The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 14, 1892, Image 7

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Upon ton with lichens gny,
Mill mousy marbles of the dead,
A will TV wtopt Itaelf away
In crimson tears and k lines red
Tho borch upon It rain lo gold;
A lricr wantons over It,
.And some old sculptor -hand hath acroTTJ
Its briof Hie Jacet, quaintly writ.
Put If or lioauty, ajo or youth
Up pillowed In tho preen bolow;
Mir heart "f hope, or tongue of truth,
Or r bride, we may not know.
)r if in lin-'s allotted ;wtn,
Who .iirnVr tiers knew atulit of lov.-,
That. Ii 'l" warte the h.'art of mau;
Or felt tlm gtiawinn pain thereof.
Vlint erit"l rnprice of circumstnnea
(C, rt"i' him. r wlmt fata befell;
Vlint lifting wave of bicUy rhine.!.
Two words alonj remain to toll.
J or run ns will our rouii 1 of yours
In flrne or shadow, pe ie? or strife;
j,t luiulit T l)our lot, or tears.
liic Jao.'i is tin sum of lii'e.
t'atriek J. Coleman.
The Dummy Detective.
i;v ii. c. iHiiKiB.
AS the youngest
detective on the
fotrc mul was burn
ing to distinguish
So far chance hit J
not favored iuo with
a tirst-clas murder
or robbery, because
tltn f.ltlcr nn,l tttorrt
I experienced olllctrs
lr w ere ulwuvs detailed
to ferret out those
Sometime s,
piven them by widca-
41 rou
' ilc newspaper reporters, theso older
ft xti were successful and then, of course,
Hsu wti
1 4 limed n
prior fk
I fa.ile.l-a'
mid took nil tho credit for su-
kill mid shrewdness. If they
is tliey often dil to bavr their
gme they laid tlie fault to the paper for
: niakii.;: the allair puMic mid thus giving
tie rogues an opportunity to tlip away
k cover up tlieir tracks.
4 one day while I was meditating if it
ill In't pay me to go to Knghiti 1 nnd
1 -Ct( h Mi . .lack, the Hipper, I was called
lljto the inner sauctum liy our chief and
1 ' tillered to report for duty on tho nior.
row at oil'1 of the largest and most fash
i lot al ilu utail dry-goods stores iu the
citj .
1 was there to sec the head of the house
as 4 from him learn what I was to do.
J A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it didn't look liko n job
wntreiu I should run a risk of life or
1 lTlib n great reputation, I was well
p! jLed at the commission and resolved
my part of it should u t bo a failure,
rdiugly the next' morning found mo
e priv ito oflieo of tho grand store
nil a fctrietly conuucutiul interview
I its senior partner,
yvns informed that in their clonk do
jnitut many thefts had recently taken
" V
tc, nnd that in spito of careful watch
there wits not the slightest cluo to r 1
io L'armcnts stolcu had been tur
ned cloaks of high value, and wero
tiken from tho dummies standing
I the floor, on which said articlos
hung to show them to advantugc
iso beautify tho salesroom.
Ikud the usual questions concern-
Lie man? and decidedly nrettv voum;
vf la w B employed in tho department, but
r. ' the tjim scouted tho thought that nny of
thon had anything to do with tho rob
; .: biriai and gave mo to infer that tho
i;-theft) were committed by professional
jl .shoplifters.
After it little more talk, which helped
. ., tne jot at ail, 1 was introduced to tho
gentleman at the head of tho cloak rom
and Itft to follow my own way of uub
tT binglhe culprit.
I The tin fts had all, as far as my cloak
. maoaner knew, been done during tho
, busiest part of tho day whon tho floor
r. U fhrcnged with lady shoppers. Tho
,,. handsomest and most expensive gar
j tnonta were displayed on tho dummies
l(,.nd frequently renewed each day, for,
,r,,Owing to their catching tho ladies' eyes
,., .by hanging naturally from the shapely
(;,.lkelefon forms, they sold much quicker
than If left imdiiitioguishod umouy tho
,'j.hundreds of others.
'IV., Taking my position in tho establish
I ,,jlaenas tho now floor walkor and being
ir,.io poiutcd out to tho young lady em
ployes, I began my rather unexciting and
Wf o easy task.
life k m3 Cl)t ,uit nnJ necktie, with my
, th-l00 ook enhauced by a tonsorinl art
f ,t, and all smiles and bows, I mado out
bii.iob tolJ','l'ly husy at doing nothing,
d meeting nud greeting tho stylishly
y-essed crowds of eager shoppers ami
Uroctiug them, as well as my bhort
S"ei!owledge of mercantile business let me,
uiflo the objects of which they were iu
tl: eaich,
iuiJ I also put on airs of authority for tho
Thocneflt of tho youug salesladies so they
nd'fouldu't by their manners cause any
tlfuspiciou to the party or parties I was
i waikuecting to cnjiturc.
situ:. I watched everybody and everything
on -noticed that inch cloak-arrayed dummy
t u.vas generally being examiued by one or
lore admiring and enthusiastic female
loppen, who not only used their spurk
ng eyes, but also their daintily gloved
l0Ul.ngcrs in obtaiuing a knowledgo of tho
annenti displayed as a bait for their
jil)SUfcbauds' hard earned money.
,f , I noticed, too, that probably talf of
din!' 'hoppers cauio thero without the
:un'l,'Mt illt'8 ot buying merely to enjoy
, ;e intoxication of huuting for bargains
;(llllltd giving tho po'ito and attentive sales
dies aa much trouble as possiblo.
J aaw many moro things which aroused
-eni -Jf uplcions and curiosity during the
1 ,.,y d I "over for a moment left my
Ration not even for lunch till the
'J 'lhl wai closed for tho night and all
' ,w hand had gone.
" .Then, to my surprise and chagrin, I
' M informed by the mauagor that two
juable cloaks had been stolen right
tdur c j noe.
i r.
Mii I
The job of catching thodhlcf wiun'l
at easy aa I supposed and I began to
think I wasn't much of a detective, after
all at least, when thero was a woman
in the case.
But I dared not show any lgm of not
knowing my business, and assuming an
'all right" manner, I told my clonk
mnn that on tho next day the bird would
be trapped, as it always took a while to
mako observaions nnd form theories, and
then I arranged to meet In in on tho floor
early in tho coining morning beforo any
of tho employes arrived.
Reforo I went to sleep that night 1
laid my plans.
In tho morning bright nnd early I tvn
around and with tho manager nlono meat
on the cloak floor to mako tho needful pre
parations to distinguish or extinguish
myself. -
Solocting otio of tho largest dummies
and seeing that the brown muslin dress
over its skeleton framo was iu good or
der nn 1 reached to tho floor, I told inj
astonished dry goods mnn that I intended
to hide under it nnd thero lie in wait for
the thief, w horn I meant to nub when tin
cloak over mo was removed, bcin-j, of
ctmrso, able to know that by the light of
the salesroom shining through tho thiu
muslin covering.
He smiled at the queerness of the pro
cccding, but told mo to go nhea 1 nnd
promised to be on hand iu case I wanted i
Cutting on the dummy an elegant i
rloak for bait, hu helped me to hido so- j
eurely under it, nnd, wishing mo success- :
he left mo with a laugh which, I must
say, I didn't feel liko echoing.
Soon I heard tho storo peoplo tramp
ing in nml tho young salesladies trip- '
ping by me nnd chatting gaily as they laid
asido their wraps and hats preparatory j
to commencing tho labors of tho day. I
They seemed immensely merry over !
something very funny, nnd their peals of
musical laughter sounded sweet to inv '
eager ears until, alas, I sadly discovered
that I, the new floorwalker, was the sub
ject of their witticisms and ridicule.
How I wanted to suddenly pop out
from my ignoble hiding plnco nnd
siiueleh them ns they deserved, but tho
certainty of only making nnself morn
ridiculous and being met with redoubled
laughter kept me iu my mean nnd uu
happy position uudcr a femnlo skirt.
by and by, nnd greatly to my mind's
relief, tho smart remarks followed by
j-falsof merriment gave way to the slcr
hum and bustle of businesa.
Tor hours I sat in my cramped nnd un
comfortable hiding place, feeling liko it
fool, and, no doubt, looking like one.
t'raily excited shoppers brushed against
the dummy, beneath which a bigger
dummy squatted, and several times nenrly
knocked it over, so I bad plenty of oc
cupation in holding it down. Onco the
cold sweat ea ne out nil over me and my
hair stood up ttraight wdien some ouo
tried to lift my strangu tent front tho
floor and expose the "handsome new
floor-wulkcr," squatting liko a tailor, nnd
looking liko a boiled lobster under it.
You may bolievo 1 held ou with a grip
which death itsjolf couldn't unchtso till
tho danger was gone.
iSooi Juno came. Hungry, tn'v .f
orjojd nnd with bones aching from cramp,
thero I was and there I hud to stick till
night or my anxiously hoped for shop
lift :r came if that was her day.
I heard tho clock atriko '3" and 3,"
and " V and in spito of patienco aud
grit, and pride, and everything, I swore
at myself nnd laughed at myself, and
vowed to myself that never moro would
I undertake to bo smarter than a womvi.
Henceforth I should confine my dct.-ctiva
abilities exclusively to male "Jack tho
Kippers" or banc cashiers, or elso peddlo
peanuts for a living.
While thus engaged in sorrowful
meditations and trying painfully to ca-o
my cramped body without exciting at
tention, I was urouseJ by some one tug
ging at the cloak, nud lifting tiu
dummy skirt I could jut sou a pair of
dainty leet. Then, iu uu instant, oil tie)
cloak slipped the dim ligh shiuiu ;
through the dummy's muslin coverin
telling me nud, like a flash, 1 sprung
from my hiding hole aud of all tho
shrieks and blushes aud indignation I
ever knew, thoso from tho elegantly
dressed aud exquisitely beautiful young
ludy I had cupturod took the prize.
At once I was tho centre of a panic
stricken and terribly angry mob of
females who wanted to kill mo, and toss
what was left of my miscmblo carciiss
out the window. Aud if the big, de
partment manager had not promptly
rescued mo from their clutches, after my
coat tails had been ripped oil and my
flue side whiskers badly dutnaged, they'd
have done it.
During tho battle, -nnd careless of my
injuries, I kept tight hold of my fair
Her sweet, innocent and beautiful in
dignation seoinod so roal that I feared uu
awful mistako had been made, and be
gun to figure how many years' salary I
should have to pay for aamagus. llut
when sho was searched, with duo apolo
gies for tho apparsut necessity, the
amount of pawn tickets for cloaks
found by the female searcher, saved my
baeou and put mo in the paper us one
of tho most skillful detectives on record.
But no moro dummies for me.
Nlcklo- Armored Ships Can't (Jo North.
Tho rccont remarkable discovery of
the tiled of temperature on tho density
of nlcklo steel is likely to have an im
portant bearing on its use in the con
struction of war vessels. After this va
riety of steel has bcon frozen it is readily
magnetized, and, moreover, its density
is permanently reduced fully two per
cent, by the exposure to tho cold. It is
stated that a ship of war built In tho
torn pern to climate of ordinary steel, and
clad say with 3000 tons of niekle steel
armor woutd be dostroyed by a visit to
the arctio regious, owing to tho contrac
tion of the stool by the extreme low tem
perature. New York Journal.
One of the survivors of the Moscow
campaign of Napoloon ot 1812 bos just
died at Lubock. Tho old soldier, whose
name was Douse, was 106 yean of age.
There is nothing more useful about a
kitchen than sal-soda. It will, dissolvo 1
in a little water, romovo greao from any
thing, and there is nothing liko it for
cleaning an iron sink. It is nlso tho
very best thing for cleaning linir brushes,
which, by the by, should bo cleaned
much nioto frequently than they nro.
Disiolve a little sal soda in clear warm
water and wnsh the bristles thoroughly,
avoiding as much as possiblo wetting tho
buck of tho brush. Then rinte in clear
water nnd dry with tho bristlo side down.
Tho bristles of a brush washo 1 in this
wny will bo ns white and llrm as those of
a now brush. Chicago Tost.
At last a
DtSlt WASIIIMl MVfiiixn.
s ttislactory nnd practical
machine for washing dishes has been In
vented. It is an arrangement with r;:cks
of various sizes n that each article of
tablewuro has its own appropriate place
and n whole dinner outfit can be washed
nt the Mini) time. Everything fits in its
own little wire rack and the water is then
turned on nnd they nre washed perfectly
clean without beiu touched, and they
don't even have to be dried for after the
washing is all over n crank is tunic I,
they -ico rinsed with boilin.' hot water,
tho lid of the nre'liiiie is left open and
they nro dried by steam and left perfectly
smooth nnd shining. Silver and knives
nnd forks of course have to be dried.
Tho dishes can be left in th" box until
they nro needed again for the table so tin;
endless handling by which st initiv
things nre cliipptd, is avoided. I-ti't
this a blessing f Am 'riean Dairyman.
rt llMslllO A lioott WITH llVIIHKM.
'Do you know you can really furnish
a room with a few birrels)" said an en.
ergetic lady, who had lived on tho fron
tier for many years. "When I live I iu
a shanty iu , at the time my hus
band was opening the new railroad, I
made nearly every bit of my fnriiitoni
myself. Someday I may te'l jou mnro
about my various contrivances. The
barrel mid its uses in a sutlieieiitly pro.
lilie theme. Why, th-ro nre no en I of
tliinys they can be used for," she con
tinued, waxing enthusiastic. "Cut in
two, and properly fitt-teued, they servo
as washtubs or bathtubs; turn them over
mid upholster them, and yo.i have beau
ti fill French pulT divans for your :;rl r,
and every one kuo.vs the comfort. ib'.u
barrel armchair that they make. Ta!o
out the slaves and string them on rope-,
nnd you make for yourself a deiiliUul
hammock, iire holes at each end ol
three or four and pass a rope through,
knotting it t.) keep the staves about a
foot apart, ami you have a perfectly
good lot of bookshelves, which you caa
cither varnish or paint.'' New Vorli
1MIAISKS roil TUB ill'MUI.K OSinsj
Onions nro invaluable for soups. They
arc blood purifiers. A liberal use of
hcm is . recommended ns it cum for
Jgtly imkhey tend to niiko tho eom-
piexini; icar ami uie tauu true ironi
pimpled. The childrou of those nation
alities who eat of them most largely,
noticeably escape that bane of child
hood, worms. Their use is beneficial to
tho digestive organs, they aro excellent
in certain diseases, are of benelit iu liver
complaints, nud their powers for
good iu lung troubles is well known.
They uro the be-t cure for insomnia.
A favorite remedy for a cough is a
sirup made by alternating slices of ra.v
onion with white sugar. Cut it large
onion, horizontally, into thin slices, put
one in a dish, sprinkle su,':ir over it, then
add another slice of onion, building it
up thus by layers until all are u-ed.
Cover the dish. About mice iu three
hours a teaspoouful of miii; will have
formed, w hich should be taken at inter
vals of about this length throughout tho
Hot poultices, made of onions, and
mixed with oosu oil, have been used
advantageously iu croup. Roasted onions
are sometimes bound to the feet and
placed upon the chests of little ones suf
fering from the effects of n cold. Place I
raw upon a cloth, then beaten to a pulp,
bandaging with this the throat and well
up over the ears, they have given relief
iu cases of diphtheria. Uook House
keeping. ni'.eiriis.
Rour Milk Com Cake Ono cup flour,
one-half cup com meal, ouo-hulf tea
spoon salt, one-half teit-ipoon soda, one
third cup sugar, two eggs, one tublepoon
butter melted, one cup sour milk. Mix
the flour, meal, ult, soda (sifted) and
sugar; add sour milk, eggs beaten well
and butter. Jlako iu shallow euko-pau
aud cut in squares.
Potato lliscuit Oao cup each butter,
sugar, milk, hot mashed potatoes and
yeast, two eggs; mix altogether with
enough flour to make a batter j let this
rise; then add us much flour iu you can
stir with a spoon; rise again; roll out
one-half inch thick, cut in small rouu 1
cakes, place one ou top of the other, or
rather put two together.
Uaked Omelet Six eggs, ono teaspoon
corn-starch, oue half teaspoon salt, ouo
cup sweet milk, one teaspoon butter;
beat yolks with corn-starch, add salt,
butter uud milk, aud lastly, the whites,
beaten separately. Have frying-pan
(this is best) hot and well greased, iur
into it and set iu oven. It will bake iu a
few minutes, and should bo slipped ou a
hot plato uud served immediately.
Easter llroth To ono quart sweet
milk and ono tablespoon butter, ut tho
boiling poiut, add one tablespoon flour,
mixed thoroughly in a little cold milk j
pour into tho milk, adding suit uud pep.
per and stir constantly till smooth and
thlckeuod. l'our this over a broad dish
of brown buttered toast, covered with
slices of hard-boiled eggs. Bpriuklo
few sprint of parsley and serve hot.
Tho United States is said to bo paying
betweeu S,U00,000 aud $10,000,000
jear iu pension to foreigners.
"Ood'e Works," Psalm six., 1-14.
Oolden Texts Pslm;ix., 7 Cotn
raentarjr. An Easter lesaon I usr.stpl (Mnth.
xvlil l-'Jil), as optional Irmtmdof thin, lint
with anoint I eyes we may And an abundance
t resurrection truth In this lesson, for cer
tainly tho last flvo Verses of thfl previous
psahn nro full ot tho resurrection triumphs
ot the Mewiinh.
1. We have In this psalm thro books Cre
arh.n, I., n, Heripture, vil., 11, nnd Con
science, U; ,iM, tlvso liav U;,
Dnviil's whole library. Tins heavens mny
Include the aerial, nola'r. starry mi l ItihiMt;
the first three within rntuo of our vision,
nnd thirctore liern referred to, the last -u
by Paul in theSpirit (II for. xil.. J-4. Wo
rnniio? look tip either by ilav or nmlit. If w
hnvn aiioin'ed eyes dtv. III., In, without
Ik liolilnu tliu glory of (iolin the works of
His hnmls.
'! "Iay unto tiny ttttereth imv -Ii, nnd
tilht unto ni:ht slioweth kuow'e l;e.'' It
Is written in Uotii. I., -Jo, that His eternal
mwer and t.o lliea l may be known lv tin
works of Hi lintnlo; but surely not n it It mi',
the aid .if tlie Spirit who is r.-ndy to teaeli
vi-rv tin. Tin. k(tit-M .i..... .
should his see I h . l;.ti. iv., ." ; that s .. I ,
t'hrist and lbs resurrection joint heirs eial, I
ill., V.".'; John xil., 'Jti.
:'. ' There Is no khj nor tanuae; !
their volco i not bear I." Yet tliev sliine !
Mcadily nn I e.intloiMiiilv, prea liiii w ah
out Intermission, the one taking no wlier.
the other lot t oil", u n i r nl . I liv th :
multitude, iintl.anke I, mil yet delictum to I
to the will o (i.i.l. 'There n'lv m uiv eirilily 1
lives sonvihing th" ii'iie. SniiM on, on, j
quiet on, . hj io I sees nil I approves; In. !
4. "Their line is ' gonn out through nil thu I
tnrlh and 1 loir won! to the end of tlin
world.'' Tor si-ns mid !ions. days an I ,
years (Io n. I., 1 Io, to the whole wurl I. i
l't Mnrv's memorial in all the world (Mni'i; :
xiv., ?, ;i) ems iiira ie olh 'i s to do what th y
ciin unto Hiin. ' !
,'t. "In them hath He s.-t n talsTiiaele f,- I
the sun, w hieli isus n bri leyrooin e iinin,-out '
nt Ins ehninher, nud rejoice! h n a string '
mnn to "run a race.'' The tabrrn i.'le, dm i
fun. tlm hi i'lerooin nre all su.-;.tive oj !
I'hristund Hi I'txleetiied, Isitli iu huiiu'ialioii !
and resurrection idorv. Ho talM'u i. e I
niiioiiK us in the lleuli nn.) H now d.vcll, m
us iJolui ., II; H. V., margin xiv., H
t or. iv., 111. Kv. ry U licvr slmuld l.
lisikin lorwal'd to the unit n:i;.;. ol tin
Jjunli, when the ji .y of bri.ler . mi mi, I
llride shiill l isinsc'iiniated, nn l tln-n -had '
the nhtccii" Mime tiirth in tliemu iKcv,
Xix , 7. Mnth. x ut ., I t.i
(I. "lbs puiig lortli is iron; the en ..f th i !
hiviveii, nml 1 1 ii circuit nut ithc en Is ..; it; :
nnd there is imtliliii; hi. I Ironi the In at th -i'. -i
f." So shall mo w ith Him iu rcsui rec'i .11 ,
power nn l ylory shin e all that is His iJ..lni
xvn., ',".') in henvcii and on c nth mil ciu-e
the i ichii.-s of Hm ;r.'ic,. un I ..rv to l. '
kmovn every where. Hut tins c urn .t be nil
that I'.n -ter I m 1 1 1 1 1 when we shall h,' .in.i
Hoe il .1. !m ut., 'J;.
?. "I'll-law ol the I .nr. I i perf.s-t, cm-Vet-till):
the suit:; the te-tlliniuv nt tle 1 1 l I
Is Mllrt, llllll. Wj.e the ,lil.le." Sim, i
lliooll nil') st lis llentlv .1 . 'lit 1 1 1 1 llllll, hut
ill the v.. hue.' of the 1' ue tlud Him inm-1
tully. Law, t.-stnn uiv, statutes, e uiiiii'in .1
lui nt.s, lenr, ju laments nro nil He, .N.itiei
ii tun. H "ol tin" Ijoi- I." Hew th' uutleii
mid the i nilxi'liuieia of nil. He is my salva
tion nnd my wisdom .
M. "The stniiili s ol the. ,ird are rilit, re- :
ioi inn the heart; "'e eo'iniiuu lment ol tli i
jru is pure, eiiunui tne eyes, ' ll.-is
my joy nnd inv li ,'lit; Hu w.ird th j.iy an I
reJoieiiiK of my In-art; Ilirii--lt my liiitnii I
my salvation. I yet t-'cripturo speak, and
read Joh xxui., 1J, Jer. xv., Pi; I'-, xxvii.,1;
cxix., iT, Hi.'.; John vili., i, I John I,. 7.
V. "The (ear of tlm lir l Is eleuu, eu lur
ing forever; the Judgments of tlm lor t nro
t. t:. slid rin'illeous ,!.. ll.m.'V " .
salvation, winJoni, joy uild liht, but cv.ii'
lust inn ruhteoiistiess are all in Hun and
made ours by His word an I. Spirit iJolm vi.,
ti.1). What joy slioull till us b.'c.nije wi
have His word, w hat x slioul l possess ut
to carry it to others!'
lo. ".Morn to he, desired are they than
pol. I, y. ii, than tini -li Huh t,.i', I, s , t.-r nU
th.u.i honev mi 1 1 h' leiiiey coiiiii." ' .up ir
'. i'.ix., b'-l. All this ' w il l I's rii'ii.'s ii'i 1
nv. etnis nre here initdone. iOveu Im-Ii..v..-
linve lii known t turn away tr mi tun 1 1 1 1 ..
to other txKiks tor sweetness, ler while tli.'V
may know Jesus us Savmu" t iey d i n it
know Inm ns l,..- l. ur t.iee it. ml I ii. a t i .-:
t r. mi Hun f'.r iinyiuiu.'.
11. "Moreover uy th en is Thy s rva it
nriied, and iu keeniii,; of the.ii th -re is
emit leHurd.'' His word m ,.m- h arts i
kis'i'S us from siiiuiii n i.iisi lion (r-. i
IIXX, II). And While ll -I e III this -e will
have i Ii. coiisi'ii 'ii-iiess ol soi loriv 'ii,i '.'ie.i j
with lio l, aeeeiitjjiio in t ie Imlove I ll J I
ii., I .'; Koiu. v., 1; Kph. I., 7i; who c hi 1
l-slluiute the rewurd ot tliel.nthdl! !
Him, and with IIiiii, we snail re-.-ivn Iron
Him tne ci owns we uia have won on tbo)
earth. (Jus. i., 1J; 1 t ',.,r. ix , :.'.'.; 1 Tut. v., !
i; II Tun. iv.. "i. I
T.'. "Who can under-tiiu I his err n'-?
Cleanse Thou me fi. i n sin-ret fau.ts." l ie i
Mllteilliutol ol til I Ivlll' III Ills works nu t ,
lbs word reveals in. .re tuliy our smtuinc-; i
m l th. mollis nt His ulory, ivhi.-!i w.j shall I
mare witli Hun, makes us wnn' to he tn in
Soly now lisn. vi.,.i;Jut alll., j, t; 1 Johu
in; U Cor. iii lsi.
1 "iTenp ImcW Thr servant also front
presiuuptuoiis sin.; let them nor Imve
loininioii over me; then shall I he upright,
and 1 shall Is. innocent from tliiireat trans.
ItrcHMou." him has said that tho sins we mca
uud confess aro only like it box of s imples
rompiiriHl with the stock In store. We may
count hairs or stars, hut sins cannot lw
liiimU'red, and yet tho blood of Jesus l 'hrist
cleiuiM'Mi t mm all sin. As to presumptuous
sins see Dmit. k., 4 M; xvii., 1J. He earnestly
desires eleansinn trom all sin sis-ret and, Hinall and Kreat. It is a K ' siirn
when we hate all sin.
14. "Iut thu words of my mouth, and tlm
meditation of my li.sirt.txt ueeeptahlo in 'Thy
sit(ht, Ijord, my strength and my redeem
er." This is liku I'aul, who says "We mako
it our aim whether at h Hint or absent to hu
well pleasing unto Him" ill for., v., It,
V). Hu also sunt to Timothy "St n ly to
show thyself upprove I unto io l" (11 Tim.
ii., 1A). Only us We seu ourselves to Imi dead
with Christ, and risen iu His Christ; and
know something of the jxiwer of His resur
rection, ahull wo come to it life like this.
When wis eun truly ny "Not 1 but Christ,"
then Hiin I with His spirit, Im.Hi words and
thoughts shall bu pleasing unto Him. Tin)
Holy Spirit through Paul tells us that wo aro
Hot Utllelent of ourselves to think aiiVthilie
us ourselves, hut our stlttlciuiicy is of lh I.
Hit aim) tells Us that every thought is to Imi
tirouht Into captivity to the ohodieneo of
Christ (II Cor. ni., 5; x., 6k. U-ssoa liulpur.
Ilia Father D tcom-a Vtole ntly lusano
nnd Til-atoK'U Himself.
Minww, i'.t., April 11. The r.sideliee of
James Haw ley was burned to tho ground
Sunday nnd he and his wife managed to es
cape with ditllcuity iu tlieir nihdit clot lies.
All adopted soil, Joseph l.inton, u boy of 10
years, who slept in the third story was burn
ed to death. When Hawley found that the
boy hud (sTished, lie became, violently in
sane, lie lushed to his hot beds, und,
throwing himself on the k'uss windows, ut
teiiipud to cut his throat on them, lii-intf
frustrated iu this he dashed bis heud against
a p'.sl uud tried to jump into tho burnin
buildiiiK. I'iuully he was bound and held
by bis neiKlibors. llawley's burn wus burn
ed some time Uh' by iueeiidiaries, uud this
tire is believed to have been of iiicendury
Tt fst'tT. To day's session of the f-enat
was ipiiet and miiiiterestlm:. After routine
business Mr. llo.- , ,,nere I an .iiiieiiduirnt
to bis silver r. ..lii'jotis, which w .is ordered
lnlpprm!"d iiiiltheti the Indian appro
printion bill vi.tiikcii tip. Mr. I'olph niov
fd Hint the I I.mim. hill " 1 o ahsolutelv pro
liilnt the cotn ,,f binese persons into
the t nitrd M. tes he lid hrfore (lie Senate
mid referred to th,. ( oinmittce on l oicieu
l.cla'ions. ni. -h t.-nsdone. nn. soon lift,.,-
the Seiint
the Kn-e Woo! bill wasn-ain
iien.luieiit up. I ili-ci .. n
':" rule, but tn nc tmu w ,,s
. I oii-e ml pen in ,.
- t Hie i l it nior::i:i;;
'i n He lo .i.iv. Mr M. u m
er n solni ion . nnd vie d". of I oloradii. w ho
Mil'.-: the e. .,!, t',e sli.
f Ml. Woli o't S SI- e. h.
solllt'olls w , ,l nMT W itln.'lt
II on ll,e I alc' W h i h
Iu the Hoi;
taken up for
under tne .. i
taken v In n
U I iM -.
bniiu'sg in 1 1
culled lip hi'
the Moor to
pri'l'cisle I to
le t. At the
Mr Moreno'
iietiriti i tbev
i 1 1 1 1 r I ' y . k i I
l iic Semite t
t he I p.
I'eiii',' on M i
the provisioi
Ii. ers to the
ii s occur. .
motion was 1
Tett hirew t'
in is;,o.!'i
tin I row I i
le, ei in.; 1, -ished
-cser i'
Ill' 1'. Ills II, I .
illl..s. w lo.
IT. W ,1 No ol' .
iii : the .!
ii.. over '.
I in Ii. in liv ! i -
l.elhllll. . I'
lIV, S l., i
ioni iii"l.
Vest..;, lav
lo hl hii-tel
In re it let t
tic usual i. p.
int.. the I o,
Wool bill,
tee rose and '
,'llnl the 1 1 . ,
I'm i.iioi
I '.iv. c pro. i
a' i"U i .1 sin I
i ...,.,' v I.. ;,,
clii-ioii :n !
till"! peTin;..
:C MlO Ii! lor t I I le , Ml
i le-iirnd i misidi-r ! oil ot '
pi at ion Till, the ii ne t , on
Ues i). tloll to s'li, lit
r t he ass.enanni ,,i ,,, ;,, v I,'
; "i i no. an a -. it's as , trail
' r tlm e lio'l's ilehate the
I'.-d. vcas .. ii iv, .'s ; r
I an ami :n:ti'i i t at p.-. .pi i it
lepi iisatm.. t.c fn li.ois of
T' -' rv a' ion o , .ss ni t hi ir
i':d I'l-r i ..p !a in tbe.r ditnin
ll t hall a le, i : e I l, the
' . : ! her i! tm'ti sj.i .1 i, . ., .
A. is ll;!lee.l to. Mr ', t .
I nn am. n Inieht nut c e :
v : t!ic Interior !.. , ; .
lb i ;i..n o I" two
.1 - I N in ar I h im
I'd t! l.r lenr I: ,p. '
I. v. a- a!-. a -i.s- I (,,. Ad-
I ,
l .1. vo'cd
' " ' ' ' 'V lean i bxanox.;'. - :i . m- a' the i:' ..t
! exenoi- A!!i r ' colliery n.-ar ii. n u. t. -.;. . Thomas il
'be House went i baiii i ix as jtis-.,.itlx ki! e I nt ! I. m I'lul'ips
'"' 1. n the I r.c i iind .lobli Mx s, ',..;,, ;v minted. '1 he
a la." del ate ! he . otn in ; : - i p. s on w , , .v ,'.,, Ilh ux ., ,ni
1 'be hill to the Mouse xM ll xxhi, !i tie V xx, T- .1;.!..':; a bole ie'i.t.
v "h
' 1-"". adj. :i ne.l j
'" ti lav Mr.
I a 1" tit'on .,- the natuiali-
naiatlnn a- came to hl
ie as... e ol l'.e ,;'. ,
"ie nn ei. 1 i. ai of ma in i' i
home. M- Teller. n:t. r i
:. Mr al. ot- and i.tlu-r
si . I tiietl, .
oils;, lef , , .,,
l l. I- I I V M
im nt ot I!, i .i
lo tl ll;
pa-- l I t!
alel a xx h it
ei. h inoli' h a
i I dax - i x i n '
the silver. I
I he si na'e
the annual a pi
p'-tl - - ,,f t ,e i
ol ' oriml'i i.
In tne !,,n .
d'-" -."I Ol. f.
I i. . Wo..; In:
i-i'i: I tal 'Ii "
V the . !'
the ,..!' XX..- t
.i 1 . I w a - I1''
I I IMI I i .
I'.-ltl. I ol l o!
i In !'ne an a
sol -I .tel.. e
A nn v 1 an ai
la ics. ., i ; ,.,n I or pi nt
o . tun; tin' retat v ol
-tl tin- S.-'iaie w ith a -I.
n! ol s, I v , r I ml i ,, a, . . :t .
' '
t each Ino'.t !l liu e i ! ,
i .d IV'. Ly whom i.-d I Ar We! In-..',... Lawrence smiths
" ''" nin. tint p-i" b.i I ,luc!',n: ; xx Iniin-l. Lo-.. fl.:.oo, ins-ir-
i at what pli.e. and iniiii'.. r mice, fl.ooi,
" 'ohit'I.n xxa's :' 1 .J t ... l' ' Mi - M xiv lb ..ii: -. of W. -t Midla-iv,
I the red oi Ihe .:.,v to 1 fame ie ,r .ly,!,.; fomia I' i " line.
.,,!;;, l, in hill f.n- the e 1 ' den while she Via- III', 1 1 1 : a tootil c
. . I IIIII' nt o- tin ll ! ' ,. ' ! ' '''d.
! A i plo-1. ei . I iu an inm fanine
a 1 1 . r i .ni! i ne l.i.suii - . vx as Hear M ra" i. s. i i , ,. tothe h'.lii,' Inii.e
1 1. use pr, ., i , de 1 w : Ii 1 1 ,e , u i,. 1 i . . i,, . I .1 .,, n i . r- -1 1 1. 1 a i r ;.
M Wi! on , t West Vir
loot to I 1 the ,. I. ate
n of Mr. W il-on s h
.. t oil the Lice Wool I. ii.
I I'V 1'.' X' tool mix's
-enate 'i . day p l--e'l the
.'il nppti i ti hill in-
opt i. it i. .n ot !.i,o.i tor
I .jilallels for the II: ill I ;
: in. nt . An n mend no nt I
a : ed to. appr. pi laies out i,f tin- li,ii.d;
St. i 'i s tic.isinv ;ini..i to pav lor - 1 1 .-h ,
ti'tn . and ipiii' n-rs nf iicb di- 1
t liar. -e l inm le i lent I inoli soldiers.
und m Hies w ho sci i d ill t he war id' the.
rebellion as max- a'tend lis dclia-'ale or i h. r
w i-c.l he I xx en! x s, yt h nn i inn I en. iiuipiiieiit
ol the .rand A ; m v of the lie public in the
i lty ol' ashiii: n.u the iiioiii v to be paid
uud disbursed l.v the ciii.-ens- cvceiitixe
coiniintlceol' Wiisiiiii;t..n. h txniii; in i hnini
Sill ll lei . plloll uud i 1 1 1 . I . i
til uiiiler !
""fl. te.'i. ;.J e us e ;.y he in nheil hy and fell into tbo river I'TiUX-II XV is ni irtled
the Sei tet a y'.d ivar " ' 4 - . ' ait'l -yes a wifi and s." child' 'i K
'There ftas little id interest In Hie pr ed I ,' 1 "' 'in-. ji"
inns of the ho,.,,, to. Inv After a hriel J'".,N 1 K K" . ' . "'
passage ut arms between 'the speaker and '"""'''" ex A Idciinaii of Iain r. ,. ,
Sir. Hurroxxs. the boasc in ctmiinittceoiithi. "",n I """iltii... u tho
x hole resinned consnleralioi thectton ! M',r"' '' "' " I"' ' '' r u"'
b.'ii'ininr bill. Mr. 'Turiier. ol luoreia. in "''''
t hai :;e ol ! he hill, moved to strik it the llnxxxunM Millw. of Luer .n'-,',
t l.lUse w Inch inakc- lice "Ii..i i t band who murdered Ins vxnie xxa- tal ' , a i. s
. i on or hoop or band stud, Han d spl.ivcd nt I pi'e until Julie i;. The c xe. ut m , : ,i p. n
pnin lied ' Aj-reed to. The t "in m 1 1 tit t ti x e I lor A pr, 1 T.
tlicll l.t-c alltl reporl" ! tin- bill l'i the house
Mr M. i i.atv nilroibn t"l for Mr p. ,.,.,.,! i rant, m I; re destrt.yi- I I 'r. Williim
a bill a it'ioi'tim- the In.i. Iin.; of an ni'ci- " invMy s .,n, 1 eoutenis ,, iud, t vx o
llllll. Ill' lle'alV c.llll'tess. A II I V . 1 1 1 H r I Vllll.ll.U-I,, .r-si'-t. Lo--. Ileal Iv n.'l.
si ion ,x ,s win. Ii tiotbim,' was it.- I Tin- mix. nn In.'i f lie w..rl;s of the
'""'I'' ., . . National I 'viiaiinte iud I ow l.-r I . tnpinv,
-vtt: ..y- Ihe senate was ..t , ,, , ,-s-nm . , r, ;li,; ,.,, r ,., ,,. , , ',,,,;
todiv liielbme pass,,! the lull xx ho had . half.'.. .. Ihe ,a. Iimerv.
....ton t .'.til th- trie hst bv a vote ..( p.. p. Was blown to a lie r. -.v.-.- ..or I ,' ""I
'. " "'I Id .' in.' 'in p ate on the tn e ( pounds ,.f. Iviian, ne m the b.i.Mii. : .Hid t!.
I xx as . ! terwaid reported to the lions,.. I,
I ii "i ! miss w as i inn - aspen. It. I. an I tlie i
llouo- i I lie 1 1 iiilite lo Tlie ,ale licplt s,),. i x . M II l-'oi I. . Mn hi. '.in. I iiloities I A r W i! k i sha ire lit con-i; , 1 Jli- 111'.'
xvi r. red bv M.-rs, i i I loiincll. . ap , Mf at t bv's in il liiuny so ,r, and Ihe ad', un
til in-. '.i Milbii. Ilavs, i h piniiti. Wen- I I'liil'linp'. l.coii.:iiii? to the hippie is.
lot k nt. Hi Iktiaii. .nnlth.n ;i..i norL ..( ' '.'le. Loss ab. ait ? l",oon M is i ,cur 'e 1 . Mas-
t. -pi . t the in. in. ry of t lie . le. east , t h,.
ll. use a .turned
Mom Ml. r Mr. ' n er had a I
ill.' -I .' Sen. :le III I. Hot . I a b, 'I lor ihe' 1 1 flit "t a s i n la nn m lmr.ii im
tivi-s - i handier irir I in to in 1. 1 if-t he
-niiatt'.' opptisjiiou to Mr Palmer - pr,,.
p,.si. ,. .siitiitioual :i 1 1 1 .-1 o 1 1 j t . -1 1 1 lor the
cieet I. ai I Senator- I . v I he 1 1 1 r. I vote of t he
people. "in I ill i: xx 1 1 ii ti Mr. i a nie r. ai t a I lei
im exec i' xe session on t he alle : I bt tiayal
of Senate -ecrels by Senate employes.
Ill th" House to .lav the followiti.' bills
Were pa -ed: 'To make Wt-t I'olllt V.'l . II
huh i..e' of entry and delivery: nut In .rmn.:
the W a -liimtton'au.l "rn'on' liritle i '..m
pativ t list nn I a l.riduc across i he t 'olii in-
iiia mx. repeal im: the net of last -.- i. .it
allow iu the Scefctarx' of War to lca-e a
pier ut tt"' nn ii ith of the i hit ii:r. . river. 'hi
nt, -o I I is bciniT Ih-triet I'av Hie ll ei-e
procce!. I with the con-i. Icrnt toll of bills
tel.llili to the I'istrii I of I 'oluuihiu.
Two Killed und Ont Injured.
C.ixm ; t.-vn i i:. I'a., April !i A disastrous
rrc. k . iritil four miles in.rth of this
ptin e oi. the I'lit.-biii;.', McKcc-port and
Voiii'l. heiiy railroad, iu xvhich the lire
Iiiiiii. W T. I Icttciuaii. and a brakemau
pan.. . 1 W. ll. Laell were iii-.taiitly killed.
T he w : . I; was caused by a 1. ms.. tire on one
i.f tin-1:: Ixers t.f tlie engine. Il;:'i:ieer
bn I Nlariin was also seriously injured
Ulnl in .'. d.e.
It xx a proved lit tho Coroner's in ni. -t
licit lla t ti:'in had been t,ut . f rn.air for I nine, uud that the cii.niici rs were r ll tt -nine
i' :i" l'-r protest, liaviii.t reported its
roinl n n to tlie proper parlies.
The j .ry renderexl a erdii t uccordiin-jly.
In . Iin tlm railroad eoiupuiiy rtspoii.-.hlo
for the a. t itlcitt.
Slztaan PaopU Drowned.
Coifxiiuts, Miss., April 11. The Tomhix
bee river overllowed its bunks to-day, eaus
iiiirini imiuuiiso amount of damages, and it
Is fpiirvtl it greut loss of life. So far as known
IU people uru drowno.1.
. 'l .l!.llll!ll.
The. most I'lirloiis nf prtss Is that
Iitisscssi'd by homo Siiitfhali'si! cliil
difii. It Ih initliliiK in. .re or less than
an iniiii.MiHo rliltiin'i'ios, with plates
of toiiii bide liku un armored hblp.
lie is ust such a beast as has killed
h. 'i.rcs of danni; hunters who have
pi iii't rated tlie Jungle. Hut tills bio
fclloxv is as "cntlo us Mary's latiilt,
nnd allows children to play on tils
Lack or squirt sweetened water lutu
Ilia uioutU.
1 i .
Wni tAM C. Mil 1 1 ft. tlie priin it.,,1 ,i tl,
minder ol old man , Imteth-r, is m (nil pt
Somerset., lie i.. imc in and irate liiin-i ll tip
to I'hii l id Toliie iiilhi u Ihuisdav morn
In". I'l im Wo m ; .. f f. -a leiixd'e. was fa
t i'! its j ir. rhy a (all id (oal in the St.
la r linn.-.
A i.oy hal t- was b, rn t i Mr-. 7e.-'e .'.iitskt,
a l'..ih v.oi ian. at I ', vi. .nt !i. I ::. s ;V. It
had s hi,.-. ,, I, ,.,,;, .,, , x ,,, . (ltl
h loot. The .,t!,, r I.. i:, ip. rsi;tious,
Iook a i.iel; knile and ct.t o'l the i tt.i toes
in I l.t'.-cts I 1... ...-y . , ..
. i tl.,iir. . e,s lo (he
1 oi I. nli p!, i i I. i j . i r . i. t i e. w
-' 1 ' T ' I ''' 1 1 1' '111 I ', k ii.ii, i, as ,i, Ie.
.l-'l. ! i iti . n- ot I -m k I. Jn-fi and a in:! V
Jo th" bi
ill -iilal.T.
Me II'I I I '
lU'tted O.
i', it i. i i .it.'i.'tr i on - Tlttstotl l.v I 'o'.t j
I I.: :f no w i'l, ot n.ilnite Ii,- bead, n-nis
i "II I I' - 't'le ,olie. Iliitbi'H- r. Ii l .1 1 : ie I l.ut
t: ;:
l."i t lt i i.'. einploved as rej'.ii : iniiii
tl lob II I la'tc-ll , v .e ,l!. k l.r
ii ti p ofcu-s in, I ii. '.mt.y k'.oid.
M :: -. i ' 1 1 ii i : m ,h .-. i , ;ie ,.( ' b- an is
'"ii' -. u Tun - nil'T i e in, !, - t.i-. n,i ,r
'' ' n lil-' He . - 1 . . . lavs ii.'., ii'm -, 1 .
'in: ii le u , .., ;,, i , ,,,. ,,f i,, r
'i I.I I ,' i ' set in. the I u.. I
xxel'c I to t .x i. ! n ia ,1 ... , .,11 I d. a !i
as the re- ,''
ii,r a pi ;,, ol .' ,. v (( r,. n,. t., cm, r
a i h.iuil er t,li Itic mis had I ei n rctn.xcl.
I 'l I I K A M " I a' ;d A U !' 1' t , ne Coleman
It ll. ail-. XX. re . r. dead bl-Sldc till- I t.
M I x..:i: i ra . .;,d t a, I. , a sle.i t d stance ho-
I- xx I iii..i,tox n
l.i iiiii '. "N f..!!..xxr I fa-! on the heels ,.f
-lo!l!l ill. I, las aeolol'e.l horse Ihlel' XI h , I
a::;x. t a! 1 i.ii.r.!..wn mi ulitie twenty
lllihll'i s alie.l I . the uxx tier i'l t be Hllllll.ll
.... 1 1 . . . ; . I ......
in, a ..a-- iii .ao a ie, liiiii'iies i.iici.
i I.
'I lo ;",,
impl. n,
I ear i
le. i'axil
!:.' ! i - and t il in
in.. I Ly I. re l.o-s
'! .' II. , I . , I'll i.lll V.
I I ' ' " I
I. I
. I 11. . ' '
.;, ,; ,,. i .....
p.. w, .,. .,,,.
N ,
le a! Ilelli I n t.' an cl:t re
-- : . ' '.. - an I t .i lw. il-
I I " s a', nt, p.i:!
: ii iiiikiiow ti.
t .1 , o'ofe.l l,OV flllllld a
lot. I . I t!,. in and du d.
I " 1 I .'. 1 . ni
i .. , tt- i,
av uiorpiin' .less.. M.l-
lei . i I I mn l.o k. w a . an . lit. I v a rolnn , i"
loiirteeti ee Ion.-, the o tetm' alltl re
lii.ii mn.' a short time "ti hi- ln..t 1 ne
man h injuries were i oiisider. d tat il
.1. IS. I'.iant s, a carpenter of llocl." ''er.was
killed bv an cii'tine on the ciex .nun I v
I'lttslairir br.d'e. His brums were - uttered
nlolii! the ties, while his left arm w n cut olf
XplosjoU ,
.'I lo t s pale iu thu
mi th. .,,ss. j; i
ly and her ii year . Id daughter pen.-hed lit
til" (lames.
Tin bouse of the llcv. I'ather nlecrii t.f
Tarcni inn, was cut. red several .lave in:o bv
t x o in iske l men xvho hlexv open his .sain
itiel i.'ot iixv.iv xx ith L-'i in t ash ami a Unlit
tx .lit b , utter lo lin;: up the piled at tlm
point of revolvers.
.lo-i eu s'vou in , ai't'd l'i. tf l lialicili,
died ol llii nili ut .s he hoy nis heell for a
Ion:' period an inveterate cu'arette smoker,
iiiul lo-illness js suppose.; to have been
bio.i.dil about by it
Tin statement of Treasurer Mover for tlm
month einliii..' Mar. h ,'d how a balance of
.i, i'.t. , no.: V.i iu the st.i.e Ha usury, exelusivii
of moneys appropriated to the sitikim; Intnl.
'Tins iimoiiiit is . 1 1 -t c 1 1 ut -. I uumn forty-twd
Tin: lirsi iioinination paper filed iu tho
olt.i c ol the sc. ret iry of Ha iiiinoiiwealtlt
under Hie new ballot law was that ot II. K..
I' o. ht, editor of the Lewi-burn Saturday
News, to day.
'Tin burl; sln-l-t at bi-tler I'.ros.' tannery,
L". k Ilav. ii, xx. re burned lu-t nli'lit. in
Volx ii.,: a tti-s on hatk estiiualed ut C'1,'"'",
with c I ,'. "' i it-ii r.i m i'.
I nn. y. stt i i ay destroyed tlie residem e
in.d l arn, in at ll'n.t.iiK'l. n. l Alexander
Lilt)', a jot key. i-o in preen Inn ks wera
l.'.lf ne. 1. No ll. -t;l an. e.
Tur rep. ut of the pardslev InvcstiaMuf
I ' 'II l II .11 1 ' e W' I - p 1 1 sen te. to the Tbil.dil
I hi. i I oaie ils I oiuiinttee oil 1 iiiuueo for ac
tion. I h niiinfi e advi-cs ti rtiiiu chan ! s
in re n i to i' x iniaiue.s, uud reports that
M r. Waui.m.ii.t r ba.l in. w
i ith
Lard-!, v, and xxa- in no wuv respoii-.bin
.,- the w ns kin : ol Ihe Keystone bank Tlm
city's lo-i lty l'..u.h ley's transactions wiil he
.fd, ...I.
H" tun 1 1 "Xf. N i i rv. of l.'enovo. fell uw
on Hie wheels t f a tin nn' inni.dit train nnd
was iiiaii::li l so badly th.d be tlied thru
hours Inter.
Tiik lar.'e barn on the Jerry Kinuuell
farm, ea-t of I i na'ti-hui, was destroyed by
lire. The tire is supposed In bu the work of
nn incendiary. The lua i about i'i.UJJ. Ha
.rl t'niiiitiy for llaaa.
Vent ur;t (.'on nty, California, Is tho
most prollllc heart -trmwintr tiettlon ia
the world. Duo ranch of 2,200 ncres
has produm! l, tons of Lima
beans this year, ll took ai.OOO sacks
to hold the crop, und they will till
about lib') cars, on an average of tea
tons to tho car. This will mako cik'ht
or nine solid trains, of beans. Hut
this Is only from otio ranch. Tho
railroad company expects to handlo
l.tiUO carloads of beans on tho Vou
tura division this vcar.