The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 23, 1889, Image 6

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Horrible) Ilrvelallnna About the
Chicago Inaaiio Asylum.
The moat horrible revelation yet mndo In
Judge I'rcndergasl's Investigation of the
management of Chicago Public Insane Asy
lutn was thit reiched In tho testimony of
George XI til, n locomotivo engineer, now run
ning mi etulno for tho Liko Shore Si Mich
igan Southern Railway Compiny. Mr. Hill
is a rhrend looking ninn, with lilnrk hair an I
nmi'ache and a stralghtforwsril mtnucrthat
carried conviction with It. Ho ikiM Iio waa
admitted to the Institution at Dunning on
January 8, IWS, oul was discharged as cured
tho following May.
'Ho was partially initio when ho wont to
the ft') lutn, nti'l on hi nrriva! was I t
an attendant named Iott If hn was Insane
Ho said ho win not. ' 'Well,' he replied, 'ws
will ninkn y a il sight inn uicr than you
nro n iw,' Then another attendant named
Julinn ordered nix to sweep out tha room. I
rcplie I tlmt I wax not sent there for that pur
se. 'Yoti nin't, oil f lie s iii. 'U'e w ill s.
about tlmt.'
Then lie knocked nw down ami kicked
me in the lxty mid tnoiitli ntnl kicked two
tc-th out. I trie 1 to cover mv fnee ly gut
ting my M'tiotth a lie tdi. My nrm was
over it and thr nigh n spvo in the hick of
tho bench. Julian turned tho bench over to
ct another kick nt my face. In doing thin
my nrm was broken."
Hill rolled up hin righ'. r nt sleeve
bowed about threo inches below tho elh w a
hugo lump whero tho ends of the broken
tamos, illy Joined, stuck out,
" They kocked me down nntn, continu -d
Hill, " broke ono of my rii it. My nrm
-nuod ill) great piln an 1 I ha 1 n
j r. er treatment. Ou iluy Ju inn mid 'It
jyo 9 that nrm,' and he tori my e at r,IT,
Ihen he ruUed tho arm with liniment.
Tlmt wan tho only atlen hi'icj 1 had. I trio I
to wo the doMor, but Julian told mo that if
1 dnred tospoik ho Would kill me right there.
I told Supervisor Jones that I wa bully
treated and hi! Raid ho would Ken t ma to nn
other ward. Thuii L 'k mid another attend
ant held me down w hile Julian kicked ma in
tho head and troast. I got up bleu ling nnd
aaiil I would have justice soinn day. Y u
'mid Julian, 'wo will give you nil
tho justice you want,' arid ho struclt in 4 in
tho lace and knocked medium a;aln,"
'That wax all that was done to m f nir
arm and rib healed up in n kind of a wsy
and 1 got along all illit. Uno dy a poor
fellow named Levi w.i brought in. He did
not know enough to go t tlio
and I was showing him tho way, when Lick
asked me wh it I wax doing. Ju'iiin rnm
up and Lock nid, 'The won't cat.'
'I'll show him how to ot,' sii 1 Juil'in, and
lie gnujied L.-vi by tho hair mi l throwing
his head buck j mimed a'big piec of I ro d in
111 mouth. Ievi trio I to run uway and
tilde in ono of the room. Then 1in mn
Caught by Julin-i ari I L wli, They utrucic
Llin in tho fuce, k io'.'k-d him djwn nnl
jumped on hi slom icli. L-vi'.i faco tunud
black. 'Got up,' they su'il, hut he couldn't
move a id thoy piekid him up ft'id throw
liimon a bdd, i ho poor fellow dinltlitt night,
Further evideneo wai tnlton to tho cITe -t
that the attendants wero brut il in tholr treat
inontof pHti-iitn. O io iiimato wan cruelly
beaten for going to bod itli iiix nc'ii on, ami
it wan a common thing for the uUendiintH to
come into tho ward with club and drive tho
jmtlellU to b'jd, using til Ir ht-ck with free,
doui. It wn further in v ! ionco tlmt tin
jfoo I wan inoufll: :!eiil in q I ntity a tl tlmt t'i -clothing
nii'l ledlliig funiMio 1 W.To eet!r jiy
iiiadcqtiiilo for tho comfort o-rflj jutleuU in
rol l neither. County rhyiirian io Id t s i
He 1 t hut ltobert Luni, win was U'nt'nto
deutli by attend mU in tho asylum, did nut
die of consumption, an wax stntod by .' uper.
inteudunt Kieruan in t io c -r;illc ito i f deulu.
diotkctivks is amiil-sii.
Tlicy nro Attacked liy a Dcnperutc
Ciiing in AVcNt Vlrilnln.
For mime tlmo iloUvliviw haro InM-n work
lug olii.n in tho Jaco'i Moroni o h, of Tyler
county, Morgmi'd miirdoi, whio'i was n
porle I at the tim, wa coll bio i lot and
prcmislitiited. His wifn and n neighUir wen
nrieHted, lull relonso I, btc iUhj tlio vvidonct
wax not mill -iont.
I etictivea Harnett and (i iio and Constable
Onneintiinctter r c mtly oMiined morii evi.
deuce, and last r'ridtty went iutothi Mor.m
tieighljurh'Mkl to uukke arrosU. () i Saturduy
night, whilo ntoppin at tin
iIiiicj of Mrs. Wyko thoy were notU
fled they would Iio attacked before
liiorning. Tho detective)) m ild prepara
tions to retvive th attacking pii'ty, an I
nbout S o'clock in th iii initiig it nu nlmr of
them urroimdiid tlu Iioujm and doinuiidct
th i surrender of the ollloors, who rpli! by
llriuf atthe jarty. TUa mob ro'.un ol th
tiro and ri idlmi the li'iuw with bullets,
wounding (inlo in tho arm. Una of the iw-.
aailsnu wa riortel mortally woundwd aui
wo others badly hurt lief ire they rotirtL
1 1 tho nioriiing tint (illlo-r fouad IiIo-nI
tiiarks in the woodi, ihnvin tiiat several ha I
Imvii hurt and cirno 1 olT, but oi l not succej
in c.iittiriug any of the They thou e it
for reinf 'icvmeuU and rutiirno l to tlu iumiio
of tin tight, and an hourly eXiH'tiu an
other attack. Tlioul ;ed mur lerorai-uib'-jNT
iteau l liet.Tinije I , an 1 it is I'olivviv
will in ikon hard flht bforo they surrender,
(real rxcitement i ivpn ted in lh:it part of
U'ylu.- oouuty over the ulTiir.
Very Svre) I'looiln.
Tba lattst reixirta from tho flooded dlstrkti
in A istrla , iliow that the loss of Ufa is much
preat-r than was suppoteiL Tho rivers are
till greatly swollen. In inauy places th
bursting of dykes bos fljodat tho surrounding
territory and utterly dm troy el tho crops.
Many narrow escapes from death are reports
ed. The deepest distress prevails throughout
the submerged district and stop ar be n(
taken to relieve the immediate want of the
Fart tinako In California.
Telegraphic reports from whit is termed
Middle California report an carthquaki
aUmt3:15 Huiuluy inornlog. At sotnepolnls
eK'cinlly in the Man Jotupjtii Valley, sho-ikf
weiequiti severe, and in a K w cases thi
tfi of chimneys werj thrown down.
Wild Deaata Liberated In ibefttroeta
t Chicago.
Two gray wolves, a mountain lion and a
fanther had a brief spell of liberty, and for
alf an boar explored tbn streets of Chicago
it their will. The paeengr train on tlie
Chicago and Evansville rullrond liad dasheil
astthe intersection of Division and Halstead
.tract Jtixt as tho wagons belonging to a
llrx-u wero crossing. The train struck
oi e of the vehicles loaded with wild animal
snd snvsliOil It to atoms, throwing the drls
t r a distance of 1) feet. He was stuiine I by
Jieahock an I lay uncoiixdoiis on the street,
while the former occupants of tho wagon,
liberated from the Various Compartments,
scattered in all directions. Their bowls were
.a ken up by the animals in the other wagons
nd a h rrildo inidley resulted.
A psnttif-r an l several other animals were
it u n 1 1 I by the collision, but t of tho larg I
wt wolves, another panther and a mountain
lion made a break for liln-rty. The
solves went down Division street
nt a brisk run, and finally secreted them
selves in an alley . The panther and lion ran
town the trni ks to a lumber yard, wheri
.bey als i were hst sight of. Th j wolves
acre dli-covered first. They were In a cors
tier, and tlm circus people Imd theui Sieedily
41 hand, Il was a ddTereut matter with tha
argsr sniinnK
A longsiarch finally revealed thrmrrouch
ng on the top of a lumber pi e where their
lupture wns no en-y matur. At l ist, hws
sver, they Mii'Clliiilcd to the ilifluonce of the
whips and wi r t carried b:iek by the circus
lien and sill nutted to linpi isouuieul In an
I'ldnm.ied cuo.
cm:ani:i oi;r mi; uanch.
Ilorrlblo Crimea of a Drnnkcn Man
Two Kllleil,
Hubert D.iy , "7 yearn old, son of a wtl!hy
farm r living two miles from I, ivelon I, O.,
reacheil homo about midiiig it from a c.rcu,
iutoxiratol. The family w is awsiting him.
Drawing two revolvers hidecl irel his in
tention of "cloiuiug out thi ranoli." Tlu
family hastily left th t ram. Ho w t Diy,
Sr., 4 yo.m ell, wai lie Inst to lo.iva,
and his sou with do it erate a in (Ire I at him
aiidaiota bill through his boly. Yuuuj
Day then wont in search of othur members of
the family, but flu ling unn-t h i went to an
adjoining farm whore Mrs. Hu'ibell, bis
divorOHii wife, lived. H forcixlan
The noisn awakened Mis. UuOImiII, whoiautu
out to se the vnusu. M'ting her Diy fired ,
striking hr in tho stoimcli. Tin servant
girl aptoar(s mid ho fire 1 ut li r k't'"(? ''or
a slight wound in tho fnco.
Ho then tired tho barn and kept the neigho
bors nwny with 4 drawn revoivers until th'?
manhl oveip jwi nil him, during which Day
fired ten shots at tho Jsirty, one of which
touched thofaeoof the iniirslial. Mr. Diy mid
Mrs. lluhh II w-e luinlly wounded, 'lhrcn
yeirs ago the murderer mnriie 1 Mr. Ilu bell
hilo cmployo I by her o i her farm. Two
years later hn hog in ilriiikin and sho wa
compel od to get u divorce, lie has Uvu heard
to threaten to get even, but uo re.iMin is known
for killing his futhor.
Ksllmate of I'xp ndltiirra anil Iters
enucn for IHSI)-(X).
Statement showing thj result of tho acts
of tho second Hsdouof the Filtoeiith Con
gre up i the flimntvs of tho Oovei n iient
have Imu'H prep ire I. Tlnysliowed that th
t'td amount upproprlnt) I liy Coirot wis
f'J-(i,;iii,4'ii), whilo tho pirmineut
sp. cill; an ! ill 10 lit) appropri Ulo is
wero es'.iimi'x) 1 b th "T.'firy
of tho Treisuiy at H0-t,(l.H,0"'l, m xUi i.i ilu
totul ostuil ite I tp nl.HliMi of tH ' lii'T is
meiit for laVJ '.., 1 1'. 4 17.5M. Tue flma.
to I revenu for Hie sauio tint i nro H !'., 'i )'.,
68. Th acta provide for H.VJnew otlle.irs,
tho snlario of which agr gsto fltl.SX)
whilo th iucivase of s ilarieH of old ulU er
BiuountM to f I.oj.'t.Csj. Suly-nliio o 111 on
are abolished, tho silsriis ut which ur
tl.7,Ur.',and salarici of other ofllc ns uro re
duced f 7,'JOJ.
it ii.r.oAi mtini;i; accidi.nt.
.Seventeen Men lull l-'ifty I'ect
Itnce Killed ami Klglit Injured.
1 ho ruilroid bridge Herons Stouo river,
near Nadiville, Teumissee, caught llro Ka'
urd iy Iroui a pns.iug train. Neveutoon mmi,
two white and lit t-oii negroes, who were
Hoiking on thu rciil near by, went to the
biido and took an engine on it will)
tho intention of extinguishing tho Hi
with thu w liter from tho tender. Tho spun
yave way, miryingtho nuni into tlieiivoi
fifty fit Isdow, Win. Morgan, whit, tin
i ngineur, received serii'us internal iujuiies
'lb llninaii, Charlw liribtde, also whit
had bis Irg biokeu and rtcoivoil othur son
t'Us injiirie. ThrvM of Uie nvro ialior.ri
wire kilksl and six wr injuiixl, four dsn
lwrwusly. UTAH GOI,l l'lKIDS.
Camp llcln Itnpidly l atubllshed
and flood I'lnda Itelng Mil do.
New go'd fluid hsvw been h.eatoil neat
Dimly 'crossing, L' tab, mid close to the Ar
azonii line, tho llilils yielding from two tits
to f.i 'T yard, and t'.ie gold is cosily sopa
rtted. Three camp have been etuhlilii il
there, M liiou a, d two women or on th
ground, and a town situ culled Hit City, nf
ter Odouel Hite, of K in sua City, has boon
Thu Colonel, who has been working hl
claims for four or five months, is washing 1 ,
UOU yurds a day, with a cleauup Hhowiug
(1 JHr yard. Theclimuto is mild, the scenery
Crand, and no liquor selling or gambling u
ullowed in tho digging. It is chiiiuo 1 oi h
fact that the gold flehis will prove the rich
est siuce the flush tiiuo In Ca ifornuw Tin
best road to the inlaws is vii Uro.'ii lUver.
Good Oropslnlho Nortliweat,
Fvorablecrop reports c)ntlnue t- arrive
and from prosent i idicatioii a goo I ye it
a-anire L Eery portion of the Northwest
has leen viU-1 witlii-i tho pas', wee t or ton
days rr heavy rilus, and tna long drouth Inn
Ido ifr ctual y broken. Th woitier lis.
been much ixsiier sine. , which is very favor
ali'e fir growing crop. Altoietier tho out
look s mot e ic 'urui'i;.
Pasvcnffcr to be Whisked Throngh
the Air
A new schema of transportation is to b
Introducsd between New York and Boston
wherehy, It Is said, large pickagoaof mall,
and even cars containing passengers, can b
whisked from one place to another, a distance)
of '430 miles, in less than an hour. This would
oe tqunl to a spoo l of four miles per minute,
An experiment with tha nw machine was
held in Boston, lu tho presonce of many scl
ntista, including I'rof. A E. Dolboar, of
Tuft's College, who aunnuueed that ho was
thoroughly satisfied of the success of tha sye
The Inventor, J din O. IVUlinms, Is a rods
dent of New York, His machine consist of
a magnolia cir, hanging from a single rail,
where it follows a streak of electricity. With
oneshorso power it is add that one
ton can bo thus transported a dis
Unco of 1,41) miles a day at a eost
of 3D conta. Tills, in mail matter, woul I
represent somo 2,SuO,UO0 letter, and by
this system pnekngos of mail couU be sent off
svery five minutes, if ticcosssry, thus pre
venting largo accumulations. Tho sing) i
track is to be carried on trinds somo distance
abovo the ground, and tho car will pis
through coils of Insul ited wire at intervsls.
In the experiments the curing exhibited
was mounted on a woolen truck, on posts
bout throo feet high, wit'.i an ascent of alt
Inches ill 50 feot, and it ran on one wheel at
ea?h eii'L Theic etitillo principle Involve I
Is said to be that I y which a hollow coil of
Insulste I wire will draw a magnet into its
self, and in the of the rail way the
car, piuming thi Migh such c il, cuta off the
eurrent, which goo on to the e:ie aheuL
A II01titlltI,i; THAUKDY.
Saloonkeeper llchendsj Ilia Wife
and Thou Kill Illinsclf.
John Hhrocder, a German sa'o inkoep. r, S7
fears old, born 11 d tho city of Indianapolis
ty the murder of his wife under (iccullarly
atroi'lous circumstances. Mrs. tSchroidercarv
rylng a nine-mouths old bnbo, early tb la
Horning wont int.) tho bar room where bar
susband was oiiing for the day. Apparent
y in a (It of insanity ho sprang upon hor aud
almost severed her houd fruiu in r body with
I razor. Tho womau fell to the flour, died
instantly, the blood almost drowning her
child. tSchnador then ran to the common
nenr by, knelt down un 1 killed himself with
the razor used on his wifo. Thorn was hereiU
itary insanity iu the family, hchroeder was
oci:an Itl.l ki iikokkv.
Voynae fiiim lliiinbiircj to New Yolk
in i :iglil lliiya and One Hour.
The twin screw steamer i f tho Hamhurg
rm-kel Line, the Augusta Victoria, ban just
coinp cted li e most leoiai kiili, Ucuuse thu
fustest, trlpcver ma leacrowi the Atlantic by
ary stoamer. Hhebri nhl'l'iciitjlii piasengnrs
and TJi iii iniraiits. The new racer made
the voyago from Hamburg to iow York, a
Uistiitico of y.tHS miles, iu 6 days and 1 hour
an equivalent of (I days and U hours from
the Faxtuvt to New York. Taking off 4 hours
vihiili the it anier was dclnyoil on the 17th
and ISth brcau.-u of hentod journals, and the
sc iml lime betwin tho Fustnct and Handy
11. ok L ight-ship would bo 5 days, '3 hours
sn l .'iii iii nnt 's,or la'tter than th great Toy
ng ol the utw 1H.0UU greyhound, the City of
li.i is.
ICItX UtllN-ltUllNKUS.
Wblle Cap Mako (Jooil Their
Tlirratio-Ciit a librae's '1 bront.
Tho White Caps'' in the vicinity of Mt,
I'le.-u-ant, l'a., brought their thr.viU into ex
ecution, and S. L t i IToiiin, a cilizo i of tint
Illness was tho victim. It 'ontly Mr. Coff
mini was waniisl U leave the neighborhood
ur punUhiiiviit of a sevoro uutur would be
meted out. On Sunday morning hi Lam
was discovered to 1k) oil lire, and when Mr.
CoITuiiiii hurried to the scene to rescue a Tab
uabl horse ho found tho animal's throst cut,
evidently with a btitcherknifo, and although
he succeeded ill getting tho anim il out of the
burning burn it will die. The lust notice re
eoivtd by Mr. ColTuian was a rudolysdrawa
picture of a cotliu with the it ion to lesvo
the county or bis body would soou be depo.
itod thuro.
A TurfSurprlso
Tho Brooklyn handicap hsa been run aud
ffon and Exile is tho victor. Fiftoeeu tbiu
sand people saw him win.
Th time was withiu onehalf second of the
best on rooord for the distance, which waa
madii by Dry MoiiojhiU in the Brooklyn
hsiKlicap wf 1H87.
iAstyiwrTUo Bird won th huudlotp,
ln aUng Hanover by a bnigth, who was three
lougths iu frout of Exile. Time, 2:13. The
other bure iu th raoo were Fuuuioo, V
lanto, Favor, OiiUimuu, Royal Arch, Ur
ver Clvvslaud, tSaxony aud ICilooUh. Utile
is a buy borne, owned by W. Likolaud, aird
by Mortimer out of HoojuI Haul.
foro Appolntiucnta,
The President has made the following ap
point monts:
John JniTett, of Pennsylvania, to be Unl
tod HUitee Consul to Birniiiighaiii.
Bolomnn Hirsch, of Oiogou, to bo Minister
to 1 urkey.
Clark E Corr, of Il'lnols, to Minister Resi
dent and Consul Oeneral to Denmark.
Honry W. Heveranoe, of California, to be
Consul Osueral to Honolulu.
Thomas IL Sherman, of the District of
Columbia, to be United Status Consul at
Ileeiffnalloa ot Judge Jonka.
The Presideut has accepted the reslgnatlos
of Judge George A. Jenks, as Solicitor
Osneral of tha Department of Justloe, o
take effect at once. Mr. Jouk resigned upon
tho change of Administration , but waa re
qiitvtod to remain in cflloa until th close oi
tue existing term of the Supreme Court,
Judne Jenks wilt be retained iu the service
of th J Government as couna 1 in the tele
phone canes. It is expect 1 thit an app jlut
ment as Bolicltor-Ue .eral wl l b) mad thli
Uat fall Miss & E. Taylor, of Nllea, Ohio,
Injured by being crush 1 I J the c. srd,
thatsurgeil thrJUjhtheU Ion depjt at Pitts,
bnrgh. Sue now baa brought suit for (10,000
against the Pennsylvania Rillroid In tha
courts of Trumbull ounty, O.
The Illinois Supreme Court rofused Ih ap
plication of the Impris me I Anarchist! to
bar the reoird In their case amended.
Cedar Rapids, Ii., report a severe hall
storm Thursday, some ot tha bail being at
large as hens' eggs, which did a great deal ol
damage, A man name I Randall was knock
ed down and stuned by thi hill
A director of the B. & J. asserts that tha
dividend declsreJ by that corporation from
1.363 to 187 were pal I out of I io net profits
of the concern, the dividend amounting t
to,2u9,ai0, while lb larnings were $7,330,
The wifo and daughter of Vic President
Uorton, Robs rt, John V, , Horatio, Mr. F.
Harrison and Miss M. E. Garrett were among
hose who sailed for Eurtp from New York
A cyclone swept across Northern Texas
fri day atU I noon. A schnollioMse at Forest
burg, Montaguo county, wus blown down
snd two children killed. Many others were
seriously hurt and three are still missing.
R. H. Jacobs, aged Co, shot and kill, d John
Hughes at Greenville, f. C, in 1A7, during
a quarrel and was sentenced to tho peniten
;lnry for live yvais, S iturdey Jacobs was
tsrdonid by Governor Richanlson on thi
jround tint if ho remained in prlsuu lunch
louger be would Leciinj a lunatic.
At Jolict, I I., t nttirday, Ilnrney Kotdiler
while drunk II nd hi lev.dver in th stieet,
thattoring the arm of .Mis Delia Hart. Olll
.er Bibb giivo ch'is i, fire I excitedly and kill
ed Willism Hantoii. Uuth Koehliraud Bibb
ar now Iwhiud bars.
Tho Inw passed by the Indiana Igislntur
prohlVitin the piping of nituril ga outsi ie
the Slato wa do arod unoons'.ttutional hat
orda by JuJ.e Bjb). It is rumored that
Chicago CJ it'ilists into. id t'j pipj gas to the
Windy City immliately.
Tha schooner Merrick hn bo.u reportsJ
sunk In deep wato. iu l.o Huron. 10 mile
east of Pre qn Isle. Five lives lost Martin
Johnstou, of Detroit; Mr. Cole, CloveLaud;
Joku Charlovoix, Detroit; Win, Our, Ash
Ubula, Ohio, aud Patrick Kinuolly, CLsytoa,
The aiitl-prohibitloulsU of tho Houtbside,
Pittsburgh, hav booJi djlii elTjcliv work
sine thy organic xl. During tli pist six
week or two mjiittH morj thin 4.0JJ aliens
hav tieon naturallzi 1 in this cojoty, all of
whom will vote ag iint tho a in id u int.
Secretary Win loin bus directoi C iptiiu
Hoaly, omui'in lin th rovjnui slxiiuor
Boar, a. Han Fr.iiieM'ij. to purclis-so th
necessary luiuhor, provisiom an Ifu l for tin
conriruction and lluin oil", of a refu;u
station at Point Birrow, Iu l)j!iriu strait.
The nionoy avaiUhl for tlnestililis'ima it of
the rofuga station, $I.1,0.)J, I rgardd ut the
Trensury Department a sulll iio it oily for
toe ereotlon of a sin ill hui with supplies
for ono year's iiiilntonauej of UJ iu 1 1.
The Domocruta have carriod Monlnna at
the eloclton for delegato to the constitution
al convention, which is preliminary t)State
bood. Th is Indicates thit the uow State will
be Democratic
On the Fitchburg Rillroad, near ShoU
burno Fall, Misi., Wjdiuiliy night, a
track walker found a pile of ties and sleepers
pile 1 on tho track at a sharp curve. Ho at
tempted to remove the obstructions and was
vloroUrtly stoned by soma unknown or
sons. Uo ran to Shelborna Falls and secured
help aud cleared thu track iu time. Ulllcurs
are iu pursuit of the w rocker.
Tho Sioux Indian aro arranging to sclJ
seven townshla of their resorvut'on north of
Yankton Agoucy. The tract embraces some
of tho Quest laud ia South Dakota and a
rush of settlors i expected to follow its Goon
lug to homo stoadors, which will probably bs
within Sd days. These Iambi will furnish
home for 1.C0J fmuilios, ullonin each 100
A ierul'ar horse disease, r seinbling mils
orlal foaver, prevails at Indiiinupolis and
puzzles tho voterinarios. Fifty-six animals
have died within a week,
John Eiliott, of Iroudule, O , wont to slee:
ou a rail roa 1 track early Moud iy liiorning.
Hu loaves a wifo aud ouo chil I.
A rattlesnake 4 feet :i'inchcs long and
ty inches lu circuiiiforenc., wa killed by
Charles Uitws, of Morell Id W. Va.
Frank Snyder, Charles Thomas and Cora
Snyder at cnuod blackberries at Waverly.
Physician wur busy trying tosav thm at
last accouuts.
Oftlcers of the law prevented a lynching
bee at Moorcheail. A mob waa in puruit of
Anlbooy Tuylor, a cjlored mu, who had
assaulted a child.
Priuo Bi-mirck' speech before th Rolch
stag has ci en toil a swusation. U used very
strong luugusge toward all tbos wha oppoe
d biiu. H duucuneoJ SvC.alism and said
that Diossurv would U lakii luaid of three
day t prevent lh sprsvt-liug of srike.
Th rsprsiwiitaiiv s of th monorchial pow
rsrefuied to attend the Utr.quat given In
boiuor of th A i .nan rvpubll. at Paris.
Mordcroua Work of A Young Cbl
vagoau Vliollsis Wild Writ
Frank Jasinski, agod 10, stepped out In
front of his father' suloou lu Chiujgo, with a
rifle lu bis grasp. Glancing down the street
b saw Frank Kiowski, a Ud of hi own ago,
standing in front of li s home. Jxslnski rats,
ed th r.flo, took dolilior.ite aim, and fired.
Kiowski foil, the ball having passed
through hi body two inches
abav bis heart. Jssiuskl than
coolly took aim and fired at another ao
quabitance, Mk Meki, who stol in th
front door of bis homo, 100 feet away, and
Meke fell to th ground, tb ball having n
teredsix iucbea below tb left shoulder blade.
Jasinski iscsped.
Kiowski' wound is fa'al, but Meka's ins
jury is not considered serious, Jusluskl be
longs to the same 'gang' as young Kuben
owski, who, without provocation, shot a lad
named Trinor last Sunday night. Jjsinikl
bad gathered In his room a 'Wild West' out
fit, including knives and rovolvori, at well
as a lot of flaab lltei a uro.
Two Soldier Klllml by Prematnre
A disastrous fire broke out In 8t Ssnveur,
in the house of Mr. McCano, on Valier
street, Quebeo.
The flime spread with great rnpldlly
through the wooden district which surrounded
the place where the Ore originate J. The peo
ple were dismaye 1 at tb rapidity with which
the flame jumped from one wooden build
iugto another.
BL Sauveur has but a poor fire department
nd it could make no headway against th
flame. Help was asked front Quebec, and
engine were quickly ent, but, owing to a
lack of water, their efforts were crippled.
Batt j B was Anally called out and rend t
td valuable assistance In 11 litlug the flames.
At 7 o'clock, a. ni. the flr hid about burn
d itself out, having destrjyed over a hun
dred buildings.
While tho military were preparing to blow
tip m bousos to check th spre 1 of the
flames, a premature explosion took place in
one of the houses, killing Mnj ir Short and
Sergt. Wallaek, of Battery R Bjth were
buried in the ruins and their bodies have not
been recovered.
The districts north and west of Mnssue an I
Bt, Amtiroise street were swept cleir, with
Ihe exception of a portion of Valiers street.
Seven hundred h us-s were bur no I. and, a a
large number were tenement, occuniod bv
more tliau one family, the number of fiimlliisj
ri'iidoreil bomeleas w ill rcli 1,200, onnprLs
iiigalsrtit 0,0X10 souls. Prombieiit business
men aro lnt"psting themselve in behalf of
tho deslltute. Appllontluu has been m ulo for
the mse of tho Government buil liiigi to shel
ter tho people. Fool is being distribute 1 lib
erally by tho clergy.
A majority of the homeless belong to the
worklngclnas and, as Insurance rate wore al
mot prohibitive, very few have anything to
fall back on. The total loss will be tCJO.COJ;
Insurance $1:!0.00J.
An Oregon Steaiuer Wrecked fc'lve
hailor Drowned mid Many
Th steamship Columbia, from San Fran
cisco, brlugs the cip:aiu, mate and 11 of tha
crew of the Oregon Navigation Compauy's
large slibvwhoel iron stoamer Alaskan, which
left Portland, Oregou, May 11 for Sail Fran
cisco, aud was wrecked in a g il May Iii.
Five of the crew are reported to have been
drowned. Two boat containing mombors of
t ie crew have uot be.m hoard f ro n. Tho
Alaskan lm 1 no passungor aboard. Slio wa
to Imvo been docko I at Siu Francisco for ro
Tho latest reliable news concerning tin
loss of tho steamship Alaskan oil t 'npa Blanco
is that us so in as she began to founder the
oillcurs and men took the Ix ats, Cuptaiu
UoAso, Captain Wools and 11 of tho crew iu
ono bciat and the rem li nUsT of tlie crew in
others. The boats drifted towards th. ) uid,
and Captain Uowso and his pirty wore pick
up by the tug Vigllnutu aud tako.i to Astoria.
The fate ot tho others Is not yet known, but
it ia hoped that they drifted landward and
were saved. The Alaskan was elegantly
fitted up and cost foo0,"0 J. She was insured
for U'JO.OOO.
miot iu-) M.iaiinou.
C Farmer in Greene County Suddenly
Itccotiica Insane.
Mrs. Wm. Cotterel, who resMin near
Clurksville, Greene Co., Pa., notice I lust Sun
day that hor hunlmnd acted strangely, and
spoke to blm ahout s mding for a doctor, but
when she mentioned It ho grew angry and
said ho would shoot the first doctor tout cam
Nothing more wai said abmtlt, but on
Wedn-slay morning o'jou', dsyllght Mil.
Cotterel, booomlug al inn 1, ns hor hus
band bud been up neirly all nUht,
going In and out of thj house, slipped out of
bed an 1 ran to her neirost neighbor, Mout
Uroonleo, aud askoJ biia to go over and aei
what waa the matter. s
Mr. Greenlee went ovoraud, Just a he got
to th feuc, ho saw tiini one stooping be
hind the well. Uo spoke and Cotterol raised
upandshotGroenloothrouxh t'i left arm
and side. The arm wa completely torn to
piece an 1 aUo tho shoul lor au t sido. It is
tliought ha oatiuot recover. Cottorol was on
tho best of term with Greenlee, and nothing
Strang was ever noticed before In hi man
ner, II U still at heme refusing to say
sss.. .s SjBs
Oklahoma To-Day.
Three weeks ago Oklahoma, which has
sprung into nUioual fame, was barren ot
settlors. To-day tber is sonroly a quirUr
soctiuu lu all it 2,600 mile that hi uot beeu
located er fllad ou, and its populatl )U is est i
mated ut SJ.OOO. A rid through Oklaho n
since It opeuiug has enabled th New York
limes' oorrtspoudeut to obsorv for hiuuwlf
th sctud condition of affairs. All quarter
seulious that ar deeirablo are either actually
oocuplid by settlors, who, in many cases,
were son ulready 'plowing, or have some
sort of claim mark U):i them, indlcstliig
they have have beeu bikon up. Many people
wer noticed leaving tha country who had
boon unable to secure a piece of land suffi
ciently valuubl to be worth utilising tlu
hnmeatoud right for. Cue m in wus seen who
bad boon "left" in thu ruiha id who intoudol
to wait for thereat of th)OJuntty to be opin
ed before he would uat hi "right." II hal
served four year aud thro mouths ia the
army during the war and cjnsidiroa his
"right" too valuable t- be wasted on au iu
d iff oreut place of hind. Thi land in valley
of all the stream has boon taken up, exuept
the school stotions th only vacant qu irter
auctions wer found along th topi of the di
vide betwaan tha main water-ooursos. Thia
land is high, away from water, aud has a
very thin soil.
Itaiidall Improving Itapldly.
Hon. B. J. Randall, wl o baa been confined
to the house for several weeks, is convalescing
radkllyaud expect to be cut shortly. Hit
appetite Is good, and a geutleman who saw
aim says he looks as well as at any time dur
ing the lust setaion of Congress. Mr. Randall
will probably speud th summer at the sea-ihoro.
Sadden Death of the w,
pointea Minister to Ba$'
Taken Sick in New York . ,
Was About to Sail for
Ttlonvnier. rirr
Hon. Allen Tliorndiki liie r. .,
Xiinted l:nitel State Mmiiter t , i j
uro at s ociocl; tlie other in .- ., . 1
rum rtvenuo jiou-1, .ew Ynv. ,
tlottis. The diseam Is a i,-... ' e
ir-v.t.vt r... ..r " ' ' " "". cJ
" - ' ....... ... UIIII.V.
i- in...-, .i....:,.
.'ii. 1. ill-ill II wu aiti,-. i;... j
xn-ted. Having lieet, f ,, , ;1
Minister to Russia by l'r. ..i,. tit li,- 1
,., mll ,r r.llli,;,.. ... I
ri- iree Hill s. Sll'l
he day after he was to lmv v , .....,: .
post at .St. Pclerr b-.u-g.
Allen Tlim ililike Ilj. o l ... l ..
the editor r.nd proprietor of the y,,,.,, . I
Mi Jin ifw. II.. was born iu li..s,,11P
Jf wealthy parents, and ut eiLlu,-.,, 1
ige weutto Knglnnd nnd ent..M , r J
I tiiversity, where he tmk Ins ,(,vr . I
neturning to tlie I intisl Mt,.. ,c
the Columbia College Ijiw Sc,fc,, (, .. .
practised luw. lie purcliiiMsl tC (,
rtinrrtcnn rerieu' lu 1S7'.. nun h.i
It ono of the best known of Anicrusi,
lulSTOhe organiroil the (liwnav
...ii hi iiiesiiKaieaucu nr ei ilia;,. c
tral America und Mexico. In l-sii,, ,.
s coiiiroung lllllllence In l.r .in'in. i J
uiirroi ir. tie eiiiie'f "iii inniivrv-
Mirnhnm Lincoln," nnd - t it i-iliUt--l sr ,
.leiii sllli-soi vno n iiorl.t. ,
roeatnl the Australian M slem of v .-
In lKNi ho was the Repiihlieici
for CiuiKi'i".a in th Tenth iiin.t".
York, uniu.-t. Gimernl pinuln.
the Mipjiort of the "Henry l r...
Ho aiim svithin .V.T vot. s i'n" m i t
iefejt was attributed to the tr. u h ,
oiirty leader to uhom ihcc ni in..: , ; i
va wus iiilriivtcd. Mr. Ri-e ....
trencherv. and e.' t!u.'. '.,
aecUHil leader from tlie party i rk-e l
31r. Rice Has the proprietor i a !r;
no i.oii-ii in r.aith:ist wuicu nr. .u:- i
iiauiisomo revenue, lie hml mi ,;
know -ledge of literni-y topics, ami i
iccoinpli.slieit Iiukuisl, Hjieiuiii'; llw :
rrencli oud Geriuttn lunuii:,.-s.
Verltlonal .ri i
uiouly Ho Imd i
mg pesj-ouaiiiy, uenig tnll, yirl
ana proxrvioneu, onra brown liair.jl
ol siuulur culor. His manners in
and engaging, and be was verv "iiri'.
s hard worker. A ha'. lt of; n 1
especially ill an anunaieu couver-itu
led to stammering.
Mr. Rice possessed an inlicritrj'
l mil was estuni'.leil at. several mi!.: i
never married. Both his pareats ;
and he hnd uo brother or iUl r.
'J'lio Hurley Crop.
Tho following npH-nr in tU I.
Htrivw: 'The ana town to bar e;
I'nited Hut' renin in iibout tin- ut i
jo ii to year. In Dukoli quite un ' '
i.crio.;o wus seedeil iu IN-, wl.irn st
si c si by rediict ons in o:!.rr t
but this year rep its i f
cm respondent show u falling
this iesiei-t. This limy I o iIiid t t'
that cliim-li-biigH iliiiuaed tlu i r ; :
exU-ut. lust tb-ason. It is qu t.- i i
tin- entire iicringe ol the pie.-ii.t
not much, if uny, iin unl ibnt ol 1N I
mis estimated by tho ih purtim-u:
!4,tifL,,li.'i7 acres. Ti e reM i is ot e ir
enls show thut only a very iiiailai"'
bteii sown iu Michigan imll-o
pliu tleally none iu Iiidiunii, -'
lucky and Kansas.
Illicit ltcer.
At Iiurlington, Iown, a lur.o w;
seer was made under tho I'n.liU
iist State. The Mien IT, uriin-i
eaioh warrant, took four curs kl-
Mi r, and removed the lstur U h
nisody. The larger portion ef w
lei to J had Leon consigned to D.-rtuoi-
& Moehu. The baluuce b lootjiu k
keuser-Uusch Urewiug As.'iutoiii-
X.Tvmp, of St, Louis. Tiio teUinj
4ie beer with vessels is esUinnUd
It is said th tU Louis purlin
mils for dimagu at once, clui.m '-
leisur was a violation of tho n.ti '
State oouuueroe.
AVabuaU f-'orcc-iosurr Sib
The line of lbs Wabash Hi"'""
the Mississippi were sold before JuV
bam and Jucksou at -'"1
Miwrs. Ashley und J-T.
leuting VJ p-r cent, of
and acting in tlie interest of U
Western Purchasing Committer,
loO.OOO. The Wnbusi linovr t-
ln four sections aud theu sold '
The lines east of the river will, ':J
itood, be consolidated with t lu
the river, with beadqututeis st
Messrs. Poprwr. Johnson. Purl)' 5-
'epreeeutud the minority l-ntnltJ'11".'
In Favor of tue Amend
non. a U. MiUer received U1
telegram from Qaveruor IVaivsf 1
to an inquiry j
I n.vnp ha.1 1HT OU'!"''
personal duty ia ivgard to the i
and will vote for it, of oours-, -wayslntemlel
to do. Tho onl)' 4''
my mind has b-en one of du',4''
tatlveof the iwrty, without pfj
represent tlie Ropublican party.
frat lr sa rv--v ill m la flVOT ' "
- r j -.- -
meut In du time." JamusA-
The Piubsiau uiiiiy has 1"
soldier by tniaU-ix): in thirtf