Sie QliVblelntrgji Published every Thursday. T- H. BARTER Editor and Proprietor. Subscription 1.50 per year. (which must W p:iM In mlvnnc when sent oiit-M,.- ill" inunty.) RATES OF ADVf ATISINO. All Tr.inH.-i.-tif ii'lvi-riN'-im-riti tint ntliprwlT iipiiT: '" I f. .r win in-1 hiii v-'l mMIic rule of 11 rent h t llni' ni'iiii.irli l in.Msiirei tor first lucr tlmi mill lucent 1'i-r Hi"' tor CM-ry nui wint Insertion. Thursday, October 20, 1S!)2. Republican National Ticket. V,.rT.-l I. -it. IIKNMAMIN II i:ul"N. "f li.l;iliil K.ii V.v I'resM.'tit. ill TI.I.A'.V 1(1. IP. "I N"W York. Republican Stats Ticket. Knr i ,'Hiirri"-Hiiriii-ii -lir''. .M IA ANHKlt Vi lioA'IM.I.. M.-n'-r, l.l.S. II. 1. 1 M I.II.Vt iO."ll. l'i .r i i)T. in.- Juil.'i'. .1. tl N 1 1 KAN, 111-ill . iv.r K'l-i-tnr-. .i hi w i" l'i MM' I. in. ,i-;. r, VM. Woolis, .ilhi.. ihl.i, I! !". .liM Alle.'lietiv, VM. II. s.n M:. Ii.I.i" if. '..r in-.trl.-t i:i.'.-i..r-. .I.iltii I . !.invn:i. ,..lm M 'in. I- 11. .I.illll ll'llll' T. Al. x. i row.-, -Ir , I InU'les II. SlIl.T, Ma.'ll rl'i. r. in. II. lirnii.l;., Tmlll i.r.-i'ii, .l.un s K. M.i". 1 .1. V. M. (I'M. ll. iirv A. Km i;i. in. .1 II ' r. , .1 nil. - M'li i . .1 mi II. -il"l'.I' i nlali'l. l-l- r . . I T. Ilii.irl.ii.'li. S. S. S. Inn ll. .1. S ll.ill Wllllullll. I'.. IS, I'.l Vli. ft. .1.1-.. II. 1. II l. il. KnlMTI i'll.'iilni, : :. ,1.1-.. M. l.ln.l .-v, a. II. I.. Mi In. .'.. S. II. 11-11. M. II. I' i' I"'1, -,. i'. i- . r. .-! . -i. ,1-s-.. K. I .sii:h r. K..r t .iiiu'r.'ss.i I lIAIi. M. M MI'iN. . I l :ii!iil..'l-l'iH',' Knr Mill" Semite. W. II. II 'KKMii:i:i., "I M1U" in. i nl N I V. llll. V.. . Tim i'.. 1' l.'ii. I'nr Assm'l.ll" .IlliU'e, .!i:i,'i;ii aii i:m -i:. - iii.--i"M'. '..! I '.. i'.l . - ir ever rll mii.i.s I.. s i; I Y.KI,, li.Mii.-r. :c. vim,-. M - r i'. .i .:.n a. l'.'ii.'i.'ii. tt.'.i,.-r Is w mi.T. .1. i.i. w.ilk.'i-. l.', I' .'I' - V. ill. .. Si . I. Ti..n:is ll.irl'-tiT. i i Mil ' - 'A . i .. II .1 1 in ill. II I '. S, i In J is, l, I ll;i'lll.lll s-llii.. II l.'iliC III. III. .'. IT. .I.llli .VI mi l(.'!ililh-.T. .Inhll II. Mlir'lll. .1 i. . ,1. s.' . Win. Mnrtl'l. Mii.l. iiiirL-li- .Iiiiih-s li.iHi'is.,. ,i. i, sii-liilns'i r. .Mi'l'lli'iT'-. k - l..'l Am I. I'. I.. I!'i. Mnill... - I'. X l.'lll. I. II. 11. H'T'lll. T. ivim- r. I., in'iniii'i'iiii-'. I. F. l...ii'l.'iislu.'.T. I'.'l -II. I'. Al-1'..'.'.lsl. II i hi IHU.'.T. I'cir. l I'. M. Ailn',-:isl, 1 1. Il.'linli.i. li. Sflliistfimi--A. II. Kis k. J.i'l Flsli. r. v.iriiii '. di ss. Win. .1. Kl'.s". I III. .11 - A I It - II N.'.'lll'lsl. (.I'.H..-.- II lll'l.'IS-. .l-lhl.U'.ill -Jnlm lilt, J.ilnrs 1". Mnwr. , LOOK OUT I The Democrats in this Dititnst have apparently abandoned all hope if d-feating Hon. Thud. M. Mahon, .in- i audidate fur Congress, and are now concentrationg their forces np ..ii V'ni. 11. llackeiiliei'g. our candi date for Slide Senate, hoping b.v a ,ig u-i oiiskuight at this jvint to t.ri'.".!: tin' liii" and capture mir I ..a 1 i i . K' palilicalis. ha e your guns do..'.'.. -!. .tt. d and iiwait the attack '. 'til The r;r,:'lr.i!'.! "Globu" Is A (J ;nuin.' Afiiclt'. t'!l:i. II. Klirt, of I ' '( ''( , ,...-.., I'.i Hi l'. .lit. . I'.l.. 1 a- writ li ii al. tli-rto Durham, North Car olina, a-kiug if there really did esisl Mlrh ;t paper as the I'lirlinui liln'n, and if any siirh article as v;is priiii- i d ill tin' 1' a lew weeks ugo did appear in it. The reply came that the Durham il h, did exist and that tl.e arti'-l ' genuine, l.ul that the editor was front the North and that his aiticles were written to make Republican campaign fuel. So lUllch fur the defense. Now, does our friend ("has. 1. Kurt for a mom ent imagine thai such an unsavory person, as they would have us be lieve the editor of the Hlobe is, would be allowed to e xist in as hot a town as D.irham for twenty-four hours if he were unpalatable to the tongue of the Solid South ! Would they not lynch him as they do their "damned niggas" if he had the te merity lo come among them only to misrepresent them 1 Would they not sack his office and throw his presses into the river if he came from the North and presided in mis representing the true condition of affairs in their homes ? Theso are hypothetical questions and we pro pound them to the editor of the JJelh fonto h'Hiocrut as a political Xpert. They are founded on cir cumstantial evidence and there might bo somo doubt if wo had nothing else to go on, but tho editor of tho Post was thrice below tho Mason .V Dixon lino within tho lust three years, nnd wo hero and now slate that the South in full of such unhung Rebels and tho editorials in tho Durham Globe is the kind of stuff they like to read. Men who would yell themselves hourso over "Dixie," nnd jump into the river to cscnpo tho sound of "John Urown's Body" or "Rally 'Round the Flae." Men who would wink at cur coun try' Hag, and bo-v in humble Bup pliunco to tho "stars and bars." Most of tho8o fiebeln, however, are eonfinod to tho "Colonels" and "MnjiiH," who, like Job's war-horne, Biuelled the bitttlo from afar, who assisted in conscripting tho poor devils, drovo tliem into lino to be iniiiuicd nnd killed, while they did the diootiug with their uioulhs out nido of bullet rntigo and now want (trover Cleveland fleeted to they rim run tho White Houhc another four years ! The loyal citizens of the Smith are to-day confined to the soldiers tho boys who rallied the nniskc ts and who fouyht a-i only our boys know they did fight. In all our travels in tho South we haven't met ft hiiifde private who didn't Hub- mit to the results of the war with a willingness that was surprising, and wo have the deepest sympathy for these poor fellows who fought for what they thought wan right, and who now bear the sears of battle, lint wo haven't even a liltlo respect for tin' blustering "Colonels'' and ""' who voire tho Pent intents of the Durham Globe and who were not thrri to see the thing done. We are sorry that these tilings ex ist, but there is no use in tho lie publican party burying its head in the sand like an ostrich to escape danger. The South is solid for Cleveland, and it can't be broken this year. (Jrover Cleveland's pension record and his effort to return tho Kebel tings makes hint solid with the South, and we have not a word of condemnation for the man who en dorses those actions and votes that way. but he who thinks different must point his musket the other way if he expects to hit the mark. The Durham Globn is a genuine article ! Ideal American Manhood. Nothing is more demoralizing to boyhood and youth than the exam ple of a dissoluto or dishonest man w ho w ins high success and honor iu life. It is the most pernicious form of bad example. An antidote for it we have to-day in the life and achievements of Benjamin Harrison. Whether we contemplate him as tho diligent student at school and college i as tho devouto worshiper in tho house of God ; as tho patri otic citizen taking an '..'tivo interest tinTiTifefliiairs an' TTIig his elo- qtienco and effort V tho cause of ..i human liberty ; as tUc citizens sol dier who refused to persuade others to go to battle unless he was per mitted to go himself; as tho zealous, courageous ollicer, rising from the rank of colonel to that of general by his gallantry on tin-field of battle: as the able lawyer, aftt r tlie close of the war, making his v n.v from the bottom to tho very top of bin pro fi s'-ion : as the faithful, successful statesi niii ill the Senate of the na tion, forcing respect from his en- j eiutes, winning a- linn a' i' u from all ; is i lie .iiiassuniiitg, up. iglit, etlicieiit I'ri sidt nt of t he Kep .blic, person ally directing with promptness, en ergy nnd consummate skill in most dying situations the ship uf state safily out of pcrilou- shoals and locks into water deep and smooth iu whatever rapacity we regard him, we see the same kindly, manly char acterthe ideal Aluel':cail citizen, father, husband and man. In no situation iu his career has the nobility of his nature appeared to better advantage than now, as he sits with solicitous care at the bed side of his invalid wife. Though a leader iu the momentous pending campaign he does not allow a thought of his personal political in terests to come between him and that loved sufferer. It is worth repeating that the life of Benjamin Harrison contains the most powerful and wholesome les son that can be hell up before American youth. It points tho way to success impossible to reach ex cept by the path of honor and of duty which ho has trod. CENTRE VI LLE. Monday of last week was the re opening of tho town schools aud again tho tone of tho old bell from its lofty perch resounds tho old fa miliar ring, calling together those who aro to hold tho supremacy in yeurs to come. "What do you think of McVeagh ?" Tom. Wise asked your correspond ent tho other day. "What do you mean by sucu a question," was ask cd by your scribe. "Why, don't you know ho has ileclarod his inten tion to vote for Cleveland ?" "Very well, Tom, wo can snare him. if vou people can spare Gon. Sickels." This was an absolute damper for Tom. and he vamoosed. Landlord J. E. Spangler attended the Bloomsburg Foir on Thursday nnd Friday of last week. John II. Miller, of Laurelton, and J. C. Harper, of Bellefonte, repre sentatives of the New York Life Ins. Co., did business here last week. A stranger iu town means a new baby. Yes, a new baby boy nrrived at the homo of Assessor C. E. Samp scl. Although ho arrived too late to be registered to 'vote for Harrison yet it is the first baby boy to glad den Charleyjs heart. Tom says ho calls him Quay. Dan. J. Dreeso nnd wife spent Saturday nnd Sunday with Tap Valentino Walter's. , Dr. (1. C. Mohn and wife, of Laur elton, Sundaycd with friends here. Constable Napp is paying Shenan doah a business visit this week. P. C. Hart man nnd his better-hnlf went to Woodward on Snnday. Our merchants are this week in tho city of Phila., laying in their stock of fall and winter goods. Miss Ella Shinkel went to Jersey Shore on Tuesday where she ex pects to stay for a while. How she will be missed by the young folks can scarcely be told. John Mohn, of this place, shot a deer in tho White Deer mountains last week. KRKAMKR. Frank Thomas and W A. Keeler were to Ohio and Indiana to buy a car-load of cattle. The teachers of our township have organized a hterial society. H. A. Walter was elected president, C. W. Landis secretary, and C. A. Meiser chaplain. Chestnuts are reported scarce nnd aro high in price. The turkey season opened on Sat urday last and the hunters were out in full force, but thev report the wary birds scarce. While Win. Spigeliuvf r and crew were running down the side-track of the railroad on a hand-car it sudden ly left the track, throw ing the men in all directions some lauding near tho main track as n swiftly moving freight train was passing by. The crew made a miraculous escape front instant death. David Benfer, while hunting squir rel, had his head and fao badly in jured by tho premature explosion of his gun. Ono of (leo. Aurand's hands came "hwVTjritirJt wittrirfmialt-rtdeT-i)reT,s and had it severely injured. On Monday of this week a birth day party was given at the public house of Samuel Bumbach in honor of Mrs. Schoch by the Schoeh rel atives. Executor's Sale of REAL ESTATE ! 'I'll.' iiii'i's-ii.'i, :... ii..r nl in.' !"si,it,. M.n v Ur.'in. r. I.e.' .1 i iii t.. nsliip. sn- i .'l' '. HI I It . . 1 1 I . . . I ' .1 . . 1 I i . ! ' T .it I'll). Ill- S.ll.' nil I III- .l'.-llls. i, ..11 Saturday, November .1, Is'.'-'. Tli.-I .ll.mlii' il.'s. ill..'. I li.'.il In wit : V l.r Aim: lioMi:, .mm, :i ri:i,ir tin- .U I'lU el l;llll. Il.illll.l.'.l l. I. ill. Is. i ,1. l. II. Ill, i .ii li.'i Hi.' l..!'.-r m l I'ni'lli' ll' mi t, hi. Ii is . iv. i'.'l a k I TWo s,i!Y KliAMU llol s;, Hll.l 11 is.-ln.-l.t. .. u .'"I S.-,n ; iiml . . Hulls", n ii i i i. t Kit ".' ii. :i I ir,-.- It. i nk It n il - .ill In llrsf ill I'l.liilltlnlt. '1 lii'l" Is .il.s.i ii tlh" hitIijiI'i! nil t ll" 'l .'llilses .III. II - U. lit U.ll.'l'. Tills ...;.. it.'. Is i .,r Mi-K.'i s '.j Fulls, mi tin- Klv.'i' Ii.. nl. le.iilll.,- III. Ill .l ,1 I, i ll S.lls,-u.. in.l Ithln ..ii.'-ri.'litli nl a lull.' In I liiiit li ami s. 1 1 l.i... silei urn -mi.' :.t M n .'1. ..'I;. A. M.. when ilii" all. nil. .ii w III lie h..i an I l. rins' khnu a lit .1. Kolll.Ht l'i: K. V. Ives ', l'a!is, i'.i., ii, i. is. lA.'i' VEGETABLE BALSAV1C ELIXIR I WILL CURE THAT Cold AND STOP THAT Tho heat remedv known for tho cure of ' Consumption, Cough, Colds, Whooping Cough, and all Lung , t I'rlco sac., 00c, ani) tl-00 por bottle. Knr Halt' Iv W, II, Heaver, Mlildli'ljiii'gli, hiiiI J. W. Siiliiinell, I'l'liliHtTi'i'lC I'M. THE MIFFLINBURQ MARBLE I GRANITE WORKS ! Having ou hand a large btock of MONUMENTS AND OUAVKsBTONES to select from, I am selliug lower than any other entabllsliment in Central Penylvaula. It will pay you to call and tiee the work aa I employ no agents. R. H. LANOE, Prop'r. Deserving Praisa- We desire to y to our eltl.nn, that for year we have been nelling Dr. King's New Discovery for (Jon fHitnption, Dr. Kinif'n New Lifn Pills, ItiK'klen'i Arnica s-alve aud Klectrio Hitters, and have never handled rem edies that sell as well, or that have given Bitch nnlverxal satisfaction. Ws do Dot liepitnte to gttaratitee them every time, nnd we utand rendy to re fund the purchase price, If untlsfnc tory results do not follow their use. TlieB remedies have won their great popularity on their merits. 1). C. Kepler, Druggist, Paxtonvllle, Pa. Oct. 1, 113. ly. DR. R. A. SIMPSON S Ollice No. 8 1(3 B. Market St. Yoi'M'a. WILL BE AT Home Office, Oct. 3 to 17 Baglo Hotel, Middleburgh, Pa., from Friday, Oct. "1, at 10 o'clock a. in. to Saturday noon. lr. Hliiiiwin will xiiiiiIiio iiny nno who mny full Hm.ii liim liecil liiai'i,'". KniiHlnif that luin iln ils nl" ll eic mil ii tnlsi'" rxlslem-u I'll, nil In. 'Ileal til'l. sniii" IktiiiIsc tliey ini pass"ii lliniiij;li Hie --!. I iiiil. iil' llliinit ri'lli'f, mi'l ..iiii. H'rlniH. Iw'.'niis.. thev iniiv nut. kimw wli.-ret.i npjilv. In1 l.'i ls Inst'.iii'.l n tiinkliie tin-si. tiii'ts pni.iii'. Satl-tli'il llinl n iiiiintii'r will s.'1i- niM.ii ilii-.. plain trutliH uinJ Ijc fully re warded l.y n utiri". our hs.. nf pr.e t eo limy tiroil untno rx il,itnillnii. I'M" r"iii".ll"H lire nrliirlpiilly vi'tfn. lai.l". illseiinlitiif i iitii Hi" iiMMif i iilnniel or Mi'ii iiry, I hi i. u , lane! a-, Ai s. ii,.' nml Aiitlnmnr l i':iii" lin y ill" iJlR. ir."rr".itlin iil'.'IUs of tli" nr .1 ill script Inn. Wc nr." nppn-Mil In t Iip us.- nf if.'liiTal I.I.kiiIIi'IIiii; In iiiiv case, t'li.vlnu If to lie lupin. ins tolll" unit ull.1'. (la II tfcmilH tn IU". IT. Sltii).s..n treat iiioci'ssfiilly clirnlilo nr Imitt siiiinliiiif .llsi .isi'S of Hit. Ili'iiil, Tlirnnt nml I. link's. Kliiiu'V Mini Heart cninplalnlit j Itiwtcr at" illscasi's . if t In- St. mini ll t hat liuvi' ilellcl nil nilicr Iii'IIiikIs; Ih'is" tearful illsinsi' nf tln in 'nuns .system nrlsliiK trmn wlinlcver I'aiiwi serntula. l)i-nisv. Kits, KcviT,, Khi'tinin llslil, ..'lllaea. S.'l.ltl. n. Ill i.nillluti".l l lccr, I aln els i . linn . .1 w ii lumt III" Use uf tUf knit" ami c'lie'l. Astlitn.i. liny Ki-vcr, llnw. tulil, W inter 'mull. hrmile IMarrhncn. etc. All in, iv liei'iircl by t his n nii.lci tii system, ll not tno lal a. anre.l. It ami IiI.hhI illscxsi'S clirej whi n all nl I. er iiii'tlmils have fullcil. Laillcs wlm nri- xtitTi-rlin; wit h iINcnse Htrti'f Iv cnlilllieil tnlhelrscx rail I'ntlslllt till' IhH-lnr Ilii Hi" assurance nl a HM-f ly i inu n ll limit snl leilnvr tlieiii-M'lM'i. In III" o ry nlten iiiinn'.-ssarv .'.iiuliiail'iii. 'I'll" il.ietnr partleiilaily Invlti-n nil eases llial u lu i'li jjlM'ti up l.y littler iliy el.lllh. TKS-riMllNIAI.M. .Mr. li.'iiiH n i.i iiui.. iii i.iu-i mnt, I'. riy eo iiity, I'n., Iia.l a caiii i r mi letter llplnr several tiimil'iii iin.l Was i nlnpl. teh i nieil dv tlie t leal llli'lit uf lr. II. A. Simpson, nf Vnrk. i'n. Miss Annie Km h. nf I,Io'hmi1, Terry eniliity, I'n.. Iiinl tnr may M-alna liiallL'lnilit ulcer nil luT lliuli m ar the ankle, an. I nUlieilu'll Ulnl'T III.' Ireattll) lit nf illll. I'. llt il'H'tiits. Hi" sure .-rew ..'s". It was eiiie.l liv hr. It. A. Slinpsnn, nf Vnrk. I'.i.. In Imir iiniiillis, .N.j hiT.ipliio- nl the IhiIii' el I'll! t lliu'. I'..r eais Mr. I'liatl. s AllN ili, nf (ilen II. " k. V el k enillit v, I'm.. ciiik it mi lilsfacc Ik InM. Hie eve. III'. II. A. Sllllt.siill, nt n Ii, I'll., I'eiii.iM .I It l.v Ills chemical pn., i ss. lie Is; mw H. 11. ii .Hr. Sliiip-nti Invites aiiv nni wlio ilmilits IIIIV III these si. itellil'llls III Writ to 1 ll." pa Ml' ami ns.-rnaln t..r lli"insrve. Tin-sear., unlv a lew nt the tnaliv leslliininlals nlilalli" I. Tilt ll.n ti.l' lliMI"se.ies.i ln.'lCi- ir.un ii illstiinco. II v.iil wile eiiclnse 4 cents In stamps, il. iii. nil'. r III" .lates ami cull early. Jan. HI. ls-r.i. Wo tlin uii.l.irla n.-il were enllrelv curi-.l nl rilptur' l.v llr I n. Miiii-r nil 1st.. I'lilla.lelplilii, Ph., IS. lone rlillli, Kiiiiiipii S.niare, l'u..T. A. Krelti SliillliKtou, I'n. I K. M. Small. JMnuut Attn, l . Iti'v. S. It. Slieruirr. Siniliiirv. 1'a II. J. I lullnt t '.'U S.'I'n.'Hth St.. ltpiulinir. fa.: Win. IHx. 1KM miiiilroic M., I film inipl.lU! it. I.. K.iwe, H-Jrr r.itn -ss,, n--a.iiiiK, t u.; i(-irgii ana r . liurknrl. 4 .'.i Lin um St., Ki'iullim, I'n. Souil lur circular Nebraska Farm Lauds. N'lnl ymir e -s. ami tliai nf ynur frlonils t.i I'.s. lit mis, i.eiieial Auenl i'. II. .v . II. II., Inr a liee pamphlet ilescrlptive nf Hie la mi I ii m I -s ut Nelira-ka. 'I'lils st,,ii. pimln I iii line year lliren ltttti!rei lllllll.lll lillsin ls of Celll, Ix'shlcS oilier f I llll. n un ainl lr. . si n k. .Inly r, if. ttt s--iTriTT'ri II'G DSITTAL LOOM:, ' i .v. Pe, Tcelh i lean. .1. et i a. le.l. Implant".!, l'. lUsc.iscs ami H'Jilll. s In the teeth nli'l lllnlltll tleateil Al'tllli lal hi ts, clnU lls. I.rl 1,'es nail .ili.luiatni s lii-.i' All kin. Is. if HIM,' imlil vvoik a s'K elalty . i.i:o. i:. i Min n. n. n. s. otll' e In W'.'ls' ilw.'llinif, sniilli ,1" eiilraiice. oppns'ic National ll.ili 1. J as. c i; ti si:. A I' l'i It N Is Y AT I.AW, MuiDl.KlirilH, l'A . All uiisiliess etitl'liste.l to his care will receive prompt attention. Con saltation in Ku;;li-li ami lieriinin. SF. SUKAUV, Insurance Aeut mid Itroker, l'etilis Ctet-U, P. (). Pu. Duly ti rst rlin-s St.n-k tlm-iimnlm reprefenteil, Vou Mvs n ii. i p minium m.Io-, l.em'o yuu pnyiin llr.sert..iii'iiti, 1 tlrlllM lll-l- plai'.'.l oil llll kill, I,. I.I 11. I.I.I tirtll prnperty, ilui'lliim", 8'nri " mi. I eliunlii-ii any. u lieri-in Suv.ler a ml t'nli.ii (.iiiinMeH. tilli.i'in '. .M. Slunter't Sti.rt'.fintr'.vllle, I'.i Harvest Excursions Half Rates. Al t.l s i Willi AM) SKI TEMIiKIt Unit. Til" lliil'lllitflnli llnille will tell tolllnl trlptl k ets lit hall tntes, e.-oil villus, In the cities nml fal'llllllkf leel, i, H of I he W est, Nul l Invest m, Siiullmesl. tastein 'llcket Aifi'tils will k.h thnnieli lick. -Is mi t lie same plan. Set dial tlu-v re. I nver Hie llill llli.'l, hi lloiite, the liesl Ilia from rlilciien. l'eorla, oiilnc.v uiiilsi. l.nuls. l'i r lull her Iniorm.iiloti wine l'. s. Kim is. Oenenl I'n.sselini r AKelit, t'lilciiii. July IS, tf. COMPOUND. A ri'-iiit (llwnvcry liy nn oi.l 'hyi.. in. Ancrru(y urd f.i.'firily Ui thnunnnf UixU s. 1 llni only p. rluctly iiile Hi J r.-lhihlu lii.'.li,'ltiii!li.i'iiv(-r. Ilewiirv nl iiiiprlni'lpk'ililruu uim wlm ollur Inlurlur nied- clnet In place nf till". Ark lor I'ook'x t'OTT Hour I'ovir.UMi, luie n ii'.(ituv, or Inclu.efl iiinl t wnu In piKtuiiB In li-ttur, hiiJ we wlllKcnl. nciik.l, by return mail, Kull .ciik'.l parllculurl In plum iiiv.'lnpi', to lii.ii.'K only, 'i ntuiiipii. AJ ilrau I' Lilly onipaiiy No. 3 l Itl.x k, IkitMlt, Mult. -S,,l,l In'hiiriili l.y ll. V. M. Nliliulul unit .Iruui.t. every where. ! Iru3 TTlTl Kl. llnllrre, Marhlnrry jm J; Ull'anil of All Klude. Kmluly, Mill hiiiI Tui.i.ny Uill, lloller and Maclilnrry Itriwlre, glvu your orders to Hie Lewislowfl Fonniry and Machine Co. LEWISTOWN.PA. Lately Itn'ortKiroU'il, with lucroiiMed capital, Ifrialcr fui-lllUen Hinl kklllisl inecliiinli'n, tile eoinpHiiy niakcBk'iMKl workmuiiMlilp bjiiI pr.utii, tii-HM the rule. Plumbing. Um and Blwm KlitlnK a upwliilty. Iiat h morn fitted tnd I'luHflit coiihtrucU'd lu'cordliiff to Uie latoitt .at proved und Ik-hI mtiiltarv limtlindit. The Ulll-r Lutversal Wood HplU Pulley furnlKlied at lacuiry prtrrH. Exclusive atfrtitH lur I lie Mr lis fen Pump, the bvet OU the uiartet. CurretiiKiBdt'Bce Invited. OvU 1, leti. Riinfnraf IIUIJIUIU G. c. gutelTus, THE ONE- PRICE LOTHIER! DEALEH IN Fashionable cloth ing, Hats, caps, Neckties, Gents Furnishing Goods, Summer Under Avcar, and Ccleloid goods, Men's shirts, mm Glohing for princei Pauper!;. 'i Clothing that looks like silk and wears like leather. Cou. to tho old Kuliahlo where you get what you pay lor. I g new stock is just in, is entirely new and comprises all tl, k lateststyles Too busy waiting on customers to tell yi more. :ome and see for yourself. ,sl G. C. GUTELIUS, liddleburgh, V. U ic mmm c o s ElGGtro-OoEci --r T. 1 J '' ;;'.; ,-.ii an iiii ii nil i X. ually.les' to them liable to easily Mvp and break. fully. neiioiiiphshed by the use of the l.M'.C I K M.OLD STKlXJi, which pr .rahist rust and emit ti superior quulity of tone. "iot. present the tShoemacUer Itistnimet in competition with lowiAj. e-t ubsurdly misiiaiued "cheap" l'ianos. this county und -ipjnlA en Hooded with Itisiiriot, iln taste' -r.tldent il.1.J'l'V:MA.'IvKUa 'Wei t . fcr cases aro ii in the wd.&t aud eX Vu'","l est priced, Middleburgh P. O. c fl b on l Mai! but they ., ueivat ways iu tliutdirectiuu. Tlunl .vhy sund to tli City li.r n ady-iimde flothiu and then take theut to unskilled Iolmi tailor to iin rt. e the Ct, when you can yet a I SUBSTANTIAL IKE AP once HENRY L. MKKCIIANT T.MI.oit, Selit-.Mrove, Pa., where your work isalwiij Kuarutiteeit or you have recourse. This Is a qin-htion that interest-; every man and boy .A neat-tittine; matter what thcjinateriii! ! is it always look! better than an lll-Iltt f tic suit no matter how line ' tlm tfooil. Then come at once aud j;et llts. !' HENRY L. PHILLIPS, Late rorenian for K. K. lilTK, four doors west of Dank. Solin.s -r t If I huve just returned from the Kastern Markets with a lar,'o nssort of 1' ull and inter stock. We are now ini uiireil tn . liii.o 1 1. nt, luent of Dress Hoods iu town, ulso Dress Trimming und (iimps of ull k und colors the largest ussortuteut ever brought to town i LADIES' COATS, j. Lnrest line of Ladles' nnd Misses' Coats, ull the latest styles, everbriw to town. SpccSafi Fn'iccs. We will trlvu special prices on Ladles' Coats to establish a large' trade on Ladles' und Misses Coats. Call nnd see our stock andp?t low prices, which will astonish you. i -CLOTHING- , We call your attention to our line of Clothing which ootulsts of Hoys' aud Children's (Suits, also Men's aud Hoys Overcoats. We have a large line of Carpet. Call and see them before purct' elsewhere. Also a full line of BOOTS Si SHOES. We also have line of WALL PAPER. Poultry aud Potatoes taken In trade highest pricei paid. Cash P. good Butter and Eggi. F. H. MATJRER, New Berlin, I m . i 1 a and everything J I make a man loo handsome andfe happy, at price! I: that discount a imitation store ic i: String Pianos Hi w n B d ol d al b ft B di fa 01 e: d. el " MONd the most iini'ortant point : niie ini'it v if tliesi) liiujfliilleeiit ; anos is, Hint longer llian tliose -ottier inakeM tliev remain In tn: I 4 I. . . ...I. !l . - I . 1111. i i inn, wniiu iii ii ii y I iim I'll lijei wltleh at Hist lve satlsfaetion, tieiin Hat ami wiry, the Slioetnacker l'iaii Mill staiitieli nml true. It is Imnossiti!-. overestimate the ad vulitaeH derived fr the iiml. if the ;i;iectro!olil Strlncd. 'I oriliiiury inni-wniiiiieil or no-enlled w! ' inetal-ilated mtriiiKH. wliielt till other it, i till compelled to use, are iuuin ... c.teil li' atmosiiherieaction. lt.I stroyino; tlm power of tlif utri prolong und siikIuhi t he tone, render The remedy of this tins been siior-f : but to tliose who apprciute a l'i a. '"..'... .... -ei l . .. IVl tU.TUa BlD Hll which w't.'a.'-'" "lu.w just pu. PAUL BILLHARDT HI ie! 15 T ..on uv iroint; to PHILLIPS o- 11000 FR m Pi B U St ti k to in ol nt L. ei 8 tz bi au b Ht g' Ul m wi au hi wi ar Ui k' aa dt Vi; d. 8'i Tli Ol eu tz fa ec m ht di w i ll otieii " - - , . ebUUiiu; wt todriuk. 4 Cuwi',MV,r' '