t Frank Bwerox Jtn 1, w THE POST THE POST I pmphntlrnlly W KWR 1'ArKU, for Hi" 1'ooplnand tiy tlm I'enplft P col umn nra ftlway o-n for h itmrwwlon ' topics of Interest to It patrons. 1 tint nn "oriritn." II vicars no'S nlliir." II Ili'Vi-r cliHlif. il nllc, Ami ii"it mIi mil. lin.ir iiiii'i-il -1 r -ii l.i i it )r4 iliH rliiuin tl.M )cnr. I 1 VOL. 29. innitfl.it nmr TXTiTiTntsfOT I Dal J hmdB are too many when they matf Ua PDVOrotl With A ItlXUrifUlL growth of Lair by using the best of all retsorers, nans ixair neucwer. Fob Saie. A desirable house and lot iu McClure, Snyder County, Pn. Terms easy. For price and particu lars actress J. J. Stucnk. Millers own, Perry County, Pa. Jan.l ,!tt. M. L. Kreeger has abandoned tho erection of a new hotel in Middle burgh and has leaned tho Washing ton llouso to car Don oocooiu who will take posseHHion of it on the 1st of April. The Troxelvillo hunting party was out after bear on Saturday atul wounded a fair-sized animal which ran out into the valley and was killed near the residence of Foster Smith, Adams township. As will be Been bv our sale reiris A. M. Caroenter has chaucred the date of his Bale from Thursday, Feb 1ft. to Tuesday. Feb. 10 : and J. Cal vin Schoch from Thursday. Feb. 18. Ho Wednesday, 1 eb. 17. . J On the 14th of Feb'y the Lutheran f ind Reformed church of Benvertown Kill he dedicated. Services are to rl I, iidi. 1 in tbo after noon and even Fg of Feb. 13th and iu tho fore-noon Vu evening of leoruary lilu. All parties having public sale this spring can make arrangements to lave their notes discounted or col jted at the First National Bank of 'ATiddleburch. Tho Bunk will fur- nish bank notes without charge. City physicians recommend four 'cej ' jumper perries to a gallon ure rye whiskey as a sure anti- A mminst tliA or in TIia lierriea be had at any drug store and the .ey is constantly kept on ham i. Marks, Swmeford, Pa. y postage is likely to bo one 'lar.-ial experiments of the i. Postmaster-General has declared iu its fa kill f t lutu liliuli iwiii - fop lAas already been introduooi to Congress. .ill who are troubled with Consli Mum will find a safe, sine, am fcoody relief iu Ayer's Pills. Unlike lost other cathartics, these nills Irengthon tho stomach, liver, and Jowels, and restore tho organs to ormal and regular action. I Don't experiment with vour health ou may be suro of the quality of pur medicine, even if you have to wee much of your food on trust (k your druggist for Ayer's Sarsa "ilia, and no other. It is tho stan ird blood-purifier, tho most elTcc re and economical. We ore informed that Moses Specht I Beavertown, has concluded to go li oi business, and that he has sold M (.Irw.l- f ... 1 1' - ..11 1 ut ui juuiuiiuuuiHe ana icusou B hotel, store-room, warehouse and W-siding to tho Winoy Brothers, Middleburgh, who will take pos jsion at once. t JVhot a blessing that muscles of n and fingers of steel now perform ten or the drudgery of tho world thus give time for tho cultiva A of refinement and social pleas . 1 If thoro ever was a time when l )j was worth the living, this is t rely that time. A material increase in tho price of L- ialock tan bark and its effect on 11 Ids and leather are the promised c -.ditions or the uoar future. Re r rts from tho lumber districts of L -nsylvania and adioiniuir Stain i " cate an early rise in bark prices c . account or the limited supply 'able. . zxcu Tbees rou Sale. The un i' 'trned has a lar?a uinfir nt r.,. " v iivva he will dispose of at reasonable i. To those who contemplate lug orchards I will make rates for 500 or 1000 orders. Terms . Write for prices. I bud my troes and guarantee thorn true nio. A general line of nursery i Address J. K. OllERHOLTZEII. illiatown, Juniata county, Pa. MIDDLEBU11GH, SNYDER CO., PA., JANUARY 21, 1892. J. A. Hassinirer and wife, of near Har tlcton, aro hero visiting relatives Miss Lillie Stetler is visiting friends in Centro county. Mercury touched zero on Wednes day morning. Mr. Link Lcuck, in company with Mr. Samuel Maurer visited Mr. Maurer'B brother, Josiah, at Centro ville, on Monday. Samuel Wetzel of Jackson town ship has purchased Seth Mitchel's property in New Berlin and will move upon it April 1st. Any person having a fat hog to sell will find a cash buyer by apply ing at tho Post printing ollico. Weight from 200 to 250 ptuuds. Standard A and granulated sugar at 5cts. per pound. Arbucklo's Cof fee reduced to 2:U'ts per pound. Ri'nki.e & Walter. To preserve a youthful appear ance as long as possible, it is indis pensable that tho hair should retain its natural color aud fullness. Thoro is no preparation so effective as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It prevents baldness, ami keeps tho scalp clean, cool, and healthy. Tub Post offers no premiums to its subscribers but wo pay over 100 exprossago per year to got the world's news up to within a day of publication thus combining a city and country weekly iu one and, judging from the rapid increase of our subscription list Tick Post fills tho bill. Last week the Middleburgh Post entered upon its twenty-ninth year. We congratulato Brother Ifarteron the phenomenal success that he has met with in its publication, and hopo it may not only coutiuuobut iuciease a thousand rold. But with such a trumn card in Snvder as "Tlormus tiel,"' success was assured from tho time ho assuniod control. Juniata Ilerabl. Mrs. Lydia Herrold, wife of ex Sheriff Levi S. Herrold, of Snyder county, died at her homo in Akron, O., January 14th of grip and kidney trouble. She was aired about 70 years, was born iu Snyder county. Iter maiden name was Motz a sister of Georgo Motz, of Middleburgh, now deceased. Sho was married to Mr. Herrold on August 2, 1812, aud in 18ti.j they moved to Akron. O. Tho union was blessed with eight children, only two of whom, John S. aud Martha (now Mrs. Christee), survive hor. A few weeksau'oanino-months old child of Ooorgo Weaver, residing in tho Seven Mountains, Ceutro county, died aud was buried. A fmi ilnvu after a rumor gained circulation that tho child had been foully dealt with by its father. The child was ex- humod and a jury was impaneled to render a verdict as to tho child's death. An examination revealed no bruiso of any kind on tho child's body, and tho jury rendered a ver. diet accordingly, ami that it had not como to its death from blows re coived from its pareuts. Duriug tho war with tho Southern States, a combination was affected which looked very badly for tho North. After Euirland and l'Vniu'A had agreed to recognize tliA South. em Confederacy and raiso tho block ado, Count Mercier, tho French Am bassador, approached Emperor Alex ander and stated tho fact aud asked tho co-operation of Russia. Tim r- ply of the Emperor was in effect: " Our Empire and tho poople of tho United States have alwavu I friends. The Government of ! United States has always chosen tho Imperial Crown of Russia as its ar bitrator and friend. Their causo is my cause, and when Eutrland and L'Vauco take this sf en VOII Mill unw r their majesties that my foices aro at tho service of tho United States. To-niurht tho lleef s of Ttnu din will tkA a - - i II lit kJ SJ ordered into the ports of Now York aud San Francisco." ' It was tho friendship of tho Emperor of Russia, therefore, that alouo saved 11 fYnm a worse conflict in the war of ll rebellion Another Tramroad Accident. WILLIAM JOIIDAM O Hot: Nil TO A 1TI.I' AT PARDEE. On Friday evening of last week as a train load of logs were being taken down tho tramroad to Pardee, tho crew lost control of the train, owing to the slippery condition of the rails. and all tho men jumped except Olley opeciit, engineer, (son of Jacob Specht.) and fireman Will Jordan. Tho train had gained a tremendous speed when Jordan and Soeehl jumped off. Jordan, it is supposed, jumped on the wrong nido and re bounded under the wheels of th trucks, whore he was grouud into a pulp. Specht escaped with a broken nose, sprained back aud feet. The attending physician thinks Mr. Specht will recover. Ilewasbrouplil in on a mulo and Joudau was taken in ou another dinkey. Mr. Specht had just jumped iu time, for tho next instant tho train jumped tho track and landed on the rocks nouio forty feet down tho mountain, an entire wreck, Mr. Jordan lived at Pardee. Ho leaves a wife and ev. ral children. Ho wus buriod' Mon day. Ul t.i . . . oix more oiaios win tnkn uni t in the coming presidential election than a . . . ever ooiore, aud thirty moro than eloctod tho first President. Miiva ilin Iudiaunpolis NewH. Then there were lourteen htates and Bixty-live elec toral votes i this year there will l. forty-four States and 4(1 elector votes. In 1888 the Ponular void XV HU in round number, 11,400,000; in 18D2 it is estimated that it will reach 13, 000,000, the largest vote ever cast at any election which history records, and they will be scattered over greater urea of country. A few weeks ago we published a "clipping" from an exchange saying that any person having an American silver half-dollar of In.IS could get 912 for it. Wo have since been be seigeit irom all quarters by persons who had in their possession tho cov eted coin, asking us where thev could sell tho piece. Wo have ex amiiied severul coin circulars an. r . . i l i i . i .... mm una mere is very littlo or no premium on the coin. o art! sorry if we have lend any of our readers iuto anticipations of great riches and must thus ruthlessly blast their hopes. We beg to call our readers' atten tion to the advertisement of P. Bill hardt, found iu another column o this issue. Any person desiring to purchase a standard piano for as low a price as possiblo, should com municate with himat once and get his terms. Tho instruments, which ho offers for salo. aro well known and highly spoken of in tho musical world. Ihis fact combined with tho experience of Mr. Billhardt as musician and tho reputation which he enjoys iu regard to honetty and fairness warrants satisfaction to his customers. Jjast fall when Undo Rob. Middle- swarth hunted with tho Nwnml. - - - . ,.nm villo party near tho tuunels in Union county, they observed a big bear making his way up a mountain fully fivo huudred yards away. Mr. Mid dleswarth and John Spigelmyer at once opened fire on tho animal with their Winchesters. Tho bear quick ened his pace and disappeared over tho summit of tho mountain. Mr. Middloswarth did not follow tho an imal as ho did not think ho was hit. This week wo received intelligence that tho animal ran within the lines of a Miillin Co. party and was shot ut short range by a Mr. Gorhart. of near Man's Axe Factory. A stranger appeared upon tho scene about this time and. running his hand throui?h tho thick fur, offered Mr. Gorhart $25 for the hide. Tho offer was promptly accepted and tho animal wus skinned, w Hereupon they found that a 45 calibre Winchester ball (such as Mr. Middloswarth shoots) had entered the boar's breast, cut his juglar vein, passed through tho body and lodgod iu tho gaven. Tho animal dressed 340 pounds. The Fence Law. A few weeks ago wo published Judge Rockafeller's decision on the Fence Law. Later we published a criticism on the same, which lead to an investigation and caused him to reverse his decision in tho following concise and decisive. lainruiiffn: Tho principal and only question necessary for the determination of this case and which was fullv dis. cussed and decided at tho time of tho trial related to tho dutv of thn owner of improved land taking up cattle straying thereon, to give no tice to the owner of such cattle, ho that such owner may tender amends. 1 hat the case was eorrorHr d. cided I think there can bo no doubt, but another question was discussed by mo iu a former opinion, on lhi motion for a now trial, and that was, as to whether in Northumberland county fences aro required at all, and if so, whether they ttr to bo made according to t li HIT til mint tr of tho Act of May loth, 172l. I then hold that the said Act of 17W ln.,1 never been repealed. My attention had not at that timo been called to the Act of HH7, which certainly does not repeal that act. "All laws requiring the owner; of improved lands, in this and otner counties of the State, to constrict fences thereon, certainly seem to bo repealed by tho Acts of 1HS7 nd 1880, and persons who suffer fieir horses and cattle to roam at h.rgo .ro liable for all damagos occasioned by reason of their trespassing upon such lands." By tho Court. Wm. M. Rockefeller 1. I will offer special bargains in In dies' latest stylo coats, mufl's, felt hats, men's woolen shirts and under- ''"' J. P. At ltANl) .John Kimklo went to Centre county this week to attend tho fu neral of his old friend and patron, Jlenry r culler, who was buried at Milllu i in on ANeduesdav. A most singular incident came to light at New Philadelphia. Ohio, a lew days since. , Thirty years ago James R. Emerson, then a resident of Wyandotte county Ohio, was kicked on his left thiih bv horse, lhe Wound was severe, but after a time healed up. leaving lump. Periodically since then it has given him more or less trouble, am a few days ago it became so imiiifu that Mr. Emerson called a physician. lhe iiluco where the wound ha. i i ,i . uuru wus iiiiicu liiiiamcii. I'oultices were applied aud in a dav or two piece of cloth ono-quartcr of an inch wide by one un.l u h:df im'luw in length made its appearance. It was evidently a part of the pantaloons worn by Mr. Emerson when lie was kicked. It h i 1 been forced iuto the thigh by tho blow, and hud lain there thirty years. The man who starts out in life with the intention of accumulating wealth for which ho does not intend to givo a just equivalent, is at heart tlio groutost dead boat in tho world We find this class of beats in differ ent grades of society, from tho Wall street broker, who carries on the skinning process under tho name of speculation, mi to tho common street fakir who sells suido wares to . i.. i t ' tho gulliablo public. Sandwiched in between these upper and nether layers, will bo found all others who desire to make a hvimr without hi. hot: The suido insurance man. who induces you to invest your money in his comuaiiv. which has no nx. isteuco only in tho brains of hinisolf ami a fow more hko him, but which can show up a largo number of imaginary losses, paid with imagina ry money, is another one. Tho lit tlo 'temple' of this, that or the other which proposes to take five dollars down and a dollar or so iu monthly installments for seven years and then pay you a Jjl.O'Ji) for tho $150 to $200 you have paid them, is simnlf a schema of dead beats to get money for nothiug, and tho projoctors of such Hchomes to rob simple hoarted meu and women ought to be, expos ed and puuishod,. i Help For Russia. The Pennsylvania State Millers' Association has taken prompt action in the Russian famine matter and has requested tho fanners and mil lers of the Keystone State to con tribute wheat and ryo for the relief of tho famine-stricken E miiirii ('v. rus Hoffft, of Lowisburg, is Presi dent of tho Association, and ho has set the ball rolling in Union county by offering to turn all the grain offered by Union county funner in. to flour, at the Buffalo Mills in Lew- isburg, free of charge. On Tuesday of last week five farmers 1 lllil 111 MlHI.lv responded with 37 bushels of wheat, and many more will follow. This is a most praiseworthy action, and we 1 uopo nnyaer county will not bo be hind in the movement. Tin- 1..t will do everything in its power to as- sist in the matter, and after it is started we promise to publish the name of every contributor with tho amount ho gives. Oiib tmim of nature nink- tli wliolu wurM kin." Let us do somethiui; for Uuhhiil She was our friend when it meant something. Who will start f Who is the miller that wilt irrii.il flu ... m j wheat t Bank Officers Elected. Tho following is a list of the direc tors of the First National Bank of Middleburgh, elected Jan. lit, for the ensuing year: Hon. G. Alfred Sclioch. merchant, Middleburgh. ntr itr it-. . i v.". . wutonniyer, morehant Middlo 'XVan.-"" ' ' .Vv. ' T.J. Smith, lawyer. MiddlehurL'li S. H. Yoder, miller, Globo -Mills. . C. Pomroy, Cashier Port Roy ul Bank. Jos. Rothrock, President Juniata alley Bank, Mifllintown. P. M. Kepuer, Director of Juniata valley Bank and Peoples' Bank, New Port. G. Alfred Schoch was re-elected President and J. N. Thompson, Jr., Cashier. Tho showing of the bank for the last year has been very satis factory. It's net earnings for ls.il has been over 10 per cent., and nftoi paying a t! per cent, dividend it has increased it's surplus 92,0ml. Fair Play. T. H. Hahtkii: 1 am clad to ee that we have one editor in Snyder county who is willim to recoirnize right wherever ho limU it and criti cise wrong regardless of party. If am not imposing on you. please state that I fully endorse your views regarding the appointment of the Ladies' Auxiliary Committee for the World's Fair, and, further, that the appointment of twelve Renulilicin ladies and only one Democratic lady is un insult to the minority partv. Is the World's Fair a Republican concern ou say at the head of your paper: "The Post is emphatially a newxtajjur, for and by tho people. ts columns are always open for the discussion of topics of interest to its patrons." In view of these asser tions havo you tho courage to pub lish this objection from A Dkmochat ? Poverty and riches aro compara tive. A poor widow was no dosti tute that sho could keen her little ones comfortable at night when the coM weather camo only by warming boards for them to lie on. One of thom, when tho board hud made tier comfortable, saiil : ".U .......... what will poor child.reti do who have no warm uoiinls to ho on 7 Warm boards were her wealth. Tho folio wimr officers of W. (' .ri7 of Coutreville, Pa., were install ed Wednesday evening for tho semi annual term: Pres., I). B. llart mau ; vice pres., L. A. Mertz 2 M. of F. & C, A. B.Shcary ; Con., H. K. Brunner : Roc. Sec., Dr. J. W. Bamp hoI ; Ass't roo. soc, L. A. Stiuo; Fin see., Henry Snook ; Troas., Allon Boyer ; Insp., P. E. Hartman; guard Honry Long ; Trusteo, W.jH. Hart-man. no. ;;. Sale Register. ' " " ''' I li. lr hnli, ,., r.u i l.Ml to . ,1,,,,. or tiii- mir tin-i.t iiiiiK"', T11.-..I11.V 1M,,M, 1. A,. IiJIk..llM.rir , h Mn.-,,,-k..f nun... h.-rs,.,,,,,.! trinltiif In. Mlrliuri'.'.' """"rV "unv'. ,M'm'" ''- """'"' s'rtliln..,k.r will II 11.. I1.11-.H. i..11,.,i,l, ,.,,,,. ,, , " lliM. -.f f.innlmf miiil-i,,,.!,!,,,,, M. Khiiih t'irir nn.' lull.' m-M ,.f ,,, l.nrli. ' MoiiiI.iv . VVI.riiury n. Iie, wim will ,. s inir.l.iv. Jiininiry .m. p. Ii.,,.ii,I.t si...nir m w-ll miy :,.T.H..f . ! v1jU11 i,v,,' h, tho MTty .,f J.,1,1, , m,j hrlM. r. NaltiMiiy, Jiihiinrv in. tin. h,.r ,,i j ''I. 'Mil Wll III l.IVH llllll I.V, IM-IVI,,., of l iii.l.Mlimt.. hi .! toiMii. , ,.,;. runt ot ili'.ivi-rtimii. rrl.luv. .I,i,..iurv M. cr Iiillin.iii win n ,4 ii. r--. of luii.l hiiimi.. i , Ii.mmii,,,, tow,,,),),,. I'd lull.'i imilli.'.iHi of Mriwrilll... 1 W.-ilii.iliiy Mm. Ii m. shlniMMi. o. k.TMII . . Ii..r..,. 7 li.-u.l of..,,!,,.., ,, , ,,. X,u:,vV;,,r;,.ii,'i,,:.r',n "" -..,-., Wo.,...,.ty. jviiriiary II. .1. ( U ),,.,,.,, , J..II A ,r.. 7 .H, of ,.,,,,. ,, , , SiiinriUy. Mun Ii m. pnvM t. k-r win iu.m i.r.,.. ? 'I,r",l." 'iiln mi.l llw i,h k on Tu.'siluv. K.-hriiiirv hi. A.M rr, m f. Iiorws, 7 li.M. of .-.un,. a,,,! ,. . impli'iiu-iiM, one mil.. ,.a.st 0t li.uiwriowu. Tlnnxliiy. Kchrmiry II. Ailiim llul.lt will . ior.. t. Iin of rui 1 1.. ,,,,,1 H f nir Inipl.'iii.'iiK n ih.. pr.mh. in .liu kioh lowiiKhlp, Hj mll. iiwiiiih'or N.-w lltrMn Snriinhiy. Mun-h .V J, s. Ki rn will .. j i,r.H. r iarK.. hi.n k of funning linnlr luonu. oiii' lmif mil,, norm f ipav,.riwil. 1 Tlliii.l,iy. Muri-h 0. !. Kri'lw will . t h..P.s nii.l I B ,ulfi umoriiin iil of farm Hlo. k. i! lull.-i hortliorcroMK'rovu Hull. Thnrwlay. Krhnmrv k p.m. Krvo.1 win M.n 4 . V!-''"" 1 ""'""I" hHf.T.S sliiwt. a loi if rlili ki'ii. j itl.i lioiivtioM jfooiU ujiiI fiirm shrk, 4 mn,.H .,u,t of Kremont. Tuosilay, Miinli tJ-John W. knillmi urlll a.. II 0liorH..H,s hi n.l of ml i in. im, Uriu lot of w farm Impli'iiiHiiiM. m frm of tnrurU uiinii. s inllrn wmi (f o.iiti.vlll, on tmllUK frniu iviiitovIU lo Troxulvlllo. y Miuvh ig. IawIi Minium wui htII 4 . 1 mm, worwy 01111. nu-rH, n,l iui ' ri.lvr nyirtinnt rt lure .we h-il' mill. est of rt i-omoiiu TliurH,luy, Viirt ii . - w. r. I.n,.. inn bii 4 hors.-N. 7 .-in M.'. iiiiii oiiinliii; nt.'riHlH of vurlniH kUi.li. A mil,., w.wi ,,r ui i,.....i. ... 1 ,0 i.oiiiif ir.iiu .fliiMii'iiuiii i ti. .: to IhillNilay, M,uvh ID. i:iii.r K. S. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h x 1 1 M il h,.iN... ram,, ami nn,,.M,.hiH ,, township, : mil, n. .11 n ,,f Sli,,icbuiili. will 'Ml Satiirilav I rhni.iry kj. j. 11. Kwlnif llrth,.r will wll hors.'s. ii h.M, of .-.nil,, ami a lurit.-sum-is of fannlni: hiipli iniMiU. 1 v nilli Hiii.iUi "f A'l.llinlMirj,'. Tl.-.1.iy. Mar.-h K. II s. Itl.-Vli.trt will s.. hor--"., M, of ,.,111,. ,,,! it (...n.-rai iMrl on.'-ii.iir mil,' 1.1,1 ,,r mi i,i,.. Mm !' i rv ton n- hip. Thiirsilav, Vt.in h i. W. .1. I. k.Mil n will holL'M .'.oivi, ,, fiirililm; lllrllMN of Villi "Ut klinl", .'mill's non hoi A.laiiixliuri;. s.iliinlay. Mar. h :.. Illrnm .1. Ii.illov will wll hor-.. -.. riiiili' an, I farminj; 1111 lt -ti i -ii I .m. u mu,., cast of c.'iiiri'Hlli', on II li. rllii roa, Birthday Party. An enjoyable birthday naitv wus given at the residence of Willet Ar- I'ogasl, at Shaniokin Dam, 011 Thurs- lay evening, January 1 It li, in honor ol the i;!th I.irth.liiv of his Kii Charles Thirty-eight were present and a most enjoyable evening was passed. After spendintr 1111 hour in singing au.l playing, refreshments were served. After refreshments the young folks spent tho remainder of the evening iu various mimes. The presents were numerous and elegant, and Charles tenders his many .thanks to the donors. At 12 o'clock the guests of the evening took leave of their yoiin host, wish ing him many happy returns of the day. moxkoi: TWP. Changeable weather. Mr. A. M. Moyer, of Winield, vis ited this place on Tuesday. V). Aurend has just returned from a trip to the mountains. Moses Walter, of Northumber land county, was visiting lure last week. Some of our citizens attended the horse mile in Freeburg last Thurs day. It is reported that work on the Southern Central Railroad will soon begin. Wm. Snyder is seriously ill at this writing. Some of our old veterans are talk ing already about going to the Na tional Fncampment, to be held iu Washington next fall. Jackson Michalls intends l'i lili.f In m f Lykens next month to enter tlu Hotel business. Juck is a first r . . fellow and no doubt will inako a nnmoru. II A V