I yPHL LATEST m " in. t rnnn .4 t'rlme anil Pennllle. At Roise City, I !.iii, two niakcl men ntt red the 4itnt:ii c. and lit the : 1 1 1 of a pistol, compelled ' .ttiia-tiT I.tmiard to hand ovit l.-ifun cu-h. Tin; roMur cs- C"cl. John Kl'k, 21 year old, a Pitts'. irT. butcher, shot mi l killc I hh 21-vrar -old heart, Ida Kngle, at 1 "1 Spring iardeti venue, AlWIn'iiy, I'ii. It i tli'in.'ht t'i li ft murder, it 1 1 1 1 if Hi w.i it 1 1 -t pet 'uliar fine. An nir of mystery envelopes the whole ii flair. K 11 k claims it was a culental. Rev. .1. J. (!. Webster, of r.ii!timr coin mittcd suicide Mt Charleston, V. Va.. ly jumping fmm a tli ir.l story window in Hotel Ruffiier to the pavement In-low, btc.ik ng hi ntsk. It n r'liimriil that a sen-sitlioh-1 scutnlal iscohhe.trd with tin-suicid.'. lit is ll.MM.l to have I-! II ill-.lllt'. I'ntrii k Ki-lli-y, ii I ,Vt. u peddler, wa killiil on SuinLiy lA on Little llivt r. near I'ishville, La . by a rang of i.:!it uegt.. Kour .f tin- n-k-pf wen- caught und Iumi -I. and the lyncher r-in r-i.iit f tin- n-t of the gamr. Tl.e killing w.t f. r tL j-ur-Isx- of getting tin- peddler's m-itii-y. Mrs. Minnie I'iio ni -hot 1 1 j 1 by her worthless husband, Peter lino, nl'- Ntin t Mai in' brakeruau, ut Law n m r. Mu-. M. M' I'onaM, of 1 1 -.i- k I n::-. N. Y.. Wax danger --ns!y -.tabu-d in ibe t.i . k l y his wife, and will probably die. Henry Pavi, living near l'r.iri .ley, Mv, Shot and killed his i ni in ! aw. John V;!t. nil woun.led his' rratcl. l iid. two ; ,r .;.. with a shot gun. W'nt 1 1 I l.i-i wife Lai separated and he m attempt nr to take tic (liilil front hi' fathers hoii-e v. hen tin' fatln-r in lw h-it h.-fii. liuvii i in w toly. At 'unt. -11,(1., .Ijiii'i Mi i ii ', in hi-1" ii I.. W.ilt.n lioin", shut hii i-nipl.iynr, l.nui. liiiiij.'h. thru h)ul lu wife. :in! w ith mn-tln r Liillct fn-tu hi revulwr l-W-vv out ln- i n lirainw. Mfi'nr-ly Im l f-ni'nl Walti-nl-.m ;li n0 l.i i!-lll vi-.u.a!i, the tl.l '.i- trUi-eily fl!..wl. tijtire Suolt w f .itally wmiit'le I l-y nil UtikMnUU l.'i yi-ar i-l.l ho;.- at I'lii.-ao. Sn.it toM the hoy to leave a ImiMinr wln-n- he nan workinc. anJ the yor.th iln-w a r-vol. Vi-r, liri-il two tihot', hit h i-am-tl thrini,;h Fvutt'i ltinj."t, ouJ then e-tai-oil. At Waufi.ica, Wir., AMi-mblyinun l-'rej lea wiin arrt-httsl for tin- tinir.lcr of Tanker Meail in Ii wln-u the hank fiife m also rohU-d IJii.iaa; in i.ii-h unl sn-urities. Ctlier have leer. rmiiutdd and iimru urreilo wdi fo'i.-w. A niii-kci iimb of about 7"i men broke in . , , " . , . ut Nwfolk, a., Sa.nrd.y i..Kl.t e.1 ...lor.,.1 mun lmn,.-l Uaac to (lie jui hllU l.-. I'.'an.loii M . t in tLv jojro.Ct.ti'i. .i.-ed him to tree, dchpite the pitiful roli sts of hi- nu who tut fUiyinx iu the jnil with him. At Waaluatov, I. KowarilT. Sibnei drr wan i-oiivirti-d of the inunh r of his wife n! bi brutbi-r lD-luw. 1- tank 11. unlink, on the uii;ht f Juuuary 'M, JviJ. I I. trap-dy otctirred iik Mtm. S- hneid- r. In r brother and ibUr '- rrturu.'jji,' from i hun h. apllKl, Labor unit I n.lu.i rln I, riiaroa (IV. i ( r)-uter", nft.-r a t-bort trike, were- j-runt J t J. 'm a day. At a uiw-tinjrof wiiidow- f-la-- in uiufai tur rs at ( hii aM, Ui are uii-iubi rs ul tin- Combine, it di-i i b- l to i In-.-rie on June 1, iioinjd of July 1 fore cuit'niilnte 1 Tlii r" .if, luudem (h k of j rii-en. 'Hi I'nioii tiicteri in Tole lo tin.- f.l.'.. JIS hl-lrto HO cllltllG t)., t. i the in Mil att- nuinlier of IT.'i, trurk fur an mlvain i-waj-i- from t.'to t.'.."ni n-r iluy. Tin--li ivern rt-fun- the iurn-.u-i-. lint I. r-ii.ti linu an-1 a bitter lij-lit is )nhah. At Meubenville, , tlii- tni-r. hunt ti.bira aiKed tij tliiiou wale and tin-strike of l'ii inen an-I (.'! is ou-r I In n.cr. haut.if'.-r the inilip bauijui led 'be i iu.;..!i and d,,. latternTeiui'li il tlnj.- utupli.yer.s. Tbei iud uiini in the Kanawha va'.b-v.W V., hi Ii lon-d r-ntly mi an-nuiit i f ti1( lecisiin uf tJic W'l-st Virginia h ipteme c.url de luriiii; tin; uiinin; Jaw nni-oiistitutimial, Lave rt-kiiud o4-ratiuii undi-r th frtuor rulei. The Ktrilw ordered by the Hoard of WuJk Jn; m !i 'n'tes j-aiuft tii I'elhatli HoJ HoiHiin; Coutpany, Ne- Vv,rk City. :. ettled in favor of the ptrikera. '1 he aree meut takea elV.-t iniuie.liate!y. It iih-;lu (hat about Ivtiim-n on btr:k in the bud icft trailea will ivturu to wA!k. A reduotion in wages of LT rentf -er dar in all work at th L. M. Morris foundry lit rittbur:, led t a a-yiku of Ce n venty-llve rctioyn Koilowinr the i mnpie of th Adatin V.x r"iiniiany and tin-I", S. lxoress nini ny, tle Southern Kxprea ioui-aiiy bin diw barged about !m-j .n iiie.v ut-r for Scing ;iirtiiber of tU Meem:ers' Hiothi-r-liood. The r.rotlu rh r.-l nun ay greatly iwoiu-need, and a-liuit jtj.nt the .roni.t and alrciaivp aition of the i ia; pan us ha. robbed tb oriMjiiutkm i f all .. u-ni y. At a joibt luet tiii): o ',, IninriHi iid oi raU)m at t'oluiubus, c , it were uii.in jnous Jy ajrrwd that lat year jua-es for uimiij; dtiould lie (oiiuuiii'd thin year. The total kbi'UieiitN ( f ax-tbrai-ite foJ for the year up lo April J umountrd to '.i,; toua, an im-rease of M7,ti. tuna over fie J rodiuUuu fur tlu hanie pc.-ii. J of 1 1 1 . EL A. ftjoih, a printer of Heading, J1... Lai autxl a nutu lr of ineiuhrra of tli TypopraphioaJ union of that it", cliargiii them with oonpirii.g w prevent him frota (getting work. I'ark liro. it Co.. owners of tu Ulark Ihamond Kteel Worka, l'itubnrtr, lave re-liu-d the wanei tiftlic men in the Htneltin department. There ia fear anions the n ver 1 hundred other uuyi etuployt-d in the workalhat their wagea will be retimed u!m. The mill duea nut employ union jucn ut HkoTy Pkwamp Tolllerr, near Fhara rnokin, I'a., employing 400 men. bat ra mmed after a suspension of four mor.tb. The Mount l.anra furnace, five miles north of Ke.idiii(, l'a., went out of blast a month iih ow in? to the low priee of iron, and is now Ix-intr dismantled, lis owner dec mini; it unprofitable to continue it oper ation!). It hns bi-eu eoiidurted a an anthra cite furnnee fur i! year, previoui to whit Ii It uod rhnreonl, an 1 was one of the olb-st furnai-ea in (he t'nited States. Itiaaoiera. An Ideiits ami I'atnlillea. The Illinnis State building at the world fa.r promrN. Chii'a ; i, w .w struck bv a unall cyclone. The toner and half of memorial hall w.-re wre' keil. Toe is between f pi.trno mi l Jii.oho. Two polit-p-meii Itoar by were nearly killed. At lialtville, Va., two damihtcia of W'or- b y M. White, Mis.es Carrie and Mattie, ii.-i-d and 17 yean n-pet tively, and tln-ir little 4 -year-old liiore. May White, Were drowned in the Il'ilstniie river. They were att'inptiii( to eros the river t- visit friends and when about half way over tie boat be gan to leak and went down. ltiirinu a thunderstorm at I'tUn'huni, 111., Ixn I ale wa instantly Willed by lightning and his brother probably fatally injure.l. The storm has c.i'Im d seven washouts on the Vandalia hue between that town un-l Tcrro Haute. Two little children of a colored man earned Milh r were b ft alone in his hou-e at St. I.u'lis. Jiuriin; their patents' ul..iine the house i :iu.:ht lite and the tliiMivu wi re burned to death. A small town in l'irkens county, t hirka taw Nation, N. !., was wiped out by a i clotie. Twe perxoiis were killed outright and several injured. A terriib-eyclone struck oleait, N. V., m reckini! i veral houses and a cbur. h. Hie Wo-iici. Mrs. Stir.td.T, w.n killed utid a iiutnl'i-r i f people eriiitlly injured. I'liere wt-rel'i pie in the church which wal bftetl In in its foundation und carr.o l .'I feet away. At l'ort Madison, la , ci-u pivipie hist their lives in a lire which broke nut in Mr-Iiito-Ii .V Pease's store. Tin' family of S, V' Kit' I. en. livini: in the building, Sevan in all. wete burii.-d to death. At Nashville. Teun., about fifty rs . i s were poi-mie I by rutin)! ice cream a! a vh in !i !-o. ml. At I.'-in: Main! city, I.. I , the boiler of all elu-int- while fttlchii-! Hear the L'-HiJ Island Ibiilmad sho.s, blew up with a tremendous report. I. 'ht men Wetu in jure i. llM' of them fatally. Wiixhlnalnn Nrtrs. A bill was favorably reported from the hoii'i-pustoiliee and post-roads committee Which reclassifies the railway sjsta! clerks and Hdds two new cla-es at salaries not i-xi ceil. nil respectively (I. iioo ami l.o0 besides ill creasing the minimum salaries of all other la.-es, except the lirst, by ubi.ut tl'" n year. Tin- IIoiic adopted a resolution inijuirinn nho'iiir tin- i "tnintor i-tu-rI ilirt-rto ,, h,m.Wl)f ie ( the PllVl. L I ,el,! i,rv:,AlMv.-.. In r the Postmaster tieneral directetl .1 The house committee on rivers tlecided to construct a movable d.tiu at the mouth of the I leaver river. Pa.) under the direction ( f tl.e piveriinif nt. The President has approved the act to protei t foreign exhibitors at the World' Columbian exposition from prosecution ex hibiting wan s protected by American pat ents and trade marks, and the tu t chunitiii; tl.e time for holding the circuit and district courts in the district of W est Virginia. lie pn-xentative 1'iekersoii, of Kentc ky.re- I poite ! to tue hou-e from the banking and I funviu y i oniinittee a lull to require the re- di in tiou of bank notes which may have I lueu lo-t by or Mi den froiu any national bank and put ii) circulation before hcing I Hi-nc'i by the oilii-ers of the bunk, or where t Key te i--ue iim,ii the forced signal ureJ cl sm n i Hi. ers. The ptesideiit returned Iroin hi snipe thootit..' tr.p. lie isjni; I health and re ports bavins a pleasant time and uuiyi s-fu) limit. I Ire At lloiinia. l.a., two blinks of h'l-incss lioii-cson Main street burned. !., t ,o,noj, partially insured. I ire destroy e.1 nearly every house in Mil ton, Saiila llos.i county, Ala. The total d.iuiujie is e-timatetl at t"'),'"111; itiKirance, At Mand.-tn. . lb, the Methodist church, Ami Prohibit ionists are accuse-1 of kindling tl -'e. At Msoula, Mont , the Northern Pacific Hpital was buri.ed. All the patients and WoM i af the furniture wrussjved. I.o.s. t.V.1,. 1. At IVlltnan, 111., the market house build luif. owue.t by the town of Pullmun. Lous ("o.ooo. The Pittsluirj; (ilasj House at I t aver l alla. Pu., was tlestroyed by tire cn Sutur day, eutailiiiK a loss of tTu.iuo. The iiiur utnv ia 11. ca i. At Nebrufka City, Neb., the Iiurlimtton tiridjie over tbe Miraoiiri river, damage f lij.uuu. austtQ liy u art-less w atchniau, Nar Waterfurd, N. J., the must tive forekt tire fur years intltcte I eic.tsluiy f 10,1 km. destruc l.iinajea .MlM-ellaaraua. All applicituts for license in Charlotte, X. C, were refuse I on the ground of bad cliur inter. Then Thomas J. Wilson, n Metluid ist, applied uu l was ttr.iute I license. Ilia churi h eipelll him for it. The Pittshnruli postotlh e w ill, m July J, enter the lirM erode o( tirst-clasa ollieei. l'or the year ending Mjrch 111. the irros receipt of the office have been f'lo;i.!ii.l jo. Accord Inn to law where the receipt excetsl iai,taju per annum, thcorhceis placed in the mini mum tlas, and the salary of the poMnihster U im reased lo M.oou a year. The increase in the receipt at 1'itti.burh has been very marked. The amount for the last quarter wua elNi.'.itiJ 7(1. ts'aturday, W. C. Wutaoii and S. M. Herr, tjf the ( hiciiu opium urn 1 cure jnMi tution, .t.iblished in Colunibu, Ohio, a,er nrresttnj for luusini,' the death of a patient. A MableaJid beveu horses wire burned at JlruLurtf. That Weather. Around Miller, S. D.,tnow drift areelghl feet deep. A aevere bl iriard ratted In Central and Western Nebraska Thurtxlay. Snow fell to the depth of two Inohc ovet the greater part of Southwet Texan, begin nin? about M mile west and reaching into the northwestern border f Mexico. Snow 1 extremely rare in that section and some Injury isexpc ted to be rejmrted. A tornado in Km ul k tier county, Ark., de molished many dwellings, killed one man and injured many others. The country between t'orpux f Tiristl nnd Laredo, Texas, is in a deplorable condition. Crops nte lost and cattle are dyint? by thou nntls. The liones of the dead ntiitnal ar boinj! collectcsl in creat pile at every Mexi can National l'ailroad station. It is the worst drought for years. At Hiifrcrstown, Md., two inches of snow fell Sunday. "anttarr llema. There i an epidemic of smallpox In west ern Schuylkill county, Pu. There arc !J0 cases at Tower ( ity. The New York health lnsectators found five case of smallpox in a tunament. Ten families live in tho house. Three other case were foudd nearby. The disease Iik hIIv known as "black dipl th. -ria," because of the fact that the throat of those attacked by it turn black within a few hour, litis been iihirmitiitly prevalent for the past fc-v weeks in some part of 1 lelaware and Sullivan counties, N.Y. Many deaths have occurred, those atllii ted with it usually living w ithin -I hour after the first symptom occur. Jinll. Inl. The I'nited S'atex supreme court, Justices I'ield and Harland dissetititi)!, dismissed the w rite of error in the case of John O'N'eil vs. the state of Vermont, holding that State lnplor laws ma) be enforced against out siders. The South Pakota Supremo court at Pieire decided that private parties may do banking busitu-s without Incorporating. It has also sustained the prohibition law iu its entirety. The banking law is declared un constitutional. and a mandamus was ordered iss'inl conipellini.' the State Auditor to pay J per cent, on the fees from insurance com panies to lire companies in various cities of the State. Tlie Nebraska gubernatorial controversy is at last ended. The Supreme court handed do" n a ile, i-:. m iletiyini! the application of John M. Thayer for a reopening of the "ase. f '(invention New The republican State convention at Portland nominated presidential electors nnd elected delegate to the Minneap ilia cnuvcu'iotl. Although the plat oriu adopt ed commend the administration of Presi dent Harrison, the delegates are not iu striacted. J.'epbii.'atis in State Convention at Totl- land, Ore., nominated a State ticket and se lected delegates to the National Convention. They are uiiin-tructed, but are sjlid Harrison men. The completion of the Ni caragua Canal w ur;cd by the conven I'.UII . Itellaloa. The New- York M. K. Conference, In e dion in lirook yn. decided, without discus, siou. by u vote of la to ,Vt, uguiiist the ad mission of women iu the Conference. The New ark Methodist Kpiscopal conler einc vottd bi for to liT aga nst ie presen tation of a memorial admitting women del egates to the coming general conference at Omaha. At P.o.ton the Southern New Ktulan 1 Methisl st Pp scopal t'onfere ICO Votisl 71 too.7 against aiiuittiiig women to thu Gen eral oiift ri-m e I.ealxlutlTe. The Maryland legislature adjourned sine die Tuesday. The bouse of delegates, as sistisi by a number i f Autiapoli tough, celel rated the udjoiiriiiiient by firing cau lii'U crai kcrs. Imv. !m ii appeared in the lobby and ordered the irowd to d.sj.vrse, but a tin y would n,,t move he ordered the cle trie lights turned off. tiovernor Abbett. of New Jersey, has vetoed the bill legalizing the Heading ileal, rtiiaiicliil nnil t'oniinerclnl. Win. K. Hart A Co.. iron merchant at xlT Walnut street. Philadelphia, lnade an assignment. Ihe Ii mi has been doing a business of ubout f .'.'io,J on a capital ot 7.'i,non. The I.timberinen's exchange, with a Jo, 0oo,ii capital, has been organized in Macon, (a. It is saitl to be a gigantic trust embrac ing all the milling firm in the State, ( riiM. The cotton crop of the Half coiift of Mexi co i a failure. Vermont ha yielded only a quarter crop of maple sugar tint season. Peraoaal. It was stated at the residence of Judge La mar of the Supreme Court that there was no decided change apparent in hi condi tion, lie ia slow ly convulescirig. Martuarr. Wm. W. Saubbury, ex-l'uited State Sen atorund chancellor of the State of I'elawure since '74, died suddenly ut Dover, Del., of apoplexy, agcsl 2. Kallrnad Nrwn The Lehigh Valley shoji at Kaston, Pu., will be closed three days a week until fur ther notice. The shops employ tiou men. I'allilenl. The lb-publicans rarrie 1 Dcs Moines and and the Dcmocrata Dubuque, Iowa. TWELVE PERSONS INJURED, Several Seriously, in a Wrack on thl Cleveland, Akron and Columbut Boad. Mr. VmNoN, ().. April 0. One of tin most serious wrecks that has occurred on the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus rail road for several year, happened about 23 miles east of here, ut a point called the SuiiMiiit, a very steep grude, where the two freight came in collision. Those most seriously hurt are a follow: T. It. Heed, engineer; Mr. Jonathan Tipton, of lllack Creek; Mrs. W. H.Latt, of Columbus; V. L. Koch, of Millersbtirg; If. Irwin, of West ervill; H. L. Searing, of Danville. About six of the box cars in the freight (ruin were smashod, nnd over live hour C ere rcquirti' Vsletir the track. NEARLY FOUR SCORE LOST BY FLOOD AND SHIPWRECK Andtha Returns Not Tat all In. Mlsaint Vessela Supposed to bs Wrecked. TURKS VBsrL kXD H Ml rROtlASLT LOST. I'liiLAriRt.riiiA, April 11. Shipping cir cles are at present greatly alarmed over the probable loss of three veel, the crew, numbering 4H person, and property to the valuation of ubout iLMS.oon. The vewcls are the Herman steamship Alarich, Captain Kgger. from Hitelve, Kebruary 22. for Philadelphia or New York; the Itjlian bark Immacob t.i. Captain Muro, which sailed from Cienfucgos January 1W for this port, nnd the schooner Taylor Ksmaith from Norfolk March 2 for New York. The Itritish ship Walby, from llermti l March :tofor this port. Is slightly overdue, and some anxiety i felt concerning her. AT I.KAST 14 lUloWSKP. P.iKMiN'.ilAM, Al.A., Apr.l 11. Some dis astrous (IimkI new Is coming In from Col umbim, Mis.. The liver rose over two feet higher than ever in it history, and tip to to- uiirht ha fallen oiilv s'x feet. The town ll full of tieople who come from the surround- Im? iilantation and are being fed ny the titizen. The lossof life i great. Kourteen pi-rfons ore known to have been drowned. What is the loss of life in the wide territory c ivi-rcd by the flood, cannot be told. nEVOXDIM lt nouDK.if. The body of a girl has been discovered uti ilertieath the fir of a cottage near llandou, 2o mile southwest of Cork, Ireland. The body w.i hum! anil then covered w ith ce ment in a manner identical with that fol lowed by Murderer Deeming at Liverpool. Yaqui Indian nnd Mexican troops h id a fight ul San Miguel, Mox., and three In dian were killed. Five cadet in the military school at Hill harest, who belotiif to a sworn society known as "The Suicide Club," have com mitted suicide re-ently by shoiting tliem lelve. In a prioti revolt in (iranada. Spain, three convicts were killed by gendarme. Jacob Newmatin, a laborer of Danti', poisoned hi family of ten, two of w hom dfed. The Piritish and 1'reiich tioverntnents have agreed to prolong the modus vivendi in regard to Newfoundland fisheries. The Persian (iovertiuient will pay the To bacco Corporation J,."m0 indemnity for the abolition of the tobacco monopoly. The sentinel w ho on Sttiirday last killed a man who had assaulted him in front of the barrat ks of the Third regiment of the guard In Iterbn, has been promoted to be a cor poral. President Diaz, of y,,,,v' V1" l'cn re- v.iimiii J , .-"IJ'-.n .firm i 'i ll. il leinw In.r t ' a 1 1 1 1 -1.1 1 ' esl..iee v. Itli .Ileus v n 111'.' olll ,1 ,,-M in. f . il aiu. s ',- ... . lltliroUu- I ooleal 1 Vullie 'i.ill aps, I ail-e ere. lU apPl.v. be IcV il ahl. soiu In ciiilsi-1 ln liate passeil ' v It I o nit relief, Mild DieV InilV iml know S lustjiieil ti inakltnr .. n iie Shi i"" n wa iiuiiiiii's A'l , . . I lies.- '-fctiH' ' - 1 ri..cTr-1 r- - v ' P . THE IK . ' .. '1 HUM1 I ii...... .,is-sUlu. . - ches tlrt ..' '... die, Theu'.'.irus issu.-d by the London bnard of trade for Mardi show that the imports increased 7, 'J-'si.imi i pound and the export decreased pi.o r.t.n.si pounds n cum pared with those for the corresponding month last year. At Kl Porvenir, a colony near Cienfugos, Cuba. IS, Hl.',ii pounds of sugar cane have been destroyed by lire. The Krctich Senate unanimously adopted the credit asked for by the tioveriimeiit for the expenses of the Kreiu h exhibit at the Chicago World Pair. The credit passed the Chamber of Deputies Thursday. At Holfast. Allen Spiller, n gutimiiker, killed his wife and two children with a hammer nnd a razor, and atttiupted sui cide. He was insane from losa of employ. inent and illness. THE BPRINO ELECTIONS. litiiiiiiM'oitT, Conn. The Republicans cur ried tl.e municipal cl clion here. KvANsvn.i.r, Im. The municipal election here resulted in a sweeping victory for the ltcpulriican and Reform Democrats. I.vnunh.Mii'H. Ileptiblicau won in Lan sing, Huron, Coldwa'er, Sheboygan, Sagi naw, Hillsdale and l"inu; thu Democrat in Adrian, Negauuce mid Dowagiac. Coi.t Miics, . The ohm municipal eleo timis show very general Republican Buecesr esautl ot raonlinary gain for the Republi can even over the vote for McKinley last year. HAirrroKii, Conx. After a lively contest William Waldo Hyde, Democrat, was elcct ed Mayor by 4,Hi( to 3.K2S for Henry 0. Dwight, Republican. The total vote win about l.Moti greater than two years ago. Hr.i.iN V, Mont. The Democrat elected John Curtain for Mayor ami six out of eight Alderman The Republicans elected Treasurer am! Police Magistrate. Last year the Republicans elected the Mayor by 438 majority. Toi-kka, Kan. Return from the various city elections In Kansas show that In most places the woman's vote was very light. The novelty of voting seem to have worn off. In the city of Put win, a suburb of Toieka, le a than ' votes were jNtlled by women, llLtwiMtmiTON, III. In the school election here over 1.1" " women exercised the right of franchise granted to them in such elections by the last Legislature. The greatest Inter est was taken in the election. For a long time Mrs Raymond ha been Superinten dent of the city schools, and ha always given female the preference in appointing teachers. Strange to say, the women nearly all voted for the two candidates for school directors who were opposed to this so-called "petticoat-regime," and the amis were suc cessful. Ut. Hmilton Oat a Vardtot of $3,000. Cincinnati, April 7. The Jury in the dumage cae of Hamilton vcrsuj Oriftiths dt Sons to-day gave plantiff a verdict of IS.OOiJ. Theplantiff is the widow of the McKees port clergyman who was killed here last May by a falling stone from a buildmj iti ccmrse of erection. EHODE ISLAND ELECTION. TtM LArsmt Tote Kver Polled The Kepobllcana Snoceaafo.1. d. ncasiLt. "now;. Complete returna from all parts of Rhoda Island show a tottl vote on the Ktat ticket of M.599, an increase of about 10.OK) over the largeat ever polled before. The two parties raked every city anl town almost bare of voters, an I goliout an unexpwted full vote. Tbe following U the result for Governor : Krown, Kennbllean Ward well. Democrat Xi.KZi ttllhert. Prohlbitioniat l. Hvii-ton. Peonle's candtdnte 11 HcMttorimr ?3 Hrown'a plurality, W7. Hcown's majority, ltftl. Pull and Utter, the Kepubllcsn candidate for Lteutenant-tJovernor an t Secretarv of Htat, are also elected by s-nall majorities, but there wa no election of Attorney-Oon-eral and tk-neral Treasurer. The citie of l'roviitenee, New port and Voonocket went Uomooratio on tbe State ticket. W. T. C. WARDWELU The Lelalativa return a iowed a rood Re publican majority in both branchua already, with beweeu IS and 20 vacancies yet to be ' In tb rienat ito-'n'tcana electoi nber and the Democrata 9 m.Wa chosen at th aecond election. The tood 8(1 Kepu'huana aul 111 Demo tln-tlTi ballot. 'or at the aecond cues ei") "noa. oi vn if". . Jr Ii i -vrnof tig- and Newrart. In the former wera rhoann. and in Nawoort onlv 1 of ft. Tbe other failurea were scattered among the suiall towns. 1 he control of the Legislature by the Re publicans gives them the choice of their can ilulates for Attorney-Ueneral an t Ueneral Treasurer, and acurea tbe re-dlectioti of Ne.son W. Aldrieb to tbe UniUvd Statoa bc-iiato. CONDITION OF BUSINESS. Evidence That There is Improvement at Many Points. R. tl. Dun A Co. 'a Wrrkly 7?.-i-i'-m- of Tnule rays: Another week brings additional proof (-factual improvement in business at many points, w hile slacknc.s at a lew ia explained by i aiises obviously local und temporary, lixireiiie low price for cotton still depress the ; South, nnd production of iron iu excesa of i It-maud has caused thu failure of one company und the closing of several fur iiaees. Spring brings the usual revival iu building and in demand for materials, ut some points larger than usual. The money markets continue abundantly supplied and cusy, w ith no trace of the presuru often n-eii ubout April I, und while, ut most points, the demand is only moderate, at koine of importuned uu increased demand is reported. The report from other cities on the w hole are f.(Vornhle. At Huston there is further improvement. Wcatern reports uro lavorab.e and Southern better. At Philadelphia the failure of an iron house, following that of the I.chign Inm Company, depit-sst that trade, hut the dry goods trade is better with satisfactory de mand. At Pittsburg stock increase ami there i no improvement in products, shi-. incuts ot coke lieing the lowest for the year thus far, but the glass trade is steady and trade in hardware brighter. At Cleveland all line improve except pig iron and ore, but money is in light demand. At Chicago reieipts ol com and barley in crease threelold, ot wheat, oat ami rye twoiohl, cum pu red with last year, of dressed beef one half and of Hour one-third, and soine increase is seen in hogs, cuttle and wixil, with decrease in lard, butter and cheese and especially cured meat. At Min neapolis there i u marked increase, with unusual prosa-cts for the lumber trade, but Hour i dull and low. The business failures during the last seven days number for ihe I'nitetl states 177, Cun ia :1, total 4h, h compared with lilsj last week and :ill tue weeK previous to the lust, and M for the corresponding week of luat year. A GIRL'jj HOMtUBLel aUlCIDE. SbeOosaOut to Qa'her Eirzs, but Cuts HsrTbroit With a Raior. East LivKiti'iKii., o April tl Sadie Smith, daughter of John W, Smith, living neat Highlandtovvn, VI milts from this city, cut her throat '.mi night with a razor. She had gone to the barn for cg.es, Her continued absence caused her mother to send a little brother to tell her to conic to the house. The svreims of the litt e fellow culled the mother to the barn, und Sadie was found lying on some straw with her throat cut from car to ear, with her father's razor in her hands. She was only 18 yeur old. No reaaon has yet been fouud whv she took Lei life. DEEMING GUILTY. The Jury Returna a Verdict Charg-lna 'Wilful Murder. Melbockne, April 0 A verdict of wilful murder has been returned by the Jury in Ihe Deeming case. The arionet maintains the stolid manner he has shown since Lit arrest and during bis trial. RUSSIA'S MUL FAMINE: 00NDITI0N 07 THE PEASANTS Many of Them Commit Sulolde Because of the Hopsleaaneaa of Thslr Potttton. Uaury Practiced to the Extremt. The special correspondent of Renter' Teleprnph Company semis to London, from Nit) ji. Novogorod, Russia, lengthy ac count of the awful condition of the famine tricken Russians. He says: ''Here is a hut without Mooring; a you enter it you tread upon the bare ground. There is no duel tor the big stove, and the hut is Inade quately warmed by a small charcoal brazier fi'aced In the center. Tho monthly allow nce of bread last the occupants for two weeks and a half. Three families have ought refuge in this single hut, and bum alternately their re?ctivo share of fuel, consisting almost exclusively now of the roof of the deerted cabins and even tbe woodwork of the huta themselvc. Reing without sheepskins, these famishing peasants are unable to seek work, to go begging, or to do anything but sit passively huddled together, bemoaning their wretch ed lies, j" "Case of suicide are common, and here ; is a typical example. A solitary peasant, " without relation or friends, landless and helpless, had earned hia living for years honestlv a a shepherd. Ho wa 51 year I old. The famine overtook hi village, nn I he lost In occupation, 'ihe villa'.-i-rs had no food for themselves, still les for him.' What was he to do? Despair seized him .. and he put an end to hia joyless life, in another case which was brought to my ' knowledge, the father of a family commit!- : ed suicide under the following circum stance. He was 3'.l yesrs obi, nnd lm l failed to obtain work. "After starving for a : fortnight, the lielplesspes of Ins case an I i trie of hi hungry lillle one were too f much for him. lle'begged from bouse tor, house for three dav. and collected n few I crust ami a little Hour, vvnich he 1 not t touch himself, but gave it to his children. ' lie then reliniui.shed the struggle and died f. bv his own bands. '" The custom of giving aim 'in Ihe nami i:, of Christ,' which is univer-al in lluss-a, au l -is one of the most beautiful trait in the j character of the people, ha not prove! off much avail to ihe destitute this winter Mendicants knock at the doors nnd win- ; dows of dwelling, how to the ground anl mutter: "Kor Cbr'.!' sake.' 'The peasant housewif" instantly collects a few crust an I ' ; gives them to the applicant. It is coniilcri"l . a sin to turn the petitioner away, and even in such large town as Moscow and St.; Petersburg this practice is kept up. Peop.c " with such customs must have been I'M j '. inured to hardship and privation, but tb. year the bow has snapped and the old usage" . , of Orthodox Russia have failed to kei ; ( want trom tlie door. There has been n i one to practicethem." J i The correspi indent quote from ofllcinl re-: ports, showing the hopelessness of the situn i linu, and the extreme usury practicetl. lli adds: "In many part of Nisbegorsl tl.t i peasants are living on inuhroonis ami hre.i;'. in tide from tares and busk. Anxiouxto im prove their condition and help thetnsclvc-i 1 the peasantsof Nishcgonsl. w ho are iitnonpij. I the most intelligent in Russia, early pr.-a I pared to face tbe famine. Many of them so. " 4 all they had ami emigrated to Siberia at. ; other provinces, but their wanderings seldoiJ j bro'lglit them to a laud of promise, and i S -a luinv instance I hey were ordered hack t i their native district by flu- police." I "Comietent authorities have told me thd It will tn Lie Itussia M veitrti to recover front I the effects the liiiiiiiic There . arei-oV f pecU for u luir crop. f " f WENT SOWN PRAYINO). A Teacher and Eiirht of His Boyil Drowned in Boston Bay. r.tvsToN, April l.'. sttiiilav night an ir structor and 10 bovs connected with tl. Huston Karui School, at Thompson'. Islitiiir were capsized in u sailboat, and the instruct tot nnd eight of the boy drow ned. i i.ei following are the names of the victi ms: At F. Norberge, instructor, ajjed about -I'l year Frank K. Hitchcock, aged 1'.; Homer I Thatcher. 17; (ieorge 1-'. Kllis, lii; Thorn.. Phillip. Hi; Wm. W. Cumin, 17; Charles Ii U raves, 17; Harry K. Loud, 10; Adelbert II Packard, M. The rescued boy were (). W. Clenn aged 17, and Charles A. Limb, ngd Pi. Tbe party had been to thu city to alter.: church. and the accident occurred while tl.t" were returning. I At a point between Spectacle and Tin in;-'5D son island a sudden squall struck the bunt whit h was a small one, and t upsized her: " a moment. The entire crew was thrown in: " the ice cold water, but managed toclimb ii on the upturned boat and clung to the b : torn. The night was very dark and thi'shot. were deserted. The boys and tent her elm to the bust until they became numb w::: cold and dropp'd, one by one, into t!. water and drowned, except two, who In'. c Ik lb hi on for four hour while the boat slowir drifted to shore, when they were picked ami cared for. 'The instruc tor was the lir-i1? to go. ?" VmU offered prayer or a word of farewe to the other a he gave ui hi hold on liff ' Supt. Ilradley, of the school came to dty this morning am! notified the police ii the accident, when the work of searchiu for the lost at once began. h A Family of Five Murdered. Ui Montkviiiko, Vm-ocav, April S. NeJi Ouadiiloupe, I'niguuy. an Italian naim-io Traversi, his wife and thrise children, tlioSa eldest a girl 22 years of age, were foui.l murdered in their home yesterday. Th'Ct bodies showed numerous duguer wotiniitfO Traversi recently realized f 1,') from tli'US sule of hi crops, ami the nioiiey, w hit-It wa-'Xi known to he in hi house, is now tnissini'. The identity (1 the murderer i U!it known, but it i believed that they were avai quaiiitaiicesof the victims. 101 10 TEN VILLAGES BURNED. f Five People Are Dead and Many Thou-no ande Homeless In Hungary, ri Virss.t, April 12. Ten villages in lliinu gury have been burned. The spread of t!:' llauieH wua assisted by dry and wind; weather. Large stores of corn and man.- head of cattle have been burned. Kive i"'. sons were killed and thousands are bona1' Una. a' Twlna Were No Novslty. ' MtiipLKTow N, N, Y.. April 7 The center fin ires of the town of Tmnolrma rieluusr" COUIltV. (liaclose tliM riitilnrtf ulila i-mi I Abram Ostrom, sited 0, who Is the futla' of 27 chlldren.of whom 20, 10 of them twit-' rrj a'6 by one wife -hia third she being ou'i . . iu Liberty Will fehtn Brighter. (d Nrw Yoiik, April 7 The SIsKi-cainl' power light With which Liberty enlightf: tho world down the bav ia to bu renlm-cJ I oue of RXJ.UOJ-cuudle power. ti