The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 24, 1890, Image 4

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The Western Union Anain Suffers a
Heavy Loss.
Bctch Person Driven to tho Hoof of the
Burning Structure.
Nrw Y..i:k. July 1 shortly before 7
A'cloi k this morning flames hurl frum ttio
switchboard M the Western I'll ion operating:
fiMiin, mi t ( i-vi-iit1i HiH.r of their magni
ficent building, corner of Broadway and
! street.
The tire quickly spread beyond Control,
nil the entire sixth, fifth, fourth and third
Ccmr of tin immense building were soon
Completely pu't'il. mxl to!tiirsli i: column
Biiatmn with oint.s o'.ttidc of tin; city wa
leniirarily suspended. The ollice of the
Associated Press, Executive Committee of
the (tii Ftiion Telegraph company uiol
oftlccs (,f ..nveral brokers w ere det ry I.
So rapidly did tin; lire extend ti the.
Woodwork that the escape of tin j.'.
I y tin' stairway was i ut nil. and a iiutuher
were lowered from the windows, by
(if Mie. to the lops of si.j lining building,
while other hnrritsl down the 1 i r escape.
A IAM' AMoX.i mi mii.oyrt.
The tire completely destroyed th I i -tr,
billing room on tin- fifth floor, the oncrat
iiiU rH'm on the Moor iiliuve, the Associated
Press room, and the restaurant on tho
Seventh floor. Seven live were iniraculom
ly saved.
A few inin:t-s before 7 o'clock thi morn
ing the or.itors be.Mii t arrive. t ir ti
work. Ah i'it .'idnicii an I young w.i'ii-n
hal ri'i" he 1 t'.ic oi'r.iting room A mes
senger hoy named Matthew siw a pull of
smoke iiinler a taMe on tho 1 1 r below the
distributing room, lie s 'trcely hail tiui" to
invent igate the c.nn' when the woolen ta
ble wa in flam's an I tin' lire wis spr-.vuling
with lightning rapidly, lie ruslicl up
I'nir to notify th employe thai the build
ing was on l. re. Tln-v w ere oinpctle I to g i
through the 1. -trib. itiug room to get down
A panic was the result of thn messenger's
information, und the young women scream
ed while the men rushed pell-mell down
stair to escape the llames, which in less
than two minutes ha I spread iilniot over
the entire distributing riMim, burning up
wire, instruments uinl tables us if they
were so mien timler. The entire room,
when the panic-stricken crowd pnse.
through i w:t! filled with a dense, milling
imoke. They fell over each other in their
wild ell'ort to reach a place of safety.
Just about this time it 11 anlll'il Upon the
minds of the frightened persons who hud
enped. that there were iievetl others on the
iirant floor who hail not been warned
of the.r uali; i. ' " Ail til I.& wy
this time been cut of! whereby these crim
rouM escape, mid they were not uw.irr of
their eril until ti e smoke rimhe l up the
Itairway leading; frututhe operating room in
There were four men and three women on
thi floor, and K-ein ecape cut oil' from
(Very quarter, there was an aw fill panic.
One of the men. seeing there, was no pus
ible ineaiiKif cicnpe ilownwar 1. ru-Oie l for
the scuttle hole in the roof. The trapdoor
was pii-dieil HI a. id the prisoner' clinih.-d to
Ihe roof. Haines were Munition out of the
front windows, volume of siiiukH pullej
lieavetiward. 1'ri. in under the eaves of tlie
jreut huildini! Il.unes wi re i-hootiiii;, and the
Itnutnre MVined to be crow ned w ith tire.
a i ttv : iiiiiuioK wi:t i i'
AVlien t crowd on the streets av
the men and women rush out on the roof
aery of horror went up, for it did not seem
possible that they could he lescued. The
women on the root screamed and ivrmi;
their hands, and tin; men veiled: "For tiod's
kake do something to nave us.''
1- inally a lone; ladder was rushed upon the
roof ol No 1 My at reel and placed iu: iinl
the rear of the h.irniiiK biiildiui; It did le t
reii' h w ithiu .'i i f.s-t nf 111 ! Western I'nioti
roof. I'lidainited, Irmi'i'iT, two firemen
acaled the ladder and th'ew a rope to the
roof It was tailL'ht and t ed by one of the
the brave girls w ho jeeincd tu t.ever loose
lier nerve
The firemen pulle 1 themselve up h md
ivcr hmid until they rea' lied the t ip of ilni
buriKii:: buildiii).'. and, ami I cheers from
the tiiou-aiiiU t'clow, they let tho
in down to pla es of aafo:y.
. i . : i . 1 V I K 1 11 K I IKK.
How the lire original cd no one seems to
know pos.tively, but it i surmised that two
of the company's electric lij;ht w ires became
cnuseil and si t (lie tloorin on lire. Had the broken out an hour later the hi of life
iiiit'ht have been enormous. 1 ul'.y Ton (rirls
uml imvi Hre employed on these two Honrs.
No exai t figures run yet be given in ren'irj
tu ihc lots, but it will bu bvavy.
"he Attempted Train It ibhary Ne.r Van
Wert, O., aa Act olHevtii3.
Van Vj:i;t, ( , July '.' '.The r portin! nt
teniptel robbery of train No. 4, on tho ("in
rinnuti, Jackson and Mict ig:m
Friday night, in which lliigiinsT Vu.i"K'Vn
tier was killed and Fireman K nuthouse
iK-.iten into insensibility, turns out to have
been an act of revengi committed by lllair
Mock, an vx convict. Mock killed Vande.
ander's son, at Hunting bm, in 18 4. Kngi
lievr Vundevander was the chief witness at
the trial of Mock for the crime, and Mock
awnre vengeance against liim In the court
room, Mock wa seen at Kuterprise, eveu
mile south of here, yesterday, an 1 ulso in
(he c'ty this morning bt U o'clock. He hai
Hot J'et been arrested.
Three Missing Bodies Found.
Mikmapoi is, July 18. A searcher found
three ini-iiig bodie of the victims of the
Lake Ccrvais cyclone early this moruiug.
They were close together iu a manir.y por
tion of the lake, ) feet from shore. The
bixlies of t'harle fchurmeier and Uov. M.
1'fjefle are mutilated, but that of Mrs. J. H.
feburweier wai Dot (JisHfol
An Unprecedented ainy f pll in En
Bland-The Ttusslan Yield.
Lomi i;, July 30 A week agij it wn fc'.t
that the weather In I'.nglnti I since the bein
ninnof June had already b -c.une a too pro
tfS'iiely ridiculous thing to be dicused In
ordinary lanuaire. Hince then there ha
been the heaviest rain fa 1 known in any one
week since lf7f. nnd the whole six week'
record is the word since ItiU. To have to
go back nearly eighty years for a parallel
affords the ltritou a sort of glo my pride in
the uniipie character of the summer, but not
even a Ma'k Tapley could pretend to comfort
iu its contemplation.
The havoc this continuous dow noour hal
worked in the fashionable world :f regatta,
lawn fete, and riverside pirtics is of no lat
ing coneiiiuce, but the direct pecuniary
bfrs to farmers ha heroine Mi'fcthing terri
ble. 1 came in this morning from Shepper
ton, some I went; nidi- up the river, and
saw literally a h mdred acres of meadow in
which CI- ke I li.iy was four fifth imdet
water. The Tlniuie i a swoolen and
muddy flood like tho Mohawk In a March
freshet, and all the low Iv ing stretclie of
and iu the valley are swamped. Sum
grass counties, 1 ke Cheshire, al
ready report that politically the
w hole hay c rop is destroyed. Two bright,
hot day in the middle of thi week revived
a hop that the wheat might after nil he
saved in something not too far below the
average crop, but the suh'eipent tropical
ruins and the arctic temperature have ilisM
pan d this. Kverylio ly admit-s now that it
is likely to be the worst yield since the un
preceleiitcd disaster of l7!i.
The stock of I'.u.dl-h w heat I now ail but
exlintis cd, and uinlerthe influence of this
and the evil pro-pint the growmj ernp
price have advanc I lib u.t another !.;l!iiu
per quart during the wi-k. Much the same
lories emit i n U'J to collie Iroin the ( ' 'tr ; ne:it.
The Kus.siaii ruble went up mi the Ta rim
l'n.ur.-e yesterday in sympathy wi h the gin
crul advance iu t he w heat m i: ki t. w L.cii .:
is now evi lent that Kussri will largely c en
A to the re-l condition of th" liussi.m
rrop much uncertainty i vists. 1 , .jj, , ,;
reimrt nf the month makes a ve-y g'
show ing, but it is upis .-te I iu I' that
this is d uie to favorably atbst evchaiiL-e.
Hint tlmt I'.iissia. in fact, rln.;..(. ,,,
!f Ibis be true, llus.-a nil. l.t to Make a rent
ileal of iimney, (usause all 11 . i r j e wi.i ir
force be buyers.
I ha llorr.ble Crim'i of a Husband, Who
Commits, t-uicide.
i 'oi 'mi i . S. t '., July ,.'.: ne oft he tnot
boTitil - criui 's on rei'nr 1 is reported from
Colle en i-oiinty. The crime was committed
on Mary's Is'an I uu unfrei, ;eiited p"t.
l'u Idy tiran' live I there with bis w.fe,
l'ho lie uml anot'.ie woman, s tpposed to be
too intimate wi'h Crant. frequently visited
his wife. Wednesday la-t iirant ii. formed
the relations of bis w ife t hat she had been
severely hurt the week h-fore by the explo
sion of a kerosene lump and was iu a bad
condition. The realivf found her
burned from her knv 's up in front only, ler
libly charred and speechless. the ditsl when
an attempt was made to remove her. No
traces ol oil could be found on the floor or
no traces of burning below the knees of tLc
woman. These and contradictory state
nidus caused the arnst of firant but he
escaped trout his guard Having been run
to earth again, he reiUi-s!ed permission to
return to bis room for n short .-lile. Almost
immediately the report of a g in w as heard
and it was found that he had placed the
uiiiz;.le of his musket naint hi stomach
and explodedit, blow inga holeclearthrough
himself. It is thought keroseu was poureil
over lii.s wife by h'luself and the other wo
tuaii. uud that she was then set on lire.
An Indian Prisoner Cuts Up Five of His
Fellow C'onv cts.
Cou'Min, (., July bi This aftcriioun an
Indian from Indiana Territory, in the pi n
tent iary for bJ years for killing a nun:, se
cund a broa hue and commenced p, ,
tomahawk hi fellow prisoner iniiliued
tu the idle house. Heslirted in to brain
a, and did cut up and mangle live.
He cut open the head of Jacob
(iross, who will likely die; then cut
u dangerous hole in Fred Cunningham's
head, split open the shoubh r of l ha'les
Llrccves, made a dangerous gash in the
iraiiiiiin of MikeO'Haia, Hint cut the nose
nil' of a fifth convict. l'.y this time hi?
wild yells brought the deputy warden, who
had the bote turned on him until he weak
ened, when he was disarmed und thrown
into a ceil.
The unoriginal wa as w ild a a lunutic,
and his at trin pted massacro stirret up the
whole intitution. I be physicians will
examine liiiu to-morrow when ha ue-
ilow n, as it is thought he h crazy.
Tho Lake fcteamer City of Detroit Did
tho Work.
Hr.TUoiT, July 17. This evening at C.:.'10 as
the steamer C.ty of Hetroit, w ith three ex
cursinii par'ies aboard, was just within the
city limits, her steam steering apparatus gave
out and sho sheered ubout uud ran Into the
steam barge Kesota, owned in Cleveland,
cutting her completely in two uin:dt.hip..
The Kesota'g cargo was iron ore uml
it slippel into the river. Captain
Flick und a crew of 17 were rescued The
motherof the stewurt was drowned and the
captain's w il'o was saved by a seaman diving
after Iter as she was sinking,
Judge Nichols of liutavia, 0., was quite
severely Injured by the breaking of some
shrouds. While the passengers were fright
ened, there was no punic. The damage to
the Hctroit's bull Is placed at $AUK0, and
she will be on the dry docks for three weeks.
The Kesota was valued at I IW.OjO and is
otal wreck.
A Fleasure Yacht Hun Down and Five
People Probably Drowned.
Ai.EXAMHiu IU v, X. V., July 17. The
steamer St. Lawrence, returning ut 10:Fi
o'ch-'k to night from an excursion, ran down
the steam pleasure yacht, Cutblene, with 10
passengers on board from Uradford, Pa.
Five are missing. The missing are Mr. und
Mrs. F.. It. Peuiberton, Mrs. W. 1. Hart und
Miss Maggie Henry, all of Uradford, and
John tcnecttl, the lireiunu o" tbs Cutblene.
The Latest Ee porta Beoetred By Can's
Nrw Yonn, July R. . Dun t Co.'
weekly review of trndesay: The Silver bill
has leen psed and i sigued by the I'resi
lent, but has had scarcely any effect on the
market a yet, excepting the advance In bar
iilverto5i3d, followeil by a decline to flud.
So change apiear in money markets, and
foreign exchange remain te.idy at a point
a hidi ndmits export of gold, engagement
for to-day being half a million for Hcrmany.
The bank Of'and lost It. V) IKJ during
.he week, and the Inter advice from South
America ate less encouraging. The Indus
trial outlook i not improved by delays In
I ongress, nor by drought In some Western
States which seems likely to cut down the
field of wheat.
Inciikaskii voi.rtir or nr.4iir.4.
The volume of business still continues
rery large for the season, and the prevailing
lone in most every department of trade Is
lonlident and hopeful. Western hide are
higher, and there i a good retail trade In
luminer goods, though wholesale trade il
quiet. Cotton goods are strong, but wool
favor buyers.
The Chicago Hoard of Tra le statistics con
tinue to show a creat increase over last year
in movement of all grain and flour and in
meat, the increase in dressed beef being
three fold, ami in lard, cheese and buttet
iirge, with considerable gain in live
Itork, Wool uud bides, I'oot
and shoe sale Bte n little slack
but I.. . y goods and i lothing last yenr'ssalei
sre surpassed and payment are good. Cleve
land note the largest trade since last year,
though seasonably uiet a! present, and sub
tutit. ally the same is reported from iMroil
ml St. Fan!. Minin-.iHilis Increases it
week's output of flour aho 100,0 M barrels,
m1 report a strong I linl er market Traill
is good ut Omaha nnd I'invcr. but dull am)
lu:i"tivL nt Jack-oiiville. The live-stock
movement at Kansas City is large, but al
low prices.
I'iTTf It T".vr IN lli'isj.
A rather belter tone is rcmrteil In tin
riiihnlelpbia irnii timrket, shipnienla for
ix months have been 7 .'t.-.o'i tons, and sale
ma le already covi r about three mouth
more nf produc'ioti. Large consumption l
rnpper sustain the price at 17 cent, am!
manipulation ha placed tin at ','I.Vi cents,
out lead is dull at 4 .'J cent. Coal l lower.
Wool is dull and iu limited demand. No
definite improvement i seen in the woolen
Co Is market. I. ttle is doing at present in
knit g 1. The siecula'lve markets have
been curiously variable. Wbeut i more
than half a cent lower than a week
go, not withstanding some evidence
nf Injury from drouth; the stock
rarried over from the la-t crop year Is esti
mated at (Vl.O'Ki.oov; to 7o,o !,( bushels,
which, with a yield even smaller than is
now expected, will more than meet ult prob
blc requirement. Corn has advanced near
ly half u cent higher again in spite of favor
ible corn prospect.. Hog an I p 'rk pro.
ducts are weaker, and coffee unchanged,
though tbedistributlon was very inodcsrata.
Uavv sugar has been advanced a sixteenth,
though refliutl is lower and the Sprockle
prmluct is offered below that of tho trust.
The business fuilurea occurring through
out the country during the last seven days
number aC, as compared witli a total of
l'.'7 ast we-k. For the corresponding week
id la-t vear the f.gures w ere -US.
An Alleged Dead Msn Reports That Ha
is Alive and Well.
Tnr.NTow N. J., July l". A remarkable
case of tra'Iicking in the sympathies j re
latives has entile to light here.
Mrs. Feter Stiilinaii. rc-iding at No : IV'I
I erry street, received a telegraph oyer II
month ago asking funis fir the buriul of
her brother Ivlward C. 11 oom, of No. ! li
Mast Mrist, kan-a- C.ty. She forwurdisl
tlienmount leiuanded by F. t tone, the
luiil'Ttaker, uud reij i sted a decent burial.
A b'tfr was received last night from the
alleged dead man, stating that he was pros
pering and would I in Trenton within
tin.- next five iluys. ibis was liaMraliy
a revelation to the family of 1M
ward I'd. Mini, who have gone into mourning,
and his mother lias been made ill by tho re
port of his iicath.
F.oides the b tter, Hiirinunicug tl.C death.
a letter signed by Frel A. Murso, of Kansas
City, was previously re eived by Mr. Stat
man. stilting that her toother wa very ill
and wanted I in is. Money wa sent at once
Luter tame a letter from C. A. Wright, urg
ing money to be scsit for a consultation uu I
un operation that might save his life. This
also was sent. Later came t lie dispatch an
liouncing his doath. I lie family sent ill all
nearly f .isi, anil they lire now uwure that
tbev have been duped by some shuriers in
Kansas i ity who l.-v traded on some in
formation obtained from Ivlward liiootu.
Bhcrrodsvill, O., Almost Destroyed by
Fire, a Loss of 8U0,000.
Canton, . July L'u. The village of Slier
rodsvil e, iu Carroll county, wu swept ly
lire Friday night. 'I be loss is put ut $o).(khj.
John Jenkins and lit son were probubly
fatallv burned, l'.o h of them .re un
conscious when rescued from a burning
building. The villa,.' was uliuo't totally
destroyed und inimy of the people are living
in barns Three of the burned building
are supposed to have In en plundered uud
then set on lire by burglars, as two shot
were tired at the man who discovered lb
fire. A reward uf 1 1.0J0 has been ollcred foi
the Incendiaries
A Discovery Announced by a Westing-
bouse Agent.
St Pari.. Minv., July 18.':. A. Paigh
of the Westilighouse Klectrlc Company, has
been iu Tower, Minn., at the iron mines Tur
the last week, experimenting with electricity
and iron ore in the Interest of his company,
He declures that he bus discovered a pro'
cess by which be can centre the rays of un
urt: lis-lit upon a piece iron ore, and thereby
sullen it to such a d- greeustobeableto work
it with greatly reduced amount of labor. It
has not yet been known .with what success
Lis luburs have been iuuU
A TerriHe Storm Sweeps Over Parte cf
Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey.
pHtLAnrLPntA, July 1". A terrlfio thun
der and bail storm swept over Philadelphia,
Sontbestern Pennsylvania and New Jersey
this evening, doing an immense amount of
damage. The new Agricultural works at
Kallstown were blown down and John Free
man killed. Lansdsle was flooded and sev
eral barns struck by lightning and burned.
At Trenton, N. J., hail of remarkable size fell.
Lonis Schlngel and Michael Corcoran were
killed by lightning under a tree.
Two passenger trains on the Lehigh Valley
Railroad narrowly escaped being wrecked
between Ilcthlehem and Allentown. ltoth
train had to stop frequently to allow tele
graph poles and trees to be removed from
the track.
The storm wa very severe at Chester, the
lightning doing much damage to building,
The yacht Richmond, with nine men on
board. wn turned bottom upward off Port
Richmond, but all the men were saved.
Twenty terotis in all were rescued from
ca)iited sailboat.
The ltarbour thread mill's stack at Allen
tow n, '.2!) feet high, wa blown down, "rush
Ing the engine house. Much damage was
also done at Reading.
NoRwai.k, (into., July 17. A violent wind
and rain storm struck Monroeville, this
county, at o'clock to-night, doing terrible
damage. Lightning struck otto (ieldners
house, killing hi three son, who were
sitting on a lounge. The electricity c.nno
down the chimney. Kate Smith, a neighs
bnr, who wa In the bouse at the time, was
timtly burned about the arms,
K hi se. Pa., July 17. A hurricane struck
Cirnrd, west of Krie, this afternoon and
came near demolishing the wlmlt town.
Score of house and barn were unroofed,
and the Presbyterian t h.irch, a cosily
edifice, wa unroofed and almost destroyed.
The damage tu tree and farm property in
the wake of the storm will be large.
Ai.tooh, Pa.. July 17. A beavv rain and
thunder storm passed over this city atiout 7
o'ebs k this evening doing serious damage
to property. Many cellars were tilled.
Train men rep irt a lire at Ua'.liUin, caused
by lightning.
R ii kwav, L. I., July 17. Ihiring the
storm to-night ii driver of a wagon was k il
ed und hi horse also kille 1. Several ikt-
on were stunned bv lightning, and much
.Ullage was done ti; building uud crops.
WiM.UMsi'ocr. Pa.. July 17. A tornado
swept over an I through this city this after
noon, the wor-t ever witnes-ed li re. Many
uiildins were iilow-n down an 1 iu my uu-
roofed, but no person was hurt.
A Child Imprisoned Six Yosts by Her
Lunatio Mother.
Nswsfno. N. Y.,'July 17. K i.:a Sleekier.
00 years old, was arrasted to-day charged
with imprisoning her daughter Anna for the
past six yetrs. Anna is '.t years old and an
only daughter, and the mother declared that
she had locked her up as u means of preserv
lug tier from witoties. Mrs. bteckler seven
years ago lost son. Joseph. Soon after
wards her husband died, while another son
bad portion of his hand removed ty acci
dent. Her troubles turned the woman's
The gir! was rigidly kept from speaking to
another child. Annu s health was natur-
,lly impaired by this seclusion. Wnun
brought hefo e the court she was utmost as
much of an itub"-ilc a the mother herself.
She could nut tell her own name or aze, hud
never had a playmate in her yoauj life and
did not kno.v what u stire was. When a
dressed doll was given Anna, the child went
into ecstacies over it, willingly accompany
ing the olliceri w hen they told her they
would take her to play with other ciiildreu.
A Man Just Out cf I'r. son and Married
Again in 1 rouble.
Niw ol:K, July lo.-.l iiatb'S Loser wa u
prisoner to-day in .lellVrson Market court on
a charge of forgery, lie is '.'I years old and
hiui serve I a tour-year term in State s prison
for forgery. I'efo.-e be was urrestcd uud
sent to prison he a girl to w hom he be
came engaged. When he was sentenced she
promised to be true tu bun. Four Month
ago hi 'hue v up ar.d In? huntel
un the L-irl and a week ago mar
ried her. While Losce was iu prison prepv
ration were made for Kerr.mler's eleclrocu
lion, und I.osee was detailed to assist the
electrician, who took a fancy to him un
promised to get him work when his timl
was up. He kept bs word nnd I.osee se
cured employment with the Arc Lamp
m July 4 lie went out with some friends,
and running shori of money forg-d a check
for and a few davs later another for lis
On the Mb be wa married, and yoterday
he wa anested uml he'd for trial. Hn
wife is the daughter of a wealthy Mott Haven
AToung Lunatic St ta Fire to a Church
for that Purpose.
Nevada, Mo., July 111 James Hownri
the 14-year-old son of A. II Howard of I.akt
township, near here, w ho has been deranged
for several years, und was u. one
time confined in the insane asylum here,
left his father's hnu-e uuday morning, say
ing he wus going to bring on a rain ti
save the crops. He went to u country
church invir by, which he set on fre, uud
then sturt'el a blaze, in a number of hay ricks
half a mile awuy. Ho was I'- tected and
arrested. He declared that it wus his inten
tion to have burned all the hay in the neigh
borhood, and also the new town of Kichurds,
In order to brirg on a rain. The lire in the
church was discovered and extinguished
before great damugo was done. Howard
was taken at onco beforo the probate co jrt,
and aguin sent to bis old quurtera iu the in
sane asylum.
A Mother and Four Children Perish by
Valparaiso, Ind., July 10--Tlie residence
of John Hamlett, ueir here, was burned this
morning. Mrs. Hum el and four children,
the eldest ubout 8 year old, Wrre burned 10
death. Tho houso wus tot illy consumed.
No per jOU knows how the tiro originated.
Mr. Humlett wus absent ut Chesterton He
bus arrived here uud Is crazy with grief.
Conden-.ed Item From Many Pointa of
The italtnnnre it Ohio railroad company
will erect the lurgest transfer shed In the
world on their road ft) miles west of Wash
ington. Tliey will be capablo of holding
15,0 0 cars.
Pierre Mtrand.i, wife and three children
were roated to death In a burning house at
Quebec, the firemen being Ignorant of their
presence and devoting their energies to sav
ing the surrounding property.
Four hundered death from smallpox are
rejKirled to have occurrecl at Saltillo, Alex co,
In the lat three months.
John M. Weber was yesterday nominated
for congress froiutheTwerity-llrst New York
district by the Republican.
Richsrd C oker, the Tammany leader,
sailed from New York for Germany yester
day morning, being accompanied by his wife
and children.
The President yesterday appointed O L.
Spalding, of Michigan assistant secretary of
the treasury, vice Ueurga C. Tichuor re-
gne l.
New lork policemen am searching for
X'tiinamati named Tseng Ah Jen, who I
said to have the leprosy, and whom his
friends are concealing.
The Ivni'icratic State convention of
Wisconsin will be held at Milwaukee on
August 27, and that of Michigan at (J rand
F.apids on SCptembcr 12.
Four of the Ilelgisn tigar miker who
were to have been shipjH-d back a contract
laborers, Wednesday, escaped from the
steamship Belgian laud, and are still iu New
Fred Meddlar. w hile drunk, wa killed by
a train at Whe ling.
.T. '. Tsld's machine and boiler work at
Patterson, N. J , were destroyed by lire.
Loss tl.VI.O (.
The Servian Synod ha rejeetc 1 the peti
tion of ex-J ns?n Natalie for a rehearing as
to the legality of her divorce from ex-Kin
Wheat and oat nre will under way In
rvnrt'n and South Ihtkotu. and corn promise
finely, but rain is l. idly needed for small
The large p'liuing mills, fa-tiry. lunib-r
yard and sheds owned by M. W. Sherman,
at (ilens Fulls, N. Y., were destroyed by lire
yesterday. Loss, f:! i.noo; no insurance.
Joseph Clessner, dealer in boots nnd shoest
at Mossillou, (., was cloed by the Sberill
em an execution issued to satisfy a judgment
Bote for t.'.'i in favor of his w i:e.
'1 he dead body of a man, suppose i to bo I
Mose Silveriliorn. of t umdeu. N. J., was I
found ut Fetter's Hotel, Itet iilehein, Pa ,
Sunday. lcath wu caused by asphyxia
tion. Il is supposed to hi suicide.
A man named J. Kinsley, supposed to be
resident of lireenvdle. Conn., wa killed
by being struck by a locomotive at Phila
delphia. Negotiation are about concluded for the
transfer of tho S. F. Hess & Co cigarette fuo
tory at Rochester, N. Y., to the American
Tobacco compuny.
Ir. R. C. Work, professor of physiology
of the Southern Medical College, dual ut At
lanta, (ia. He was one of the best kuown
physician in (icorgiu.
They Would Sell a Town No Meat Till It
Changed sn Ordinance.
iHNvit.t.r, Va , July 17. One of the most
rur'nius strike on record ha just ended here.
Several days ugo a butcher was imprisoned
lor violating a city ordinance, whereupon
ali the butcher closed iheir stalls ami swore
they would sell no more meats until the
ordinance was channel. S nce that time
tn fresh meat could he bought in the market
for love or money, and the peoplo were put
to great inconvenience. The butchers ut la-t
decided that they were getting the worst of
the so-called st -ike an 1 ull will open ut the
old stand to-iii irp w.
Throo Prisoner tscapa From the Work
houso ut Dayton.
Iavt iv, O., July is -l'risoners In the
City Workhouse attacked the guard, lust
evening, uud, rendering him powerless and
then ep?cchlel by choking loin, took uwuy
nis keys mid revolver.
William Johnson, Frank Wilson uud
Charles .lit' ksmi escape I, but Mrs. Martin,
wife of the Superintendent, burred the egress
of the other. A trusty prisoner who gave
the alarm wa attacked bv some of his com
panions uud uluiosl killed.
An Entire Family Tnkon Down ar.d Five
Children May Die,
V.w C'i.siuk. Wis., July t.0. A poor fam
ily named Kingb-rg, in Shawtow.i, consist
ing of father, mol her, and seven children,
had canned meat for their Sunday dinner
thi afternoon. Two hours later ihey were
se zel with violent su knesi. Tho physicaii
is still working on them. H i think four
or live uf the children may die.
Fscspsd by tho Hope Boute.
Cairo, li.t... July th. Eight prisoners con
lined in the Pulaski county Jail, ut Mount
City, seven miles ubove here, eeaied last
night. Some outside parly smuggled a r 0
to them, uud they rcacbe 1 I In) ground
through the scuttle h jle. None of them tuo
been rccji t ircd.
An Old Lidy Boats Two Battlers.
Gri'i:ssiii h 1, Pa., July 17 An old laoj
named Iturgler, Wi years of age, who wu
strolling over the ririgo ut l.auro'svillc, came
across two hugh rattl.n ikes this morning,
each with 11 rattles. The reptiles at once
showed light, and for a while a desperuto
it niggle ensued, but the old lady succeeded
in killing them both, and brought them
triumphantly to town.
A Wurwick farmer lwl a frung of
trumps in hi yurd 11 lew days ugo whi
refused to obey hi orders to "inovo
on." Uu showed rciiiuikubk' presinco
of mind when ho overt iiriicd u liivo of
bees. Tho tramp disappeared, but
not until tnuny hul suffered.
John Haeberle A ska 050,000 of Charts
Pitit.nrt.rntA, July 10. John Ilaebp-j
a soap manufacturer, whose wife, Johanna,,
committed suicide on June 2, 18), brought
suit to-dsy against Charles Beyer Tor f,yit.
00J dsmnges, alleging that lleyer
caused the suicide and thus mhbedi
Mm of an affectionate wife not only, but of
her services, which he deemed very valu.
ble both in his home and in his w 'hole-ale
soap store, llaeberle alleges that beea is
Ids wt'e had refused In civil action to tes.
tify s gainst him and In favor of Beyer, t:
plaintiff In that oction (I'.eyen had sworn
In the hearing of several persons "that he
would bring Haeberle's wiTe to the groin,,
and trample her under his feet." Proceed,
ing to elucidate in detail the ground of asn-r.
tion, H.icuerle In bis complaint says:
"The plaintiff says that his wife, alUms,
strong t.f will and of physical tonf,
iithVient to cope with the avoo.
tion and nreesssry duties of life, Was of ,
nervous and delicate tmierame;it, eaily
worried, harassed and annoyed, ami tUt
the defendant, knowing thwe things tv.i
trying to worry her and destroy her pence,
of mind and drive her to marine i
and death, accused her b-foro him
and other person, of having f;,,a
ml secreted I VOn and upward of iiiunfT
belonging to her husband, and that she 1,
deposited such money with stranger, with
the intention of driving her hustianri t
bankruptcy and financial ruin; that p.eyer
gave utterunce to the false rutimn to,ir
the maritial relation and felicity cxi-!i:.j
between them: and that, know ing theim.;,),
nervous nature of Mr, llaeberle, heitifnrm.
ed her in person of thise accusation, ,f.
clared be would find iienple to s il't:.nt:a-e
their truth, und demanded of the plain:, i: i
wife the sum of lJ us bush tuoiiecy ,,r
"Mr, llaeberle thereupon became i!i.
traoted with grief and trouble, wai so vr
ried und annoyed at the telentless crs-.
ciitioiis that on Juue '.'. Ih..', she wa ilr.w-n
to take her life utnl tcrminute h-r ixi.'tn,e
by jioison.''
i ;n-ui
APPT.Fs bbl f
BL'T TEU reamery
CHKF.'sL 'bio full cream...
New York
Pul'LTKY litckens, H nair
I'nrki vs, lb . .
SEFIl.S clover, country
l'dtie grass ,
WHEAT No. J red
No. H red
C'OUN No. i velloweur
Mixed ear
Shelled mixed
OATS New No. 'J while
KYF New No. L'Uhioainl l'u.
FLUL'K Funcv winter pal's.
Fumy snnng pal's..
Clesr'w inter Hour
ITAY Timothv
4 Vic-f5m
11 p-
' l
l i ;
7 i
!; i
.', i ;.,
3tr. :,w
lb In
i : i i :
hi :u
s 1 '.")
4: 4
4: 44
' 41
d :
r. a
.- - .'
4 1 ( ;
7 no
1.' ii
PI in
11 IK)
li 10
il a J
li '.I
r. 10
111 u
14 .'
10 j
Loose, from wagon..
MIDDLlNijswhiie ,
Chop feed....
WHEAT No. 2red
OATS Western
HAY Western
WHEAT No. 2 Hed I
rittl iKi.t ui .
12 W
FLOFR Familv
WUH.-T No. I'.ed
COUN No. J. Mixed
OATS Fngruded While
BYE N... -'
lit' f I'll llt reann rv Extra..,
CHEESE N. Y. 1 till Cream
$ 3 7'i 4
5W Yolis..
llOUS Live
Fl.ol'U Patciits
WHEAT No. 2 Bed
BYE State
COUN I' intruded MixeJ
OATS Mixed Western
BUTTEU reiuui'ry
Fud or v
CHEESE Stute Fucton ....
Skim Light ..,
EGGS State and Penn
.4.1' 4
. ' s . '
, 4 .'1 ii"
lOTements and Pk'ioes, at Central Era's
Yards, East Liberty, Fa.
Good 1 .r.H 1.4tMi-Ti. cattle at 4 3". u4ic
jsood l.ltsnii VJk-lb, do., 4(iil ': c. mnviu:
lsi(il.U 0-lb. 1I0 , It Hi; stocker il l"
quality. Hi ".".Je, small thin slupi'in-' ll,'','',
and steers )u4jc; bulls and dry ci . a w
quality, lj'n, c: veal calves were a.-sin in
small supply mid ruled strong sold ai i!t'i'
by the din-ii mid oiiuTc in iisma I i)'. '
not evpec.ed thai these prices will l' UU'0'
tuiucJ during tho week.
Thesleswere:2caisof extra oliMnettifi
10: in at .'iiiv- 1 car uu l :' ' -nt-r,
.' 4 c: b i giKiri id lb spring lamb at 7c.
do., 4S ilis. ut li.U- deck ci iiii
Ohio sheep, al 4 !':; ' car Ve-tcr:i. !'-!
ted iu Ohio, at .'1 l.'ie deck goo 1 s ! w
ataa'.c; de-k hMIi do. at 4 ''!,,
Peiinsvlvaiiiu spriu r lauihs, '' bi' :'' 1
deck do., .'-.litis, ut tijej I car ohn's, i'
7c; deck ve.irling ami sli. ep. 1.7 I i" "l ''. '
dwk 83-lb vearlin jsUt ,Vc; .1 decks t.i.r '"
s-'t lbs. at .'ic; I car linbunas, r t in-, l
The pens "e pretty wtll ileareJ '7"
A,. M, good evidence ol an uctive ni.rft.
n-i. - , .. i ..... 1 .is. .... m m 1 1;
inf '
j lie sunpi v looien up .0 on- j
cars last Moiiilay: not withstand ng '"J,
supply t he maret was 'n an 1 "i" r' J
prices' barelv realized. Yorken mid f
weigtit. Philadelphi 1 liogs, lit '"
tru heavy lions, ::u 11. uud ""'
hard to ilisjiie of Hi unv price, as Hh'V :
Hot wunted. If there had been a I "I'l
Uie market would huve becu a Laid ou-
Wool. ,
BosTon.-There has been a '"''v".;
a small way in wool and P"'.'', Ler"
the same as lust reporied Ohio n'
selling at 3l(a'3.'o and N ,'ulli p,A
above at : 3 4c; Micliigan X !' ' , j-4
ing at No. 1 combing ,iui
40J; 1 )h.o tine deluino. ,3 c; Mi' l''-u"nrt
34c; Terntiry wools quiel; OUo ior Vw
fine, .80 for lino medium an 1 fj,
for meitium. Spring 1 exas '"'? , flir,i:,
demand at 20( 4c. ami spring ' t
sells mostly ut I7i'.k with '"lie ' ,)c M
l:'A'Je. Oregon wimiI dull I'l - ,'nmlisl
best F.atern and Hill" Uu I"' f,irfiiri
wool. 3oci4"c lor siiikt und '";, ,, 0U1
Ausiruluu wools hriu. i.urH.i -