- V ; ; t. lit Victo. tbe arn. Order ot "'IIUIli Y i thepri ( PEACE NOW ASSURED CHILI SENDS DUB APOLOGIES Vnent the Attack on tha Bailor In Yalparalto. Radr to Arbitrate If the Judament la not Satisfactory. Weahlnirton, D. (, Jan. 30rrMident Harrison furnished ('nnarmi with the final aomepminence in the liili affiir, tether with Chili's reply tit the ultimatum. His tneaaafe icoompmivmt; the correspondence Is as follow: To tht Ssna'i and llmur of 'iVfv.rnf.i'trr.f: I traasmit herewith additional corre spondence In-twini tlm ilovi-rnuient of 1 hill, OKtxIitinij .if a not of Mr. M " t'i ( hlieaii Minister at UiisrapiUl.to M 1 hiia, dated January- 21, a reply of Mr. .oittia thereto of date Januiry j7, atria dipati-h froaa Mr. Kan. our Miniver at Seutiaro, transmitting therr.oneof Mr. IVrn.ra, the Chilean Minl-ternf Koreitfn AfT.iir., to the fioU of Mr. Illaine of January Jl, whi. h w recrlrail by me on the UTtli innt. The note f Mr. Montt to Mr. Jllairie, lliouuli dated Janna'yil. iu not delivered at the Ktate Ieirtment until after 'J o'l'lick p. m. oftlie 25u. ami was riot translate.! nn.l ita receipt notified to uie until lale In the afternoon of lb it day. The reaiKmae of Sir. fen-ira to our note of the 21st withdraws, w ith ao eptaMe eiprea ton of regrets, the oifi-tuva note nf Mr. Malta of the tlth nil . ni l also the requil for the recall nf Mr. Kkuii. The trentiuei.t of th Incident of thn ,ia i!t tiiti the sail ors of the Unltiinoro is o ouieiiiatorv mid friendly that I a-n i f ll pirno-i t lint ttn-rn ts a Rood iifosp. i t th.it tin- ill iVrrinn urow Ins; out or that writm' ulT.i r ran n iw In- ml Just in I upon tirins mt:ln.- orr to this iv erninrnt by the u-iui uietliol., and without tp-i.ll p iwers from I'mnw. This turn in thr ntl.iir is ver, itr.itifvinu to tne, m I am sure it will Im- to 'l'ni,i;r.'ii an I to our t-ople. The i;euernl support o tlio efforts of tie K-CM'ive t. enforce the yi-t rii;htnft'ie nutim in tlu mut'er hit i; vi-ii an instrurtive aud ov-fnl illustration of tin tinity and pu'riotivn o mir t i I . Sli.m I It he iieivssary 1 will a. ru n romtiitiiin ate With 'oiiRuni upon tin' riil ji rt. ItKSUMIS llABnlan-t. WiieliiiiRton, January 2. Tin ANSWFH T TIIR ri.TIMATC. Following is in sobitmice the reply ot Minister 1'erpira to the ultitiin'iitn diited anja,:i, t'hili. Jauiiiiry :.'). and forward"! throMi;!- .Minister Kinm'to iVcrctary I'.htine: Ma I he utnliTniii e I has hud tlie honor tu reri Your Kn ellenry's eoiiiinunie.i. turn, duiil tne JJ I iiiot.mt, 'receive! in this (le"tnietit Hie J 1 1, a i l tne d I V autlieiiti- rntnl copies of (h strurf ion winch the lion. S. cretary of -tnti? at Viiihiiii;to lias ei iit to Your Ku'elleiirv hv rahle under ttss of the J 1st initiiut 'und' the IMd of October, IRil. In tl,n invnii lions of the "tt instant the llo.mrahli! Secr-'tary of State informs Your Kireilency that ll:s Kxifllrmy, Mr. Ilarnsun, after rarefu.lv examiiiiiii; all that has heen suhmitted t i hiru hy the (iovernment of Chi'e. with raspect to thu i vent whii li mrurrel in Val- fiaraisoon the eveiiiiu! f the l'ith of rt. er, and tak ll.' into rou-i.lerati hi the te-u-niony of the oilii its an I the rrew of the ewl, the Haltiuiore, ati I of others who witnessed the event, has arrived at the following ront'Iii i'in: First That with ri,'s.rl t.) the a-:iu!t there has been liorhuiie whatever mado iu the character niven to it by tne lirst report m me event, to wi': I h it it was an niiacic ui'iin the uniform of the navv of t!o. rinied Mates which had i(.s uri,"n and inntives in a forlim; of hoBtilitv toward that imvemiueiit. and not in any art of thu inliviilual sailurs le nni;iMf. to it. Ser.in 1 -'J'hnt tho ptilio authorities of 'Valparaiso evidently iliimt du their dutv in prott-tin tlios A -ikfirs, and that a tmrty f the police aii-lX e Miiian soldiers anil Mora r-rf themselves guilty ol TovjJi my .s upon the sailors of tlio I.'. i.it ji.Jf''! V-.Mr i, ninl thuT lie , .ciieves that killed by the (Milieu or soldier; iird That lie Is consequently conipelled ..rry the ipii'stioti hack t the state in ch It was placed by I lie no'e of the Hon. . Wharton, dated October it, end to a.k A suitable satisfaction and some aderjuate ,ration fir the tiijurv done the tiovern aent of the l'nite.1 Stut,.,. TUB ATTACK ON THE HAtt.oiH. Minister I'ereiru tlien ipiotes Irotn Mr. Illame t letter en ruin tne Rrtvitv of tho tttark on the sailors .in. I Ins iiiteniion t i liscuss the eonchiHions at w hich ;h l'iiite.1 Htatea had arriveil. lie ulm quoted Mr. Kla iic s or is in which he s.dd he h id been mphwI.iiI t take imtire of the Matta in ttrt: iiojn, ul com, nmn; Without y intention of oponin a dn. nssmt, s to the fa ta referred to by the Ouniiiiiiiin ation, which 1 have eitractiil.ancl continitii? himsolf 1 1 the lirst part of the Instrm turns of the Honorable secretary of " Kta;e, the undersinnwl nuint state to Your Kl h ney the regret with which tlie (''' un lit of I'hila sees i lint His Kx- "eniy. ihe l'resident ot th" United States, d is. ii to continue to regard thu in 1 ; , ' ljIht as uu attack ra ided by a i- .1 i ' . - toward thu uniform of the l ll. r I lOUSI ."sirtll'S. 1 llll' Illi ud len. itunate occurrence tmik place on n ms.rici wueru ine sai.ors nt vrwe, lyiiin in the Uav of 'ul;arais i ' to i oi as-eiiii:iii, witli uil in :. n if natioiialitv. From the nature if i h" i u-i l.int it would be impossible to pr oe tl.ai there was no d mbt as to the ape. , which served as its origin or pr ii it. Imt the undersii; 1 can a-sert that thitt r.in-r was riot a hostile leeliuit toward tin- uu.torm of the Navv of the Tniiel Ma cs. 1, i a no the pie of i;hi!u have alw :iy i tne I mid res, erte.l t hat iinit'orm ever sine tne tune when it saw it ti :uriiii lion orai.Jv in rhe ranks of tne soldiers and aaih rs h i, in a nlorioni srruititle, pave it indcpeiideiii e and tntn!ii-h. 1 tlm KepuU lie. 'ilia nndersiKiied adini's tb it the occur rence of October Pi was of uie. iter Kravity than tho-tii which usually occur iu the kauie dietrn t t i tween the iuilors which frequent it, and the fart of knowing that two deatha liave res'.i' .eil from it atuoiii; tb Pi wounded tiien of the llultimore, has s nll.v l to ;vo it ai. ( itraordmary cliaracler, and to induce ' u Koverniiieut of ( :hne to hui-teii to adopt .11! ine.iMires necessary to il.scover and .uii.s! the nuiity parties, to otter in due tlti.r, if there should be ground for to duiii, in h reparation as mii;ht bedim. Till OICUHKBSTK IS LAMASrKD. After savini; that ke is sorry that H e lawk of l hill .lid not iermit a more speedy invca ticati.in, Mr. I'eri ira .i s: Jn view of your conniiiiiilratlun, and Con 'cleriiin that, up to date, it has been impos eib!e for the trial initiated by tht Jiid;e of the t riiuiniil Court of Valparaiso to be do '".I, the undersigned regards i. as his duty ilerlaie oiiea more Unit the lioveruinent of hill lamenus the ocriirreine of October 1 ti. id t y way of allowing tlie sincerity of his el ut and the contidiiuca whioh be has in justice of his cause, he declares his will- neas not to await the division of the I amiuint; Judi?e, and proposes lo tlm I'm. ; J Htutea Uovernnieiit that the case he sub- Utetl to the consideration of tlie Supreme urt of Justice at Washington, to the end it that high tribunal, with its learning ami partiality, may ditermiue, without ai tl, whether there is any ground for ration, and in what shaie it should ba Lila to Indiit Ij'h. nn.1AK.:..nn.i -1 . i . -- , uq unuvoiuni nuuiii rriuiuo you, TO seat la rring to the conduct of the Valparaiso Vhoruiea. that it appears from th prelimi . y tiaminatlon that thuy sent without v to tha scene of tho conhVct all the ' ' Nt their dispo-al belonging to tha uard of tha Intendencia and to tha Jlsranson, Coea, Nicholls, l)arony, - - jnninghara, Williauis. XalboU whoi 1 Hallard, HoHga, Patler, et.. teamen belong tng to tha crew of tha Baltimore, stated to tha interpreter of that eese that thtohjad of tts polios In arresting them was to shelter them from any attempt at attack by tha I ci led people. The underpinned thinks that the action of Ihe police in this matter should be considered with due allowance lor the civil war which had recently been brought to a close. Tha body was not yet provrly organized, nor did It have the force that was required to put down a disorder of such proportions in a short time. In this connection It Is protf to recall the word used by the Honorable rieoretarv of State at Washington in his no'e a ldress.il to the Marquis linx'Hli, ami bearing date of Mav L'l, 1 s "There is no Oovernmenl. howi ver civiliierl it nisy le, however great the violence dislavl by ita tlice, und however severe Its criminal co le may be, and however speedy and lull xible may be its a Iminlstration of Justice, t iat can guarantee its own citl-ns agniiist violence growingout ot in lividuul maliL-e or a suddtin popular tumult." CUILB AtKNOWI.r.DOKS TUB CjCKt Tlo!'s onATIIT. This was precisely the s tnstion of the administrative authorities at Valparaiso on the oc-asion of the occurence which took place in October. The tiridersigne I hopes that the foregoimr will convmre the Hon. Secretary of Mate that the (lovem merit of i hi ittttchtf due iintMirU'iee to the ques tlon now under uiscuasion; that he does not for a moment hesita-e to romleiu'i, in vigorous terms, th art committed on the Iti'li of October, or to olTer such reparation as is just, and that he has not neglected the opportunity to rs press thise sentimen's be fore now, since, on various occasions, an! through the pleniKitetitiaries of both countries, he has lor arded explicit declara tions on the subject to Washington. The undersigned takes the lilierty to recall the Ian that, live lavs alter he had taken charge o the Iieiiartmedt of Foreign liela- Hons, he a I Ir- s-e I to the Minister of 'hile in the I'nite l Siati-s a te',eraru which, in the part relating to tins matter, says: ' Ki- rress to the l'iim-1 States loivernmnnt what i lias alrenh- I n sta'el. nd iing all the data , t liul are kicuvu, in the most correct and , aniii ah f inn, enpress to the United States liovrrn nent ve-y sincere regret on account I of this unfortunate incident, which n tlmuvli and not i s r.inge in the ports of the wor d, this internment doubly lameti'S ovtii; to its sincere des re to cultivate i friend-hip with the United States." i If t'liited tates (ioverniiient should not I accept th - foregi nog eiplunutions as satis factory, me wn hstund.iu; that the judicial authorities hold the guilty arties ri'sponsi- I lile for thedisorderof October I1, the iiudrr- I ii?nei mint ris-ill the rirrunistance that the j tiovernnieut of i bile, througii the medium of its Minister in Wa-lnii::toii, haseiireie-l the desire to s ibtuit any inisiinderstandiiig disi'Ut'i-to division by arbitration by any i power or tr.li m il w h, . li may be in lie ite l I toil; ml. iu tact, arbitration was e'ig.;estl I incotiference witii the Mmi-ter of i bile in 1 Wnsliioiitou on the .nth of 1'eceinb'r, when 1 the ioverniiient mi the undersiipie I ! declared Its rood will and resolved to accept ! arbitration ufler the tlnal jud.tinent, which would not be further del.ived many davs, in furtherance of its purp isc to tfive a s-edy : Solution to the itii'i iutit in the most friend. y terms. J I ho Government of the tin !cpigiied called j i upon its minister (or a deiinitit rep, y on the 1 1 1 b inst . hii I on t he l.ttli Minister Montt repotted that notiMthstaiid ih! certain ob- I si rv.ttioiis ma le bv the American State : iciartment with reqss-t to the oi portum- I liess ol resorting to arbitrution be b id lievei t heless agreed wit h I bn on. M r 111. line that, if any divergence nf views or ihsiccord j should sun rveui! alter the verdict of fie ' Jud.reol Va p.iraiso.sm ii controversy would yield to arbitration, I M T T A H INS r HIT ri ins wmton.iwsj. I The undcrsigur I hastened to declare that , lie would hilly acropi siirli nil agreement; fr Which reason the Ooveriiment of rhile ili-euis th it t ie case has arisen for submit ting to arbitration, in terms as ampe as those above indicated, anv dilTere "ce l"ews wbiiA-. may i'.Tl .Vii V .t V.tm j7iV,tr.'nif the I'nitisl states conrerninK the incident of the Baltimore. There i. therefore, submit ted to the Honorable Secretary of Stuto of .1... Ik .. .... I- ... II..I-.I mi- i 'i ji.iriiiii iiv oi i'or'n iveiaiious oi Washington thede-iiHiBtioii of either the i s ipretne court ol Justice of the United Slates or Htnniiii.il ol'utb trillion to deter mine the reparation which ( lliile in iv have to make for that laineulanl iN currcneo. As for the disiiatcli al dressed tin ler date of the lltli of I iivcniber to the . hi lean Min ister in Washington by the mister of For eign Itelations oftlie Provisional Govern merit, the undersigned Hul'tnits that there roii'd nut be, mi tin; part of the Government of Chile, the piirrmse to inllicr any offence iiioii the Hove n nent of the Unite ! States, wil l which it ikn.res ever to cultivaio tho most friendly relations. Consequently the undersiqtHsl deplores that In that telegram there were employed throng an error of Judgment, the expressions wbn li are olT.ui sive iu t'.ie ju Igemeiit of your iove'iirneiit. I'eclariug. in tullillmeiit of a ha;h duty of courtesy an I sincerity toward a f endlv liutioti. that the Government of ( bile ab solutely withdraws the sai I rvpre-sions, the under.iigne I t rut th tt this frunk and en illicit ilerlaratioii,whic:i cotnirms that which lias already been made to the Honorable Secretary of Stare in Washiin:t hi, will carry totbe mind of His F.t ellenrv, M r. Harrison, I of his Government, that the ie.iple ofljhile, I fur froiiieutiTliiiiiiug a f'eliug of hostility i has u lively desire to maoit.ii:! una terubly the goml and t-ordrul rela'ions wuicli up to ' the pre-ent time exist between the two r countries a declaration which Is made without reservation in order that it may rtv j reive such public ty as your tiovrrmuent may di oiii suita'i'e i kgan's iu:i i.i. is con st uk it i:o. ! With regard to the suggestion ninde I torching t e rhane oftlie prsintiel if I your l.ciMti iri. to whirli the instructions of I ihe llonorab e 'secretary of State refer, It IS i incumbent upon the ui.d'Tsrned todcclaro that tho Government of i bill will tuko no 1 posdive step without the uc. 'or 1 of the Gov ' i-rnnient ol the I'liiied States, with which it 1 desires to maintain itself in friendly under- KUnillll,', I I'he undersigned brings this already long I cotumunii'iiti in to a clo.e in the assurance I th it he has therein set orh ever- thing that I run fully satjs'y voiir Government. The, ioverniiient of i bill cherishes tho cntivic tiui that the relations with the I ioverniiient of the Unite I .-tates should be smcerelv and i cord ully ninintained under the shelter of i that mutual respect und that g iod under-I standing which are Ims sl upon the just and equitable appreciation of the feet and on ' the appreciation l i eg.ven to the spouta- I neons declaration madu oil either side. I he uu iers gned, moreover, declares that ' In preseiirin,! irs ioi!.in.i'iiins his Govern- i merit finds ns uispi - at mi i in the words of the ' inst rue ions which you hive quoted and ' w hich assures the i iovitii inent ol t 'hi 1 i that I the I'resi 'cut is not d sposed to e h i. or ask anything which your lioveru unit Would not under tlm same rirc.iui-uii.es spnuta lieouslv Coiire.e. V it h seiitiuients of distiuguished coi.sid- erution, I I I'll your "he liei.t servitif, I. I'll) I'l R' 111 I uw.iit iii.struct.ouj. Kuan, i Nina reraoaa Hurt, ( hicao, Jul). JO A mt.eiicr traiu on the Chicago, Ko k Inland and r.dflo rail road, was ditched about 14 tuilea from tha city by tha nreading of the rails, Thetrain at om took Cra from tha utovcs, auj but for prorupt work of tha uu injured aeveral persons would have bran burned to deutb. The entire train was consumed, together with tha mailt. Th iluanoial loss is esti mated at f 40,000. Kentucky should be represented oa the national flag by a shooting star. Fuck. FOUGHT OYER AGAIN. The? MemoraMo Itaitle Betwem Our Sailors and the Chileans. The Main Incidents of tbe Brutil Attack Rehearsed, Tha following Is a con !ens. aeu-snnt, taken from tha Xer York Hirald, of the liettle in tha straeta of Valparaiso betsreen the sailors of tha Units-! BtAtea warship Bal timore and tha Chilean mob It will be remembered that on tha after noon of October lfllh Cajitain Sohlev .taking into consideration that hit men had been co pel up aboard ship for over flvs months without liberty, gave shore leave to 117 soamen and petty ortlnera, with special In structions to keep sutler. ln tha morning of (Mohar 17th the fleral I exoJiiKively gave to the world the startling news that our sailors had been set upon by a bloodthirsty mob in the streets of Valpar aiso, lieaton, stabbed and viciously maltreated until two of them had been done to death and a number of other more or leas dea leratly wounded. As was told at that time In the Herald our men were absolutely without other means ol defence than thoe furnished f hem by na ture, and were belpleaa in tbe han Is ot over powering numbers. Only one Chilean was hurt In tbe affray and his injuries were not 1 stnl. Two distinct investigation of the affray were undertaken almost immediately, one alioard the Baltimore, by a Hoard of Inquiry Instituted by I'aptsin .Schley, and the other In tho Chilean courts by Judge of Crimes fir til it lat fru clr pis ass l'r tr.t 1 1 i si-r The testimony adduced before these twrj tribunals, while differing widely in many respects, added to rather than substrai-teil from the dramatic iutyrest In tha affray w inch came so near embroiling the Unit! titntes and Chile in a bloody and rosily war. The men landed from the'Haltimore, which lav off the passenger mole, at the foot of the l'lnza de la Int n lancia, almut two o'clock in the uf'ernoon. They were Htippliel with "liberty money." which they hud chunked at the money i-baiiKnr'a orl'ice, a short iliiUuce up the plaza, nt Cilia de Cochrane. From here the men s.iraf e ! and In small rnrties ramlilivl through the town sightsee ing and amusing liicmwives, as a-ulursashors do. Muny of the bluejackets ma, lo for tint portion of the city known among Kughsh speaking sealurin men as the "maintop," which, rouh'y s-akinir, iainciosed lielwea Call" d"l Ciuve, the hills, l'ln.a Man Frau cinco mil Av.-nd i de Ij-rar-uru The Inten.lencirt, at the Callos de San Au rustui nu t iIh Serrano, Li only about three hun lrd yards from tho centre of tins ifistriet, wliei'.i the hardest righting took j'luce, und tho fuel which was drought out in both invest igm ions, that it was fully half an hour before lim arrival of tha kiIic's and sn burs, is o:m of the i;r nin Is for the belief expr-ssel on th p.irt of the Unite! Mat -s nuthoi-ilies that duj diligence waj lint iimvI iu protecting our men. While many warnings ha I lie-n given to tho lialtimoru's sailors, as dipt un Jschley's lnvi-itu:iition shows, that trouble was in store lor them, it wts not until norly six o'cliM-k that. fiefUnt re-illy be;an. Koatswum's .Mate Itiggiii and Apprentice, Tallol wire near the line Ulna aloou at Calles, Santo lioniiiii;o and Mutriz, when, according to Tallaifa story, a Chilean ailor spst in ins lacj an i was promptly knocks l ilown. Then the mob attnc'ioj the two Ameri cans. They llril do.vii til l I'l in d U ucl. wrlght, mi l on Callo del Coleraue, nmr Calle del .Mariju-v, iKiardud a atroet oar in order to cHivipu the mob. They were made to leove the car und were again attacked. Talbot made his tscawand hiKgin struglel aloug up Calle de Mai ipies until hi) r.sj 'he l CtUo AiK. mii, wuere 'he was found by beainan Johnson. Assisted by the latter they ms.de their way op Calle de Arsenal a lew feet to the plaos where Higgin wus shot, it is alleged by Johnson, by the polity, or millers. Hugiu's lly uas liken to ihe drug stora at ITaita Kchaurreu nod t ulle dn la .Matriz. In the iiii-aiiUino there had been, accord ing to the testimony, a general asMtult on tlie American sailors, tSeiman Turnhull was attaclet, tKats'n and slnblied while on the l'laza K huurren uti I ran iuu a plu -ti on Calle da Kau .Martin an 1 the pis .a to escapj from the mob, but was driven out. Ha was tali en to a drug store adjouiuig tliut to which Higgms was taken. Meuuian Hamilton w as attacked on Calls do Maripi 'X. uesr Calle de IVauro, and was picked up from tho gutter only a few foot away. Senium Davidson wis the victim of a vicious asMiult at the kame place where Itiggiu wue kliot, aod ttbout the aama time. He ran down Calle do Marques, pumued by a section of th m in, to tas water frunau I thence to tho Mole. Tha mob was closo h bind liim, and as no boatman would take him to his ship he run Into the water a I joining tho Mole, where he was made a target for n howr of stones. lie stood tin a long iu iibln an 1 then made for the blmre agitiu. He su.-ceo .el in lighting his way through the crowd, up the I'ltiza de In In'iiii lciK'iu a few yard to the J'rat in. nun. lent, an I fell fainting in tha door of a stor.i ut tha 1'Uzt and Callo de llliinco. He wus found here unconscious by a French naval ortl 'or and cu-riod t- a dry goods store uci-oss the slruvt, an I from tliencu wus taken In charge by a poliomati when he hud regniue 1 couiuiousuos.s. The iohi-.i at tilt station on the M il , it Is rl.uuiivl, uit'ordisl him U) protection, an I here, too, wmlo tho station was only a couple of hundred yarls from tho c intra of that s-s tiou of tlu conflict. It was muny minutMj Is'fora they trie I to ipioll the dmluroauce, iliiius t.'aptain Schley. While theso stirrm-; scam-s were being en ne e l in thu "Maintop'' in anothor eoction of tln city nt tho Cu les do la K.iiii'iralda and do Iu Coiicjpcum, n 'ni-ly hair a miloawuy, other A mericau sailors worn being attacks I. It is this which let Captain Hchley t tha c inclusion that the attacks were preconcert ed and part of a eueral plan which ha I been well arrati rist. It was ut tins pact, near the Hotol do Colo i, wlcr i Sailor Carson was attacko I and h iiten, un I on the oppwito side of tlio kti-eet is the cigar store where ha sought relugeaii I was udvisoil to change his uni tonuundput on citizens' clothes, which ha did. and wus njt further molested. The police an 1 soldiers niter considerable time kiiccceded in dispersing the mob an 1 malting soma arrests, most of tha ar rest el being American sailors. Although therd was a iiolice station at tho Mole, only three hundred yards from tlie troubled districts, the prisonnrs were taken, it is alleje I by Captain Schley an 1 ileum by the Ciiileati authorities, under cir I'uuistuncM of aggrvutol brutality, to tha polio station an I court in the Plaza de la Victoria, ut tho othar end of tha city and nearly a mile away. BURNED TO DKA.TH. of V got I gold A Ills on she i hiss won An Aa-cd Coupla Pariah In tha Flainsa of Tuoir Ho mi. Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 30, A fire at Elton, a village seven miles southeast of this city, burued tho residence of Samuel Kring and another building. K ring and hii wifo were burned up iK their home. Ha was 79 years of age and sh 83. The fire originated from an over heated stove in tha bedroom. Beside the ghastly bodies was f'JO in gold which had beeu hidJen in tha bed clothing tad was not damaged. Tht coupla were supposed to bare fully 12.000 in tht house, but as it was thought that it was nearly all in paper it was evidently destroyed. Ihy Not Get the Best YSCHOCH, .cent, iielinsgrrove, Pa. ,B 3 reat StockiComt i? f 4 rent StocklCompanUrf: -ASS TS d, Conn., - $3,633,6 irk, IGN, Phil'a, 7,802,713 4,445,S7Bi 521, B17,12i s Ot.U in siperlsaca. sad with tbslr Itnms I safety eit sseurliy . t;lr.etorf ittalluKS Iu all tholf loss settlstnsnts, STATIONS. No Premium Notes, INSURED ? E;iid yon will di CO. receivePrompt attcLtiou BE R. A. SIMPSON S tw Oflice No.3:'J South Dulio St.Yoi k.l'u an fill: 1111 1 I'r-j pnl ;.r I WILL BE AT ilomo Oflicp, Va. 1 to J." Eiitfle Hotel. MiiUlobufBh, l'a., tm i from Friiluv. i t-b. 10 at 10 o clock a. in. to Kittuiiliiy noou. Dr. Hlinpstiii will examine uny one who may rail upon III ill flee of cliamc Knowing that hun dreds are living out ami -it'lei'Xlstctue with, out liiertlcul aid. suine ts i ail they have paxsi l tPrnuu'li Hie "old nnleul ' wunom rein i. iinu ltell ,1.. , . l-e. u.lse C"V III IV lint kllOW the ,ii. r . nm.tv. he .i-s , n I n niiikltig inoltli icio i Hi'. Satlstted Miat a liiliutsT will Ihe ' i e I.., n lliesi'plalu truths u ml he fully re inst' warded hv a cure. .1 ' our svstein of pracllce nmy need some ex- UIB.i .11..".. '11... remeilleS nre IrlteIlllllV Vl'lle- "isd !..,.,., ,iiJ.r,lliii enllielv Ihe llseof raloiiiel or otlu' Men'ury, Tnrliir, KiiH'iic, Arw-nic sun nm i) icailse lliey are dlseasei realliur uk'dils ot tin- lioV worst illwrlplloii. v.t- are oim-om ii oi me n mult ireiieral ruiKMiieunn in iijr . " be lulurlniis tothe toiistltutloii und cftcu dan- serous lo life. Hr. Hliniwon treats n ssnniy clironlc or loinf statiilllig dlwasi-s nf tin- lleiul. Throat und Lungs. KKIuey ami Heart roinplaliits ; Invj-ler-Hie illea.ses of the Htolil.u'h t hut liave detted all olUer uirlhiHlsi those feurful rtlsius-s of the nervous system arising from whatever cans.' ; HcroMla. Iiropsy. KIM. Kever. Hores. Kliemno tl.sui Neuralitla. Si'latlca. Ill Comllllimetl liter. t-Bncen-reinuvisl without the use of the knife and cured. Aslhma. Hay Keer, Hose Cold. Winter cough. Chronic Diarrhoea, etc. All may Is-cured by ihlswiuiderfu HyHtciii.tf not too tarinlvauced. Hone ami tilood dlseaei-s cured when all oilier nu-th'sts have tailed. Udles who are suffering with disease sirtct Iveiiiifliiedtotlielrses can consull tlie Doctor wlih Ihe assurance of a speedy cure wlihoutsuf i.,i.. ih.inu.ifit to the erv often unnecessary 11. land KcV! ..i.Vii.ii.iii The diK lor partlculurly Invlles all cases that have ots'U given up by ulhcrph) sclun. S-VSTIIillNI&I.S. ' ur nniti iiriitiii of t.lvcrisHil, perry county, t he 1 1 p . ii, a cun.-er ou lower Hp lor several monl lis i ... - .ml w;c. l oiiiiili'iely ciinsl to the treatment of ''" ' i., ii 4 uii,.,...,ii ,,f vni k. l'a. hank u,J. '.,..i. t..-ii. nf l ivermwl. Perry cnunty, fund , Pa., hurt fur may vearsa iiiiiiiirnani un it .m 1 Unilinear the ankle, and all hough under the ......,... .iiirereiit ilm'lors. l ie sore irn-w And This the fi In" y 'lb iu t I Willi Jut Ins ci w 1110 wiirse. ll was i tireu ut nr. n, , n mns York l'a.. In four mouths. No scraping of the Ur'",l"''.r. .'harle Allison, of Olen KiN'k. York county, l'a.. hud a cancer pu his face la-low the eve. Dr. It. A. Simpson, of Y ork, l'a.. s,m..vi n l. his cheinlL'ul urocesa. lie is now j.Dr. Simpson Invites any one who dnulit ..T. , .i... i,.i..i,,..i,is io write to tlie Harden and ascertain for themselves. These are only a tew of the Uianv testimonial ohtulnert. 1 he i K.en,r invites corresis.inleiicc from a dleUuoo. If you wlte enclose 4 ceiue insiainpn. Heinemls-r the dales and call early. J",' M. is'.. . shot 1 r coiivl April r prison1 Tho militi to the I in of SKLINSGHOVE MARBLE-YARD of M rs upper Is. Rememoe The Dead M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r. htiriicil from a vrar ol I keep coiif-tiuitly tti lioiiil mid mull-tifui-ttiri- tu urder nil kinds of Marble and Granite er's scl li-nlh. 1 he :j four in! tire am r rem at Old Ctoncs Cleaned and He-paired-low puu'F.s : i.ow fuicf.s:: I linvi- cuie nf tin- ln-ht Miii IjIo ('ut ters in tin- State und ciiiist-uiii-nt ly the lire the Moil Hy tt: 'Ju.. l'a a . -e l ,1 turn nut e;,mil work. Hay 'oiiii- mid m-i my work ( prices. 'I'll in t k fu 1 fur put favors 1 nnt re epci'tfuUv n.sk H cicnit i ll Un lu-e if Mime, M. L. MILLER. Mrs. Y. A dvt Nether! liirauvil lioiume, a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it p my s ii l losi'd, tl iMiiptoyn lor a reel ulliiiri in IJoo.iW); t'ontin and I oys collieries' lllild Weill I lioiuine, rJc bSs. uiu.uIm Oi2-re?v strike an y ffiwy sent ol'tl X. firfj&Xty W Prat4 T Prltt). 1 ibtr wurJi, will laath j- IKtl. and ttart Jm lt tuamttt, iu raiult fatba - IL4Uaia mi aim will, yew 1I.I f (Mi i) mii kly I Mia ft- i tm I Hit) till I, sort i The nici that liava a. Iiolh il ail uf A fa Btattr) ! i.ette, I', other soli laid low, nf H I Unit), ur utjmejiit I lit I What ai I tm uJ 1 he blot U b a iOtr fain, the nlnht town Is great firesl vtry tasy tu pirn tpaciai At Cen ware ston were buri lr.'i.nnj.FT4,JiMT f tagiittti. I dually K-ni'lt aaaiy lr I la ift lui printing ( The Chi Loss, UJ v etart rurtiial.mr - t hin a 1 r nt lit ittitdat t aMiMi, (itTaiitlra yrofTaaa, Ital ariihN all wuiktrt. 0 ojeral bnhahlf tha tfiMUM tjturluuiiy la noting pt-i atat hsta-wta. Kuwlt lilt tiaia. !! BMsi tusa. l-'ull liartii t tttitwr wHla ut laca. A'MttM, ii KO A Verll charge of Uhibited Pntlmil lHbCv'-l-Ta' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Sunbury k Lewistown Division. .Time Table, In effect June 13, 1891 WtSTWABO DIS. Station. ASTWAB0 fsa :u I'Jii is t.etf t.el 4 M 4.M 4.45 l.il'.l 4.IU l.'ii 4.17 4 II A. I. I l.swtstowa J. i 1aln8trett a in T T.4S T.M T.vt 8.04 Kit a is s us s.:a SeH S.4S s..' T v.u VIA S.'iS 81 41 tra 1.00 I OS Sill S.I4 .I'i.et' il'i.lll IS.IHil 1 1 .61 ! 11.4 '11.401 !ll.:iS ' ii. -iM 11.19' 11 li ! 1 1 ,oe I'l. to I" fcl 'l.4J 110 'V IIS M ,1".J.' rie. IT 1 10.1'J l.seiMown Naltlanil I'atntcr Shlmlls Wanner Mo lurs Rauti'l Mills s 11 11 IT la JJ !t 3U 3 ti T t 43 41 SO s so I.ns 1.43 S a. ts 4. 1' I 4 1' Ailamaburg 1 Itravsrtoea Heeler j ti piilleburHb Vsi.sr ! Kreamsr I Pawling i Selinisrovs Psllnsarove J, I tsuoburv I 4.U 4 IS 4 Ui H. 6S 3.4V n 44 I. St 4 at 4 1" 4 1 4. IS i 30 Mpllimtruip 4rrouiiuodatlon (Oonosetlag wltk trains en N.t). Ry.) Lssve Sellnsirrovs Je. .rrle at SeltnKrove J 40 P.M. J.4T I. n Train f.eiive !wistown Junction : I'i 14. a. in. S 01, a. in. lo 4i, a m Ml, pin 2Jp m 4 vi fi in lnr I'ltKluirK and the Wot, T 41, a in V 4 I a in, I 46 p m, 4 9 p m, S IS m, 11 1 p in. Kiir Fhlladulphia, No York, Usui mere uud Waslilngtou. Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND Pit lit! HKtlN Ct.NTKAI KMI.WAY. I'rulns Leave iinluiry : 3 4 h. in lor WllllnmaiMirt and Causndalicu. tin a in, lor Hellnr-ate, i;rir,n. ChiishiUIkU v.Ki m. rnr l' lluven, 1 4i p in, fur Hullirliiule, Kane and I'anun.lul' litis. 9 :i'ip in. Knr Itennro and Kiln Ira. 10 06 iu lur Willlsiuspnrt. I ib a in, Knr Catawlsna and llaieltnn. I 'it ni, 10 (hi am and t it p in, l-nr Vs ilkestmrre. 6 t-6 a ni, 10 Ki) a In, I to pin i 40 p in, KorMhaiuo klnand .Mount Caruiel. Trains Leave Se!liiFiirve Junction: I0.P7 a in. arriving nt I'hilu.i' -Ipl la 3 li V ni. New Y'nrK t to p m, Haltlmoro S 10 p in. Willi liiKt'm t tA p in. o..i, i- m. arrivintr ai rmiuiieipni iu.b r.iii. ll iltlniiire n.4'l P. M. j in, arrlvhiK at I'lillinli'lplila fit a in, es Yurk 7 lua in. Baltimore o.'Jo a uj- Wanli- lOKteD T SO S IU. Trains also Leaves Snnnurv : 1 to a in. errlvina at I'lilUdt-lidila 8 W a ai, New York 9 :0 a in. 3 tta in. arrivina at I'liiluilelnhla 10 loam., New York 1 in p in., lit 1 1 1 mora S lv a in., Waali Iniiiiiii v tt a in. tonm. arrlvlnx at t'lillidnipiua otopn. New York ( SI ii ui Haltliuor 41 u m., Wash ington 8 It p in. .i . n. wiioii, ' en i i ncui, HAS. K. 1(111, (I. n l Mansgrr. SUTE ROOFING. I'he iiinlerslL-iie.l has ulwavs on hand a su perior line of hIi.-for rooittu. and In recant to lis work he respectfully refers to the following gentlemen. I ins m locerniy inai inesiiini pkh which h. II. Itciitiiiik'cr, plu'i cii upon my house last hiiiii nier Is giving pi-i tect aattsfai-llon. v.. . CKKnill.U. The Flute risif on niv house placed them by II. II. Iteiinltinerls till that I expected. I woulil have mint- ot lier. J. W. onwio. 1 take nleastirn In reeotiitileliillliif Mr. lien- nliiltei s slate roofing to the pulillc. Ills work lias ulvi-ii iH-rfect satll.-factlnii. W . V. VVITIBMITSR. 1 will Is- lib-used to irlve inaiiy more recntu- nienitiitloiis and respect rtillv s illclt your put mil age. II. II. IIFSNIiOKK. Mlililleiiurgii, l'a. THE POLICE GAZETTE. worlil c'oiifaiTiinig nil tlie Infest si-Una- tionitl ninl h'rtiiik news. No siiiloon Keeper, ltarbcr ur I'ltil) ltomii cnii nf font to tie without it. It, always makes friends wlu-rover ft truce. Mailed to uny address in the I'nlted States, securi-iy wruiped. :S week for l 1)11. Send Five ('ciits for -it 1 1 1 1 1 1- I'upy. KH IIAKl) K. FOX. FrntiUliii Sipniie, New Yurlv City. crown Tho lu'st lini iiiti Oil iini'li from IVt roll-inn. It l,mcs h litilliutit lilit. It Will Hot Mliolvlt till' cllillllU'V. It will not tliiir tlio wii k. It bus ti hi'li tiro tost. It will not cxploilo. It is without ii comparison us it per fection Family Safety Oil. It in iimnufiu tnrt'il from tho l'mont Cnulo in tho most porfivlly i-quip- pi-tl ri tiiH i it s in tho worM It iH tho lk-st. Ak your iltuiU r for Crown Aciuo, Trifle onlciH lilleil by Yours truly, ACME OIL COMPANY, Sunbury, Tu. ati For a Siiirior ritdo of nli-lf ninl hea riA tt vy lliirdwiire it i hIwiivh in-ht to i;o toold aud reliulilo House who liiivuurt-putittiuii to KUNtdill. tuch iti if h In k$& tl.f i4 ff nsiown, mm m m a u w i sx n... i... n ni - llftl. I ill! III! ni jtv Hardware Do lua .f i ma n si, I t Pit, I Iron. NaiU, Steel. Lent ln r, i'uiiitc. I ilx, t'oncli tr 1 apertj , n r. wo ik. vHn U ii fct and SSuddler Wure. Slauufacturer ra. Stoves and Tinware. tffuvee ii4 ar mat fttal wwtkir. li a'li. idi.i VIGOR OF MEN lily c tu tuif, f tu. Easily, Quickly, permanently Hastorea. AVeuknr... Nrrvau.ur.., Ui-blllly, anil y uf e) r - bit is) the triu ol uvlU Inuu earl? urromor luutt excuMa. tlia n-i-ulu of ovurwurk, itkUHU, winry.eui. lull IrtngUi, iluvluuiiiit, anil tuua Klvun to CTary oniau aud Hirtien uf thu body, biuiple, natural DiuibiMU. liiiineaiata luiiriivuuinnt avn. lailum linuoMitile, V.uu ri'tereiae.. lli.k. explauaUuiit tud proof. niailBil f.ialed f roe. Adilrtaa . KRII MIOICAk CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. f ra4 (win til li ia tr ultra VL4i H 8 Q pirn 1. It stalest . 2. It lasts. m 3. ItVi yeisuie to c;cw if 4. It satisfies. 5. Always te sane. 6. Cverybody braises It. ZYouwill like it. 8. You should trv it. Ukfor it.ljistoi having it "F'feii THE WATSONTOWN Dealers in LUMHKK, 151LL STUFF, FLOOHIXO, 81 1) I NO, 8UKBOAUDS, FENCINQ. SHINGLES, LATH DOOHS. BLINDS, Fit AM K. - MWLDIt.So Etc. Samples of our work can be seen !i iiioHt any part of Bnvder county. Nothing but flrHt-claoa lumber used, ami nil work prepared by the most skilled workmen with the latent im proved machinery. Prices always the lowest. AddreBH Watssatjwa Plaaia Mill Co., f l-VJ. ly. Watsoutown, Pa. For MEN ONLV YOUNG MEN OLD MEN BIT W THITIIll II TNI llirilll If f kr ri oru m itm !'. k. l ..t i.a.i.i ko a KCCftall fvtHAKE OFF THC HORRID SNAKES ft hi. nUIMWft MravuaiM OUR NEW BOOK Mai rftfti. llH . llIL UUIIMIU hllMiliT DIMM- J.A AAllctlOSI tb oiit i,b uriME TREATMENT, w. tu. lot r rIUB . a.ntnl Htrvoji Djh Mla. iftiOlErrr r limm. itBU4 or Ihm.k.. 0r.i ra nr. "IVi Bow to IllHK l";w I"." ." iiT.un.taa. ERIE MEDICAL. CO. BUFFALO.M.Y. Tlm Neverslip Horscshoo FOR WINTER USE. It never mitis in uny iln tlmi. II In sufi'ty unit I'oiiitort for Imih liorsi- an. I ilrivt-r. R'M0VAEL3 CALZS. steel ci'iiliTeil anl wlf-slinriw'ii'ii'.'. Weill Hlimp until l AI.K li worn mil. Applli-il ly ull l.l.n kilnli in. immobile nee. PKTKIt K- nUOIC. Ashland, Fa. Soli-Aireiit (or Neliu.N lklll. I.vcoiiiinir. rllnton. N'.ii'IIiiiiiiIh i luiul, 'I'lo-'a. Sn.viler ninl I nloii U'oiititli's, Iron unit Meel S iiii-Iioiimi, llluek- niiiIiIi'm ninl Cui i'liiKi'iiiakerH Hiiplii-H. Jan. 14,1111 of COJiroLM). A rei-iit Ulni-overy liy an old pliynlelan. Aiu-i-maitli uttU wtmthly dy (lumtaiulii i,ilitj, In Hie only purieclly ..ilu and rriiiiiue uiui'iiiei:iriiiirruil. newuro hi tiiiiriiieiluililrutf III whu utter liili-rlnr inall. I'lnai In pluin uf tliii. Ark lur Cook's Cotton Koot I'oMi'OirNii, (il i milmlilult. ur Ineloae t i ami vunu In ioi-Uk Iu letter, ami we will .on. I, Healed, l.y return mall, l ull .eulud parllculaM la plttiu eiiTulupa, tu linliu. mily, - .tauipa. Ad dro.s I'onil Lilly Company, Nn, 8 I'inlmr llloi'k, lleirelt, Mluh. aa-Suld la MnldluhurKli ly Ll. I'. Kejilur, (I, M, bliladul aod Uruggialn evurj wuoro. a 1, 'J PLANING MILL ! 3 1- i V Xjafcjj WaM4rW'1raMlr