T. iue rcn- til deal .gtbt 389 be liriKlliD(; 9 Of l"1 I tieet M VCI-1CU, iau... '0 C0(0b8 A FOUL TLOT. ff PEED OF A FEMALE FIEITD. p,lM U-IM HOrtWO TO prTH.' in coirt .. i 1 .4 . w. it. iiannoioiuew, . .. inr ..f XVashlnirton M -..-...l with pom- mho , ... i.rlii Millor and ir Willi ,, , t...i.,i.,miimtion to tell all the m"'n ... ,.W of her husband, ' .,...lin that she should 1.1;, U"'r ' " i . fa,u 1 . l.n... .Illi thai ,.,t ef-ntenee in - - - .fcnmo lier . hut the woinm oi wi'- ......... att fl llfl llv mli turned In ,!lo the attorneys ...hit i.r i" ' l,...tivit nr lut.tl 1JPsili..n1 ever ..-.. -l whoa M". DillrJ ' l,,ared " jun'l. he stated tlmt for sev !!T,,e hs U" lit'"l,t0 i,h ,,ttr jn l that '1CU u,'r 1Usl""u, l'w ',eio Mercer comity they con- Ue mur ler, so "w - 1 ci 1 ," " est Willi l'""t " ,,,'h.pr.iprrisd the murder, say n r nn' b iiuti'i w' l"u mt the f-n '' we Wl""llie" jKiipin if- ,,, ir inr. JIUtPF.n. i,r,.re the murder he came, to 4 m I borrowed my hmbi'id's tun; ,nk,ith me shout the mooting. ., ...,). m-vt tiii'iit ho would en- rir ! sti-l m ike the hen cackle, ar.d j, the noie was heard I should have .....tmviatitttta. In tiu tn.'ntifinio linJe in the bin cherry tree an I be rui. On tho nrterno m following el the tnn and it had bn fixed so i t (t off. ;i,i I heard the noise in tbe awakened my husband. L.i .ml takins the nun went out into Mlowcl by myself and our ion. the lantern. When wo reached tho I him there was something In It, ii tUe Isutern from mo no raised it :tte. Ju't then there was a flituh.a r I my husbond fell dead at my feet. 1.1 the alarm, swing DilUrd hail Li by chicken thieves. l.muw hai been the caue of it all. LnMnieaiid my life." Mrs. Pillard broke Into hysterical reat eiciteme t reigned in the i i She became calm alter a few II jwerer, aim, ijuiei oeing renoreo, :,r lUrtholonieiv troreedcd with Vuinination and elicited tlie tntor- l tt Mrs. Dillard hail been promised wntence if she turned State's evl- lof Bartbulomew then jirocoec.cd. ACKSMAS CAUGHT. K'h;iilcs of KlchmoiMl Ind., Miinillon, 0., with requisition arrested 'Ike' Morgan, the lead the iiu.Bi successful gangs of safe I burglars that ever infested Ohio i. Tlie ritoiier and three uth I with nine burglaries and sis Indiana during the past suni- 'ti located there with hii wife :.j:iK'. Hu would remiiiu there at s time and then depart aud im rihaiidisi! of all kinds. Ircliiiig his riaidciice there was :y, cutlery, dry goods aud other ny, which wiis identilled. A . ilarK lanterns and a complete t' the tiuint (juulity of burglar viu tools were found. Morgan ki to l:ichmond. MX IQIMCSTS AIJLAZK. treil.imit a large urn mnt of tir IW.u k lliver Falls. Wii- liiy ai rifl of young timber ure M. As everything is dry us mgs hay mid grain stacks are I'ke air is an I nil of mnoitu th:it ve. One farmer, named, Kni l; bis hay mid siraw and barulv li-e miii barn. from (.'hipiiewa Falls, Wis. rest lircM ulmig the railroads rapidly in all directions ilement. As vet no huil.l. kn ildiruyed. Timber ia bcinu ruusiderable extent. Tim (htlie Country is stilling, and kiieneuced delay in Some 4tlar- U LONDON SYNDICATE. rin int. h. i... fcisxajuitia, in Morulas, nen wumpsnymg silver mine, wr ij imiJ, ilia l one of the lart in ilia V'icu, while Ihe mimltiw ,,ro. -.vw.iimj ana la.UOJ.OX'. h'TKD KILLED. Il,'t Mr. K. ,.,. .i.. . Pbe.lt killol by his ....... river. Thin l..r "'P Urmn, of tlio Oranire tit liu. I uu. a siuan resourcm, plor.iti0ii euablul h!m hud menu . ,..i ' 1 "h little money, 1 1) BUILFU EXPLOSIOy. on tiiua bnlln. ... i . . Hsnsoa. & r.. .m t norm ; .kiiii"..iw fM Heailern and another I Was m .....i i. " w . every, f U the .icinltjr by the A.rv &tt. lO V ioboily, o v . ' I .....V. Wcldou tcanr irric tlie si ' :....:- 1 -huta4L.KXED0UT "all aa f . t.r 1 firaa at Le liretoii's 'erwood, Ottawa 4 1 . M de- Out.. WKra bllliaa ... "gswereofavery poiaiiois niiinoi MORMOX TACTIC3. rraiTiifa roa a bai-ancr or mliticat, powib IN TERRITORIES, George L. Rhoup, the Governor of Idaho Territory, In his annual report to the 8e ro tary of the Interior, gives the Important pro visions of tho Constitution which will be submitted to (he people for their adoption at an eloction to bo held on November S next. The report states that there are over 2, 00 'people In Idaho who are adherents of the Mormon faith The population of the Territory is 113,777. I'olygamy, however. Is not at tho present time openly practiced In the Territory, but the Governor adds that of the fact that it Is practice! I secretly to a lim ited extent there seems to ho no doubt, as in dictments are found In nearly every term of court held ami a number of convictions have been secured, He states, however, that he has reason to believo that division of sentiment is sprin Ing up In the Church on the subj.-ct of the practice of polyga my. Under the Constitution polygamy will be prohibited, and the insertion of this provision may bo regarded, tho re port states, as the expression of tho voice of the people of the Territory on this subject. 1 he allotment of laud to the Indiani un der the severalty act, the Governor says, la progressing satisfactorily and with little op position on the part of Indians. While tin profits of the cattle growers liavo luvn re duced recently, owing to tho prevailing low prices for beef cattle in tho Eastern markets, yet tho Governor says that there is a fair profit left to tlns eng iged in the busiu Lewis Wulfrey, the Governor of Arituia. submitted his annual rep rt to the .S.-cretary of th- Interior, t'nucerniiig the Mormon, the Governor snys: Arloiia had a law disen franchising all who practiced, timuht or en cotir.igel polygamy. The first Legislative Act, signed by my pre Ieeer, was the re ponl of that HCt. 1 reipiest and urge that Congress repe.il the realing art and re-establish the ubovo Territorial law. Politically the Mormonsse m to have adopt, ed the plan of tending mlo I ti and "stakes" to the surrounding Termor es in siillirieut numbers to form a ba'nnee of power between tho two xilitical parties. They nro willing to Irade with either, but remain true only so long as the Interests of thu t'hurch nre bet served. The Church is their law, and all other law is subservient to the orders of the Church. I ke Mormons in this Territory number about 8, 000. DEVASTATED Y FIHE. Tho Mission Credit country, north ol Hinckley, Minn., is ull nbla.o. Pine, hay and lumbermen's supplies have been do llroyed for miles around. Fires are also rag ing north of the uaki rivur and at l'iiio L'ity. The smoke is so douse as to obicure a locomotive headlight & feet away. The de struction of the pine forests uear Ground Uoiutf is still iu progress. Barbrrt In Olden Times. It is selJora in those days that yon beat of a person bring loechod or cupprii It is rapidly becoming a lost art Not a pie it many years back it was a very important 1 minese in con nection with a tonsorial establishment. In fact, it was almost a profession of its own. Cuj pinR and leeching wero very popular anr ng tho Germans, and, whether weak or atrong, they followed the use. Not a prcat many "rears ago an apprentice barber invariably had to become as proficient in the application of tho leech as ho did in the shaving line. Ila bcrs also did a good deal ot tooth-jerking, but that part of the busi ness is also no more, since dentists are o numerous. Dea't Waste Tear rime And money irrlmcntlni; with dnnhtftn remeillm, hnn l)r. i'lnres's (lolilen MwHtal Illsoorerjr la so poslUrely rorUIn In Itaru a tlve action m to warrant lis manufaetarers I i upplyln rlttotlia pnhlln, as tltvy are dnlna tlirnuuh driiKKlsts. nutlvr a duly eiarutml ro-. tlrtoatonr RiiaratW Ibat It will aoo.imnllnh all it is rei'i.nunnuilnl lotlo, or monry palil (or It will Ihi pnimptly returned. It cares torpl I llvnr. or bliioiisnms, indtgmtlon, or dyspepsia, all humors, or Wood Ulnts rom wnatevrr cause Srl-lriK, nkin and scalp dlsoanes. acroful. cms alTovti.iiis (not eseopiins; eonaiimpt on, or hint-scrofula), if taken in time and giveu a fair trial. Thousands of cures follow the use of Dr. Ease's C atarrh Kemedv. SO cents. General Sherman says ho will attend no moro soldiers' reunions'. There Is nctMnf (nnlrss It be the sewing ma rhlne) that h' liKbtrnrd wmnan's laljor as murh a. Di'tiblns'n Kiwi rle Soap, r"iiaiir; sold sltirs f4. All nr. i r lisvo IL llaveyou Diudeils acuual itanre'r Try it. There is n post ol!i -e in Sharon county. Missouri, railed Ni t. I. una Trouble end Wnatlnc Ms nrs enn he cuieil, if pniin-rly (rested in time, lis shown I y tic followliiK stnteinru' from l. t". KliKfM ,x, Silm : 'Having been Burial sufferer from ptiluionnry nttm-ks, and fTadiinllv wnstitiK uay Inr tin- past two vests. I MlTonls me pleasure Ini. s'ifv that KiimV KMi isnsof h1 l.lv. r oil w tt. l.lmo and KKla luisKlvi-n m Kent relief, nml I rlnsi (ill. ly r.e.inuii-iid Ii Ins I .uiTi-rinK in n f null it wny to tnysrlf. In iid.llt :nti, I would ray tli.it It is v r iieiisniit to lakr." A Wed Virginl I town of ThVI inhahitaiits hits dogs. turn rarii.tr r rirmrn. !e ellniat .certain and atmndant Hist fruit, a rain, vrass and stork coun try In the world, r ull Information free. Ad- crop. Irr in dress Ur-on tm'turafn Itosrd, Portland, Ore. A dog hns been nrrestol in ll.iltimore as ii common tbief. The) Mother's Friend, nwd a few wei-ks iH-lore rontineiiirtil, Ii sseim tb pain and initkes labor nnlek mid coniparatively easy. rSuld 1 " ' Ixudoi3 boia.ii.. k i ..u cents for a thine. If sflllrteit will, fcore ryni use Dr. Inane Tliompson'e Kjre-wa(er. IiniKKlsU soil at !-. per bottle. Many Imitate "Tamilll's Pun. h" Br. t'ltfar. THE LABOR WORLD. Th Pittshurg, Penn.. maltsters have asked for shorter hours. Two assemblies of tho K. of L. have been formed in Ireland. St. Lorm iniiKiciniis averago about $770 a year, or (14.85 a week. Therk are nearly Wl.Onn carpet workers of both texes in Philadelphia. KixterH nu(DRi:n men aro wcrklus at the Chester, Penu., shipyards. Tiierb will soon be a national organization of the tile layers of tho United States. The pantaloon makers of Boston, Mass., have started a union with seventy members. As advance of fifty cents a day has h'-en given to the plasti r.-rs lit Couuellsville, l'eiin. 1'llR workingmeii in Cliicn?" have sub scribed to JUU, 000 worth of tho World's Fair stork. The Chinese) tailors In Hong Kong are. fighting against thu introduction of sowin;; machines. The eight-hour svstem is satisfactorily working in tho British colony of Victoria, Australia. Tnic recent div-k strike in Ixindon has, ac cording to John liiiiiiK, tlio leader, len til." meaus of raising w uges in at least 'J00 trades tliHi-e. The second annual convention of the Jour neymen Ihtrbers' Iuternntional Uuioii of Amei-icii will bo held in Detroit, Midi., De ceinlHT 3d. At the request of the tailoresses of Doston tha labor organizations of that city will adopt a lubel wliich is to be placed ou union made clothing. In the newly drafted Constitution for tho fttateof Wyoming it is provided that "eight hours .hull constitute a day's work iu all mines aud on all Statu aud municipal works." The new locomotive works of the Pennsyl vania railroad at Altoona, Print. . ure to have a capacity of 6(H) engines a year, und ure so constructed that their manufacture can bu increased up to 15U0. KlVTV miners were lately killed by an ex plosion in the ironstone pit of the'Muurice Vood Colliery, Heotltuiil. Subscriptions are being raised all over the country for thuir widows and families. Co-opa&VATiVK stores are gaining ground in England and workingiuen seem everywhere anxious to buy stork in thorn. Co-operative liat stores are flourishing in all the large cities and have proved a great success. In order to replace the field laborers who have emigrated to Mexico and South America a comutny has been fornrt in Havana, Cuba., to make contracts with a number of workmen iu Spain to bring them to Cuba with their families. Wokkimuukn in Paris are agitating for the eight-hour movement. A letter to that effect has been sent to the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor iu New York city. The movement is tha outcomo of the visit ot American workiugineu in Paris. A New York unionist, who is in Huenra Ayres, Argentine Uepublie, writes to Kuvr York saying that it is not bard to get work there. He says, however, that it would bo foolish for any mechaido to go there expect ing to got an easy job or to become rich, Carpenters get from ti to $3.50; bricklayers, from $1 to (3, aud bakers from $1.75 to toY.'S. There have been jrut two interesting ex amples of moral action by labor organiza tion. The iew York Hod-hoisting Engi neers' Union expelled a member who offered his boss 13 of his weekly wages "just to have a steady job" and the Balesuieu't Early Clos ing Association, of Newark, N. J., expelled a loeinucr ior aunouosiy vowara nis employer. Scrofula Humor 'My liule dausbtiv's life was saved, as we be Here, by Hood's Marsaparllla. Pefure she waa all Bwnths old scrofula kc(ao to apprnr and In short Unit the had 1 runulnc tores. One ptiyttclan al vised the amputation of una of her flnicrra, to WBloh we refuted wrat We benan giving- her Uixxl i Saraaparllla. A marked Improvement m BoUoed after tlio had laktn nuly one bottle, end l.y a qootlnutd une of It her recovery was enmpU-te. And she It now, boln seven years old, Iron and healthy. The other members of my family have been Rrrally benefited by Ilond's KarttputUla." U. C. JoKta, Alas, Llnoula Co., lie. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cold by all dnurttats. (lislsforfS. Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD 4 CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, altas. I0O Dosos One Dollar 'MIlTilFRjs? AaCdrMl. H'.JIsThV m, M EJkai Tata United Typothetss. at ita third annual convention held In St. Louis, opposed tha eight-hour movement, which the Confed rated Aasemblr of Trades Unions declared will go into effect in May, 18U0. Each local Typothetea was advised to take such action aa in its opinion may be neoeaam ry to meet the issue U it should be seriously presented, Twlt tout deserters from tbe French army, who, unable to go back to their own country for fear of punishment, have been living in SwiUerJand, some of them for many years, have left Gsueva for France, their immunity now being assured under the new amnesty Ja'r arWu U has Just gone into tfet-i FRIEND iBRADFIELD REGUlATLiR HO. ATUMck ' ,4UA at AIL UtUiieiSTS... u1 ELY'S CATA RRH Olaanse, the Nasal UCAc.I 11SB.V aUll, M)4I VUl p Bares, VL jstores the oensos oi i.-.u.ie anu Smoll. TRY THE CURE. a 1 1 -i j t ln?oV:TnVt"ril aiei wHAY-FE VE atdru'it; hv mtil. reiriHt!. m nt. KI.Y lllllll'KKIlM. m Wien S'- T.fc. eCiV U.SJt. 1 HEADACHlT (tiiaratiicsfti i tur ny klnrf i In usJttL'lt lit ffte-tM IlllliUtca. 1 ht- ' itlursU. nniiiviiiMr aitlif r tiij-irtotisi ut r ie.i-. 1U ealv ctir fur blcbuM. OiLLHSTE I Piisrv, null r !. rmvh rontsinlns; win rV iiViiri. tsuiii hv uii drtisraf lata), ur A V "s n rifia Vw 'iiif y wsrj V o 1 1 Co ni ta j. Uu ff lo, lr POWDERS. It ?i c 0 " 8 1 H 1 N 6 5 A " T 1 e L ' 5 fr &Si(ki. wheel LfeyyO mm W rUkA 4t turn twA 4VB4 siliip (tHHlt U ! tiid fur on dltvry. Hrtnrf ktAIUU fuT tillieV . Bnkm mu rnrr th rncL VI KIEL ( H AliUl TO IIIHr. HI'IDAl. Dr. Lobb, Ltumo uru.vo.,nn n. tth at, rtuatkira. After ALL ethers fall, eoutuil 329 N.I 5th St. PHILA., PA. Twenty years' coatinaous utetlee la the treat, mast and oere of Ue aMlal efteela ef early viee, daalroyliii hota mlad and body. Mtalclue ad Ueaianeut for one month, Klve Uatlare, eeat r.ly taalrd from ebaarvailoa to aay silrtnas k en Mpeelal pleeaeee free. FRAZERo-. ""choc BErTJ! THE WORLD tav- un uie bSBUiae. BoidEvxuTwhare. PENSIONS Su.?iUL"FJ5 ClaalaaaU, NvaiatSM. k. t'. S..U.. Uut laaat! S25 SH fflfSllr! RlfAl at! ItMla. Sill fiUUn TUB I. II. FUHlvl.Na. AiKUlCAL. to. If lohnsene. . few VLkF7 . . . . .HEVOmMS tbtm I I I WTHt B .1000 TRAVEL - IU lWfOHli ft riwluuiic TH $1.75 MUiivs I A Vf &fl. Ill v&r "7.1 "'v i li A National Family Paper Two Millions of Readers. The volnme of Tn CoMrton for IRPO will he nnsiirrssscdiy any pre vlons yesr in the variety of f ntrrtnlning and instructive articles. Tbe fall Announcement of Authors and Articles will be sent on application. Ten Serial Stories fully llliifctrnled, and among tho most attractive ever published. 100 8hort atorloa-Thrllllng Adventures-Skotches of Travel-Health and Hygiene Biographical Sketches-1,000 Short Articles-Popular Science) Natural History-Outdoor Sports-Anecdotes Etiquette-Wit and Humor-Poetry. Illustrated Weekly Supplements Were given with nearly every Imiio during the Inst year, and will lie continued. They give nn increase of nearly one-half in ths matter and illustrations, wllhotit any increase In thu price of tho paper. Eminent Contributors. Articles of grest vsluo and interest will Ik) given In tlio volume for H?0 I r Rt. Hon. W. E. Cladstono, Hon. Jamoo C. Blolno, Justin McCarthy, 17). P., Conerat Lord WoUoloy, Sonntor Coo. F. Hoar, Hon. John C. Carlisle, 8lr Nlorell Mackenzie, Prof. John Tyndall, Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, Eugono Schuyler, C. A. Stephens, Lt. Fred Sclwvntka, And One Hundred other woll-hnown nnd favorito writers. 792 fett 8. 2 !e 12 Four Double Holiday Numbers Are in preparation, and will 1 exceedingly attractive, filled with the sjienul work of our favuiile writers, and profunvly illnstistcd. Tliey aro puhhsliod at Thanksgiving Christmas New Year's Easter. These Konvenlr Ni.inl.ers nre sent lo I m il Huliaci liter. $5,000 Prize Stories. Nearly Sl Thousand Stories have been fxam'nml. Tho titles and authors of those which will receive l'rizei cannot yet lie announced, but tlio successful Ktoiic$ will be publuUeJ during the louiini year. The Girl That's Wanted. Practical papers full of ur.ntlnni to ftlrls, as to new eeeupstiont, and whst la beat to do In life, by Marion llsrlsnd sad other well known writers. The Backward Boy, An. I How to Ievi-lop Ills I'nirrr., A ncries of srtt. rb-s by the I're.i.l.'titi of three 1.-i.illiiff l'mv-ril- ties wliich will liit.-rosl bojt ami tlu ir ptii-uta. The fcdltorlnl give romprelieniive views of iiuportiuit ctiiTont nventi at home and abroad. The t'hlldrrn's I'age contains rhsrming Sloiirs, l'tctiiros, Anecdotes, Kbyniei and Futales, adapted to the youni-est readers. Household Articles will lie published frequently, giving useful information In Art Work, Fancy Work, Embroidery, Dccoraliou of Uooius, Cooking, and Hints on Housekeeping. i! a Ii - I j v ! ! I. 1 221 IFeet 1 sP5lli., THIS SUP FREE TO JAN. 1, 1890. To anv New Niili.rrllier who will rnf not ami sen.l us tills slip, with name nml Tost OITIre a.lilreaa n.xl Ml. 7.1 for a y.-itr's anli. rlpllon. nre Mill ten.l " I lie Vo.itli's Companion" I Itt 1'. lo .Inn. I. I Hon, n,., f,,r a full vt-ar from tlmt lnle. Tl.la oftVr In rlnriea the r'tM'lt IHtl'ltl.T. ItOl.llltV N l l It K K. the I I.I I'KT It TM WDDhl.V fctl'I'I.KYIKNTS, ami llm ANNI ,11, l'KKSIIIIM LIST, Willi fioo I lliiatratio.is. Ken. I mi v tV I'oat-Oltliii Money Order, ( heck, or ltrifl.tere.l Letter. 4.1 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. WITH 1.75 tfhat Lacupia Can Do t With Blood Diseases. Wherever T.A cti-fl-A hns lice. til.il, It hits ut once la-en recoimtzeil n ino-t rella Mn III.Kjd IU-iikiIv. lli necltHfrowliw .Hip ulurltv Tako the now of V . II. l-owlcr, c ii.-nr Trenu.ii, Tcnn., us nn example V or fullvslx years lie loul notliwn nlilt- tosM'iik n ti-.'iril or l. a il v' work. 11 is ronililion wiimii g I. I l I in. I.-. THE BL00O 1 U.IC I . A- i ii-Pl-A, on llm iinv ic" ol u li i nil. Within Hiiro inoiitlisln'coiil.1 1 ilk us w. iliin.l work im liur.l us aiivono. K.-ml to tin. 1'i-rii-iia Mctliclno Co.,''oliiiil'ii. (.. for n copy of lr. lli.rtmnn's" lllsof I II'-." islvlmt '"nny. Other CHH.-4 cured hv I.A-i'l'-l'l- s. Hold l.v nil ilriik".'lt 1'iily H u bottle; 0 bottles for M-i,iiirnctiircil lv illK I'K.tl'N A MLU. CO., Columbus, O. WHS IIIOMt Nor did better II.- l'iiii Ink r. a For Dairy, Farm &, Household. Vf-eMsVs 4sei-ifaa tti,,fler MnehiM n nr If'l )ihr.-t ine.Ul . A.,..,vnl uf a d fninvl i k by lii- hiKftoat tl.iirr r.-nliU, 1 i rhilil mil hns it Alwitve imxl ii! rir4 r'sM- im Hoi rrorMWMt milk .r cii'iu mi limntiUe Wot tt a iinfii ,imi- puit ii lotltj lsrvi manti-v. iks m.iro Imttcr. 4Vir piuAl no 1,1 IJO msi ri Unllrrmllet miiatriN fti-tlv wvc- for i-oif.-e. ,-tu. J Hinu rtM-.Hiiim iu.t'. by chilJ ft n'e iti -u-r1'ii i U.t lntv ItMvl Mn hint ulM IIIMlltM W'iV4 Uf i ri'slllllll 4 iiiiiii!o, i a IB.. lU'.Vl I ftU , UU , III ,,( , ,.(,,, F-lltl Itir t.(llli.illltvl ..i.. .,. ntANK CO., I'eil.'til. nnl N.: Mfiu. Sit tuv. r. m r.nKra(V,,i et.i'ili lfl n-.e m 9U4 bum Vva-k. UdiaUii ifcwnu U4lrL IMPORTANT IsMliiiatniTlli f aiHHiUf M t It HliHl il Havnitf (hine IiiimIiii-m In tlie l'iile.t Hiatr. f'-r y.-Hra, ..ur r iui'.t n s.ul re. ou.iliintv Is J'la lHhli.lie.1 ve waul three men .ii l.nir VI.-. 11 ity lo repree -l.i us lo wlimi. I i.-lu-ive lerrl torv wl.l !-iiivpi . llaiiOuinr (muAi lr.e. smary Slut Kll eil-4t..rt'oc..nil al"U.alil we,.al, Mejlyi-.n-I Inyiuent the yaur r. uuJ. tile ua at uuce i- r t ilia. MAT BBUTHEriS, Nurstryfrun,1"'.' Send for niurtntf il Citliyiie. FV-. Thle Trade Mark le on Tlie Bsst Waterproof Coat In the world. . .1 Tow. r. Helton. T ETHUN ItFaKttVKRFWlNARY ikd NOIIMAt. V 1 1)1.1. 1.OK, Weal Karn i.iK.on. O Kltlv yearn. IliiihtrKB. Keven uvpta. ll-wrU and Tuiliou -7.io ter term. No esirs ci.riie. Mr coiuuierciti ouurao. ,uter any H". I-.. II.Wr.llrlTI If, 4. M..l'realilenl. IAriVAvents rlrar oO Weekly mIIIi nur Cele i biMt-d 1'iir.eUi in u.i huerl ler.iit tiei l.nclu.lv.i T.-rntory itiianiiit. ed. M muiiii1u free. Appiv at nn.-e liTl.rm.. U l W.h el.-a cnt ;oi llr.iuilwuy. N. y. OUT HTI'MV. Itnoli.Seei.inic, IlnalneaaFerms. WnlC Ceiiiuaiialilti, Ai-ilboiellc, rlh.M t-liaii.l, etc, th.irt.iiKlilv tsiiunt hv AtAtU tUrcillara free. I yniu'e t nlleqe. 4-17 Uin Ht., Ilufl tlu. N. Y. Kllelbly Iv at.it Hnrmv CAOTIO s I .. I Ml I 4i I, K - lutini-nii'l I tir -rl- nrr Ntfiinril iii t In liou.tiii .1 ull Mii-t-n inlvTitfi ! him hrforrt lt,fiiir,' t.iN fsit'ltiry, tin iriU'ttn iht' w tMinin hi;iIiii lilitli pricrw aiiti tnli-rlor BoniU. ' tkv tmiM- tin- If -us "so klltlllM-l, 1.r Of lft'"lV-0 tV lltll'TH V (lllMlffl t't he im i-ooil, on wlilfh Ifit1.T niHkp morr pn.m - Inn M-iu ilinvi lo f.-t..r). nii-l ri'f-lv lv n turn iniiU what ynii wHiit. M.ifn klmt. Imiimi, yiinrcss ,.r i,,, ,., itf ,lltrw .(r, r-i.) ami tiil:. (au1 i-ik I.m l.i i m nh ui 1 r. i'ltmiiil UfUvi-r uu J w.f-e. tii u Kuaiunift .1. A-Ur- U. 1.. IHH MAN, Itrm liinn, lln-i. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Our r In Im lr iIiIm nhiir u.rr JS.'I nil ullirr tiot'et ml, rri .ssjfil n i -1 Il rofiititii liriirr iiiiiiitIrI Ii In in or Mvltith. Iiricrr llil!n nnd ilurnliln Ii itivr-t hfiirr Hfitt-nil Hitilii-i iun. Il NHti-ss mure in it it im Inr Iht riniuiiirre lit Ajri'iil Miu-fi-Bin lo iliii io inrrtl. Il t-iiiiiinl Itti iluiillf uirtl j- mi) illn-r iiiiiiiii-, hit i ii rrr. t l tin hf-it In Ihi win III, nml Iiiih n Inrifrr ilfiiiiiml ill un nut ill It i' -: nhor mil rrti-il. finnwi"iH' r',,i'"""v itmiu w!i'. win ntv WJUUU Ml' uU'tf flMti ut' lil- lit Im- Ullini-'. T (it-full, wliii; III fHlHH--w lll Im-foiui-l to Im nf til Ulilf ll'r.l "tittnlunt i f fi I'tli lH' o.i.ou i.i:m im iim-m u ki sihik. i.imi imm.m: i:o v i i r f-iini . n;i.,,i I'im m r, m cut Mi.itv -iiok. rI..H r 'Mt All I. I U.I MIOL hV-i.-k UOKIvlM.M iS rHllOK. hi. tut i.ooir.w i; it -nor. b'J.OO nml .7. IIO M IIOOI, MIOr.H. All liiii'li III l "sli(i I, Hill It iu uiitl .iift. W. L DOUGLAS $3 AND $2 SHOES FOR LADIES. Doth Ladles' Hhort ure uiade hi alii from I to 7, lin'liellim half !.. und II, I', I), K und l.K v. Id l In. HTVI.IiH IIC I. A III lr.f" r.lr.i. The Frenrli Oriern." "The MiH.uUk An h Oui-r... I'll.- tmi-rlrnn famniim hrnar," 'The .Me.ll Common Hruie." All mude Iu lluuuu Iu the l.uii-xi ri lia. AUo l . en. li Oseru In Front l.iieo, .i V.'l Hbeoaaly. QPrriAl xv- ' I'Ortil.AS' .' i;iAIS HIIIIF. Hnrr.li f..r (lentleiuen, with heavy UI a Wlee np eulu uud ttrKllj ul.iir.-.r, k Just .nt . I.. IXIICl.tS, ltroel.lo.1, llaaa. ja: v si w aW;., ",' s. 7 P ISO'S KEMEnV FOIt CATA Itnil.-Host, to une?. ('Iwnpt'at. ltelii-f is iiniiii-diiiti'. A certnili. l''or (kilii In tho lleiul it has no equul. 1T- I'iisii'st euro It In an Ointment, of v- hii h u sinnll ptirtielo is u ti urn nostrils. I'rico, soiti l.y tirn.ji'isis or st-nt Dyinaii. Address, u T. hazi.i.ti.m';, W nrrfii, l'u. Era 194 ppiioa b;m m JOSEPH H. HUNTER, g ATTOIlVFr. WASHINGTON, .1 KT VOI It NeION williaal ItF.l.AY. .i-vrri'ti txv a .Trnv-i To tell ojr Improved fj jffc 4e. MISSISSIPPI LAUD. Tt vZXX. moil It bulloia laml, In male of M latluliiul, fur sale by I'fcltltY Wt'OKNT. Halem. . AG1 Tot. Empire Washers, Wrliurera. Ironluu TnMue. lrniK Hurt rtothiM iLauss: it ma, fcio. y- Sausiactioii unaranwea. LarQ Profits Made By Aente. Kamiiles tt Who'oaiilu Vrl.ioi, Hand for l luatrulo I t!atal uua and 1'iluet. A.ldre s, THE EMPrBtl .WASHES COMPANY, Jamestown, N. Y . L"t i' PATENTS F.A.Lehmann. WtklllllKlM.O.U Miudlureirouiar h'L' Be d adinvaa oil o-t.l I. r iionpnl. I IV Vj Tj "How iu sei eorremi.B'ieuo - l'-r -unnr nisii-iiinmy." Ihe K t.'. Ageu.-y. Il i II, jlle. Mi.k FARMS Dnyouwaetlehayer tellf I UnC If to atad lamp fur elre'l'r to WUrt II e CUrMa a iT it, uaa Broadway, M. Y. fl fj 1 14 HABIT. Only (ertala aed BlrlllM easy ' I' K Kin the World. Dr. UI I Mill J. 1.. B'i SFUKNIi, Uuaaua,0 rATKNTii HKt'Ultl.fnnnlav)0. D. T.svia. 1 3 1 Huh ave.. fr.liauu . qli fa- ItOyrs praeiloo. 1 A I. IH Nile). CIM l.K'- K. ftniade imia. 1'h ah'ilse-hiiand witeu,i.'m. Arlieiercm-iilar. rbbllaa arit avu as vtnuian. Gold Ilimtors' Adventures IN AUMTK A I.I A, by W. It. Taoara: l7mo, AVI facet. 40 full p lllu.lrtlnl. A tlrrliif tlury uf Aaveulere ajiiunf BuaAAnmin and out law . Largeat aad beat Hooka evtr told for rtue, els til i-eele, uuit(iald. Addroat Auu T. Loro A Cp , Laketlde hlilu., I.'bleafo, III. S30 FREE CRAYON V. lnlo inlnHhif log mir Itnc wurk. If vnii itnil tu rii1uk lu ui .vtiumcir nr nt ini-iiiiif r ur utir rmn lly, will inHkf vim it lull liff-wur ( i-avn 1'nr trail r rrr ol linrure llic muv iuiiKUiTMtioa ltitn.k. (1 ie tu u nlil lw thut iiu cxlnl.il It la Uf frlrmlo a Miii.iilf-t.f nur vsurk, uikI Uh-lft ua in lit u rln if urtlrri; ttiiit ym rtmii-n ti'liavi It Iraiiuti ktillitlil) , ait tlmt thr wnrk 111 utinw to nd vuittatfr. Writ your full nmt nml aililrt"-. -n liiM'k tf phiilu In mciiip iu Hf r t W'n tuaiM.ut. tin return. tMir onr In kimmI ur few iluy uiilr. nil (lit unilH Nirtrii U wortU .t, Iveiu w nut Ms fU ler IIIMtll. AtlillffMI Al r.ltH AN fOKTICA IT t'O.. 120 Wfii l.t4 M., NtW OI(lv CITV. .u-pr-Jtl Uri'-Mct I'urtritil IIhIims in uh W rlil. 'NO HORTHAND rREE! tsoi and Kull lrlieti-U lars. UUUSOVS MHOUTIIANOCOI. I. M;r. 1'olM.i.bi.s. Ohio. and WhlsVey tTsb. Its cured tt home with out utln. Hook uf . .i. lK.ulai etiit KELE, H. II. WOOI.I.KY. M o! iEUikl aVUauia.Uej. vM Whluuall UL BASEBALLV liadvrlrk's Slannnl. in. I u .... Ill It m -m. Ilii.iuluali-d I u.tr. StraiT CDtt"n,l'l"ll""u ru.-ltaiiiia oue tM I rlttt U.) tlaui. hy edilreaiiiiK TH1?0D0HE HOLLAR O.F.O. Bos 120 Fhlla Pa. fjXoie,, la i. 1 f fltol luTI.AI M -feaaeaaMet al ley J ease luwuit fcj lirMiykytte Stf'Jmi fAtaJoI Ct, VVj,ci'a..aGim cut Nd4i2E&-' ati.l I prearrlbe and folly to. dora Ilia a aa Ilia only p.-riflc- f.iriliectrtaioiure of Out dleaae. U.ti.lto.llAllAM.M n, Auslerdani, N. Y. Wl have tnld nif G tor Vitny yearn, and Ii liaa liven tut bttl ul saus- taetttin. i. it. Dvrnr ro.. t'lileaf... 111. CI. 09. CJilly Dru.gi.i, . i. 1 V I r . t", ' I i x.vru I "C . v ! f -.- - r L.X.aea ' a.M-r. .' ' " ''V'v.r.i