. "tha absconding asslsUnt fi. PB.? '"," .a. arreted r'CcKy. He confessed w baring em- h. Mi. Kansas and Texas wrecked nlnamllea south of ,w. .. .nnnin over a steer. rnk BIM Hannibal, Mo., r"r . Oeonte Pennarea were killed. HJand sallow was decided at KM.L..k and Miller took a part in the ceremonies. red from MaysTille, p"w . . ivnnntlivi named nf , btt " 0 . .n.t three officers who were 1' arrest tiiem. Hall and Mason have 1 nimTwhiikr o ,n,,i'ns ,n ,be Ur" .dim'"' ' ij .-. although ' ,. (, capture them have been !,r- Hulletaflewthlrlc nfftban 30 .hots being exchrrg 1,1 ,1 ii cltn-l he was fatally wound- i'jh theotne", limine, lM . 1 .nlnu. The oil . p III mt I VMiratlif wtr. unhurt ami wi .1... ?':h roilowere confrratulatlnfr ;u, over the resumption of . w .,riilii were astonish- ,h, new of another Iron failure, that 1- - P.imt.iitf wllll'.h Lrrytne r limin e v.-."i. . Umiieiit t- the Keadin Trust L.r for the h'-'iolit of its creditors. The 9 '' 1 -I.... ....mm. f IF afllllA knar bit" """ - m l h.ivmit a larh'e liuinner 01 nra I n ni' mey 'll whii h to y them ,.;;..mt'iit was decided upou as the rn:itof tho dillkult. 1 0 iay announced that Mrs. May , wnteneo hits been commuted to vitlllll . f ir life. L town of Moscow, in Clermont County, , in Try uaa case. i ctociiiiv i .eriaiii its worst and most fatal form j there, and the local medical cons 1., ii... st ii H.mr.l if Health f pin battling with tho plaKiie. lltenau.il, manager of the Sulllvan-K'.l-1 M, was found ituilty of Hiding and Lg in the Wit. He was at oncesen i n.v a line of The result was rirpriw. As in Vulliviin's case, the ,ilwitnuM was Mayor Uohinson, of (. ',m"t a deaf man, and yet he swore rani Sullivan HI Johnson to take bet which Kilruin uttered, lienoatid Wily apis-a'.. S.irfulk. Va the Republicans of Vir in their state Convention uoiuinnted U ilham Mahone for Governor by ac- i .on. 3. Cuoper, of rarkerxlur(j W. Va., and rT. Flowers of Akron, O., haves apiioitituienU as cadets ut West Toint. calorol eili'.ora at Salem, Ala., whose ginired fur a race war, have ahuudon Ir Journal. Their prayer was about to 1 quickly answered. ain Charles Rogers, bound for Tarls :ton in the small boat Nickelodeon, iokrd u at sea on August 10 by tho jer Martha A. llra.lley. Rogers had tt sea ii davs sud was iu an exhausted ion. ianlner, who made t1),000 out of vari iiiiliiU'iit schemes in Chicago, has been red on a ranch in Wyoming. Gardner jid the UoUen Ay? and also a lottery kh :i h subscriber to the luuguziua 1 lie given a chance. ust Wikle, the contractor of Austin, i. ..... 1. 1 it 'i it. m 1 r..m i Sniik niu mivu vritrvj iui iiiin .1 fciii) i lalwr, has been granted a year's stay Hioii. Wtieu the money is finally ne-half goon to the National Treasury . I...I . . . - . r ri-uuu 10 iiib uiiuriuers. Itllttiuilf Itf li ll.nM I.A Mn,l 1.1 IMHl 1UVIV Mill 'V W FiCiUIft jit of ull the laxters in the shops Mong- i .1.. ul. r . ... .i . iuc.7ii .iuuiaciurers Assisniiiiuii Iriiinati. Unu of the strikers suid: 'AH (untile comes ubout from the linn try- iuHiij,'t.l tlUll, VI IUV lUOk 1 V .M .1 . ... . .. i,..l.f 11 f '"S nci3 ma iiuiiii HQ ry;. reiuiringtUi:ir pfU 'm be LuiUied IH lone struck John Robinson's circut 1'oleilo, ujwyt it, injured PM jeopl jni.ig.i tlic show f-.o0o worth. tj'ring I.sku reservoir, near Fisk- fitlie southwest corner of Crsniton, 3 'iuiliH lr..m l'rovi lenee, Rhoda Is. riikii Biiiiifs a whole row of mill f. hurst. Three persons were drowned jucitmiue done. roner' ii jury in thecose of the wro k W IViui Railroad has returned a ueelaring that the wreck was due to Telessndis ou the part of the rail i'j1 llianufsetureni nf tlia rinintrv KlacuiiiVrenee in Uoston, Si ptombur .ree iikiii u schedule of duties on N woolens to be recommended to Iho tarilf revision of 1HJ has ause cf iiineh iliMtp.iua urn. i.i.. i..i Ull.-(ll Ifll'J turers uud they want it ruvUr,.! ' at to import wool cheaper. Tlia ""ers will likely be on hand at the w sun timt th,, rttUj!( ar ke))t up of ?linni pn.,uimer, of Point Pleas- niis oecoiuu insane as the re he cruel treatment or her parents to her from marrying younu man "'"Hike. Hho was locked in her "lfUrved and beuten for week dlv the iieiWii,ort inurfured. JfT I'UWDKR EXl'LOPra. j hie accident Is retried from Buck N"" cuty. Va. A railroad heing driven through a big hill J"'"t, and a larg, number of men yed lll-reat. A blast of 80 pounds iwder was put l, but It foile.1 to While extracting the charge, it 'prematurely. Anl8 foot drill was ""'Kh Michael Dunce's head, nine '"ding on either side. He died ii I John Rumey ll4j bolh baniU Ii. Job M. !,.... i .1 i i , ,lu m nKm mouiaur was pyrock. Anil kt.u v.j . i.... r i umi n iKil t lheknee and WHliani Kuu j"' oy UylnK rocks. THE LABOR WORLD. JT TlRicntr.ATrns in London areirosprln?. ' Tn Farts Carpenters' Union is 600 years 1.L A kkittiso mill is to be built at Madison, Fla. Tne Bre-brirk makers in the West aro Tory busy. Nr.w York painters get I3..V) for nln hours. TSonTox councils appropriated 11000 for La bor Day. California bricklayers work nine hours anil gex ai.vj. Thb ranat payroll of New York Ptate con. tains PiUt) nninns. Harvest hands lu On-zon demanded 3 day and board, and got it. Tn Cambria Iron Comoanv.of Johnstown. Fenn., baa UoOOmon at work. Laborers are arriving In Urge numbers ta work on tn Nicaragua canal. ' The national convention of brewery em pioyoa is to uo neiu in uiucmnnu. TllNRElsa great depression in tho clothing tunning trade among tne workers. TnciiEarelAOO corporative unions in Enj laud, containing tr.fJ, members. Floods have Interferwl with mnnufactur- lng oierations all over tho country. Farm bands in Franc earn a little over a dollar a wnk and manage to save out of it. Ci ba planters are struggling for good field hands. The wages deiiinmled aro very high. Moncthan 10,000 ConnelNville (IVnn.)rok ovons ore now being workwl under the im souli', Turns nrn indirntlotu that th centrnlir.il. tion ( American labor organlzniions will lx etTM'ted. TliR 10.000 wiuilmrwomen of FnrU Imvs fnrmiNl n union. They will ilemaud sjventy. tiv cento a day. TuK demand for sailor Is brisk J'ist now, able seamen get.tiuj; i?J I and i-ivlinitry sea men (15 a iiuiuth. TauiTV Tiliit'HAMi persons, mostly foreign er, me 1'inployeil iu I'.i'inufa.-tunHg tolutocsi In Nit York city. Tkx yiMirs o-;o Iinlianatvilis bricklayen tnudo twenty -twoiimts p T hour; t.Mluy tl'.ey iiiiiUit forty-live cents. TlIK Ijilmr Confercms' wlileh wus to liv been holii at Heme, Swit.erlr.'.iil, hus Uvn iitiHniel until next Kpriiitf. Thk mining troublesin lllinoluiMil Indiana nrn fur from Is'iug wttliil. Grcut distrest coutiuuiis lunong tnu ojierntivon. NkaIILY every st rike of reei-nt oceiirrenrs lina been of .short duration ami has enlinl iu the virtual victory of the strikers. Cttir-AOO skilled bnrilwo.nl flniiliers tnaks from tJ.V!S to jMir day. Painters got from twenty to thirty-llvu cent per hour. The wnrkmuu iu some parts of the country are combining aud employing physieiaus to attend thorn ut so much per 100 or HKN familic. Th tallom of Salvador. Houth Amerieo, hava stgiml a petition request ing tho tiovone ini ut to prohibit the importation of reauy liiiulu clothing. The Chicago City Council has authorized the I'ommlsKionor of Henlth t.i employ live fenmlo sanitary jMilieo to inspect (actoriea and teuemeutK. It is estimated that thera aro in Iindon 31 l.OXl jH-rsous wholly deHiud -mt ou cnsnnl 1'ilior, and uearly l,UO0,uiO who never go in side of a church. TnH National Leaguo of Musicians Is about to adopt nn insurmn'c, syitem, under which the heirs of each deceased member shall be entitled to f.VJ0. Tiiomab Hklwiiiitii, a colored American who wax once a slave in the Southern Stati-s, is now President of the Builders' Luborors' of tit. Catliarmus, Canada. h ii good many tailoring shojis in Now York and Hon ton, poisons work from four teen to eighteen hours a day. A good many earn only from -J to fct per week. (iEonoiA and South Carolina have between them 120 cotton mills, H:l,7:i spindles, 'il.'.m loom. This is by l:RDO0 more spindles nud 5UM1 more looms thun tho entire tSoutli con tuinisl iu 1SM0. At (ilenurm, nn tho coast nf County Antrim, Ireluud. thero aro whiting milH which give emjiloymeut to nearly half tlm Mipulntion. biting is unslnckcd linm icround down and cleansed. Thu wages of Uiu lueu uvcrugo from $.'1.50 to $1 ixrr week. MONETARY DISTRIBUTION, rt ts paultt ahd Tim to ttracss TEADK. R. O. Don A Co.'s weekly review of trade ays: The monetary pressure, of which so many warnings have been given, has operated this week to modify an improve ment in general trade due to excellent crop prospects. It Is quite the fashion In stock exchange circles to represent Ike rise In lending rates as artificial, and intended to affect prices of stocks, but the truth that sim ulation of various sorts had previously withdrawn too much money from the sup. port of legitimate business and productive Industry, and the tendency of apprehension s to the future has been to cut dowu lime loans still farther, while many of the lendira have preferred to place their money on call with readily negotiable collaterals. The treasury, meanwhile, has been collecting its surplus revenue trom the eople at lurge, but disbursing it to holders of bonds and to lenders at monetary centers. The result has tended for months to cause a faulty distri bution of the monetary supply. The suicnslon of importunt mills results in greater caution as to loans, and a quick arrest of purchases of materials for wool and cotton manufacturers. Thus at Uoston tho wool market has been completely unsettled again, siles for tho week amounting to only 1, 100,000 lbs., all In small lots, and conces sions of 1 to i cent would be necessary to move large lotj. At Philadelphia the mon ey market is tight and tho banks serotinus closely because they have liulb to spare. At lloitou banks supply customer but di "Crim inate very closely. Here the demand for Commercial paper Is very light, and four mouth's paHr ranges from 0 to 7 1-2 per Cent. The money markets of intirior cities tie far better supplied. From all iiiarters improvement in busi ness is reported, excepting us to sugtr, foi which tho demand has been much cllVcted by the operat ions of the trust, ami raw Is I tout lower. The splendid crop prospect be gin to have their legitimate ctl'eut upon prices of breadstutls and provisions. The leculative movement in wheat has been de feated by liberal receipts from the farms, and when the farmers market freely early in the Icasou the prospect for fall trade is excellent nd monetary pressure is not usually of long duration. The iron and steel business appears still more encouraging, but the rapid increase In lupply gives consumer more confidence In tower prices. Secretary Wlndom's con ll leuce that bonds would be ottered freely in Jaso, of an advance in tho rates for money tppearsto havo been justified thus far. The itlerings and purchases this week have been tiite liberal. Tho Treasury nevertheless oolds t-VsJO.OOO more cash than It held last Saturday, and, as has explained, bond pur ibasers do not put mucli money at tho right iHt to meet commercial needs. Happily foreign trade at present threatens uo drain. 1 Mt. Fronde'" romance "TheTwo Chiefs of Dunboy " is completing Its third edition. A newspaper editor In Texas has married tl ,000,000, and a sorrowing brother adds, "Please exchange." A man who does not know anything will be sure to tell It the very first time he geta a chance to be heard. sf. .iu .Wofatme. Mrs. Burnett's love story " Vagabond ia " Is reported by booksellers to be the beat selling and most called-for book this sum mer. It can be said In favor of ''Marching Through Georgia " that it is the only dis tinctively American air among our National music. "The 8lnr Spangled Rainier," America," " Yankee Doodle" and "The Tied. White and lilue" are all English tune. The Rev. John F. Hurst, V. I gives in ''Harper s Maimr.in" for Sep'ember. an ac count of the little religious com muni' y which Dean Stanley once called "the oldest and smallest sect in the world." 'Ibis Ixsly of Kamaritana, numbering about one hundred and Ulty souls, Is to le found in the heart of the small city of Nablus, in North 1'hIcMiiic. They possess wlist tliey claim to be the moet ncieiit copy of the lVntateiu h. t Flibtino with tho cook Is said to la a good recipe to make a wife look closely after the kitchen. - - . ranSilrnrr Besot of Murrean. i So confident on t lie manufacturer of thnt smrM-fnmril remedy, llr. l'leree's liolilin Molleol Iltscoverr. Hist It will do nil Hint Miry l-erireeeiit. In Uie ru o nr liver, blood and lung diseases, that, utter witnessing it thniianls of etirss for innny years past, they now feel warranted In selling it las they are doing, IhronKh rinurglsix) under n punitive uiinmnten tit tu B'lvinii nstiHfnetieii In vvery rase, or money paid for It will lie refunded. No medi cine of ordinary merit eon d In. sold under pueh sevrro cumllltons with profit to iti) pro. prletors, and no ottier nie ilelne for tliu iIIh. vneea for wnleli It Is ree 'inniended was ever before mid under n gtininiitee nf a cure or no pny. In all lil'ixl lainls nod impiiritiis. of whatever tinmo or nature, It i nn.l nositiva in Its curative ffrelM. I'implea, IiioIcIick, emplhs nnd nil skin end -aln dl-eiuis nra Twllenlly cured hy : los w.oul' rfol neilleine. brnifulim dlsen-e mav nfTel the glands, eausing swellinirs or timiors; the 1hmio caus ing "fevrr-mrv," "li te el iiigx" or "lil-Jolllt ili-o'iiw;" or tlm HS'Ucs of the l"Hk.'s, masln" pulrnennry eoiisiunpit)i. No matter ilk which one nf it niyritid forms It crops mil. cr munlrestH itseir, iioiui'ii Misiicai in-n ov- Tf affllrinil with ThomiMmn'a Ey-water, per bottle. evaa tu Dr. fsnno Drtitttflsta and at )fio. mm IT CONQUF.na PAIN, itFADArnr, heneves ana cures MP.tniAt.aiA, 6oUtloa,Lumbtgo. Tocthach. Sprains, imrtsKi, Burnt and Scalds CHEAPEST AND BESTi GERMAN DICTIONARY - m OF 624 PAOE3 FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR. A FIRST-CLASS DICTIONJIRT ATVl.KY S1IAI.I, I'ltK IU A fi r-e rnetl h Wi.f1. nih iti rwrosn fi'il lliUfi 1 rrnioiiii'lHOon an1 flrrman W'ria wltti lUkilah I' Bnillou a, in ioaiimiU un rn-rii'tuf f 1 PEOMINENT PEOPLE. At' atria has mado Von Moltko a Colotml. Puesidkst HAKiurtON is deaf in his ri;ht car. Tine Sultan of Turkey is said to bo Hiring rapidly. Vot li ko;ij of Ki:im nru being educated In KufrUmd. J.iv (.ioi't.nisonoof St. Luuia' largest own era of real iibtata. Turt L'znr of Hussin ajionds an hour a day chopping dowu trees. Constan-ink, heir to tho Grook tlirone, it in his t weiuy-MK-oinl year. Kur. T. UkWitt Talmacie has u brother who is a lui.-ioiiury in I'hinu. Mk.xica.n areextendinj; much hospitality to ox-Wjiiaker John li. t'urlihle. Kmhkhoh Wiij-iam, of (lorninny, is to umUo u tour of ALsucc-Lorruiuo. Dll. llKow.v-SKgfAun, discoverer of tho famous "elixir of ltfo," is an American. Kamukl J. Kh'.kwikii), Iowa's war Hover nor, is now hv iii ou a berry farm near Iowa City. Ex-Senatok Jokkimi MAi-UoNAi.n, of In diana, has a h'o'ul pructico worth fl5,UJ0 a your. Skxator Evahts has roiio to Europn for treatment for bin eyes, which uro troubling him much. The Hhah of Persia ha: one fondness which will increase bis isiuliirity hi Now Knglund. Ho likes .Unei K'iin pio. Tni: Hon. S. S. (Via-, isslio only living man in piiblie life, who voted for tho lulmiahiou of Urofjou as a State, February 14, iKMt. KotiiiiT Ilt'KNii IVii.ko.n, tho rising Ken tucky poet, benn writini; vutmi at an early at;o and is now thir'ty-iuiveii years old. Et.KrririAr Tiihmak A. P:oihh.n, will visit tb Krurip works at lCssun, (iorumny, before the termination of his visit abroad. Tub late H. h. M. Hal low, of Mow York city, left nn estate of ubout two million dol Inrs, lurRcly accumulated in his law practice. Jay (iotri.n'H "History of Delawiuo Coun ty, Kew York," written when ho was twenty one, is a nun book now, worth forty dollars. A hon of Admiral Kurragut, is modestly working as clerk in a New York counting room, rather to have nn occupation than for tho money it lu iii;',.-i him. Genkrai. (. W. C. I.kk, a son of Robert E. Ix'o, who lsntthollot SprliiKU in VirKinia, is an uiiciiiliinonly Inrgo and powerfully built man, with grizzled gray, hair and short beard. KaisT Biowon, who is praisod by ioob gists for a recent paper on thu anatomy of the lachrymal gland of the green turtle, is one of the'remui-kable women of Paris. Hhs titudic J sonlojy at thu Horbonnu, and has combined tho coreo'vs of atAident and teaehur, OkrommiV, the Apaehu, who lias lon a lirlkoner of the Unitod Ktntua Uoveruuuuit for aome time, has grown so fat that be looks veny little like on ideal chief tain. He waa not well at Fort Augustine, Fla., but at Mount Vernon barracks, Ala., he has in creased in weight rapidly. Prokksrok E. P. Ciiowell, of Amherst College, Ihna of tho Faculty aud Profensor of Latin, is totc.lly blind. Ho is almost fifty yirs old and lost his sight five years ago through illuoks. His huowleUgo af Latiu is to n-curuto tliat ho baa beeu able to hold rdtatUu" m U liv had tho opou took bo tor bun.-.- ' A ball of firo that cxplolrd with a loud report whon within a few feet of tho fr' round is reported lo havo fa Ilea in Bridgeport, Conn., last week. COMMERCIAL. riTTHHI'llilll. BDTTER Creamery $ fount rv roll 10 CIIEI'E Hhio full cream... 8 ew York U EGOS is POULTRY Chickens, V fair 3o Turkeys, V lb . . POTATOES-1 Vcrk-M 1 -J., Rose 1 fsi KEED.S Clover, country .' ." Timothv 1 .V illuu gross Millet WHEAT-No. -I red N. :tr.il CORN No. J yellow car Mixed ear Shelled mixed OATS New No.'.' white RYK New No. '.'Ohio ami Pu, i'LoL'R I'ancy winter put's. Fancy snring pat's.. Clear winter live Hour , HAY' Timothy Ionise, ironi wagons... M1MJL1NUS White Hraii Chop Cecil ll.Vl.TIMOIll, WHEAT No. Ured RYK Col!N OATS Wvstern Rl'TTER f:;;s HAY Western , CINCINNATI. WHEAT No. 2 Red 7; CORN'.. OATS I :;;-i pork U UTTER HIIIAOEM'IIIA. FLOl'It Fiunilv f WHEAT No. 'J R.sl CORN No. ', Mixeii OATS -l'iigruded White i K No. J I I I T 11 : It rcamerv 1 : xt ra. ... CHEEsE-N. Y. Full Cream.. SKtV VoUK. CATTLE rlilEEP LA M1IS HotiS Live Fi.Ol'R Patents WHEAT No. -1 Red RYE Statu CORN' Ungraded Mio 1 O.Vl'S-.Mixeil Weit.rn UUTTER Creamery Fuctorv CHEESE Stum l'act..ry . . . , Skims l.i.;ht , . . Western KG0S Stuto and 1'enii . . . . , Ho frl tc 82 4li 42 41 4S 5 75 11 IK) :i .' :t ui 11 .'SI 10 IS) l.'i no 11 U) l i ou ,'xi A :t.i Id It 10 ou zi in lo Itl 7.'. 10 1 .'si 1 10 b .'si 1 70 1 IK) 2 IN) Iki M 47 4.! 42 ZS 411 0 00 u 7: 4 7." 3 i'l l.'l M lti tm Hi no ll ft) 14 ou 84 .VJ 4 id 17 14 lb ou e I 7,'IO.J 74 41 42 87 :w 20 21 lJ 10 ti2 15 l 4 OoCit 4 25 Ni M 4.1 41 3J : 4S 4!) It) 17 U U 3 G.V,it 4 75 4 1)0 " 0 2T 6 10 0 . o 4 50 4 tO 6 0) tl Ii.') M ) f2 64 42 41 2d ;h 11 IS It 12 ti H 7 II 4 n I 15 LIVE STOCK. HOVIWENTk AND I'llli'KS, KAST LIDEBTT STOCK YAH US. rrn.K. Prime 1.4ori(.Tl.l(ki-tb cattle t4 60r7r4 CA Good l,2iKi I,:) -lb cattle 4 I 2.5 Fair LisSMitLPS) lb cuttle 8 75('i.'l W Coiliinoll lsHi l.lod lb cattle 3 0i(ii.t 25 Stockers and feudcrs 2 60(ii3 .ri0 Common heifen and dry cows 2 2 c2 75 liulls, as to quality 2 mkh.'I 00 Grass c.ilvi s 2 2-Vk :i 25 Veal calves iOOucuOO Fresh cows , r head 125(45 HIIRKP, Pri me Wbl HW lb sheep $4 Utfti 75 Good KVii.'.W-lb sheep 4 35eil M Gooil 7.rKou)-lt sheep 4 l'Nvr-1 25 Common 7Hi75-tb shcap 3 0O(a3 50 r-culawags V heiul 1 (KH'f 1 50 I juu lis. as to ijuulity 4 5Ku:i 00 block ewes 3 DOoJcl IXJ linos. Light corn-fed Y'orkers ti 00 Medium weight Philadelphia 4 3oi4 40 Grosser 4 2.'Kl4 40 1 1 is vv weights 4 2iV'(l40 Roughs 8lMJ50 ML 1 ery" will cure it Uiuo. if uscil liersvveriliKly and iu Itsthousnnds of cures are the IwmI nilverlliiu UenU fur Dr. Satfe'K t'ntnrrh iteinedy. The Urea, like the floods, this year arc on an extensive scale, Pobblns's Kleetrle woan th'nr for von to One, If you otm- if irr. fii.iM. (ha i any ol in r ot4 would lie if imvn to you, fur y lln iiui tiiUhtmrt tared. Cleltim eo-t more than .i. Ask your groe-r for Delihltn's. Take nootticr Mexico Is to hve an exposition in 'M. Pmoke the " l iniiM's I'uni h" t'luar. Out of Sorts tl a frallng peculiar to tienons of ilyi .l u- U nden. ey, or It may Ui catueil by c hangc nf i limnte, wiun.n or lite. Tlio loniiirti I. nut of or.t.T, the lirml arhna or diss) not feel rlnht, vtlt,i in rn'.-'.i l..u, tho nerves tom overworkeil, Iho mluil Is ii.nfu.ol and IrrUable. This eemtltlon flint an rirelli lit eomutlve la Unoil'a Rannrarllta, whlrh, by It reg ulating and toning powers, Kinn ri'torr harmony so tho system, and Klvr that tlnniitli i f mind, Barvaa and body wlileh makes one fl perfra-tly WelL N. D 11c sure lo get Hood's Sarsaparilla old by all dnicBtnts. $1; nit for S3. Irenxl only by C L HOOD CO., AiHilhei'urlea, Uovell, Mass, 100 Doros One Dollar Pe-ru-na and La-cu-pi-a Can Handle Catarrh. Catarrh Is a nn common ailment. In Its lighter lormt It doc not glo much troutilo. In ill soirir phases II It most serious and dangerous. It Ii tho Breeder ol a great many serious disiaici. Tho way lo treat It Is neter lo Blbw it to net deep-seated. ; takonatthe na Is bound I I A.PII.PI.A start Pc-ru-to euro II completely. ' , hoc(r. It doetop Into a scrotulout lorn, get s bot:i ; it LA-CU-PI-A at once. For proofs ol tho success it tlnoc t0 modlclncs In sll lurmi ol Catarrh ssnd U li.o Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., C Jumtius, 0., Iir Cr. liurt man's " till ol Life," Irco ol clurgj. PE-:.U-i an I LA-CU-PI-A are solJ byill dru'nlst'i. Mjnuljcfu : y TlIK I'Kltf.N.V .MID. CO.. CiiIiiii.Imi.. i . r T f-A f2'A Vbffi-j I'iry Iltp ci Ana J'&iiv -v -vwsft a . sa. J"-- mt . jTrrT. J CHEAPEST : FAMILY-:-ATLAS KNOWN. ONLY aa OE1VTTS. 191 Paget, 91 Full-Pagn Maps. relorivl Mai i f h Kiui.. an. I 'i.ml. r' In lli I n'iil HUuii A !- M.. i.f ,.iy i . i.ntryln t,P orl). 'I Ur Ii tt.i- i.r. nut tin- i nut .. iiu,,.f u hlal.-: tiino el -tl aiu, nl : m j.iiI.,i i n t liuf cities; sv.tuko l.on'iulio. ; halm , f , tin uili. mill OieprliK-leai ik'nliim-ii m in Hi.. Kit,.; nun, l. r of farina, Willi lln lr pnlu In ui. ml tin- wili.e lh. i,. t, diftirnnt iimiiolau t on a ami loimu r m ,iii..i,, te.. lite. AlHoth'i niea nf imli li.t.iKli l oonli ; 'orin ef iron-nun. HI loiluli. 11 : .i iim ,i ii. .r. on. In and ttii.ir inoui-y viilur; Miiiiuuit f iriut.- nLvxn ra-ef riiiyi imloul rnllroa.l ami t.l.vr ti . iiuni r nf h' ru-M, l ain,., hIkm , aud a vat umoiitit of iu formation valtiMlilt- iiiali. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE 0.4E. All ni-WKtiaiirr ri-a.l.m am n.ustantly n edinvan Allaa fur rrii n-ui e in i nl r lo ii.t.-lh.. n. ly un.l. r. laud tliHarlle r lie y ar. . tiikiiiv. Hi. .ur.iir..iu howniiitliuif.Tiiialii.il I- Hum .lor d lani m tin liii-iner'. ami liow aooti ont. i i-ri'iiu. fauoilur wi i echlsf laiiuia iini. i riiiiiK all lint Nali. ua of tlia o' d. Pnaipnl.l fer -iS eenl. BOOK 4'IjJJ. UOl hli. i:m U-nard Kt. N. . !lty. At Drtigalata an.l later. THt CHARLCI A. VOSELER CO.. Balllaiort. Ui. OTHER raOTO'CHILp- .BRADFIELO REGULATOR COjiTLANTAfji 7C ToilO MONTH ran I ma I- wrklnj W W for il. .Am in. .tr,-iri-. li nn furnl.li a inirne n. nlvo lli. lr wl.i.lr. time u tl.e l.ii.im ... H.re nmno'iiti mar I.,. ir. ri t i i y i-nieln.i ni.. A fw va. nu.-li-. In t.iwnanml t-ltlra. It r. John. SON a M, .i- Mnl it M, Itl.-l in. .li.l, Va. .V II. I l.te tf.i) ua. nml ll. int rTytyrnc ,tvr mfil.f ,tf.,iHf ..i.fl ntf .li'i.ir rrj'y H K J. ,t fit. U JM " "' -rot I'HKK. 'anna nana M. Wiinl I r, M .,. Allaulu, U. i 'like I J i, litt ,i. PEI1SIO33.?u.E,'.lls,0?.,?.p! RPAD WHAT Til 1 MAI fMYi MAM. Mnr-H, 1 ho lii-finon IM th'ttnrv U n rrivivl nt4 1 urn mticfi p lenat il ith H I iMtt tint fKl 't t (n II n. nurh vlrmt i lut In o i lil rtl m Ik. It I'lVnjw li lll n i t uU tm lirU liuU $1 tvr iiniv, U. M. IU-i.EiJ " book PUB. CO., 134 Leonard Street. New York City. i N i' :t . 'mh WE CHICKENS PAY. it yon nrw hw X pr. irtv mr f rtliin I rtt. i rnia iti afi't tl i 4ti I'll-, ni.ii IU' I Mil. hi OK -uitin tli i .-t rit i f i I'Mi'li- III) 1' liltrV . Mir' I l!" t lit! Mill . - it nr. itil n umu w ri, m: ( r t - ).(! III. I l tit- illMU'i: It ,'-! t' f,ilM. It t'll'litM Jl'U h"" tit I f't t HU.l i lift- IH.I'ilM-S. fll I ( , ( 1 I U'N M f lil il-i In- tfrtlltlW: V I.I. t) I I'M I I. - t;f f-T I ill tllisf I Ut I - It II I 4 I 1. 1 tl It il I, ) tl rlifit' ).ti li fh - miIjii t to 1i.nh tt f -i t I r-'Ht .-t-:..-l ! '2 Sr. IttMIH I' I II. Hot fr., 13 1 laiHKtr. pnfri, . I.ttiy. DUTCIICR'S . FLY KILLER ft A 15 m) I';-' Cure f'r tiTi Kiniii'ti.ni i-1 hi in r fnr liit ni 1 1 iv t'io ticur. it iitf. HOME I I ttemu III 1 11 in' FARMS:? T! I)V. H.HU.r..-.f uj.Vu t'i Mm. in liilv Ai it iiu- li--. s i- tt h i;i. 'miiirli lv t un lit lv M 1 1 . i '.n ui tt . HttiHla l ullrur, 7 Mum M., hui.il. ill n ft fli-nn m'v t.tTT hIh t win Kin a iii in nn h. SI -pu tmrlni( :iromvl i.im, t inrf ut i'U", iti 1 1 1 1 r v-Hir ll-.IM'. nil Ii.ImI Wof U illl-l ' t'lilf. I rrr ut ir'tlltu v ,tn St ti'l 'f n-iil" t r "hit t tti K. IT II HI .It, M. AlhJiiiii. Vt. ftrr M.l i ti -ri fr.ll. rmiilf 329N.f5thSt THILA., PA. nRfllY 'h "'r when T .Vt r eioo ? M,.i.i .ji, ,. l n l ii.i I'H Jl. A co, ir,: PATENTS Br. lol)b, r-ftit ;rrarV rt'tTtlniinn r.n tii f tu tin treat ment uiitl' rure i f tlm m lut rflr. t nf rnrly ftrr, tlcwirti.vliu; Nth tnlnl n n I lM Mttitt In wij Ueatitii'iit for niic hintli, l lvi llullitm. cul f:u.l.v wAlttl fmtii tii(r ntlnn to n ivldrij, ! nn Hprrlnl IMdrtn-pt frrr Vl7Tf3?,1,W 1 ,rwrh rn1 fu lv itmil l( - U m ut I JV'Vfc (rr"7,1 " 1 fl-' iM' - rtiir-M.tm.niur i N :.l hi I'll. in ii I JT7 S 1 T h iatb. ,, tln- A vwur s. V. ?imi wnnt tohiiT of aril f I Im P Mt M ini Mfmtm f.r iMu' l'r ti LArtUt Alhmiinris xhIhii ;.ii.i.) -iiiif.iri'iroiiisir S25 nous Till.', nil. I'l l: I s I1H AI. .. Klilnu.jd. Va. isai.i nr. i.f-r. riii:viH.i,i. n H. Ii.,li-lii;,.ilnl "-.li, li, H.'iO il rllr lo kc a ! trra'."i Mua.nin.ura. Mr ;ih trull ftiztolS. Cincinnati J Ohio. AilKNTS wnnt.t at an In loi:ue nnil .;i:iit.l.' fri'.. t ASTHMA :.vv Hir 'alMirW Vf-rlrtlf K 1.trlwwt.l iM-k.. i nn -rl.S.Y PEERLESS DYES Nul il ill lotl'il.il V. AllinliTil.iili. V Y, We have .old llltf it for many yi-ara. iiml It hut rivrn the lrn el aul.a Ia-tln. Ii. It. HYCttt" I ' . 'lll. iiKO. III. Jl.Ctl. BjM liy I'rii..stv u CHirHrTrnr, cnc.lish PtWNYROYAL PILLS. J li'' 4 i IttiiniiitHl Itiaml. T5! t-. r.'t .:t r r i- Ksjfi- 4 W ClnnltinUrjJia 'T'. r-'t'. ill r. fr I'ir.- . mill', mk lriiK rl nt.mil llriiinl.i'. p-tl r- .f fci.i t- ... . 'IdlarHii uitUi r r i i IMu- I nth IT. - ' t if 1. f I. I a..ll...' a., ..UT I Mu I ,. ,r. JOSEPH H. HUNTER, Su vrv w asiiim;t)v, , 1 11,1. HIT 1 (II ll lt itllhaul 111: I, A V. CAUTI I. iMM'Isli tmniriinil thsirlop- nrr tnnip1 iitt tlx I mi tut ii if ull Mil"1! intvtTl Im il liv h!tn In fi.m le.i lut IiIh f.u'ttr ; thin I mtrrl tlm wi'nr.Ta m'alnit ti 1 u li prier uuii Intt'i'liir uniMlit If 'nir ilt-ulur I i aa nut L iln il v In nr tt UiiT vitti wHtil i.r urTwra mi PhtHrn without V. I. l)01.l,AH imnit kimI prl.-i' hiiiiimm on Uith, hhI nh i:iey iv jut na k li not hf ilt fflMtl tlti'icl.y, hut n"iul tlirei-t to thi Kwtiiry, fitr you t-nii k'1 hat you wnnt y ri'turu nmtl, f.tao I'lUtl, iiuliT niiiKt tnori' ipHt on unknown hUvrt that uro imt w nrrjiiitl Uv rtiivltoftv. tlirtfor tlo nut tie ItMlintxt ut litiv nhiHs tin.: havtt no rr.ii til lull. Iltiy nilv tl.OM llitt hare '. I,. HM 11. 4n tuiiiiH Ainl prli'i Mtatu.wMl on tliw Ixittoni Hint ymi art ure to stt full vnlm for tnur nioiiev. Ttioiiirinlii of iltilUm uri .tvil atiiiiirill In tlil-4 i-ountry t v tin wtMivrnf . I 1MH I.I.AH HIH)I. Inonli-r-Iiik ly in-ill Btat w hriliiT you want t u ;r"-. Mutton or I.iivi'. Incloii t ap ta-. plain t-rt'in Ii or nar row ';p U ami In ui to ttiv ..r it n.t l-lfi -m u ;ir, I imii 111 anv f iot that It not il'f" riiifl, a mr nhtwii are- iuu.li In n Krat vanetv of wl.ttS. m.-,', a-j- imif ,u-4, I iiiranti'M a rll, prompt ilflivi rv ami (rlif't M.tUf.ii'tloti or m mi- r.'fuuJ.tai u.iua iciuru "f k:k r . In k k.1 m lltlxti. V. I.. IMU (. I A. llruiUtun, .IIiiim. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE mit (;r.Mi.K.vi: In a tine bi'fttaU ralf hoi', It It houlR top Hint i 'a.. l.i-nlinT lioihuiiH, l ln v nn iiiiiiIh in l oiiftK-sst, Piiltori an l l.iii't'on l.on li ii t;ip l'-. Narrow .) Twi uinl Plain I'rt n.'h )o.l.a 't , In .lr from A t II, liirlihtllnt half niri anl In all lilt In. If vmi III. f o I'll pa In at ff'n t.. to f'l for s' H of ihl ipi.tlity io not lo hi luiik'ti . t no1 p:.ir will h i-ar a lot1? iit two pal1 of I'.-i.iiti -ii h.'i ..!.! Pv iU-alvll IIiaI ar' not wananii-1 l-v th nanurat'iuifr, air rialtu for llil hlifr- over all olltiT $.1 thorji ud- tTiU'. rtll- Ut. It I'oii'alnn lit tii r muti rl il V I . H Ih loon- i (I -ii. Iwm i i fliMiu ntnl (In r.ttiin. 'M Ii ;ii tu tit PK'iAl saii-.f.-i ;ioii. -I'll. It l 'l. It IIH-.V !..('- Ol inaHe. t Ii, 1 1 a i moi i' ni"""v for t tie i'.ni--'iiner Mh. It n tout iiv ni.-ri- it. - ilt thr MLrlti-ni he I, fl.. "Ih. IT., ur. :il .ui'.-f" I tlur In no lit sin. I: e.tunot hu il.ipliia'.t'il P .my ntln r tratiu f.-vciiiur 'Mli It U thr ImM Pi t' o uorl'l. nt t . ih a l.rRip i iint 1 1. .in uii fit i. I y vi ,,. ti. v i-t t J,!-,!. tf.VOtltl will hi ptil it in nnr t'i wtin iiroe ih iilint Miitfitiriiln lo w iintrui.. Tin l-'nlloM tnu I'lnro ill lit la uud ta bt ol Ih i me ijiiulli i nl nrt-llriirfi (.CM IMi II O-VKU r.l. wh!r:i taki H thf rxcn ,f riihtoiti tnj-ln piiofi. tt.m i-otit rr-'in ( to Tin: oitit.iNAi. ami oi, inMi.i n r.n wr.i.r si Hlltll.. PipmU t-asiUifll III U If :lot-t i 1 is 1 1 j hf floitl 9 lo ft I (IU l'fll.M'Kl KN, Kallr. .a l Men an l l.-tt-r Cati-Ii-i all ue,tr them. hltiiMith Irmlni us) a Hair I t .sum'. No ln.kMir Wax Idrr-I lo hut I I lc fret is i M.( i.m.ki) i Mt ni-AVV vci;. iiAt c.iir Mi.,. f,,r the pri.". 0KIIN;MW It (lie lie. t tu thu iorln iniMtii lo h ear -t imiui u j u( . is i-oi Ai. Ti hiiofs tm t rnvr nuni n.i to I'llf pnlr Mill wear lontfitr (ii-ilt uli nlior- ver nohl at tin t'OU ISO Y U ih.- Pent .4 ijol Stna' lu the ivorhl. Sr.(M) SHOT 8-1.00 shot: snoi: 82.(10 SIIOK .S12.00 SNOIO $1.75 SIIOIS i f.T roii.-t. wear; oiic jmir 8.1. .",!).. irl.-c. voi'Tir k-ciiooi,, alinr. In ttir norlil. All lilinle ill t'oliKri'a, lUlltou mnl l.a.-e. Klvii fie aniill l,,iy n clianre to wear Iho UjI V. L. DOUGLAS $3 AMO $2 SHOES FOR LADIES. !'uth Ladlea' H'liM'f are matte In at., fi-oin I .i Iiii IihIIiik leilf aim., mi l I!, l', Ii, j: ami :k ivl ll'it. HTYI.KS (IK I.AIMKV Ml(i:.. "Tlia Kreneli Otiern." "Thr MuuiUli A re I. Oiiolu." "The nierliiiii fiiiniiinu euae.' "The Medium (uiiiiiinu Kenae." A II nimle In lluiloii hi I lie l.ntcM -M lr. Alaulreto-U l)ieru lu Front I. urea, un f.i Hlineuuly. I'onaur.iiT. alioul.i ri'iin-nilier tli.it w, J.. li.it'iit.AS ti tin l.irtrp.t nn, nnlv Khna Vnniifii'-: ;irT lu t!.a uorlil aupplyllM aliiH-a dlrei-t from f.icl-jry, tlnu -.ilii ml il iiMIr .n .n'ii .r eo t.i the w .ir. r. A... ill. , I....V. I. nn ..t. in, . ... ,. ill&ikifCiF PCI To dean tombstonoa. Ho polish knives. lo whltoa marble. To rflnew oll-eloth. To scrub doors. To cloan dlahoa. To ronovato pulnt. To wiiHh out fiuVa. To tt our Uel t i'ti. To lirls'lil'iti mcUli. 'J'o tcoer l,:itli-lul-4. To rt'iiiovo rust. EVERYBODY DentlsU to cloan falsa teoth. Burgoons to polish their instrumenU. Ooiiloctlotiors to scour their pans. Veclmnlos to brighten their tools, f alnUira to elonu off eurfacon. Coolu to cl?aa tho LKcUon eluk, - USES IT. EVERY ONE F.ngineors to clean pnrU of m(U'hlna3. MlnlHtors to rctiovuto old olnipoU. hnxtona to clean tho toinhdloued. IIoKtlcrs on brassos and v. lilt 9 liorouj, Boldlora to brighten tliolr nrms. Vhcclmoa to cletin blcyoljs. A HEW USE. HuuHemniila to scrub tho muilili? Hixirs, 1 'liemlal i lo leinnvo mniii. Muliw. t .irv?r to filmi'iien t heir kt:i', eu. Mirnwd 0110:1 1' reour ol i .-itfiW hate. Aillntrt to cl-un t' nir ,.i!..tt(.;. iivnwvuto.'tf to t' ju.. trr.v".4. 1, - ,1 I I ; ( . Xna ' "'...-.6'T . -a -V ' a i , "I-","