1 THE POSIiM I hot :t ti nrKifM'"TlT it . ,, . t'oiiiTPT rtnff ii ' i ' '' .i('i it ,,t:tfr Ah I i.x.i . ,1,1 out.' " HUM ! .viihinj, J J, ' ' ' ro.t.btv- 'teMy THE POST In emvhutlrnlly NKWR I'AI'KH, for the I'eopU'and by the l'p"j)lo. Its col umns are nlw ay open for the discussion of fuph' ol luton-st to It patrons. VOL. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., FEBRUARY 4, 1892. t i s 'I '1 .1 ITEMS of LOCAL INTEREST All Underwear nold at cost. Tn Casu Stohe. For special bargains on nboes, call on Runkle St Walter. Thia is the Reason of tho year for trout lo spawn. TLo "spring election" takes place Tuesday, Feb. lGth. If you pay as you go you will never owo for your subscription. With the ending of January day. light lengthened &t) minutes. The celebrated Pittsburg Stouies 4 for 5c. at Tbe Cash Store. Miss Annie Seebold, of Kantz, is the guest of C. C. Seebold aud fam ily. Lamp wicks dipped in warm vin egar, and dried before using, will not smell. Indian meal and vinegar, or lemon juice, used on the hands, will heal and Hofton them. Mr. F. O. Uostermau and wife, of Feider, Centre County, visited rel atives in Middlebuigh over Sunday. There are at present sii lunatics in. Pennsylvania asylumns, all wo men, who were made insane by the grip. Everybody buys at the Cash Store. "Why t Because they buy ID and 15 por cent, cheuper than at a credit storo. John W. llunkle left for Spring Mills, Centre Co., on Tuosday morn ing to visit his father, who is report ed seriously ill. Camp 515 P. O. S. of A., of Mid dlebv: . rwitt-fcold-f esfoftl at their new quarters in Seobold's hall dur ing May court. 1000 yards of calico, delaines, ging hams, Bhirting. etc., in remnants of from 2 to 15 yards, at 3 cents per yard and upwards. Tho Cash Store. Special offer for 10 days. The Cash Storo at Swineford will sell all dress goods at a discount of 125 per cent. Not left yet ! Men's Boots, split, $l.G7, whole stock light kip Ladies' Oil-gruiu Shoes down to $1.00 ; Men's one or two buckle Shoes $1.00. W. I. Garman. Three prices of all wool dress goods retailing at 15, 25 and !J0 cents, respectively reduced to (J and 10 cents per yard, come quick and see. Kunfclo & Walter. Wo are here yet not with a reduc tion of 10 or 25 per cent., but with ltubbcra down to 50 cents, aud La dies' Solid Calf-skin Lace Shoes for $1.00 better quality $1.10. W. I. OiKMAN. List of letters uncalled for in the Middleburgh post-office, Feb. 1, '02: Robb ft Matters, pastor M. K. Church, Lauria Buyler, James Law ery, S. M. Harris, George 13aetz. J. W. Swartz. P. M. Mr. Samuel Bubb, of Three Rivers, Mich., is visiting relatives and old acquaintances in Snyder county. Mr. Bubb is a brother to Reuben Bubb, of near Beavortowu. Mr. Bubb has not been East for thirty nine years. There are a great many people in tho world who, when a quostiou is brought before them, never stop to consider the right and tho wrong of it, but the first thing that pops into their noggins is, which side will htriko tho popular current T It is vory unkind of subscribers who owo us ou subscription to move outside of tho county without settling for the saiuo and then re quest the post-master to order tho paper sent to them. Wo only send the Post to paople outside of the county when paid in advauco, uiul ouly to thoso inside of tho county whoso hi ior we trust. To betray ucu conudonco is the next mean ing to pasturing your cow on your t her b grave. Suits for 13-year old Ivvys $1.25 at It. Guntzberger's. Roasted 'coffee 10 cents per lb., 3 lbs. for 25cts. The Cash Storo. Elmer Snyder, of Scliusgrove, is tho guest of his grand-father, John P. Smith, this place. All rubber goods sold 10 per cent, cheaper at tho Cash Storo than you cau buy them at a credit storo. All winter goods, including over coats and suits sold below cost lo make room for the spriug trade at R. Guntzberger's. Brown Cheiot ' wool suits in four different shadoi latest styles, just in market it from $7 to $12 per suit at R. Guntzberger's. Up to Friday of lust week Union county had contributed 207 bushels of wheat to tho relief of Russia. Is Union county more patriotic than Snyder T Mrs. Amelia Boyer, of Selinsgrovo, aud Mrs. Henry Boyer, of Sunbury were the guests of their sister, Mrs. Samuel Witteuinyer, at thia place last week. City physicians recommend four ounces of juniper berries to a gallon of pure rye whiskey as a sure auti doto against tho grip. The berries can be had at any drug store and the whiskey is constantly kept ou hand by J. L. Marks, Swineford, Pa. Carey's Indian Medicine aud Con cert Company which has been ex hibiting at Scliusgrove for tho last four weeks will appear iu Seebold's Hall to-night, Thursday, February 4, to remain two weeks. Admission free. All invited. Miss Libbie Dunkleberger wishes .to. inform., the public that Blue V:.'1 have her Millinery store closed for the next three weeks from the 8th to the 20th, with the exception of Saturday of each week, and ou those days will well anything in tho line of millinery goods at a great reduction. Si'ECiAL Salk ok Suokh ! 100 Pail Ladies', Misses' aud Children's Shoes reduced as follows : 40 pair reduc ed from $1.00 to 25c. ; CO pair reduc ed from $1.85 to 50c. ; 50 pair reduc ed from $2.50 to 75c. Balance of en tiro stock will bo sold at cost us I in tend to put iu a new line iu the Spring. Tiih Cash Stoke. In response to an urgent appeal from the Russian famiuo relief com mittee of tho United States, Gov ernor Pattison on Monday issued a proclamation to tho people of Penn sylvania, recommending a prompt and gor-orous response to the appeal for aid of the Russian famine relief committee of Washington. Once in eight years all the locks on United States mail bags must be changed, if not oftener. This is be cause after a w hile a good many lost kevs get around, and they are not very safe to have so distributed. Just now tho equipment division of tho postollico department is making over 250,000 locks, merely for the purposo of renderiug them different. A prominent citizen of Auburn, DoKhlb county, Ind., Col. Watson, ccmes out in last week's Dispatch with tl'io following card : "Feeling tho disgrace to my family and friends, us well as to myself, I do hereby notify that any ouo who buys, sells or gives mo any liquor, will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law, knowing thut my appetite at certain periods is such that I have no control over it." Tho weighing of the United States mails, v huh takes place every four years, w ill be commenced about the middle of February, and will be continued thirty days. TLo purposo of this weighing is to form uu esti mate on whieh to base tho contract with tho railroads for carrying the mail. The time mentioned is select ed as being about tho uveruge, the heaviest period being during De cember aud January, and the light est during August. Weighois uro employed by tho department who weigh all mail handled. Mr. Grouud Hog saw his shadow early on Tuesday morning mid im mediately retired to his quarter for a six weeks' snooze. A census bulletin gives the Luth eran communion in the United States, which represents four gen eral bodies, twelve independent synods and many independent con gregations. There are l,lV.t.2H com- jnunieants. connected with S. 127 or- fganizations, with church property valued at $:1I.218.2:U. The hgest number am found in Pennsylvania, iu tho eastern put of which the Lutheran clement predominates. Peach Tiieks ron Sai.k. Tho un dorsigned has a large stock of trees that he will dispute of at reasonable rates. To those who contemplate planting orchards I will mnko rates low for 500 or 1000 orders. Terms easy. Write for prices. I bud my own trees and guarantee them true to name. A general line of nursery stock. Address J. K. Onr.itiioi.TZF.it, Mifllintown, Juniata county, Pa. Hundreds of persons suffering with frosted feet, chilhlaius and similar uilmcnts, will thank us for the following recipe, which is a sure cure: Put half a pound of alum in six quarts of water, put the feet in while it is warm, leave them in for ten minutes,. aud then retire. The bath should bo repeated every night for a week. Persons so desiring can use tho same water every time by adding one pint of fresh boiling wa ter at each subsequent use. What a wonderful ago do we live in aud what a wonderful half cen tury we have just left behind. One can hardly realize how little there 'wvf 1 1 ue world 50 or voars ar - No oceiiii steamships ; no railways j no Htreet cars ; no telegraph ; no ocean cable ; no phonograph ; no sowing machines ; no photographs ; no electric lights and not even kero sene : no steam Uro engines. We wonder how people carried on busi ness half a century ago. Last week w e addressed superin tendent Moss of the S. St L. road for free transportation of wheat for Russia over his line from the sen der to the mills where it is to be ground. Tho following is his reply, which, though unsatisfactory so far us our request is concerned, still shows that ho is in sympathy with tho movement und would most glad ly grant tho privilege were it iu his power to do so : Lewistown, Jan. i!!', lS'.iJ. T. II. Harteu : Referring to your favor of the 20th instant, would state, that there are many questions involved iu tho matter of furnishing free transportation for the object you desire, u't hough wo appreciate the motivo which inllut need you in the worthy undertaking wo can at this time nurdly cooperate with you in t ho mutter. Although later some thing may be done, us tho entire Pennsylvania syetein may be called iqiou to do something iu tho matter. Yours truly, A. W. Moss, Sup't. Old Abo Lacy, tho prince of tramps, has at last found a home. Tho authorities of Juniata county have removed him to the Insane Asy lum at Harrisburg. Abo's history is interesting. Ho was "Old Abo Lacy" lifty years ago. His life is a practical demonstration that "the world owes every man u living." The change did not suit Abe at all, but it suited tho people whom ho had been pestering. It is suid that Abe came from a wealthy family that resided in Northampton county ami that tlo cause of his nomadic life was disappointment iu love. Doubtful, very doubtful. Did Abe ever love anybody well enough to break his heart ? Hurdly. His notoriety was acquired upon the priciplo of being positively good for nothing known toman or beast, and the people who were tho sufferers from his devilment in years gone by will be only too glad to learn that ho will never annoy them again. Shako spere says : "Tho good men do is buried with their bones'1 aud it is our private opinion that Abe's bones will uot be crowded for room. Wickersham Memorial. To the Teachers of Snvdku Co : It affords me great pleasure to call your attention to the plan of the W iekersham Memorial proposed by a committee appointed by tho State Teachers' Association at tho last ses sion. In order to bring this matter prominently before the schools of tho State, and increase tho general interest in the subject, the commit tee recommend the observance of March 25, 1K2, the first anniversary of his death, us Wickersham Day. They have in preparation leaflets containing suitable matter for that purpose, which will be furnished at cost to any teacher wishing to uso them, upon addressing the Secre tary of the committer, Miss Eliz abeth Lloyd, Newton Square, Del aware Co., Pa. Dr. J. T. Wickersham was long aud prominently identified with tho common school sytcm of Peuusyl vuniu ami the Memorial contemplat ed by the committee is a fitting trib ute to him who spent his life in en nobling and perfecting a system of public inst met ion of which the State may be justly proud. The proposed scheme of establish ing a "Wickersham Memorial Li brary of Pedagogical Works" meets my cordiul upproval and I hope that Snyder county will contribute tier full share iu making t he plan most eminently successful. Chas. W. Hermann, County Supt. Adjourned Oourt. Regular adjourned Dee. term held Feb. 1, 18U2. Present, Hon. H. M. McClure P. J., and 8. A. .V.7.'l and 1Turj Brown Associate Judges. In the case of Henry Kern vs. W. N. Heimbach leave was granted plaintiff to answer the in titiou iu ten days or rule to be made absolute. Geo. Seiler vs. Jus. N. Houser ex ceptions to auditor's report argued and awaits the opinion of tho court. Herman Milliter vs. M. I'reidman rule to show cause why judgment should not be satisfied made abso lute. Jonathan D. Reigle, executor, &c, vs. Enoch S. Auckcr, exceptions to auditor's report argued and papers in hands of the court. In the private road of Frederick Gcrhai t in Adams Township excep tions to report of viewers sustained ami their report set aside. A. W. Potter, Esq., ('. P. I Inch, Esq., T. J. Smith, Esq., and F. E. Rower, Esq., were appointed a com mittee to act with the committees already appointed iu Union and Mif tliu counties to revise the rules of court. Geo. M. Shindel, Register St Re corder, was ordered to complete the indexing of the county records in his otlico. Court adjourned to April 3, 1H'2, ut 10 o'clock, a. in., for tho transfer of tavern licenses. MONROE TUT. Win. Hess, of Riverside visited friends iu tins place hist week. Tho Post is pronounced by our citizens the best paper published iu Snyder county. y Some of our folks tilled their ice houses last week. James Forrester, teller of the Union bank of Lewisburg, was iu this place last Thursday ou impor tant business. Constable Heiser has posted up tho election proclamation, announc ing the ollieea io be tilled tho com ing election. James Shaffer intends moving to Riverside this spring to farm for a man by tho name of Coopcrrich. John Sholler w ho w as seriously ill, is able to bo about again. Aspirants for township ofllces are beginning to loom up. David Kerstetter, of Iowa is vis iting friends in this vicinity. Who is tho first farmer of Monroe who w ill start the ball rolling in aid ing famine-stricken Russia. Hal. Nathaniel Walter Dead. yS fl XAtA'.M. Nathaniel Walter, died at his home three miles north of Middle burgh on Saturday morning, from injuries sustained in the runaway accident on Tuesday evening be fore, recorded in last week's Post. The injures were luternal, and it is said ho suffered excruseiating pain foi six hours before death relieved him. lie was aged 53 years. I 4 months and 2s days. The funer..l took place on Monday forenoon ut the Salem church-Ri-vs. Stover und Bergi r officiating. Mr. Walter leaves a widow and large family to mourn his loss. Ho was a weil to do and prosperous fanner ; hard working und honest - u kind father and good neighbor. Communicated. On Frid iy tho Troxdvillo hunting party tricl their skill once more on a two days' bear hunt. They climb ed tho beautiful hills and hunted through ' Tho Spruce," and by 4 p. m. they hud made bruin their prize. W. F. Lttinger, tho famous young bear slayer, wears the belt now it being his third victim for this fall. Two weeks ugo this same party had been out, wounded a bear, and their dogs chased him across tho valley until ho came iu contact with Ren ter & Bro , w ho hud him clubbed to death, when a certain individual camo upon tho scene and shot tho animal in the head while Mr. Keis ter was sitting on tho animal's neck. He got bis sharo and that is what he wautfd. T. H. '. PAXTONVILLl-Cn ,' - i I a k l 1 BiImuh Waiter-H,.dfltuc,.l,W.a-, dleburgh, Suudayod here. Mr. Oliver Bowersox and family, of Millmon visited among friends here. Miss Clara howersox was to Sun bury last week Mi business and pleas ure combined. Bev. Henry IVrger and family, formerly from Snyder county, but now a minister in the Ohio Confer ence, visited among friends and rela tives. He preached 'very touching, spiritual sermon ou Sunday morn ing from St. John ti : t'4 i;.H. Don't forget the ('. K. meeting next Saturday evening. Come ! I'l.Allt. BAN NKK VILLK. Breaching iu the church at this place next Sublnith at ID a. in., also in the evening, to continue one Week, ltcv. Klias Landis, of Kichtield, will conduct the meetings ami will de liver sermons in the (iermati lan guage. II. S. ,t S. Watch them. Try them. I'.lection time is drawing near and candidates for otlico are plenty. Mr. (Iiindrum and Miss Tudie (loss were wedded last Sabbath. Their friends all wish them much joy and happiness. Hay making f Yes, that is what some folks have put into practice near this place. Ou last week one day Lord Alex, just cut tho crop of hay on tho .John I'cter farm near town. It is a solid fact. It was cut with mower and raked with horse rake and then hauled in for uso. It has been rumored that Wm. Heeter, Jr., Oeo. Swanger aud Levi Swauger intend moving to Aduins burg. J. O. (loss elected an ice-cream factory on his lot. Iu. Shelleuberger - Son aio selling gloves at reduced prices. J. O. (loss bought tho Kothrock tannery. I!. J. Davis is agent for a book en titled "ThoLifo of Christ," nnd is meeting with great success. AH kinds of spectacles can be ob taiiied at K. S. ,V Sou'.i at low prices. Call and have your eyes examined. Tho sick list has been rather long during tho last few weeks-too long to mention. ' l'ublio sales iu ubuudauco in our neik-o'-timber. Xinou. Sale Register. IVrs,,tls tflkT tllrlr S;ll,' k','f Milk.' Ml,- r vtl, imu m-'m f tl.t I'fllri'Will i,ii-ilii lr iintii c.i iiiii,.,! i.i o,.. 'f tin- x.ilr fie,' nf i -Imri', I'ii.-.h.I v. Vnri'h I AM. ti II i. k..l.Tir will w ll in,,' 'K (if i .ittl,.. linfvM .iimI funnlnc tin pl.MIM-t if . (I!) ,, HI Tm' r.irill. 1,11,' llllll- hillllll of Mlilili.-lmr;li Tm-il.iv. Mm li iv Atn 1 1 1 1 1 cMlilhivkcr will II i!i. I, ,,(,.,. leu h, i.i ..(, ;, in,. ,(lll , iaci;.. Ilni' of far mini; 1 ti ,. -mt-ti I -, ,,n (I,,. Utah fa one lull,' w.-M ,,f Mhi, n, i,nri;li. N lo. Ki-lirnary vi O.ul.l Wrtij will h-II miMi l,n.,M. I, 11 li, a I , f , an;,, a'rl an oxi. n Mo; Un,-nf f,uinlii' linp, iiii ni. 1 milts noiitli of New 11,'illn. We.tniM.lay. Miin li r, m.Iii. v i. o. k, r mil ll ' II'TSCM. T ,-, t, ,,M... , H ,.,. M.M k nf larinlnc 1 1 t 1 1 - i '! on II,,. piviiil , . i mil, N.Hitli of ConiroMM'.. W..,ii'".,U , r, l,piary K. .1 Cu1 In s, In li will . Imrsiw. ; lir ,, ,, . . , , . - , i.in;,. ,, of famuli,; iiioiimK oil lil- taiin. a iuUch wfslof lll,,,l,iiri;li. Satnnl iv. Mar, li I'l ivi,l o, Lit III sell n l.ity sl.K-k of lariuii, lin,i,.iii.nl. an, I live xlook on fin- rrciiiN,-. In ivntiv townsiiip, inll,H,,iiOi of l eiitrevlli,.. 1 if lay. Kr!,niar m, , M 'ariieiiter wt r nurses. T Ii.lI ,,f calili, iimI Implement, one inllc ruM of lleuverlowi all his fu Tliitrwlay. Kelmiarv H. Ailam IHiMi will linrscH. n li,, of eiittl.. kii.i a full linen' lf t'l'l'l M on tin- premU's. In .' tonnMilp. I mii sunt li of New ilet Mi . Saturday. Van h r,. .1. 4 rows. hii I In, H. Kern will hcM S hnrxn.. Ineiils. one hair tulle north ,,f licuveriowu. or r.iriniiiLT iiiuuiw TlntrMilav. Maivli :. o Kreln will Hell I horses tf yearling rolls, grow. :, ,.1 of ,,iu, nil Ho. an, I ii ini icl assortment ,, furm stork, i mile in rl li of t rosit;r) e Hull. Tlinrsilay. February l ', M Kree.l will sell i lliarea. I cow. olst,.li, heifer, 3 shoiiM. ft ,,t of elili kciis. Ac. ; nisi. i,,iisehoi .ioiIs uJnl farm Mw k. si inlli'M fiiMl of Fremont. SiituMay. Kclirnary . p. IMcmlcr will ne rchl estate, u the Court House as the properly ol Uiiilnu uiul I'cter Nell., of Chapman lownstUp. Tucs.tay, x.iri h a John w. Kroiiie n:l ..J li horses, h h.11,1 of lalllc. an, I a r; I' l of nev farm Impli-incut. ,,11 farm nf i.ii.u.i lllfik'amttn. .', lull's west of ivntr, . M. ma,l lea'tlmr. from t entrevlll to 1 r,n. 1 Saturday, March l.'.-l.ets Mlnliitii horses. 4 cows, 1 Jersey hull. s. . 111 -II I . at, 'I an tl.i.f III sell exii tislve n.ssorttiiciit (i f irm .11 i .. lulletiist of iTceinohl. Thursitay. March 8. - W. r. I i. i t horses. 7 cutlle. mid failin g ute various kinds, A miles we ,,f Mi.,, on the road lending ,j .vtidi;. i, Troxilvllle. lis ol :"ir;h. l llmrsdity. March in. ..uner l:. s, i,aia,,'h will Mcll horses, cat I le und imtliii.'t i s hi loiilr Uiwnshiji, a miles north ol Mlildle,inh'i. , "tiirday, Fchruarv 7. J. II. Kwlnif A llnuliep VM net! 6 turxe, li-rut ol cuttle and a liiri,rii, jfflW 1,,,w " ' X'.TS!, sutur,u. vennary n. noictaiT llWZWr UTJZl? 9 township. Tuesday, M.irrh H. II. S. Illikhart will Helffe Qife horses, ti head of eali,. an, I a puieral lartu CI IIs Sink, niie half mile ca.st of Shaileln .Mill. Terry tow nship. TucMlay, March 1. W. .1. IMclo'hhnTN will sell U hor-.es. 'j cows, and f u mine ui' ti-il-. ol vari ous MluK J miles horili of ., l, un .inii,-. sntiuday, March Illraiu .1 llnlley will h-II horses, nil tie and f,irtiili, Implements, v miles east i, I t'entieMile, on the new llerllu road. Momla, March '.'I, William Wcnrlcli will si II ii lo ad of western l,r, d horses, in head ol cattle (mostly llolslelni ami a lar;e M, k of fiirinlii' Implements and honseh,,, ,s I miles c,t ,, Mi,l,ll,.aiifch on i he r,,a,l leading from Mlddl, hur'li lo l'avt,,iivle. Krldav. March I, It. .1. Illliu'.iln.vn w"l sell tier soiial pr, H'i ty at the residence uf '. . ,1..; illeswartli, one mile hoi Hi or 1'rotit. . s.iinrua.. l'eliruarv .ii. i. 1 1-.1 i .i i, III oll,T at pul'll, sale :il Hie l oil, , . , .MI,,cI,iiik-Ii. rial esl.,io siluati I. , low n. hip, as the property of . Mlia . i.- i Irani.. S.iliiid.iy. March 1.'. Il.iil.ara lol , ,i pelsolial pl,.MII , 'J miles West ,, M II 1 . Wclhcsdav. Mari'h 1. I.el ipp an. I I I i iik'er will sell live slock ami t. ii in In, i : a , .1 miles Soul li-easl ol Mld,lcliurK-h. ai I lie home ol I he , inner. BLAYKKTOWN Mrs. Oeo. A. Smith died of dropsy The condition of John S. Smith has changed somewhat for tho bet ter and it is believed ho will recover. Tho Winey Brothers had auction of old goods on Friday after noon and evening. Calvin Dreese and Will Miller have gone to Crestline, ). Mr. A. M. Carpenter had a vory se rious spell of heart trouble recently. John Bingiiuin from Indiana at tended the funeral of his mot her and spent, several d.iys with friends iu town. J. 1. Shirk attended the funeral of his mother iu Juniata County re cently. Mrs. Levi (Sift, formerly from this place, but now of Millliu County, and a sister to our fellow-tow usiuan, Reuben Fees, hud a paralytic stroko on her left side roceiitly disabling her altoget her. Fu.inki.i s. By referring to the County State ment, published on our last page, it will be seen thai tho indebtedness has been decreased nearly ono half during IK)!. Last year it was 571.7."), against .l'2,7:iH,HO this year.or a reduction of .ll,H:i:l.!).1, .inn. .v. oiiiii ii uteii oi urojisy M, on Friday jmoruing, aged 75 years. i Tho funeral took place on .Sunday . I fore noon-her pastor, Uev. Laudis, ""1 conducted the services. iiBii Not Hftllll: bad! .1 M 11 5f O at :a- i m t m la or i.m r IIU1IU 111 ir a r1" m whlW nSytui ll b MtL. la dislnj Yeai D 1 6 I T ettete mle UK ' IUsl.,lHk I ... -i r. v-- 1 . , -I