7 "v. 0 y ll tl n ui T CI he V( c) THE WIND'S WOIIK. TALE OPTHE WRECK AND RUIN, A Tornado Cut a Path Through an Ohio Town. A cyclone stru k Cedar Valley, Wilson County, Ka.. at 4 . m. Friday. Joseph Wilt-ey's hoii-e itrrno ihc.. his young wt son kilhsl and tW'ii tl.i r i bildrcn injured. Next the dwelling of I rank Gliddeti wn destroyed, hi w.fe killrd aii.l Iwn other (hiidreti injured. The dvc',!in of Peter I'icrsoii, Alec llu,;; und the Widow Stirr were leveled to tbe pro . nil. aii-l Mr. Pier-on aii.l wife t.nll i: j ircd that t ln y lire let t-x t-i t-1 t,i mr T.ve. A -:i t . 1 1 1 1 1 K 'trien 1 1 1 1 ' rt 1 y tl.r..u,h th bo ly if Mr. t ir. He is still al.vc Imt will i'.c. The w.fe nti't babe if tlx- Ibv. .1. II. ( li.m.'.iT" were blown m d.f frrcnt direction" i, i;t i.f it buggy. A - ti I blast i kc I tin- iii. 'In r up and K j" .;? I lier tit.,i ! tl.r i lul l A ile-tr c live ( .ri.ii l 'M t over Akron, O . Saturday highl. destrov ing and wrecking .: "f houes aii'l seri' usly ii.jui'ug ubut.t JVi j 'I'lf. A stranger who war seen to m. ter '. '. linker krroi cry stote when it fi ll iii ruins i u j-i-.i t u- b iried hciitu-h tl.i- .lehris. 'I here were many luiru'ulo i tca cs fr in death. The damage done wiil full .'ur up in tin thousand". Several violent storm" ,n the f irm i.f tor r.n I' have ih i urred in tl;l!irnt par's nf rt 1 Mi-sour . and a lure am. unit i.f ' -erty t . iu been di-trmed uii'l several .rtM.i. k.ii'd. In Jl.ifr,'.i (oin.ty n tt u m I r c f t .uses aii'l Lam" wr-- dcui"i.she, mil it large amount of farm proictty des'roved. Win, Wilson mi' I lii two r ri i u 1 1 (ii.lil'cn were blown a a us- with hi" l.oi.s and killed klid several t-ers.'iis injured. A tornmlu fwrpt t h r-.ih the Hi .;:li-t JHirtioti f Vvnati!o i"iinty. I V r 1 1 . y i v m 1 1 at . df ot ruyiiiK vtcryt li! nr ii. it :i!li. i rr:il Tesi-Si ii' nti larn in Vh (: ton i.tiii were ri'J Hi'il to kili'l!iii.' o i l. u::-l N.mli Ja.knoc and Kifc wi rt- ki.l it 1 1 1 h iiiiinlur cf otbt-r rs'ii iiijiiri- l. rami' utio ,;y. BCAREU INTO UtH BEN8E9. Xffcct cf tha 1'oor Uouaa Firo on Ona Inmate. The ii'iml.x'r if Ixxlir friti'l in the ruins tif the mr hniB in rrc-tou, l.ciinj;u County. N. Y.. is rowli. 'I lie iiii rissiin is Kr.i'viiiif, that the loi of hfv fur cxi.cdl the ti r-t eMituati?. It) the b'.ii! l;ii( were Uiany vry mil men iind wum'ti, toll. 'J of ttho:u hal not Ic't tlnr tfit f.r month;, o,il others xvho from wtaki.ivs of min i were i.t.a'j'.e to hn l thiir way out of the ItinMitit? in the luid-t of the c itif li on aii'l iviti'tii' nt whii h t rcxa.lid. J; i t.ow S.'lu'V"' I a iiutiihcr of tin j i ri-h-cJ, hi. I tlni I ..-f is ktri'iij-'thi'iii l hy the d:M . "V.ry of a l,.y t o:i. iliM.mre from the di :t r r 1 1 1 1 1 1 o i ii.ie 1 l y the imt ei The re a:e several f.-el of i-li and d'lris iu the i el, uii'l the r"li.ii'.h!:ii are that a Iiuinl" r of hiul.i" v;U he lo'.nnl. Many of the old s-oile ha I im re alive, und they lire only brought to mind by the rei oiKr-iuii of the k' i-' r and their companions, mi it ii The buildings burned very rapidly as if I pitched und tarred, nnd with great fierceness. I The lire was intensely hot, and the belief ex- I if'.H that some of the bodies were so c m- i j-letelv incinerated that no traces of them 1 can he found. The following are known to ' Lave been burned besides those mentioned in previous li-pab lies: Mary Yosburg, Ot fe'.ec; lloxie M.iliory, Norwich, and Julia Hunt, Norwich. One iiiane woman was cii tured mar I'lymo ith, k' Uie W miles di-tai. t. Mie was . half clad, nnd lewailing the los of her home. Uiieofthe imbeciles was fare I into j her senses by the lire, und escaping from tl-e burning ro.uu by a window rewlifd the ! roof and craw led along the ridge I" inrd and j urouel thekeeper'a wife fruui slumber, thus laving b.r lile. j OYER ONE 11UNDKEU MISSING. The Quebec Oovernnieut Will Hebu.'.d the Uurned Insane Asylum. The Quebec Cioveriuueiit has decided to re build the provincial insane nyli:m, which was destroyed by fire, and work w.U he com menced at once. lu the meantime the j.uUctitS will be provided with shelter in temporury buddings to be erected on the (rounds. Of the l,'-!7 patient in the insti t.ition l.ISJ have been accounted for, which leaves over Psi missing. !-oine of thcte are txpe' ted to still turu up. As soon as it can aul'ely done, the rulus will be searched fi r remains, but it is regarded as extremely im j rohttble that any will be found, the intense i,tt having cremutel the benhes to usut. ilOiITEr'.X HOUSES BURNED. A Destructive Fire in Scranton The I.o'i Will Reach $100,000. F:r- broke out in the works of th l'.looMi Carriage Man r'a'-t'ir.ng i 'otupany on lligi.tb Hri-et, S. r.iut "ii I'a The tl itues spread I r.ipid.y to a tj'iining prorty au l ilestroyeil Js prnnte dwellings, the pattern shop and limier h'.'i-e "f l-'ile li's o mdry and the Serene w..rk of lir ii k iV l!os. For two hour-the lire raged with great fury, being fa:. ned l y a strong wind. Mo-t of tlie fami l.es iu the h irne 1 dwelling were able to re UioVe lln ir ellects, thus h-ssening the h ss One block of 1J hou-es was carried away completely. Kvery tirecompaiiy in the city was summoned to the scene. At l'J o'clock tt night the tire was under control. The en lire loss will reach fl'i,, only a part of which is covered by insurauce. TWELVE MINU1E9 AHEAD. City of Ilonn Defeats the Aurauiix in a Race Across tbe Ocean. The City of Koine, of the Anchor Line, has defeated the Aurania, ol the White Star Line, iu one of the cl'i-est ocean racts eve know n, and a vast amount of money hanged hands. The Aurauia left New York on Sat ur lay, April ', nt 4 p. in . and the City of Koine an hour later. The vessels kept ea ii o" her in night all the way across, the Aurauia being always about live knots usteuru At Kow head the City of Koiue was 4' minute ahead. As the steamers approachet the Mersey, the City of Home was 14 minutes ahead; nu I arrived at I.ivcpuvl 1- minutes ahead of her rival. LATE V1W8 CONDENirD. flif Kf w York earpentrV atrika baa md d only about thirty wan are reported out cf work. Dr. Joih R. Cummings, President af tbe Kortliirestern University at Evamlon, died ittddenly at hit home In Kvanston Fatty defeneration of tba heart was the cause. Tbe formal transfer of I LP' 0 haa been ma le by .Mr. Carnegie to the treasurer of the boarj of trustea of tbe rittsbu'li Carnegie library. There was a meeting of the board of truteee in the Fidelity Title and Trnsi Company building, at which the tramfer win made. r. Umitelle, of Maine, jiri' o't to nullify the fffect of the Pnjireine Cour: dec sion on the delivery and sde of lii ior in original a kues, ,y the folbjwing aii.endineiit to the Interstate fommer 'e law; "That noth ing Cont.r ii"il in this u:t si. ail he C"ntriied to authorize the sale or trallic inlntoxli-atlng l.'l'iors in any Mate contrary to the las I thereof.'1 A bill to that end ia before the II iuse now. James (inlnii h:is been sent to the I'.o!on Jienit" utiary for 2 years under the hubitual rim mil art. He is the man nh, bv eating H'Ht, feigned f)oiiiiiii tioii mnl was purduli' nl by ii)vernor llutler s iine years a?o. iotivii.ts Martin Hnrke. Snell, Bvana -tph aridMyersof thejoliet. Ill.t.risoii have been hired in solitary confinement fur violating j.ri'oti rules in haviin; fo'ind upon them for bidden articles. It ii believed e-cujie was latme l. The drought In Cuba la mruim.' great mortality amig cattle und heavy loes by lire on '!antuliuiis. Ilichard f'roker'a New York friends do not believe be is dying in Wii "liadeti, nnd ili'l'iitchi-s from that plae fay he is rapidly recovering. Mrs Yatiilegrlft has bieti fo'.ind guilty a! I'.ordentown. N. J., i f giving crotoii o I to her f"'ti to kill him and thereby f'vt his i.fe ins'irance. The Waahlnicton hoe comjany of New Jersey is bankrupt Debts, JT.'i.O 0. Krie canal totinnge the lir?t w eek of navig ation, ii ZV2,!&, agaii.n I'Q.tZJ ill ItP'J. Measury'g paint works and Atlantic starch mills in llrooklyu, N. Y., are burned. I-oji, f UC',iJ0 An elwlricrailroii'l to rot I".mJ i t be j built between Newark and iranvi..e by the C'.tveluiid Coustructioii i oti p iny. Tope, the nbsiotiding bank teller from I.o'.ii'vilie, Mii captvired near l'u'.utli while on his way to i unadii. Thefts of b"iule nnd shells from the m. va lines ut ,-ebatapol have been going ..n. N.i merous employes have In en arr'-td. Delia VatdukJ '.'"l:mar-e f,.r breach of promise, from aptain Neoii S. Wlupp'.e, a Istroit boat owuer. llesays it ia bia'.k niaii. Two nti I a h'i'f im-he of ra'1! fel .it hi tago Saturday, ll'iod.u the low ..iti la in the outlying d.'.'.riet.'. ( The twelve c who arrived at iiit'ni t 1 .liore'j (carpenters) New York a few davs ago ''u'ope wi.H 'rcturn.d w heii'-e thvv came. 1 The l.'m iry 'uudli- c.iituitl. have been sold to an KnglMi syndicate for I'i !,(' n, and a new e uupa'iy organ. e 1 w ith a c.ipi'al c. 11 "i,u "i. A in in known as I homas " luiuii'l". who died at the itilirinary in 'leveland, ( ) , in J'cbri iry, and wh ImmIv win given f ih.ctorj for d. -section, is belli '.c,l to have been Hubert v. n liawber. of 1 1. .i and. who, by the death of a broti.er, becan.i; heir tj t.tssj, ii marks. The V.I luge of Kllieottviv1. W ! iv lll'es lio'th of .-aliiimiiiea. N. Y., wa vite! by a di-a-'r . is lire wh. eh desfoyel one h.i I !' the b - ness lu' es on the nor'.li s.do of Ma.u strc-t. A sta'eiiient prepared by T'eisury i ll.' ai for t he . i. formation of 'on, 're--. !iow tnat the I n. ted Mates Im" paid t' ' ! he Mire i f I'eillisvlv.iiiia tor lu meys epe..!, I l y t!it, Mate for t'ie s:ippre-.oii of th' : t-i ii.ii . the Mini o t :.s7l,7 n o Notwithstanding th 'rge payment the Mate bit- a la'ge lia iii agiiusl the Uoveriinieiit growing . i.t ol the war. but this ii'u unit i f t C:iu-"d by rebel raids. The total inn. u:.t in- fohed i t ' :.:' INSANE FROM SUNSTROKE A Peculiar Phase of Dementia -The Vie tun Thinks Himself Christ. " I am the C hrist." That is the. wild and almost trstual outcry Jos. I. Aiidcrsoii, of .Miringlield, Chio, has raised during the sad fi-w la', months of his dementia. " 1 inn the Christ, mother, and if you ure the Yirgin Mury w by do you not acknowledge me?" I his is the constant wail with which he addresses his mother, and when tha poor woman pityingly iit'empts to rcn--ure him lie threatens lu kill her. His threats have also been extended to his sister, his brother-in-law and other members of the family. Anderson is violently insane. He was brought before Probate Judge John C. Miller on a w r.t du luimtii o impuirendo. In court he was (puiet und talked but little. The cue was indisputably one of insanity, and the Judge declared him so. He wus taken to the asylum. Anderson is a big muscular fellow, in apparently physical health. He has been u wanderer for years past, but has of lute been residing with his sister, Mrs, Frank J. Middletoii, of 13 Weet North Hreet. His insanity has its origin iu a sunstroke, and was fostered hy incarceration in the Indiana 1'eniteiitiury. He is 1VJ years old and single. In jail he tried to bile the bars iu two wait his teeth. IT MY BE A I EST CASE. Lawyers Will Try to Prove the Ohi'i Local Option Law Unconstitutional. John M ('Sweeney and A. D. Met, at torney of Wooster, asked leave of the supreme court to file a jetitioii in error to the circuit court or that county iu thecae of Peter Howie, a Wooster saloonkeer, w ho baa been convicted under the local option law. They will try Ui have the law declared unconstitutional on the ground that section a of the law doe not provide when a sa- loon is. bv reason ofthe vote in any town- shipcaatiu favor of local option, foiiiiielled to discontinue hi business, how or by whom or from what fuud a rebatable proj-ortioii ol the Dow tax paid iu by the dealer for the unexpired portion of the year shall be re- turn ad. COMMEUCIAL. - OLOOMY PROSPECT TOR WQEAT. Official Report on Condition of Wheat in Illinois. Th Illinois Agricultural l)erartmejit'i f tort on the condition fif winter wheat in the Etate, upon data collected up to May 1, wai iMuel Thursday evening. The reports from the most important wheat growing counties confirm the accura cy of the estimates made ty this Depart ment on March 2',niid indicate even aJower average of the piant. The area wm'er killed or !ctroyed by CooJ and lly w iii reach of lr ent. of the atea ee lei last lail, and tbe condition of that left standing for harvft is not encour aging Tor more than 7 j r cvnt. of an aver age yield an acre. The condition of the I wheat crop, therefore, is l.early t per cent, short of un average for May 1. The Vmeapolis elevator iiites in Minnesota I and Dakota report a redaction cf N.i,tl 0 bu. I wheat iu country housea during the past ' wiek. ! JhentiK .tint of wheat lntore in this coun try and annd , eat of the I'.ockv nioun tains, on 'he lid inst. was 3.4.'i7,171 bu. again-t i'i, .7.', '.'-"' Iri. tbecorrespondiiig time last year. I'd,: ha. in i and 4 i,t,c',- 710 bu. in is-.. C. A. Pil'.sb'.i'.v is '.it in another interview la which lie rophes.es that the .Minneapolis mills will grind more wheat t irii g the next four years ona baaia above 1 1 than below. He tails attetiticli tothe iiicrtas.r.gu iiium)" ti.m of wheat. He u.aket ligL ol Argentine coii.i-etiticn; thinks Husia may greatly in crease her production, and dfdares that the Northwest can us easily a Ju t double her present prod ui lion. Migarcrop advicta generally rove more encouraging, Cuba promising a lurgeoutput. M. Licht made bis latest est mate c f the current beet-crop product of the world 3. VOtons against on the prmslitig crop a to tal of :',7M.t'U tons. The words vis.ble su ply if sugar is placed a'. I,sV..i.l' 'J tons, a yea: ago O'' tons Within the iieit (k or two new en p Southern potatoes, calibage etc.. will no ilout t be coining forward much more 'reely, nnd w.ththe lr.ies f.r the same reduced, there will be a largely increased consumi- nun. The r-outh is giving mote attention ui the growing or vegetables i-very year. n ingd.s. ov-red that it pa. s better than tu ba :o, cotton, e c The more favorable report- in regard to ' the growing win a' crop, it i -a I. had on I aiderable to do w ith weaken, t : wheat both ! ut ( hicago and New Yor W l- there .ae been several frost- .: late, t .s s.cd I that it has done the i...it f.--p hut litt.e damage. j Out of 1 active St. ks on the .., nbK I list, :.' marked their .'.west pri.es tbia ei.r ' in l ib ruiiry. in .'anuary. .u M.ir.ii nnd 17 in April. lliei"e.. poo.-, oi i.ie u.-p..-,ot. was reachel tt-tn the V-h to the V-Mii of February. From the lowest rices m id'! ut various mics in the l.r-t lour im utns tliere ha" P"v h" n an nvirage recovery cf about I '.'"s. n the uiot ii' tive ... an averae advan. e of 8 poin'i from ilrc M.n.e-t prices made In ibe f.rt-t lour months, hut i: has been very un aveuly distributed. blONED TtlE TREATY. Action of the Uerlin Conference Ratiti.-il ut Suiuoa. The stt aim r Zealand, fr in New Zealand, hr.ngs troiii Mtuoa parti, ilars of the s gn iug of the treaty by King Malieh a and the . u,.t: un, I'.r.tish nnd ' .er u.iiii consuls en thep'thi l la-t month 'irejt interest was niiimf' -t' d in the event, and u large number of tiie natives and all the white t' illation of Apia assembled nr inn I tbe bo.i-e where the treaty was ratified. The King and the thr-e i oi.suls gathered urcind the table in the l :ng s ho ,ie, on w hich a copy of the treaty w.ipia ed. A certificate wa read and translated and then hamlel to Malietoa.who s.gned it. The thr.-e consilis then attached their nguatures. r-ceial days before the treaty was ratified the three consul- sent u letter to Muhetoa cikIomuh a copy of the treaty as udopted by the I'erlin conference, and giving the following, ei piauatioti' "This treaty will allow the people of Samoa to form a ioverniiieut under their own na tive King, strong eiioiif-h to prevent further civ. 1 war. mi l to keep peine and good order iu Samoa." th is ottering every security ror tin' f it ire welfare of its people. The carry ing out of the Provision b.ll. it is true, cause considerable expense, but it is not on the shoulders ol the people of Siuii'iii, but is on tho-e of the foreign residents of the islands that the heavier part of the new charge ur1' laid. It will therefore tie fur the best inter est of the Samoa!! iple t lint the general a. t be us u whole a-sented to and accepted bi the Ooveninieiil ol Samou. ONE KILLED TEN HURT. Collision cf Passenger Trains at a Crossing in Allentown. At fe' o'clock Wednesday morning aN'ew Jersey i 'etitrnl express train ran into a Le high Yallev p:i-seuger train ut the grade trussing of I'nioii street, Allentown, Pa. Two ol the Lehigh Yalley passenger. car and the engine or tbe New Jersey Central tra u was thrown on their side. A young lady passenger ill the Lehigh Valley train was killed, and U others were injured. The cause of the wreck was the failure of the ui r brakes on the New Jersey Central train to work. The train shot past the de pot nu I crashed into the Lvhigli Valley train. A dozen passenger were iu one cur of the Lehigh Valley train. Kmma Hall, single, uged 2", of Ithaca, N. Y., was instantly killed. Jos. II Huntlcr, ;if Wilkesbiirre, ustained a concussion of the brain and cum. He is seriously hurt and was removed to the hospital at Uethlehem. The other injured were: Mary Purbarl, an Italian woman of Wilkesbarre, fuce and hands cut, N. II. Davis, of Jenningsville, Pa., hip bruised, and affected by the shock; Charles Hilles, of Pittston, wrist cut; C. H. Puff, of Spencer, N. Y., finger broken; tV. M. Keynolds, Chief of th Middle Division of the Pension Dureau, Washington, D. C, arm and leg hurt slightly; John bchirey, cf Decatur, 111., knee and hip hurt. Three ! others were cut and bruised, I The engineer and Cremun Jumped, and Fireman John Crilly had an arm hurt. Tbe Lthigh Valley train was from New York and wan kuowu as the liuffalo Ezproa. rOBIION 9EWI. The question of taking tbe control of charitable Institutions from tbe priest and placing it In the baud of the civil power, ia arousing bitter controversy In tbe Italian Parliament. Tbe Government doe nut find unanimity for the measure of ita own sup IKirters, and tbe clergy are straining every influence they tose to secure it defeat. The bill, however, will probably pas. More Strike in Germany. Ftrikes. continue to be sKradic throughout tbe empire. The various branches of the building trades of Stettin. Pomerania, the dyer of Meeron fvixony, and the weaver of Oorliti. Silesia, ii'c all rep.irtej out on ttrike for increased wages. Striker Attack Factorie. The trikcrs in the Iser Valley. Itohemla, have resorted to violence iu their effort to force the ma-ters to accede to their demands. They attacked a n imber of factories in the val'ey, and forirg nn n.tranie, damaged the machinery ai. I ronijeiled the weaver who were still nt "rk to quit. The troible h-tween the Drus' and Mar onites in the M unt Lebanon district, in Fyrla, are serious and are causing much dis order. The Porte ha sent re-iuforceiuentf foin Salon ica to the disturbed district. THE WAR IN DAHOMEY. His African Bighness Become Fran Mo Over His Defeat. The IntMt a,ti-'iraa from Africa rei. resent the King of Dahomey as ve'.v tired of hi j war against the Frsi ch. He had expee'e I to overwhelm the mis. French garrison on the coast at one blow.ei, J either ca t ire or drive them Into the in, and when hi tro p j returned di?coiiit'.td from the defense . of Kotonou he w.i so enrng d that be promptly beheide! the General in cm- jiiend, and folloted up the act with a slaughter of several more of his officers iieit dav. Thi severity however, hud a contrary effect to what he xpec ted, and man , of his troops deserted, si me petking rebige within the French lines The bombardment of Whyduh had ad d to the disn't f the Dahoininn. who had been accustomed to regard their rnma-ch a invincible nnd al- I most divine, and the King is said to he in , onie fear of an oilbre.ik among hi subject. ! Rombarded by German Outiboata. j The eijditio i under command of Major I Wissmann, whii.'i rec ntly Wt forKilwato ' make nil attack .n tha'. place, has been sue- j l eSsful. The place was cecup el on May 4, Major Wissmai i' force meeting w.tN no ; opposition. Pi' viuu-" tu its o'c ipatioli by ; the expedition ue tow n was l.ou.barled by ; the German gu boa's loruiiiig part or the German force, .-. id the ntitivs were paraly- 1 ed with fear by the f.re !r in the vessel : The I'.ritisli suhects who were held in the town by the na'.ves were no: iuj ire J. THE lOiH SJ.000,000. Damage ty th Firo at the Singer Sewin. Michine Works. fhe entire vestern front of the Singer Sewing .Machine Factory, on F.rst street, Eiizaci Jr 'fi N'. J., was gutted hy fire 'i. r.i ''-i.-i tt- to t) rnaiti building extending ulong Trumbull street, cleaning out the stock, needle, finishing, adjusting, inspecting und m.lling room-. The pattern department was also destroyed, together with Cm Siii.sheu machines und IV HUMS.! Ilefd. el The loss is estimated t IJ.fAi,i.i'm, filly insured, by tae Singer Company. All work is suspended and over r.,'"'.' operative! were idly ptuing at the bnrinni; building. It will be ut least two months before wor can be resuuitd. The fire stared in the high (lock tower ol. the main b ild.tig u few minute pat 11 o'clock. The bla.-.e was f.rst d.scoverea by one of the watchmen, but he lost his pres ence (.f mind, and there was a good deal ol delay in -ending out an alarm. Kxplos..ns of benzine fullowed one another rapidly, tLruwiug the (lames greut distances. KILLED AND EATEN. A White Miiu and Twenty Nutivea De voiacd by Cannibala. Four white men and ('. natives, who were going us laborer-to Auttralia we-e lost by he wrevk of a f' hojuer on the New He brides. The only s irv.vor, a boy. sjys tha about J0 natives, uul one white mini reached shore, but the islanders, niter inviting them to a feast, tuinu .aw ked and ate the whole crowd except the boy, who escaped. The ch'ii!.tr wus the Liiza Mary, and she had on board a crew of Is, two pas sengers, 44 recruits und l.'i ret urning labor ers. During a blinding rainstorm on March 4. the scho i.ner was driven on the reefs at Mallicu. A boat manned by four white men und several blacks was lowere I, but was dashed t i piece iu attempting to gain the shore. TU' four white men and u num ber or the blacks were drowned. About Jo or the blacl s s iccee.led in swimming to shore and making their way to ilision Sta tion, 10 miles distant Here the castaways were given foo I, but w hile eating it the sav ugesset upon and began lumal.au king them, iu all 4 w hite liien und 47 blacks were lot ABTRANQE VERDICT. Peculiar Fit ding of a Southern Jury lit the Leaphart Murder Case. At Columbia, S. C, the co'imef's jury rendered a verdict that "Willie Leuphart came to his ileulh by gunshot wounds ut the hands of iroiis unknown." When it Is considered that daring th in quest F. C, Cuughman, A. Murks, Peurce Taylor, Thomas Seay, George Kuyser and James Oglesby sere positively identified as having participated in the shooting of Lesjv bart iu the Lexington jail, the finding ofthe jury is a remarkable one. The shooting of the colored boy could ea-ily been prevented, Is 1 alleged, as tiie Sheritr wus notified Mon diy evening the jail would be attacked, bu he took no precaution to protect hi prisoner. The latest evidence secured goes to prove clearly Leaphart wa innocent of having assaulted Rosa Cannon, as she and her brother both say no attempt wa made to as sault her, and she could not identify Leap hart as th colored man who had entered the house and demanded food and money. The Governor will probably offer a large re ward for the coukictiou of the murderer of Leaphart. THE LABOR MARKET. An Epidemic of Strikes Now BaiiV' Bucceaae Boored. Prom a compilation ih Bradstreet ar that there have been 14S strike month ,.ke part in by 13,270 work melj 1 he first great battle In the short-day mors went, the carpenters' trike. ha reailltetJ verv I'Hneri.'U In ih inivvn of tha striker.. At two larite center New Ytrk and Rrook-ll"""1 of the Soldiers. Colnress might hank At two large center, AfW era ana nrooa ti,e Oovcrnmuit and probalny wo Id, ivn, nit mrii rmnniaa iciii-iiuiiruT wim a nine-hours' jy practically without strik ing, the employers in nearly all instance giving the men what tbey asked for. Of ten thousand careiiter in the two cities only abo.it live hundred were at any time oti a strike. The frainer and ho isesiiiitlis uiso guiued their demands with out strikiinr. Iaite ud vices from Chicago are that two-third" of the original number of striker are at work at the wajes and hums aiie I for. The remaining employers are expected to give way, but the large number of idle men attracted to the city by the strike will strelnttheii the hands of resisting em ployers. At Philadelphia all but about sou ofthe ;t,"" striking carpenters have been granted an advance. At Ilostoii the situation favors the employes, whi.e at Detroit the carpenter trad" is at n standstill pending the settlement of the strike. At San Francisco the outlook Tor striking employes i not fa vor ble. ' UrcrE or SthlKI'S. The wave of strikes w bh h first showed It self in April has rif li Mill higher during the present month, ami the number of strikes during May pronrses to exceed even the un-preced-uted total lor April. As regards the number of strikers involved in the total rr the month or May is also likely to be very large. During the f.rst eight days ofthe month the total number of strikes reirted js K involving 4f,0 0 men. The total number of strikes on May 1 was prob ably iu all ., making the total that day sotisi-thing notable. The past week ha been prolific in strikes in various lines. Planing -mill hands at Chicago struck on Friday last, but this may b said to have been a distill' t failure, u the m!i returned to work without giin'ng Cieeight h mr day. Mulder iiti'i other emplove-a iron works to the ii'iiuber of l Mu al-i -tru 'k a'ld still remain out. her o,a- ,-s of bulling em ployes have piriicipiite I iu the strike move ment at ininv iiini-. (', gar makers, all at Ne v York cty, t inner c iiil-niiner, brick makers, furnitu'e -w 'rKer', hherm ;n in Florida und iu Oregon, and ruiiroid men in 1 '-cgou, tt;i 1v,. s:r ick t " varying ca:lcM. I III "Ul-VlM l.s. In Northern lilin . s IVo-u c .a'-tniri'-rs have been idle sin. the clos . of April, pen I- j iint settlements of d sagreetueiits a to the j Male. Lite advices arc that un amicable settlement has been reached, and that the men wiil g. t :i'i in. reus- In th? Pennsyl vania roa! regions the situation is less sstis factory, tli" s .ft c j.tl miners of ihat mi l ud joining Mate., it is said have decided to de maml an eigiit hoiir day on May l" In all about 7'v W employes will be involve 1. The Aiiiericm Fed-ration of Lai) r has an nounced that un eich'-hour day will next be demanded for the coal miners. At Philadelphia journeymen c trpsnter und Other workmen ill kindred fades coliteiu plmc clii,isil..n ..l.l. , lie l.lltl.ur lit Uolll'i work. At oleilo. bakeri and brewers have had their workiiii! time reduced from lb hours to lu hours per day. Postal clerks are agitating for an eight-hour day. At Dinning bam a striKe ol 1. i.i i rolling mill hands has ended, alter lasting three months. Coke workers in l'i nn-ylvaiila are threatening a strike. Among '.he results of the I'hinig. building st rike i the reported intention of the w iiidow -g'.a-s nianufa' turers to shut down on J .me 1. one month earlier than usual, ow ing to s u k demand, growing out . f the s ispeusion of b.ii ding operations ut that city. THE U. P. ASSEMBLY. Cse of Tobucco and Qualifications for the Ministry. The thirty-second General Assembly ofthe United Presbyterian Church will meet in the First Church, Uuffalo, N. Y., on May -3 The session promises to be one of unu sual interest and large attendance. The most importuiit topics that will be discussed are the overtures sent down to the 1'ret by te rics by the General Assembly last year. The tobacco ijuestiou will be settled before the Assembly udjoiirns. The amendments of the Book of Government iu reference to the (juestioii, which have Oeeu voted upon, ure: "That no student who in uddicted to the use of tobacco in any lorm shall be admitted to license," und that "no one shall be eligi ble to ollice of llul.ng Elder who is addicted to the use of tobacco iu any form." As near as can be ascertained i Presbyteries have voted in favor of refusing license to students of theology who use tobacco, and 'J.'o have voted ugaiust making ub-tinence from its use a Condition of in en-urc. T here Las been a tie vote on the ijuestiou iu live or the Pres byteries. 'i here is a disposition on the part of the Presbyteries to make a distinction in favor of the eider-hip and permit theoflioers to use tobacco if they choose. The vote on the tjuestioii has been lot iu favor of the change uud 3.3 opposed. YACHT DISASTER. Sev al Person Drowned in the Ohio at W eeling. While the nnpthu yacht Gertrude wa crossing the Ohio river from Wheeling Island with 14 mule and fsmule pussengers returning from the base ball park, the dress of Mrs. Js dm Mendel jammed the tiller rope in a brass block and the yacht became unmanageable. It struck the upper end of a barge moored at the wharf and capsized, throwing all the occupants into the river. The two ladies and ten of the men were rescued promptly, us thee were not curried under the hurge hy the current, Mrs. Hornbrook, however, having a very narrow escae. The others fured worse. Mr. McLaughlin, architect, E. W. Wells, I) A Diooks of the Wheeling Mining anJ Manufacturing com uiiy and Mr. English, ss.'retary of the b no ball association, were carried under the barge. Mr Wells wus drowned and t e oth'er three were unconscious when rescutd, and were iu the last stages of exhaustion McLuughliu and Euglish being revived with great dilUculty. nrrr-riRsT oonu unt, In the Senate Friday Mr. Sherman's reso lution offered increasing t'ie numoer oi i en Imkm h tarn 1.1 i,i a lively debste nn rvwision in general, air. uorman miu um Jrfftt , , ,,, ' IH,i,l.tion wa en- nctmA (mnnmv in the administration of th Pension Cdlice" should be practiced. I'l th is vrars tlia amount Slieni lor l n. ,l,na vmilit lie more limn tt cost lur loveru- "nent to put down the relK-llioii. He thought ii Senator from Ohio should Itedtatc about eating useless ottie. making Pces f t iVrtv men and party purpo'-. Mr Slier- ran and others defended the resolution, bich was agrecl tu. The Senate Thursday took up the HcimJ iii providing for th-elassitic.it ion of wnril cl Wis, and ileba'e-l it at lenctli At '1 o cLkII tht Senate agreed, by num inous ronse- to (insider the worste i inn to n cii'-nii' i to te up the appropriation bills when t!,.l w .reect lull out ol tiie w-nv, aii'i i ii.se Ibp Stiver bill the lllitinishe I business . tniniav next at 1 o'clock. The aritVdehi I Wit rssutiied in the House to empty sea i. I Ii the Senate, Wednes.fsv, Mr. Jor-,,,,1 Sihet bid was cnlled up. An eff.rt t,l made to .tM.iie the inea-ure on ucc. ti.e nbse'.ce of Mr. Joues. Afier a pro). :,. discission ibe Senate went into llxcc .: Session and the lull went over. When the House convened III Cmu. 'if ti.e Whole. Mr. MiKinley t.nik the?, ill su "irt of his bill. He was iu g 1 ' - nnd i. is sperch wua freipicntly iute-r.n bv npplimse. Mr. Mills, of Teas. followed. He i clared this was Ibe tirt b 11 that h.ii.il before the American ptoplu witu it li t'.riioU. ATter the reading of the Journal Met.a b. H...i.e went into Coliinnttee "ll Whole on the laritf bill, agreeing t. i tion ottered bv Mr M. Kinley that tL eral debate be limited to one winy i one availed biuiseir ol Hie one nun i-t bule. and the Clerk procee-b-l torea i hill bv paragraphs for amendments ! routine business in the Senate, the m Hill was taken up. and Mr. Jones a IJ-J the Senate lints support. Hehadavn tentive audience, many Senators . Democratic side of the chamber taki-ei near by and paying close attention U n luarks. ANOTHER ELECTION DILI Rowcll Comeo to the Foro with ilir Measure. The Howell bill providing for Fc-i pcrv.sioii of 'iigressonal clectioii-1 ported to the House Friday. This i- v J w hich the Kepublicans will press at '.. Hon of Congress. This bill meets : : favor than the Mi 'oiuas bill, nnd .: :. A l.k- ly that the latter w ill be pr.-. party measure. On this underst.r . ;;.t I.'ep iblican members Inuii Mary. : 4 Hiio will make th"ir cativn--es in : i.cs districts. The Kowell bill i- exp. cure honest returns from the S. '. ;. n 1 J th.s is nci oiuplished it is ii"t line. il : the delegations from Maryland :.o stand iu the next Congress. Mr. Lowell's bill do s not pr .p i vw Fe.'e a. cle' tion lew but ain 8' o i: ; v !. pre- nt sy-te n of I'e e -a! up. rv o . U - tu. lis as provided for in the Super - .u or IS, I. Mr. Lowell took Hie H.ur i. . I basis, but he makes the provi-;. t.- f l.sl bill more radical. The lill (h;u.;n pr sent method of appointing I'sicM.' S.1- pervisors of KW-iiioiiM. I'-y tlie bill !! . to be appointed and eouitni-sionc.! ! v.e r.'Wjber of supervisors r.'iiuirejl .us:,, have a suliicie'it liumt.et "iT j,.;.vir.ici ready for dutv in case their serves v. re'ptiiml. The number serving at such election is of ni;erv increased two to three. Under the present law , it is c.'a'nJ ive litt.'e, if .j ict. lii s '..-. supervisors of election have power in the country distric in the cities have power to count tlie l.ii an 1 make any investigation and lti-pr-t. that they may Bee lit. Mr. H'.wv. I 1 makes the power pos ssed by s irv rs city and county districts eipnil In addition to this, a returning ! ar l f Tided for the bill is required to tiuoie certificates from the aupervisnts' rn . and to furnish them to the Clerk "f:. House of Kepresentatives. Should therV Certificates show that onec.indi.l tte ;-er and the Federal hourd that an "tier mil date is elected, neither name is tu I p a r nn tlie roll ofthe Ifon-e until the H i-4 decidcsl which Is entitled to the -ea'. The bill ulso mukes provision f -r elections in precincts where the ly a. cers fail to hold elections r.'id ig i.u-t tl' shifling of ballot box", wiiete two or r.; are used so as to deceive voters lu :':'1 where registration i reuuire l. the li.! 'r A vides that suiervisioii of registration be iuforced. Penalties are prescrileJ briberv, bsllot box stulllng ,e'C The chief smiervisors (one Tor ea hc uressiouu! district) are to la upS).:.'ei ll the United States Circuit J nlge for ti.e i cuit in which tha c,oinrre.--iolial d '- ! situated. Cn the reeom:iienda'.i"ti chief survisors, the circuit judges a'c nuired to annoint the luoervisi rs ef t! elections Tor each district, double then': her required being selected and the- chief superv sor mav call upon a If n- them. The federal aunervisioll i' to L I tended to districts wbem 10 citie" I tion for suiiervisors, and t ) parishes all precinct a here 00 citizens make srtiti' . n WASHINGTON NOTES. T, P. Cook has been confirmed as Culltt't df Customs at fcaiidusky, O. Edwin Stevens, of Pennsylvania, Lw confirmed us United State Consul at hi uambuco, siemtiirv T'r.ietop bn tioidii :l secol.'l 111 -K of ft.VI (SHI for lliH relief of the M t lippi IIoihI suflerers. Arruiigements have about been c ti l -" for the fast railway mail service let'111 Chicago and New Orleans. A faster n " service from Kansas City west bus alto l provided. The Army Appropriation bill was pas" in the lieiiate Saturday with Mr. lh' amendment prohibiting lliesule if iJ coholic litjuors, wine or beer to enlisted uai on military reservations. A remonstrance from tha five Id a" M tinny wuy , ,rBM,,li.. I It, tl,.i Sifliate IV 1 Dawes, Saturday, remonstrating agsmst tl-i numerous railroad itrants through the in dian Territory. The Indian delegations '"I many of the grants are merely for t'cU tive purposes. A i ;.. ... . L- i Oionill 1LI1 y iv nil a. irac-iitri ill ins uiu1 -' . . A at Philadelphia has just married one " ? isof the Mohawk triba, twenty-seven )' ..U Tlii-...k.l. 111. si-Mlmlls'b. I'e ;o.iuea venous to hlousfkixiiiUt -v. frspyt jsrkpri-s