fi She .jJlfoWfburjh 'lost. ruMinlicd i very Tlmmlny. T- II. HARTER Editur acfl Proprietor. Subscription tfl.oO per year. Thursday, .f;uiu;iry J, 1S!K. Written f'ir tli" l'nr. Letter From the Capitol. Wamiivitos. D.C, Dec. 21. I '.very one i interested in Wash ington Ci t y, tin-nation' eapitol, mxl ill Olie HClISC till! pCOplc'H llOlllC. Kxtiiiviiuiit Intel MiliU'H uiitl what sn in extortionate rents, make it luole t-pcliMe to stay here thilll it t-houll lie. In the world in the gen eral heraliiMc, every one hcclus tli posctl to tfet his share, and on this score the lixnd ownerH und real es tate aircnts in this city seem deter mined not to he h ft liehuid : Hep re-eiitntive Atkinson, iii u eoiivcrsa tloti with lis expressed the opinion that the Washington people know ing 1 1 lilt the government pllid Well for the service rendered it, minted t heir priees ill accordance. In this particular we think this is true : lint the markets ale low here, mid the coiiipcti'ion iii trad'' is Mich us make prices low for wares of various kinds. If those who control prop cl't.V here olivened the (.'oldi'll rule, W.i-hingion would not be an expeii- -ive place to live ill, speaking coiu pal at l el.v. As to it ., at i ract ions it would re "pure many columns to properly set them forth. If there is another city like Washington, in the United States, or in the Old World, when is it .' The city of "magnificent dis t'llices" the city where the giiVclli' Incut afford-, free i II t el't aill Ii It - II t t' interest pie for all illdeliliiti period, thecily ot iii.ele-.s and cleail streets, its system of paving and street cleaning being a model. A city of wide av. niies, neat mid ele gant homes, statues, and inonii ne nts, and pai ks, make ii a place that dill'ils from all others. Here city and country life me beautifully Men. led. A few minutes walk taki'S ,i person from one to the other. Ill this letter it would he useless to commence on descriptions or even partial ones, of the many places of interest. Here people outlier from all part of our country, and -l ratlin;.' ones from all part of the world. This makes it decidedly cos mopolitan. Tiie student in most any line finds here full opportunity. The original intention in laving out Washington, was to have the Capii"! rcpiv-eiit the hub of a 'vln i 1, and the W'h'te House to rep resent aiiot hi r center of the same kind. The 1 tt. led streets lull cast and west, mid the numbered ones north and south. It was thought originally that the principal part of the city would he east of the Capi tol, but t he extravagant deiiuiiids of the land ow nei's in t hat section di vert) d this intention, mid instead the city (.Mew, and has continued to (.row towards the set tin;.' sun. Some of the homes here arc so costly that they amount to fully one half of the assessed valuation of property in towns of over one thousand popula tion. Can the present administration speak for belter thing's for the peo ple of this country ! Kor we think it is apparent, that in christian tone, good intention, high purpose, in tegrity, and on the average ability, this country has never been better represented in its lAccutivc, and in looking over the two ii present at ic bodies we tind many from whom we have reason to expect good results. The House and Senate have many men in them of worth mid ability ; ami the country which has reason to look for much will anxiously await the result, tjuestionsofgreiiterund lc-s magnitude are before us as a people, and we do not expect that those who hae beta sent here to weigh ami act on these questions will shirk their responsibility. The country has three great questions before it ; t'llst : the negro problem i then the liquor question : then, that of trust and monopoly. As to the first probably none living are so wise as to solve it, yet like lJlanchos (Shost it continues and will continue to rise before us. The others while hard of solution seem morn within reach; in the matter of trusts we think the President has struck the key note. We have the money qucs lion, the tariff. Civil Service. Civil Service is probably thought over ami discussed more in this city than in other places, for here it directly concerns not only our representa tives, but thousands in the employ of the government. The rule is that there are two sides to every ques tion, and this is certainly no excep tion. We mention some, points pro ami con. First, it is a question whether tho old saying "to the vic tor belong the spoils" is either pa triotism or stateiiuinship ; working to have men elected, or, where those who are elected, aim principally to benefit themselves, we cannot have the foundation for proper govern ment, or the elements of teifety : this is'npp.ircnt. We can only ex pect the true principles of govern ment to be upheld, when the people will put principle and the common good higher than any matter of per Honal benefit. It was bv men who did this, that the foundations o this government were laid, and it is only by the perpetuation of this same principle if they can be con tinued. llien representatives are sup posed to be sent here for a higher purpose than to get some of their constituents employment. An ex- incniber of Congress from North Carolina, remarked to the writer, that a Congressman was nothing more than an errant boy for the peo ple of his district. He said that during his term, he had been writ ten to about most everything from a selection of a minister for a eongri gation, dow n to the pedigree of a stallion. lleprsentative Tow nseiid of 2.1th Pennsylvania District said to me re cently that he had one thousand ap plications from persons for places, w hile he did Hot complain he n grcted the fact that more time could not be given to other duties. We are aware that in the case of most representatives that they are up answering correspondence, of this character htrgelv, until midnight it is reasonable to suppose that there will be a good deal of corres pondeiice between members and their constituents that is llliobjei tionable ; as the afl'ahle Dr. Atkin son said to me, it keeps the mem hers mid people in sympathy with manifold benefits. In this connec tion we will say that the Dr. is quite a figure in the House, of medium height, past the meridian of life, smoothe lace, one that expresses kindness, dignity, decision, integrity and ability. The disease he con tracted in the army has crippled him so that he has to walk on crutches. He is a native of .luniata county mid now resides nt Milllin- town. He enti red the medical de part meat of the army in lN'il as as sisteii surgeon, mid afterwards served as surgeon. The Hon. C. C. Tow nseiid for a t iine served as ad jutant of the same regiment in which the Dr. was engaged, after the war they scpeiatcd, ami wen only reunited on the assembling of Congress, when Mr. Towiisend was assigned a scat next to the Dr. We can imagine the pleasure of a meet ing such as this, and what is more titling than that such as these, who in the time of there country's need, lc ft there homes ami proved there patriotism, by ottering even their very life's blood on the altar of the country should now represent the people in looking for their good. and defending their rights in this Legislative hall. Partiotisiu is the piety of citizenship, a devotion to a common cause, to the right to prin ciple. Those not true to theil'coiin- try cannot be true to individuals (we mean "Our country") mid those who stand t he count ry's defenders, prove that they possess the princi ple i f patriotism, and the quality of gratitude as well, but this is some what of a digression. Another thing that can be said on the Civil Ser vice reform is t hat if we send men here and expect them in any sense to exercise the duties of statesmen, we should give them time enough to lave a chance, but we will continue this subject again. Titos. D. Maksii.ili.. MAURI KI). Dec, ,'Ust, at Troxelville. bv James Middl cswarth, ,). P., Daniel J. Stahl of Chillisqiiaqne, Northum berland county, to HannaA. Keis ter of Adams township, Snyder Co. .Ian. 7th, at McClinc. bv Itcv J M. Stover, ( leo. S. Kline to Miss Martha K. Pinginan, both of Trox ville. IHKTJ. Dec. :;n, at lianncrville, Miss An nie Hciter, age 17 years, 2 months and li days. In Middlcburgh on Sundav, Jan uurvtl, infant child of H. J. and Delia Duck, aged 4 months and 18 days. The funeral took place at Selinsgrove on Wednesday . A Lady's Fcrfoct Companion- I'ainlfCK Childbirth, a now bonk by Pr. John II. Dye, one of New York'a limt fkillftil plivsieliin, slum that pHtn I not m-t-epsary In Childbirth, out results from causes easily under Mood and overcome. It clearly proven that tiny woman may become a moth er without Mitb'ring any pain what ever. It also tell how to uverroint ninl prevent morning fii-kiie, mvcII ed limbs, and all other evils attend ing pregnancy. It is reliable ami highly endorKed by physician every where n tin wife's Inn privet com panion. Cut this out ; it will nave you great pain, ami possibly your life. Send two-cent Mump for lie. fcriptive circulars, testimoninls, nnd confidential letter n-ut in Healed en velope. Aildre-s Frank Tlioinm ,V Co, I'uhlUhvrs, H lltini ire, M irylalid Nov. 14, Till: FLAM IS OPT AT Kiipturc cure bv I). Mayer, Nil Arch St.. Phil'ii Kant" at once, no operation or liens delay. Thousands cured' c ire ii la. Dr. J; Pa. j bnis- I S.forl tf.l DreissBiiisrs UKApiiPAitTKits FOU UF.ADV MADi: EXECUTORS' SALE Of V.M.t Alll K ffi aI n Rea Estate 01 01 1,1 Hs! llv virtue of mi uMit 'if tlie orplmnt' Ci.iirtnf Sn.Mli r i 'Mint), tlie iinii'rli;iiil Kxet'iif'irsnf tin i -t.iti' nf .l.ibii :iiitvr. hiii' of .1 ii K-on township ili'r il. ill uffcr at pui'lir Af mi tiii ir'inlM". :i litllf e.isi nf Ni'W Iter 1 1 ii. mi Wednesday, January 1", IK'O, I he fiilliiH I lie V.tlilalilf It.'.l I l;-tiit' ! W If TIlAiT No. I. siliuti' In .l.n ki ii lnuiilil. SIl.Mli r email), I'll.. IkiiipiiIiiI NMIIi IiV I'i IiIk eri'fl;, Ka-t l I.iikI nf .l.unli Mmirir. Hninlitiv Mlrliael lli-nfer ahil 'I 'nii't Xn. S. ami Writ lij laml lit I lie lull nil .1. in ill l:lili. ili'i ii, n int. Hu ll IK' r.:i ACIH'.S. ninl II I'l ii .lie-. Im'Miiti l eri-i n il a l'.i sinrv I KIIAMK llol SK. ullli II prlhif In I lie e. Hal I ami ii in ii her Hiii' i line tu flu- Iimihi-: it I.AItoKi It WK HA UN iiliniisf new ltli ii laivi- i-traw-li'il llltai'lieit. ' uai-'Mi lli'il-. riil'll-hnll-M'. anil all utlier iii-i I'.ss.iry mil hiillitliii;. - all In if. h hI re. pair. AlHiuf TOAcresof White Oak Timber lire mi llils trail -a- Hiir us W In I lie si.tte-with gitmX puul In r illriiinl. nr ran l- llnale'l nn I'i'litis eriik ilx the I I'ai'l Is sltllale Mi I lie hank el the satlli'. THMT No. 'j. siniite in t,i n-lilp. . .iiintv ami stale al'Hi salil. Imiimliil Nnrlh In Nu. I Ka-I l' land nf Mlrliai l lli titi r. smith l. .l.u nli lllllilis. ami West 1 1) llr. Nib 1 1 1 i i ;, I .111 tallilliL.' 21 ACIH'.S ami Iiki I'eii In s purtlmi of this trai t . al w riil Hh KICY I'lNK Wlll l li oAK 1 1 MUCK. I in-1'niis nf tlii'se lun tr.ieis an- In a M T hlk-ll slate ill I lllinallnll. fi'ln'.'s III eii,l re- pall-ami all I he ihuiie tarli'lle- -if mill lliat i an lie ralseil m iiiii'i'liiniiti.. 'I ln an- also i-unw n. h iii Ins. hiKils. hnn h. ami In, ilk' I. I la v are ilTepi. stiMiahl) Ihe nnist ili'sirahli' prnpi -riles i'WT erfereil at Orpli.llis I iilll l Sale In I Ills rnllli- I.1 Sale liiiiiiiiinem e at HI in link, A.M.. lnn idle ut ti-tit ion hiii he k'Ioii ami fertiis'. klmu liv I'KI Kll M AIHI-:it. 1I(. Ii. I(. Uo I II Id ii K. Div. ly. iss'i. I-. m i ni i us. ELECTION NOTICE. 1T11ST NOTION'AL I5ANK. Tlie animal I Uiil' 1 the MiH-klmMers nl I lie l lrsl National II . i, k of .Mliilelnir'li. or the llMi nl scm-ii (; i liiiei-tors for Ihe en-illnc )eaf. III Im- hellion I in sila) . I In- al sl ilay ot ,1 annul')', next. Im Iwi i ii t Iii- hours of in ami in A. M. .1. N. '1 lloMI'soN, t 'ashler .'Ii. I'a., In-.. l'.i. lsj. Elcdtion Notice. Cif'The only reliable and one price Clothing House in Snyder County. jtj Just returned from the Fast with a Fine ami Large Mock of KF.APY MADF.Cl.oTMINfJ. (iFNTS FlltNISllINfi (it Mis, HATS AND CAPS, KOI5F.S, lb iKS I'M! LANK FTS, .1 FAVI.LKY, TKt'NKS, SATCIIF.LS Silk t'mlirellas. Men's Youth's A; ISoys OVERCOATS Ftc, I'.te.. all I ght for cash nnd will he sold for cash at real bargains. i..r IN r-ons buying a bill of if 10 from us will have their railroad fare paid hot n ways from any part of t he cotiii tv. Cm ii bill of i we will pay half fare. F.I MOM TSS Hl!. illiririlchtir;? Market -HEADQUARTERS- Nolll'l. Ihe i lei I t-ili el tlie lleaM-r- ton n Mill II. 1 1 I Ire Illsill.llM ( o.. III he Inlil ill I In It ' liolne ollli e III Hea el l on n, on Saturday. .1 miliary 'J.1, Is'.iii, tneeii tin- hours of l ami r. o'eliH k. C. M. til. A. II. I'.oW ;i(so. Si. r. l.ii. At. )MIMsti:atiu s noiici;. Let- rs of Administration on the es tate nl l.yliu l.liiio lain nt Aihiitm Tim n-hlp Sniti r riiiintv, I'a.. 4 1 -. I . ka unr I n lt r.i o t e. I tin- niiil.-rsiu i.e.l, all .i r-.-ii- kinivniiK H em Ivc linii-l'ti il to nan) i--tati' 1111- rmi iirMi-. In In.lkn llliiiii'illati' i,l VI1MI1I, whlli' tln.M' llliv IliK Com la 1 111 s will or nl ile al iluly aiitheMn atr-l In 1 I III' ,ii:ssi: kni it. .Ian. , ':o. A I in 1 11.-1 r:i t Mutter 20 l-l-i-s 24 Pit ted cherries 2 I'npitted " .'I Hin... ..I -1..i fi Uaslibei'l'ies Onions o11 llnp.1 s Tallow 4 Chickens per II) 7 I Turkeys I Side- iSolilde 10 ! Ham 12 L'KAIN MARKET, iCollHKlTK.II HY W. Ii. WINKY HVKIIV W'K.UNKSIIAY. No. 1 Pennsylvania SO 2Fultz 78 " ft White mixed 7" Itve '.0 I tats BANK NOTICE. Sr. HotkIi. No.s. :;i7 & iillt Am u Stiikkt, I'uiiA.-Iiates re diiced to (Ml per dav. The travel -in public will still find nt this Hotel the same liberal provision for their comfort. It is located in the immedi ate centres of business and places of amusement and the different IlaiU li' "til ii pots, as well All parts of the city, lire daily accessible by Street Cms constantly passing the dour. It olTers special imluceiueiits to those visitimr the city for business or pleas ure. Your patronage respectfully bolicited. Job. M. Feger, Proprietor. 1 a 1 11 K or ( oMi-i kiii im 111 nit: 11 kiii: vi v. 1 W slllsi.l'o NiiMlnlier I J. Isvi ( W UVAiV s. Ii sal Utai-lol'V ev liliTue 1 ili-sent cil ! I Iii' iihileisium-il II has Iiei n in. nie 10 aiH'ar "'I he l lrsl Naiinnal II. ink el MIiIiIIi'Iiiiik'Ii." In tlie llni'oiik'li ol M ! iii I Ii Im 1 1.-I1 . In Ihe I ownlv nf sn iler. ami slate of l'i litis) lvaul.i. lias eiiiuplli-il nun an ine provisions m tne siaoiti-H or flu 1 nlleil stales i'i'iiilrei to In- roinplleil u'ltli he- fore an nssiH'lotioii shall he inillini lei In I'oin. Ineiire the liiislnesM ot llatikliik'. Now THKKI HiliK I .lesne U. Alil'alialiis lenntv ami Ant Ink' l onipl roller nf lhi-'iirrein.iloliereli'v cert llv III it "I In- I'll'st National II. ink o( MliliHe bio t; Ii" In the IIm'. .hl-Ii ot N 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1-1 1 In tin- i ninl v or sn i b r n mi stale of I 'in us, h aula. Is lint Inirli il In l olnlil.'lirr tile lillslnessnl I i.i n ktllt.' as proMiliil I'lriv one hnmlreil ami sll v nine ol the lte lsed Slaliltes of l lie I'nlteil Slates. Is TKSTOIONV iKIIKi.- nltnesslllV till till alll! Seal of olliee this l.'lh il.iv n( Nom iiiIh i', Issii. 'sen V r,AI'l .1. 1. AllllAIIAMS. Iiepnl) alnl Ai t Ihk' l olnpt roller o I hi j iirii'liev. Nin. Sit, Iss.j, -jm, 4 D.MIMSTUATolt'S NoTICK Let x ters of Administration on the es tab' nl KM AS(l;l, S( IHll'll, alr nl Mhlillo liurifh Siiyiler ii n t y. I'll.. ii-i'M. Iiiiviiik Iii-uii Kriinii-il to thu iiinli-rMKiH'il, all pi-rminii kiinnaitf thi lion bi-i. In.lebla'il to cal.l late lire r. -i n es t ei I in lank Iiiiiiii-.Ihiii- pimm-nt, wlill llnee ilainm will . refill tlieni ilnlv nie llu iili. iili.-.l in thu'.l. ii. AI.KKKI) SI'KOI'll. Jim. I. lw. Ailniliil.nrutnr. Shisdo Mill f:r Salo- The llllilelslhi'il will Hi'll at prlvale sale a hew lininowil I liase Sliinijle Mill. Fur pailli u l.i I s i all im or ad.ll ess TI1.I.M N WI.IIIKII. Ike. IJ. .!. lw. p.l. .Ml.lilli'i re.'l;. fa, Hardware ! For a Superior grade of shelf mid hen vy Hardware it is always best to go toold uml reliable Houses who have a reputation to sustain . Such is I UUIIMU IIUi I III Iron. Nails, Steel, Leather. Paints. tils. Cniu-h and Saddler Ware. Manufacturer of Stoves and Tinware. CROWN ACME ! The Lest Ihiruiug Oil that can oe made from Petroleum. It given a brilliant light. It will not Fiuoko tho chimney. It will not char tho wick. It has a high firo tost It will not explode. It is without u compiuisou hh a per fection FAMILY SAFETY OIL. It is manufactured from the finest Crndo in the tuoi t perfectly equip ped refineries iu tho world. It is tun Best. Auk your dealor for Crowu Acme. Trndo orders filled by Yours truly, ACME OIL CO., 12 8 '87 ly. unbnry, Pa For M ii Mall Clin 2.50 to J 5.00 2.25 tu 10.00 1.50 to 3.75 .'1.50 upward 44 3.00 " " 1.00 to 5.00 'e tip Aren's Over Coats from Youtlis 44 44 Children 44 Mens Suits from Uovs 44 Children Men's Uuderwe:ir from Men's, Youths and Hoys Caiis from 5c up tt it i. ' ii . .... i I liUS " l.)CUI Silk Ties, MuiHers, Handkerehiefs, Xeek Ties very eheap and tine quality! Sheep-skin, Muck-skin, Cloth and Kid Cloves, Kuhlier jtoimIm, larj;c stock of t'onfeetions and Holiday pod.n of cverv description. Will positively not he uii tlcrsold. Thankful for past favors, j would re peetfully solicit a coutiiitiuncc ofpa-trtmairc. Gils' Ifiliaft CloUiirrr MIDDLEBURGH, PA. it Headtiuarters for Stoves ! nnrw nrrnTrrn (5 rand 1'ride ! Xew Susquehanna. Ladies' .Pride. Crand Times. H The 1U aver XewStuisliiuJ of N;l. C'roWll Cil',;;. lator Mascot. How Ventil.. AOS. v3D oeeupyiiiir the room formerly used hv ), T. Khoails.,ki! in Stoves and Tinware, takes this method of iufonniii:t!it puone mat lie lias just receive d a Magnificent Line of Stoves, it. . . ' V ,;V1';!,,,r'll''ar' '' rnteH. AIm the verv iiml.t ' .i.e..- i i., m .ui'. no uy much ket. Roofing: and Spouting a Specialty. - i GREAT BARGAINS IN AT Dry Goo Croceries.& SOHOOH BRO S., Selinsgrove. It would do your heart good to l'o and Ihe IXKt T'lOU S No'ncK.-Notice iti Jlicn-liy niven that I.ettciH Tcsta- iiii-ntiirv mi thu fit. il) nl .liu-nti l-'cexr, iltro'.l , Into nl I leaver Twp, Snviler 'iiiuity l'a tut v e ln-eii innui-.l tu llin uiiili-r.luni'il reel I IdK nl -ill eurie-liii. All e!i.nn, t h erelnre. In ill. I- il In Mild .:le Kill ,ii'.l.-i- ll.llkil llilllll ill- ,il' .;i iiictil. an. I tie i. liiivuii; I'l iiiu- a'aiil il will i n ill I hi in lor m llli'iiii nl Iii zkmi H i:si:, v. i . i Kiisi:. Oi-t. n, 'mi. !. i:xi-t-iitur. 1J.P.VAX liijSKIUIC, IM'.NTIST, SKI.INSCKOVE, I'A. llnrly lwii ypiim iiraotli-i', KlllliiB unit c trai tiiiK a fjifi'liiliy. X iAif?innF8 HAIR BALSAM iinM anil tx-atltltlra thn hiilr. r.iiuuu-n m ituuiiant rroMili. lover ( aid la Rsttoro Gray Hair o ill Vauthful Cnlnr. Cm t-M:ali iliM'a4-iuiil hujr t uliUi Uy- ill lrn-.';'l-l. HIMDERCORNS. Tim tui-e.f. urint and bmt i-un-forCnrnii, liimlimii, Aa, Kiel all luiiil. l.ii.iir. ...infuiHu Uio r.-I. Nvvi r fall Ui cum. U cvuw al tl uKU. Uiacwl & Cw.. K X. rli !! I WsntGr AT fail! Freidman &Getz Beavertown,Pa We liuve upon our counter- now probably nu line un.l eteinive a !' Dry Goods, Gent's Furni5hing- Goods, Hats, Cap Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods, Notions. Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Woolen Shirts.Underwear wool and cot ton, Ready - made Clothing Pantaloonij from HO cents un. Knee imntu f.,r ivU rn... -. nnwari s -uju iiviii li ni" LADIES' COATS, JEVELRY AND WATCHE We offer you priced that ulmoht cliallcnp, belief wliun coiuimreil t"1'-' you urn compullcil to pay at other t-tore. Come early ami see our htock. Wo ore prepareil for nn iniiu ,r'J Kerpectfully, l'UKU'MAN i t)'1 t 4; j:i ri.i !! iu .It!!l I l I i-!i kr. i li .if .-; ik, nil to. !ai... I I, i s .... ict iris ;e i'r ltd i. F1 1 ''lc fut in ti in it A , . Ii I-,.'.' -.r-.r.1 ' ' ' rr - . ....... ; J