The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 20, 1892, Image 3

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Uikwino his ronaiON tottr.
Traddo'd Nation. Tha Car a Benev
cleat Monarcn. iiorrora 01 iai
rmln Portrayed.
t nnstial Interest attached to the aeTmon
( Iv. Dr. Talma-re. at Ilrooklyn. Funilojr
trnine. it having been announced that ha
tuld devote the entire discourse to a re-
Jw of Ida summer Journey. The --rent
ernacle wa crowded early by an expect
It audience.
the subject was, "Observations in Iiussi.-t.
id (.rent Uritian tint text felcrted bcini:
m mexxxi. "If I take the w intra of the
eirtiiMff and ilwe'l in the uttermost par la ol
sea, even Ihero thud Thy hand lead
Vhnt an absurd book the I'.IMo must be to
i tiuiii lis" i'" pootrv In his aoul.
fl int's of the mnrniiitf !" hut kind nt a
' rd is it. and hw mntf are its winus and of
fiat color'.' All. aonieof us have seen and
i jt its wintrs. They are golden. 'ihcynro
dt up-end. The 1 ih f laM June I took
Bie wine's of the naomiim" and started
' tirota .lime '.Hon tin' iri of tin) morn
i 'i started fmni l.lveriol. July l- on
Jie whips ot tin- morn n?" I entered (-er
I tiv. i he land of M irtin Luther and many
ft hut ilk, livina ami dead. ii "thewtnes
i-filic mornim' ' I entered St.
1.0Mia on the win;r ot the ni"rn in-" I
acrctl Moscow. On "tin' wine or ihu
Unrnli'K ' I cntc-rd the piilac-t of Kill-in.
f reefed hv the emperor and empress. fur
rCMinded hv a loond of princes ami rrinccss
e4, on the winus of the niorniitu" I en
tered Interne's, the cnpiiolt I the r-cottisli
Mclilands, rountrv of Hubert Hums und
Chulnieia. the one for foeiry, the other f.-r
rtliKion. -cpteniher -1. on "the wind's of
the mornim:.' ' entered the finest haven of
all the a'tli New York . arbor and look
ed off Inwards the inoet illtcrcstinif place I
had rc'ii ill three month!' I Nuitli Oxford
trvet. ilrooklvn. Oh, I like the wintrs of
tne nmrnii!)(.''' I am. hy initure and hy
trace, a son of the niorninir. I think I
inn-t have been horn in the mortiitii. 1
wiii d like to die In th mornim;. I have a
half a notion that hoivi'ii Ik only an cv'r
lastim! hirrinni. In the Milliliter of l-eij
mv text was lulll'ded t ineiitfiiin and nu.-nn.
"Jf I tiike the winca of the mornim: mid
4'etl ii: the utcrm. M arts of I lie sea. even
there shall Thv hand lead me." Yes. He
hii he i.s lie !ilwnvtlns led inc. since 1
tO"k mv lirst w.a n trotn the cradle to mv
mother s l.i' at Hound I'.rooK until this mil
pit where I now h'ttiid. and H will lead
roe until I atop for nil time al'oiit ti.ree
roi'e out von er. where tne most of you
Will he in V fcllow-sluilihercts.
i'o.i nil know why I went to liimla this
OiiiMipr There are many thnuundi of
)i ole who have a ri'ht tony to me, ns wiih
cahl in til" Ihlile :irnlli: ('iive Hecouut of
thv ti"A:irdlii. Through the Climtian
Iwr.'ild, whh'li I havu the honor toed't. we
had lor month, in t'UldMier's. in repor'or
ial and editorhil eoluiiins. jmt hefoo- the
o;'le the chattly liwtn eonr.'riiiin; 'Jn.ilii,.
UOO KiM'Kiut who weie ntarvin lo death,
afld "'iV-.Tii'tioii to tin.1 relief fund had
rune hv letters 1 1 rat jeeined not o luurli
wild wiitten ink as with ti'arn, ome of tue
lettr r.ietically wiving: "We hud it hard to
iret I. read fur our own laniilieg.htit wo ean
l0 stand Una erv of hmv.'er from l eyond
the .eas. and o leaw rei eive the eni loed."
.lid others had fent JuweU from llielr
) And ami neck, Miying: "fell these and
1 rii them into hrvad." ' And another letter
f p i: "Knclospd is an old pold pieri.'. It is
i W mother's. She ira'e it to me and lold
(e never to part wiih it, eeeot for . hread.
h i now 1 enclose it " We had gathered
I'.inil in monev. wlik'h we turniNi into
I'.ooi) iiounils of Hour. ent I went down
tho hoard of trado at ('hieago and left
of the amount rained with a nrom-
In-lit Hour merchant, takini! no receiptntnl
kivmtr. all to hi in to ilo th tiling.
iturned, it was ncireted thnt
nvi. t
f. Let uuch u
bo .ent?
are Ktyfes oi' lit for the
Sniuh of the wine t)i'an for the mouth
ininyry inou and women. Well, n U
stoninry, when the Hour eniuu to Now
fork it was tested, and we found indeed
lev had cheated us. They pave us better
Our than we hud hmuht. I bought in
ticaL'O line flour, hut they sent us sujx'r
Jie. ( iixl bless the merchants of Chieairo!
'Now. we know nothing about famine, in
Ajner;ra. The Krasjlunipers may k'll Hie
cfi s in Kansas, the freshets may distroy
the props aluni; the Ohio, the pot at i worm
may kill the vines of I .on Island, the rust
Bliiv p't into the wheat of Miehiumi. yet
wlieii there 1ms been dreadful scarcity in
Mine parts of the land, there has been
plenty in other parts. Hut in districts of
Klt-sia, vast enough to drop several nations
lulothein, drouth for .six consecutive yi ars
hs devastated, mid those districts were pre-Tlou-iy
the most pro luciive of nil the em
pire It was like what we would have in
Aincrica if the hunger lieud somehow pot
cot i it hi-il and alirhle t in mir land, and
n pt his winn over Mmnci', la. and
Mil: "Let nothing prow here," and over
lti--i,ii'i, and said: "l.nt nothitii! prow
hi"," and over New York state, and sai l:
" nothiin; prow here," and over Ohio
and lii ot'ia and Massachusetts nod I'enn
BVlvatiiu and Nchra'-Ua and lalot:iand the
tVrolinas, anil taid: "l et nothing prow
here," and I he huiiper (lend had swept ihu
Mine withering and blast, up wim? over tho
bust parts of America in the ivirs 1 'sy, jss,
Wo. Isisi, and 1.U, and linady all our
families were put on small nlloweiice, and
we all had risen from the lalde biiupry, mid
uftei awhile thu children hud only quarter
enough, ttii.l nit r awhile only
OBe meal n day. and lifter
MWhl'e no pood finsi nt but n mixture of
wheat and chat!' and bark of trees, mid then
three of th children down with lumper
trphus. and then till the family unable to
wa'lc, iu, then crawliiii; on hands mil
tne s, and then one dead in each room, and
Miphbors, not fpiito so exhausted, coiuinp
in to bury Iheiu, and afterwards the house,
b oiiiinp the tomb, with none to carrv tho
dead lo mom appropriate sepulcher wholu
families blolleil out. That was what occur
red in Itussui in homes more than were ever
counted, ill homes that were once as com
furiahlu and happy and bountiful as youre,
? mine, in homes us virtuous ua yours or
lull, e, in homes where n,d i J worshiped as
much as in yours or mine
It was to do u little something toward
teatiiiK hack that anel of wretchedness ami
fcorror thai wo went, and we havo now to
Tcport that according to the istiinate of tha
itilssian laiiiiim relict committee wo buved
th lives of rj.ynoi people. As at the hunger
'irtiunsthii hread w us handed out for it
waa made into loaves umldistrihuted ninny
piOple would halt before takmpitand r. -I:f'linisly
cross themselves und utter a prav
utfor the donors. Soma of them would
ttome, slapperinp buck mid suv: "please tell
Ms w ho sent this breud to us." And when
'' il ru,"e from America, they would snv:
hat part of America? Please ive us tho
tsuuies of thoMt vidio lent it." Ah. tiod only
knows the mimes of tho c who sent it. nut
11 certainly does know, and inanv a praver
Is (foinp up, 1 warrant vou, dav by day for
UiOasi who sent flour hy the ship Leo. 1'er
hups, some ot us at our tables rattlo off a
luyertlmt inuvmeaii nothing, althoupb,
w cull it "snyinp icrace." hut I warrunt
when those poopU who rereive.1 tho hreud
Which suved their lives ' said Kface," it
F'eantiomethiiiK. ur rellpion may not
mandthiit wo "cross ourselves." but I
I ve leurucd that while crossinn nno'i self
niiio cases muy mean nothing hut mere
I rm, 1 heliove in most cuses it moans; "Oh.
u of the auireriiig cross of Calvary, have
cy on me and accept my prutitude."
)fer your own form of religion by all
' sins, but do not deprxeiato the religious
ins of others. I roiu all i csn learn, there
re several irood people before we wore
in, and 1 rather expect there will be sev
eral left after we are dead. 1 have traveled
In many lands hut I tell rou plainly, as I
told Kin prror Alex.snder III, In the' i-alaee
a 1'eierhotr, thnt Iliad lie -er hern so un
prtased with the fidplltv to their relipion of
any people as hy what 1 had seen In ltusshi.
and esi eolallv among her public, men. 1
said respectfullv to a llu-stan. when I saw
him cro-s himself : What do vou do that
for?" "Oh," he said, "when I do that I al
ways say: tiod havo mercy on tne!' " I
hold In my hand something very sugtres
live. What does that hlnck and uncomely
thing look like? That is what is
palled hunger bread from Hussia:
that is what millions of people
lived on for months before help
came from Kngland, Scot and, Ireland and
America: that is a mixture w hich seems to
have In not one grain of sustenance. It is a
mixture of pip weed and chad and the
sweenlnps of siablps. That Is something
which, II dropped In the street, your dog or
pat mipht mi Iff at, but would not
pat. That was the only food on
which millions of men and women lived.
Y'ou must look nt that liuneer-bread of Hus
sia before you ran get iiroprr appreciation o(
w hat nn attractive and beautilul thinga lost
of bread is. It is so common to us we cannot
realize lis meaning. Mop and look at it tn n
bakery window or se it on vour family
table 1 mean an honest loaf of" bread, while
ns a hall of packed stiow.wiih a crust brown
as tho autumnal woods, and f , r a keen ap
petite more aromatic than Mowers n loaf of
bread as you remember It In childhood,
when the knile in the hand of your father
or mother cut clean throupli from crust to
crust and put befo e you. not a ijuarter of a
slice or a ball a lii e.'hut n full round slice
and another tin, I another just suited to a hoy
always ready to eat and for the most time
huiiitry, evcii in a ell supplied house. It
was then bread: t the table and bread be
tween meals and lire id before break last and
bread before going to bed.
Hut, I have been nl;cd hv "no I people In
tireat Hrilain an t America again an I again,
why ilid not the pros"0's people of Hits
sia stop the sutleiin themselves, making it
useless for other nations to help? Ant I
am always g:a l when I bear the question
asked, because it gives me utl opportunity
of enplaning. 11 ve vou any Ide.i what it
requires to lee I I imi.ooi people. There Is
only one bting in the universe who can d '
it. nod that is the Hcing w ho. this morning
hreaktasted l.t'i I of the hum.iii race.
The nobility of l:ism have not only con
tributed most lavishlv. but many of them
went i.u'.vn und stal l for moiit hs amid the
pbastliness mill the horror and the typlm
fever and ihc small pox thai lin y might ad
minister to tlH'silflc ring. 1 sst at the dining
table In the house of one ot our Ameri
can representatives besiile a baroness, who
had iml only imsierihed In r e-tates by
her contributions to I he siiitering, hut wlo
left her own lnhneiind went down into tin
w rst of the misery. and until prostrate.!
with fever; then ievivin,r, an l toiling ot.
until proirated by the sm.ill-isix. ."-he hac
pome home to pet a little strengtn, and inn
few days she was goiu j dow n again to tic
sull'ering districis. und she coininissione.:
me to exec:i!e in America a lit -rary enter
prise by which slip expects wiih her pet
more liioneV. nil of whlcli i- to go for brea.i
lo thoe who luck it. Then there are tin
liobrinskov. They p. re of the nobility, ne
on ly t he liobi lily of cart h but the nobility
of heaven. You know we have in Amen
cu certain names which ar synonyms tor
benevolence ieorpe 1' James Len
ox, William I'.. Ii.mUp. Mr. Suiter and so on
Wlint their nsiin s uie.m in America. Ho
brinskl means in Husi.t 1'he emperor ha.
made larger c.inlriliiitiotis toward this re
lieflund thtin any monarch (.yer madn f'-r
any cause siiuv the world stood, and the
superb kindness written all over the faces ot
niperor and enqircss nn I crown prince is
demonstrated in what they havo alreadv
done and art; doing for the sulTertrs in their
own country.
When n few days a-ro I rend in the papers
that the emperor und empress, hearing nn
explosion, stopped th" royal rail-tram to
find out what incident had occurred, and
the L'mpress knelt down by tho side of a
wounded laborer nn I held l;i heid until
Pillows and blankets could . tonight, a id
ts could anight, n i l
iee jCoV, poll tiie
ltlL.'Jf I where
-crTlsSfTi i.oiUo i.i v-
I no two WOI1I1IOI III'
roval train to be''
f.;. , Vee1: '.. " ' ",w.
(lnys n"s., mm U cmjitTor u ei
empress'.YK.r walked through tho war's of
tho tnos', virulent cholera, talking oih the
patients, shaking hands will: iheiu :"id
clieerinp them up, it was no surprisa tn me,
for I said to myself; "That W Just
them." Anyone who has ever seen
royal family' will believe iinylliing in
way of kindness ascribed to them, and
join me in the execration of that io.i preva
lent opinion that a tyrant Is on the thr. lie
of Hussia. Il (io.l spares my lile. I wnl i et
show by fuels beyond dispute that the most
slandered and sy's'enialically lied about na
tion on earth is Russia, and that noiuler
ever lived more for the elevation of his peo
ple in cluon! ion and morals and r.-h ion
than Alexand.-r the Third. So 1 put ul
three prayers topcthcr: ibid save the I
dent of ttie I'nite i Stab's ! liol mii
queen of Kngland ! io,lsave the em;
und empress of Mussia '.
I will, wheilier in sermons rr le tct
hau not decided. d:int thai nini'!ee!i-t
s I
1 ell-
tied! of nil the tint '.'s wri leu ali i pub
against Hn -sia ate ! in i:is!e', ly men
have been bited hy ot m r coiiult e to
up" or rather write down bu-sia. si.
divert coiniiieice from that empire, or
cause of interiiali.'tial jealousies I:
being larger than all the ret ot I ji"n;
together, you can sec how natural wc:
the jealousies. I know of two prom
I'.uropean new-papers thai keep met
salaries to catch up everything unfav.
to Kiiss.a and in i ni.'y the m ideiit
the sterotyped so:ie.'. f '.lu ri.iu c.-ue
one case out of it hundred are Inn1, le.
ninely-nii.e out of a hundred ca-es lhe
labricatioiis. And in the one case ti
ns it is reported the oili -iul is ili-. li.i
They who have been sent "to write
Ku.ssiii und Siberia have done as that
would do who sent lo "write up" Nc.
hhould wr-to up tho slums as usptc'im
what New Yoik is, or sent to wri. e tin
American congress ahould wrilo up s
depraved politicians as a sp linieiiol At
i aii Ktatesmenship. 1 believe I e.m r. '
tint opinion of liny man iinttiu' 'tiist
Kusia who will give me an In nc-ii In
us my ow n opinions havo been re cis,
What 1 recent IV saw lill'l neani.
I must tell you of a picturo f p i"is
and moral power iiupre-.-.ed upon my t i nd
so that neit her time nor oiemtly can . :l no
it. The ship Leo swung to her docks a imv
miles below St. l'etershiirg.loaded with llmr
from America. Tho sailois on board In ' ei
us they came to the w h.irl'. l-'roin a y n Id.
on wh'icdi wo had ilcscended the river to Hut
sen, the prominent c.ti.ciis of Sl. 1'i ti ii
burg disembarked. was cr '
with prosperous cili."lis, who sl i id on tin
wharf, und hack ol theiu bv n.or lah -rem
Who bad coino down lo oiler their serviei
free ol all charge for the removal i t tlf
breadstulls from the ship to the iiui e.-itl
freight train that took the Hour to the i:u1
ior tree of charge. While w stood there tl!
loli.r f r,.i.'hl train riMilbh' l iloivn to It
docks, the locomotive und each car dm or
ed with a Hag Ihu American llag and l:
sum;:. Though a
some eves is nlilv u lloitini' lap. V u U P'
lo sen how the , iiierican I lilor liiuks tiio
tbo.isiiiid miles from home. It looke l thit
dav like a si ctioii of heaven let do.Mi
cheer mortal vision.- Addresses of we i onf
and rosponses were made,unl thentho W"i"
hcguii, the only com. st boitig w ho shoiM
lift the hardest und be most expediiiout
from ship to ruil-train. Krom rail train i
kneading hoard, l'rom kneading board Ii
oven. From oven to the white und quiv.
ing hps ol tho dynip. I'poii all who. Ik
contributions largo or small. helie.l to ma Jo
1 wis
rt coj.
that sconu possible, may tuero come
lienciliclion ol i 1 1 in wno uuuiureit.
hntierv mid ve ted mo."
Ii, o I 1 of report
-a... I.,,. , ..rrnn.i i h. lirvsehinir of trki
Uospel in iireat Hnl.iin last suuinier. t
was a tour I hud for many years autioipi
ed. With tho themes of the Uospel I o -fron
ed more people than ever boiore in tl j
me length of time mnltitudes after mnl-
titudes. and beyond anything I tan describe.
The throngs in all cities were so great that
they could be controlled onlr by platoons
of police, so that none shoul'd be hurt by
the pressure, each service indoor followed
by a servbe for the waiting throngs out
door, und both hy hand-shakings to the
lat i nt of phvslcal endurance. Krom
tho day on which I arrived at noon In
LivrrKiol. and t ml nigbt addressing two
largo asembhue. until I gt throuih niv
evungalistic journey, it was n scene of
blessing to my own soul anil I hope to
ilhers. I missed hut three emrngements of
all summer, and those from being to tired
to stand up. At all the assemblage large
collections wero taken, the money being
given to locul charities, feeble churches, or
phan asylums or Young Men's Christian
association, my service being entirely
gratuitous. Hut, what a summer. There
must have been praying here and elsewhere
for my welfate, or 'no mortal could have
gone through all 1 went through. In every
i I'y and town 1 bad messages poured into
my ears for families in America, i ifi, sons
of Scotchmen, Kiigli-hmen, Welshmen nnd
lr sbmen, there ate hearts i-n the other si.le
of the sea, bulling in a!Tectloii lor you and
praying lor your pre-ent ami eternal wel
fare. 1'hey wanted me to give you their
love, and here it is by the wholesale. f(,r I
cannot give it by retail. Pisai poiht not the
"Id folks on the other side the Atlantic.
You will Probably never fee 'hem again In
tins world. Their hair is nldtening nnd
their slen is not us tlriii as when you teen
tliem last.
So live thnt you may meet them in
heaven. Write home otien, and while you
know they are praying for you do not forget
to remember in your r vers those who
were your first fr.cnds, mi l jren a that
whom you will never have letirr-1 menu
your idd father und niotl cr. Hy the no ims
ties of tho old Scotch kirk, where y -u Were
baptized and by the Knglisli tin-ride, hv
which you played, and of the Welsh bill's
and valleys, among which you roamed, nnd
o the old homes on the banks of the Tw ed
nnd the Shannon and Ihc I .le. I ibarwf
'oil be honorable and true and Christum.
You have goo. blood in your
wins. Prove yourself worthy. Its, eu'isto
me that the posprl is mnk mg' mighty strulet
oter there. Only one thing 1 s.t'v'in the
chapels and churches I ilnl I ot ItVe. That
i Ilia lack of nppreiia'ion ol cadi other, us
between the National i liurch and the lbs.
senters. Now each it doing a great worn
th it the other cannot do. dod -peed thetti
all. they of the Kpiscop icy und tln-y of the
I hssentcrs! Some need the ritual o tho
National church nnd others the spontaneity
of the Wcsleyan. In the kingdom o (bid
there .s rooni for nil to work and each in
bis own wav. Some pie are born tipis-
copaliiins and others Melliodi-ts mid others
Haptists, ntidotners l'ie-bvterian. and . do
hot let us force our notions i n others. As
for myself, i was bo u so iicnr the line that
I feel us much nt home In one ilctinniuia
lion us another, nnd w hen !in the Lpiscopal
i hutch the liturgy stirs my soul so that i
cannot keep I m l; the b ars' and it ovr-
helms me with itssolenniity and its power.
Win n in nn o,,l-fahiotii I Meih,.i s( chur. n
the responses of "Anieu! " and llallelujab "
lilt me until, like Haul. I run in blessed be
wilderment as to "win t her in i In hoily or
out of the In ily, Ibsl l.notti !h. ' And as
for the Pupils', though I have never been
anything but sp ink e.l, I have .iinii'eis,,
hundreds mid expect to iintuci-e bun. Ire. I
luore ill the bapti-lry uieler this pulpit
it here I how stand.
What is the use of controicr-v about nny
thing, except bow tve shall keep close to the
coss and do the niot for hcping people fof
Ibis xtorl'l and the next ' May there i oioe in
Knghiiul more cordial ty between the Na
tional church nnd the I ussenters. Al'hougli
I would be called a 1 hsseiiler t here, almost
my first step in Knghiiul w into a banquet
ling hull the loro mayor s b-inqtiei. uiten
to the bishops nnd hi.-h olli i lis i, the Na
tional church, the great nnd good :n;.l gen
ial Archbishop of ( aiilerhnry nt llo-ir bend,
and a more magiiihceiit group o f Iks, in
tellectually and spiritually. I never got
Miioiig.t; iiikI I loiind that though we had
never met before, the archbishop nnd my
self were old friends. Hut, all up and down
(rt'nVl'.ri'idii l loiind mulUiudn 1 lint no
man can number enlisted for Cod and eter
nity, mid 1 tell you tha kingdom is c minx.
If tho pessimists would get out f the ttav
thu people who snivel and groan and think
everything bus pone to the d- gs or is about
to go 1 sny if these pessimists would only
get out of the way the tvoild would soon see
the salvation of iiod. Christianity is only
another nii'ne lor i levnted optimism. W'.i
Js.iiah an optimist ' See his ileserts iticu ,ia
dined with led roses, and snowed under
Willi white lillles. nnd bis lamb a-leep I e
tween the paws of a lain Was .-I. John iri
iipliinis:.' Head the uplil'ting plendi in in
t!ie Apoculvpse nnd the llalleli.j ah chor is
It Ith winch 111.- old book, tt l.ieti lliey can
le" kill, Closes. The i re.ite-l Hiiiil' I can
think of it ml, I be I i have a triple ti'iianei
ol Amerii a. lluelanl llus-ia in coini'leti-lia-iuoinalioii
and then toliavi- upon utl
of I hem I oblc a deluge of the Holy .le i -I.
Let the delamat oil of ll'cl' ua: ions i "ise
Iiaceaud I will to ;u. u. lor ti,.it
ge i. i ills ci ilisiini mat oil. w he i n.av be le ai
I I' tliall We tbllll., let US pl.IV. I' llielUliei in ;
t hat I toil i an do lib a " in Ii t e in .utiles Iba.i
:. all can do in tit e enl ui n-.s. If the ,n
summation n not dice e I in our die.
shall a-k the pru lie :e of c nnng mil ;r
IliMU'll n lltt e .' hli" lo 1. ol; ,i( tli's ,.: I
world when it sl.iol have put ,ei il n,i:;cn
n in in In- oil y I t hi id; i o I tt -.11 let us . nine
out to s, e u at lea-t ..nee in Its pc! !i . tel
stat" be 1 or" It Is liliunlup. 1 should le t
won.ier ii' all beaten t, , ,u .1 adj. .urn P.r en
excursion p. ibis tv. r, I to si' leot a ship
wrecked planet tt as -ot oil' t he bn a' rs .u.d
s.t alio it ii-'ain anil I the eti rnal hat mollies.
.Meanwhile. I I n. ail do w hat we can P
make it I'. i'er. an I it tt ill -oinehotv lell in
the tin, il result, lb u.'h ill lily a child's
sob tin siii ii. or a !:: !, ing I ar wiped I r 'in a
pale lace, or a ilmrii cxtiiieb-d Inuu a
tired fool, or n sinful soul tta-h"l white as
the wool. May Cod help us to help others!
And so these csons . T tude M'el sym
pathy and helpliiiness and viiidicatn n. I
nave bioi.;;l.t you on the y;ii;'i of this
Pjui liili;.'.
Ollii Sinn's Attlul .Mlslittnt
"I niiidc' tin) iiwful inistj'li"' (if iiuiU
lii"; love ti in v ntvn will- eni' day la-1
wci.'k," Miiil W. 'I'. M is hi, ;is he d row
a chair up lu f.lieeliai mod ciivl" when
sat tins (-Lory 1t l!crs in tho Undid! m
tund.i. "1 had lxvn il'iv.-q I i Kanka
kco mi a liii-iincss t rip atnl took the
night train fur 'lib 'a. I'd, wlicro I ro
iiilo. Tim cii;p'h was cljocU-a-i l iok,
with t In iwivjitlnn of dip' iloii il: -oat.
which was tuvupioil l.y a Myiisp-lonk
I up; wuiiiati, who sit by t!io wiinlnw
uinl had iior veil down. I ic.'i'ivoij
pcrmlstiori in M'cujiy tho scat wilt
her, and wo won; soon chattlip,' jiloas
antly. I thought lu r miIi'i soiiudcd
familiar, but late had ordained thai
I nhouM niako an a-s. of inysrir.
trlud to ret her to put uihcr veil, Iml
Bhc olijootod that, th'! cinders pit
Ikt oyos. To make a long; sdory shm i
I struck up a ii'iciato flirtation. wit!i
her. Sho adiniitod tliat she was mar
rh"l. hut said hnr husband was 11
praci'lo.s si'iiiiii), who wan always llirt
inp; with other women and ii'plertlny
her. Of course, I Myiiipat hl.otl with
her, ami told her that a man whe
would ncjjli'ft so charmln-r a woman
oupht to he kicked to deal Ii hy a LI I nr.
mule. Win I married. Certainly
not Well, wo lliully readied Chleapj,
and I handed her into a can. Thee
sho lifted her veil. It was my wllo I btjj-y stuns riifht lioiu" GloU
'Ptr a". Cetra." Acta x . 00.43
Oolden Text. Acta x 43.
8o. It rem to he a Scriptural principle
that if we would iibUim detinito blu-snnf
Irom Ho. in any torm we must neek It with
the whole heart. "Ve rhsll aeek Mj anl
llnd Me wben ye sbsll soaren for Me wit I
nil your henit" (Jer. nn., l;t!t J,Us nisi
tauiiht that rvruiin .bwasvi c mid b over
mine hv prayer and tnnUng (Math. vd.,
ail. CVrneiius tewg thus In enrmi.-t n
ceivena visit irorn an an.:el.
III. 'I he ansrel brings tiuiujs from heaven
that Uitli Corneliut'i prayers vi I alms bar
wn faenrt ami reitarded by ( i. Cotuparrt
Haulers lastiu ; nnd praying mi l thu me
Mi;eiient to hon by an an.-el (l).in, x , 1 .',
I'.'l. Iev nu,i Zsehari-s and tin mi;el
liriel (laike i., 1:li. Ttii ntieeis nre iniiiis
terin i Mi.rits who wmt unou the heirs of
aiViitioii (lleb. f., 1 p.
t'rj. I'ibol.ltno iniiinstn ariptaintane I
newels with our name, tin bon.eWfi live in,
ibetown in whieh we a.jourr, our nccu-i-tion.
it'-, n,,fervtt hntv pmni and tud thi
iireclions Kiven to tnu fervsnU. I'otli tlei
law t i;.sl nnd the visions or .o I are writ"
ten plnlnlv deut. sv.i ; I! l . Ii '.'i tint
tl e one w bo ia'-kIs muy uury. fic.i n.s I's.
JJVII,, t.
!)'. t'orueliu hav,n; lirieflr repliel to
l'ctir'n iii. stioe. '-f in-ivhnt inu ni hav.tyi
nut for ine" lyerse'..!) nii.l linviti; Kriie.
Inoy c nnuien.,t luiii for Ins promptii's,
thin nhis, ".Vow therefor j are we all h-ri
1 resent I t'loie Co tn bwir "II tiiin:s that
lire C' lnnnii-led tbii of (bul.'' it is (to I nil I
not l eter M hotn I orne.iu irieets to h nr
Irom, it I the tTet-ueent (iml, iiotoi I'ct r,
thnt ani'S thriu.
M. ' (Uatiuth I pnrcplvothat C il Is tn
rcctcro( sTwm." 'finis l'.-ter oean bis
ad iirsi.. lie no;lit bnv.i li-sriit I this Iro.u
thr law (IVut. X . 17; 1 1 Chroa. xix , T: Jo i
XX Xiv ., I but tie nee ,rd n Vision to in.ivuiei
him. ron e i e ip. now would lii"dn vision
to isiiiv uce tliem thnt (I i.l actiutllv cm mi I
iloi-s love nml work throull tliou ' iio ilou'S
le.oin; to their cluireli.
"In every niitiiiu ho that f '.iretb 11 mi
nn. I woi lo th riht." usiie-s is nee iptsl wit i
Jliui.'' Kor Trier to put a lieutiteon i ,,.v..i
lib n Jew ns to Hcceplnneo w nn lio l wm
nicely lh ISp.iii MeMUnubi 1'eter, foe it
ilttle vt bile l-ioiv lu thciu-lit very tdtr !'
no I v. St .. ver.e "!.
' ''. All In lull th ssie preach" I by .Teoi i
t'hiist. win lirst lor Israel, yet Ivn'nh i:k,i
b lite 1 nt its l.iin tor dentilei ul- i tvnen In'
wrote, "I'eaiv, price t- hlui that lur o:F
nml lo bun that is lesir ' (Imi. II I-., pe.
And I'.ml so preached It in Iviii. it., I,!, II;
"l. :., '.'C. liisistiii tint "Tne a ue lor I
Vi f ail is rich unto nil that e ill upon II. m '
(Koin, x,, p.1
;iT. IVicr inslf'.rd that t'iv know this
woi d Incii bejaii to Ii- pn-ii 'iin I in I i il l
un I nil. i ttnr.l in all Ju les, but In. eoul I
not huve inlite.1 thnt it w as ii"iti or tin
NlVHUir's IMIIl'llntl 1 to preaell tlm Itosnel I
i Very et eatuio an l theap.'si!e' laithfui i ..
in oU'Vin it,
a4, ih rots n most e.meim and vet c in.
pleheii ivi' Hlnie.iietiC of tin e 'in nissnui,
jowerand tv. rli of our lirl Je-us C u is..
Ilele is e i' r IV the I let of th Ti lilll V
l'.nber, Niii and iloly .' pint unit 'h v wor
mc n Oehnif of uii uii I hu.n uilty mil
u; am-t the ilevil.
e'1. 'I n., ltih.e is the creat nn i wholly ir.
F)ui's les, even vrlmilv m-pn'.-b le'oj'
if (too nn, I His s-iin, but so tetv, even o?
thoso w'nn possess Hi. i Ihlile, cuo mo i i.r
know iniieli nn ut its t.atiinout'. Thereiorii
li kI lias appointc I living men n.i.l iv , ;n il
who shah U livin.-, wnlkur;, Mivaiiui'
j'll liy, Known nnd ifad of alt men, lilt.-1 ibe r-j licit, huiK ruij; tho Jumt
(Il for. iv., Ih.
sio. l Mir vernal testimony is t tho irreat
fact that Ji'siu nn-.l and rosi aaiti le
hvvreit tor our olleimrs, raise.l u.;uui fur one
jusldlcatiuti (i'.oiu. iv '."h, Tb testimony
ut tnil i'.v i, oi'nliua.d herUil:!;'-' '.. ;
we ditxt witn Him, hy Inith m rluu, a id uro
now alive unto Uod wulkuu; hi newness (
hie, ouf uti'H lions tut Ukhi things iiUjv j
(i'.om. vi.. i ; lial. il., fol. in., 1,
"SI. J.-slIF, Utt'-r Ills resurrect ion, npp.fii'o 1
Home ten or eleven tiun.', hut only unto tlii
Uiseipl, und pt'i'haps not to ml o( til :u.
Many knoiv that Jeus .;ie i forth'tnivn
Icll.ov little , r nothing of til . power of Ills
Ics'n recti, m, nnd lo tvuom ilo is ns one out
m. :o tne ilooi-; tor tiiti-.iiio to lli.s
on I HI sO lll'V, 111., '.ll.
4;'. Ton Min. ii J. -us itl.o ili-l nn I i-.s.i
liL'iiili l to he our Jil :;.o. IIji l!' "s Himself
to all IH'tv us tlictr ,snvioiir, l ; lo
rust mil none tt ho e.imn to ilni i.) ilui v .,
Iiil, but lis sin i ly as (. In II .".Vein- ,i,a1
I le ill ' oil le .Itl'lci , Ill's i if ills r, ... i.; no ,
then ol Hie I. v li,; i, ale, us n'll U,t,y ot all
th"M.sio; Hen. -el. It tin! I ana. or n
I hoiisioel v. at s lie iiiu,; and ciclm : tt it u
jii'iU'CUl ii' s .it'll., . !, Kicii, xiv., 1
Jllltti A.W., .,1, e. le t . : ., 11, I...
il!. Ills llie pMVlle,! nil tllli I'ee. ' i V . I
Ji sns 1 In i-- t: cu s-ai c ur lo in,.vti it
tin y hat " i v, u ia, iv tl- inr,.iv. u. ,; ,. i..,
mil Miali in via c une inln ill i,; l-c
tucir :. i.s (lehii il , r.', 1st. t ..un., I.;
li I., 'J .' 1 - .; i l., o , .111 I ..iiaii j ,', ,i .
'I. i I i I t I I I' . I llll , as IVl.-.- Mi ih. 1 ;
cnl-: tiny tt.r.t :-. civ I os tl:... v. ,i (
I t tt r 1 tieie, no I I'.nt t.-i !.ei ;-;i,tinl,.i
1 1 . 1 , . ,s t i . t in. t. . I' ,.- , tt till. . ; i' t, as ' I -.a ,
in., Hl i Holy ,S ir l ciiii" ,r ; i uea ( I . i
thu sen. .11 In.. I'.-in'iou, o I'.'ier au I
li anii est in, li.s .-1 ; ; 1 1 oval (M u :, . t i.,
4 i. it set-Ill leal ll. ii nie,.ir, -I lr.i,;i J
it l.o iiic.iiiii'iiiiicl 1 1 ; 1 1' lui.i ;ji ,,,
Jews or cu eui'ici-1 hi, as tve iiiim linveex.
l"'i l i1, no l 'cut Hi s or un -u'eu uieisiiiii iiav
in : el I't'.-n r,.'e,v."l. .n I i.otv tli.-y nr. e I nst iuisli" ! to se.t unc i-"ii'iieise 1 f i,
ti es receive tic si'iin cift, Irom (bid as thu
in eluni'isi'd Jhiis had re'iv.'l nt leiilicoC
en i ait.'i'tt.ii'ii ich iptrs ii., iv., ;;ii,
4'i. The notv.-r to si a ; Various laiu'au.:m
mi I Iherebv mii'iiily (i ll was iuslimilv
l.'ianli"l I tliem. Wit kn ot-th it even now
tiod docs wonderfully h I i in tlm stu Iv o," a
liniejri'.;.', bin fancy tvanl u b ion to i ut
iiii: iiiissioniii i.s litis i,'. It tv.iiild be to-day.
t ill some oiai teil tviiy tv have i , not
4T. H iving ive-'.vU'i Jeoit, nil I having r -s-ivi.,1
a tvomli nil iiiitnif. st HI ei of Ilia
Iloly Spirit, tint next sl.-o is tli.t piihh.t eon.
lessuii of tiio snina in baptism, siiulyiu;
thus that lieiieelorlh lhy nri ll"'nl to tin)
wnrl I an I nbv.t iiulo ( i , and wholly ilu
Vnlill to J t-IIS flirisl us tneir leader.
41. I lav, lie; been biuuz'l, they ib-sira
further iiisiruetioii and press I'eter t.itiry,
w hich he evidently did. We cm fancy liniy
he would tench than to su f r tvitn fhrist,
while they i-.'jnie.' I in b iiii ; a royal in lo-t-lioo
I unto line, li i lie .villi 1 t 'II Omni of
a possiolu abundant cut.-tin") ui'o th" liili ;
iloui, and ut tiio ;lunnui iinpuariiij. Lj.uua
There It no word or action but muy br
lakni with two hands -either with thu I't'hl
hand of charitable construction or tlm suds
ier interpretation of niiiln e mid suspicion,
lo coii st rue on evil union well is but a
(ilciislnj and profitable deceit to myself; but
to misconstrue a 'ood tiling la a treble,
ttroinr to nit self, iho action, and the uu
thor. Uivhop Hull.
I will aiiNwcr for it. tho loncer vou read
thu Jlthlu thu iimru you will like It; It will
urow Ktvceter and nweetcr; and the more
you get into the spirit of it, thu more you
will net UU'j thu spirit of Chrmt. l'l'
'i no liinio not ouiy uweiis on the rik'tits oi
property and ttie duties, of labor, but, fur
mice that it dues that, it preaches ten Hints
over the dutien of properly and Iuj rights of
labor. lilnitolcy.
Kot to give thank that we are better of)
than others, but to make lumtj oilier better
oil' than I bey were, Hint la thu luipu lc of a
grateful uul. J. V. Dicks.
Tnr. MoTitKit'a aoao.
The follow ing he-iulifnl livmn l Irani
atlon from the-Home Mon's" of Sweden
U ii croned .jr the mother aa the it put.
ling her little nms todeep:
0. little child, lie still ami t eem
Icsiia U nenr. thou luedst not lenr;
No one nerd fear whom Uod dot u keep,
Then lav thee uotvn in suiubcr deep
Till ItmriiliiK IlKht.
0. little chllil. l e still and rest ;
lie sweetly il. eps whom Jesus kerpj,
Autl in the in mini wake bo Ibul
Ills cl.i d to be;
Love every one. but love him best
lie llr-t loveil thee.
O, little child, w hen thou mnt die,
r'enr iictbli'ii then, ,ut unv Amen"
l'otio.t's (It'll . rin.l, nnd ipiiet lit)
111 Id kind hand.
I'lltll he (iay : "lcar cUild. come fly
To in at en's bncht land."
Thrn, when t' t tvnrk on earth Is done,
I'liou vhalt ns. ,. to in. 1 1 thv l-'rieiid ;
J i sua the lilt . . i :. will ottn,
hfe f! I.ts side;
And thou sin. t dwell before the throne
Kor l.c hath .bed.
"urn is
There la a 1
licit it el. vatc
ii ts, "Not
ni ter have i;i
active, ilrcnu
farthest reliu
a man bi con
fellows desi
I'lofe his led.
tif Industry,
work lurcwi :, t'l KMiNvsr."
.fine "-leredness in ttnrk. lit.
and di.'tiilies ialmr. lie w le
thf.ll in business," i mill
n hi" sanctum to a life of In-
pii tisin. lis v as a urn, I
d tin ill the '.'in a that when
- Ic'll.-ions be must slum hi'
t the market an 1 exi h:in:e,
r, put an nrri -I on tin- wheels
:el hid l,N n. l.'l.l, u- -u,,l 1,1
. - l:. M. l ui:!, ih n.
Mill nr KVt!..
I do not Vt tvwhy il is that, bv (be con
ttltution nf lie universe, i vil has so mncl
uioie power I .ii I to piodu, c its i ilec
nnd to orop i p nature, (lee drop o
lolil will poll 'e a whole cup of fair water
but one drop f t vi r water lias no power u
ttpiitecinblv r ; rote a cup of foni. sinr
pain present i i tooth o a toe itiil make tin
lmV mini li -.Table, thmuli the le-t of Id be east I ul. if all the fe-t of the budi
he II lie ri 11 f . .. easy tootli or toe tt id cau-l
uo peiccptih . allctiali.ui.-1 1 r. II. yd.
All cni'tm .
r, Hind, th it'
wall Is ibe w
l "t, easiest ti
be bridged,
w hat place, i
he may ni l
ss-nu I Willi i
al'in.l sin v. 1 1
w In re be r.ia
tloll" ns tt 1
easier turn
tt it 1 levity, 1 1
ur our ullccli
'. r l i: i V IT r.Arix.
1 el .re he hesic p 1 1, a i lly
l di-tance to sen tt In r.
lU. -t, best to be hall. Il l
he scaled ; din h i.iu i nttc-1 Ii
lallotvest to be ,ta.!e. ott-r
n t ic.'iilarlt Put itn I, wlnri
acli Willi lia-t doner ton
-I adtalitT.-e. Satan wiilketl
all the potters of our souls
In. i-t probably lay his teinpt i
-UnT our limit Tstatntiiies ar'
i I with error, or our famve
our tt ills tt illi fi otv ir Itu ss
in wiih exi'i'-s. spi tici r.
I;rl'!sis i thi: i'ri.foi:M.M r oi- oi tv.
'I be 17th oi May, J7n. was remaikablv
dill k in f olin ilicut. fiindles tvere lighted
hi many bun- s. The turds were silent, atel
Iiihiiv ii"iui st fott Is lelllfd to roost. Tin
people tvere n ipicsscl by thi' Idea that tilt
day of j'ldf lie lit was :it h ind. his ,,piiii,.t
w ns enlertau.i I bf the legislature, at thiil
time t in kC it llnt-lfoi'd. 'Hut bouse ol
repicscniativi . nd.iourned ; the council pro
posed to follow the example, f olmicl I hiveii
port objected. "The day of .i.iil.'inent.'' In
mid. "Is it In r iipproiiebini! or it is imt. Ii
It Is not, tiiere Is no citisii for an adjourn
ment ; II II Is, I choose to be found 1101111 )
duty. I wish, therefore. Hint candles may
uo oio'iiii -mimical .tins. ,11111.
(lit .fit AMI SI'.MI NTS,
Thelti v. Ir. A. .1. (iordon hns this tc
ay 011 "'Cli iiino Chrisliaiiily" : "How
much tve nre 1 uninc- to lean ou'iiieri' I111111 111
iii'eiicii " ! upon art nml nreluticture. upon
music and 1 bi-;oi .c, and sueiul nltractioiis t
If we ttiuilil dratv the people I i t hurcb thai
tte inn v v in tin 111 in 1 hi ist. the ti rt tpn s
li"!i tt up scores of I hri-tini;s now-a-dat is
tt I1.1t 111 tv turn can l e 'pteu to the kaletde
ren e o enteiiaintiiel.l .' 11 mil new s,.
i-.iu in-much in our 01 ,.ui, a. ,d what rich 1 1
and in : c t X'l'li-iie ( 1 .,in en tt e 11 .n h In
our i;i
way c
or tt 1
II," p,
I f-
res I I ,l
ItV ill tin
1 in I mil
-c 1:1 in 1
. M lllld
nte mi r idiiee ,
an 1 ;, it ml ir,, n the pco
new ci-r
to il..
tVIMIi lltlitl
' III allll II W or!,
""i n.u's : 'in. 11 1'
In tt
ii'ioiil t.
ii ;"i inii
. tt lll'lll.l ( .
nn Lord
1 ! Ibe v.ot-M and
v 1 lenluic." 1 lit
:','h-iu, t iiier- on
ll. oid.
Vi p.
d, ll'..'"Slo II.
'. Ill '.I 1.1 hi Ii
m 1 1 1 . . 1 -, for c
lay tv.,i U' 1 -. 0,
nn'liic bel; 1 . s,
heft is en t eni
I. I
et '.
.. no i 1 1 1 1 i i '
olie f. el e," '.'
c ( I.l t : : 1 1 1 oi et e.
slia I th, v le 'i. f. :
lid:- I l tie clilil. I.
. lit. is s. t al a' I I i
. '.,,,
v. r.
HIS. I'.ut ll"V
y bate tint b
eni l ; Ut .o
1 w o in r
rorei'ti nilssi
net d ; "s per
lis, where I here is the )!
i hi. i
eld. Is hp. nt al Idle
fen', iiutiually is niven
tu in,; ' lit m (o -
b.r cu b heathen lo
( lirisl.aii Malc-liinu.
re mi t nine i" mnsi or
v. In. .1 ci luelh tioin ah
Wise. ne Wlsilom
ve tt III lllld It in to
1 1 mm of the linr.l. st In art. A I'lv-hy.
ii p- stor once t i-iti d a t t u. thy neighbor
ttlllMIld to be llliapproaeli:dile on the
tif religion. I'olloti Int; biiu into bi
Mini itsnlt ti. the f iiilitul ) ..tor bean
l:sc-is.sin.: the truiis and ilmters with
li r
hi ,
tt h
h l.c ft ,u ml liinisell MitTounded, and,
Inn tl;
l his host into a (nod hum,.!-,
lilt' Wl .
iv told his errand. I he old man in.
dei! with an air of Injured dip-idly : "Sir,
rel!.:ion In s bctttii n mc ntnl inydol.
n 1 teel the in cii of oilier aid I tt ill v ml
fi r you." A tt i ale r inuu would have been
rci, lised by s'.i. h a ri sp'Uise. Iml the .'.ealmis
I i teller, i:i'.'i-piiii: the o'.l unii'a baud, Miitl,
tt i! !i et ilicut i mot inii : "My fi lend, you and
I ii. ay he in ttirnity Inline that inn.'. I
i aim"! adord tu t, ait if you can.' In three
mil, tin s the sinm r of years was ticcp
lin; Idle a chlei. lb had licen st rit Iiil; tt h Ii
lie .s-pirit for tve. k-. nnd ll oiilv needed II
br oi-and wise Chi-i-tian ellorl lo win bun
lo I litlnl. 1( bi'i.-tiau Advucute.
n i riii'mi rv or ui.:-r.
"I'verylhiiiL: in Christ a-ioni-hcs rie. Hi..
pitit ovi-rattes me and Ids will eotil'nunils
inc. His idi list an I Ins sentiments, the
truths w hlcb He niiiimiiiccs. His nianni rot
cnit liiiiii',' ure not explained cil Iht bv
Im in tt obsi rt'alion or the nut urn of thin.-s.
His birth and Ihc history of His life; the
profundity of His doctrine, which "nipples
the miiflitlest dilllciiltit s, und which in of
these iliiHcultli s ti n tin sl adinil'ablu solu.
titui; Ills Kcipel. Il'i appiiritioii, His
ciiiiiire, II l iiian-li across the iikvs
uml tho rciilnis --everything is foi
me a proillfv, a mystery Insoluble, which
plunged me Into a reverie from which 1 can
not escape a mystery which is there before
my eyes, a mystery which 1 can neither duuy
imr explain. Here I nee. nothing human.
The nearer I approach Ihu more carefully I
examine. Kveryliiini' fa above me. Kvery
tliiuif reiiiniiii Kiand of a grandeur which
overpowers, ill relhrloti is a revelution
fnuii an Intclllei'iice which certainly i not
that of man." iNupulcuu 1.
Ill an editorial upon tha cholera In that
Iron lon Inquirer, occur tha followin?! A
very reninraable stat-mont was ma la fwi
Monday hy thn me IicaI oITIct nt Havre,
and It it one that should b ear -f uilr not I
In view of the daiier that still threaten ns.
He Mild that taking victims all round, tun
proportion of recoveries in tha abstainer
from alcoholic drinks was as high us mm
out of ten who were attacked. On tlm
other hand, 111110 cut of ten who wor drink
r UieJ.'
A N'.:it.. t.iinii to in.
Tt was n nohlii t!im for the youthfo.
Patiiel to retusit Hi kind's win, but w
lately saw a yoim t-lerapher, hoi Iiiik hi
first position on tnu ma 1, tiei'iine to tlruilc
with n Miperuit.'ii ient wno protfor! it t
bun ns 11 cim-lesy. An l wedounr If tho
yoim mini rcm.'iulvre I th fact twiity
lour hour-. Ciinrai'tei' nil I lixe luesn of
pro. c pie are 1111 b r lint oivur of Ihu Kointl
taken lor grant.!. Mr. P.rotvnbi w,n
riijht wliai slin sail that there Is mar of
elnva 1 v 101 1 mor.' of r,i inm-a m our par.
lors than ever u 1 n li"ld of Itnlatly arms.
Ilaroisni unil- i' tin osp.l i. e-emo iml a
im-t.sii- Pu. u pi l.ic shir. New Vur (Jl"
at rv.-r.
Tin: it us; T,H.", snuiieTi".
The lawunit.' irulh tnni tlm uruik evil Is n
nisi is, , mid enr.ihl.i as otn c diseases nr.-,
bus ims.e I tlie Mr-.: I m 1 1 1 of levied, itiln
fereiie.', and iii-iii il, and hat e ere- t 1 these.."
olid struti of parti u rconiti hi no I ne'r
fniiee. I lievnnenl nivot th" cre-liil m, tli,
enthusias'y, nnd Imii'vel h,uil-r ire wi-hsmii-ii
this (net, an 1 1 lie sine will ex.ectjit, ins
ol Its pr.ietl ill po-sll.i.ltles lid the air. 1 tin
is lollowisl ,v til 'siniituld chai lat ini. n nnd
itnpii ie ell, r:s to in.aloi ini son il pi ntlt out.
of the-e truths 1 1 v tn u- ot t ua siuio old
tpeicish ;u -ans an 1 met ho I.
I best, i irons arn .r . inn tit by the mint
assumption oi suei i,.r ku nt ieile oi .li-c ,v
ry o( new facts, ot new r-uiedii-, nnd neiv
In.-tho i., all of tvhle i nre e, inc. 'ale I. I'lieti
follotv ciaiuis oT t ali. icr biiary cures undue
exti nor nn it y e mdition., tlm pro u of wlm-ii
tl--s'ii'ls hJi-iih on tho ft iti"nei!ts (, ,n
cm -d.
I In n comes t'n old s-ry of p'-t sis-uHoii
by pliysii-uins and sei.-niis.s, mi l ol p ssui
us mavtvi-s, puhhe beii'lact, ir. mil pio
lieer illse..Vt-el 1 W 1th linlll eet ni;ieals lot"
cvnii'alhy lion tilt broil met lilieriil
mind' d. Pa -K of nil tuis is n p,s-utiiary
field actively tille I tvlueii yields ru-li liar
Vest., and nit veth -r it is tlm sinui old fain
ily history of riui,r e-i-ni, ivh'e.i is always la
le Ii Ull I oil til- lldV'lliein fr.itiuvis of
bcieiict-. l'n ular Sciene ' Monthly.
. ItlllNK I'll '.'Ao VVilsTS,.
Ttie brewer-, tieyou I all oluec repr-sent.a-t.
ves ul the Inpi i- ti-i'lie, are in-tiva ill inU
pi'. iill. Ill list s. At I '1.' set. "lit II e,ii;ress tlf
t In-1 .el in in I, r'tv. rs' Asso'iati in, h ! i r,,.
crntlyat Hauinm' on- l. ,,t t.m jum.
e. educes wis tlm 1 1 ' i i e rs-.'.ition of Mr.
K a. .- uinn vt iv 'I New Voi k City.S ut uar y of
tin- I nit" i Stale , lire v i s' A ... i 'i i' em, wh i
was present sp. el illy to un it a il 'piit.atmii
il-i'iii tl.ii I !b ruiii.i I Utters' . i il i in t,i m,
liileriiuiioiial ll. '.f'i-s' l'nii;ri'M to l b.'l.t
in hi.-ii'i iluiui ; tn- Wurid', l uiiiiii.iiau
ill I si-it nm. I'.ii- inn lor tt s I'.-ii-ri'i' it tn i
l-.Xis-ut ivtt f ,;nillit lee, an 1 a dee - it am ii
(ier"lllll l l'el-.t rs tvnl be in utt, n lau v ut
fin cai i. If wns auii, in"-1 in-i Ihit tie
s-.tvedlsii 111-'tv.'i',' A 'i itt ill tt ul b.t i.tii"
ciai.y ii pie...i,t ' I at C o -1-, ', it nl tn.' I'r -i-ilent
o( thu 'tennan Hr.ot et-s' Assoi'i-itioii
took oci'a-ioii t i say tl.a' "ittteii. l is. to
til" best tllt-'l-.'st ot ull e.'lll'. rilH I It W't IMIIl-
IllUlllC'ltO with tll'Ul. so 1 1 1 it, the Svslisu
nnd ti 'riimn brewers may travel and ms;Mi't,
the en at brewing industry i f tlm IJniisl
tsfatei ill isiinpani ." It will nee I the inllu
enc.'of the World's T '.u i ran v f otu'ressat
fbli-ao to oil's d and neutl ih.' that ! tlm
prop, 'ed ltd i n item il (' i:i;i',m .e lint
Ki'tat hecr ,r ip.a'i'i lists oi our . 'tiiitul
othei'e.iuiitliys. .Sntional ioiiiperitne Ad
Voculo, TrTll-Al.l::.s Ji-rttr.n:.
A Jubileo in honor of the Uftioth nnnivep.
sln ,- '' ' ''' .i IjVi ; th.t
Hons of Tcmpcl t i '
fnrn.'-'lii Musie Han i is; oveniiiK'. Tis.
n u beuist was Hindu up largely of iiieni!mn
ol the I Irder, but t hern were many present
who ha I no connect inn with it. On tii- pint
form nn I M-att to I'li tin I, ,u - wer t
rouie '.'o nintnliers of tlm Nntimin! Invisi -n,
who wero present ns th-t -,ue-l . tun
Ihvismii of Kasteru New Vork. Tliey bill
i w irom nil parti of thi Union mil tho
Uritish Province,..
Amoiie; tho.s.i mi fht platform tvere John
XV IMivei-, of Yuii!-r,, nn I i ie irn Me-Kibh-it,
tin' only survivor, of : he ban I
,'.t en wlii"li nn" in a htte' iiiin -r ro mi in
limn :. I th
I li ili a century a mi I
r.i.ani. ituui Irom -.i-meii thu
I'l'ese.-lt I h'der lll;;l
mid uitr i hi. M inn tv.
: tin
i'ii.'ii- aic'i -u ane i
"I tti 1. 1 sie nits,
nam s It, hi .pit.
mi I t vert iiienlei i of then
liTth apiilaiis
I lie i'i-..;iii il e'a u l t;;-intil to tlm
Ihti.ioii o! Ili-t'i.i .','etv Vuik by tint
.Nai luteal I i.t'i-iou e.u-lv lii I s (.:, ,,t ii UiilsV
r itiou iv. nai :t it is I roil il ootiii mo
aisle llll I p,ae I ,l:;aui': III ' s;ii"llle;-.' t.ahl,',
and mi di I I le fi.. I.e. i Sun r li:i it i mi
mil its c ii-p, oi i i let-, 1,1 in all, as it
llll relied lilt. I 111" Il III lo inilsl '.
'I lie Ion,; - i n am nn tvas pi,
pi r-e I tt i' ii inn .1 -, an I I u.
In I t.e' u iv nit i .- o. I.,- -v.' i .
II. It net irin, i o- in 1 I '.i. im un
J 'It el HI ol I'.'l (. .1 .-.' V.u-
t ,'icjs.'s tvnit p '.iinr, no I .N
tt In I III' .1 I" I, mil,, I II oil n
Ilil'llll.- lilt T-
a I ire-, . all
J!.. i ll".-. l'.
o. ' i I it'lil
., opc.i.M lint
. .1. .site ll'tls,
I; I'.eil ll'i.s.
Ket . eiteieiea 'lefct lellv-rel tiliatl-
liressol tvelc illi , ;t n I K lit ll- 1 I 't'lliiuile.i' To
.spill te l l.ri"!V .1 bell III "I 111., l l.ll ir-.
llel' tlm ' .-..-I ; ol ,hl,ll - '," eeieci illy
C tuitsls,'.! lo:- t,e. ii isl.ei t.v I.l ICO I ' ll-n"
tt.ll, of f in i la, Ial In-, ii mi, , tu (lev.
lr. 1'. I.. I ay e-r s; i,te an I tt a . Inii-nt " I hy
.Mr. Oliver.' Ad ires . It (.'eiil Imiiii
t a.mci', ol I'liiiieielpaiii ; ileiijiuou K.
jtnteii, if .Massa hiis 1 1 s, inn ii"
Saiuu-I K. fury, ol Hiio. h ii. . .t , I . .su
I.e. in, o. I Tillei, ilofenioi- ol N -.v Ih uiis-
Wll'h, It'll be". I Clic't''l to repl'esoilli
I ana I.l i n th .- iial oi .ii, Im: tv i. un ,n." I,
I," pre. .in. Hi. plus, t-.,, in,-nh .tlr,
( 'nr.stv. li, whos . r.-i'Teni- i i ui" Am 'ric'iii
and Ion mil ll is .t iii 'ti nil i ; o.i etluer i,i l,t
o! lite la.
ttcic isij Ily i.;i,iiii',i l j.l.-Ao.v
Vol Time:
I r.'l er.ll A M l. ..i... ,.M NoTKA,
Can I'hi ti'iuji un i.-ii j t-s. j .1 1 art; .iv.itatiirr
fol" lldirect Vot-J o. iho p-.-.ijil" nil tho luultcl
ol pi'ohlbition.
(Ireat Hint utl sp.ei !s nil aver in of
twenty itliillina for di-ui.i j.jr i ., ry linlN
crown ii nives lor roll ;iou.
Jut district in l.iverii oil biviii; si loons
has one iiiii -r lo i-v.try ei pit y-:u,i iu.i init-
nuts, whim Hi, i adjoining .iisii'.ci, ivtiu.,,.1 n
lalooii, has Ii ll ui.o p.uipji' to every l ll
.Sir Henry Thumps m, o." I'.iln-il, suyj
that out ol ev ry ion intieuti who ciuia
iiutier his Mule, i, in i ilo il I ii n.i.' i .lon.i
o lui,l it nut Im.' -ii on' iiri oi-, of i iuin,; im t
in inkiuip
At tlm Inl'Tuntiemil exhibilion bold on
isltiof .dm, in July, no ii.pi.jr wu.s sdd.
Tins was uuo to tlm chief ilo.-clor, ith iro
KiKioil all litiiipt itious iroiii wit, un and tviti,"
out to let Inpior in, "
llenoral1 jloutli, of tlm Salvtition Army,
hits JW men, mostly broken-down ilruniiura
ut ouo tame, working on liia turui a tew miloa
out of Ijoii'iou, an I tliry uro tliwerihu I an u,
iltx'eiit, iou., iiBOUi und i-nlliu' iu.tiu
lot, of pooplo notv.
Thu rapid growth o" tha habit of mhrlety
anil tiiipjrauiaj Is on a ot tho vhiirnctoristKvt
oi tha American railway scrvicj, tho iisu ut
intoxicants hucoiinn; mora mil more tn ex--option,
althoil'-li ll is mid to bj thu rulo nt
tha KukIuIi aervioo. It wASM'ihjucti for OOIU
incut iii au KukIIsU railway punlication rt"
cuntiy, that Uiu 5JU iauorors who were aui
ployesl iu cliaiiKi, the gradu nf th (iroat
tVeaivru ruilway wero not ahowu.1 to rt"
fresh tUtjinsolvoa during working hour witll
auytUioi ati'ouicar tbau oauuj.! wato'.