The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 27, 1889, Image 4

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    I V i
J'tilrfiiriied every Thursday.
T- H. HAKTERi Edilar aud Proprietor.
Subscription $l..r0 per year.
Thursday, Juno 27, 1885).
From Hip riiiliwli'lphl Tttnea o! nth.
The Defeat of Prohibition.
Tho advocates of constitutional
lrohilitiou mrt with a rt'Kiilar wa
terloo .vontfrday in both city ami
Stale. This city doe not poll more
than half the vote for tho amend
inent that was conceded to it by its
nnidiiH iitn. and not one-fourth of
what was claimed and confidently
expected by its supporters who
should have been bent advised of
the situation. In fact, it wan not a
contest at all ; it waK a land-slide
that Hwept everythin before it, and
lln lurw number of tho most in
telligent and Kober citizeiiH who at
tended tho polls without perHuaHion
or drumming, proven that the preat
bulk of the friend of temperance
voluntarily opposed constitutional
prohibition. Only by the action of
Huch citizeiiH could Philadelphia
have rolled up the amazing majority
of :,(HM) against the prohibitory
$ut tho rural district were the
limin nf tin- i-uniest supporters of
prohibition. In this expectation
the siiDiiorteiH of the amendment
have been grievously disappointed.
I'.voi v i-mintv i-liisHed as clime or
doubtful swept into the anti-prohibition
column ; one-half the coun
ties positively claimed for the
amendment have given decided ma
jorities atrainst it ; the counties con
ceded against the amendment havt
nciierallv doubled or trebled their
expected vote, while the prohibition
fctruiiL'lmld have fallen down to
practically nominal majorities. A
majority of the counties which vot
ed in favor of local option more than
tifteeii veais airo. when there was
less positive temperance sentiment
in tho State than there is to-day,
have declared with emphasis against
tho experiment of prohibition by
coiiKtitutionalamendment; and thus
the prohibitory movement has suf
fered on every sido because of the
loss of the major portion of tho sin
euro temperance vote of every sec
tion of the State. It iH a Waterloo
for constitutional prohibition ; but
it is not a Waterloo for temperance
or La any measuro a revulsion
ngaiifst public sobriety.
This emphatic expression of the
people of Pennsylvania against con
stitutional prohibition, must not be
misinterpreted as a backward step
from the severe regulation of tho
liquor trallie by statute. The pro
hibitory amendment was submitted
under a combination of adverse cir
cumstance. Had not the present
hij.rli license system been adopted by
flic same Legislature that first pass
ed the amendment, and thus given
the people a full year of (rial of a
yreatly improved but still imperfect
license law, there would have been
tens of thousands of votes cast for
prohibition yesterday which were
cast against it. The long trial of
high license ; tho admitted benefi
cent results which followed it, and
the judgment of several New Eng
land States which had experimented
in prohibition, and voted against it
within the last few weeks, were
grave obstacles in tho way of prohi
bition in J.Ynns. Ivania ; and to
these must be added the general
unwillingness of the conservative
..... r.l .11. i i ,
voicrs in ine iMaio to nuiKe tlie pro
hibition experiment by constitution
al amendment that could not be re
vised, when it might be as well done
by statute.
So far from Pennsylvania taking a
step backward on the great (pies
tion of public sobriety, the verdict
ot yesterday was practically won bv
thoM- who took the Held for a better
temperance theory than prohibition
They w ere not enthusiastic theorists,
but intelligent, .practical philan
thropists, irom the pulpit, from the
ranks of physicians, lawyers and
business men, and they feared a re
vulsioii in the now visible tide o
temperance reform by an unenforcei
Constitution and at last eipial if not
increased dissipation with lawless
ness added. pull one half, am
prohaiily two-thirds, of the entire
vote cast against the prohibitory
amendment yesterday would revolt
heroically against any back wan'
step in tho positive restraints of tho
liquor traffic ; and any effort look
nig to even an approximate return
to tho old license Hystem would only
call out another advance m tho re
htnetivo features of our license law s
JLet no ono assume that the result
on prohibition is a "ruin victory." It
is a victory achieved by tho conscr
vativo temperance dement of tho
State, and it mean that Revere laws
shall regulate a traffic that is capable
of great wrongs to society and that
there shall bo no lawlessness cither
invited or tolerated in it.Itleavcn the
whole issue, from high license even
to absolute prohibition, open for
consideration in our legislative halls,
and there will be constant pressure
for advancement in every line that
promises tho promotion of public
sobriety. Prohibition is beaten ;
temperance is not beaten, and it is
now safe to say that it never can be
beaten in Pennsylvania.
A Maniac Son Shoots His Ag
ed Father.
Hoepltal RrmMttM,
Whnt nr tl'T f Tim (rrowlh of ItiMllifi-nr' In
tnftllcul iiiHtL'rn him ttwn to rtmnnnil for
dim ot irr-ntitim. it'llnliw rwrtlolrwa. The op
ifirt unify of the Urnorntit qu Ic, who irrew rlrh
cl'irtliil everything out of a KlnKle bottle linn pms
il. To Kiipplv ndtlsfiunorllv this omnl tlili
list of reiwilli'H linn tieen ro-ntial. They lire tho
lnvorlte rtrewrlptlon f the timet fnmoun mnll
nil prnetltlotient of the tiny, iriithertHi from the
hoximnlN of Ivmilon, I'mU Merlin unit Vienna.
I'lwrtntlnim whleli nut, the imtlentM of thee
IxTlnlM from f i to Him. ere here offerea pre-
piiren mid remiy lor line, at me nominal price pi
one rtolhir each. Not one of them In a cure all i
eiicli one him only the renwinnlile power ot curing
a elnir dlwiiMe ami each one keep Ha contract.
Sufferer from t'Hliirrh. Ill wnaed l.umra. Bronchi-
tla. Anthnia.'onimiptlin. Khenmailsm. IyaX"p
hIii, l.lver and Kidney ComnlalntH. Kever and
AKiie, Netiralrfa. Kenmle WeakneaB. Ieiicorr
turn, or Ncrvoua Iielilllly. nhoiild wnrt atamp
for (h-aerlptlve entnlovne to lloaiiltal Hemedy
Co.. No. WCIW Wert KlnirHt.. Toronto. I'anmln
If your ilrUKUlwt doea not keep them remedies
renin price una we win aena aireci tree 01 niuy
The Centre Hall llcpvrttr says
that on Wednesday afternoon, June
10, at about four o'clock, a murder
was committed at Greenbrier, Cen
tre county, several miles west of
Coburn. A son of Francis Koto,
David, aged about 33 years, had
been on the verge of insanity for
several days, and on Wednesday af
ternoon, took a violent form, and
threatened to kill everyone about
the house, and got into his poses
sion an old musket, which was load
ed with shot. He started in pursuit
of his father , Francis ltote, aged
about 73 years, who ran into the
house hotly pursued by the maniac
son with the musket, and succeed
ed in reaching it safely. Ho was
barring tho door when tho maniac
tired and tho charge went through
the door and struck Mr. Note's hand,
and in the bowels. Mr. Iloto sank
to tho floor, and the son gained en
trance to tho room.
Tho other people about the place
immediately lied upon the first indi
cation of tho man's demoniac rav
ings, and gave the alarm, and when
help was secured returned to the
house, and found the son sitting on
his father's prostrate body with
butcher knife in ono hand and liihlo
in the other, and was reading a pas
sage from it. A kick from ono of
the aid sent the knife Hying across
the room, and ho was secured, but
not without a terrible struggle.
He was immediately taken to
Pollcfonte and lodged in jail, and
proper documents will bo made for
his incarceration in the asylum.
Francis Rote, the father, at last
accounts was living, but cannot re
cover from the wound, which is a
severe one, receiving the full charge
in tho hand and abdomen.
"Winchester Nellie's" Ex
ploits. Santa Clara camp abounds in
strongly marked individualities and
notable life histories. Ono of the
most striking figures here is that of
a tall, graceful girl, known as "Win-
hester Nellie," from the remarkable
ability with which she handles a
Winchester ritle, being by all odds
the best shot with that weapon in
camp. There is a mystery about
Nell that nobody has yet been able
to fathom. She is. apparently, about
23 years of age. and she gives her
name as Nellie Smith : hut when
piestioned as to her former home,
icr antecedents and the where
abouts of her parents she resolute-
y declines to answer. She has
staked oil' a claim, and is working it
with excellent results. She has the
respect f every man in camp, and is
made a friend and companion bv all
the best women. There is not a
miner hero who would dare to offer
the slightest familiarity to Nell, for
there is au indescribable something
in her manner which tells one in-
. i ' . IV. t.. 11 1 t 1 1
suiicuveiy inai li would he danger
ous to presume upon its frank cor-
A Victory for Temperance.
Whereas bv virtue of a writ of KU Ka. Itam-d
out, of the Court ot Common Pleaa of Sayili r
I'ounlvand to tun directed I will etpoae to
putrid: aide nt the prenilnn In chapman town-
ship, Snyder county, ru.. ui i onucs p. in. on
Friday, July 2fl, 1889.
The follow Iiik desrrllH'il real eatnto lielnir all
that, certain olive or Irmt of if round Minnie In
the tow n-hlp of t'liiipinan. County of Snyder
state of I'enn'a. Hounded and darrllied as fo.
Iowa: On the Souih ly lamia of Krederlik
Ottlinfer. Went hv liinda of Kklinrd Ijililif. North
hv liiuiln of Joel stahl. Kant tiy I'lilillo KihiiI. coii
t iltitiiLT li! ACKKS lie ire or le. whereon In erect
edn KltAMK IIWKI.MXO llOl'SK. aud other
out tmllilliivr.
Also at the wilne time nml pluee the following
Personul I'roiirrlv will lm strid. The whole ot
Hi re ixilutoe In the irroiind, one-half llilerest
III M inii'K ouis In the irroiinil. one-half Interest
In one urii' I'nru In the lTouiiiI.
Seled, token Into CMt'tltlou and to In- aold Ui
the i,t.,t rlv ui 1111111111111 Niiee.
sheriff' Ollh'c, Mlildlt'hurch, Pa-. June IT, w.
The iinderHljfiied Attorney In fact for the llelra
of I'hlllii K. smith, late or Auunmiownaoip. sny
iiTi'iiuiiiv. I'u.. di-c d w ill i-x now topnhlle mil-
on the iireinlacM. nlHiut one Inllo nnrt ll-w cat of
TroxelUlle, on
Saturday, August 10, 188J,
.I in mvi.w w A. M.. the followlmr Valuntile Kiirm
xliiiiite u t lie Township nforeKild, hounded a
followa : North hv lamia ot John Ketterolf and
1. villi llllk'er. Hasi hv laiiils of .IkkIiiIi Kline anil
Alfn d Troxel. South hv litndM of HoImtI Suillll
and West hv hiinli of Itohert Mlddleawnrth and
llenrv Hurt until, eoiitulliltijf 1! ACKKSand S
iieivhcH, more or letM. 'I'IiIh la a Td farm. In
tlnecondliloii and well ndiipt'il to the raining of
all klmlsol (friiln. It la Kiipplled with an excel
lent well ofuood wiili-r and luia a runnlliK Htn-imi
- passing Ihi'nunh lliefnnii. All tin tiei-eaHiiry
hulhllmft and a if'NMl on hard of trull, tni-a.
MhiiiI Iini AiTi'H of the true! la ck'iir land, and
the balance well set with growing tlnihcr.
T Kit MS ;-i ine-lhlrd of the purclia.H money to
reiiiuln us a dower In the pi-etulae and the oilier
part of the condition o! khIcJwM be made known
on duv ol sale.
All V A Agent for helra
of I'hlllp K. smith, dee d.
The tint In the field. A rompletfl history of
tills terrlhlo calamity lit .lohnaiown, has Just
iH'i'h Ism I. IDW panes. lirifull-paRelllilHtnitlotiK.
handHomelvlHiiind In cloi h.prleetl.DO. Plscoiitit
to ageiila. "Ml mt cent. Send ts ceuta for I'roa
iHi'tus Hook and imi'kiigeof elreulnr. and go to
work. Address .1. S. OlilLVlK. Puhllsher, 67
lloae st reel, New York.
terK of Aiiinintstratif'ti on the ts
tataol Reulsan Koch late of Want lleaveo Two
Siivder county, l'aM dee d, katrlna ben Kranted
to tho utidrrnlKned, all permina knowing thaiu
ntUet Indvhtud to laid entalo are rnpieiiteil to
make Immediate payment, whtla thona having
vlaliin will prei-eut them duly uthenlleated to
the undnrslKiied.
June'J4, ':. Adinlurtrator
ITotice to Heirs.
In the Katnte of Henry Oerhart, late ol Centre I
1 owiaf hip, snyursr t eanty, i-a. aee u.
To William fierhart of Mllltoy, !.. Jeane
Oarhart of fentre town-Mr, Snyder ;o., I'a.
Sn Utrhart, Intermarried with Henry Hay ol
r'ranklln lownhlii. Snyder Co. I'a., Amelia, In
termarried 0h Amnp Peter ol Mandiell, Kal
liomer eoiinty Mlchli;an. Catharine Intermarried
with Samuel llarkenhnnr nl Itollviie. Sandnaky
eoiinty. Ohio, .lane In'ermarrled with Henry
Wolf. of liwlahurir, t'nlon einin'y. I'a. tleorire
fierhart who la now dead hut learea to mrvlve
him the following rhlldren vli : Amanda Inter
married Willi Wilaon Muaaer of Mflleo Juniata
eoan'r, I'a. Marr Intermarried with Joaeph
llatle'y ol 1hI, tlndae county, Nahraaka. Sarah
Oerhart Intermarried with H. M. Alexander o
Satleoy. Ventura oimty. Calllornla. Hannah
fierhart and laaan Oerhart ol lewlhtiric. I'a.
the laet t we are minor and hire lor their anar
dlan Adam II. Walter ot rrankPn tnwnahlp,
Snyder county, l a
You are lierthy cited to he anil appear he for
the J nine ol our Orphan' Court, at an Urphana
Court to he h. lj al Mldilh'hurirh, on the 4th
Monday nt SKI'.. A, 1. l at l o'eloek In
the loreniMin, then and there to aeeept or refuae
Ui take the Krai r.o .leot anld r.lltnnetn rtnip
ton. dee'd. at the n.' rnl-nl valaailnn pat nit
on It hy an Itniueat duly awarde I hy the aald
Court, and returned by the Sheriff nl aald conn
ty, nr ihow eauae why the aatna fhoiihl sot he
mid. And hereof fall net.
Wltneaa the Hun. .1. C. lliicher. President ol
our aald Court at .Mid Jlelurili, tbla 6th day ol
June, A. 1). Isx.
W. W. W1TTKNM Ell, I'roth'y
ITotico to Heirs.
In the eatntn ol Moaea Mldilli-awarth, late of
Heaver townalilp, fanyder county, I'a.
To tllta Mhldhawatth. widow, N r K. Mid
dleawarth ol Kvena. Iowa. Marr. Intermar
ried with Joniitlcin l.eaprr of K.ldyvllle. Wap.
plow I'ounty. Iowa. I alherine, Intennarrled
with Milton Kali, ol Kreilrrlck, Monroe eouaty,
Iowa. Archie 1I Iddletwurth, ot llcaverlown,
Snyder roiiiitr, I'a.. Iiulaa, Intermarried with
i .a lie llaekenlierit. ol I roxelMlle. Snyder county
I'a.. Iiai Id Mitl.lli'-war'h "I ripavcrtono. isny-
ih r eoiintv. I'n.. Kohlaoti .Mlddleawarth of Ilea.
vrr Snrlnirs'. Mnidcr rountv I'a.. I ranUlln Mid
dli iwartli, Ileal cr Spring", Snyder county, I'a.,
an I Kuulieu iMIdilleawarlli l lio la now dead hut
leavea to aurvlve him the followlni rhlhlron,
via: Mai(Kle Intermarried with John J. Kraln
ot Uouncll lllulla, Iowa. Kllen Intermarried with
Illnkle olSt John, l.ak county Indiana
Charlea Mlddleawartli of Moroen. Newtan Co..
I ml.. Smith MhMleawaiili, Hemhiuton, Jaaper
eoiiniy, lnd a minor and ha lor hla guardian
Moaea recht nl ilcawrtown, Snyder county,
You are horohv rltod to he nml nppeiir ta'fore
thojiplgea of oiir Orphiina't' nil orphiiiia'
Court to In- held at Mlddlehtirgh. oti the 41 It Mon
day of Sep. A. II. Ishu nl u o'clia-k In the fore
noon, then nml then- toacoopt or refuse to take
the IteiU Kstntoof anld Haiiucl Miiurer dis-enaeil
nt the appraised valuation put upon II liy an In
uuest duly awnnleil by the aald court, and re
Inrnisl hy the Sheriff nf aiitd i-ontity, or show
eiiiiho why the same should hot lie Mold. And
heriKif fall not.
W'ltnesa Ule Hon. Joseph I". Ilucher. Ksqulre,
I'reHldenl of our said Court.-ut Mlddlelmrgh,
this At h davof.lmie A. l m.
W. W. w i I I KNMYKlt, I'mtiry.
jlliddlcburi; illarkct
I'ittcd cherries
llnpittt't! "
UuHpberrie 1'J
Onions 40
Lard 1
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 7
Sitl ?
Honlilc 1U
Hani 12
Thirty-two yean praotlea,
traetlng a apeolalty.
Filling and ex-
From the N. Y. World.
Tin sicjiiiliciinco of t lit vot on
prohibition in Pennsylvania last
Tuesday is yreut and cncounitfinj,'.
Tho defeat of the prohibitory amend
ment was not unexpected, but the
enormity of the majority n-jainst it
is a complete surprise.
Such a majority can only have
been cast w ith the aid of tho greater
part of the temperance peoplo of the
State, and tho fact that they havo
helped to defeat prohibition in
Pennsylvania, as thry did in Massa
chusetts and New Hampshire, shows
conclusively that even nnioii the
most unt'ompronusine; teetotallers
tho folly and futility of prohibition
as a remedy for intemperance aro at
last clearly recognized.
It is easy to seo how great a gain
for rational temperance legislation
this is when we relied that in all the
unsuccessful attempts that havo
been made to impose a just and
reasonable restraint upon tho liquor
traflic defeat law been mainly the
work of the Prohibition representa
tives of tho temperance sentiments.
lo.iani AOKNTS WANTKK lit mire to sell the
otilv Authehtlct'oiiipleiv and lirnphlo
l'Kok'ISKl.Y ll.l.rsTUATKI)
with views of nil sorts connected with the ter
rlhlo scenes ol the Illicitly lliumliilliili. Iviltio.
loo pages price f I..MI. l.lls-riil Terms. 1 nous.
iimls Want II. Iiiinaiiil la Immense. Solid
itilcklv ;l'. forouint to. I. W. KiM'ler tin, ,',i)
( hesll'illl Street, I'llllildelplllll, I'll.
A. K. tilrT. T. H. II A li 1 1 li.
(HIT it HAUTE 11
Real Estate Agents,
Have tint following special biirgainsto
offer :
A valuuhte lariii, aituulcln Franklin tnwnahlp,
Snyder county, I'u., mar Pa lonvllle, a' mllei
w'"t ol MhHIchiiriih. couuty-aeal ol Snyder Co.,
ContiiltiliiK HI Ai'rca, "6 a crea clear and on
drrxood ciilllvutliili, tlie halauce lie acrea III tllu
her and under lencv, milking K'sjd pasture land
with never lulling runnlna walar on II. There
am I nricr lullhia aorliuia on the idiire, one ol
which la near the huildmaa Nearly every fluid
liua wuter lor alis'k. Tine la a icood grain, hay.
and pii'luru turin, well cali-ula'cd lor a (lock
larni. 'l'hcru are llmeatone on lha place, ulao
avall.ihlii water power. The huildinK are Kimd,
and Koad Irult. Church, School and Market
within hull a tnlleol the turin. I'rlce tii per
aore, on eaay terma ot payment.
i.imiii Kahm Knit si.k. Situate In Mldilhrrcok
toH iishlii. Sn. tier count v. near the S. fi I.. Hall-
road. coiitiiliiliiK '.To At'HKS. lnf which Is clear
I ami under n high stale ot cultivation, tho linl
nnce in giasl tlnilM-r, iiearlv nil under fence, w II li
r ii mil mr wuter In every held, rendering It an ex
celleiit Mia k mill iriiiln (arm. A iriaal atone
lloiiseaud Itain mid other out hHlhtlliga In giaal
repair. The t .till i la ha'ali'd within ofn mile
ol a riilload Matlou, nidi church and School
convenleiii. li s u Hiilahlo pnineriy, very pult-
llcly located mid could Int divided Into two
larius. price tut per ucro on easy terma.
BuyWe sell or cxehnnge, advertise
mill survey property, nml convey
titles. We gimrutitee all our work
and invite parties who have real es
tnte tortile market to miiiress
Middleburgh, I'a
lltipt tire cure gtiarauteeil by Dr. J
M. Mayer, Arch St.. Plill a Pa.
Kane at once, no operation or buis
ness delay. Thousands cured' S.for
circula. tf.
Al in ost as Palatable as ffl 1 1 k
So dlagnlaed (bat It oa'i 'n tnbeu,
illrnteil,aad aaalmllatert '. en tuoat
aeualtive atouiach, wheu tiiv .'oala oil
l aunot be tolerated and by the com
lilnutlon of tba oil with the byo.
pnoaphltea la math mora elUcaetoua.
armirkable u a Ifth prodnrrr.
I'mous fulu rapidly while taking U
.lOOTT'B EMULSION la acknowledged by
ri .j. ui.iiia to be the Flneat and lleat prvpara
ti .u tu the world (or the relief and cure ol
Th great remedy far Consumption, and
rr um in i uaren. csota oy uu imiggisu.
LMI ffi
liealcra in
1. 1 MKI.U.
SlIINtil.F.S. I.AT1!
Htc. Suiniiles of our work can be seen
in most ntiy part of hnyiler county.
I wttiitiir but hrst-cl'iss lumber useil,
and all work prepared by the most
skilled workmen with the latest 1 1 it
proved machinery. I'riaenalwuyg the
lowest. AildreD
"Watsontswn Planing Hill Co.,
0-1-W, ly, ntsontown, ra,
For a Superior i;rade of shelf and hea
vy Jlurdware It is always best to
go to old and reliable Houses
who have a reputation
to sustain. Such Is
For liiiiil ail Reliable Oil
Mcii'h Over Coats from 2.50 to 13 oo
Youths " " 2.23 to 10 oo
Children " " 1.50 to 3.75
Mens Suits from 3.50 upward
IJovs " " " 3.00 "
Chihlren " " 1.00 to 5.00
IMen'fl Underwear from 20c up
Men's.Youths and Boys Caps from 5c up
" " " Hats 15oun
Silk Tics, Mufllers, IIandkcrclucfn,
Neck Ties very cheap and lino quality.
Shccp-skin, Buck-skin, Cloth and Kid
Cloves, Kubber poods, largo stock of
confections and Holiday goods of every
description. Will positively not be un
dersold. Thankful for past favors, would re
pectfully solicit a continuance ofpa-
1889. Spring and Summer. 188
Wo are now prepared to show you an varirtr
n Giils,liis,(;riCBi
In Dry (loods wo havo an elegant line of Coiiiliint
Suitings, Ladies' Cloth, Satines,
A Variety of Wash Dress Gooi'
Scotcli Zenhvi Cloth
.Ncav Calicoes,
Century Clotli,
H Into J)icsG"
Iron, Nails, Steel.
Leather, Paints, Oil. Coach
Saddler Ware. Manufacturer of
Stoves and Tinware.
The followlni; Blanks will always be
found on hand at tliol'osT 1'rintlnx
Ore Leases,
Dlauk KeleiiHes,
Constable Sales,
Justices' Duns.
I'ertilk'nteg of Scholarship.
Juclrfeiui'iit Exemption Notes,
Tax Notices,
Justice' Bonds,
Financial Statement on School Hoard
"&a &c, ko. AU blauk not on hand
will bujpromptly printed to order.
An Elegant Line of Cassimerea
Laces, and Embroideries.
itylisli ac
Well Md
1 still continue in tbe MercLaDt Tailoring bueincBB uitbrc
Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa
and take this means of informing tbe people of Snyder countr,
have on band a well selected stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.,
and bamplcs from tho best and most reliable New Ycrk and Fbi j
bouses, and will sell lower tuan ever. Catting, Cloaniug, Itepmntf
inrr and Seoul incr done on short notice.
Not. ltf. E. b. li:
It would do your heart good to go ami tbe
lock of Spring 600
Freidman & Getz Beavertowa
They havef returned from the Eastern Cities and now have tlif1'
(rroau under the weight of lry Ooodu, Groceries, (leuta .r"r,i'"J,
t'lothintr, htruw llut. wool Hats, Jloots and Hhoes, larte line of J
Notions, &o. I hey show the greatest assortment ami prein"'
ever saw. Their
Goods is all New and Fre
and Is r.ot the accumulation of years. They are not shelf -orD,'
en aud streaked with dust, llerldes, they are I
Ne fH m verva il
vUMeajp inn iMvevyiun
and offer you prices that almost challenge belief wheu ooiurrv' '
you are compelled to pay at other stores.
Do Not Hesitate in Going
at once and. see just bow much finer and cheaper their gooui
ouiiuod run. '