) r vi i &u $foulelutjjf JN- I'ulilinLoil every Thursday. T. H. HARTER, Editor and Fropnetor. Subscription 1.50 yer year. Thursday, July 18, 1889. Magnitude of the War. In the four yearn of wnr tho old iern of the Union marched over a country far larger than that travers ed by the legions of Ciemir and re gained a larger area than any nation ever took ly conquest. They fought in 2,203 engagements, largo and Minall, in Heventceu states anil two territories in 3M of which engage ments the Union losses exceeded 100 each. From tho firing of tho first shot (not counting that aimed at the Star of the "Went) to the last, the time waH four years and thirty-one days, and the distance between the two places over 1,200 miles "as the crow flies." From the most easterly to the most westerly battlefield the dis tance was over 1,500 miles, and from themost northern to the most south ern nearly as far the shortest prac ticable road in each case being near 2,(HM) miles. From Sumpter to Pal metto Ranch there was an average of eleven battles and skirmishes per week, and of pitched battle in which the Union loss exceeded 100 there was an average of one every four and one-half days. On one day, .July :, there were two consid erable battles, one great historic conflict and a dozen note-worthy skirmishes besides 1 he capitulation of Vicksburg. In lsc.I there were thirty-five bat lies w hich seemed of appalling mag nitude to the people, w ho then drew their comparisons from the Mexican war ; in 1 Hti2 there were eighty four battles, at least twenty of which made the engagements of 1801 seem trifling ; in 180:1 the regular pitched battles amounted to 110, of which six or seven dwarfed most of those that went before. In 1804 there were seventy-three regular engage ments, and in the last year twenty eight. Yet a million and a half Union soldiers survived the conflict, and tho best estimates place the sur vivors to-day at near 700, 000. Verily, it was a great war. Excluding all re-enlistments und all employed merely in tho subsis tance and transportation depart ments, the actual soldiers of the Union probably numbered about 1,800,(10(1 of whom 1,500,000 were alive at tho close. There is no meth od of computing with accuracy the number still living, but it is certain ly not less than 700,(N)i. It may ev n reach '.MKl.OOO. This conclusion is drawn from certain well known facts. The soldiers were generally young, many regiments maintain or ganizations which show their yearly losses, and tlie records of the pen sion ollice are valuable guides. Tho average age of the soldiers was 21 years, and with rare excep tions the leading otlicers were com paratively young men. This has been the rule in all wars. Alexander the Great died at !I2. Frederick the Great was famous at :t:i. Ciesar be gan the conquest of Gaul at 40. Na poleon and 'ellingtou fought their last battle at 40. Washington took command of the army at 4:1, and Lafayette was a major general at 20. Von Moltke, Gens. Taylor and Scott, and Marlborough were bril liant exceptions. Grant was 41 when the war closed ; Sheridan, 34 ; Sherman, 4.", and McClcllan, 'M. McKenzie, Custer, Ames and Kil patrick were generals at 20; Mc lMierson fell at :i." ; Reynolds at 43 Rurnsido was already famous at 37 ; Sehotield at 33, and Slocum at 32. A column might be filled with the names of those who became generals between 23 and 35. Corse held Alia toona 1'ass at 2'.) ; Kawmis was Grant's chief of staff at 31 ; John Heatty was a brigadier at 32, and Nelson A. Miles at 23, having enlist ed as a private but three years be fore. Setting the number of sur vivors at 800,000, and considering that they are those of greatest vi tality and now average about 50 years (counting from the average at enlistment), we may draw the cheering conclusion that there will be an army of veteran in the first decade of the twentieth century. Perennial Youth. The eminent French physiologist, Dr. Rrow n Sequard, his discovered the secret of perpetual life. That is to say, he announces that ho has discovered it. It is true that tev eral persons in tho course of human events have mado similar announce ments, but it is clear they were dis-1 honest in their statement or were mistaken, for they are all dead. No one will accuse Dr. Brown-Squard of intention to deceive, for his sci entific reputation stands too high for that and he has so far mado few mistakes in his scientific career. At all events he has one advantage over all the other discoverers of perpet ual life, they are dead and ho is still alive. Of course the doctor has a strong personal interest in the matter aside from his desire to benefit mankind. He is now 71 years old and having a great many difficult physiological problems still to solve is naturally desirous of having more timo to give to them than what remains to him of the threescore and ten years of the bibblical limit. His experiment on himself resulted so successfully that he proclaims himself ten years younger already. If he keeps ou re juvenating himself he will soon be back in the school boy age he has always been a student and unless he checks his experiment in time will reach his original childhood period when in the natural order of things he should be in his second childhood. It is a very simple thing, the emi nent medicine man told tho biologi cal society of Paris, to restore lost youth. All that is necessary is to cut out certain organs or glands from living animals guinea pigs were used in his experiments crush them in a mortar in distilled water and from this extract an essence to be used in hypodermic injections. Dr. Rrown-Scquard has been twen ty years experimenting before he mado his great discovery. He tried it on disabled and enfeebled animals with such startling results that he was encouraged to experiment on himself. He at once knocked off ten years from his age and trebled his cupacity for work. All that is needed now to make death from old age a thing of the past is a sufficient supply of guinea pigs. Refore long no toilet table or medicine chest will bo complete without a hypodermic eyringe and a bottle of Dr. Brown- Sequard's celebrated Extract de Cochon d'lndo. The only enmplrta book ptihltahrd. Now ppftdy. AMERICAN FISHES. A popular trpHtlw? upon th Ham and Food Flnht'K of North Ainwlra. with upwlal rvfrrrnne I to habit nnil MftlHHl of rupture. Iiy (I. Bnmn oKxl r. S. 'oMitiiiHloinrorKlHlmii(l KMhm-It. With iiumi-roiift Illustration ami a miiirnltlront front Iplri-- plt of tinaik Hunt In nliiP colors. Th1 work H pnlillMliPd In nn volutins llnyal or jlnvp. ovr-r ' pHiriii from new nine, on Imnil- winin piijuT, unit li-gantly bound. Sont fre on I riii-lpt of prlii1. W.mi I FAULKNER & ALLAN, 1 1714 Chestnut St., riilliulelphUPn. NO MAN NEED BE IDLE. I liThc mitwrlptlon book rmlillsliPil by I Fari.RNKR Ai.i.a. of Philadelphia, have proved I psifptlnnnllv popuhir hikI profilalili for airrnta. I An iiiinounriMiii'nt liv tln-m of m-w work. In Ivnrltililv hrlnif a Kn-ut numlwrof applications for territory from aifi'iiia wno are pnifiT tor op pnrtunltlr to niHkp "hltr money." Frank liUe t I Utittratrtl .Voirji;rr. SHERIFF S HALE OF REAL ESTATE I Whereim liv virtue of a writ of Kl. Fa. Ixmied out of the Court of Common plot of Snyder eountVHnd t me dliivted I will expoxe to public wile nt the pirmlwt In Chiiiitimn town Hhlp, Snyder county, To., at 1 o'clock p. m. on Friday, July 2(1, 1880. The following (Ii'wtIImiI real PfiUU" tielnif all tlhit.ivrliiln piece or truct of irrnund Kltuale In thctownhlp ol cluipmnn. County of Snyder. State of 1'enn'H. Hounded and denriilied an fol Ihwm: on the South Iiy land of Frederick ottlntr'T. WcM liv IiiihIk of Klclmnl Ijmttc North liv lainHof .Iim-I stjihl. KhM by I'liltfle Kond. con ti'ilnlitir III At'HKS ni"re or lin. whereon laeiwt ed ii I' KAMK l U.I.INU llolSK, and other outbuilding. AImmH tlie RHine time mid plicc the Mlnw Intf Personal l'niwrty will Imi wild. The whole of i, Here potatoes III I lie irrnund, one-halt Interefit III a acnt oal.-i In the Kroiind. one-half Interest In one acre corn In the ground. scied, taken Into execution and to be wild n the protnTty of llariihart Nine. It Kl IlKN DIIFKSK, Sheriff, Sherlff'a ortlce. MlddleliiirKh. I'a.. June IT, 'Hit, VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE ! HUMPHREYS' SILIITOFII&m'BOOL Cloth 4 Cold Binding, iiuiD rait. IUf. r. n. n W.T. In imm XI TtUL. TriMled flm I K'ttoU of an eminent 1'byJclaa. Mm pie, (! and et"ri. Hon. tiHiM. viwn. vera, Contlin, Influnnutlnna, t mrmm worm revr, nurmviNm . .- 'rli'allr.orTiiliior Infanta Itarrkea of ChlMraa or Adulu 4 Iraraterr, oripinf, onioua ivuo.. .4 RIITTB iTISTVB "....m. ..... OBKk.ixiia. Hronrniua ileadarhra, Sick Hradaehr.VerUgxi ityaepai, niiiii r.,m ,i ... ... ?uprred or I'ulnfal 1'rrlada tVhiiea, Um I'rofium l'irlil ruap. toLidh, lumcult ItrMtiilnR... kkIi llhruiii, Erylirlaa. knipilona II beaaialtam. Kheumatle I'alna. , Frvtir ami Agar, I'hIIU, Malaria.. lea.lilluil or lilioJInic HOMEOPATHIC i-ti Jo II ' -t rZnEiuIoTTTiiluiTw huoplnv I'oaiih. Violent i'ouha Aalkma, Mipiirnnl hreaihluii Kir Olacbnraea. Imiialred Heartnn Hrrolala, KlllarKiilOMIu,rw'UlliK i General rbllH .I'liyau-al Weakueaa roir, ami neaniy neereiMina rii'a I'U nraa, Nlckmiai frou lUdln Khlnry llcne Nrrvoua Oeullliy.mliiul Writk- mna, or liivolumary Laachartfea 1 More Mouth. Canker I rlnarv Weakoraa, wciiim- wa . Pnlnful I'erliida. with Spanin Illaraaeaor Heart. l'al.uUiin... . Kullepay. Spain. St. Vltua' liamv. . 1. IHlihllierlH. 1 iivrnieu rtors 1 nmat ( h ron Ir niiycllin Krillntm il til 0 n o iti n SPECIFICS Hitld Iiy lriiKrlaittt,urihi iki ptM nn rHVIpt nf price. Ml HflUavta fclilUJifclo. lui rlu iiu X. v. 1 v3Miv$A;OHi Ht" M Pfl REYR' VETFRIVARY RPmnrs. I ard hf all awnrra of llorae and (in tie. A I'uiiii.llraHntary copy of lr. Humphreyt' Veterinary Manual ibuo pAKiai on treatment and ciuv of Uonuvtlc Anlnialt-llnrwa, i'aitle. hhe'p, li" aad I'nultry Sent fn. Hi mvhhicis' HiiMKoetTuio Utu.l'o., low Fulum St., N. V. WHY iOU SHOUi-:.' SCOTT'S EMULSION of COD LIVER Oil. ""a HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is used and endorsed by Phy sicians because it is the beet. It is Palatable as Jlilk. It is throe times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the lest remedy for Consump tion. Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast, ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Iritfj(tits. SCOTT A BOWNE, Cmcmiuts. U Y. EDDY'S POTATO BUG EXTERMINATOR. ThiiMntho only practical mm hineforUuytiuttl'lastcr, 1'ttri l-uvn, &e., iiin o t.Tto vini a t ilcniroy tho beetle, bvndtorl'iuctratL'il Circular. huniurl XV, Katt ley. Media, Del a wnr 0 to., I'a, t-iliM A11.111I furl'nil.ul ill.ind ftt cxceiitN. Y. and Mew iLUi. Mflt Vfltir di'nler flnea liotkrepthein.reuiif l.iuaud I will chip 11110 to Vuur v;it'UB4 oUlm, zpcuv prcpaiU. The nndi'MlfliiHl Attorney In fact for the Helm of l'hlllp F. Hinllh, latent AilimmUiwuHhlp, Hliy dor iiiiiiiiv, I'a.. dii'd will expow to public mile on the preinlMfa, nlMiut one mile north-west of Troxelvllle, on Sntur.liiv, August 10, 1S80, nt ino'clm k. A. M.. the fullnaliiif Viiluiihle Fiirin jaltniite In the Towiilil Hfnri'Hald. Imillidcd nx followH : North liv lands of John Fettcrolf and I.vdln llllkter. Kits) hv InndH ol JoKliih Kline and Alfred Troxcl. Smth hv Inndu of ItolM-rt Smith and West hv hinds of HolH-rt Mlddleswnrt h anil llenrv llnrt'miin. contulnliifr iwi ACHK-Snnd iHTi lies, more or Ii ns. This Is a koI fnnii. In iliiecondliloii and well mlnptisl to the raising of nil klinlsof irrnln. It Is niiliilled with an excel lent well of (fiswl u hut mid liana riinnlnir stream pusslnif tliruilKh thefnnil. All the necessary Imllillnirs mid n f""l orchard of fruit tni-s. Alsiiit iiki Acres ot the tnu-t Is clear Intnl. and the lialance well set with kmwIiik tlllilnT. TKltMS ; (itie-thlnl of the purchase inolierto reinnln as n dower In the premises and the other P.irt of thecoinlllloiisot wile will lie innilc known on day of sale. 1 1 r.l 1 1. . r. 1 n v .1 , Att'v A Au'ent lor heirs Of I'lilllp F. Kmltll, diT d. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE! The undersigned Adnillilslriitor of the estate ot Jacob A. Ilruhaker, lute of t'nlon township. Hnvder coimvy. ra., win e.sH) to puiuic auie. on'thc pn-inlsei) on ThurHtlay, Augutit 15, 188'., The followliiB vulnahle rvid estaUi to wit: TKACT NO. 1. All tnai. i-enain unwsnaKe or tract of land situate In township, rouaiy and HtaU aloresuld, contulnlng'liu At'htS mtue or lens, iKNinded North Iiy land of K. N. ilouser. II. W. llhWHliiif, ' Hontli hy Usmv llHUKler and .lacoh lliimer, F.nst Iiy tleo. OaiiKler. und West hv Jivoli llamer on which are ens-tsl a DWKLLINUIIOl HK. HAUNaudotlier outbuild- '"fliACT NO. S. Bellitf the undivided H of tho land lately owned by Daniel Itrubnker, ds''d, colitiilnluif IV) At'KKH. more or less. Iwi nihil North bv Valid of t'lnirles llower nnil W. Flan ders. Hunt II by llavld Melser and Joseph llru- linker. K.iisi HV tlie riiHiicnaiiiiu inver, anil W est bv .loseiili und Jucoli S. Ilnilmker, when- oil are ens led ii liWU.I.INil 1UHSK, HA UN und other oiitbiillilinirs. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock n. in. when due alii tiiliini will Is- jrt vcn and terms made known by W. M. HoVKIt, Jtilv i, iw.i. Administrator. THE GREAT FLOOD! ATTENTION, AGENTS! The llrst In the Held. A complete history ol this ti'i'i'lMc 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 v nt .liilinslown. has Jiisl lM-n Issued. -Hii I'lik'i's. V'.Mull-pt.'e lllust nil Inns, haiiilMHuely lioiinil In dot h.irlct-f I i". Dlscoiuit tu Mirenls, Ml per cent. Send v cents for I'ros ss'liis Hook and pui knife ol circular, anil fo lo work. Address .I S. ui.ll.VlK. 1'uhllshcr, .7 Hum- SIii-i I. New York. Iw. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, let ter of Administration on the on tale ol Kt-ubcn Koi li late ul Wilt lleaveo Twp Snyder ismnty, I'a., ilcc'd, Lavlnu been uranted to tlio iiiiileriMuned, all nriina knowiux thain-in-lvoa Imlebteil tu aald e'tute uru roiueted to linike linmeilliitii pityinent. while thuna having rlalin. will preneut them duly authenticated tu the uniliT-iuncil. VM, 3. W K.I AN 11. June V4, 'Mi. Ailuiiinitrutor lO.IKiO AtiKNTS WANTKO at once to sell the only Ailthcutlct'oiiiplcte und lirnplik' HISTORY OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD- riiKl Si:i.V ll.l.l'STItATKU wlih views of nil sorts connected with the ter rible scenes of tlm 1 1 1 1 vr I I v tn ii m In I lii. I'.Mno. Iiio puires Price fl.M). Llls-ral Tenns. Thous auds Want It. Iicmand Is linmense. Sctnl quickly -tc. fortllltlll In. I. W. heeler i l'o., (WU I'hi-hlnut Street, I'lillailelpnia. I'll. A. K. 1 1 1 FT. T. II. HAKTKH. ran n ( 1 FT Sz HAltTKU Real Estate Aftents. Have the following sijeulaibargninsto offer : A vulualila lurm, ultuute in Franklin tuwiinliln. Snyder I'liuuty, I'u.. ntur Puitouvillr, mllui weftol .MIiMlihurKli. L-ounty-iiciil ol Knyjert'o.. eontaiulnir 111 Acre. "6 a cre clear ami uu ilrr kooiI cultlvatiiin, the halam-c :M)ucrii In tlin-bi-r and under tonce, mukliiK K"oJ panture land with never ralllna run 11 1 uu wutur on It, There uru I titii'f IiiiIIiik iiiiiinim on the pliicv, onu ol which In near tlia liulidniKi" Nearly ever; Held bus water lor min k, Thii in i nu"d xmln, bay, nml pii'lura lurm, well cnlculateil fur u luck litrm. There uro llincrtiuio uu the pluce, ulru aviill.ililu uuter nuwer. Tic liuilillnu lire irnuil. ami ttuoil Irult. I'hurch, Scliuol ami Market witblu hull a mileul the lurui, 1'rk-o Wi per uore, un eaay torms ul puyuiant. tiiMin Fakm Fob Sai.k. Slluate In Mlddlivris-k IllVl' llhlllll Kll V llt-P ,11 HI I' I,, mi,- II,.. U 1 1...M I'oiul, contalidiiK '.To At'KKS, Ijouf which Is clear ami uuiier untk'u siuieof ctiltlviillon, Iho bal ance In ltihmI tlinls-r. neiirlv nil muii.r r,.n.... u-in. runnliiK water In every Held, rciide rliuf It un ex cellent HliM k uud Kralu farm. A Rood hUme llinisi-nil Kuril und ol her out bulldlnm In itoihI ri.lli.ll- 'I'll., 1:1 tu l.H-..t..,l u.ll I.I.. n. A ....... ......... . .n .... u n , ml, a Hill,. ofa railiiad Klutloii, with Cliun-li and Si-lnsil i-onvciili-iit. It Is salalile nronertv. verv null. Ilcly liH-ated nnil could lie divided Into twi niriiis. rrice uu ht acre on eusy lerum. toy We Bell or exchange, advertise ana survey property, uuU convey titles. We guarantee all our work ana invite parties who have real es tate for the market to mhlress GIFT 6i HARTER. Mivklleuurgh, Pa Koticd to Heirs. In the Katate of Henry Orrhart. late ol Centre i l owB'hip, snyilor I ounty, ra. dec d. I Tu William flerhart of Mlllrny. I'a.. Jm Oorhart of t'entre luwn.hln, Snyder to., fa. Kn.iin i firnari, iniermarrieu wiin Henry Kayol Franklin tiwnhli, Knyder t'o. I'a., Amelia, In termarrlrd with Amoa Peter ol Marshell, Knl hniiier euunty Mlclilifun. Catharine Intermarried with Samuel llsi-kenliiirv ol Hullvaa, Sanduakr county, Obln. .lane Intermarried with Henry won, oi ijewianurv, union eoumy, re. itenrire Oerl art who la now dead but lenvea to anrvlve him the following' rhlhlren vli : Amanda Inter married with Wllon Mna.er of Mejleo Juniata rininty, I'a. Marv Intermarried with Joseph II alley ol Hoilve, Imdae eonntr, Nabraaka. Sarah Hrrliarl Intermarried with II. M. Alexandero Satlisiy, Ventura ounty. California. Hannah Oerhartand laaae Iter hart ol I-wl.liant. I'a. the laat tweare minora and hare for their guar dlan Adam II. Walter ol Frankl n tuwn.hlp, Snyder ooonty, I'a Yna are hereby rtted to ha and appear before the Judaea of our Omliaim' I'oart. at an Ortriiana t'oiirtto be helU at Mlilillehiirirh, on the 4th Monday oi isr r. A, i. iss-j at 9 u cloca la the lurenisin, then ami there to accept or rnlune lotuke the Heal li,teol aald Klltatrnth Ship tun, dee'd. at the a raicd valuation put up on It hy an luuea; duly awunlet by the aald I'uiirt, and returned by the SlierMf ol aald coun ty, or ihuw fauna why Iho fame ihould not be nil. I. And hereof lull nut. Wltne.a the Hun. .1. '. Ilucher. Pri'.ldent cil nur fiiI'I I 'curt at Mldoli'liuruli, thla Cth day ol June, A. 1. I usu. W. W. W1TTENMTEH, froth 'y llctlco to Heirs. In the relate ul Muaea Mlilillerwarth, late of Hearer townfhlp, Snyder county, I'a. To Ellra Mlilille.warth. wliluw, Ner It. Mid-ille-wnrlh ot F.vrna. Iowa, Mary, Intermar ried with Jonntlian laper of Kdilyvllle. Wap. plow county. Iowa. I atherlne, Intermarried with Milton fall, ol Frederick, Monroe county, Iowa. Arrhle MlilOleiwnrth, ot lleavrrtown. Snyder euiintr, I'a., Ixiulra, Intermarried with lunar Hei'ki'ni'iTn. ul rnnt-lviiie. Hnyiiercounty. I'a .Havid M Idilli'.war'.h of Heaveftuwn. Sny- der county, I'a., Kobl.on Mlililleaaarth of Hi-a-rer .Sirlnirs. .Snyib-r county I'a.. Frauklln Mlil dlrfwiirtli, Itcaver SprinK, Snyder county, I'a., an I Keunen Allilillii.warlh Mini la Dow deud nut b-avea to aurvive him the fullowina rhlblrn, vl : Matiale Intermarried with Jolm J. Fraln ol Uouiii-tl Ulull., Iowa, Kllrn Intermarried with li Inkle orst John, l.nks county Indiana ( liarli'p AlbMlaawarth ol Moroen, Newtan t'o. Itid., Smith Miildlenwarth, KemlnKton, Jaaner county, Ind.. a minor and haa lor ill KUardlan moaea Specht ol Jlvavertuwn, Snyder county, I'a. You are hereby cited to lie and nmieiir la-fore the Jmhrea of our Orphans' Court, at an oruhans' t'mirt to lie held at Middle Imriih, on the 4th Mon day of Sep. A. 1 1, I sHD at 9 oilisk In the fore- main, tnen anil there t.iaceepi or rernse to tune the Hi-id Kslnleof Kild lianiii-l Maiin r dis-euwsl, nt Hie nppnils-d valuation put tism It by an In ipiest duly awarded by the wild Court, nnd re turned by the Sheriff of wild enmity, nr show cause why the Hnlne should hot Is-sold. And nen-oi tun not. Witness the Him. Joseph C. lliu ln r. Ksqulre, PreHldent of our said tirt. at Mlddleliurirh, this 61 Ii day of June A . H. iwi w. n. vv i ri i.mii t.u, rrotirr. itliddlebur illarkct Butter 12 Kk'efH li I'itteil cherries 8 I'npitteil " a Hlackherries 0 Raspberries V Onions 40 Lard 0 Tallow 4 Chicken per lb ? Turkeys niua 7 Soulde 10 Ham 12 B.F.VaN liOSKlKK, DENTIST, SKLINSOUOVE, TA. Thirty-two yean uraetlce. Fllllnii and ex- UactinH a apaulalty. X Rupture cure iruaranteeil by Dr. J B. Mayer, H31 Arch St., lMill'a Pa. Ease at once, no operation or bui- ne88 delay. Thousands cured 8. for clrcula. ti. THE WATSONTOWN PLANE ILL ! Dealers in I. I'M BER, BILL STI FF. FL )t)RIN;. SIDINtJ. IslRlKlARKS, FENCING. S1IINHLES, LATH 1HIOHS. BLINDS, FRAME. MOI'LDINUS Etc, Situiples of our work can be seen in most any part of Snyder cotiuty. Nvthini; but lirst-rltiss I umber used, ami all work prepared by the most skilled workmen with the latest im proved machinery, l'ricesalways the lowest. Address "Watsontown Tlanins Mill Co., (I l-'8!, ly, Watsontown, Pa. hardware For a Superior itrade of shelf and hea vy Hardware it is always best to go to old and reliable I louses who have a reputation to sustain. Such is I J-IUII1MIU II 111 Iron, Nails, Steel. Lent her. Puints. Oils. Cnneli and Saddler Ware. Manufacturer of Stoves and Tinware. BLANKS! The following Blanks will always be found on baud ut the Post Printing OfllCri. Ore Leases, Blank Beleases, AKreements, Constable Sales, Warrants, Executions, Subpmnas, Justices1 Duns. Certificates of Scholarship. Jul(einent Exemption Notes, Tax Notices, Justice' Bonds, Affidavits, Summonses, Finnnelnl Stn tonitit nn Hnhnnl ltM,.l ' &o &o, Sio. All blank not on hand win ueiproiuptiy printed to order. HEAD GIUARTERS For H ai Piiillt Oil Men's Over Coats from 2.50 to 15 nn Youths " 2.25 to 1000 Ohildrcn " " 1.50 to Mem Suits from 3.50 upward Boys " " 3.00 Children " 1.00 to S.fjo fen's Underwear from 20c tip McnYouth8 and Boys Caps from 5c nn " Hate 15c Z Silk Tics, Milliters, IlandkcrchicfJ Xeck Ties very cheap and lino quality Sheep-skin, Buck-skin, Cloth ami Kitl Gloves, Rubber poods, largo stock of confections and Holiday goods of every description. Will positively not be un dcrsold. Thankful for past favors, M ould re. pect fully solicit a continuance ofja. on age. Mins' ReliaMe ClSli! MIDDLEBURGH, PA. 1889. Spring and Summer. 188! Wo arc now prepared tu sliou- yon an iitimci.se- varicn Seasonable I'flllillils.NiillliiisCi'iiffini;?, J .j - ..wmi v wuvAluum In Dry Goods wo have an elegant lino of Coml.inati Suitings, Ladies' Cloth, Satines, A Variety of Wash Dress Good Scotch Zenhvi Ch)th JNew Calicoes, Century Cloth, v line ijrcssliuo: , . . .... , . v.-,- viy An Elegant Line of Cassimeres, .Laces, and Embroideries. IFSnsilcDass (Groceries! SCHOCH BROS., Selinsgro tfyflish and Weill Mailt Downs' 1 Btill coDtiuuo in tie Merchant Tailoring btiHineBS u itb ruoni : Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa. and take this means of informing the people of Snyder count;, fill have on band a well selected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and nam pies from the best and mo6t reliable New York and Fbiladelpb bouses, and will sell lower than ever. Catting, Cleaning, Repairing, I tog anu ocouring uone on suori notice. Not. ltf. E. E, BUCK It would do your heart good to go and the lock of Spring AT Freidman & Getz Beavertown,Pa They have? returned from tlie KuKtern Cities and now Imve their 1. proan uuder the weight of Hry ood. Groceries, Uents FurniahiuirP. Clothing, htraw Hats, wool Huts, Hoots and Shoes, large line of Dret,w; jsotions, &o. i uey hiiow the greatest ussortuient and prettiest . )"." ever saw. Their Goods is all New and Fresh uud Is not the accumulation of years. They are not shelf- worn, uioth en and streaked with dust. Uerldes, they are (Cheap inn IEveiiytfliiiig! and offer you prices that almost challenge belief when compureJ to you are compelled to pay at other stores. Do Not Hesitate in Going at once and see just how much finer and cheaper their goods is tbao t1 ouiuion run. I: ItVE LiQltH Fht rl- no rate oft i aol in un b,rr n si U tu 1ft o h,r. E.Tft' 111 11 nil tzu rllll -hi kite pi In h! hi rost iTl he nt n Ijne iiut: i w .ti ir i 10 )t( ,111 ft- 1 t