The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 15, 1890, Image 7

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    position, la Clinrck Ckoln.
tish I might ray that th one great
-iretnent for obtaining a position la
,ir choir, in a voice. But. unfor
L.telr. I cannot. Influence), youth,
y .. Ji-M. a I I
fatty -' luteiiigeut iace, tasto in
i and a poou aaarpsa win eacn
.11 bnva their talite in tbia. an in
x pursuits and irofesMons. All oi
letter, nowerer, are oi on it ins
.test linjsortanea in comparison
the rower wielded by the nm of
.--influence. In different ritiee
rowers are auierenuy unuieu;
f. on the one band, in some it ii of
t no value at all, in others it U of
tl, slid sometimes een oi greater
stance tiian tlie Toica itself
Jlomt Journal.
rnnflnVnre Beg-Bl til Kiivm.
rrr,.fnl hu Ir. I'lei-re's fJoltlrn M"'1I
-Lpvi rr irowil In mriiiK chronic naal
-i, l,rtMiflilAI anil inroat insert.'.,. Hint
.n-jfacturcr now wll It t'irciiiili ilrunu-lsta
. l'l"l. It r ' " " " 11 WHT K
t in every If itlven ft fair trial, or
' ,,i f.,r It will lie refiintlril. f'
i, rli i nifuln of tti limirmlf taken In
...o ciirsn t) tins wnruieriui lueuicine.
.fr.mtloti or xi k IIPAilnrii. tjt Dr.
i rellt-os i ureiy I'lfi'iaine. unvratiiise.
-f,.itiinr of "Mctl'inty-' Las drawn ll,
raiLes o r
y nit Frte. sent bjrCrau-ln A Co., I'hlla.,
f' ,. v oiie In V. N. or Cnna-la, it palil,
nViM of li'i lloblilll.'a Kn trleal Soup
..... e lint of nm-elson circularaarti'iiiu
ir. Tills snap for sale bjr nil grocer.
FirHty, Midi, mnn cun make salt fur
:Cfnt; ii barrel.
ii rmrsrT f'o . Tnle'K O.. from, of
VifVarrli .'nr. offer tl'il reward fur any
L i; i'.'" II 1 1 1 i i aitii.i vii r t-h uy icftmK
ri'('rrli f'ure. s-nl for Uatinioulals,
L hid ! lrugslU. TV.
r! Vilf ) cnnMml the hmnlfom
i tr in the I'nitrd States army.
Im itoprl free by Da. Hunt's Oat a
LnRn-ioHKS. No i Im after nt d i
E Vtrrcliius cures. Trratlse sod 12 trlM
L tit. ir. Kiiur. Ml ArtU bU, tUUL. fs.
.v'f-niriniit! flii'! sr llireirrp'lnn of
,".i,u-uiiike "Taiislll's l'unch" Clr.
i'th tie netlioil and results vben
rrapof Kifs is taken ; it is pleasant
ifrosliingto thetnsto, andactJ
itlyyct ironiptly on the Kidneys,
Lvtrr and Jinwt'lf, cloanses tlic sye-
tieliectually, uir-p ls colus, bead
it: ami fevers and cures habitual
Liratin. Fvrun of Fics is the
tyn meily of its kind ever pro-
p.iw, tiloiwing to the urne and oo
i;Ue to the Btomach, pmnipt in
n ictiin and truly beneficial in its
5u, prepared only from the moat
ULthv and acrreeable aubHtancea.
ii miny excellent qualities com
k'ti it to all aud have made it
Leraut popular remedy known.
I Fvrup oi Fi'S is for male in 60o
p tl buttles by all leading drug-
i'a Any reliahle drutrpist who
UjD"tlave it on hand will pro-
I w it prumjitly for any one who
(jn to try it Vo not accept
nwjwuf, tr. tern iork, t.r.
Years after the Murder She Tells Her
Dsuahter Uow It Was Committed.
J. V. Itrown, a wealthy fanner of Moriran
ronnty, Itnl., was mot brutally and horribly
innniered while In bed on the night or Jan
I'J, T!. r.niwn with twusoni had taken aloal
if (iriidure to liiilinnnH.l'n on the day of the
iiuinitr. Thoy returned nhout ID o'clock,
lit iiht ntid Mr. ltrown. nrterciriiiK for bis
team. retired. About tniilniKht the hoys tip
inir were uwnkened hy the terrified calling
f their ninther, and tit once liuntenel down
t ) lili'l their f.ither veltcrilit ill his life's
blood. hi held beaten into a Jelly, and with
lir.ii-'e" and g-i'ing wouinN all over his body
Mr. lirown mid the lin I awakened wita a
vi.ileiit no linu of her head and ear, mid call-
Hi! tober liuOiand he had not nwered.
II. e ii.-h: re-.eile 1 to her eiht fr'.uliteael
tluldren. tlur th'ir father had been fairly
itnuieled to di'atli, uinl that their in ither
watve:e!y injured on the hea l and ear.
Afpe:ial ralil jury was ealled t lnvet
ate th'.' matter. An indictment was re
turned m;B'tit Mrs. I.ou l'urMtt. cldi-st
ilautsliter of Mr. nut Mr. Ilrown, her
, brother Willurd, known as " liiuk," and
Jue fire r. a son-in-law.
Mr, l'arnitt had frequently had trouble
with I'uretiK She proved an ulibi and
was release I. Then "Hick" mad-' a con
fes:,,n implicating ir er and Mr. I'arrottas
principals, and they were rearr' -te 1 At the
trial Joe tireer was c leu re 1 while "1!I k"
wa sent to the nitentiary for tu years,
Mrs. l'arrott securiint a separate trial and
Was a.'ijuittel Then the family itiuded.the
mother and Jatiie Hruwn K"in; to Mia ii
county, near Knkoino. where they resided
until their death. James died some years istrs.
The mother on her death-bed recently told
in detail the story of the murder, she says
after retiriii with her husband he stealthi
ly crept out of bed and secured a lnr.e
monkey wrench with which she tns k him
i n the temple and dazed b ill. She thought
him !end. but he soon rallied, and Jumping
up, s In ec led ill gettitit the w rench tmni
her uhd dealt her n blow on tin car and
another on the head, w he i the sons, James
and "I'dcii," rushed in with n nx and
hacked tln-ir father to pirn, cuttiiii! the top
ot h.s head s . 1 1"
This ei ret and heart reiid'.li).' C"ti"ei"ti of i
theilyitn.' mother ha j'lt been i!.-i b-e. by
the daughter to W. 11. Il.irriuii, one of the
uttorneys fur the -tate.
fro Restore Ton
'and Strength
to the System when
weakened by
La Grippe
cr any other
is positively
Get the BEST.
Prepared by
J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
Destruction of Oovernm -nt Storosat Wll
lett's l'oint.
About ohmo wortli of mi ary stores
beli iir-ing to the ( ,,.v.-nimeiit were b irned
Saturday night at Wi'.V'f l'oint, I.. I
The lire broke out late at night, in tin'
storage house of the niilil iry pot, and ii
thought to be the work of an incendiary.
The building burned was located on the out
skirts of the post. It was in charge of Ser
geant Kelly, of Co. A, and none of the sol
diers or attaches of the pot were allowed in
enter it.
The building was a oil" st rf wooden
reined w fur chit
""'lllrriiig from
htructure, 'J.Vj fee', lull!" au.l ! ' fe w ide. It
was ueii for storing all the implements of
the engineer corps, electrical apparatus'-,
pontoon bridges and other army supplies. In
the building Were nine toriedoe, valued nt
itUMi each, and the electrical apparatus
used fur steering them
Among the other things store J in the
buildings were :i t o 1 1 fee', of oak plunk
halts of rope, Rno I shove's, l'l.nm pi, kaes.
h number of c.mvH-loiis auda'l the pon
toon bridge belonging to the post. 'I In re j
were also several piano and a large lot of i
furniture in the buihling. I he p mtoon
bridges were very vuluable, aud were
umong those used in the late war.
There was ii!o a large number of hip an.
i horn u:id u small boat anchors destroyed
ILe (K.wder uud dynamite w hich had been
stored in the place were removed to the new
lireproof ar-eiial two weeks ago.
Tue po-t is gurrisoue i by soldiers and
three officer and is known as the Torpedo
School "Taps " had been sounded on Sat
urday n ght, and the men were about goin,'
to bed, when the alarm of lire wa given.
The men immediately fell into line and
hurried to the tire, but the (lames had gained
such headway that they could not do
much to btop them, the lire apparatus at the
fort was useies. When the hose was un
wound it fell apart, and the supply of water
was inadequate. There is a J iii" h waier
main, which is supplied from the
water works at Flushing, but there was very
little pressure, uud a telegram w as n-nt to
Kl'it-hing to turn on more water. Ther; is
no direct wira with Flushing from WilleUt
l'oint, aud the telegram had to go by way of
New York, lly the time sullictent press-ire
of water was turn-Jon the whole building
was burned down. When the s ddier found
they co.ild not save the building in which
the file started they turned their attention to
the other structures, and with the us-isum e
of hook an'd luddej- compunies from llayside
and Whitestone, succeeded in saving them
entire. The large building caught lire from
the sparks, but .- saved after b' !'.' .5ir
liof s by the tighter..
T.saoR troubles In France are suiHldln.
Kxu-uisH Iron msstors are miking money.
WATaF.iCH is chssp ani plentiful ia
Idau j.
Th eifht-lio ir mre nntls very pjwr
ful in Kntian i.
Kj: ba vii still un t -rlil ts all t is C viti-i !it
In lo.,.i.notiv.s.
A ok ni-sw tin blast furutwe is to lie
built at l.twrenc'Villu, Ky.
I Knights of L-ib r hsve tmblbjl th3
eight- i nir working day snii-it.
Thi: !'r is.isn lab r bill fixes t'.is insti imm
of wnn oi's n r0: elvn Iviar.
Kmi'L ykr tliniazhout (Ijrmsny are
for.niiii a uni iti a;auit strik-x.
K e nilovr he reilvi. I to ah diss
Sunday wji- is. their est.ililisum mt.
Ir Is e'ti'iistei tbt tiirou iiiJ it K-irorij a
niillioii W.IT.HH MI eele'.ir.iUl "bbar I) -.''
Veahs ar. ex;res. in Kalnuf of nn
eit-ly revival of the revnt iunister ooV
r'ni-R blast furntM, with a ryit.Mtv or
1 tons eli, are tutu erj-til at J .nis'-):i
City, Tenii.
Tue rjlutiva e'M -ienry of FVe-teh an I
K uli-u railr .il I w irk'ii!:l Is fa I ii ti b ns
live t tin-.'.'.
Thk Krii-ii, of O-rn-iny, hsvj hutlitn-
.tire vilinze, an I iut.-ii 1 1 tur.i It Intioii
vast worksh-i;).
Tiik Hiltiiimre naf Oiim lU lnsiCoti
panv h- :on in ii tv.w - I in nitm lust
motives iie.r tSaltim irs.
Is Vict'iria. Hritisli t'jlu nbia. ni mtson
or st .i.-ie.- HIT will work on a bull ltn f wh ri
Cnine" help is e nploye I.
Ii H-i', (I Tin iiiv, nin th i-jshi t
woi Kineii w ere du-ius -1 in a sin In day for
ta'ong part in tiis Is- of My
Mavy lab.irnriini itioiis it feimsvlvanlt
are aiit itm for u Stat." l.sbnr Keleratloii
of all tr. b-s imams ri I K. of L a'e ii'ilie.
A Hli :l ei-npanv will erm-t a ship-liulldiu
plaut at New I.elforJ, Miiss., for the -oiv
strii'-tioii or iron an i sw--i sum sv v-u-.ii;m.
A ikiiui manv elsti min -ri ar.i le-itn
driven bsjck to Wale tiy the cjin)--tltioii oi
Hungariau labor in Aiiria iinuiii
In Italy field lal r i p u t sittv-fivn centi
n day. an I lu-s hvnc f r mi suty flve u uts
tojl j'i Lieut nunts in t'nariuy get ab nit
t aduv.
Thk Inb r ni-n hsve a -'lleve I an aim t
e i-npl-te triu-ni!i In N-w York eits ilar
a tiieir il man is for eitit h mr a d iy ure
c ci'-Tiie I.
A tmitK-l'ti'KiSii h ii-"'. s -veil t rie hlgli.
I nn I t i c ut k'i si,1 ii i, ia t li -itii.'!i I nt Stout
Kails. Nortti Dikoti, it e;n.-ity In JI
ho p.T day.
Tiik wai-.rkrs thr lujhout the t'nito I
St it"i, it w -II us (ir.'.tt lint im un I lvjro,!,-,
ii iv a' this tun ' iit:rit'-tin in irn atu-utviii
tii in ever ti -f.ii-.- in t'n- w.irl I s hist ry.
Thk ew-iii w en -:i ar n iw tli ki
p'ii-1 of iinv te ii tl w irer. N t th-'fii
are pluc-d t h" dry g 1 1 1, not i eiiui I gi-.i - -ry
worK'-r. lully tea tli iiti I -i-iig, uvoi a;
in i -'.iv.
A nkw iii l i.tiy Im sjii u i; iii out in
Kutis is -t'uat of c id" -tnu "II tiuwire.
w.u-h su-1 at tli - Ai-g -:i:ln . u -Iter
1I111014 A-i in I i-'ri iii in 11 c 111 gatli T u;i
11 t hi .1 ir 111 a d ty. winch brui ; 11 it i i.
Iv tie- slut - mum- at ('o-iie-ii. on tlm
Mo lie, in 1 1 r.ii-mv, ai -u in; I la b i-:trry ii;i
1,11 til" I'lo -sot slut .-oil til -r bi---. -1 lli'l
no witli tle-ir Ii 111 f up iri t.i- gr ml
kItii .std-Mo:-- under th wv-ilitof tlin bl-x-k.
Ah iI'T lil, o 1.0 1 1 of wom-'ti are 1
in Itntisli ludiu in so u 'd-'s -npti'iDof clinsi.
lied w irk ro'ulily, a htti-' i"- tlitti one
third of th-entire f ' ll ll" p iji.ll ltlli-1, w iileli
in ".11 I'-s, "f c- urs, an en r.n in pi );i i. tem
t! iiilunu iiii-l yoiiu Kirls.
Tiik servant n:i I mistrn"-' of Vio.m i,
Austriu, have t 1 m tna;e tli -ir u'l'i.-v tin It
th" sap Tint -ii l-'ii -e ol th i ji ill Til lat
ter kee;i 11 --sei-vunts' bin',' in wiiicli eu-h
girl's disniiK il an I 11 -,it- urj re-t-.jr.b
!, t jge-.lii-r with ujpiui 01 1 Ii tra.t -r
tiivi-u by edcU umpluyer.
BUTTER dreamery
CountrT roll
CHKESfc-Ohio full cream...
New York
I'OULTKY Chickens. air
Turkeys, V lb ..
KLKL Clover, ctiuniry
ltlnc gritss
WHEAT-No. 2 re.1 ....
No. A red ....
COHN Nn. -i yellow ear.
Mned ear
Shelled mined
O ATS New No. '1 whn
ItYK New No. aOhioai.d I'a.
FLuUtt Fancy winter pat's.
Fancy spring at's..
Clear' w inter
live llour
HAY Tinii it by
l ouse, from wsgotis...
J '.ran
. . .
li Y 1 :
OA I Wis-.crn.
11 AY Western.
Chop teed..,
2 re-l
1 TOftlS 00
10 li
U 11 1-.'
11 1-2 iv
12 13
7 K
ft 1 To
3 .'S K 40
1 43 1 J
1 2) 1 SO
!; t
!'l t'!l
4'i 4c
4) 4.'
W.i M
f.' i I ' 1
r. m r ;
5 :-i :
4 :
:t 4 o
'.I isi 11 .'
u 00 11 '
1'. ISI li
11, 0 1 ;
14 no it,
1 1 .
4i :'
l-'i '.1
2 V 1 t
CiN' IVN tTt.
VM i: T-No. 2 lied f f'.'i.t 1"
it y k :
Ki(.s 11 :
l'o UK I" si
liL-lThH 14
riiii.ti i t 1 ii:t.
WHF.Al-No i'. lied
CUKN-No. Mix. )
OATSl'iigraded White
KYF-No. i
HI "U l.H Criaiin rv Cttra ...
CHtEsK-N. Y.! ream.
MW Vol.K.
Mi t.ite
Fl.Ol'1!-- Pattlits
wiii;a r-No. : lied
It Y FStute
COKN I'ngraded Mic I .
OATS-Mixcd Western . .
HI 1 1 i:U - 'realm ry
CHK1U-State 1'i.ctori
Skiuis Light
Wlstl 'II . . . .
EGfjif Stu'.e and I'tnu..
t d 7 Hi
I 3 Ti
7l IIT
I . 00
'1 1
1,1 V f.STOC'K M A It K F.T8.
Movi mi Ms mm
There we-i
(II sale, mi
So lur us e .
wha'evrr I"
Tad-sol I, it
than any
and I'ro,
1. ;""' I
Pr ces at the Central
Fast I li crty.
1 . 1 : 1 1 .
but verv !ew 1 1 loavy cat'le
t ll'-re V II I.' ' I Hi ll lie 1 r I V .
111. I le-iril t hen I- In ' 'It III .111 i
e.orte-s t , til Tii t; . Ii r
: ller.l.g We'e III oe'ter ili'll.
Iier k : u 1. sold the 11101 -. .1
i- the g-eu-e-t al'.llll'e 1
in. ca'l sold a.oi.g a' I
If I
i l-o II
do ii..
:w..s. 1 I'" 11'
Oiii l..o'i li s. n-
U s at 4 1 1
at iJ'i per head
1 : . v
' 'In
t he
EGTT?Tn Tort m
IS, mi MSovfOjui 3fJ."l889.
Wj'Tl'. 9H'AAic body be" i
ii .UBrtHbOHY UI
V's's AU Com
''f.Slif 'I'.-lJi "", .urnbfo.O..iv'
Co.tjv.a.u, Zlda.f
LlaMa. Wssaaiisassl
JwnibliBf, Sntikl
MUltiOB, Wft.tlBff Of
1 ma aw.,..,! k. T.jj - I.
Ni h.. " med or Plrvlst T if.
0N'ttLECTRlC INSni FS-.t!4''.-;-..
Clt,,'?.IrlV',? ' Combined.
-I . .".'' Illl 4 boo.. litMm. .I.l.k .11:1
rJI II.tCTDTO,i!il?,,"'",,"'U
M ionh i, v arrLLAHOf co.
.W Tout OlXT.
Tr.?"n1'' to' Catarrh Is the !
A '1 eias Cyclone.
A destructive cyclone visited Salt Creek.
In the eastern portion of Hood county.
Texas. The cyclone struck the residence of
Lee ninnies, where 20 persons .j, --re asseiu
Llts.1, and two were Killed and lour ii.tur.d.
Feveral other bouses were considerably
duiu aged, and the occupants utainel in
juries. At the tittle town of Acton: four
?ple were killed and a number received
bruises of s serious nature. At JCobiu Cr-ek,
in Hood county, eight persons werikiliel,
five of w hom belonged to the family of lb.
George Cintllii. The crops are entirely tie-atroyed.
-wiiiw, narrsu, ra
Frank Jackcou, of Sumptionville, Erie
County, Pcdii., can place bis arms
aejainut a wall uud reach seven feet
eleven indies, lie has remarkably long
arms. Jacksot is n'x feet high. Tbu
beat reach ou reccrd is seven feet.
A curiosity rcvea'o 1 at Ho'ly Hill,
Dear Daytoua, Flu , wss tbu batching
out of a couple of chicks bv a cut fro u
tggu left in the net by a lie 1 tbtt bid
got t red of waiting for beui to do
aa bud the other egg.
I'Kisi-K 1!imaii'-k has litide'-orstions.
C11 al nlkv M. ki'i lieuii lif'i uast'iry
I'ukt Tk.xnykcin'h h:nr now fulls iijlow his
h i-.ilders.
Kxi'i-ouiii Stanley threuteust i becuina
an Kuglislimaii.
AllSil.lNA I'ATri. til- o;iTU I II ''II Is UU W!'
t-oiiiplistieti Imgui-t.
JaUKS WlUT'oVIH HlLUY'si m us briux
him from ?J.'ttofi 1 ea -h
(,11 kkv I'HKisTiNK. of Siniu, is t urty-oue,
very pretty and very popular.
liny Fkukd, ex Kuipeior of i'riuil, is
writing for I lit scientific 111 iuine.
1 r is sin. I that Hisiiiarc-i un I th" lJ. nMT )r
are resuunic tiieir friendly relation-.
Hli.l. Nyk'm iiu-iine from Ins humorous
w riting, is imt let, than I o,o-J a yt .tr.
Mhs Kham k.s Hod jsov liUHNKir U sail
to huve made Khm.iski writing novels.
The King of the Belgians i th ukui of
visiting Aiiu-ilcu 111 the int.Tmt of t Coug-i
Kt vtroH Hi, a IK, of New Hump! ire, is an
azure--ycd, Mil ly-haired man with 1 tlowim;
Mus. Yir.uiMA L. Kakkaoit. widow of
A riiii ul Farruut. draws u peusiou of tJojl I
u -.ear.
Jims 1 IUi('Ki:i-ELLEH. the Stan lurd Oil
king, was u iiewpiiHa- reuorter a tjutrt .r of
s century ago.
Ex Mayok Abkasi S. Hkwitt, of Now
York city, has so'iiathtng like t.l.O'Ju.iW J iu
VesteJ iii tiie South.
ItLoWiTZ, the l'aris correspond-n' of t!m
I.-indoii J unes, geU the biggest pay of any
uewspaper man in Europe,
Allen W. Tiu kmax, the son of Allen (I.
Thiiruian, is a gray tiuireiuis.11, ubo it forty
years of age, ami bus only one arm.
Ji-sru a Field, of the L'uiteJ Mutes' Sj
pivme Cjurt, will not uiakv his usu-il visit t i
1. Ulioruut tuis year, uui u curopj ni
nes 1.
Kin'o Chaklks, of Kouiiiuuiu, lim a salary
of S.'iHI.IHK) a year. He is titty-one years o.'
age, uud military affair, ab.irui his attuu
lion most of the tuu?.
Hampshire, who was born in ls.V and gradu
ated from Harvard III l-oK, is tlm youngest
Chief Exwutive iu thu Cuitei Slates.
Miik. Maky J. Holm eh in the most inde
fatigable traveler um nig wuiiien author..
he hits recently complete J a year's tour of
the world mid is uow going to Alaska.
JuHN IIU.MIAM. who has just lj a'e
(Ktiuled consul to Sun D.tmiu 'o, is a c il'jru I
resident of 1'lnludelphiu of atulity aud ch ti ¬
nier. Heiat nres-.-iit enueiou tue eli
toriul start" of thti llii'Min.
The yoifug Kaiser of (Jttrjiauv is a n't
less hore!iiau, and It is muhI tUut lillliy clill
:lru have beeu kuocved down by bib chargT
ju the thoroughfares of Merlin. A 1,-rjit
purt of his tmi9 is so nit in the su llle.
syivauia, has tried buttjriiiilk that ha. ba-u
heated to tiie boiling pjiut witbuut boihug,
and then permitttl to cool, and enthusiastio
ally rw-oinmeuds it as a cure fur dyepsia.
l'HEsiDKNT Diaz, of Mexico, is a man of
about fifty yuai's, with au engaging addrc
that attracts every one who meets Eiiu. He
Is uot a haudsoaiu man, however. II is fae
Is swarthy, aud he looks mure likeaa Indian
tbau a Mexican. ,'
Okmekal Aloeh, at the close of 1he w ar,
urnved iu Detroit without a csujt In his
pocket, and was obliged Ui borroiir uiuiiey
with which to (sty his board bill. A pre;nt
he owus suare milt, of piu 'lauds iu
Michigan, and is generally .uppo.pj to tw
worth rJu,0U).0O0. (
4 11 l.'.loc. Ill' I ,'l"l HI " '
follow in.- I . .1 g I.
l.c; I bar .1... I.I.''. II-. at
lbs. lit 1 0 c; :'. l.l'S I III'
4 0 c; :. tars weighing 1. '
(11 I 'ic. 1 car g I. I.
common cows umi . alvc
lll II.
The common grades weivlow u-id bto Igiil
110 advaii'C on the i ,. la-t e.k. a
tlioiigh the l-clis were p!e;lv wed 1 l.-ar-d ' 1
all kui'ls Following is a pn 't I 1 . ,m I m--1,
.,!,., I rei.iirl ol the luisi ' ll.reeoe. k
i.iuhI lb itrtHtie co inty 1 1'einisvUai
sheep at ' :". I car g-'-'d '."hK
ft.-JiK-; I car lair do., f i lb-.. I 1 ,
"li lb. Washington lounty 1 I'm at .
goiHl !' -lb IMiim lit ''it c 1 I'l'g'
Ohlos nt .' .'' ; deck lair ,t lb 1 'lie
deck g I 72 'b. earl;iigs a' i. .'"e
74 lb Oliios at ' to k prune ...
ed 1 vearlnigs at - '' "'
nloi.sli ei. nt ,'0. c. dick la:-o ,b
1 lot-; deck lair io-;l'. yiarbiu", '. '!
Til lb sheep at 4v; deck lb si
II. ,11 II 117I1OV0011 A llliho!' Mild lli:e'
extra I" -In sheep, led and ta.-l by I
s ,.t of Licking enmity, 1 'li at
'I he offerings ol spring lambs
go, ..I
, df. K
Mi lb
'.o 1 .
g I
Wl '
I. II.
i, t.i.r
'.'it I. .-
. 'C
e ei tl
I at
It .
I, 1
nn .re H' t n
,ces as Colli
l'1-l..lde'.l bl.l
rK- r. 4 . ti"i
I be pei.s were le'tv
Iu., Ii Ii is pretty go .d
active lb 1 ' kt-t.
It !i. and
I 11.I
high" r
ingly siuull, and inav 1
Whi'e the iiia'ket w .i 1
there wits no iiupro.enieu
part-tl Willi tlmse "t al .r u.iv
(... . so M Bt 4 "i I .". "I
4 is; pig", - 1
well ueuted ul lo a.
avideiice ol u la rlv
Wool Mniket.
HonoN. There ha I nn 11 good
for wool, and sjs ot .'. II 'too pi, -in
kinds have been 11. ide Ho- wtck.
tirruer, imd f, r M.'lngan X ll t
prices liuve In-11, tl.tre I
It-en sales 11 1 J J n ioo . uin! '.' c now 1111
inside once In iu.10 ami l'eiin- Unit a
tieeies tln-re have been sale.- ul X lit o .
XX ul Wijiiiu-; XX ini'l l .vt- ul
i.'i'. mil Nn 1 at 1. .
Combing uud delaine llet ce m Mini stock
on. I firm. Sale ol combing have been made
ut il'.'i'i toe and sales of hue delaine at . 4
'i f lor Michigan ami hio.
1'niLiiir i.riiit, Pa Wool iiuet; r 1 .a
steady: Ohio, lVniivivsniu iui-1 Wt-t '.r
giniu XX uud above. iUeii ic; X id"' ' c;
inetlium, :.7('iilsc; coa-se M l -.''.i;;7c; New
York, M ichigan IndiHiiuaii'l Wesie'ii hue
or X and X,. 2-1,". II. ; me hum. MTn 17 l. c;
coar-e, ;4 ijS.V; tiuti wisheil ile'.a'nc. X and
XX,. I i37g; iiiediuui washed combing mi l
delaine, 4 (iii.'c; course do., ii.tu I 'anada
wuhed comluiiK, .iilni.l.c; tub-wuln-ti
flio ce, ii'i'ii. I".-; fair ,'I7'.i3n-; coare. .' 'Jli i."s-;
medium unwashed combing und deluiiie. :H
Ojoc; course do., J. l'jiuj-ic; Moiitana ., 17
to iiic; lerritoruil, 1.') to c.
MHS. El.lZA E I'oiiL. aged twenty-eight,
o Cliels-'a, Miss , bus b -eu gruiiU'd 11 If 11
touct us pilot of tiic-sleun vioiit luis bv ' '..
L'nife'l Stutes hisiiecl, .1- Till- ii. tie- lu-t
tune mi -ii u license bus been 'lan'.' I I 1 11
wuiimii m New Eiijluiid
Driiivo tin flrt f.ui-.eeii uiontliso!
ielli itHITIsou's uduilllistl .lt loll oi n
tious huce li-en enatir 11 -d 1 1 'n
time the Semite 1100. ovi . ..,t oj .Vir
' 'leveiaud'. iio.u: ie. ..
Your. Blood
Net!, s (read i-lrui.lim Un. riuj in order to otms
fX'int Hie liniiirillt wliicU bavriuvuiiiuUlrd durlo(
Ui win in, or wlilcU niajr ta bi-rv-lllarjr, aud csum
Jrou niurb .itfTrrlug. W. ouufldeull reeoimuaud
lluud'k -Mtruiswiiia ua the .ry .riu innllcins.
IU utK- U11 tkjtHl 1. t'urllle.l, eiiriclieJ and vital
Uisl, lliui ilird ftwllutf 1. rutlrttljr uv.rcuuio aud Oj.' IxhIjt Kiveu .iruugib aud lgur. TUs SMHitlU)
a rtwUiit-d aud iiitrivuvii, tbu dltj.Uv ursaus ars
tuuwl and (lie kldury. and lltr.r luvi(urslwl.
- -au fwlltm very inut-b woru out and fonad
Butblun Ui bvueni in. till 1 ktok HckmI'. aaruparUla.
) base imiw Ukeu Mverai bulUr. aud It tu msds ms
luol twrfottly well. 1 aUci Uuublsd wilb lores
tm.kui uut la iny luuutb, Out i4uus Ukuif Hood's
ari)rtlU bass bad au furUier tmiubls from Uisn.
I bavt ruoomnwudtsd It to otUvra, srbo bavs Iwo
wj aiueb bSueCUsd ty ulu It" Mas. lUar Aix
aakT, sTI WurUi Wats St., Lsjcalur, IU.
Hood's Oarsaparllla
old by all dnmsUta. !; als for 6. fntoarad only
by U. L UOO0 4 0ON ApuUMtarUM, Low.U, Hwav
. IOO Oosos On Oollac -
" Ymi seoundn-l." yellt i younir .ta'-oti liieen
At Ins irootl tieiglibor. lin wn,
"Veil kismil inv wife upon the street.
1 (iiikIiI to knock )ou down."
" That's where you're wrong," good Hruwn repllM.
In acts. nls nul l and llntk;
"I kinsetl her: that I've not di tiled.
Hut 1 kissed her oil the click
end I di l it 1sviio she l.mko.1 so hand '
onie tue verv picture 1 if beauty ami ,
health. What 1 the sts ret of it f !
"Well." replied lins'ii, '-sini-o you n-k 1
It, 1 will tell you; she usei I ir. Tierce's Fa-
Vonte l'l'fcription. 1 nccept your asjlogy.
tb I night."
An uniieulthy womun is rnrely, if ever,
(sunt if ul The -pet'llhur illseuseN to which
so ninny i f the vi urn ubji-t, nro pmlilli
t-nu-es t,f pule, sjtllow fui-.'s, blot.'htsl with
trisighliv j.imples, dull hitreix eyes hjhI
t-miiciuttsl form. Women so iillli.-tl,
run ! t rmuiiently curisl by using lr.
1'ierces 'uvorite I'rescriptioii ; uud w ith
tin- restorutioii of heultli comes thnt lnuty
-w hich, comliiuisi w ith gxsl tpiuhties of lead
and bivtrl. inukes woineii angels of lot lines.
' Fuvoi it.- I resi-ripiion " is th- only iiicli
cine for woiiiin. sold bv druggist, under it
).tisiiie tiiuriiiilce fr.-m the miniufactur
lis. tlmt n will cive Nitisfiii-tmu in every I
cisse, or money will l- refundisl. This ,
guiiriuiUsi buri Is 11 011 tint bottle-
wrpr an-1 faithfully fnrriet out for
niitiiv v.vbis It is n )ii'ii.- .'i'iii' for
leucorrlieu, painful meiistrnut 1 ,11. iimiaturnl
nippresMoii, prol-ipsu. or f illing of tlm
womb, weak buck, iihtcversion, retrover
sion. Is iirmg l"w 11 M'lisuti ui.. chronic eon-g.-stioli,
iiillitmuiatioii and ui. ration of tint
As a re(rultor mi l promoter of functional
action, at that t i itn-al ri . I of ,'liiiiign
from pirlhts.l to woiimninsil, ' l'avoiit.
1'rew'riptioti " Is 11 is rlt -'lv suf' reiutshitl
agent, nn, I can piilu,-e only g sl results.
It is ispiKlly vnliiable wb'-ii i.ikeii for tho-
ilerrtngenii tit.s iin'iiient to that lat.-r and
rrit leul s-riod, known a.s "Tlm Chungo of
A I'.'s.k of li'si pages, on '" Woiimn and
Her, their Nature, mil How to
Curo them," sent .-il.-d. iu plain nnvek ,
on rifeint of b ii et uis m J mii't
Ail dress, Woiii.ii's I its -aiiv Mkhh-al
Ass, it iATIo.N, No. Mam htrts-t, HutTuln,
N. Y".
n aBnwt
tir iviNvo
Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmlesi.
I'nenunletl ns a Liter 1111. pinalli-!. f, .'.-, t l'iiest
to Tske nns Tiny. Siiar.ronletl I'rllet 11 lloe. I'nr. . Slek lleiitliii lie,
lilllotia lleailai he, t liuliiicMioii. Illllon.
deraugeiiii iiia of tlie stouiiieli innl bowels.
tlUll k
ini'l mi
III-. I'V ,l'C
3Jol; to Plsoolor
n Hi
& CO.'S
NOW BRADY lwr'i l.l.l i,i,.r,... l
'I hr.b.r. I br.kl.a t .cln. w Mill. ..4 Saw
If III ..n.lMrtM llur..l'..rr Knal...
I'lal. r taloMllr, aad lltll I I Un. t,lo -.
js ei m. doi.
rk)inolt S Bill) l.l
. rrar, l rw.l, I !
DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, PHILADELPHIA, PA.,i4 I,,. ltf-.irii d.'llri ."J I, 'SSI
k lu(.4r,l l.rlllMI III Ui.
1. B.
Bend for hire" llliistran-it I 'atulogve.
urunnui none rrrriu.iinrrmi"' ri
MtMUnlAL 1AnUi u. i, i. . i u,. a.-ii. i. M.llU'l'll,'
.uluiirittiil t eal'ili. 1 ttl i rlia-ra.tsl In y,.ll t..r, UU
aitfuprl.u.-iuh riliii.l'U s-. HiiU iiajnr,
.JJ'U urul Ss l.l rl, r.Kli'tu.lllltle.
JolOAi. l'LUU.SIU.SiLU..Ilt0.utulu.L,UWa,
srsrrsr risr rinriricB fmt tt
rtnrcui raot Bt u into, (..rsn.,
iw m ITJi X K m. St a F
aw .st ar. mjm, iwaaav t- -.
ii i. i ii ii s r ii
f rat-fstl hMI'l M " r Hs.N
triua The Itu. n.a:i anm
mr t autifaw tur-ni mil. th
br ili 'irf if a. I fiin-rta
MatnifaA tut n1 mi - ahi-r- rj. v an t 1 , n Hin
lf r ii xi i k a-1 1-'ii. Kfty 11 f ii nt. f .. nt an t
1 ir t lu.-sl-rla i hMt ii. tct -ntii , - f lnai 9 wnt
lit e oun lit Plrrl. at f itli n. ( t-l dr wnr
n niiffh i an 1 ( a. i(r) ar.i iiiiri... f. r llulaaiv
Iu rH In I Ii 9 h nil nri'u rHi'Ts I" n-'t t l- i jf
l..-aj niHlleiiMr rnai-lrfin Imli u I lima wblrt)
a" i fu-ij "i-i l"r tli.- f-i nt- ar ih ; an' r mo
en'. iitirlial"f. 1ui lUh. M kMIIH 41
W1hiS hi..-! vera art all alaii.i 1 Mi'ti ll,liar.
r. ! witjj 11 riu iiniiif, a l1rKM an 1 'at l i u aai
atiit art if nnrHitlrl rfct in . .li-ta.l
iat iim -it linv.iiH th- li uiTis art!,.- aw if vour
iralrr -anti-t witi u nn or I. i nM a ifra
twl-f Wl., riK'UK i-r-MHiit an! ..n-f i. att.ntiia.
MBs.Tt: M...itai' ir 'i f i riivi i i ti t )t'Mi a
fiifiou. smith wr.ssnN,
l"Melilloil tin-, r s-l-i iLlirlil, l
I'M i II 'WO
i Bum B j Tart Bum I
au. aitu .
N. Y.
d KMT If TIIF. 1VOKI.I Ulll.-f-.Ofc
AT" O.l 11.. O.bUlua. Utilit Kr.rjrwD.ffc
S .fel.-l . hh'.si a . It ... It' ,.tlr MOMif
1. mml St.i S.r.l.. Rlptri.... ...ft r.ol..'... ft...
iuiio U.Uctifs Bsr.sals. tt A:uii.:;UtiiU,OL
C.r. 1.
'I IU l LIS.1
rlfllv, rti
U. t'ti.
14 I'ellrr Si.. S,.iiiii
ulll In Axis. Write flu
I hl.I. Mi. h , I
Mi A
J,,Jy'.v..uM. ..i t. j
i KM HUMaf
trsyUKa monihlr profit sf S to 11' eat !
ari.. Is. U.,. Y. o. ims 1J1. lss'. ts
seiidf'ir circular
TIT A T1f V-MAr'n'A,,K PATKK atirl iiartleii.
IM A It IV I HiurrlHk'e atuMK'Utf"U tlist
fyt SMI lufWI fief. 0 uuml' Mulllllly, Tuleau, O.
II A BIT. Oalr
Ll I si e in in.
, stTavfUJUIM.
A 4
n si At nt
IIFIIIr.l r i I E Hi th W wht
wa iwiii j, ,
dlal A fruUua sua liuuuljr law.. SmiJ fur Iu
'Hum' tiuul. or lluw lu u.l a I'.truh fAtaica
O'f.aAieu. Ailoru.y st Law, W artm.u.u, It. C.
CAKI'KNTF.HSI- A-. P KM 1 1, fnr 'J-r. ! ni
uau. Co., I'lau. H.k.ra, VISKLAM), N.J
ICNOlUN IVMklnilus, U.C.
'Succeaafuliy Mroaecutea Clalma.
Lata prlut lpal li.K,li.r U 8 .o.loc Ouraau.
jr. lu lal ai , 11 aujuuUstUig t'.iu... allj .Uic.
ars.air fika
- I,
ClBlsaauX?7J' ''
- t, nhi .nil faitr a
rlnr.f M-ff ii a. II,. uai.
.,e,- S let i lit. i .ria.a t urs
i,l II IS 'tt.H..'
o ii i.V',11 ii am.u n.
Aletli ril.iii, N Y.
L.v.. .... lli( (J far
n.Kt r .r.rt .ml II iiM
l.rn lb. I.l ul ..lia.
li U. K l'V II K I
I III. ..
BwtlSI.Of). "olJ Ly lli..
ll. ttmr l.a.l. Uit k. .
.11 A.m. '
ISaa'l ta, B.aUaa t, rtau Sa
. If ai.ll
l Uia
Otmil'LT DK, I OII, S'ja Nsrtb FlrtMii
Hlra.l, I'klladsls-hla. -r T ',-.
apat'lal du.u.. rural la. worst raaa. ot m . aa
(niiilalaU. Hleod ffUoolaf, Blatekaa, BrmpUm
rll... (aiarrk, I'kwra, Sot... liaaalr.4 t tiara,
l.Miodtur., Iilma.M of VlBtaa, 1 g. Una
ktMnaoa, kid a. iBrlat's iJlaa.i.H aaaAAaaOaA
BaVU r strrla tas SBSillna aaA aa Saaa
T s-
S -
"-J' s'SP V VfcWB ,
s ' N' c