REAL ESTATE! The undppdirnivl Rdmlnlstrntont nf tli rstiitc n( Daniel Mtiwrer. Into of spring township. Sny. tier nuuin y, i'n., tiec ti. ny finm ni nn nrtier is- wlll pxpw to ptilillc mile at the hotel ot Hohlmin sued out of t Iip Orphans' Court of Snyilcr county, Mtltle.swartli lu Ailiimsliurg, cotinty and Plate SrfefFuaHawa Barlck. I t...t ...orcii bin ifh n do l.innivtr nucu tier - 1"""" i i: TVila fn krishdclidnoiil Kl-wot',.lp,, vlm llll 11" llUllllin Ich glawb Messed' cinder weisft, i . 1 l, lot ,1n mrrtnta F" ... t ii. . K worn Ifit i 11,1 ,u ; iiii glana, lKft un tlitdvft. 1. . T wau Wilt'la I . U 14' Hill 11. v i:,n.i ' ... . , . tf.viln ssed ! new ; x .. ...isn tht'SSll HW g hot UU HlH'P- F" " . . t 1 4- Llradcnu shoe, luncyn lamin-goi i gromti' bustles, no mm, mli lift ous-g'foona oh tlo Vn Victoria del- Mrs. Cleveland U LMiKuhca hut un tier oust ioou- Lhimlk-tl. DfoM Vick is so fct, ll.mtieli ken bustle HUP OH WOH (.Morlifli i " "I'll H tBU fe1 far (.swrrlifh. Hiuncr-g'chnr is oil rht uffjjilo fur misht fora, ovver t'wi ip.4 it i es wo nn si scliw outz nrnaiiiriitnl " usfful. Do lioovu tirmiw oidlicli .uirga-doo. Dale ii oim In n kid lioiiHfliing nw-g'liot lr era hi nd unfa. It'll will deer tvitu Konml oh is linnl ufT hend bo I gouscr Soomluwk rum lawfa un b ulioffu won hut an gonso wocli kwer binned una henucliing. So In erosse buggy wbippa gliot, un I un orn made hen grundniss arena oh tier schtawb 'n tail tla oru Via c'tiooga is. It'll will tlere sawgn, li un ile Polly wora nw amolil lung, un won's mro Hesseer im pumel is os we an hIiic tuadel oni IwniA room feer on tier Camp lutuig don do mich nunner far an tailadawt far an glaner cngel krs. Sfbwetza waga engel g'mawn mii'bon tlo breddioh. t, wore boomorawlislia bretldich. Dor rra but widder fertzaled fum fclillish wo dor Jonah g'shlooked t, un fum Mokos we are nhlonga angn hut in dor wilderness. Dor I but are si discourse uff de ornia In Yuttu g'drate un hut so ducli kr soMierinents g'strigglod. Ioli tell ile pona ols barn far do olda kitlu git' wti shunt Her dowsond phr dote sin. Ks t'oomed ena good. b hen ken freind in dnra nuchbtir loft, un won so breddicha uix bot pri shots nix, we dor old bower ;iwkrd but w e are do grong sow l-grots but mitma welshkarn- itctsn, l',s but no nn brooder ga 'It'. Ks wor's sumo ua-bado os ich o lmrn hob obrattla far do lodsbta irtzich yobr. Un ioh bob usbt ga- Mikt won are net line headway mocht but iiut'li am hiuimel in (iiimfurtzich yobr oh are improft lit in semi gii-lmdo don gt-bts nut-b Vedu hie. Ich bob aniobl an older rl iu tier West ira-ooomi)liment uff ga-bado, don but nre mich aw-ga Poked un hut g Hawked : "Oh ! 'Uy bill, Boonastiel. do hedsht liob Imra sulla bada we ioh young jure. Ith hob ols boomerawelish la kt'iinii, aw or Kidder oh ich do 1-lln g'lirt bob wills nimmy recht Ifli un do Polly sin hnme tb de Imch ous wore. Mor lion f..1 r ha g'sttiia os es gevva but un ich u es nui leel HOflia gown os Kre net gsana ben. awer Holla P'DailooniiHich ols solver bakont I'KUii wtin do ret't tzeit oooinoil fli bob anyhow ir'wonered will os lbeed-do gooda odder de shlechta Ptbtt, awer wo niero furt. win but frtlivt'lfs long eud fum bend ot un won. ols om ganu. Ols -Vidder, BooNASTKIL MAIIR1ED July Hit. bv .t r i w,v ..n,...i "V! O. Iluines to Miss Annie ! ""innig ot Attunisburg, Pu. DIED. July 29. fiKUfr. dauirbter of K (I & A auer. Puueral Berviccs by J. G. owougol. "bite sbirtBfor 85 rAiitu und fine lundred Percal shirts for 75 cents, uunsborger'H, Middleburgb. aforesaid, on Saturday, August 24, 1889, thP following rrn! patate : , Tract No. 3. Sllual- it Hprt'iff alilp. roun ty and Htat afotriald. ronfuli Ii""t At HKS and 4H I'rn hpa. nioro or li-aa, toii. H" north ly trart No. D and land of Allx rt Ha tfnnn, Soiitli liv lniilcl Zi'lln r. PiLst liy W. WradiT, Juroh Itlrkt-l and .liwnh lliutalnin'r. and wpt hv l'M'r HclKle and Kllralx-lh Lamlrt, whTon la rrpot- od a (frwHi. two-ntory wpatntrKoanifti not sb. Hunk 1IAHN. and othor iiPVPSHary out-bulldlnira. Thla land la In a litfrti atate of cult l atton.- plt n ty of kikkI fruit and water. Thla tnu t fa ail clear exo'pl otMiut Sacrca which la well ttintinri'il. Tract, jio. a. siiniin' in tni-townomn, county and atate aforraald. laniniliil north liy puhllc road and land of Franklin KttlnuiT. wiiilh liy Tract No. 4. cat hy land of Altwrt llarttnan, and went liy land of Ilamaon Sliradcr. coutaliiluir Hi Acre and IHn ta-n'hea atrlct mcuxnrp. 4 Acn-a of thla tract la clear and tht lialaiicc la well act with heavy W hile link tlmlier. Tract Nn. 4. situate In township, county and atate aforeanld boundetl nnd d,- tIIh I aa fol lowa: North liy land of l"aac illckle, aouth tr land of Allien lliirtimin. ciiaI liy pulille mml, and went by land of AIIhtI lliirtn' and Frank lin Kltliiifcr. contallilhir 5 Ai-rea atrli't meaaure. Part of thla tract la clear and part In tlmlier. Tract No. a. llelnif a certain Limestone lit altuate aa alaive deMcillicd tract, iMiiinded North liy land of Andrew t'lah. wiuth and cant liy lanil of Peter Ki'lKle. and weal, tiy land of Klljllu'lll ljiimTi. coniainiuir tnwpian pen'liea. Tract No. A. Ilelmt another certain I.ltncHtouc 1it Nil unle aa tract 4. Uiunded liy lundN of John o. Kllnifler and other, contulhlhif I pcrchea more or lena. Side to commence at 10 o'clock when due at tendance will lie Klten and tertna made know tiliy I IHIII.M MAI IIKK, 1IKNHY MAI HKIt. .Inly m. AdiulnKt niton'. When You tnpure Whv Hot Get the Best H. HARVEY SCHOCH, Gaacrii). Insurance Aent, Lelinsffrove,Pa., lleprefnt the following GhreatStocklCompanief: ORQANIZI.!'- -ASSETS IBIS JETNR, ui Hartford, Conn., - S35BB)B4D 1B63 HOME, DiNew York, - - 7,BD2,713 . 1B17 FIRE ASSDCIATIDNiPhil'a, - 4,446,67B $21, B 17, 121 ThrM t'nmpaaipf r , k atnnmc Km kKST, tr OLD la (prltnc, and with thalr Imma t Capital td rrinnn-' narantra uiifliia'lnDt afaty and cnrliy. liy thalr nrotn. I nrtiun. fair, tinnrrt and atlnra(itnrr dMIInitt In all thalr Iom lettletntnta, tbay ha won fr th-inWan (IKKAV HEI'UTATIONS. No Assessments No Premium Notes, 'AKEYOO INSURED? If not. wiitf to tin- nbovo Agency nnd yto will receiff Prompt Htter.lion FMCt t TtlltS' SAI.KOK REAL ESTATE! The imder'tlirned. Kxeciitorol tlicla.M Will and TeMlniiieiil of Siiliiui'l llciidttck. will cxpo'w; to Puiiiic aiiie on tne prelum', i mile nortu-wcMt ol Krniiier. on Saturday, August 10th, 1889, all that certain mewtiiiiije or tract of land, altu ate In Mlilill.-i n-ek lowiinlilp, Snjder etmiily. I'll, contaliilnif FIFTY At ' It Ks. more or less. Iniund f norili hy lands of ticorv'e Itoin'h. weal by Solo mon iiummei, Milt ti ny MinnH'erii K. aim cunt liv MiithliM liiiiilHTman and Mr. Ila-wlnirer, on which arc erected a llol'SK and HA UN. and other minor tuilldliitr. The larni Is under k'kmI cultivation and la aiipios'il loconlaln Iron ore. saletocoinmeiiceal I r. M., w iieii terma will be made known hy KDW'AKI) IIENIllltl KS. July M-pd. KxiH'iitor. E XIXTTOKS NOT1( K.-Notlee is hereliy given tlntt betters Teatu- inentary on the ("Into ol John Ywiinv, (U'C'cl, lute ,, Outru Tap. Snyder county, I'a., nave nvvu Iriucil to the uiilurlirnt'd redd Imt In raid tnwiinhlii. All perm, nr. tharelore. In- dulitod to raid c-ta'e will pleaiio iniike luilunll ate payment, and Unite hiiylna: claluii axalnal It in prucin mem mr )otiieuii'nt tu LV.Xl YOI'VI. July 2'i. ''' Kxoeutur. H. M. ULSH. Vrtri liiary Hureon. HaviiiK ri'ad and iiractlovd Veterinary Medi cine and Surgery lor clHlitecn yearn and attond- eii tne ii'ciur,-4 01 tne wmiur and rprimt aewuon ol IHN8 and Inhii at the American Vtlerlnay Col ene. New York t'lty. I utter my profeiwtonal ervlont tu tha pulille. Treatment ol Snaln and KlnK-lxine a specialty. t;ll made by letter or Ktlezranu. uroinutiy attendod to. I out titnee. Swlnelord, Hnydar funnly, fa. TeUrapli Mai. Ut l lla'J ith, !'. N List of Grand Jurors. Mat of urtinrt Jurors drawn for tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and tletierul Jail delivery and t'ourt of Ojuirter Keaalona of tha I'eacpot Snyder county held ua September Session 1SNV, ctimuiencliiK September 1, lssu. Ailiima- F'nink I.. Troxell. I leaver M. M. MclHiwell. A. M. t'arnenter. fenlre II. F. linif, W. K. Sandera. t'hiipman Solomon Hunner, tiubrlel Kiaenliart. FraiiKlin .lalnea r.nney. Mldillebua'h David Slalilneckcr. Mlddlccreck I'erry A in mid, Samuel lnr. .Mtiniia' tieo. W. lavblcr, Frederick lllthley, .lac-oll llelser. IViiii- I'lilllp lnviw. I'erry l-vl Kauwell, KM I'ortzllne. I'erry Weat loiiiiih.iu Winner. Selliisrove J. B. Foekler. Sprliik'-tieo. M. smllli, I.. I. Unities, Ihiiiic .Mai- tern. Frederick Hiiunht. I'ulon Levi Malil. List cf Petit Jurors- 1.1st of 1'etlt .lurors drawn lor tin t'ourt of Oyer unit Terminer uud ticiiernl Jull delivery and t'ourt or luurter Session of tha Peace of Snyder county licltl ua Si'piemlN'r Sctislou Isel), coiniuenclui; HepteiulaT 1, Ikh. Adiims Klon Snook. Heaver Wm. M. Keller. Heaver West W lllluin Illation, William UIckIc, Kilns llerbsler. Centre Frank Hitter. J. M. lllnpuuuii. t'hapmaii o. H. Keraletter, hliuou Loup. Frunkllii ,lohii W. )eiiiilii(er, Daniel Mlllliouac, Charles lloyer. Hcula-n IJts'ker, Jackson ,1. M. Duula-niian, Saiutiel Krelslier, II. M. Filter. Mlddlirri'ek A. 1). Kreamer. John Kelsi-r. .Molina' tloiileon lusher, Harry W. llummoll, Noah I. N. Jarrett, Tliomua Kessler, M. Ii. tirlner. I'clin Noruiuii Fisher, Jacob Umg, Mlchule Herman, .Limes K. Hums. Perry-Simon Wcller, John Showers. Pcrrv West Thomiia I'. Ilcrr. S. II. ira,vblll. F. M. Moutellous, Daniel W. Ihuia. Sellnsis'iove .lohn l.iiudelislutrer, I. 1). KoUllir, J. V. (iiiuirl' f. A. A. ('"iiiad. Sepluiriia Ad- I1II1S. Sprlnc Adam Deloiuf, Harry O. Smith. I. I. .Mauls', k. Samuel Slilrey, Juuiea lirccse, I'cter F. HleirlP. I'lilon Henry II. Itelcheubach. WushliiKlon John II. Hlc keL:ilus HU'Oiib. Teachers' Examinations. Annllcants for tcachera'certlllcatea will Ih ex iiinliied In the several dlstrlciaol Snyder county aa louowa : Centre, at Cent revllle. Auif. . MlddleburKlk. Franklin, at Mlililleliurtf, A UK. III. Kvendale. (Inil.) at Kveiidule. Si'pt. 'J. West I'erry. al Cross Itoads S. II. Sept. ;. I'erry, ut Fremont, Sept. 4. Chapmun, at Hohrcr's. Sept. H. I'lilon. al roil Trevorton, Sept. (1. Wushlliiflon, al FiwburB, Sept. J. I'ctill. al Salem, Ke'l. u. Jackson, at Kratervllle, Sept. 10. Molina-, at Hummers S. II. Sept, 11, Mlddlccreck, lit WelelaS. II. Sept. !l. West Heaver, al McClnre, Sept. ir, SprliiK. ill AdaliiHliun;, Si'pt. Is. Adunis, at Troxelvllle, Sert. 1. Heaver, lit Heiivei town. Sept. ' , The examinations w ill lie). In at sua nVlm'k a. in. A Mi'-clal examination will In; held ul Jlkl dleliurirli.Seiit. iM, Persona under 17 yearn of huh will not tie ex amined. Appllcunu tnusl Im examined In the district In which Iney iniond to teai'lu Soclal aiieuiliiil win in' Kivcn ut imsiry ami JTuouce. Jilns-lora and all oinera interested In ttio vvel lareof the schisils are Invited to ulteud the cx timlnalloiis. C.W. HKKMAN. t'ouuiy supt A Cbanco to Make Ioney. aulary and KxS'iisea paid, or t'ommtshlun If prelern'd. Salchinen wanted, everywhere. No experience msshsl. Address, atatlnff The C. I.. Van Inisen Nuiiery Co. tiencvu, N. Y, Aug, I 4w. S. T. Buck, Merchant Tailor, NEW BERLIN, PA. r i -AOENTKOU THK Iff II Sewing Hatle! leniralSiyioodsSlore SELINSGROVE, PA. We wish to reduce our Stock. We wish to clear out our Sum mer goods. In order to accomplish this we are cutting prices wonderfully. In many instances we cut them right in two, in some instances we cut one-third off from the regular price. Give us a call and you will shure- ly profit by it. S. WEIS. This inucliliie) is beyond n doubt the lightest running, rus lest operated nnd most thimble initchiiie in the market. Simple, strong, swift, ntul sure, l'erfeet in every particular. It hit work etl Itself into the lend ngainst all competition ami to-day Htamla unrivaled for all purposes. My Merchant Tailoring Department Is full nnd complete. am tlaily receiving shipments of CLOTHS, CASSN MKUKS, F.te., fur the uiatitifnetiire of (Stylish anil well made ( lot hiiitr. 1 take orders fur suits throne;)) Snyder county ami alwayaRimrautee Satisfac tion. Scouvinjr, Dyintf and KcpairingXeiUly and Cheaply done Call nnd examine the faiuiotis New Home Machine, mt)tlietpittli'ytfKooils nnti tne at vies ol our cltit liln ami we will neeil no other reeomomlationa. Auk. I'l. W. S. T. m:CK, New IJerlin. I'a Oreat Hosing Out Sale M nnn Wnr in Pini Piinii urn uUU IjUUU II Ul LU Ul JL jUIU X U1U1 1 11 Uj Carpets, Curtains, Drapery Goods, Mattresses, Springs, Musical Instruments, etc. Owinp; to the death of our Mr. H. K. Kiuith, there will be a change in the flrui. In consequence of which we have determined to close out our entire stock of the above departments within the next ! days. In order to do so we have mnrknd our jronila way down ut prices that will insure their Immediate Sale Look at the following (Inures ami nee some of the bargains offered : CARPETS ! $ CARPETS ! Heat Ilody Hrnsstds. ft. 00 to 1.10, reduced from 1 25 nnd l 40. Other venules Jlutly llrusaels, 75o to 'Ma., reilueeil from $. 00 to I. '-'(). Tapestry llrusaels. 40ti. to 75c, reduced from !':. ami l.tMI. Kxtrn Super ItiKraius, all wool, 00 ami (, reduced from t)0u. ami ft. Kx tra Super lm;raliis. fiOo. to tide., retlneed from 70 ami KOo, Carpets as low as 15 cents per yard. Curtains : and : Drapery ! tuir 1 iinaiu ami urupery nepariments are worrny ine atteiiilon 01 all who contemplate purchasing anything in this line now or in the near future. We have reduced everything In these departments to about one half their former prices. These department are one of OUR : CHIEF : ATTRACTIONS, being stocked with a superb assortment of Turcoman ami Chanille Curtains iu great variety of latest shades ami colorings. Notting ham Curtains in all the various grades and styles. Keul Irish l'oint, Antique, liriissels. Tambour, Ksuurial, anil other tine lace goods. HUSH POINT LACK CUUTAINS, fl.50 PKU PA ll, reduced from !. Luce curtains as low as 85 cents per pair. Mahogany Curtain Poles, llrass Trimmed, Complete, 85o. FURNITURE 1 FURNITERE 1 Our stock of Furniture lias never approached its present magnitude and we have made the same sweeping reductions iu this department. An immense stock of Bilk and Mohair Plush Suits at all prices. Hair : Cloth : PARLOR : Suits : $30.00 reduced from 50. All goods purchased during this Hale delivered to purchasers living within 100 miles of Milton LKKK. Parties Intend ing furnishing hotel or private residences should take advantage of this sule. )tir prices In the CHINA and MUSIC Departments have been greatly reduced, end we would have you bear iu mind that never before was there such an opportunity offered to thoso desiring to embellish their homes with such beautiful and recher che articles at so small an outlay. Now is the time to secure bars gains In Pianos and Organs, as they are offered ut figures far below former prices. A cordial invitation is extended to one ami all to examine our goods and prices. J. J SMITH k CO., LiliM, Front Street, Milton, Pa. Look To Your Pocket Book A DOLLAR SAVED IS TWO MADE. The undersigned would respectfully inform Hie public that he lias just returned from the city, ami made arrangements witli on of the best and leading manufacturer in the l.astern Markets to have siiec- 1..II.. ...... t ...... -...I - I.: .,, u m tiny . miui.ii-iiireii itir nun u ion nnti 01 Ready-made Clothing, which will certainty meet the want of this section of the count rv. nil , 'of ten up iu llrst class style, well sewed ami trimmed, ami equal in every purtiv ulur to the best custom made Oaruicnts. which will Im sold at Vcry'low tig nre. All that I ask Is that you will give mo a cull and inspect" my lim-. Will w pleased to show the Ootid mid satisfy you that the prices are low er than they can lie liouglit elsewhere. Money will be refunded if Ootids are not ns represented. Boys' and Children's Suits in all Styles and Prices. Hats, Caps and Oents' Furnishing Ootids, Novelties in Neckwear, Hosiery, Oloves, Shirts, I'mlerwear. Collars ami CulN. Ilest White Shirts at 50 cents' NIK neckties Tor ,,'.i cent. Remember ttie place, ami at your earliest convenience, give me a call, urn!. I shall 11 ml it a pleasure to wait on you. R. GUNSBERGER Middlehurgh,ra Of i'iteJN)st..Ojlico. Wanted at H iMIIIt Mllllllllllllflfll. -A LI, THK- COUNTRY PRODUCE, such as IJUKTKU, LUOOS, LAKH, CON, I'OTAToKK. PorLTKV.A.c.timi can be got for Hand-made BOOTS & SHOES. My Fall Stock is unsurpassed iu quality and Price. T A TW Tfi' iialn or Calf skin Shoes, liutton or Lace, Sewed tu li-LV J 1 liO Pecked, warranted Hand-mad.1 ami Solid. 7'"rTrni JO Sizes 11 to '.' and 5 to 10. Itutton or Lace, Calf, rin. J. VU ,1.1 I tO orSplit. Hand made. Tip or without Tip. junta the buyer wants them. Solid or money rel'umleif. I A F Ores Shoes in endless variety. Lace or liutton Kin IJIYIJ 1 JPjO Hongola, Ciirieo Kid. oil Oruin or Oil Kid. High liet-l, Low Heel or Spring Heel. Common Sense, Square-ton, or Pointetl. l""rpQ All I wish to say about Hoots is In invito you to eoiue ami J)vJ lij set them I have a solid lliitiugli, tloublV'-soled, satldlv seam (or without) guaranteed haml-made and whole stock for .'.''. In short, you must see t'ne stock in order to appreciate it, and the only wuy to satisfy yourself is to cull. W. I. OAKMAN, I'rop'r. Im Will Fini Tin Tim It is the place where they all oto. W. H. Felix, Lewislown, Pa. For a lino line of cheap and Stylish f minim 6b T HEFKANKLINIIOUSK. J. O. SMITH, Proprietor. (Formerly ol tha Central,) lUinoilelod, refurnlstieil soil Improved. I KaK doll vureil to mid Irmii tuwu. Opposite , , C'uiter'i twr, i'ruuliUu, I'a, to A6ENTS SofM?M.ruiiu' ueo.A.MiTT,Ket Tort City ThePost,$l.50pery. Not only once but every day in the year tlo we offer bargains that can't he equaled anywhere, If you want to he convinced come and look. We-Practice-Others-Preach about big bargains ami lead you to believe their false asssertious, ami even bait you with a few trinkets at cost, but the end is ul ways the ssiut'. And You come lack, not richer, but wiser.