ville, Pa, Large Lotties fi() cents and $1.00. Oct. 1, 1 ly. Sucklen's Arnica Salve- TKOXKLVILLi: The best Selves In th world for Cuts, Urulses, Soren, I'lccrs, Salt Hlieum, I'Vver Snren, Tetter, Chap- peii lintels. ;mlllalns t urns, ami all k ii i.iiiptions, ami positively cures 1'iles, or no puy required. It Is guar iilileed to give perfect sat iafiictoli, or money refunded. Price '.') cents per oox l or sale ny n. u. Kepler, drug' gent, l'axtuiivillc, Pa. tO-'tiJ-lv A t niToU'H NUTICK. The unil'TslTii'd. I'tn'linr iiimniei I iv the orliiitii'Cinnt uf snuli-r minify In illitrlbitte Hie Minis In flu" Iiiiii.W nf .tnuniliiili 1 1. Id'ni'le, m-i Hint nf tin' l.iit will inn! ' c-fiifiHMil of l(i. irllnl Ht'llli.lki I'. ileri'iiwil, lia npinMr oil Ills flllill lli-r.i'llil. In lilil lllll-iti tin p;irl.'H f'lilllliHl tlHTi-tll. n l! lllfl'llll In tiPl1lli' n( Ills HptH il III - un lit at tiie i.'!it i.f I 'liiii. I'. I'd led. K. Ill Hie lil'Mllll nf S,.vrin(. I'h., ,,t, .iIi,iv. the 'i. iln nf ortnin r I '.',. iii liuirlm k lii Hie tore, limiii. w In n Mini line nil mrtl' lnti ri te( lire ii iiii'sli'i i i iii i ut llii lr rnliii lief i ire Hie t) ii i..i -lvii -'l. 'H In- nrei-r alli-r ili-lmrri-il (nun ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L,' In lltl-ill ..ll'l mini. il. K. i.i:i:ooi(V. ''. !'il Amlltiir. FARM FOR SALE! inn iii. iiii:in-i iii n i"4i iii-aM-r nin n ship, SiiMlnr eiiiitiiv. IM.. mm mile nnrili nt l- tv.(l I'll it. uwllli ...Hul I... II. 11.... Xik wuii i-. in-.. 1 1 nil i ami In if i.i.1 run. H Hull, will lie mi lil mi eiiv ferint. I '.ill on ir ml f i Jlli II A KI. S. WKIAMi. H. I..ell. I'll. The hunting party, consisting of the following gentlemen : John Mohn, J. K. Snyder mid Daniel Smith, of Contreville, S. ), lianner mid A. F. Solomon, tf ew JSmlin, V. H. Jlrouse, of llutlaloX Hoads, J. (I. MiddleHwarth mid (loo. I. Kline, of Port Ann, I'uncl.t Kob. Middleswiiith and the writer, re turned from White Deer on Satur day with a line "old fawn" which dressed tho usual weight, and wns .hot by Cen tic villn'a veteran deer- r r jiinii rfTntKv.'ufi?,jiiii antH und two green nuakoH. Au othor deer was wojnded by Mr. Urouso but it Kcaped. Deer me not over plentiful and the foliage is too thick yet. which, together with dry weather, makes it bad for hunt ing nt present. Another thing that makes hunting unpleasant ut White Deer the woods nro full of poison : three of our dogs ate some and re sulted in the death of two. but the other was xived by Dr. .1. K. Sny der, a specialist in such cases. The method employed by these white livered rascals is to boil pork, sutur nte it with some kind ()f poison and place it on twigs along the roads and paths which the dogs follow iv tiiriiingtocamp. I mucoid that a par ty at Milton oilers sl.iiuo reward for any information that will lead to the detection of the hoy. life,, white liv eied son-of.ii ..(I;, who docs this dog poisoning. Some i.f our farmers have linished i.u -k:iig corn. Tlie two school to be held ill the in .v school have not opened .n account of the school house not biuig linished yet. The lemainder -if tl..' schools of the district opened u iLe Mill of this month. The building is picte.l to he finished :Lls Joe. A reported outbreak of cholera at iblmetta, N. j ,.,.,.,if,.,i Iun,., (.N. eitement in that vicinity. Investi gation showed that the disease was not ehoh-ra but a ioh nt dysentery 'li is almost as severe and dan I'eroiis as cholera. Mr Walter Wil l'ird, a prominent merchant of Jmiiesburg. two miles from Hel metta. says Chamberlaiu'H Colic, Choh ra und Diarrhoi'ii Ueniedv has given great satisfuction in the most severe cases of dysentery. It is A'i rtitiiily one of tho best thinus ev- -r mah'." Por sale by (5. M. Shin- .b 1, Middleburgh ami Dr. Sampsell lYnns Creek, druggists. ()et. It is not unusual for colds con tracted in the fall to hang on all winter. In such eases catarrh or chronic bronchitis are almost sure to result. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough lleiuedy will cure any cold. Can you ufl'ord to risk so much for so small an amount ! This remedy is intended especially for bad colds mid croup and can id wnya bo depended upon. For sale by O. M. Shindcll, Middleburgh and Dr. Sampsell, Penns Creek, drug .sista. . Oct. Orphan's Court Sale of REAL ESTATE ! Ily virtue i if mi unli-r nf Hie Orplum cmirt nt Simler r. in HI. v II nli-mlkfiieil ,i llnlnl-lrnlnr nf I. l. Weiiiel. Inienf lleioertimii, Miviler rnuie l . I'll . line il tt III e.ane In I'lliille Snie 111 lli-u-MTtilH II. nil Friday, October 21, lH'.lJ, lit I'i n'l-liN-k. M.. Hie fnllllWlln llej-rllieti reiki u. tale tn It : Ml llml i itIiiiii II..I.-I I'riMM-rt sllmitelii lleuwrtnnn. known im I In- tvntnil llnli'l. nil nil Hi ll eerlnlll nt nf i;iiilllii Imllliileil West I iv Centre Slrei-f. Xnrtll In Cheslmil Slreel K.isl liv nf A iin-lni llnHslhu'i r ninl mi I lie Sniilli liy Hie s. a I.. It. It., riiiilalliliii; hImiiiI ONK Kol ICI'll ACIIK. Iimi-M nr less. uIii-dihiIk i-tei-ieil i, TIIKhl.-SIOUY -.MK llol'KI., sTAIll.K. ninl niher ni'i,esn!ir niiiliinlilliiL'M. A In i a U ell nt f.H.,1 wall-run ireinl.-M-. l lie lintel irnviei wltli sieaiii Ileal, ninl Is ii Verv lleKlrulile ll n)Mll V. 'I HIIMS-'iil lii-r eerit. Ivlieti in-.mnrlv 1.- mIpii.-L- il.iwn, M H-r. i-eiit, mi - loll nf sale at Ih'reinlier I eriii. Is-i-j. ninl l-nl iln e nn April 1st, Ih'.i.'l, Mlii-n deed ninl uin.usitliiti will Ih u'Im-ii. S. A. W t l Kl. Ailmr. REAL ET ATE I I'lle llllilerslL'lieil. K.MK'lllnr nf I lie eslnte nf .latnei lh .iin'. I.iie ut i i-nrre tiiu IihIiIii, Mi - iler einiiily. rn.. ilii'il. will eimne In I'liliile -ale. 1 mile Wi-il n l i-ntli Mile, mi Saturday, Octoht r 2'1, l.S!2, TlieliilluulliKili'M-rllieil K-I.ll KMnle tu Wll : TIIMT No. 1. -situate I i Centre tmviislili,. Sii il r i nn ni v , I'. i., r.iiit.ii, luu l.-i At 1(KS ninl Id I'er lies, inure nr less Inn n-.- N irlll liv l.iml il 'ill , A M- illl.ilus, i; i,l In lr. II. M. s.iinn I. s .i'h ainl W. .1 l.y I I I i , Welrli-k. ln-r Is i le. Ic.l a u-mil Tun-stun llmise, ll.irn. Slum i li'l "I 'i.-l mil Inillilln-s. A. i ill Will i-r v.aler I- in ii- III- iln ir. Tlil, Ir.ii l . .ill e. inf. ; II ' T No. -.'. Siniiile i i lint iisliip. c.nnlv I s; ,n- ,ii i-i-- ii. tiinerli I N-irlli lis I a II. I'. M-ilin. K.isl l.y I'm II.- hnml. Soul u l.y I'll. in . II iel-.i. We, li ll.iil Ki -IT, r.llitalli- I'l In' ACKKs. nmre nr le--i. I I! V I' No. situate I i suae tnwnslilii. Ii iiiiii-. N i ! I II la ileiil Hie W aller. Kasi l.v I:, ill. -a Siin.ll, Smiili la v.. valine Waller. West li .l.iliu Mnliii Mlnltilti'i I." ACKKs, lie :e nr less. .ile l.i i-.ilnliiela-e at In ."i-Iih-W. A. M. rtlieli lue an. -nil. ni will lie vlii-ii ninl terms m.i.le kimu ii la CIIA il.KS lIKI.OVii, Kxei'Utnr. oltl'II ANs' I'lil'lir sai.k (IK REAL ESTATE ! Tlie ilinlersl nieil, A linltil Iralnr nf Hie estate il I laV III Sll.Mli r. late III .1.11 ..VIII tntV ll-.llll. SlIV - li l i- ninl v . i a . il' -reaseil, I. virtue nf mi nl.ler Ul'.l III eil I'.V I lie III lll.llls'C..I r nf Sll viler lull III . v III e In i'li'lli- sale a I ' lie resl'ileti t i'i,. s llll llei'.'ilelil lltlllesalll. IllH II 'J les S'llllll III New llerllii, III ,1,11'Usiiu Inn i-lili, nn Thursday, (Molcr 27, lS'.lj, Tlie fiill'ivvln,' ilesi-rllM'il Hi , Kstate In wlf : THACTXo. I Sllmile I. .larks,, n Inwiislilp. siiolef inly. I',i., I ... 1 1 1 1 1 nn mn s.nili hy I . I m I i'i .laei ill I Mnl'l-. nil tin Cst hv lillnl of KI iner Klliulei-ami ni in-i-s. in m- i'ntli hv laml nf I '.ilii-.l.l 1 1 tin iUM-1. I;. Iiei-i i lleliler lllul Alnella llllil' I. ami mi I lie West Ii) land nf Aliii-Ua llll- t'l-r ami nlliei s ntaliilii :i ACKKs, uml nne liuiiili-. il ninl twelve dis, i i-, lies iniiri) nr less, Willi lln- iiiiiiiit'eiiai s. nr willed uiv ereeieil a IIIIH K KW KI.I.INii llol s- i TKN NT llol si-; and ni In r mil lnnlii,ii,'s, Kl iill trees, uml u'.i...l water near Hie liniise wllli Hiilne tlnilier, Hie lialain-e In a tfnn.1 stali nf l ull Ivul Intl. TKM'T Mi.'! - situate ii, n. same Inwiislilp, eiiiiniv ami Male alnres ni, hminileil nn Hie l-.asl liylan.lm 1 ... 1 1 1 1 I HI, i im t,e Nullll l.y lainl nt .lames Si-Inn Ii. i.tiiim West liv I'ulill'e 11. .a. I. on Hie smiili l.v I. ii r llaiilel (Mill, nil i li araiiil in u icin I slain it , nil h al lull, r.uitnlii IliK V. At KKS, and seven '.(iiiu (Ti) lieivlies, llnil.- I'I' less. THAI T NO. :. sll a. ile 1 1 1 he same'l'iivviishlp, ( nlllilv illn I SI lie nlnlis, ..llii.. n ,,. Ni.nlil.y liilas sp.ui.'ler. I i I ,y iMiliii,; (,,ai. s.iuli and vV imI liy llenrv Mnvir, f. no .tl u i uh-1, Ai'lth'S. iiini r less. 'l id. lan'd Is nllelear and III II lll'll Mate ill I'llllhiilli ii. Sale In i iiliilll' ln e al III il.u k, A. M., When due alteiilliiti will l,e k en nml terms made lli""l I'I1 .1. M. i.l HKItMAN, Adinliilhirainr. W lile-iwaki- workers everywlier W:BLD ' ! Ill" U'l'lMlest l,,k oil l-allll ; l-osllll.' HliHi.iMI; retail n r -i eunll nr Install-inn-ills: main in. i Ii lllllsl ral.-il i-liviilm-s anil ii'iuis tree ; ii uiy niii.iu m,.r ivul vnliime.s wm:':;.:vPHOTOCiRnPHS1.,':.T,-,!ev: lexas, I'leiiri'il t, 11 la II di,, s. Mls.s Hose Adams, :i:KMaDFTBE WORLD- Im.ii. I.voiis, N. .. (im in; huinsi a Imiian.a i liiiuriilMeeiit mil lit nuly flun. ll.nikH on I'lcdll. l'H'lB'lil ".ad. Ail. ci.oiu: nin.i: prnMsiiiMi en. ;.':! Clii-sl nut SI., 1'lilla., I'i., or :;.-, Deai lxii ii SI., Cllli'.ih'ii, 111. IXT.CITOITS Mil'ICK. -Notice Is jniTi'iiy Kivt'ti iiiHt I, eitei'H lentil uieiitMry .ni the eiiiii' ni .l Mnlillciiwurih dr.-'il Im id lleiiviT tevrndilp SnyJiT Cuuntv, I'n. Iiuv e liui'ii loiuu.l In tho unlurr'KueJ reKlilinif in al, tnwn-lili. All tuTMiM, tlivreluro, tmluliluil Itmuld U"llo will ploimB ml'i luillieillilto pv iiii'ut.iiiiil lln. .10 IniviuK 'limm Huulit it will iri'iit theui Inr notiU'iutit to N' 11 Vllhhl l'.liril."rl I--. ...','i..nAiiiii, i'iui.ii'i:itiJSK, OCI.J.W, t0Utnr.. K l.ftvh illfKll"'" -"; oUatuim; water todriuU. ' ' '' -."l's'-j- t fcUlli.'W . Ilonettt iDt-nrnnett t IIont Rates. The Beat Goods for the Leant Money. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Only the Oldeot. Lnrgp't nnd Btroneiit CASH ('otnmuleM. No Assessments No Premium Notes. (Sound, Kolid and Trim Indeuinity. He'reentitif every Clio's of Inmirrtiiee either Life, Fire, Accident, or Tornado. SEE OUR COMPANIES i NAME Actnsi Homo Tiro Association Fidelity and Casualty MiriTinx Hartford New York Philadelphia New York Equitable Life Ins. 8oc. Xcw York All (limine entrimted to our Atfenry tdiall Always receive, the utmost onre nnd attention. Entire etitiffactlon Kuaranteed. We e-oliolt a share of your piitronne. H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Selinsgrove, Pa. Llleral Adjustment. Prompt rnytnents. AETS .10,(i5(!,13l).03 !),370,(l 10.00 5,007,851.74 1,587,0(57.40 130,1U8,518.38 AGENTS Wewtzr:7town DEALERS JACK FROST FKEEZi:!?. Scientific fnclilne innde on a Selnentlflo principle. Wave their ooot i dozen times ft year. It In not mumy or floppy. A child enn operate It. Sell at sight. Send for priees and di.ciuiit. 2D Murray St , 17EW MAKES ICE CREAM IN 30 SECONDS. illiriillc'htii'tf: ilIarKct. No. 1 Wheat 71 New " (Ml White or Mixed Xi Kye ii) Corn 5(1 ( )nts ;ki " (Ml lot utiles .(! Butter "O v.m 'jo fitted cherries p) L'npitted " 3 Mntckl is ft Itaxpberries 15 Onions (0 t,nrd ? Tallow ' Chickens per Hi ... 7 Turkeys 11 Wide it Sonlde S Hum 12 crown Acme. Tho lxiKt IJurnintf Oil tlmt can lo made from l'ldroleuin. It crivcB a brilliant liLt. It will CL"),"Violie tbe clnTiiuCy.' It will noicliiir tlio wick. It luis n liiph tiro tost. It will not t'Xplodo. It in without n comparison ns n per fection Family Safely Oil, It is in iiiufacturcd from tlio finest (!rudo in the most perfectly equip ped refineries in tlio world It is the llest. Ask your dealer for Crown Acme. Trado orders tilled liy Yours trulv, THE ATLANTIC P.SPI1IIKG CO. Kunbury Station, Sunliury, l'u. St TMOHOIiatS COMMERCIAL ' . . SCHOOL. SCfUfyicJJ . r-MCTItftl BVSTI0S1 J ' . f IIH,1 a.p.ii. t tl i.. anMik Ftnltf. T. ( I.. I il.ii f bi'irci.. . IT tBVt'AJ (wM bJK,.hi' rtWMitT.aOu l- Pri ftl.u.'.pkfra. IT , ftW'"i'H B.... mi B..I..M U... .ik tiraofflno. MtMt villi (. ..'.id T.tU.1., WILLIAMS 4 SOCCSS. SOCHCSTIS, N. U THE ST. ELMO HOTEL. Aucu SrilKKT, I'llllA. Itutes re duued to $'J 00 per !ty. The travel IiilC pulilio will Ktlll tln.l nt this lintel the Hiuuu lilieral provision for their ooinfort. It Is located in the immedi ate centres of tiusiuess and place of amusement and the different kail Uoad depots, as well. All parts nf tlio city, are daily accessible hy Street Cats constantly passiiiLt the door. If olTers special Inducements to those visiting the city for business or pleas ure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feifer, Proprietor. Xothing On Earth Will mm i I is rr i. i n i. Sheridan's Condition Powderl It fa fthtolutely pnm. HUrilr ronrcntmtnl. Tn auanlity U tmu Unw ttiaii a tuntli of c-nt a tly, I riff W Iiiwllello ll.u....t. .11 .1. . .. lilMul f.lV VlMlll .hiL- Vl'.,l b. I j ttoou yunf coirnt. Wortti inuru tin -i.rit ion n "uik -wnt irv CU UVtKl t flO, a cu it ii n r. two hu'ki five 1. A t M iu.iin.1 run il -JO ikiJikUI : f ran $ jiir.nwii uncial I arr.K, Mill Vv vtiy trf. l'uultry ItaUliijr tiulde frvo with l ENGINES, Threshing Machines, Best Machinery at Lowest Prices. A. B. FARRUAR & CO, YORK, PA, scpi.nt D U. I II. VOKLKI.KIt. DKNTIST Treating, IlllitiLT, art iflclal toot h. bridge mid crown work. Nitrous oxide ras for painless extractions. Kverythinu pertaining to dentlstrv. Van lloskirk's old stand. SKLINSUKOVK, PA. IKU'SE AND S.ON PAINTING 5 I'AIT.U HANCKIU- DKALKUIN m ii mm I 9 9 -o- l'ronipt attention given to ull or ders. .... None but the best paints and oils used. All work guaranteed. Lowest prices. Hest satisfaction. J. 0. SWINEFOItD, Middleburgh Ph., I cut I Cl oo i ltiio a o v LYE (PAT1WTK1) tfcef ,fr, ii iHln a tio Do-lr an4 k4 In with rniotil tl-1, th entuvnt. r tfy for us. Will tukka tha ftt pur fiinm-'l Hani Mop tn 7mtnnU'trifvf ili"tf. IT IA THK af T T ! plf , dlalnlWttaf ainki, eloMti) aaahlaf botlita, PfttuU. f9, . PRNNA. RAIT M'P'Q Ctt uu. A..,rau.,r. FOR iiiEFi OMLVI irorLOSTcrFATI.ISO FT.M.'noOD, ml and HER VOliS DEBILITY, IWcakueu ut Body and Kird, Eileeta Jot ip Olrl or Younr. Hul,.l. .i l- MIMI f.ll. K..i.isJ. ... . lalart. ua SlrvMtltaRH.I KlirVrl.lli'l'IIIIHI.AMA I'I HI s of HIM. V ih.,iiMirir HimK 1 ua I vfc I ii,nrr.i. irh,i. Bra twlf , lrs 10 Hlam u fnrrlia I anal rlrs. H rll. Ik. a, IM-.rlll. S.k, vi,I.Mall,,a aaa pnM,r. ih.ii-.. ..alraifrva, .'Mnu KRIS. MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO,). Y. vigor of um K.iai.r, vuicHir, rvrmnnpnuy prtiBiorj. rkr, Nt-rvouanraa, ltrblllty. and all th.i Irani of will fnnu i'arly vrmraurliiuir cicei'i'is tllll ri'Kulla nf livurarnrk. 1,-k.i.iNa ..... L-..II airaiinth, dereluinuviil, and tiuia utvi-n u evorr oivan and irtinn nf Ilia nndr. Hlniilo, natiirnl nivtliiHla. luitiKsJiaiH liiippivunie-nt aovn. Kailura Iniisn-ililo. Liki n-ri'n-i,n'. ll,i..k. eiplanatlijua lid proita DiftilPd iwaltldl fme. Addraaa KRIS hISOICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. FIFTY COLLARS for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP. ISo nlliir Mrlionl own do as 111 lit' Ii fur V ounK Muu a nil Wuuiau aa PALMS. QUSINESS COLLEGE 1700 Clicstniit Htrcet, I'jiiiadcipiiia. uu iy im SMI. Wu txluculs aim nnnini ini ... m . GOOD SITUATION. an yoti a"k more i 'In-ulara tiw il you nuiiii' lilla Mja.r., VIGOR. DR. J. II. rCLEAWS STREfJSTHEHIfJG CO'RDIAL AN ANTlllOTE 'Olt ExhniiFtlrin, l-rwa of ApixitltM, liw Bilrlts, buiuiU eickut-M suJ UyajH'pla. I'lcS'imt to the tttMit- anil a fiivurlla t'lnlawlth tlio linlles. rilceSl. Bold by BlldruKKluU. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. CO st. louis, rvio. $? r V s1 lins Just returned from the enst wit an Immense stock of SPRING IB SUMMER GOOD rnnaliHnr rt ratv flsmAm VAt.M. n.a.aalM. r. - T". . . ' J hmiuiih, iiiurnrn, nrriivi witrf. IiOOlS ftTiOI Hhoen, lint, IIoHery, Nockwear. Ifnrdwnre, Tobacco, In fact everyJ a .irriini iii iiiiiipracriiiiiK. iou win tie Rsionisneu to line the low prices. Everything was trontrht for ensli nd will be sold Dt such a prlrce that the PITDfllAQri! WITT OHABP TUP ViDnmi lUHUlinODU HlLll OUflllli lUli fllUFl Come nt onee while tlie stock Is complete and we Riiarnntee foJ )" "rKniii never oeiore ouereu in iiccinre. only I will sand my tleotrlu HalU and rusaas I on e I'M KcsaJ lTTOU Wlih Health. Addrtii DR. C. B. JUDD. Detroit. Mich On ii Arnt1.u' Tidal K" Meillenl Ailvlee nnd Trent men I ilnrlnir six i. ,. .. '.rV,!' Mv new Itnpmvert Elivtrlr lli-lti nr.. luuWl Hi'ltsc.mliln'i i tri'nerntw vtinti'tcnt Kleetrleltv to finslnee a shuck. In orilerlnir ifivo n Hells n.m, Hii im. f i.vimi, waist im-iisnru uml lull purl li ulnrs. Aifents wante'il Hittk ( ITV, Ii.nt . .Ian. is. tsi.Wlililn the Inst eighteen tnntilha we have taki n In om f,,r .l.,(l,- L' II., I. m .,.,1 l-.llu.iw I..... ..... , . ... .. . . ' -' -i i.u.r u.m i iiiu, a niiik'ii'riiiiiiHiiinr. nur nnve n.i.i ''tliellllll'llt'. i:M.MIl lH. tlll'lll. I,. VUU'lllin l.l... I'll. ... in irir, irriri.ll .llll-ll. I. M. .NKWIUto DHI Tho undersigned Mill offer to the public his entires of Furniture mid Ifcildiiig for tlio next three montl tho gretitest sueriJico ever known in tho Purnituo X - 1 1 1 f If . . -a i i . . in veiiir.ii x einiii. jiaving uecKicu to ciiango my ness in doing no must make some alterations in buildings 1 am compelled to offer my entire stoc prices never heard of before. Chamber Suits. 1 Suits, Sideboards, ( upboards, Extension Tables, lirl last rauics, uentro laotes, Jiarblo Top Tables, 1 autes, uancy v;ocKers, uoiiiinott Jtockera, Willow i crs, llaby coaches, High chairs, Small uockcrs, A csat, chairs. Cano Scat hairs. Dmitrlit mva T?,"i 7 J ' -'"j, . ..j , J.v..l reaus, AVr shstands, Sofas, Lounges, couches, Mattrc 1l....l.i.. H.,., l:il.. Tla C1..; e r. jiioiitvui., ii.41.-1, x juiiui, opnugs, tvc., cvc. Tho above goods must bo sold without reserve, will tftTdelircred to all wrnvf-alon X n m m w AW branches of . it. it. Uly Cstock of Carpets is tho lai - 1 1 ll 1 rvrt a. . 111 jjcwisTown, ami win no onercd at a trreat redud all 1 - 1 uuring 1110 aoovo saie. W. II. FI5LIX, Lewistown J. B. REED, SDIUPV, II Mtf-w V--':tVw GUNS, AMUNITION, AI FISHING TACKLE. Boisis, lets, EBBls,Fiii!S,l If you want to catch blur flsh yon must be provided with a trooi! stroiik; line, a sharp hook, and plenty of Imit. No matter whnt I. bait you use, Just so you cutcli the fish. The wriKiim; worm is a inn butt, hut the iirtitleiid buit, tlioinrli less piitutnlile to the fish, ly tillurlnu und ofliiucs more successful. This Is why we keep ever In the line ot vr ARTIFICIAL BAIT. We keep everything; used in flshlut; and hunting and when uiij uiing aim outi 1 come lor it just drop u note to J. B.REED. Bunbn pon nn n.trs. tn imt n tniiwinH l'urlrulla iu fuur Ti.'lmtr, and iiniarrWI fur our work, wa make yon tha follnwiw'J vHVtri iibntoKraiib. or 3 tiuriii'rreotj'pa. of youravir nr anr nif'T family, lirlliir or li'il, ami will lnV. .,v lll.b.1 I .1 1.'.- fell 'J ii 4 . ft I'llli a dua. - -.- ... . ,. ... , M. . .'- - - 1 onnua.aj-a r.1. racniir llm.l;, proviueu you it u. jour 1 1 Ifiula ami a eiu aln avflurunrua futiira onlrra. Tina will lie a aaniil portrait and wnrtli 126 U). I'ulitn1 II la ua witu your pliohwraiitia, with jrour naiua ami .lilr,- Lack ..f plmt.w, w run ali'P ' T-V-'Unelr. .lrtrraaj;.iiir),.taft to TANlilKBEY 0.lTla.aIT te(M I;TV. H Ala.iJlllUUa.liin, N. B. . . . Our work raa ba aara In taa hnmra ol -Mima prnrnlnrnt prnpl In (ha rnllvS Hlalra, via. 1 III. Knlnrni. ar.tli.ul UthW' ! am-a.overuor J. 1 nu t r r N k u ,ilr. . 'I . rlae, t.T.t rli, Hprakcr of Ilia llonae r llranlullva, Wufhliiutnn, O. clhera, llarr you to itll baulta and roiuiui-ri U.I arnrlra lu Niv toi'lK mmm .-..a VUHi.iauiVa turuuuuiil tua lullua blulca, "1 I ., Hua r:V4j.i ,Spi..i .:'. rT Tui-..'rpW3r'iy'f:jifwrrfrA'Rr. A