TALM AGE'S SERMON. OF JESUS, TH3 CHRI3T. 1IBTS , Diweuwf Uy r. Talmnrto Atlitcd to v riinitmiu Era. tT. Ctorv 1 Onilin ihr highest, onl riirih "'"''i 'J00 M''" toward mrn." lkil..- ii Ut I In" whet I long'"' for. a Christ. ... in the Holr Iiid. Thia ia the time v.ir that Christ lauded. He iu a Decom f-7i,ri.t This I the chill air through ihu h He ilrrnded. I look up through thine JvLin'in ski. 1 1,0 looaiMied atar ?VinV i-nthward to bait above llethlc rl ,t all the atar auggest theHtarof ErfhlfhMn No more need that any of them Z, dene t"' kT tn I0'" downwanl. In " .rile thev kneel the foot of Him who, Lgh once an exile, la now jnthrotied for-J- Kresh up from Uethlehim, I IT full of the scene fmggested l.y a to that village. You know that IT.l. inion of Uethiehem is famoua In Iliblo VlV'ir i ft . i ., i .. 1. a.. t j,f there wero uiv .. R-L in wliM'h l;u"' Kl,n,,, ,or beraelf and Jim Naomi. There David tho warrior L, third v nnd three men of unheard of j( ,onisl broke through tho Philistine army t hllll a linn. v "i " !.. ' .. t I. . ,.. .. ZL fiiroll-sl in tho census. That ia what a,. s-Tiidiii niran when it aaya they rnme 'W V 1 H I., .li.l t I.. . 'to I1 laxeii, uir iwiw tmi iii. mi islrill Bller IIIO BlffWBUII ui m wij ni'i" T!, vtllnce Inn waa crowded with tho 4n.Tr who bail come up by tho command i i:.,vi rnnicnt to have tueir tianie in the ' tlmt Jowi.h and Mnry were obliinl toMse in the stnblna. You liavo soon somo tlmeMf, stone iiiiinnni in mn conwr ahirh tho camel wero kept whilo run-j n un inns u. his ih,rc were rooms, in one of which Jiwis wa . r IkllT IIMIII lllin ITIIM I Mi. I his Mireina ihm?u morn snowny stimfl"! I t'a'1 no doubt they would have ',uii'l i'"""0 comfiirtublo cntortaiiimeiit. ilutiiiKlit i" Hie tlelils tho ehopherds, with r,.k nnd kliKllol nrin, were waieu. m tliiir ll'X-ka, when bnik! Ui aniilHl ol vmoea eirmi:;eiy awn-i. nit 1 that the liiaidensoi ixaniciiem uave riif out to wronndo the weary Hheidierdsf liit tew a liht HtM upon inem naeiiie h-iniiiiR. hi mat mo iiockx urise, snaaing i:ir mmwy llwo ana iiieaung to tneir L;ri'frr vonng. liin Heavens are iinoo wun rM,:(i',f lu:lil, and thn eurth quake under rn-r liinni ny ns, tvhoed Iwick from cloud to inl. it rniRs over the midnight lulls: lil iy to (iinl in tho highest, nnd on earth ovt, good will to men.'' It seeing that tho mwnof rovnltv nnd dominion and power khuh ChriM leit liehind Him wn hung on Lh. .tw in fciitlif ir llellilfhnm. IV hfl llliowri Cut that llmt crown may have lMen miKtukoii ! I r llie ie men for tho star miming and j C. inlini; downward? JITUH'.P'oi, in me ursi, pmci. iuiircwn mo . t : the lie t that lnli';iiic is not nlway k t'iiiili.Hi,l "i ili-railnluiii. i lion When l'riiu-e j kr l.irii. I i-nil'ls niinoiiiico It, mm cannon t'iiindrr it. nnd lla n'nvo it, mid lllumina I , !( ernes I'll lire with tliu tidings. Homo (f u iu Knulnnd or Americn romcinlcr tho liin' of 1 1 -joicing when the I'riiuH) of Wales jiwl' Tii. You can remeuibev tho gladnesa ii.ri iiln iit Christendom at tho niitivity in he viIiit al Mailrid. Hut when our glorioiH nn'T bus lorn, there was no rejoicing u fcurtli. l'oor mid growing iioorer, yet tho uvriiir ri'cogiiition Hint Clirisdnus night on ii'ic until of tho roHsition that in inn in not always siynilU-ont of ilcgrada- In all there have leen groat lienrti robliinx under rags, ten. lor sympathise iiu r roii-li i xterior, gold iu the iiuartz, l'ar- n inarhle iu the iiuai'i'y.ainl in every Mable Riirivalion wnnil. in of excullenco that liavo Ico Hie toy of tho heavenly host. All the p4t iHivvreia of literaturo nnd of nations iro isirn iu liotucx without allluuuce, and m their own privation learniHl to upoiik ii IIrIiI for tho (ipprwupd. Many a man ih'I.i ii hi-; pine Knot light irom tho wil rmiM until nil nation and concraliong averwn 't. nn.l olr ot his liiu il crust of nuir n ii l 1 t Ii. . It has broken tho bread ot knowlo l 'O am i.i.'ii f r the nturvinn; inillinus of the n. loctiy. nnd hcIoiiin, mid lilornttirc, I (omiiicriM, nml laws, and const i tious, nn. I liliei ty. liko Christ, weio born anian:;ir. All tin) gnat thoughts which vertvceli.il tho destiny of lint ions started iu lii ure coi nci s, mid had Hcrods who wauled tlay tin-in. nnd IscarioU who bidraved :a. iin.l nil. Lies that crucilled thein. nn I i ul brc-. that conllncd tin-in urn il they burst nil in glorious resurrection. Nlroug i-liat'--' r, like tin- i ln i 1. 1 loin 1 -i in, is an Aloinc 'i.l. timt grow fastt.t in the storm. li--i h'ic wheat, worth nil the more for f n Ituiird. iv.iiiu of til. I most useful 'I'le would ii-ver have eomo to tiosi. hi o( iis,.fuliie.-M had tliey not lieon nnd nn. I xuii.1lh1 und Imuiun re. I the foundry of ilisnstor. When I .Moses coming up from tho uric of bub -lie-, to he tlin ui-euUMt liiwiivr of tlm r, nn.i aiiios from temliiig tho fclii- Israel tremblu with hi propheciw, and ; kvitl fn-ni tho nh.tKxito to wav the iief In iid the King' t-eptcr, and IVtr from pi- nsiiiiig net lo no tho great iraachnr nt the utfi, 1 find proof of tho truth of my Nnsitinu tlmt indiginico is tint nlway I.- am in uigranauon. ply mhioot nlsu impreHaoM mo with tho 'Uglit thnt it it while at our useful oc. Ration that we have tlio divine! tiiiiii tat ion. Hmi thoo Hhnphcrd ' thnt night Into Hothlehom and tl their IIiH.-k aiuonif the wolvo. thev "ot have hoard tho song of tho angela. uther words, thut luau too mokt of liod P h"avon who minds his hftVO oUr iMtntM lit flllfv nn.l niiKar tt iu. V are all Ium. U or kllf IMtriliMiM a.tt.1 w. Uu., . . . . - F" or ran umlamioyaucon and anxiotiob. enoiiietiino lieor very gooil people nay: 1 111' I a 1 1 11 II I li rF vuK ... ... . .1.. . . J ' . ui in .J il-1 "'PC but nltPIld to l-Blifloos thi lltTd I Id l a Lo entdiuil butter than I am f are initken. Gonornlly tho Uvit imo i i i". 'l,e"l'l. Klisha wan plow ing il', JiW l"" 1,10 I'rilietio miintle fell l "u- " itthuw wa attending to his cus- ii'.T?i 'ha'""! Wl,t'n C,,rist roinmandeil IikI .J''",, and John were moiid- (.i".k wiien Christ called them to bo s m'.-.""'" U'"y -"..ring ill " a . ' " ,fc "U0I UlVlV I'Kino into iirt Mii..uk.i.. i:.i i .Vlk w.,lh 11,0 lin1 " i1"-' l ' l"i bo haw tin. ... "as with groat fat Uuo hunliii- up U,,i avv- when he foi tlu (.rvnof Imaul. I'f'Mi'Ml son woulil iiiii-.ii- ...r..,. i iwai'iod tohttveroturneil to his father' r f ho had not (lot K,lll0 i,usilllM f-r.r. "'! n"lu f "-'ding. Not oii-o out " ' roii times will a Wy man boeom.i Obtluil. T u mm ul...l.u... i.:.... . . i . Ii.. ... " iiiiniiiii; to lilt svi 2 ,"'f",Vu''''''o I'ircumstauc.y, for "V'lllllg of divilio limiiif..Mt..ii....J ii i l-llis-k. fi . Vi . '""I"10" wau-iiiiig fv .m . tUo Klorydimcendsandthoro V among tho ancu Uof o.ui, and forgiven. ' WlZ i nt tUo Jo'u"''n that piiglun of Christ I. ,l,.l,...... ....i ..i. ilim..n V. .r - " "' "o'UHion mat Ti "t U ,,oloro"' '' K''iof ailliF Tl "MUIWIUII, HIH UIIW rug. ihe mumu that brs.L-a ti,r,.,.i? n. in .1 n mat. itroue tlirougU th P'kkt hoavon wa not a dirge, but mi an. P- it khlHik lov OVar tha Till. if ..... r'rui.w'ai-J11'01' tU9 u"l'rd4. but it lof 5 lno" tuB t"rouo. Tho DC Tii e-'l : a vouuaiiriu IM UKtt biiif. iiiii i lifo i uotmailoupof IZi a"llcro bearing and war waKig. PUXU tlia ruvul..il...V .. .t t . ,. Hurl. i ui biiab turisi- I II Ull that mliirirm (. .,.,1. . wio niVM ii j . . P- but "'"B- III a world of sin r nisi anil Neoulchor. Wa mint hiv.i I .i.V.u Jarkost uight the huavoiw UAuS.r!!?: . Vu ,y, like kslciisi "r 1 "n"" you to uo Kd ,?Y 7 y,.,u ,,ul" aU e'ttie "' The w tl" Uo uJ tu ot the . UM ioo wuo puu Ilia reugluu Into lil pnylartery ha none left for hli heart. Fretrulnea and oomplalnln? do not oolong to the family of Christian grace which mora Into toe heart when tlio dril mora out. Christianity doea not frown upon amusement and recreation. It l not a rnlc, it in not a shrew, it choke no laughter, it ipmnche no light, it deface no art. Among the happy, It U tin happiest. It I Just a much nt homo on tha playground ai it U l the oh-iroh. It in Jut aa graceful in the charadi a it ii in the pmlra book. It linn jii.t a well in Hur ray garden aa it praya In St. Paul' . Christ died that we might lire. Christ walked that we might rltle. Christ wept that wo might laugh. Again, my mibjoet Impresses mn with the fact that gloriou ending aomotitno have Very humble beginning. Tho atraw pallet waa the starting point, but tho ahout in tho Jildnlghtsky reveald what would ha tin ;loriom cmiummn,tinii. ChrUt on Miry' op, Christ on the thnme of universal do minion what an huniblo atarting! What a glorious ending! Uraoa begin on A am ill scale in the heart. You noeonly mrni nt Iron walking. The grace of Hod u the heart it a feoble apark, an I Christ ha t k v) Ii itli hand over (1 Imt it ti,i liloant mtl Wii.t -.. humble bofrtmiiiig I Hut look at t hat same mm when He ha eutorod heaven. No crown able oii mi, loju.iy, iiu paim'O aolo to ex. pre. Ilia wealth. No aenptro abb to ospo Ilia power and Hi dominion. I)i inkiii fr.rii the fountain that dri from the eviv hvitinj Hock. Among the harper harping with their harps. On a eea of glass mingle I with f 1 r. lief ore the throne of (d, to go n.i more out forover. The apark of grace that Chi it hid to keep both hand over le.it it mini to ex tinction, baring fUuiad up lnt h'Morand ,J'ry and immortality. What huntblo start ing! What glorious oonniiii niii m! The Now restamont Church wa on n small acnlo. Fishermen watclml It. Against the uprising walla crash si infernal enginery. The world anlil nii ttti -ma. T- I tlrcnuil people rejoiced nt every so.'inin.; d'foit, n-i I aid: "Aha! aha! ai we wmil 1 hiva it.'' M.trtvni nn flrn nr. I- "If.nir Inn , 11 l.ir l how long!" Very humble atiirtin:';. but sea Iha ilifTerenort nt I in c hi.ii n n it. on tvii-m Christ with His almighty arm has sti-it o:f tin lost chain of hu n i'i li in In ;., mi l Himalaya shall In Mount .ion; ail I'rrene-Mi, Morinh; nut ocean, t If wallcin place of Him who trivl tho wave cliffs ( atnrmod Tiberias, mil island Khali call to Islmd, itea to ", continent to continent, nil I the song of the world'a re h-motion rising, tho buavena, like n (troat boiim.Iiii Ixinrd. Kliall Mtrike laik tho shout of salvation to tho earth until it rclxuiinbi again to the throne of (IihI, ami all heaven, rising on their throiiKH, beat time with their mitcni. Oh, what an humble Iteginnlng! Whuta glorioiu) emlingl Throne linked to a manger, heavenly inanKionn 10 a inni My subject also itniiresxc me with the ef fect of Christ' mission upward and down ward, (ilory, to (lod, ence to man. When Hod sent His Son into the world, angels dis covered something now iu ttod, something they had never aeon before. Not power, not wisdom, not love. They knew nil that Isv foro. Hut when (bid s-nit Hi Sou into thl world then the angels saw tho npirit of self denial in Hod, the spirit of self-sacrifice in lloil It lii nawiin t.i luva mn ntwt.,1 nn ffi throne than a thief on the cross, a seraph ! iu bis worship than nu a liilfHr.-srt in her criiiKV When the nnifels saw (lod the (lod w ho would not allow tho most insiguillcant angel in heaven to be hurt give up Hut Son, His Son, His only, only fjon, thoy nw somethini that they had never thought ol I lioforo, and I do not wonder that when Christ started out cn that pilgrimage tho angel iu : heaven clapped their wing in triumph and called on nil the hosts of henveii to help theui nclubrnto It, and sangsoloud that tho ISeth- lehem shepherd heard it: "lilory to Ood in tho highest." Hut it wa also to bo a mission of peacj to ! man. Inflnito holiness accumulutod de pravity. Hnwr could they ever corn! to gether! Tho (bispol bridge ovor tho dis tance. It bring Ood to us. It takes us to God. Ood in us, and we in Ood. Atono tnitut! Atonement I Justice antislhvl, aiii forgiven, eternal life eocured, heaven built on a manger. Hut It was also to be the pacification of all Individual nnd international animosities. What a sound this word of iieaco had iu tho Human Ktnpiro thnt boasted of the uumW ' ll''0 It had massacred, that prided itself 0,1 "'"iiber of tho slain, that rejoiced nt tho trembling province. Sicily nn.l Cor sica and Sardinia and Macedonia and lv;vpt bad bowed to lior nword and crouched at the I cry of her war eiglo. She gave her chief ! honor to Sciiiio und l-'abius mid Cesar all nu n of bloo l. What contempt they tnut. luivo had there for the p muilc-w, unarmed , Christ iu the garb of a Nu..irin , stariiugout ' to ciimpinr nil ii'itious. Th -re n.ver wa a : place on earth whurotlial word pevosouii led i an offensively to the ears of tho multitude its in i tho Konian K'upiro. Thoy did not want peace, i Tho greatest music they ever hoard wn th-) chinking chains of their captive. If all tho i blood that ha be-m alio I in battle could bo . gathered together it would upii.-ar a navy. i'hoclub that struck Ab -1 to tho earth has iti ' "ho in tho butch.iric of ull ug.. K.I. n ul l Hurko, who gavo no wild statistii-s, said that, th-ira hi I Ut n sp jut in slau lit m-tirty-llv, inoiimn.i millions ot noiinrs, or wliat woulil ',0 otjunl to that; but ho had not seen iuU ,,r fmwhon iu oiirowuday. iu America, into wo expon-bvl three thousau 1 million of dol lars in civil war. Oil, if wo could now tik-i our poiitioii on ome high point nn I w the world's armies inarch post I What aupecUcl-i it would bo! There go tho hosta of Israol throuli a wor-i of Hod aoaa one of wator, tho rost of bloo I. Thero go Cyrus nnd his army, with infuriatu yell rejoicing oiror tho fall of th i gut s of Jlubylou. Thoro goon Aloxiudur, Iciliii; forth his hosts an I on pi rlm all th-t world but himself, tho earth ro-liug with th" bit llo gash of Arb -la au I i'ersnnoli. Tnoro goo l-'or.liiiau 1 C.u-tJt, Imviii ' liis bui.h ir -1 enoinio on tho tablo l.m is ono fra grant with vanilla und covorol ovor with grovoj of llj-.voriuj cumi. Thin 8ie tho groat I-Youchtn in, loi liu ; hi arm own tlirouU l;ypt liko on-) of its plagu-is, and up throu ;h Russia lik on of it o-vn icy blast. Yond-ir is the grav.i troiidi nn or tho had iw of Sohastopil. Thoro ar.i tli-i ruin of D ilhian l Allahabad, mi l yon lor nr i th-i inhuman Sepoy an 1 thj bravo rjinnat under II ivolock nvonln,' tho bmilt" I ll iof Uritain; whilo cut ri ;Ut tiir.iu ;h th i h.iart ot my native land Is a tr-t i -ii in which til -r.i lo ono million North irn an I S.nit'i -i'.i d.-a I. Oil, tho tears! Oh, th ililoil! () i, th.lo i uiarclioi! Oh, tho Ii n;iit il ivonn 1! O i, thf martyrdom! Oh, tlio dnth! Hut brihtoi tlriii the liht which llaiho I on all thos) swords and shinl Is nu I iuis!:otr is tho li.;iit tl) it f ill on I! Jtlilo'.mn, mi l Ion l.if than th' bray of tho trii.ni its, a 1 1 tin u i-'hiiurof tlm I chargers, and tho crash of t.i-i walls, and ilu groaning ot tho ilyin armi.'s, is tlio son tint unroll this iiiunint froni th) s'iv, mvcnt ns though all tho bells of Ii viv.-n rung a jiibiloj: "I'oi.'j on o iri.li, g 1 1 will toward moil." Oh, wh-in Will tli ) day com - liod bastoil it! wiioii tho NWords shall In turned into plowshares, a id th i fortrc. hall bo reiuo.li'li) 1 iut churchos, mi l tho nmu of blood battllux f-r reiiowu shall b i come givid aoldinr of Josu Christ, mi l tin cauiiiii uow striking do-vu whole columasof dsitli tuiall thuudor thj victorios of tin truth. Whon wo think of the whole world savfed wo are apt to think ot tho fow people that now inhabit it. Only ii vory few compared with the iHipulation to come. And what a small purt cultivated. Do you know it ha been authentically twtinintcwl that throo fourth of Kuroo 1 yet all barreiinma, and that nine hundred and ninety-one one-thousandth art of the entire globo u iuuultivatel Thl i all to be cultivated, .all inhabited and nil gOKpcliaed. Oh, what tear of reeutaiice when nation begin to weep! Oh, what NUiiplicatlou whon continent begin to .ray! Oh, what rejoicing when hemisphere login to king! Churche will wornhip on the place w hom thi very hour smoke the blood of human suci-illce, and wandering through tho suako infetited junglo of Africa Christ' heel will bruise tho serpent' head. Oh, when tha triimMt of salvation nhall be sounded everywhere and tho nation are re Jeouied, a light will fall npoo every town lirlghter than that which fell noon rtethlehem, and more overwhelm ing than the song that fell on tho pasture field where the flock fed. there will bo a ong louder than the oic of the storm lirtod ocrnn. "Olory to Oml In the highest," ami from all net Ions and kindred and people and tongue will come the response, "And on earth peace, good will toward men !" On this Christ mo Kv I bring you good tiding of great Joy. Pardon for all ain, comfort for all trouble and life for the dead. Bhall we now take Oil Christ Into our heart? The time la pawing. Thl ia the closing of the year. How tho time apeed by. Put your hand on your heart one, two, three. Three timea lea it will beat. Life is nasing like gaanllo over the plain. Rorrowt hover like petrel over theaea. Death swoops like a vulture from the mountains. Misery roll nil to our ear like wave. Heavenly aong fall to ua like alar. 1 wish you a merry Christina, not with worldly disxiatioiis, but merry with Uospet gladness, nierry with pardoned sin, merry with hope of reunion in the skies with nil your loved ono who liavo preceded vou. Ii that irrnndeat and beat sen so a merry Christmas. And Ood grnnt thnt In our final moment wo may have a bright a vision n did the dyinj girl whon she mid: "Mother" point ing with her thin white hand through tho window "Mother, what ia that beautiful land out yonder beyond tho mountain, the high mountain?" "Oh," mid the mother, "my darling, there are no tuountnin within sight of onr home." "Oh. yes," sho said, "don't you see them. that beautiful land be yond tho mountain out there, juat boyomf the high mountains?" Tho mother looked down Into tho faco of her dying child nnd said: "My dear, I tiling Ihat must bo heaven that you ac." "Well, then," ahe said, "father, you come, and with your strong arm carry me over those mount ain into that lM-niitifiil laud licyond tho high mountains." "No," wild the weeping father, "my darhiig, I can't go with yon." "Well," she said, clapping her hands, "never mind, nevor mind; I see yonder a shining ono com ing, no U coming now, in Hi strong nrnu to carry me over the mountain to tho boon tiful land over tho niouiitains,ovur tho high mountain:'' TKJIPEUAXCE. NKW VRAH'H IKI.I.1. The happy, bappy bell The glailsome story tell, And ring out here a welcome clear I'bis frosty winter morn To the bright youngest l.rn Of time the glad new hnppy year I May the young infant King With jH-niH and plenty briugj We.'c.ise from wrong and m mid pain, .nd blcwi the lust and rigtit. Downtrodden by the inik'ht, Arnnsl w Ith the sword and gng and chain. t'nder hi might r swuy May we behold tin-day Of rigkt and righteousne ntlvnnce Aud vice and crime go down. And may bis regal crow n Wwur tlie white plume of teuiemiiiss, Uriirye W. Humay. MAKMAI'lll'NKTrs HUM KOIt AFK1CA. "I have directly learned," say lir. Ilor Chester, iu the Cin'jrritttinnlitt, -from tho liest authority, that a distillery linn within three miles of tho Massachustt State llousfi hasa contract to furnish :l galloiiH of rum daily to tlm African trade for the next seven years. This would be eipiivnlciit to almost I one million gallon ainiimll v. I "It w ill lie a surprise to ninny to lenrn that Almost nil the rum iimiiutnctured in tho I lilted State is miide witliiu live miles of tho Massachusetts State House. During the last six year the total quantity manufactured and deposited in the distilery warehouse of the country were ll,i:Ki,7m gallons, an av erage of l,H.r),tll7 gallons yearly, of which total the distilleries around Uostou made 111, n, 1 gallon, or ninety-four per cent, of all made in this country. "Almost ull the liipior rent from the lTnited States to Africa is sent from Huston. No other Inpior than that most m-cursed of all li.iiors, Huston's rum. is scut from America to the 'Dark Continent.'" Thus the liuinc of liod Is blasphemed among the heathen. And while iii. n tiro boiisiim; of the progress of civiliation, and predicting tho sp-sdy convi-ision of tho world, the so-called "Christian nation" are th-luging poor. Is-nighicd Africa with strong drink, as Vliigland lias for it generation bis-u flooding China with opium, and so destroy ing ten souls where niissioiiurii- nro cou Tcrting one. Is it not til. io to litt ii j the voice like a trumpet mid warn i tit u of ihn evil of sir li ways that they may repent of their wicked lies mid e.si-iiiio tho damnation of hell losdjil Safeguard. HAHNl U fl'.sET HTATISTII'SJ. A small controversy is going on now nuiong certain Kiclish news.aers regarding the duration of lifo of persons using intozi eating liipior, mid n recent issue of the l.i v. riUUll A'j-llt-hM uivu fl...f m.I ... ... i... i i - ''.' - "-, - -iiiik no- I atatistics, I'. T. Hm iimn. who i now in his eigiiiiciu vonr. Milium liavo ilie-l twenty six year and some months ago, hisnllotted ago being less than lifty-four years. Tho snnio jmper further stU- that the total abstain er' average of life, on statistical showing, is a little over llfty-three yeurs, while the mod ernte drinker ha ten years more of life than his totally abstemious brother. Hurniim has Imh-ii, according to tha ramo authority, "u teetotaler for tlm lust twenty years and is manifestly defrauding the com iler of Ntetistu-s, orolso playing it very low down on tho other total abstainers, whoso average lifo ho u cutting down to a frightful extent by living so much beyotnl hi rightful statistical turii." A a matter of fact, Mr. Karmiin ha not to.sted intoxicant for a jMiriod of ovpr forty yenr (not twenty, ns MtMted), and lias many time kniM'ked the inn. ivit out of the national statistician mid all th.iir table oil thi subject. Seiv Yurli Timet. CONSOLIDATION UK PKPARTUtNT. Tho coiiKolidation of departments wa on of the most important advance step of tho recent national convention of the V. C. T. U. The rupid iinn-av both iu membersliip and in the number of ili pnrtn ts had iniolo tiiis a really imperative move iu order to ro. ilucetho si ZD of tho national convention. There were also other advantage to be gained, in the union of coguuto mid kindred force and tho greater concentration of i-f-fort thus assured. ( no ilupartmciit, that of securing a duy of prnver in tho week of prayer, bad so thoroughly done it work thiit tl-ero w no further need of it, there being now, in conseipu-nco of it effort, M-urcflya ivliglou Isxly in all tlm land that has not signed tho petition M the Interim tionul Committee usking for a temperance day in tho week of pruyi-r. TXHI'KRANL-IC SEWS AND SOTKS. There are moro than WXX) Hocused kaloon In Chicago. New York State has 'JlfJ breweries, seventy one of which are Iu New York city. It Is stated that ninety-three per cent, of all children taking the temperance plodgo re main faithful to their early vow. nutchiiuou, Kansa, i a city of aome IS,. (KKI iMipulatiuii. A luarshul, hi dejiuty mid two policemen do the jMilioe duty for the city. Governor Stanford'. California vineyard lias nioilo H00.000 gallon of wine the past jrear, and he ha ISO, 000 gallon ot brandy in A total of 1374 Young Women' Christian Temperance Union, with 81,ft!i7 regular and 67U0 honorary member wa re)ortud to the recent convention. There ha been an increase of fifty jier cent, in the number of admission to the seven retreat in Kuglund licensed for the treat ment of iuebnety. It 1 ostiinatod that in ninety per cent, of all case coming before tha police justice ot New York city, the fault may be traced to tbauMof intoxicant. SABBATH SCHOOL INTKltNATIONAli I.KSSOX .'OP. JAM'AHY . Iaaain Toil: "Tlm Vororiiniicr An- ; nouniifil," fiitkc I., ft-17 tJoMcu Text: Mai. ill.. t-Com- military. The four Terse of thl Oosix-l which pre cede our lesson tell ua that tunny were writ ing down in order a record of the sayings and doing of Jesus of Naaareth. as they received them from those who had lieoii eye witnesse of all thing; and this man. I.uke, having accurate knowledge of all things from the In-ginning, writ.- hi record for his fri-nd Theophilus, of all that Jesus l i-;nn both to no ana tecii. lie ntterwaru wrota lor tn-i same friend a record of the thin-; winch Jemi continued to do and tow h bv Hi Spirit through His aiNKtle. From I'aul epistle we learn thnt l.tikn was a physician, flear to him, and ttnt hntrnveled inii.-h with him (Co).. lv., Ii; II Tim. iv., II; I hm. .'b. Hi name, according to Youiilt, slguilli-s light giving. ft. "A certain prb-st mimed nchnria." Five x-rons are mentioned by name in our lesson and in the verse ininnsliai-ly follow ing, but tho two with whom we have spe.-lal-ly to do are the priest nchnria mid the an gel (iabriel. It will be helpful to reiiiemU-r that thi liuson i in the' tim- of the iron kingdom of Dan. 11., , and the fourth ls-nt if Dan, vil , 7, Sil; t uit Home now r iled t n world; that l'alivsno wn dividi!, not into twelve divisions as in the lesson just closed, but Into three Oalilee, Samaria nnd Jude-a and that Herml wa th" Koinan ruler i-f the southern province of .Ind.-ca, in whii il ncharia and Klials-th livc.i It. will Is een iu I Cliron. xxiv,, n, that Abmor Abijah wn the eighth of the twentydour courses or order Into which David divid -d the priest. t-:iiiral?tli being al-i of the priestly tnl of Aaron or I,- vi shows that they were olsillent to the .w w hich r.sniiri d them only to iniirry in their own ti lls- (S'uiii. xxxvi., .'-'.!). Zni hiirnis signill -s .lali is i , liowned or reiueiiiberi!, and Kiinb-th the nth of Ood; let the diligent cut the no-at. t. "They were Isith righteous before ( iod." They wero In fellowship w ith the rig. item Iiord who loveth rilittnincs (I's. tl., i.; nnd were therefore like Noah, righteous b - fore Him (Hen. vil , I), Iscnuso like Abraiu they l-lievis Ood (Men. XV., tl; H in. iv., :ii. Hy nature "There is n.-in- right. mm, no, not ae;" and by the deeds of the law no one can IsMsinio rightius; but the riglit-ou ln-.l has provided a rightuisii-i for nil who will tv-cept it, even Ills own, even Hint.. If. I..r ' Christ is the end of the law for rightui ties to every one that belicveth" (Houi. ill , 10, !-; X.. -4). 7. "They had nocliild." It was w ith I'.li -ji both a with Kachel mid liauunh and Ma tn mh' wife; but she, like they, l.s.kisl unto Uod, and surely Joseph and Siunm-l nn.l Sum. eon and John the . I!ai are anion,' the greatest of men, nnd all sou of wo.-n.-n w ho had been barren, Whe-i in .lavs to come e eo the siguitlcnnce of Isa. Iiv., I, we shall then readily recogni?,. these shitdow. H. "He eleeiit.,1 the priests' olllce l. f.,r.. I iiixi in ino oruer or ins course. n lint a glorious motto for every day nro tho-e two words, ' Is-foro Misl." reiniuiiing us tlmt we ught to llvo us in His sight, doing nil things for liis glory. It. "Ill lot wn to burn incense." This in cense wa made according to Mod's express command for the service of the Minelunrv, aud it wa forbidden to make any like it for any other puriose, iimiii pain of dentn. The mest w as to burn it ev ery morning and even ng when he dressed mid' lit tho lumps iKx. xxx., 7, 8. S-.'IS. Dr. I '.row ii ipiotes from Light foot as follow: "The purt avigutl to each priet in his week of s-rvicewas dis-ided by lot. There were employed ut the uttering of incense to remove the a-hc of the former ervii to bring in and phiisi on the golilen altar the pan fllli-d w ith hot burning coal taken from the altar of burnt offering, and while the smoke of it ascended to inii'ie inter ceshion for the -ope." This was the most distinguished part of tin- servici iltev. vol., Il), and this wa what fell to tin- lot of Xa.'ii ariax nt this time, 1". 'i'lie whole multitude of the h-..i',i! were proving without, at t't.- time of in ceiiic." i he coiiiKs-tiou of prayer mn! m CIMIsu ih si-en iu I's. ci.. 'J; Hev. vol., :i, 4. and the inc-iw is higmlh -iiil of the merits of tho Lord Jetis, h..- h-.-i.t um.l nnd sniull-st act wa fro'.-.raut I. .Mod. I nii-c He nought neither Hi own will n-n- Hi own glory, but ilid always th" thing, which lieHe- His father, i.lohu l., .1; Mil , '.".I, fMI). It iilso teaches ii tlmt, apart from the im-rit of Christ, nothing we do, not ..o,.iir Inuyei-ii, can be nii-eptable in Mod's sight; nit, inasmuch uslloev -ti liveili to make no ten', ssi. ui for us, the w.-ako-t mav with b.. -nesn come, and th-feeble.t may do Hon ser vice, sulci) what is done bv niiv redeemed soul, ns unto lliui, is unci- a ptnbleby Ills merits. II. "'niern npio-at isl unto him an angi-1 of tho linl, hl4iiiiling on the right si. I.-of tho nltur of ini-eiise.'' Thi was in !he II. .y I 'lace, into which priest went en-rv day, wore the table of shfivbivud, the 'golden candlesticks, ten of each ill Chron. iv.. 7. si. I and tne golden ultjir, or altar of itn eiw, be. lore t tie veU, ami by the sul- or which the angel now stood. l'J. "When Zucharins saw him. lie was troubled, mid fear fell iikii Iiiiii.'' So it wa with -Mary (vs.. '.".i, mil, and llagur. and Oideou, and tlio women at the s.-pulchcr. and the disciple (Men. xii., IT; Judg. vi., Mk. xvi., 5; Lu. xxiv., :iii; und so wo sup lKise it would be Willi uio,t of us si ml. I a heavenly visitor suddenly appear toe-; but if Munonh' wife was not afraid, why should any of us lso (Judg. xiii., 'si, &D if we hid walking in fellowship with Mod, and abiding in that love of His which casteth out all fear. (I John xxi., IK). 13. "Kear not, Zin-hnriiis.'' Thus Mod and Hi angels are always ws-Uiug to comtoil thone who look to Him. "Thy praicr is beard." All true prayer for things accord ing to Hi will, in t he nam.- of Je.ns, i, sure ly heard, and the answer w ill be manifest iu uuo time: Let us live on "expectation cor ner," that we may bo always on thl) lool.otlt for tho answer, mid recognize it w hen it comes, "Thou shuli. call his iiii.m- John.'1 Among those w hose until" were given them by Ood beforethey were burn nolo l.lun o-l, isiiac, Josiuli, .lesiis (Men. xvi., 11; xvii ., I'.i; I Kl. xiii., ii; Matt, i., 'Jh, nod ham 'hat Ood is interest. si oven iu our yam. s. John hignille the grace of (tod, middle enjoyed n large share of it. H. "Thou shall have joy mi l gia.ln.-,, and many bhall rejoice at His Inrtli.'' It is Ood' good pleasure to give Ills people joy; yes, fullness of joy (John sr., II; xvi., '.'l:"l John 1., 4) and to make o I' -,s i,;.i, through tin-Mi ; but .it coil inly Is- by (i.-lie in; 1 1 mi and yielding fully to Mini, and, like John, glorify lug Jesus and hiding self. 15. "Kor bo shall Is- great iu th- sight ..I tho Lord." This is the summit ot ull givnl-IK-ss, uud uothiii, can coiiiiare with il. "liu shall lMihll.it Willi' t ho Holy Mh..-t " "lie not drunk Willi wiuii.biit be lille'.l u ith tlm Siiirit" (Kph. v., 1) wn cxeiiiih(i-. in Hun. llo was a true Su.-irito. u spiritual Sam-ou I.Nlllll vi.. 1M-Jn.li. rill 71 HI. "Many of the children of Israel .hull I he turn to the lrd their Misl." As to b grt-itt in liod' sight it tho highest position I man can attain to, so to turn people to tho j Lord i the highest and grandest work uiuu j hi. w in. 17. "Hu shall go before Him in the spirit and powerof Klljah." According tohuown testimony be wa not Klijah (John i., 'Mi; Jesus said: "If ye are willing to receive him, this ia Klljah" (Mutt. xi.. 14, H. V inargiiii; and ugaiii; "Elijah is come already, and they know him not;" but Jc-us also said after John wa Iwheadud: "Klijah truly hall Hint come und restore all things" (Mutt. Jtvil., 101U ail of which, put together, seems to say, that what John wa to Jesu Christ in His coming to sulfur Klijah shall lie to Jesus Christ when ho shall coinu iu power and glory to reign. Leaton tlelpte BELIGIOtJS READING, tint DYimi yrin. "So teach r to number our ilav, that n may apply our heart unto wisdom." Psului xc. 12 Anotlicr year I fading Into the shadowy pnt: What if for me, mv Saviour, Thi year should be the Ian. Could I, with Joy recalling The hour and moment gono, Pay I bad well employed th in. Nor o'er ono failure inoiirut Another venr Is pnssinir. And I am pa-init too; Passing from earth and earthly acenrs To those eurth never knew. What shall I plead w hen sfnuding Hefore the great white throne'.' Nothing, O Christ, but Thine own blood; Thy rgbtoousnras my uw n. Another vrar i dving. And 'l ime I dying too; And all thine here below, with him Aro passing out of view . Passing a. sw il' ly ns the tluuiclit Klit through our mind, tlu-n lie. Uealling solemn fact like tbeu Wbut ought our live to bv! Another year i adding To those nlrcady d-ad. Dead' Will they tiever rie aln? Where ull the nction lied ' We surely yet shall n.-ct again; Thi old vc.tr and our souls: Ilia deed will greet 11 Vet. though nOW Oblivion liir bim rolis. We leave the year with Jeu To sprinkie with Hi blood; Jesu the Loving One, w ho onco A our Sin I'.eurer too.l. We lave the year w ith .lesiis, And tlm the weight t gone. We trul (he I'utiireuil to linn Wbwulltho v c i e. 1 1 1 Im'li borne. '.in 1- y'.'oiralo'i. "Wit t. IU AN.il I s S1N.I?' "Will the angels sing again At this ini ry Cliritiun time. And, nuiitie. snail I hear tin-in '" While the bell in t by thin ic chime I'rgethe Christ mus m ar, and nearer, So the littlu otietalk on "I should like to hear hem i intiii" liavo tha angel n-idly gone.'" Cli'l'lle, no! Somelitne it seem That our sin nml t are have driven All tho beautiful bright niiKel Faraway from catth to lir.ivcn. Hut I think II ley come ugaiii K.very t'liristnuis time, nt leut. And thut some can bear them sini-int?. While we keep the ClmM birth feast For Ihe angel nre the i rv:int tif the Italic u ho is the King. And the thing that pie our Saviour Have lU- i-owvr to make them sine,; And should n-.t wonder, ilcaric. If, for nil tln-ir faulty wax. There ore p. o.le w ho please .Ii U1 In these happy I 'brisluias days. (lentle ones, who into dnrktics Itring the lamp of love lor light; Strong and brave one, who. like heroes, l ight the battle of the right, And tin1 sell' forgetful people Who grow old with ot her can , And the pure and saintly spirits Whose whole liws an.-lengthened prayer, Yes, and they who struggle nobly To forsake nnd con. pier sin, K.very one ivlm from this ( htistmiis Does a better life begin: And they, too, who cast the burden That ha. inu.lt- their day nil dim, Dow n before the cro oi Jesu, And utcgla.I through faith in 1 1 i in. Ah, and they who have a sorrow (Loss, or weuhiic..., or regret), That not even inerrv Christinas timo Can help them to I'orcct, Hut who. still, resigned uu I patient Loveutnl trust throiirb everyt bilit'. Stirelv these all please our Saviour, Aud so inakt- the unci '. sing. Do they bear the pleasant singing'.' N.iy, pel hup thev int- the otig Tbroiigh the noises tha' arc near llieni A nil the crow d t hat pn ss and throng. So they ak of pea. e Kiel i-ladni-ss, A lid t he tn uic w hem e t lu v came, l'.nt I think it i the an;-- !. Singing tj t!o io, all th" s.itui. NN'ill y..ii bear 'hem'.' Ah, my d.irlin You are likelier than I 'i'o receive into your spirit Those swis-l voice li.-ni the ky; For Chri-I said about the rlnldn n, ' Such the kingdom i of In avci- " And perhaps the sweetest in ii-ic To the little ones i gucn. You shall Join me iu the wishes Rent In ail the friend we love, Thut the best of Christian lilr'-nifi, ( 'nine to t hem lr.un Mod above, That tho days lie bright und happy It) the presence of the King, And thut thev luuy Ui the people Who shall hear the angels ing. M A HI A.N M. I'.I KM Mill AM. BOW T M'll. A CIIARAC,. Man, sav the I'rcibyterian Journal. I tlia gmat builder of the earth, ami Ins gteuti..- and glory are seen in what be build. II. builds heme to live in, roads to travel on, bridge to cross river on, ship to sail oil the ocean, und he build tow n und tower and chiw Mid churches und temple and palue Tod cathedrals. The bird build nest, tlio beusl dens mid the lisli bed; but in all the buildings of animals below mull there is never progress or improvement. Man mav carry hi building .roprnity and power into hi' moral life, und build around liis inner sell moral character, like ii houso tolivcin; but thut moral chariicter.thus built up, will not be a religious life. A mini may make himself more and more manly, but lie cannot make himself godly. tiodlines is not an nrchit.-ciural structure built mound a man, but u life born within bim, and its development i bv i r..wtb. In this ilje point i I'o, mil the dilVcicnoe between tin- inoriit character und the religion life. M..t:ililv is nioi liniiii.il coiupl ance to tho letter id tin-law, but iclicioii is ilal con formity with its spirit. 'I In- result id' the one is tu bii'ld up a character, like an nr. Id teclural edifice, by adding iletuche.l good deeds nnd liiibils In one aiiotln r by nit and rule; the result of the other i. the develop ment of a new life from the birth mid j-row th of it new vital i ii r;'y implanted m the soul. The good young 11111:1 that came 1o Jesus was ory near the kingdom of beaven, but lie was outside of it. lie lucked one tiling the new birth. "You must be born again Imru limn above. The moral life can never be built up until it 1 iscs into the religion life. Ilei.gion is lint 1111 evolution out of morality, it isa new lite in the Mini of man, horn from above. Morality i 1111 edifice that lis it Inundation on the chiiIi, und is built up toward heaven but it never reaches the skies, lteligion lias its origin iu heaven, mid descend into ihe life of uiuu from the life oi l iod. The moral character is a tower of Kabul which men build, vainly hoping that by adding good work to good work they will reach tlio skits, ana i upe the iloiuls oI'MimI's wnith iigiiinst their lins. Hut Mod confounds tho tongue of men, and the towt-r of their self-rig!-teousncsa full to piece. Hut tho now life of holinos reaches down frora tlio throne of Mod and enters into tho lives of men and lift them from the earth into heaven. Morality id f ood iu it plact, mid good so far a it goes; ut it cannot be accept r. I in place of religion because it cannot go us fur us tho skies. There is a whole renlm of dillerenre be tween it and religion; religion brings the life of liian Into the realm of spiritual life, while murulity, when it bus done the beat and all it can, still leave the life of warn within the realm of spiritual death. A C.lganllt? Lamp. A Tolutno might Imb written of tn lighthouse in this vicinity and of the wofulertul sighl to lc seen nt tho Tomp-j kinsvillc hcail.piartcrs. )own thcro in (mo of the buililing stand tho bieest Krcsnel lump in tho world. The leiiseai uliitie cost 11 5,000. It i iroposcd to put this gigantic lump on a tower to In built nt CnH! llattcrn. The iliatnctcr of, thi bijf lump from frame to frame i ll fi-ct 'I inches, nml it height to the top nf the igdu 'l fect inches. The? whole hciirht of tho frame work is '2) fcit. A fit NT Ktll'.sSr.T.. Tho lamp of the firt order, which ureal! present the :itg-t iu 110, measure only id feet in diameter. This i,Mi;anlit: Fi'-nscl is know n tci liu'u ally as a 'hyper radiant Ion," anil when in poili.iti would have a rurryin power of forty miles. This harbor also rejoices in the dis tinction of pii-sossinej the only electric! Ii-'!it buoys iu the uoil.l. Tliesn havo How been in tticcc.ful opcralioti for iilmosl 11 vc.ir, ainl iliuiti"; that pcriml tint more than two of them have In on out at one time. AVir J'rv lltnthl. F.lief Hut Slgnillcuut. "7? - - - 'Ja- I'ltrmcr ito Sportsman) "Did ynii shoot my iiiulcf" Sportsman- "I - - I - yc. .Most un fortunate aci iilcnt !" Farmer Two in 1 n 1 r I ilnllars." S;iortm,iti - n!ieuc ; lil'ty's i iii iu:,'h and, ln-iic, that won't leave me any luoticy In ;.:ct linine. Farmer ' -Two liinnli. -i doll it-, voting man, or vmi won't need .uij but- iiwim-! That .Mining Miccl Fiobleiii. l'.vcrv now and llicii -utm-l ) ly will write to a newspaper lliis iUetioii: 'luc the top of a lui-".ry wheel ill motion travel fa-tor than the lioitoin.''' Somct illles the eiirre-piinilclieo editor - iv iiii.aii.l sunn I inn - yes. When he says) yes he ii right. Sometimes he tries u explain why he i- ri-.dit, but unless tho iciijcr is of a mathematical turn of iniiol he can't isactlv ora-p the situation. Here i proof positive that the top of a bllcje-V or bil l. Io wheel lines "o lastcf 1 1 1 tl II (lie lint tolll : The above picture was t r n i d f mm an 'i::st.i!itaiiciiiis" photograph of u liicyclu iu tin it ion. The plintngiapliii-ilrv plain was expose.) ah, nit the fiftieth part of ;i M'l'oml. That wu ijiii.U fin u :;h In catcli : c;oiii pii lure id llic bicycle an-l its rider iu all but om- jurticular. Tlio Upper spoUcs of the wheel v T mil lalicn. Tlu-y wet.- moviti:; ,n rapidly that, the I of tie- shutter w.i-. m it. sullieiont tn p-ruiil tin- Icn In throw their oullinc mi I In- negative. Tlm lower spoke won- plainly .In t . i--1:1 ( i!.'. I lceai-i- their in-diou was 10. 1 -n rapid. Till s climate, witii ls iicini c'ian:;c, il.'t.ini ds wi.nlcii iiiolorclotliiii',', : 1 1 1 . -iiin ol three ilill'eiciil v.ci:;lif slmiild be pro viiicil for I he ' I i : 1 1 1 : r i 1 1 'r season. Silk is a fatal reliance fur mimic persons, as it convey tlm 1111 i 11 nt I Inat from the body only loss readily than linen. PENNSYLVANIA. At F.hon-hiirg Iticbard L. Davis, proprio lor of a hoot ami slum store, Committed iiicidu by taking pari gn cn. IMwurd I.anU, n brukeman 011 tho I'ctin sylvuiiiu, bud hi foot crushed mid hi left linn broken by it fall from it moving, car ut Dcrry, Sunday night. Mr Mary Ciilliiliun, an old lady residing ut Irwin, was run down by the I'ucilic V.x prt!.sut Mrecnsbiirg, und instantly killed, fc he wa about Kt! years old. A body, supposed to be thut of a deckhand who was lost from tho towhout Mould u few days since, was found Sunday evening ut Montgomery Inland, ubotit two miles ubova Industry. 1 vvV-iv.vlsA. l'i . 1 7 'teiit mm. .' J V..s - N , ' 1 i i ( . 1 ! ; I'.l - if I i ! ; ' t f ) I i H 1 S I i 4 i j. ! h 1 i, i i 1-1 1 ', lii '1 1 ' i 1 t j iv - J.Vf " '' ; ; .4i wilij X t!. kM. A-r I , I 4 - 'S v,.""'.M.'3iititt.3tia. II ,ift'W ff 'jl