A GRAND REVIVAL THE GREAT MOVEMENT OF 18:7. Ir. Talmas Wants to Start One All Over the Conn tr jr. ' Trxr; "Tarry y in thfcili of Jfrunalrm ntil jr le rnilurd nith power from o hiyh: Luke xxiv., 19. ' For a few month, in the providence of find, 1 br.vr two pulpits, ono In Brooklyn iinil tlit' other in New York, and through t.io klinlnc of the printing pre. nn ever widenim; opportunity. To nil such hearers and readers Iconic with fin especial mintage. The tune hn arrived for forward mive Inont such as the church ami the world have never soon. Tlint there in a need fur such a religious movement in evident from the fai't thnt never inco our world wan swung out nmonx tlio planet ha there boon such an organized and determined effort to over throw righteousness, and make tho Ten Comntnndment olwolcte and the. whole Biblo n chrision. Meanwhile alcoholism in taking down It victims by tho hundreU of thou rand, and the political parties Rot down on their kmc, practically snyin: "O thou al mighty mm jn! we how down before the! iivo lis the oHlce. city, HtJto and national. Oh, Kiv.t it the olIliTsnti 1 wo will worjhip then for ever and ever; Amen." s Tlv Christian rtubbatli meanwhile, ap jxtititcl for physical, mental and spiritual ret. Is li.'iiiit ncculnrifd and abolished. As if the tad publishing homes of our own coun try ba 1 exhausted their literary filth, tho dion'-li nnd Hu-simi sower bavo boon invited to pour th"ir sourriiitv nnd moral slush into the trni.di where our American swine nro now wallowing. Meanwhile there aronoui;li liiiuo of inl.iuiy in ad our cities, oiven and nunioo.sf,., of tho law, to iuvnkcthenmnipo lei.t wrntii v.-hi"'.i buried .Solum under it de licof brim-Oono. Tlic p.ni Iciuoiiinc world, 1 think, has in is-ol it ti iviin. nn 1 thv nro at tin ; iimm-ut riving their batteries 'upon family oh-olea, church circle, Hiciul circle, political cirolesaud imtior.al oir.de. Apollvon 11 in the saddle, mid riding at thn head of hi myrmidon would capture this world for darkness and woo, Tint I one side of (he conflict now rniii". On flic oilier siil wl have th most ninmli sant pi-p.l machinery that th" world over miw or h. ni t n ever iuventtsl. In the llrst placa th' iv nro in this iimn'rv more t lent i;;hty thoiisauil ministers of religion nnd, trike them a a ehis, mora onu.oor.'it nl, Jiohcr. mniv consistent, morn self deiiviric. more fmtlitiil men never lived. I know them .v the thou-nnds. I have met them In every city. 1 niu told, not by them, but by pstplo iutsido of our prnfe-s on, people on g air "I in Christum nnd reformatory work, Unit tho cIci-rv of Americn nro at the head of nil 'oo I ntTprih.n. a i l whoever else fail they may le depended on. The truth of this is. lemon titrated by tho fact that when a minister of religion Je fail, it is o exc.-ptioiml that tho Jiewspnp. ra report it us linetlnnic martini,' vlnle a hundce l men in other calling may Kodowii without tho mutter b unt; cuiisiderod as espuoially worth moutioniiiK. In addition totiieir npiipment (n moral ohiiraoU'i- the fdiTgy of thii country have all that tin-schools can Rive. All nfclmv!oKi. i al, rhetorical, seici-tille, schohistic, liu rm y ttnium.-tit. So much for the t'hrut;an ministry of all d 'iiominatioiM. In the neit jilai'e on our sido of tho conllict wo havo tho grando-t churche of all timo nnd lnuher fctyliMif nieinlip'.'.ship mi 1 moro of them, mid a host without number of splendid men nnd, women who are doin their hest to ha vo tins world pm-illod, elevated, Rosjielizn I. lint wo all fe l that homctliitis is wuntiiit;. Knoiieh h.arly nons huvo been 1111115 nnd vnor.li earnest sermon preuche 1 within tin, la--t six m'i!itli8toaveall tlieoitie of Amti'. ica. nnd yavinit the citi you save tho norl I, for they overflow all tin laud citU?r with tln lr r liion or their infamy. Hut luuls at tome of tho slnrtlini fact. It is nearly nineteen hundred veiir niucj Jcmk t hrlm cumu by the way of lJL'thlcheni carnvuii-nry to suvo this worM, yet tli3 int of the world lin be. 11 lio 111010 touched l,y this most ntupen lou fact of nil ifnnty than if on tho tirt t'hrisfiia niKlit the bonstsof the stall, amid tho blent. niL'sv.t thi-i.- own youii;;, ha 1 not ln-anl ths lilealm- of tho Uimb that was to bj slain. )nt ot '.he 1 ij.dito.Mi hu.idld million of tho 11mn1.11 r .co f.,ii! t,s,.i hundrel mdliou nrj without imd mid without hope in tiiu world tliei.nn driver of Arabia, Mahomet, with "": ' 'V- s. l-wiuf; half ns many disciples ns i.;:r l..,.... 1 1'nri.st, and inoro peoplo are w-i.hniin- cliima f painted wisid and ini ve i -..jio than uro wor.-hipnp; the living und '! nn,! Hod. Meanwhile, tho most o? lis ;,.iiiro ot.-agol in Christian work-1 tpeul. lor mytcli as well as ot!n-r.s :iro toil iii to our full capacity of body, mind an 1 i-"iil, hiuiiessel up to the last buckle, not "hie to .;raw a ound iiuto than wo urn oi.iw.ii tr lilt, uu ounco moro tliau wo aro lilt m;. What is the mntter? My text loU out tho Mrivt. We nil need moro of tho power froai on IiikIi. Not muscular power, not logical Iower, not wientillo power, not social power, not tliiaiieial power, not brain power, but power from on hiRh. With it we could nc vompl.sn moro in one week t iau without it in a hiiiidred years. And 1 am Koin to jt it, if m ai.kHer to prayer, earn&st mid loni; tontiinii.l. Dod will Krantitto me, His uu Worthy servant. Meuaud women wlio know bow p. ( ray, wli"n you pray for yoursclr, jiay for m.. that I may be endue 1 with power Iroiii on hi ;h. 1 would rather have it than all the diamond II jldsof (.iolcon lu, nn 1 all tho pearls of tho seu, and all tho L'old of tho mountain. Many of tho mightiest inteilocti never lnd a touch Of it. nnd ninnv r.f th I. .. tlmnordir ary iutellfcls have ben surcharud jvith it. And every man and woman on earth link 11 rnht to nspire to it. a riuht to pray for it, nnd, proptr.y Misiitent, willobtain it. ! 1 OWCl' fr.llll Oil tint level iu 11 Ilo,, i i nu h power ns I may give you, or you may trive me. bv I It rill V' iriiir u I j lower iiom on tin level when we stand by ,?cn "H;,r ""y -'liWtiau undertaking. I lower from ,n the level when other pulniti are in r.ecord with 0111. l'nw fr .... .... t'. Icvalwli.n tue reliiou and njcular press Ijirwuidour Ciiristiau uudertukiiu. Hut rower Irom on tm i,,Vel 1 not kuI11,.:.i 'rom 011 liiir'a is what w 1.....1 1.. lorsession 1 f us. 1'ower ttrnii;ht Irom Uu I. Illpf ri'.Uturul POWJI. Ullllinot .lit l:iwer nil noiHiu-iiiipjv.vr. Not moro than ono out ol a tlioitsund of tho minister ha it coii Jtai; us,y. Nr.t moro than t.nl out of ten XBoUn.i.ul ( hn .nans has it nil the tini ". Uiveu SQ ubundmiLV, theso last tea year of the BiUiel -eiith cpntury would accomplish moro or ltou und tbu church, und tho world than tne vtviou ninety yeurs of this century. K A tow men uud women 111 facli uKe or tho jrar.d have possod it. Caroline Kry, tlw Jmni(in..l Vuakeres, had it, und thive hun. prw o. tho depraved und mlTcring of 'ow. jKatniii'iMMi, under her unhortation, repentad Sen1.. I"'ve'1- ''""luau Awards had It. and uciui.Miii in mwlmg house heard tho out urit of roliRiou emotion as ho tpako of J'Kbt.Miuiuj! and judKmeut to com.. Hamuli aiud.tt, the t hnkliuu merchant, hud it, and fa- Ir'ifbte ISt.,.1 ., ... v, ..einc.ions snoworeil the world. John .7 'V"1 lt; ,ii,iUOP Jtiuier hud it. Isa iwlla t.rahiini hail it. Andrew Fuller had it. -mi4'1 vt?"l-"t ""lel baker and Dr. Nettleton nnd 'lrunian Oaborn and Cbai le JU. Finney hud it. In my boyhood I saw Tru 4iui Usborn rise to preac h !u tha vIUsk irhurcl, at Bomerville,' N. J., ttuil befora G mad (riven nut his toxt or uttorad a word feoplo in tliA audaenc sobbed aloul with ra- ir u .'.n,ttou- U toe K"re Irom on All in Kroator or lea duires may bavo Wt. Ones Ket it and liothiug can und bofor !"!!. ?oe do"- 'ricatur. goes sJowft Inlldelity Bim4 down. Worldlnw jgoe down. All opKltion goos down, u t"n,,, 1,1 t,,B Wstory of tha church Mid tha world ha this power froai ou bih !tua demonBtrat!. In the seventeenth veuvury, alter a great aaasMn of moral do. ijTwiMoii, this inwer from on blirh came own upon John Tillotsou and Um and navel and llaxU-r and Uunyan, and thero JKa deluo o.'u:!rtt U;bur tbau tha tru ff th IdghiH mountain of tin. Tti tin ruhtwith oent'iry. In Knlnn l and Amerlen, r iizion wa at a low water mark. Wil'lnm t'lwp.'i-, wr.ting of tho clergy of thow days, taid- KserTt f with T.V ptrll bVtt, i; iriiiiii iui'1 lM1nc.11 in r dracribo the tt if. The In!! lei writin; of Slmftusbury nnd IIobb.1 and Clutbh Inn (lotio their work. Hut power from on hivi cir. e npon b.it.i tho Wesley and Ln-ly lloiitoiioa on thij '.her side the Atlantic, av.d 11,). hi V'!inn Tonniint nil (liib v. Te 111 v.i:. ml Divil Hrninerd on this side t no Atlantic, and bolli hemifphore felt tho trend of a pnr loniu; tlod. Cominjt to Liter ilrtb thero may be here and there in tin audien"e nn aeivl man or woman who ran remember Jlew Vork in 1S31, when this viwor from on hi;.;n da cendeil most wondrouily. It c.inio on pastor and congregation and theatre and commercial establishment. Chatham Street Theatre, New York, wa the aceno of a most tremendous religion awakening. A committee of Christian Kentlemen called upon the lessee of tho theatre, and said tliey would like to buy tho lease, of the theatre. He said, "Wh.iwln you wnut it tor!" Th -v repliel, "For a church." "Kor wh a-at' nai l tho owner. "Kor n church." wa tlnj reply. The owner mid, "Von may liavo it. and 1 will give you a thousand dollar 1 1 help you on with vour work." Arthur Tappau, a man mightily crsoeuted in hi time, but n man, a 1 saw hint In hi Inst dnvs, ns honest and puronnd Rood ni any man I ever knew, ntcppe 1 011 tho stage of old Chatham Theatre n tlio notor were cloinif their morning rehearsal and said, "There will bi preaching hero to-niicht ori tlii stne;" and then cav out and saiit with such peoplo a werj luere tho old by mn : The vn'.re of free g:vs er'ei, ncpj to the mount. Fermi tbi; b;llcre Christ b.n o;i3iicd a fountain The bnrroom of tlio tli 'atro wai turn" 1 in to a prayer room, nnd oi!it hun. Ire I per sons wero i proMut nt th i llrst in-etin;. Kor m-venty sncvisivo nihH reliiou frvtc were held in thnt ttuvatre, und siie'.i sccnci or mercy mi l miivation n will ) subject of Cmveisutioii .mi l congratulation nmoa;; Cm ransomed In nlory 11 loin; as heaven huts. Hut I como to a later time 1 s.",7 r. uieni. here I by nriny who nrn here. I remember it especially, as 1 ha 1 just enter.' 1 the oi;;.'.j of tho ministry. It was a year i t hard times. A prc.tt panic ha I H im; liundre Is of thou sau ls of pinpln p. mule. s. Starvation i n Ir.'l habitations that had neve b-for ii ovii .4 iv. 1 at . 1 'i ikm 1. me in nr. 11 y c n bjcimo n tnij.lv. Suicide, c;iiT"tin;, burglary. iias.inalioit were rampant. Wh it nn n lul day that .vas when lh. banks w -nt. ilownl Th tj has b.-en nothing i:W it pi thirty yean, mi l I pray ti i l tn -r. nuiv 11 t ! ntiyihuu liko it in the next thirty ren. turies. TalK alsuit your HI aek l'nd iv! It wn Hlaeij Saturday, Hlnck ISun luv, Hlaek Mondny. Hla-k Tue.'.l ay, liluck We lues lav. Hlack Thur.'ilay us well as Hlae Krrlay. Thi nation in its extreuin v fell helpless b.'.'or.i tho lird und ci ie I fur pardon nil pea -e. nnd upon inini .ter and laymen t ti- jsiwcr from 011 hili desc-nde 1. Kiikiiii nouses, w ar.To.itns. hotel parlors, inns ai'iis. fai torii-s.t ro n I'J to I o'clock, while tue op a ative wero r.-stiiu;, were open.sl for pruveM und sermons and iii.'iuy room, and Hurton old tlicntr' 011 ChamlNTs -i, where our un:etor us-il to nssmblo t: latlXh nt the come die, nnd a'l no and down th) tre 'ts, an 1 out ou the d'S-ks an ou tlij rteck of hlpr. lyin ; at the wharf p oilo san "All hail the p iwer of Jein's mm"," wlnl 1 other cried for m-rcy. A Kf 'at m.isa m t iiiK 01 ChristiitiM on a week day, in Javue's Hull, Hhilade'.iuU, tcleraph- 1 t K.ilt.ni Street l'rayer Aleetinx In New York, avinr, "What hath Uod wrouhty-' an I a tel-yram went back haying, "l'o huulrel souis K.ivisl nt our tneetim tod ay.'1 A sh'p r.i'o" through tho Narrows into our liar'o ir, thi captain reporting that liun...f 1111 1 all tin crew hud o.'e.i convert' I to tiod b.'tiv.'eu New Orlenn and New York. lu tho bu-.ii st marts of our busies Ain'r lean i-ities, where tin wors'iip.T of Mam 111011 had been couiiliii' th ar golden beads men bxan to cab ulate, "What shall if pri nt a man if ho t;nin the whole w orld an I l -o bis soul'1 Tho waiters in restaurant after tho closing of th ar day's w ork knelt anion,; the liibl" where t'.iey had s Tved. l'olic men aske 1 consent of tho Cofumis -loner of 1'olice to bi p-rmiiU'l to at; jn I re!i.riou niei tin. At Albany 111 "inb.-r-i of the New York lJKit-latur.' hs.. . milled in tin ro nn of th Court of Appeals ut halt pad. oicht, o'clock 111 tha niornui for prayer and prui-c. 1 1 anted invitations w-r sent out to the tire men of Kew York savin;. Come ns .suit your conveiiienco best, wlnth r in lire or citizjas dre..s, but con-! conn:" ,uarrv ineii knelt iimm; tl' roclis. Ki-ln-r.-u -n knelt ut thoir bouts. Weaver knelt aaiou the looms. Sailor k ieit. amoii;; th 1 ha:n inoolu. Sehoolmasters knelt unions; tiuar clause. A gentleman travelin;; fnid there v.a n lino U prnvi r lucetiu; irom thuali i to Washington City, und I1.1 niicht bave Vidd.'d a bin of pravcr mistnu from tint Atlantic to tho l'luaHe cj.,t, nnd Irom thj St. Lawreuca to tholiiilf of Mexico. ) In th is) day what koiiq. what wrnimn, what turnings to tiod, what re -itulof tin ill ill'; experiences, what proli;als broal-.t home, what buriiin; tidings of soul", save. I, what serfdom of sin emanrip !te I, wiiai wild rout of tint forces of durkilc, w lut Victories for tho trutiil What milium 0:1 earth and in heaven ar.t now thanking to I jfor 1Vi7, which, though tin year of worst jlinancial calamity, was th-i year of Am -r-ii.'a's most glorious bU'ssim;. lio.v do v ui iiccouut for Is;,;, (ts spiritual triiiniph on the lie-Is of it worldly inisfo-tutiej It was what my tex: calls tliu power from 011 In.jli. I Tuat wa thirty-thre year n';o, and lliouli them liuviiben in various part- n" ,1ho land many htirrin.; of tho Holy (i!io,t, there Im bivu no genual iiwukenin,-. (Uo-sit not se.-iii to you that we ouht to have und may buvo tho scenes of p iwvr 111 ;1H it eclipsjd by the f-o.-nes of power in Is il 1 ne circumsi.iut'e are s iiinnvnat similar. VVhilo wn havo not had national panic a id iniver.ai pro.-iratiou as in ls-7. thero lias oceii a stringency in the money market t iitt ;na put many of l .im lamili'-s or tint carta to their wits' end. l.ure coiiiniMi cial inter.'.t follaiisiir; have left mullitu i nf tmplove iWittiout menu or support. Tho r.'.c."J o'.Mins of hu-iii".si 111 11 have ubilo-.t or e.i tirely (.-.iven way. N w illustrations all over the land, of the lu"t that rich huvo not only If 1011 hich they wall; slowly as thy ceil ", ,but ;n;s on wlueii tiiey spv'l waeii th'v o. Kt .rna! Co 1 11' hoa kuoA'est li iwcr unp.'d ,aud sever . and holoinn a time it. is with ma iy. I And r.s tlio busings ruin of ls.".7 was fol. vwed by tin uloriuas t.auaiplis of ura e, ! t itho awful st."ii?';:e of is'.l ) In follow I by the li.ilioluj ihs of u lia'i 0,1 sive I 111 ls.H. I Itivlnreii in tho (1. 1-0 . 1 niim-,;ry! if wo do isp'ht half ns ni'uli tlui 1 111 pr.iyi :- us w jiu tho preparation of our sermon nothing .could stun 1 before us. Wo would have tho .power from on hihas weii"verha 1 it.l'rivutu iiiiemhersliip of nil Ciirisl'tudoin! if we so -at 'half as 111 licit time in positivo prayer for thi iullueucons we do in thinking ulxmt it und talking about it, thero would not bo keere. .taries enough to tako down tlio names o those who want to ((ivo l:i th ur name lor enlistment. i As tlio power from on hli;h lu 1S"7 wa more ivmarkublo 111 uc leuii s of music and lycuum bull und theatres than in churches, why not thin winter of lS'Jl in the-o two iodemie of music, plucks of s;ular t-utor-tainmunt where wo are during the rebuilding of our Hrooklyn Taliornacle, so grandly and irrac.ously troate l by thuowuers and losvir and lessees; why uotexHctaud why not havs tho power from 011 bih, couifortiui; power, nrousiug power, convincing piwer, convert ing power, saving Kwer, omuipotnnt iowerf My opinion is that 111 thin cluster ot cities 'y the Atlautio coast, there are ilvj bunured thousand people now ready to aocspt tho Uospid cill, If, frexl from all the cjuvention 'litiuof tue church, it wjro earuejtly uud with stronz faith preuutel to taoin. lu thsj brilliiiit assemblies there arj hun dredswhoare not freipienter of churches, lud who do n at believe mucU if at all in min is t- of reliWo.i or ecclesiastical orantza. Hons. lut Go 1 know you have stru.Kle in whicUyou need beip, and bereave uuut in which you wunt so!ao, a jd persecutions lu whic'a you ou-'it ta beve UcJ.'a.-, aai per plexities In whlc'j yoa ned RnMnneo, rind with a profound thounhtfulneMi Tu stnnd by tho gravo of tiiold year, hnd the cradle of tliyoun ; year, wonderinR where rmi will lie nnd w hat you will I10 n hen "roflini; yenra Khali eel-? to move." l'oiver froia oii hiii lie-to r. noon theni! Men of New York nn 1 l'..Mo1;1yn. I c,(Ter you 1 toil nnd heaven! I'rom the il.iy you en'iio to these i itic w hat .1 f'.ruj!,;!? you Iih vo lia I! 1 cr.:i tell from your cnremirn counte. ranees, nnd tin tear in vour eye, nnd the tleettsinh you have Just tuvadied that you v.aut re-eiiforcment, and here it i. cre.iter thnn Hlucher when he re-enfot-eml W t-lli np; ton; create;- than tho Hank of l'uxlnn I v.hcu lnt month it re-enforce I tiie Hai nit na.ni s ly, the ttol v.lio thrnuth .les.i Christ, I ready to pardon nil your sin, comfort all your arrrow, "nftrr all your doultts, mi l svitt nil tho shiintiL.- c.nlf of b.'aveu wide o;ra beforeyouv red " .ne I spir.t. t '.unit into tint kinn loin o: tio.il Wiluout n half s.-cjnd of delay come in I Many of my hearer to-:!ay nre what th i world calls, tin' I what t would call ;ii-ndid follow, and t'.iey s -em happy euou ;li, und nro Jollv nod o.ili ;iiiK. nnl'if I were In trouble I would Ro Ut them with n much contld"iico a 1 would to my father, if lio wero yet Alive. Hut when t'.vy io to their r.sim at nii;ht, or wh -u the excitement (f social and bininem life aro otT, th -y niv not tsmtent, and th-y want somcthinr better tnan thi world e oirer. I uiidcrstnud them so well I would, without nny f ar of lining thought ronnli. put my ru-lit Land on their ona Mimilder and my left hand on their other shoul ler mil push th an into tint tilled nil of Co l. It-.it I cannot. 1'ower from on high, lay hoi J of them I At tho llrst communion after th'-li dicn tioii of our former church thro hundred mid twenty iht .us sbtoj up in tiie a.slet nnd publicly c-poused tin cause of Christ. At n not her time four hunire I s ml., at iiii-.thir tune live bun Ired; nn t our four tliou.nel live hundred membcr-iiii'i were but n small part of tiioso who w i,!r.;i tlio, . -.nere I wall took lllHill tlieiiisele 1 1 1 lows i.f the Ciiristiau. Wbt Inrne I t'li -m What saved them? I'mv.-r from tin level? l'ower from on tiili. Hut greater thmu are to b seen if ever th.tst' citic nnd cv.-r t his w orl I i- to be taken for (lod. There is one eiu-s of uu u and women lu all theo !i.se iibl.i..s in wh-.ni I bave e.sp.s-uil inter.' t. and that is thus, wlei bad e.s.d fntli rs an ! mot li r. ouce, I ut tin y lire d"ii I. What niulf'u b t of u- ar-. or -lhaiisl AVtmay b- t'l, .Vi, f year old, but wt never cet u-l tt bamu tatlii' nn I Jtlottier i;one. (Ill, how often we Lave bad trouble... that w.- would h';e to have to! I tli -in. nu I wn nlwai felt as . m.; as fat i. r a. id mother n re alive . ha I sni" one t t wleen we could K"! Now I woull Ilk-' to ass it Veil t'.iinl; that all their pravert in your behalf bn Is'i'ii iiiiswere I. ".No,'' you say, "but it l too late; th old foil. arc roiio n .a " I in il -t court. siusly contradict you. It is not too late. I h ivea 'rien I in th i.iiin-.;ry w l-o was at ten I1114 th la-f hours of uu uisl Christian, and my trien l said to the old Christian. "Is thcra n t trouble on your iiinidv' Th old man turn.. I Ins f.ie to the ' wull for a few iiioiiu-n!. nnd then sai l; "I inly one tlims-. I hope for the salvatifi if my ten children, bur not min of tliem i et save 1. Yet lam sure they will be. It.sl means to wait nul l I am i,tn ." So be li".l. , When my friend t ld of the cir uuist me i 1 einht of the tn ha I found the Lord, and I have llo doubt th" other two It 'for thl have ' found Him. Oh, that th) b;i- p- stpon-d answers to pravcr for you. my br .tti. r. lor I you, mr hist.-r, illicit ion Uo ir de. - .til in j j.ower from on In lt. (Hi, uuniiswcred pr.iyer of fath"r nnd tnotl.er. wlu ro are von? In what i'.ni of , I tho oil homestead have th.y hi Men'' Oh, , unanswered prayers, us in a mist of many t'ars into a t loud, nn I th ai br. ak in n shower whl -h sha'l soften the heart of that man who 1 so liar I liucann t cry. or that woman who is adiaunl to pray! I 111, nriuclimr of then -jo I. now empty and in the garret nmoiie; I the rubbish, speak out ! t Hi, stalf of the pit riiu w ho bn en led bis wenry jouni' y. t ! I of the parental nnxietie-i t iat bent over thee! Hi, family ltible, with story of births mid dentil, ru'stln some of thy time worn leaves, mi l let us know of tlio w rinkled h mds that once, turnnl thy pa'..s, nnd cxphiiii that spot where a tear It-ll upon tho pa-si.;e: "oh, Absalom, mv wm, my s-ui, would li id 1 bad died for th"t'.." ttuod and gracious t !o I ! what w ill b i- nno cf ih, if after having ha I such a tlev u' nn I praying parentage, wa never pray for ojr elveil Wo will pray. We w ill ti .in no.". Oh, for tho power Iron on hie,b, powo- to move tills usS'Mibl:!.', po.ler to save Urn .Ie lyn and New York, powa-rof iv.ani IImii tl'.at. m ndl swe.'i aer .tlus continent like am i.i sur.;e. po ver to girdle t'i r um I earth v.uii It re 1 girdle ilipii.-d HI the be' i ol the i lo-' if tin., forwur.i m iv 'tii nt I-to be ;inat ail there inns be some plac for it to be ,;ni. and whv not this i la. eV An I lucre must it some liiiic for it to I." :iu. an I why not this l.inof An 1 so 1 sound lor your ears u r'uv I Icnli ln i vitation, which, until a few- days u,;o, n-vcr ; c.aiiie und r mv eye, but it i; so swe ;, s i ..V bin; with pal ho-., so triumphant with jov, that whoever ramie 1 it, lust ad of bjin uu'inyuious, ouht to b) immortal: lhriO-1 I borj on Call arjr's 'roe; 'I'tii- sltlji.'s, itw il-it', were Is I on me, 'iuat u.''" hi I nrd m hi nil'. (). free -O wri'lcti -i siiiin..r, cuai9! Pnr.lenel with (tail'. wanM1. Ilioa It,- U'.n.t Trust nm the w ir.it. II ives ne r-H; 1 Ur tiji rel et to lie lit ii;ijirt-s'. -o Hoir inner, cjiiki. nine. Ieve thr harden rtt llir? rroi; Couul :tll thy Ktins hut ciu.it y iImm, My :'tie-j riisy U u trtti.y Ion ' O uui-dy sinner, cuuit'! Coin, hither tirlnir tnv bn lm.' feirt, Tltr :clilni; ll 'srl. tliy b irsllm- t art, 'lis tiiert y s vnico nilntt-s Itiiuo cur-; O ireia')liii ; nuuer, dine! iiriM'tn liv iif:.r. fne nf Ihiis.t instance whicil excituw'd l-prca I comment m New York i just iiearine a niouriiful -ud. A man who wu once tho privato Hueretary of u rcat citizen of this town, and Mibseipiently became a purtiieis mid then Hut duvet" r in ii iiumU'r of im porlaut comnanics, gradually allowed Ills' pa .em for th inking to jruw upon him until lio sank to tho position of uu out-und olid street iindieaiit. Lous uo he was warned out ol the I it-taur.iuts and cales iu which Ie" was Im iiici ly a i oii- i. iioiis li ;ure, nnd li I1 t ventii.ally soudit adniissioti to u l it y ho.' pilal. lie wa-- discharged, ticketed ns a coui-j loon vagrant two weeks u'o, uud yesterday, jiu flood oil the collier of Twellly-slXtll hi reel, in front ol li 'liuouieo's b.inn pen-, iiies ot every pas let !.y until moved mi by I'.'t police, it is a Main und every day in ilani eol tin) I'll'eet ol meuvsaiit tli iukiiie.ainl prol.al.lv it w ill lin I many u mallei iu up. per day life of Nt w Yorker. Tim man wa mi widely known, Iioacm-i', tuat lio rav ha sitiactud unusual ullvutiuii. .Vrtu iui. toia. TI.MI'l'BASCK NKWH AMI NOTK5. Don't try to drown your sorrow in a ilemb Jou; troubles tiro ureit swimmers. An I'uslish writer cstimuU that oti nil avtrngo every Hritis'i workuiuu hpuiul u ilolbir a week for beer. Tho W. C. T. 1'. of Chica;o nro tiMiniu a lady to tako tho position of poiico matron a' the stutiou-housu iu ludiiinupohs. 1 Mr. t'aine, of the Knelish I'arlianient, ha pon o to India to discovor how far the Indian liovorumout bus fullllled tho wishes of 1'ar liatnoiit ill udiinnibtrutiou of the llipior laws. Tho love of money is a cultivated desire, am! no form of intoxication is Kf'atur. It is the Inundation iihui w hich rum drinking rest, fur nothing drives a man to (lriukui mora surely than the dimmsiintmeut in cettiin; monuy, and ulso tho disupjiointment In finding happiness (rum tbu possession of it. During tho hcarinx of un assault case iu an Albany jml ice-court tho othor day, John liubtin, twulvo years old, mado known that he was employed in a burroom, bis hour being from ft o'clock in tho inonnnu' until ' o'clock iu the ufienioon. Hi duty was to watch the barb-uuler and sue tht he did not ''knock down." Kor this the boy wa dollied and fed, but received liuwus Uu ws suut to an orpbau usyium. SUNDAY SCHOOL THE LESSON FOR JANUARY 11 "Idolatry In Israel," I KinirB. 12: CO 33 Uoldcn Test: Exodua 22: 4 Notcn. "Tln .Terobontn built BheoUem fri Mount Kpbrniui and dwelt therein." Hv hots.um having been wnrned by Sheminli, the mnn of (lo l. not. to go a ;ainst thn revolt lint trilK to subdue theiu. returned honm with hi army and contented himself to b.i Kine of Juibiii onlv. according to tbu word of tho Lord iv. Tim tho twelvti tribe beenmn two tintion. not to Im united attain till thecomiiii; o; the win of David in power and glory iKjck. xxxvii.. -Jl -.jo. Slieciiem becnnie for n time the capital of the kiii.;do n of the ten tills. "And went out from thenen nnd built Kennel. " Here the miKel of the I.or.1 wrestled wit It Jacob nnd chan-isl bis name to Israel. Jacob called tho iinimt of the idnce l'enu" (the face of (loli, tor, snid he, I have seen tiod faeo to face, nnd my lifo il pre-crvel llten. xxx., '.' '.'il. "And .Icroboain said in hi heart, 'now shall tint kingdom return to the house of David."' Ho evidently did not know in In heart nnvtliui'; of th" inenniii,; nf either Sins-, hem (sh iillderi or I'enuel the fue of t iodi. Hi heart had not received the pro 'ions prom iseofll. ut. xxxiii 1'.', nor til l ho know Kno of whom it is written "tlio got eminent .-hali lie upon llisshoul ler ' iNii it . th. Althoiiitli tiod bad promise I to build loin a sure bou- if onlv he would hear and ob v and il ori :ht, III III siehtir.i , :.s,, t j, v,i iit that let knew not the lace of (jod u a cure 1 to walk bt fore Hun. "If this people ;; im to sncriil"e iu tho lious'of thel.orl in .1. i u-a e;u, tiifi shall the heart ot this people tarn luaiu unto their Lord, unto ; hob am, kmc. nf .lu i.ih. etc." Til Te Is lio ei.ltltli Ie t tlio I III th. In I ;V cotitidi ii'-e iii Hun, but there isa thought i f duvet ibsolie ,i. n.-; for ,1. -roll ..uu i. new thai Cod bad c .iiiinauil.-1 that sieiati, .. s loui l I .. otl'i'iv.l onlv in thecitv and at the p! a . which lie had olios, n il lent, xin., ,t, IU. Thi I sir I ( hi' I Iii I i h ii .lei iis.,1 -in an I ii' His name Una e, that I hm e. nnd there oii! , s .,. I should woi-shiti linn 1 1 1 .ut. u . 1 1 ; I K , IX , ill lis I Ie iu lllltt s'e, 1 1 1. c,,-v iu t he II Iv (.'.' lo..S, llbi.VC til- lucre V se it, I let It , ; t!. chi-rubini. Had .Ii i . loam I.e..,, .. ie u to Co. it would have b. en w.-ll w ith hi. a. an I be would ba l i n a sti uU. r ;,, t,,, , ai- ,,f 1 isiic his l.ia loui and his n -. ','s. " l.eieupon th" kmc t i.iK c. .mis -I a. id lu ade two c il . s nt p. I-1." It was not collll- I nt lie I. ii mii-t have b --u th i' n l nf the IHUO'tlv. lb) must have known thestorvnf tint yolil'll tab ill the Wil l in ss and of t li" tliou.au Is who fell luei'i-' of that sin. lie bad the spirit ot Ca n. who prclci .s Iii) own I hoa ;l.t s and wuvs it those tt ( in I, un I f in-1 not tod is ., '.".'. "And lie Set t ie one III ll.t ll'd, i, the other put he in I t.m.'' What e a at n of holy places' ltctle l illollse i f t io l ,w h i ,t tiod tave to .lii".ia siii'li a j;ori.iu vcioa of In aveiily t In no uud siieli pi 'onuses Or t . future tiien. twin., 11 In wuere i.ol i upon n lad. I r that r aea - l t . heaven in I Jnenb deilieateil a pnl.ar to lio I. Ii r.. tins febi-l sets U an .o uud e.t.lbllshi . I .. att-e, Jladh th'.iuht if the me.anuu ot 1 1. iu e XIX, '.' -ju dmeiit ii" nm;iit p. i hu.. n ive leai. d to set an I. I'd tlieia , but le-s. i iiisto have tliouj,ht of iiothiiij; cx.-.'it tie- P ar of I. .sin.; In. kiii loiu. ito. "And this thin.; b..nne a sin " Not only a sin iikrmiist io !, but a in luauis' ln i; helt and all bis house to cut it otr. an I to d. - htroy it Irom nir the li f th" earth mil, tl4l. He that sinuctli n-xaiiist iod ri.i;i.it In own s. ill, and all tiny tii.il hate lino love il. ath il io,-. viti., in '. "Tint people went towoi'.hip b'fnre Ilia one, even imlo Dun." It wnut I be s,i 'ii wor ship as Cain nlT-red. the woi shi(i nf ilisoli si. nee. nn. I therefore hat "I III to l iod. Thcv w ere breaking the Hi - t and second comma iiiluii uts of the law, be-i.li s all the other cnmuiaii is whiililiol had lveii cnii'- -rum ; Ihuouiy ill f Wor.-hip. 'I him is let paiti.'iil.i' pllli'e lliiw- w in -re we are to tt ol -ill 1 1 (iol, but us Jesu, t nudit the woai in ot Samaria, ti I ht'ekcfll true Wol ship. TS who Will Wol-lllp Him ill spirit and in truth. .'(I . "A ud In- mad-' an hoto" nf hi.di plae , nnd made pr,e-t. nf tho lowest i f p...,.:i w Inch were not o.' the sous of Levi." .Not w .tli.tall'line thee niiinitud: ' I'lmu shal! run the Levitt s unto Anion, and t i In sons. nn t tint hti;.n,:or that c nni'li null si, ail In- put toil -nth" (Num. in , V, Hi nan takes anv one an I sots bun u art as o prie-l It is in t i 1 1. ii ; h to ilcs,.o ihc oii'.V trueiio I, tiie li. il ot 1-iM. I, mi l th" ,y Cilv, un I the Ti a. pie. the onlv iippo.ute I plll.f 'I srieritiee, but he nisi ilc-pi.is li.il' ( In si ii priest Iinh I a 1 1. 1 set s up on ol lus i w n. V e do lint nee.l Io siik till . iv. II III our own liny. Or u lu.r.: ua-le piestho d. iii.iiiv ot w In mi, to pud;,e by their n lu t. ii re iiui' ai ; tho lowest nt the people, and if tli 'V do not woi ship i' ilvi s t In t ii la'lily do woi -hip IJiildell cables. Nor lie st We si e i out s. e I h't l'i .t. - taut clim eh, nor ivi u ent.-r the lip1--c -pal church, to Pud thein, ..r U.cy mat I u I ' it 1 1 1 1 In all il. ii. mi, nations, il.. "An I ,1. Iol o.llil nr. 1. line I II f. lst " llse llllto til " least that Is ill Jll !'lh, nu. I lie i ll' i . 'I upon the niter. " .Mn. did not ni ilam fi ii-!s evei thin; c .tin cot -d v. it n tile tabel liae'e .ticl tclliple. and Worship and L asts was appoint -.I by Cod; but this man take-the pine . nf Co. I and t'liilite- tiod. 1 1 l.nimds ii. of ma- ites -rib d lull I In i ., 4. "w In i nppo.et i mil ex ill"' Il 1 . 1 1 1 1 It III" o .. nil that is i , 'i lie I ( iod, ol that I. woi .liiiic . ; ho t hat lie, ns Cod, sittetll III the t-lil e ul tiod, bhuWIll hlllisell that 11" Is l.'o I." "Scridcin4 unto the calves that lie had made, uud he placed iu llethel tint priests of tiie hii;li places which ho had mad"." Cod Was the itrcliite.-t of tal rnneli; and temple, but these plac s of wortlnp wero made by this man, to In 0 u ( i . id hm I berii si I. in I, und w ho w as now so VI 'oioiisly settini; hull sell lllld Ills people ncaillst (ioil. il". "So he oiler. 'd upon t he altar " Notice this expression thre.t tunes m this v. is und in the last, nnd also th i phrase "which be but male' the sane number nf times. It is nil lu .loiii::, and li 1 1 is t x. lu Id 'In tint month wui h ho bad ib vise 1 o? bis own b art.'' If was all th" devi-ui i f bis own heart, an itnli u vin :, hatetul h, i' 1. just like your-, and iniue In tot e we were born i min above. Nalur.aiiv tv lire away tr im I i id and av.aihst I i I. v el He l .yesUsaul is kind to the '.lilt 1 1 1 1 ' i ) . l ill ail I lie. cvi'. His loieand III not iii".. sh ail I I. ad u. ton- ti.'iit-nictt (Uoiii. ii., -i, but. ni-tiiv iii. i Ji.ro' iouui only despis l it --7.iw.Mia n 'ifl-. HOW TIITY JAl r TIIi:ilt ft' r.rJ. The Ortjunr.fi; tin or.inii of the V,'. C T, f. niy: "A pi oniiii'hit Cbic.i ;o s;i iwi.i,. lni; to iiicic.aio ll tril l", reconily be:an I'lisliltiK lor ( ustomci'K uiiioni; tha boy. 1 net Iim.iiis lor all kinds of caini s were llit.' l uu nnd invitations pntiteil on po.tul cards w. iu hent to nil the older boy iu tho ward. Tint result was I lio rooms werestni crowded. It was intended not to sell them li piorsat lirst, but to get theiu in tlio habit of speudiuc; the cvcniiik' in tho kuIikhi, tho owners wed knowing what the liual result would be. Tlio g. xsl jtvoplo whose boys wero started ou tho road to ruin, becnmii alarmed, uud tried to break up this Im)-' resort, but they soon found that tho haloon-koepor hud u pen vet rinht to let in the bov if ho did not will to tlifiu. A Chieasto Judi;e, in a recent sen. tauce, dutinc the saloon-keeper's lunal ri(lit In this rospovt in the following luiik'iiae: 'You may allow Isiy and children to Ire quent your saloon; they may witnes tiio tpparent satisfaction with which thei. M iiior quatf the sparkling glass; you may In n hoohng and training them for tin) period of twenty-ono, whon they, too, ca u parlicij ute .(ui' ull'thls w lawiul.''' It hn been uutuvuim that a spurious imitation of Yvol onsar Koith's lymph is beuu muiiufiioturud, uud a number of casus bavo biveii reported In whk-ii foreign m.t b al in m liavai lioeu (lo-ulvod inU purchiiini; tiie Imi'u preparation . Tha agents ot l'ro 'ossor Koch havj lifsiu uaabln to discover the maun fagtuixTsot Wu uouutrfoit. KKLIGIOrs RKADINC. tl INO. We arc wravin;' every day, a we j.as til it: ; our w ay. Intrnt i. pon our busy work or Just n buv P'ni. Lcncatli tbc rasnal ae cf men, the angels' ti adi r;r, The lb. lie. of lit Mirrcctioti in which we shall nt i-c. When the trumpet' tlit oliui; call upon our car sh-id la't. And our do. I .hall throb nnd ipiivi r, an.! it laiiisbcd lite tee.ad. W hen en b lurrying ntoin stek its own, IhoUL'll tli'taliec ill- I low , Wr rdiall wear the lle.urif.tain Kobe that M e ate i at in' now. Then the thn ud w e sadly spun, nnd In darkness ntie hy n'-c Wove in the lahric, wi.lnnt; that tlio lolijr, hard task w as done, Shall gleam and itlinimcr as a mid of lovely rose ,'llld li'ilte. And the blin ker tliiead of sorrow .bull be in ale lovely, too. The Lliuiincriii'.' flints of gold from a patience luanitold Khali make a pattern tin i t and straiice, nnd In aut eon. to In hold ; And the w in c nf pur ity shall shine, tin- tear- spots la b- av," As we don our It. - it rc. t ion liobes upon that lat gloat ,,n . 1 O King of Joy and pain, let us not weave In vain ' I Tmii b thou tic f ibfie of our lives and make I them t or amain, 'I hat, w In ii o -.r t is, ,s tint. he, , v itliiu tic le :i V i tilt p ' i e, CI 1,1 io nor l.'oi . . .1 IS .1.1 I l bold I I. . la. . . " ' ' i --'"Mis.m fm. id;.-, in s. S. Time-i. 1 : i.i.o-.'ii'i i - i'ni i i i h-..iiuni. ' I'r. :. t . .1 I ! .. II.. Ii In i,.i: lb t.il'l, r, t- e (j, il,.. ti ith that it i. n..t in ci -. ii v to l.ie.u :.: ! tut ti ties iu or 1 1 r I 1 be a t lo'i-i.a'i. lb - n . : i lleavi a 's i ,.' i . 1'i-ivelv f,.r tie oloians. . Til' 'lllCl Il.ll. Ill Hi) il'l UU lit , t c s le . I lti"tl to a sin, l. , , s ,V in.' , , , , ;,, ,, s I'll I ii.'-t.ilu lli.it ., ,, ii e 1. 1 opt i, . I a- to luht. anlsijht. Th ,. i, i oil ' t boii-eel- r in .i. who have to i in ti I it' 1 1 iv ..-l.t n. and Ib linhoit '. .-in.i . v limn Mi ! "in I- an utter vtr ttti r. .! ii- w. ei.d cost ul, I. hn i if si t-iiig r 1 i ! I up .' r in ln i l ial in is- till ' 't tie si.iil.nl ipm e il, g pi ti'i milling sunl.i .nn. It.'atel Mi ot I .. li vi i'ii -r PIT. I When Vapol, ,,-i w i in the Io l.bt of bit tin. p. lily, and .in roiin. lid by a brilliant j loiiip inv i I i in- iiiiii.i.ti. an I eo-irti. r or tliii iiipire.li w I-a.k.' l whit day lie con- I mdi red to bave Ii, di the li ipp.e-t id his lite. I Vt lien all c p. ti d tbn' be w .ud iianie t he ni c.'i.iiin of .nine innoiis vietorv, or smu.t great poliiii il lnuuili. or .oiue gn at au- I I'Ust ei h i. rule, ti. nr .mile signal n cognitiott I td bi. gi iiui- i iid power, In- :i n -w i r, I w ith out a n, "incur- In ,t itioii. ' l lu- happiest dm of III V II te W It" t lie il.iy I'l my I I r-1 Col I : III ' I - tiioii." Atant'lt .n uiif.ii i'. i I'll t lu a w a i a gt in Ial .,ii i , win n be added, a- it to I 'f. "I wa-then an iiiuma til e!i;!d.' lC..np.tnioii. Till 11-1 ISO. Tt iv t-1, r- ti ll ii. nf a t r. e m trnpl il couti triisiheiiiiierp.irt.nl' vt he Ii ate .oin inie-s eaten out bv ant., t bile the b.u k and leave n lu .iu app .ten! ,v as Ir. sh a i ter ; and it is tut till the loin, i lo minis and sweep, it h,w n that Hi r l,i is di covered. I'ml t he spum did not mill, e t he tri ' weak; it only ri vi ale I Inov wt il. it was, ami its (e t , . i te -. w .is be re. nil i f the gnaw ing nt in. 1 1-thr. ii:h a Ion ; cur. e of time. Iu ill-."- tnaniii',it we et nur cliiirntit. be boiii'M oiu' i d bv cmi-taiit ncg eet n: i cim In, ,n dill v . or l.v .I'tily iiidulgi lice in 'iifl .... . I . . I.. I : .. . I ..l.i I .1 -in, .'i ii in i I. .'lin, in ,.,ii,' iiiiiii.i- I ,.'. ,,,i,oi evi',. . ..vtli'i : i 1-e in in run w In n the It-tin; hour sh iii , ..inc.-. IW. . I t ha. . To., in ,,f ...ii'i 0'...(i.ris..i,r.. ioil., ; hti.l nud it Hun 'it; ton out ,. ,t;to (..id , v.ei" ban I-. ;..-e and hide v our Ie f ii ai the inn ..I II'- rot e; t , et II. in lav la- i .,i:i,g. 1 so, t Im, , bea'in . I, a ..Is ii poll v ou r -nu I, and .Law : . the r, and ..v.r.ri.u. it- vnti.j tn ii a ii tt.at you ;,re not a lui.Milv iii"--iii- f f. : u iuipi. Unlit w.'il.ir id Mi-, full il .ale and ,, .i.ou-i'.ilry, leu i.'i'v a .tUc i ilia e u n a I it te r - e.ui :e iu ri : ii ; in i,i , a und full.ll: to'av v.mr lui-y .ind am- I bit, ons eoiile!. nt Iv in Hi- hind., as the j clii d hl ile.'s It. br.il.. tl l"V at Its iiii.i I,, r - , a'l ; t, i .live Ir iu b v w a't ' u : : to prii.e I saving, 1 1 ! v , !...! v . Imlt, a ,!iige lot,, n pia.-c a. .1., the s. r.iphiiu of ' the Iii .iv on- il thnt In li-tv i.i ; t is.- to I hum so th it you : .ight nf bis i.iec; p. It-irii to tol.ovv linn mi l i,..t tun aloud n' or,'. ! . : to i e is- o live in .1 If. and b.r .. ,1 , Hud t" live iii loin and lor lion, to bo.- 1 I.i- Imr.-.r re than yuir own; to !.. a' i . ir i.iid la lie in. .I. nu ,.r I,,. 1.1. -lid.- to -I i. li .1, ild glow thiol, :'li ill I ll.l- tie le t. this r.t Till' i.-. I V W t V. 1 1 ii ti a . : 't i. 1 1 .i i ,o ..I t he w ir a tmni t.ernf I .dii s im ni I he u.'.i. nu inhei's o th. ..I..... I .. .. ...... tt. I.... it " B'Ul I 11 .. d oil I le.l.lelll I. no ai r- I i . , : i , ,;e. i.i "Mv tory of t lie ar." re I, te. v.l. at lol.ovid: ll vv a. c.'a I t ban t vt til" I id1", had .-ill. I t. I 1 ""' Inn M.iiie vvuil of eii.-nur igcini nt some lhlni: to i lieer and stimulate. "I have mil vvutdof t'lii-nutagi niiiil to give!' vv;i. bis ad ami blunt reply. " I be military situa tion is far from bright, and the country Know . it its vv ell as I do." ! Ilen.alor a pau-e: 'The fa. t is, the pie H i n't yi I made up tin ir iniml. that vv a ii- nt w if vv n h I he s.,,ui h. Thi". I, a. .n't lei "U'e I do.v n to the dcti riiiiniit niu to ludit lus vv ar thmiigh ; p.r tlev hav e jot i he eh a into i heir In ai - t hat wean '.'otiig In get nut id this liv, fi oi niu i vv . bv .lull -v! Thai's Ihc word .tra'egvl inin. il 'Met lillau thllll,. he is goil.g to Whip the l'i hes by : r.,te,y ; and the niiiiy ba. "ot the sum noli They bave no id, a that the war is 10 In irried mi uud put Ihrou.'h bv bard, lough lighting, that tv ill hint -,,ni, ho y : and lu i he i. ivv ay is going In be lii.tilc v in t Ids delusion la-Is." Let t In so sag acious vi "i l bc Wed pnleler d I'V nlir rlllllclll s. i.::tM.i:..i r; p vr.vi'i: rtiit, A in hail hi vviitin;; to Ike nfVr fOec rt Puii. . I li -1 am. ' chat go against t ho I'lilim in i ,,r "saloon ' the W. I'. '1'. C. lias ho ufteii liiu'le: "A'iioiu, thn iiiany iiiiii.o ane s of 1 1 aveliii.; in a 1 ' 1 1 U i n it 1 1 car none is worm to b ar Hun ihc'. iloon' I ji-t year 1 tool; a trip to C.iliioi'iiiii mil back by way of 'j'ai oina and ,-t. Paul. The through train i al l V li'pior and it Is sold mid drank to in toxication, mid what with the mas', pro. unity and ginning, I determined never to (.pen. I any morn money to secure a sleeping l.ertii when the porter is unable to seciiro ipnet. it wa my misfortune to be located near to tint stat -mom' which wa occupied by u ipiarb't of drinking mi l nil' I p'iivin, swein ing billows (one un editor of a Minnu iijioiis tiaily), and twice dull cull for the p r.er us ;in;; him to stopthuir noisy, boilujv wua t'u'.dut't, but ho said ho could nuL'' Tin: laut snasou ha bten timifuully di. tstmus to the shipping on the Croat Likes. r-lxU)uii steamji"., wiiost) total tonnage was 5. la torn and wry is a value wustHVI,.VU, wero lost. Twetitv-seveu schooner and barges, vuluod at MTM.OilJ, were alwt l.nt, a w--ll us twelve t'j. value I t a'w.iKrj. Kincb 183 the only Indian flRhtint; ba been with tho littht squad of Aptu hes In Ariiona und Now Mexico. Kor every A pa ho rundown and killed or cxpturl tho Uov vuuicat Wi said to bave sp.'iit ?1v)j,ixu. riiNMUYl.VANIA J'OINTS. The Law and l irdcr Leiioicnf Waslilngti.fi will tiy tosiopt be si I pa rsn that town II V.il. !,,. . I be I'onb.ii' I uitiaee Coinpiinv nVer of L.i- b,cti incepted by the wel,, vv of ! lie mini ! -, st In. ,.st tlu ir lives in the Hill l aroi tini.e d sasi-T it ts. I tin-suits against ,u i '.lupai.y ill Led'opped. Idle t - annui'. repo-t ol'.-'a'e I'.i.tor In- pe '": M i t a has j ,s. ,. t ' I i is 1 1,.- uu; h r , ,f in-1 ,.. tit.ti. iniidc. tie lieu i : . I r;l peiyes 1:1 ! . ;e , ., t !. i i '-ii.;,- .mi. i.' - and tin' ii.tu'-r i l " ' ' iei . ! ! 1 di :i; a-1 i ug r 'in j 1 , ne " it ii tl'f law. :iiim.-tlie tratiy t 10 l.t I inn. nt the la'vt.pii'. I th" ..ne pi. iv, dm,; th i; inincis 'uill le t v...:;, m ne than ity Inen r w e.-k is nio-t lie pe ntl v Iran -g! v.ssi ,, lu stoop.ii); tnt.ee a g'.tte at Moiniii;:i- bela City. !' Lli.t !i M it hews, agi d - i. was s, r.oo.'v i tte-d bv her clotbni,; c.itcbiii" Lie. Maiui'i". M irrav M' I a -i t the S. ,t:,l.i!e .iii i- i o:ep mv. 1. !! ou the y pa-.t'inent -.it .; !m'. ii . ',' a:.d fr.n ! In- s . ill. ,. :: a v hot r. . . o cr. IVo'.nti. I " 1 ense in l i r. en v i ,'e. have lib-nit Jim of a in i i 1 1 V nv. r the 0111011--T in. .-s. I hi- inc. ,t.i -li t' i , rect iv illc, vv Inch v. nt .by l.t t vt-.f, m iy have I..-, p.. s tin t e i ". Ilk tig 1 1 1 li i' ails all. i' I il several ! . : - ti- v. h v. -ie .-. ., I. 'lii,' Ir. l.i a p ot ,' I a' III : ul-, tie tr .b.!ii.s!..vv n i ti -.table j M' ;' r ' : .- o' !, ' w VVotlll'i. -I trv in,; ' ' :,'! ! U! ! if.. I t he i . 'io .- M . - M l' I'.. I I to A Licit loiltli' Monutitc'il. i r i i . 1 1 1 ' . i - v. I., e ft it ;l l'i f. siiis . '..' ( .,. 1 1, 1,1, iio ; , ,i me to bavo a I - it i ' Ii If.t : r. Augi'.-t IU. I's'.ll. H Will be a liolliile pilui e. d'ne b:i e of I'.. -:i io it ! .u was loii'l.t Atf.it- 11'. 177". Vlttll'itil w;'s :n Ittiit ted to tiie 1 niotl III j 1 7 '' 1 . o 1 1 1 ' i i 1' io .it i. 'tis at c i i it ul iii iial ami on tin' annit i I -ai v t f tiie battle tim pl'iat le'tiliing'on lii'tle luolllllncllt will ; ' ileiiit .it . 'I. A bill iul I oiluccil ill tin i Vi'l'tnolil Lcgi-lalillc il'tectcil the tbiv- crimr of ' Vl 1 tni'llt to invite all i f New llaihjisliin at;. I .Massachusetts over t' UP N N 1 Si il'i i P.ltttl'' M 'M ll:NI' i , - li' liliilrgl.ih to unite v. it il t itieii-. nt , , t .out in ! In-di, ,1 cclei u a1 ,o'i t'oloii, ! : Set), Warm r'.- .-..!. r-i-l- v w-o. tl. , tin i-ivc vii'tiiiy ovi r t he I'.tii.saui I 7 T 1 volunteer. Imm i-nii'tnt. New ll.uneniic mid M i--.u liu-i 1 1 . ami that. 1- why tin' tiiri" Mat,, will inul.ihf to , ;,.tl. ,,,. ,...;IVcr arv. ,. , i .'., . ., .. ;n "'' " N.)'n;:t . a. b a! ! !" I. . :il soon i"' oiiuipiiuen ami '.in "' i tin- ino-t interest in-; tin-m a i..! .tru luic elected in this cmntrv . It stati-i - , . . "" ''"' 1,111 u,'"'h -n " :i" 1 "'' '''r- mine 1 tin n i d' I lui n i ti g : ua tel. I :i:;aiii.'. ,',. e,l , ,,:,t. un (lie mi "ii ' ilile (lav 111 . . . - , , i ;f ,,- ... ' ,, , hoove th" ai loom- u' vale".. illll ll j mih- to the south Mount Antlioiiv rem , h lf j,, ., faiiilfiir o,,,,,, f,.,.t ,ig!i'. Tim . . , , ,.- I h . I .. I ' " ' ' " - ' ' mil ably .' brteil. ' ',.. nutm'tit will lie feet high. II lei t f itl, lie at the ba e and .'17 left. s,uarc at the tup. The fnum iat loti is of liiii'-tom'. built in' o t lie solid i , ok, vvliii'li I'oi m tie' bill. Tic stni' Idle uoi,'i, n ivv .i!:uo-t c i:iiiii'te I, vvill 1, a siuijiln snail iu the form nf an nlu lisk, built nf .. ... ; luagtH' I in llilie-tiihe. I uer will be a winding; i-tait.', av i:i tiie interior. Tim iiioiiiiiii 'tit i- i recto I In tin tim e State v, hi- , . te to H 1 Ii .ll e ll all' 1 the oilier ll i t liei' vi it h lar ;c pi iva'o mi l i nun nt , t .'illll'ills. t'ie .' A, "laklngr ii It ni ,,'lit Oil.'' -1.:: In Ins ii'hlicss to tlio Mvtiotli ntinuul lilocliiiK "1 thn lliitisli As-noiatioii for tho Ailviiiicciiit'iit nf Scici.ci', llicl'rosi tlcnt, Sir I'. A. ALcl, review oil tlio pro fi('s nf science hincn the lust Int'ctilifT of tlio iis-ociatiiiii ut tilts hiiiiio luts 1 1 .cols i in Ih.'iN. Tlio Niilijcct to liicU reference wn ma le incliult.,1 the truna uiissiiui of elect ric iiii't(;y, llm ii,pli cation of vnitaic cticrc;', to tint fimiou iiinl wtliiinx of inctuU. tint iliscovcry of tint tiNc of ii 1 u in i ii t ti in tlio production of iron and Meet rusting, tlio uica-' tiri'UKilit lltul cotitriil of tho explosive) inrco of (g"lll'lw,','1'i 'iuupositioit lltul Viilllit of tlio htiinkelcs poitilcra, ittcetit invent ion of explosive fortmn i i f-C jiurjosc. mill tint ilHvcl(i)iiuetit of the petroleum ami batuiul gu ticitU oC tho I'tiiteil rStato. i r.'u. s '.x .,...., .;t-.frij'y V. a .s