The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 22, 1889, Image 1

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5 ?
Co. ConmiiMtonert.
OL. 215.
NO. 31
i y
V Orwi" now house is reau
convention in Dower
L next S:it unlay.
little "Recording Angel" came
.erwiuVnccof Kecoruer mien
.... ('f Nellie Millhouse)
ur 1iiik1)iiui1 of Reading, Til.
Litintfin Middleburgh.
Lt voung ladies mid gentle
IV9 w- - - ... t ... .
nf Sehnscrove ' pic-nicoii in
ler'i RT)Ve llist Saturday.
. w:11.. -1i..1.wu1n Ktatintiiit
lf. A- J''!" ' " H'"l--I.. ...V,... .
fc.ii;.,nrp. Mil.. spent Sunday
IhiN mother-in-law, Mrs. John
L(rtwr.liMU itifttiMT
jl1lfr)oii hev It plain and Hut i
luet wwt tn go no MroVr
m aiy Twtymrni irr mm.
ftM.n inch white-fish the lurg
Lt tRtpn out on the fly. was cup
1,1 bv the eilitor Tuesday even
Lther Lawn Festivnl will be
by the "Young People h Mite
, tv"" nt Paxtonvrlle on Saturday
line, Aug. 31.
M. l'lh, Veterinary Surgeon,
hail located in this place since
has changed his base and will
Lfter he found at Lewistowu.
irtin Bowcrsox received another
engine and seperatcr on Mon-
He is now running two thresh
outfits and a double set of
v. Orwig preached a very able
test Home Sermon on Sunday
did?, lhe cuurch was oeauu
decorated with cereals, fruits
m a worm ami wnat a language
s. anyhow 1 They write "your
uce is requested" at a wedding
they mean "your presents are
i it. Michael Smith Post and II.
tterCauip S. of V. of McClure
ulJ their tenth AuualEncamp-
in Shawver's Grove near Wag-
illlin county on August 20, 30,
Grove Meeting on Chestnut
Icon Sunday, August 25th, but
will be Quarterly meeting in
jut's church. Preaching Aug-
VI n T.'lll 1 f .... 1 c 1
uiB and evening.
I oil friend and subscriber. Si
. . .. . '
Uilley of Middlecreek town-
Sh very seriously ill and in not
V ted to live. He was a member
f 150th tBucktail) regiment and
. -
u aim at Hatcher's Hun.
h BudiU, the horseman, who
"everal sales here of Til inois
K while trying to stop a run-
leam nt his home near Yellow
, DL. was run ovpr mid ent nr.
My that he died a few davs
old house on the farm of Dr.
BibiL'llOllKH lllll-,w..l ,1 ..
y night. It had been stand
taut for many years uud was
Wily to topple over. It is
d to have been the work of
won pie-iiie will take placo in
grove, near Troxelville, on
;'', September 7, ia which
-we Reformed, St. James,
eeheal Sunday Schools will
'P-te. It will be a basket pic
AU are cordialy invited.
U, l,u'B Copperhead
Skilled in Samuel Witteu
yMO. Mr. Witteumyer had
J the reptile for several days
u" to hl8 discovery. The Cop-
exudes an odor similar to
raw cucumbers.
Ll"? H Z Stiitf- will
J real and personal property
Steimnger at public sale
pV. .August 31, at WoVlock.
estate consists of three
to.,"1! n"e trac M'ith good
WMd aU necessary improve-
On Sunday scvernl hundred ve
lucles from the West End passed
through Middleburgh on their way
to Swengel and Pallas campmect
ings. The fish commissioners have du
ring the past month placed five mil
lions of pike perch, a new species of
fish in the Delaware, Susquehanna
and Juniata rivers.
Charles Kearns who has been
confined in our county jail for sev
eral weeks, and of w bom we made
mention last week, was removed to
the Danville Asylum by Sheriff
Dreese on Monday.
Adam Showers last week purchas
ed of Jacob Gilbert the house nnd
lot adjoining the Lutheran Church
formerly owned by Sophia Hassiug
er, for $107.". Adam will now move
to town aud keep pegging away to
the hint.
"All Klmtlei-iM wu.i tin jci'inic man's ilrt-um ;
Hp I14.I1I hiT picture hv,
Utd llfi" brlglit tnr hail l.wl It kIi-iiiii
And (ailed frmn the eye.
Alan !' he rrliM, clmu-r view
PatiiH rather limn exaltM,
Yonrliulr. yotir teeth, your elieeki' lair hue.
Ay. ev'en your heart U false.-"
A perfect complexion, free from
pimple or blemish, is very rarely
seen, because few people havo per
fectly pure blood. And yet. all dis
figuring eruptions are easilv remov
ed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
fry it, nnd surprise, your friends
with the result.
Few children can be induced to
take physic without a struffirle. am
no wonder most drugs are extreme
ly nauseating. Ayer's Pills, on the
contrary, being sugar-coat ed. are
eagerly swallowed by the little ones,
and are, therefore, the favorite fam
ily medicine.
Congress appropriates only $10,
000 for the preservation of the for
ests of tho nation, while it is esti
mated that $0,000,000 worth of luin
ber is yearly stolen from the public
domain. The value of tho wooi
consumed in the United States each
year is estimated at !?'0,OO0, 000,000,
School districts failing to publish
an annual statement of their fin an
ces will forfeit tho amount of their
siaic appropriation it the fact is
brought to tho attention of the
state superintendent. Publication
can be made either by hand bills or
in a county newspaper.
The N. Y. S'mi cholera mixtim
is compossed of eoual parts of thu
ture of cayenne, tincture of opium.
tincture of rhubarb, essence of pep
perment uud spirits of camphor,
aux inorougniy. Make troni fifteen
to thirty drops in a wine glass of
water, repeat every twenty minutes
until relieved
Tho horrible case of fanaticism in
Alabama in wnich an aged neirroc
proclaiming himself tho Prophet
Daniel induced three men to walk
into a blazing furnace where thev
we're burned to death shows that the
numerous missionary societies in
this country can find a very effective
held at home for their labors.
Have our retailers heard of the
decline in the price of sugar ? For
three weeks it has declined one
quarter of a cent a pound each week,
making thrce-ouarters of a cent.
This reduction should certainly bo
reflected in the prices paid by con
sumers. Have our retailers heard
of the decline T They heard of the
raise promptly.
White Cap Tomfoolery. The fol
lowing notico was found posted on
the Court House door on .Sunday
mornim;. It is evidently tho reunlt.
of a diseased mind caused bv Dime
Novel reading, or, perchance, the
pranks of a wag who is more funny
than discrete. "We give it verbatim :
Skull and
To the citizens of Mlddlehunrh or to wliome
It may concern.
ve wurn u duriMcuy uuaerniooa :
Int. that If these dlu'hna uro not out In inxxl
Hhaiw, properly and convleiilly.
Hud, If the pavement are not repaired In
pnwlfoiMlifion wll hut lift een iIiivh of below no
tice, the WhltP I'mim wilt vlHlt the nartlea ami
deal wllb them uccorillntf to the above repre-
saiuruuy, Auburn 17. lw.
v. u. neiFer, nroiner or our
townsman, Jay (1. Weiser, and C.
R. Funston have lnscd the Leland
Hotel Harrisburg, and have pro
vided it with all modern improve
inents. It is within five minutes
walk from the depot. The rates
havo been redu ed to S?2.00 per day
s . i .,. .....
our peopio win nun it most, Uesir
ablo stopping phicc
The Middleburgh Hand has been
engaged to furnish music for the
Sunbury Good Intent Fire Company
at the State Firemen Association's
parade at Carlisle on September 19,
It promises to be a bigaffair us fifty
one companies have accepted invita
tions to be present, and one hun
died other companies are yet to hear
Rev. Eusebeus Hershey is adver
tismg bis real estate in Snvder
county for sale in a bill written iu
black nnd red ink. He makes tho
provision "The Lord williiur ." "Wo
presume the Lord won't object if
the peopio can read the old iron tie
man's writing and make out what
he wants. The only way ho patron
izes printers ink is in self-praise.
At the sale of the Real Estate o
Mary Hetrick deceased, on Siitur
day, tho house and lot on Sugar
street was purchased by Wilson
Swart z for Oeoriro Kern for 7!2.
the house and lot on Pine street bv
Frederick Smith for S715. and the
tract of land of 72 acres north of
Middleburgh, by George Shinde!
lor Ml.
Well, well ! Just see ! Our frieiu
Deibert, tho photographer, has
grealy improved in his lino of busi
ness and is now making beautifully
le-touched photos in his gallery at
Freeburg, Pa. Cabinets $3 per doz
en or hiz for $2 ; card size $l.f0 per
dozen or six for $1. It will pay you
togivehutia call if you want fine
G. W. Kleckner. of Yellow Creek,
111., will sell nnot her car-load of se
lect Illinois horses in Middleburgh,
on luesday, September 10. 'Thev
will arrive at the Washington House
Stables about September fth. Any
person coming to Middleburgh who
becomes a purchaser and cannot re
turn the same day will have his ho
tel hill pun! to the following morn
ing. See bills.
IXm t forget tho Snyder county
Choir convention w hich will be held
in Rower's grove west of town on
Saturday of this week. It will be a
basket pic-nic and afford an oppor
tunity for an abundance of fun.
All parties who attempt long speech
es will be lead off tho ground by the
ear. If you como and dou t have
anything to eat and can't induce
your friends to invite you to dinner
you can secure refreshments at
Rowen's tent on the ground. Come.
Ryan Duubermuu was discharged
on .Monday by U. S. Commis
sioner McDavitt, after nearly a
year's confinement in our eountv
jail for taking undue liberties iu the
pension business. In tho evening
Mr. McDavitt went frogging with
Squire Grimm. When he returned
to Sunbury he was compelled to
take the customary oath framed by
the Dutch Squire on foxes, viz :
You hereby schware dot you
kotched un killed dose frogs in
Schnider county so help you gut."
Thomas J. Stewart, Secretury of
Internal Affairs has sent out an ad
vance sheet from the Annual Report
of 1881), in regard to the great Hood
of May 31 and Juno 1, which States
that between eight and ten inches
of water fell in this section during
those two days. The vast weight of
water falliug is shown by a calcula
tion based on tho weight of a cubic
foot, thirty-five feet being a ton. In
tho surface of a square mile there
would be C,377 tons for an inch in
depth, and Ml, 010 tons for a depth
of eight inches. The quantity fall
ing on 12,000 square miles, at this
rate, is 6,732,240,000 tons. The
force exercised by vast bodies of
water in motion is irresistable.
Democratic County Conven
Tho Democracy held their Countv
Convention on Tuesday, August 19.
All the Districts w ore representei
except Chapman, Adams and West
Reaver. Prof. Daniel S. Rover was
elected President, and J. G. Lesher,
. II. Landis, Secretaries. The
deliberations of the convention
were harmonious throughout, am
although there were spirited con
tests for Member of the Stato Cen
tral Committee and County Chair
man, all was taken in the best of
part, nnd tho result cheerfully ac
quiesed in. P. M. Teats, Esq.,
was nominated for County Survey
or, J. U. veiser, Esq., was electei
Delegate to the Stato Convention,
A. G. Hornbergor, Member of the
State Central Committee, atu
George M. Daubermau, County
Chairman. The usual resolutions
condemning the Administration of
President Harrison, and endorsing
that ol President Cleveland, Ac, At
were passed. This is a form of
auiuserunut that harms nobodv am
seem to do our Democratic friends
much good. Why, we cannot toll,
and we doubt whether they can
on uie wuoio, the Democrats are
not bad fellows, and their annual
knockout don't seem to discourage
them bit
T V .
xniw liEiti.iN. Having not seen
auj nrticics in me 1'ost irom this
place,' I thought it necessary that
we should be represented in vonr
valuable paper.
Prof. G. Holtzapple, President o
bcliuylkill Seminary, located at
Fredericksburg, Pa., had intondoi:
to move his familv to siud nlncn in
to the new house just comnlctod for
the Semiuarv President. Ifi d unfit
ter aclhe is very ill and Professor i s
not able to move, scarcely able to
open school next week.
Ourcollcco will OIen thin v....lf
on Wednesday. We notice quite a
number of students already
Our pleasant borough was well
represented at the Swengel camp
meeiing last Saturday and Sundav.
Four full hacks besides manv nri
vate conveyances went filled.
Rev. L. R. Deitz of the Reformed
Church lias been granted a short
vacation of two weeks. He is viwit.
ing friends and relatives in the
torn part of the State, also aeuuaitit-
ancesat Punxutawnev. Pa., wbiin
ho preached before he came to New
Our town schools are now hinmli
.. 1 a . .... .. '
en won leacners. u. M. .Sanders
will teach the Grammar seln ml MImm
learick the Intermediate. i (!.
Moyer the Primary and (!. A. Wnl.
ter the school on Water street. Sal
ary $30.
Tho school directors have out n
hist class iron fence around the
school yard.
R. F. Harlan, dealer in hook mill
stationary at Punxatawney is here
visiting friends and acouaintimee
Of course Sadie is very glad to see
him. After Hhe has changed her
name, she will accomniinv him in
his homo in Jefferson county. Mr.
II. was once a student of the eoll eir4
and printer of the college printing
Mr. Rreon of Clinton countv in
visiting Geo. R. Reighards in the
College building.
Trub Runyun the youngest son of
Rev. R. W. Ruuvun ran n fork
through his great toe one dav last
week while helping to thresh for
Reunor. He had a very sore toe.
Mrs. Soebold of near town died
on Saturday, after a short illness.
She was well known in tho went end
of Snyder county as Mrs. David
Walter, (nee) Klose.
Tho Evangelicals will have a TTor.
vest Homo festival in tho Town hall
on Friday nnd Saturday evenings,
this week. Jons.
Good, rye w hiskey at Marks & En-
ders at $1.85 per gallon.
Mrs. Dr. Barber who has been
very seriously ill for the last few
weeks is convalescent.
When People Marry.
Thirteen per cent, of all the men
married in Pennsylvania lust year
married women older than them
..1 u ...
M-iyn. ninen per cent, took wives
their own ngos, and the reiiminiinr
HO per cent, married women younger
man themselves. The average age
or the men was 27 years and of the
women 23 years. These interesting
acts are found in the annual report
oi lfwi or .Secretary of Internal Af
fairs Thomas J. Stewart, which con
tains much other curious in forma
tion about the matrimonial propen
sities of l'eiiusylvanians. Thus it
appears that more men are married
at tho age of 23 than at unv nil..,
age and that among women 21 is the
favorite age. The youngest w ifo of
was only 13 years old, and tho
oldest was aged 71. Two boys of 1
were married, and two old gray
beards of 8i ventured into matri
mony, probably not for the lirst
time. Of 14,72(5 women married.
and whose ages were given. I.0C.5,
or u a per cent., were less than 20
years old. Among the men then
w ere only 393 who were so young
There were 23 girls of I t years mar
l ied. liC, of 15, Xi of lfi, 81(5 of 17,
1,333 of 18, 1,431 of 19, 1,322 of 20
2,011 of 21, l.ftl!of 22, and 1,1 in of
23. After tin latter age the mini
bers of those who found husbands
rapidly decline. These figures show
that if a Pennsylvania girl is not
married by the time she is 23 years
old tho chances are that she will be
come an old maid
Men proceed more leisurely about
matrimony. Resides the two sixteen
year-old husbands iu Ihhm. then
were 38 aged 17, 128 18 vein s old.
aud 32(1 19 yearn old. The limireM
then take n jump to Ii37 at 20 and
reach the maxim in l,fl(ir at 23. They
decrease slowly after that. There
were 437 men married after h..r
were 50 years old, but only 171 wo-
There was a remarkable disimrit v
in the ages of some of the connles
A woman of .10 years married a man
of 31, aud an old man of 74 wedded
a maiden of 21. The youngest couple
were a sexonteen-voar old husband
and a 15 year-old wife. The girl of
13 wedded a man 19 years older than
herself. A mini of 15 married a trii l
of IS, bin age being just three times
i. i . ........ .
hits, ami a man oi is iii.i nearly as
well, biking a seventeen vcar-old
Iu the marriages where the wo
men were older than the men the
ilillereiice ill ages rnre v ini..1... 1
five years. There were eight v-tbree
marriages where one of the parties
had previously been divorced.
It is estimated that there worn
0.000 marriages of couples from this
Stato in Camden, N. J.,, alone, and,
of course, there must have ! n
very many more in cities and Inu im
in other States bordering on Peiin
Guiuk Mills. The Globe Mills.
Smith Grove, White Top and Salem
Sunday Schools expect to hold a
basket picnic on Voder's Island,
Aug 31. The Smith Grove cornet
Rand will furnish tho music. A
number of orators will bo present
to entertain the audience. A .rood
turn-out is expected and a grand
time isanticipated. All are cordially
A number of our young folkH at-
tended the Rush-meeting in Rower's
Grove the past Sundays and arrived
lome in the early morning.
Calvin Hummel caught a f!oi imm
Carp on Saturday, weighing 3 lbs.
S. 11. l oiler shinned a carload of
flour to Danville, last week.
Squire Field is nursing a very
sore hand.
J. S. Meiser is at present visitinc
liis aged father at McKees.
Jno. N. Rerger s infant daughter
is afllicted with marasmus.
Mr. S. O. Gemberling and wif of
Williamsport are rusticating at this
A great many friends attended
iflA Swell "(1 111 id I'idiiu efimntniiot.
ings on Sunday.
Artie, a son or Henry Reiche is
seriously ill. Artist A. L. Rower
sox of Dayton, Ohio, made parents
and friends in this his former home
a visit, much to their gratification.
Ho seems to be in excellent health.
A. C. Spangler spent a week in
Reading recently.
Prof. C. A. Walter went to Harris
burg on Saturday.
John Roland of Shenandoah. wu
here on a visit among his hid.v
friends recently.
The days are growing shorter
which gives the young man more
tune in which to interview his best
Deputy Sheriff Dreese was in
town on business one day last week
Robert and Daniel Slot man, deal
crs in horse flesh, the former of
Pleasant Gap, and the latter of Mill
heim, were in these "diggens" re
cently. J. H. Long of Reaver Springs was
in town over Sunday.
Our town was Momewlmf ,i.u....i
on Sunday. Most of the voiim? f..lL
were at Swengel camp-meeting.
L..WKI.L.-C. W. Fisher was called
to his former home to m...,.i
-...... n.t 1 1,,-
funeral of his mother wbi,., 1....1
place last week.
L. 0. Wagner's address at lb.. M
S. Picnic- tin bi v;.
" ' i.i as ap
predated by all in hearimr dUt.
He gave good advice and sound doc-
irino to young and old.
Mrs. Sallie Spaith, (,, Ilsh, of
Lewistowu is siieiidlinr ,. f,.. i...
home on account of her sick child.
lhe happiest mini In --,. ;., n.
village blacksmith W If l- ... t...
got a now dog and lots of work.
lluam, I want von to 1 til it 11 i 1.
more careful in what field you go iu
to steid corn on sinn.l,,.. t. ii h.
other boys not to go in W. G. Wag
ner's field for he will have you all bp.
lore Squire Romig.
Possom Hollow seems to have the
craze for siirnrisn im -;...,
1 .ne
party had three in two ,),., u
the next meeting Pete will have t..
wear the white pants. Tl,i i. n...
command from a boxuiu fair damsal
of the order.
A. A. Itolllig ('o. received . I.. I
of western cattle which they intend
slaughtering for their i.u.rUf-
Their aim always is to have the best
cattle that inoin- enn !...
Chas. llouser is honn from lin.
lung and expects to remain for
awhile. He reports there is no
place like Snyder county for health
and happiness. it v.,
.T-.iji.. l,. lit...., ... .1 ' i
" HIIIIKlUIl Mils Week un
his properly on west Main Kh I
Mrs. J. 1'. ISeitz I'm- r..-.n
You can have anv nm.j.J
for shooting grey squirrels before
uie 1st or September.
Gills needn't be married m.Uu
they want to be. The parents of a
Michigan girl forced ber ii i..
fore n justicc-of-the-peace and stand
up with a man sho did not u isl.
wed. To every question asked her,
where the marriage ceremony re
quires tho bride to say "yes," she
distinctly said "no." The justice
pronounced tho couolo
wife, but the Supreme Court of the
slate, before which the matter uw
brought by some friends of the
girl, has declared the marriage il
legal, lllld tho whole ceieinonv mill
and void.
t Iu Middleburgh, on August 19,
89, Sophiah Hassinger, aged 82
years, 5 months and 22 davs. The
funeral will take place this forenoon.
In Franklin township, of typhoid
fever Jonathan Hatlley aged about
35 years.
I" l'Ty twp. on tho 3rd inst.,
Levi teller, aged 50 years, 1 month,
and 27 days.
In Perry twp., on the 4th, inst.,
Lizzie, infant chill of Wilson and
Isabel Snyder, aged 4 months.
Near Freeburg, on tho 7th. inst..
Augustus William, son of John and
Mary Jane Raney, aged 11 months
and 7 days.
. In Washington twp., on the 10th,
inst., Henry Oiner, grand child of
George M. Straub, aged 3 yeais, and
1 day.
: i