The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 24, 1890, Image 1

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- : ; -
V I.
VOL. 27.
NO. n
The muddy crossing lin turned
to llUSl.
The debt "f LancasterCity if
,I,".l..". .VSSOl" Jf l,l"in.,OOl'.
Ait Nt'liiiiitrf says it fnakos ti wo
. i . i i
XHll M'K l Keep u sccioi.
Indies who refuse to tell census
. ii i.' .i i . i..
,:;iiiii'i'!iiii s men- ages art' name io
tSn.' i
(;,('. (Sutolius is in tho fit y this
k Inlying his Summer stock of
J.Oi n Krooger, Telegraph opora-
;, v for tin Pennsylvania Company
.h.'uiie on ' visit.
yiis Fannie Poworsox who spent
i i. . ... i l ..r t....
-t' weciws in ii'Miit- uii- ii'il mi
This country has over loo.tmo Silli
er schools, with 1,000,000 teachers,
Mil S.JJil.'XHI hl'llulill-H.
All' ii Scliiii li, of Philailt lpliin
CTl"''! tlic liaiul of his many frifiuls
in this i1:un' on Jloinlay.
Qiiitt' a miiiihcr if our f:iniii'iM
L:i' i(.li'it-il thi' ciht hour system
-that is, njjht liours work Ix-fon-
.'i'.m.r ii i i 1 I'l 'lil liuiirs after iliiini iv
W'.H. Mattd1 of Sw incfonl is aint
for Cukliii Wagons, llnl si in;H,
mul l'hiws. If you ni'l any of
lev i tiflt's rail on him. May 1.
The Watsontown llmlf has heen
(:il:irril to a nix column iuarto. It
i a wide-iiwiikc, enterprising sheet
and ik'scrvi'M the popularity it has
Well, Sarah, w hat have you heen
luiiiK to make you look so young?
0i, liothhii; much, only liticn using
Hull's Hair llt iiewer to restore the
ivlir of my hair.
person ciiiryiiig insurance on
:!icir liousehoM goods ainl having
ruimvcil to a new location should
:i"t in 'gleet to have their insurance
"liry transferred, as it niiylit prove
i m i imis thing in case of lire.
Our fanners tell us that the
'i i 1 1 i 1 is so hard that it is almost
.iiili.-.ihlc for them to turn u fur-
uw while plowing. Most of them
ititrli three horses to each plow and
vti'ht the licam to keep the shear
Hi'liT the surface.
Any emigrants with families, or
tin T parties, wishing to go 'ct in
'iif spring should imply to (iit't iV:
llilt.T, Kciil Estate iigellts. Middle-
ll"i-'ii, I'ii., for inforiiiat ion as to
"plates of fare, and the most ili-
i iiiul cunvi nieiit iouti s to take.
Mr-. Sl.eritV lleichh'.v was happily
npn-'d l.y her Sunday Scho.'l
"t" one evening last week nt her
"" Houth of town. Mrs. Keiehley
'"'''H a faithful teacher in the
"t"ti Sunday school for a numher
yiars and her leaving here will he
,'rcat hiss to the school.
Tii-ol. (j;il,lM t, Un , has had Mid
'I'Uili's famous painter and pa
1 ' han-er, A. J. Crosgrove, at work
IjHlmiisi' for several weeks pa
''iiitf rooms, frescoeing ceilings,
'1 painting the woodwork. 1I ha
'My the most heatifully adorn
'''( lling in the town.
S-T. Hnck, Merchant Tailor, has
,V'1 from New lierlin to Mon
Jis il.., ill( where ho has opened
xtciiMvi, ehtablishment. His
' lias always given good satisfac-
''. mid a card addressed to him
Muntoursville will hring him to
' part of Union or Snyder eoun-
t" take your measure.
""Thursday of hist week as E. (!.
.vl.ill of Hi,. JV.,,,. Hotel, l'rai.k-
f' driving through the nar-
I'ctween Midd.11. I. nr. 0, mid
'I'li'iisiit Mills, lie was hailed l.y
'Mi:g in the hrush ahont
'" Jards from the road who
wilted a revolver and ordered
""l'lllt. Mr. (lr,.vl.ill
''iscul's intentions, g.ive his
the whiji and was soon out of
On Saturday the felhv. v pass
thr.mgl, our town, unniolesled.
""(lit to have l.een caught,
r"glily l!ogg..d and ordered to
0 the county on limited time.
1'or nearly half a century Ayer'
Cherry Pectoral has heen the most
popular cough remedy in the world.
The constantly increasing demand
for this remedy proves it to he the
very host specific for colds, roughs,
and all diseases of the throat uinl
A fter siilVeiing hoi rihly for years
from scrofula in its worst, form, a
young son of Mr. 15. Tj. King, 7i'
Franklin St., Kichmoiid, Va., was re
cently cured h.v the Use of Avel's
Karsaprilia. o other medicine can
approach this preparation us it clean
er of the Mood.
We have received u copy of the
Sioux Valley X irs, puMished at
Con i el ion ville, Iowa, from S. ('.
Uilger, son of .John 1'. Uilgcr, dee'd.,
who was a resident of this county.
Mr. I5ilg r is foreman of the A'ff.i,
and judging from its make-up, he
h is inherited the mechanical skill of
his father.
S. II. Thompson of Pittsl.nrg, Pa.,
Traveling Passenger Agent for the
Missouri Pacific Railroad, recently
called on A. K. (iift of the lirni (Jift
iV 1 tarter. Ileal Kstate agents, and
left ipiotationn fr rates of travel
that will In' of inter 'st to all parties
intending t ) emigrate west.
En. Post. Please announce in
your next issue that I am teaching
the High School at Shainokin D.un,
and will not have the time to iit
nil the school directors in the coun
ty hefore the election for County
Superintendent. Yours truly,
1). S." PoVKll.
Shainokin Dam, Pa., Apr. 'Ji.'l'it.
Matkimomm, Maukkt.
J Henry liaumgardner, Iiowell,
iMollie E. H ouser, (!rosgrove Hall.
Arthur J. "Welder, Middlecreek
)Ij.reia Ann Herhster, "
J John 15. I.each, Chapman,
Agnes Staid,
Pielllieville Herhster, McKt es J F.
i Mary Ann Kerstetter,
Plow shoes Jit. Oil, if l.'J.'i, ifl. ."(,
SI. CO and if'l.f'i.', hest whole stock
and hand-made. Men's dress slu es
from l.l!.") to ..'.(), including la st
Cangaroo. Ladio's l)ress Shoes
from Si. 'J.') to ifil.ou, including the
finest Pongola and French Kid that
the market affords, at (human's
Shoe Store, Middlehiirgh. Pa. t f.
It is reported that a west end
young man some time ago carried a
pair of ground-hog ears in his pock
et book for several mouths with the
intention of presenting them ton
just ice for :i premium. He thought
the gioiind hog he killed au fox,
so he kept the "scalp"' and threw
t he carcas away.
Foi; Sai.k. A Top linggy as good
us new, price .."! cash. The reason
for selling is I have no use for it.
Also a lot of Mei e'iandi c consist iug
of Dry (Joods, Notions, pools,
Shoes, Kuhlier (Joods, H.ildwale
and (leeiisware, with a variety of
other goods which 1 will sell at
greatly reduced prices.
J. Ti:Nsi i:,
I Jl t;t. MeClure, Pa.
Tin-inn dred- unci thousands of
persons who have every day to
stand up in ra'h'oa J cars after pur
chasing tickets entitling them to
scat will have some satisfaction in
learning from a decision, reached in
the Court of .Judge Finletter. that
they need not pay their fare until
they have Ic en given a seat. The
wonder is that the traveling public
has all these years put up with the
imposition which railroad compa
nies have put upon them in this par
ticular. All exchange states the fact that
you can read the proof of a news
paper article three or four tiunsand
repeatedly pass over the same error
without, seeing it. All newspaper
men will till you so. JJut just as
soon as the press is stal led and the
paper is print cil in its complete
shape there standstill' error in front
(f you so leg that you can't see any
thing i lsc. It's a strange fact and
is probably the reason why it is so
easy to edit a new .-paper after it is
mirk In yiitir llannetH. Tom.
Till tlio mil nt May ;
lx.m I take- tlii'in off. my boy.
Ami culoli tHiniiiiniiilii.
stick to your it.inio'K Tom.
Howi'vit clns tin1 sun.
or you ill in- an niufi-l. Tom.
Ilofiire llio hprlntr Is doiio.
"t I'-dii' ! Im mi inijfol.
Iy tliat I liii'iin lo ay :
I n mil lo In' nt) link'' !
Hill tiol IlK'Ilt iiii."
V,-e Vtfni.
The last annual report of lh" late
Dr. Higbee, Superintendent of tn
Common Schools of Pennsylvania, is
just out, and it contains some very
interesting things on education and
the progress of the common school
system throughout lie1 common
wealth. There are 'Jt.noo (eaehei -iin
the State, It i, oi ii I of whom are females
ami n.ikmi males. During the past
J ear .rt7 new school houses were
reeled lllld over S'JIm.IHNI in excess
of Inhs was spent on school proper
ty. The real estate of Helfrii h ,V Smith
was disposed of at SheritV's sale on
Tuesday. The store house was sold
to a syndicate composed of Win,
Drees.', Dr. A. M. Smith, John S.
Smith and Samuel Shieiy for Sh"'-"1
Mr. Helfrich's home was purchased
by C. (). C.leenhoe for !?-. .MI ; the
coal yard vras knocked oil lo A.
Kreeger for si, do. The ollu r live
tracts were sold to dill'elelit patties
and brought a total of S1,:.V 'I'he
sum total of all the real estate sold
amounted to slo, pju.
A farmer read an agricultural jour
nal that a side window in a stable
makes a horse's eyes weak on that
side; a window in front hurts his
eyes by the glare; u window behind
makes him squint eyed t window
on a diagonal line makes him shy
when he trav. Is, and a stable with
out windows makes him blind. The
fanner has wiitt. n to theiigricultur
al paper asking w hat effect a w imlow
w it hout a stable w ould have on the
horse's eyes, ami aw ails a reply with
considerable interest.
Tom, of the Post, has been told by
his Kepublican brethren that if he
wants to run a licpiihlicau paper, he
should not allow articles to be pub
lished in regard to the depression of
the farmers and laborers and the
cause of their depi essii n.
Put Tom informs them that hois
running a paper for the people and
not for the party. He does not ap
prove of seeing t he fanner and the
labor, r ground t death by !aos.
and have no means to pay for a pa
per. Pravo! Tom has an eye to
business. - .V .i,'-icc '1'init.
If you have a place for a tree to
grow, plant. It will cost but little
and you may live to enjoy its beauty
and its shade. If you do not, your
child or somebody may, and they
w ill .surely bless you lor planting
that tree. It is not necessary to
get a big tree or an expensive one.
Many experienced people believe ft
nice tree can be raised from ti little
sprout, or- from the seed quicker
than one can be obtained by replant
ing a large tree and waiting for it
to become vigorous. Plant u little
tree or a seed and it will Home day
make you happy.
PviiN P.ruNKii.--At about lo o'clock
on Wednesday night of hist week
the large bank barnk of Levi Young
L'i miles north of Middh burgh was
discovered on tire, and before the
family, who had already retired,
could do anything the whole build
ing was in llames and burned to the
ground with all its contents includ-1
ing tliroe head ol horses, live cows,
four head of young cattle, four
sheep, lot of chickens, l.'i) bushels
of wheat, l."0 bushels of oats, and lo
tons of hay. It is supposed to have
been the work of un incendiary.
The loss, including building, stock,
and grain is estimated at SI.' l, and
was insured in the Peavertow n
Mutual for !?1 too. Mr. Young was
severely burned about the hands
and face in trying to liberate one, of
I lie horses. The people, deeply
sympathize with Mr. Young, and
are gl id that he had well insured
his property in ugood company.
Pejl From a Bridge and Killed
JjoHi'ph (k-mbeiling, for thirty,
tiya years a bridge builder, and
reydtent of Selinsgrove, fell from
th lop chord of a bridge near
tiiiiorr, Maryland, on Tuesday
mining and was instantly killed.
HiB two sons, Edward and Purl,
who were with him and worked in
th gang oer w Inch he was boss at
tin time of the accident, arrived
tho 10:.'10 A. M. train at Selinsgrove.
yesterday, with the corpse. He
leaves u wife and f..ur children, all
grown Mrs. (. S. Snyder. West of
Middlebnrgh the only daugh
ter. He was a member of the lle-form.-'d
Church of Selinsgrove, a
q lief, inolVcusivf, honest, upright,
chlistinu gelith la Hi, ioVed and es
teemed by all who I, new him.
Considerable building is going on
in -Muldleburgh this Spring. Henry
Newman, Chai li s Moy. r, Ed. Wai
tor 'Utnl Jessie Piig. r are el ecting
new houses iii the west end of town,
C. C. Seebold is putting up a line
dwelling on the corner east of his
storo house, Irviii P.ow.rsox is
building an addition to his house
oil tho French Flats. Elias Steining
er built ii new barn on his property
iu the west end f town. Mrs. Harry
Smith is weather boarding, rooting
and otherwise gr.a'ly improving
her residence in the north end of
tow, while many other improve
nieiits of importance are under con
sideration. Tho Biiprenie Court of P. luisylva
nia lifts recently rendered several de
cisiotiH of general iiiteresin t he mat
ter of rotid tax. The right of far
i.i, t to work out their road tax has
been generally if not universally
eouceileil; supervisors j( , w
townships insisted that tin tax must
be paid ill money. A test case has
been decided ill fav or of t he t ax pa v
ers and t heir light t o wol k out the
tax distinctly i.nd f.nall.v allirmed.
Ill other cases collectors of load
have claimed a commission on
t he pal I uoi lo d out, as well as that
paid into the county treasury. The
.Supreme Court has decidt d that nil
claims, i ! such commission should
be 1 1 ecl ed. t he w o king of tax iln-po-ing
on labor oil the collector or
tr. asiiri r. but on I lie .superv isor w ho
:s paid for his sen ices.
East Friday th litor and J. l!.
Ii'eed of Slllibui.'' took a li-h at
Swift I C it ii. The editor landed sixty
live ami Mr. loed would no doubt
have doubly discounted II i but his
t w i nt.v -first trout was a whapper
and in landing il he sprained his
back so badly t hat he w as afraid to
try it on aiiot her one. So we came
heme with eighly six of the lo an
ties. They are scarce and hard to
catch, but are remarkably plump
ami fat for so earl v in the season.
It is evident that considerable llsh
ing was done out of season as there
is a beaten path all along the stream
ami few trout are caught in the
deep pools which call be approached
by worm fishers. In short, tin y
arc not plenty in any part of the
stream and are costly meat if you
don't allow yourself t vventydol! us a
day for the sport of catching t hem.
It is wonderful to what extent
some reporters will draw i n their
imagination w hen they are lacking
ill facts. 'I'll,, case of Mrs. Kreich
liiiiiiii. sister of our townsman,
Jacob iilbert, Esq., is an example.
A month or so ago the Post publish
ed a true am! correct iiccoiinl of her
estrangement trom her liimilv.
Eater on t ho daily papers got hold
of it and t w isted the story out of
all semblance of truth. Tin y have
it that the child was kidnapped and
that Mr. (iilbert. the father of Mrs.
Kreichbaum, had spent thousands
of dollars in the search for his hist
daughter and finally died of a bro
ken heart; when, in fact, he ; pent
very little money in the mailer and
dieil at the age of of typhoid fe
ver. They have our attorney, Jacob
(Iilbert, located at Ploomtiehl as
John (iilbert, and twisted and twirl
ed the whole matter into an incon
ceivable mass of corruption timllies.
Terrible Experience of a Fish
ing Party.
Dr. Sampsel ami J. K. Snyder,
both of Celitrcville, had tin expe
rience at Swift Kwuou Friday night
of last Week that tin y will never for
get. They camped at t he lower dam
at Swift 1 un near a ledge of rocks
on the night in question, ami before
dlkliess came upon them they
scraped a lot of leaves together for
11 bed and provided 11 pile of Wood
to keep up il tile dining the night.
About ten o'clock they prepared for
sleep and, draw ing a horse blanket
over t hem, they lay down to pleas
ant dreams. Along towards out
o'clock, Mr. Snyder felt chilly and
got up to put some mole Wood on
I he til e and then lay .low n and soon
fell into a deep sleep from which he
was awakened by a cold object
which seemed to be resting on his
leg. Without moving he lav awake
waiting foi'developmellts. The n. Xt
moment he felt an indiscribable sen
sation come ow r him w hich seemed
to paralyze every nerve iu his body.
Ikoali.'ing that there was something
extraordinary the matter, he called
to the doctor to hurry and get up
as some thing wa - crawling up the
right leg of his p.inl alooiis and he
believed it was a snake. The words
went through the doctor like an
electric shock, ami, raking a brand
out of the lire he approached Mr.
Snyder, who was lying as if paralyz
ed, with the cold sweat standing iu
big bonds on his fore head. Half
blinded by the dickering tlaine of
the brand he not ice. I w hat at first
looked like a broad black strap
hanging out of Mr. Suy h r's trousei
leg, but the next moment exclaimed,
"My (iod. Muckel, lie Still, it's H
rattle snake ! ' Trembling like a
leaf, Mr. Sll.vder seemed powerless
to move even il he Would. The on-
dilion of things were at .nice evi
dent. The reptile had been attract
ed to the lire and sought warmth on
the person of Mr. Niivder. Every
moment she .Ii ed farther up
the l. g and pr. inpl lu tein was m-ces
sary. (ir.isping the si,. ike by the
tail, the doctor pulled h i.ll Ins
might. His hold slipped and the
rattles II in number came otf and
remained in hand. The reptile had
j wrapped its. If around the bare skin
I on the i ii. in's leg an I v i. il, i, 1 v shoo!;
I i"ts de rattled ta.l. in deal mg il , an
, ger at such harsh treatmuit. This
performance almost t hr.-w Mr. Sny
I dor into convulsion". K. eovei ing
him ielf, I he duel or bi ! lo night him
I sell' of his knife ami, quickly open
ing a blade as keen as a razor, he
cut the paiitalooiis up .i tho body.
This lolia-ad the snake and she
quickly unwound and threw
herself into a coil, ready for effec
tive Work, but b.foie she c.illld
I .strike the doctor st ruck her a blow
I vv ilh ii club that cut lo r clean iu
two. Mr. Snyder was lifted by tho
arms ami dragged away from tho
hideous serpent, and the next mo
ment was on his feet, t hough scarce
ly able to stand.
They drank the balance of their
"nerve tonic'' out of a pint bottle
which to some extent restored their
equilibrium, but sleep Was out of the
..... stloll ( In.!' I,...,l ti,.. I .,.1, ......
I 1 ; " ' '" " ' "
of the night iu stitching up Mr.
Snyder's trousers to make him pre
jsenlable, ami at early dawn they
I pulled up stakes and took a solemn
oath to never, . mrtr bind: at
Swift Kuu again.
Secure your line photos at Dei
bel t's gallery.
Deibell, our photographer has re
turned from his extimled eastern
tour and is now i. ad.v to i.ceoiuiuo
dato all who wish to get photos.
( i all. r.v - squares n.n t h of the Court
J. H. Illionds makes a peehlltV of
rooting and spouting and is prepar
ed to compete iu prices ami win k
maiiship w it Ii any rcponsili).- part y
that guarantees il-s work. He will
be ph ased to q iote you prices on
all first class material and when you
buy of him you can depend upon its
being first class as he handles none
Suicide al Troxelville
William Sw at t z. residing about ;
mile east of Troxelville, committed
suicide on Wednesday mot ning by
euttinghisthioat witha raz.oi .vv hieli
he no doubt can ied in his pockets
for that put po .e. lb' had not . n
y r. ci . i 1 1 . i trom an at '. ac'
the grippe, ami It i- believed his
mind vvu - ; :itf, ele, I. I )n Tiiesdav
evening It" loll his wife tlntt he
would shoot himself, and she was
eotllis. led by friend to keep a . 1 .-i
watch o( r 1 1 i lii.
On Wednesday, a little belme i, ,
o'clock, while p.,vv ing in t',l( I'.. 1
near the hovel Church, he told his
wile that he wish. ,1 (,, I... h :'t alone
awhile. He , t aye, so long t hat she
went in search and found him lying
und. r a tree near the Church with
his throat cut. Medical aid vv as at
olice -. 1 1 1 1 1 l . . I , d .Hid the gash sewed
op. bul h, had s. v. led an ail. r.v
from w hu h he bh d profii". I.v and
died t Wo hi. in-., niter.
He was aged about 'J I veal , and
h aves a wife and small child. He
was a mod. I v. mug man. and came
from a ;: I faimlv. His fat In r,
(Harrison Sv.aiti mother, brolhen
and a sister all died of con sum pi ion
years ago. A biolheraiid sister sur
v iv e him.
IJol.l. of I Ins. u;. The following
persons have paid their subscription
to the Post to the dates opposite
their names. Should any mistakes
occur iii these credits ..r on your pa
per I .lease not i I .v us :
S. V. n,h.
F.dw in I '.oyer,
I '.. inn , ill,. Sin il h,
Jacob F,. S. hi ad. r,
John W. Kline.
April 'Jo, ':d
May I.",. HI
April I. '!l
May I. ':!
May 1, ''.hi
April I, ';1
Mav I. '..1
May I. on
Dec. 1, '.III
Jan. I. "'.mi
Mav 1. ':il
Mav I. :.
Mav 1. '..1
Mav I, ''..!
March t. ''..I
Apul I. i
Mav 1, ';...
May I, :'l
May I. ;!
Mav 1, VI
.Mav !, :!
May 1, '.mi
Daniel Mlllhoilse,
Mary S. Pickharl.
D K. Haas,
J. P. Shiik.
J. P. Yodel,
Win. J. Herman.
J. C. Avers .v Co.
( ie. i. W . I !. ii dma ii,
Win. M. b'eat iel ,
W. II. (ioidot,.
1 lobel I I I a. 1. ( libel g,
A. K. (lift,
Alh n Schoch,
I 'll I ' II V I i iW el s. ,v ,
JacksM.i W. Covv,
Peter Khoades.
No.lil 111 Oils, ,
Wm. K. KipL-i,
I;. A. I lassinger.
A I"
I! vxvn.v il l i:
Ionise formerly known as the Tan
nery house owned by Jaeob Kem
inei'ling, and occupied by Id Moth
er Hitter was tofaly destroyed by
lire with all its contents. Then
Were some bed el .1 lies '-avi d by. the
old lady. The lire broke out at the
stove pipe of 1 he kitchen slo.e at
the roof. A . f uns al me she vv a
compelled io in her best, so she
took wal.T mi lh.- roof until she
could not eoiitroil the llames any
longer when s!i.' ea!h d for help ami
began taking .nil her goods. iv
t hat time help vv a- l here but t he
llames w e! e ail . r the house and
she vva I 'd ...I I by som.- in. u . .r she,
iu her i . 'item. Mil, Wool have been
caught in the llames which win
blazing around her on every side.
The boys each had llloaded gllll iu t he
house and both were discharged by
the heat. John Paumgardtier of
Juniata county had I wo one hoi st
loads of wilh.w basket there and a
t iu ii I; containing his clothes whieii
Wei-.-also burned. Provisions will
be mad.-now at once for the com
fort the old mother, who i, al
most pro"trnlc! with grief. Tin
lire broke out at about t; o'clock A.
M. and bv 1' ii was in ashes.
mi Xi. ..:.!..
The lale '. ol.t, 1 ,;). I ! ' ; ,H y p!1(,
They aie the rage. Di ibut's m w
' . '
It -