The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 20, 1890, Image 3

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Tho Bulnpi Outlook Somewhat More
R. O. Pan Co.'s weekly Twyrrw of trade
ays: The business outloik i somewhat
more favorable. While a lurge. amount of
money luit 'in' int tlio treasury, rates here
remain moderate and th market easy. All
interior markets an- ulso.cascr, for while
Kansas City is firm at ratrs, tho do
lnaii'1 there Is moderate, ami though the
Mil auk.-e market is f.ilrly active a( 0 to S
or ci'iit. the supply is a lequate. At St.
I.oui Detroit and Pittsburg the market is
osy at (i t.7 r cent: at Philadelphia rather
stagnant at .'.J t i n r lit, at Boston, be'ter
l lied at .'.Jt" ,;J rr ivnl; at all other
xiint.sthe Inarkr: ii ativeiy easy.
" here is still no r ally adverse 1 1 :t n in
the iron trad" hw iui-i, him! (Iim weekly out
put of furnai cs I' 1, was lT.i.ii'd tmi,
against 171, o.; .I'anuary I, a g tin of Pi per
tent, over tin- output of a ir.; . The de
mand for pig does not yet in ileal.' a proba
ble advance in .ric,.. and at 1'itt 'burgh Bes
semer is it l'ttle weaker, hut otherirou ratlier
stronger becau-e of the increase of 12 .-r
rent cotiiedtsl in vat-es i f co'.e workers.
Tlii, with A red i. tion of ) cents in Wc-tcrn.
freight" nukes a . 1 1 :!. r--j i. e in favor of South
rrn and again! Western producers, bit there
are now retorts of n pruhuhle sir.kein the
Alabama coke works.
I here is n .aii in l!,e ,m:h.ti I f.T bar
iron, aii'l the market is an I
ing. with no ir:at ai tiuty in ft rn turul iron.
Nails id ill, iiml nM mil I iver. ippcr hihI
tin urc lower al'r ,;i I. selling hero at lll-le
for i ike iiikI in 1 ' lor M rails, nn I lea is
lower at about I 1 m. No relief it ; ars in
the coal business, and the February tonnage
lias l.een reilueel bv agreement to m I, I in I,
the output in January having .'J.'o r, m tons
below that of In ,t year.
'I he textile industries iresent n luore hope
f'.il aspect. Villi a st.-tady an 1 strong de
mand for goods, cotton ninnuf.iet'irers have
imteasiil their takings of cotton largely
since January I, so thut the aggregate now
exi Is that of the lat crop year to ilate.
'Mu re is a better (leiuiuiil for woolen goods, though manufacturers pursue;! con
servative ioiire.
'1 he sis'culative market i have not tcndisl
upward during the pa-t week. In wheat,
With sales of -L'.ooii,ii) bushels here, there
Ills been a derhne ,if J ,,f a rent, and in
Corn, with sales of 1-,000,11 0 bilhe!s, a tie
tliue of if, the eurreiit priee even at the sen
bostisl being only :vi Oats are also
lower and x irk liro.luets unchanged, us is
oil, with small transactions. I he speculation
in cotton has been enormous, pules reaching
H'n,'M bule-for week, with an advance of Jc.
Coll'ce ha been steady with moderate sales,
but suar a mxteeuth lower, uud sales tic
JsT I'SJ oUilds below the trust pra'cs, coll
Jiiue to weaken the relinisl, though the
trust stock bus bis'ii vigorously advanccsl.
The exports of n heat mi l lloiir have fallen
below those of the same time last year.while
corn exports continue lar.'. The general
level of prices.notw il-'istuiidinu the decline In
breads! nils, is about 41 'rcvnt. highor than
tebruary 1.
For tbo past week tho treasury bus taken
In f l.s,W cash more that it has paid nut,
ml while its disbursements and pensions
are expected tobe lare, further purchases of
bonds in larp' amounts are not anticipated.
If no further supplies of nmney return from
the interior, n closer market w ill naturally
result before April 1st. llvpoits of mer
chandise for half of Keliruaiy have been
fully up to tho-eof la-t year, but from this
time some exces of exports over i eporls is
The business failure number .To.', as com
pared wi h a total of;;.'l la-t week. KortUd
corn-poiidiii); ickol'la.-t year the liguiea
were 2'J.
Th Eollor of a Lucbiuotiro Tzplodes.
A serious and remarkable uoc'il.-nt occurred
t Dogulw Station, oil tho 1'., MclC. it Y.
The engine hauling a gravel train exploded
its boiler, resulting in the death of two per
sons and the seriously injurin ; threu others.
The eiiRiuu lial left the gravel train lonm
distance from where tlie accident occurred
and at the time of the explosion was hunting
the caboose and ono car. The men who
wero working on the train were also some
distance from the engine and none hut the
repular crew was on the engine mad caboose.
This ereweciiM-ted of the engineer, liremun,
Conductor, brakemiui and tt i;;man. The eu
giue wus in motion an I w as just Hearing the
end of tint switch at l)ouh''us station, about
30 miles from Pittsburgh, when, with no
warning, the boilerexplode l, scattering prts
cf it in ait directions, tearing u-i the tracks
lid demolishing the cab slid caboose.
The engineer uud fireman were in their
lionitiuns and as the boilers let j; i thev were
thrown about .0 fis't, one to the rihtofthe
truck and the other up on the side of the
Lill. The switchman, who was standing Ht
the switch lever, was thrown off his feet uud
instantly killed.
The accident is a rast singular one and
the third on record of a similar character
exploding of tt.e boiler of a locoiuutivo
While the eiuine was in motion.
TIih record of the accident ir.
Killed instantly;
CHArf. JlCXKINd, flagman, of West New
ton, JOHN I.rDWiG, engineer,
JOHN' .STKADM AN", fireman, face cut anc'
otherwise seriously injure.!.
VM. McKlNLKV. brakeman, of Weat New
ton, right side of faee badly cut, riht eye
out and hurt internally,
CKoIKiK 1116 T, conductor, of West Newton,
tL bruised and badly burned.
A Drido, Bridegroom and Tea Wedding
Ouesta Drowned.
A Terrible accident happened to a wed
ding par y at I'outivy, France. The vehicle
conveying the bride and bridegroom and a
number of their friends was upset, and the
w hole party were precipitated into the river.
The bride and bridegroom aud ku others of
the party were drowned.
Miss Tart Will Got $2,000
Miss Tart, of Whito Ilea' Lake.Minn., will
get t.Vj from Ir. Komaii, of Ht. l'aul, bo
caue 'he doctor would not iir rry her after
having pruuiUtvd to Uuao,
Bloody Termination of Railroad Bond
An election was held Thursday at Harper,
Kansas, to vote on the proioition t issue
iKsi.mKi in lion. Is to the Kilina and Oulf
road. The project was bitterly resisted by
many of the lea l ug citizens and as bitterly
advocated by others. For a week both
parties had madii every rlTort to
carry or defeat the proposition The
fight over the binds was compliosted
and made hotter by the f.n-t that Anthony,
a rival town, three miles wt of Harper,
promised to issiiD the bonds if the railroad
company would locate its line at that place.
'iti.ens living between the two towns were
also deeply inierestmj In tho stiuggle, and
when the election was hel l at Harper tho
town was filled with interested outsiders
misious to take it hand in the matter. The
company preferred to run its line through
I!iiTst ( the liond' could be voted, and had
i nt a latge g.uu of gnid' ri and other em
ployes to lodpcirry the projis-r through.
Many stormy scenes were wituc-sed at tin
polls (luring the day. and half a lights)
took pl.n e, but a general riot was preventisl
by the coolne-s of theealers. Vh"u the
polls closi-l it was believed that the bonds
bad ca-rii"l. The ballots were not all count
ed, and il.iritigtlin night the Imxix c mlaiu
lug th" votes were stolen and ilisp is,., J of so
etlei tu.illy that they have not yet been
found. Theoiilv war l Voting a.-ii'i'it th-!
bohiS uas the 1- irM, and its I. allots Were
Winn the nllair became known there was
great excltetu-nt. Th"ra:ir'il ro'.vd hsd 1
a i:umh"r of arre-ts ma le and warrants were
sworn out fir others who dm , not be
found. An cirrt was in i ie t i arre-t lom 1
S ibin, who had In'ivi nr nv'i ,y in his day. I
lie ma le a light, an t, his frieii I-j iiiiIiil', a !
h'lii'lied men in a few minutes becutne en,
g i;:ed in a ilo-ra'e battle.
When the ba'tlc ended t wo men had re
ceiveil their death Wounds an 1 t.earlv a doz
en others were cut. brui-ed or shot, several 1
of them so ba.lly that there is little cliuucc of
'heir recover
Homo Important Rills Introduced in th
Oeneral Assoinbly.
The IIouso passed the bill incressing t!u
bond of the Secretary of Stato from tl i,oj
to f bsi,' OJ. This is ma le necessary through
the nHTiiUotis of the Massie law, increasing
the fcej for in.'orporat ons.
Among important bills introduced wen
tho following: To prohibit the employment
as teachers of a brother-in-law, father-in-law
or bruther of a member of the Hoard oi
Education; amending section f of the ( oui,
pulsory Education law soastocompel tlx
attendance at school of minors between tin
ages of U and 18 w lio can not reud or write,
to n quire that the counties where there is I
Grand Army I'ost, the tctdiers' Ki lief Coin
ruisidnii shall be chosen from that k st; (
amend section 1.3uT and allow County Cun
mlssioners to make allowance to nnv ol!ic i
of IJ00 instead of tl in lit.u of fees in citiei
or townships having 1 ',Mi or mote jupula
tion; to amend sectinu 1 of the cnmpulor
education law so us to compel Hoards of II 1
ucation to furnish indigent pupils wi I:
books, and compel children of sclnvd age t
attend school tho first sixteen we-ksoftln
school year, and the School Board to receivi
children who live apart from their pai cuts
Croat f'xiltoment Among Members of a
Religious Sect in Al ibam.i.
Intense excitement prevailed all day Sun
Jav among tho Sliernuuites. a religious sect nourishing cougreg I'.ions
in St. I'lair county, .) mil"s iroi.u lliriuing
huui, Alubania. Some weeks ago i r miii
ister, or prophet, us they cull him told tiieiu
tho world would come to an end at icon.
Every member of tho sect gathered at the
churc.hw early in the morning a id spent the
fore.l'ion weeping and praying. Several ladies
i ....i ...i.... i.-.a .:..'...., ...... a ..r
llllllll-ij, Ull I i.nii:n ,1.. . .,uii ..O.IVI.J. oi (
hysterica and were restored wi'h dilhiVilty.
When iUKtn piss-il and notli iig happ.Mie l
tho fx iteiuent begtn to suusld-', but tlie
jxsipio ri'iuained at church a id coininued
ihuir d lotion unlit sunset. A dispatch from
JJr-j'notou, near the Shermanite sefleiueut,
says tho people are now dispersing to their
bonus and tho excitement bus pulsed over
'J'he preacher who predicted the end of the
world reinainl at the church praying after
all his followers had left, lie announced
hh liiUntiuu of rom-,, :tig there u.l night.
Prominent Connr,isin-n from Every State
Asked to Meet tho Cjmmit'.ou.
invitations have be-n extendi' I to over a
liundml Senators aud members of the House
of Kepreseiitatives to mi't tho ivimmitteit
aeoiu:e I by tho Hovernors of the thirteen
ori.'iusl States and of which ex-li iveruor
lirs-eii, of Neiv Jerey, is Chairman, oil
Wii-hiintou's birth lay in C.irpcii'crs Hall,
I'hila leli'hia, to consider the prop ise inoii
iimeiit to he erected in I'airmount I'ark, as u
memorial of th close of the first century of
the ( oUKtitulmn.
The mere prominent Congressmen of all
the Ma'ei uud territories have been invite I
and tln entire Consrcssional delegations of
Virginia and New Jersey haw- bee i usked,
the lormer because I'n-si lent Washington
was a Virginia:!, and New Jer-ey m Repre
sentative! becvuss the suggestion of the pro
p ne l memorial came from thut State.
A Family Flogged and Driven From th
State by White Caps.
The White Cap spirit sivms to be coniiuu
to the front again. At Kuckport, Wil
county, W. Vo., Charles Smith and his wif
were taken from their home and unmerci
fully beaten on tlie back with hickory switch
es and compelled to leave the county. The
family passu! through I'arkersburg and t 'Id
a hornble story of their suffering and trea
ineiit. The wife says after w 'hipping bin
husband the mob caught her while she wut
trying to escape from the house with theii
children aud tied her to a treo She wu
then beaten until tlie blood came Mrs
Hiuith says the whole cause for tho outrjgt
was her resistance of tho improper holicita
tion of a citueu of her neighborhood. Al
fl-U C.ll.1 II..,,.. . , ,,.l..ol.l,..n
Ivinj v... t . . j ... m nviiiiiii nn iimii in i ..ii
way by a mob who visited her house, firiiifi
i guns uud revolvers, and tied a note of warn
ing to her d'xir.
Th Fith of Many Important Matters i
AU Tarts of tha World.
A collision occurred on the Atsbima A
Great Southern Ktilw.iy,in which Engineer
Edward PiHilittlc was killed. Both engines
were wrecked.
John Joyce's saloon and contest were
blown to atoms by dynamite, at Falrland,
Indiana. The temperanco elomeutls charged
with tho deed.
Six Democratic Montana Senators) met at
riiokaue Falls, iVa-diiugtoti, and chartering
a train, starbsl for Oreg m to escape arrest.
As a result of thMhird trial ofthu Navassa
rioters, only one, Edivar,! Smith, will hang,
and the others were either found guilty of
manslaughter or discharged.
The fire which broke out in the rear of
J. Koseiistein's clothing store, at Toronto,
com piety iW roved live business houses and
nil adjacent outbuildings. The elforts of the
citizens alone saved the entire block and the
tie.v II. 1'. church from lestniciion. Tho t
tal lo-s amounted to -' !,?'", partly Insured.
A Windsor man is making a business of
raising pole-cats.
A dozen of Eastern manufacturersofirtraw
wrapping paier have agreed to close their
factoricsfor a month as a means of reducing
slock and maintaining price.
To this time .VI of the 211 rreshyterlea
liave voted on th,! ipaestion of the revision of
tho Westminster Confession of Faith, of
which 3t vote I ye i and II nav, and when
the number of communicant H the several
Tresbyteries Is taken the majority In favor Is
even more overwhelming. The Philadelphia
are about the only largo i'rushytoriea which
voted n.
Cieorge Wilson, alias 'Jack Slieppard,'
fieorge Austin, alias Sport,' and Marcm
Ii.iymoiid. three notorious exconvi -ts and
professional thieves, stole a case of shawls
value-1 at (1 0 from the hallway of Victor &
Adidas' store, New Yorf , on January II.
The three nien were joiiuly indicted. Wil
son and Ihiymoiid pleaded guilty, but Aus
tin demanded a trial uud got one. Ray
mond turned State s evidence, and when he
got through Aus. in pleaded guilty. Tbo men
were arraigned p-forc Judgj Martin for sen
tence. Wil on. in additio.i to being a clev
er thief, is an accomplMic I jail breaker and
a graduate of Harvard I'lilversity.
Kilrnln, who is supposed to be in jail in
Mississippi, headed a pugilistic combination
traveling through the South. At Pallas,
Texas, tS was tillered to any ihtsoii who
would tight l'.eenah, it lightweight, for four
rounds A young man named James ac
cepted, and was knocked senseless. Ilenevur
SMike again, but tho performance continued
Some time before the serious character of tho
injury was discovered. Kilraiti then wept
like a child. The entire party was arrested.
Dr. Taul fiibier, a pupil of Pasteur, will
establish in New York a school for the treat
ment of hydrophobia.
Tho inifting of tho sieugerbund at Neiv
Orleans closed Saturday night, aud tho next
meeting will bo held at Cleveland
The czar hits forbidden Unemployment ol
German actors in Uussiuu theaters, a docrve
regurdisl as an nitron t to Germany
It is believed there is it definite movement
to have limn I'edr.i elected president of lira-
zil. I'lie old emperor is not unwilling. j
The house of coiumous is to be a-k si t
inve-tigate theehar'a Mint Pynanute John
Duly has been p i;.s,iued an I cruelly trc.ite I
in prison.
Iu spite of a large amount of evidence, th"
liungor (.Me.) 'grand jury Saturday refused to
indict a single saloonke 'per, it id tho tout
peraiice people are in mourning.
I'eui lie temperance crii-aders utta 'l;el a
"club room" al Spickard-ville, Mo., and
complete y demolished the outlit. No ut
tempt w a-in l ie to interfere with the wo
men s work.
Mrs. T. C. W. Iturrltt ol Ilvine, Wis., who
eominenced a '.'1 d iys' fast to cure dysnepsia,
has finished her seventeenth day. She is in
good health, has lost very little flesh, and it
confident she will hoi, I out "1 diys.
The amount of the defalcation of Charles
Ci. Davie-, agent at Quebec for RryanD
Powers .v. Bryant, the extensive lumber firm
of London, will, it is now thought, reach
$.'o i.oo ', possibly ti-'siO . Ilia whereabouts
are unknown.
Tho CarncKio Firms to Furnish Steel
Work for Tnroj Lake VoshoIh.
The Carnegie linns have secure I contract
for furnishing steel for threo vessels to lie
built by the American Blecl lUrge Com
pany, coiniHisetl of Ctevelund, Chicago
uud Detroit ca statists. Tliis company
will run a line of steel vessels on tho lakes
and bus a capital stock of $j,iai,i 0o,
Without the proetling machinery the ves
sels will cost t7'i,u.') each. Tho Carnegie
I'ouipany is to furnish their material in
about '.K days. The boats are to be on the
plan of tlie modern steel ocean vessel. For
the construction of each ves-irl pn) tons of
steel will bo required, and they will register
about 11(10 tons. They urc calculated to carry
:kX tons of ore or c ntl or IDO.inX) bushels of
grin. Tlie design Is entirely new and is
expected to prove the best of lako boats.
The World's Fair.
It is now generally c. edod that New
York is out of tho list of competitors f,,r the
World's Fair. This is owing t the fuct that
nohtiiai rather than business, partisanship
rather than bs al pride, hasjiiilluenced the
action of those having tho mutter iu charge.
Tammany tinned determined to run th
whole business in ita own interest, and tho
Kepublicuns were not disns)d to jHinuit
thut unscrupulous organization to expend
tUVWUisiK iu a Presidentiul year in thut
stronghold of DeiuoiTacy if they could pre
vent it.
It is not yot fiellnitoly determine I that
there will be a Fair hold in lsij, but tho
World's Fuir Committee has taken action
looking to a vote on that Imp jrtaut point at
mi early day. If it is decided to hold a Fulr
then tlie selection of a place will be next in
order, and Chicago is so far iu tho lead that
thero is not much doubt of its luing fluully
'ghoseii. Some of tbo New York papers have
ulroady declare I iu favor of tho enterprising
Luke City.
The Siberian Prison Horror Worse Thais
at First Reported.
Farther particular of the Siberian horror
have been received, and show that the cru
ellies were worso than at first reported.
It now appears that Mme. Sihyda had
younger sister, some 10 year old, who
went to Siberia to look after her comfort.
Arriving there, she had the misfortune to
please the eye of the director of the prison.
She was detained by him Uon a trumped,
up charge of conniving at Mmo Sihydu's at
tempted escape, and became a victim of hi
brutality. She was subjected to such atro
cious treutmcnt as to cause her death soon
Mme. Pihda indignant and torror stricken
by this awful event, vehemently denounced
the outrage. In doing this she ottrac'od tin
attention of the director, who then ap
proached her with the same Insults he hid
htiiKsl ition her sister. Tho tnoii't'ous
revenge ol the director In having her pub
licly flogged followed, ami tills pun sbmeut
was accompanied by inhuman incidents
which probably had more to do in driving
her to suicide than t Iim exposure to which
she hud been suhjei till.
The report of o revolt in the main prison
Is contirmisl, and it is in dc'iuit, Iv known
thut tho number of killed amounted '.o li
New of the ulfiir has been circular I In
Kussia, and it has inspired the Anarchists
with in' w v g -r.
l'Mui le iruing the particulars and realiz
ing the universal rolcl and vm i til I'- eiin,:
the I use would arou-e, the Czar ili-p I'ciii-d
nil olli. er to r pla e the d reclor and ord'j-" i
that ollicial torep i t at St. Pelershu g
Nineteen Now Member Admitted to the
Economy Society.
The Harmony S.M'iety celebruted its eighty
fifth unuiversary on Saturday. The day was
turned into one of j y and festivl y, and the
streets of the staid old town of Economy,
usually so quiet and s" put on a
fete day appearance from earlv morn to
The occasion was inaito memoral'le by the
admission into the ranks of the so.-ieiy of
nineteen new members, us follows: Dr. Ben
jamin Fulcht and wife, Henry I'aicht and
wile, John Duss and wile, Julius Sickle and
wife and stepdaughter, Miss l'.ertio Sdekle;
C. Hermandsdarfer aud wife, Mn. Hooni,
Herman Fisher, Jacob Nicholas, Hugo Mil
ler, E lwsrd Keliiiiuu. Piustus Plut. and Sig
liiund Stiefvuter.
The married folks among the above took
the obligitions of Ci'liba y, us did the un
married folks among them The exercise of
tho morning were held iu the church, whi'e
iu the afternoon and evening a concert was
held iu the town hall, iu which tuts' or
chestra took part.
' One for all and all for one" is the motto
of the Economites, so far us their Worldly
goods are concerned. As s society iliey p
great wealth. It has been tstimatel thut
they are worth t.'o.t"! to d iy Jonathan
1-enz, their d cei-c 1 leader, place 1 their Vul
uutiou at ll.' it, hut there are good
grounds Tor believing thut the amount is
greater thun that.
THE liiiuuiii ji o. CASE.
Doclslon of the Suprome Court of British
Justice Druke, of tbo British Columbia
Supreme Court, has just retideru I it decision
which declare that the G iverniii 'iil of the
I'nited States bus no Jurisdiction over eh
ring Sea outside of tlie marine league linrt
The question came before the oiirl iu u
civil suit brought by Henry Htxli r, of S -attic,
Wash., against S il im iu .lac ibs, of Vic
toria, for violation of a sealing contra t.
Jae bj is the owner of the schooners Mol
lie Adams and Web-tor. In January, lv.l,
Jacobs contracted to sell to l!a'cr, in Seat
tle, ut a stipulated price, all the soaPkiti
taken by bis two vessels during thut year
The scho mer Wcb-ter was lost iu u storm,
but in April, lss.l, the Mollie Adams do
livereil her season's catcli to Baxter. A
verbal agreement was t hen entered into by
Jacobs and Baxter to the clieet that thoMol
lie Aduins was to return un 1 take seat iu
Bering Sea and deliver tlie skins t-1 Baxter ut
tho price stipulated in the contract.
Tlie Adams went Ui Bering S.-u and re
turned last Noveuiber, but, instead of deliv
ering the skins to Baxter, Jacobs sold them
in Victoria, Baxter then brought suit
iiguinst Jacobs for damages by breuch of con
truct. The defense held that tho contract
was not valid, as sea iug iu Bering Sea wa
in violation of tho Tinted State statutes,
and called Mr. Johns m, of Port Townsend,
as u legal expert, to establish in court tlie
American luw in relation thereto. He read
sections of the statutes governing such
fuses, tlie amendments enucted by Congress
in 1H-!I and the President's pro 'tarnation.
Hie Court, however, decided that the con
tract waa valid, and rofusej to recognize thu
jurisdi. liou of tho I'nited States in Bering
Sea outside of one marine leugue from shorn
of American territory. It was held that the
law existing w here the contract was nude had
no bearing in court. Baxter wus awardel
l.liil damages. Both def iidant uud plain
titt'ure American Citizens uud tho schooner
is an American vussul.
Governor Beaver Rofuse to Linger FotiW
pono the Murderer's Penalty.
District AtCoruey Hu receivwl a telegram
from Governor Beaver in wdi ch the gov.
crnor tatel Uiat ho wou'd not grant further
respite to Gearge Clark, ttio murderer of
Drover McCausland, of Allegheny. Clark's
attorney bad written a letter to the governor,
asking for a respite for Clark, and to fix tho
time of the execution of both Taylor and
Clark on the suiuiiduto. Clark will bo exe
cuted Wednesday, Feb. 3d. The governor
says ho will give Taylor due opportunity to
prepare for death. Clark w ill be informed of
the governor's liiiul decision.
Catholic Church Statistics.
Hoffman's C'uthoho directory for 13 tab
ulate the following interesting facts:
Thero are in the Viiited States dioceses,
Including four viearates apostolic. Of these
12 are archlepiecopul, and 73 episcopal sees.
There are Mii-l priests, 74.0 churches, i.'7H
station. 153! I ch ii pels, '.' i J orphun uy huus,
with !,70i orphans, 3o theological semiiiur
lis, with 111 student, lfi colleges and G'!.'
seminaries, 3.M7 parochial schools, with
ftit.MS pupils. Tho tot il (establisliM I) It. C.
iHipulutiou of the republic is 8,3ul,3U7.
Rey. T. 0. Jackson, of Lock Haven, hot
accepted the call a pastor of tho First Chris
tian church of McKeesport.
The citizens of Duqueene are all ready to
make application for borough charter. In
March the matter will go before the grand
Rev. S. M. Bnll, of Greensburg. ha been
appointed presiding elder of the Blatrsville
district M. E. church, vice Rev. A. C.John
ston, sick.
The jury in the libel suit against L. M.
Truxell, of the Belief, r on EntrrprUe, after
deliberating 21 hours, found the defendant
not giudty, the prosecutor to psy one fourth
and ttie defandunt three-fourths of tbo costs.
A meeting of the Forest Oil Company
Stockholder wus held at Oil City, lit which
the capital slock was increased from ,3 V
t(XHo l.'.iseiMKiO, tlie Increase to be used for
buying up new property. The company now
Controls 5i,0iio acres, and the present daily
production of the company's wet's I l.tfM
barrels. Beside this tlie company receives
royalties from :0 wells.
A company compos-M of the stiK-kholder
of tbo Pittsburgh. Western railroad have de
termined to at unco build tho hue from
Al 'on toCorr.v, tocoune with tbo present
narrow guage running to Akron, which will
also lie changed to a stand ird guar. Tho
Hew line w ill give the Baltimore it Ohio a
shutter rout to Chicago by .V miles. It will
be known as tlie Pittsburg, Akron & Western
A gustier of the flrd magnitude ha been
struck in tlie Hundred f.s t district of tlie
Butler Held that has Caused tho wildest kind
of excitement there. Eockwivsl it Co ' No.
I, on tho Eichotu farm at Mttlo Creek,
reached the first pay slre.K Wednesday, and
tlie oil spouted over the dertic. Tim well
Started Mowing '.'0 barrel mi hour, but in
crease 1 to '0 barrels mi hour, Tbo well it
located in tli" north wtMt part of the Hun-dtist-Foot
field, not f ir from tlie Cabel farm
well, and is tho largest producr yet found
iu tlie Hundred Foot sun I. Tin- latest infor
mation from the well is that it is increasing
its II iw uud there Is no telling where it will
.Tunic Wuinshy, a Winchreiiurian preacher
at Aleppo, G-is-ne county, left his sielc wifa
lust Sunday night mid eloped with Mis
Belle Knupp, a member of his church.
Wamshy is ah nit SJ years old and was sent
to the charge at Alepp last f ill by the West
Virginia Eldership. He was well like-l a a
minister until some of his mis loings bo a in o
known. MissKnippisu hundsonm young
lady l years of age aud belongs to a good
family. She had always borno a good natno.
Wauisby hu I begn holding a aeries of meet
ings and on Sunday evening preached to a
largo c uigreg itioii on the subject of the "Ito
sin rectiou of the do id." Tho couple took an
early train at Cameron, W. Va., for th
East. Money has been raised to hunt their
up and bring them to justice.
W. N. Porter, was nominate 1 for Burgi-ss
id Scott, laic by the Republicans.
At Greenville, N. P. Leech has been nonii
Mi'id for Burgess by tlie Itepuhlicuu Caucus.
Alt the suit brought aguinst the patrons
of the Fuller Cash Currier Company, oi
Meadvilte, have been dismlssel.
An order has been given at Cherrvtrec for
!) wheelbarrows uud 'J,oJ pick to bo used
iu the construction of it to that
The house of John Snyder, a bachelor liv
ing alone on a farm near Saint Peter, was
eiiteie l on Sa'urdav night by mucked burg
lars, w ho bound Suvder hand and foot uud
carried oil' $ 00 the savings of u lifotuu.
A number of men were engaged in clean
ing out a gas well in the Grapevillo field
Westmoreland county, when thegas came in
with a great roar, throwing a man liu ued
Pills :to feet and injuring him chus fa
tally. At Johnstown, Jerry Lynch was danger
niisly .-hot !,y John Craig in a drunken
bruw 1.
William Yohn, fi rctna-i at Bridge No. 0
of tho Pennsylvania railroad near Johns
town, was crushed to death by falling rock.
'I be Lake Shore it Michigan Southern
Hallway Company is negotiating for dock
facilities ut Erie, and the prospects are thut
the roud wid divide its liullulo business with
that port.
Prof. D. J. Waller, P. P., who has been
apimiutod by Gov. Beaver Superintendent
I of Public Instruction to succeej the lute
i'.ev. Pr. E. E. Higbee, is, ultbough u young
man, one of the most prominent educators
iu tho State. He will 'a'.to charg-i on the
first of March. Prof. Waller Is a graduate
of the Lafsyette College. Ha preached for
some time in New York State, but his failing
health compelled him to leave the mini; try.
Hhile in charge of an academy at Orange
villo, Columbia county, he was elected prin
cipal of the State Nor.nal School at Blooms
burg, which position ho has ever since bold.
The Johnstown stool nail company began
working double tiino lie day, tho company
being behind ill orders.
Curtis Wells, the head man at the Clifford
shaft. Forest City, met a fearful death by
falling down the shaft, a distance ofSiK) feet.
Falling slate killed Michael Hughos, a mi
ner at Hill farm, near Puubar.
A company has boon organized to develop
; the oil and gas territory iu tho vicinity ol
i New Wilmington.
A Frultloss Search For the Missing
Stoamor Dubury.
Sydney pn-r, which arrived by steamer,
report the urrival there, January 5, of the
vessel thut made a fruitless search for the
lurge passenger steamer Dubury, which it
waa feured hud loundorod in the recent ty
phoon in ttie China Sea.
No truce of tho missing vessel wus found,
and there is now no doubt that she sank
with her 4H0 Chi nese passengers and crew.
Tbo only traces of her ever seen were float
ind bundle of rattan thut formed part of
her cargo.
A Gorman steamer, bound for Hong
Kong, lust month picked up tho crew of a
small Manilla bark which bad been drifting
about in the China Sea for 'M days. Tho ves
sel was unmanageable, uud those on board,
Vi men uud 2 women, lull been without
ood or fresh water for 20 days.
In the Penate Thursday t bill was
approprlatlna w,ouu lor a public i
at Portland, Oregon. After fur ,1
husinristhe Henate Moeeedwl u.
th-bill providing a temporary 0v.r,?. r
for Ok la hom a. ' iwmui,t
In the Ho'.i-e, a usual, the Dernner... L
l-ll in I ha .i.i.rovnl r,f,l. , oi(h.
usual a roll call a needed, as uV,?.",1' ,f
Democrat refrained from votin, . i
1 .1... a i .... . - 1 H Sllll.
u-sioii. in- e(M'iitrr uoiiniiii fllnrii,n .
tie lured the Jon. lial approv-d l.v .
of Mr lliti. Illinois, the Senm.'i".'!
resolution was fas ed niintiinniuT CimJ'
lating tbo pop ot the I nitid States "i i.
zil on the adoption of a republican fiim,'1
government. The cons deration i tU , '
was then proceeded with.
In tlie senate Friday the home bill f,,, o
relief of the snlTerers by the wr.s k ., '
Ti,U-.l KttttiM ,l,nif,N T.m,i..H ... i .. U'
ti :.,.i .i - ..,;...i... ..f V-'V. : ""ia
...... 7t. .... .. ..p, x,,v v IlHtI .t-
tunitof tiHtio tit Atitu S iiiioiii, i .t... i !
M-Mrn ll.u.l I'f....I,i... !'.. ... .'I'.r
I ' i"r nil S..;ln.
.M'n.lqrtt r wit 11 a k-.l..-.. '
................ .... n . o f .
the relief of soldier orsii'ors w ho i'iu'i..,J
or servti loi'ier a'iiiieii naini s; 1. 1 rfit ri.l t
tlie State of West Virginia the m,,i!
to ollleers of the One Hundred mi l T'lnrtv
third regiment of i et Virginia milii,n f, ',
service rendereil during the r.-ln 'ii, ,
appropriating f vn.nsi Tor a I niti-l ta,
rvott i in t it tmr ft iirviiiia n. i. i .
': !. . .i ;;.;" . ,. ..' ,r 1
" iii ,isii,r;., (fp
woiieiirreoi. ri-sitim inn l" invne ltlti ri.,C,.n I
arbitration us to differences bitwise niti',,,.
The bill to dis lure unlawful trusts :c,, rai
oiii.o loon 111 it-i I m ill 'ii iraoe lllltl pro, 1 1;," ,
having been reached, it was lni I
the present. Mr. Ingalls stated u, ,t tin' ,
-. ... i - r .... .. tf - i-:i. . . '''
pi"r iiiiiii i'ininiiii .i r iiiiisoin alia I, m.
aw-lf hud ng'eisl uimui nn ainen lni '-it t i h
ndopteil totho bill in relation to the i.,.,
lana State I'niversltv and A.-ri' iil'iir.,'. i
lege, mid. at his request, tlie lull wn t;ik-i
up and passed, with an amendment v
rd tiy Mr. Ingalls. Altogether the T-..(J
bills paiseil.
The House tdop'ed the new e ne ,,f r
The vole taken Friday resulted in Ml f,,r n
) 1 1 against the rules, the Deui ii r.cs v..-,, ,
when their names were called. '
M r. Outhwiiite, of I hlo, oi!ered nn a'., .. .
nictit striking out the clau eotititiiti;u ,()
members a quorum in Coiumittee ,,
Wliole lie also oil' red an uuieiiihui'i.t t i
the clause of rule Si which pro v !!-!!, , j
inotionsor propositions origmatiiu i .' V,
the House or Senate involving a in r
charge upon the iplo shall tie tjr-t i ,i,..
erel in ( 'oinmitteo of the Who e,"
Mr. Outhwaite's first ame-.d'neiit. r ls'ltj
to a quorum, was lost Ye.-s, I'll.; n.iv, i
Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, moved in ,hf. ,,
the clause conferring upon the .speaker ti,r
Mwer to count a quorum. I he ititieu.'.inei.t
wus lost Yea. 131; nays, l.'i.
Mr. Mills, of Texas, inovej to st; ,,,
theclause that nodilatory lii"tioii-..,:. (,..,...
tertuinnd by the Sieuker. The m ju.,11 ii
lost Yeus. Ul; nsys, .V.
Mr. I.awler. of Illinois, i lb n-l an mi":id.
ineiit, providing that no niemb.-r lial! -u
more than leu minutes upon any- r-,-t
until ull membirsw bo limy wi-h to --u
have spoken. Iist.
The liour of 5 o'cliH-k having nrrivcl tin
Slieuker stated that the previous -ri
wus ordered on the adoption i-l 'tin- -u'.s.
Mr. Springer, of Illinois, inquired uli ti.rt
motion to ris-ommit with in-tr e t;,,i,. ,j
iu order, and ris-eivnil a negative rep. v. rt;
rules were then adopted by a-trntiotr
vote yeas, 10 j liuys, 1 l.i uud the II .,
hoWli providing for the seer.rtittint
of tho niortgugo indebtedness of the emm-r
wus taken up in tho houso Satur lar.
uiiieiidcd so a to provide pains and jmj.
tie forany ierson or corporation wim r
fused to mtswer anv questions prn niii.ilnl
I he bill a amended waa passed. M,i:,,ti
to the memory of the late Hon. U.ri
Townshoud, of Illinois were then iiitemd
In the Senate Monday Mr. Dawes presmtM
over -Mo petitions from Massiichu-ett- sit
ing that more than NH).iio gallon- ut ir,' ,ii.
eating liquor are annually cximtcl fnin
tho I nitcd States to Africa, ileiiiorull :
the ieople of Africa uud tb" ritti'oit.ii to u t
legitimutecomiiierce with that people . a
praying that under that sis'timi of :li
stitution which authorizes C-mitress tnrvi
lato coinineriT with foreign n.iti n-. tii.r.
sort if thing be stopH',. He u-Ue I i:oi
petitions be referred to the niiiiiiiit-e ..
Education mid Labor, uud iinod tl.e
careful consideration of that coaim t'o' t
tho subject. So referred. Mr. ltd er
presctitisl several pe'itH'iis from Mi- , i
cnmplaiuilig of the supprc-ioii of tla- II
pilblicaii vote in that State. m.l
representing that the s,,".i' !
legislature of Mississippi Lad re ,t y
enacted a law for establish n.' a niv c k.-'i
tut ion for the State on the Uth nf Ai: :'.
1S!C, tho same not to be Mii-iu tic I to tl.e
is-ople for ratitication. uud 'ha .i-! .
avowed purpose of Iiemocrats t ic:n,"'
fraudulent methods to deprive iu c y iii :
gent citizens of their franchise, le :e.-re! :
t tie Committee on Privilege and li.'s:. i!
Mr. Blair presented it petition, sign ! '' 1
ooociti.ens. priving for th p' u-i f
army nurses. Mr. Frye, from tn- ""
Coini.-.itlee on Pacilic 1 lilr id-, r. -'I'd
back uilveisely the Pacilic llailnu i f ! :
ing bills referred to it. and iu li.- i fifin
reported an original bill on the sul t. b-'
bill coiitniueil the terms ui un a ij :- :' '
with both companies the I nioii l'.i..ii'
tlie Central Pacilic.
Iu the 1 lous,'. Monduv, li ter tic .,il,ii;
of the journal, Mr. Cards e r"-e iiui-il
that since the ;!Hh of January hi- ssfeeitw"
Hoiise hml lui-u protesting every m rn' C
against the approval of the joam il ' '
ground that It contained un entry iiu'l-'
the direction of the Sp-uker. snow .n.' t!i
name of certain members pre-ent mi l u1
voting, last Friday tbo House lud u! ;-!-ei
a code of rules provuli",' t'r
such a practice. Against this the Ii-iuocra:s
huil protested, and would protest, a- uu me
constitutional practice; hut it w.n i' ' .e-t;-'
w hich could not be dcci .oil in th's
uud whenever the proiwr ca-e urn- it id
go to some otbor forum. It was the nr
of his side of he House to see that tl'i' v,l
sion should bo made in such simpe a- '
s'rmit it to be finally mid dei iscly piwl
upon. I herefore bo niiw saw no re.i- ui s1'.'
the journal, the form otwhi h tli H '
budii right to prescribe, should nut Iwr
The Grippe Eplderaic.With Many Dot"
Hid Scarcity of Food.
Reports from the Milluo Indian l''wr''
tion iu advance of the report of th viiim
commihslon iudicute a severe and f'1' "
deiuic of disease. 1 he grip is sal I t" l'JJ'
been quite equal to an cpideiiiii' uf "tn'
pox. ai.'Ui) soiuo eucampmeiits there I'1'
not been i-nough well Indians to feel 'j1
kick even if they had sullijient fool. Tat
head chiefs were oxpecling aid frotu tb
Government in response to te'gr:llln';,t,'
Washington, but nono hud ooiiio. An
mate pluiie the deaths at 40 to'- ':i ! '
Agent P. B. cs huler has sent un- lic.ii aid
sumo supplies from Brutnord, Minn.
, Hanged.
Tliomns Kane wus hanged in th J"!1 !
t Toronto, Out., fortho murder of u'1
in November last. He mot hi falo xe"J
ly. The murder for which Kane sutl"
the death penudy was of the m ist utr'Kt''1
character. He and hi wife had b.n "l''"1'
Ingandquarrelloj. Ho at tucked Inf. a'A
after pununeling hor hoily Iu a "
manner, knocked hor brains out w.llifl
irou. Tha luurvlurer was a plaitvri.''