TEM1I)DLKUK(II TOST. T. H. HAi.TKIl, Kki-iom a.m IWh. .w.7 I I.kin i:;, r.. Ma J itv. "If, as stated, f it toll bairgilj;: B" '0()i US the iutr article can In" mail'' if cotton atalk the "southern planter may Ihhu'Ii at, tlin jute mist." opine the Washington ff.li. h'irv, y,i, ,,, think tha' the pre vailing low prices of I it in prodic fs, i on fu'ipient u.i nt itiutv I overproduction, will force 'hi- farmers of this country to tlivcrsifv their industries. It i on .iAtMiliiiii and legrCi.blp fact, remarks W.iMltiiikcion .', iliai 'JTOii couits :n tiii' r.nl'l Stti'es arc t 'tigncd in ir;r.?itv divorn'S und tlml niie mar ri ii'in i . i ry t wcnty iMu'Iit i thus an- Milled. Th" .,. hi wliy in m iii y for-imrs itr itrrivirii; 1 -ii' is. allc"cs tin' St. Louis ,', V ,. tli.it ll'lfl' 1 ri-i I n( sii-am-hip i-en's arc scouring around I'.urope, ui d'n it :, tii' " "uri'i"; of tiic i.uiii '. loll.e I.' I' 'I I: ' N -W York .....'...' t:.ut tii i- :. ri' !nii ii ill it :ii ' i. -:.iki-. New .;, .1 h:i.nd, .Ii ii.:'.. m n its ll.H 'l. I.i '.;ul ;t t.iiii.i.in, mill now I l.i ' I'.i ; ,Ki- ilt .iiii.i.ii: '.i iii-:i.i n.. Til" 'J ; u- t.iki' tiii'.r 1 in n .'i.': to t!r ..iii r i-i'.'-.iit, ; ' '' r i-Vl l -l". iii.t life ..I li!i U'-; 1 1 . i 1 1 ' i sit i' i1m'.h a m ! ' ! '. 'i ;' :,' I liat 1 i 1 1 - i.' t .. :ii ' no'i mi.."" .-I! o'ii T i:i tip : . i -i r :'ir. I"' ;' ill' : . liin:i' .. :ij'.. ..s:.! ' -it . I" : I ; : ' ii. i vat i i:; i:i:!-.k.v m i, I :! . ii;.n ro.v in iki i 'ertioi ii.iv a li'u'a! ; ll'iiiii.il IroHl Iwi'lvi' ii rin v. tu m '.Vi j ! M. ai: i a t i J i . IS provi'lr 1 nr ti II- i i'" in:. i ;i':'iii'- t I n if j w n lu-i ' tali' !!. mi :i' a:nl 1ft lil llr n oo to tin' ' J II . tiiin' y '. no !a t h i to ' ii..r. !ii'tiii'i o, to i in- p ili j.inl tii.'v i i" ' ': iiall i I I i i . y a- tliry '! ax' ' "l o.iir .lii nri' ri'.i'ilrd ly A 1 1 1 r i a n i n.iv .i .;ii i ! a t! lii'-l k!nl nf -itvihiM : mi f ii'ivii. Tlii'v all' in i! vi U of iieat- I i;''--, i i . ii oin ilii'iii i' ami onr- i 'i . 'a.-i .lap- ol t'i i'i!' a: pn-iiioti ai ; lioi.i'' a:e peril lining mi li rvii'i'-j on Ximr. nn i.irn-ol wiir. I'l.ey eniily ph i. no i :, n.- Ii i-ic.lisii to iiii'ii'rtahi nc.i r. i iti'l !! 'lavf t.'n iri.jiH iiii iii.iri'-t lor Ilii'ii i n pi'iyors' pi ru.iarit irs of ta-tr. -I' " vi'i;U, iimvi'Vi i , are liai'l to '. Ilol i n'', ' o-ili; wi'll nili itlipoi'i iK!i ,i I p'l a: ti'i-'i: s.ivo tiiri'H.'u t!ie:,- Ji aimv ' nil:" I II. II. ! I "'I I.' (.'a! M'inark thai 1 h" A ii,er',i':u; me a ii.:im, o io!ni'',. iia. io? nuii-ii of i it- !'o:. ," : -i'M tin' M il wiins. e .-. ;:;,,', j " 'i::' in : -i!i.' how i . 1 1 i I , v n- nn- 1- ' n ! I i" ml' o! h 1 1 i - I . t . livi a i.uw 1 ,'1 ' o i;-ii: I !ino. a -t.ii-.- witiio'i: liit- ; t'liuu !n;ii: ii; l.aliir, i: a Knir.l of I'. thai-, . a Kfli'jilt of lloiio:-, or a ! i Kno;i ' "I 'i.i' i!olii-ii liatu-, lira Kni-iil. 'I'i-iiio ai . or a l i-iiit of ! ne Si 1 r 1 1 o: n , ii- a i: ii ii, in o'li'-i .irie: ot I - 1 ; -: t . - ow ill -oai'' 1 1 : n 1 1 ; ... 1 1 1 aiie ail ' ' v. iiy lhi-i'lai- In: kni'vil iinml j i i i i : i. lit in a i iii:l i ui:i "i i , vv I Him - a - i'ii'i-ii, ami tin:- lo:a- .i:y ; 'ii.-li'; ii : :iir tli in a Uniu'ii'. ''' ! I'r i . in ai li i en' i ni t i.i ol .Mi. i. :ln- Ho-:. m v..--., i iviii- ! ... . i .i' i ' -i'- i. - to ,ri.' io-t' it- iit'.ia r i v - I'r-- .. . I. in. l.ivin--;on, ti," in'--iini i- i Mai r--!oi . , lm-o ii l,,u,.i ;: al:r 'i! l in- . - .r i A 1 1 1, i i ,.' - :i.i: i i ' i i in . ' Ii!'-' ii to ' r.e l'. ri-i 'i.i ! ti.i I'- w .'.' I p-ii-::n n';-- wo-. li icia! :..-.:. n, i ,'.n a t : t ii ! a'::o:i!it,i: to lai..,, .. . j i.in. i.i !! iii ' o'lii l a I v 1 . : 1 1 : . 1 1 1 . . i . ! - j in- t; ' A i .ii i ri'lieN. aii'l ii : i-" 'i I i-i ft vr I.--- a. :.:'!) u.i:i! in- fi-ii a vn-tini to ( i i, an 1 ovi'i ', h"!tniti- ti in i i ! -r -. I In 'mill. M'ar ollii'i:- i! tiir I'u.tiil : - alii. . afti i alio ,n the li.-T.iiif i . : 'i.o uiid or tl..' Ki. lv' Mi.an: a. ii-, . .r.ii it n.lli -i.it to 'meal, ii-.miv i.inl iv !i- ' !i : . i!;.'. i i o i i , ai.ii , . iii.f -t ; i.i 'i i'i'-' -. r v I ' i i i'!n ii i 1 1 in-. l'.i : ni'- within '.!.. ia-' e :''i.' .en mm ' I i "'-Milan a nn y 1 1 a inen e,, lii ii a-1 1 u .'i' ..i : : i fit- at a total rin n- ot K'i', "I'' 1 Tinn i.ave Ii ri. ..m' i : uo'ii i:i'. i . ! I n linli- ami ilrr pu iiie-. 'I'll I; lull-,'. I ilelll o.' the l-l. n Hi. HI!. e I. I.- l.; il till' I n i 11., Ill pco le lire rr- .r v, -iiupiy for 'uo.v. A iarue part o: ihi i hi e -t p.-iiml ni the iiw nl tii" viiii .o men of the nation i pent in ii 'ill', mni ilii'. pai iiili-'i, while tiieir Mip ) or. : ;tik"i) l.ityoly from the nfi'i-Hiarivt oi ii!e :f tile i-ollill.on people, ln'.-idin li ii'r.i t.itii; lim i-onntry w ith h ileht Miii1'! than it i-.tn iiiriy. The mine in 'ria of every tuition in Kuropr, though lot in eery rae to t lie snii.e i tei:t. mi ti e b irden miht lie pi ei!il liftml ,f ti:f-e nation wou'nl iinply ULTeis to or.t.ii j.- to lulrain from riililnne. or iinil. in- iM.meai h ot'uer, and woillil ieyanl -il 'i. otiii :' ai I'CiDUIlt i ai in toml faith. Sii: '. ii i,.i .nam "lit in li'll opi; riini.ol lit' ' ..: . . :.ii. :n tiie tiiUiiv. loccvEn you no. i"h iM w.i'lil hntiii' un it wav; Th" iiray naire-l titury n -m-s its clo-; Its sorrow !. '(n'ln ilnv t v i!v; Tin1 summer lluh t;'MiKc t'n' rii Hut. lUi liiiif, Winl ni'i;' voire I henr. Ami v. hili- j-niir iI-ok brown eves i r. Sml months nn l iinies 'iin ilrear Are hII thi'snme, nil I to in. 1 i'nii' I'an never i-eseh m While ruin suit Inn I I li..,. While your c)'s love and tctt ai UIO I shall never xi'"' ol'l ' They jr tlml. love forsakes t old. Ttint passion lie ami fades nnnv; That even Inn1" bright loexinf told M,if I'im tlc-ir cliarm iiml i Imiio to gray. ;ut. Im rh nw. while yanr heart In mine, Ami while I fri'I tnnt Vmi are true, pur me the nil nn will ever shine H lili similiter light nn. I ten.li avsi blue. Vet. let I'M ;e ili'l ide me' I Turn liis mm king toni-ii; Iviir love, with vmi b.-snle ill) I inn fin-ever y.inin;. ('.'i;ni'i'i. AN ESCAPED BOA. Mr'. I Yak lni'l alway hid a "'nn'y liollol," a tile teniie. it, nf a i-ir ' 111. Hut wi)"li the iniiiii'iiie poteri of Awl paw' ' ( 'oinliiiiatioii .ena-;eri" and Cir- lis" were -pread out upon the two ide of ll-r hu-hainl I .!.i kmiitli ho;i, their w-underfill at i tat ions p;n e, ovi'i lielin in::. Not o-dy did the '(-lion! -children lin:: r to pore over fhein.it tin- ep.-n.eo,' their stiidie-, li'll the oldel' people of thi' vil!::-e ii, ad" the ,p,,i win ... lie- hi-hly. colore. I uni oi.in i ii,; nt ., diplaye. a .itlieriii- pi H ". At la.; M,i. I'.'ii h"-. .self feit ooli'ei to look into tin: mat'"!'. 'I'll'' e-lllt Will iil.'li, :i tile lime Sir tile idio'.v di'i v mar. sue in oached tie. suii ji t to le r in .-It.i in i . ' '7.1'k'!. " !. iii-in., -tin; ,- i-'irirke 1. ' peai. to me niK-t all tin- aa'inal. in ii-all iir Loin' ; i In. :,.i .. mu.t.iv I w.iiililn 1 mind " in' on i-ii lei um eiii my lile ii:s"ll." "Di.ii li I'u-il. y'i -'o:ir In tak" hi. -lall'lilM'ti'll, " M: e!fc ill ii'tlv t. -plied. "I. ill, now! you don t s.iy.sof Well, t any rnte, a leidv don't hal to lool. on ter tile olije tioli'lile doin Whlll do .oil tlllllk, 'Z'k'l, 'lioilL ll Lioifl' f "I mil f doin nun n tiiinkin'," he warily aiiswi ! d. Imt it you've out it into lour i ran'iiiii to v.o, i: moie'ii likely w .- 1,0111'.'' "Will, it the 11-: i;o, I don't sc. what's to hinder u. 1 ..111 imrrcr loll Mi'i kuin's i ti 1' 1 i-ii . if 1 hil'ieii's w hat's tiei "..ary. I know they'd like to see 'em, too, an' I heer.l Klder I'iiiuney sav jest yisti i'.lav sin Ii a i 'le. tion was n-elly na cddii atioii. I know invself n-vi-r a' kiiowed them jiiiupin' , reeturs keeri. d their ouiil: iiiis round with 'em in their pockets u I iiadn': seen it with mv own cyis when 1 was a '.-id I'm oiMnV old. 1111' I'd redly like to si m- of the n stni t t --tin 1. tiling, they say wrop folks up in their tails nn" vipn-li Vm to death 'lore tin y swailer em. ' t'an't - iv my tn-te runs th'.t way." nli.eived Mr. I'eak. I I rulii' i s ii.it lour heaOeil -If than a hull pa...-l 1 snake. That '- .oinet iiin' cur'us." They went to lie. ein us. or rather to th" Mil ti:i-;i li'-, fo,' Mrs. 1',-ak 1011 M iciitioi.lv icli.iiiieii from patriuii.iii-tin- other pnrt ion ol ; In-ehinit ion, and i 11 -i -1 .-. 1 ,-i-iii!y upon .p.-nilin-; i..- whole tune admit -.lie i-,:-i s ami cut Insure; w lien- the animal' -.vch- k. p , :ho'i:ii h'-r liu-oalnl was allowed to vi.it th- sj,,:. how which in iil tin- foui h"'d-d calf. Mrs. I'eai- Ii id in-' -r 'lt i. -i.i- oiati tied- sl" s. W :i;e "'.frii !"s.'' Ihlt .li'' Hid Ho! I III 1 -1 1 W1..1! W.S ) I0II0W, 01 t" I I.I i 1 V fhe Would not il'li' oai d -o loiiy upon 1 hcil' hu:;.' folds. Tile keep-l- Tlllt-W ,ltlo tin' c.l.e .'1 live ralihil. and In- .iiw the po .; t i.'.ilui'e 1 TUs let 1 ami w alloweii. Th. 1. 01 1 id si-!,; w.t- ninr th in 'he had li.ii.iiii. tl :o;. Her hear' was (o'i Ltd. and her ' on. i. i.,... , well, end l-he iliimedin'ily ie!u.i-i to le! I'ollv'.s childri n li-main lunger; -n Mr. I't-ak was fought for, and th-y .. ' nit lop ho'm-loll- heft ire their in i-iihoi ..id' 1-j't tii liisi'inatino pii i iin i . "I didn't l-ei r In th" t".', nohow, '.. Ion- 's I'd .."en tin t c ill." Mr. IVak an fioilin t- l. a- h -t heeriiilly join"d iii. wife, "an' I h"V my -.. ,n of tint tut ti.il.'.; 1 1 l :i i It tk I'M' tiiite 11 .t'lal." ' I'd a' liked it all -o'. tu ; la.'. I can't j , ; it ti.iten m ).".,:. 1:', ilc 1 it at!," -ii- answered, .. i m j i.ide hoii.i' W a' d. I: 'crtaiiiiy iiatl spoiled i', for In-!' state nf tiiiml ..rev.' am 1.111-U , mid that ni-hi 'iie had visiof.'i iniiiia. -raiee, mu.-h to Mr. I't nk's dr.. oinlor:. Tii- ii"-,' moiti in- hiie .no...' i u 1 1 1 1 it ' i i,iii i',-im.is-, tiiou-ii her iiu.iiiiiid cinic .v.a.'il to ;,ilay it wih ri 'oil ni pill In.' iph . "1 iiml : . c narv of yo'ir t ikii.' tlli-t 1 lltti'l'- li.illi'. oil iii;-ef, 's iono ' you ai-i't i!oi'- mil iiii.'. " Hut I iii v ! I hadn 1 o u r stiri'tl (Hi .oi'tai v s'cp to ll.et t in in if tit'.- ii'.lll -hun it 'tl wen;,'' -roai.i-d. That afternoon sue was co:ivin,-- l of it wln ii in-r itii.ii in. I l.i o i-'nl in a iiand hill w'uii-h had lie-n h i't in hi- -'nop, imd which i.'utit lined tl.c lollowiiti: auii iUli' L'-ini-ut ; AS f' .'.M'KIl v. M. Tin'. in li fin- carei.'siii... nf on -tit t'ae ken- 11'-, n sl,aki- ol Itl" 1 1 .11 "-.-e l::l. e"litiil. A lilii-ial t.-iMiiil will li'-t pant to any oil" im-tifyinj.- Hie iiiaim-i'iiii'iil of 1 Ik w in-rc hIih-.h s. "1 mi-h; 'a' known it," ejai.iila'ed Mm. 1'cak. '- riuru wun'l lie a duck tier n "oust' net- ntithiu' sale till it'll found. I'm loiii' ri-lit ito.v an' hi .: to thet old hi He hen thet'ii jest come oil'. Thcso in s ni.-ed airin' awhili! loni:i', anyhow," fslii: dropped the tohiicco utonis nhu whs mrtin- nut to pack thu l'ui'4 away in. "I wouldn't lie one upeck n'prisiid if we had a visitation from it this very nivj'ut!" 'Taiu't likely it'il travel 11 mile, jest to see in," dryly returned her husband. "Yu i can't trll wh it thft tiling 'II do. Atiythiii',' thet'll uulp down :t hull live lalihit it' outi swnllei'll tin most auythiii).'. I 'xp't'l sidtii'tliin to hnitn":i tei' ir.iiu' to thet t i.'.ai-, nn' I .s'ui'n'l 10c. till the;, c: it :' .ii "t up in." "Now. Niitii-y, liou't u'i' sot oa tii'-t, Itl in 1 jii . ii: c i. till Uui tio" .,"' he Ifiid. n h" wrnt Inek to th forjri. anil r.-KiiniiMl a ilivimvion with th nhoennker upon tlv function of tho cainel'i hump. "i'i i. iii'i you put up me Mr. I'eiK iiook iicr unitrin Ihmiuq I flint niifht to nsk tin! question. Ti ortt wa no itiKWur. "Anyway them i-Mck- ' i iis air mifr," h" rcnmrkcil to hi.'ielf, :iiiindoiiiiir the at'einpf to wak'Mi iiitn. "..k'l I' 'ak. I cay, wake up!" It wait n full hour later when nierv'"'i': wi'e rriial tlim 11 train in hi car, cuf-titii: off a unore ahrtiptly, ind c itisitiit him to start up with nn fiifriyiiiyj ".up an m vigorously tniilijpj him. 'J.amly tiosheu, Nancy! When ivhat whew! What n nwent in!" He nut upright. "I wm hill-pos'in' fer that Aw lpaw concern, nn' I'd got the cinneN an' yirnffiM uptiie down, whin thi! plaguy thiiik' lot. all their (not rly rii(ht in my rilx. Did you punch inc, Nan y.' What you want!' "I want you to linten; taVre'n Homo thin' in t'uv. ho lie," !io hreathlunsly au swpri'd. I'ooii! .Tet your inmijinin" (Juit your fusstn' 'hoilt miitk-: an thingi, cr you'll he rii'sl'ti' with inore'n I hi v. tin to li "p nn' don't jeim li iiip any mori." "II. it there i! 1 heard it. Some- j thin' droppin'," she pi rifid. Hut Mr. I'eak had taken his: own a Iviuj and h id j dropped aiiilill to sleep. j Not satisfied, hut hearinir nothing imui', Mrs. I'l ik't 11. tirade roc to the 1 point if investi";a!ino f,,- h-iself. (Quietly 1 slipping out ol Ii -.1, h" iite-tii'd the I chainlier door .".nd tipt'ted to thn nt'tir- railing w hi-'u overlooKud tho Inns?, old- fashione 1 hal! Ic low , I The moon -hone in t'u-oii-.di thn narrow windows on eit.11 r id" of ttte duo.' at iti "fid and tliH'W its p. tie lihl within, sa j tliat, as Mr. I', ak p vTed dow n into the j open space, it was i a.y to ni-c nil there was to hu seen. An I what, sin: did m e I 'ti iied t':,e lilood in h: :' eiin, , "'.k'l'" It v as an ufr'.r'iily ithri ; whi 'ii iir ei-ed tl.c lon- s iio : iii-,' man t'ois time. What on :i;ith is it now, Nancy!" he cvlaiiii" I. ha'..-d 1 1 by the sudden a'.'llke-itl'. . ', '.' k'l J'- ik! I j iid o, ait' it's I haiip-itt d. It's down there!'' W nat'.s dawn ivii-.-ro .'" he i'.c-n.iii'i-l, i-.-tiis. "Tiia .aoed hiu' D.iwn in oa: froii h ill --this hie. ted minute!'' sli-i inati.i'.'ed to arfieiila'e. "(tit riht .11 . Mi iiiie it' riimliin' thi stuir ric;ht n w . liunv 011 vo'ir e!oth"n; lure they le. "I tii. In t ktio'v' th"V I'liini'i," h" re plied, nervously, reaeiitn for the ifar meii's s',1- ex' it"lly tlnnir upon the betl. "I'lunili! They rail do anything, I t'-ll you. Don't oct out. there!" nlie screamed, a, she started for the door. I've -ot to see wtire 'tis." II'' loin-, npi'ii t!ie dour and stepped to the railino, followed ihxely by his w it-, t litiu'in to his suspender. There, In-low him, partiaily I tted in "jracel'ul 1 "lis, eerl.iiitly lay a lmi-; !l;i"k o!je;-t. 'Don't you stir it nt"p down t'.iere, 'Z' k'l l'ciik. I"s'n yo'l want to ten me w or-e'ii n wiihler fort your facp.tn' eye !" sti" cm lainied, and n-i.el him hy tir.' out, us he took line st'-p down w '. "i!.t tic ti- i";iiii'ii s.'" "lloiv'm I 1-1 j 1 1 to uif ll"i'.dihus less'n I do -o down tii-ie, i't! like tokaowf" ite re: unied, hesitatin-. Hit oir o' tiif winder. Oil, who'd '.:' tiiouit: it! Jest :m 1 c 'te. I !" nlie mo iti' d, ii:i uii.is'.entiy, thu iiet lii'i- ' merit . I'e.in to ine it's i.iii.-y ftill. Sure it ' tin-: snake, tn y :" "S ir-! Aint it plain toli"in? Io you wan if to k'-ti h you 'I'om you'll li le .v: I'f Tti'"' tii- way tliey tlo play tin i i.- itsl-ep tu' "Tali you up with ticii i lil -- ia' see w iieie thai tail is," she add'tl, 1 onviii'tt..'ly. S in: entju-h, ie ltiiid tii" coils trailed a tail iiiclns-. proimitv to tile lowest s'nir; and Mr. l'-. k- p.-id-iitly allowed his w if' 's t o. ni. 1 to pn-vail. iiiit.iiie th" 1 haftitier window w.n tlr: woo ldi" i r.m;, which siop.nl down to a li.ni. l.o.inl, w l.n.li in t n il ended in the i'itr rnin-lian-' I. Dnvn tiiis he c ttitious !y crept. N irrowly es-api::.,; a pluuye iii tii" wa'er he 111 iiui'.'-'d to reacil tile .round, and stood undeei l"d. 'Tnint so late Imt tin-re's folks at the '.'in "i. (.'ill l-r help an' don't you leave 11," here a'oii"," sti- directed, from tii" w indow ai'in'c. "Il lilol" he lin.'.ilv t illed iff. "Nouo'.v'li r.fve.-'il iieir- thai in nl! if. at in:!. J.-t-ier: Hoo, t':..ie! Hoiji! Why, vo'i're on : An' nil Nancy, f"ll:s'!l surely think i.i- p'ui: of iieiu' murdered.'' itwe? What's the tlitfrenc ivo 11 ii in' en' to pieec an' in-in' swa' ret I iiisti, I'd lik" lo know ( Don't Vol 1, ". '..';'," sii" iiniilor :. Tie was un need of his "ioiilvr. Mr. Peak's -Iniil rocery, and ri- . h ul ivi' ii- 1 tu:' near 1 -.roup of men ami boys i- 'l'il lor'.n :n r r i.h"d to tiie hou. w...-.is from Mr. P. pons" to t.iein nii'l A lew th-. 11 ecatory !., intersp-i's "il witli i-Xji .iii 11011 Iro r. Mr. Peal., enliifliti'tic t li."tti as to tii" dancer of tiie si'.untioii. "Lit a club," advised one. "1; may take a situ," sai l another. "I.'isso it an' take it alive '.here's the 1 'Ward," a thirl thriftily mi'"ett'"l, while M.s. P'ik ur,'.id t'ueiM to "tlo s,i iii'.: it : 11 l; i'ivjhf, ol:." In a sliorl time it colieetioti of articles w itli which the boa was eith-r to be cap f ired or killed was a', thn ba-rk door. I.i t us in, Niii'.cy," nhuutetl her hus band. l.ainly mkei! how be I join' to, 'tiio it ffoiu' rij;ht inter thu jtw er tail of death, 1 thou'.d fay ! You'll haf to "it ni it turuiioli thu hall winders ev'ry tloor nu' wiini r's fust but them." How'd the thin;; git iu, thenf" asked tiie shoemaker. "Now, Nati Siniley." replied Mr. Peak, "don't you sio to wast in' time ar viyfiin' nt this eriticle minute how it jtt in. It's in, un' it 'a a wonder we. aint iu it, too, nu mebbe I shall Ixr if you Uou't ln.rry." Taint stirred," anid Mr. I'eak, as the v billow w.sre reached mid raiseil. Throw sou.ethiu' at it in' h.'a if it'll move." Thud ! v; cut a ioo J-iii l stick urmii thn hill floor and upon tho dreadful ob ject. 'i!i uracioin!" nrrMtmeil Mr. Teak, who had ventured out into the tippet hall once more, to watch ami direct ojiera tioiM below . "It's getliered all tip in I heap, reiidy tf) jump. Shoo!" Do, vn went the lire nhovel, which nhl had fi-ieij for self defence, laiiilinif in the midst of thn distiirbeit coils, whieli foiddenlv str.tiirhtened imt. "Kill it, it's rotnin' trait;1it aftel me," fhi' screamed, and darted buck U her chamber. "I don't ice's yon ran tlo anything but shoot it," after a few moinenn sM-nt in parleying, during which tho creaturt lay inotionlisxs. " 'k'l Peak, don't you fire neither. I don't want them hull walls all spat tered up with that critter' thrasliin 'ro nd." cxclaimetl Mrs. Peak, ceriiis out from her retreat with a .change ol mind as to the fato of it. " Taint mot in' now, ketch it." "Ketch it ! Who's atroin' to do it, IV like to know, 'Pears to iiu Nancy, il you're so tierce all nf a sudden 'bout kefchin' it, you miudit come down a stej er two, fer sht;w a lody how, I'm jfiftin ireil g-foolin'," Mr. Peak returned, im patiently. ' I ll ketch if." The shoemaker's son had thrust i liidv far thruu;,''.i the window at hi spoke. "Jon aint 'fraid o' nnry tiling livin'! asu-rt.'d his father, a iiniriiii'ly. "Je.i otilock this "er" tloor '. soon ' you yil in. 's o i tain ran if vo l wuntei,'' lis nd vised. "I.asser it!" n lded another, pil-hin tin- tope in after him. Hut .lo, in. ide, refused the rope, mid, followiu-; his father's advice, lluti open tiie door, into which the crowd outside pushed its way, while he boldly advanc ed tow i' l the o'njeci lyine at the othel end of til" hall. '((Jo-, he ke -rful ! D n't you tech it !" warned Mrs. Peak, a 1 lie suddenly -to p . I over an 1 br tveiy r.tsp" 1 it. "l.andy m.is.ey. if he haiut "ot it by the tail!" she cuded in u hysterical sere 'i ii. "Hi'lc'i you"' 'scaped boa,' Mis' Peak !' he shouted, as with a ilct"rous twirl, be wrapped tin' lotr black folds about linn-elf, ami stepped back into til" fell view of nil present. "lh, my so, alive! If 'taint my i;r iinliiiother's old fur boa!" Mrs. Pea', half-way down the stair ca.ir as she cauijht siiit of it, turned sharply with the cx"l.timttio:i on her lips, an 1 tied us a loud burst of 1 111-hter broke from the rcscuini; party. "An' it ' 't:aej' from the upstairs l.'ttiui.stersi, whertr she ltim it yisterday f'T an airiu'. Much ohleep'd to you all f- r yer help in citpterin' the critter," was all that Mr. Peak said as he tluiii; tin: fur boa back in the corner ami "rintly clos-d the front door : the lutein nir crow 1. ".lest to think what a r.vdii''lous niess you've u'.tt us into!'' he cxclaimetl, re proachfully, as he lay down aairi. To think of my K"'u' down the water-spout and wakin' tho hull ne'n,''.i!orhoi I u:, jc.f fer your i;randinother's old neck tixiii'sT' "Hit, Z'k'l," Mts. P""'' t..ir.,i. witli more humility than usual, "it mi-hf V hen 'tother one. You know I've li.-'".i loukin' for it ever setmo thet circus !" "Tiiat's jest it!" hereturnel, sharply. "You was sot to jo, a 1' Hotter to come, home, an' sot; i.t a-lookin' fer tt boa, 11:1' vou s -e what's come of i'." "Well, I found one. too, didn't I!" she retort-d. "lint, A k'l Peak,-' siie contiiri" I, decidedly, sitting up and cure, fully retyiii't her niohteap stiiu-;s, "I'm sol'.er' n ever jest no a- 'bout aitotlit-.tliiu: You couldn't hire me to weir thet tiling win. It ''ives me th iirwriiin jest fliinkiu' of it. Taint 111 us- t.tlkin'. Twas j-st :i spe"i:il piov'deiK'j 'iwa'u't the circu- one." The real bo i watfoun I by the tn ri t',' '-ni'-nt tii- day that its disappearim:!' was a iveriis"d simply coiled up in an over looked box outside the tout. It win not missed, therefore, from th" couibinViou's u'tr.iction; but none of these in any form ever an tiii proved sulli ieti; to over come Mrs. Peak's objeciioiis to a lueirtj taio. i'outi'n I'umjiiiiiiuii. ('roniied (iie-ii Afts,r Ifeatli. Tiie is 110 more remarkable pwe iti all history, says th" St. Louis Ii'iil.li than tiie one which tells of tin" cr iwnin"j of tne. de Castro'.s tk'shlfss skull as t jueeu of Portugal. Sh-' had been married clan destinely to youii',' Don lVi.ro, and was mur lcre l thre" year's later by a.sassins instigate. I by ii-r I' ither-in law. When tiie 01111v; Don heard of her death he was beside hims-lf w ith urici' und r.t-je. Two of the assassins fell into his haildj and siilTi red t rrible torture, which only ciitle 1 by their hearts beini; torn out whil- they were yet alive. When Pedro came to the throne a few years later he had tiie bono of I ne. taken from the k'rav placed upon a mavruilicent throne, robe i iu royal purple, and actually cloivnetl IJuceii of Portilk' il. The court v. as summon"'! and yompelled to do her honi:i','e, just as if she were it real livins; IJ lei'ti. One tleshles.s hand held the :v j tre and the other the orb of royalty. On the s euiul ni-ht of this weird ceremony thi tl'-shlfss lieeii wns bonio beforj a -jr-iiid fuii-ril cortege exteudim' several mites, each person holding a torch. I. villi i her rich robes, her crown upon iier oriiiniiii' skull, iu a chariot drawn by twenty coal-black mules, tjueen Inc., the only ,ueun who never knew her royal station, was driven to the royal abbey of Aleobaea, where the bones were in ter red with as much pomp as though she had died but yesterday, Tho monument erected to the IJueen, who wan never a Oueen duriuii lile, ia atill to be aceti in t tie abbey, standing near the one erected to hei loyal husband, "Pedro the Just." 1 It has been discovered that the nickel-in-the-slot machine was an old K',ryptiau d .'viett for disponsiui; tho purifyiii"; water i in the temples. The apparatus was de- ; scribed by Hero, of A'.exa'.ul'.'i', who 1 lived '."JU ye..r., iJ. C. iGUlCULTUKAL. TOl'S OK 1NTKIIKST ItKI.ATIVK V KAH.M ANI UAItOKX. i OltKKJttlotTflK VV.Xt.l.s Tl walls of n oreenhouse should oe 1 niadi-f stone, brick o.' c Hicrete, and all the vidwork of Southern hard or pitch liinil If built in' such materials a house will st tlflv ears or inure. When the xvallsre o." wood they so.ui liei iiy, ow imj to tl constant moisture mid he.il. Ily (until the wood with i-rtid- p-trol'-iiiii it tn' be made to last a f-w years longer ! thatvhen us-. i in the urdinaijr way. ! .V'K "" fin. - - 1 a :; iyiass Kxr.-f. Tms bei'ti ssid that a fit nil without a hoyvouid soon come cri.-f; but. what pliu would not come to irrief without hill Who is it tiia "do s the cliors" uitjii" ii itiiiTsoiii" eir.tiiiis .' And what bnt-ver atiouuts to inn m who is nu" tait t 1 do tn chores well, sjtid in fuitj. ami t do rrut'is in an i- ac: -vay: It liisiii"s every tun", and tath'Us sh'M'l r ui-iuoe.' th i; tii'-ir tictiiods are iiotti and copied by til" boys, and if tne luitt1', spade or rake is left to rust un tie ie tree ju tin- yard. Ic: thinks thn". if fath" doc it it must be all li'ht. s'.7e"' '' I i.ei'. IIW'IIINO 1 im: nil. ,! '. , i..,. iini- plentiful plii es drop. It If H-s! to Use ail tll lt I III be spared tr It'ciiiic.'. I will briii" profits later, whe youiw 1 iiii ks coiiinianii top price. If bus lire Us" I for tiatcliin-. experience has! how 'i the w iioin of providiiiu 1 l"iin, coifioriaiii" nests. A dark, out o.'-rhc-w aj nl ice is the best. A breeder nf mil' 11a) iiintance is now wate.iin-; over six inillrcd sittint: ii"ts. under ei.-h of wl h thirteen 1 ;u's were pi. ice I. It re- iuI 's attention to -ivc sti '1 a 1 1 1 1 i I y of infibators 'he cotufort. inte-sary to iac thein faithful. A 1 io-c, sl -ady ..ter is tiie result of providing a t itan nl-t iisiiii; inset t powder to kt 1 cle ir ol vermin, winch not only make the hen ristlc.s, but the chicks, when hat -lied, ire eaten Up before they are a month old "lust the lien under the wins and body I "fore allowiiw her to it, and th-n keep er penned up a 'lay or two. .li.;-iV'ii iifiir i i;mi. UK S Kll K (.I'M Tot K . In one of his r.'t cut essays Professor I. hil'. of Knulainl. states that beans are me ,,f the most valuable crops of the stick farm. To the dairy farmer ten .ti res of beans, if tin- crop is a yood one, is, when we consider the value of the stni , tpiitc eipial to i'.Vlil worth of I'm Med cake, and would Jil'i il ably produce more milk. Hut beans are useful for all kind of stock, siipplv in-.; as tiny do. a larger proportion of llcsh-formin"; mat ter than almost nay other farm crop. The Profesor adds that tae manure wttich is most clfei tive in ln a.t urowinj; is Mitah, ami he troiiylv recoinmentls that where wood is plentiful ami is largely co'isiioied bv liui'iiiii.j iinoii the farm, the ,.a.. 1 ni in- s.kc.i ami drilled in or plowed in with tin- seed beans, l-'ailin-this Icrtilitr, whic'n is recommended 011 account of its clieipne.., k.iinit may be used, ir, w Iia is bett'-r tiioi..'ii mor.-cxpi'ii-ivc, uiiiiiati of pota.ii, which Usually returns a iilli.icnt i ' lai-.'e ic!d to pay a handsome pr itit to the yr I'.caiis ire usually drilled or tirib'ilc o vr. let- where cro.vs arc tro liile.oui" tin- pla.t ol plowiut' niav b- adopted witli stu ,e..-. -.' ..-r J tn i. fniffu tt'lmt . I . V s. ); . ( ; :.; :i,;j. Simple rent". lies are the most i-i'ii ii-n: :.i ordinary nilnieut-. r'.-oii: dillcr'u: ails"., the iin .11 a do'; in'contes halsit. mi s ., al and .'iMi ii-, i .iu-iii; mu a ii- oinloi t and un. iiil line... J-',,r u .-i.iiUli-, itue within 1 -nil a simiil" alvt in i.i- lit nil iiw cit d pulls,,; (1o. ;. of -iilpiiui and laid free Iro n salt. The lard is first melted, and tie-powdered sulphur w ll stirred iu, ivh ui the mas 1. I 'liii'vi'd irom the lire, ami constantly -tilled until cold, to thoroiii'hly in -or-j. - ite the sulphur. This salve well ,aolici in every i'ay for three tlays, wh"ii tic- trouble lii'sl appears, will ii-.ii ally .nine etl'e .11 ions. To '1 1 lid of ih-a., '.'. itici :i- a t.olliih-some liuisauce, II-" -ii'i.T. It is nitic'ii b'tt : than t'er snip mailt .ii.' tic piirpo.e. Spi'i-iid an old .ite l on tiie -.round, pia'-e t jic doj 011 it, and t it'll caretlllly s'liill, iittle by litth ito v. Son, 1 the ' illl-t or rub 111 tile , oil every part of til" a drop oil", curl tin unl tiie. )in application, if done thor-'u-hb, will do the work su!!ici"titly for st-vi ral m-iii, For very ywim v" pup, this application may be too severe, as it yt Is iu tin: eves ami mouth. For Mich yoini'.'.iei we used ood Persian inect powder, w ell rubbed iu. When the yo.ui puppic are iroitliled with worms, mi a lalile.pooiiful of -llllpowder ill it pint of milk. This u'eiieraliy clears out the worms without in any way impairm;; the general health o.'the animals. Amtrir.ia Ayric'i lurift. AllOLT MtiVINii lil'.KS. If the beekeeper wishes to move hi bee colonies a short distance less than half or three-tjuarters of a mile he may tie so with slight inconvenience. Fixim,' our "-rounds last veasou, we had to move ours twite, eight or ten roils. We did this just at nightfall, ufter they were done Hying. Tho lirst day o move about hal.' f them, taking each alternate colony, Iu thu new position we placed tho entrance facing the opposite direc tion from that of its previous pi.-sition. We alio drove a board into the ground just iu front of the eutrauce. The new position of tho hive as to poiut of the compass, aud the new object iu front of the hive, caused nearly all the bees to mark their new position aud return to it. Thu few that weut back tu the old place joined the colonies still there, and strengthened them. After the bees tlrst moved had had a K;d tiy.wu moved the others, at similar time and in Miuilar manner as before, only leaviuj; four col uiies, juu iu each tjilarter of the old place, to receive any beei that might ri.' tnrn. Soon these four were moved, and so far as we could see.wc suflereil no loss or inconvenience. The fmint to he served is so to i-hanif" the aspect ahunj the hive that the bi-f when they rnni,'. out will note the new surround inirs tl;. ririentiy to charuf: their meinnries; then 'hey w ill coaie back to the new In,..,,. .-inn 110- 10 iiiu oni one. v imaiiir Ir'i'a open -jr.iiiid ton ijrovo will aeco:npi;,u tliis. Stm York Trifotnr. .....1 ..... . 1. .a 1 to iil.H cow XOR V.V.V.T, Inimatur-' younv; cattle produce lev; which do- s not oscs the tinu ipiaiitu) ami firmness of that from fully malar. ) animal, wh I" that from old ntiiiinUi, usually toiliii and undesirable. Wh"n co-.v lias passed her ui.e of usefulness (,,. is ifeinrrallv turned into beef, but iin often in su h 11 way as to make the h.-.-f both poor in tjunlitv and cxei edin;, toii'u and dry. Then." is it whv u; ri-niedvino this in a treat, measure, nn, which fnrniots can adopt. When old cow is sold to the butciier he ps., very low price for h"r, b it we inx'ariah.r tn it i i use of such animal on the f ir:i,, and almost every year we alauvhtered n;,( animal nf this kind for our horn- a., 'llen ivi! had decided on butciii-.i) any particular cow, we took her in li:m. two or three months before we wih,., to sl-tiw'nter her, our first step Ix itw f. oet her down as poor as possible wi;ilP,; inpiry. As soon as this was nn ,l!Tl, ; ptisii-i, we commi need the wmk of ;v. tenini.. and puh"d this as fast n- 1: -i,, possible to do it. t-'nr th" first w ;,, tivo we had to in-custom in-r rjradu-tllv rich food, after which sh" was .'e.l t..r. times daiiv toward last, and all .. . could possibly consume ami a.siin. , Corn, in its ditT--r"iit lurin, lirinv; t'..-.. . and inosf economical la! -forinin-; ; 1 . w is th" principal food., with just 1 1.-..1 other and coarser food to act as a : .. tender and to kep th" iniini I he i:i:. iiinmal. line lea th" tl" la a few weeks w: had t whi ii, vxlfn kil'.e I. pr.. 1 : r, t'.ic ipiick fatteidni; rend-r. ii tender and itticv, A r, '..'yite'i, ' K It M AM) liAltUKN .MITKS. Keep tiie sheep out of the mud. Make a note of amount of seeds Profitable clean and thorough 1 il t lire. Kix flowr-bcds for th-; fetint.-. folks. Sow xtw; weeds. impure seeiia unnij's rv;i tiood feed nil the year impr..Mt not more pur" from one ! I- i;.ioil blood. It is stratiiie there are bred sires usetl. .No fci'tl should be ief in; time to in itlier. Thes'-rub steer Inn found its pin at the bottom ot the market. (iool pure wa'er should al'va;. provided summer and winter. Kee l libeiallv, but not ill cv of what the s'o-'u dean up nicely. Skill in bri-ediii'' ami in feedin- is tin' stockman's "way out of the mire. t 'lmi oin-' without a thermometer i. as dillicult as st earing a ship without a nn- p:.s.. Anion-.' cure advised for era-kin- "f the pear is nraftin- th- tre-s with -o n: other varieties. If you want to rive your p.ini"s a run. ."nial lioni", lo ate ti.etu in inui: -1; in some -h.nly comer. An l-hiL'lidi court uWHided tare guineas lor tlatu.ii;es done by thi:!" -n 1 Mown three hundred feet. S.'iittc air-sla.-ked lime with lib-Til land nn r tiie floors of the ticn -Iiuu-es am) restricted poultry run.. Doti'f overwork tiie brood marc. Tit- i"r 1- a iia I place fi,r her jf yo.i i. i. ,o.v we; "-lo. lint to t iru Upon. s ; -c -s.tul pi'ii -ii I'rc'unrd.s '.r- f 1 11 1 0:1 elevate I it"s and warm, sandy ih, or lo Itlltii-S tll-.t .- 1 ir-e illllli'.-S of W at". . A fon i.jti cx.-iiatiei: writes of adnilra- 1 tic lesti!; iibt.'tined by b.i"--inv' s; i- 1111:1 lonutoi ., plums und pears. Win!. next . Manula-tur is e.rimafe that twenty per 1 fiii. of tiie wear of farm ina- ii;t;-i".' conn' fro'ii inwlcl to keen the b'.'ir.n.. properly oi l"ti . In Ice', illfi" ill! ciassts o! stui k til-v all of tin- feed is tiie same, whether i'. . supplie I to tit" scrawniest of scrub or the I 'est of lull bloods. K-ep tiie c.tlvcs in .rood order witli ample iuo.1 properly prcpured, aad th-y will be in puiiie L'omlitiuii to tik ' 0:1 ih-sli when put 011 pastil."..'. Tiie tarmei- who 'rows straw 11 "..''4 emewii for family ii-ni dcj-ivet w !! of ids "ouutry. lie has made at h:.it apir of the world h.iipier beeau.e nf hu thoiw'utfuliiesi. A fair crop of nspara-'us may b: ex pected the third year from seed, or in one or two ear from the roots, a- e l inn' to their ii-ii: when pla:itiril,itiii after tiia! full crops every year. Mr. K. J. Fowler, of th? Cinmlij Fiir-ni'i; limes those who 1. iv" oiveu tiie .'allien scant attention in ;h'' past to just try having a good oi." th. year, "and ; how it woi'K." Some fruits wiil no-, bear ai: cx'.'Ti-i.i a of theil' season. Peaches innl w.tt'T melons that would kn pin'o th.-wint"-' would find a slow muir'.et. Su. ii pm ducti are for warm weathe;- maitiiy. Nature has thiii'.'s about rlvlit. Those who desire to "biti;'' j-rap s that is, to cover them witii paper ba.'s to prevent "jrape rot -hould remember to do it us toon as the -.'rapes ar-' visible. T'r mischief, if done at all, is done ia the earliest stages of jrapo j.'rotli. A Boston florist sayi that he seidoiii fails to root slips of thu most, tender and rare kinds. Ho credit his success to a layer of oats placed under the Usual U.ver of sand in which the slips are plant':.!. When moistened they icl as it stimulant ami feeder to tho tender loots of the I li The estimated population. of Ne' Ye StH." is u,50(.0xW. "-'V V .