The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 22, 1889, Image 3

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. ... 8 Man Fiom
I . . ul
... ,nrrvl forth W hmuU
hr. ' ',,... h (lint mrimmetn
"'" to .P,m."-Isaiab
' -.r multitudes of
tb' r. .V- mmds nn.l lakes and
l At first putting '"it caif
. .ihi shore. ""l im", -""
,r from th r , f , , lpt til9
"t '"V.": .1 .11 .nrcad forth His hand
i-tiv: " a Iim tlmt swimmetli
"uVrtl.h and to swim."
1 ... t.rfiilina mm. ami lling
0v.T in , , r ,.,,.1.1,,. wi,i,j
, v..nnrj i i . vonrs.
Vt hi lino ami comes homo at
Val'S.."'? and hi. basket full.
i,,w why o ministers of the
f.,-,1 nlvs 1 11 inning in i
t1 '. ... i hing from tlio mint
.lnni. "". . .,., from. I inn-
, r,'.i-.t.1l'.'l me I" ".' ' , , .
, Ur'ar. I'ndoii, iMiRlmxl. avTj
thirty years preached from tli
i , t: lielacws. It i nn rxhiliurn
.nl i I r. iiic.irn a theme which
:'x , . Ii:i tn atol. ami my text ii
"" i-i-.l 'I'll"''" ar pnth In Oinl'i
ncil bi-nten by fliri-tinii f.s-t.
.: .,.rv....:i.'.!iMU-S.Ti.tiire tlivyiii..t
, , ti every one lin heard.
I 1 . .1......... r I Hint
r i:'UT It l ime" .... j
1 ' ''1!. , that till- rlllll-rll to-illlV i j
.:... . i tiii niiicr i a itio nnvff
.. ( f..urlli f the HiliK l
Mil,- I.. -n i-i- nt l'nri. Yin ciiillni!
... Mlnrnl Hint ntilili'llt Lffll
f"'''"' . . J. lit V.lltP
i v. t v 'ti: "Mi l V"ii n tint K'mii-
, "I'i'i y,,u i'1,lt "u"
. "Iii.l vim' that Titinnv'
-i .1 vnu 'mi Hint UnplHU'l?"'
' kbv your fricml.
,. ,11 iliilti'r tlio Txnivro."
nl iM 'ivls I tM"k w aro t uiurh
, i- vih" i ti i H-lvi'i to imn of tlio pront
i, r. i.f tin Srriiturn truth, nivl mi
iht iIhtc m ii"t oni jktwiii out of a
3 l:o li.i' cvi-r mti'i''l the all siiR'ost
;ll.n'rful jiii turo in the words of my
. r. nr.M-iitn (!ol n a RtroiiK nwiin-
(u:k:::.-"t to lu.h down intimity nnd
i',-. i.f men. "Ho sluill Hiri'inl
1' hi. 1 in the midst f them, it lie ,
.ii.:i'i'-ili nreiuli-tli forth his linnds to
' Th.' Ii ,'iire is liold and ninny Hided.
f rr I kni.w how to swim. Home of !
,n'"l 'I ' ' "y i'l'"il. wliero this I
t.v. feme f you in lm) IioimI, in tho I
nar v iii1 f.ithei-'i! house; winie of you i
v m' c.-ene to inntiliiMNl or wo
mvl Minle wnnmerini' on tlio lieueli of
L V. n st lott-n in the wave, you
Lv your Iiki.I l-.T-k. von liriiiK yourellMiws I
eh.-, vmi put theialinsor your linnus .
nr.l iiinl tliesoliwof your foot out ward, !
i. ui.umi liirniih the water as tlioiijjh you i
Ih-ii l nia.iii.ilie. It is a eriuiil thmi; to ,
h Ui.n ' t' Min, imt only tor youi-M-ir,
me vi.u will alter a winie, pevnaiis
te h. li 'others. I do not know un thini;
tin:iu"r mliliniethan tosvcHoiuc ninii
ririii M.' lwipiiin from tho
Ma lus into tho non to huvo t'liarles
r. who ih'opiM-d from tho royal yard
trv;i'- to liiuM'n the nail, briuirin liim
L to tli.'ilcek nmiil tho Inizu of tin) uh
f runn.l rreir. If a man han not entlm-
ii) enouit to c'KS'r in ueu rircuinsiniunn
lw dimwit to ilrop into the a nnd
rnoone to help him. The Hoynl JIu
! Seei-tv of Kiilnnd wns CHtnMWipd in
l. it.i el.'m't to apolmid and reward tlioso
m li"ii.l 1 iuek up lil'o from tho il.vp.
rw v. ini ki performeil mien u
i.f ourin lias all tho tmrtieulars
I 1 ravi i-v iiH-ordeil in n pulilio
-.1. an i on his l.ivnst a iiu'dnl douo in
i on. I r''!'l. and lirone; ntn, mid ,
:i!nl iiiM i iption, tolling to fuliiro
ni'.. !i '.hehraverv of the loan or woman
a. in.' one from drowning. Hut,
fn-i..i- if it is Mn-li a worthy tiling to '
i 3 U fi. .in tlm !. i ask y.'ii if it ir. !
a mi r: ! n r thin ' to t-nvc an immortal
I An. I vmi hhall ns this hour the (Son of
d Hep fi.rth for this nehievemeut. "Ilo
sprem! fortli His haml in the umlst of
. a I.-.' that MVinmietU spreaileth fortli
i.n; i. t.i sw mi. '
enl. : toiimlerstntid the full foreoof this
(re, v. '.i i.e. l to realize, llrst of all that
ra. e . in a sinUini; eoudition. You
fc t ini In ar pinple talking of what they
uur ii'" in. .-I i'i-niitiltil wiiii is m our lau
:i Hue man say it is "homo," another
it ii lli ' wind "mother." another hiivh it
C.i? Hiinl "JeMn," tut I will toll you tho
n-n ni.M in an our landmine, tlio
I t aiijrrv and Imleful. tho word sat-
i'4 w itii tli" must trouble, tlio word that
r unts all tho loathsomeness, und tho
K, mul the outrage, and the liarrowini;;
i that nur.l is "sin." You hh'1I it with
rvieiipivi, uniiyel tlioso tlireo leltor itit
i ti: j riiviiiuference nnd tiieroo thu
liufUT 'if everything Imd in tlio universe.
i u 1.11111.1111. mu ll, i mi cuiiuot
ouii'-e it without (,'iviiiR tho
f tho lUme or tho hisx of
fcncilt. Sin! Anil tln.n if V..H iwlil
N Inter to that word it desoril'ies every
f v us i,y lMuure sinner, we Unvo out
E! . . J.1 V' "Mt oepasl-nallv, or
mi uifii, mil uerpelually. Tho liiblo
UW it. 1 1, lib I In 1.1. ...... l.......
fc. - - .. .. . iiniii.ivin l . "I iiim.
pliirt U deeeitful alKvo all thin;; and
:r " ' I'-Keu. -iliesoul that sinneth.
ailiiiv.' H lint ili li.i.i.. .......
imw amnin. After Jud'o Morgan
antenil l.iuly Juno tlrnv to dentil his
is-iimv troubled him so min'-li for tho dee I
'Mta-auii) insane, and nil thronxh his
"uity h kept haying; ' l'aUu her away
"" ''! I.1.K' J,, 1 1,.,.. i.....
Ir. Janutiivy." It was tliu yoicj
y ijeniis..ieiiee. And no man over does
B .Lily wronjj, however Kivutor sniall. Imt oi iiis mat mntlorlief ro him,
F at evirv sii.n i.r i,.u ...1.1...1
iiiioni..iin iui it AYn.
r"K. wroii.'.'' Ki U n l...wu ul.. I. .
"ris Mi is . ,. .... . , v: : r r.
r""n. sin Is .l,...t 1, 1 . ' ... !
a.-. 1 ..: o n i.iir
F"" mul it u. 1 . . .
1 ... 1 i nuiiiij von, irjiiy,
iail'1 Si, l f,,r, I.. .1.: . ... .1 i 1.
1,..:,, .. "m n.iii'i iiouiy
, . ..' '" """'on of iu vi.-uleneo. Yoll
; '"'in tho llrst sta-es of typhoid
U .1 . . """ nut iiusueit. tlio
' w maiiowlmt tlllshed. til
... ni,,L i,,..,.,!,, I,., . 1: , ,
wint i' 5'"U r"-VJ "'yphoid fever does
w a t. I.. ii.m.-U of a itisiMiso." Hut wait
kUII I,, .. . " woeKS iniiler it.
"iv uaiii.iir ...j i. ... .
I 1. . " " 'r1'" v" ""fi wrung out. und
k ,"""'"" W gono. then
tun iMY;- 1 - '' y.u Ks.
,1 : . " Oi Still SO. IIDIV
'ln word Is .... ..n
'b u out v in ti nimieni
; trtihiiiil 11, , 1 " a" u" consuiu-
fttw ami n, i uu"' our twau wrould
M yu .r b Uiar'i? Jwn on you,
ll'd '"'""'-''iuktiig away fVom
hJ tj? t"S 1! W ' Uod,inkin8
t4ir"u wytlmig that U good aii3
'Swimnl.r'AW,,',it' A trimmer! A
.sl Vn A,.wUt w'rl And,
n. .',r', y t"t ' we have him an-
Wdst of . "p,,u.1 fortu Hu liaudsin
r'''-'tli f ort . l!'i'' .V " tU8t "Wimmetb
r-ueanr i 1 hen ' wimmir goes out
r"rt bim 1 'le t b.V8 V7. "u,,h ""lliuiont
"' "''en V fri , 40(10 tn"1 K''"t JJ
' "o-pk ,,w .i"U'',,a for1' t ve un
and It cam np orer ni wounded ftvit, and It
came nlioye the Hpenr Htnb in HiHsid are, it
dashed to tlio lnceratod temple, the "liiuli
watr mwk nf J I in anguish. Then, rifling
nlrve the flood, "Ilenlretehe.1 fortli Hislinuds
in the mi. 1st of them, ns ha thnt Hvimmeth
Hpvondoth forth Ids hands to pwim."
If you have ever wrntohul a swimmer,
you notice that bis whole body Is brought
into play. The arm aro flexed, the hands
drlvo the water back, the knoon nro
actlye, the bead Is thrown laelt ti
OHcapo etrangulation, the whole body 1 in
propulsion. And whon Christ
Into tlio deep to mva uh, t
Koran ir
threw II
entire nature Into it all 1IU i.ihed
His omniseionoo, Kin Koodncs.4, His love,
bin omnlpotnoo head, heart, eyes, hands,
f oot. We were far out on the eoa and no d.op
down In tho waves and so far out from tho
horn that within short of an entire Uo.l
coulil save us. t'hrist lea-n-1 out for our
reseunj saying: "I Ioometodo thy will,"
and all tho surges of human nnd sntanle bato
leat aKninst Mini. nnd those who watched Mini
from the (rates of heaven feared lie would
f;n down under the wave, nnd instead or snv
ii others would Himself erisli: but putting
His breast to tho foam, and shaking tlie:urf
from His locks, llucnme 011 and on. until Ho
Is now within the reach of every one hero.
Kye omniscient, heart inllnito, aim oniniKV
tent. Mighty to nave, even unto the niter
most. Oh, it was not half a Mod that
trampled down Is-llowlifr t!cmienect. It
was not a ipinrter of a tiod that mastered
tho demons of tJadarn. It was imt two-thirds
of n Hod that lifted up Iiriis into the arms
of hi. over joyed sisters, it was not a frngni'-nt
of a (J.hI who ofTensI pardon and pe n o to
all tho race. 'o. This mighty swinnner
threw His erandi-ur. Ilisglory.Hismilit, His
wiwloin, Him oiuuiiKitcm-o and His eternity
into this one net. It took both hands of tiod
to snvo us With fmt. lluwilo I prove ii '
tin the cross, were not IhiIIi hands 11. tiled
tin tbocrovi, were not both feet nailed' Ills
entire nature invohed in our 1 1 ..:n. .. hi !
If yon have lie l inn. Ii by tiie wnf-r, you
liotii e aim that it' 1111 v one is Koinn ut to'th"
Iwiii'nt the I'. 1 win n;; he must be imleK'iid.
cut. srlf reli;iu, nble to yo alone. There may
be a time when we inu.t spring out to save
one and he cannot p't a lil. b sit. nnd I. ;,ne
mil nnd lin'i not sirength cm ui;ii t l ".i"
himself up. and hear inioih r up. he will
Kink, und in tend of rn."riiv one c.hmi
out of Iii. 1 tori int. j on will luve two to
drug out. When ' hrif h..:n; out,
nun me 1. :: i n. liver us II ' no
life buoy. His 1' Kb
ill tile wine tn".-.
riiid not Ivlp Him. AI nio
."i" m Hi p.oi-.'. l..n..
in tne iniKiii'ss. Alone In tho mountain
Alone inthohea. II, if Ho snvi'S us Ib'slial
hnvo all the credit, for "theru was none to
help." No oar. No wing. No ladder.
AVIien Niithnniel I.y.m fell in tho bittlii
charge in front of his tro iiM, he had a wholq
army to cheer hiui. Wiieii M irshal Ney
Hiif.iug into tho emit st an I plunge I in
tlio spurs till tlm horse's llauks spurted blood,
nil Franco applaud." I hint. Ilul Jesus nlonel
"Of tho pe.iplo th"r was iioio to help."
"All forsook film and lie 1." o, it was not ft
flotilla that sailed down nnd sive 1 us. It
was not a cluster of gon lolm Hint camo over
the wave. It was one person, ind. 'pendent
itid nlono, "spreading out His hands unions
us ns a hwiiirner sprLvideth forth his hands
V) sw im
Il'hnld th'ti, to-lay, tho spvtvla of a
Irowuiiig soul mi l t'hri. I, t'le swimmer. 1
Ivlievo it wm ill s-i, wli.'ii there were si
Kngli-.h soldiers of tli l''ilth h'usilirs, who
were hanging to the bitt uu of a enpsix"-!
boat a boat tlmt had be. -a upiet by a sjuall
threj miliM from shorn. It was in tin' night,
hut one iii-in miglitily for tho beteh,
guide I by the dark mountains' I hat lifted their
top through the night. He -auii. to tii"b'aeli.
He found a shore man that coiiient,! to go
w ith him nnd snvo the other men, and they
put out. It was snnie tiui" licfore they coulil
tlud the plaisi where tho men were, but nfte?
awhile they heard their cry. "Help! Help!"
nnd they I Hire down to the'in. nnd they iavis)
them, mid brought them to i.hore. Oh. that
this moment our cry might be lifted long,
loud and shrill, till Christ tho swimmer nhnll
come, and toko us lest wo drop a thousand
fathoms down.
If you hnvo lieen much by wnter, you
know very well that when ono is in peril
help must couio very ipiicldy, or it will be of
no use. One minute may decide evervthin-;.
liniiie liato help the man wautsor n.ilielp at
nil. Now, that is just I lie kind of a relief wo
want. The ra.i Is urgent, imminent, instan
taneous. Seo tlmt noiiI sinking. Son of
io,. lay hold of him, lie ipiiek! beipiicl;!
Oh, I w ish you all un l"rt sid how invent
this tlospel is. Tin-ro was n man in tho
navy at sen who had b'.'ii swerelv whionel
for bad behavior, and hn was 'maddened
by it. nnd ho leaped into the sea, and no
sootier had ho leate'd into the sea than, ipiick
us lii'lil 11 iter 1111 11 II in t is mu uu'iu n , I mum l.ini
Tlio drowning mini,. Iirought t ) his suiisch, 1
....... 1 1.. .11 ... .1.. ..,1 1 i. n .... m.. 1
n 1
Hi-izeo 1111111 01 1 ue uiiiiii rusMiuti neui oil, j in
llulteriiig of tho bird kept him on the wav
until relief could come. Would now the dove
of Ood's convicting, converting and saving
spirit might Hush from the throne upon your
soul, nnd that yon, taking hold of its potent
wing, might live and livo forever.
1 want to persuado you to lay hold of this
rung swimmer. "No," you m
ng swimmer, ".mi,'' you say. "it Is nl-1
i- . , ;
ways disastrous for u drow ning man to lay '
hold of a sw iinmer." Thero is imt a river or
lako but has a calamity resultant from tha
fact that when a strong swimmer went out
: . . " -- - --- - - -
to snvo a Hinkmg man, tho drowning mail
clu cho. I Ion, throw Ins arms around him.
pinu iimlhis arnis, and they iota went down
water you do not want to como u by
his face; you want to come 1111 by his back.
You do not want him to take hold of you
while you take hold of him. lint, blessed bo
. . , i .1 1 . - I, 1
Uod. Jesus Christ is so strong a swimmer, Ho I
coiinw not toour back, but to our face, and J
Hoasks us to throw aiound Him tho ar.ns of
our lovo, iiiidlheii promises to tako us to tho
bench, nnd Ho will do it.
Ho not trust that
ulauk of good works. Do not trust that
Miivered spar of your own righteousness.
Christ only can give von transportation.
Turn your face iixn llim ua tlio dying
KiXl ou't'r "Nolle but'ciiris;! oim 'IZ
Christ!" Jesus has taken millions to tlio ;
lii'nl, nil 1 Ho is willing to tako you thero. j
(ill, what hardness to shove Him buck wleai
lie has Is't'ii swimining ull tho way from the ,
throne of tiod to whero you aro now, and is j
ready to swim nil tho way back again, taking
your redeemed spirit. 1 bavu Houietiines ,
thought what a spectacle the ocean bed will '
present when in the last day tho water
is all drawn otf. It will bo a lino of
wrecks from Ix-uch to beach. Thero is
whero the harpoons went down,
There is where tlio lino of battle ships
went down. There is where tho mercliaiit
lueii went down. There is whero the steam
ers went down, u loir; lino of wrecks from
neaen to tiiucn. What a spectacle In the
lust day when the water is drawn olfl Hut
oh, how much more solemn if we had an eye
to sou tho spiritual wrecks and tho places
whore they foundiTed. You would tlud
thousands along our roads and stivcta.
Christ came down in their awful eatns
troplie.puttitig out for their souls, "spreading
forth His hands as a swimmer Kpivudctii
forth his hands to swim;" but they thrust
Him iu tho sure heart, and they smote His
fuir check, and tho storm and darkness
swallowed them up. I nsk you to lay hold
of this Christ ami lay hold of Him
now. You will sink
Him. From horizon to horizon not
0110 sail In sight. Only one Htroug swiminor,
with head Hung back and arms outspread. I
hear a great many in the audience saying:
"Well. I would like to be a ChristaSiu. "I ni
going to work to become a Christian." My
brother, you begin wrong. When a man u
drowning, and a strong swimmer comes out
to help hiui, he says to him: "Now be quiet,
l'ut your arm on my arm or on my shnuldur,
but don't struggle, don't try to help your
self, and I'll take you ashore. The more you
struggle aud the more you try to help your
self, the more you impede 1110. Now be
quiet and I'll tuko you ashore." When
Christ, the strong swimmer, comes out to
save a soul, the sinner says: "Tliut's right.
I am glad to see Christ, and I am going tn
belli linn in the work of my redouuitlini.
I am going to pray more and that will iieip
Him; ami I am going to weop extravagantly
iver uiy siuj ami tuut wiu uip uuu." Qi '.
my brother, It will not. Stop your dols,
Christ will do all or none. ou cannot lot
nn on nee, you cannot move nn inch, in thu
matter of your redemption.
This is the dimVnlty which keeps til nisnnoa
of souls nut of the kingdom of heaven. It is
became they cannot consent to let Jesus
Christ begin and complete the work of their
redemption. "Why," you soy, "then is
there nothing for me to do"" Only 0110
thins have yon to do and that ' is to
lay hold of Christ, and let llim achieve
your salvation nnd aeldevo it all. I
do not know w hpfher I make the matter plain
or not. 1 simply want to show you that a
man cannot save himself, but that tho Al
mighty Son of Uodcnn do it, and w ill do it. if
you nsk Him. O, fling your two arms, tho
arms of your and love, around this
omnipotent swimmer of the crohs.
That is a thrilling time when sonio 0110
swamped in the surf is brought as'ioro nnd
being resuscitated. How tho people watch
for tlio moment when ho lirgins to br.rithe
again, and when nt last ho takes ono full in
halation, and opens his eyes upon tho by
standers, a shout of Joy riiiKS up nnd down
tho lteneh. There is joy liecnuso a lifo has
leen saved. (), ye who have been swamissl
In tliesi ns of trouble and sin! we gather
n round you. Would thnt this might bo tho
hour when you begin to live. The Lord Jo
sus Christ steps down, Ho gets on His knees.
Ho puts His lip to your lip, and would
breutlio pardon nn. I lifo nnd heaven into
your immortal soul, llod grant that this
hour there may I hi thousands of souls resusci
tated. I stand on tho deck of tho old t impel
ship nmld a crowd of imikm ngcrs, nil of them
Imping (hat tho lat man overUiard mav Imi
avod. May tho living Christ this h -'put
out for your safety, "spreading fortli His
hands in tho midst "of you, as a swimmer
Sfireadeth forth his hau'.U to sulut "
A preaclier of tho ( ;osh'1 had pone d own
into a conl mine, durieg the noon hour, to
tell tlu miners of thnt grace nnd truth which
r.itiio by Ji mis cbri-t. AlNr ti li ng thnu
the simple M 'iy nf li. d's love I 1 lo-t sinners,
man's state nn.llioTs r iii '.lv, n full ami
fits alv ,tii .ii 0IV1 risl, the t ini" c inie for m
to resume work, and tho prcnelcr enme
bii' U to th" shall to ns.-'iid to the world
'iain. Meeting tli - foreman, be nsked him
went be thoii-ht of (toil's way of s lva'. imu
Hie man replii d:
"Oh, it is too 1 heap; I cannot bt lievo in
nu ll a ri ll ; 1. n ns that '. '
Without an imm ' liat au-w T t his ro
mark th" r -ncl cr d
"How do you got out of this place?"
S.inply by j'.cti nig into tho cage," w.i
the reply,
"And does it tak 1 'tig to get to tiio top?'
''( Hi, no; only 11 few seconds.'
"Well, that' certainly is very easy and
simple. Hut do V011 not ms'd to help' raio
yours If? ' sai I tie- pro icher.
"t if fours not :" replied the miner. "Ai
I have said. y u iiave liotliing to do but get
into thecnge'."
Hut went about the people who nmk tin)
fliiitt, and pi rf.s-tisl this arrang iiienl Was
tneic mil--ti labor or cxp 'Use inn lit it :
"lnde. il, ye; tlmt was n laborious nnd
exsnsive work. The shaft is cUhbs'ti him-iln-d
fei t deep, and it m sunk at jrrenl cost
to the proprietor-; but it is our only way
nut, uud wi:hi. ul it we should inner be ulilo
to get to the sui lin'o."
"J Ust so. And when (lod's World tells
you that nil isin v.t l lieveth on the Soil of
tiod lintli oMi lnstmg life, you nt 1 nee sjiv,
'Toichenp! 'Too cheap!' forgetting that
(ihI'h work to bring you ami nt hers out of
the pit of lies? 1 notion nnd dentil was nee un
plisne I nf n Mist cost, tlio prico being tin)
il nth of II h own Son."
M. ii talk nl suit, the "help of ChrU" in
tln ir salvation that if Ihevdo their part
t'hrist will do His, forg 'ttiiig, or no1 s-sung,
that the iid Jesus t'liri t by Himself
purged our sins and that our part is Imt to
vxvpt whut bus bm'ii dono. CViiLstiuii .10
I There are certain exNru nccs common to
J nil mints. One of tl'.osn is thu temptation
I that comes is'i'aliso prayer for right things
' tines not 1 1 1 1 11 1 diately "inherit the promnm."
I Thorn are Hcas uis when tlio rcaon for delay
cms to us very plain; t!i"ie nr.' other tini 's
when wo are coiistrained to say: "O 1ord,
bust Thou forgotton to Ui grucioiis" Jlut
In nil player wo ore to ivnn mU'r tha' wo
are suppliants only tlirouh grace; tli it to
approach ti. il and 11 -I; of linn is in any sensu
' a treat privilege. A ju-t view of rnyer,
that act to wliii li we lull iu belpfulness bo-
tore tiod, will 1 rove to lis we are not nt
ldTty to 11
"Just as lb
make any ilciiiuinls up ni llim.
.1 usi as 1 noil win, w i.or.1, is me proper
,,.,,,, 1,, ... 11,,. ,i,,,,f i.,,. 1 1,,,. l,.ui nl Ilia
fis-t. H tire nibiiiissioii to Ids way is a
mark of prevailing taith. And null a fait Ii
is not mi much concerned w hi ther liod cIhsjoo
to delay or not.
Andrew Murrny lias said: "When nneo
faith has taken its stand upon (iot's word.
find the linmo of
Jesus, nnd has yielded itx-lf
....... 1 1 ... .,. 'u ;, ," 1. n..,i..
ii iiiu li'ilUIIIU 01 1110 M .11 iu 10 r. m vi"i
,0 ,i i,,'l .. i Ii ,,..,.. i, ,,..,i
1 ma Isi discourage 1 by delay. Jl know from
Scripture that ti o iwcr of Isdieving j'rayer
is himpiv irresistible; rial faith can never be
m umpiv irrcsist nie; rial iniiii can novel
!,,. U kll'WH tlmt jtlst. HH W(l
, vwiMt Ih im.Ms,ii,,. powa-r It ran In
t ,,,,.,, (llld ,,u., until
,,,. . ,-.. n ,.,,...., .. r
until tiod isees that th" liieasuro is full and
tlieanswar iini's. H knows that just as
hi icii us the rlowmau has to take 111
,.., his ten thoi
Hioiiwiii l Mi and sow '' '
N '" '. m" V'1. '" J 'I'1' "r
us the plowman has to tako his ten
for tho liail liurvcst, thero is a need-bo
for oft-repeated, srsi vering prayer, nil
working lut deviled blesmng. O
Ijord, do tiich 1110 how real tho lalior of
i. rarer is. 1 know how hii'o 011 eiirth when
have failed in an undertaking I can oltou
succeed bv renewed and inoro continuous
f" '''? I!!?
Show 1110 how. by giving myself inoro en
tirely to prayer, to live in prayer, 1 may ob
tain what I nsk. And, nliove all, O my
blessed Teacher, author nnd pcrfector of
faith, l t my whole lifo by Thy grace bo one
of faith in Tins-, in whom my prayer gains
acceptance, iu whom 1 hnvo tho nsstiranco
of the answer, in w In. 111 tho answer will bo
initio." N. Y. C7iN.sf noi Iiroccifii.
Henry 1). Gregg, son of tho famous Ilov.
Dr. Uregg, of llul.liu, Ireland, whosodiscus.
sinus with Bishop Mnguiro about tha Catho
lic Church during thu past ton years gave
him w orld-wido fame, was arrested nt Kan
sas Cily, Alo., for steallnga horse and buggy.
Ho claims to be innocent. Ho was privato
secretary to lleneral 1'hilip II. Hlioridun lif
ter he came to this country and was then
transferred to the Adjiitniit-Goueral'v oIII.m
iu Washington us a clerk of the first-class,
;olng there with Hocretury of War Lincoln,
le runiaiuoil iu tho place three years, when
he was removed by Secretary Kudicott.
Next ho hold nn imKirlant plaooon the
Uultcd Htutoe revenue steamer Cheeter A.
Ho carao West and was a reporter on toy-
without ertt' papors in Omaha. Having worked him
ni not self out in that lino ho dril ted to Kansas
City, where he foil in with a notorious horse,
thiol, who asked him to tako ono Quiulan'l
horse and buggy through to Hiawatha, and
it he got a good chance to soli it. Gregg
drove the horse to Atchison, and tried to sell
it for 10, but failed. He then resinned his
journey toward Hiawatha, but was caught
ami jailed. Whisky is resionsible for nil
downfall. Grogg mode several elforta while
in Kansas City to secure work as an account
ant in the railroad oillco, but failed. Ue bat)
sonja first-clans recouimoudutioua.
The Doston Uteord quietly remarks that
"Hullivau, lying beastly drunk iu the back
rau, lying oaosiiy uruua iu mo uses
f a Chicago whisky saloon on Sunday,
erybody who bought a drink taken (u
,ho exhibition, is a suggestiva 00m-
room 01
and evei
to see the ex hi
uionUry on the claim that prixe fighting is ft
'oiauly art, -- -- .
tnt i.trrig.
A little IUiim
Will scent a room
A little candle
I.irht the gloom
One little gleam
Of sunshine, stream
Through bars, and gilj
The prison-tomb!
A little hand
Will comfort bring
A little tongue
Annoy 1 king
A little wine
Kill thought divine
A little balm
Allay a sting I
A little stair
Will ease the way
A little Joy
Change night to day
A little song
Hrown thoughts of wron-.
A little forethought
Save the hayt
A Il'tte pledge
Will blow, a lifo
A little roanon
Hanish strifo
A little pen stroke
Hrniiil a nsmo
A little love
Save name and fotuol
A little imn'lo
Is liko a roy
A little kind wont 1
Makes it May 1
A lil t ie cheer j
Will dry n tear
A little prayer
f iiveienco alwayl
STr$.M.A.Kiiltler, in Ttm)irrttnce r.iniirr.
A Fcinl to the New York Trihmir front
Washington says: A feature of army lifo
that Is attracting some nttention out-ide of
tlio ranks, nnd which has the approval of tho
War llepnrtmcnt, is what is known as the
"Canteen." it is best known in the Kngiisn
army, nnd has for its object tlu providing
lor soldiers nf fmsl, drink nnd amusement.
.At present thotl'-st two named, aside from '
the niss.otie.s of tin, g,,Mi,.- which am pro
viihsl by the coi'imissary department, nro
Mippliisl by the p,,st trader. Cntd within
the past fow years the business of
Irmler was prolltablo, but with the growth
of new towns nenr the posts his business fell
off, until now his r.'Veiiue is derived Inrgely
Irom his liiviiMi to sell beer mid wine. Iu
limnyrases It Is said that tho post traders
nbiise the privileges thus grantoil mid dis
ponso to the soldiers a poor ouality ot w hisky
und briindy. Tho traders' il-aliniis aro thus
often prejudieal to goinl order mid disciplino
nt tho post. It is this fact, inuro
than nuy oiler, that has led to the adoption
of the canteen system. The cauteu is con- 1
t ruled by a voluntary association of the sol- '
diers. The supplies are purchased and sold
ns by tho post traders, but no spirituous
liipiors are sold, an I no lienors of unv kind 1
to uitoxieate l iMTsoiis. Hy this nivalis tho
sol. Hers themselves lend their aid to thnoill.
cen in maintaining discipline. The amuse- '
meats iitcludo l..tli indoor and outdoor re
creation and snort, nnd it is to this feature .
to which the oiliis'is, look for the Is-st result!
in the morals of tlm enlisted men. Tho re-
nulla of the system have boen so sntisfacttiry
that tho War Department olllcials and heaiis
of tho nrmy glvo all possible 1 ncourn.'ineut
to its jrow tli.
A MOST nANniCllilfS ii.t.cstos. i
One of tho most dangerous illusions of the
pres'iil era, inibistrlouMy fostered by tho
brewers nnd their allios, is that leor is a
hirml v,s, wholesome be virago. 1'roffssor
J'rnper, iu the .MU-nl AVus, referring to
gout, says: "As them i t pronounced pecu
liarity of tlm victims of the gouty diathesis Is
tlie proinfit reaction which they present to
w me a'ld benr, it follows Hint the exclusion
ot tlieso Itevera rM ns articles of diet must bo
bn in Jslis un,,,,." ),. n,,s: "This Is often
a dllllcillt III Jilll.-t '. 01 tooiiforis.. There Is so
Mroug a popular and professional piejudioo
in favor of fermented li pioi s i,s articles of
diet that 0110 ran hardly prohibit Ihnusoof
them under nuy cueun'istauei a without la
ing regarded iihii crunk. In spite, however,
of the generally revived opinion that ardiit
spirits aro ri.:potisilil,s f,,r nil tho physical
evils of int.'inieru..e, I iiavo long been in-
. .in. .1 i., 11. -iiuvii mai nie lei'inniiiisi prepara
tions of nleoln, I are equally if not more pro
iluetivo of functional di c angeiueutii mi l even
of slriictunil lesions." Wo commeinl I'ro
lessor Draper's tei'.inionv concerning fer
mented liquors, tho result of extended pro- 1
teisionsl experience nnd observation, to the
thoughtful coiisiiieratinii of tho ii'mlogists
f..ror advocates of beer-drinking. Autionai .
7'i'iu;ier(ince .Itfenmifc, j
In Tara, Hrail, a licensn to sell liquor costs
f-"'! a license to keep a sclnsil costs lll. !
Sir John Gorst sfatns that there are nine,
teen breweries in India, brownie; 4,Hiii),'J!5j
gallons. j
In lNSt) there wore 15ti,.V7 retail liquor '
dealers, of all kinds, jiaving the special liquor
tax in the UniUsi .States. j
A prominent firm of class malum in Phila- .
delphiu, not long ago, rofusod a large order
for bottles from a liquor house.
Where twolvo men mini" beer In the Wal
riifT brewery, I.awreneo, Ivan., one hundred
persons aro now busy making shoea.
The champions of the saloon are now turn
ing to Kansas to try and sisiaro a resubmut
sion of tho constitutional nmendiuent.
Cardinal Manning, nt eighty-two, at a ro
cent meeting in lioudoii of thu depositors ot
trie tsouttieaHteru uud Motrosilitan Hall
ways Savings Bank, miulo an impressive plea .
for temjierawio 011 the part of railway men.
A National Temperance Congress, under '
the auspices of the National Temperance
league, will be hold in liirmiiigham, Kng.,
in October next, commencing with a large
uumbsr of sermon "n SnniUy. October 20. .
TIIK Oimu t) liHUNKARI). j
It Ik a common practlco to sjieak of ovur
ilninkord as a stuurt man, as m man extruo
iliuarily gifted, capabln of great things, nuA
liaui)ered only by tho practice of getting
drunk. Most of tho drunkards themselves
londly liuaglue that it takes brains and gen
ius to bo a drunkard, nnd thnt if a iiinn bu
not a drunkard li" must noeessarily (poor
licvil) be an iv3s. Hy this sort of talk tho
iiruukards havo humbugged not only them
selves nut n great, many ijeseent poop'.?.
"UiMjtor." asked a lady of tho famous Dr.
Als-rneUiy; "doctor, why is if, that so brainy
H man as my husband gsts drunk?" "Ue-i-ause,
madame," answereil the ihs-tor, sol
emnly, "he is a blank dashed fool." We have
very often beard people say, commenting
upon a work of art or of literature done by 11
Woman: "Yes, that is exceedingly well done
for a woman." May Iss when people tell of
the smartness of their drunkard frond they
mean to say that they uro smart for druiik
Vds. Chicago Hews.
Hold a mouthful of spirits whisky, for
distance iu your mouth for ilvo minutes,
and you will find it burns severely ; iiiKiect
tho mouth aud you will tlud it iiiluimod.
Hold it ton or fifteen iniutiUa, and you will
Und that various parU nt tha interior of the
mouth have become blisterod; then tie a
handkorohlof over thooyes and taste, for in
stance, wator. vinegar, milk or cream, aud
you will flud Uiat you are tnenpnblo of dis
tinguishing one from another. This experi
ence proves to a certainty thnt alcohol is not
only a violont Irritant, but also a narcotic.
Can you believe that the htill more tender
and important internal organs ot the b.sly
ran Is less injuriously affected than the
mouth? Dr. McColtoch-
Absolute prohibition still prevails In Okla
homa. The beneficence of tho law is unques
tioned. A mau at Uuthrie voiced the general
sentiment when ha said: 'Trohibition la our
salvation; without it Uiore would be a uiur
drvK7 dny--
lXTi:HXATioii 1 t:sson
lesson Tcxtt "Tlio Anointing ol
ll.ivbl." 1 Sum. wll, l-in
Ciolilcn Text: I svl.,
7 t'oiniiioiitnry.
1. ".n 1 the Trd said unto Samuel: Ttiny
long wit thou uiourii for Saul, seeing I have
ret' ctod him from reigning over Israel." So
(lill'.eult is it for us to Hide w ith God, regard
less of our own tlioughtsor feelings or prefer-ruts-,
that even the great and gissl Suiiiuc)
Is here s,sti clinging In his lunrt if or lie went
not near him, Chap, xv., tnSnulnfterthn
l'rd lind reject. .1 him. We must rememlsT
(lint the ,ord did imt re led Sunl 1111I1I S.-ml
had ts-rsistently and disoU'Msl the
Is.rd (Chaps, xiii.. IM. 1 1: x v., '-'iii. o that Saul
had no ore to blame but himself for tho lo:
uf his position.
'i. "How can T go? If Saul bear it he will
Kill me." Thisd'S's not sound like the utler
nneo of n faithful, fearless follower of th
Lord God of Hosts. It might lie said to Sum-xi--1
: "Who art thou thnt thotl sliouldst bl
efrnld of n that shall die, and
forgettest the Lord thy Mnk-r?'' (Isa.. li.. 1J.
bl.( Had Samuel l'eii in lull svmpnthy with
the Lord, In the ca of Saul' ho might not
have talked thus; I ul whenever we are (n tin
least degree out of the fellow ship with tbsl
we arenpt to say nnd do tmiiiv foolish und
ainfiil things. 'I he fear of the I.ird and cmitl
1I1 tieeiti the perfis-t love of Uod. is nil etTcct
ual cure for all other fear. "And the lrd
nf "1 take nn heifer with the. and snv. 1 nm
I'ome to snritiei. to thelU'd." r- i 1 1 ti 1 1 mtill
ran do nothing in tho way of c -rviug tlml
apart from sjiciilre and atonement; out
holiest aein.ns, our very In--? 'rviee, cannot
lie ice .'pt'ible t 1 Go.l n'pirt from the ineri'i
nf our f rd Jesus f'ni.t, bill the weaki-l
cry or t!io feeble.-t s rvic is 111 1 le neci .-pt.'ibii
through Him.
'. "I v. ill show the., whn th 11 Vm!i d :
on. 1 tli .11 shall anoint unto Me him whom I
nam" unto thee." Th"v raul of t'le I'i'.l
has 1 nlv i in... . forward calmly nnd iu per
feet c .n'i.len. -' in 1 1 1 it 1 1 11 ui.. I Ii ' Is ul
wiw s I'l-teili 1 sure gi : i, la nee.
4. And S.V.HIel il'. ltlllt. wt!, theLori
ii;.'." This is now as it, sho-ild be, thu
Word of the Lord pI 'Mllls, un. I the servant i
simply ob.'d'etit nnd ernes 1 1 llethleheni
leaving God to curry out His own phhlsmiil
11 1 ana p' 1 ! is o,v n nii'airi in His own w ise w a v.
hen e are thus pa- iv,' and 11K0 obedient
In Ills hands, nil wil, be Well and II spur
p..M mih iidereil. "I'lie elders of Ih-'t.'Wn
I rem! .le I." Here is anoth -r in. beat ion of la' k
of fellow .!np w itli G. id, f.u- if tlnar heart
were right and tl.eir conduct light th'-ri
i aid h.iv.' been n joieliig instead of tretii
bling nt nvi-it fr.H.i tho Lord's vrvant : but
probably Oiey, ton, wore clinging to the disii.
beilient liillg.
ft. "I am come to s-'icrifl.'e unto the Lord.
lie ii-esthe very words which he wa' told to
ice iv. 'Ji, and that is nhvavs the right thiln;
to il.i. Jesus Mim lf said only what, tin
l'a 1 1 er tol.l llim i.loliu xii., -t. i ; .b reiinah iiiii
L 'siel were .i .peal; only t h" lord's wordi
I-', r. i, T-'.i; La'k. in., "-t. 10, 11, ITi; line
w ! -.'ti we as en-.s .ii '. ri of Hie lird cotiliiii
mil selves to the l.oi .l'h niessag.', rntl.i r tlmt
give our thoughts nhoiit It, surely we shall U
most pleasiu,; I 1 llnii.
t'., 7. "The Lord look, tit on tlio heart " At
the tir-t of .li . -'s sons ..t I In i',, re Samuel.
ther w ns ...oiiiet hm ; nl., ait him v. hieh can si i
Samuel to think that iie nai til" Lord's nil
In .11 it ' I ; but Ii iw soleaill til" Word of till
Lord: "I have r fiisi'.l Iimii." L"t ns again
repeal tint in the matter of salvation tin
Lord lei us. s none who come to llim; but
thi-i ; a nutter of sj nil service, nnd it il
Hoi stat ure nor a fair" II" se.'ks,
but 11 in ert ru'it with liim-eli, "a iiinn altci
Ins mi n heart ' ichap., xiii, lb.
-Pl. "Ji .so lllll ie seven (,f his sons to pal
I lore Samuel; nn I Sauiuel said unto Jesse,
the Lord hat a not chosen th"-"'." Here, then,
Is nn apparent failure; the Lord bud said U
Sana'. 1 I li t had provided a king from
union:: Jesse's sons, nn.l yet here aro all tin
.lis i'. Ii. 111 Jesse h.-i-l thoin-.lit it necessary It
brine; nnd t..r this -pe. ial s-ri. '. this plii' i
of honor, nil are s. t n-id", tli" riht man luu
II it nppnirisl. i;,.i s thoughts uud ways art
i s 11,111 11 lii 'lu-r t h iiioiii"! as In aveii is highi-i
I hail aiih; und how lew- !-v:n tokn.o i 1 11
te..u ;iiis or ini'li r-lun-l His coiiiitenanco
llsa. I .. s. ;i; .iic.iv., I'.'l ; but let 1 In
blind us t le v lo.iv, tin r. is 110 taiiure with
tiod. II" bus i n.. sen II -M-rv. int. and wil.
J. set t lie man ot 1 1 is eh, on thethiolii
of I-r o i and 01 1 iie w iiole wol Id. Wu:t upon
llim toi l be pat i.-ni .
II. "Sen 1 nn.l b teli him, f..r we will not
let down till h" conies liiiln-r.-' So cverya
thing has to stand still till the slighted so 11
Is l ioiight. In r -ply to SamtcTsqiiostioii 111
to whit'iir th.--.. seven wern nil bis soni
Jesse 11 tilled tllllt til" youngest Wil.: lit home
!; pin;: the slus'p, and it was for him that
tln-y wi le row si niiiug and waiting.
l i. "And he sent, nn.l brought him in,
nnd the I.011I sai l : Ails... uuoint him; forthii
is be." As we are thus lortlie WvA, tune per
Hiiuilly introdu I to David, the son of Jesse,
the Instory of w le se kindom.past and future,
tills so much of Scripture, and w Itli whom wi
i.xjH'ct to be somewhat intimately associati-ii
when Jesus, the turn of David, who is also tin
church's llriilcgroom, i.hnll sit on Davld'i
tin.. la', we can only stand and gar.e upon thil
ruddy, good-liMikmg young man and wondei
nt the grace of God iu choosing n mortal mux
for such a glorious immortal future; nuj
then turning to our ow n souls wo would sayi
II, my sou), ki-ii that thou dost never ceasi
t 1 adore, 1111 1 cry aloud tho onuses of llim.
w hose grail' has called you, passing by si
many others, to In a king-priest unto Uod,
washing vmi in His own pris-mus blood.
bl. "Tlieii Samuel took the horn ot oil and
nuointisl hiui iu the midst of his brethren."
He was afterward, at Hebron, anointed
king over tho house of Judiih, und soiue
wiiat later, at tho same place, anointed kinu
over all Israel. (II Seiu. il., -I; v., 1-5.1 Af.
lor Samuel anoint, si him that day there wen
long years of waiting and rejection and imt
seeutnui ore ho ciun.i to the throne, so now
although Jesus, the Son of David, is God'i
ctioM-u and anointed King of Israel uud oi
nil nations, we are still living In tho timi
win 11 lie is rejccicd and persecuted. "Tin
i-pirit of th" Lord enme mightily iijk.ii Davii!
Irom that day forward." (Sisi It. V.) Hers
is the power Ly which alone wo can sutler of
serve or wait or in anyway glorify God
Krom li"..;iiiningtoe!id ol Scripture the powot
of the Spirit of God u tlio only power ro.
venlcd lor IVectunl service, und whether itii
playing upon the harp or writing pnlms,sul
iliiin ' enemies or reign iug 1 iver Israel, what.
I'vi r I lavid did that wiis 1:0 eptulile to tiod
was by the Holy Spirit.
"So Sa niiel rose up uud w ent to Hamuli.11
Tor llie h eoiid time he has anointed a I 'us
tain over the La. I s inln rit-in.-e, ami now lit
retires t 1 his own home, no doubt to con.
tinue iu prayer for thu Lord's oploand for
liib iile intcd l.i s-oii llrlfier.
He v. A. l'earsoii, Vicar of St. Marguet's,
recently presided over 1111 enthusiastic goss'l
tuiiiperaiico meeting nt DriKhton. In ud
dressing the nssombly ho said that tho tom
peruueo cnuso was not progresiiug fast
enough, that lungluud's drink bill hud boon
reduced from Ha millions to VJ5 millions iu
twenty years a million a year and at this
rate it would take 125 years to complete the
c ork. If a II 10 brigado was calhsl to a llro
it would be nf no use to march to the tune of
tho "Dead March in Saul" and then try to
extinguish the fire with a watering ran.
There is to-day In tho EnglMi-Hpoaklnfj
roiiiitru-.i no such treuieudomi, far-reaching
vital question a that of drunkenness. In it
implications and effects it overshadows all
Uo. It is JmiKifcHible to examine any sub
ject;! connected with tho progress, tho civili
ation, tho physi.-sl well-boing, the religious
condition of the masses, without encounter
ing this moiiHtrousovil. It lies at tho centre
of ull sociul nnd political mischlof. It
paralyo bonellcont euergles in every dl
roction. it' iieutralims dlucntinnnl agcuciw.
It silences the voice oj religiou.
Tonnjjont CunTlrt on Itocort!.
Sinnville Combs, prolmlily the young-;
eft evmvirt in any prison in the lnitoi(
States, hits served the llrst year nf a lifo:
sentence. AVhcti sent up fro:u I!renlHitt
County, Ky., lust July lie was eleven
years old, ami small for tin- ii''e. Prison1
life 1ms toiigiii niMl him, Imtli morally nnit
physically, lie killed his two-ycar-ohl
Kistcr in a liriitul inanticr. The two were
in the house to"ytlier nlotic. When iho
lilt'u tot alai'tcd to crawl across the lloor
V-''''ViA f " , s
; 3
. 1
m. t:.i.r. 1 hm'is,
ue- tn-.y i?cKei ii) a lid ::tnl mnslicil
her s!,ull it !, it. e id, i, threw tint
body in tin' I,'. plaic, int "inlitit; to burn
it. This ptiiicss of 1 n 1 1 : : 1 ! ; . 1 n was ton
slow mul lie .iill.-. !; out .-1 t 1 1 i-.-n ii, i I it
to n sinall t :-i-.itu tear the lnuisc thiiiw-
i!i-,' it i-.i. Winn tin- little
'w .is foiiml Si 1111 illc a.lmitlril Killiio; lu-r.
IL' was nif, st, , ,,,H t;i, .. (In thu
's-t .iii1 . w in-ii :iki il v. hy li" had 1 otniniltcil
tile i'i'i 1 nc, lie stall d that los sli ifallicl
ha.i told liim to do it ami bad piomiscil
liim 11 new pair of boots. Tin ro was no
other evidence :i:; litis! the sti pf.ttlier,
nnd as tlic boy was .1 1 onfi .s, , miirilcrcl
;liis testimony (oiiM not have weight.
Many clTorls liao been inaile to liaic tlm
tbivernur panloii him, but thus f ir lut
lias failed to nc!. When t',r,t sent up
yoiinej Combs had in-v cr of God,
knew tiothi'io of la acn or la II mul l ad
ncvi r m en .1 school house, lie c.iu now
row I mil write ami talks like a very
liri'llt. illl" lli'.o llt liny. lie lines ,o
t-ceiii to care lor his imp) i . iniiu iit. .
(V'o-iu'o limit.
jl;'. Dull mid lac lint-tii'l's Nest.
1 v. ' '
This is young Mr. Dolt.
Who took a i roll 1 .in' day .
lb' wandered through lh" im adows jjiwdJ
Where buttercups Were guy.
And this was what he found that day.'
lie punched it with his cane;
The cane w as half a mile too short,
Which Dolt can now explain.
And this is Mr. Dolt again,
Distorted. Kick, and sore;
He's not ns lian-Is. uu.. as of old,
lint knows a great sight more.
The Km press of ficrmany is to liuvc .-
special In uiy nuanl, cninposcil of twenty,
four of tlio larocbt 1111 11 in tliu l'niNsiiwj
tinny, nutl coiiimunilcil Ly un olliccr and
two sergeants. Tin y uro U wcur tlia
uniform of Ficilcrick ihe (ircif luxly,
Hiiard, which litis been Hpuiially thoscnj
by the Kniperor himself.
Tho stcalinp; at an uinlircllu on a clear
lay is helil to be n theft by nn Ouuiha
Judge; but tho Htcalitig of the same.arh4
clo 011 a raiuy ilny is hehl to bo justiiiubl
on tho ground of solf-ilefi'iiso. Wo prc-j
sumo this decision was rciidercd iu ordmi
to protect the court. Hnt'ula Exyreu.
Both the Hussions ami thu British, a
they rntih farther mul fart 1 cr into Asia,
pay great ntfvMion to arboriculture,
plnntintf trees, shrubs and (lowers whero
ever they form u settlement. The result
is that Ceutral Asia U beta", reforested. .J
' , 1
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s ...
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