OOD HAVR TUB COMMON WEALTFt. Brief Tom Hatisa Barick. r.iKvtR Keiinal IIarheb. Em l.lxlitA Moomliivk wore icli om oMu rid.ler.Seiidiipi'lzci- mnera leioiit. -.1.1 fitif Illl-flllilltuW'll Iff Willi' Ullll IIIH-ilM-u .. ahr. simitzaen inohnot uu hcx-hii- jrii h dawk. Si kronkct wore gen Viil anility. Are wore un i richer lerkiirl, un wcil der Hill, hi ansioh iml, nn recliter haiem-skatem is n Ju hit g'liianeil arit date i-Mics i Hi willn ilo fer ile knrrirli. Uff sell p Leu sc iier pon n grccked far ene iu forgriiwvft, uu no we o ilcn oik ml uf g'hovvii lien, ln-ilsht 'h unlit lira nulla. Won ich tier FriiMcr it ho gate gn-ktnt lift ilon liet ich i gluwht ai'' ware niiteiii Kristoful olumbiM uff 'm liiieha waugn tch am liimnifl, ftwpr wcil are ucli in ilT lawil wore bin it'll mire In nre ous gonga in we mere otnifr e inissu. Arc wore far tswonsig hr ni t in ilor karricli g'west uu lit aw nix giwu tsum porra. Ich nsc net t-b he en in tier hiiiniicl eckeil hen oiler net, awe r ich hob r Polly g'suwkt-il wons fern iicmht r cue nuffhava lon ilate ichs riska it nine. Si'w illa in iiochilcihoiul If g'nioihcil warra uns hut nix Vawked wapi iler karrich. Siihlcr lite iienioinl inao ilrowera. Are Ut ie hoo, fier geil un ocht-un- hvonsig nticli rinsfoe fer ilrowera kersiue "haine-gaen." Noch tier Icht mil ms oil nuch iuii houKo tsu bngii far uiiJilawk. Eh wore ga- Stik ilart far an regiment feeilra, en hut an gonso arimn g'essu. ill woro nuch feel ivverich, un ile ill Krilo wvo helfa hut 'u midilaw k a bisncHH tail runna hut mich in keller-kieh groofa un hut g'nawk es wara nuch lots ivverich un ich t an Hhnitz-boy init liame neinnia r de Polly. Ich hob an copy fun r Post im nock g'hot un hob 'h us for 'h uni der boy du, un hob ir Sail g'sawt weil do tzeitung ho (osh in inaig't ho iner yusht ho goot ich aner dertzu du, un don bin tuft' der hamo waig. .... ?i 11 , er we icn uernaine awtraiami hut de Polly ainohl era luuinuug iwa. So hut bi haw pt do leit setta h Hheiiniia uieila weit on ho'h leich Ki gie yusht for rich rccht fill tzu VxNrt, un Hei fun mch niaucha. aim do h it ennii her renpect hetta ue fomeila un freinilshaft fun Lloda don duita ho do leicht tenda inoniiecrlicha nu nsha un grawd uiie gie, 'n yeiuhiH on si eagncr dish f ni iniddawg eHsa. Awer oh 'h 'n pud iH oh do leit oh 'n leich im piHO hen tzu all dein extra troovel kiishtu du for do goiiH nochber- ft noch tzu feedcra beHiden. r recht iiawina for ho 'n h ich wirr prossy fri'SHerei frolic for do noch rshuft. Ich limn now aw confcHHii I ' mich dinkt do Pollv hot about ilit. Awer ch war evva doch 'u A 1 bully gooty lficht.undoh nmwir Polity denka un sawga wan ho OIh Widder, HoONASTEIL. I . li'AMsui'iia. Never had the water ho iiign us iluring the hint 1. Much property in damaged, great inconvenience in in our t. We ft.fl thankful that at it one train iiiovoh along the line. P'yof our farmers loHt heavily. iHUi hin tho will of the Lord. t nmu Hhould reap tho howu. f lie Iikmiu orniKxl mmic iimralH may trln. kmiw uot uurend Ihtu below, h i"l In liUwlwIom hihI clorioiis way, p w UiuUe lbs to reulLu? Ills xiw,t h blow . 3ie closing exercinoH of the Ad- jbui g Normal School will be held jho Lutheran church, Saturday. r i-. t l.M. An excellent iriaia will bo prepared. All in- jr. High Smiih'H very lino house IpI'iiUy approaching completion, uoctor has everything made to Iiih eoiivenieuco and good taste. " Summer term of the AdaniH- formal School will ojienjuly f t a.u t'ontinue Hix weeks. Co. K nntendent 1 lerman will bo pres. t nTt1twodHyB of ewh week w m lecture on the Kcieuco and ' Jl education and aHsist in the k m general Mr. Herman in a Uav' du,cator, and it goes with tHaying that he will make the interesting to teachers. t M nl)lpnr to thr mjitlrrtiinnM of flip Hifht 1 iM'ulh nrtlrln of I ho (iiiisiiiiillnii mill In com pllnno" wlili Hip pnvi(ins uf an a'f of flit l'n itM Awmlily. piiIIMimI. -An not prvw-rllnnif IIip fillip ami liiiiniii'r uf !'il nililliiK to thf people fur the nnpmval anil mtltlratin. or rt'leollon, pn tomh( aineiiilini'iitH to the roiiMltutloii," appmv. (Hi the eltrlitli ilav of Mtin'h. A. !.. one fhoiiHnnil clKhl hiinilml anil elKhty-nlne an well aa Inolo (lli'iioe to a writ KhiiciI in piirtunncc thereof anil to me tllreete1 by Jnmen A. Heaver, tlovernor of I ne nnlil i-oniinoimeallh of l'eiinvlrniila, nnilor the jrreat aeal of tlw Htate, nt lliirrlHbiirir. Hie I Mil lav of April, A. !., liM. II la made I lie ilnly of the HlwrllT of every comitv wllliln thla Coin monwenllli loiflve notice m alii t bi l Inn In the usual manlier. Therefore, I Keiila'H )rei-. Illirb SlierKI of theeninly of Snviler. ilo hereby make known ami irlve IhK pulille notlee to the elwlora of tln count v of hiimIit. thai onTnewlav June IH, A. I . an ehi'llon will lie belli In eiu h of the IdwiihIiIim, bnrontrhn, wanla anil ills-trl-ta then-Ill eVahlMied hy law In aalil county for the piirnH! of ileciriinK I'l1"" "ic approval anil ratlllcallon or rejection of aalil ameiKlnient orellherof Ihein, an publiwlieil by the Hecretiirv of the mninionuealili. wlili h milM eliw'tioti aball lie oia-ned, held audi'loacd uimn the day laal afore, aalil al the pbuvaand In thelioura nt and In which the irenrnil elect lona of tbla fommonweallh are directed to lie opened, held and dined, And II Khali la the diltv of the .liit ifea. lnsK-cliin iiml l lerka of eai li of the auld lowiiMilia. iMtrnugliM, wanW, preclncta and dlslrli t to ri-elve at. the anld election wparale tirkela. nllher written or prlii! ml, or piirtlv wrlltcn and partly printed,: from each of the iilalllliHl votera of tbla coiinly who may oirer I lie mime and lodeponll. litem In box or 'lawea to N- for the pmixw. provldeil by the proper oniier. wlileh llckeiashall l print etl Kepcralolv. one l.iln llcd on the oui.ilde rro blbllory Amcndiiieul to Hie count Hut Ion," and on the divide -for the rmhlhliory Amend ment." or "nifalnwt the rniblbliiry Aiiiendment." the oilier labelled on the oillKlde -Hnnnive Amenilmciit to the Constitution" and on the In clde "for the Siifliime Amcndiiieul" or "ttKl'il the Hultniife Auiciiilmeiit." "1'heelis llon on tlx- snd aliii'liiliiienlH shall In nil respecta la conilucted in I lie same milliner as the general clis l Ions In thla ColiiinolineiilMi m e reipilnsl bv law to iN-cotiibii'ted. and the returns thensif Khali la made, oeitlll'sl by the cl.s ilon olllceni ol Ibclr res-ctlve dlsirlcla In the salne manner and al Hie same time an the rclui nsof the (fi'liernl flection. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Y.nrl fwron,i,eptlnit tli ,tutlci of tli and Al.lnrmen, Nntarlcn I'ul.lleanil per toon In th mlll'U rr of th Slt, who hall hold or hall wllhln two month! hv held nv olflranr appolntmont of prollt or truit un der the L'nIUil Stat, or ol thin tt. and rltr or corpornlad dlntrlct, whether tnininl'nloned omrer or otherwbe, a fuiHinllnata otflcer or Knt wao leorihallb employed under the LeidtUtar, Kieouilv or Judiciary Depart ment of tbla State, or of any city or ol any In corporated dintrlut, and aim), that every mem. Iier of i 'enure" ann 01 in niaix i.ainiiuro, and of the lelert or common eouncll of any alty.or oorainlmloncri l any Inoorporateil dla trlot, ere lV law lurapable of boldlnii or tier elulnKat the name tlm the nines or apsdnt mentof JudK. lonpactoror t'lerk nfany elec tion of thla Uoiuiuon wealth. nd that no In pector, Juda-e, or otic r otflcer ol eald elec lion, thall b ellxll'le to bi Itc n voted tcr. Hy the act ol Anaerauiy 01 juiy J iw im aUomado-'lh duty of vry .Mayor, sheriif, Alderman, J natlc of th I'eace, unittile. nt very city, county, towohlp, or district with In thif t'oiuninnweaUd, whenever eallfd upon by anv officer ,l an election, or oy inre quau tli'd elector thereol, to clear any window or innm to the window or avenue to the place of 0nerl hlecllon which thall be obstructed In tucb a way at to prevent toiert iroin ap. proathlnic the lam , and it thall be the duty ol every renpecllv Donntalde of tuch ward, dlttrlct or towonhlp wbliln thit t!on:monwalth to b prenent or by Deputy, at i be place ol boblbiK tl-ctlooi, In tunb ward, oltirlct or townablp.lortbn purpote of preservliiK the prace aa aloreaald." Alao that In the 4th teciion of the act of At embly entitled ' An act relating; to execut ona and other purpotea." approved April lo, iso, It la enacted that the l. renal. I l.ith taction, "hall not be conalrued at to prevent any ml'. tie oltlcer or boruuith othcer Iroin aervluu at Juilve, Inspector or Ulerk at any vneral or apeclal election In thla Commonwealth. Hy an Act ol Amembly approved to 17th day of April. Itxlv, It It enaoiej that at "all eleotlont hereafter held under thelawa of tbla Commonwealth, the pollt thall l, open ed t aeveu o'oloca a. m. and oluied at teven o'clock, p. tn. The Intpectari and Jo. la of th elsctlont thall meet at the reopeotlve placet appointed for holdlnK the election In the dlttrlct to which they retpectvaly belong-, balore teven o'clock In the morning, and each of thme Inapectort lhall aps)lot one clerk who thall he a qualltl d voter ol auch dlatrlet. Th qualified votert of tblt county at all general, townahlp, borouKh and tH-oial lec tion, ar hereby herealter authorized and re queated to vol by ticket! printed or written, or partly printed and partly written varcrally clatalfleil a lollowa : tine ticket thall embrace the nniuea ol all Judaea of i uurtt voted for and to be I a Ih I led ouuldo ".I udlclary : " one tick et ahall embrace the sameaolall Stateofncera voted lor and be labelled 'Stats;' one lb ket aball embrace the nnnie of all County ofllcnra voted fur, Inaluillnv oIIIoh of Senator, member and uiomlert ol Ana. nihly . It vote. I fur, and memberaof Conareaa, If voted for, and be la belled "County i" one ticket ahall embrace tho uaiua of all lownablp ulllci-ra voted for ami be abmb'd "Towiislilp ;" uu tick"! aliall embrace the nan.) a of all boroiiuli orflcera voted lop.1,.1 ble labelled "lioroiiKh." and each claaaaballbe dupoailcd in arjmrate ballot bote. WHtaKAK, The Ktecnlh Amendment of the uoniar.utiuo 01 in 1 uiiu.i Matea la aa fol Iowa : Skctiom J. The rlglit ofclilena of the t'nl ted Stalea lo vote aliall not be denied or a bridged by the Untied Ntatea, or any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of aer-ltude." skction 2. The (Jongreaa shall have power iueniorco iuia uriiui uy appropriate legisla tion. An u WnmirAH, The l'or.gre of the t'nlled State", on the Slut of March, 1h7ii, pasaed an act, entitled "Au Act to enforoe the right ol clliiena ol the I'nited State! to vote In the aev. eral States ol thla I'nlon. and lor other pur. poses. the Brat and second lectloni of which are as lollowa : suction 1. lie It enacted by the Senate and Honaeof Kepresrntatlvea of the I'nited Stales of America in Dongreaa assembled, t hat all eltliene ol the I'nited Sintea, who are, or shall b oiharwlsaqualltled by law to vol at any election by the people, D any Stat, Territory, district, county, oily, pariah, townahlp, school district, municipality or other territorial tub division, thall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections without distinction 01 rac, color, or prevlout condition ol servitude: any Constitution, law, custom, usage or regu lation ol any Stat or Territory, or by, or un der Ita authority, to the contrary notwlth-itandlog. Suction 2. And be It further enacted. That 1 oy or uooer iue auinority, or the Uonalltu tloo or lawt of auy Sts'e. or the Imoi ... Territory, any act It or thall be required to b uouv mm m irerequ!Biie ur quaiincallun or Vot ing, and by auch institution or laws, persona or oltlcere are or shall be chnrgrd villi th per lormanceol duties In lurnMhlng lo oitltens an opportunity to perlurm such preroqulslt or to become iualllid to vot.t. It shall both duty of very tucb parson and oltlcer to give to all cltlient of the I nlte l states, th tame and quel opportunity to perlorui tucb nrere.iul. lite and to beoome qualified to vote without uisiiDoiioii 01 race, color or prevlout eondltlun 1 1 servitude ; and 11 any such person or oltlcer ohall refuse or knowingly omit to kivo full el leot to thla section, he thall, lor every audi of fence, forlelt and nay the sum ol itva hon.lr,i dollars to th person aggrieved thereby, to be iu,imuj,uiuutin ouiueoaa, with lull eoeta and auch allowance lor counsel leea aa the court aball deem just, and shall also, lor every auch oftt-nce, be deemed guilty ol a mis demeanor, and shall on convb Hon thereof, b lined not less than tlv hundred dollars, or bo liujirivoueti uui less iiiail una month anil not nior than on year, or both, at th discretion oflbe court. And WiiKitrAa, It la declared by the second section of the V I article of the CYnstltiittou of iue 1 oueu niaiea uiai "tula Uoualilulioii, and Iba lawa of the I'nited Stales which aliall be th aupreiue law of the land, anything In th Conalllutloii or lawa of any Statu to the cumrary uuiwiuieiariuinic." AkD Whkhkas, The Legislature of this Com. moiiwealth, 00 the Clli day of April. A. L 1NJ0. psss.ol au act, entitled "A further supplement to lb act relating to rloctlona In thla Common, wealth,' th truth, tectluu of hi h provldea ae lOllOWB i ski'tion 10. That ao much of every act of Aaeiniiiy as provoira that only whlu freemen thall be entitled to vote or b reulatured aa vo lar, or aa claiming to vol atauy general or special election of tbla Commonwealth, be and the aame la hereby repealed t aud that hereafter all freeman, without dlatiuutkn of color, aliall be urolled and registered according to the pro. viaiuu ui in nrsi seciiun or the act approved tevaiileeuth April, 1BW, entitled "An Act fur. tber uppleueutal to th act relating to th lao- lnn of Ihla (tnmmonweallh.' and whsn other, wis qnallfled wilder existing lawt.be entitled lo vole at (aer and apeclal elections Id Ihls Common wealth. The laid above recited amendment and arte must tie necntcd and obeyed by all aaaeaeore, Jegleternf voters, election offlceri, ami others, that the righta and privileges guaranteed there, by may be secured lo all the cltlient of Ihla IJnm uinnweelth entitled to the aame. Kythel.Vb aocttou of th act of Aassnildy of January 80. IS74, It la enacted that aa eoon a t be poll ahall close, th officer of election shall proceed to const all th vote eaal for such can didal voted for, and make a full return of th same In trlpllc!, with a return sheet In ad dltlon. In all of which th vols received bv each candidate thall b given after hi name, first in words and again In figures, and ahall be signed by all nf aald ofdeere and certified br overseer, or If not o ceftl fled, the ovsraeer ami any officer refusing to sign or certify, or either af them thall, write npou each of the return hi or tlirlrraaiot for not elgolng or certifying oem. Th vols, as Boon a cuntd, ahall l publicly and fully declared from the widow to the eitliena proaent. and a brief ttalemenl showing thevnlee received by each raudldate man n marie and signed by the tied Ion officer! at aoon aa th vote I counted, and tint sain thall b Immediately nnated noon th door nf the election house for Information of Hi public nt- rinitfst return snail oe eiirioscn in enve. lopst and be aealed In Presence of the officers. ami one envelope with the nnasaled rt turn sheet given to ths Judge, which ahall contain one list of voter, tally. pa per and oaths ef ertlcera ami onatherof aald envelop ahall be given in lb minoruy Inspector. All judges living wiihiu twelve miles of lbs protbonnisry'a oiTlce or within twenty-four m Ilea if their residence he In a town, village or olty uuon the Hue of a rail. road leading lo th county at aliall, before two o'clock post meridian oflheday after the rice. inn, aud all other Jmlgee aliall before twelve o'clock meridian nf the eerond day after the election, deliver aald return, togi-lher with re turn aheet, to the Hrolhonnlary of the tloiirt nf Common I'li-ta of the f manly which aald return aheet ahall be tiled, and day and boor of the filing inerseu iiiereoD, ami snai I oe preserved by Iba I'roth.inotary for public Inspection. At tweUa o'cliM-k on lb aald aecoud day following any election the i'roilinnotary of the Court of Com. moo en aa shall present lb aalil returns I. the I'nilrl Th" return presented by the Prolhntintary sbsll be opened by aald Court and computed by auch of Ita oincer and such sworn assistant as the Court ahall appoint In the presence of the pidfe or judges of said Court and the returns certitied and certificate of elct!ou Issued under the aeal of the Ooll.t aalsnnw required to be don by return Judges and the vole aa an computed, and certified, ahall ueauadua matter nf r.-core. I tn eani court 1 ne aesaions of the teld fnnrt ar open to the public And the olhcrof said triplicate returns shall bs plai e.l In llae be and aealed nn with the ballot YVtienavee U..n lias been or ahall be provided bv the arthontiea of any city, country, towushlp, or borough, lor Ihe safe-keeping nf I he ballot boiet, th judge and miuority Inspector aliall after Ihe election shall Ira finished, and the bsl. lot-lHit or boiet containing lh tickets, Hat of vol, ., , I other papera, have been secure ly bound wilah tape and ae, led. and Ihe algnltnr of the Judge and Itispecioit affiled thereto, loriiiwmi uenver 1110 same, logellirr Willi III rcmtliiliig boxca lo tho Mayor and It rd r of auch city or In counties, township., ,,r borough to such person or persons aa the tJourl of Com. mon Pica of that proper county may deaigtiate, at the plsce provided, as afoicsaid. who shall then deposit the said boxca sod keep the same to answer the call of anv court or trlbuulal aulhorl.ed to try th inerita of luch election. liven under my hand, at my office In Mlddle hurg: this 3;th day nf Anrll A. II. las'i. and In th ona hundredth and tenth year ol ths lu'iupeiiiieauv 01 mw i-niieii isiaivs. KK1IIKN IlKKKSK, Sheriff A"l)MINlsTUvnVLNb'TI("K."n7t" ters of AiltniliiHtrntiou on the en tiitc ol Jncoti A. Ilrubiiker lale . I'lilon Twp Snyder county, I 'a., deed, bating been granted to tho undersigned, all persnns knowing them, selvvt indebted In suld estate arc reiiiesird tn linike immedlHtn piiyment, while tliore h:ivlng cliilms will preeut tlieiu duly authenticated (., tho undersigned. WM. M. IH Y KK, A'lrll lg. 'Sl. Admlnstrator. tttipture cure cjuuritiitfi'il hy Dr. J H. Mayer, J1 Arch St., l'luTa lu. Kase at once, no operation or liuls- noun delay. TIiouhiiihIm cured- S.for oircula. tf. AMFMIMRXT TO TW5 CONSTITrTION nTtaswd to tho (rlllrenaof thla Common wenllh liv Ihe fieneml Aswmblv nf thla Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for their approval or n-j's-ieiii 1,1 a special eioenon ro ne neici June IK, sn, riilillshcdbyonlcr of the Secretory of the v,inoeiinf-niifi, in Mirsuiinco 01 Aniciet aviii Of Ihe Constitution. Joint resolution nroposlnir an amendment lo the const H in inn of the commonwealth 1 fSfTtOl t, II' il resoccd fw IA AVaafe w.J llimm of KrprrtntnHm M ftonmnntrenffA nf ;'enn'enoi fn Kenerot Antrmhlu wief That the lollowlng la pninowst as an amendment to the constitution of (he fommomvenlth of I'cnnsvlvii main aeeoriiHnii with Ihe provisions of the eiglitis'iith arilcle thcrisif ; AMKNDMKNT. Strike out from sss'tion one, of article eight the four iiinll!lcHtloiM for voters w hich roads as fob hiwa t "If twenty-two ye.ira of ng-o ortipwnnls.be ahnll havo piilil, within two veura. it atnie or count vtnx. which ahull luive las-n nssessi-d til least two months, and paid nt least one month before the eleel Ion,'' ao that the section which rends na follows : "Kvery male citizen, f went v-one veara of niro. poewoaslng Ihe follow I njr iil:illllciitiotis, aliall Ik? f ntltbil to vote at nil ehs'tlona : First. Ile sluill have Iwi-ti n ell Icon nf the 1'nlt fd States ut least one month. Second, lie shall liuve resldisl In the alnte one year (or If. having nrcvloiisiv Ihsmi n oin,iitil..i fbs'loror native horn elllen of the state, be shall have pmiiovisI lliendrotii mid returned, then Klx bionlhs) Itniniillntoly procfcdliiy; the election. Third. Ile sluill linve reslibsl In the election district where be slui offer to vole 11 1 Oust lo month Immeilliitety pns-eillng the olis tlon, Knurl h. If twenty-two years of nire or upwards, lie ahull have paid, within twovenrs, n slate or county tax. w hich ahull have Iss ti assessed nt least two months and paid nt least one month before the election," shall la- amended, ao nslo read aa follows : Kxery male clllen twentvuie veurs of nife, ponseHsliio; the lollowlng- (iiinllllciitloiis, shall Is entitled to vote ill the m1 I live place of Hindis', lion district of which ho sbiiil 11 1 the lime Ik-11 resident nnd not elsewhere. : Klrst. lie shall have Is-en n citizen of the t'nllisl Slates al least thirty dava. SiHsiml. Ilo shall have rcsidoil In the Mute one vonrforlf, havlnir nretlouslv ls-n 11 ouuiiiicii fhstoror native Isirn cltlc'n of Ihe stale, he sunn nave romovcu incniroin anil rotiirmsi. tliou six inniillis) Immcdiiiioiv pris'edliiK Hie rbs'lloti. Third, lie shall luivo resided In Ihe election district Where be slnill oiler lo oe nl least thirty days 1tnmiMli11t. lv pre cilimr the elis'tion. The litflsliit lire, at Ihe session thereof next nf. tor the adoptlnn of tills wet Ion. shall, und from time to lime thereafter may. ctun I laws lo nroo- rrly c nforvo thla provision. Fourth. Kvery male cltlen of (he ntr" of twenlyine venrs. who shall have Iss'ti 11 cltl- 11 for llilily dava and mi liihnbltaiit of this Slate imp tear next pns'e.'lng nn ebs tloii. ex- eopl at nniniclpal obs'tlons. and lor the lusl iiiinynuys n resident of the eiis iioti ilNtrbl in which he may offer Ills vote, shall Is- entitled lo vole at such, flection In Ihe election district of which lin shall at the time Ik' a resilient ami not elsewhore lor all olllii'is Unit now nre or hero lifter may lie elected bv the isiiple : Yoriifnf. 'I'lint III time of war no ehvtor In Ihe actual military ao nice of Ihe slate or of Ihe I lilted Slates, In tlienrmy or navy thereof, shall Is- do pi'lved of his vole by reason ol bis absence from such i lection district, ami the legislature hIiiiII have power to iirovldo the manner In which and the limn and tuinf at which such absent ebs'lors may vole, ami lor the return und canvas of their vole In the election district In which they re. HpM'llvcly reside. Klfth. K"r Ihe ptitKeie iifvollm;, Im M-rsoii shall Ik-ileeined to hae trained or lost a resi dence by reason 01 his presence or absence while employed In the service of the I tilled Motesorllio stall-, Iml' while engaged in tin' miviuathiii of the. iters oflhe Slate or of Ihe high seas, nor w hile a si iidclit ol nnv i ollec;cor Hi'tnlniiiy of ln 1 11 1 11 u', nor while kept ill anv almshouse or public Institution, event ihe In mutes ol ant home lor disabled nnd Imll .'i'iit soldiers und sudors, who. for Ihe ptirsse of voting', shall Is- deemed lo reside In the election district when' said home s Ps aied. Laws shall Ik- made b.r ascertaining. b piusr pnsds. I lie cltlens w ho shall Is- Clitlt'led to the rlK'hl of miflrage hereby eslabllshod." A true copy of I lie Joint resolution. t II MILKS W. STftNK. Secrei.ii'j, o the Cnminoiiwealth. SELINSGROVE, PA. "XWt flvo nnnr in -P.il 1 Klocs-r- -Trat nnl www wa. x iiuw All JJ.IIX1 KXOtiDlt XJX i JtX,X finVilPRi". Rnvi 11 cr f -no Ac. Htin o-A-aly i- now full and complete in every de partment, in fact we have more goods in stock now than o.rfr hp. ' - V W .. 'mj W W afaV V W fore. Come to see us, whether you wish to purchase or not, when you come home tell vonr npifrhhnrc: wlmf urn have to sell etc. We assure you that our prices are right in every you will find them a good deal low er than anywhere else. We will be pleased to see you all. ft PbLJLSO rents losing Out Sale $60,000 Wort l of Fme Fiiniiifi, Carpets CurlaiMs, Drapery (Jootls, Mai tresses, iSprintrs, rusieal Instruments, etc. Owinpr to the death of our Mr. H. K. Smitli, tlu-ro will lie 11 i-liniii,'.t m tlu li rm. In coiist-qiii'iife of wliitrli wt hnv (Ictfriniiii'il t flisi out our cut lr stock of the above il.-piirtineiit williin flu- next iltl Uitys. In onler to tlo so vn liuve inarkcil our cootU way down tit prices that will insure their lniiiie.liiite Sale Look at the following llU'ii-es ami sen some of the liaiaiiiM olTered : CARPETS ! j CARPETS ! Hfst Hotly HrnsHfls, ijij.110 to ift.KI, rt-duceil from 1 '.'"i and l 4'i. J'ther ecrudes itody Mruasela. to tiV).. redueed from 1.00 ttl.a. lupestry UriiHaels, -lOe. to T.'b)., reduced from ii!. and ajl.ntl. Hxtni uer liierrains, all wool, (it) and tl m., reduced from IHlc. and f I. Kx. tru Super Ingrains. . Vic. to (ill,!., reduced from 70 and WJe. Carpets as low n 15 cents per yurd. Curlains : and : Drapery ! ()nr(!llrt n in 11,1.1 ft..., It ,i... .1... ...... t . 11 7 . .'i,di.y we gnu iiiicuis ur). nuriiiv tun itlteiiiiou Ol all who contemiilate purcliiiNino; anything in this line now or in the near future. We liuve reduced everything In these departments to about one half their former prices. These department are one of OUR : CHIEF : ATTRACTIONS, being stocked with n superb assortment of Turcoman and Chanillo Curtains In great variety of latest shades and colorings. Notting ham Curtains in all the various grudes and styles. Keul Irish 1'olnt, Antique, Hrussels, Tambour, Kscurial, and other line lace goods. JKISIl 1'OINT LACK Cl'UTAINS, J4.M l'KU l'Al It, reduced from '.. I -ace curtains as low as 25 cents per pair. Mahoguny Curtain Poles, Urns Trimmed, Complete, 25c. FURNITURE ! I FURNITERE ! Our stock of Furniture lias never Approached Its present magnitude and we have made the same sweeping reductions in this department. An Immense stock of (Silk, and Mohair 1'lush Suits at all prices. Hair : Cloth : PARLOR : Suits : S30.00 reduced from 50. All goods purchased durlngthis sale delivered to purchasers living within 100 milesof Milton V.HKK. 1'urties Intend, ing furnishing hotels or nrivato residences should take advantage of this sale. Our prices in the CHINA and MUSIC Departments have been greatly reduced, oud we would have you bear in mind that never before was there such uu opportunity offered to those desiring to embellish their homes with such beautiful and recher che articles at so small an outlay. Now is the time to secure bar gains in I lanos and Organs, as they are otTered at llgures furbelow tormer prices. A cordial invitation in extended to one und all to examine our goods aud prices. I ,R SMITH k CO., Limi Jb'ront Street, Milton, Pa. Grand Spring Opening at the II n Ml I Hill I Mfitayimta' Julius mm yuun ore Book Look To Your Pocket A DOLLAR SAVED IS TWO MADE. Tin-lindcrsigiu'tl wiMiM rcsHM t fully inlorni lli pulilic that lie has just returned from the city, and made ai i iiiu'ciiiciI uilli on, of the best and leading manufacturers in the CitMei n Market- to have moc, atiiii.ietureii lor littu a roll line of lallv Ready-made Clothing, which will certainly meet the wants of this sccti.,ii ..f tl .....i,-.- n ... ten up in llrst-clans style, well sewed and 1 1 iiiitiieil.aiid ciii:il in ,. ,-Vv partie ular to the best custom made ti.iru Is, which will In- sold at wrv'lnw H - ..I'm. I that you will give no-a cull ami inspect mv line. ill be pleased to show Ihe (inods iitul suli-fv .,n ili.it il,.. ,. I er than they can be bought elsewhere. M.n'ev will bo nf in, .!,,! if O.iod-- ure not as represented. Boys' and Children's Suits in all Styles and Prices. Hats. Cans ami (it-ntO Km-iiisliim- :,.n.iu ..x .ai i.. ... v....i. n : Olovcs, Milrts, l nilerwear. Collurs and Cuffs. -st W hit- shirt- nt 50 cents sua net-Klles lor cent. Heinember the place, and at your earliest convenience give me aeall ami I shall find it a pleasure to wait on you. R. GUNSBERGER Opiosile l'osl Olliiv. Mi.MI.'liiiiiili, 1'iu Marvelous! : Marvelous! arc tlie l.arlfains ollVml at Gariaii s Slioe Store, Miflfllelranli. 'I'liey are astonishing and without eipuil. When- does In- -ei them ? Tln-y make their nppearaiiee as regularly as the tl,,-. ei -in May, and with equal regularity The Customers Grab Them! They are here again-tho llargains! and the rush for them N unprecedented. I'armers who ie fur a pair of Plow Slim s, and get tluiiii for one dollar, go hoine and ti ll their neighbors, they come, buy, go home and tell the rest, and so as the davs ol the month increase t he t rade mult iplies. Everylhinq Is Way Down in the immense stock of I.adio's Misses' and Cnililr -nV I'l NK SlIOKS. and Men's and Hoys' Moots and Shoes, which an- all made of the finest material and built by the mostoxport mechan ics. Come, see, and be benellted. W. I. WAItM AN, I'l t p i Tl Will Fil m pi Tliere It is the place where they all oto, W. H. Felix, Lewislown, Pa, For a line line ol' c heap ami ssssMtMl in;iMitpM Not only once but every day in the year do we offer bargains that can't lie eiiialed anywhere. If you want to he convinced come and look. We-Practice-Others-Preach about big.burgains and lead you to belitve their false nsssei tiuus, and even bait you with a few trinket at cost, but the end is alwuj g the same. And You come back, not richer, but wiser, r lt A. r . ' '.