6hf pWebnjfi Published evry Thursday. T- H. BARTER Editor and Propnetor. Subscription $(1.50 per year. Thursday, Juno 20, 188. Prohibition Waterloo Pennsylvania Ooes Hell Bent for Whiskey and Little Schneider Wants Her Schnapps. TneState200,000Wel! Tin proposed nmcmlinrnt to the Constitution of lYntiHylvania, pro hibiting tlio manufacture or sale of intoxicating liiiuor, was overwhelm inxly defeated by the people of tlie Htntc ut the special election held Tuesday. Tim majority ajjainst the prohibi tory iinicinlineut will reach IMO.OM. In Philadelphia the Prohibitionists polled no more thnn lfi.017 voteH, while l(Ht,r(i;i votes were polled against tin; niiiendment, making the adverse majority in the city j;,54l. Tlie Prohibitionists hud hoped to ov ereoinethis vote in the ruraldiKtiicts but they were grievously disappoint ed. Eve ry county counted uh doubt ful wan swept into the nnti-proliibi-tion whirlpool, nnd the State will go 200,iM HI against tlie amendment. Snyder county given a modest majority of 1412 against the amend ment, which doubles the expecta tions of the most sanguine anti -pros hibitionists. The SulVruge Amendment is sup posed to have carried in the State. The trial of Dr. McDow, libertine and murderer, who shot Colonel Dawson, of the Charleston Xew ami Courier, in progressing in that city this week, and we are assured by a correspondent that notwith standing the evidences of his guilt are overwhelming he will not be found guilty, because "it is not the fashion to hang white men in Char leston." Tho insinuation of course course being that if McDow was it negro ho would be hung without doubt. That is unquestionably true. It would have been sufficient to se cure the hanging, even if no more than a suspicion of the murder of so distinguished a citizen as Colonel Dawson had been excited against a colored man. Hut we shall see if protection can be found in Charles ton for the Murderer McDow, in the lace of all the brutalities attending the case. If he cannot be convicted and hung, as it is quite clear he oimht to be, wherein consists the virtue of the government by white men in that State .' And would it not be vastly better that the colored majority should assume the control to which it is entitled by its superior numbers? There is nothing spec ially sacred in the white skin of a thief, a libertine, or a murderer, in any other State of this Union, and it is difficult to understand why such should be the case in South Carolina. Put we hope the trial will reveal the fact that the correspond ent was mistaken, and that McDow may be convicted and hung, as ho ought to be. the settlements of the ar must . i . .. .1 i l. .. it . -t i t i. mhiiii ii inr iiiiieiiiie tiecree HI a Nation of Freemen. They must not i l e il - i no siioru oi uuir iorce under any pretext whatever, but must be ac quiesced in freely in every part of the Republic, without reservation or voidance or evasion. It must not bo equality and justice in tho writ ten law only. It must be equality and justice in the law's administra- i : .1. j ii i ,i . nun evci.vw uere. uur DiacK allies must neither bo deserted nor for . .i. 1 1 '. i t sahcn. j,cry rigm secured Uicin 1... 11. . i . i . A . . - . . 1 uy i ue .onsii union must lie as surely given to them as though God had put upon them faces tho color of tho Anglo-Saxon race. They fought fur tlie ! lag in the war, and that lag, with all it represents and stands for, must secure them every constitutional right in peace Against those who fought on the other side in that great conflict wo have no resentment. For the in wo have no bitterness. Wo would impose upon them no punishment wo would inflict upon them no in- dignity. They are our brothers We would save them even from hu miliation. But I'll tell you what wo insist upon, and wo will insist upon it until it is secured, that the settle ment uiudo between Grant nnd Leo at Appomattox, and which was af terward imbedded in the Constitu tion of the United States, Khali be obeyed and rejected in every part of this Union. More we have never asked, lens we will not have. Be yond that step we have never ad vanced, short of it we cannot stop. Justice nnd rcighteousncss plant us there. And "right is might nnd truth in God," and wo might just as well remember now that God puts no nation in supreme placo that will not do supremo work, and God puts no nation in Hupremo placo which will not meet tho supremo duty of tho hour. Decoration Day Ad- dretn of Major McKinley, of Ohio, at Metropolitan Opera House, Xeir York: Romance of the War. By the death of Charles yiske, which occurred nt Wichita, Kansas, last week, a very interesting case is brought to light. Thirty-five years ago, a Jiiuliuo, .!., no fell in love with his cousin, Harriet Fiske, but she rejected his suit nnd married Albert Stage. A few years of hap py married life ensued, and Stage went to war and was heard of no more. Fiske, having accumulated wealth in Colorado, again renewed his suit and with more success, for Mrs. Stage, thinking her husband dead, married her cousin. They came to Wichita and lived very happily until the son of Albert Stage, learning the mystery of his father's life, deter mined to solve it. After several years' search he found his father alive in Florida. A correspondence was opened, w hich resulted in tho return of Stage and his marriage a second time to his wife. After this separation Fiske went abroad, but returned a year afterwards broken in health and purse. His former wife found him and took him home, where he received the tenderest care ft ml warmest sympathy from both his wife and her first husband until his death. Deserved A Divorce. A divorce case in which the hu morous clement largely predomi nates was that of Mabel Rupp and Samuel Rupp, tried in Wayne, Mich igan, Circuit Court tho other day. Tho charge was a species of cruelty. Rupp was of an exceedingly jeal- ouu disposition, and in order to in suro himself of his wife's fidelity was accustomed to mako her get down on her knees daily, and some times almost hourly, nnd repeat the formula : "I swear an oath on my heart and on my children's hearts that I hope the devil take us nil if I have done anything wrong." "Why did ho make those vows 1" asked the court. "Well, he would bring men home and introduce them to me, but I lidu't dare lift my eyes to look at them. When they were gone he would hiss through his teeth : "Well, did you look at 'em V "No," I'd say. "Yes, you did." "No, I lidn't." "Take the oath." "Then I'd have to get dow n and repeat that same old oath that I hadn't even looked at his friends. A decree was gradted. Facts AboutjBabies. In the course of a icture deliver ed in New York the iher day a dis tinguished female ihysician said that tho inability of a- baby to hold up its head wan not die to the weak ness of the neck, but flie lack of de velopment of its will'l power. The act of standing was instinctive and initiative, while facial expression and gesture were due Mmost wholly to imitation. u A baby's smile, she sad, was the most misunderstood n'mg in in iancy. a real sniue mtkt Lave an idea behind it, but thil expression resembling n smile, wbifli is so of ten seem on a very y img baby's face, was without an idV and was due to the easy condition of the stomach or to some othkr physical satisfaction. The sniilh with an idea does not nppear uulier than the fourth week. So, tot, with the crying of a baby. The contortion of the features is duetto physical causes. The baby shfds no tears, because the lachrymal glands arc not developed for sevelal weeks af ter birth. The chief pl-asuro of all children is to change fifni one con dition to another by tljeir own ef forts. This is the begirding of the development of tho will-power, and is often attested in w ui,t has been called tho "imperative ntention of tears.', This is not disponed until after the second or thirO month. A baby tests every tuing by its mouth, its sense of tastt being the surest and most reliable 'ruido it has. Tho attention of all youig children is difficult to attract auQ they must attain considerable age Before they t a a mi I egiu io nonce, men colors and sounds are most poteitinl". Fear has been known to bo "manifested by a baby only three wees old, and, in all cases, the sensatioi'iis produc ed by sound more tlianjby sight. Children of luxurious an carefully guarded homes uro ulmst wholly without fear, but the iiildren of poor and exposed parens always manifest in. Jealousy nn 'sympathy begin to manifest themselves in the second year. Curiosity iso begins to develope here nnd pro-is to be a self-feeder throughout Lild-hooiL little later the ego begbs to ap pear, and tho baby has th I first con sciousness of itself. ThAcgo first appei-8 as a muscular sense and tho infant gradually learns to distinguish itself from surrounding objects. It is first the hand that is ditinguished, und then the foot, and fi ially the whole body. Memory dos not np pear before the child is 2 years of age. All the reasoning of children is primitive and elemental and de velops slowly. Darvm noticed an association of ideas in th : mind of his child when it was. only five months of age. The lecturer relat ed experiences of babies with the fust view of mirrors, an4 showed that their actions under tho new conditions were similar to those of anthropoid apes and dogs inderlike conditions. Making Fire. It is always a matter of interest in an unknown laud to laid out how tho natives produce fire. The South Sea natives do so by tho fric tion of dry hibiscus wood a pointed stick rubbed into a slot is their method. The Fuegans strike two pieces of pyrites into scrapings of berberice stems. The Gaucho of tho rumpus, with an elastic stick of about eighteen inches, presses one end against his chest and tho other end pointed in a piece of dry wood, then turns rapidly the bow, us in days gone by drilling holes was accom pnsnou ; uui jsornoe is moro scien tific and carries tho palm. Prof. Farady referred in a lecture to the production of tire by compressed air. in isoroe, a wim tribe, or cu nous habits tho Kyans, in Sara wiik have always done so with kind of popgun. Lord Eiphiustone has a very lino specimen in his col lection, and the British Museum has iwo, out ironi otner parts ; one Sumatra, from Fort Vanda, Capella, a very beautiful specimen, with tin dcr-box on top, and carved in bluck horn ; and another from Burmah, in tho north part of Irrawaddy River, Kachyen district. DIED, On tho 17th inst. in Centrevilla Margaret, wile ot Georgo Hart man aged 41 years. Juno 7, in West Beaver, Reuben Koch, aged 71 years, 2 months and 24 days. Juno 8, near Troxolville, Abraham Kaufi'man, aged 67 years, 5 months and 7 days. Notice to Heirs. Iluiltal Krumllra. Wim! itrt' Uii'V Tim irrowlh of IMfllltfrncTln nii'illi'ul unit lent Iiiim irH i'ii rise iidi'iiiiiiiil fnr n i'Ihkn l tri'iiiiliii. ri'lliilili- nii'illcli.n. Tint i mrtuiilfy oi tin1 hniuruiil (mark, wm en-w rich (luiini: cuTylliliiK mil otuMtiKl" x Hi-Iiiih nawt. .-.i. .. r.i.i..,t r.. imfi. .... nj ...in i.'iiiiiiii iiim lis) of rt'inrilli'K Iiiih U'i ii rri'iitt-O. ('lie? urn ilm fiivinllc im-M-i'liHIiiiiH ( the imwl Itiiiiiim Inndl nil priK'lllloniTM til tin' (lay, triilhi vl friilu I lit ii!ismuiih oi Liuiiiiin, i-iiiii, iM-rim uui YH-nnik. lTr)'riiiniiH wnirn com, uiu pin ijhm or uicw mmh'IiiIMh In im .'. to tliK). uro lien otTt-rol. Iirv- Uiiri'd mill ri'iuly Mr ii- ut the nonluul nrli ti of oik1 dollar i'hcIi, Not one) of them tt a I'liro nil ; m il inn- Iiim only I lie n-uwinuoli- x ir ot curing it Hint; illxrithc unit i-iicli onu Icimjm tH conlrm i. SiiflrivrNfroin Culurrli. DImmumiI Lilvint, Ilromiil- Us, Astliiiui.rniiHiiiiiini.nl. ItliPiiiiiiw sin. Dvkih'P- Hlu, l.lvcr unit Kidney t'oiiiiiliilnu, Kever and Anne, Nriirultftu. Ki-inalo Wcukuiw, Lenoirr Un a. or NiTvuiiH Ih lpiniy. Kliniilil wild Hlauip fur tlfHt-rtiMvp ciilalnuiiti to llit-pUil KcnitMly Co., No. :HWv Went KlntfSt., Tortnto, Canada. If your di'iiuirlst (Ioch mil kii n Hiwh rcniiMllin rcuilt in-let) mal wu will wnd dlrtvl flee of duty. lo tilt ftnt of Hanrjr (lerhnrt. Ute of Ontri I I ow nip, 7i t:nni)r, r. oe 11. T WMIImn Ofrhart of Mlllroy. ).. Jn Oerhrt of I'eatra townhlp, Hnyilur ;o.. r. Hgnn (Mrhtrt, Intrrmur fled Willi Hanry Hf of Franklin tnwnnliiii, Snyil(r Co. I'D., Amelia, In-ti-rniarrlril with Am on Prtrr ol Mnrhfll, Kal himr county Mlnlilifan, t'alharlne inlfroiamod with Ramiivl Harkanlinnc nl licllrti. Sandmkjr ivmnly. Ohio, .fane Intrrinarrlnd with Hanry Wolf, of Iwlhunr, t'nlon rounijr, fa. fora () art-art who la now daad lint laaraa to aurrlra hlra lh foll.iwlnir rhllilrrn via: Amanda Inter married with Wllaon Muacr of Meil-o Juniata runntr, I'a. Starr Interuiarrlrd wllh Joaaph II allay of lUa, ItmUe rnuntv, Nahnuka. Sarah (lerhart Intfrmarrlnd with ll. M. Alaiamlrro Smtroy. Yrntura ounty. Calllurtila. Hannah Ofthart and laaae itaihart ol Irf-wlhurK. I'a. th laat irare minora and hava for thvlr Rnar dlan Adam It. Walter of r'ranklm township, Snyder county, I'a Yon ara hereby clte.1 to l and appear before the Joiljiea of our Orphana" t'ourt. at an Orphana Court tu ha del;: at JMIddletiurph, en the 4th Monday of it HI,. A, 1). laatt nt V o'elook In the loranmm, then and there to except ar relnae to take the Heal luiteol fald Klltaoeth Ship. Ion, dee'd, at the apimled valuation put up on It hy an lniiM-a: duly awards I hy the fald Court, and returned hy the .sin-rill ol ald roan ty, or ahow rauae why the mine aliould not be fnfd. And hereof fall net. Wltnen the lion. J. C. Ilueher President ot our mid Court at Mldoleburuli, thin Cth day ol June, A. I), lain. W. W. WlTTKNMTfcK, I'roth1; Notice t5 Heirs. In the ratate ot Moo Miilillenwarth, lato of Heaver townalilp, Knyiler eoiniiy, ra. ToKIIra MIcMleawarth. widow, Ner H. MUl lleawarlh ol Dven". Iowa, Mary, Intermar ried with Jonathan Leaner of lilyvllle. W ap. plow eounly. Iowa. uiheriiie. Intermarried with Milton I'ul I. ol Frederick, Monroe eonaty, I own. Archie .Mlddl-.irlli. ol lli.tvertown, iSnyder county, l'a liuia, inturiiiarried with lan'ae Haekenlteru. ol Truielvllle, snydercounty. I'a., Ihtvld Mldilleawarth d Mi avertown, Nny dcr eonnly, l'a linhlron Mldilleawarth of Hea ver Kprlnir. Snyder county I'a.. Franklin Mid dli iwarth, Denver Sprlne;, Snyder county, I'a., an t Keuhen Mlddleawarlli v ho la now dead bul Iravea lo aurvlve hi in the lollowlua clilMrn, via: MaKKle Intermitrdrd with John J. Fraln ol Council 111 ii Hi-, Iowa. F.llen Intermarried with Illnkle ofMt John, l.ako county Indiana Charlea MliMleawarth oi Moriien. Newtan Co.. I nil.. Smith MliMleawarth, ItcinlnKton. Jaaper county, lnl. a minor ami haa lor till iruardlan Moan $pvclit ol Ucavcrtown, Snyder county, I'a. You an1 hereby rlloil to la- nnd npix'iir N'fure the JiiiIl-ch of uur Oriilninn I'onrl.nt mi orphnlia' Court to lie held at Mldilleliiirtfh. on I In' till Mon day of Sep, A. I), ihhu at. 9 o clock in the fore liiKin. then mid then' to accept or refnwe to take the Heal KifulAof nall liaiiiii-l Maiircr ricci'UMcd, ut the appraised valiiullun put upon It by an In line duly awarded by llie hhIiI t onrt, and re liirniil by the sheriff of Mild eonnty, or Hhow ciiiiho wliy the kumv wliould not buHold. And hereof fall Hot. Wltneaa the Hon. Jowph c. lluelier. Ksqulre, PreHldent of our wild Court, at Mlddli liurli. tlllH 6tll liny of.llllie A. 1). im. W. W. Win KNMYKIt. l'rotiry. Middlchiir: Market Hutter 12 Kifirs 12 Pitted cherriett 8 UnnittPtl " 3 Hluckberries tl UuHpberries 12 Onion- 40 Lard 9 Tallow 4 Chicken per lb 7 Turkeys 8id 7 Sonld 10 Ham . 12 H .F.Van Boskikk, dentist, SKLINSGKOVE, PA. praellce, Thirty-two yeara tractlnif a specialty Filling anj ex-X Kupture cure guaranteed by Dr. J H. Mayer, m Arch !St., Phil a I'a. Kane at once, no operation or buis iieBg delay. Thousands cured' 8.for elrcula. tf. THE WATSONTOWN KMKKI AfiESTM WANTKD at ohm to aell the only Authentic Complete and .iritplilo HISTORY OF THE JOHNSTOVN FLOOD- 1'HOFl'SKI.Y ILLl'STKArED with vlewK of nil aorta connected vith the tor- rtble HceiieH of the inlirlity limn littlou. l'Jino. 400 IMik'cH I'rlce ).M). I.IU nU 'I trum. TIuiiih. auua want it. ih-inuiiu ih iinm-iw. bnil ipilckly He. for t Kit tit to. I. W. Kcucr 4 Co., 61 t'lifhluitl Slicel, l'lillaileliuin, I it. A. K. OIFT. T. H.HARTER. (11 FT &HAUTEK Real Estate Agents, Have the following special bargains to offer : A valuuMe larm, altuate In Frnuklln townnhlp, Snyder county. I'a., near Pal tontille, ti ml lea wokI ol MiddleliurKh, county-aeatol Snyder Co., containing in ncrea, io a erea clear ami Ull der uood cultivation, the halauce JCoorea In tlio bor and uudor lence, maklua Km1 paature land with never litillnii runnina water on II. Tkere are 4 never lailinic aiirlnaa on tin place, one of ttinon ta near ilia nuibiuiKa nearly every hold baa water lor atia-k. Thii ia a iiooil kralu, hay. and paalure lariu, well oaloulatod for a atock lurin. There ure llmoatone on the pluee, a I no avuilahln water power. The liuiktiDK" are Kood. and uoed Irult. Church, School and Market within half u uiileol the larm, I'rlce oi ier aerc, on eaay terma of payment, tiiwiii Kakm Fok Sai.k. siHiuteln MUldlorreek UiwIlHhlll. Snvdereolinlv. near I lie H A I.. Hull. road, coiituln'lnif TiO At'lt Es, t which Ih clear und under a IiIku aUile til i-iiiUvullon. the bal ance In Rood tUiibei', nearly all under lence. with ruiinliiif water In every field. routHiinu It an ex cellent ntuck anil irraln farm. A koimI atone llouhe and llarn and oilier out bUdliiiH In good repair. Tho fariit Ih located within V of a mile ofarulloiul Hiatlou. with Church and school convenient. It iHaaitlablo proinu'ty, very piiu- lldy located nnd could bo divided into two farina, i'rlce ui put acre ou cany Uiitoh. eojrWe sell or eiehange, advertise and survey property, Aud convey titles. We guarantee all our work and invite parties who bave real es tate for the market to add rem GIFT & HAKTEIt, Middleburgb,Pa MM Ml liealerx in M'.MIIKK, lUI.I.STrKF, Fl.oimN(J. SI DIM J. tsritllOAHDS. FKNC'INO, S1IINUI.KS, I.AT11 DOORS. BLINDS, Fit A mi:. -MOLI.DIXGS Ktc. Saiunles of our work can be seen in most any part of Hnytlor county. -Nottiinir but urHt-clitsH lumber used. aud all work preparetl by the most skilled workmen with the latent im proved machinery. Price always the it:wepi. miureiot Ttfatsontown Planing 1-Iill Co., 0-1-8!), 1y, WatHontowti. Pa. IUI ill ardivare For a Superior rade of shelf and hea vy Hardware It Is always best to go tooltl ami reliable llotises who haveareptitation to sustain. Such is HE AD QUARTERS i For lliil ail Reliable Oil Men's Over Coats from 2.50 to 15 on Youths " " 2.25 to 10 00 Children " " 1.50 to 3.75 Mens Suits from 3.50 upward lov8 " " 3.00 Children " " 1.00 to 5.00 Men's Underwear from 20c nn Men's, Youths and Boys Caps from 5c un " Hats " 15c tin Silk Ties, Mufflers, Handkerchief Xeck Tics very cheap and lino quality! Sheep-skin, Muck-skin, Cloth and Ku (1 loves, Kubbcr gooda, largo stock of confections and Holiday goods of every description. Will positively not ho un dersold. Thankful for past favors, j would re pect fully solicit a continuance of pa. onoge. Gils' MallG (Mill Hi itliif MIDDLEBURGH, PA. 1889. Spring and Summer. 188s Wo are now prepared to show yon an immense varim casontistblle ii GBiis,lis,(;iicraii In Dry (loods wo have an elegant lino of Coml.init Suitings, Ladies' Cloth, Satincs, A Variety of Wash Dress Good;' Scotch Zcnhvi Cloth iScw Calicoes, Centurv Clotli. White J)rcss(W istnwn Pa UWlUWllUUii JJU IIIUIU llllt I Ui Iron. Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oil, Coach aud Saddler Ware. Manufacturer of Stoves and Tinware. BLANKS ! The following Hlaukswill alwaysbe found on hand at tho Post Printing office. Ore Leases, Wank lteleases, Apreements, Constable Sales, Warrants, Kxecutions, Subptenas, Juntiees' Duns. Certificates of Scholarship. Judgement Exemption Notes, Tax Notices, Justice Bonds, Affidavits, Summonses. Financial Statement on School Board "&o &o, &o. All blank not on hand will ui-ipromptiy printed to order. An Elegant Line of Oassimere juaces, ana Embroideries. IPinsitacDass (Groceries! SOHOGH BROS., Selinsp tylisli an We Bll Mad DdDUlliil! 1 still continue in the Merchant Tailoring business with rocu Eby's Corner, Selinsgrove, Pa. and take this means of informing the people of Snyder county, !'' nave on nana a wen eeiccieti eiocs: or Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and bamplea from the best and mo6t reliable New Ycrk and Tbili bouses, and will sell lower than ever. Catting, Cleaning, Repiricg, mg anti bcouring done on snort notice. Not. ltf. E. E, BU It would do your heart good to go and tlie Stock of Spring Ooo AT Freidman & Getz BeavertownJ Thev havelreturned from the Kastern Cities and now have tlifir prroau under the weight of Dry Uoods, (irocerles, Gents l-'urnMii""'''! i lotliinn, straw Hats, wool Huts, lioots aud Shoes, large line oi i'rf" Notions, io. They show the greatest assortment anti prettiest aty ever saw. Their Goods is all New and Fresi and is not the accumulation of years. They are not shelf worn,mj' en and streaked with dust. Berides, they are (Clucap inn D3veu'yfliin and offer you prices that ulmost challenge belief when compared to '1 you are compelled to pay at otner stores. Do Not Hesitate in Going at once andisee just how much finer and cheaper their goodi 1 onituou run.