I i IRE DEVASTATION AFTER THE DELl'ct SCENES IK THE RUINED CITY. Registering tfia Survivors and Cir ing for the Dead, Restoring 1ha Wash PlacM. Rising From thi Ruins, Ther Is no break in the drw;y Wlrk sovery. Captain Jones, msnagnr 0'y. , tar Thomson Steel Work and th, 'm W Carnegie interests, arrived Tul,T sceompanled by 800 men, prlnclt,aii,7 Braddock, Little Washlngt lh. rant. V.mmt T.llplv ...I II. .e- " A VALLEY OF DESTRUCTION. Thi Worst Calamity of ths Ago on (ha Wcstarn Continent. w .."l THE SOUTH FORK LAKE. 'til'! Itralin.i ... xS)i! " - ..xss. 1 'XX '111 V Ko,,.., . rtftc Till: HUTU AUDIT Till: DAM. Uio Wnte time Wcrn III ckcil to Save t ho tspurlMiit'ir 1- t-t. The first account! of tho llro I in t'io Concmaugh seemed like tho wildot cx agyeration t iLono a 'customed to hear ing tales of limtcr, hut when niber nml intelligent cyc-witn s-es lt scribed tho scores at tho tirno llio mad water dash ei upon the lidplcn villages and cities in tho iil-fatcd valley, and from tho fact now ob'ninu'.li) in to the extent of tho destruction to jirojH-rly and tho awful fatality of the watery aval niche, the are fo in 1 to ho far In-low the truth. It in now cert tin tint the South Fork dam rno way a'xmt :t o'clock Friday afternoon fror.i tho erodm of tho water wl.ii h overflowed it, and that the con fers off bit huo wliich covered an art of tliu- ii ire mill wi ll 1111 average depth of it ) to 10 feet, nulled down tho valley of th'! South Fork un 1 tl.o l'o:ic- niauU wh'rh were air. u 'y a'lovo hili water in uk. The fall of ilice stie mis 'no h ln-iu very ptcit, the swiftness of th.u llond t.' ceded tho hjecdottho fastest cxpre-s tinins. A soli I m tsA of water, diillwood, rucks, tre tin I everything Unit lay iu its path, !o the height of foriy or fifty feet dashed down the narrow valley sweeping ho iscs, railroad cuts and locomotives down to :h! dam brined ly the stone bridge of tho I'. It. It. i t the lower en I of tho city of Jnhnntow n. Wurtiing that the dam was likely to break ut any moment wm Hi nt out, an I all tliu re -il c ri 1 a in the v.illey miuht ht a escaped, but many did not hear t'ie a! ii in end ninny who did inadc no clTott to escape. That any of t'ie thousands who hud not I'e I before the dcluo struck the city should have cstaj c I was miraculous. The work ol removing the debris and caring for the dead, whose hodim nro to bo found everywhere u'ong the bank or this modern St x, goi-a ou every day. Thousands of men uro at work, but it will be many days bifoto their ta-k in completed. The investlgnt; him of u New Yo-k 4'nn re p rier show clmi'ly lhat llio major pu t of whatever :'rMxi:i,il.l;tioi may lt"!o ig to human agencies fur tin c.il iiii l y timt h o ilcso'iltc th j Cori'luiUgi Valley lllll-t be p'l.i' il iiia tlm Soutli F ok I'.nliitij uinl II if ting (.'hili, tlio a--i cuiiion of wealthy 1'illsl nr. j;nt t-'iiioti tnat has for four op five years past h on iiidc:ivoiiiig to m lib i-.li u ipoilsiiiim's para li") at l.iiuom'ilgh Iiko. When til l".is I tlm lake they cosed the Mtiite g itcs lhn.ii;h h c i all tho water that tiH'l ever before ne.'ii iml ited i I 1'iiiieiii.iu ;h 1. ike lia I found a s ifo iin.l ne ily xi'. h n tln I'em Hvlvani i l anal wus al an .'i!i. il tli il im h cum i iic.l- ill uk n ce'cl. The li'Kvrj i hi 'ii I lie nia 'liiin i'v l r iinii.a,.! ij; tin wuli' k:cs w is l.i.'ate I i- Ml. 'I tnlllVet.lll.il 1. It. I I 111 IS. A f"V 1 1. II'. .i the hike Wis le i.s .1 l.y tlie ruts .iirh t-i il 't-llicll's A-s CI iti 'II. K lillisT l'.il er, . I I h tn in1 1 i i I . ll t . i i 1 1 1 v , in el" a i Hi" Hi et in til i: ii ' 1. 1 H' .i nunc I IM i' hi. lit. .ill 1 il'i'l ' Us. The Ass K'i itl.'ll set O It, t iy . o- clar-il to iliilivmi nil I sli'.-elh n i. Th 'V ili.l i Ut i IT t "o ic I finlil t e t p ul the ilaiii i. Il I in y h . V" M I .'I.K' ''"lie 1 il ii N Hue Ii ieets, but i ll i. r li i'illH' llir w is e-;; l'e.i w ie mi .1 m a.; 1 tl al 1 i'eriii- them wnii'il I live been a:i I XJiensiVd j )li, of the .illier re l noil ll.eli'i ineil the fear t!i it th ll-'i uoul I -ca the ato lies, si ev r i -c v Il liviw inar says, ero in'i'iiiamtiilly t. ;'.i UJ'. The IT '"i t niit ii ain't) of tlm ureek oi t'.i 'l.l'li 1 i lie I'es tl.e ti lllllfilliiess i f Hie slory. 'J Ii 'i ' ui'.) 1 eninenls of t no wast "Kato mas -..it'iiiy, I ut th re ii no I ele-ite :i Ihit they Ii iv l"'ii of any iric.ieal uso for a Inn;; ti ne. Whatever may h n'uli) n th.) in il.ie.'t e.'iiise i f tl e i;ivi i a 'nv of tho I n i f irt that ihlllinieil the lii.ul' ( 'oiieiiniii.;ii, lite leal till mr n( the III isl of "lit "I" v I i . i h the iliin t e .ih. i f in yieMin; is evi I 'lil rli iiUuit th ) ila ii in .v. All tin) water in i Ii it nr-a nf llir miles lo i; by u mil.) ami n iU I' cr H Me, ii is e I out liii'.ni,;li tli i in 111.' .1 nil It "l Mlll'rt I i hi' f ll'iuil tic vallev 1. in atnnu.it 1't lu t ili)'i an 1 V.'oi f.m Ulle Killing 111 Ii 11 ill Willi a Velil.'HV nit n.. i icon '.' v il 1 ' I r k .a t a m;u, it lunk a In 1 I ' lir tut x .'i i-tili' i' h 'I'voir an I the 1 1 t'lina ili lis IV Ml e U ti inl that II i; l Ui) 11 i.i I on l" th m is .Iici.lt' his iv u k MilNHOK THK THUIlKriT'S I'nWKIl h'u u t iiii of ttii) awiul f ir v o: tin) cur ' ut can l s en in tlm I rid lufurn tli.'ilain Koi iii i ly ir win u densely wo l 1 1 littln val Wyniiily htrailit nny lor half a in I), where it turned so abruptly 1 1 tin) ri(!it as to inukii it'in h'. i ri;lit aunl i. Tho creclt e c i it; ilo.vn t'ii'nii;li tin sluico-w iy, and il w,i thi in inut'iiii sidi), winl r jl n cro ked e nirsj llir u jit tlio bottom of the aley. J u-tt before the tui'n it iwpt out food way toward the loft, and mi le on th . right bank a long point of la d. This point was particularly heavily womled. Ua the ' ,s;iosito bank w.i a hl'li bluff covore 1 witlt fonut down to the wnloi-'i e lje. Vr thre fourths of the ilistait from the dam to tue turTj ti e formerly woo lot uVa are now nvurel wil'.i Kravol, OJirj mo.niatil bltf orka 20 fHt Uo.'P at t'ie upjmr end, and not - m than IU at any oiiit. The ervk run UirouKh the 40-foot g p, wu re the wisle iUm use 1 1 ) I e, and throng i a ile jp gully iu ;im in .si of gravel un 1 slo te thnre U uo Vl. ; f of tnxm or uiiderbru'li. Just b"fire the Vjuj carve bjjii n, w.iere f.'r.uoi ly there wu i In l I.i, th d"p xlt of grnv.)t i I tii i. I.nt l.li be ivily woo I.' 1 Hiinto i the other aid ) has li.ipp a I, no I rivel ta fnot ileop covers thesji it. O.i t in oppxito tilulT t'l ) Irwi hive 'je..ii stripH'd a'vay mid tlio si I ) of tlm hill torn nut f r 1 1 font up, a olusr ovni mee of tho tci rililu f rce of tho t irrent as It wlnrl sbout tl o riisht-anKlu'l turn. Tlu surfiieoof tin li.lle h ill-mi o valley kui;osLs l ot iin in Te forcibly than tint tin syst iiii of by Irniliie mini ik tl-0 I i I the K"l ri'Klona linil b s'ii w rk."l tu n) for a I m; timn. Tliu il br a is all of heavy ro k and i;rnvel. Them is u i l i!'.t l.r: i'l it. Tin rmh of tin wnt us .'iirrii-d wit i it every tjiii but the heui.-st tint it picked up. Tho ilaiii was s mply a gigantic boip of inrih iliiinp' l a' io-s tlidcnirii of a in ti n tnin atroa it be: wo in two low liilli. It ti fae . on e in'.i aid i with a layer of heavy rou;h st mo lo s 'ly throw i to ;nt ir and u i S'liiuiitcl. Th s pi o of o ink wa, as lias been stated, lib mt Tj f ant llill nml tltfivt thick ut tho Ins.. At tin H iiiiniit it was lew-led HIT ho as to Im) a'smt 'i) foil will-, mi I a wn.o i r 'ii 1 croiiitl i It w is an or 'liiinry il i t roi la 1 1 tliaro wis no r x'k or m is uiry Ihiiid illi it. I'll i wi 1 ,li of tint s rea u at tin bottom of tho ilam wis about 41 fccU At the to i the ilam waj about 4 Ml f-iet lolls. It w is built straight nc'imi tin R ip ami neither faeo uor back w curve I, Tue 1 p n wera about the inn i on bo.h fae-i and b iolc. The il im was built in my year uro to ere it.) a reservoir for use ns a fiw.l r to 'lie l'eniisylvaiiiaCii ul. Tin Im Iders placd in tho 40sf.Mit spieo at tliu bottom, where the creek ran, live hii piixw, e.n h as larn as a hogshead. These wjrj eiverol by an iireh of ma.ss.vo mismry a id were arrane.l to be 0M)noi orcloHilhy lover i in a t jwjr that w.u I'U It in the cent T of the dim. thi: oi' liiiT. Vi'arcely Ou llul' ol llio Fopul.it Ion Kiiveil. S in doubt has beii.i exprs id into tin mtiinato that I'-'.Oinl to Ifi.OO.I pe .pie have I.i i u lost ill thin 11 mi In I ilistr.ct. Of eiiirse llano is at preseiiL il) wa of ileteriiriiiiii w il Ii any ii xi'" '" ex ictitu 1 1 Ii iw in mv uri lo id, but th" tiles, in ; ,t iii i-i i dile it il con . iv ilive, ii ul bin I o i rim. II ;iiriiij;. Iitielbst pi i'' it linn In ui I 'is oil '.hat Ill's is tin rei est dnisl . r i i Just ny, mil no nun 1 rain e l l i oiniiisi its il.e.a Ii. I s p s-ilnli'ies me boiiinl!es, iti m. scry n l iite, oil its des ru '. i ui lost in I ho lit ut on it'l.' lullill' Ss l'f ileat 1. A'. less!, '..') I bo li s havi' biLti found; t!,lXJ at ti n lowest calculation, lire in the biiruel ih l.i is in the river; :i,uo aro in tho mis eir. il"! s ii.ilb inks 1 1' ill id t in ('niiibri i Works, down nlon the r.vor Mini in tho low. ir part if Joliistown; fioin onu to two tht'ii-aml nro icnttci'id in tho v illey from Woodvilln to the lirid'rf, a id a tli lusan I or two aro below tin brili;, lutwun Johi. lown and llj.ivu . lliii.lin.il w trj c irrie 1 down to tho I to id rive's in tin tremo.i.lnus current and may never eoino into tue hamls ol tho living. Iss tlnu oiu'-bu'f tho populitiou have uvist rod.so th.t tio other Inlf lire still missiii);, und of thesj at leat ILt'jj fuU.'tiis inu t have porishud. A llflNf'll TOWN. Tlio Tbrlvlnj; Mann mcturlnjt llor- outi of Wouilva c. W.u Iv ile, tin biii lin; lit . I i borough which lay east of Joiiistowu, with its tall m iplii tri-soti b itli sides of tdo I'onmylva niir till oid, Ins le-m aim ml wipe 1 out of I'xistoiiiM. The ft m l tlmtoirrie li IT thi greats or rtioii of til i town blaste 1 the hinh ail' ticlpitious of tin residents th .t tin borJiifh would soon beoo.no a thriving little Indus trial city. Her ma iufaeturing plants Rtve employment to tiie uiijiii'.y of t ie !,5X) r i 1. lent i of th j plnei, but tlio HjjI his kUA is I tlioiu. If a h ind ciil i retell out of the sky and tnk.'lu llsnrasp housenaul pu'l thorn out of i-ht the tu o mi l not bi do le mora ell.'t utlly than was do io by the il od of laat week. Th.Te wore 'JfM hoatos out of the 3 it iu Woodvnlu washol away, Ti.oid rem lin ing nro oa tho hillside, where tho Hud could not Kt at tluiii. It wi g announced to the residents of the place that the Johnstown btjjl Company, bettor known as the Johnstown Htiol Sire it H iii way Coiiiptny, hid ilecileil to move their dismantled worn from Woodvale lo Moxhnm, on the o.lnr a do of Kirnv.lla. The t o npany have a U) d p nut at tnat pi tea and think it will facilitate mittir to have their Wool vule iuturesu at tha ain4 pUce ua the steel uilil. pi w-. vss, xVr ' 1LV- WlP sa s m ..-r.- I v - r.u igj t; .-.r:- .'ilt' i l ' r-. TO ' I n - -f.7 . - -.w t It II . 1 nCKy. IT ' k'i:nj: at thi: hi'ti:k r.si:N;i:us i.oht. I'il'to ii 1'coplc l.oht liealtles llie C'oloroil I'orlor. Th- i fllelal r.iilr. nl roporls of the dead in 1. 1 miv,iii from the easlUiimd trains that lull l'lttstiiii'i; las' Friday unwove tho num I er at 15 p istniers aii.l the eolnrol porter if tho riilliiiiiu car ew Orleans. Teore were no loss-s Ir mi the first tw tram. A I'ASHKMIKH'H ktuhv. Hwift I).ivis, or Mate llartior, formerly a l'it sl.ui'Kh ii r-'1'. was one of the pssou Her's of the doom -d 1 iy Kipreai. He wai i.i eoiin-any with Ins wife, turne ehildroa, Miss Jennie 1'iiulMin and Mi ltryniit. All but two youii hidiKS iscap).l, and Mr. Davis i a no to lMlshuivh a id loid the following st'iiyof their esenp.; "The Knpross nrnvol at Coiiemau?h about 10;.'W ami we were infuriiied Unit it would be mcssai y to lay over on uec .uutof a bridge at Lilly's Ioiiij; allied away. We wore nil o i tho lirst ajet.o i of tho train uud had linruly b.'1'Usiile-traenH.l beloie u i ceof t .0 ruilrond track next tlw river was washod awny. the ram in the iiieauwhile coining down in torruuU. I brfiu no very anxious uls u- this time mil hold a coi.sulutioii with the emiluct r, who said that be would go in lo tie town to U.ul out the c.iuso ol tho 1 rouble, and 1 decided that if the d im should burst or anything of that aori Uappoaed. that we would t .ke to the bill alongside ol whioU our train wasslaiidinj. TDK WAIININU WIllHTIJt. " Wo wailed there until 4 o'clock iu the af term km, when a I engine, owning down th truck ai d whistling lou lly, apprised us of the ilU'icr. Tlie coi.duelor took our baby iind 1 and my wife kept ti e other two chil dren uud wo nil llsl up the hihs ror hilf a mile. When 1 went back afterwards tho bnby wasull right in farm lion', but no tiuecs c. uld bo found of tho two young 1 .Ii, m, althoug.i it win said by tin conductor thiitls.th bad lien saved. The water had din leg ll.i-i lime couio down the track ut a earf.ll rif, b'i g o lly il lilinuli) liter thill I hi) "iigiuo w hich gnvtf us wiirning. O io pissi'iigereoicli n i I tin bgg i) car I we ! thrown trim tlm I rick. A fn i.i it Iran j s u ling al"i !', un I hnvitii oiij or lull I h ne, ca. igul lit" ub.'Ut .') o'clock in, tue even. I i;. but It was soon extinguished. If In-- o op'.J Im i "ooi I I in tin I'U Is in oi c .r ii. liny who p'l'lsh 'd would bJ living I. ...lay. 1 ar ei wiii- Is learned f i mil a young ,a ly, a Miss Mai nn y, who leinainol iu the l u nia i eir, tiia . Hi) Mis.es Faulsoiii nl li.yiin. in h J l np-'d from tin train into the water i.l t r hivmi gouo bu k to get tuuir ivi'. pi. They wuie never s.hjii ufu r that. TIIK hUsgUKH.VXMA FLOODS. I.ouil Cry lr Help Krnn Another hcctlo'i of our Ktalo. l)ismtch9s from Iiowinhurg, Pa., declare Unit hi) ara ins went down wit'l one of the bii lg siit Williamsp r and wore drowned. The 11 us! on tin west branch of the Sua qiioliniini was a i r ced-mted. Five span of thorailroul bridge a". Lewisbur, To., wore iwept awsy, and the gas works, water work md m lis II si In I out. The lo at this plaoe Is t7.i, M. K very bridge on the river from Hun'itir to L'leurlloll was washed away. ho situition in the town of Lewstown which Ins bein c it olt from the world aince list Friliy, I thus bri 11 d a-'ribid: Eight 'iver bridges were swept away. There Is only ne 0hjh ra li o d here. The Id ;hwayi of the town are covered witi debris Id fett high. Many of the p ipulatiou are bjl g fol and iholtertil u tin) Court Housi. The water r-e nl id fe.t higher t rn i in 1S47. No Uvea wore lot Th ilaiugo to propjrty cauuot be (ttima'ed, Huporliitendent Tettit of the Pennsylvania Iliill'.uid, kuece'dod in getting to the edge of I.iek Haven Tueslay moriiin; at U;30. All the homes h id ir im sir to ton feet of water it) them. The leceiling water left ooimldor .ble mud in tho streets an 1 dwollingi. Only )iie person is know to have ba drowned at Lick Haven, but -veral livei were reported loit ut Mill Hill, four milo from Loc-x Ha von. retinlleld, Pa. The flxwl here was th highest fur 23 years. All the dams on Bjo nett's Branch are gone, ll.OJO.000 feet of logs escaping from Caledonia, Craig's mill at Wiutorbum and Hoover Si Hugu.'s mill nd tramway here are much damaged. Mo Uvea are loit nor dwollingi cirlod off, A Portland, Me., business man lost 120 jold coin on his way to woik a few dny ago, atd, returning at night, found the same piece on the pavement, where it had remained uaootlced all day. TV . ' -iw A3 IB n ';CU IfefJ t-L stoni: jjiiuhji: TAliK") OK DISTUKSS. Kllent of llio rt-raatallou in I. room ing, Clinton and llog. Counties. In all the history of Control roiintylrauia there h is never boon known sueh high wat- r, or have l ie il II sis boon attou 1 -d with such disastrous results as that of tlm lint d iy of May ami lit of Juno. In Hij, mil again In IS'll, Centre county had Uwls, but this time the water wera two foot high r than on either provioui occtsion, At Coburn tho water rencho 1 their worst. They spread over tlis eat re town, and 1 1 some pi ce i the waters, by actual m-nsuro-m 'lit, wore thirty foot deep. To a Id to the horror of the sli union wa th fact that It was at night and pitch dark, while tho raiu descended in tot rent. Thero is not one good house left standing In Coburn. Individual losses cannot bo enumerat"d, hut the total loss will aggr-gito fully :;x,()JO In Coburn. i bo valley is strewn with dead bjli. of all kind of iiiiini ils. The Lewi .urg Itailrond, fro n Co nirn to fowisburg, a distaneo of 4i miles, Is n c in p'oto ruin, only 1 miles of track yet rjiuaiii ing. The best estimates puts the losa of life in Williamsport at .. Three hundiol bou-os were can lo I away, an I ovory building was fl xsle t. The greatest w roitk is along tho river bank u rlh of th II lading depot. Tb i luinlH-r mn esti nate tint of tho 2.')0, OOO.UUU foot of logs an I t!(),iM.O,iX)J feet of saws nl lumber ii tho boom, vau-d in all at 14,000,000 nearly one-fourth roinaitis, a great deal cau borec iverjil, and the Ion will not exceed f.',.VK),0 X). Toe lU'rchinU esiimate their loss at $S'.),ik)J. Wellsboro, Tioga c innty, ii In a very bad linpa. A liiiml or of pe.iplo ivoro drowned. Much proierty was destroyed, and thopnw pie are suffering for the ii.-comri" of life. All the bridges in the lowor end of Lye ail ing county are gone. TIIIHTV I.1VKS LOST IX OI.INTOV. Ib'IUbl.) reports from Lo.'k Haven stito that while only one person was drowno 1 iu that oily, tho 1 ut of tin hi known to have imrished in tin county of Clinton is Ik) or more. Tim property loss will rcich mil loin of dollars, and business is at u standstill. I) ing. r is uow thro itoued th un from siek no lu Mnrylnn 1 th loss of li'i by tin fin's miiy not foot up more thin but the dims iigoto proHTiy is enormous. Hun Ire Is of pjopb uro homeless nud many are lnlf tnrv d and without siilHcien'. clothing. Tint Haiti neie s ipl , ho'djviug that charily lo gins ut home, Imve d fid.il to divert a por tion of the JolinstO'Vii fun I to the relief of those who have boeu made disJtuto murer homo. AT WIMilAMSPOItT. Tlionsnnil Homeless rod IVIthout Clothe Stale Aid I'romlsed. Mayor Forseman, of Williamsport, PaM in telegrams to Governor Uoaver say the b inn was chared of logs and lumbar. Tlie awful mis carried awiy many house and all their content. Thousands of people of Williamsport ar homelest ant without anything but th clothe upo i their biek. Many of th people are in absolu' want for theueoeasarie of life. At t'laiueeU big callod Tuesday, (7,000 ia cash wer raised. Th city badly needs disiufectanta, Dead nninialiaud all kinds of filth ar strewn upon the (treeU, ni grave fears of an epi demic are entertain d. Btocksot goxl of rVre in the canter of tho city aro ruined. It 1 1 impossible to estimate the loss anl damage to riilToriut kind of proporty, Fiv million dollars i a low estimate of tb loss on lumo r Ion. O.her lossei are larger. The surs rounding country baa cuffjred jmt a badly. B xiiiis, bridge and village have hoetuwipt away and th lea of li.e ha beeu oousd eiaula. I)ecroao In Circulation, A tatenieut prepare 1 at th Treasury De partment allows that ih-T was ant decrease of (10,70,00S in circulation during tb month of May lest, aud a net increase of 11,013,010 in money and bullion in th Treas ury during tb same period. Thiprlncipd loot la circulation wa ingoll certificate. United State no M and national bink notos, and the principal gain in Treasury holdings was in standard silver dollar. United State note and gold norei iu th order named. The total circulation June 1 1 stated at $1,007,470,751, and the total mousy and bul. lion in the Treasury on the sxmo dxt, (004, 693530. " t FEARFUL RAVAGES. A 1VIDIJ AltKA Oh' DIS ASTEIt. Tlie Sweep of llio Siorm anil Prop erty I nsses, It lsln'orestlng to traeo tho rise, rs're nn 1 extent of tho rain storm that ciiltnin- nt olhest work in Central Ponnsylviinla on the w s'ern slope of tho mountain and in tlx great Sumpi 'linniia basin. Its (imgress is obs Korvalile by the weather reKrl from 8 nitli rru Cn'ifornin, whero it appears 1 ol Bunday, May li'i, to the New Knglaud Stntos tho close of the wo"k. Its court wa vario.1, in r'.h an l nuth fiotn an east and west line, by prevailing win Is. With ut doing any very serious damage in the West it reach ed Western 1'oiiiisylvania on Men la, May 'JO, and it was held here through Friday when it divided, one si't 0:1 pnsted to Now England and another s mth'nsterly, deluging Maryland, Wist Virginia ami Virginia. An (it nosphere th uo.ighly s Unrated was held over Western nud Cmtrul P iiiisylvani by the force of north last mil sou heist win Is, The downour only ad lei to tin ao.'umu latiinis of boavy rains of the preceding six weeks. The fearful lo-s of life In tho Contmiugh Valley, resulting from excptioiial circums stances not existing elsewboro, has with drawn attoution from the groat Ijjim of life and property by the flxxl in all tho breadth of the great Kusipieiiaiina basin, along the 1 otomuc, and ou the James and other river of tide water in Virginia. Th -y wore tre meii Ions, and under other circumstance would have b.-on the center of into. est. The d stnictlon of prop rty iu the valleys of the Ko-qnehn in i a id it trlbutirioi was without p rillol. Tlio city of l illiaunport liai Ikx n grievously stricken. Tue dostruo tii ui of lumber interests there and elsewhere was very v rear, run i ng into many millions. Happily, wbilo tin loss of lif liai bom con si li mbic, it be irs no relation to tint on tho Coneiii'ingh. C.iii'i y an I railroi 1 brid;o, nud vnlu i bio u'tliu mid private improvo mo its I. live lieen swept away. I l s imo of the eelitiul cuuntiesiiot u bri le ii left slatids ing. tioin K ni'li, along the Potonne tho di struetion has been, tin wreck of tho t'lnsas pi'iike an I Onlo C mal orig li itwl by Wash ington from CuiiiIm r. and to Ujorgetown lie in; the most serious result. This una (not only the total lo aud abandonment of a great water way, which origin illy csit ll, 000,0 M), and upo i wiiic a) tins lieen oxiwuded since il be inning nearly lO.OiO, 000 nior j, but It means also the d othof tleorgetown as a coal jxirt, and an I ic ileulnbie loss In busi in as lo the nieroh n of that place and the coal operator of the Cumber and regio i, Still po'n; B mth, tliodamaga in Virginia, tsri'ularly In the James rivir va liy, 1 laid toho Incalculable, in projierty, crops, aud ruilway destructiuo. Many live weie lost, and a dispatch from Hlchmoud says: 'Virginia lis p o lably JlTend more thau uuy other State except in loss of life.' , Any estimate of th values of prop-rty leslroyed in Pe msylvanii, the border oouns tie of New York aud the three Btatei jut!i Mil only lie an opproxim itio i of th meat Tagus cheracttT. IC Is appalling and but for the losa of life, in itself would be recognlz) as the greatest calamity that bsi befallen the part of live State involved. An estimate by active me i located there of lease in the Cone in nigh Valley, with it 40,000 populus lion between South Fjrk and the Allegheny, and It gieot industries and railroad im provements,! plso.d at t JO.OOO.OOO. In the Ku q iehania basin, from New York down to Port I) jpo.lt, at the mouth of the river, iu lum'ior, iuid, railroad property, county iuiporovements, and private property eta., the loss is counted a not Ixt than f 10,OJ3,00), an 1 in Maryland and Virginia H.OOJ.OOO. Those estimates take n) account of the lou of time and business; consequent on the sum pension of operation in large communities ia all department of activity. Here we have a total destruction of prop erty in thi limited r ja, compared with the entire area of the State aver part of which the storm swept, of not leu than l-'W, 000,000. The estimate of course crude, but it gives a fairly good idea of th imiueuse destruc tion of property. Tat plans for the enlargement of the por f Hamburg, Uermany, have beeu approved. The liuprovements wirVxwt $1,000,000. , 1 -J aieiVDIp ift, Jv, made their liMiloiiartpa 4n. i w u-jenii tlisi. fty tenU were pitched a id a r JUgh t.' two or three hundred foot long, u ,r oetwern the long, white row of canT. tlie first attempts to clear out tlissjl tb methods were to flre ths r Piles an I burn them upas rapi lly K, p,? Captain Jones at once protei, a;an,,. Be declared it was Inhu nm. H i n rtlck f timber shoul I be lunis0.r Ji rubbish examined bnfore thi to-ci w tpplleil. While thi point wis .j. ,j nl m workman, who hsd ls3norr ,,j I pile of debris, came up m th, iroman, Thi mude the captain's nrm irrmisliblo, and his plan was at oiin.i.i, , pon. In lee than two hours 10 ho li.. h !, 'ound in the iminidnito vici nty 0. ti.cil tnd from this ou: tmroigh exenin,', . win oe mine oi everyiuing uslnrs tW li lie lighte I. Puperlntondent A. V. I'atton, of 4 Biltimore and Ohio 11 lilrea 1 1 o nn'iy,im, in lnsscUon the valley of d.iitli fr .au, 9outh Fork to tho ruilrond bri . Point H i estimate is that U.'.,s.n i, tnd 10, 000 people have porishe.l, nb.bfl,, ifl.OOO dead animals are buried 111 the IM i i & gei lunniniii in rAngt'rait.l e.tiojj iut tho result Of c ireful invsti.a'.i'n,Sipf. litendont Pulton having put in tw i 0 ,j, , coking ovor the lljoded district sn. ng the fact from all sides. II. n:Ui liat it will require fully two iii.iii'hiioc Ills val.ey of the liiouutsins of dei.rii. ltun to the Hills. A Paul Rjvere, lies somewtu ro ama; lamolefS d ad. Who he is iniiy wrg t ( town, but hi I'ide will be f 11 11. .us ig u liatorv. Mounts : on a cr md. Ui Inx te came riding down the pike which ( lugel of wrath of old shout eg In p i if ous warning: 'Huu for your hv.i to s lilUl' The neon'e crowded out of tVrbdn .1 .....i...i ....... lUII IU. .IIIVA.J 0.-1. .V.. B'.VJ.SI rtra riinii.r.ic nn w h x n ,,i iiiiiir. nun ...m. nn !. (iMM.IItf tuSfu lit. IIV 11 anl mr 1 1 .v mil lita MSvful rrtf. Til m fnw miaia l.nM.AWu , 1 . I. .nil.. (-1 1 . . : I lit .M ' . I V tin iinuni si reels, oown hid narros p-lnding, twisting, hurl. 11;, ovrntu; . ,1 ..ll. 1. .!., l... .UU a-l 'k srasbi ijj auiiiu . ' - .rus " "" v...h v. .. iruicn grew ab every ihbiuiu w. 1,1 y- forty feet h gli, sonio iy, oj uosirii(i illinis trif M.tn kum. nml It tl'aVi" el S-l iwinuws line mill, suiuu j - oeed of Mercury. un anu 011 luiiu i niu 1 i.i'-i , " . . . .... 1 .... . b rusue.1 luu nuw. lu 1" 'I f tliu wand il' mid rati un to tin lull taitUIUl I'tiliT it was 1111 unii.iu lust as he turned ncio s the rnilr l l' .lie unguis w.isw ii-'ii ui' .. . .i.l...l I ..-1.1 nil IV. .lit l ilt m'. n'tKl ether. A few feet flirt le r nil ' if tin Pcni.Hylv.ini 1 llnlr.'il ua I 'btsburgli wri'd ea ig .t up mil tu' :be cauldron, uud tho b ur f tlm ' ' reached. The hero hud luin'-l rieht nor left for hlnisolf. tut rolt loath for his townsmen. COUNTING ' 1 1 1-; I0VIN& 1 tlA f II IV II IV IO .1 Ulll" ' ' ... . Ik..- li II One .Vut tior ty lMa-wiw of Llfot 11.000. Wh la the !0 or llto ui""" . .. . - .... . . T..t....flVI 11. 1. ..., . 1, a of 1 11111 w me urrouii'ii'ns uii""."" rellsville Kornville end Co:imw; nver be known, yet a fair a vmy. belns made to ascortal 1 it " l.l.limiL This is b'lng doni mr.'"."- of registration, which was es a- . fl,,)lrectlan of H. U. McCo:inau;j- Buchauan. Twenty-eUtit a'enur. ,.. knl tin estublishel willi n w i-i.-l, nn 1 a 1 survivors have torecUter themselves and fnmi The work wa begun Monday " 1., nni nersons "" 1T B""'l " : There were 20,500 people ro.w . -townnnl the iKiixughs named . .1.1.. -..M,nh. When tli,Qfl ' I IUI.J W. V . , , Istration is finished, it w.ll w - bow mv y persons sre ini"! 1st .lug thoroughly anlcttri(ulli IS OTIIKU PAItT WIJo Spread Dost ucil 0,,t the Coneinaugh VsHf Since toloaraphio coiihiiuiik '''"'0 . ....l I. I... I.... kmiwn & lT tbst all t 'e central and nortber i ' ths State are oomi lotely waslHJ1 the lou of life aud pr jpr y fi.niitioii. thaninanVdwy''" Tl,.!.,.-! I.iii iillinl fllkj.IslH 1..1.1 ,1.. -oil... nl ull nref" In Jefferson, Elk, Cameron, Tioga, LycJiiilng.Bulllvan, Co' tour, Northumlwrla id, l"ul .liio. lata, Mifllin, Huiitinaon, I -1 - II 1.1 a.... ..I i.w . II.. ir aim k. i 11 . .. v rtnmr.i have been weclveJ in i iiui n I... Mt liraneb o. f 1....... .1 il-lslla have not J jeived from many or tueuu" h. .u.,it ..-1 v ,.a,h it kiio"' to make It certain thut the toW up into many thousiud Ut oillliousof d Usrs, i . :