The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 04, 1892, Image 6

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t .-
tlie arn.
Order ot
thesprio '
to India, krtd .
Anent th Attack oa th Sailor In
Valparaiso. Ready to Arbitral if
th Judrment 1 net Satisfactory.
Washington. D. (',. Jan 30-rresident
nanison furnished (Vntress with th final
somepotiurnc in the rhili nff.iir, together
with Chili's reply to tli ultimatum. His
mem at accompanying the correspondence
is as follows:
To th Stnat and t!oit of Vyrrmtiirr.
I trsssiuit herewith additional Corre
spondence between the ilov.'rn'iient of
t bill, conslstinir f a note of Mr. M " t'i
( hllean Minister at this capital, to M Bl una,
dated January 23, a reply of Mr. ,,.nne
thereto of rlat January h, anil a dispatch
from Mr. Kgan. our Minister at Sauting.',
transmitting the response of Mr. I'ereira, the
Chilean Minister of Foreign AtTiirs, to tli
not of Mr. Illain of January which wi
IssrsMvwi by me on the 77tli nut. Tli note
f Mr. Montt to Mr. Hlaine, thoihfh ilste-l
January i,, wan not delivered at tli Hat
Iepeilnient until after 2 o'clock p. m. of the
26th. and was not translated au-1 its receipt
notified to iu until lata In the afternoon of
The response of Mr. IVrelra to our nut of
the 21 iA withdraw, with ao rptahle npr
ebrns of regrets, the t.irensive note of Mr.
Malta of the llth nit., nri-l also the request
for the rerallnfMr. Kismi. The treatment
of th Inri'tt-nt of th" nsailt upon the s.iil
on of the Hnltiiiiore is s( chip iiiatory and
friendly that I a n of tin- opinion that there
Is a Rood i.r.vsp, rt tlmt the dillcrein os ern.
Inn out of that serious iitl'.iir run n w be ad
Justed upon terms n.iti-fin1 orv to this tiov
eminent by the us-ml methods, Hil l without p .lie's fr.irn i'ou,;"-s.
This turn in the utl.iirs is ver rutlfvitiK to
me, aa I am sure it will ! to Congress and
to our 'ople. The general support o' tlio
efforts if l .e K fi-cu'i ve to enforce tint j'nt
right uf tlie nitioti in this nuitier bus g sen
an instructive and useful ilius'ratioii of th"
tinity and pntrxitK'ii of our moii. S!i.niic
it l.e nnvewy 1 will a.:n:ii coiiuuuiin ate
al'.b ( -ongiess upon tlic subject.
Iir.snnm llximisn.
Washington, January .'H.
Tin ASS.vr.H T I TltR fl.TlMATl'sI.
Hollowing is in substance the reply ot
Minister I'ereira to the ullinin'Uiti dated
I ai.Ua(;i, I 'liili. Jaim.iry and forwarded
Ih'oinji. Minuter Kgau to .'secretary Ishiiiitt:
Sis: I he unilcr-ii'iie I Iiik hit I tlie hoimr
to re ei Your Kx, ,. Henry's roininuiiii'.i
tion, dated the JJ I, received in thil
ilertinnnt the '.'.'I I, nridtiie.l i y autheuti.
rte, of the iiilru lionn' nlrcli the
lion. S. cretary of .-tulo at Wxihintfton li.n
K'Ht to Your Kicelleucy hy calile HtnliT
ilnt of the 'J 1 it and' the ZV of
tiber, lM:t. In the Initrurtioin of the
"1st HiMiint the llooor:(lle Secretary of
State uitorm Your Kliellem v that 11:9
Kicelleucy, Mr. ll;irrnon, ufter
examining allthut hat hix-n autunitted to
him hy the (iovrrniueiit of Clii!e, with
reaped to the event which ocrurrel in Val
paraiaoon the eveiiiii); i f the Pith of (i. io
ler, ami t:ik iu into con-.ideratioii the te-n-niony
of the oili. er mi l the crew of the
tewl, lint Daltiinore, mi 1 of olhen who
witumved the event, hiwi arrived lit tho
following conclu i'Ui:
Kint That with regard to the ic:iu!t
there luia heen noehuntje wha'ever uaid'! in
the character (riven to it hy tr lir-t n p.irt
of the event, to wr: I h it it was mi Mtliick
uim the uniform of the navy of tin. I'nited
Matin which had it.s origin and motives in a
fet liiiit of h.wtilitv tow ard that ' ? ivernnient,
and not in any act of tho individual sailors
be ('inline .i jt.
Si- hi I -Thrtt tlits piii'ia authorities of
r Valpaniisoevide'itly 0 1 not do their duty
II ' aiparaisoevi'leiiliy il J
5 In protecting thus j bfir
1, f the police ki JK .e Ii
Ii v. dora rjT then
1 orovjifif tny s upo
.-. Bl-:uC I. nndti.iil
in protecting thus uKirs, and that a party
I the police aii'ljr .e t.hiuan soldiers and
r inemteives guilty or
i upon tue sailors or trie
1. mill iiiuf. he ..'iii'vm lint
j('CtlV killed hy tlie police or soldiers;
. 'iru iiiai ne is consequent IV compelled
L.rry tlieiph'ulioti hack to the state in i
trch It was placed by the im'e ot'tbe Hon. I
. Wharton, dated October :M, mid to ak '
t suitable satufacii.m an I s.uue udequata
I ,ration fir the injury done the tiovoru- i
tieut of the I'nited Slates. I
Minister Pereiru then ipiotes Ironi Mr. I
lllaine's letter coni eruiiirf tne gravity of tho
uiaca on ihu sailor un l Ins nii-nt ii n to
liscuns tlie conclusions it w hich ihu I'li'ted
Htatee had arrived. Hit ulso quoted Mr.
Ilia in s wor-'.s In which he s.dd hit h td been
iPiim-1,is i taku notice of the .Matta in
in: imiii. cohtinuet:
V i'h. i ii a y intetitioii of opening a dn
.l5i:oi,iis io the fa ta referred to by tho
ooniiiiiiu'.i alum, which 1 have extracted, and
euti.'uiuiK In iisclf 1 1 the first part of the
Instructions oftlM lliuorable .-in-retarv of
' Htaie. the undersigned riiiit 'tate t. Vmir
Kx e Ii i. v t!i regret with which the
:T. of III ile sees tlist His
he Presi,,.it o th- United States,
n 'o c Mitiniie to rei;arc thu in-
t Iht uh au uuui k caiie l by a
ij toward the uniform of the
l 'nitod States.
! tunate oi cur.'ence took place on
it. a district wlieru the sailors o
i.viiu? in the Hay of Yulpuruiso
all t of asnmli!iii(, without
if iiatioualitv. Knun the naturo
f ti
I lot' I.I
I'.lil II rl,
S vei-eis
e 1,1 th
in I . i:
t, i u i l ull it would he impossible to
ii o lieio was no d-mU as to the
ii . w hieli served us its origin or
1'i.t the undersigned can a-herl tlmt
- was not a hoi.lo feeling toward
r n of the Navy of the Unite I
1 i-1" the pie of i:,ilit have
' t u'l mid n-s. ei-.e, tlla. unit.. mi
thet . .o:
till un.t
Ha-.-, h
. alw i vs.
eve s to-tone when it -aw it ti tutin
J lion r.i! ! .- io the ranks of tliesol li-rs and
ail rs wh i, ilia iilorious st nii-le. cave
It indcpeu.lcin e and ".staliii-h" 1 tue Kcpulj.
Th undersiucl admi's that llio occur,
renc of October Pi was of greater eravuy
than tlu.iij which usually occur tit the tame
district 1 . t ween the sailors which fiequeut
it, an. 1 the fact of knowing that two Ueaths
liuvo rein -eil from it aiumiif the Pi wounded
Men of ll.a Haltiniore, hits siilllce l to ,vu
it ai. uraordoiary character, an I to iinlui
o (overiinieilt of Chile t i liafteu ID adopt
Ji. ic ineain'es nice.-i.sjrv to d.scover and
'.,. in. sh the nuiity parties, to otter in duu
till.', if li t re should he Kroiiml for SO doiiij;,
in h repaiatioll tts llULlit be due.
I Aft-r navinK that ke is sorry that the laws
of t h.U .lid not riiiit a more .speedy inves
l tieatnm, .Mr. IVr-ira says:
in view ofyour communication, and con-'d-riux
that, up to date, it lias heen impos
palb e f'r t tin trial initiate.! by t!i Judenf
thi- ri'inuul Court of Valparaiso to be do-
'e l. the undcr-miiicl regards i. as his duty
il". lure oh. e uiore that the ti iverumrnl of
h i. laments the oivurrence of O. toiler pi,
id hy way of allowing the sincerity of Ins
el n ami the conlidnuco which be has in
Ae j i.itioc of his cause, he declares his will- !
Iiness not to await the decision of the'
iviniamiuiiig Judk'e, and propovs to the I'm- i
t'nnJ States Uovernnient that the i use be sub- i
iilM itteU to the CoiiHuler.itioti ol tlm Supreme
iiid urt of Justice at Washington, to the end
tvoiic'' nl;n tr''""1141. with it.s learning and
i,iMrrti"li,T u,av determine, without ap
lil Kal. whether there is any ground for
nml iteration, and ia what sliuiai it should L
-hd ula,
"d"-. The undenlh'neil would remind you, re-
2!1?v'r",tot"e conduct f Valparaiso
, i tuomlee. that it appears from th preluui
i, i y examination that they sent without
v to tba scene of tho
con u; cl ui tli
t their disio-al I
iuard of th lutendencia and to th
Jkranson, Cos, Nuholla, Darony,
inlnghain, Williaiui, TalboU
tlallartf, Hodg, Prjtler, eie.. teaman belong
ing to tb crew of th Baltimore, stated to
th Interpreter of that vessel that th object
of tl polio In arresting them was toshslter
them from any attempt at attack by th
excited people.
Th undersign) thinks that the action of
th polic in this matter should b considered
with du allowance lor the civil war which
had recently been brought to a clime. Th
body was not yet prorly organised, nor
did It have the fore that was required lo pat
down a disorder of such ptoportions in ft
hurt time. In thi connection it Is proper
to recall the word used hy the Honorable
rierretary of State at Washington in his not
a ti th Marquis Impertili, and
bearing date of Mv 21, lM: "There is no
Ooverniueut. however civilised it may be,
however great th vigilenc displayed by It
Hilice, and however severe Its criminal co l
may he, and however ntedy and lull xible
may he its a Iminlstratioti of justice, that
can guarantee its own ciiix-ns against
violence growingout ot individual malice or
a sudden popular tumult."
This wit precisely the situation of th
administrative authorities at Valparaiso on
the occasion of th occurence which took
place In October. The un lersignel hopp
that the foregoimr will convince th Hon.
Secretary of State that the Oovertiment of
i hile lt:he doe iiiiH)rtance to the ques
tion now under oiscusaioti; that he does not
lor a moment hesitate to condeiuti, in
vigoro-i terms, the act committed tin th
Hi'li of October, or to offer such reparation
as is just, and that he has not neglected the
opportunity to express thes sentiments t
for now, sine, on various occasions, an I
through th plenipotentiaries of both
countries, he has lor arled explicit declara
tions on the subject to Washington.
I bo undersigned takes I lie liberty to recall
the U.-l that, live days alter he had taken
charge ol the lii'iiartmedt of Foreign liela
lions, lie address? I to the Minister of 'lit la
In the United Siati-s a telegram which, in
the i art relating to tins matter, savs: ' Ki-
liress to the Uniied Statfs liovernment what
hasnlreidv I n statel. ad iing all the data '
that are known, in the most correct and ,
amii-ah form, i-x press to the United States j
liovern iient ve'y sincere regret on account I
of this unfortunate incident, which 1
a tlioiurli and not s'r.tngc in the ports of
the w-or.d, this tit. vernment doubly latneu'S ;
owm to its sincere des ra to cultivat I
friend-hip with the United Stat."
If United states (lovornnient should not I
ac. ept th" foregoing explanation as satis
factory, iiotwithstttud.iig that th judicial
authorities hold the guilty parties rcsponsi-
ble f or the ilisordrrof i ictoher Pi, the umlcr
si.'tied must rival I the circumstance that th
tiovertuueiit ol I bile, throiili the medium
of its Minister in Washington, liasexpresse.1 j
the desire lo s ibmtt any niisiinilerstati.iiiig '
lis.uto to d.H ision by urnitrution by any
power or tribunal w lurli may be indicated
toil; ml. in la.-t. arbitration was suggested I
In conference with the Mini-ter of lule in !
Washington on the .Villi of iecemb-.r, when
the lioViTUnieut mi the tludersigne I '
di climd ilsgoo.1 will and re-olvinl to accept j
arbitration after the tinal judgment, w hich
would not he furtln-r delayed many days, in 1
furtherance of its ptirp se to give a ss"ly
solution to the in-i littit in the most I'riciid y '
terms. " I
) bo government of the un lersigne.1 called j
upon its minister lor a delinite rcp;y on the
Dili inst , mi I onthe l lth Minister Montt
reported that tioLvitlistaud ng certain ob- j
s-rvatioiis made Pv the American State
I lepartmeut with ri -ps t to the opport itu- '
In-ss of resorting to arhitrution he b id
nevertheless iigris. with lint on. Mr Itlainit
that, if any divergence of views or ilisiccorl
should sii Tvenu alter the verdict of the
Judge of Va paraiso,iicli controversy would
yield to arbitration. I
matta's issnicrrt ins withdraw.
I'he undersigne I hastened to declare that ,
be would hilly a.-ccp. nucli uu agreement;
fr which reason the Uovernnient of ( hil
deems that t ie case has arisen for suhmits
ting lo arhitrution, in terms as stop as
thoa above indicated.auv iliffere -ce l "lews
whinW may ijKMisvTi.v'n ,,t V.yTrj-rrV,-f"V of
thu Uuittsl elites concerning the incident of
the Baltimore. There ii, therefore, aubuiit
ted to the Honorable Secretary of Htute of
tne iieparimeui oi i-oreign ueiniious ol i
Washington lliedesiguation of either the i
s ireuie court of Justice of the Uuite.1
Stall's or of atb tnitioii to deter
mine the reparation which I 'bile tn iv have
to make for that lamentatil - occurrence.
As for the disnatcti addressed un Icr data
of the llth of liis-itmber to the t .' hileait Min
ister in Washington by the minister of For
eign Iiclations of the Provisional Governs
luent, the uudorsi-nttd submits that ther
could not be, on tint part of the tiovernment
of Chile, the piirtmie to iullicr any ollc'iice
upon the Hove: irueut of the United States,
wit i which it ilnt, res ever to cultivate-the
most friendly relations. Cons-quently the
und-rsignel deplores that In that telegram
there were employed throng i an error of
Judgment, the expressions which are off.'ti
sive in theju Igenieut of your ' iove-nnient.
lh'cl inng. in luliillin'iit -f a duty of
courtesy and sincerity t .war I a f lendly
nation, th it the i iovertitiient of hile ab
solutely withdraws the .u I -tpre-s ons, the
undersigne I lr-its th it this frank and ex
plicit declaration, vhi.-:i cnlirins that which
lias already been made to the Honorable
secretary of Ma e in Washington, w ill carry
tothe mind of His Ki ellencv. M r. Hat rlsoii.
of Ins liovcrtitnent. that tlie ..i.le .f t;hile,
fur from entcrlaiiiing a f-eling of hostidty j
hi.s a lively desire to nianit.ii:! titia'lerably
the good an 1 cor lul rela'ions wnich up to'
the pre-ent tl uitt ex st hetweeii Ilia two 1
countries -a de.-lara'iou which Is inadii j
without reservation in order that it may ro- I
ci ive snidi puli. i. t v a your liovitnuient ;
may deem MiitahV
KOAN's, Ui:i- Al t. IS CONSIDKIU'.U. '
With I to the Migestion ma in I
tot.cliing t hang" of the p rsiititiel of I
your Legation, to which the instructions of I
ihe llonoral. e 'secretary of State refer, it is j
in. -iiuihent upon the Ht.d.Ts gn-1. 1 to declare '
th it the tiiiveriimeut of i hill will tiikn no '
positive step w ithi. ut the a. r I of the Uuv- '
erntiient ol the United states, with w hich it 1
itesin-t, i maintain itself in friendly under- j
I'he undersigned bmiu's this already long I
c . n i ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 ui i u 'o a .-lose in the Hssnrance !
that he bus therein set l .rt'i evervthlUjj that I
can fully saiN'y v.nir liov.-rument. Tint !
liovernineiit of' hill che,-iies the i-onvic-tMu
that the lei it ions with the tioWniment !
of the Unite I Mates should be sincer.-lv and i
cord ally maintained uinier the shelter of 1
that mutual respect and that g d i.nder- I
standing w hich are bus s upon the just and
e i iital.l.t apprc i.uion of the fact and on 1
the appreciation to eg.ven to the sponta- I
iii'ouh declarati in madu on either side.
The millers gned. moreover, dolares that
in presenting its cxi. I. m. iMous his liovern-l
tnent tit ids us inspi it :on in the iv.rds of l he I
iiis'ruc ions winch you hive quoted and '
which assures the I iverniu-nt of I luli thai I
the I'resi ent is not d spoied to ici or ask
anything which your liovern in nt would '
not under the satuo circuiii-un. es sjiuta- '
lieously Concede.
v 1th scniiiueuts of distinguished cousid- !
era' ion,
1 a ti vo-ir "I i- nei.t servant.
I.I Is l'l Kllls.
I await instructions. Kuav. i Persona Hurt,
Chicago, Jan. 20 passenger train on
the Chicago, Hock Island and racltlo rail
road, was ditched about 14 luilo from th
city by th spreading of the rails, The train
at one took fir from the stoves, and but
for prompt work of the uninjured several
persons woulif have been burned to death.
Th en lire train was consumed, together
with the mail. Th financial loss is esti
mated at ItO.OUO.
Kentucky should be represented oa
the national flair by hooting star.
The Mf morAMo Battle Between
Oar Saiiors and the Chileans.
The Main Incidents of tba Brutil
Attack Rehearsed.
Th followlnj Is a condens,! acetunt,
taken from th Kew York Herald, of th
battl In the streets of Valparaiso between
th sailor of th Unit! HUte warship Dal
tiinore and th Chilean mob
It will be remembered that on th after
noon of October lflth Captain Sohlev takln
into mnaidenitinn that his men bad been
coo pel up aboard ship for over flv months
without liberty, gav shore leave to 117
Ptmsi and petty officers, with special In
atrnctfnns to kep oter.
On th morning of Octotssr 17th theileraM
eiclaslvely (tare to th world the sUrtlins;
Sews that our sailor, had been set upon by a
bloodthirsty mob in th streets of Valp ir
aiso,leaten,stabhod and vioiouslv maltreated
until two of them bad been dona to death
and a number of other mora or less des
perately wounded.
Aa was told at that time In th Herald our
men were absolutely without other means ol
defence than thosa furnished them hy na
ture, and were helping in th ban Is o. over
powerinf minpiers.
inly one Chilean was bnrt in th affray
and bis Injuries were not fatal.
Two distinct investigation of th affray
were undertaken aini'wt Immediately, on
altoard the Baltimore hy a Board of Inquiry
Instituted hy Captain Hchley, and the other
in the Chilean court by Judge of Crimes
The testimony adduced before these two
tributiaU, while differing wldoly io many
respects, added to rather than euustra-ted
from the dramatic lot-rest In th affray
which came so near embroillnit the Unite.)
titates and Chile in a bloody and costly war.
The men landed from the lialtimur, which
lav off th psss,.ngor mole, at the foot of th
l'lnia de la Int n laticia, almut two o'clock in
the uf'ernoon. Tiny were siippliel witn
"hh-Tty money." which they bad changed at
the moiiKy chinger's orl'.ce, a short diilauce
up the plaza, nt C'alle de Cochrane.
From here the men scnrati.i and In small
t)iirtiis through the town sight see.
lug ami amusing tucmscive, iu sailors ashor
ilunyof the bluejackets ma lo for thst I
portion or the city Known ntnong l.uglih
epsnking setarliii men as the "maintop,"
which, rouh'y Fpeaking, isineioseil Itolwetn
Callit d"l Clave, the hilN, rinca Sau Frau
ciwoiuil tvetiid tde l j ra?.un.
The InUMidencin, at the 'alios de San
Ati.tustm and de Serrano, Ls only abnut bun lml yards Irotn the centre of tins
lislrict, whmv thu hardest tightitu took
j.His, and the fact which was brought out
in both investigations, that it was fully
half an hour In-fore the arrival of thu Khee
and soldiers, is nun of tint grounds for the
belief expr.-iso I on th" art of the CuiUl
Mnt-e authorities that dun diligenca was
not iiwl in .rot- -ling our mn.
VV lulu many wuriiins ha I been given to
Iho Haltlmoru's sailors, ns I'lipt-tin Schley's
tnvestigutioii (.hows, that trouble was in
store for them, it was nut until nearly six
o'clock Hint, th" light really bejan.
iioatswaiu's Mate ltigg.ii and Apprentice
Talltol were near the liu. lllua naloon nt
Calles Santo Domingo and Mntrii, when,
aciiir.ling to l nlUit's story, a CIiiI.mhi a-nlor
spat iu his lacj an 1 was promptly knock 1
Then the mob attached the two Ameri
can. They ll"l tna l' is d tlVtie d
wrlght, an I on Call del Colernne, usar
Calle del Mar.pisz, boar lod a stroet oar in
order to em'apo the mob. They were mads
to leave Urn car and wera aguiu attack I,
Talbot made his em-aiwand K.ggin struggle !
loug up Cade da Mai .piii until hij -hc.1
CcVio A rsvntti, wuerd he was fouud by
bcatnan JoIiiiaoii.
Assisted by the latter they made their way
tip Calle dit Arsenal a lew feet to th plac
where Kigali was shot, it is alleged by
Johnson, ly tho police, or soljlers.
Hi .'gin's liody waslikeu to the dm store
at 1'lut.i Kchnurreu and Cullodn la Matriz.
In the meantime there ha I been, accord
ing to the testimony, a Kteial assault ott
the American sailors. IScainan lurnbull
was attact, I, beaten and stnbled while on
the 1'laza K liaurreu un I ran into a pla -o on
Calle de 8au Martin and thu plsa to escap j
from the mob, but was driven out. He was
taken to a drug store adjoining that to
which Kiggms was taken.
Heauian Uamiltou w as attacked on Call
do Mar.pj.'X, near Call de Hlauco, and was
picked up from tho gutlor only a few fiwt
Seaman Pavidson wss the victim of a
vicious asMiult at the sain place, where
Kiggiu waa shot, and about th same time.
He ran down Calle de Marqucz, pursued by
a section of the m b, to th waUir fron',ati 1
thenco to the Mole. The mob wascloso !
bind him. and as no boatman would take
bun to his ship he ran Into thn water ad
joining tba Mola, where he was made a
target for it of stoues.
lie stood this as long us iMssibUt and then
made for the shore again, iie sueco ie-1 in
lighting his wity through the crowd, up the
l'lnau de la Jnttm leiicm a few yards to tha
1'iat luiiiiiu.ient, and fell fainting in the
iliKir of a store, ut tba l'Uzi and Calle de
Ulanco. He was found bore unconscious by
a French naval otli -er and cuTiod to a dry
go.xls store ucross the street, an I from
thenco wus tJiUen in charge by a policeman,
when be had regain.' 1 cousdousiios.s.
I'he pohcn at tli station un the Mole, it Is
claimed, uit' him u protes-tion, an I
bere, too, wuile the station was only a couple
ot hundred yards from the Centre ot that
SiS-tiou of the conflict, it was many iuinut
iH.fore they trie 1 to ipjnll the disturbance,
cliiius Captain Schley,
While tticsu stirring oulsj were being en
nc e l in tii-t "Maintop'' in anothor section
ot th.) city at the Cades da la lsmuralda and
de lit Ciucupi'ioti, n wly half a mile away,
other American .sailors worn being attack. I.
t is this which le-t Captain Hchley to tha
c inclusion tlmt the attacks were preconcert
ed and part of a general plan which bad
been well arriui red.
It was at. tins p nea, near th Hotol
dn Colon, w h-r j Sailor Carson wa attacko I
and I. at. -n, un I on the opposite aula of thu
ktreet is th.i cigar store where ha sought
rafugiiHu t was advised to change his unl
form and put on citizens' cloth, which h
did. and was njt further molustad.
The poliea an 1 soldiers ni ter considerable,
time aiicoceded in dispersing the mob an I
mailing soma arrests, most of tho ar
rested belli,; American sailors.
Although there was a polio station at
thu Mole, only three hundred yards from
tint troubled districts, the prisoners war
taken, it is alleged by Captain Hobday au 1
ileum 1 by the Chilean auihoritles,under car
tuuistanc.vs of aggravato I brutality, to th
police station an 1 court in the I'laia da la
Victoria, at thu othnr end of th city and
nearly a away.
An A a" d Couple Perlah in th Flame of
Their Horns.
Johnslown, Pa., Jan. 30. A fire at Elton,
a village seven miles southeast of this city,
burned tho residence of Samuel Krlng and
another building. Kring and Lis wi fa were
burned up iR their home. II was 79 yean
of ago and she 83. The fire originated froru
an over heated stove in tb bedroom. Beida
th ghastly bodies was t'JO in (old which
bad been bidden in th bed clothing aid wa
not damaged. Th coupl were supposed to
bare fully 12.000 in the bouse, but as it was
thought that it was nearly all in papei it was
evidently destroyed.
Occurrnoe at Horn and Abroad, Bist
Forth ia Brief Paragraphs.
Secretary Blaine Tell Chill That Hti
Apology is Satisfactory to th Presi
dent and Peopl of th Valted State.
Washington, Keb. 1. The following is
the reply sent by Sisjretary liiulno to the
Chilian not of apology of the 'Jot h Instant;
"rFsatMrnT orSTATr,
Wasiii.sotom, Jan. 3d, 189Z
"Ejan, Minister, San'iapil
"I am directed bv th Preddent lo se
knowledge the receipt of henor Pere'ra'i
dispatch of the !i"th instant. It ha been
communicated to Congress and has siven
frreat pleasure tothe people of lb I'nited
States and to the Kxtsjutive Depirtmeiit, as
it resto-es the corresp mdence between to
two Hepiiblica lo a basis of cordiality,
and makes, as he hot'eves, a
full and honorable adjustment of nil
unsettled n. alters easily attainable. The
President notes with gratification the rt
pretisjoii. of rgret for and condemnation
of the assault upon the sailor of the Haiti'
more offered bv Mr. I'ereira, and congratui
tales the I'bilian Oovertiment iiui the
frank and suit. le withdrawal of the tint'a
circular and upon the spirit of l isiiretbs.
pi a veil toward Minister Dgan. You will
assure tho Chilian lioverumetit that tlie
I r. fid. -nt will be glal to meet in the most
eeneroiis siurit tli'Se friendly overtures.
Iteiievlng tdat the subject of reparation for
the assault upon the teamen of i he Haiti'
in .re is now capable of adjustment between
thetwo liovernin-nts by the usual diplo.
luetic methods, the President stpones for
the rri'sent any discussion of the suggestions
made by M'nor I'ereira as lo the use of
other methods, n -t doubling that the sense
of justice of Chili will rnab'e the two
itovernnietita to sis-eddy nnd honorably
make a lull cud of the whole mutter.
Crime and Praaltlea.
burglars made n raid on the I'nlon Pai.k
of Wilton, Iowa. They ox-ned the sufa and
R..t away with 14. tn in .un:r, silve and
Arthur Stocker, of Jcrs y City, N. J., shot
tils wife, Kate, In the head, while walking
on the street. Hie w as taken home, where
she died five minutes later. Miocker also shot
liissister iu-luw, Mary Tierncy, scri -us y
wounding her. The murderer was cuu;hi.
Henry H. Yard, agent of the p.i (urt
land opi-rat ons. in connection with the
Keystone Hank troubles, was i.rre te-1 nt
I'li'liu Iclpbia by I'niiid tales Marshals on
the i liurgei'f ai.liio. and ula'.ting Mursli and
l.awrciiiv, the president and cashier of the
bank, to misapply t',! "J of the bank
Andrpw Ihirjesscn, the murderer of ICinma rM'ii, was Inn ged iu I. id lilie d, I mm.
This wus the fourth execution iu that city
the preceding one liaing incurred nearly
u7 years ngo.
'I liomns Thompson, ri i, red, was liangcd
In ( lievlertown, d., for the murder of
William Adams, ulso colored.
Jac.-b Si unborn shot and M-rioitsly injured
bis cousin, Julius S. unburn, the well known
wine merchant of New York ( itv, and th u
shot himself dea l.
r.rv. tVforge A'iidre'w's, of Ks-ov, Mass.,
Convicted of burning his store In that town
April id, last, was sentenced to the Mu'e
prison for A yenrs.
IMsiialrra nml Ai-i lili-nls.
The farm house of lieorgc Myers, three
inil.-s west of Kendallville, lu l., was burned
to the ground, und M.irson the IS-year-icd
hi of Mr. Mw-rs. nnd Mr. uwetis, a brother
of Mrs. Myers who were sleeping iu an
upper room, we u roasted to death.
N is. Fanny Wise, of Chicago, w as latally
burned in ritiuguishing tlames thai sprea I
from an oisui grate to the clo-l.ingif hero
yrnr old child. Notwithstati ling the moth
er's sulf-sucrilice the little one burned to
Thu linns belonging to ficorgo Cramer,
four miles In. m I'ralucrd, Minn., anight
lire end Ins wife an I throe children were
cremated. Tlis husband w as away but suw
Ihe lire und found the dead bodies around
the stove.
l'.y Hie burning of a house at (ireenvi'le,
' la., Tandy Young and his two cliildrcu.
a , 'ed 3 und ll years, were burned to death.
M rs. Young escape I.
A dynamite explosion took place u ihe
Netherlnud I'bofphate Ciin.p.inv'.s iii'in s ,,t
lii.-aii ville, (int. Tine.' nu n, iiiuii d I'm .
Iiotunie, Suiivu und Vtirtcii, were killed,., ml
a numb, r of others severe". v iniuru 1.
4 aidliil, l.nlinr unit Imluslrlnl,
Six thousand engineers cmployid in
works on the rivers Wcare, Tyne nnd Tis-s,
IliigUiid, have siruck in m e ol
a dispu'e regarding payment for overt hue.
All the switchmen on the i luea;o .t Kri
road ut Huntington, In. I., havu gone on a
strike and no freight is being moved.
Passenger trains arc running w ith tba con
sent of the strikers.
The Washington Manufacturing com
pitiy's mills at tiloucester, X. J.. have been
closed, throwing over operators out of
employ in. 'lit. Application has been tuadu
for a receiver. Ktlimates of the company's
ulVuirs muke the assets flT.'i, ii; liabilities
IJ.'-VWI; capital, t7oU.Mll.
Continued cold weather put 10, OX) men
and toys to work in Wilkushurre, (Pa.)
collieries that had susK'hded owing tothe
mild weuther.
i'lrrs unil Failures,
The most disastrous of the recent fires
that have threatemsl to annihilate Jean
iiette, Pa., occurred there Saturday. An
other solid sipiure of business blocks was
laid low, entailing a lot's of ut least f piu.ooi).
'I be block burned udjoine I thul burned on
the night of January 1, und the heart of the
town Is practically wiped out by the three
great fires of the month.
At Centralis, 111., Wells ,t Uarrett's hard
ware store and John tilorer's harness store
were burned. Loss, .'3,iH). The Guard
printing office was badly ilatnug d
The Chester, (3. C ) cotton factory burned.
Lous, f.'JO.O.lO; Insurance, 1.W,0. Over
'4X1 operatives are thrown out of work,
A Berlin editor has been acquitted of the
charge of satirizing th holy coat recently
ixhiblted at Treves,
Pnatmastar KleM of Philadelphia, raalirn-
d his position during the pest week, bnl
alter a long conference with Postmaster
General Wanamaker, on Saturday, he con
sented to withdraw It.
The Kentucky Republican State commit
tee has decided that the Stat convention
shall be h Id at Louisville, on March 30.
The New York Assembly baa passed
bill al owins; newster repr sentatives to
witness electrical executions.
Senator Oantor's .1.o0) World s fair
appropriation bill has passed the New YotS
The citv council of Helena. Montana, haf
passed a res lotion ratlins; on t'ongrviis it
assatotal Chinese Kxrluston bill.
Fleaailal anil ('matrrrlal.
The Wsshlngton Manufscturingcompsnv,
oftiloiirester Oty, N. J , has failed for Ihe
second time In flv years. Liabilities est it
mated at $:yt,ooo.
The banking house of If. J. Hoyt it Ce)..ol
Cblrora. Pmler rtiunty Pa , has failed. The
assets and liabilities are not know n. hut Is
believed that depositors will be fully pro
tected. re ran an I.
Got. McKlnley.jtf Ohio, was unable to be
at bis office Saturday or transact b slness
of any c ar.icter rn account of illness. He
has bowel troubleuud is considered senouaiy
Waahlnaian Nre,
Clara P.nrtou, .f the l!ed Cr.M society,
Washington, I. C, has written anotber
letter, calling for contributions to pny lor
the trnnsportntion of food donated for the
relief of the starving Husstaii ponsniits.
The I'nded States patent commlssiottrr
tresentisl his annual rewirt. 'I he lo al
number of applications received bv ihe
jfllcc during the last calender yenr. iiic'nd
itig mechanical apiilicitious, designs mid
reissues, wus 40 .ViO. t he total iiunibT of
patents granted wus 2VJ-M. The total mini
berofwgisl rations was l.wri. The total
receipts were fl.'TI.H.; total expenditures
II, l:.7n. lravli'g a surplus of H.ll.riT.' to
be tut tied into the treasury of the l'niu'1
Mutes, making a total bahiiu " to the rnslit
of Ihe patent fund of '.l.oo. .''.17. The re
iprrenienls for peii-ii.n i t p-oprint oiis
w-oil d re.ii-iiti in the n-i -lib ir i d of
ll JT.oio. lm for si tir-, ui.d Cat i
gr.idu.illy It-sen, provi lei, of c ui-se there
was no new- leg slatioii.
ei ntary Noble t X-cts to op -n the.1
i .-cresin the i herokce stripfos tili un-nt
ul.oiit April I.
'Hie height of buildings t a Chicago will
hereafter be limited to 1'" feet.
At New York twenty thnss im grjitits
w ere di bum d. I bey arrived "ti !he steam-
bin Alter, l-'ift.-eti were b .uu 1 fur
npolis iipd eight for tl.e !' n. sy.v.iu a
ti. i in s.
A II of the ciiien lave be -n iri"tl out ot
thet iwu. f poll Ura.v, Cul. Other towns iu
the vicinity are inlo' t t.g the sa ne ours
and si r mi I rouble is f-iited.
At I t. lio.L-e, l.i,, "enrv I' .n. n
li.Por, is lying ut the p.iin' of ib th as the
result i f mi uttiic of I ii'-otit r. dlah e luug'i
ter. WiMiam Kd .erlv. of Stillwater, Minn,
was locked up bv the p it ice
mi u charge of dnink nness. Ilenustas n
si most iiiuiiediiitely WiUi.i'1 uutf't j'r
roughing, w hich he lias kept up f. lUJr y
s week, physicians nil' .rditlg II i ichcl. ,
nr.voMi in ii ii( t ni.itsi.
A pu'lic ba'l nt llfrucnntlu', lievons'-ire,
n w hich u iiiiuilicr of men n ere at work,
rollupsisl. Two of the men were killed a d
seven dangerously injured.
The acceptance bv tlie I'nited Slates of
Chili s reply to the ultimatum hut given
greut satisfaction at Valparaiso. Kchiinge
has risen me and a hulf pence.
The Parliamentary examiner h s passed
the bill promoted by tint Salvationists if
llastbourn... Kiigland. rep.'a'ing thu local
tu t under wlil'-h p ocessions tire iuterfensl
with, and which has be-n at 'li b ittoiu of
most of ihe trouble in that town.
ltlsp-itches from 'li!b io, Sp liu, say there
bus been much rioting bi't ween the striken
und outh intii-s. The soldiers -ver" stoned,
un I in self defe ic" lire 1 upon t id llloh,
killing s, of lb"in.
MutiV London p'lysiciaiis of eiui ieti"e are
ol opinion thai the link" "I" Clarenci in d
his death by his lung bung clo.'."l with
phlegm caused by ec. ss ve ej ;.ir t e on -k-in.',
Thu Princt ..f au i I'ri ice
i or.te lire ids i in veler i'e v i I I lo t his
ll tint. I he I'riii-.'.t M irv U I'eck. has
bis'ti very ill Minc-t Icr r." ir.i tier fit Iter's
rt'sidi nru id llichmo'td I.e is sull'.-ring
( the eilc-ts uf h -r iigii.iut g'ie.'at t'io
death of her befrot!i,-l. Sue ref"ivi-s daily
marks of sympathy from .tb pa is of the
l'ritish dominions.
At St. Paul, Vinn.. tin electric car ran
over two chile ion, 1' red und Koi-u Kcegunl
lloth were k'lbsl nlmosl iif-titti'lv.
Minister Ean 8o Intruotd to Notify
the Chilian Oovernment.
Wasliins on, January 30. At the Cabinet
meeiiuR to day, which was uncommonly
th irt, the Chid in mutter was discussed It
wus decideil that Minister Ks'au should he
nntructed to s iy to Senor I'ereira, (Chilian
M mister of I'oio gn All'uirs, that his reply to
tbtuoteof S cretary Ulaiue of the 21st
Inclcated a desire on the part of the Chilian
Government to satisfy the United States of
its feeling of regret over the assault upon
tli sailors of the Baltimore in Valparaiso.
Th replies as to the Mutta note nf Decem
ber 11 and tho re.piest for the recall of Min
ister Er,an, the lutter will be directed to say
are entirely satisfactory. Such being the
case, the United States will leave th niattt
of reparation to the sufferers by thsaasitlt to
t h li to initiate according to her sens of lues
tiot and rinht. And with a salute orthe
Vniteil States flag the Incident will be con
aid. -red cl- sed by this Government. Until
t ' makes some offer of reparation, of
course, there will be nothing to arbitrate, as
no points of difference exist. The offer may
be so satisfactory that arbitration on that
score will not be necessary.
The contents of a dispatch from Minister
E?sn. received yesterday were made known
M today's cabinet meeting. It is said that
Mr. KKao continued the story reported from
HantiatfO that members of the Chilian Gov
ernment had stated that Senor Montt, th
Chilian Minister at Washington, had misled
his Uovernnient by the advices he had
dispatched to them which bad th effect of
seriously compromising th Oovernment in
their dealing with the controversy, A report
is current that Honor Montt has intimated
his Intention of leaving Washington, but It
could not be confirmed. It ls generally be
lieved, however, that Montt must resign, If
be Las not already don so.
A Big Pro ft
Realle4 ss fsw
laveatia f WJls
Mr. W. P. Eltr.roth, as esteemed
school teacher In tba town f Morrow,
Ohio, states bis case sa cleerly that nt
comment is necessary, further then to
My to those run down and out ef health.
Co and Do Likewise
! feat thai I must add ray earn to Uie hat et
those wh fnl grateful for asaent derlvad from
Bain llrwd'a Saraaparllla. It has beea worth tS0 a
oiuetnm la Ui fnllowiaj manner, via I laav
etva leacbln srboel for I ysars. Last fall t fceeam
weraeus.aadkadaeappetisa.raalda'l as
alkl, sad baoam sa deoUlUted tba H was ka
Sosaible ss perform tar doty as a teaebse. t
Wrote My Resignation
take arTset la two wtssks, bat I ws fmmtflti t
try Hossil nraparilla, Wltbla a week I waa
snnrk batter Ikat I contlnuad tar arkool and aa stlQ
laarblaa. I kar aaed tw koalas aad feat Ilk a
aw aiaa aad kav ever $x clear from S3 spsaS
tor Hood s Saraajswilla." W. r. KLTxaora.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
St the beat Wool purifier, the kaat strMfta kaH4aa
th tsiat asrv belsr. Glr Ha trial.
, Hood's Pills are the beat family eatkartt.
V v a "'
Sheridan's Condition Towders
If yon can't et It en4 t .
W ma. I oil" lis.-s l.v to"l. A I I llb rtitl M.
SA Ki istltl f' ... Kni.isvOs'"-wlikilon
L a JuU-sio.s A.ou.,iui.iutsaa Houaa Sk.Ssswssa.lia
Takes hold ia this order;
Inside Skin,
Outside Skin,
Driving ever jtblnf before It that out bt to b eel
You know whether
you need it or not.
Sold by every dnurglat, and manufactured hf
Kidnoy, Liver and BladderCure.
Lunihairn. pain In joints or back, hrtek dust la
urine, (reini-nt culls, Iriitutlon, IntlamHtlon,
irravel, ulcs-mtlim or catarrh ot bladder.
Disordered Liver,
Impaired rllireotlnn. ft-nut, bllllous-headachei.
HW A Ti P-RCOT cures kldaey dinicultlea,
ixi Orij ijie, urinary trouble, bright's disunite.
Impure IHood,
Scrofula, malaria, jrenT weakness or debility.
llainulM enntenta af Ona Rett la. If nt but
fltrsl, Urtig-alsta will reiuud Ui yau Ilia prli-a liald.
At Druecl-t! 6c. Size, $1.00 Slza,
"laralhta' Uulila tu ;talth"fns-OanraltatUa fra
lilU KlLklt ii Co., lll.NunAMTOH.N. Tf.
. 11 Alt Ell & CO.'S
Breakfast Cocoa
froia which Ihe cirtaa of oil
biia been rcuuovedt
It abiolutelif pur sums'
il it tillable.
Xo Chemicals
ate uard in lla pri'iarullon. It
baa mart thnn thrtt timet tli
ttrtngth ol Cecua mixed wllb
Btarcb, Arrowroot or Bugar,
and la therefor fur trior co
Inomli-al, cutting Utt than en
centaciifi. lllsdellctoua, Dour.
lililUK, atrrngilii-nlug, xasn.r
DIoistsd, aud ailinltably aduptvd fur Invalid
aa wall as far persona In health.
Sold by tirorers ererynher.
W. BAEER & CO., Dorchester, Mass,
o o o o ob oooo
OTbe dyspeptki, tlie delillltaUsil, wlmtii- dh
er fruiu xtraa uf work of lulutl or 'aw
ObtMly or enpiwure In inalariul reirlone,
will InU Tutt'a I'll la the moat aenluiV9
VsMtorutlv ever ortrreil tlia lus-alliU
PATENTS KTL'' liil'-ktv obialiied. NaAt.
. Isrnrv't Kee uulesa all-mo.1.
It unil tilUn- fr.-n. fil, llCftlCinNC
LAMtK CO.. Wu.Uuml'.n, l. O fLItl Jlllsj
TIIKit IIOI.I.AII. SI. U.o, "otberdnl
, lar" wlleu rcUevist. "I, ihiu IT." Curat
rbcuiustl.m. "Ttux Job." Bent bv
Oiall. Nu I'aik C., ; Hal birtx't, braltlrburo, Vk
rfnUC HTL' ri V, Boos-secm, Buaiaaas fkrai
H stmt IttiiMuUj., Arultmtta, HAort-A4, ata.
U TaoaoeeBLV 1 uumt ar MAIL. Utraulara fra
Ilrraai'a alleae. 4.1T Hat Bt., aaffalix tt. V
ItlH I-nitt K Pl .-rtP-i. Ouai-aaustd t be
th bnl ob aarth. krul oa US Sara" trial. Writs f4
auirulars tm futca rear a fu a TIB O., Oalfa, 111,
Aft- ptsi MAKE MNKT for yea by
YY H V A I aafa lavaauneote la Ua pro
aaroaaMtaMsst Waahluatna. Write ua. OiNWIUi
SiWaRKltK, iBsasUndut Baasdra, rairkyaa,Waa
Ijialaatrtwac. UadJiiS'isVUsalain, aias
nnillfsMoiTtl"e Habit Cared la 1
lll'llll ltostlalaja. Wo par till enisMU
W 1 I U lil DR. i. T 1 r HE Hf, Lbaa,eaM
$ A EC H
. ..aa ft Kitmj..