V , 1 . ........ r- J TWO HUES. 5 AND LTX2T SUFFER. fOjrt.AnilATIO! irHTI A BMLMftd "njpniisp rim roo akd th vlamu ii-wt is cinKc-rioi . .., th city of show, wm r1stt4 thlCiTt' Hro In Iu history, and, with roaceptions, the con (I ration It th most romthat Iim everYisitod New Kng , The exception r the great Boston 1l)f 1ST i WlllUU UWUl'WWTH V yj,VTJ th of property, and the Portland Are of . . .I,-. nf hat arson tin Oil) Win1 11 U bw- v. - - . -, ,i,ndU-'.Olu.'"JU tht Are itrted at 11:55 . m.. raged orm hours, devastaton a square nine . . i . . . . i . . iha btltiilMS sociion ui mo cuy, 1 . ' . I 1 u . Ll cll'J ajininnitrj at nouut h m i). The greater part of th FourtH liflii wiK - 0lll M 'W tli important nwim'n oliKM ana pro-ninem jrrjof btuine. The fl ltJ ,a Mowera'a wooden linif on Alra nt street, over tue Doner, L.inr.l with it-.ch rapidity thit the lire InrtmiMit of the city was powerless to yvtti it Tim lare woolen building v noil dwinel and the flame) lvapel kt nsmiw pwaewsy tvn l commutil- with the six story brick block, known l ,m UlocK. nen iuj lire in more buiMins got won under way vts evi lout a terrible coiidaration would ;t Almost siiuultoneoiisly the four-story rn "Ir f i tory of Bonn tt A Durum d, Ontral avciui", and the -story woode i dtuoti Alumni street caught firj, and , s time a hurrirane of Hume wm in pr.i- n. which IjIiui.'Iic I tlio cheeks of all the utors. K,r eigUt hours the fl.imei li d .w.ir, tin' i'll"rti of flrunien and citizens '. . i - :l l... -I. ... aiijjiy iMJini; in no avnii, aiti.u.iu, oi ;w, they did valuable work. dsrnvej from lliuton, b i'ein, Mitrlilo- Jui Uurroun ling towns, but their unit- Aorta seemed to have little effect on the wane ol Murue. Scenes of the great Ilos inJ C'liKiii- fires were repeated in all r horrors mothers fleeing with baboi in rtrms; exprcus .wagom loading at buil- kinl dwelling houses and transferring !a to a place of safety, in many cases kJ removal being neees'.ary. Aftorthe ,ul beeu in pmgrcss two hours evoryboxly ir.il it woui i not stop mini it reaend Kcan. So it looke 1, and so It proved to he cue. Four daily newspapers ore is! out It fm, If, Prf.it and A'sies k-nf which are publishe 1 in the aflcr- n and una in t!u morning. Three na il binks tlio Central, Security and : NV.ional-together with the Lynn In i.'im for savings, located in the First li mil Itlnck, are all wipjil out. Twelve finest sh 9 biocks in the city are io Vv tad about iU stores. t must disiif irons fire from which Boston ufli'red since 1S7J, and one in which t rtv lots mure than rivals the prcut run" I blioii at Lynn, bmke out at obout 8: JO vly niorniiiij in the six story grunite iiiigiiwntil by Jordon, MursU & Co., ocvupie-.l by Brown, Durrell A Co., ileal i dry goo., on Bedford street, corner of ton. The great fire of 1S72 broke out it corner of Kingston und Summer kand the alarm of fire was runirlti lbs same box which did similar duty at . m. on the evening of Xov. M, l7i f the fire fiend broke loose and before r iublued consumed nearly 100,000,000 lit of proerty. first alarm rung In was immediately KeJ by the first general alarm in Boston l"7i Thiscoiillagration ragel for six i. burned over two acres of territory "1 by magnificent structures, and eu lalomestimuted Ht $l,CKKI,0iV. lire nan discovered by a letter-carrier, "tiiiil llaines liiirnting from the top lliown building over the elevater in which it evidently orignated. The carrier untitled the nearest inilice oll- Mio sounded the first atanu. As soon lief Weblier, of the nrotective ilcimr. arrived, it became aiuiarent that a hard tight with the fiery element was f the department, and a general ularm nt out, and this was soon followed by iilioti neighboring citiea aud towns for nice. flames were soon poiirlni from all liiulows and the roof of the ltrown- tll buildiiiL'. Thev snrend to II. luw leathtr Kxchunco buiblinir twit ftnr liranitc structure adinininirthe Brown- rUlo, building, on Bedford street. both buildings the flames swept in masses across Bedford strut t tl. n- icrner, thence across Kingston street, iKMiorj to Chauncey street, where it "pped in the store of Farley, Harvey . the tipi- gtories of which were Tbr-e stores alone Chaunccv atnu-t P Samiuer street were burned. south side of Bedford street the 1 jumped across Kingston street from. p uiszo In the Brown. Durrull tt Co. Ft to a big sandstone building owned U Ames and occupied by Taylor Bros. , " was consumed. The great granite K known as the Nevlns block at the "f Chaunccy treet wan tlm imrt vln. F 'he flames, und the pnlirit hliv MtMtr f "we 1'lace to Klnmtnn trcl u m Crussliig Chauncey street the fire J KHd head of all the stores which lul In Exeter place, a small street 'i-' from HarrUon avenue to Chauncey "ereiue Ilrcmen got control. 'b ei:oliiiastiMit Miiwr;ii. . 4i. rKrM iu Baltimore were eiuiiower- I II. . I u laws t.r the church agaiust se t'tim, la duu ied. t,r,.l. .... .. r .uon the steamer Villa da J , on which 3,000 tonsofgunpow- ucti uio names readied f 'l a terrillo explosion ensued. The P'eedt-d in mukiug their escape when uncovered. Ml NEWSY GLEANINGS. Trrkn Fronch papers in Montreal reccntrj declared in faror of a Canadian republic. Tnnra Muwnnitn Bonlangiste will snot riit General Boulanger on the Island of Jer aey. Accordixo t the Propaganda In Rnmi there are 819,000,0110 Roman Catholics in thi world. Tn youngot offlwr In Queen Vlctorla'i srrrioe is a Heoond I.lcutcnaut of exactlj elghtwn. Tb nnwsj)apem of Itnly are raising sub MTiptions to erect a monument to Columbui on Amnrlcan soil. Durimo the Inst two yrars the Itnliat army has inrreamd by 80,000 men, 200 tick guns and 0000 cavalry. TnRRK are 10,310 newspapers and perlodl rals in tliis countrr a gain of N00 in twelvi months, and of TliW in ten years. Thk Russinn Wovernment has rotod TS. OOll.isiO roulilee to 1k expendetl on the nnvy, at the rate of l.(KlO,0tio roubles a year. Nixkty-onk social l)omocrats have beet on trial at Kllicrfi-bl, Germany, f or belonging to a "crot society. Among them are foul deputies. Thkhk Is to be an international exhibitior of postage stamps hold in Vienna next vmi in eommemorntion of the fiftieth anniver sary of their Introduction. Thk Stwety for IVevontlon of Cnieity tc AnintaU In Switzerland has roNolvetl to ban. isli rnts fnini the Hcpiiblii! on the ground that they are killing oil the birds. Tpk artistic wealth of the l'aris miinici palily in paintings, sculpture, engravings, etc., is esuumtnl at i.rnm.iKKI outside of tli emit tn.iursowiiil by the nation. I.rrrKlM from Yokohnma stato thnt re portMfroui nil part of Japitn cotuli-in tii'. lniKiviiig om to tlio los and disasters i'riimxI by the recent H'KhIh uml ntunim. The lumvlii KicbiniindiH'cupic.lliy .TcTcr. mm HiivU during the Civil War mid known nt, tlm "White HiiiM' nf the Confederacy'' is to be torn down rttnl a m-IiooIIioumk limit on it sizt. lH; Hi Ml the Inst fiscal year III. t:M,l40 money orders were issued in ttm I'nitisl Stntv amounting to H I5.iis,m.v ;n, nd ii.H(is,7oi) sil iiiiu-.s, amountiiv to f l'J.isr.' . lWl.l:. Oj th" last day of the i'nri l'xNi.sit!un Worth, the famous dressmaker, gave cucb of his employee lil to upend mid clowM his store nt noon. This net of generosity cost him foooo. Jkksk O'Cooi.v, of .IcITVi'fumvilic, Ind., was orresttsl fordesccrtiting the KihtiatU nt Switthburg. His rrltiiii consistetl in ivjutir ing a broken rail to prevent a w ris k on a railroad, he being a section hand. Tlllt extremely dilllcult feat of climbing the extinct volcano of I.tnct'ihuaic, lM.tl'io fis-t high, has ihs'ii uchievivl by 1 U-niru -n WhiU-houHe, the I'nittsl Ktnt) Charge d'Af fairs nt the City of .Mexico, ho had to cut Oisi steps in solid iiv in making the iiMfiit, nnd!aniMl on. night in a cave at a height if M.ISSl f.ft. Care of the Balr. r is oruer demn it as nsoloss. to rm. tnotn tha crrnwlli I of the hair and to I arrest ita falling i ont, vetting tho acalp frwly with a(re tea is an old f anhioned rem edr, and ia an px Cflletit on. The fault with most Ceople using this, i that they lo not parspveie in it, and then oon- 'Ilioro is no lx'tter COMMERCIAL. i riTTaULBUU AM'LES bbl CITIilt B U TTKlt 'reamery Count rv roll CHKESE Ohio full cream... New York F.r.asi l'OULlUY Chickens, V fair Tiirltcv. M lb . rOTATOES-Hose.... i ShKUS Clover, country 'i'inioihv Blue grits Millet liKAT .No. 2 red st. a rtu . VOWS So. yellow ear Mixed cur Shelled mixed OATS-New No. 2 while; ItYK New No. 20hion;,d Pa. t'lJL'U Fancy winter pai'a. Fancy soring pat's.. viear winter Bye flour HAY Timothy.... Loose, irotn wagons... 10 m) MIDDLINGS White 15 00 40 f0fU2 23 4 00 i'4 IS 11 12 .'ft 35 1J sr 0i) 45 25 MJ M K) 41 H7 Sit 23 4!) 25 2 m 2.5 M Bruu Chop feed... SA1.TIMOUS. WnEAT-Ko. 2 red RYi; CHUN , OATS Western ULTTKU IKili.S HAY Western CINCINNATI. WHEAT Ko. 2 Bed Jt i; Vitus OATS KliliS l'OKK BL nut rilllAliCI.I'IIIA. FLOUR Family WHEAT No. 2 I.'iil. CORN No. 2, Mixed OATSlTiigraded White BYE No. 2 , BUTTER Creamery Extra.-, CHEESE N. Y. KiiU Crcium, KKW YOIIK. CATTLE LAM lis.. HonsLive, FLOUR Patents. WHEAT No. 2 Rod RYI" .State CORN Ungraded Mixod . . . . OATS-Miied Western BUTTER Creamery Factory CHEESE Stale Farturf . . . . Skims Light cstern . . , EGGS State aud l'cnn 11 no 1J 00 73') M 40 - 25 4 ft) 2J 11 34 12 1-2 ii 13 M 4 75 1 .Vi 1 Ml 70 Ml H2 4J Sii 4i 27 fr. 5 60 6 51 4 ) 3 W II Ail 12 00 l(i 'D II Ml 14 00 rempilr fur timmnlinff Ibo ffrnulli nt the bair than this old-styled one. To cleanse tho scalp nsn the yelk of an gg licaton in a very little water. l?ub it well into the acalp and let dry. Kin se in lukewnrm water, to which has been added a fow drops of ammonia. Ammonia ia a gool invigorntor wlion only a little of it is used in water; bnt beware of using nineh, or it mny in ilnuio tho scalp nnd do more Imrm than good. A very little lxirax in water is nlo excellent for cleansing tlio hend, but ought to bo used as enn fully ns ammonia, as too much has a tendency to ninho tho hair dry and brittle. Sonp will mako tho hair roars nnd split it at tho ends, conscitieiitly it ought never lie used in washing the hair. After tho hair lias been wushed nnd rinsed, wipe it as dry as possible with a towel, then dry it thoroughly by tho lire. Never on nny fonsi.leinlinn go out into the ail w hen tlio hair is u..t m tlm of tlio head being open, serious results may follow. Never go to b. d while the I hair is damp, but wait until it is per fectly dry. Never use n hhai p-tixd hod comb, for it is sine to scinfch mnl hii tate the seiiln; and for this muiio rea ! son metallic brushes aro not to bo rec ommended. There is nothing that v'l; improve the hair I'-Vo bmhit!ft. hC a bjff. I bristled bniMh. ai tiriu.li in l.Kir ig I orously until the sli vlows. A vig 1 orous use of the Irish 'night and inoni ; ing, but inoro especially nt night, will render the hair mft nnd nilky and give ( it a beautiful gloss. It will' nl.to make tho coarsest liuir noft and thedrrest hair moist. Tho hair hhnuld nhvnys lo tnken down at night, no matter how fiaiHirnteiv it Pai been dressed, and given a thorough brushing, then purted beliind and plaited into two lung braids, which may be left Iooko, or it annoying, as it is to nomo to have their hair dow n nt night w hen sleeping, they can lie lustelieil in a loose inut at the back of tho head with rubber hairnius. 14 ..9 T7(i 45 H7 21 U 15 .. 4 nn3t M to 25 ii 20 7fl 4d :w 2-t 20 10 i '11 25 M t 2S 4:l i 9 $ 3 4nf 4 cn a 3 .V) ft 2-'" 4 25 4 11-5 M M 41 20 22 0 2 7 8 4 ; : 4 .'HI 6 to Hi 67 42 IH 21 11 ID H 2il ll LIVK-STOCK MARKETS. m far South as Rome, Goorgla, Pilchard, a whit. n Ohio, killed Reuben Curry, a col fSS UlU ,U)i4uur Telegraph ai'y cat In the household r iv a . t Atglen. ra.. want y I''' he three-tnonthvold dauK!itr. "f sutfocatlou. 'KM!(a boy protheria the ev8. MOVr.MF.SU AND rilU'KS AT THK CKNTUAL U1IOVK VAIIIIH, IlAHT LIIIKUI'V. CATTI.lt. rrlmo l.ft to 1,0 o-m cattle, fat and smooth, the kind wanted by cxisjrt buyers Ulld of winch there were but few on sale, may be ipioled at 4U4ic; goisl 1,200 to l,4oo lb bhippurs, :ifut.ltk'; nice 1,1.0 to I,v50-lb butcher entile, of Kood flesh, were In very KiKxl iieinand ami sold along about ioi'l.Soc; more was us niucli It not more iiKjinry for these than any other kind and but few on sale. Common roin;h butcherinx grades, ruunlnK from U . to l.luu Dis.. were in lib eral supply and slow of sale, and sold at 2.S5 (o.,c. uooit slock cattle ami leeilcrs were iu fair request and brought full last week's prices, out the poorer xrades were slow. SIISSP. Included in the sub s were a bunch of good 7 -lb. laiuos ut Uc: buncli 2-year-old Ohio sheep, 115 lbs, at 6ic; bunch old ewes, 72 lbs., a :Wc; 1 car lair " lb. Ohio lambs ut 61c: deck common S i lb. Ohio sheep at 4.16c; 2 cum Modoc. U.J lbs at 4c; 1 tur M Louis nnd 1 cur ChicaKO-bouKht sheep, 110 lbs. al 4rc; deck Western sheep fed iu Indiana ut 4.00c; deck Wunliinnlon county (l'a ) ewes und wethers, 80 llis. ut 4.i.'ic: deck ludiuna luiubs, 70 lbs, ut 6.IIV!. We quote prime to extra sheep ut 6((.'i)c; and same grades of luiubs ut U(utio nous. The great proportion of the business in Yorkers and I'biladulphiu hogs was within the range of 3 s.'H.'4'c, showing a decline of iK Private and reliable advices from llullalo reortud 120 cars on sale there and quoted 'Yorkers' ut 5 ifcic; this, in view of the tui.'t that sorting up is done more closely, made llullalo a butler oint for New Yo k buyers than Eat Liberty und some orders were placed there III itot'herwise would have come Here, t or some time past there has been u lurttoattcudiinL'e uf country buyers hcru oil ik'nduy. Adventure with (lilorororm. Writers of stories of adventuro wlm hnvo been rastimr about for imvi.lii..s iu this lino havo miiucIiow ovei lnoktd tho possibilities which link in tlio do main of drugs. With proper treatment rhubarb muy bo found moio effective than truin-robliers, ami ipecac may fur nish a Hiilistittito for tho cyclone. Jlr. Troinholt relates nn ndvontuie w hicli he met with ut tho Norwegiun town of llossekop, and which may IroveHupgetivo : Tho doctor had, on parting, present ed me with a liottlu of chloroform as u Iireventivo agniiiHt sea-sickness, which hud in tho pocket of my rout, but forgot ull about. When leaving the resilience of tho tnngi-dinto, 1 jumped into tho trap, und nt the sumo Mntnctit heard hoiiietliing crush beneath me, nnd, driving along the rond, ft It u pe culiar, cooling sensation by my siile, which seemed to proceed fioiu the cush ion on w hich 1 wus sitting. : Iu an instant the situation Hash,.. in on me. I was hitting on a ijiiniitity of chloroform, lurgo enough to kill nil army. Not a moment was to be lost, nnd re- : aliing the danger of tuking my emit off and exposing myself In the whole force of tlio imicotie, 1 gave the 1hmv.c the reins nnd began to holuUir him witli the whip, in order, if (.ossiblo, to reach tho stutiuu ht foro 1 beuimu in aeiihible. Whack ! w hack ! whack ! 1'asler ami ; faster gallops tlio horse; a sickly oilm ; ascend to my nostrils; a kind of mit seems to gather before my eyes. At that monuMit tho station 'comes into ! view. A strong effort on my part, uml more exertions of tho Iwos'i. In tl,u next min-ito wo tly into tho vard ol tho station at if pursued by u host ol navages. 'J'ho ikxijiIo, on hearing tho terrific rattle of wheels, havo como outside and to them tho writer presents the apectuclu ifan apparently semi intoxi cated man Hinging hiim-elf out of o Iran, tearing off his LrtMlt..flltt inn) throwing it as far awny as his strength would permit. No wonder they though' uuu gone raving mau. "1 PUT VA lief a 1 i it V" . 6"'" "1'pcr. i : arliniolla fomeding nice, Johaiin; gook- iii euiiiniue r ".'Sft? i i.,.r .i.A. i . n- - , - .... ut..F.t-tl a match in iny combings bubket; dot' vat vou acumen. A J'lrnalaff Henaa Dt health ami Btrenirta renewed and of and comfort follows the use of Byrop of Fls, as It Mti In hsnnony with nature to effeotual. ly cleanse the system when eostira or bilious. Vormiola AOc.and It botUoi by all Wllu rwict'lsia. It Is not cnouirh to be ready to po where duty calls. A man should stay around where be cuii hear tho call.A n u,lfnn ficayune Drafnra C'un'l be fared ol LT1 V''"c'"l'""J "'"J i mot rearh Hie diisMuttMl portion ( ll.e rr. Tin re Is only H.'o..!' 'i' t ur" ,J'ar"'r,, "d that U hy oun. StltUtlorilkl rfinni iiut li......uuu i, ' .... fi - i- ,COIV, "'the mucous lining ,? the KustaehianTulie. Wh-u thin lub. uU) In. nvued you have artimb Imrauund or lmr' feci bear ii and wl.oi, It la entirely t l.'wotl maUou can 1st tuktm out and tlila tuls) itsttorcsj . ""''"' eoiidlilon, litmriiiK will be de stroyed forever: mu cam " f Un are cHUe. by cait.rrl. wl.lcU is no. Ling but an iu" lluiiied toui ltli.n t,f lliBii,iio,m n,?t,t r ..i'T ,"'"'v '" Hundred U .IlKra f. rany csiteof U.riiBi icaiistid by Ciiiiirrljj that wo or bom UiSy 7 ' ' - Virtue wauls more udinirois. wisdom more supplicants, (ruth tuoru reul friends sikI h.uu.kty mum iiniclllioncjs, Uok ter ll mart.- Tentnarelnraf the Wnfy of sprtsttme 1 nat bIowm on the cbn.k of tho rouuo. Pnt 1 eiu of a beauty tl.at's rarer Than any of which you have sun. The beauty that's seen In the face tf women whose anmnier Is o'er. The autumn-Ilk beauty that rharma as rar more than tho bosuty of yt.re. Itut thi. beauty Is seen too rarely. Tlio fneos Of must women lose the beauty of youth too foon. temale diwinlcrs are like fronts which come Jomn the flowers which betoken health, wlthont whleh there ean 1st no real oes'ity. If our A lieiiean women would fortl V. '"emsolyes asiUnst Hie approach of the tor. tlblo dlitnrdera o jtirernlent snionif them, by uniiie Dr. Ilorro Farorlle PresertptJon, their ircv d look wnnlil b retalne.1 U a "sweet old J Thlt roiwsly I a mi;irinfl cure for nli t' (llntreasina; eaknasm and deranueuieiiM peculiar to sromen. Dr. Ileree a lolletts, one a dose. Curoltead. Suha, oouaUisttloa and IndlKestiou. There Is talk of ercctiii)? n statute of Mrs. Harriett lleet her Htowe in Hartford, Million of women nee Dobbins' Klertrle P.mP dally, and say It I. the hct and cheapest! il t.iey ant rluht, jwm tu lit lo use it. If wron. osaoSo.miy will ahow yon. ISuyabar of your gruocr and try ll next Monday. Two Egyptian princes, sons of the Khe dive, are being educated In Vienna. Bradfleld'e Female HeRUlator will cure all lr. rt-Ktilarilies or lii-rniiui iiii'iils sTiili,tr to wo man. I hoe Buttering should iic it. Sold by all drtiKulsis. ' Oreaon, the Paradlae or Farmers. Mild, eiiunlile ellina.e, ccrtuln nnd nloindant crop. Mrst fruit, rrnln. k'r:m nnltK-k conn try In the world. Kill I Itifommt on fp.,.. Ad dress Oregon Im'lgrst'n llonrd. Portland, Ore. If afflicted with orecvr ne Dr. I .line Tlmtmi. son's hye-wntrr. Drui;lisBt. nt -.'.V -r bolllf T,e "milker's .ln!l,f Tiin-d'l's Pntu h." Rheumatism Arrori'lm to nwni lnv,-.:-ni,,n, hrsu.isll.yri rt'Mlvt. Iii.-Or arlil In tin. I.I, , ,. This it.-l. I alia kit the tllimu IIm.hi. .;n tleiiliirly In Hi,, j, im., t;. callus ll.r lis:ul moi, r. stnt I. oi- , f ( in. ml acln In llli" Luck mi l rli..oli.-r. it, hi lhi JolliU nt tin. kins... niikl", 1 1 1 1 t uti.l wrl.l.. Tliou Mil. In of s'...l.. hitvi- roiiu.l In 11., ..fx Snr.itrlll.i a positive ami iM-riiinueiit cure for rlii.ii.iinti.nl. TIlU nusllcliin, bv IN .iirir.vltiit nn. I vll.il,iu tlon, m-lilrallr... IIi.ti. I Illy ( th . blo.nl, nu.l i,ho lreiiKttit.ini tliu wliulo 1 1 nly. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all ilriiirKhH. 1; .It f,.r ".. It. nn-l onl by C. I. llo ill a CO., A.tli.farlv., Uiwcll, Man. , IOO Doses Ono Dollar THE CataodU aw-m m a m w wm 1 BEST REMEDYK I Olt CHILDREN crrtnisa rstm COLD In HEAD Oil CATARRH. A t.MPll(.Ml....(llM.ll..t.....t.n... .rll.. .... hot. I'll.'.. 1" Al I'rilK'Vl.lit; I." l;inl, V. e .lor I Oit'tii, I LY lilt. .'I'lll lis. : Wair. u hir.tt,..i t.ok ri vr'Ci. t??rij dmMI w tl y L e m K 4. aV I . V. - 1 V v. UIA. HAY-FEVER STRATTON & SON, A I nprtort of all klmhnf 3Vr-xtlx a Inrmoiilnnisi, 4i tW -l j Walker ri,, Nnv urk. sd WHISKEY H"AB- lTScunu at ii"iii wuu mil nam. Utiok of i. or. uvular toil FHF F f --l-l-rili .,1. , I'. M.WOtil.l.K, M. I AILAMA. (ia,' Oll.c CO Si Liluball St. GOOD SCHOOL I'O VolMVNT AM ( LASM( A I,, f( IK.NTII IT. Ill M. I.IM r, riiannacoiitiral, Mnsiml or lino Art! If W) M-int ftr Caiitl'iii,- ,tt Iho OHIO NOIOI AL IM fr.HITV, AHA, O. on i ff tlit Iiukm N-litMiN lii ihf fsMinfr. I jt-t atitiu hi i-lirllllUlit ?,!. At wtuhiKfii lilH Xi .-Hi , pciiM'S) 1ka, wili fiiriit-lu'il ttuiu, $u.ni l.n.tr.i lu uil UlV fitlllllV Itllil llltl"1l IO W rt-ki hii- n-isi Ml Ufi ki, i s. O'IHIIXhIIiiII. ; UtllMrf nt, j.trt'i llnl Mi 11 hi It t'ti t I II inr.v, iit.vcriii ii'iti Mllii.irv h.. fi lo nil t i-tW-iiin. I"rlil vniiiutuM. IM HsliV )..,. i mil r.ci i-onffr all tl.ii' f Im r -li: ti hi.O i-.rr Ifin'i'il iirtt'hi r. ,m iiiii'i nt ativ tmif, 1 1 it v rlliitf t'liM'Un- i'. lil ir I M 'it . in- it.. i d- i i d -1 1 1 - l II. I.I II K, A. l rM::Ur," Miei(Mi;K I I'ltC mnl 1 1 I J I J iitrlh ul.trt tn.i ut. lufii Uuit l-ai uvcrl1.000 Ml MiHt'i-tiiur. A.I Ii.m Ull-. -hLII'tiM-KM, Tulfiln, O. Ilili ntiil 7lh ll(Mlts uf ltic, MlMirfim 7 MuinniH. nu I t , irii.l, niil n in w May lo Vit hit 1 1 HliMt-i. lii .iiit.t. ( in iil;tt-tttv U. I.. M'Al I I I. It, llm hmmitillf, l'a. DYSPEPSIA CURED. 1.N..I lo Im. t-tltrn; r.M.. t l.. 11 ..I.J. .1 ii.,..k trt't', Julia 11. Mi ALU, Uj..I. M.i., ll )tm cily luu, IfftUp TI'r V. lWk.kr,.iin, tiiKlnrMKorma, HUmb I'lllliiaiihii.. An 1 1, hi.l ic. sin. 1 1. luu. I. !., I tl.iin.iitfl.ly titiixlit l.v MAIL. I in uUra frr. Ill vanl'it ulleu e. I I 1 Mam M. luillaln. N. Y. I Af'ut" ftrt " Weekly w-lllliKniir l'rl.. i i l.r. .1 .,n.rl: u In., r.tl lerma ami KieliMta leriit.iry iniano.l. e,l .l li,,. Ir..... A..iv i on. I.TU TIIK. !! hrUiejeto,. W 1 1 r . u. .1 H il S Y F.A.Lshmann, W HKl IIIkI.T.II.'.I M-niiiorciruuiar PATENTS accordintf fa directions 1 FOR DURNS and SCALDS. A Ituby llurneit. Aiiskitl, .Minn., Hept. ?.', Our bnhy 1' yram nhl burned her hsmt on a hot alovn nml we nlHt. J a. obi Ull on It. It took the r iln all i.nt, nl ouee: alter putting ll tu '1 r 3 ti:ius It w ns all rurvil up. V. 1'. K1AVK ami Family AT IiRnioi.HTs and rKAt.rn. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Bsltlmor,, Mi, .JBPHELD'S! JJAJPUirlt iUW W MENSTRUATION W TfkHf.N DUHkHQ CHS.Nt 0, V"i Sriai; x Mtutn euf i twna wa ec muiuu J300K TO"N0MMi'Jt"iVff tmFIEL!) REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA CA. leu ur u liaiiiiik HEAOACHc i.iiiriiili i t l'i rtitf nut kin. I . tn . If Ml I fllH MlM.llt, lh Tf'Af ""H I' Mfrt'n Im i j :ilM. I.tiif f.l.H r , .''- Inorul. niill.iitlM' . r i'lll. r liJi.n .,.1'. --..o. mo im.it rum mr Mikiitmi, l I'- Irr r rrnt ! r U.t.rarh rnntAttilrir la n. t u.t tiniiririaiN. ., . I". H.. I nn r..-..t,.f .i. ,i il.r. l uaiiitr t omimnj nuir..lo, . POWDERS. NORTHERN PAOEHG ll LOW PRICE RAIL Rmn I an.-i r. E Government LAUDS. i I , nk-il.t, l i. .Nt rtn 111 III! l llt.1 I ...I . SEND Fill I 'll'l'tiiloi." llli lihiN ilftf-rlhliiK l" VkllV I U.I St i ll. IIKCI.H. (.ll.ffll.ar . CHAS. B. LAMBORN, 'V'-rr- LOOK m jp.nrri Brrtr tt.Mdi.tiN in pour- RFPajttTINr! O' L iiy r..i!.iii..M..t;ritt.inlhl, lllil., nu.l Us. Riiiiranii... ll Hi.-l,li:i:,.,t oir. rev. r rs lim.li'. ' '1 oe. ... lulliil-.r ll' n'wl.il Sri ..it.'T U1IN .iTiT,rir ii' i .n-i. if. n-'li Tlliaf l.t,J". Aft. PENSIONS If y-ii wa it -s.iiir lii'imluti ivllbuiil ill In put ..ur i.tiin in ii..- iif'.n.u vi Jo-t.ru ii, ni ntkii, vrroini;. AMIIMiTON. U. T. hn.l.tlr.L'. Illiliitiuiitail a ....... Cr aVIT M mm bh .ti MI'I'.lt .41 l.lll ., it, ..I,,, .., 1 ' "ntti., hi.,,,,, i,, i.i,,..m, IIASEI5ALL1 SENT FBFF',!1 w - - " sasa 1. 1 ( sailli ll, R I'll THKOCORK HOLLAND, P.O B 1 120 PUilu P.u TRAVELING MEN WANTED X Hi' - .S.1I..1 91 M Mil. U . t,V i .i11) fiTlhilh-i I'IiimI liif-n Im i'MI'I lit' s.(t i' !i i with t H tltiv Hmki ii. 9 fur th.- tlr-i ,-n (mh.iI 'i-iliiiiis h itihir 1 lit- ..r 1 irt 1 -) I. . 1 - I ti. I...- iiiirMttiai. 1 urn. ..kiin-Kami) xim in ui ti , uitt 4 UT IN THK WORLD U ll CilO C La" out t.ia uanuiuu. 8olU Kvarywuera. PENSIONS STOW!? 1 t. . sou. mu k M.s, taii.M..i, u.t itMiiiuttw., 11. t. a... .iv.. .1,., t ...r. OR AiTEFUL COMFORTINO. EFPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. Hy ft thirrnutl ka twIMsf of Iht ntwm1 Uwi whlrii ifrn tli m-ri om of (lltcfttm mnA nntii I ton, mil hy mfi-fin apvilt -rtilin of th fln pnpr tr nt w Mt-oli-(s I : w'.n, Mr Kpp hftsi pn"rlisl imr irvftUrtt tUlf with 1illiitlT flurourM rirtici- wlitc'i iim mmrv u mmv h-vr i1.'ort hi lift. U U Itjr Hie .MilM-l'Hi iism if am-'h nirtlvlM of tlll Ihtit AOm.ntinl'Ui muv In r 1 nallr mint up uniil iimntr i-innih lo r-ic i-vi-ry iru.l'fii'T lo i(Ia HuiHlris of ntiilf lid ln.lu-si rr flout in firottn1 nl r-iilv lo nttav-k whi'ii'tcr Ou r ft inn iminl W" may t man futwl hiifi t krr)tiiir 011 w n vHI forilllcl with uri ll-w. nml ft proper If Uoiiri-Ui tl frmili." li'il Srrtlv ihtMftt, H'l ptMiptv with In. til;, W.t'T or m UK Hold onlT in liuir i -nn l lln , lr tirfN.ri. IiiImIIiI ihu J A W tri'H A Ml.. llo-ntop.iUilc L'bouilnts. P N V 1 11 WEBSTER Af JcrwAf?yi ,TsnF m if BEST ROR-5DAY GIFT forl'UHtor, r;ir.iit.T.nrbrr. blbl, I'rlentl. "OOO iniiro 7iriU nml nonrly S(KHI iiiir l'ii)r:0 ititf tlimi iinyotln r Atnrrlciiii I l l limit ry. It Is nn lin.ii.i..' I,. . ..,ii 1, !. 1 ery liool IHl'l ut I'ViTV 1' IT' i'.. GET THE BEST. B. .M bv -til r...k.e...t.. l'i..lr.t... r!ii.hU . t'l :,. . n-.-n, el.-., N. -lit f.i . C. A C.Ml.!tiUAM& L ., IMb'r. , -rini'.eM, M.iss, X c0klUININI.')AnilCLt4fvG'jVri .Vv'-." . . or luiiNiTune " 'M CHAIRS .' ?ViV Wn r..l'..l .1 ,,1,. , .at'. - f-w-AiL? iv, V..' Ll ULkL. kIIU.ll)., I li N. Ma at, r,ii.,r. retrcylTanlft Ajr!ra't?.ml Coris, Torlt, r. inrasbar' Mauilara I nrisi and saw ltlla "' ' ,., SV.jC7 ' Hui. n. tut. nititr a. i V".1 " .t'cii;. ai...M.q...M Address A. II. K.llljt Hill a SOS, York, Pa. 1 MMM . ilfi rl. I., tl.r'. ,11 i,:, . fi. (v.. A Tlii Triua Mark Is on The Best Waterproof Coat In tho worlr!. I T....T. II .. .t . AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT BRa LOBB 11ril1 I IMiTiilli I'hlhiilrliiMt. Im , f r tin- tn .itiii.-nt i.f iii.kiI r..i..,ii. 'kin I pi-i oii, N'rnu-i t oni'l:ttut. I in. .-lit I't-tii', M 1 h in rsi, llilNih-it'v kii't kitt'lrt' l ll--nai, tio tnntli i- or Imvf low hliiiiilm.; ,.r 1i-iii m lint run hi- TlrlM.ti ii: ilii. nifii Ii'mh'sj fin nisitril iiv mall rnrr mmiJ for Hook 011 iM'M I I. IH ii-i 1. rilLti T pr"rrhi ftn1 fti'Ir lloMf ltlff H nn th" Dill nin'i-lllr f it till' tor Ik. II i-Ultf of linn (tiswi. U.U.lNOHAirAM.M n, Amsli rilttUi, JN'. V, Wa I. at at a.,tl,l llli l Ins murtT jrfftn, mid ll loic I'Minii, Ihli-iacn ill. Sold ly lruKia 1 l- jr rrrin V. FX Yo ft lA YR 'rau CtisiolTa. r- a linn, l AKIv tM I I I ft V rk is l.oo. aoid pi.stcs i:i:mi:hy i-ou r.TAUi:il.-iiest. I to use. t'lii-ijic.st. l;.'li.. is iniliieiliiil... A cerliiiii. Korl'ol.1 in tlio lU atl il tuis no e.iu;il. I'aniint cure l.s t2 m It Ik nn Oiiiliuriit, of whlrli u mu.iII inirtii lo is liliiilii'.l to llio nostrils, l-i-iff, Oik'. S11I.I l.v ilnu;u'isls or tent y mini. Ail.lri, T. 1Ia.i.i. ii.m:, Wurrvii, Pa. mm CAUTIOR! tr tai ai u i. 1 1 . b a. K'khI.oii whl. h ilrnlrm itiakr m..r .rolli i,ui ",Jir'.',' l,ul ., Ku.ll. Ml.!.- kill, I. I. 111,. .11 Ilkt..,. ,v., , Vine U ol.l.-r. I i.iinpl tlt Uviij u.l MtUarm llvn iiu.ii a:H. . 2 V. 1.. IM.I C.I.Ar. .ii ii,.. I...II.., ino INK HI, r:..(..r.v; 11,1, ir. .1. fl. 1 1,,. iv.r,. .1.1111 P. I!T HI... I.ll, li.tmi. nu.l lln. ... I.. ....i ,1 Mi.-, u.lv.rll.l In l.,,h l... tni.. li. .r l... .1. i hi . Ih, r . U.ini.l l.i i ni llliK.IV, .U..I I.,. I,, r.lnni i,,,l . . , , ,,rn il)HI, rarr, r u.i, I ,ltli, uml i-u. .1 Hfiiti imaiiii' .-, r.r m-ii.i , Tt.leilo. I, CO 1. 1. Kill'., I'lillii,.l,iln. Pit.. Ill, 'II. W I II.-f.tl .-ll. l.lar IK ym art- NM'H or miti-iIv mi,i i,urll.i.li.i-H nn, I rlirl.tmn r .i.t-n.-i jrni iiKiiiijtKir. o. ii... am I M I.SIM HI M A s..i.,li.r.liiti "'nl I J ITKNTS H:( I'll i:i. Oi.iil. liivl o. li. I.i vi., 131 Hftli ait-.. r,iii.l,.,iu h. I'... Jtl tr. urn, il,-.. IIA HIT. Only (Trial., nnd ftl I I IIC. In II,.. Wuri.i. )r. J. L. b'l Kl'llbMLctaAuu. U x!2!af't!?,a'fS. 7 . I.. KOI lil.AS, Urn. klnn. lu... W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SlrlOE CENT LEMEN. liir rlnlni lor ihl. .bur iitrr tJ all oihrr Sliora utlvrTll.t'il urt'i ll rtililuliin bi'llrr .nil', i ll. ll I. M.ut-t. nli h.li. krnrr linlntr itiicl riiirnblr. II tlvr. bi'llrr ui'i.frul .ill ialuil inn. II ..urn mure iuiii,r In.- ibr ii.utlier. II. urt'itl ,ai'rn i. ilu.- lit mrrll. ll riiunwi be ilui.lii uii'il b it ullirr maun, lai-iurre. ll U ibt-hr.i In lb Mi.rl.l. nnd hn. a lrrrr tlrrnrind I bun n ll.. rl:l rlior n d . r n i ., d. S5.0GQ r.""."' ''"" "' l-ii-'ii "In, will T.,.a wwuwv ll,,- ul-.vr hiutrni. iuj, i, . uiiliur. 'I'lir f..lu Inn II..,. ,.f .1,.,., in f,,,mj to lK, nf tb9 Siiiiiu lilcl. l.u, Jur,l ,,f , rli, ,,, r S.I.OII IIAM.--.1U 11. Kl.T tll(r I'l.l.irt; AMI rn u:uy ninr. J.J..O i: l 11 VAI.I K I II I' slioi; l" S'i.'i.. IIOIIItlM.il l sikik, h j.oii .oit). r. n Mini:. fc.bo un. i s i .it H(tv' si iinoi, Mior. OPIUM " UUI ill I -OUfc'li'Mi, illtUU 1.1414. W. I. nnilRlAS $3 AMn 59 SHnro rrn lAnico " wwa.iiw V I1ISLJ V - Ulld tJ I U LflUILO. nolh Latllna' U.m iu-o initUa lu al Tmm I b, ludnUIug L&lf at,J m o, V, K uml KF width, i t..t. L .. TVI.Ksl OK I.AKItS' MHOK.H. ..JTi." IS"';!' ,r". "Tbn HpKiilah Arcu Oi.ru. I'hr Ainrrlmn ('amnion special. iviLrair:.!!.?. -...-i J4r.. i ... ... ..... r.,.uAirv r- 1 1 . Up aulr aud .irk ll, au-ri.r jut. la tiuii ..ut '"'S!. nroi kion, .11 u... 3? fCoryaiaHT. like zeal wihhoul knovted is. sister of FoIIxa MM m ; aeniu J iitwH mt, x&iaz3& y jL4k O.WLIVA t-ai6o scouring soP'lry a cftKe' I Cheap comfort can be secured by the small Investment In one cake of SAPOLIO when you have a house or a kitchen to clean. From the paint to the pots and pans and including the windows and floors, It is the very best laborsavlng soap which can be used for scouring and cleaning. "" ill Vi'.' i in l I i 'I' HP 4i .i ... .- -y. at i , - J- -aiij -' ' ' ' V s a.- ' ' ii .