The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 24, 1890, Image 8

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    Sjii 3tiW)IfI)urg& hsl
Published every Thursday.
T- H. BARTER. Editur and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 yer year.
Thursday, July 21, 181)0.
Standing Committeemen.
Ad:tm A. !,. Slimier. Iliirrlwm Hrttilmrer.
Iieuver-.tuhn U. Wnlker. W. II inilrrmin.
IW-hvit Went l V. Trenner, K. A. Ilert.-ler.
lYhtrr-C. A. Ileiiitrlek. I'. o. lumeru.
liiipinnii--. II. Wetwr. 4. K. peek.
Knuikllii-4'. A. Hoti'iuliT, II. V. Kelly,
.liukum Puvhl Wei el, . K. lli rniHn.
MKIll'kirK'li T. M. HiflnliiK'T. .Ian. Ihivrentox.
MlilillivreeW W. A. KflT. A. I. Kramer.
MiiiirK'-l'. S. Hitter, T. I'. Iluiiiiiiel.
I'eim-w. M. Winner, A.r. HfnilHTllntf.
IVrrv-M. f lipx-k. .!. S. nlKiwrin.
I'err'v Wet j. ,. miiiwhit. s. r. I'liltf''.
M'ltii)frn A. II. Keek. .1. A. Lmiilmnl.
Sprltitf-I. I. MiinlHM k, I'eler K. Ifeltfle.
1 nhui J. II. Ilerriihl. I). it. stiihl.
WiiMhlnKl" J'Try flirl-. J'. P. Jtuyer.
Republican State Ticket.
Kur (iniTiicir.
(if I'mwrnnl eouuty.
Kor I.leutennnt tkivernnr,
I.nll A. WATHKS.
of jn k:iwiiim enmity.
Knr seeretury of Interiml Affairs,
of MHIitjji'Ml'Ty rouiily.
Republican County Ticket.
A. W. I'OTTKII. Ksu.. Selltii:riive.
Hntij-rt lo tin- ilti isinn uf lMstrlit Ctuiferent'c,
fon AWKMni.r.
Pit. E. W. Tool., WiiMlilnKlon.
UAMKt. llol.KNIiKK, MldillelHirKh.
ok i'iimwkhionpkk.
A. A. KoMIII. Went lleitver.
.lAttilt M. HI'l'K. WiiMlilliKloll.
I.KVl KI11 Kit. Sflliiwruve.
.1 Kit KM I Ml l llVKl(SoX.Ililr'.
Al t'KKK MAKIIl'ltiiKIl, llli-K'nue.
Mr. Pattision's Claim.
It must be as inovtifyinir to tho
democrat s of tho Statu of Peiiiisyl
vania us it is interesting and spicy to
republicans to note tho prevalence
of tho spirit of discontent which has
found expression ia ninny Kcctions
since, tho Scriinton Convention on
tho part of that branch of tho democ
racy, tlissatislied witli tho inexcus
able, though open and admitted ill
treatment received by tho "Wallace
men at tho late gathering of tho
democratic party. There have not
only been admissions of eravo dis
satisfaction by leading democrats
from which reasonably correct and
judicious deductionH may be made
as to the present stato of feeling
within their party, but occasional
rather sham unheavelH nave occur
red, more plainly aud forcibly indi
eating tho true state ol things, in
the organization which saw Jit tone
cept l'attison and reject allaco in
tho ticket recently placed before the
democrats, than any words could
well depict.
Since tho nomination of Mr. l'atti
son, whose integrity, uprightness
and honesty of purpose is not to be
railed into question, it has been ol
served that a considerable portion
of the democracy, hitherto regard
od as absolutely solid for any candi
date to bo named, as the standard
bearer of the party in tho great con
test soon to open in our State, does
not hesitate to openly and frankly
express its feelings of bitternessand
distinct dislike toward the outcome
of the one-sided and grossly manipu
lated Pattison-Scott assembly, which
did not hesitate to knife the most
astute and keenest democrat within
their party, that inordinate ambi-
tiou on the part of one inun, who as
pires for the second time to the chief
place within tho Commonwealth,
might be gratified, at the expense of
Mr. Wallace and his friends ; and
t hat, secondly millionaire Scott, who
is more especially notable for the
distinction his blooded race-horses
have won for him upon tho trotting
track, than for any accidental act of
intelligence or benefit lie ever per
formed in Congress, might tho easior
attempt to reach tho United States
Senate with tho assistance of Put 11
son, whose place on tho ticket, it is
vainly, though for that reason, none
tho less heroically, imagined by his
impetuous and over-zealous sup
porters, would lend suflicient
Strength to tho operations of tho
democratic party throughout tho
Slate, in the fall canvass, to not only
seat him in tho chair, he has not, by
reason of the force of constitutional
prohibitions, occupied during tho
last four years in tho Executive
Chamber at the Capitol, but also to
return a democratic, legislature,
whoso sincere obligation and solemn
mission would consist in selecting
William L. Scott to tako the seat of
Senator Cameron in tho upperhouso
of Congress.
It is apparent that some very scien
tific figuring was dono at Scranton,
without, however, properly compen
sating tho mathematician-in-chief or
holding out to him any particularly
precious plums for tho future, which
if he were compelled to adorn by re
lying upon the gracious support of
his party, would be most dismally
devoid of gift and deplorable indeed.
Upon what basic, approximating to
i it.
a sense 01 lairness ana justice, me
democracy saw fit to accept Mr.
Fattisou and reject Mr. Wallace, for
the head place upon their ticket, we
have vainly endeavored to discover.
If wo have anything like a correct in
terpretation of tho meaning of that
clause of tho Constitution of 1873,
relevant to tho selection of the Gov
ernor of tho Commonwealth, we
heard nothing in saying that the
framers of that instrument evident
1 v meant to imply that no man should
seek to occupy tho Gubernatorial
chair more than once. It uuetiuivoc
ally states that a Governor cannot
succeed himself, why then should ho
long to occupy the exalted place af
ter a lapse of four years T This, if
not tho letter of the Constitution, is
without doubt, its unfeigned spirit
Do wo find anything iu the Consti
tution of the United States prohibi
tory of the succession to tho Presi
dency by the fortunate incumbent,
or any mention as to tho right or
evident intention of a President to
again ask his countrymen to return
him to the first place of political au
thority in the land ? There is no re
striction, constitutionally or other
wise placed upon statesmen to as
pire as frequently as they please or
as many times as their admirers sug
gest to them tho fitness or appro
priateness, to the Chief Magistracy
of tho Nation, but polite custom am"
a sense of justice have properly iu
augurated tho two term rule, an
any intimation at departure from
this precedent is met with prompt
and emphatic reproval. Is not
therefore, the Constitution of Penn
sylvania. while not lornitMing in
positive and absolute terms two pe
riods of tho Governoship to one and
tho same man, after tho expiration
of au intermediate administration
despite the omission to plainly state
as much, gently hinting at a discon
tinuanco of Gubernatorial honor
after having been once worn 1
But we would not bo understood
as Ueriiling .Mr. lattison lor thus
indulging the laudable ambition to
again nssumo ths high oflice of Gov
ernor. If ho could secure tho nomi
nation aud mako his followers be
lieve that his canvass would lead to
ultimate triumph, we credit him
with thus early extending tho hand
of hope and comfort to thoso who
havo risked the responsibility of
electing him. But wo aro far from
agreeing with his sanguine friends
that the able Ex-Controller of tho
city of Brotherly Love will this time
lead a victorious host. The situa
tion is essentially and materially un
like that of 1HH2, when as by fortui
tous circumstances, in the forma
tion and powerful intluenceof which,
neither Mr. l'attison nor his demo
cratic friends, had a particle of con
trol, the breezes of fort line wafted
him into tho Executive Chair.
Scott decreed that l'attison should
bo nominated and the people will
agree that Delamater will be elected
and while the ablo and cool-headed
leader 'Wallace chagrined by the mis
fortune of defeat is having his clas
sic brow painted a healthy tinge by
ocean breezes, the democracy have
ample time to ruminate upon the
serious task of surmounting that
ITY. Written fur tin' 1'ofT.
The Slanderer.
Webster demies the slanderer as
one who "defames or injures anoth
er by talso reports, or utters mali
cious untruths to harm another."
Tho writer will try and show how
unfortunate it is for a neighborhood
to have such characters and the
great evil they do in repeating un
truths or mixing truths with false-
Tho slanderer has no conscien
tious scruples at all, does not mat
ter if it is father-in-law, brother or
sister, ho will carry his slauderious
reports and sow tho seeds of dis
cord wherever they take root. In
fact there is no limit to tho utter
ance of his vicious tongue. Drop in
his family circle. Tho first words
you hear will no doubt bo about
some poor unfortunate, who fell in
to tho hands of tho sheriff, or some
poor mortal who they thought made
some groat mistake. It is seldom
that the slanderer discusses any
thing about religion, farming or any
such topics that would improve his
sluggish brain, for the simple reason
they never read anything and
find no ploaBiiro in anything that is
refined. They are even not satis
fied with thoso who left this world
for a better one. The writer kuowB
of a case where even in death they
slandered and would not let their
ashes rest in peace. Tho question
may bo asked, "what delight has the
slanderer in such foul work, and
hat prompts him to thus malicious
' abuse his fellow mortals t" Is it
because he is over pious T No j that
is not the case. Ho never prays un-
osb when the thunder roars and the
ghtning Hashes, then ho sighs and
mnts for his dust-covered prayer
book. But when the heavens be
come clear away goes religion. Are
people, who slander others, gentle
and kind in their families T The ob
servations of tho writer fail to no-
tico any kindness at all. It is all
spasmodic, and the intervals are
mixed with foul words and even
oaths all because this wicked and
malicious spirit is cultivated and
nourished iu the human heart. When
tho mind has no mental food in the
shapo of good reading it is bound to
run adrift. You will find few per
sons who have any mental resources
addicted to this evil habit. They
do not find pleasure in minding the
business of their neighbors.
Tho slanderer may have a near kin
assisting him iu his malicious work,
who runs from one neighbor to an
other and repeats tales that exist
only in the imagination of a vicious
mind and n heart filled with malice.
The gossip tries to cover her trail by
all means even at tho expense of
some innocent person. In a neigh
borhood where there is a gossip
every thing is in a turmoil. Just
about as in tho case where thero are
robber bees iu a colony of workers.
What delight can any one have to
iret a neighborhood into nuarreliug
only to satisfy tho evil spirit of re
venge. Why notcultivato the spirit
of brotherly love instead oi revenge.
If you can't say anything good about
your neighbor then say nothing at
all. for if vou do it will all come back
with compound interest. You will
surely reap what you have sown.
Only the ignorant indulge in such
work. No intelligent, well-inform
ed man or woman will talk about
their friends or neighbors. There
is no excuse to be ignorant at all at
the present day, no matter if you
own a whole township and aroignor
ant, what good will it do you t Man
is measured by his mind.
Real Estate Agents,
Have the following special bargains to
offer :
SArnirioKiiSAi.i: or Town Iit. Orent lr
icnl tin tnr all. The umlprplinml Ken I KlHte
mirnm linve lur ante nvrr "imi lieatilenco Ijtl m
tlx tollowltm cltli'f nil town :
The hmiitllul elty ol Wn-keeiiny. the oountr
en t of Treifii fHiiintv . K ft inu. OD IliM I.1AIB line
ol tlnl'nliin I'neihV l(ullwy. It hn limi.l-
Mime rut-Ktono Court lluuo1, cixt 0,ik. a large
grmlcl SrhiMil Mount, 4 I'lilin-hr., 'J Hanka, S
live Nt'Wai'M. t Holnla. The 1'nlted Ptatm ollli'o liM'nte.l hire lur till tllntrlrt which
hriiiK tlniu4iiila ot eille liore. l'oiulatluu
j:uts ATKKorr.
,M-uto.l on the main line ul Mlnmiiirl l'arittc
KiiIIhiiv. It In tint I'minOr-ne t ul Wtcliclii
roil mr, w h. i'h I iini) ul the luiinl Irrtlln rnuutie
In Run:i. Si'oil linn aeverul very line hrlrk
hliK kn, a 1. ,!! ( IraiU'd Sfhuul liiilluliitf, tine
('hnrvhi'n, kikiiI II ilik, 8 mihMiiiituI ami wi ll
ciliteil Iiewi ihth, l'J'm Itihiihltiint. who with
I 1 1 ..itri'rl-u. will main niiiku Seotl a pro
pcrmi fit)'.
Thl tnwn In ! n t .( at the Simiay Hill river,
in ilni r.iiiuty, Kuhviii. 'i lines ul Kiiilroiul
have heeu urvcveil tlirmijih tne twn. at leant
one ul whieli ill he 1 1 1 iliirlna the next year.
The town Ik hu'.lti'il III iiiih el I In! Illii.'t heiiutilul
ami teriile illMrirt" in Kanca.
Thrpe town, have not hn I n uiiuhruniii Ktuwth,
Hit ln'iiinnlliK ihiu fXIMi'iiee mi it ruhiiantlal
hinihlaliiill, u.nttii r hae they Iriil nr hlle lixw
a Imhmii, thereh.ri mw in the tripri lime tn in
ve.t. to he r.'aily liinell when the huoiu eoiuen ami
realize a hsititUoiuc profit.
The lieal K.laie A ji'ii. y Iu Kuiiii,uhirh IhI,!k
ami ontMll- thcc i"( i.o'llinK do 'in ul a ureal
MK'Mlt'K III iT'l-T tu Invent Ihelr In other
enteiprlnen Thereloro we are aulhorlieil loot
lereaeli hit at the extreuielv low priee ol'
In KAt ll, or Ft 1 1; It K)U .aj.
Now lo re I" a trreat ehanee to mako a nmall
iiiven'uii'iil that may iu a lew yearn vo l. I rieh re
turn. Any one iliiriui! tu buy one or more ol
thene lotn in any ol mini tuwun can tint I ly un, giv
ing theforreel name, to what hank the ileeil in
to he neut tor eiiiiniiiiitlnu. anil II upproveil hy
the puri'hii'er, the moiiev will he paiil ami lil
ilelivere.l hy the t'ualilrr. All llfeila will lie
lieueral Waiiiinly itml ilelivvreil tree ol charge
tu the purvhaier.
JJtirWe hell or exchange, advertise
ami survey property, anil convey
titles. W gtiiiriinteH nil our work
ami iiiviiti parties who nave real es
tate forthe market, to iiiIiIi'hh
Ayer's Pills
Excel all others as a family medicine. They
are suited tu every constitution, old and
youtiK, and, being sugur-coated, are aRree
alilo to tike, l'urcly vegetable, they leave
no 111 eflecu, but strengthen and rrguluta
the Htonuu'b, liver, and bowels, and restore
every organ to Its normal function. Kor use
either at homo or abroad, on laud or lea,
these l'Ula
Are the Best.
"Ayer's Tills have bern used In my family
for over thirty years. We find them an ex
cellent medicine lu fevers, eruptive diseases,
and all bilious troubles, and seldom call a
physician. Tbey are almost the only pill
used In our neighborhood." Kednion C.
Comly, Row Lauding V. U., W. Feliciana
Parish, La.
" I have been In this country eight years,
and, during all this time, neither I, nor any
member of my family have used any other
kind ot medicine than Ayer's l'llls, but these
we always keep at hand, and I should not
know how to get along without them."
A. W. Soderberg, Lowell, Mass.
" I have used Ayer's Cathartic- Tills as a
Family Medicine
for 39 years, and they have always given the
utmost satisfaction." James A. Thornton,
lsioomington, Ind.
Two boxes ot Ayer's Tills cured me ot
evere headache, from which I was long a
sufferer." inima Keyes, llubbardstown,
Ayer's Pills,
Xr, J. 0. ATEB & CO., Lowell, Hast.
Bold by all Dealer In Medicine.
No. 1 Pennsylvania 8-1
" 3 Fulti 83
" 3 White mixed 80
Rye M
Corn BS
Oat 80
Butter 10
Pitted cherries 10
Unnltted " 8
Hivi;.le-ii 6
Raspberries 2
Onions 80
Lard 8
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 71
Hide '
a I
Soulde 10
Ham 12
The best Hnrnmg Od that ran oe
made from Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not smoke the chimney.
It will not char the wick.
It lins a high fire test.
It will not explode.
It is without a comparison as a per
It is mnDofactored from the finest
Crndo in the moet perfectly equip
ped refineries in the world.
It is the Best.
Ask yonr denier for Crown Acme.
Trndo orders filled by
Yours truly,
12 8 '87 ly. Sunbnry, T's
Wastfii. Iti'llnoil nnrt Inti'tllfi'lit Imlli'H lo
take uruVrs t'T 'The Talile", the new lieltiiuiih o
(Haik-taaik. Soils rt'iulllv iiiiioiik' all i linses.
I.inw tllHiinet menus, i: (.mips. ; ways to eimk
m. .ji.i .i..Ui.riM lino iiL'oiit. ki ilit til her flrxt
il.ty. i'liinHier 41 her llrst Wis-k. nniilher: In Mvb
uavs. A k'ri'itt tiiuiiy I'luui't' uiwiis miii n'ii.
Aihhvss. t . 1.. WKIISTKU ('.. a Kust lllltst.
Now York.
Stationery Packages.
The Oreat Kurgaln Packnge con
tains :
12 Sheets heavy 01b. note paper lOo
13 lleary envelopes 10'
1 llest Eagle lead-pencil 10
1 Hteel tip penholder 05
25 Hest goltl eyed needles 10
1 V)ii)iiGsltiou Oolil pens 10
1 Pair scissors 25
2 Piece elegant jewelry 25
Samples tiostpnid 25 cents. Agents
wiinti'tl in every locality to whom the
most liberal terms will be given.
Send for samplo ami tiTttis. Address
J. 11. K.M'i' o.
Midillecreek, Pa.
ters of Ailmiiiistrittioii in the
entiituol I., villa Mover, latu ot Ailiium Twp,
Suviler eoiinty. Pa,, ilee il, Uavliiu heen urantcl
to tho unilernluneil. all pernoiin knowinir theni-
ni'lvon Imlehteil tu aitlil entnte are reiiienteil tu
make iinuieillate pavinent. while thono liavlnn
flu 1 in s III preneut thrill iluly autheiitieateil tu
tliu llllilernimit'il.
Slav V, 'Mi. Ailuilnstrator.
iVKIXa'TOU S NOTICK.-Notiee is
herebv iriven that Letters lesta
nientiiry nil the eatate ul Mirah Sti'llilliKT ileo'il,
lain ol I ranklin low nnhip, Miyiler euunty, I'h., I
have heen Iriueil tu the iiiulerHiKueil renlilltia" lit
nal. I towni-hlp. All pernoiin, therehire. iuiluhteil
In nalil 1'Httu will nlunno iiiaku Imiueillale '-
ineut, ami thoao havliiK elaliua aKitlnnt It will
preneut Ihvui lur nuttlement tu
July '.'4, IW. Kieeutur.
Home For Sale.
The tiTidi'txlL'tied tilTiira hiThnnie, HlltiulelV
lulh'H woM ( Miiiiiii'iiui'L-n, at privitto auii'. it
t'liiiHlHta ul A KKS ul laliil, on hli h la erei't-
ml u pxnl liwi llini; llol sK. hiiliulihi lur two I
ainall fitmlllea, it lare Siiuiiner IIuiihi', Stulile I
anil other tiutlnilhlliiga. It la Niipplled with a
good well itml new pump. It " 111 la- wokli'lli'up.
Kir luiriicuiiun tun mi or iiuureha
Mhlilli'liurgll. 1'u.
ift alesmen rn
O Local orTravelins: II VI
to ni'll our ,urnery Stoek. Salary, KxpuunesNlld
Stuacly i.uipio.viiieiii Kiiiiriimueii,
I'll ASK llUulllKHS I'OMl'ANV.
5 15 Jin-h(l Hm utnTKii, N. Y.
Sheriff's Salo Of Valuable
Whereiw, by virtue of a writ of Kl. Ka. lasued
out ot the Court or t'liiniii'in I'lens of Suviler
t'uuntv uiul toinetllrei'tt' tl, I will expose to tnib-
He wilii ut the Court llouno In the llorouh'h of
.Miuuicuurs'ii, ra., on
roiula', August 4, 18i0,
ut 10 o'clock A. M.
croiiKO. Fl. Kit.
Iti'lnt? all that rertnln lot of (.'round hIiiihIu In
(lie totvn ul Keavt rtown, Heaver 'luH iiMiip, Sny
der county. I'h. Hounded unit tlewrllM-d iih fol-
Iiiwh i Hounded ou the Kiotl and Weal by hind
of Win. lllmritnian, on the Sooth by S. k I.. Hull-
road, una on tho North by I'uhllc Hoiid It'iiillng
toAilitiiiHtiurtr, ennutiniutf ii.K.-i'in htiiai ik,
more or Ii'hh, w hereon In envied n Two-story
UWKl.l.lMi Itoi sk, una ut hit iinproveinentM.
Sel.fd, liiki'ii Into enivutlon mid lo lie sold us
tlie Kronen V of K. A. Dili.
siienrri umce, .vitmieuiirt;h, June a.
Tie PM1.5
Fashionable Clotli-
111..,) J. 1411, V4tf JL
Xecktics, Gents DAW
Furnishing Goods, 1J
Suinincr Uiulcr-
wcar, and Celcloid
goodsIen's shirts,
lb u ii ii w a
TTT u. Am
Clothing for Princel Pauper!
Clothing that looks like silk
to the old Reliable where
new stock is just in, is entirely new and comprises all the
latest styles. Too busy M atting on customers to tell yon
more, come and see lor
We Have the Goods !
We Have the Prices !
Now we Want the Customers!
Wonderful as it may seem, but not wit litnrilif:t; the "hard tiine''our
sales of
have this season so far exceeded the sales of nil other years that tliey were
scarcely a comparison. We have reduced everything down to
and it takes iinuiencely, you can hardly believe your own eyes when you
see our stock or believe your own ears when you hear our price. Coiui
early as our stock Is large and it will require some time to make your to
lection. -
Lewistown, l's.
plumbing and steam 1 1
Heaters for Dwell-! L
ings and PublicM; a
Muzzle and Breech-Loading Shot
Guns, Repeating Rifles, and
everything needed in
A Complete Hunlinn Outfit
Orders by'mail will receive proiiiptjuttentloti.
" fr'v
jJUii l l"lVf
'JtlV L'lJ- '
.i-itium i -
Children xx
and everything to
make a man look
handsome and fed
happy, at; prices
that discount all
imitation stores.
and wears liluvleathcr. Come
you get what you pay for. Mr
for f?L-
,V Proprlotors ol the Hesverwws
;)o AMiun Mill.
4-l kinds ol Lumber, surn ''''!!
.lnt. IIIH.tluiber,;rf
Wm keen slsll times supply. V
Ai:' uiid nj dry lumlwr, sun f"J g
riC" jwe ourpjleesslwsy. .s luwst f ;
Vt he Stati. Address all eorreP""c0
N Wi Alglort Beavertown h
Mi vim