The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 15, 1889, Image 1

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;0L. 20.
; i.
MP s&iHi&gSBiWK
Pay your taxes this week and
j. .. . nf II t.
fiM Carrie Niuenmyer v.ur.
J ... in North'd county.
Vn)Iuon Spnngier us -'jUrtiption
school in Middleburgh.
MiWMoyer of Wat-ontown,
L ; vititin fncmn in .uiuuie-
Beaver of Mitllinburg
jays with her parents
WjJlcburgh last week.
nt roan who wears a Grand Army
W ! 1 -J is ,1,, UA
libwto nne m ?'
n, faro from Middleburgh to the
t n;.n,. rtrove Picnic which opens
l Monday. August 20. will he 2.49.
ComBfavertown 92.70.
Titv Dads" are chiseling
Lnktion out of the public square,
lt it will he all right, we presume,
Rxn they are done.
Chrit'a Sumlay School of McClure
in n umi c in r inner uiur,i.i
I"' I . 1 1 L
Clure. on Saturday, auruki k
fll arc cordially inriieu.
The went her has" been real fall-like
h.i'B II 11(111 l I Hi" r . j " --n---
t it report ea in Homo part oi
I viler county on .Monday morning
Subscribe in onlcring the ad-
vssof their paper changed should
pt fail to give im the name of the
i nfli nt winch they had been
ttiug it.
I Grove Meeting will be held in
llm Baileys grove on Chestnut
i4'e, commencing Thursdaj', Aii-
kt 21 at 8. P. M.. anil continue
or Sunday. H. Aijrasd,
ilartin Grube, of Huntingdon,
io lost $5,000 worth of whisky by
flood, is nearching Lewiatowu
operty, with the aid of a constable,
;b the view of recovering a por-
lu of it.
Sum Stuck, the jony uiacKsumn
. n 1 1 I'll
Middlecreek township, has sever
buudred pear trees which are
mlitig under their burden of
luit. He expects from four to nix
L mired bushels of pears.
S. T. Buck will sell a lot of Wool-
good, Sewing machines, a horse,
ligy, harness ready-made pants
I other articles at uoavertown,
ffiilny evening, Aug. 10, at 7 P.
For particulars wee bills.
l Mrtu tlw uolilo wiirkliiK nii'ti
Rvim rear the cities of the plulll,
Il.ucllg the ml Hi's and build tliu Hhlps
Miiddrtvp tin- riiimiiiTi'e of the miiin.
l www tiiom I for tlii-lr Hwurthy luitiils
ivf wruii'iit the i;lory of our IiiiuIk.
If its the Lord'tt will we hope the
klinsgrove water fight will soon
fmc to an end. The poople of tlie
unty are tired of it nnd a, quarnn-
be should he established in Se-
Iscrove to prevent the desease
m spreading.
Avers Hair Vigor restores color
M vitality to weak and gray hair.
irough its healing and cleansing
Palities, it prevents the accumula
p of dandruff and cures all Hcalp
peases. The best hair-dressinu
r made, and by far the most eco-
Ajer's Sarsapuhllu. bv nurifvintr
11 enriching the blood, improves
appetite, nid the asnimilative
r'l'est. strengthens the nerves.
'I invigorates the system. It is,
'More, the best nnd most
"roughly reliable alterative that
a be found for old and young.
!rhe farmera of York county are
uoub regarding the safety of their
'tie because of tb TtuflMr. fl
fvm M'1 its appearance in that
lQty. 1ms fly is smaller than the
"won houso-fly and is blacker
toior and PdthorH nlmnt lio
f 0 the horns and eats away
" flesh, penetrating into the Hof t
Inn nf il. l mi .
r - wo uui-u. lum causes m-
PWiufferingto the animals, espe
m as the flies gather in sworms
n section of Ynrk ommtv
" uiuu irom tho ovil nu l
Lt.'iil.. nwiMUgo VI
r "me pCHtii.
Another terrific rain storm Wed
Miss Bessie Musser of Hartlctoh
is visiting the editor nnd family
H.H.Grimm, Esq., of this place is a
candidate for Assistant U. S. Attor
ney of the Western Dist rict of Peon.
sylvania, and we are pleased to state
that he has fair prospects of scrur
ing the appointment.
Chairman Snyder requests us to
remind our Democratic readers of
tho Delegate Election to bo held in
Middlehurgh on Saturday of this
week, August 17 full mention of
which was mado in our issue of Au
gust 1.
No boy need despair of good for
tune who has honesty, courage and
industry for his capital stock. He
has but to act well his pin t to find
many helpful hands extended to
him at the right time. There are so
many failures in life because there
is so great neglect of little things.
"Are water-melons deteriorating!"
asks an exchange. We answer, yes
The largo luscious Jersey melon of
to-day is no patching to the little
half-ripe, white-seedod. chuck-full-
of-cholera-morbus melons that used
to follow us out of our neigbors'
patches on the moon-light nights of
our boy-hood days.
If tiny one desires to know how
keenly a paper from the old home
is appreciated, let him sometime
note his own feelings when away
from home on seeing a copy. What
is more, the sending of an occasional
copy to friends abroud in this way,
it uenents us, wlnle at tne same
time it is taken as un act of kind re
membrancn on the part of tho sen
der. One of. those unreasonable men
who take a newspaper lor a year or
two nnd then send it back "refused'
or not wanted was sued oy the
publisher in Michigan a short time
ago, nnd the Judge gave a verdict
for the plain tiff of full amount ami
costs. 1 ho court decided that no
tice to discontinue was not stitli
cient if the subscriber was in ar
rears. He must pay.
The Legislature passed n law last
session, approved April i!., JHH'.i,
providing the first Monday of Sep
tember as a Labor holiday. The
act provides for all paper due on
that day to be paid the day before
If the Legislature only knew it, tho
laborer does not thank theso gentle
men for their foolery. This makes
eight legal holidays, and it is about
timo the deinagoguery was wound
D. A. Ftirman last Saturday killec;
the lnrgost rattle snake mile west
of Port Ann that has been killed in
this county for years. The reptile
lay close to the public road under a
littlo branch of oak stung off by tho
locusts, and attracted Mr. Furmau's
attention by rattling as he passed in
the wagon. He killed it and fouu
it to measure four feet in lengtl
three inches in diameter and shook
fourteen rattles and a button.
The committee appointed by the
Centre County Grange, and Centra
Pennsylvania Patrons of Husband
ry, has decided to hold their Six
teenth annual Picnic-Exhibition in
General Taylor's Fort Woods, on
the line of the Lewisburg and Ty
rono railroad at Centre Hall, the
same place where it was held last
year with such good success and re
suits. This year's exhibition wil
begin on Tuesday, September 17,
and continue four days.
Charles Kcurns, who lor many
years resided with the family of
Henry Moyer in Pcim township, re
cently became violently insane and
with a club and butcher-knife he
drove the family out of the house,
He was brought to Middlehurgh and
lodged in jail where he raises Cain
in general, breaking bedsteds into
smithereens and reducing his bed
ding to the least common denomina
tor. His brother John was nu in
mate of the Harrisburg ansane Asy
lum for several years but escaped
and was killed by a train.
fPay your taxes this week and
save five per cent.
Good, rye whiskey at Marks V En.
ers at $1.85 per gallon.
White shirts for 35 cents and fine
aundred Percal shirts for 75 cents,
at Gunsberger's, Middlehurgh.
Settliment Notice. The ' books
of the undersigned must 1m squared
up on or before September 1, 18S1).
All accounts unsettled by that time
will be given in the hands of a col-
lector. Pleaso give this your iinitic-
liate attention, nnd oblige
J. A. Moatz & Bno.,
Middleburgh. Pa.
An iNcomtEUT Rr.ponT. Werecent-
y noticed in some of our county
papers an item to tho effect that Dr.
Wagen seller, of Selinsgrove, hail
been appointed Co. Physician on
the S. nnd L. Railroad. This report
is incorrect. Dr. A. M. Smith, of
this place, still retains that position,
and Dr. Wageuseller has been ap
pointed nssistant. .1 dnnltiri
Those who cherish tho "unlucky
Friday" superstition must regard
the present year with particular
listrust. It came in and will go out
on Friday ; there are four months
in it having five Fridays each ; the
ongest and the shortest of its days
on Friday ; nnd its entire number
oi rridnys is nity-tnree. ninn
will be kept busy to dodge all of
these ill-omened conditions.
Adam Ferster has the correct idea
of true business principles. Last
Thursday ho came into our office and
inquired what we would barge, to
send the Post to two new subscri
bers at Evandale, Juniata county
one year. "One dollar and n half
each, invariably in advance," we re
plied. "That's the stuff" replied
Adam, "keep them nil alike nnd
here's the money for myself nnd J,
A. Shirk."
Tho Second Annual Snyder coun
ty Choir Convention will be held in
Rower's Grove, 1 mile west of Mid
dleburgh, Pa., Saturday Aug. '21th
18'.), commencing nt 10 o'clock a. m
ddress of welcome by Prof, C. W,
Herman. The president's inaugural
and addresses by members of tho
executive committee will be made,
It is expected that till the church
choirs of the county will attend am
render selections of their own choice'
Middleburgh and other cornet bands
of the county will be present to ah
to the musical interest. A Story
and Clark grand organ will be fur
nished by C. C. Seebold. Bring
lunch, or if desired, will be served
by S. Rowen, superintendent of tho
grounds, a cordial invitation is
extended to nil citizens and lovers
of music. All trains on the S. & I
R. R. will stop at the grounds. Ex
cursion tickets.
Wm. Moveh, Pros,
H. I. Romio, Sec.
Merchants in the State of Peun
sylvania are required each year to
pay what is known as n mercantile
license. They pay for conducting a
legitimate business, remarks an ex
change, and for this reason they are
protected from peddlers nnd hawk
ers of various wares. Tho law abso
lutely forbids tho peddling of any
merchandise without license, except
that residents of the state may se
articles of their own manufacture,
But license to hawk and peddle may
be obtained by n citizen of the Unit
ed States upon the certificate of two
practicing physicians of the county
that the applicant is by reason of
physical inability, unable to follow
a trud or gain u livelihood by man
ual labor. This is one of the goot!
laws of the state that is not enforc
ed as it should be, and merchant
ought to organize tv movement
against peddlers that would drive
them to other fields or put them out
of business entirely. No person, ex
cept a cripple, has a right to impose
upon the rights of merchants who
pay for the privilege of doing busi
ness, and a decided movement
against these venders would be
service to the storekeepers and the
people alike.
It is Observed
That the wind now blows over the
oats stubbles.
That Bomo of the street lamps in
franklin have been turned down so
low that the burner melted.
That if you nlwnys do the right
thing at the right time you'll never
bo left.
That the board walk is a big im
provement and is only intended for
tho use of those who contributed
towards its construction.
That every family in Snyder coun
ty takes tho Post nnd those who
lon't take it barrow it from neigh
That Mother Hubbards have be-
come very fashionable just now and
cease to look suspicious.
That the biggest fish always get
That a little education often
makes a big fool.
That the fly crop never fails.
That no bug has been invented
that eats planting leaves nnd chick
That the man who got the last
word in his dispute with n woman a
few days ago is now ready to whis-
tlo for a wager against a locomtive
That even a town council gets
damned sometimes.
That the Post is Hearing the 1 UK)
West Reaver. George you are
one horse-feed ahead of the boys in
going to Bush meeting unless
Treaster demands pay.
"In passing along the HatmcrvihV
Hack Conductor seemed to feel the
effects of his whisky, by the loud
talk he had with some of his passen
gers," remarked an old lady who
lives nlon'."" way.
There i, 'V good deal of oath to
ml in yet ul this writing in the
lower end of W. B.
West Beaver was well represented
at Bush meeting on last Sunday, so
was the whiskey they drank.
By nil appearance the corft crop
will be good all over the county.
Troxei.vim.k. On Sunday Rev. A.
E. Erdmau preached a trial sermon
in the St. .lumen church at this
The Philip F. Smith property was
not sold on Saturday us advertised.
Stool pigeon's are not always bene
ficial. A. M. Schamhnch of Mitllinburg
attended the festival on Saturday
evening. Millard is the same jolly
old fellow ns he always was. but still
refuses to divulge that sheep story.
Miss Ida, yours was a clear case
of biting off your nose to spite your
face, on Saturday evening.
The Band festival on Saturday
was a grand success, financially as
well as otherwise. An immense
crowd was in attendence. Y here
were representatives here from
three adjoining counties, and the
band realized a net profit of $'.2, for
which they return thanks. "Trap
per Jim" with his monkios acquitted
himself noblj
Calikouma Joe,
Loweil. Some of tho farmers are
through plowing for their fall crops.
West Beaver was well represented
at Bush Meeting and all seemed to
enjoy the trip.
The Hall boys could not see the
point of paying $2 a piece for the
loan of a spring wagon to go to Bush
Meeting, but they saw the point in
Mrs. Dunn taking the horse after
they t rented him to a squaro feed of
T. F. Swineford reports havin
hauled 2,000 feet of green lumber
out of Hassinger's woods with four
head of stock. Next.
Having had for the first time on
last Sunday the privilege of taking
the editor of tho Post by the hand,
we desire to say that we found him
just as he is represented by his ma
ny friends in this section. Some
folks who have never seen an editor
may have formed an idea that they,
are brutes, but this is not the case
with Tom. U. No.
Grove Meeting.
Notwithstanding tho inclemency
of tho weather a goodly number
gathered in the grove on Monday
evening, to hear the ord of Life.
Rev. S. Auraud, tho speaker, se
lected for his discourse St. John 14:
rt. He very plainly showed the au
dience that the only way to heaven
was through Christ Jesus.
Tuesdey evening Rev. W. N. Wal-
lis, spoke on the many different ex
cuses made by sinners in our days
for not serving God. He based his
remarks on thel IC. 15th verse of St.
Wednesday evening Prof, A. E.
Gobble, A. M., w ho was on his way
home from York stopped and preach
ed for us in his earnest ami for
ward manner from 1st Cor. 1st Ch.
'23rd nnd 24th verses.
Thursday evening Rev. J. 1).
Stover made an earnest appeal to
the unconverted telling them how
very foolish it was even if they
should gain the whole world and
loose their own souls. His text
was St. Mark, K:H.
On account of the wet weather on
Saturday morning, the Sunday
School picniccrs did not arrive until
noon, After several addresses, de
livered by tho ministers, the chil-
urcn were dismissed aim enjoyeii
themselves by having a general good
time. In the evening Rev. L. S.
Reichard preached ton large audi
ence, lie Hied to impress upon ins
hearers minds that the truly out
thing needful was religion.
Sabbath morning dawned bright
and beautiful. Our venerable
presiding elder. Rev. I. M. Pines,
was with us and preached two grand
sermons. In the morning he se
lected his text in St. Math. r:(. Rev
. Aurand preached a sermon in
ger man at 2:15. Tho rest of tho ex
ercises were similar to those of last
Sabbath. After Rev. I. M. Pines
again preached a soul-stirring ser
moii. We considered the grovt
meet Hi'' as being beneticial to our
souls, S. T. Vukst,
Centhevu.i.k. The festival on Sat
urday evening was prettv fairly at
Adam Henry of Akron, (). is her
on a visit to bis aged mother. ,
(. unstable iSnnp now meets you
with smiles that plainly iudicatt
that something of unusual interest
has happened. A bouncing baby
boy nt home is the cause.
Miss Elvn Hartman is among ln i
many friends in New Columbia.
Valentine Walter has bis cider
press in first class order, and ready
to accommodate all who want to
make cider.
Mrs. Phares O. Bowersox is st
riously ill with typhoid pneumonia.
Men bant C. M. Showers nnd Dr.
J. W. Sampsel were in Selinsgrove
last week, lhursday evening pre
vious to full moon.
Champion sawyer H. F. Mohn of
Reims Valley was home with his
pretty wife over Sunday.
Recent visiters in town : M. I
Wageuseller, Selinsgrove ; (). Alex
under, Bloomsburg ; H. M. Enders,
York ; W. W. Wittenmyer, Middle
burgh ; R. Greenhoe, W. N. Heim
bach, Beavertown ; Prof, lloltzap
phi and wife, Fredericksburg ; Dr.
Geo. Hummel, Kreamer ; Miss
Amanda Walter, Miss Maggio
Knauer and L. S. Hartman, Mill-
mont ; Calvin Badger and wife,
Mrs. C. Z. Badger, Miss Annie
Klose, George Yarger and R. H,
Lance, all of Mitllinburg t Miss
Edith Potts and Miss E. Lebkicher
of New Berlin.
How any fish can escape with his
life in Middlecreek is u mystery. Ev
ery day the "good places" along the
creek are lined with anglers who use
every known means to catch the
finny beings. But Hying, trolling
spooning, nnd spearing has thus far
failed with some of the big'uus
which are known to still exist. Sev
end four-pound carp and three
pound bass have beeu taken "out of
the wet," while otitis which are
supposed to be still larger have their
noses ringed with fish-hooks.
KmamokinDam, Mrs. David Wendt
who has been suffering from a tu
mor, died Monday afternoon. Bur
ned on ednesday morning nt in
o'clock. She was a ilevofed tn. .tu
ber of the Lutheran Church im,l wit
always ready to aid her neighbors.
She leaves five children to mourn
her loss. The community sympa
thize with them in their bereave
ment. The New Lutheran church is now
finished, carpeted and furnished.
and will be dedicated in a few week
The campmecting In Id on Clem
nts Park by the colored oeonle wits
well attended on last Sunday and
they expect a large at tendance dur
ing the week nnd over Sunday the.
xpect the whole county.
John Bower. Rudv Auran.l. Dun
Gauglcrnnd Benj. Cost lor are the
most prominent of the colored
Gents from this place.
If Scott Ritter wants to take n
imp on Sunday he should nut sit
ait Tout while the folks are going to
ampmeeting. By the way he mo -d
and gapped he must have 1 n
trying to swallow something great.
Dr. Hotteiihtein is tisbin lm.iv
day. IIecaii''lit one the oilier .l t
that weighed a little less than teii
pounds water weight.
J. I. hossler, our genial Li ci v
ilian is quite a dude.
Spoony No. '2, and ('assy had u
lugging match the other .lav. I'bev
finally called it a draw. Both bail
bruised eyes. Cassy claims first
llime is still on the move at Iv l
Hottenstein's. but most of the time
he is helping Mealy washing.
Ben. But tier savs. Mart Nlcar is u
hog for putting such things in the
paper about him. Don t do it any
more Mart. Mart sayB Ben. is a
good boy only he walks backward
and his horse is no good. Ben.
would make a good fellow to take
up the collections tit campmecting.
Daisy Brown is on the go almost
nil the time. She likes to see the
new people that come to town.
Babe dangler can whistle a solo
or dance a jig. He also is sweet on
some of the gills.
Cora Hart man w ho has been aw ay
visiting for some time returned this
week. Steward will he around Sat
urday evening.
The Lutheran Suiulav school will
hold a festival on Saturday evening.
August 17, in tlie Baud Hall. All
are cordially yivitcd to attend.
The Last of the Season.
I'KNXSVI.VASIA II. ll.'s SKASIIultK Tllll's.
The last of the series of delight
ful seashore excursions over the
Pennsylvania Railroad to Atlantic
City, Cape May, Sea Isle, or Ocean
City is fixed for Thursday, August
'22d. These excursions are among
the most pleasant events of the
summer, and those who have not
yet enjoyeii one, should by no means
let this last opportunity pass. The
season, at the date fixed, is con
sidered by many the most enjoyable
portion of the summer, as the bath
ing of August is superior to that of
any other period.
As on previous occasions tickets
will be sold for regular trains leav
ing Pittsburg at 4:110 and H:10 P. M..
at the rates quoted below, and in
addition to the regular trains u
special train of Pullman Parlor Cars
and Day Coaches will run on sched
ule as below :
I tan. Trull leuv.-s.
Pittsburg $10 00 8.50 A. M.
Johnstown (5 25 11.0.) "
Altoona 8 (Ml 12.55 P. M
McVeytown 0.50 2.'28 "
Lewistown Junction (i 00 '2.45 "
Mitllin 5 (55 3.05 "
Newport 5 00 U.10 "
Philadelphia, arrive .... 7.10 "
The members of the party arriv
ing by special train will spend the
night in Philadelphia and proceed
to the shore by any regular train of
the following day. Those arriving
by regular train will proceed to
shoro by regular train of that day.
Tho return coupon of tickets is val
id for uso ou any regular train ex
cept New York and Chicago Limit
ed within the return limit.
I !
1 1
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